Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202406S

00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted and its
00:10 words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should
00:14 always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:34 broadcast call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Jean Ross.
00:50 Jean Ross: Hello, friends.
00:51 How about an amazing fact.
00:53 Jack was a black retriever who lived in Swansea, Wales, in
00:57 the 1930s.
00:58 One day in 1931, the dog spotted a 12-year-old boy swimming in
01:03 the River Tawe near the city docks, but the boy was
01:07 struggling against a strong tide and couldn't keep his head above
01:10 the water.
01:11 Realizing the boy's predicament, Jack jumped into the water, swam
01:15 over to the drowning boy, and pulled him to safety.
01:18 Jack then made it his duty to patrol the harbor and the river
01:22 looking for people who had accidentally fallen from the
01:24 docks or who had gotten themselves into trouble while
01:27 swimming in the river.
01:29 Shortly after his rescue, Jack saw a person who had fallen from
01:33 the docks who didn't know how to swim.
01:36 The dog jumped into the water, grabbed the drowning man by his
01:39 coat, and pulled him to safety.
01:41 After this rescue, the local council awarded him a
01:45 silver collar.
01:47 The dog became the town's self-appointed lifeguard and was
01:51 always ready to come to the rescue of those who found
01:53 themselves in trouble.
01:55 In addition to saving people, Jack also saved two other dogs
01:59 from drowning that had fallen off the city docks and didn't
02:02 know how they were to find their way out.
02:05 All in all, get this.
02:07 Jack is credited for saving at least 27 people from drowning.
02:12 This friendly canine became a local celebrity and a hero.
02:16 And after he died in 1937, a memorial was erected in his
02:20 honor in the town of Swansea.
02:22 The inscription on the monument says, "Never had mankind more a
02:26 faithful friend than thou whose oft thy life did lend to save
02:31 some human soul from death."
02:34 Did you know, friends, that the Bible says that "Jesus is a
02:37 friend that sticks closer than a brother"?
02:40 That's Proverbs chapter 8, verse 24.
02:42 And in John chapter 15, verse 13, Jesus said, "Greater love
02:47 has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for
02:50 his friends."
02:52 You see, friends, Jesus is both our best friend and our Savior.
02:57 If you'd like to learn more about this great plan of
03:00 redemption, if you perhaps don't know Jesus as your best friend,
03:04 and you'd like to get to know Him more, we have a free gift
03:07 that we'd be happy to send you.
03:08 It's one of our study guides here at "Amazing Facts" and it's
03:11 called "Saved from Certain Death," and all you'll need to
03:14 do in order to receive that is to call the number 800-835-6747.
03:20 That is our free offer line and ask for that study guide.
03:23 It's called "Saved from Certain Death."
03:26 We'll be happy to send it to you here in North America.
03:28 If you're outside of the US, just go to our website at
03:32 and you'll be able to read it there as well.
03:35 And my name is Jean Ross.
03:37 Pastor Doug Batchelor is out this evening, but working the
03:40 phones is Pastor Alden and we are delighted that he's here,
03:43 kind of helping answer Bible questions and working the phones
03:46 for us.
03:47 So welcome, Pastor Alden.
03:48 Alden Ho: Good evening.
03:50 It's exciting to be here.
03:51 Jean: All right, well, thank you for joining us here.
03:54 Why don't we begin with a Word of prayer?
03:55 And then we'll go to our Bible questions.
03:58 Alden: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the opportunity that we
04:01 have to be able to come and answer questions through
04:04 this program.
04:05 We ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance as we maneuver through
04:08 the Bible with all these different questions.
04:11 Continue to lead us, guide us, convict us of the truths
04:14 we hear.
04:15 We pray all these things in Jesus's name, amen.
04:17 Jean: Amen.
04:19 You know, Pastor Alden, it's always exciting to read stories
04:21 and there's a lot of them, we just picked one, but there are
04:23 many stories about animals, particularly dogs and dolphins,
04:27 for some reason, that have saved the lives of people.
04:30 They seem to have this instinct that they can recognize when
04:34 someone's in trouble and they're able to come to their rescue.
04:37 And many of them have, you know, they've risked their own lives
04:41 to save, you know, the life of a human being.
04:44 Well, of course, I think this instinct to save and this
04:47 concern for others is really something that God has placed in
04:51 the heart, not only of man, but of some of the animals it seems,
04:55 and it's a reflection of God's great love for us.
04:58 Alden: Amen.
04:59 Jean: The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He
05:01 gave--He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in
05:03 Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
05:06 And as you mentioned at the beginning of the program, we've
05:08 got a free gift that we would love to send people.
05:10 If you're wondering about how you can be saved, or maybe you
05:13 just need to be reminded of the good news of salvation, you want
05:17 to read the study guide.
05:18 It's called "Saved from Certain Death."
05:20 Now, Pastor Alden, I know you've got some phone lines there.
05:23 What number do people call, again, if they want to get the
05:26 free offer?
05:27 Alden: That number is 1-800-835-6747.
05:31 Jean: Very good. Thank you.
05:32 Also, if people want to get it via a digital download, there is
05:35 a text number we have for them.
05:36 Alden: They can text, if they're in the United States or one of
05:39 the territories or Canada, they can text #250.
05:43 And--but if they're outside, then you would have to go to our
05:46 website, which is
05:48 Jean: Excellent. Thank you very much.
05:49 All right, well, I think we are ready for our Bible questions.
05:52 So, who's our first caller this evening?
05:53 Alden: Our first caller is Brittany and she has a question
05:57 regarding the feast days.
05:58 Jean: Hi, Brittany.
06:00 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
06:01 You're on the air.
06:02 Brittany: Yeah, my question is, are Christians supposed to keep
06:07 the feast days?
06:08 Jean: All right, are Christians supposed to keep the feasts?
06:10 Well, in the Old Testament, you know, this is a common question
06:13 that people have.
06:14 In the Old Testament, there are four different types of law that
06:17 you can read about in the Old Testament.
06:18 The one is the moral law, that is the Ten Commandments.
06:21 And of course, the Bible tells us that sin is the transgression
06:24 of the law.
06:25 And what's law is that?
06:26 Well, that's the Ten Commandment law.
06:28 The first four have to do with our relationship with God.
06:30 The last six have to do with our relationship to our fellow man.
06:33 But in addition to that law, we call that the moral law, there
06:36 are three other sets of law found in the Old Testament.
06:39 The other one is what we call the civil laws.
06:41 The civil laws were the ones that governed the nation of
06:44 Israel under theocracy, meaning that God was their King and God
06:48 was communicating His will to the people through the
06:52 high priest.
06:53 And that whole system, of course, we don't have a
06:56 theocracy today, but the principles that were laid out
07:00 there, countries that follow those principles, they typically
07:03 are blessed and there is law and order in that country.
07:06 Another set of laws that we see in the Old Testament is what we
07:09 call the health laws.
07:11 And the health laws gave practical principles on how a
07:14 person could be healthy.
07:16 And not only does it talk about what you should eat and what you
07:18 shouldn't eat, but also gave practical principles on washing
07:22 your clothes, staying clean, washing your hands, especially
07:25 if you touch something that is dead, certain animals or certain
07:29 fungi that was even seen in the home or in dishes, how that had
07:33 to be dealt with.
07:34 So there were practical health principles that we read about in
07:36 the Bible.
07:38 Many of those principles we actually follow today.
07:40 But they that--right there in the Word of God.
07:42 Then the next category, the last category of law, is what we call
07:46 the ceremonial laws.
07:48 Now, the ceremonial laws were given to point to Jesus.
07:51 Part of the ceremonial law included the sacrificial system.
