Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202424S

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted;
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 In the summer of 1923 Frank and Elizabeth Fraser and their
00:58 2-year-old dog, Bobbie, set out from Silverton, Oregon, on
01:02 a road trip to Indiana to visit family.
01:05 When they stopped at a service station in Indiana, their dog,
01:08 a medium-sized collie, was attacked by three other dogs
01:12 and fled.
01:13 They searched everywhere for him, but in the end, they could
01:16 not find him.
01:17 Heartbroken, they eventually returned to Oregon believing
01:21 they'd never see their beloved dog again.
01:23 Then one day, 6 months later, their daughter saw a skinny and
01:28 exhausted dog approaching them up the street that looked
01:31 like Bobbie.
01:32 After seeing his joyful reaction and noting the unique scar above
01:35 his eye, they knew it was their long-lost dog.
01:39 After his story drew national attention, some of the people
01:43 who sheltered him during his journey came forward and the
01:46 Frasers were able to reconstruct the complete route that
01:48 Bobbie crossed.
01:50 It was 2500 miles.
01:53 He journeyed across hundreds of miles of open plains, he swam
01:57 countless streams and rivers, plodded through dry deserts, and
02:00 then crossed the Rocky Mountains in the middle of winter, earning
02:04 him the nickname, "Bobbie the Wonder Dog."
02:07 He was the inspiration for several books and the movie,
02:10 "Lassie Returns."
02:12 Wouldn't it be wonderful, Pastor Ross, if all of us were that
02:15 determined to be back with our masters?
02:17 Jean Ross: Yeah, that's an amazing fact, Pastor Doug.
02:20 You know, we're just talking about some of these different
02:21 animals and, of course, dogs are not the only ones, but there's
02:25 been a story of other pets that have made their way back home,
02:27 traveling long distances.
02:29 But I think there's a sense of loyalty.
02:31 There's many stories about dogs and their loyalty and their
02:34 desire to be back with their master.
02:37 And there's a good lesson in that for us.
02:38 Doug: Yeah, they bond when they're young, they know their
02:40 master, they know their home.
02:42 And the incredible thing, we were talking about this, is
02:45 they've got an amazing sense of smell, but I'm quite sure that
02:49 the track of this family's car and its exhaust had blown away
02:53 a long time before the dog was able to catch up with them.
02:57 And so, there's something beyond just their tracking the smell.
03:02 I don't know if the dog had remembered the different smells
03:05 driving across the country or if they're guided by some kind of
03:08 magnetic inner compass, like some birds and it's--or the
03:11 turtles that find their way to the place where they're born.
03:14 I don't know how they do it, but I've heard some amazing stories
03:16 about dogs, and even cats that have found their way after miles
03:21 and miles of being separated from their home, they find their
03:24 way to their masters.
03:26 And I thought, you know, if we all had that same kind of
03:29 dedication to search for God and to get to our heavenly home.
03:35 There's a verse whenever I sign one of my books, I usually put
03:39 this verse in there: Jeremiah 29:13: "And you will seek for Me
03:43 and find Me, when you search for Me with all of your heart."
03:47 Now, people know that there's God and there's a lot of folks
03:52 that are searching for God and the truth.
03:54 But once you accept Jesus, there are so many different versions
03:59 of Christianity and ideas about what the church is.
04:03 What do you do? Where do you go?
04:05 Where do you begin to find out what is the truth?
04:07 Because there's some vast differences between various
04:11 denominations about who the Lord is and how to be saved.
04:14 And--do we have something special that maybe we can offer,
04:18 people can find those answers?
04:20 Jean: We do Pastor Doug.
04:22 It's a book entitled, "The Search for the True Church."
04:24 Now, in the book, we don't just say, "Well, we think this is
04:26 the church."
04:27 We actually give biblical principles that one could follow
04:30 in weighing up different churches and different groups
04:32 and saying, "Well, which group is the closest to the Bible?"
04:35 And that's really what the goal is.
04:36 We want to find a group of believers that believe
04:39 the Bible, that are following the teachings of scripture.
04:41 What are those principles?
04:43 What do we look for? Well, it's in the book.
04:45 It's called "The Search for the True Church."
04:47 That is our free gift.
04:48 We'll send it to anyone who calls and asks.
04:50 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
04:54 That is our resource phone line.
04:55 Just call and ask for our free offer.
04:57 It's called, "The Search for the True Church."
04:59 You can also get a digital copy of the book by simply dialing
05:02 #250 on your smartphone.
05:04 Say, "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for the book by name.
05:08 It's called, "The Search for the True Church."
05:10 And the number to call if you have a Bible-related question,
05:12 the number is 800-463-7297.
05:16 You probably see that on your screen.
05:18 If you are watching this online, 800-463-7297.
05:23 I want to greet those who are also watching on "Amazing Facts
05:25 TV," and on Hope Channel and 3BN and the other networks,
05:28 Good News TV.
05:30 I want to greet all of you, those who are live.
05:32 Call us with your Bible question.
05:34 Well, Pastor Doug, before we go to the phone lines, let's start
05:36 with prayer.
05:38 Dear Father, what a joy to be able to open up Your Word and
05:40 study together.
05:41 The most important thing that we can do is to know the truth, for
05:44 the truth will set us free.
05:46 So we ask Your blessing upon our time of study today.
05:48 Be with those who are listening and watching and just lead us
05:51 all into a clear understanding of Bible truth, for we ask this
05:54 in Jesus's name, amen.
05:56 Doug: Amen.
05:57 Jean: Our first caller this evening, we've got Jerry
05:59 listening in Texas.
06:00 Jerry, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
06:02 Jerry: Astonishing, Pastor, that story.
06:05 But anyway, simple Bible questions tonight is Hebrews
06:10 12:26 and God will shake the earth immensely and is
06:16 shaking heaven.
06:17 Is that when all the angels leave?
06:20 Doug: In Hebrews chapter 12 and you go to verse 26, let me read
06:24 this for our listeners.
06:25 It says--I probably need to start
06:28 with verse 25.
06:29 "See that you do not refuse Him who speaks.
06:32 For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth,
06:35 much more shall we not escape if we refuse Him who speaks from
06:38 heaven, for whose voice then shook the earth."
06:41 He's talking about when God gave the Ten Commandments.
06:43 It says: "The mountain did quake and the people were terrified."
06:47 But now He's promising, "Yet once more I'll shake not only
06:50 the earth, but heaven also."
06:52 Here is a quote from the book of Haggai that Paul, who we believe
06:56 wrote Hebrews, is referencing.
06:58 He says, "I'll not only shake the earth, but heaven also."
07:01 And the Bible tells us in
07:03 Revelation when the Lord comes there's a great earthquake.
07:06 Says: "The heavens departed as a scroll."
07:07 So you got the heavens and the earth shaking at
07:09 the Second Coming.
07:11 So--but even when Christ was on the earth during His ministry,
07:15 there was a great earthquake when He died on the cross, but I
07:17 think this is, of course, after that, so he's looking ahead.
07:20 Jean: That's right.
07:22 Sort of the next big visit of God to the earth.
07:24 So he's referring to the Ten Commandments.
07:26 He's referring to the time when Christ was here and then
07:28 the next time when God comes to earth, well, it's the Second
07:31 Coming, Jesus comes.
07:33 And the earth is going to shake violently, as the Bible says
07:36 in Revelation.
