Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202407S

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted; and its
00:10 words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should
00:14 always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:34 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Welcome to Amazing Facts "Bible Answers Live."
00:54 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:56 Saddam Hussein, the infamous former dictator of Iraq, became
01:01 obsessed with the ancient Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar
01:04 who had conquered Israel in current-day Iran.
01:08 Saddam saw himself as a modern reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar
01:12 who would unite the Arab world and restore the ancient empire
01:16 of Babylon, but a Hebrew prophecy in Isaiah 13 clearly
01:21 states ancient Babylon would never be rebuilt.
01:25 Seeking to prove the Jewish prediction wrong, in 1986,
01:29 Saddam spent millions to reconstruct the old site
01:31 of Babylon.
01:33 His delusions came to an end with his capture following the
01:36 Gulf War and eventual execution in 2006.
01:40 Now, the ghostly shell of his immense palace on a hill above
01:44 the ruins of Babylon and the abandoned construction projects
01:48 stand as a ghostly reminder that God's prophecies never fail.
01:54 Well, you and I have heard some stories, Pastor Ross, about the
01:57 great lengths he went to to try to re-establish himself as the
02:03 ancient ruler of Babylon.
02:05 He had pictures of him and Nebuchadnezzar everywhere, and
02:07 he was riding in an imitation charade of Nebuchadnezzar and
02:12 tried to portray himself.
02:14 In reincarnation it wouldn't have made sense with the Islam
02:17 theology, but he was kind of fantasizing.
02:22 And he hated Israel so much that he thought, "I can disprove
02:26 the prophecy.
02:27 I'll rebuild the ancient city."
02:29 Construction stopped twice during the two Gulf wars and
02:33 then ultimately came to an end.
02:35 And I've heard that--it either just happened or will happen
02:40 soon; that UNESCO is going to declare the ruins of Babylon
02:45 a historic site so it can never be rebuilt, just going to show
02:49 that God's prophecy in Isaiah 13 it'll never be rebuilt.
02:53 It'll never be inhabited.
02:55 It could not be overthrown.
02:57 Jëan Ross: You know, it seems, Pastor Doug, when you look at
02:59 the Bible, you--sometimes the Old Testament is being described
03:02 as the story of two cities.
03:04 On the one hand you have Jerusalem representing, you
03:06 know, God's dwelling place and the truth and way of salvation,
03:11 then you got the opposite of that being Babylon.
03:13 And of course historically you had the Babylonians that
03:16 conquered and destroyed Jerusalem and took the Jews
03:18 captive, but then God's people came out of Babylon and rebuilt
03:23 the temple in Jerusalem.
03:24 So that same theme of Babylon and Jerusalem kind of follows
03:29 all the way not only in the Old Testament, but we even see some
03:32 of that in the New Testament.
03:33 In the New Testament you have got a whole chapter talking
03:36 about a woman this time, and her name is Babylon.
03:39 Doug: Yeah, Babylon is actually mentioned, I think, six times in
03:43 the book of Revelation, and chapter 17 pretty clearly
03:49 identifies who Babylon is.
03:50 It's interesting that even in the New Testament times the
03:53 apostles use the word "Babylon" to kind of refer to Rome because
03:57 the Romans were occupying Israel like the Babylonians had once
04:00 done, and--I better not say too much 'cause we've got a free
04:04 offer that's going to tell people about who is Babylon in
04:08 the book of Revelation.
04:10 Jëan: That's right.
04:11 We've got a book called "The Scarlet Woman."
04:13 And the reason we have that title it's because you read the
04:15 description in Revelation 17, this woman Babylon she's dressed
04:19 in scarlet.
04:20 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
04:22 That is the free offer for this evening called "The
04:25 Scarlet Woman."
04:26 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
04:30 You can ask for that by name, "The Scarlet Woman."
04:32 Or dial #250, say "Bible answers live," and then ask for that
04:37 free offer and we'll send you a digital download.
04:40 So two ways that you're going to be able to receive that offer,
04:43 and I hope you take advantage of it.
04:44 It's a great read.
04:46 It's an important study because part of the three angels'
04:48 messages, God's last-warning message, talks about Babylon
04:51 being fallen, being fallen.
04:53 So understanding who Babylon is, what it represents, that's
04:56 an important truth.
04:58 Doug: And yeah, it's amazing that I still run into some
05:00 Christian pastors that say, "Oh yeah, ancient Babylon is going
05:02 to be rebuilt."
05:04 They're totally missing not only the prophecy in Isaiah that said
05:06 it would not be but what Revelation is really
05:09 talking about.
05:10 So you owe it to yourself, friends, to pick up this
05:12 study guide.
05:13 You'll be blessed.
05:15 Jëan: All right, well, before we go to the phone lines, as we
05:17 always do let's start with prayer.
05:19 Dear Father, we thank You once again that we have this time to
05:21 open up Your Word and study.
05:23 And, Father, we always want to ask Your blessing upon
05:25 this program.
05:26 Wherever the people might be who are listening, we just pray,
05:28 Lord, that You'll guide them and be with us here in the studio as
05:30 we search the Scriptures to find a clearer understanding of
05:33 Bible truth.
05:35 For we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
05:37 Doug: Amen.
05:39 Jëan: We're going to go to the phone lines.
05:40 We've got Elijah listening in Arizona, and he has a question
05:43 about the judgment.
05:45 Elijah, welcome to the program.
05:47 Elijah: Yes.
05:48 My question was at the time when--if you do something and
05:53 you repent, you never do it again and ask God for
05:57 forgiveness, at the time of judgment will God show it
06:01 to everyone?
06:03 Doug: No.
06:05 If you've repented of your sins and you've asked God to forgive
06:08 you, the Bible tells us that He takes our sins and He casts them
06:12 into the depths of the sea.
06:13 I'm trying to remember that verse.
06:15 I used to know it by heart.
06:16 But if they're not repented of, you can read in Luke 12:3,
06:21 "Wherefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard
06:24 in the light, and what you've spoken in the ear in inner rooms
06:27 will be proclaimed from the housetops."
06:30 So the Lord basically says, you know, everything's going to be
06:32 made manifest and open to the eyes of whom we have to do.
06:37 But if our sins are forgiven, they're under the blood.
06:39 He buries in the depths of the sea and He doesn't remember
06:43 them anymore.
06:44 He forgives and forgets our sins, so to speak.
06:46 Jëan: Yeah, Micah chapter 7, verse 19 is
06:48 the verse you were referring to there.
06:50 All right. Thank you.
06:51 Next caller that we have is Gary, and he's got a question
06:53 related to Revelation.
06:55 Gary, welcome to the program.
06:57 Gary: Thank you.
06:59 In Revelation 8:7 it says the world went by fire and hail.
07:02 So we're seeing a lot of weather events that--have that
07:06 come true?
07:07 Are we in the--in tribulation or are we just in perilous times?
07:12 Doug: Yeah.
07:14 Well, I certainly do believe, Gary, that we are seeing
07:17 an acceleration of natural disasters.
07:19 I've actually got a chart where insurance companies--of course,
07:23 they make their money and--insuring against disasters.