07:55 Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world.
07:58 That came to an end when Jesus died on the cross.
08:00 In addition to the sacrificial system and the levitical
08:04 priesthood and the sanctuary and its services, there were also
08:06 certain what we call festivals, or feasts, that were connected
08:11 with that ceremonial law that were given to Moses at
08:14 Mount Sinai.
08:15 For example, the Passover.
08:17 The Passover began after the children of Israel left Egypt.
08:21 And they all pointed to Christ or to His ministry or to
08:24 His work.
08:25 Actually, today, we believe, Pastor Alden, that we're living
08:27 in the antitypical Day of Atonement.
08:29 One of those days was the Day of Atonement, or the day of Yom
08:31 Kippur there in the Hebrew, and we believe that the type of that
08:36 has met its antitype and we're living in this special time, the
08:40 cleansing, the judgment that was illustrated in the Bible.
08:43 So we do no longer--no longer do we need to keep the
08:45 specific days.
08:47 But there are principles, I think, relevant in the feast.
08:49 This, of course, is separate from the 7th day Sabbath, which
08:52 is actually part of the moral law.
08:54 It's not part of the ceremonial law.
08:56 All right, thank you, Brittany.
08:57 Alden: You know, years ago, Pastor Joel Cruz wrote a booklet
09:01 and if she would like to ask for it, if you ask for "Feast Days
09:04 in the Sabbath," you can get this free offer and you can call
09:08 1-800-835-6747 for that.
09:11 Jean: All right, thank you. Yes, get the book.
09:13 If you want to learn more about the feast days and how they
09:15 relate to us as Christians today, take a look at that
09:17 book, 800-835-6747.
09:20 And the book is called "Feast Days--"
09:21 Alden: "--And the Sabbath."
09:23 Jean: "Feast Days and Sabbaths."
09:24 All right, excellent. Thank you.
09:26 Alden: We have Larry calling in from Oregon first time and
09:28 Larry's got a question about pride.
09:30 Jean: Hi, Larry, welcome to the program.
09:32 Larry: Good evening, pastors. Jean: Yeah, thanks for calling.
09:36 Larry: Yes, thank you. Got a question on 1 John 2:16.
09:41 "Lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes" is pretty
09:44 self-explanatory, but I'm having a little issue on pride of life,
09:50 in comparing Mark 7:22 with this.
09:53 Where do you cross from an acceptable pride, to a
09:57 sinful pride?
09:59 Jean: All right, very good.
10:00 Well, when it comes to pride in general, typically the word
10:04 "pride" has a negative connotation to it.
10:06 It's usually self-exaltation and we're not to promote ourselves.
10:11 We don't need to try and make ourselves look better
10:14 than others.
10:16 Often, pride is associated with pushing somebody else down to
10:19 try and elevate us higher than them.
10:21 However, value, having a value, recognizing our value, in the
10:26 eyes of God is different.
10:27 God wants us to realize that we are precious in His sight.
10:30 Jesus died to save us.
10:31 So the Christian should have a clear understanding of his
10:35 value, but it's not just his value, it's the value of
10:38 everyone else because Jesus died for the whole world.
10:40 So we are not better than anyone else.
10:43 However, seeing that such a price is being paid for us, we
10:47 ought to want to live a life that brings honor and glory to
10:49 God, in all that we do.
10:51 So, yes, pride is one of those sins.
10:53 You know, that was the sin that really led Lucifer in the
10:55 beginning and the whole rebellion.
10:57 And of course, pride is still a very dangerous thing today.
11:01 It sort of governs our world in areas of entertainment, in
11:05 politics, in sports.
11:07 Pride is often the motivating factor for why people do what
11:09 they do.
11:11 And as a Christian, we need to be careful of that because, you
11:13 know, selfishness or pride, that is the carnal mind.
11:16 That's the carnal heart.
11:17 We say--we want to say, "Lord, make me humble.
11:20 Help me to recognize my value in Your sight, but keep me humble."
11:23 Alden: We've got to remember, it's not about us, it's
11:26 about Him.
11:27 Jean: That's right.
11:28 Alden: So the moment it becomes about us, we're going down.
11:30 Jean: You know, I'm thinking of that verse, Pastor Alden, maybe
11:32 you can look it up, where it says, "Jesus made Himself of no
11:34 reputation, but He humbled Himself and He took upon Himself
11:37 the form of a servant."
11:39 Now, of course, Jesus, one with the Father, gave back the
11:42 Scepter of the universe at His Father's hand, came to this
11:45 sin-polluted planet, humbled Himself.
11:47 He didn't come to the palace of the King.
11:49 He was born in a manger and Jesus came to give an example of
11:53 living a humble life, the King of kings, and to die as an
11:56 atoning sacrifice for us.
11:58 So it's a beautiful illustration of what true humility and
12:02 kindness is.
12:03 All right, who do we have next?
12:05 Alden: We have Shane calling from Arizona and he's got a
12:08 question about Adam and Eve.
12:09 Jean: All right, Shane.
12:10 Welcome to the program.
12:12 Shane: Oh, hi.
12:15 I know that the square symbolizes Adam's rib.
12:21 I know that Adam and Eve manufactured aprons.
12:27 Is Adam and Eve the first introduction of artificial
12:31 synthetic technological light on earth?
12:35 Jean: Okay, well, yeah, that's a good question.
12:37 You know, when it comes to Adam and Eve, you know the story, you
12:39 read it there in Genesis chapter 3 where Adam and Eve had this--
12:42 God created this beautiful garden, created Adam and Eve.
12:46 God was the one who first performed a surgery.
12:48 The Bible says that God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from
12:52 his side.
12:53 And with the rib, God created Eve and brought Eve to Adam.
12:56 But after they sinned, we find that they went and hid
13:00 themselves from the presence of the Lord and they made
13:02 artificial clothing.
13:04 Now, they might have been clothed, and we think the Bible
13:06 gives us evidence for this.
13:07 They might have been clothed in a garment of light.
13:10 The Bible says that we're created in God's image.
13:12 And Psalms tells us that God covers Himself with light as
13:16 a garment.
13:17 So we believe Adam and Eve were clothed in these beautiful
13:20 garments of light.
13:21 They lost that light after they sinned.
13:23 And then they realized their shame and their nakedness, a
13:26 symbol of their guilt, and they made aprons of these fig leaves.
13:31 And of course, then, Jesus came and He made coats of skin.
13:34 But that required the sacrifice or the death of a lamb and that
13:37 was prefigure of Christ and what Jesus would do, so we could be
13:41 clothed with His righteousness.
13:42 So the first record that we have of clothing making, you might
13:45 say, in the Bible?
13:46 Yeah, goes back to Adam and Eve and they were trying to just
13:49 hide their guilt and shame.
13:51 And I think a lot of what people are doing today still, just in
13:54 the things that are being made, the technologies and all of
13:56 the things.
13:58 There's some good things in technology and advances in
13:59 medicine and all the rest of it.
14:01 But some of it is used for bad purposes: to hide guilt.
14:05 So we will need to confess our sins, ask God to forgive us.
14:08 Alden: It's also interesting when you look at what--they
14:11 covered themselves.
14:12 When Admin Eve sinned, they realized that they sinned, they
14:14 covered themselves with leaves, fig leaves, but that was not
14:18 enough for modesty.
14:19 So God had to cover them a little bit more.
14:22 So the coats of skin, right?
14:24 Jean: And you know, there's a lesson in that for us.
14:26 Christ's righteousness covers us from head to toe, you might say.
14:30 We need to be completely clothed in Christ's robe of
14:33 righteousness, none of our self-righteousness, but
14:35 His righteousness.