07:37 You know, we do have a study guide that talks about
07:39 the Second Coming.
07:40 And it is called "Ultimate Deliverance," talking about the
07:43 Second Coming of Christ, what does the Bible say about that.
07:46 We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and ask.
07:48 The number, again, is 800-835-6747.
07:52 And the study guide is called the "Ultimate Deliverance."
07:55 The "Ultimate Deliverance."
07:56 You can get it by dialing #250, and just ask for it by name.
08:00 We'll be happy to send it to you.
08:02 Jean: Thank you, Jerry.
08:04 We've got Gary in Illinois.
08:05 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
08:08 Gary: Thank you.
08:10 In Revelation 7, verse 3, it says that "angels are told not
08:14 to harm the earth until the servants of God are sealed
08:17 in their forehead."
08:18 And then again in Revelation 9, verse 4, it says that "angels
08:22 will torment those who don't-- do not have the seal of God."
08:26 So my question is, what is the seal of God?
08:28 Could you explain that more deeply?
08:30 Doug: Yeah, well, right on the surface, the seal of God is
08:35 the Holy Spirit.
08:36 That's the first part.
08:37 I think everyone knows that those that are saved have
08:41 the Holy Spirit.
08:42 Now, let me give you some verses here.
08:44 It says, for instance, 2 Corinthians 1:22:
08:47 "Who has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts."
08:51 Ephesians 1:13: "Whom, having believed, you were sealed with
08:55 the Holy Spirit of promise."
08:57 Ephesians 4:30: "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom
09:01 you were sealed."
09:02 So obviously, those who have the mark of the beast have
09:04 the spirit of the devil.
09:06 And those who have the seal of God, have the Spirit of God.
09:09 But there's something deeper.
09:10 A seal biblically was when a king or an official attached
09:16 authority to a document, he would put his seal on it.
09:19 And the seal typically had three things.
09:21 It contained the king's name, his title, king, governor,
09:25 whatever it was, or-- and his territory.
09:29 And so you had the title, the name, the territory were
09:32 contained in a seal.
09:34 Then you read in the Bible in Isaiah chapter 8, it says: "Bind
09:37 up the testimony, seal My law among My disciples."
09:43 In the law of God, you find a seal of God.
09:47 That's in the fourth commandment where it says, "Remember to keep
09:50 the Sabbath Day holy for in 6 days, the Lord," there's His
09:54 name, "created or made," that's his title, He is the creator,
09:59 "the heavens and the earth," that's His territory.
10:02 So you've got the seal of God and the law of God.
10:05 And I think that's one of the characteristics is the people of
10:08 God in the last days, it says: "They keep the commandments of
10:10 God and they have the testimony of Jesus."
10:12 That's a quick answer.
10:14 Jean: Yeah, you mentioned there, Pastor Doug, that there's two
10:15 groups in the book of Revelation at the end of time.
10:17 Those with the mark of the beast, those with the seal
10:19 of God.
10:21 Revelation 7 describes the group with the seal of God and says
10:23 they have it in their forehead which, of course,
10:25 represents the mind.
10:27 Those that have the mark of the beast have it in their forehead
10:28 or their hand.
10:30 So, you know, they also have the hand.
10:31 It's interesting, the word used for mark.
10:34 And it's also the same idea that you find in Ezekiel where it
10:37 talks about setting a mark or a seal.
10:40 The Greek there is karaktia where we get the English
10:43 word "character."
10:44 So it is something to do with choosing to obey.
10:47 Do we obey God, keep commandments, or do we obey the
10:50 beast's power and keep the commandments of the beast?
10:52 We do have a study guide.
10:54 It's called "The Mark of the Beast."
10:55 Now, "The Mark of the Beast" also talks about the seal
10:57 of God.
10:58 You can't talk about the mark of the beast without
10:59 the seal of God.
11:01 Very important subject because the third angel warns about not
11:03 receiving the mark of the beast.
11:05 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
11:07 The number is 800-835-6747.
11:10 Just call and ask.
11:11 It's--ask for the study guide, "The Mark of the Beast," and
11:14 we'll send it to you.
11:15 You can dial #250 on your smartphone and say "Bible
11:18 Answers Live" and then ask for it by name.
11:20 "The Mark of the Beast" is one of our more popular study guides
11:24 and we will send it to you.
11:26 Next caller that we have is Brittany in California.
11:29 Evening, Brittany.
11:31 Brittany: Hey, hey.
11:32 Doug: Hi, thanks for calling.
11:34 Brittany: Yeah, my question is, does the sixth commandment in
11:39 the Ten Commandments, "You shall not kill," involve killing all
11:44 the unclean animals, specifically squirrels, rats,
11:47 or mice?
11:49 Doug: Oh, okay.
11:51 Does the commandment that says, "Do not kill," also apply to
11:54 even, like, unclean animals and rats and mice?
11:58 I don't, I think, yeah, I don't think that God is saying in the
12:01 commandment do not kill, you know, a mosquito.
12:05 I had to kill a cockroach today.
12:07 It's killing.
12:09 But let me just--let me just say, I don't want to take this
12:13 rabbit trail too far.
12:15 There are variations of value in life.
12:20 Jesus said we are worth more than sparrows.
12:23 He also said you're worth more than many sheep.
12:25 Killing a mosquito is not as big a moral dilemma as maybe killing
12:29 an intelligent creature, you know, you know, killing a dog
12:34 or, yeah, I think a mouse is worth more than a mosquito.
12:36 There's like a value and man is the crowning act of God's
12:39 creation, but the commandment really has nothing to do with
12:42 killing because every time you pull a weed, you're technically
12:45 killing something.
12:46 It has to do with murder.
12:48 Now, when Jesus quotes the Ten Commandments, it's in Mark
12:51 chapter 10:19.
12:53 He said, "You know the Commandments: 'Do not commit
12:56 adultery,' 'Do not murder.'"
12:58 Murder is different from killing.
13:01 The Ten Commandments don't really mean--in the Hebrew, it
13:03 says, "Thou shall not kill," and the word there is "murder."
13:06 Murder means the unlawful taking of innocent life.
13:11 So if a policeman needs to shoot someone in the act of defending
13:16 innocent parties, they don't ever charge him with murder.
13:20 It's justifiable homicide, and you're not guilty, you won't
13:24 be incarcerated.
13:25 Or if you're defending your home and someone dies.
13:27 So murder is a definition of taking the innocent life,
13:31 unlawful, taking an innocent life.
13:34 It's different than killing a rat.
13:36 I had to kill a mouse the other day too.
13:37 People are going to think I'm terrible, killing mice and
13:39 cockroaches, but, all in one week, but that's not murder.
13:43 It's not breaking the sixth commandment.
13:45 Jean: And, of course, sometimes having to kill some of these
13:47 pests, it's for health reasons too.
13:49 It's unhealthy to have mice running around your house.
13:52 Doug: You know, there's this temple in India where they
13:55 actually, they worship rats.
13:57 Jean: The rats are everywhere.
13:59 Doug: And they feed them and they, yeah, and it's just, it's
14:01 true, friends.
14:03 It's another amazing fact.
14:04 You can look it up and I don't think I could ever deal
14:06 with that.
14:08 They're running everywhere, yeah?
14:10 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is Anthony in
14:12 New York.