07:26 There--they show that all different kinds of disasters
07:29 seem to be on the increase.
07:31 Now of course, you know, they're blaming global warming for that
07:35 and other things.
07:36 But I don't think we're in the great time of trouble 'cause
07:39 that's when the seven last plagues fall.
07:41 I think we're in a time that's leading up to what you call the
07:44 small time of trouble.
07:45 You know, Jesus said there's going to be wars, rumors of
07:47 wars, earthquakes in different places, but the end isn't yet.
07:52 And so these things accelerate like labor pains get
07:55 closer together.
07:57 Before a woman has a baby, you see greater frequency,
08:00 greater intensity.
08:02 That's where we're at now.
08:03 Jëan: You know, Luke chapter 21, verse 25, Jesus talking about
08:06 end-time events he says there'll be signs in the sun and the moon
08:09 and the stars and on the earth distress of nations
08:12 with perplexity.
08:13 And then it adds this: the sea and the waves roaring.
08:17 Kind of gives the idea of an increase of storms or increase
08:19 of, you know, weather issues.
08:21 And, yeah, as we get close to the end, it seems that we see
08:24 more of that.
08:25 All right.
08:27 Thank you, Gary.
08:28 We've got Karen in Nebraska, and she's got a question
08:29 about Melchizedek.
08:31 Karen, welcome to the program.
08:33 Karen: Hi. Thank you.
08:36 I'm studying Hebrews and I'm having a hard time
08:38 with chapter 7.
08:40 Okay, I understand it's about the priesthood and it's talking
08:44 about the order of Melchizedek and the order of Aaron and the
08:47 law and the covenant, but I thought we didn't know--even
08:50 know who Melchizedek is.
08:52 How does that fit in here in chapter 7?
08:55 Doug: I think--Paul, we believe, wrote Hebrews.
08:58 Paul is showing that he--Melchizedek, who appears in
09:03 the Old Testament, is an allegory of Christ.
09:09 You know, most of the priests came from the tribe of Aaron,
09:12 but Paul is saying there were some priests of God that didn't
09:15 come from Israel at all such as Melchizedek.
09:19 When you look in the Old Testament, it says four or five
09:21 interesting things about Melchizedek.
09:22 First of all, it doesn't say where he came from.
09:25 We know he was the king of Salem that later became known as
09:28 Jerusalem which means city of peace, and Jesus is our king of
09:34 peace of the New Jerusalem.
09:36 It says he--the word Melchizedek means king of righteousness.
09:40 Jesus is our king of righteousness.
09:42 He brought Abraham bread and wine, and Jesus made the
09:46 covenant with the bread and the wine with the disciples.
09:49 And so there's a lot of analogies of Melchizedek, who is
09:53 a king and a priest.
09:54 Jesus is our high priest and our king.
09:56 So Paul is showing that he was a type of Christ who is without
10:01 beginning or end.
10:02 There--we don't know what happened to Melchizedek.
10:04 He appears and disappears in the Bible.
10:06 We don't know his genealogy.
10:07 So that's why Paul is saying all that.
10:09 Jëan: He's also laying the foundation that Christ's
10:12 priesthood, his heavenly ministry is superior to that of
10:15 the Levitical priesthood because obviously Jesus didn't come
10:18 through the tribe of Levi.
10:19 He came through the tribe of Judah.
10:21 So someone said, "Well, how can he be a priest if he's not part
10:24 of the tribe of Levi?"
10:25 Paul is making the argument in Hebrews saying, well, he's
10:27 actually part or a symbol--Melchizedek is a symbol
10:30 or a type of Christ priesthood, which is even greater than that
10:34 of the Levitical priesthood because Abraham gave a tithe
10:37 to Melchizedek.
10:38 So that's his argument.
10:40 He's kind of portraying this high-priestly ministry of Jesus
10:42 far superior to that of the Hebrew or the
10:46 Levitical priesthood.
10:47 Doug: You got a good series on Hebrews.
10:48 I should have let you answer that.
10:50 Jëan: No, no, it's a good--you gave a good answer.
10:51 That's a great study. It really is.
10:54 All right. Thank you, Karen.
10:57 We got Glenn listening in Ohio, question about Acts chapter 2.
11:00 Glenn, welcome to the program.
11:03 Glenn: Good evening.
11:04 Thank you very much for taking my call.
11:07 Doug: Yeah.
11:08 Glenn: Now, historically Christianity is not a religion
11:09 that was practiced till about 4 centuries after the apostles.
11:15 If that's the case, what doctrine did the apostles adhere
11:18 to in Acts 2:42?
11:21 Then if the statement about the history of Christianity is not
11:25 true, when did Christianity come on the scene and where did the
11:29 name come from?
11:31 Doug: Well, it tells us they first called them Christians.
11:34 It's right in the Bible.
11:35 It--in the book of Acts, it says they first called them
11:37 Christians in Antioch.
11:39 So that's back in the days of the apostles.
11:41 So I'm not sure where you heard that the religion of
11:44 Christianity did not begin until 4 centuries after Christ.
11:48 The organized Catholic Church may not have begun until that
11:53 point, but Christianity began in the Old Testament.
11:57 Jëan: And that verse you're talking about, Pastor Doug, Acts
11:59 chapter 11, verse 26 where it says, as you mentioned, in
12:02 Antioch the believers were called Christians.
12:05 So that's kind of the origin of the name.
12:07 And of course the early church for the first 100 years, they
12:10 were taught by the apostles who were taught by Christ directly.
12:13 So the church was growing.
12:15 It was evangelistic.
12:16 They were faithful to the Word, and they--yeah, it wasn't until
12:20 the legalization of Christianity in 313 and the rise of the
12:24 papal power or Catholic Church that we begin to see some
12:28 compromise taking place where the church began to wander away
12:32 from the simple truths of the Bible.
12:33 Doug: Church was organized.
12:35 Even in Acts chapter 6, they're appointing deacons and then
12:38 they're having--Paul is appointing elders.
12:40 Jëan: And they had a council in Jerusalem.
12:42 Doug: Yeah.
12:43 So they were--they didn't maybe have a big Vatican, but they
12:46 certainly were an organized religion at that point.
12:49 Thank you.
12:50 Good question, Glenn.
12:51 Jëan: We've got Nicole listening in Michigan, and she's asking
12:53 about the Day of Atonement.
12:55 Nicole, welcome to the program.
12:58 Nicole: Hi, good evening. How are you?
13:01 Doug: Good. How are you?
13:02 Nicole: Good.
13:04 My question is, when Babylon came and destroyed Jerusalem--I
13:07 mean, the sanctuary, the ark was taken and hidden.
13:12 So when Nehemiah and Ezra went back to rebuild the city and
13:17 they started to perform the various ceremonies, mainly the
13:20 Day of Atonement, how are they keeping the Day of Atonement if
13:24 the Ark of the Covenant was not in the most holy place?
13:27 Doug: Good question.
13:29 And, you know, there's all--all I have on that is speculation
13:33 and I've never read anything definitive, but you're right.
13:37 The real ark, the original ark that was made during the time of
13:40 Moses, captured once by the Philistines, recovered--then
13:43 when Nebuchadnezzar came and besieged the city, it was hidden
13:47 somewhere and it's probably still hidden there.