14:37 And then also interesting throughout scripture then, fig
14:39 leaves, or the fig tree, is often associated with man's
14:42 attempts to save himself.
14:43 That's why Jesus cursed the fig tree.
14:45 You read about that in the Gospels.
14:46 All right, who do we have next?
14:48 Alden: Gary is calling from Illinois and he's got a question
14:50 regarding the law.
14:51 Jean: Hi, Gary, welcome to the program.
14:53 Gary: Hi, is this right?
14:56 When the law was given, it was Ten Commandments in the book
14:59 of Moses.
15:01 Commandments carved in stone, while book of Moses was written
15:04 in the book.
15:05 Commandments placed in ark of the covenant while book of Moses
15:09 is not.
15:10 And that's why the law that we're not under is book
15:13 of Moses.
15:14 Is that right?
15:15 Jean: Yeah, you're right on there.
15:17 So when it came to the Ten Commandments, you'll remember
15:18 the account.
15:19 The Bible says that God called Moses up onto the mount and gave
15:23 him, the first time, ten commandments written on tables
15:26 of stone.
15:28 But then, as you remember, the children of Israel rebelled
15:30 right after this.
15:31 And when Moses came down off the mount, because the people were
15:34 breaking the ten commandments that he had just received from
15:36 God, he threw down the Ten Commandments and they broke and
15:39 then God said, "All right, now, you carve some stone and then
15:41 come up and I will write the Ten Commandments on it,"
15:44 so there was a second plate of stones, after the
15:47 Ten Commandments were carved by the finger of God on these
15:50 tablets of stone, they were placed then
15:52 in the ark of the covenant.
15:54 Now, in addition to being in the ark, the Ten Commandments are
15:56 inside the ark, there was also a rod that was eventually placed
16:00 there, that budded, representing that God had chosen Aaron and
16:04 his family to be the priests.
16:06 And then there was also a pot of manna that was placed in the
16:09 ark, a symbol of God sustaining the children of Israel and
16:12 bringing them up out of slavery, out of Egypt, and leading them
16:15 to the Promised Land.
16:17 Then in addition to the Ten Commandments, there were, as we
16:19 mentioned before, some of the statutes.
16:21 We spoke about the ceremonial law.
16:23 These things were all written, even how they were to deal with
16:26 property and inheritance and marriage and all kinds of social
16:31 things were written down, part of what's called the law of
16:34 Moses and that was placed on the side of the ark.
16:37 Now, the law of Moses, Paul tells us in the New Testament,
16:41 that was contrary to the Gentiles because there were some
16:43 specifications in the law.
16:44 For example, if you were not a Jew, if you were not
16:48 circumcised, you couldn't come into a certain area surrounding
16:51 the temple itself, even in the days of Jesus.
16:53 There was a mark in the courtyard.
16:55 And if you were a Gentile and you stepped over that mark, you
16:59 could be killed.
17:00 And Paul says that was the law contrary to us, meaning contrary
17:03 to the Gentiles.
17:04 But Christ did away with that, having nailed that to the cross.
17:07 So the ceremonial law met its fulfillment in the death
17:10 of Jesus.
17:11 Then Paul says, "Now he who has faith in Jesus, he is the seed
17:14 of Abraham."
17:16 So it doesn't matter what, you know, your nationality might be
17:20 or what your genes are, your family inheritance.
17:22 If you have faith in Jesus, you're Abraham's seed, heirs
17:26 according to the promise.
17:27 That's good news.
17:29 Alden: We have a free offer on that: Lesson 6, called "Written
17:31 in Stone."
17:32 Jean: Thank you. A great lesson, absolutely.
17:35 Alden: And they can get that if they call 1-800-835-6747.
17:38 Jean: Okay, great.
17:40 Again, it's called, "Written in Stone."
17:41 It's one of our Amazing Facts study guides and, you know,
17:43 friends, we'll just take a moment to mention this.
17:45 If you have not yet taken advantage of the "Amazing Facts"
17:47 study guide series, it's a whole set of Bible lessons,
17:50 it is great.
17:52 You can do it online.
17:53 We can actually send it to you through the mail.
17:55 You can fill in the answer sheet, send it back.
17:57 So those of you who have not yet gone through the "Amazing Facts"
17:59 study guide series, just ask for that when you call, and they'll
18:02 be able to sign you up, it's free, take advantage of it.
18:05 Who do we have next?
18:06 Alden: We have Jerry calling from Texas and he's got a
18:08 question regarding Dorcas.
18:10 Jean: Hi, Jerry. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
18:13 Jerry: Hey, thanks, guys.
18:14 My question tonight is how long was Dorcas sleeping before Peter
18:20 raised her up?
18:21 Because they had to send from Joppa those two individuals to
18:25 Lydda to bring Peter.
18:28 How long was she sleeping, approximately?
18:31 Jean: Yes, you know, back in those Bible--back in Bible
18:34 times, when somebody died, you couldn't have the body around
18:37 long, especially in that climate in that area.
18:40 So maybe when she start--when she became very sick and she
18:44 started failing in health, maybe word began to spread that, you
18:48 know, she doesn't have too much time and maybe the family and
18:51 the friends need to need to get close.
18:54 Verse 38 of Acts, chapter 9, says, "Since Lydia, or Lydda,
18:59 was near Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter
19:02 was there, they sent two men to him, imploring him that he would
19:06 come without delay."
19:07 So it appears that it wasn't too far away from where Peter was.
19:11 I would imagine within a day's journey, at least, Peter was
19:14 able to get over there.
19:15 You couldn't keep a body open for more than probably a day,
19:18 day and a half, 2 days at the most.
19:20 So it was in a short period of time.
19:23 Alden: I know with the Hindus they have, I think 8 hours and
19:26 they have to burn the body at that point.
19:28 Jean: Right, because it's so hot, especially in that climate.
19:31 All right, thank you.
19:32 Who do we have next?
19:33 Alden: Well, we have Lee in Texas, once again, and has a
19:36 question regarding the Sabbath.
19:38 Jean: Hi, Lee, welcome to the program.
19:41 Lee: Yes, my question is, when we're supposed to--when God
19:44 comes back on the--on the new heaven and new earth, how will
19:49 you mind--and we do keep the Sabbath on the new earth, how
19:53 are we supposed to be able to keep something like that when
19:55 there's no passage of time?
19:57 Jean: Okay, good question.
19:59 Well, first of all, when the earth is made new, now, let me
20:02 just back up a little bit to share with you the context here
20:04 of what we're talking about.
20:06 In the book of Revelation, Revelation chapter 20, you have
20:09 a description of what we call the 1000 years of
20:11 the millennium.
20:12 What marks the beginning of that 1000 years is the Second Coming
20:15 of Christ.
20:16 So Jesus comes, the dead in Christ are resurrected, the
20:18 living righteous are changed in a moment, and the living
20:21 righteous are caught up along with those who are resurrected
20:24 and we go with Jesus to heaven for 1000 years.
20:28 The wicked are destroyed with the brightness of Christ's
20:30 coming and the devil and his angels are chained, so to speak,
20:34 on the earth, referred to as the bottomless pit, during those
20:37 1000 years.
20:38 At the end of the 1000 years, the New Jerusalem, this is
20:40 Revelation chapter 21.
20:41 The New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.
20:44 It's at that point that Jesus will then set His feet on the
20:47 Mount of Olives.
20:48 And this is in Zechariah, the book of Zechariah, and the
20:51 mountain will open up and form a great valley, and the New
20:54 Jerusalem will come to rest right there in that valley.
