Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202408S

00:03 male announcer: It is the best selling book in history, no
00:06 volume ever written has been more loved and quoted, and its
00:10 words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious should
00:14 always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:34 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from "Amazing Facts International,"
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hi friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:53 Antibiotics like penicillin are chemicals effective at killing
00:57 or stopping the growth of a microscopic disease
01:00 causing bacteria.
01:02 Ironically, history's greatest miracle drug was discovered
01:06 quite by accident.
01:08 In 1928, Alexander Fleming, Scottish physician and
01:11 microbiologist, returned from vacation to his messy laboratory
01:15 at St. Mary's Hospital in London and he noticed something odd.
01:19 He left some plates with bacteria cultures on a bench in
01:23 the corner.
01:24 On examination, he noticed one of them was growing mold.
01:28 Fleming observed that the bacteria nearest to the mold
01:31 growing was dying.
01:33 Something in the mold was killing the bacteria.
01:37 Fleming discovered the mold was penicillium, one of the top
01:40 three most common airborne fungi.
01:43 It took years before his discovery was refined by others,
01:46 tested, and manufactured on a mass scale.
01:49 Before penicillin, the number one killers in the world were
01:53 things like tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhea, scarlet
01:56 fever, meningitis, infections from wounds or even surgery.
02:01 Penicillin's ability to cure people of what were once fatal
02:04 bacterial infections has saved over 200 million lives.
02:09 It's easy to understand why it's called a miracle drug.
02:13 You know, it tells us, Pastor Ross, in the Bible that there is
02:16 a substance infinitely more powerful than the
02:19 strongest antibiotics.
02:21 Jëan Ross: That's correct, Pastor Doug.
02:23 It is something that can not only cure sickness, but more
02:26 importantly, the sickness of sin and to eternal death.
02:31 And of course, we're talking about the blood of Christ,
02:33 the cross.
02:35 Doug: Amen.
02:36 You can read a couple of scriptures here.
02:37 Hebrews 9, verse 14.
02:39 "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the
02:42 eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse
02:46 your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
02:50 And then there's another powerful verse in Ephesians 1:7.
02:53 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the
02:57 forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace."
03:02 I remember, Pastor Ross, when I first started looking into the
03:05 Christian religion.
03:06 I thought, it's kind of gory.
03:08 They talked about power in the blood and saved by the blood and
03:11 washed by the blood.
03:13 And I thought, this is a bloody religion.
03:15 And--but then I came to understand that, you know, the
03:18 Bible says the life is in the blood and Christ, in giving His
03:21 blood, He gave his life, and we are washed by His life and we
03:26 are healed and empowered by His life and His sacrifice of
03:29 His life.
03:30 And so, in a sense, He gives us a transfusion of His purity to
03:37 heal us from our disease.
03:38 So, in that sense, the blood of Christ washes away our sin.
03:43 And maybe there's some people listening out there that think,
03:46 I need healing, I need salvation and forgiveness for my sins, and
03:52 I think I could use a dose of that cure.
03:55 We have a free offer that talks about that.
03:57 Jëan: We do.
03:58 The book is entitled, "The High Cost of the Cross," and we'll be
04:00 happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
04:02 That's our free offer this evening, so take advantage
04:04 of it.
04:06 All you need to do is just call the number 800-835-6747, you can
04:10 ask for offer number 156 or just ask for it by name, "The High
04:14 Cost of the Cross."
04:15 It explains the gospel and shares good news.
04:18 If you'd like to get a digital version of the book, just dial
04:21 pound 250 with your smartphone.
04:24 Again, just say, "Bible Answers Live," and then say, "High Cost
04:27 of the Cross."
04:28 That's pound 250 with your phone and ask for that free gift.
04:32 You know, Pastor Doug, probably one of the most important truths
04:35 that we find in scripture centers on the cross, centers on
04:39 that sacrificial death of Jesus and, just, such an
04:42 important truth.
04:43 Well, before we go to the phone lines, we always like to start
04:45 with prayer, and so let's do that now.
04:47 Dear Lord, we thank You for this time once again when we can open
04:50 up the Bible and study together.
04:51 This is Your book.
04:52 Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit to come and guide us,
04:54 that same Spirit that inspired the prophets many years ago, we
04:58 ask that that Spirit would guide our hearts and our minds, be
05:01 with those who are listening wherever they might be, in
05:03 Jesus's name, amen.
05:05 Doug: Amen.
05:06 Jëan: Well, our first caller this evening, we've got Jerry
05:08 listening in Texas.
05:09 Jerry, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
05:12 Jerry: Good evening, gentlemen.
05:14 I have a question in my Bible readings this morning and refers
05:19 to Numbers 24 and the interactions between Balak
05:24 and Balaam.
05:25 I don't know if it was in a--maybe an insert from an
05:29 inspired writer, but I thought--I understood that Balak
05:34 used sorcery in a couple of his attempts.
05:38 Can you explain that to me?
05:40 Doug: Yeah, well, you have two characters that are mentioned
05:42 here in the book of Numbers 24 and Balaam was a prophet of God.
05:48 Now, keep in mind, there were some Old Testament prophets.
05:52 They knew the Lord and the Lord spoke to them and they weren't
05:54 necessarily Jews.
05:56 You know, Noah is technically a prophet and he was not a Jew.
06:00 So, in Mesopotamia there was someone who worshiped the true
06:02 God, his name was Balaam, but while he started out good, he
06:07 ended up going bad.
06:09 Well, he was known to the other kings as a man that God
06:12 spoke through.
06:13 And so, Balak, knowing that God was with Israel--Balak was the
06:16 king of the Moabites.
06:18 He thought, look, if I can't defeat them with natural means,
06:22 I'm going to fight fire with fire.
06:24 They've got God with them and maybe I can get a prophet of God
06:28 to curse them.
06:29 That was his reasoning.
06:30 And so, he--you know, they were used to, back then, paying
06:33 psychics and sorcerers to try to cast spells, and they told
06:38 Balaam, "Will you come cast a spell or curse Israel?"
06:41 And he said, "No, God's blessed them, I can't."
06:43 They kept offering him more and more money and he got tempted.
06:46 He wanted the honor and the money they were offering.
06:49 So, he said, "Well, I have to see what the Lord says, but I'll
06:51 go if you, you know, if you insist."
06:53 And so, every time he opens his mouth to try to curse Israel,
06:58 blessings come out.
06:59 In fact, one of the blessings of Balaam is where it said, "A star
07:04 will rise out of Jacob," and it's probably the wise men in
07:06 Mesopotamia where Balaam was from that were reading that when
07:10 they came searching for the Christ child.
07:13 So--but Balaam was not using sorcery.
07:15 Balak, the king of the Moabites, was hoping that he would use
07:19 some kind of witchcraft or sorcery to curse them.
07:22 So, hopefully, that helps a little bit, Jerry.
07:24 It's a very interesting story where the donkey ends up talking
07:27 to the prophet.
07:29 Jëan: All right, thank you.
07:31 The next caller that we have is Isaiah listening in Texas.
07:33 Isaiah, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
07:35 Isaiah: Yes, hello.
07:36 Thank you, pastors, for both taking my call.
07:38 I appreciate it.
07:40 Doug: And your question.
07:42 Isaiah: Yes.
07:43 Yes, sir.
07:45 My question is referring to Acts 26:24.
07:48 It's referring over to when Paul was feeling beside himself.
07:54 And I guess with all the learning, it was driving
07:58 him insane.
07:59 Could you please elaborate on that?
