Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202409S

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted;
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an Amazing Fact?
00:53 Redwood trees in California hold the records for both the tallest
00:58 and the largest trees in the world.
01:00 One coastal redwood is 380 feet tall.
01:04 And the General Sherman Sequoia near Yosemite contains
01:08 an incredible 52,500 cubic feet.
01:12 Because of heavy logging, redwoods are now classified
01:15 as endangered.
01:16 Sadly, 95% of California's original old growth redwoods
01:21 are gone.
01:22 Yet at the same time, they were being cut down in California,
01:26 they were taking root in another land.
01:28 Because they are naturally resistant to rot and fire,
01:31 Sequoia Redwoods were first imported to the UK as seeds and
01:35 seedlings in 1853.
01:37 At the time, the trees became a symbol of wealth and power in
01:41 the Victoria era Britain.
01:43 Redwoods were increasingly used to line the roads and
01:46 landscape parks.
01:47 The trees seemed to thrive in the rainy climate and the fad
01:51 continued for 100 years.
01:53 Now, the giant redwood trees that are endangered in
01:56 California are thriving in the UK.
01:58 A survey has recently shown there are currently some 500,000
02:04 redwoods across the British countryside.
02:07 By comparison, did you know there's only about 80,000 mature
02:10 giant redwoods in their native range of California?
02:14 You know, the Bible talks about transplants that are flourishing
02:18 in a foreign environment.
02:20 Jean Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug.
02:21 You know, you spoke about redwoods, Sequoias, giant
02:23 Sequoias, I know you have and I have, we've been there to close
02:27 to Yosemite where they have a grove of the giant
02:29 Sequoia trees.
02:31 It is humbling just standing next to one of these giant trees
02:33 and looking up.
02:35 It's truly an amazing tree.
02:37 It's one of my favorite trees and, of course, you always
02:40 associate these giant trees with northern California, with the
02:43 climate and the history and all the rest of it.
02:45 It is interesting though that you have the same tree now that
02:48 is flourishing far away from northern California, all the way
02:52 over in Great Britain.
02:53 That's right.
02:55 And, you know, folks might wonder, "Well, Pastor Doug, you
02:57 usually tie these Amazing Facts to some biblical truth.
02:59 Where are you going to go with this?"
03:01 You know, folks, you might be surprised to know that for
03:06 almost 2,000 years, Jehovah revealed Himself and worked
03:10 through and operated through the Jewish nation, Israel.
03:14 But after the time of Christ and Jesus said this would happen,
03:18 the gospel exploded from Pentecost where all the Jews
03:22 had gathered.
03:23 They took the gospel back to their respective countries.
03:25 And in one century, the majority of people now believing in
03:29 Jehovah were no longer Jewish.
03:32 The religion of the true God had spread far beyond the borders
03:37 of Israel.
03:39 And so that, you know, today, the amount of people reading
03:43 the Bible, I think there's 16 million Jews in
03:46 the world, approximately.
03:48 I think half of them are in Israel approximately, and
03:51 the other half are in the US.
03:53 Well, I should say, you know, 45% in Israel, 45% in the US and
03:58 the others are scattered around the world.
04:00 But there's 2 billion people in the world that believe the
04:05 Bible, that are Christians, and it spread far beyond--
04:09 the religion that began in Israel has spread far beyond
04:12 the borders.
04:13 It's interesting that you consider the Bible tells us that
04:17 Christianity is really an extension of Judaism.
04:21 You know, Paul said this was going to happen.
04:23 You can read in Romans 9, verse 25: "As He says in Hosea," Paul
04:28 is quoting the Old Testament, "I will call them My people, who
04:32 were not My people, and her beloved, who was not beloved.
04:35 And it will come to pass in the place where it was said of them,
04:38 'You are not My people,' there they shall be called the sons of
04:42 the living God."
04:43 And so the gospel then went to the Gentiles.
04:46 And now you've got this whole nation of spiritual Jews that
04:49 are scattered around the world.
04:51 Jean: And we have a free offer that talks about that.
04:53 People often ask, "Well, what about Israel in Bible prophecy?
04:56 What does the Bible teach?"
04:58 We've got a book.
04:59 It's called "Spiritual Israel" and it explores this
05:01 very subject.
05:02 Who is Israel, at least spiritual Israel today?
05:05 We'll be happy to send you the book.
05:06 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
05:10 That is our resource phone line.
05:11 You can just ask for the book by name, "Spiritual Israel."
05:14 You can also get it by simply dialing #250 on your
05:18 phone, #250.
05:20 Say "Bible Answers Live" and then say "Spiritual Israel."
05:24 And we'll send you that book, a digital copy to the book.
05:26 If you have a Bible question, our phone line here to the
05:28 studio is 800-463-7297.
05:33 That'll bring your call in to our phone operators.
05:35 Again, it's 800-463-7297.
05:40 Well, before we go to the phone lines, Pastor Doug, we always
05:42 start with prayer.
05:43 Let's do that now.
05:45 Dear Father, what a joy it is to be able to spend time in Your
05:48 Word once again and open up the scriptures and we just pray for
05:52 Your Spirit.
05:53 We know the Bible is Your book, Lord.
05:54 Be with those who are listening wherever they might be,
05:56 if they're in the car, at home, and just lead us into a clearer
05:59 understanding of the Bible.
06:00 We thank You in Jesus's name, amen.
06:03 Doug: Amen.
06:04 Jean: All right, we are ready for our first call.
06:06 We got Gary in Illinois.
06:08 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
06:12 Gary: Thank you.
06:13 In Exodus 19, verse 16, it says: "On the morning of the third
06:17 day, there were thunders, lightnings, and a thick cloud on
06:21 the mountain; and a very loud trumpet blast so that all the
06:25 people in the camp trembled."
06:28 So my question is, is God preparing us for a significant
06:32 event as He did Israel when He was giving them the
06:35 ten commandments?
06:36 Today, there are dozens of videos with trumpets sounding
06:42 in the sky.
06:43 People are asking, "What are those trumpets," you know?
06:47 And so that's my question.
06:49 Doug: All right.
06:50 Hey, thank you.
06:52 Well, it is true that there are trumpets compared with the
06:53 last days.
06:55 Not only do you have seven trumpets in Revelation that span
06:59 the course of military history, that of the Christian era, but
07:04 you know, there may be some trumpets that are going to be
07:07 blowing right at the end of time, sort of like when the--
07:11 before Jericho fell, Joshua sent the priests out ahead of the
07:16 army blowing seven trumpets.
07:17 So of course, the Lord's going to descend from heaven with the
07:20 voice of the archangel and the trump of God.
07:23 Now the trumpets that you're hearing people talk about on
07:26 YouTubes, I would have to say I've not seen those, so there
07:30 may be signs and things happening in the heavens.
07:32 It says that in Luke, no question about that.
07:36 Jean: Definitely seems our skies are getting more noisy just with
07:38 all of the travel taking place and different types of aircraft
07:42 and planes.
07:43 I know we hear helicopters fly over all the time and jets.
07:46 Becomes pretty noisy, just listening up to what's happening
07:49 in the sky.
07:50 Haven't heard a trumpet though.
07:52 But you know, there's a lot of noise.
07:53 Doug: Just think about all of the radio signals and cell phone
07:58 signals and television signals that are going through the air
08:03 at this moment.
08:04 It's amazing that we're not all microwaved with all that.
08:08 Jean: All right, thank you, Gary.
