Series Code: AFBA
Program Code: AFBA202425S
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00:03 male announcer: It is the best selling book in history. 00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted and its 00:10 words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious should 00:14 always be studied carefully. 00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God. 00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical 00:24 answers to all your Bible questions. 00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. 00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this 00:34 broadcast call 800-835-6747. 00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747. 00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International 00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor 00:50 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends. 00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact? 00:54 On January 26th 2019, Lisa Grace and Adam Staples were training 01:00 five friends to use their metal detectors in the Chew Valley 01:04 area near Bath, Northeast Somerset, England. 01:08 That's when they stumbled on a hoard of 2,528 silver pennies 01:13 nearly 1,000 years old. 01:15 In October 2024, the coins were bought for 5.5 million making it 01:21 the highest value treasure ever found in the UK. 01:25 The total fine consists of 1,236 coins of Harold II and 01:31 1,310 coins of William I. 01:35 The Chew Valley Hoard, as it's now known, dates from 01:38 the mid-11th century, shortly after the Norman conquest 01:40 of England in 1066. 01:43 Of course, back then, there were no banks in those days and the 01:46 coins may have been buried in a time of war or an effort to 01:50 avoid paying taxes. 01:52 Evidently, the owners died before they could pass on the 01:55 secret hiding place. 01:56 The seven friends who found the coins will split 01:59 5.5 million with the landowner. 02:02 The Chew Valley Hoard is now being displayed at the 02:05 British Museum. 02:06 Think about that, Pastor Ross. 02:07 It'd be kind of exciting every kid's dream that you could dig 02:10 up buried treasure. 02:12 Jëan Ross: I know once you get inspired to go out and buy a 02:15 metal detector and start looking around your yard, you never know 02:17 what you're gonna find. 02:19 Doug: You know, I actually did once I used to go camping. 02:21 You went with us once in Nevada. 02:23 And there's, you know, a lot of minerals out there and I had a 02:27 metal detector and we combed the hills up. 02:29 They usually found like nails and horse shoes and things 02:31 like that. 02:33 But you know, the Bible tells a story about a man who found a 02:35 real treasure in a field and you can read about that 02:39 in Matthew 13:44. 02:40 Jesus said, "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a 02:44 treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and 02:49 for joy over it he goes and he sells all that he has and buys 02:53 the field." 02:54 So, the picture is, as I mentioned, there were no banks 02:56 back then. 02:57 And people would often bury their treasure and they'd mark 03:00 the spot. 03:02 Well, this man, he's working in a field. 03:04 He's plowing evidently and plow hits something. 03:07 He goes to dig it up and he finds that it's a treasure that, 03:11 you know, ostensibly had been buried years before. 03:14 He covers it back up. 03:15 He said he hides it again. 03:17 Then he says, "Oh, it's not right for me to just take 03:19 the treasure. 03:20 It's not my field, but I'm gonna buy the field 03:22 because I know what's in it." 03:23 And he tells his wife, "We're having a garage sale, we're 03:26 selling everything we've got." 03:27 She says, "You're crazy." 03:29 He says, "Trust me." 03:30 He knows that he's got something that's worth more than 03:33 everything else he owns. 03:35 So, he sells everything to get that field with the treasure 03:39 in it. 03:40 And Jesus, you know, that's an analogy for the cost of 03:43 following Him. 03:45 He says, we must be willing to forsake all, take up our cross 03:47 and follow Him. 03:49 Or it's like that what the merchant who finds a pearl of 03:51 great price and he sells everything to buy that pearl. 03:54 "Friends, what profit is it if you gain the whole world and 03:57 lose your soul?" 03:58 So, there's nothing in this world, no sin that is worth more 04:01 than peace and joy now and an abundant life and everlasting 04:07 life in the world to come. 04:09 And if you'd like to know more about that life, Jesus wants you 04:11 to have it, but He wants all your heart. 04:14 We've got a book that talks about that. 04:16 Jëan: That's right. 04:17 A book titled, "The Riches of His Grace." 04:19 That is a free gift this evening. 04:20 If you'd like to receive it, all you need to do is call and ask 04:23 the number is 800-835-6747. 04:27 And you can ask for the book, "The Riches of His Grace." 04:30 If you have your cell phone handy, you can dial #250 04:33 say, "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book by name. 04:36 It's called "The Riches of His Grace." 04:38 You'll get a digital download, you'll be able to read it and 04:40 share it with somebody else. 04:42 Well, Pastor Doug, before we go to the phone lines, as we always 04:45 do, we like to start with the word of prayer. 04:47 Let's do that. 04:48 Dear Father we are so grateful for your Word. 04:50 We are thankful for the truth that the Bible reveals. 04:53 We need not fear the future for we know who holds the future. 04:56 And as we study your Word this evening, we pray that you guide 04:59 us into a clearer and full understanding of Bible truth. 05:02 We ask this in Jesus name, amen. 05:04 Doug: Amen. 05:06 Jëan: We're ready to go to the phone lines and our first caller 05:08 this evening is Jan in California. 05:10 Jan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 05:13 Jan: Thank you for taking my call. 05:15 My question is I have some friends who are painting Jesus 05:20 as a tyrant and it's all about John 2:14 and 15 when Jesus was 05:27 cleansing the temple because in John, it describes how Jesus 05:32 made a whip out of cords. 