13:50 No, Solomon did not give it to the Queen of Sheba as our
13:54 Ethiopian friends say 'cause it appears again later during the
13:58 time of King Josiah.
13:59 But as near as we can tell, when they rebuilt the temple they put
14:02 some facsimile of the ark in there so that the priest could
14:07 put blood on it during the Day of Atonement.
14:10 But they were hoping that God would restore to them the place
14:14 of the original ark.
14:15 So I don't think they ever made a copy of it.
14:17 At least I don't see any record of that.
14:20 But they had--they put, I think, some kind of facsimile of it
14:22 with a golden horn so they could put the blood on it.
14:24 Jëan: Right, of course, what made the Ark of the Covenant so
14:26 special was the law written by the finger of God on the tables
14:30 of stone inside the ark.
14:31 That could never be reproduced.
14:33 So they had, like you say, maybe a box of some kind or something
14:37 to kind of represent where it stood in the most holy place.
14:41 Okay, thanks, Nicole. Good question.
14:43 We got Dana listening in New York, and she's calling about
14:47 what does the Bible say about praise dancing.
14:50 Dana, welcome to the program.
14:52 Dana: Yes, hi. How are you all doing?
14:54 Doug: Doing very well. Thank you.
14:56 Dana: All right. God bless you both.
14:58 So my question is, what do you think about modern praise
15:03 dancing where some churches may have an individual or group,
15:05 mostly females dressed in a long dress of some sort, and then
15:09 they perform different bodily movements to a gospel song?
15:13 What do you think about that form of worship, and is
15:15 it biblical?
15:17 Doug: Well, you're asking, is it biblical?
15:19 There's only three or four examples of dancing.
15:23 Now, the word dance is mentioned more than three or four times,
15:25 but you've got, of course, where David danced before the ark.
15:28 That was not in the temple or on the Sabbath day.
15:30 He's bringing the ark up to the house of God.
15:33 Then you have when the women came out following a victory.
15:38 Like when David and Saul beat the Philistines the women came
15:40 out and sang songs, and that was customary that they'd go out and
15:44 greet and celebrate a victory.
15:47 When Miriam led the women after crossing the Red Sea, because of
15:50 the victory over the Egyptians they would sing.
15:52 The women only danced with women.
15:54 This is not happening in the sanctuary.
15:57 The ones who led out in praise and music in the sanctuary were
16:00 typically the Levites and the sons of Asaph, which were,
16:04 I think, Levites if I'm not mistaken.
16:06 They were the musicians.
16:08 I was reading about that this week in 1 Chronicles,
16:10 I think, 25.
16:13 But I don't see any example of women dancing or recreating
16:17 songs in the temple on the Sabbath.
16:20 Jëan: And the type of dancing, as you mentioned, Pastor Doug,
16:22 is very different even from what we see today in some churches.
16:26 Even today if you go to Israel and you go to the Wailing Wall
16:29 even on Friday evening or on the Sabbath, you'll have two groups.
16:32 You have the men on the one side.
16:34 You have the women on the other side.
16:35 And they usually form a circle and they'll sing and they'll
16:37 move around in a circle.
16:39 That's a little different than having four or five people
16:41 standing on the stage, you know, waving a banner or moving around
16:45 to music with a scarf or something.
16:47 It's total--it was a totally different type of celebration.
16:51 Doug: Yeah. Yeah.
16:53 The focus in Israel at the Wailing Wall--of course,
16:54 that's not even in the temple.
16:55 That's in the wall outside.
16:57 The focus there was really just to welcome the Sabbath, and they
17:00 usually were singing a--some kind of a biblical song.
17:04 It was a--usually repeating some biblical promise or song.
17:08 Yeah, yeah. I've seen this before.
17:10 I know just what you're talking about, and it kind of it--I just
17:14 couldn't picture that happening in the synagogue of Jesus.
17:19 Anyway, thanks.
17:21 I appreciate your question.
17:22 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Junith listening
17:25 in Nevada, and she's asking about Hagar.
17:27 Junith, welcome to the program.
17:28 Junith: Hi. Hello.
17:31 Hello, and good evening to both of you.
17:33 Thanks for taking my call.
17:34 My question is, what could have happened that Hagar and Abraham
17:41 did not have Ishmael?
17:43 Doug: Okay, well, if Ishmael was not in the picture, of course--
17:48 well, of course, if Sarah did not encourage Abraham to use
17:52 Hagar as a surrogate, I guess it was more than a surrogate, a
17:56 concubine, well then Isaac would have been born and a lot of the
18:01 problems that are in the world today between the descendants of
18:05 Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac would probably not
18:09 be happening.
18:10 If you're asking what if Hagar did not have a child, well then
18:16 again it would probably be a non-event.
18:18 Eventually, Sarah would have.
18:19 So whenever you say what if you start to speculate, and you can
18:23 go wild trying to speculate how God would have orchestrated
18:26 things because you really don't know.
18:30 People say, "What would have happened if Eve ate the fruit
18:32 and Adam didn't?"
18:34 Have you ever heard that one?
18:36 So I don't even try to answer that 'cause you'll lose
18:40 every time.
18:42 Jëan: All right. Well, thank you, Junith.
18:44 We've got Julie in South Dakota.
18:45 She's got a question about the close of probation.
18:47 Julie, welcome to the program.
18:49 Julie: Well, thank you.
18:51 I appreciate you taking my call.
18:53 I was wondering if there's a correlation between the closing
18:56 of probation with God shutting the door to Noah's ark seven
19:02 days prior to the rain.
19:03 'Cause I was thinking maybe like seven years prior to Jesus
19:08 returning that God would, you know, close the door to
19:11 salvation and we can no longer be saved during
19:14 those seven years.
19:15 Doug: Well, is there a correlation?
19:17 There is in the sense that life went on outside the ark for
19:22 a period of time even after their destiny was sealed.
19:27 I don't think the seven days of Noah re--'cause it's not
19:31 a prophecy--are representing seven years.
19:34 For one thing, can you imagine what the world would look like
19:37 after one year of the oceans and fresh water being blood and men
19:42 being scorched with great heat and people suffering with
19:45 a noisome sore?
19:46 I think the time for the seven plagues is going to be more like
19:49 the time of the ten plagues that fell on Egypt.
19:52 When you track that, it probably happened within a period of
19:55 about a month, a month and a half.
19:58 It came in quick order.
19:59 Like the plagues that fell on Job, it seemed like they came
20:02 rather quickly, lasted a few weeks, and--so I don't see the
20:06 seven last plagues when probation closes.
20:09 There's really no purpose in God allowing the world to suffer for
20:13 7 years with the righteous still here surrounded with
20:17 that misery.
20:18 There's no--they can't be lost.
20:20 There's no benefit.
20:21 No one's being converted.
20:23 Jëan: Yeah, we do have a verse on that also: Revelation
20:25 chapter 18, verse 8.
20:26 Easy verse to remember.
20:27 It's talking about the plagues.
20:29 So then we know the plagues come after probation closes.
20:31 It says, "Therefore her plagues," speaking of Babylon,
20:33 "will come in one day--death and mourning and famine.