08:09 We've got Brittany listening in California.
08:11 Brittany, welcome to the program.
08:13 Brittany: Yeah, my question is why did Peter cut off the ear of
08:18 Malchus when he knew that Jesus was able to heal people?
08:24 Doug: Well, I think that the apostles were thinking that
08:29 Jesus was going to do something to set Himself up as an
08:32 earthly king.
08:34 And that's why James and John said, "When You're in Your
08:37 kingdom, can we sit on the right and left of Your throne?"
08:40 They were picturing Jesus, not as reigning from heaven, not as
08:45 a spiritual kingdom.
08:46 And in fact, even after the resurrection, I think Philip
08:49 said, "Lord, will You at this time establish the kingdom?"
08:53 And so when they came to arrest Jesus, Peter maybe thought,
08:56 well, this is going to be the nuclear moment that's going to
09:01 change everything and that they were supposed to take up arms.
09:05 So I don't think that they thought Jesus was going to go
09:08 through the battlefield, healing everybody.
09:09 I think they thought that this was a pivotal moment when they
09:12 would fight and Jesus would assert His power to make
09:16 Himself king.
09:17 Jean: You know, there's several times recorded in scripture
09:19 where the mob and there was times when the disciples thought
09:22 that they needed to force Christ, so to speak, to be king,
09:27 to take on some position when He fed the 5,000.
09:30 And there was people felt, you know, we need to make Him king
09:32 and I'm sure the disciples were part of that plot and Jesus
09:35 finally sent them on a ship to cross the lake.
09:38 And here, maybe like you say, the disciples might think, well,
09:41 the time has come.
09:42 You know, it's the Passover, everyone's coming to Jerusalem.
09:44 He already entered the city riding on the back of a donkey
09:47 and that was connected with a king.
09:50 And I don't know though if Peter was really thinking right there;
09:53 he just responded.
09:55 He just reacted.
09:56 Doug: Yeah, no one had ever really laid hands on Jesus to
09:58 arrest Him before.
09:59 And so that's why before they went to the dinner, they said,
10:03 "Lord, we have two swords," and He said, "You don't get it."
10:06 He's had enough of this.
10:08 Anyway, all right.
10:09 Well, thank you, Brittany.
10:10 I appreciate your question.
10:12 Jean: Yeah, we've got Tahaih listening in New York.
10:13 Tahaih, welcome to the program.
10:15 Tahaih: Hello.
10:17 My question is, are dinosaurs real?
10:21 Doug: Yes, dinosaurs are real.
10:24 When I grew up--you sound like a young man.
10:27 I grew up across the street from the Museum of Natural History in
10:32 New York City and I used to go over there and I wanted to be a
10:36 paleontologist and I'd look at all the dinosaur bones and,
10:40 yeah, they were very real.
10:42 The dinosaurs just lived contemporaneous, that means at
10:45 the same time, as people.
10:48 And so, there's been a lot of confusion about the
10:51 dating methods.
10:52 Recently, they found dinosaur bones, the thigh bone of a
10:55 tyrannosaurus rex that still had soft tissue.
10:59 It certainly could not be 65 million years old.
11:02 And the person who discovered that was, you know, an
11:05 atheist paleontologist.
11:07 They admitted that he had no religious agenda.
11:10 So, yeah, the dinosaurs did live on the Ark of Noah.
11:14 They didn't take great big, full-grown brontosauruses
11:17 or triceratops or stegosauruses.
11:19 They probably took small ones and they could have taken eggs
11:23 or babies.
11:24 So, I think a lot of the animals when they put them in the ark,
11:26 they didn't need to take full grown ones.
11:28 Jean: And of course, after the flood then, the environment
11:30 changed to the point where these animals couldn't
11:33 flourish anymore.
11:34 Doug: Yeah, that or people like Nimrod, the hunter, killed
11:36 them off.
11:38 But we still have great reptiles.
11:39 You know, there's Komodo dragons and there's some big crocodiles
11:42 in the Nile and a dinosaur is just a very large reptile that's
11:46 extinct, but we still have big reptiles.
11:49 Jean: Okay, we got Manuel listening in Illinois.
11:51 Manuel, welcome to the program.
11:53 Manuel: Hello.
11:54 My question is, what's the best explanation or the clearest
11:57 interpretation of Colossians 2:16?
12:01 Doug: All right, well, let me read this for our friends that
12:03 are listening.
12:04 Colossians chapter 2, verse 16: "So let no one judge you in food
12:08 or in drink, or regarding a festival or new moon or
12:12 Sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the
12:16 substance is of Christ."
12:18 Now some people have read Colossians 2:16 and they're
12:20 saying, "Oh, you don't need to worry about the Sabbath.
12:23 It says right there: 'Don't let anyone judge you regarding the
12:25 new moon or Sabbaths.'"
12:26 Well, the key is, it says, "Sabbaths which are a shadow."
12:31 There were Sabbaths that were created after sin.
12:35 There were annual Sabbaths that were shadows pointing to Christ.
12:39 It's not talking here about the Sabbath day is singular.
12:43 It's not plural.
12:44 It's a day that goes back before there was sin.
12:48 Right there at the beginning on the seventh day of creation, God
12:51 made the Sabbath day and Jesus said He made it for man, not for
12:55 Jews, but for humanity.
12:57 Christ said the Sabbath is made for man.
12:59 That's anthropos like anthropology, the human race.
13:02 Everyone needs a Sabbath, everyone needs a day of rest.
13:05 The Jewish annual Sabbaths were nailed to the cross and this is
13:09 what Colossians 2:16 is talking about.
13:12 Has nothing to do with the weekly day of worship or rest.
13:16 Jean: You know, we do have a study guide called "The Last Day
13:18 of History," and it talks about the Sabbath and what the Bible
13:21 has to say about it.
13:22 We'll be able to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
13:24 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
13:28 You can ask for the study guide.
13:29 It's called "The Last Day of History."
13:32 You can also dial #250 and ask for it by name.
13:35 You can also ask to sign up for free to the Amazing Facts Bible
13:39 School and you actually go through all of these lessons,
13:41 dealing with a number of very important Bible topics.
13:44 So you can also ask when you call to be enrolled in the free
13:47 Amazing Facts Bible School.
13:49 Next caller that we have is Isaiah in Texas.
13:52 Isaiah, welcome to the program.
13:53 Isaiah: Good evening, Pastors.
13:55 Thank you both for what you do.
14:00 My question tonight is how can we trust denominational writings
14:08 and, as an example, of Ellen White?
14:12 Doug: Well, if you read in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and
14:15 chapter 14, Paul makes it very clear that the gift of prophecy
14:20 is still something that God uses.
14:22 When you look in Revelation chapter 12, it says in verse 17,
14:27 that the dragon, the devil, is wroth with the remnant of her
14:30 seed, the church.
14:32 He goes, he's wroth with a woman.
14:34 He goes to make war with the remnant of her seed that has--
14:37 that keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony
14:40 of Jesus.
14:41 If you look in Revelation 19:10, it says the testimony of Jesus
14:44 is the spirit of prophecy.
14:46 And so, the law and the prophets, God, you know, it goes
14:50 all the way through history.
14:52 You read in Joel chapter 2, "It'll come to pass in the last
14:56 days, I'll pour out My spirit on all flesh.
14:58 Your sons and your daughters will dream dreams,
15:00 they'll prophesy."
15:02 And that's also quoted in Acts chapter 2--so does God still
15:07 inspire people and speak through people in the last days?