14:13 Anthony, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
14:15 Anthony: Oh, good evening, Pastors.
14:18 My question is based on Matthew chapter 18.
14:22 Just to be succinct, it, you know, talks about how to handle
14:26 disputes with the brethren, those in the Christian faith, I
14:29 believe, you know, go to the person alone.
14:32 If they don't hear you, then take two or three others.
14:35 If they don't hear you, then take it before the church.
14:38 Now within the context of social media and Youtube and other
14:44 platforms like that, where content creators put videos up,
14:47 I'm noticing a trend where, you know, different content creators
14:52 and usually pastors or people in the church are handling disputes
14:58 or, you know, making videos disputing each other or talking
15:03 about each other, debating each other, just went back and forth
15:06 like a volleyball with videos.
15:08 So I just want to understand what is--how do we apply
15:12 Matthew 18 within the context of our current social
15:16 media environment?
15:17 Doug: Yeah, good question.
15:19 Well, I think that if you're in--if you're in a position of
15:22 public teaching and you want to dispute a topic, well, you're
15:27 free to, you know, just post what you believe the truth is on
15:29 that topic.
15:30 If you've had a personal dispute with another individual, I don't
15:33 think it's ever right for a Christian to publicly demean a
15:37 person or, you know, take them to task.
15:39 You should make every effort to contact them on a personal basis
15:42 is what Jesus said.
15:44 You go to that brother alone and I did a debate with another
15:48 pastor but we sat down and went to lunch first and we were, you
15:51 know, said very friendly, we're going to stand up, we're going
15:53 to share our different positions, and this was not a
15:55 personal attack.
15:57 If I've got a problem with another individual, I'm not
15:59 going to post something and disparage that person without
16:02 trying to contact them first.
16:05 Now, if we're having theological discussions, well, you know, and
16:08 people do it with me all the time, you know, they'll say,
16:11 "Pastor Doug said such and such, but I take exception with that,"
16:14 and they'll post a video, and that's fine, you know?
16:17 They're dealing with an issue.
16:19 But if they said, you know, "Pastor Doug beats his
16:22 children," and they don't call me first to find that that's not
16:26 true, that's not appropriate when you start getting personal
16:30 with people.
16:32 Jean: And, you know, this is not a new thing.
16:33 Of course, we have social media, but in the old days people
16:34 would write articles in newspapers,
16:36 even religious magazines, and they would,
16:39 you know, argue back and forth and it wasn't good.
16:43 It kind of put the whole message, the whole movement,
16:46 the church, in a negative light.
16:48 Here are people that claim to believe the same thing, or
16:50 they're part of the church and yet they slinging mud at
16:53 each other.
16:54 And I think as Christians, that's something we want
16:55 to avoid.
16:57 Social media, sort of, amplified that in a big way.
16:58 Doug: And, you know, a bigger principle that this raises is
17:01 when there's error out there and someone is teaching error, don't
17:06 spend a lot of time talking about what the counterfeit is.
17:08 You got to highlight the true, and a lot of people go back and
17:11 forth, exposing the other counterfeits, but they don't
17:15 really say, "Well, what is the truth?"
17:17 And if people are better acquainted with the truth,
17:19 they'll recognize the counterfeit.
17:21 So that's another thought on that.
17:24 Good question, Anthony.
17:25 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is David, listening
17:27 in California.
17:28 David, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
17:30 David: Hello.
17:31 Doug: Hi, David.
17:33 And your question tonight?
17:34 David: How can I stay away from energy drinks?
17:38 Doug: Well, you just say, what's that, Nike says: "Just do it."
17:41 I'd say, "Just don't do it."
17:43 Now, it is true that energy drinks, typically it's caffeine,
17:49 caffeine is proven to be addictive.
17:52 It's not as bad as heroin or even nicotine, but any of these
17:56 things that end with an "ine," nicotine, caffeine, morphine,
18:02 they can be addictive, and people who are in the habit of
18:07 drinking a lot of Coke or coffee and they stop, they're prone to
18:12 get a headache, but that usually goes away in 2 or 3 days.
18:16 And I'd say just, you know, grin and bear it.
18:19 You have to--after you get through the first few days you
18:22 should start feeling normal and then it's really getting out of
18:24 just the habit of doing it and you'll probably sleep better.
18:29 Jean: Yeah, and, you know, you can substitute it with something
18:32 good for you.
18:34 So, instead of reaching for that Pepsi or that energy drink that,
18:36 like you said, Pastor Doug, is just loaded with caffeine, drink
18:39 water, I don't know, drink juice, do something different.
18:42 But yeah, it can be a challenge.
18:45 I've worked with people that I had to kind of taper off.
18:48 But yeah, you've got to make that decision, not good for you.
18:52 Doug: And you know, they're doing more and more.
18:55 It started out just soda and now they got this, you know, Monster
18:58 and Jolt and Rockstar and these folks are--they've had kids
19:04 that have gone to the hospital and they check them out and
19:07 their blood pressure, their hearts, are racing.
19:08 These are teenagers and they found out that they were
19:11 drinking one energy drink after another and it's not energy,
19:15 it's really a drug.
19:17 Jean: All right, thank you, David.
19:18 Next caller that we have is Steve in Oregon.
19:20 Steve, welcome to the program.
19:23 Steve: Hi.
19:24 I, in the 1970s, was in the Navy, US Navy, and stationed out
19:31 of Scotland and went on a submarine and we'd go out for,
19:35 you know, 70 days submerged and come back.
19:39 Well, after the patrol, we'd get one month off and we didn't have
19:46 to, you know, we had--and what I would do is I would hitchhike
19:51 around Europe.
19:53 We got a backpack and, in my travels I, my heritage
19:58 is from Sweden.
19:59 I got up into Sweden and got a ride with a guy
20:05 that was very wealthy and I asked
20:12 him about tithe and because he told me
20:19 that the government of Sweden in the '70s back then at his income
20:25 level would tax him 90% of his income.
20:31 And I was, you know, astounded like that how can you--I just
20:36 have to earn more money and then I have plenty.
20:40 But how in the past when I've heard on your program that we're
20:46 supposed to do the 10% from our gross income, that would leave
20:53 someone with no but--nothing.
20:56 Doug: Well, I'd never had that question before.
20:58 So if you're in a country that taxes you 90% and then you give
21:01 your 10%.
21:02 Of course, let me just answer right away.
21:05 I don't know how God will do it.
21:06 But yeah, you do what God says, you have to put him ahead of
21:09 the government.
21:10 And so you obey God with tithe.
21:13 How that works out mathematically, I don't know
21:16 the answer.
21:19 Jean: You know, usually somebody that is being taxed at that high
21:21 of a level, they probably make a whole lot more than the average
21:25 person does.
21:26 So, even though, yeah, they end up with 10% they probably have
21:30 a lot of money that makes up that 10%.
21:32 So, I don't know.
21:34 Did they pay the whole-- pay the whole thing?
21:38 So, that's a good--we've never had that before, Pastor Doug.
21:40 That's a good question.
21:41 But really, the biblical principle is your increase.
21:44 Doug: I'd say move to another country.
21:46 That's my answer.
21:48 If you're in a country that charges 90 percent tax,
21:51 the biblical thing to do is move to another country.
21:54 Jean: You know, we do have a study guide that talks about
21:57 the Bible and finance.