20:37 And she shall be utterly burned with fire."
20:39 So the Bible seems to indicate that; yes, once probation closes
20:43 and the plagues begin to fall, once the plagues start falling,
20:47 it's about the period of a year.
20:49 And if you look at the makeup of the plagues, like you say, the
20:53 earth probably can't keep going much longer if all of this--you
20:57 know, the plagues are falling and, like you say, the sea is
20:59 turning to blood, the fresh water is turning to blood.
21:01 There's famine, the--intense heat, fires.
21:04 So--all right. Hopefully that helps.
21:05 Doug: Thank you.
21:07 Jëan: Next caller that we have is Wade in Minnesota.
21:09 Wade, welcome to the program.
21:11 You have a question about 2 Thessalonians.
21:14 Wade: Yeah. Thank you.
21:16 Yeah, I'm trying to figure out who the he is in 2 Thessalonians
21:21 2:7 and when that verse will be fulfilled.
21:25 Doug: Yeah, let's read this for our friends that are listening.
21:28 Speaking of, we believe, the Antichrist power, it says, "For
21:32 the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.
21:35 He who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of
21:39 the way."
21:40 So the he is capital H, the Holy Spirit is going to restrain
21:45 the work of the devil, the lawless one.
21:49 So you're wondering about the he there who does the restraining.
21:53 I believe that's the Spirit.
21:54 Is that your understanding?
21:55 Wade: Yes. Doug: Yeah.
21:57 Jëan: Yeah.
21:58 Doug: Yeah, so the Holy Spirit is restraining.
22:00 And you can read in the days of Noah, when wickedness increased
22:05 in the earth God's Spirit was restraining.
22:08 It says, "My Spirit will not always strive with men."
22:11 There'll come a day when once again the Spirit will be
22:14 withdrawn and no longer strive with people and then kind of
22:18 demons have free reign at that point, and it's going to get
22:21 pretty hairy scary on the world at that time.
22:26 Jëan: All right. Doug: Thank you.
22:28 Jëan: Next caller that we have is Ryan in New Mexico.
22:30 Ryan, welcome to the program.
22:32 Ryan: Hello. How are y'all doing today?
22:34 Doug: Doing good. Thank you for calling.
22:36 Ryan: My question is, isn't the 7-day cycle have Babylonian
22:40 roots that started from--it would be sun worship.
22:44 Doug: All right. Well, let's talk about that.
22:46 It is true the Babylonians also recognize a 7-day week.
22:49 Most of the world--well, everyone in the world recognizes
22:52 a 7-day week now.
22:54 The Babylonians, they worshiped the sun on the first day of the
22:58 week, and then Egypt also the sun was the principal god
23:03 of worship.
23:05 With the Greeks and the Romans, it was Apollo, Jupiter.
23:08 So--and that's where you get the word Sunday.
23:12 So in that sense, the Sunday part of the Babylonian worship
23:16 trickled down through other empires.
23:19 And when we were talking about Babylon earlier, not only was
23:21 there a war between Israel and Babylon but you go back to the
23:24 Tower of Babel and, you know, it--you can see two camps
23:29 actually split way back then.
23:31 But the weekly cycle begins in Genesis where God creates the
23:36 world in six days and then He creates another day as a day of
23:39 rest that we call the seventh day and the Sabbath.
23:43 That didn't come from the Babylonians, that--the Bible
23:45 tells us that goes all the way back to the beginning.
23:48 Jëan: And it's not just the sun god that was worshiped,
23:51 you know, for one day during the week.
23:53 Of course, you have Monday, which is connected with the
23:55 moon god.
23:57 And so, you know, all of these pagan traditions and cultures,
24:00 they would look to the heavens and they'd see these different
24:02 planets and they would name them a god and they would worship
24:04 them on a specific day.
24:06 But what's amazing is that they also followed a 7-day week, a
24:10 7-day cycle and there's nothing in the natural realm--you know,
24:13 it's not because the earth is spinning on its, you know, axis
24:16 or it's going around the sun or the moon.
24:18 All of--you know, you talk about years and you've got months
24:21 and you've got days.
24:23 We all--we can see something in nature, but when it comes to the
24:25 7-day week the only evidence for that or the only reason for that
24:29 is back in Genesis chapter 1.
24:31 Doug: Yeah. Absolutely.
24:33 Well, thank you. Appreciate that.
24:35 Maybe we have time for another call before our break.
24:37 Jëan: All right.
24:39 We've got James listening in Texas.
24:41 James, welcome to the program.
24:43 James: Yes, sir. Hi.
24:44 Thank you for taking my call tonight.
24:47 My question is, does God have a sin?
24:51 Like in--I've heard in Exodus chapter 20, verses 3 through 5
24:55 where it does say--or even God com--says Himself that He is
25:00 a jealous God.
25:02 But ain't jealousy a sin?
25:04 Doug: Good. Good question.
25:06 Yeah. God says, "I'm a jealous God."
25:10 And this is an emotion that is appropriate.
25:12 If a man is married, he loves his wife and he feels no
25:16 protection or possessiveness if someone is infringing on their
25:20 relationship, that is unnatural.
25:22 When God says He's a jealous God, it means He loves us and
25:25 He's not willing to share that love with another god
25:27 or an idol.
25:29 That is normal. That is healthy.
25:31 And so some people are obsessed with inappropriate jealousy.
25:35 They're just not trusting their spouse when there's no reason
25:38 for distrust.
25:39 That's inappropriate.
25:40 So we think about a person who's, you know, jealous that
25:42 someone else is prospering.
25:44 That's inappropriate.
25:45 But biblical jealousy that you would have in a love
25:49 relationship is normal and acceptable.
25:51 This is what God is talking about.
25:53 Jëan: Okay. Very good.
25:54 Well, I'm looking at the clock, Pastor Doug.
25:56 We've got 20 seconds before we're going to take a break.
25:57 Of course, the program's not over.
26:00 We just halfway through.
26:01 Doug: The best is yet to come.
26:03 Jëan: That's right. So when--stand by.
26:05 We'll be--call your friends. Tell them.
26:07 You know, we still got a half an hour to answer your Bible
26:08 questions, and we will be back in just a few moments.
26:11 We'll take a break and then answer more Bible questions.
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30:03 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:09 Doug: We are back.
30:10 Welcome, friends, again to "Bible Answers Live."
30:12 If you're tuning in along the way, we are a live,
30:15 international, interactive Bible study.
30:17 We're not only on radio stations, satellite, land-based.
30:20 We are streaming on the Amazing Facts Facebook page, the Doug
30:24 Batchelor Facebook, YouTube channel, and a number of
30:28 other outlets.
30:29 And we're just so thankful that we could be studying the Word
30:32 with you.
30:33 My name is Doug Batchelor.
30:34 Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross, and we've got Jay in Canada that
30:37 he's standing by with a question about 1 Timothy chapter 2.
30:41 Jay, welcome to the program.
30:43 Jay: Yeah.
30:44 So my question is for that verse that says, "I do not permit a
30:48 woman to teach or to have authority for--over a man.
30:52 She must remain silent."