08:01 Doug: Paul is making his defense before Festus, who is one of the
08:07 Roman rulers that is going to decide whether or not to set him
08:10 free or to punish him or to send him to Rome.
08:13 And as Paul is talking to him about Jesus and the Resurrection
08:18 Festus says, "Paul, you're beside yourself!"
08:20 Beside yourself is a term that's used to mean you've lost
08:23 your mind.
08:25 And he's saying, "You're beside yourself!
08:27 Much learning has driven you mad!"
08:29 Paul was very educated and he said, "You spend too much time
08:31 reading the prophecies and you're getting caught up in it
08:34 and you're not balanced.
08:36 You've gone mad."
08:37 So, while Paul was not beside himself and he was not crazy,
08:41 and though he was very wise, and so he goes on to say in verse
08:46 25, "I am not mad, most noble Festus, but I'm speaking the
08:51 words of truth and reason.
08:53 For the king, before whom I also speak," and he's talking there
08:57 to Agrippa.
08:58 He said, "He knows the words that I say are true."
09:01 So, there's a couple of rulers that are listening to him and
09:06 one of--when he talks about the Resurrection, he says,
09:08 "You're crazy."
09:09 Jëan: You know, if you look at that same passage, there is a
09:11 cross reference where, Paul now, in 1 Corinthians chapter 1,
09:14 verse 21, speaking of Christ and Him crucified, he said, "To the
09:18 Jew, it's a stumbling block and to the Greeks it's foolishness."
09:22 So, you can understand how here you have this Roman governor who
09:26 talks about, or hears about, the Resurrection, he says,
09:28 "That's craziness.
09:30 You're out of your mind."
09:31 Paul said, "Well, to the unbeliever it's foolishness, but
09:33 to those of us who are saved, it's eternal life," you know,
09:36 "it's wonderful promise."
09:38 Doug: Good point.
09:39 Jëan: So, okay, thank you, Isaiah.
09:40 We've got Joan listening in Australia.
09:42 Joan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
09:45 Joan: Hello, thank you for taking my call.
09:47 My question tonight is where in the Bible does it say we screen
09:54 or vote people to be members in or out of the church?
09:57 Doug: Well, I don't think you'll find the word vote.
10:02 The teaching that people need to be clear before they're added,
10:08 you know, before baptism, Philip asked--I'm sorry, the Ethiopian
10:12 treasurer asked Philip, and I think this is Acts chapter 8, he
10:15 said, "What prevents me from being baptized?"
10:18 And he said, "Well, if you believe with all your heart,"
10:20 that's the one thing, is you got to believe to be part of
10:22 the church.
10:24 You need to be willing to obey God's commandments.
10:27 In Matthew chapter 28 Jesus said, "Go therefore, teach all
10:30 nations," or certain teaching.
10:32 Teaching what?
10:34 He says, "Teaching them to observe all things that I've
10:35 commanded you."
10:36 So, a person should not be part of the church or be baptized if
10:39 they don't believe the commandments of God.
10:41 And then Paul later says that if someone, and Jesus says it also
10:45 in Matthew 18, if someone will not listen to the authority of
10:49 the church, then they should be put out and treated like
10:52 an infidel.
10:54 I think he says a "publican."
10:55 Paul talks in 1 Corinthians 7 about a man that was sleeping
10:58 with his stepmother and he said, "You need to put that man out."
11:01 He was, you know, clearly bringing shame on the cause.
11:05 And so, there's a criteria.
11:07 And then when they were baptized in Acts chapter 2, it says,
11:10 "They were added to the church," and the term they're added
11:13 means, like, brought within the fold, they're becoming part
11:16 of something.
11:17 So you see, there's a criteria for coming in and for going out
11:22 and it's believing the teachings of Jesus.
11:25 Does that make sense, Joan?
11:27 Joan: Thank you.
11:29 Doug: All right, thanks so much.
11:30 Appreciate your question.
11:32 Jëan: All right, we've got Britney listening in California.
11:33 Britney, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
11:35 Britney: Hey, hey.
11:37 Doug: Hi, how are you doing, Britney?
11:40 Britney: Oh, pretty good.
11:42 Doug: And what's your question tonight?
11:45 Britney: Yeah, my question is, should a Christian celebrate
11:49 Cesar Chavez Day?
11:51 Doug: Well, you know, there's--there are some people
11:55 that are notable in society, you know, there's Martin Luther
11:59 King's Day, they've got President's Day, that is
12:02 actually honoring both Washington and Lincoln.
12:05 So, when you say celebrate, you know, there's no religious
12:09 celebration going on on any of those days.
12:13 People might want to, you know, enjoy and commemorate their
12:17 achievements, but, you know, there's no mandate in the Bible
12:24 to celebrate, I guess, anybody but Jesus.
12:27 Matter of fact, we don't even really have a command to
12:29 remember Christmas.
12:31 That's more of a tradition than a command.
12:33 So, yeah, nothing in the Bible says to celebrate Cesar
12:38 Chavez Day.
12:39 So, hey, thanks Britney.
12:41 I hope that helps.
12:42 Jëan: We've got Deborah in Canada, Deborah, welcome to
12:43 "Bible Answers Live."
12:45 Deborah: Hi, pastors.
12:46 How are you doing?
12:48 Doug: Great.
12:49 Thanks for calling.
12:50 Deborah: Good.
12:52 I have a question about the raven.
12:53 The bird, the raven.
12:54 I know Noah, in Genesis 8:7, let it out of the ark.
12:59 It was the first bird to be let out.
13:01 And in Kings--1 Kings, the raven was--the ravens were used to
13:07 feed Elijah.
13:08 I was just wondering if there was any significance as to why
13:13 God would choose, what we know in the Mosaic Law, as an
13:17 unclean bird.
13:18 Doug: Yeah, that is interesting.
13:19 I think that the reason that the Lord chose the raven is, first
13:25 of all, Elijah and Noah were not told to eat ravens.
13:29 The ravens are probably--they're in the corvid family and they're
13:33 the smartest--one of the smartest birds.
13:36 I think their intelligence is, they say, even above a dog.
13:39 They know how to use tools.
13:41 They live a long time.
13:43 They grieve when another raven dies.
13:46 And they can actually--some ravens can learn to mimic
13:49 certain sounds like, you know, parrots do.
13:53 So, they're extremely bright birds and I think God guided
13:58 them into the palace of Ahab to take food from Ahab and bring it
14:02 to Elijah.
14:03 I can't prove that, but it's fun to think.
14:06 So, yeah.
14:08 And they're--what do you call it?
14:09 Ravens are kind of omnivores, so they could bring
14:11 almost anything.
14:13 Yeah, it's not like a hummingbird, it's just going to
14:15 get nectar.
14:16 Jëan: And it's a big bird, so it can carry.
14:17 Doug: Yeah, that's true.
14:19 Jëan: All right, thank you, Deborah.
14:21 Good point.
14:22 We've got Gary in Illinois.
14:23 Gary, welcome to the program.
14:25 Gary: Thank you.
14:26 Are we entering the first trumpet judgment, you know,
14:28 considering the recent extreme weather like wildfires in Texas
14:33 and hail storms?
14:34 I get this from Revelation 8:7.
14:37 Doug: Yeah, I don't know, Pastor Ross, you want to--?
14:40 Jëan: I can read the verse.
14:41 It says, "And the first angel sounded: and there was hail,
14:42 followed with--mingled with blood," and it says, "they were
14:45 thrown to the earth, and a third of the trees were burnt up, and
14:48 the green grass was burnt up."