21:59 It's called, "In God We Trust?"
22:01 Lays out some great biblical principles that the Bible gives
22:04 for how to use our resources.
22:06 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
22:08 The number is 800-835-6747.
22:11 You can ask for the study guide.
22:13 It's called, "In God We Trust?"
22:14 It's 800-835-6747.
22:18 I think we have time for another caller here before the break.
22:20 We got Donna in Maryland.
22:22 Donna, welcome to the program.
22:25 Donna: Hi, thank you.
22:26 Hi, Pastors.
22:27 Doug: Hi, thanks for calling.
22:30 Donna: So, my question is about the Sabbath.
22:34 There's this very fine line
22:36 when it comes to helping others.
22:39 So, if I'm approached by a
22:42 homeless person on the Sabbath
22:44 and I took them to McDonald's
22:46 to get something to eat,
22:47 did I just break the Sabbath?
22:49 Doug: Well, I don't think so.
22:51 If you meet someone that's hungry and, you know, you don't
22:54 have any resources at your home or at your fingertips and you
22:57 want to feed them and the only way to feed them is either--
23:01 and sometimes you hand money to homeless people and it doesn't
23:03 go to food.
23:04 So I can understand where-- but I think you'd be better off
23:08 taking them to Taco Bell than McDonald's.
23:11 But, anyway, I don't know that that's a moral dilemma,
23:17 Pastor Ross?
23:18 Jean: No, you know, there are situations, for example, another
23:22 situation, somebody might be sick and you've got to go buy
23:26 some medicine.
23:27 I know we've had to do it with our kids.
23:28 It's the Sabbath.
23:30 You don't want them suffering.
23:31 Like, there's nothing wrong.
23:32 We don't have any medicine.
23:34 You'll get some medicine on the Sabbath.
23:35 That's not breaking the Sabbath.
23:37 Of course, you're not doing it on a regular basis.
23:39 It's a unexpected event, somewhat of an emergency.
23:43 That's sort of the illustration of the ox falling in the ditch,
23:47 yeah, on the Sabbath.
23:48 You reach in and you pull it out, you help.
23:50 So, yeah, there are exceptions.
23:52 Doug: Yeah, so, yeah, and I-- that's not the kind of thing
23:56 that usually happens to you every day, so.
23:58 Jean: No, it will be unique.
24:00 Doug: The Lord understands that.
24:01 All right, thanks so much, Donna.
24:02 I appreciate your call.
24:04 We got 2 minutes.
24:05 We might get one more in.
24:07 Jean: We've got Joyce in Tennessee.
24:08 Joyce, welcome to the program.
24:09 Joyce: Oh, hi.
24:11 Thanks for taking my call.
24:12 Listen, I'm going to try to be really quick.
24:15 I listened to a sermon not too long ago and the person alluded
24:20 to the relationship between Jesse and David in a way that he
24:26 mentioned Psalms chapter 53:5.
24:29 And I wanted to find out just what was the relationship
24:34 between Jesse because he mentioned something that made it
24:37 sound like there was some contingent between them.
24:40 And that's why Jesse was--David was not called into the meeting
24:44 when the prophet came to anoint the sons of David.
24:47 So I just wanted to know is there something there that we're
24:50 not aware of?
24:52 The scripture makes me--I thought--I always believed that
24:55 the scripture, Psalms 53:5 was a man's condition, general
25:01 condition, versus a personal thing with David.
25:05 I hope that question makes sense.
25:06 Doug: All right, now, so you said Psalm 53 verse 5. Jean: 51.
25:10 Doug: 51:5.
25:12 Joyce: 51:5. Doug: Okay, all right.
25:14 Yeah, that's where he says, "Behold, I was brought forth
25:17 in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me."
25:18 Some people, I think Augustine and others, use this to try to
25:21 argue for original sin.
25:22 But he's just saying that, you know, as Job says, as the sparks
25:28 fly upwards, so are people naturally prone to sin.
25:32 It wasn't meaning that there was anything particularly sinful
25:35 about David's birth.
25:36 There's nothing in the Bible, I've read the whole story of
25:39 David many, many times, every year just about.
25:42 And I've never read anything that says there was any
25:44 particular problem between David and his father.
25:48 The only reason he was not there is because he was the youngest
25:51 and they needed someone to watch the sheep during the feast.
25:56 And later, David protects his family and he saves them
25:59 from Saul.
26:01 He sends them, his father and mother, to live in Moab because,
26:03 remember, David had a Moabite grandmother,
26:05 a great-grandmother.
26:06 So, I've never read anything, Pastor Ross, that said there
26:10 was anything, any other animosity between Jesse
26:14 and his father.
26:16 He sends--or David, rather.
26:17 And Jesse, he sends his son to his brothers with food, entrusts
26:22 him to feed them.
26:23 Jean: There's some little jealousy between David and some
26:24 of his older brothers, as you have--you alluded to
26:27 that story.
26:28 But no, as far as David and his father, we have no record of
26:30 there ever being an issue.
26:32 Doug: Yeah, anyway.
26:34 Hey, friends, don't go away.
26:35 We're just going to have a little break here.
26:36 You can give us a call.
26:38 More Bible questions in just a few minutes.
26:39 We'll be back.
26:43 ♪♪♪
26:46 announcer: Stay tuned.
26:47 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:57 announcer: Amazing Facts Changed Lives.
27:04 ♪♪♪
27:08 Justin: Growing up as a kid, my mother was on drugs and alcohol,
27:14 lots of fighting in the home.
27:16 My mom would be abused mentally, verbally, physically.
27:21 Went from California to Oregon, spent some time in Oregon, and
27:26 it was just the same cycle of drugs, alcohol, violence.
27:30 My mom's boyfriend would go to jail at times.
27:34 She would wait until he would, you know, get out of jail and it
27:37 was back to square one.
27:39 The drugs and the alcohol escalated to a lot harder drugs,
27:44 crystal meth, cocaine, and lots and lots of alcohol.
27:49 So I started using the alcohol to--as a medication.
27:54 It was like a--the misery and the fear that I had.
27:57 I wanted to drown all that misery.
28:00 Times I would just grab, you know, a bottle of beer and go
28:05 out into the desert and just drink until sometimes I'd just
28:09 pass out in the desert somewhere and wake up the next morning
28:12 and, you know, and I just couldn't find rest.
28:16 My step-dad had got me a motorcycle and so I started
28:20 riding motorcycles.
28:22 I'd drink a lot of beer, get on the motorcycle, ride into
28:25 the desert, do donuts, and just throughout, you know, just ride
28:29 on private property.
28:31 People would chase me off and I was just causing--stirring up
28:35 dust and rocks and just causing chaos and the adrenaline rush
28:40 that I had was so exciting.
28:43 And the feeling of it was so intense that I loved it and it--
28:48 I forgot about all my problems, you know, at the moment and I
28:52 thought that material things would make me feel so good,
28:57 you know?
28:58 And so I started working, started making money, had
29:00 a responsibility.
29:02 But, as time went by, I had more money.
29:06 So I would, you know, use my money that I made to buy drugs
29:12 and alcohol.
29:13 Got pulled over, drinking and driving, ended up going to jail
29:18 for a couple of days.
29:20 I lost my job because I missed work for a few days.
29:24 Lost my girlfriend, lost all the money that I had.