15:12 And I think, you know, unequivocally, the Bible
15:14 says, Yes.
15:15 Now, does that mean that that is to be added to the scripture or
15:18 put on the same level as the scripture?
15:20 No, categorically no.
15:23 The scriptures are complete.
15:25 But there's a distinction.
15:26 To say that God does not inspire or that God does not speak
15:30 through people is a different issue.
15:33 And so, I believe Ellen White fits in that category of someone
15:39 who is inspired and for those out there who don't know who
15:42 that is and would question that, I'd say taste and see
15:45 for yourself.
15:47 You know, read a book like "Steps to Christ" and see if it
15:49 doesn't support biblical truth.
15:52 And there's a biblical test.
15:54 I think we got a lesson that talks about that.
15:56 There's a series of biblical tests that you can apply to find
16:00 out if a person meets the criteria of what is the
16:02 definition of prophecy.
16:04 Jean: And I think the point you make is important when it comes
16:06 to anyone who claims to be a prophet or have a message from
16:09 God, it needs to be tested by the Bible.
16:12 The Bible says to the law and to the testimony, if they speak not
16:14 according to this, there is no light in them.
16:16 So the Bible needs to be the test.
16:19 But having said that, we need to recognize that God does still
16:22 speak through people, especially tp guide in
16:24 certain circumstances.
16:25 We do have a study guide.
16:27 It's called, "Does God Inspire Psychics--Astrologists
16:30 and Psychics?"
16:31 That is one of our study guides and deals with the subject.
16:34 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
16:36 The number is 800-835-6747.
16:40 You can also dial #250 on your phone.
16:43 Ask for the study guide, "Does God Inspire Psychics?"
16:45 That's probably the--that's all they'll need to be able to find
16:48 that lesson.
16:50 We'll be happy to send it to you.
16:51 And read it and share it with somebody else.
16:53 Next caller that we have is Shannon, listening in Georgia.
16:56 Shannon, welcome to the program.
16:57 Shannon: Hi, my question is on Acts 23, verse 6, and it says
17:04 that Paul's parents were both Jews, but then it says that he
17:08 was born of Pharisees.
17:11 Could you please explain that?
17:13 Doug: Yeah, well, the Pharisees were all Jewish.
17:17 So there's no conflict there.
17:18 Matter of fact, I can't think of a Pharisee that wasn't
17:21 also Jewish.
17:23 By the way, the Hebrews are different from Jews.
17:26 You could be Hebrew and maybe from the tribe of Issachar.
17:30 The Jews were typically from the tribe of Judah, Benjamin, and
17:33 Levites could be called Jews.
17:36 But it's a derivative from the word "Judah."
17:39 The ten tribes were carried away captive.
17:42 Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin, but--so he was
17:45 also a Jew.
17:47 But, yeah, the Pharisees were a sect within Judaism that was
17:53 extremely rigorous and fastidious about keeping the law
17:58 of Moses.
17:59 Jean: Okay, very good.
18:01 We've got Aiden, listening in Arizona.
18:03 Aiden, welcome to the program.
18:05 Aiden: Hello, Pastors.
18:06 Doug: Hi.
18:08 Aiden: Yeah, real quick.
18:09 You two are going to stand out in heaven.
18:11 Your crowns are going to be so heavy that the prophets are
18:14 going to say, "Who are these guys?"
18:17 Doug: Oh, I hope I'm just there.
18:19 That would be--happy for that.
18:21 Aiden: I believe you're going to make it, brother.
18:23 Anyway, my question is, it's in Revelations 13, verse 8, and it
18:29 says: "All who dwell on the earth will worship Him, whose
18:34 names have not been written in the book of life."
18:37 And so there is--have not been written.
18:40 And so my question is, if our names are written in the book of
18:42 life, are we protected somehow from worshiping?
18:48 Doug: Well, you know, of course, if you are a follower of Christ,
18:52 the Bible says that, you know, you can be sealed.
18:56 And God said, if it were possible, even the very elect
18:59 would be deceived.
19:01 But you know God's people that are surrendered to them--Him,
19:03 He will keep them.
19:04 Of all that the Father gives me, I will lose nothing.
19:07 Jesus will keep us.
19:08 And so if we're living lives of consecration to God, and we
19:12 are--our names are in the book of life, I believe we will be
19:14 sealed and kept.
19:16 There are people that, sometimes, their names are in
19:18 the book of life.
19:20 And where is it in Revelation he says, "I will not blot their
19:22 names out."
19:23 Both in Revelation and even Moses said, you know, you can
19:27 blot a name out of the book of life.
19:30 So, some may have their names removed.
19:32 Jean: That's Revelation chapter 3, verse 5. It says: "He who
19:34 overcomes shall be clothed in white garment, and I will not
19:37 blot his name out of the book of life."
19:39 Doug: Yeah, so I think everybody that is kept during the final
19:43 plagues, their names are in the book and they're kept by God
19:47 during that time.
19:48 Jean: So your names get entered into the book when you receive
19:50 Jesus as your personal Savior.
19:51 But if you turn away from Him, it does appear from this passage
19:55 that your name can be blotted out of the book.
19:58 And if your name is out of the book, well, then you're subject
20:01 to worshiping the beast power as we read about in Revelation
20:03 chapter 13.
20:04 So we want our names to remain in the lamb's book of life.
20:07 All right, next caller that we have is Chandler, listening
20:09 in California.
20:10 Chandler, welcome to the program.
20:12 Chandler: Hi, my question is when Moses went up to the
20:16 burning bush and he had to take off his shoes, did they have to
20:20 take off their shoes in the holy place, in the most holy place?
20:24 Doug: Yeah, good question.
20:26 I don't know that there's a comment.
20:27 The priests would wash their feet and their hands in
20:31 the laver.
20:32 And it may be that, you know, it's not mentioned, I doubt it
20:36 had a dirt floor.
20:37 My guess is there were some carpets because they used
20:39 carpets in the tents.
20:40 My guess is there were some carpets in there and it may be
20:43 that as the priests entered the holy place that they
20:46 were barefoot.
20:47 Jean: It would make sense if they had to wash their feet
20:49 before going in, that they probably wouldn't put on their
20:51 dirty sandals afterwards.
20:53 It would appear that they would probably go barefoot with their
20:56 feet washed into the holy place.
20:58 And of course, when you get to Solomon's Temple, then it had
21:01 a floor that was, you know, with gold everywhere.
21:04 So they'd walk on that special floor when they walked in and
21:07 they probably wouldn't wear shoes.
21:09 And of course, we've been to the Middle East and we've been over
21:12 in that part of the world and still today, the custom exists
21:15 that when you go into a place of worship, a church, you remove
21:19 your shoes when you go in, you know, with your socks
21:22 or barefoot.
21:23 It's a sign of reverence.
21:24 Doug: Yeah, even today, if you go to the Dome of the Rock, the
21:27 site where the temple used to be, you take your shoes off and
21:30 when we go to church in India, a lot of--several places, take
21:33 your shoes off.
21:34 So, absolutely.
21:36 Jean: Okay, thank you.
21:37 We've got Virginia listening in California.
21:40 Virginia, welcome to the program.
21:41 Virginia: Hi, good evening.
21:43 Doug: Evening.
21:44 Virginia: My question is what does pure or what does surrender
21:50 or total surrender mean?