14:50 Of course, the book of Revelation is a prophetic book
14:53 and it's filled with symbols, right, from the very beginning
14:55 of the book all the way to the end.
14:57 You talk about horses galloping across the sky and you've got a
15:00 red horse and a white horse and a black horse and a pale horse
15:03 and a lot of symbolisms that you find in the book--.
15:06 Doug: Dragon with seven heads, you don't see that every day.
15:08 Jëan: Yeah, that's right, and beasts coming up from the sea
15:09 and the earth and--so, yeah, this is part of the trumpets and
15:12 the trumpets kind of go through the history from the time of
15:16 Christ all the way through until our time.
15:18 And the fifth trumpet, it's got--talking about trees being
15:21 burnt up and green grass being burnt up.
15:23 In the Bible, trees are often associated with people and green
15:26 grass would be a symbol for people, once again, or large
15:30 groups of people.
15:32 It's really talking about a judgment that was to come upon
15:34 those part of the Roman Empire that had persecuted
15:38 the Christians.
15:40 There was attacks from the various barbarian tribes that
15:42 entered the land.
15:44 You also have the Muslim tribes, or the Muslim movement, under
15:47 the Ottoman Empire and the Turks that were coming in, entering
15:50 into Europe.
15:52 So, that had a broader historical application with
15:55 reference to this fifth trumpet, not so much a
15:57 literal application.
15:59 Although, you know, the Bible does speak about the earth
16:01 getting old like a garment and it talks about the sea and the
16:04 waves roaring as signs connected with the coming of Christ or
16:07 close to the coming of Christ.
16:08 And yes, there are changes in our environment and I think
16:12 there are signs.
16:13 Bible speaks of earthquakes in divers places, so there are
16:16 things happening in the natural world that are warning signs as
16:19 to the imminent coming of Christ.
16:22 Doug: Yeah, and, of course, it tells us in Revelation that God
16:26 will destroy those that destroy the earth.
16:29 And you can just see that the fires and everything that's
16:34 happening, a lot of them are man made.
16:35 Jëan: And of course, things are a little different nowadays.
16:37 You know, back 100, 200 years ago, these forest fires would
16:41 burn almost all summer long in the mountains here in California
16:45 and they would burn out a lot of the underbrush.
16:47 Whereas, you know--.
16:48 Doug: The trees were big and they'd survive.
16:50 Jëan: Yeah, we're putting fires out and so it's only increasing
16:52 the vegetation that can burn.
16:54 It's dry, and so, yeah, things have changed.
16:57 The environment has changed.
16:58 Doug: All right, well, thank you.
17:00 Appreciate that, Gary.
17:01 Jëan: We've got Glenn listening in Ohio.
17:02 Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
17:04 Glenn: Thanks again for taking my call.
17:07 You know, when God spoke to Noah in the 11th chapter of Genesis,
17:11 He told him to get busy and replenish the earth.
17:15 And all translations agree with that replenishing of the earth,
17:19 but when you go to Genesis 1:28 where Yahweh is speaking to Adam
17:24 and Eve, He tells them also, according to the King James
17:28 translation, to replenish the earth.
17:31 I see that as either a blemish in the King James Version of the
17:34 Bible or something else that needs to be talked about.
17:37 Can you help me?
17:38 Doug: Yeah, well, when God tells him to fill the--the word I've
17:42 got, and I'm reading the New King James, He said that "they
17:46 should fill the earth."
17:48 And you know, God told Adam and Eve, "I want you to populate
17:52 the earth."
17:53 Originally, they were in the garden, after sin they were
17:55 evicted from the garden.
17:57 Are you thinking that there was maybe a population before Adam
18:01 and Eve that needed to be replaced?
18:04 Glenn: I think that might be worth the consideration because
18:07 it's the only translation that talks about Adam and Eve, the
18:11 replenishing the earth.
18:14 Doug: Yeah, well, I think, like I said, this translation--and by
18:19 the way, there--the King James translation, while it is
18:22 wonderful, is not perfect.
18:25 It was done by men.
18:26 They were not angels that translated the King James Bible.
18:30 And there are a couple of places where they maybe didn't have the
18:32 best choice of words or there's some inconsistency.
18:35 This is a place where I think that the word "be fruitful and
18:38 fill the earth" is more appropriate because there's
18:40 nothing in the Genesis record that says that there was a
18:44 civilization before Adam and Eve that needed to be replaced.
18:47 It's--goes sequentially from the days of Creation to Adam's
18:51 creation to Eve to the Fall.
18:54 There's no other scenario of some other race that was wiped
18:59 out that needed to be replaced, that you can squeeze in there.
19:02 Jëan: Sin, the consequence of sin, is death and we know,
19:05 according to the Bible, that sin started with Adam and Eve.
19:09 Doug: There's no death before that.
19:10 Jëan: Yeah, if they were the ones to replenish the earth,
19:12 meaning they were to replace a population beforehand that had
19:14 died, how would they have died if there had been no sin?
19:18 So.
19:19 Doug: Good point.
19:20 Jëan: And if you look at the other translations, it says, "Be
19:22 fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it."
19:25 So, I think that's a better translation there.
19:27 Next caller that we have is Henry, listening in New York.
19:29 Henry, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
19:31 My question is, if you go to heaven and your name is written
19:35 in the book of life, do you have to take communion before you get
19:39 into heaven?
19:40 Doug: Well, it--you know, Jesus does say in the, I think it's
19:43 both the Gospel of Matthew, it's repeated in 2 Corinthians, that
19:48 the Lord's Supper, celebrating the--and the Lord's Supper was
19:53 like an extension of the Passover.
19:54 The Passover was, you know, this angel of judgment passes over
19:58 because of the blood of the Lamb.
19:59 Well, when Jesus comes, He knows He is the Passover Lamb, and He
20:03 said, "Except you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no
20:06 life in you," John chapter 6-- So, that's talking about--it's a
20:11 symbol for accepting the life of Jesus and that His blood would
20:15 cleanse us from sin and the teachings of the New Testament,
20:18 the new covenant, that's what the grape juice is a symbol of.
20:22 So, a believer should want to participate, first of all, in
20:27 being part of a church family and communion.
20:29 Now, in our church sometimes we've got some seniors
20:32 that--well, I guess every church you have some people that are
20:34 shut ins, they can't make it.
20:36 And when we have communion, we have elders and pastors that'll
20:38 go and take it to their home and--so that they
20:41 can participate.
20:43 But it--there's only a couple of sacred ordinances that Jesus
20:45 left the church and one of them is baptism.
20:49 Of course, you got marriage, baptism, and you've got the
20:52 communion service.
20:54 So, it's certainly--it's a ratification of our faith that
21:00 should be repeated whenever the church comes together in
21:03 that capacity.
21:05 Jëan: Okay, thank you.
21:06 Doug: Do you have to know it?
21:07 Do you have to do that to go to heaven?
21:09 There'll be people in heaven that maybe didn't have an
21:10 opportunity, for sure.
21:12 But why a believer would not want to is a concern.
21:16 Jëan: Okay, all right.
21:17 We got Lloyd in Arkansas.
21:18 Lloyd, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
21:20 Lloyd: Hello, thank you for having me on and to answer
21:24 my question.
21:26 My question is, is God protecting Satan?
21:30 And if so, what is He protecting him from?
21:34 Doug: Well, when you say is God protecting Satan, Satan is
21:37 living under an impending judgment and Satan is also--he
21:43 is restricted in what he can access.
21:45 The Bible tells us in Revelation 12 that Satan was cast down to
21:50 the earth.