29:29 So once again, I was empty, no money, no drugs, no alcohol.
29:34 And that was a turning point in my life.
29:36 At this time, I was living with my grandfather.
29:39 And as I was flipping through the channels on the satellite
29:43 system, I found "Amazing Facts."
29:46 Pastor Doug Batchelor was telling his--sharing his
29:49 testimony about how he was living in a cave and he was--
29:54 he struggled the same struggles of alcohol and drugs.
29:57 And I continued to read the book, "The Richest Caveman,"
30:02 and it really impacted my life and really related to the things
30:05 he was struggling with and all of the events that took place in
30:09 his life.
30:10 And when I started reading the Bible, Philippians 4:13 says: "I
30:13 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
30:16 I recognized that I had no strength.
30:18 I was weak and I was wretched and I needed help.
30:23 So I just asked the Lord, I said, "Just help me, Lord."
30:26 And the Holy Spirit convicted me and I decided to be baptized and
30:33 to give my life to Jesus Christ.
30:35 A few years after the Lord took the temptation of drinking and
30:40 doing drugs, He gave me a beautiful wife I met at church.
30:44 Now I have a beautiful baby boy, 2-year-old baby boy.
30:47 It's just exciting to see, you know, what God is doing in my
30:52 life and my family.
30:54 I met with some friends from my local church that I was
30:58 attending and they had told me about Amazing Facts, Center of
31:03 Evangelism Training Seminar.
31:06 The AFCOE to Go program really inspired me and motivated me to
31:12 tell young people about, you know, the same struggles that I
31:16 was struggling with to help these kids give your life to
31:19 Jesus Christ.
31:21 And there's nothing else that you could ask for.
31:23 I'm Justin and God used you to change my life.
31:28 ♪♪♪
31:37 ♪♪♪
31:40 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where every
31:43 question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
31:47 plan to save you.
31:48 So what are you waiting for?
31:50 Get practical answers about the good book for a better
31:53 life today.
31:57 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
32:00 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
32:03 on the air, please call us next Sunday
32:05 between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific time.
32:09 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
32:12 evening's program call 800-835-6747.
32:17 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
32:22 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
32:28 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to
32:29 "Bible Answers Live."
32:31 And for those who may have joined us en route, this is
32:33 a live international interactive Bible study.
32:36 You can join us with your Bible questions calling 800-GOD-SAYS,
32:40 that's 800-463-7297 and I am Doug Batchelor.
32:45 Jean: My name is Jean Ross and you can also send us your
32:48 question via email.
32:49 The email address is
32:54 Just
32:58 Pastor Doug, we have a couple of email questions.
33:00 Steve is asking: What verse in the Bible states that the earth
33:03 is round?
33:05 Doug: Well, if they're looking for a verse that says the earth
33:08 is a sphere, there's no verse that--Isaiah talks about the
33:12 circle of the earth.
33:13 And yeah, I'm guessing maybe this question is coming from
33:19 somebody, I--it's amazing to me how many people have kind of got
33:22 caught up in what they call the Flat Earth Theory.
33:26 And you and I have flown all around the world.
33:29 Friends, we've seen firsthand, the earth is round.
33:33 We've been all the way around the world.
33:35 Jean: Yeah, and the Bible says: "God sits on the circle of
33:37 the earth."
33:38 So another question that we have: Did God command the temple
33:41 builders to construct the temple stones and the temple
33:44 furniture off-site?
33:46 Doug: Well, we know that the construction was done off-site
33:49 and all the measurements were made off-site, which is one
33:52 reason for that story about the stone which the
33:56 builders rejected.
33:57 They had quarried a cornerstone at the quarry.
34:01 And when it was sent over to the construction site, they weren't
34:04 sure where it went and they kept tripping over it.
34:06 And that was because the quarrying and the measurements
34:09 were made at the quarry, which was several miles away.
34:13 I think they found the place where Solomon's stones
34:15 were quarried.
34:17 But it--there's no command where it says, "You shall not
34:21 chisel any of the stones on the building site."
34:25 They didn't do it probably, one, out of reverence because it was
34:28 a holy building and there was no sound of tool as it was being
34:32 put together, also because it was in Jerusalem city limits.
34:36 And that would have whenever you live next to a construction
34:38 site, it could be pretty disruptive and the king's palace
34:41 was there.
34:43 So--but there was no command that I have ever found where it
34:46 said you're required to build it off-site.
34:49 Jean: I think there's also a practical aspect of that.
34:51 If you were going to--and some of those stones in
34:53 the construction of the temple are massive.
34:55 And if you're going to have to transport a lot of stone from
34:58 one place to another, you want to transport just what you need.
35:01 You don't want extra stone.
35:03 So they would cut it to the right size, amazing measurements
35:05 to make sure that all the stones fit together.
35:07 But they would carve it out and get it just to the right size
35:10 and then transport that to the building site.
35:13 Otherwise, they'd have a lot of gravel they had to haul away.
35:15 Yeah, they'd have extra stone they have to carry.
35:17 All right, one more question, one more email question,
35:19 then we'll go back to the phone lines.
35:21 Chris is asking is the term that we find in the Bible, "the
35:24 bottomless pit" in Revelation, the same as "the abyss" that you
35:27 read about where the demons say, "Don't cast us into the abyss"?
35:31 Doug: Yeah, in Luke chapter 8, the demon-possessed man, he
35:35 says--well, the demons are speaking and they say they're
35:38 a legion of demons.
35:39 They say, "Do not cast us into the abussos," which is the Greek
35:43 word for the nothingness, meaning no one to manipulate,
35:47 to possess.
35:48 And it is the exact same word you find in Revelation 20.
35:51 It's a condition of the world during the 1000 years where
35:54 it's dark.
35:56 It's the same word in the Septuagint, when the Greek
35:59 version of the Old Testament, when they explain the creation.
36:02 It says the earth was void.
36:03 It says the earth was abussos.
36:06 And it's--it means an emptiness.
36:08 It doesn't mean bottomless pit, though we sometimes use when
36:11 there's a void, where there's an emptiness, we call it the abyss.
36:14 Like the Grand Canyon is an abyss.
36:17 Anyway, thanks so much.
36:19 And we're going to take live calls now, I think.
36:20 Jean: That's right.
36:22 The phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297 with your
36:26 Bible question.
36:27 We've got Abi in California.
36:28 Abi, welcome to the program.
36:30 Abi: Hi.
36:31 Hi, Pastor Batchelor and Pastor Ross.
36:33 Doug: Hi, thank you for calling.
36:36 And your question?
36:37 Abi: My question is if I--okay, so scarlet is associated with
36:43 sin and I was wondering if I have a daughter, would it be
36:47 a sin to call her "Scarlett"?
36:49 Doug: Well, it wouldn't be my first choice.
36:51 If you've ever heard of the classic called "Gone with the
36:54 Wind," that one of the title characters is Scarlett O'Hara.
36:59 So it's not uncommon to have the name "Scarlett."
37:02 Scarlet's a beautiful color.
37:05 It's often associated with blood in the Bible.
37:09 It talks about, you know, scarlet is connected with blood
37:11 and scarlet's connected with "though your sins be
37:14 as scarlet."
37:15 If--I'd say if you're ever in doubt if you're going to have
37:18 a child, it's not a sin to name them "Scarlett."
37:22 It's not a sin to name them Jezebel or Pilate.