30:54 My question is, is that just for the culture of the day or is
30:59 that still applied today maybe only in the church or just
31:02 applied today in general?
31:05 Doug: No.
31:06 I think that generally speaking in spiritual matters Paul's not
31:08 saying that, you know, in a marriage there are areas in
31:12 domestic life where women are in charge.
31:14 You know, Karen and I have a good working relationship.
31:18 There are certain things that she does and certain things that
31:21 I do, and she is the chief of certain areas.
31:25 But when it comes to being the priest of the family, spiritual
31:28 leader--and the church is an extension.
31:30 Church is a combination of families.
31:32 Men are to be--are supposed to be the spiritual leaders in
31:36 their households.
31:38 Now, in the case where a woman becomes a believer and she's
31:40 married to an unbeliever, she will need to take the lead on
31:43 teaching the children the Word.
31:45 But in a regular Christian family the man should be taking
31:50 the lead, and you only see men offering sacrifice and
31:55 fulfilling the priestly functions in the Bible.
31:58 So there is a distinction in roles.
32:00 But does that mean a woman can never speak in the church?
32:03 No.
32:05 Because we have examples in the Bible where women did speak.
32:07 But it's talking about having--teaching of
32:09 the authority.
32:10 The final authority was to rest with the men.
32:12 Jëan: Also, if you read on a little further in the chapter,
32:14 Paul talks about having all things done decently and
32:16 in order.
32:18 It appears that there were some issues that were being
32:20 addressed, especially in the church of Corinth where there
32:22 was a little bit of chaos from time to time, it seems, in the
32:25 church where people were talking over other people and there was
32:28 too much noise and perhaps the woman in the group in the church
32:32 were calling down to their men who was sitting in
32:34 a different area.
32:35 And Paul is saying, "No, let's keep reverend.
32:38 Let's do everything decent and in order.
32:40 And, you know, this is not the time to talk back and forth
32:43 during the service."
32:45 Doug: I know it probably surprises people.
32:46 You and I have traveled a lot.
32:47 We've been in churches where--in the Middle East and India the
32:51 men and women do not sit together, and the object
32:55 the--they're figuring, you know, keep your mind pure, so they
32:58 separate them.
32:59 And women in Corinth were maybe calling across the aisle, so to
33:02 speak, or up to the balcony and--asking their husbands
33:06 questions, kind of embarrassing their husbands.
33:09 And Paul said, "Talk at home.
33:10 Don't do that here."
33:12 Jëan: In other words, they were calling down to their husband.
33:14 "Did you hear that?
33:16 Are you listening?
33:17 Pay attention."
33:18 All right, next caller that we have is Amanda in Nebraska.
33:21 Amanda, welcome to the program.
33:23 Amanda: Hello.
33:25 Doug: Hi. Thanks for calling.
33:27 Amanda: Yeah, I just had a question on Leviticus 19:23
33:28 through 25.
33:30 Do you have any idea what that significance could be?
33:31 Doug: Yeah, let me read that for our friends.
33:33 "When you come into the land and you've planted all kinds of
33:36 trees for food, then you shall count their fruit
33:38 as uncircumcised.
33:39 Three years it shall be uncircumcised to you.
33:41 It shall not be eaten.
33:42 But in the fourth year all the fruit shall be holy,
33:45 a praise to the Lord.
33:46 In the fifth year you may eat its fruit and it may yield to
33:48 you its increase.
33:50 I am the Lord Your God."
33:51 That in particular or are you talking about the--I think
33:54 that's the main one you're talking about.
33:55 Is that right, Amanda?
33:57 Amanda: Yeah.
33:58 Doug: Yeah, the--I know that so--yeah, I know that may seem a
34:02 little odd, but they're actually trees that start bearing fruit.
34:08 They--just like a lot of creatures, they have a maturity
34:12 where the fruit will be, I think, the best after a few
34:16 years of bearing.
34:18 If you strip a tree too much when it's young, it also
34:21 can't--might not survive.
34:23 It's almost like it needs to grow a little bit and then
34:29 you're going to have the best fruit.
34:30 There may be a spiritual analogy to that.
34:33 Often, the first fruits belonged to the Lord when it came to
34:36 animals giving birth.
34:37 And so this may have been something where they said, you
34:40 know, "Take the fruit.
34:42 Give it to the creatures."
34:43 But it belongs to the Lord for--the first few years.
34:45 Jëan: And then actually the promise is that it'll produce
34:47 even more fruit.
34:48 And we know that if the plant has a chance to kind of--you
34:50 know, those first few years it's important.
34:53 So there's practical reasons, but also it's a recognition that
34:55 everything comes from God.
34:56 He provides food for us.
34:58 He sustains us.
34:59 So it's dual application, I think.
35:00 Dual meaning there.
35:02 Thank you, Amanda.
35:03 We've got Ellen listening in North Carolina, and she's got
35:05 a question about the second commandment.
35:07 Ellen, welcome to the program.
35:09 Ellen: Oh, hi.
35:10 Thank you so much, pastors, for taking my call.
35:12 I just have to thank you.
35:14 We--my family has learned so much from this program.
35:16 Thank you for this ministry.
35:17 The second commandment, pretty basic and I'm having trouble.
35:21 I know Jesus said, you know, "Remember me."
35:23 And he was a man.
35:25 So--and also with, you know, different teachings and even in
35:30 Sunday school for the children--or Saturday school for
35:33 the children with kids stories and pictures of Jesus, movies of
35:37 Jesus, the Ten Commandments.
35:38 Could you speak about that please in terms of what it says
35:41 in Deuteronomy and the second commandment?
35:43 Doug: Yes, it's in both Deuteronomy and in Exodus where
35:46 you find the Ten Commandments.
35:47 Let me just read it for our friends.
35:49 "You'll not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of
35:52 anything in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,
35:55 or that is in the water under the earth.
35:56 You shall not bow down yourself to them nor serve them.
36:00 For I, the Lord Your God, am a jealous God, visiting the
36:03 iniquity of the fathers on the children unto the third and
36:05 fourth generations of those that hate Me, but showing mercy and
36:08 to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments."
36:12 God did not want us making images of anything and
36:17 worshiping it.
36:19 This is not a complete or a comprehensive prohibition about
36:23 making any kind of a likeness of anything by itself.
36:27 It said do not make a likeness and bow down to it.
36:31 Proof for that would be a little later you see in the Bible where
36:35 God instructs Moses to make a bronze serpent of all things.
36:39 Jesus even refers to that.
36:40 They looked at it and they would live.
36:43 They were healed from the venom.
36:45 When Solomon built the temple, he put this great big bronze
36:48 bathtub that held the water for the priest to wash.
36:52 It wasn't for their--them to climb in.
36:55 It was on 12 oxen.
36:57 Now, they weren't to pray to the oxen, and they all knew that.
36:59 It was just ornamental.
37:01 In the sanctuary, God told them that they were to engrave angels
37:05 on the walls of the holy place and in the veil.
37:08 So God wouldn't say, "Don't do this.
37:11 Don't make any kind of a likeness of anything or you'll
37:15 be killed."
37:16 And then say, "Now don't forget to make images of cherubim on
37:20 top of the ark."
37:21 There are two angels on top of the ark.