20:57 There is what's called the Great White Throne Judgment that then
21:00 takes place.
21:02 All the wicked are resurrected.
21:03 They're outside the New Jerusalem, the righteous are
21:04 inside the city.
21:06 There is the final judgment and then the wicked mount their
21:09 attack upon the New Jerusalem.
21:10 This is Revelation chapter 20, and fire comes down and
21:13 devours them.
21:14 And then after the fire does its work of purifying the earth,
21:18 both of the devil, his angels and the wicked, then the Bible
21:22 says, "God creates a new heavens and a new earth wherein
21:25 dwells righteousness."
21:27 Now, when the earth is recreated, it'll still
21:30 be turning.
21:31 It'll be a glorified earth, but we'll still have days, we'll
21:34 still have nights, because the Bible tells us in Isaiah chapter
21:37 66, verse 23: "'And it shall come to pass,'" speaking about
21:41 that time, "'that from one new moon to another, and from one
21:45 Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come and worship before
21:48 Me,' says the Lord."
21:50 So in the earth made new, we will still have days.
21:53 The Bible does tell us, though, that in the New Jerusalem
21:55 itself, there is no need for the sun because the glory of God
22:00 fills the New Jerusalem with light.
22:02 But outside of the New Jerusalem, yes, you'll still
22:04 have the weekly cycle.
22:06 You'll also have the moon traveling around the earth
22:10 because it talks about months.
22:11 And somebody asked--somebody once asked, "Why do we go up
22:14 into the New Jerusalem on a monthly basis?"
22:17 Well, the Bible also says that the tree of life inside the New
22:20 Jerusalem bears 12 kinds of fruit, a different kind of fruit
22:24 every month.
22:25 So maybe we journey to the New Jerusalem to taste that month's
22:28 fruit from the tree of life.
22:31 But that's what the Bible says.
22:32 So no, the Sabbath will be kept in the earth made new.
22:34 The Bible is very clear on that.
22:36 Alden: We have that Bible study on "The Colossal City in Space."
22:40 Jean: That's right.
22:41 All about the New Jerusalem, about heaven, and we'll be happy
22:43 to send that to anyone who calls and ask.
22:46 The study guide is called "A Colossal City in Space."
22:49 And how do we get that lesson?
22:51 Alden: They can call 1-800-835-6747.
22:54 Ask for "The Colossal City in Space."
22:57 Jean: Also, I think they can text.
22:59 Alden: They can text, that's correct, #250 in the
23:03 United States, US territories, and Canada.
23:05 But if not, go to our website,, and you can
23:08 ask for it there.
23:10 Jean: All right, thank you.
23:11 Maybe we've got time for one more before the break,
23:13 Pastor Alden.
23:14 Who do we have?
23:15 Alden: This is right up your alley.
23:17 This is Jose from Texas talking about a 70-week prophecy.
23:18 Jean: Okay, great, hi, Jose. Welcome to the program.
23:22 Jose: Evening, pastors. How y'all guys doing?
23:25 Jean: Doing well, thank you.
23:26 Jose: I would like to know in Daniel 9, verse 26, where that
23:32 timeline falls within the 70-week prophecy.
23:35 Jean: Okay, yeah, let me read it for you.
23:36 For those who are listening and we might have to give a
23:38 little background.
23:39 It says, "And after 62 weeks, Messiah shall be cut off, but
23:42 not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come
23:45 shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and the end thereof
23:48 shall be with a flood, and till the end war and desolations
23:51 are determined."
23:53 So, are you wondering if that 62-week time period is part of
23:57 the 70 weeks?
23:59 Jose: Yes.
24:00 Jean: Yes, it is.
24:02 So in the previous verse, it says from the decree to restore
24:03 and rebuild Jerusalem, verse 25, "Know therefore and understand
24:07 that from the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild
24:09 Jerusalem until Messiah the prince, there shall be seven
24:12 weeks and sixty-two weeks."
24:13 So you have a total of 70 weeks; 70 weeks consists of 490 days.
24:19 There are 360 days in a Hebrew year.
24:22 So you got a total of 490 days.
24:24 Within that 400 and--every day equals a year.
24:27 So it's really a time period of 490 years, otherwise known as
24:30 the 70 weeks.
24:31 And within that 70-week period, it's divided up into
24:35 smaller sections.
24:36 In verse 26, it says: "After the 62 weeks."
24:39 So you have the first 7 weeks and the first 7 weeks or 49
24:43 years brought you to a point after the decree was given in
24:46 457 BC when they were able to finish building the wall
24:50 surrounding Jerusalem.
24:51 And then you go forward another 62 weeks.
24:54 That actually brings you to the end of that 69th week:
24:59 483 years.
25:01 What event happened?
25:03 It says the anointing of Messiah, the Prince.
25:05 That was the baptism of Jesus, and that occurred in 27 AD so
25:09 the starting point is 457 BC.
25:12 The baptism of Jesus is 27 AD.
25:14 Then it goes on to the next verse and it says, "In the
25:16 middle of the week, He shall bring an end to the sacrifice
25:19 and offerings."
25:20 Jesus died in 31 AD.
25:23 He died on the cross, brought an end to the sacrifices and
25:25 the offerings.
25:27 The second part of verse 25, you might be wondering about,
25:29 it says, "and the people of the prince who is to come shall
25:32 destroy the city and the sanctuary."
25:34 "The people of the prince that is to come," is a reference to
25:36 the Romans and this is under Titus.
25:39 This event occurred in 70 AD.
25:41 The Romans came and destroyed the Jerusalem, they destroyed
25:44 the temple.
25:45 So the first part of verse 25 is talking about Jesus, Messiah,
25:48 the prince.
25:49 The second part of the verse is talking about the destruction of
25:51 Jerusalem in 70 AD.
25:53 You can also read about that in Matthew 24 as well as in Luke,
25:56 where it talks about when you see armies surrounding the city,
25:59 then you know that its desolation is near.
26:02 So that is a great study.
26:03 One of my favorite passages right here, highlighting Christ.
26:06 It was written some 500 years before the events actually
26:10 took place.
26:12 So it's just an amazing time prophecy.
26:13 Very specific.
26:15 Tells you when Jesus was to be baptized, when He was to
26:17 be crucified
26:19 and when the probationary time for the nation of Israel was to
26:21 end in 34 AD.
26:23 We have a study guide.
26:24 You can look that up.
26:26 It's called "Right on Time," and it's all about the 70-week
26:29 Bible prophecy.
26:30 Well, friends, don't go away.
26:32 We got another half an hour of Bible questions.
26:34 We'll be back in just a moment.
26:39 announcer: Stay tuned.
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30:00 announcer: This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
30:03 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on the
30:06 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. and 8 pm.
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30:20 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:25 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:31 Jean: Hello, friends, and welcome back to "Bible
30:33 Answers Live."
30:35 This is a live, interactive international Bible study.
30:37 We want to welcome those who are joining us, not only here in
30:39 North America, but, Pastor Alden, we got people watching on
30:42 Youtube, on Facebook, on Amazing Facts TV.
30:45 And I believe it's being rebroadcast on some other
30:47 networks and more than 200, I think 250 now, land-based radio
30:53 stations carry "Bible Answers Live."
30:56 So if you're listening to this program, welcome.
30:58 If you're watching on YouTube or Facebook, welcome.
31:01 My name is Jean Ross.
31:02 Pastor Doug Batchelor is away this weekend, but God willing,
31:05 he'll be back next week, but helping me here on "Bible
31:08 Answers Live" is Pastor Alden, and Pastor Alden, you're doing a
31:11 great job.