21:51 So, the devil's rebellion against God has been limited to
21:54 our planet.
21:55 And so, as far as God protecting him, well, God gives all of His
22:00 creatures life and people that choose to turn away from God,
22:05 their initial life comes from God.
22:07 He doesn't--God does not exterminate somebody as soon as
22:10 they say, "I don't love You anymore."
22:12 Otherwise, we'd see half the--more than half the
22:15 population would expire right away.
22:17 So, people are sustained by God, He's the one who gives grace to
22:21 the people that even curse Him.
22:24 They couldn't live or take another breath or have another
22:26 heartbeat without God.
22:27 So, in that sense, the devil is still sustained by the initial
22:30 life God gave him, but the devil is not being protected by God.
22:34 I don't think he needs much protection as far as--he's the
22:38 highest of the angels.
22:39 There's no other angel that's harassing him in that way.
22:43 So, I don't know.
22:45 Hopefully I'm answering your question, Lloyd.
22:47 Lloyd: Pastor, thank you very much.
22:48 Doug: All right, thanks so much.
22:50 You take care.
22:51 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Efrank in
22:53 New York.
22:55 Efrank, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
22:56 Efrank: Good evening, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
22:59 I have a question in regards to the Bible about an issue that
23:05 has to do with how you believe in Jesus on certain occasions.
23:12 There's this South African woman who told me that the way Jesus
23:17 revealed Himself during the persecution of Herod in Africa,
23:22 that she has the right to celebrate and display a
23:25 understanding of her symbolic adherence to what Jesus did
23:32 in Namur.
23:33 Now, I have always believed in the--what Jesus preached
23:37 in Galilee.
23:39 And I just want to know, Pastor Doug, in the Bible, does it say
23:43 that we have to wear any type of apparel or indicative symbols
23:50 indicating that we're Christians and we believe in God and the
23:54 Bible that way?
23:55 Because in the Bible it says that it's harder for a rich man
23:58 to enter the kingdom of God than someone who is poor.
24:02 Doug: Yeah.
24:04 All right, so is there any criteria on what we should or
24:06 shouldn't wear given in the Bible?
24:08 You know, God does not order us to wear a particular costume.
24:12 Now, when the priests--in the Old Testament, there was a
24:15 certain apparel that the priests would wear.
24:17 Of course, the purpose of the Old Testament temple has
24:20 been fulfilled.
24:22 When Christ died on the cross, the veil was rent, Jesus said,
24:25 "Your house has left you desolate," and so the Aaronic
24:30 priesthood right now does not exist in that they're not
24:33 sacrificing lambs.
24:34 So, there's no uniform.
24:36 There are principles that God gives in His Word for every
24:38 believer and those principles have to do with
24:41 neatness, modesty.
24:45 The Bible tells us that, you know, we should not be wearing,
24:48 and this is men and women, should not be adorned with the
24:51 outward adorning of gold and apparel and costly ra--.
24:56 And Paul talks about, you know, women wearing pearls and having
25:00 elaborate hairdos.
25:02 You know, God's people shouldn't dress so frumpy that we attract
25:07 attentions because of our being out of date, but we also
25:11 shouldn't try and be impressing people with our money by the
25:14 clothes we wear.
25:15 There should be humility in that.
25:18 Neat, clean, modest, those are the principles that God shares.
25:21 We got a book on that, by the way, on--"Jewelry: How Much is
25:25 Too Much?"
25:26 A person can get when they call the resource line.
25:29 Jëan: The number to call is 800-835-6747.
25:32 You can ask for that book.
25:33 It's called, "Jewelry: How Much is Too Much?"
25:36 And we'll be happy to send it to anyone in Canada or the US.
25:39 So, call and ask.
25:40 Doug: All right, friends.
25:41 We're getting ready for our half time break, so we want to
25:45 encourage you to pay attention to these important messages that
25:48 are coming.
25:49 We'll be back taking more Bible questions in just a few moments.
25:55 male announcer: Stay tuned.
25:57 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:03 Diamond Garcia: Hi, my name is Diamond Garcia and I'm from the
26:05 beautiful islands of Hawaii.
26:07 I was raised in a very dysfunctional family, like
26:11 most families.
26:12 Being in that environment, I would lie, cheat, steal, rob
26:16 houses, cheat in school and tests, and lying to teachers and
26:21 getting into fights and all kinds of stuff.
26:24 One day, I was asked to take this little box of something and
26:28 I had to walk down the road and give it to someone and they
26:31 would give me money and I would walk back home, and I later
26:33 realized I was dealing drugs.
26:37 Growing up in that environment, I thought that, you know, being
26:40 an adult was a life of drinking and smoking and partying, and
26:43 that's just what adults did.
26:47 When I looked at my family and saw the road that they were
26:49 going down, getting arrested, getting beaten up, coming home
26:53 drunk and puking all over the floor, I just didn't want that
26:57 for myself.
26:59 Growing up, I had a grandma who was baptized as a Christian in
27:03 her 20s, but then she wasn't a real practicing Christian.
27:06 And so, one day I was at her house and there was a box of
27:09 various books and I went to the bottom of that box and found a
27:12 book called, "The Great Controversy."
27:15 And I picked it up and I said, "This is interesting," and I
27:17 opened to the first page of that book and it said, "If thou hadst
27:21 known," I had no clue what it meant.
27:24 And so I said, "You know what, forget this."
27:27 I put the book down, I just walked away, did my thing.
27:29 But then something told me, "You know, Diamond, go back to
27:32 that book."
27:33 And so I went back to the book, picked it up, went to the last
27:36 two chapters and I read it.
27:39 And I said to my grandmother, I said, "What church is this from?
27:42 I want to go to that church."
27:44 So, she brought me down to the local church and then I walk in
27:47 from the back door and the piano is off key, people are off key.
27:51 It's like, man, this is really, kind of, I don't want to
27:54 be here.
27:56 And I got to the front of the church and I sat down, I was
27:58 listening to the sermon, and the whole service, it was so boring
28:01 to me.
28:02 But then someone gives me this set of DVDs and it was called,
28:06 "The Prophecy Code."
28:09 It was through watching Doug Batchelor explain the truths
28:12 found in the Bible that really brought me to Christ and brought
28:15 me to realize that you know what, there is a life better
28:18 than my family's life.
28:21 My second week at church on Sabbath there was one
28:24 person there.
28:25 He basically told me, "Hey, Diamond, do you want to make
28:27 some money?"
28:29 And I said, "Sure."
28:30 I said, "What do you do?"
28:31 He says, "Well, I'm a call porter.
28:33 We go door to door and we sell Christian books."
28:35 I said, "Oh, okay.
28:36 Well, that sounds interesting.
28:38 I do want to make some money, too."
28:39 And so he said, "Okay, well, why don't you come with me?"
28:42 We drove out to the neighborhood, parked the car,
28:45 and that night was just raining, it was pouring and pouring.
28:48 It could not stop raining.
28:50 He prayed, he said, "God, this is Diamond's first night.
28:53 If it's Your will, stop the rain so we can go knocking on doors."
28:56 And as soon as he said, "Amen," the rain just stopped.
28:59 I was just thinking in my head, is this guy a prophet or what?
29:03 I mean, he just prayed and asked God and it happened.
29:07 And so, I was so happy, I grabbed the books and I went to
29:10 the first door, and the first door I went to the person gave
29:12 me $50.
29:14 That night was actually a big night for me because it was
29:16 where I saw God's power work in stopping the rain and people
29:21 actually giving me lots of money.