37:23 The key is we shouldn't pray to these things.
37:25 Now, there is a risk.
37:27 You know, I think whenever we start making representations or
37:31 facsimiles or paintings or statues of Jesus some people
37:35 are, you know, like inclined to pray to those things.
37:39 They think there's some kind of a sacred relic.
37:41 During the time of Hezekiah when the people started burning
37:44 incense to the bronze serpent that somehow had survived all
37:47 those years, he said that's just a piece of brass and he crushed
37:51 it and threw it away just like Moses crushed the golden calf
37:55 and said, "Drink the water.
37:56 Don't worship these things."
37:58 So I don't know if that helps a little bit; but yeah, it's not
38:05 a sin to make a representation of something.
38:08 We need to be careful if people are--I know I'm kind of hemming
38:16 and hawing here because I sure don't want to lead anyone wrong.
38:19 I was with Karen in Russia.
38:21 It's interesting.
38:22 The Catholic Church prays to statues, but in the Orthodox
38:24 Church they pray to paintings.
38:27 And we brought as gifts to Russia paintings from the book
38:31 of Revelation 'cause we were doing a Revelation seminar.
38:34 When the pastors saw that, they kind of rolled their eyes
38:37 thinking, "What's happened to the American church?"
38:40 Because they tell their people--he said, "These folks
38:42 are going to pin that up on the wall and put a candle in front
38:45 of it and they're going to pray to this picture that you've got
38:48 from the book of Revelation."
38:49 And I thought, "Oh, man, I don't want to do anything
38:51 to make anyone stumble."
38:52 So you got to keep that in mind as well.
38:54 You know, a lot of good Christian people might have
38:56 a picture of Jesus at the Last Supper on the wall and they
38:59 don't pray to it, and it--it's not any kind of a relic, it's
39:03 a piece of art.
39:04 So there's a balance there.
39:06 But if you have any doubts, do the safe thing.
39:08 Jëan: Okay, thank you very much.
39:10 Next caller that we have is Paul in Australia, and he has
39:13 a question about John chapter 8, verse 56.
39:15 Paul, welcome to the program.
39:17 Thank you.
39:18 Thank you so much for answering my call.
39:20 My question is John chapter 8, verse 56.
39:27 Jesus said to the Jews, that is Abraham, "Your father Abraham
39:31 will see my day and rejoice."
39:34 So which mean that is Abraham in the heaven or he's not in
39:38 the heaven?
39:39 If in the heaven, why the Bible is not record it?
39:41 And if it's not in the heaven, why did Jesus say that?
39:45 Doug: Yeah, when Jesus said, "Abraham saw my day and he
39:49 rejoiced," your father Abraham rejoiced to see, that means
39:52 he rejoiced looking forward to his day.
39:54 When Abraham took his son up on the mountain and offered his
39:58 only begotten son--he didn't quite complete the offering
40:01 'cause an angel stopped him.
40:03 God, I think, revealed to Abraham, "I am going to give
40:06 My Son."
40:08 And Abraham understood that God so loved the world He would give
40:12 His Son.
40:13 He saw--Abraham then saw on Mount Moriah the day of
40:18 Christ coming.
40:19 He understood what the mission of Christ was and he rejoiced.
40:22 It doesn't mean Abraham was up in heaven looking down and
40:25 rejoicing 'cause Abraham's dead.
40:28 He's sleeping until the Resurrection.
40:31 So it says Abraham slept.
40:34 Jëan: So one might say that Abraham saw it in
40:36 vision perhaps.
40:38 God revealed to him what was yet to come.
40:41 Okay, very good. Well, thank you.
40:42 Thanks, Paul. Hopefully that helps.
40:43 We got Joseph in Florida, and Joseph is asking a question
40:47 about Matthew chapter 18.
40:49 Joseph, welcome to the program.
40:52 Joseph: Hi. Thank you for taking my call.
40:54 The question I had was when Peter had asked Jesus, "How
40:58 many times should I forgive my brother?"
41:02 and he said up to seven times thinking that that was, you
41:05 know, the limit or the ultimate, and Jesus referred no,
41:11 7 times 70.
41:13 That--was he reflecting to the 70-week prophecy, the 490-day
41:18 year prophecy of Daniel 9:24 that God had allotted to the
41:22 Jewish nation to repent?
41:25 Doug: You know, that's very perceptive because Daniel in
41:28 chapter 9 is praying, and God had been so merciful with
41:31 the nation.
41:32 He's wondering, "How long, you know, will You bear with
41:35 Your people?"
41:37 Because he--God answers and says 70 weeks are cut off for
41:40 the nation.
41:42 There would be 70 times 7, 490 years of mercy now.
41:48 And you find seven is often associated with forgiveness.
41:51 It says God cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene.
41:55 A righteous man falls seven times and rises again.
41:59 Job says, "He will deliver me in six times.
42:02 Yes, seven. No evil will befall me."
42:04 So the number seven is often associated with perfect
42:07 forgiveness, which is probably why Peter said seven times.
42:11 But Jesus said, "No, 70 times 7."
42:14 Now, God is not in heaven with a ledger that is counting how many
42:17 times you sin because all of us listening probably would have
42:21 used up our 490 times a long time ago.
42:24 He's basically saying that as long as we're willing to
42:27 genuinely repent He will forgive.
42:31 So, yeah, beautiful thought.
42:33 But I do think there's kind of an illusion there he's making.
42:36 Jëan: That's right.
42:37 Sort of there is a probationary time coming.
42:39 Forgiveness does end at some point.
42:41 All right, thank you.
42:43 We've got Chelsea in Florida.
42:44 Chelsea, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
42:48 Chelsea: Hi, good evening. How are you both?
42:50 Doug: Good.
42:52 Chelsea: So my question is, how do I explain to other Christians
42:55 of different denominational backgrounds basically the
42:58 importance of studying biblical doctrines, like the truth about
43:01 hell, the Second Coming?
43:04 And also, if they've never been exposed to like the three-angels
43:07 message and the truth and revelation--like, for example,
43:11 I guess we're setting the truth about hell fire and then like
43:15 maybe if someone says, "Well, these details don't
43:18 really matter.
43:19 It just matters if we all believe in Jesus Christ and that
43:23 he's our Savior and that's it.
43:24 We don't have to really study the details."
43:27 So how do I explain the importance of these doctrines
43:30 to them?
43:31 Doug: Well, that's a great question.
43:33 And I was exercising my mind about that just last week in
43:38 visiting with some friends.
43:41 And yeah, a lot of Christians will say, "Well, as long as we
43:45 love the Lord--" And it is true that love for God is premier,
43:48 and there are going to be Christians from many faiths
43:51 in heaven.
43:52 But understanding doctrine affects our picture of God.
43:55 For example, the unbiblical teaching that the wicked burn
44:01 through ceaseless ages for the sins of one lifetime it distorts
44:05 the picture of God and makes Him look like He's unjust and He
44:08 enjoys watching His creatures suffer.
44:10 There is a hell and there is a punishment.
44:12 People need to understand that.
44:14 But the idea that zillions of years go by and they've never
44:17 even begun burning is just a horrific thought when you think
44:21 about it, and the Bible doesn't teach that.