31:12 He's not new to doing Bible questions, he's been a pastor
31:15 for many years, answered a lot of Bible questions, so we are
31:18 grateful to have him here.
31:19 All right, who is our next caller?
31:21 Alden: Well, we have Steve.
31:22 Steve's in Oregon.
31:23 He's got a question regarding the Second Coming and what
31:26 happens when Jesus comes.
31:29 Jean: All right, let's see if we can get Steve.
31:31 Steve, welcome to the program.
31:33 Steve: All right, thank you for taking my call.
31:35 Prior to the 1000-year millennium, when Jesus will
31:39 return, scripture says, "Every eye will see Him."
31:45 Back in the last millennium, I was in the Navy assigned to a
31:49 nuclear submarine for months at a time under sea without
31:53 surfacing, as are today's sailors in the sub duty.
31:58 How will they see Him coming in the sky, being submerged under
32:04 tons and tons of water?
32:06 Jean: Boy, you know, Steve, that is a great question.
32:08 That's the first time I've heard that.
32:09 You know, often people ask how will everybody see Jesus when
32:12 they come?
32:13 I've never heard somebody ask, what about those in a submarine?
32:14 Of course, you're right.
32:16 It will be different.
32:17 But I think there's going to be so many natural disasters, the
32:21 sea is going to be in upheavals, there's going to be earthquakes,
32:23 there's going to be so much going on at that time, maybe
32:26 these submarines are going to surface at the time.
32:29 You know, I don't know for sure, but the Bible does say that at
32:33 some point everyone will see Him.
32:36 Now, of course, there are going to be people in the submarine
32:38 who are quite possibly saved.
32:41 We don't know, you know, who's going to be saved and who's
32:43 going to be lost at the end.
32:44 But God's still going to be able to save them even though they're
32:46 in the submarine.
32:48 But I don't know, we'll have to wait and see.
32:50 You know, what about the blind people?
32:51 Will they see Jesus coming?
32:53 Well, we know those who are saved, of course, they are
32:55 changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and they get
32:58 these immortal bodies, they won't be blind anymore.
33:00 But what about the wicked?
33:02 So I think the Bible there in Revelation chapter 1, verse 7,
33:05 he's talking in general terms, meaning that everyone that can
33:08 see, will see Jesus when He comes again.
33:11 Alden: The world's also going to be in great upheaval at
33:13 that time.
33:15 So I don't know how many submarines are going to be
33:17 below water--in the water during that time period because
33:20 it's going to be pretty chaotic.
33:22 Jean: The Bible says there's great earthquakes, entire
33:24 islands, inhabited islands, disappear.
33:26 So it'll be very different than what we know now.
33:29 But that's a good question.
33:30 Yeah, we'll have to wait and see.
33:32 Thank you, Steve.
33:33 Alden: We have Nicole in Michigan.
33:34 She's got a question about what we can eat.
33:37 Jean: Hi, Nicole. You're on "Bible Answers Live."
33:40 Nicole: Hi, pastors. How are you?
33:42 Jean: Doing well, thanks.
33:44 Nicole: Good, I have a question about Genesis 9, verse 3, when
33:47 it talks about, when Noah and his family came out--came out
33:51 of the ark and the Bible says that they can eat everything
33:54 that came out of the ark.
33:56 Now, I know that we're--the unclean thing, we're not
33:59 supposed to eat unclean meats.
34:00 But why does that text say that?
34:03 What exactly is it saying?
34:04 Jean: The good question.
34:05 Well, let me read it for those who might not have their Bibles
34:07 in front of them.
34:08 I think you're thinking of Genesis 9, verse 1.
34:10 It says that "God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them:
34:12 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.'"
34:14 This is after the flood, they're coming out of the ark.
34:16 "'And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every
34:19 beast of the earth and on every bird of the air, on all that
34:22 moves upon the earth, and upon all the fish of the sea.
34:25 They are given into your hand.'"
34:26 Verse 3 says, "'Every moving thing that lives shall be food
34:30 for you.
34:31 I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.'"
34:34 Now, when it says "every living thing shall be food for you,"
34:38 it's the rest of scripture that helps us understand what exactly
34:41 with reference to the living thing is God referring to.
34:45 The first thing we need to recognize that before the flood,
34:47 we were introduced to clean and unclean animals, because when it
34:51 came to Noah and the flood, there were animals coming under
34:54 the ark.
34:56 You had the sevens of the clean and you had two of the unclean,
34:58 the sacrificial system had already been established long
35:01 before the flood.
35:02 It's actually established with Adam and Eve right there after
35:05 they sinned.
35:06 And it was clear they knew what was clean and unclean because
35:09 only clean animals could be offered as a sacrifice.
35:12 So the distinction between clean and unclean was always there.
35:15 Unclean animals were never considered food, at least not by
35:19 God's people, for sure.
35:21 It didn't even enter their mind.
35:22 It's like us today, there are certain animals that we would
35:25 never consider as being food.
35:28 In some places you go in the world, they can eat just about
35:30 anything that moves across your plate.
35:32 But you know, in other cultures, we say, "No, that's not food."
35:34 So it's not stated in the verse, you got to read some of the
35:38 other passages of scripture.
35:39 But it's clear that Noah understood that when He's
35:42 talking about the animals that he could eat, it had to be clean
35:44 animals because the next verse gives further instructions,
35:47 says, "You shall not eat the blood."
35:50 So he understood something about the health principles as it
35:53 related to the clean and the unclean animals, especially in
35:55 connection with the sacrificial.
35:57 Alden: Even at the end of verse 3, it says, "I've given you all
35:59 things, even as the green herbs."
36:02 So, can you eat all of the herbs?
36:05 Well, pretty much.
36:06 I mean, I wouldn't want to pull a Nebuchadnezzar and eat the
36:08 grass or anything like that.
36:10 Jean: There's probably some herbs it's not good to eat or
36:12 some plants, some are poisonous.
36:15 So even having to say, yeah, you can eat everything that grows,
36:17 sort of thing.
36:19 Well, obviously that doesn't mean you can eat everything
36:20 that grows.
36:21 There are some things you don't want to eat.
36:23 That same principle would apply even to the animals.
36:25 All right, we do have a study guide.
36:26 It's called "God's Free Health Plan."
36:28 It talks about what the Bible says, some principles that we
36:31 can follow to be healthy and so take advantage of that.
36:34 It's "God's Free Health Plan."
36:36 The number is 800-835-6747 and, Pastor Alden, if they want to
36:41 get a digital download of that, what do they text?
36:44 Alden: You can text #250 in the United States and the US
36:47 territories and Canada.
36:49 If not, go to and we will send that to you.
36:53 Jean: Okay, thank you.
36:54 Who do we have next?
36:56 Alden: We have May in Washington--Wisconsin, who's
36:58 got a question regarding false prophets.
37:01 Jean: Hi, May. You're on "Bible Answers Live."
37:04 May: Hi, isn't it true that the Bible states in Revelation
37:10 that the false prophet is really actually a man and not a nation?
37:15 Jean: Yes, yes.
37:16 Now, when it comes to Bible prophecy, there are two things
37:20 we need to bear in mind.
37:22 A king often would represent a nation.
37:24 So I'm actually doing a lesson right now in Daniel chapter 11,
37:28 we're doing it with the church, and it talks about the king of
37:30 the North and the king of the South.
37:32 And there are times when it refers to a specific king, but
37:35 it can also refer to the nation that the king represents.
37:38 Now the false prophet that we read about in the book of
37:40 Revelation, it is a individual that represents a power.
37:46 It is a religious political power in the last days.