21:52 Like, should I not be watching movies or certain music or I can
21:57 watch some that are like, you know, more like cooking shows
22:02 or some--but what is the total surrender?
22:05 Doug: Well, total surrender would mean you're willing to do
22:08 whatever God wants you to do.
22:11 And so in every situation, you would say not my will, Thy will
22:14 be done.
22:16 Now, that would mean that you apply a biblical test to
22:19 your life.
22:20 Paul says, "Whatever things are noble, just, pure."
22:23 That was at Philippians 4? He says, "Think on these things."
22:26 So if it's a TV program, you want to ask, "Is it noble,
22:30 just, pure?"
22:31 Not too many programs pass that criteria.
22:34 And you can always ask, "What would Jesus do?"
22:37 A Christian's a follower of Christ.
22:40 There's a prayer in the Bible.
22:42 I--the fellow who first uttered the prayer, I don't have much
22:49 confidence in Ahab, but actually he made a statement, he said,
22:51 "All that I am and all that I have are Yours."
22:55 And that is actually a very good statement.
22:58 All that I am and all that I have is Yours.
23:02 That would be total surrender.
23:03 That's why Jesus said we deny ourselves, take up our cross
23:07 and follow Him.
23:08 And sometimes that might mean deny something that we're
23:10 listening to or watching or eating or spending money on or
23:14 whatever it is.
23:16 Jean: You know, the verse you're referring to, Pastor Doug,
23:17 Philippians 4, verse 8, it says: "Finally, brethren, whatever
23:20 things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are
23:23 just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
23:27 whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue,
23:29 if there be any praise, meditate on these things."
23:32 So that's good counsel.
23:34 You know, we do have a book.
23:35 It's called "Life In the Spirit" and it talks a little bit about
23:38 living that victorious Spirit-filled life, and we'll be
23:41 happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
23:44 The number is 800-835-6747.
23:47 You can also dial #250 and ask for the book.
23:50 It's called "Life in the Spirit."
23:52 We'll send it to you.
23:53 You can get a digital download.
23:55 If you're outside of North America, just go to the website,
23:57, and you'll be able to read the book there at
24:00 the media library.
24:02 Next caller that we have is Jerry in Georgia.
24:04 Jerry, welcome to the program.
24:06 Jerry: Hello.
24:07 Doug: Hi, Jerry.
24:09 You're on.
24:10 Jerry: I was just wondering what the world would be like after
24:12 probation closes.
24:14 Doug: Well, you can read in Matthew chapter 12, it says at
24:17 that time, this is verse 1, Michael will stand up, the great
24:21 prince that stands for the children of thy people.
24:24 And there will be a time of trouble such as there never has
24:27 been, ever since there was a nation even unto the same time.
24:30 So there is a great time of trouble when Michael stands up.
24:34 That's when Christ ceases His intercession and He stands as
24:38 though He's preparing to come.
24:40 He stands as though judgment has been completed and there's
24:44 a great time of trouble.
24:45 So, He also--Jesus mentions that in Matthew 24.
24:50 Time of trouble such as there never has been.
24:53 So this is the time of Revelation 15 and 16 when
24:56 the seven last plagues are poured out.
24:59 Now, that hasn't started yet.
25:01 You know, because it says the oceans and the rivers turn
25:04 to blood.
25:05 But it's coming and, you know, that's why we want to have our
25:09 names written in that book now.
25:12 Jean: All right, very good.
25:13 We've got Christopher listening in California.
25:15 Christopher, welcome to the program.
25:16 You're on the air.
25:18 Christopher: Hello, good evening.
25:19 Doug: Evening.
25:21 Christopher: My question is, would it be wrong to do boxing
25:26 as self-defense, not to do it professionally, just to train?
25:32 Doug: Well, I don't know if I can give a unbiased answer
25:35 because when I was a kid, my mother dated a boxer for a while
25:39 and he gave my brother and I gloves and a few lessons and I
25:42 always enjoyed it.
25:43 But you have to ask yourself, you know, what would Jesus do,
25:47 as we just said a minute ago.
25:49 It's hard for me.
25:50 You know, sometimes I'll see a boxing match.
25:55 You know, you're surfing through the channels, you see it and I
25:57 want to watch and if I watch for a minute I notice I get all
26:00 excited, just violent.
26:01 You know, you really--you get two guys trying to bludgeon each
26:04 other and knock the other one senseless.
26:06 But you hope you never be in a situation where you need to use
26:10 boxing or any kind of martial arts to defend yourself.
26:14 I think there's probably good things you can do for exercise.
26:17 And I know I used to wrestle with my kids.
26:20 So that's a little more--a little different than trying to
26:24 knock someone out.
26:26 You ever wrestle with your boy, Jean?
26:28 Jean: All the time.
26:29 Not anymore.
26:31 Doug: They're too big?
26:32 Jean: They're too big.
26:33 Doug: Don't go away, friends.
26:35 We're coming back.
26:36 Hopefully, that gave you some answer for your question.
26:37 We're going to have more Bible questions, more Bible answers,
26:39 in just a few moments after these important messages.
26:46 announcer: Stay tuned.
26:47 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:59 Dee: My parents got divorced when I was three or four and
27:01 then I was basically unchurched most of my life.
27:04 I had a girlfriend in high school tell me that she had to
27:06 break up with me because I wasn't a Christian.
27:08 I thought, "That's weird.
27:09 I believe in God.
27:11 Why would she say that?"
27:12 Not realizing I was living a horrible life with foul
27:14 language, was mean, and other stuff.
27:15 And that kind of challenged me initially.
27:18 And then my dad, 911 woke him up, that he wasn't ready to meet
27:22 his Lord, though he was a man that I valued and knew loved me,
27:25 didn't doubt that.
27:27 But he just knew he needed more.
27:28 So he started watching TV ministries first, Baptist
27:31 preachers and others.
27:33 And he was kind of intrigued by what he was learning.
27:36 And so when he turned me on to this, this television station,
27:39 the first thing that I got access to was Doug Batchelor's
27:42 "Most Amazing Prophecies" series that he did in
27:44 Berrien Springs, Michigan.
27:46 And I remember when I first watched this, my background was
27:48 Baptist-ish, of sorts.
27:51 But I remember when I first watched this series, I remember
27:54 thinking, I've never heard that before about the state of the
27:57 dead or about the Sabbath or the Commandments or the Rapture or
28:00 other things.
28:01 And I remember thinking to myself, I've never heard that
28:03 before, but that's what the text says and that kept happening.
28:07 And I had this experience of just wondering like, well, what
28:10 else have I believed that isn't as it is, you know?
28:12 And the more I watched, the more helpful it became.
28:16 But again, he kind of took a different perspective on the
28:18 messages so it was fresh to me.
28:20 But I just--these things I had never heard before and I just
28:23 realized, like, there's so much stuff in the Bible that no one's
28:27 talking about and that people need to know.
28:30 And so, I ended up in this awkward situation that some of
28:33 my friends who didn't believe what I was coming to believe, I
28:36 didn't know how to communicate with them.
28:38 And so one of the things that helped me initially was the
28:42 website, and The
28:46 Truth About Death and some of those resource websites that
28:49 Amazing Facts had put together that were just full
28:51 of resources.
28:53 If I needed an answer to something that someone brought
28:55 up, there would be a 95% chance that Amazing Facts would have
28:59 something that I could use.
29:01 It makes witnessing even easier in that sense.
29:03 The Amazing Facts Prophecy Study Bible was my first real Bible
29:07 that I had of a more trusted translation.