44:24 So understanding the truth about that doctrine actually sets
44:28 you free.
44:30 Jesus said the truth will set you free.
44:31 So I would tell people that misunderstanding the particulars
44:37 changes their ability to love God.
44:40 They can love Him more when they understand the truth.
44:43 Jëan: And then also I think it's important for us to realize that
44:46 as we near the end of time the truths that have been revealed
44:50 in Scripture and especially in prophecy are extremely important
44:53 to help us so we are not deceived.
44:56 Because the Jesus said in the last days there will be many
44:59 false prophets and many false christs and they deceive many.
45:03 So we need to test everything by the Word of God.
45:05 And so understanding these important truths will be
45:07 a safeguard to help us in the last days in particular.
45:11 For example, before Jesus came the first time, people had
45:14 different ideas.
45:15 But if you didn't understand the nature of Christ's first coming,
45:19 meaning that he was going to come as a Savior and you thought
45:21 he was going to come as a conquering king; if you
45:23 misunderstood how Christ was going to come, you very likely
45:28 would reject him.
45:29 So at the last days, you know, understanding how Jesus will
45:33 come and the scenes connected with that becomes very important
45:36 because we don't want to be set up by the devil impersonating
45:41 the Second Coming of Jesus.
45:42 Doug: Good point. Yeah.
45:43 The person of not knowing the truth about that doctrine
45:45 can set them up for a major deception.
45:48 Hope that helps.
45:49 Thank you, Chelsea. A good, good point.
45:51 Jëan: All right. We've got Jordan in Georgia.
45:54 Jordan, welcome to the program.
45:56 Jordan: I just had a question on how do I study the Bible and,
46:00 like, take notes and stuff like that.
46:02 Doug: That's--well, that's a good question.
46:04 Everyone does it a little different.
46:07 I know Karen when she's listening to a sermon she's got
46:09 a separate pad.
46:11 She takes notes and she sticks them in her Bible and her Bible
46:13 ends up being twice its original size 'cause she's inserting
46:16 papers all the time.
46:18 Some people when they're studying the Bible--I have
46:21 a color-coded--it's like a pencil that's got three or four
46:25 different colored crayons in it that I can click down and I
46:29 underline, and the different colors mean different things.
46:31 So as I'm preaching it helps me highlight.
46:34 And then I take a pencil and I write in the margin a few words.
46:38 So that helps me in my Bible study.
46:40 We use Bible software.
46:42 I use a program called Logos where I can actually make notes
46:46 in the software that will reappear later.
46:49 So I save my notes, and you can copy them and back them up so
46:52 you don't ever lose them.
46:53 And--so some people now are transferring a lot of their
46:56 study to digital notes in Bible study, and that's
47:01 actually--computers have accelerated my study ability 100
47:04 times from when I started.
47:06 Jëan: You know, I've got a whole bunch of stuff on my computer,
47:08 but the most important file that I've got on my computer are all
47:12 of the sermon notes and the study notes over the years.
47:15 I'll make sure I backed that up on the cloud because I don't
47:17 want to lose that.
47:18 I like to study, and I like to do cross reference.
47:21 I like to read commentaries on the different verses and then
47:23 kind of condense it down to central thought of what's the
47:27 takeaway from that verse, so to speak.
47:29 And then I like to keep that together.
47:30 So find something that works and it'll enhance your Bible study.
47:35 Doug: Yeah. Some people take more notes.
47:37 Some people actually use a recorder.
47:39 When I'm driving down the road I have a tape recorder,
47:42 an old-fashioned little handheld tape recorder, and I record
47:46 thoughts that come to me because I know I'll forget by the time
47:49 I get home.
47:51 Jëan: All right. Thank you.
47:52 Next caller that we have is Cindy, and she is listening
47:55 in Florida.
47:56 Cindy, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
47:58 Cindy: Thank you, pastors.
48:00 I appreciate your ministry.
48:01 I've been watching Pastor Ross on my YouTube on "Sabbath
48:07 School" on Daniel and "Pinnacles of Prophecy."
48:09 I watched doctor--doctor--Pastor Batchelor.
48:14 So my question in general is regarding Daniel and Revelation.
48:20 Why did Christ in prophecy use like animals, the rams, the
48:27 goats, the bear, the earth water, all those?
48:33 Doug: Right, the different symbols.
48:34 Well, two things.
48:36 One, he uses the symbols because most of the apocalyptic
48:40 prophecies were written while God's people were captive
48:43 with--under another nation.
48:45 You had--for instance, Babylon had occupied the Jews when
48:51 Daniel had his prophecies, and some of the prophecies talk
48:53 about the fall of Babylon.
48:55 So those sym--those things are couched in symbols.
48:58 Babylon's a lion, for example.
49:00 By the way, when they excavated Babylon, they found lions with
49:03 wings on the walls, which is what they saw in vision.
49:07 Then another thing to keep in mind is the Israelites
49:10 were shepherds.
49:12 It was a nation of shepherds to begin with.
49:15 So when it's talking about the sheep and the goat that are
49:19 fighting, those are clean animals.
49:21 Then you get to the bear, the leopard, the lion, those are
49:24 unclean animals.
49:25 There's actually meaning there as well.
49:27 So, you know, these common animals were used as symbols
49:34 and--you know, in the Bible, a lamb, of course a type
49:38 of Christ.
49:39 Water represented a multitude of people.
49:41 Stormy waters represented times of trouble.
49:44 These symbols are given other places.
49:47 Jesus said that, "I speak to you in parables that though the wise
49:50 will understand."
49:52 He wants us to dig a little bit.
49:53 Jëan: And of course some of the things that are revealed in
49:55 prophecy really have to do with kingdoms that were in power at
49:58 the time.
49:59 So, for example, if you go to the 1st century early Christian
50:03 church, there are things revealed in Bible prophecy that
50:07 probably those who were in power had they clearly understood it
50:11 it might have brought even more persecution.
50:14 So it was couched in symbolism that the wise would understand
50:17 it, those who are studying.
50:19 But those who shouldn't know about it didn't understand it,
50:22 and that was true all through the middle ages to the
50:24 dark ages.
50:26 Doug: Okay. Hope that helps a little.
50:29 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is--let's see.
50:30 We've got Janet in California. Janet, welcome to the program.
50:34 Janet: Hi, yeah, my question is,
50:36 so, if you're saved and when you die you go to
50:40 heaven and--when people die, a lot of people say that, "Okay,
50:43 they're in heaven now and they're with other loved ones
50:46 or friends," or whatever.
50:47 And in the Bible when it talks about Jesus going back for his
50:50 people, it says how the dead will go and then the living.
50:55 So where are you really when you're dead?
50:57 Doug: Yeah. Well, you're very perceptive.
51:00 It's--a lot of misunderstandings about this.
51:02 You know, you read that passage in 2 Corinthians where it says
51:04 "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
51:07 And for a believer, your next conscious thought when you die
51:12 is the Resurrection, but it hasn't happened yet.
51:15 So the dead are not up there now roaming around looking
51:17 down on us.
51:19 The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes chapter 9,
51:22 the living know they'll die.