37:26 Oh, it might be, I don't know.
37:28 But, you know, I'd say if you're going to--if you're going to
37:32 have second thoughts about a name, well, pick something else.
37:36 You don't want to be forever wondering why you named
37:39 them something.
37:40 So, but no, I don't think there's any Bible injunction.
37:43 There's other places in the Bible where the word "scarlet"
37:45 is also positive.
37:46 I'm trying to think of them right now, but I've read both.
37:49 Jean: Okay, thank you.
37:50 The next caller that we have is Annette in Texas.
37:52 Annette, welcome to the program.
37:55 Annette: Good evening.
37:56 Doug: Evening.
37:58 Annette: Yes, my question is, does God still use prophets in
38:03 the church today?
38:06 Doug: Well, I believe so.
38:08 When you look in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 and chapter 12, he
38:14 talks about the gifts of the Spirit, and one of the gifts of
38:18 the Spirit is the gift of prophecy.
38:21 And when you read in Joel chapter 2, says: "One of
38:26 the signs of the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit on all flesh
38:29 and your sons and daughters will prophesy."
38:32 So one of the things He says will happen in the last days,
38:34 and then if you read the last verse in the Old Testament,
38:37 "Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the great and
38:41 terrible day of the Lord."
38:42 And that first was fulfilled in John the Baptist.
38:45 But Jesus says Elijah will come, even after John.
38:49 So the Bible doesn't say that God ever withdrew this gift.
38:55 And then when you look in Revelation 12, at when it
38:58 describes in chapter 12, verse 17, characteristics of His
39:03 church in the last days, it says: "This--these are they
39:06 that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony
39:09 of Jesus."
39:11 And then you say, "Well, what's the testimony of Jesus?"
39:13 You go to Revelation 19, verse 10, it says the angel says:
39:17 "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
39:20 So one of the characteristics of God's people in the last days is
39:24 they are obeying the commandments of God.
39:27 And they still have and believe in the modern example
39:31 of prophecy.
39:32 So I don't see anywhere where the Bible says He was
39:36 withdrawing one of the gifts of the Spirit in the last days.
39:40 Jean: Now, the Bible does warn against false prophets in
39:42 the last days.
39:44 Well, that would then maybe mean, well, maybe there's a true
39:45 gift of prophecy in the last days.
39:47 And how do we know the difference?
39:48 Well, the Bible gives us signs, certain tests that could be
39:52 applied for a prophet.
39:53 And these are important because Jesus warned.
39:55 He said, "Be aware of false prophets in the last days."
39:58 So we've got to test what so-called prophets say by
40:03 the Word of God.
40:04 And we do have a study guide.
40:05 It's called, "Did God Inspire--" or "Does God Inspire Psychics
40:08 and Astrologists?"
40:10 And that is a free offer.
40:11 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
40:14 The number is 800-835-6747.
40:17 Or you can dial #250 on your smartphone.
40:20 What are the signs that the Bible gives?
40:22 Determine the true gift of prophecy versus the false gift
40:26 of prophecy, and you'll be blessed.
40:28 So just call and ask for that.
40:29 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who contacts us.
40:32 Next caller that we have-- did you want to add to that,
40:34 Pastor Doug?
40:35 Doug: No, I'd just say, yeah, that lesson actually
40:37 goes through.
40:38 It doesn't mention prophets in the title, but it does go
40:40 through the test of a true prophet in that lesson.
40:43 Jean: Sammy is calling in California.
40:44 Sammy, welcome to the program.
40:46 Sammy: Good evening, Pastor Batchelor.
40:47 Good evening, Pastor Ross.
40:49 Doug: Evening.
40:50 Sammy: My question is, you know, a lot of protestants believe in
40:53 sola scriptura, right?
40:55 And other denominations don't believe in that.
40:58 They have--they put less weight in scripture.
41:02 How do we know if the original early church correctly chose
41:07 the books of the--that form the New Testament today?
41:11 Doug: Yeah, well, it's through the mouth of two or
41:14 three witnesses.
41:16 They were guided by the Holy Spirit.
41:17 There's actually several criteria that the early church
41:22 used to evaluate if a book was to be considered inspired.
41:27 For one thing, Peter calls the writings of Paul "scripture" and
41:33 that's in 2 Peter chapter 3-- so it, right there, since Paul
41:38 wrote about half the New Testament, that settles about
41:41 half the books.
41:43 And then they looked at the books based on, were they in
41:46 harmony with the teachings of the Bible?
41:51 I want to say teachings of the Bible!
41:52 Did they correspond with the teachings of the prophets, that
41:55 you would find in the Old Testament?
41:57 Were they endorsed by the apostles?
42:00 I understand that by 100 A.D., all of the books that we now
42:04 have in our Bible people say, "Well, they didn't know for
42:06 hundreds of years," there were church councils years later that
42:09 affirmed it.
42:11 But by 100 A.D., the 27 books in our New Testament were already
42:16 settled and recognized as inspired.
42:18 And there was no book of Judas.
42:20 There was no book of Thomas, there was no book of
42:22 Mary Magdalene.
42:23 Those things all came as apocryphal books, hundreds of
42:26 years later.
42:27 And they were cross-referenced, basically, by the apostles.
42:34 Jean: And then these letters that came from these different
42:36 apostles, they were recognized by the churches, they were
42:39 copied, and then sent to other churches and it was repeated.
42:43 And so the same letter was copied many, many times.
42:46 And so we have evidence to support that these were
42:48 recognized as sacred writings.
42:51 You know, we have a book called, "The Ultimate Resource," that
42:53 talks about the Bible, talks about the different books, and
42:56 how we ended up with the Bible.
42:58 And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
43:01 The number is 800-835-6747.
43:05 That's 800-835-6747.
43:07 You can ask for the book.
43:09 It's called, "The Ultimate Resource," or dial #250 and
43:12 you'll be able to get a digital download of the book.
43:14 Just #250, and ask for "The Ultimate Resource."
43:19 Doug: I was just reading, Pastor Ross, in my Bible reading this
43:23 morning where at the end of 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, Paul
43:27 says, "I charge you by the Lord that this Epistle be read to all
43:30 of the holy brethren."
43:32 And so, he would write a letter, they'd read it, they'd make
43:35 copies, they'd spread it around, because he was in jail, so they
43:38 didn't have Xerox machines back then.
43:40 Jean: And you know, that was good in one way because for
43:42 example, the writing of the book of Revelation was written to the
43:44 seven churches, but it was written in Ephesus, copied and
43:47 then sent to the next church and so on and so forth, Smyrna, and
43:50 went all the way around.
43:52 But then it was copied and spread throughout all the
43:53 Christian churches.
43:54 So there were many manuscripts of the same letter that had been
43:57 copied time and time again.
43:59 So when it came to compiling the Textus Receptus, you know, the
44:02 New Testament collection of these Greek manuscripts, there
44:05 were a lot of texts that they could look at and they could
44:08 compare and make sure that they found the one that was the most
44:11 faithful to the original.
44:12 So there's good reason for that.
44:14 Doug: Yeah, thank you.
44:15 Jean: In other words, we can trust the Bible.
44:17 The more you get into it, the more you study it, there is no
44:19 document more verified and trustworthy than the Bible.
44:25 Doug: Absolutely.
44:26 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is May
44:27 in Wisconsin.