37:50 It is also a movement that takes place in a nation and, to be
37:55 really honest and specific, we're talking about an entity
37:57 called Babylon, that's referred to as the false prophet, and it
38:01 arises, for the most part, in the United States.
38:03 It is a counterfeit form of worship that takes the churches
38:07 by storm.
38:09 You know, Pastor Alden, I think that's beginning to happen even
38:10 now where people are putting their trust in experience,
38:15 religious experience, instead of in the Bible.
38:18 And they are trusting how they feel or what a pastor is saying,
38:21 or the music or something else instead of "What does the
38:24 Bible say?"
38:25 And this is a counterfeit system and it's going to rise, but it's
38:28 going to have prominent leaders that will actually push both
38:32 protestantism or apostate protestantism, aspects of that
38:36 with Catholicism and it'll come together, with the United States
38:40 at the end.
38:41 So it's a deep study.
38:42 There's a lot in there.
38:44 But yeah, the false prophet represents a movement.
38:47 It represents people in that movement, but it's more than
38:49 just a person.
38:51 It's a movement.
38:52 Alden: The challenging thing is sometimes we get so caught up in
38:54 this that we have our own ideologies and we're used to
38:58 "what I think, what I feel," rather than what God says.
39:02 And so we have to kind of level everything and say, "What does
39:05 God say?" because whatever God says, we have to take that as
39:09 truth, no matter what anybody else says.
39:11 Jean: Well, you know, in the time of the Reformation, during
39:13 the time of Martin Luther, the controversy was "Who has
39:16 final authority?
39:18 Is it the church through its traditions or is it the Bible?"
39:21 Martin Luther said, "No, it's the Bible."
39:23 Bible has final authority.
39:25 In other words, the church needs to be tested by the Bible,
39:28 doctrines have to be tested by the Bible.
39:30 In the last days, there is an effort to put final authority
39:34 not in the Bible, but now in experience that a person
39:38 might have.
39:39 So either way, the devil's goal is to get people to trust in
39:42 something else than what the Bible says.
39:44 Alden: Solo scripture.
39:46 Jean: That was the cry of the protestant Reformation.
39:48 All right, great question.
39:49 Thank you, May.
39:50 Alden: Okay, we have Geo calling from Washington, first time
39:52 calling, and he's got a question in regards to coveting
39:54 and stealing.
39:56 Jean: Hi, Geo, welcome to the program.
39:58 Geo: Hi, good evening, pastors.
40:00 Yeah, so, as you said, I have a question on the Ten
40:02 Commandments, and the Ten Commandments seem so perfect,
40:05 but the last one seems a bit out of place.
40:08 And I know it sounds strange but hear me out.
40:10 When Jesus elaborated on the commandments, which was in
40:13 Matthew somewhere, He said something like being angry with
40:16 your brother is murder in your heart, and lusting over a woman
40:19 is adultery in your heart, because it's the same thing in
40:21 your mind, right?
40:22 So, isn't coveting just stealing in your heart?
40:25 So it seems slightly redundant.
40:27 Jean: Yes, well, that's a good point.
40:28 You know, if you look at all of the last six of the commandments
40:31 that have to do with our relationship with our fellow
40:32 man, it's almost impossible to break any of those last six
40:37 without first breaking the tenth.
40:39 For example, murder.
40:41 It probably begins with some form of covetousness, which is
40:44 the tenth commandment.
40:45 Adultery begins with some form of covetousness.
40:47 Stealing begins with some form of covetousness.
40:51 Lying, yeah, it's probably something you're trying to
40:54 cover up.
40:55 You're not being honest.
40:57 So, the tenth commandment sort of summarizes the motivation
41:00 behind all of the others.
41:02 It's the only commandment amongst the last six that have
41:04 to do with your actual heart, with your thoughts, with your--
41:08 with your intents.
41:10 And I think that's why it's such an important commandment.
41:13 All of the commandments hinge on a heart experience because it's
41:16 possible to keep the letter of the law, in other words, and
41:19 this is what Jesus was saying, you know, "You've heard it say
41:22 of old, you shall not kill.
41:23 But I say if you're angry with your brother without a cause,
41:26 you're guilty of committing murder in your heart."
41:28 So Jesus is saying it's not just about the letter of the
41:31 law, it's about the spirit of the law.
41:33 Now, there might be some who say, "Well, you know, I keep the
41:35 spirit of the law.
41:37 So I don't have to keep the letter of the law."
41:38 But how can you keep the spirit of the law that says, "Thy shall
41:42 not be angry with your brother without a cause, and yet
41:44 murder him"?
41:46 You can't.
41:47 So if you're going to keep the spirit of the law, you're also
41:49 going to keep the letter of the law.
41:50 And if you're going to keep the spirit of the law, you're going
41:52 to keep the tenth commandment that says thou shall not covet.
41:55 So the last commandment is really the one that talks about
41:58 the motivation behind all of those last six commandments.
42:02 Does that make sense, Geo?
42:06 Geo: Yeah, it does.
42:07 Jean: Okay, thanks so much for your call.
42:08 Yeah, absolutely.
42:10 Who do we have next?
42:11 Alden: Well, we have David calling from California.
42:13 He's got a question regarding turning the other cheek.
42:15 Jean: Hi, David. Welcome.
42:17 David: Hi, thank you for accepting my question.
42:20 Yeah, so, the Bible talks about turning the other cheek and so,
42:26 as a Christian, does that mean that we don't have a right to
42:30 defend ourselves from physical harm or sexual harm?
42:34 Jean: Okay, first of all, no, it doesn't mean that we need to
42:38 just, you know, go with whatever comes our way.
42:41 That specific command has to do with interpersonal
42:45 relationships, meaning one with another.
42:48 There are other laws that we find in the Old Testament, for
42:51 example, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
42:54 That represents justice.
42:56 And those are the laws that were to govern the nation.
42:58 So those are the civil laws that govern the nation.
43:01 And there's nothing wrong in a government holding criminals
43:05 accountable for their bad behavior and there's nothing
43:08 wrong in us reporting a criminal who is doing something wrong and
43:13 hurting somebody else.
43:14 It's perfectly fine for us to say, "You know what, this person
43:18 is a problem."
43:20 Matter of fact, we should do that, you know, when we can.
43:22 But when it says, "Turn the other cheek," it's talking about
43:25 holding resentment and anger towards another person,
43:29 especially if that person recognizes that they've hurt you
43:33 and they've asked for forgiveness.
43:34 You need to let it go, you need to try and forgive it.
43:36 You say, "Lord, help me to forgive."
43:38 Sometimes, yeah, we might have to keep quiet if somebody says
43:42 something and just say, you know, "I'm not even going to
43:44 cause a fuss.
43:46 I'm not going to stir it up."
43:47 But that doesn't mean that we need to place ourselves
43:49 in danger.
43:50 That, you know, Jesus said, "If you're persecuted in one city,
43:53 flee to the other."
43:54 So there's nothing wrong in doing what you have to do to
43:56 protect yourself.
43:58 And if you know of other people that are being abused or hurt or
44:01 in a dangerous situation, I think the first thing we want to
44:03 do is help them get out of that situation.
44:06 So the Bible is not endorsing somebody to suffer, especially
44:09 if they're suffering physical abuse or, you know, serious
44:14 emotional abuse.
44:15 You can separate yourself from that situation.
44:18 You're not violating that commandment that says, "Turn the
44:20 other cheek."
44:21 Does that--does that help, David?
44:24 David: Yes, thank you very much, Pastor.
44:25 Jean: All right. Thanks for your call.
44:28 Who do we have next?
44:29 Alden: We have Glenn in Ohio.