29:23 I then became a call porter, or a canvasser, and I saved money
29:26 to pay for my way through academy.
29:28 And when my church began to see how God was using me, they
29:32 immediately recognized that it was God's Spirit moving, and
29:35 they put me, you know, preaching and teaching and sharing
29:37 my faith.
29:39 And I've been engaged in ministry for the past six to
29:41 seven years now and God has taken me all over the world on
29:43 multiple continents, sharing my testimony, how God has brought
29:46 me out of darkness into His marvelous light.
29:50 It's a total contrast as to how it was before.
29:52 And now, you know, it's a total contrast.
29:56 My name is Diamond and Amazing Facts has helped to change
29:59 my life.
30:01 ♪♪♪
30:08 male announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where
30:11 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
30:15 plan to save you.
30:16 So, what are you waiting for?
30:18 Get practical answers about The Good Book for a better
30:21 life today.
30:25 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
30:28 If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the
30:31 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m.
30:35 and 8 p.m.
30:36 Pacific Time.
30:37 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
30:40 evening's program call, 800-835-6747.
30:45 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:50 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:56 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible
30:58 Answers Live."
30:59 And if you have tuned in somewhere along the way, this is
31:02 as the title hints, a live international Interactive
31:06 Bible study.
31:07 You can give us a call.
31:08 Call if you have a Bible question, the number
31:10 is 800-GODSAYS.
31:12 That's 800-463-7297 with your Bible questions.
31:17 My name is Doug Batchelor.
31:20 Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross and we have a number of folks who
31:22 are standing by with their Bible question.
31:24 But, Pastor Doug, before we go to the phone lines, we want to
31:26 remind you of our free offer for--that we have, talks about
31:29 the cross.
31:30 It's called, "The High Cost of the Cross," and we want to send
31:32 that to anyone who calls and asks.
31:33 The number is 800-835-6747.
31:37 You can ask for, "The High Cost of the Cross," just offer
31:39 number 156.
31:41 You can also receive a digital download of that book by simply
31:44 dialing pound 250 on your smartphone.
31:47 Say, "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for, "The High Cost of
31:50 the Cross," and we'll be able to send you a digital copy of
31:52 the book.
31:54 You can read it, you can share it with somebody else.
31:56 We're going to go back to the phone lines.
31:57 We've got Preston listening in Texas and he's got a question
32:00 about watching Christian programs.
32:02 Preston, welcome to the program.
32:04 Preston: Hello.
32:06 Doug: Hi, thanks for calling.
32:08 Preston: Yes, so my question was, is it wrong for Christians
32:12 to watch Christian programs like "The Chosen," the TV show,
32:16 "The Chosen?"
32:18 Doug: All right, well, I'm a little biased if you ask about
32:21 watching Christian programs because we're producing one at
32:24 this very moment.
32:26 So, there's no sin in taking in spiritual material, whether
32:31 you're reading or whether you're watching or listening.
32:34 TV is just one of the mediums that communicates.
32:37 And so, that's a very powerful medium.
32:40 At the same time, you want to, you know, have a filter about
32:43 what you do and don't watch.
32:45 There are some Christian programs out there that I don't
32:48 watch they're, you know, these pastors, quite frankly, that
32:51 they--they're doing this prosperity gospel.
32:53 I think it's extortion of a type, spiritual extortion.
32:57 And--you notice, we don't spend a lot of time begging for money
33:01 on this program and promising people fame and fortune and
33:04 health and wealth if they do.
33:05 So, I--there's some things I won't watch because I just think
33:08 they're so unbiblical.
33:09 There's some good ministries and ministers out there.
33:11 I don't expect them to agree with me in every point.
33:14 And they, they've got a lot of great material and so you kind
33:18 of eat the melon and you spit out the seeds.
33:20 And they probably feel that way about me.
33:23 Now, when you're talking about The Chosen--and I've only seen
33:26 it, to be honest, a few excerpts.
33:28 I've found, in my own experience, Pastor Ross may have
33:31 some thoughts on this, that when Hollywood tries to recreate
33:35 Jesus or biblical stories, they almost never can get close to
33:40 the real thing or it's always distorted in one way or
33:43 the other.
33:45 I have some good things come out of that.
33:46 Well, I'm sure there are people that haven't thought about the
33:48 life and teachings of Jesus that watch this and you could point
33:51 to some good things.
33:54 I--but personally, I think that there's a danger when we start
33:59 getting our information about Christ and His ministry, from
34:02 what I've known, someone told me I should watch it.
34:04 I watched a little bit and I saw right away they were
34:08 embellishing the story with things that were not in the
34:11 Bible, which is always suspect.
34:14 But, you know, I'm not here to condemn.
34:17 I commend people that are trying to communicate the gospel.
34:21 I don't know, that's a rambling answer, but--any thoughts?
34:24 You want to ramble?
34:26 Jëan: You know, Pastor Doug, it, you know, it's--.
34:27 Doug: You'll go out on a limb with me?
34:28 Jëan: Well, I think they actually say that they're not
34:31 trying to be perfectly faithful to, you know, what the
34:34 Bible says.
34:36 They do take liberties to kind of add in and, you know, there's
34:40 some extra stories added, extra personalities added, that's not
34:44 in the gospel account and--on the one hand, you got to be
34:48 careful because, you know, the Bible talks about a really true
34:52 story, something that really happened.
34:53 When you read about the gospel, you read about Christ, you read
34:55 about the apostles.
34:57 That's history, that's real.
34:59 You don't want to create the scene where that almost becomes
35:03 more of a novel type scenario.
35:05 So, yeah.
35:06 I agree, Pastor, we got to be careful.
35:08 Doug: You start embellishing on the truth and people can get
35:11 distracted by the embellishment and miss the main point, so.
35:16 Jëan: All right, thank you, Preston.
35:17 Doug: A verse in the Bible, Philippians 4, verse 8.
35:19 "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true," and he goes on
35:22 to say, "dwell on these things," yeah.
35:25 Doug: Okay, next caller that we have is Sandra listening in
35:27 Pennsylvania and she's got a question about Joshua and the
35:31 angel that you read about in Zachariah 3, Sandra, welcome to
35:34 the program.
35:36 Sandra: Hi, good evening.
35:37 Thank you for taking my call.
35:39 Doug: Evening.
35:40 Sandra: Hi there.
35:41 So, the other day--recently, I heard a sermon in regards to
35:45 Zechariah chapter 3--Wonderful sermon and--but I was a little
35:50 confused as to who Joshua is and who the angel of the Lord is
35:57 because I always thought that Joshua represents Christ and
36:01 that also the angel of the Lord also represents
36:04 Christ pre-incarnate.
36:07 So, I was just trying to figure out, you know, who's represented
36:11 in that chapter.
36:12 Doug: All right, good.
36:14 Well, in Zechariah chapter 3, there's a vision that says, "He
36:16 showed me Joshua," this is verse 1, "the high priest standing
36:20 before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right
36:23 hand to oppose," or that word is to accuse, "him."
36:26 You go to Revelation chapter 12, it calls Satan the accuser of
36:29 the brethren.
36:30 And in the book of Job, there's the devil accusing Job
36:33 before God.
36:34 And the devil is our accuser and Christ is our defense attorney.
36:38 So, the angel of the Lord is the one that rebukes the devil
36:41 in Zechariah.
36:43 Now, there really was a high priest in Israel during
36:45 Zachariah's time and his name was Joshua.
36:48 It's interesting, the name Joshua is the name Jesus
36:51 in Hebrew.
36:52 It's actually Yeshua.