29:10 The Bible study guides were in the back of it.
29:12 They had a lot of other resources that were helpful.
29:14 If you can hand a book to somebody and you can pick up a
29:17 phone and call Amazing Facts, you have everything you need.
29:19 And so I was just printing off stuff and handing it to people,
29:21 you know, like here's what I'm coming to realize this is true.
29:24 It's in the Bible.
29:26 And was a huge blessing to me and a real help just to kind of
29:30 help me to better understand what the message was and
29:33 understand it for myself and have resources to put in the
29:35 hands of other people.
29:37 It was invaluable.
29:38 Some time went by, I eventually went to a school of evangelism
29:41 and was baptized.
29:42 And then I had this amazing opportunity that after being in
29:45 ministry for about 5 or 6 years, Doug Batchelor was going to be
29:48 the main speaker at a youth event and I was actually doing a
29:51 seminar at this youth event.
29:53 And it was just this amazing kind of full circle experience
29:55 that the first person that I came in contact with in
29:58 adventism to hear the message, to have it make sense, to be
30:01 able to do ministry together with him, in whatever role
30:04 possible, just meant the world to me and to be able to tell him
30:07 my story and tell him thank you was invaluable.
30:10 And so God just gave me a precious gift in affording
30:13 that opportunity.
30:15 And I'll never forget that.
30:16 My name is Dee.
30:17 Thank you for changing my life.
30:26 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where every
30:29 question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
30:33 plan to save you.
30:34 So what are you waiting for?
30:36 Get practical answers about the good book for a better
30:39 life today.
30:43 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
30:46 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on the
30:49 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m.
30:52 and 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
30:55 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
30:58 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
31:03 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
31:08 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
31:14 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible
31:16 Answers Live."
31:17 And we're so thankful that you have remained with us.
31:20 Some have joined us along the way.
31:22 This is a live interactive international Bible study and
31:26 you're invited to call in with your questions.
31:28 That number once again is 800-GOD-SAYS,
31:31 that's 800-463-7297.
31:34 We are streaming on Amazing Facts Facebook, Doug Batchelor
31:38 Facebook, Amazing Facts Youtube.
31:40 And we're on AFTV and Good News Television.
31:44 And so we're on a number of stations, rebroadcast on 3ABN.
31:48 And if you've got a Bible question, give us a call.
31:50 Who's next?
31:51 By the way, my name's Doug Batchelor.
31:53 Jean: My name is Jean Ross and we've got Russell listening
31:56 in California.
31:58 And he has a question about the Pool of Bethesda.
32:00 Russell, welcome to the program.
32:02 Russell: Hi, Pastors.
32:03 Thank you for taking my question.
32:05 My question is, did the angel of the Lord really stir the Pool
32:09 of Bethesda?
32:11 Doug: All right, well, the-- some of you know the story here.
32:14 It's in the Gospel of John.
32:16 I think it's chapter 5, and it says that the people would
32:19 gather around this pool, sitting on the porch, and they were all
32:23 manner of sick people and they'd see the water bubble or stir
32:27 somehow and they had a belief that an angel had troubled the
32:31 water and whoever got in first was healed.
32:35 Well, I think that John is relating what the legend was.
32:39 I can't imagine that an angel of God would find any joy in
32:43 stirring the water and watching people clamber over each other
32:47 to be the first one in.
32:48 That would seem kind of like a cool pastime.
32:52 So, I don't believe the angel of the Lord was doing that.
32:55 I think it's just saying that they had a belief.
32:57 It was a legend.
32:59 It was a local myth, kind of like they got the waters of
33:02 Lourdes where people go and they think if they can just be there
33:05 or a number of holy sites, it has become a tradition and--but
33:11 it wasn't actually God's angel that was doing that.
33:13 Jean: Yeah, some have even suggested with the
33:15 archaeological, you know, they found the Pool of Bethesda and
33:18 they actually did archaeological digs and they found the arches
33:21 around there and some think that there were springs close by or
33:25 under the pool, that fed the pool, and maybe every now and
33:28 again, there would be some sort of a ripple or a bubble that
33:31 would arise or something.
33:32 Doug: I've got springs and every now and then, you see bubbles
33:35 come up, so could have been.
33:38 Jean: All right, thank you.
33:39 Next caller that we have is Bruce, listening in
33:41 North Carolina.
33:43 And he's got a question about not being under the law, but
33:45 under grace.
33:46 Bruce, welcome to the program.
33:48 Bruce: Thank you, Pastors.
33:49 I just wanted to ask, I did AFCOE online and under the
33:54 section for answering objections, how does one respond
33:59 to: "We're not under the law anymore, that we're
34:02 under grace?"
34:04 Doug: Well, we are under grace.
34:06 But what does that mean?
34:07 Does being under grace mean you no longer need to obey
34:11 God's law?
34:12 Well, Paul actually asks that question in Romans and he says--
34:16 I think it's chapter 6, he says, "God forbid, how shall we who
34:20 are dead to sin live any longer?"
34:22 So when it says under the law, Paul is talking about those who
34:26 because they've broken the law and that's all of us, the
34:29 penalty is death.
34:30 We are under the death penalty of the law.
34:34 But through Jesus's mercy, He washes us from our
34:40 We are no longer living under a death penalty of the law because
34:45 we are now living under grace.
34:47 But being under grace does not mean you no longer have an
34:50 obligation to obey the law.
34:52 Indeed, those who are under grace are the most eager to do
34:57 God's will and obey the law.
34:59 So we have a free book actually that talks about "Does God's
35:02 Grace Blot Out the Law?"
35:03 that answers that but with a lot more scripture too.
35:06 Jean: If you'd like to receive the book, just call and ask
35:08 for it.
35:10 The number is 800-835-6747.
35:12 You can ask for the book.
35:13 "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
35:15 You can dial #250 on your phone and say "Bible Answers Live" and
35:19 then ask for the book, "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
35:22 You'll be able to get a digital download of the book.
35:25 If you're outside of North America, visit the
35:27 website,
35:29 Next caller that we have is Lee, listening in Texas.
35:32 And he has a question about the Garden of Gethsemane and what
35:37 Jesus prayed.
35:39 Lee, welcome to the program.
35:40 Lee: Yes, my question is when Jesus prayed among--in the
35:43 Garden of Gethsemane, asking God to take this--take the cup from
35:47 Him, why was He afraid to die if He knew He was going to
35:51 come back?
35:53 Doug: Well, I don't think Jesus was afraid of death.
35:55 The thing that terrified Him, if that's the right word, that He
35:59 was most anxious about is this would be the first time He had
36:03 been separated from the Father.
36:05 Now keep in mind that Christ is love.
36:07 God is love.
36:09 God the Father, God the Son, the very essence of Their nature is
36:12 love which They had expressed together from eternity past.
36:18 And now if--it's probably incomprehensible for us that for
36:22 the first time in eternity, God the Father and the Son would
36:27 be separated.
36:28 And I think looking at that, and knowing that He would be bearing
36:31 sin, and Christ was going to be facing death the way a lost
36:36 person faces the second death.
36:38 He felt the hopelessness that the lost feel.
36:42 And so that's why He said, "If there's any other way that this
36:44 cup might pass from Me," I think compared to the mental
36:49 suffering, the physical suffering was small.
36:52 The anguish that He felt about being separated from the Father,
36:55 not death, is what I think was-- weighed heavily on--the most
36:59 heavily on His heart.