44:30 He's got a question in regard to one of the prophecies
44:32 in Zechariah.
44:33 Jean: Hi, Glenn. Welcome.
44:36 Glenn: Good evening. Thank you for taking my call.
44:39 Yeah, my question concerns prophecies in Zechariah chapter
44:43 5 and chapter 6.
44:46 In chapter 5, Zechariah said he saw a flying scroll and
44:50 then it goes on and gives dimensions and
44:52 descriptions, but it talks about three women sitting in the lead
44:57 line flew, the lead line ephah, and it doesn't make much sense.
45:03 I've heard people stumble and stumble over that, what the
45:05 women stand for.
45:07 But if you vowel point the word "isha" in Hebrew and make it say
45:11 asha, we now have fire instead of women in those lead line
45:17 ephahs, and it's a perfect description of the scud missile
45:21 and the F-4 tomcat fighter, the F-4 Phantom.
45:26 And I just wonder, and then the other one is Zechariah chapter
45:28 6, starting in verse 1, a perfect description of the
45:33 attack on the Twin Towers.
45:36 And I never hear people talk about those things.
45:38 But is it possible that these things are prophecies fulfilled
45:42 in the current events?
45:43 Jean: Well, yes, I think there are prophecies.
45:45 If you read through Zechariah, there are very descriptive
45:49 prophecies relating to certain acts of judgment and they
45:52 culminate near the judgment of the end.
45:55 Now, could they refer to more than what the symbol
45:58 might mention?
45:59 Perhaps, you know, there are different ideas, or suggestions.
46:03 But if we're going to let the Bible interpret itself, then we
46:06 need to ask ourselves, well, in Bible prophecy, what does a
46:09 woman represent?
46:10 Or in Bible prophecy, what do these horses, a red horse and a
46:13 black horse, as you read, what do they represent?
46:15 Now, much of the imagery that you find here in Zechariah is
46:18 actually used by John in the writing of the book
46:21 of Revelation.
46:22 In Revelation when he opens up the seals, there is this white
46:26 horse that he's seen galloping and then a red horse then a pale
46:29 horse and then a black horse.
46:31 And it represents different time periods of Christian history,
46:33 different things that were taking place.
46:35 A woman, of course, in the Bible represents a church.
46:38 So we first and foremost, need to look at those symbols and see
46:41 how do they fit into what's happening in our world.
46:45 Also, we need to recognize that Zechariah is not only talking
46:47 about things, you know, in 2024 but he's referring to things
46:51 that have occurred throughout history, especially as we get
46:54 closer and closer to the end, closer to our time.
46:57 So I'm a little reluctant to just say, "Well, this specific
47:00 symbol here represents this specific event in history,"
47:03 unless there is a lot of different passages of scripture
47:06 that make that very clear.
47:08 Was the Twin Tower attack significant?
47:10 I think it was.
47:11 And here's why in just a nutshell.
47:14 It's interesting that Islam is mentioned in the book
47:17 of Revelation.
47:19 You actually have the fifth and the sixth trumpet describes the
47:23 rise of Islam during the time of Muhammad and then during the
47:25 time of the Ottoman Turks.
47:27 And it seems there's quite a bit of very description of this
47:30 power rising up.
47:32 And I think it is interesting, you read a little bit of Daniel
47:34 chapter 11, some suggest that maybe at the end of chapter 11,
47:37 the king of the South might have some reference to some of the
47:40 Islamic nations.
47:41 I mean, some of that's still in the future.
47:42 So we're going to have to wait and see how all of these
47:45 come together.
47:47 But to take it too far literal, I think we need to be careful.
47:49 We don't want to get--we don't want to get confused and go down
47:53 the wrong path.
47:55 There are a broader prophetic application for these
47:56 different aspects.
47:58 And Zechariah is a very detailed prophecy.
48:00 So we don't have time to get into all the details of it.
48:02 But great question.
48:03 Alden: We'll go to Lin over in Arizona.
48:05 She's got a question regarding Daniel chapter 8.
48:08 Jean: Hi, Lin. Welcome to the program.
48:10 Lin Moore: Hey, Pastor Jean Ross.
48:12 Yeah, my name is Lin Moore in Phoenix.
48:15 I'm a member of the Camelback Church, Pastor John's church.
48:19 Yeah, I just got a quick question.
48:22 In Daniel chapter 8, why was the goat facing westward,
48:28 eastward, and southward?
48:30 And what was Suchem? Why was he facing Suchem?
48:34 Why is that, Pastor?
48:36 Jean: Okay, yeah, let me talk about that.
48:38 I'm glad you noticed that.
48:39 Sometimes people miss those little minutiae of prophecy.
48:43 For those who are listening, Daniel chapter 8 describes
48:46 powers using animals.
48:48 For example, a ram is first described in Daniel chapter 8,
48:52 that has two horns, the one higher than the other.
48:54 That represents the kingdom of Medo Persia.
48:57 And then there is a goat that is seen and the goat rises up
49:02 towards the east and towards the south and towards the north,
49:08 meaning that this power, Greece, would come from the west, which
49:12 it did in relationship to Persia.
49:15 So the reason when it talks about not touching the earth and
49:18 it's coming, it's coming from the west, Greece and Alexander
49:21 the Great came up from the west, Persia was--Persia's sort of
49:25 Iran, the Middle East, the Mediterranean area, Mesopotamia.
49:29 And so that's why the goat came from the west, moving to
49:33 the east.
49:35 Whereas Persia rose up from the east and moved to the west.
49:37 Good question. Thank you.
49:40 Who do we have next?
49:41 Alden: We have Robert calling from Washington.
49:43 Robert, you got a question regarding the sealed book
49:45 of Isaiah?
49:46 Robert: Hi, Pastor Ross. Jean: Hello.
49:48 Robert: Good day. Good to hear from you again.
49:50 Jean: Yeah, thanks for calling.
49:53 Robert: You're welcome. I know I've got a short time.
49:57 Isaiah 29, I believe it's verse 11, talks about a sealed book
50:04 and sometimes the denomination wants to claim that as their
50:11 book that was invented by a man a while ago.
50:17 But then, I wonder, you know, I thought, "Well, maybe it's
50:20 Daniel because Daniel is a sealed book in the Bible."
50:24 But then verse 4 talks about it being from the voice of a medium
50:32 or something, it says.
50:33 So I'm guessing it's not Daniel.
50:37 So who--so what is the sealed book?
50:39 Jean: So this is a prophecy that Isaiah is making and he's
50:42 referring to the people, this would be the people of Israel,
50:46 who did not receive the words of the prophecy.
50:48 It was to them, a sealed book, not meaning that the book per se
50:52 was sealed, but the prophetic message was sealed because if
50:55 you read a little earlier, verse 9, it says, "Pause and wonder!"
50:58 This is Isaiah 29, verse 9. "Blind yourselves and be blind!
51:03 For they are drunk, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with
51:07 intoxicating drink.
51:08 The Lord has poured out on you the spirit of deep sleep, and
51:12 has closed your eyes, namely, the prophets; and has covered
51:16 your heads, namely, the seers."
51:18 So at the time because of a rejection of doing right,
51:23 rejecting God's commandments, the people didn't understand
51:26 the prophecies.
51:28 Isaiah is prophesying.
51:29 He was about 150 years,
51:31 well, but a little less, maybe 100 years before the Babylonian
51:35 captivity and judgment is coming upon Jerusalem, and the people
51:38 seemed oblivious to that.
51:40 They seem to be walking around as one who is blind or those who
51:43 are intoxicated.
51:44 And Isaiah is saying judgment is coming.