36:53 And you've got Joshua who led the children of Israel into the
36:56 Promised Land, he's like our general and our judge.
37:02 And then you got Joshua the high priest that led the children of
37:05 Israel from Babylon back to the Promised Land.
37:07 So, they're both types of Christ and the priest would bear the
37:10 sins of the people.
37:12 So, Joshua's got these dirty clothes because of the sins of
37:14 the people and the devil's accusing.
37:16 And in the story, his filthy clothes are taken away by the
37:20 angel of the Lord and he's given clean garments, and it's a
37:24 symbol of the cleansing from sin.
37:26 So, you're pretty close from what you said, Sandra, to having
37:30 the right interpretation.
37:32 I'm not sure what you may have heard someone else say, but
37:35 yeah, this is a story about the plan of salvation and tells us
37:39 that the angel of the Lord stood by and he said, "Now," you can
37:43 read in verse 6, "Now, if you'll walk in my ways," this is after
37:46 his filthy garments were taken away, "if you'll walk in my
37:49 ways, and if you will keep my command, then you will judge my
37:52 house, likewise have charge of my courts; and I will give you
37:55 places to walk among those who stand here."
37:58 In other words, you'll be here in heaven.
38:00 So, it's a wonderful promise.
38:02 Jëan: So, in this parable, or in this chapter, in this vision,
38:05 Joshua would represent the people and the angel of the Lord
38:07 would represent Christ.
38:09 But like you said, there's almost a dual application
38:11 because, yes, our High Priest is Jesus, but in this context,
38:15 Joshua represents the people.
38:17 Okay, very good, thank you.
38:18 Good question, Sandra.
38:19 We got Charlie listening in Arizona and he has a question
38:22 about Exodus chapter 20, verse 10.
38:25 Charlie, welcome to the program.
38:26 Charlie: Hi guys, how are you this evening?
38:28 Doug: Good.
38:30 How can we help you?
38:31 Charlie: Exodus 20, verse 10.
38:34 It says that God created everything in six days and you
38:41 have to rest on the Sabbath.
38:43 And He starts listing, "You, your son, your daughter, your
38:47 man servant, your female servant, your cattle,
38:50 everything," but there's no mention of a wife.
38:53 Doug: Well, yeah, I think that husbands and wives are included
38:57 in the admonition.
38:59 When God gives the Ten Commandments, it tells us that
39:02 the men and women washed their clothes, husbands and wives, and
39:05 they came before the Lord and they heard the Lord saying these
39:08 words audibly.
39:09 So, the command is not just given to the man.
39:11 The commandment is given to the parents.
39:14 That's why later it says, "Honor your father and your mother."
39:17 And so, I think it's understood that, yeah, people are to rest
39:23 from their regular labor.
39:24 There is a verse earlier where it says, "Bake what you're going
39:28 to bake and boil what you're going to boil," and ostensibly,
39:31 you know, the women were doing a lot of the cooking back then and
39:34 they were to be resting.
39:36 They were to get that work done ahead of time.
39:37 So, the command's all encompassing, I think, for
39:39 the family.
39:41 The stranger, the cattle, everybody was to rest.
39:43 Jëan: And it does appear that, you know, when it specifically
39:46 mentions the list, like you say, your son, your daughter, your
39:49 servants, a male servant, female servant, your cattle, the
39:53 strangers within your gates.
39:54 It's people under your control, those who you can direct, and
40:01 definitely that would include all of the members of
40:03 the family.
40:04 Doug: Well, he's got a point.
40:05 It's hard to direct your wife, though.
40:07 Jëan: Well, yeah, maybe--.
40:09 Doug: I retract that last statement.
40:12 Jëan: But it would include everyone in your household is
40:15 the idea behind that.
40:16 All right, thank you, Charlie.
40:17 We've got Giovanni listening from Idaho and he's got a
40:21 question from Deuteronomy 3:3.
40:24 Giovanni, welcome to the program.
40:26 Giovanni: Hi there pastors.
40:27 How are you this evening?
40:28 Doug: Hey.
40:30 Great, thank you.
40:31 Giovanni: Awesome, so my question is actually in regards
40:34 to Deuteronomy 23:3 and it's about David and how he is king,
40:43 and I was just kind of wondering how he's king when Ruth is
40:46 a Moabite?
40:48 Doug: Right.
40:49 Let me read this for our friends that are listening.
40:50 The Moabites had attacked the Israelites and gave them a
40:53 hard time.
40:54 And so, there was a curse pronounced on them, and you can
40:57 read in Deuteronomy 23:3, "An Ammonite or a Moabites shall not
41:02 enter the assembly of the Lord; even to the tenth generation
41:05 none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the Lord
41:08 forever because they did not meet you with bread or water on
41:11 the road when you came out of Egypt, because they hired
41:14 against you Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of Mesopotamia,
41:17 to curse you."
41:19 And yet, Ruth, and it has not been ten generations from when
41:23 this was given, no, I don't think it had been.
41:26 Yeah, I can almost trace the genealogy from--Boaz was the son
41:31 of Salmon who the--maybe one of the spies of Joshua.
41:35 So, yeah, it wasn't ten generations yet.
41:37 And yes, she was a Moabite and then she is the grandmother, or
41:42 the great-grandmother, of David.
41:45 So--and she was allowed into the congregation.
41:49 The command does not eclipse an earlier command that if someone
41:54 converted to the God of the Israelites that they
41:59 were welcome.
42:00 And so, Ruth, she said, "Your God is my God."
42:03 So, she converted and they had that law that is saying you
42:08 could be friends with the Moabites, up until they did
42:10 this, they could have stayed Moabites but--and you could do
42:14 business with them, but after they tried to curse Israel,
42:17 there was a curse pronounced for ten generations.
42:20 How long would that be, 40 times 10, 400 years?
42:24 Jëan: Okay, thank you.
42:25 Good question.
42:27 Let's see.
42:28 We've got Regina listening in Oregon.
42:30 Regina, welcome to the program.
42:33 Regina: Hi. Thank you.
42:35 Doug: Thank you.
42:37 Regina: I--So, I do have a question.
42:38 Actually, I've been asking this question myself, but I did not
42:41 know how to answer.
42:43 And someone asking me, in Genesa--when God create
42:49 Lucifer, because He did create the Lucifer, when Lucifer choose
42:53 to do the wrong, where did he know the--that wrong?
42:56 Where is the wrong coming from, you know?
42:59 How do--because God create only the right things, love
43:02 and everything.
43:04 Everything was perfect.
43:05 Where--how would you--okay, I'm sorry.
43:08 How did he know to pick the wrong?
43:10 You know what I mean?
43:12 Doug: Yeah, I think I know what you mean, Regina.
43:13 Yeah, of course, God made everything good.
43:16 The Bible tells us in James, "Every good and perfect gift
43:19 comes from God."
43:20 And Jesus said, "God is good and God does not tempt, neither is
43:25 He tempted."
43:26 God cannot do anything bad because He is perfect and
43:30 He's good.
43:32 So, God made good creatures, but He made them with--they're built
43:36 with a risky freedom and that freedom to love is given to all
43:41 of His intelligent creatures.
43:42 And Lucifer was given the same freedom to love, but in order to
43:46 love, you've got to have the ability to choose to not love.
43:49 God can't make you with forced love built in.
43:52 It ceases to be love if you can't choose it.
43:54 You become a robot.
43:56 So, Lucifer was given this.
43:58 He chose to love himself more than God and it's--he just kept
44:03 nurturing that and it probably went from an early inclination,
44:06 he knew something was wrong, but he kept cherishing this
44:09 self-love until he, pretty soon, he put himself on the throne and
44:13 he wanted to destroy God and he became ruled by selfishness.