37:01 Jean: Absolutely.
37:02 All right, thank you, Lee.
37:04 We've got Alan, listening in North Carolina, and he's got a
37:06 question about the first miracle that Jesus performed, turning
37:09 water into wine.
37:11 Alan: Hello, thanks for taking my call, Pastors.
37:13 Good evening to you.
37:15 I was just wondering about that first miracle.
37:18 Jesus seemed a bit reluctant and also it seems less significant
37:23 and profound than the other miracles of raising the dead and
37:26 healing the blind and other things He did.
37:29 I just wonder if there's some more significance to that
37:32 turning water into wine that I don't get.
37:35 Doug: Yeah, I--well, I think so.
37:37 I'll give you a couple of things quickly.
37:39 First of all, the wine, Jesus tells us at the end of His life,
37:44 is a symbol of the blood of the covenant.
37:46 And turning the water into the wine, the first plague
37:52 that Moses enacted upon the Pharaoh was turning the water
37:58 into blood of the river.
37:59 Christ--and that was the beginning of their deliverance.
38:02 That was the first plague that ultimately ended with their
38:04 freedom from Egypt.
38:06 Christ's first miracle is turning water into wine, which
38:10 he says is a symbol of his blood.
38:13 The last thing that Jesus does on the cross is the people give
38:16 Him sour wine after He said, "I thirst," that it was sour, it
38:21 was not good.
38:22 He saved good wine at the wedding.
38:25 He takes sour wine on the cross.
38:27 It's almost as though He gives us His and takes ours.
38:31 It's like a blood transfusion.
38:33 And so there's great significance here when He didn't
38:37 downplay it, but when His mother told Him they're out of wine, He
38:40 said, "Woman, My hour is not yet come."
38:42 She thought that this miracle could be the context of somehow
38:45 announcing His Messiahship and He was letting her know no.
38:49 One more thing, I think it's significant that creation began
38:53 with a marriage in the garden.
38:55 And the first miracle of Christ was to condone or to bless
39:00 a wedding.
39:01 And Jesus still wants to bless marriages today.
39:05 Jean: And of course, if you look at the broader context, you have
39:07 a marriage, you have Christ and then the church being His bride.
39:11 Doug: That's right.
39:12 Jean: And in order for that to take place, you had to
39:14 have the crucifixion symbolized by the juice or the wine.
39:17 And then it says the governor of the feast had to give
39:19 his approval.
39:21 And so after Christ rose from the dead, and when He met Mary,
39:24 He said, "Do not cling to Me.
39:25 I have not yet appeared to My Father in heaven."
39:27 So that first miracle, I think, there's lots of profound, you
39:33 know, significance in revealing Christ's mission and what He was
39:36 here on earth to do.
39:38 It's a great--
39:39 Doug: I feel a sermon coming on.
39:40 Jean: There's a lot there.
39:42 That's a great study.
39:43 All right, thank you, Alan.
39:44 We got Joann in Arizona.
39:46 Joann, welcome to the program.
39:48 Joann: Thank you.
39:49 What does it mean by, "Very few will make it through the eye of
39:52 the needle"?
39:53 Doug: Yeah, Jesus said, "It's harder for a rich man to go to
39:56 heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle."
40:00 And, well, first of all, Jesus can save rich people because
40:03 right after He makes that statement in Luke, it tells
40:05 about Zacchaeus who was very rich, being saved.
40:08 And of course, you know, there'll be people,
40:10 there's exceptions.
40:12 It's harder for rich people to be saved because they start
40:14 trusting in their riches.
40:17 But you do have people like David and Solomon and Abraham
40:20 and Jacob that had great substance and they'll be in
40:23 the kingdom.
40:25 There's a warning God said to the children of Israel when you
40:28 are blessed and you're living in houses you didn't build and
40:32 eating from vineyards and drinking from wells and you
40:36 become fat.
40:37 Don't forget about the Lord.
40:38 And there's a danger that we start trusting in ourselves and
40:41 our stuff and security and we stop praying.
40:44 So the eye of a needle, though, that was, well, there's a couple
40:50 of theories.
40:51 There was a place in Ancient Hebrew when the shepherds were
40:55 counting the sheep, they had a narrow gate that only one sheep
41:00 at a time could go through, so they could count a large flock.
41:03 And they called it threading them through the eye of
41:05 the needle.
41:07 So they're saying, well, for a camel to go through the eye of a
41:09 needle, it could do it, but it'd have to get on its knees and be
41:11 totally unloaded.
41:13 And it's basically Jesus's way of saying, "Yeah, a rich man can
41:15 get to the kingdom, but he has-- he has to be willing to put all
41:19 things in God's hands."
41:22 And he could also just be using a metaphor.
41:25 You know, Jesus said, "If you got a plank in your eye and you
41:28 say to your friend, 'Help me get the piece of dust out of
41:31 your eye.'"
41:32 Well, that's called irony, pardon the pun.
41:34 So, He may have just been using the irony of trying to picture a
41:39 camel going through the eye of a needle.
41:42 Jean: Okay, thank you.
41:44 We've got Marvins listening in Canada and he has a question
41:48 about the Antichrist's power of Revelation 13.
41:50 Marvins, welcome to the program.
41:52 Marvins: Yes, hello, Pastor.
41:54 Is the Papacy the only Antichrist according to
41:58 Revelation 13, or can there be several Antichrists according to
42:03 1 John 2, verse 18 through 22?
42:09 Doug: Yeah, the--in 1 John, matter of fact, you don't find
42:13 the word "Antichrist" in the book of Revelation; you find the
42:16 person or the power of the Antichrist in Revelation.
42:20 The word "Antichrist" is mentioned in 1 John.
42:22 He said, "Yeah, there are many Antichrists."
42:24 So in a broader sense, you know, a power that is working against
42:30 Christ is anti-Christ.
42:32 You're just--you're opposing the work and the Spirit of
42:34 Christ, that means you're against Christ.
42:36 But then there was a big prophetic Antichrist that's
42:39 mentioned in prophecy.
42:41 And for 500 years, Protestants have identified the Papacy as
42:45 that Antichrist.
42:47 When the Christian church lost its simplicity and purity and
42:49 became a political power, and you know, a lot of money and
42:54 kind of adopted idolatry from the Romans, they felt like the
42:58 church went through a great compromise and it fulfilled that
43:03 many of the prophecies that talk about what the Antichrist
43:07 would become.
43:08 Jean: You know, it's interesting, Pastor Doug, there
43:09 was a time period during the early days of the Protestant
43:11 reformation where there were two rival Popes and they were both
43:16 accusing each other of being Antichrist.
43:18 So you have one Pope accusing another Pope of being the
43:22 Antichrist and the other Pope accusing that one of being
43:24 the Antichrist.
43:25 So it is interesting when you study the history of what
43:29 transpired there.
43:30 We do have a study guide and it's called, "Who is
43:32 the Antichrist?"
43:33 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone who wants to study the
43:35 subject further.
43:37 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
43:40 Or you can dial #250 on your phone, say "Bible Answers Live"
43:44 and then ask for that study guide by name, "Who is
43:46 the Antichrist?"
43:48 And you'll be able to learn a lot about what this topic is all
43:51 about in the Bible.
43:52 Next caller that we have is Carlos and he's calling
43:54 from Texas.
43:56 He's got a question about Luke 17, talking about the days of
43:59 Lot and Noah.
44:00 Carlos, welcome to the program.