51:23 The dead don't know anything.
51:25 David says in Psalms the dead do not praise the Lord.
51:29 Hezekiah repeats something similar.
51:31 The--Jesus said, "Our friend Lazarus is asleep."
51:35 So when a person dies, they are sleeping a dreamless sleep with
51:39 no consciousness of time.
51:41 So for them the next conscious thought if they're saved is the
51:45 Second Coming.
51:47 The trumpet blows. They come out of the graves.
51:49 Right now they are resting in peace.
51:51 That's why you get that on the tombstones that used to say
51:54 R-I-P, RIP, resting in peace.
51:56 So until the Resurrection, the Judgment hasn't happened yet.
52:00 So for the Lord to take people and put them in heaven or hell
52:03 before the Resurrection and before the Judgment and then
52:06 pull them out again to judge them wouldn't make any sense.
52:09 What confuses people is they forget that God lives outside
52:13 of time.
52:14 For us in this world, the Resurrection hasn't happened.
52:17 People are asleep.
52:18 The Bible says those that are in their graves will hear his voice
52:22 and come forth.
52:23 Where are they?
52:25 They're in their graves until the Resurrection.
52:27 So we have a study guide.
52:28 We can send a free copy of that to Janet and anyone who wants to
52:32 know about that subject.
52:33 Jëan: Yeah, just call the number 800-835-6747 and you can ask for
52:38 the study guide.
52:40 It's called "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
52:41 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
52:44 That's 800-835-6747.
52:47 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone, say Bible answers
52:50 live, ask for the study guide "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
52:53 And we can send it to you digitally.
52:56 So you'll be able to read it right along.
52:58 We also have a website called that's filled
53:01 with a lot of great studies and resources and sermons.
53:04 So take a look at that.
53:06 All right. Thank you.
53:07 Do we have Patty on the line, Patty in Idaho?
53:12 Patty: Hi. Hi, pastors.
53:15 Doug: Hi. How are you?
53:17 Patty: Good. Good.
53:19 I have a question.
53:20 I think I'm really trying to gain some better understanding
53:21 of God's character, my question.
53:24 But Revelation 7--or 1:7 says, "He is coming with the clouds.
53:28 Every eye will see him, even those who pierced him."
53:32 And so my question is, is it--I guess I operate under the idea
53:36 that those who pierced him are not saved.
53:38 So they should be a part of the second resurrection after
53:41 the Millennium.
53:42 But he does a special--or what seems to me a special
53:45 resurrection for those.
53:47 Which I know God's character is perfect, but me as a human when
53:51 I read this I can't help but think it's boastful.
53:55 Doug: Yeah.
53:56 Well, I do believe that when the Lord comes there is
54:00 a special resurrection.
54:01 Jesus said at his trial to the high priest, "Hereafter, you
54:05 will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of glory on the
54:07 right hand of power."
54:09 So there will be some who are raised that actually see that,
54:13 and it's like a special resurrection.
54:15 It's an exception.
54:17 Jëan: But it's also just in response to the demand.
54:19 They wanted evidence.
54:20 They said, "Are you the Christ?"
54:22 And they kept pushing him.
54:23 And finally Jesus said, "Well, if you want evidence,
54:25 you'll get it.
54:26 You'll see me coming in the clouds of glory."
54:27 Doug: Yes. Absolutely.
54:31 You know, Pastor Ross, we don't have time to run another
54:33 question before we take our break.
54:35 Some people may not know that we take the break in
54:38 two sections here.
54:39 We have some who are listening on satellite radio and they sign
54:43 off on a different clock than those who are on
54:44 land-based stations.
54:46 For those who are on the land-based stations, if you stay
54:49 by we're going to take a few moments and go through some
54:51 rapid fire Bible questions that come in on the internet.
54:55 And if you have those questions, we're going to tell you how to
54:58 send them in in just a moment.
55:00 For the rest of you, God bless.
55:02 If you've not made your decision to make Jesus Lord of your life,
55:05 do that now.
55:06 We'll be back.
55:11 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:13 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:17 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:21 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:27 Jëan: Hello, friends.
55:28 Welcome back to "Bible Answers Live," those of you who are able
55:30 to stay by for our email questions.
55:32 If you'd like to send us a question via email, the email
55:35 address is just simply
55:43 Pastor Doug, first question tonight, "Why do we wear shoes
55:46 in church if being in the presence of God is on
55:49 holy ground?"
55:50 Doug: Well, there are a few exceptions in the Bible when it
55:53 tells us that God told Joshua and He told Moses, "Take your
55:57 shoes off.
55:59 You're on holy ground."
56:00 They were in the physical presence of the Christ and God's
56:05 glory at that time.
56:08 It doesn't tell us that the Levites were to take their shoes
56:11 off when they went into the temple, and, you know, they were
56:14 ministering for the Lord.
56:15 So the high priest may have done that when he went in on the
56:18 holy days, on the--what do you call it?
56:20 The Day of Atonement.
56:21 But I think on day to day they were, you know, busy butchering
56:25 animals and stuff.
56:26 Some countries do.
56:27 If that's the custom for respect, I'd say do whatever
56:30 they do.
56:31 You and I were at a church in India that had over 100,000
56:35 members and several services.
56:37 They all took off their shoes before they came in.
56:40 It was really--and they managed--most of them got their
56:41 shoes back after the service.
56:44 So I'd say whatever--do whatever is respectful.
56:46 Jëan: Okay, another question that we have, "Can you explain
56:49 the rapture of the church?"
56:51 Doug: Yeah, well, the--God is not going to rapture the church
56:55 separately from when He raptures the saints.
56:58 Some people think that from Revelation chapter 4 on is--the
57:03 church goes to heaven when it says, "I saw a door open
57:05 in heaven."
57:07 I respectfully disagree.
57:08 I don't think that's what is happening there in Revelation
57:10 chapter 4.
57:11 Several things in Revelation, after chapter 4,
57:13 describe the church in the world.
57:15 It's not just talking about Israel.
57:17 And so the idea that the church is going to be raptured and
57:21 saved from tribulation, that's a pleasant thought.
57:24 But my Bible says he that endures to the end will be saved
57:28 and that God's people are going to be saved through tribulation,
57:32 not from tribulation.
57:34 And I think we even have a book on that.
57:35 If they read "Anything But Secret."
57:37 You can ask for a free copy of "Anything But Secret," and that
57:41 will explain that subject.
57:42 Jëan: All right, last question.
57:44 "Do you think Judas Iscariot would have been forgiven if he
57:46 repented after the Resurrection?"
57:49 Doug: Well, of course he killed himself before the Resurrection.
57:51 But I think if he had sincerely repented, Jesus would have
57:55 forgived him.
57:56 But he had grieved away the Holy Spirit
57:58 there in the Upper Room.
57:59 He kind of had his last chance when Jesus offered to wash his
58:02 feet, and the Bible says that Satan entered him.
58:05 He went out, and it was night.
58:07 Friends, don't let that happen to you.
58:09 And God willing we're going to be studying His Word
58:11 again next week.
58:12 Keep Jesus first in your life, and we'll get together.
58:15 And go to
58:19 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate answers
58:23 to your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-06-12