44:18 God is love.
44:20 Satan, in a word, is selfish and it's all about his pride and
44:25 his selfishness.
44:26 So, yeah, God made him perfect.
44:29 He made him free.
44:30 He chose to love himself more and he became corrupt
44:33 through it.
44:35 Jëan: And we got a study guide.
44:36 It's called, "Did God Create the Devil?"
44:37 and it answers all of these questions.
44:39 It's a good, great study and we want to encourage anyone who
44:42 wants to learn more about this, just call and ask.
44:44 The number is 800-835-6747.
44:47 You can ask for the study guide, it's called, "Did God Create
44:49 the Devil?"
44:51 You can also dial pound 250 on your smartphone and say, "Bible
44:54 Answers Live," and then ask for that study guide, "Did God
44:57 Create the Devil?"
44:58 We'll send it to you.
45:00 Study it and you'll be blessed.
45:01 Next caller that we have is Eric and he's listening in Colorado
45:03 and he has a question about spirits.
45:05 Eric, welcome to the program.
45:07 Eric: Hi, thank you for taking my call.
45:09 Doug: Yes.
45:11 Eric: I see and hear spirits.
45:12 Does this mean that I'm lost?
45:15 Doug: You hear and see spirits?
45:18 Well, it means the devil is probably trying to get you.
45:21 Of course, he's trying to get everybody, but, you know, I
45:25 think there are some godly people in the Bible that they
45:29 saw spirits, that the devil was trying to spook them.
45:33 And so, because the devil's trying to harass you or frighten
45:35 you does not automatically mean you're lost.
45:39 It means that the devil's trying to distract you or confuse you
45:42 or frighten you.
45:45 Whether you are saved or lost is something that you and the Lord
45:48 only know.
45:49 If you've come to Jesus and surrendered your life to Jesus,
45:53 then keep your eyes fixed on Him.
45:56 If the devil comes around, in the name of the Lord rebuke the
45:59 devil, do not give him ground.
46:01 If there's something in your life that's opening the door to
46:04 the devil--you know, I've got a friend that was seeing all kinds
46:07 of spooks and demons and they spend all their time watching
46:09 scary movies, these diabolical movies.
46:12 And I thought, well, no wonder.
46:13 You're watching ghost movies and you're kind of opening the door
46:17 to the devil.
46:18 So, close any avenues in your life where you're creating a
46:22 bridge for the devil to come in and haunt or tempt or frighten
46:26 you, and reconsecrate your life to the Lord every day.
46:31 Paul said, "I die daily."
46:33 That means you got to be born again every day.
46:35 Jëan: Okay, great, thank you.
46:37 We've got Corette listening from Connecticut and Corette has a
46:41 question about working on Sabbath.
46:43 Corette: Yes.
46:45 Jëan: Corette, welcome to the program.
46:46 Corette: Good evening, pastors.
46:47 Doug: Evening.
46:49 Corette: Yes, I was asking, when is it okay to work on
46:51 the Sabbath?
46:52 Doug: Well, there are obviously Christian hospitals that have
46:58 people they care for, you know.
46:59 Jesus said, "It's better to do good on the Sabbath day."
47:02 And so, if you're ministering to somebody who's struggling with
47:05 some dire sickness, then that's appropriate.
47:08 You know, I know Dentists that they love the Lord, but they'll
47:11 get a call from someone that's in agony from a toothache,
47:14 they'll--on the Sabbath day, they'll open their shop, usually
47:17 free of charge, and they'll go and either help them right then
47:20 or at least help them with some temporary relief where they can
47:22 do major surgery or whatever they need later.
47:25 I don't know of any dentist that will say, "Let me adjust your
47:28 braces," because that's kind of an elective thing that you can
47:31 schedule another day.
47:32 But when someone's in pain or suffering, if someone's in the
47:34 hospital, they need doctors, nurses, and people to care
47:37 for them.
47:39 My wife is a physical therapist and she hasn't worked in a
47:43 hospital for years, but when she did, some people had surgery on
47:47 Friday and they needed to have physical therapy immediately the
47:50 next day.
47:51 And so, she would work and she would not keep that pay.
47:53 She just donated to the Lord.
47:56 So, there are emergency situations, you know.
47:58 If you're a fireman, you should try to schedule your
48:01 Sabbath free.
48:03 Let someone else be on duty then so you can rest, but if there's
48:06 a forest fire, you hop in your truck and you go save people.
48:09 So, even the Jews, when they're attacked on their Sabbath day,
48:14 the soldiers can't say, "Well, we'll start defending the
48:16 country when the sun goes down."
48:18 So, there are emergency situations, but they should be
48:21 the rare exception and not the rule.
48:24 Does that make sense, Corette?
48:26 Corette: Yes, it does.
48:27 Doug: All right, thank you so much.
48:29 Appreciate it.
48:30 Thanks for your question.
48:31 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Larry listening
48:33 in Michigan.
48:34 Larry, welcome to the program.
48:36 Larry: Hi.
48:38 Doug: Hi, Larry.
48:39 Thanks for calling.
48:40 Larry: Yeah, I got a question.
48:43 How does a person know--because I know in Matthew Jesus was
48:47 talking about those who speak against the Spirit, you know,
48:51 the unpardonable sin, but how does the person really know if
48:54 they committed it?
48:56 Because sometimes I wonder, but yet I feel guilty about a lot of
49:01 things, so I'm a little confused.
49:04 And when I ask for forgiveness, I sometimes, like, is that real?
49:10 I got questions about that.
49:13 So, I'd just like to know about the--I just hope I didn't, like,
49:19 push the Holy Spirit away for that, you know.
49:22 Doug: Well, you know, every time we sin we may grieve the Holy
49:25 Spirit, but that does not mean you grieved it away where
49:28 it's unforgivable.
49:30 So, the very fact you're calling means the Holy Spirit is
49:34 striving in your heart.
49:36 So, I would not be worried that you've committed the
49:38 unpardonable sin.
49:40 I would be concerned--God wants you to have peace and the Lord
49:43 wants you to believe that He will forgive your sins and that
49:46 He'll give you power to live a new life.
49:49 You know, Christ doesn't ask us to do anything without giving us
49:51 the power to do it.
49:53 When God says, "Repent, come to Me, I'll give you a rest," you
49:57 turn from your sins, you confess your sins and He says, "I'll
50:00 give you peace and rest and victory and a new life."
50:03 You believe that and you're going to have peace and you'll
50:07 have evidence in your life that God is working in your life and
50:09 that will confirm the promises of God, also.
50:12 Jëan: You know, we have a book, Pastor Doug, it's called, "What
50:14 Is the Unpardonable Sin?"
50:16 And we encourage you to take a look at that.
50:18 I think you'll enjoy it.
50:19 The number to call is 800-835-6747 and just ask
50:24 for it.
50:25 It's called, "What Is the Unpardonable Sin?"
50:27 We'll mail it to you or you can just dial pound 250 on your cell
50:30 phone, say, "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for the book
50:33 by name, "What Is the Unpardonable Sin?"
50:35 We got Joyce in Florida.
50:37 Joyce, welcome to the program.
50:39 We have just a few moments, but you have a question about the
50:42 punishment of the wicked.
50:44 Joyce: Yes, praise the Lord.
50:45 I love your program.
50:48 Yes, I would like to know, will there be degrees of punishment
50:55 in hell?
50:56 And if so, where is that located in the Bible?