44:02 Carlos: Good evening, Pastors, and thanks for
44:04 your ministry.
44:05 God bless.
44:07 Doug: Yeah.
44:08 Thank you.
44:09 Carlos: My question is of Luke 17, Jesus mentions both the
44:12 days of Lot and the days of Noah in speaking of His
44:15 coming kingdom.
44:17 And I wanted to ask you about the scenario after Noah leaves
44:24 the ark, right?
44:25 And is saved essentially, and Lot is pulled out of Sodom.
44:31 Both of them have an encounter with wine.
44:34 I wondered if that has any significance prophetically for
44:40 today or for the future.
44:43 Doug: You know, that's interesting.
44:44 I did a study comparing Lot and Noah.
44:48 And in many ways, there's many similarities and many paradoxes.
44:52 Noah has just sons, Lot has just daughters.
44:56 Noah saves his entire family, Lot loses his family.
45:00 Noah, you know, he separated from the cities; Lot moves to
45:04 the city.
45:06 And you just--you can see a lot of parallels that are happening
45:08 there, but it is true, that Lot drinks wine, he sleeps with his
45:14 daughters and has Moab and Ammon, and Noah drinks wine and
45:18 he stumbles around naked and curses his grandson and son, so
45:25 yeah, I've got a whole study on that and what it all means is
45:29 I'm not sure yet, but there are a lot of interesting parallels.
45:32 They're almost like opposites.
45:34 Jean: And of course, when Jesus mentions that, He's talking
45:36 about what was happening in society at that time, what was
45:38 happening in the days of Noah.
45:40 You had violence filling the earth.
45:42 It says, "Every imagination of the heart was evil continually."
45:44 You have the time of Lot there in the city of Sodom and the
45:48 other cities surrounding the area where they had plenty to
45:50 eat, they were lazy, they were involved in, you know, all kinds
45:55 of sexual misconduct and morality issues.
45:59 And, you know, that's sort of a description of what's happening
46:01 in our world today.
46:03 Things are falling apart all around us.
46:04 So I think that's an important lesson connected there.
46:07 Next caller that we have is Dana listening in Nevada.
46:11 And Dana has a question about the chronological order of
46:15 the scriptures.
46:16 Dana, welcome to the program.
46:17 Dana: Hi.
46:19 My question is regarding Revelation chapter 13, verses 3
46:22 and 5: "And power was given unto him to continue forty and
46:26 two months."
46:28 But in verse 3, says that, "And I saw one of his heads as it
46:34 were wounded to death."
46:35 Why the order is that way?
46:37 My son understood that the 42 months are followed after
46:44 the wound.
46:47 Doug: Yeah, or do you want to--
46:49 Jean: Yeah, when you--when you look at some of these passages,
46:51 especially in Revelation 13, not everything, as you mentioned, is
46:55 given in chronological order.
46:56 Rather, clues are given.
46:58 And these clues are very important to help identify who
47:01 the power is.
47:03 Now in Bible prophecy a beast represents a political power.
47:06 This first beast of Revelation 13 is both got a political
47:10 component, but also a religious component.
47:13 And it says that he would rule for 42 months.
47:15 There were 30 days in a Hebrew month and you times that out, 30
47:21 times 42, comes to 1260.
47:24 One prophetic day is equal to one literal year.
47:27 So one of the clues given in the verse is that this power would
47:29 rule for 1260 years, and then it would receive a deadly wound.
47:34 Now, it's not always written in strict chronological order, but
47:37 it's giving us clues.
47:38 And when we put the clues together, we can identify
47:41 who this power is.
47:42 Not only this power, but also the other beast that you read
47:44 about in Revelation 13 that comes from the earth.
47:47 Again, you put the clues together and that is identified.
47:50 It's the US in Bible prophecy.
47:53 Thank you.
47:55 All right, next caller that we have is Leo in Arizona.
47:57 Leo, welcome to the program.
47:59 Leo: My question is on Matthew 4:1 through 11,
48:04 especially the 3: Did Satan not know who Jesus was when he was
48:10 trying to tempt Him?
48:12 Doug: Well, I think Satan definitely knew that this was
48:15 the Son of God.
48:16 In fact, at the beginning of Jesus's ministry, often when He
48:20 encountered demon-possessed people, they said, "We know who
48:23 You are."
48:24 So if the demons knew, then you can count on the devil knowing.
48:27 The bigger question is, did Jesus know?
48:29 Maybe not at first, when the devil appeared as an angel of
48:33 light, you can read in 2 Corinthians 11, Satan himself
48:37 can be transformed into an angel of light.
48:39 And--but when he began to say, "If You're the Son of God," that
48:43 sort of betrayed that this was not an angel sent from heaven.
48:47 Of course, when he finally said, "Fall down and worship me," then
48:49 all doubt was removed who this was.
48:52 Jean: And when the devil said, "If You are the Son of God," he
48:55 wasn't asking because he didn't know.
48:57 He was wanting to cause Christ to question the promise that He
49:01 knew He was the Son of God and to exercise His power on His own
49:05 behalf, contrary to the will of the Father.
49:07 So it was not a genuine question there by any means.
49:10 It was a plot, it was part of a temptation.
49:14 All right, next caller that we have is Dana listening
49:17 from California.
49:18 You're on the air.
49:19 Dana: Yes, okay, my question is from the Bible, how can I
49:23 pray more effectively?
49:25 I know about the Lord's Prayer.
49:27 But is there other--something-- another part of the Bible that
49:30 can help me pray more effectively?
49:31 Doug: Yeah, I think there's a number of passages you can
49:34 look at.
49:36 You know, the Bible says that we pray without ceasing, Paul tells
49:41 us, and that doesn't mean that you go around on your knees all
49:44 the time praying.
49:45 It means being in an attitude of knowing that God is always a
49:49 prayer away.
49:50 Many times during the day, I'm just lifting prayers to the Lord
49:53 and talking to the Lord and saying, "Help me with this" or
49:55 "Pray for that person."
49:56 And so, prayer is also being in continual communion with God,
50:00 it's not just one prayer.
50:02 But there should also be regular official prayer time where you
50:07 kneel if you're able and you have your personal devotions and
50:10 you commit your life to the Lord.
50:12 At the end of the day, you may be asking for mercy and wisdom
50:15 for the next day.
50:16 Looking at some of the prayers in the Bible that you see, you
50:20 can see, you know, Jacob is wrestling with God in prayer.
50:26 You can read the prayers of Solomon, the prayers of Daniel,
50:29 the prayers of Hannah.
50:31 There's a lot of beautiful prayers recorded in the Bible.
50:34 Nehemiah.
50:35 And that I think also gives you a context about prayer.
50:39 Prayers don't have to be long.
50:40 You look at the prayer of Elijah, fire comes down from
50:42 heaven, but the prayer is less than, oh, 18 seconds, I think.
50:47 Jean: You know, Pastor Doug, I'm just looking at our books here.
50:49 Doug: "Teach Us to Pray."
50:51 Jean: Yeah, that's right.
50:52 I wanted to check on the name there.
50:54 We have a book that talks about prayer and you might find
50:55 that helpful.
50:57 It's just called "Teach Us to Pray," and the number to call
50:59 for that is 800-835-6747.
51:02 You can ask for the book, "Teach Us to Pray," or dial #250 and
51:06 say, "Bible Answers Live," ask for the book by name.
51:09 If you're outside of North America, just visit our website,
51:12 just and you'll be able to get a lot more
51:15 information over there.