44:29 May, welcome to the program.
44:30 May: Hi, my question is, what is the mark of the beast?
44:33 Doug: To answer that question, you almost need to know first,
44:34 if you're going to know what the mark of the beast is, you need
44:36 to know what is the beast.
44:38 The beast, that's a whole Bible study.
44:40 I usually take two nights to explain this.
44:44 The beast that you find in Revelation 13, there are two
44:47 beasts in Revelation 13.
44:49 The first beast is the one that we're really thinking of.
44:53 Most of the Protestants believe these different beasts you find
44:56 in Daniel and Revelation were different kingdoms,
44:58 different powers.
44:59 And you've got, in Revelation 12, you've got this dragon that
45:04 tries to devour the woman.
45:05 This is the devil operating through the kingdom of Rome,
45:08 Rome ruled by Caesars.
45:11 After the Caesars died off with the fall of Rome, about the same
45:15 time, the church was turning into a political
45:18 religious power.
45:19 That lasted over 1000 years and better known as the Roman
45:23 Catholic church, and it became a persecuting power and they
45:28 freely admit that.
45:29 So that is the first beast that you find in Revelation 13.
45:33 Now, we've got a lesson that talks about what is the mark
45:35 and, rather than try and fit it all into a 3-minute answer,
45:39 we'll send you or anyone a free copy of that lesson.
45:43 Jean: It's called "The Mark of the Beast."
45:45 It's a very important topic.
45:46 Revelation chapter 13.
45:48 And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
45:51 The number again is 800-835-6747.
45:54 Ask for that study guide: "What is the Mark of the Beast?"
45:57 You can dial #250 and receive a digital download.
46:01 And it's all in there.
46:02 You'll find that helpful.
46:04 Next caller that we have is Donna in Oregon.
46:06 Donna, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
46:08 Donna: Thank you for taking my call.
46:10 Hebrews chapter 6, verse 4 through 6, and it's saying that
46:17 "once we have been enlightened by God and became followers of
46:23 Him and then we fall away, we can't ever be partakers again of
46:27 His righteousness."
46:29 Does that mean that I'm lost?
46:31 Doug: Well, if you're talking about when a person knows
46:35 the Lord and they backslide, can they be saved?
46:38 Absolutely.
46:40 Because look at the prodigal son.
46:42 He was in the father's house.
46:44 He knew the father, he fell away.
46:47 He went to a far country.
46:48 He came to his senses, he came back.
46:50 You look at Peter who denied the Lord and he came back.
46:54 And you look at people in the Bible like King Manasseh who
46:57 fell off in a big way.
46:59 So if there's no hope for backsliders, then what about
47:03 those verses where Jeremiah says, "I will heal
47:05 your backsliding"?
47:07 So God is not saying in this verse that if a person
47:11 backslides or if they fall away, they cannot be restored.
47:14 He's saying--He's talking about a person who resists the best
47:18 that God has to offer.
47:20 If they fall away, meaning if they reject the best that God
47:24 has to offer and they don't repent, there's no
47:28 restoring them.
47:30 But I think everybody listening to my voice right now has fallen
47:34 away in varying degrees where you get discouraged at some
47:37 point and then you come to your senses, you return to the Lord
47:40 or you have--you get dead and then you have a revival.
47:43 This is talking about a person that has really all the best--
47:46 notice the words that are used.
47:47 "They taste the good Word of God, the powers of the age
47:50 to come."
47:52 It says: "They're partakers of the Holy Spirit.
47:53 They taste the heavenly gift.
47:55 They were enlightened."
47:57 These people have had the best of everything.
47:58 And if they reject that, then what more can God send to reach
48:02 them is what it's saying.
48:04 So if you feel the Holy Spirit, Donna, that is calling you,
48:09 by all means, come back.
48:10 God's arm is not shortened that He cannot save.
48:13 And He said whosoever, if you come to Him, if we repent--
48:18 the children of Israel, God told them, "If you're carried off to
48:21 a foreign country, because you disobey, even if it's the other
48:24 side of the world, if you turn back to Me again and repent
48:27 of your sins, I will bring you back."
48:30 All through the Bible, that's the message of God is that I can
48:32 bring you back, if we repent.
48:34 Jean: Absolutely.
48:36 Next caller that we have is Lilian or Liliana from
48:39 Washington State.
48:41 Liliana, welcome to the program.
48:43 Liliana: Hi.
48:44 Doug: Hi, thank you for calling.
48:46 Liliana: Thank you for taking my call.
48:47 I'm 14 and I was wondering how can I witness better to younger
48:53 kids who might not go to the same church as me?
48:57 They're younger and it's different than witnessing to,
49:00 like, an adult or an older teenager.
49:02 Doug: Right, yeah, yeah.
49:05 Well, there's three things you can do for people that you want
49:08 to reach.
49:09 One is you be a good example.
49:12 I always say three and I really mean four.
49:14 Be a good example.
49:16 If they're open, share information with them.
49:19 That means you can talk to them about the Lord.
49:22 You might give them something to read.
49:24 If they're young, it would be maybe a little simpler than if
49:27 it's an adult, that directs them to God.
49:31 And then the third thing is, you pray for them.
49:35 So be a good example.
49:36 If you can share information with them.
49:38 Now, when they're children of somebody else, you've got to be
49:41 careful about proselytizing someone's kids.
49:44 Some people, you can't, like, you know, sneak them away from
49:47 their parents so that you can indoctrinate them.
49:50 Some parents wouldn't appreciate that.
49:51 But you want to be a witness to them and share truth as
49:54 you're able.
49:55 And the fourth thing is continue to do it.
49:58 So, don't get discouraged.
50:00 So, be a good witness.
50:01 Share information.
50:03 It might be a DVD, or--if anyone uses those anymore.
50:05 Direct them to a website where they can see Christian
50:08 information, a Bible study.
50:11 Pray for them, and keep it up.
50:16 Jean: All right, very good.
50:17 Next caller that we have is Robert in Washington.
50:19 Robert, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
50:21 Robert: Hi, Pastor Ross.
50:23 Hi, Pastor Doug.
50:24 Doug: Hi, Robert. Thank you for calling.
50:27 Robert: I was wanting to know if Jesus is called the first
50:31 fruits, then how could Moses be raised?
50:33 And also there's a--where David--and I think in Psalms,
50:37 he's called the firstborn, but he's actually not
50:39 the firstborn either.
50:41 Doug: Yeah, when Christ is called the first fruits of those
50:43 who are raised from the dead, people say, "Well, he wasn't
50:45 the first one resurrected."
50:47 For one thing in the Old Testament, you've got three
50:49 or four resurrections.
50:51 You've got Elijah and Elisha, both respectively resurrected
50:55 a boy.
50:56 A man was resurrected when he was lowered on Elisha's bones.
51:01 Then you got, you know, Elijah never died.
51:03 Of course, that's not a resurrection.
51:05 And so why would it call Christ the first fruits among those who
51:08 have risen from the dead?
51:10 The first in Hebrew did not always mean sequence.
51:13 First sometimes meant greatest.
51:16 You know, you call the president's wife the first lady.
51:19 She's not the first lady to arrive in North America, but
51:23 first means a position of prominence.
51:26 And so Christ is the greatest of those who have risen from
51:29 the dead.