51:00 Doug: Well, I'm looking it up for you right now.
51:02 Yes, there will be differences.
51:05 S-T-R-I-P--oh, I added an extra letter in there.
51:07 Hang on here.
51:08 I'm typing something in my computer.
51:11 I just can't spell.
51:12 Jëan: Luke 12:48?
51:13 Doug: You found it.
51:15 Jëan: Is that the one?
51:16 Doug: You beat me well.
51:17 No, I'm looking at Luke 12--yeah, 47:48.
51:19 It says, "That servant who knew his master's will, and did not
51:21 prepare himself or do according to his will, he will beaten
51:24 with--be beaten with many stripes," and then it also says
51:28 that, "those that did not know their master's will are beaten
51:31 with few stripes."
51:32 So, stripes are when they used to whip a person, that would
51:35 leave stripes on their back, and that was whipping, really.
51:38 And so, Jesus is basically saying those who were guilty for
51:42 much suffer more than those who were less accountable and did
51:46 not know.
51:48 So, yes, there are varying degrees of reward, and so there
51:54 are varying degrees of punishment.
51:57 Jesus says in one of the last verses in the Bible, "Behold, I
52:00 come; my reward is with me, to give to every man according to
52:03 his works."
52:04 So, Adolf Hitler is going to suffer more than people of
52:09 lesser crimes.
52:11 So, hopefully that helps.
52:13 Are you with us, Joyce?
52:15 Does that make sense?
52:16 Joyce: Keep up the enlightenment.
52:17 Doug: All right, you're welcome.
52:19 God bless and we thank you for your call.
52:22 Pastor Ross, we have time for one more quick one?
52:24 Jëan: All right, we've got Ron listening in, let's
52:27 see, Alabama.
52:28 Ron, welcome to the program.
52:30 Ron: Yes, good evening.
52:32 Thank you for taking my call.
52:33 My question has to do with Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and
52:38 Leah, mentioned in Genesis 34.
52:40 Could she somehow represent the church?
52:43 You know how you have literal Israel and the tribe, the
52:47 children of Israel?
52:48 Then you have spiritual Israel.
52:51 Could Dinah represent the spiritual body of the church,
52:56 being one of Jacob's, you know, descendants?
52:59 Doug: Yeah, I think you're on to something.
53:01 And the story that Ron is referring to is found there in
53:04 Genesis 34 where Dinah, the only daughter listed of Jacob's
53:08 children, everyone else was a son, that when they were living
53:11 near Shechem, she went out to visit the other ladies of the
53:14 land and maybe do some shopping, and young man took her and, I
53:19 don't think he raped her, but he took advantage of her and he
53:23 said he wanted to marry her, he loved her.
53:25 But that's kind of what the pagans had done to
53:29 the Israelites.
53:31 Through intermarriage they kind of lost their purity.
53:33 And so, there is an analogy there.
53:35 Very perceptive, Ron.
53:37 I've never actually preached on that, but just as I was
53:39 listening to you talk, I think there's more there under
53:41 the surface.
53:43 And you never hear that Dinah got married again and it doesn't
53:46 really tell about her having a family after that.
53:48 So, it changed the course of her life.
53:52 Listening friends, you know, in just a moment, we're going to
53:54 sign off and say farewell to those listening on
53:56 satellite radio.
53:58 And then, those of you who are listening on land based
54:01 stations, we always stay on for a few more minutes to do rapid
54:05 fire Bible questions that come in via the internet.
54:09 So, you can email us questions.
54:10 Some people have questions but they say, "Oh, I'm afraid to get
54:13 on the air."
54:15 Well, you can email your questions, we'll take a few of
54:16 them at the end of each program, and you'll see the number there
54:19 on the screen.
54:20 The email address is
54:26 But before we say farewell to the audience at large, you know,
54:29 we do these programs because we want to share the good news.
54:33 And that good news is that God sent His son into the world to
54:38 take the punishment for all the sins of the world and He wants
54:41 you to be in His kingdom.
54:43 He desperately wants you to be saved.
54:45 But we need to make a decision to say, "Lord, I'm not doing a
54:49 very good job running my life.
54:50 I'm willing to surrender my life to You.
54:53 I believe You have a plan for me.
54:54 I would like to be forgiven of my sins."
54:57 It's our prayer that everybody listening will do that even
55:00 right now.
55:02 Make that decision then go and sign up for the "Amazing Facts"
55:04 Bible study course at
55:08 We'll be back for the others.
55:12 male announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:14 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:18 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:22 a faith based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:28 Jëan: Hello, friends, and welcome back again to our email
55:31 Bible questions.
55:33 Pastor Doug, we've got a few great questions this evening.
55:35 And of course, if you'd like to send us an email Bible question,
55:38 it's BALquestions@amazing
55:42 "Genesis chapter 6, verse 6 says that God repented, but Numbers
55:45 23:19 says that God does not repent.
55:48 How do we explain this?"
55:51 Doug: Yeah, well, I think that different things are being
55:53 meant here.
55:55 When it says in Genesis 6 that God repented, it's talking about
55:57 when sin was in the world, it grieved God in His heart and He
56:02 was sorry, not sorry because He had sinned, but He was sorry
56:06 that He'd made man--His plan for the paradise and man to have
56:10 this happiness and man made in His creatures, sin.
56:14 And the devil had totally interrupted that and there was
56:17 just misery on the planet and violence.
56:19 And so, that grieved God at His heart.
56:20 That's different from God saying, "Oops, I made a
56:24 mistake," and repenting in that respect.
56:28 God knows everything, nothing surprises Him, and God doesn't
56:33 repent for sin because He does not sin.
56:35 He's pure and perfect.
56:37 Jëan: Okay, next question that we have is, "I believe
56:39 Christians are discouraged to drink alcohol, but why does God
56:42 ask for an alcoholic beverage in Numbers 28, verse 7 as part of
56:47 the sacrifices?"
56:48 Doug: Yeah, when it talks about the drink offering, it's not
56:50 talking about an alcoholic drink.
56:52 They would offer grape juice.
56:54 And even Christ at the Last Supper, He made it clear that
56:58 the grape juice that He was offering the disciples was
57:01 not fermented.
57:02 He said, "In the kingdom you'll drink this with Me new," and
57:07 that's in Matthew 26, I believe.
57:10 So, we also have a book called, "Alcohol and the Christian,"
57:13 that'll answer that question if you want a free copy.
57:15 Jëan: Again, that number is 800-835-6747.
57:19 Just ask for it, it's called, "Alcohol and the Christian."
57:21 All right, next question.
57:23 "Why is it that Jesus lost His ability to be omnipresent,
57:26 although He still is omnipotent and omniscient now that He's
57:30 in heaven?"
57:32 Doug: Yeah, well, Jesus is omnipresent in the sense that He
57:35 said wherever the Holy Spirit is, He is.
57:37 He said--everybody listening right now, when we accept Him,
57:40 He says, "I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
57:43 So, while Christ took on human form in His body, through His
57:47 omniscience, His all knowing, He can be everywhere all at
57:51 one time.
57:52 But you just think about the incredible sacrifice that He
57:54 made in that He will forever be married to the human family
57:58 because of His love for us and the sacrifice that He made.
58:02 So, that's a wonderful thing to consider.
58:04 And friends, we look forward to studying with you more in the
58:09 coming weeks.
58:10 So, just make sure and go to and study and
58:15 continue to listen to "Bible Answers Live."
58:19 male announcer: "Bible Answers Live."
58:20 Honest and accurate answers
58:22 to your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-06-18