51:16 Doug: Thank you, Dana.
51:18 Jean: Next caller that we have is Nel in California asking
51:21 about what does the Bible say about competitive sports?
51:23 Nel, welcome to the program.
51:26 Nel: Hi, thank you, Pastors.
51:28 I was wondering what does the Bible say about competitive
51:31 sports, because some Christians seem to feel that you should not
51:36 participate in any types of competitive sports, you know,
51:39 even tennis, basketball, or watch them.
51:42 I mean, some Christian writers also would say the same things
51:46 according to what they say.
51:47 So what does the Bible say about it?
51:50 And what can we as Christians participate in?
51:54 Doug: All right, well, if you're talking about, what does the
51:56 Bible say, there are principles in the Bible that I think you
52:01 can apply to sports.
52:04 Paul, you know, Paul freely uses sports references.
52:09 He talks about, "I do not box the air."
52:12 He says, "I do not run as though I'm not trying," and he says,
52:17 "If you're going to run the race, run to win."
52:20 And so, you know, Paul incorporates and you got to keep
52:22 in mind the Greek culture had greatly influenced the Hebrews
52:26 and the Romans and sports were a big part of that.
52:29 It's where you get the word "gymnasium" comes all the way
52:31 back from them.
52:33 So, Paul uses sport analogies a lot.
52:36 He doesn't necessarily say anything negative about sports,
52:40 but he does talk about the spirit in the mind of Christ.
52:44 A lot of sports in the competition, it's not the idea
52:47 of just getting exercise, but it's almost like, you know,
52:50 there's violence and I think Christians ought to avoid any
52:53 kind of violent sports.
52:55 I think that when an emphasis is made on winning and the trophies
53:00 and the pride, that's not, the spirit of Christ.
53:04 Pastor Ross and I, maybe confession is good for the soul
53:08 but bad for the reputation.
53:09 We play racquetball together.
53:11 We don't make a big deal about who wins.
53:14 I get over it in about 5 minutes.
53:16 But we try to, you know, to keep score so you can know when
53:19 the game ends.
53:20 So it's a great exercise.
53:21 There's nothing inherently wrong with getting exercise where
53:24 there's a sport connected, but there's some principles that you
53:26 can apply to different sports that may be a guide.
53:29 Jean: You know, I think some sports are just geared to
53:33 hurting people.
53:34 I mean, these, sort of these combative sports, where it's
53:38 just--they're just hitting each other trying to knock each
53:41 other out.
53:42 It's even one step more you might say than boxing where it's
53:46 just violent and its goal is to hurt people.
53:49 I don't think Christians should be involved in anything
53:51 like that.
53:52 It just feeds that mindset of anger and violence.
53:56 And, you know, we don't want that.
53:58 Doug: Exercise is great and Paul says bodily exercise profits,
54:02 but godliness profits more.
54:05 Unfortunately, you know, some of the sports, if--like
54:09 professional football and I'm probably going to get letters on
54:11 this, a lot of those guys suffer injuries that carry--they carry
54:15 with them through their lives.
54:16 So it doesn't build their bodies up.
54:18 It often breaks their bodies down.
54:20 So, you know, that clearly, I think, is not a healthy thing
54:23 for a Christian to engage in.
54:25 Jean: All right, very good.
54:26 Thank you.
54:27 Do we have time for one more, Pastor Doug?
54:29 Doug: We do if it's quick.
54:30 Jean: All right, let's see.
54:31 We've got Matthew in Tennessee.
54:33 Matthew, we've got about a minute and your question
54:36 this evening?
54:37 Matthew: Hi, Pastors.
54:38 In Mark 7:19, in the New American Standard Bible, it says
54:43 parenthetically that thus he made all foods clean and then in
54:49 the King James Version, it doesn't say that.
54:52 It kind of makes me not trust the other translations.
54:56 I don't know if, what--did the translator just add that, I
55:00 guess, is my question.
55:01 Doug: Yeah, there's a manuscript where they've added that.
55:05 And Jesus said that what goes in your mouth doesn't defile you.
55:09 It goes in and it comes out, thus "purging all meats" in King
55:13 James, it just means your body, you know, basically purges the
55:16 food that you eat.
55:17 That's not how you get defiled.
55:19 And then someone took the liberty of saying, "In saying
55:22 this, Jesus declared all foods clean."
55:24 That is not in the original manuscripts in the Greek.
55:26 Most manuscripts I should say.
55:28 But friends, we're out of time for this segment of the program.
55:32 I always like to remind people we sign off in two stages.
55:35 Stay tuned.
55:36 Stand by.
55:38 We're going to go through some rapid fire internet
55:39 Bible questions.
55:40 God bless.
55:42 And we'll study together again next week.
55:47 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:49 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:53 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:57 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
56:03 Jean: Hello, friends, and welcome back to "Bible
56:05 Answers Live."
56:06 We're going to answer your email questions.
56:08 If you'd like to send us an email with your Bible question,
56:10 it is
56:14 Just
56:17 Pastor Doug, first question: In Deuteronomy 14:26 God seems to
56:21 endorse drinking alcohol.
56:23 Is this understanding accurate?
56:25 Doug: When he talks about strong drink there, he's not talking
56:28 about alcohol.
56:29 They used to condense their grape juice.
56:32 Dehydrate it, if you will.
56:34 And then they'd reconstitute it when they got to their
56:37 destination because liquid's very heavy.
56:40 They would take this grape juice and sort of dehydrate it into
56:43 a syrup.
56:44 And then as they traveled, they'd get to the place where
56:46 the feast is, they'd reconstitute it.
56:48 And that's why He said you could drink the strong drink.
56:50 Don't think strong alcohol, think strong concentrated.
56:53 Jean: Okay, Sherman is asking: Can you please explain the
56:56 sequence of events?
56:57 You have the wicked bowing the knee and confessing that God is
57:00 righteous and then suddenly surrounding the New Jerusalem
57:03 trying to attack it.
57:04 Doug: They're going to be overwhelmed with a sense of
57:06 their guilt and His power and the wicked will bow before
57:10 God's throne.
57:12 Jesus said, and Paul says, "The time is coming when every knee
57:15 will bow and every tongue will confess to God," and this is
57:18 that moment.
57:19 But then when they realize that this, it's hopeless, in
57:24 desperation, Satan will try to rally them to attack the city.
57:27 When they realize they've been condemned in the judgment,
57:30 they'll think what have we got to lose?
57:31 And this demonstrates their hearts are still not changed and
57:34 God has no option but to judge and destroy them.
57:38 And that's when the fire and brimstone rain down.
57:42 It forms a lake of fire and they're all cast into this lake
57:44 of fire.
57:45 Jean: Okay, next question that we have.
57:47 Bradley's asking: How many prophecies still need to be
57:49 fulfilled before the seven last plagues can start?
57:52 Doug: Jesus said, "The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in
57:55 all the world for a witness, then the end will come."
57:58 The beast power is going to make a law compelling people to
58:01 worship a certain way.
58:02 That has not happened.
58:04 And so I--you know, there's probably several other
58:05 prophecies I'm not thinking of offhand.
58:08 We're seeing them being fulfilled right now.
58:11 And I'd say, stay tuned.
58:13 We're going to see things happen very quickly in the near future.
58:16 Till next week, we'll study God's Word.
58:18 Stay close to Jesus.
58:21 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate answers
58:25 to your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-06-26