51:46 And then Jeremiah who is the next prophet who was actually
51:49 there when Jerusalem was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar, he
51:52 was also warning the people, but it seemed to be a sealed book.
51:56 The prophecy, just, they didn't receive it, because they had
51:59 rejected, they rejected doing the will of God.
52:03 All right, maybe time for one more.
52:04 Alden: We have Chelsea.
52:05 She's got a question in Florida regarding hellfire.
52:08 Jean: Hi, Chelsea. Welcome to the program.
52:11 Chelsea: Hi, how are you both?
52:13 Jean: Good, thank you.
52:15 Chelsea: Yeah, so my question basically is about
52:17 Revelation 20, verse 10.
52:20 Right now, I'm studying with a group of friends, who kind of
52:24 grew up believing that hellfire is an actual eternal
52:28 burning place.
52:30 But we're studying and also, you know, using "Amazing Facts"
52:34 study guide, which has been really helpful.
52:36 But when we got to Revelation 20, verse 10, I actually got a
52:40 little stumped on it too because the last part of the verse says,
52:45 basically saying the devil, the beast, and the false prophet
52:47 shall be tormented day and night, forever and ever.
52:50 So they're thinking because this is, you know, in the Bible that
52:54 it's taken literally to mean that they're actually tormented
52:58 forever, like--
52:59 Jean: Let me say something about that.
53:01 That's a good question.
53:02 You know, there are some passages, especially in the book
53:03 of Revelation, where it talks about forever.
53:06 Now, we need to read "forever" in its context.
53:09 In the Bible, the word "forever" is used as long as life
53:13 shall last.
53:14 It does not mean eternal--
53:16 not always, depends on the context.
53:18 So, in this context that's speaking about the devil and his
53:21 angels are cast into the lake of fire, they are
53:23 tormented forever, meaning as long as they live.
53:28 Now, it doesn't mean they're going to live eternally.
53:30 They're not going to live forever, but their torment will
53:32 last as long as their life lasts.
53:34 Why do we know that?
53:36 Because after the fire does its work, it says they will be
53:39 turned to ashes and then God creates a new earth wherein
53:42 dwells righteousness.
53:44 So they're not going to burn forever.
53:45 But it does appear from the verse that the devil and the
53:48 wicked will at least suffer a day and a night because it says
53:52 their torment will be day and night forever, meaning until
53:54 they die.
53:56 So the punishment will at least extend a day and a night,
53:58 maybe more.
54:00 We don't know.
54:01 The Bible doesn't say.
54:02 Everyone at the end will be rewarded according to or judged
54:04 according to their deeds.
54:05 The devil, he bears the responsibility for all the--
54:08 that we see in the world, ultimately.
54:10 So he will be judged accordingly.
54:13 So the phrase "forever" doesn't always mean eternal.
54:16 It means as long as life lasts.
54:17 Alden: Or consumed until it's all gone.
54:19 Jean: Until it's--there's nothing left.
54:21 Alden: It's like a forever fireplace.
54:22 But when the wood's gone, it's--it's gone.
54:25 Jean: It's gone.
54:26 Doesn't burn anymore, right? It's accomplished its purpose.
54:28 Well, friends, we want to thank you again for calling, those who
54:30 have called in.
54:32 I'm looking at the clock.
54:33 We probably don't have time for another call.
54:34 But as we mentioned before, this is a weekly international,
54:37 interactive Bible study and we would welcome you to come and
54:40 give us a call next week, if we didn't get to you this week.
54:43 Also, want to remind you if you haven't visit the "Amazing
54:45 Facts" website recently, take a look.
54:48 Just, or dot com.
54:50 It is jam-packed with great resources.
54:53 You can click on the the tab that says "Study with us" and
54:56 you can learn so much more.
54:58 Now for those of you who are not on satellite radio, stand by
55:01 because we're going to be coming back with some of your
55:03 email questions.
55:04 So don't go away too far.
55:06 We'll be right back in just a moment.
55:11 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:13 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:17 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:21 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:27 Jean: Hello, friends, and welcome back.
55:29 We just got about 2 minutes, 2 1/2 minutes.
55:31 We're going to take some of your email questions and, Pastor
55:34 Alden, who do people--or how do people get our--get their
55:38 questions emailed to us?
55:39 What's that email address?
55:40 Alden: Well, they can email us at
55:44 Jean: We made it as easy as it could, right?
55:48 And who do we have?
55:49 Alden: Well, the first question is "Matthew chapter 15:17 and 20
55:53 seems to imply that 'all meat is good to eat, because what goes
55:57 in the mouth doesn't defile.'
55:58 Can you explain why it does not mean that?"
56:01 Jean: Well, here is a story, just to give you a little bit of
56:04 a background.
56:05 The religious leaders and the Pharisees were accusing or
56:08 condemning the disciples because they were eating with
56:11 hands that had not been washed.
56:13 So the issue in question wasn't about what is, you know, clean
56:17 or unclean foods.
56:18 The issue was eating food with unwashed hands.
56:20 They were traveling, they grabbed something, and they ate
56:22 it, and they were making a big deal about it.
56:24 They said this was a sin.
56:26 And Jesus is saying, "Listen, it's not--it's not what goes
56:28 in," and he's not talking about what you eat.
56:30 He's talking about eating with unwashed hands.
56:32 He says, "It's not that that's important.
56:34 It's what comes out of the heart," all right?
56:36 So here is not a statement just turning over and saying, "Well,
56:39 you can eat anything you want.
56:40 You're not going to sick."
56:41 Remember, the health principles are there because God wants us
56:43 to be healthy.
56:44 That's the prime purpose.
56:46 Alden: Rosalind from Anguilla has a very good question.
56:48 She asked, "Will God answer prayers if I don't pay tithe?"
56:52 Jean: Will God answer prayers if you don't pay tithe?
56:55 Well, you know, the Bible does give a blessing, especially a
56:58 financial blessing, for those who are faithful in trusting God
57:02 and giving and returning one-tenth.
57:04 That is the tithe.
57:05 It's one-tenth.
57:06 And you know, I know so many stories of people who, you know,
57:08 stepped out in faith and said, "I'm going to trust the Lord.
57:11 I'm going to pay a tithe," and God blessed them.
57:14 Not always financially, but there was a blessing, whether it
57:16 was health or with relationships.
57:18 And so yes, if we want God's blessing and we want Him to
57:21 answer those prayers, well, let's be faithful.
57:23 If the Holy Spirit is convicting us of something that we need to
57:25 change, we need to make the change.
57:27 Alden: Here's a quick one here: "Why doesn't God ask the shoes
57:30 to be removed when He encountered Abraham and Balaam
57:33 like He did with Joshua and Moses?"
57:36 Jean: Yeah, that's a good question.
57:37 You know, it seems that back in Bible times, to remove your
57:40 shoes was an act of reverence.
57:43 You were standing on holy ground, and when God appeared to
57:45 Moses, said, "Take the sandals off your feet."
57:47 Part of the reason why that was said was that because God was
57:50 identifying who He was to Moses, so there'd be no doubt that this
57:54 is a divine being.
57:55 This is God communicating with him.
57:56 Same thing when God said to Joshua, "Take the sandals off
57:59 your feet,"
58:01 He was identifying who He was.
58:02 And so, taking the sandals off the feet when God asked for it,
58:05 He was identifying who He is as a person.
58:08 Well, friends, that is it for this week's edition of "Bible
58:11 Answers Live."
58:12 We are so glad that you joined us.
58:13 We look forward next week when we'll be back to answer more of
58:16 your Bible questions.
58:17 God bless.
58:19 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate answers to
58:23 your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-06-05