51:31 And he is really the first fruits also in the sense that
51:34 he's the first one and only one who lived a perfect life and he
51:38 rose, you know, with a glorified body to make it possible for
51:41 anyone else to be in heaven.
51:43 So even Moses and Elijah and Enoch are there by virtue of
51:47 Jesus's sacrifice.
51:50 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is Glady
51:52 from Arizona.
51:53 Glady, welcome to the program.
51:55 Glady: Oh, good evening, Pastor.
51:57 Doug: Evening.
51:59 Glady: My question is, do I need to preach the gospel in
52:02 order for me to be saved?
52:04 Because someone told me that I won't be saved unless I will
52:08 preach the gospel.
52:09 Doug: Well, there are different gifts of the Spirit and you read
52:13 in, I just mentioned, 1 Corinthians chapter 12.
52:17 Some are pastors, some are evangelists, some are teachers,
52:20 some have gifts of administration, gifts of help.
52:23 Some have gifts of healing.
52:24 I think some people have gifts of prayer, there are gifts
52:28 of intercession.
52:30 And so the idea that everyone is supposed to be a pastor,
52:33 preacher, teacher, not everybody is a good public speaker.
52:37 Some people could be and they don't know.
52:40 I didn't know I could.
52:43 I lived in a cave like a hermit because I was scared of crowds.
52:47 And I don't know about you, Pastor Ross.
52:49 First time I got up to preach, my knees were shaking and my
52:51 hands were sweating and I was-- my mouth went dry and I was
52:54 so scared.
52:55 So you might have ability to share with others.
52:59 But in the sense that every Christian is called to be a
53:03 witness, yes, some of us preach with our lives and our example
53:09 or you might give a Bible study or share with a person on
53:11 a one-to-one basis.
53:13 Doesn't mean you need to stand up and go to be missionary in
53:16 another country and preach.
53:18 So you want to add to that?
53:20 Jean: Yeah, I was going to mention the same thing, where
53:21 there's different ways of preaching.
53:22 We can preach in the way we live.
53:24 We can focus our mission field on those who are closest to us.
53:28 Maybe if we're a parent, our first mission field is our kids
53:31 and we've got to set an example and teach them.
53:34 So yes, we want to be faithful in whatever area God has placed
53:38 us and whatever gifts God has given to us.
53:40 Doug: Someone, I don't remember who, said, "Preach Christ and if
53:43 necessary use words."
53:45 So, you know, all of us are to by our--by our lives, let our
53:50 light shine.
53:51 But if someone's telling you, you've got to go do literal
53:55 preaching to be saved, I don't think you find that in
53:57 the Bible.
53:58 Jean: Next caller that we have is Vivian in Canada.
54:00 Vivian, welcome to the program.
54:02 Vivian: Hello, Pastor.
54:03 Jean: Evening.
54:05 Vivian: My question is about Christian persecution.
54:08 As we know, the Christians in the Roman Colosseum,
54:11 the martyrs, were sacrificed.
54:13 However, Jesus says, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
54:17 Can you explain that, please?
54:19 Doug: Yeah, the idea when Christ said, "I'll never leave you or
54:22 forsake you," why would He say that to the apostles when
54:26 probably 10 out of the 12 died as martyrs?
54:31 Well, did Jesus ever leave them?
54:33 Did Paul get the idea?
54:34 He--Paul knew he was going to be executed by Nero through
54:38 beheading and Paul was in prison and he knew that he was on
54:42 death row.
54:44 He said to Timothy in 2 Timothy, "The time of
54:46 my departure is at hand."
54:47 Did Paul have the idea that Christ had forsaken him?
54:50 Not at all.
54:51 He said, "I know to whom I've committed my life and that He is
54:55 able to keep that which I've given Him until that day."
54:59 Paul had great confidence.
55:00 He said, "Hereafter there is laid up for me, a crown of
55:03 righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will
55:05 give me."
55:06 So when Christ said, "I'll be with you," that didn't mean you
55:09 will not be persecuted.
55:11 As He said, "Some of you will be martyred."
55:12 Jesus foretold that, actually.
55:14 He said, "You will be hated of all nations for My namesake,"
55:18 but He's still with them to the end.
55:21 And so, many of them died in great peace because they knew
55:24 Christ's presence.
55:25 Even the--you know, you-- we're all going to die if Jesus
55:29 doesn't come.
55:30 So if you die at the hands of persecution, it doesn't mean
55:33 that God has forsaken you.
55:35 In some ways, that's an honor.
55:37 Jean: During a time of severe persecution that we have
55:39 recorded in Revelation chapter 2, Jesus gave a promise to
55:44 the people and He said, "You're going to suffer persecution,
55:46 you're going to be tried."
55:48 And then He says, "Be faithful unto death, and I'll give you
55:50 the crown of life."
55:52 So obviously, Jesus was with them right up till the very end,
55:54 even though they went through trials and persecution.
55:57 And He reminded them that if they are faithful, they will
55:59 receive the ultimate reward, which is the crown of life,
56:02 eternal life.
56:03 Doug: In the Gospel of John, Christ said, "The hour is coming
56:07 in which those that kill you will say that they're
56:11 serving God."
56:12 So I think the Lord's told us that--and then you--where is
56:17 it in Revelation where it says the souls of those under
56:21 the altar that were beheaded for Christ.
56:24 Jean: That's the sixth seal.
56:25 Doug: Sixth seal, yeah.
56:27 Jean: Fifth seal, actually.
56:28 Doug: So there, yeah, there's no question that Jesus knew that
56:31 some of His followers were going to be persecuted severely for
56:34 their faith.
56:36 And don't let that frighten you or discourage you, friends.
56:38 Jean: Our next caller that we have is Christopher in Montana.
56:41 Christopher, welcome to the program.
56:43 We have about a minute.
56:44 Christopher: I'll make it as quick as I can, Pastor.
56:46 Thank you for your time.
56:47 My question is referring to the pre-trib versus post-trib and
56:51 with all the events going on in the world, with Jerusalem being
56:54 surrounded, the star of Jacob appearing, celestial events
56:57 happening on the Feast of Trumpets and all that stuff, my
57:01 question is, is how do we know He's not knocking on the door
57:04 right now, showing us the signs and wonders that He promised us
57:08 and how we can expect that?
57:11 That's, I guess, what I'm asking.
57:13 Doug: Yeah, well, I do think the Lord's Coming is soon.
57:16 He said there'll be a great time of trouble and it looks to me
57:19 like we're on the verge of some very exciting days.
57:23 Oh, I wish I could delve into your question a little more,
57:25 Christopher, but we're pushed up against the clock.
57:27 Listening friends, that's probably a good place for us to
57:31 think about with everything going on in the world, in
57:34 the country, with the wars and rumors of wars, we need to
57:37 be praying.
57:39 With all of the political polarization, we need to be
57:41 praying because people's hearts are failing from fear.
57:44 And the only answer to that is if they could be introduced to
57:47 the Prince of Peace.
57:49 Jesus said He's offering us a peace that passes
57:52 all understanding.
57:53 No matter what happens in the world, friends, Jesus is the
57:57 truth that will set you free.
57:58 So do not fear.
57:59 God willing, we'll be studying His Word with you again
58:01 next week.
58:03 ♪♪♪
58:05 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
58:08 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
58:11 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
58:15 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.


Revised 2025-01-04