05:35 They are putting up pictures and saying that He was whipping the 05:39 people and the animals. 05:41 I've never seen it that way. 05:43 And I just wondered if there is some Bible reference that would 05:47 refute that. 05:49 Doug: Yeah. 05:50 Well, first of all, the verse itself doesn't say He whipped 05:53 anybody or any creature. 05:54 It says He made a whip and drove. 05:56 Well, let me read it for everybody. 05:57 If you go to John chapter 2, and I'll start with verse 14, well, 06:02 verse 13. 06:04 "Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand." 06:06 This is a holy feast. 06:07 There's thousands of people that come to the temple. 06:09 "And Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 06:11 And He found in the temple, those who sold oxen 06:14 and sheep and doves and the money changers." 06:16 So, people would come and buy their sacrifices. 06:19 And the courtyard is full of the lowing of oxen and the cooing of 06:23 doves and the bleating of goats and sheep and Jesus realized it 06:27 had turned into a flea market and that was, it was supposed to 06:29 be a house of prayer. 06:30 There's supposed to be sanctity there and they're arguing over 06:33 the exchange rate for the money and they're bidding on prices 06:36 and it was just bedlam. 06:38 And it says He took, "He made a whip of cords, 06:41 and He drove them out of the temple, 06:43 with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out 06:46 the changers' money and overturned the tables. 06:49 And He said to those who sold doves, 06:51 'Take these things away! 06:52 Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise.'" 06:56 In other place, He says, "A den of thieves." 06:58 Now, picture for a minute that when a lion tamer makes a whip, 07:03 He never whips the lion. 07:06 And I, you know, I got a lot of people that drive a buggy, 07:10 they'll crack the whip over above the horses here. 07:13 They don't ever whip the horse. 07:15 And so, all it takes sometimes is holding it. 07:18 We don't believe Jesus whipped anybody. 07:21 We think that He made a cord and then He snapped it and He drove 07:24 them out and they all went out. 07:27 So, I don't think that one man could whip enough times to whip 07:30 everybody out. 07:31 And so, I don't think he was whipping people. 07:33 Jëan: And it wasn't His physical strength in driving them 07:36 out either. 07:37 I mean, they could have easily have overpowered Christ. 07:39 It was His glory being manifest through humanity. 07:42 They were stumbling over each other to try and get out of 07:44 there, to get out of His way. 07:46 Doug: There's an authority and a dignity. 07:48 I think that as you said, I think divinity flashed through 07:51 humanity at some time. 07:52 Jëan: Assuming too for example, you have the story in the Bible 07:54 when they came to arrest Jesus and they said, "We're looking 07:57 for Jesus of Nazareth." 07:58 And Jesus says, "I am He." 07:59 And they all fell down. 08:01 Doug: Just from his saying it. 08:02 Jëan: Just from that glory that shown forth. 08:04 Doug: So, that's what we think is happening here. 08:06 And if people are picturing the meek and mild Jesus, I mean, all 08:10 He had to do is speak to the storm and the storm calmed. 08:14 He didn't need to thrash around and I don't think He 08:17 whipped anybody. 08:18 His word was enough, there's enough authority there where 08:21 they just, they, it was like God had spoken and they fled. 08:25 So, I don't know if you'll be able to persuade your friends. 08:28 I have seen paintings before pictures of Jesus with a whip 08:31 over His head and people cowering and running and I don't 08:34 think that's an accurate depiction. 08:36 Jëan: All right, thank you, Jan. 08:38 Next hold that we have is, let's see. 08:39 Godwin in Maryland. 08:41 Godwin, welcome to the program. 08:43 Godwin: Hi, first of all, I want to thank you for everything. 08:46 Your program has really helped me in my spiritual life. 08:50 Doug: Praise God. 08:51 Godwin: So, my question is from Exodus 16, verses 22 through 26. 08:58 The text is about Moses telling the children to bake and boil 09:02 what they will eat and all that they will remain and all that 09:05 remains should be left over till morning. 09:08 And also in Exodus 12:16, he tells them to prepare what 09:12 everyone will eat on that day. 09:14 My question is this, if our Friday cooking spills slightly 09:19 into the Sabbath hours, are we to stop cooking 09:23 or are we to finish cooking? 09:25 And if, suppose maybe a close relative of mine 09:30 or perhaps my mom cooks food on the Saturday 09:34 and I eat it, have I sinned? 09:36 Doug: Okay. 09:37 Now, that's assuming that your mother doesn't view things the 09:40 same way because sometimes you get a household where, you know, 09:44 you're in a house and people may not share your beliefs. 09:46 Is it a sin if you eat food that they cook? 09:49 Well, I don't think so. 09:51 You know, that there's some things you can control and some 09:53 things you can't control. 09:55 Now, if it's your home, then it's within your gates. 10:00 You know the Bible says, "Your son and your daughter within 10:02 your gates." 10:03 When you've got authority over your home, you need to invite 10:05 those that are in your home, whether it's your kids or family 10:08 to respect your beliefs. 10:09 But just getting to the heart of the question, well, is the Bible 10:13 says, yeah, "I give the Sabbath as the rest. 10:15 Rest from your regular labor." 10:17 And it goes on further to say that we shouldn't be buying 10:20 and selling. 10:21 That's in Nehemiah, I think chapter 9 and 13. 10:24 And yeah, I think even in Jeremiah chapter 17 talks about 10:29 that people not bearing burdens through the gates on the 10:31 Sabbath day. 10:32 And in Exodus, he says, you know, "Bake what you're going to 10:34 bake, boil what you're going to boil, gather your food on the 10:38 fifth day." 10:40 The whole idea is get all the work out of the way so that you 10:42 can rest. 10:43 When the Sabbath begins, you're ready to rest and enjoy it. 10:45 Now, that doesn't mean that you can't, you know, microwave 10:48 something and heat it up. 10:50 The idea is a practical one to get as much food preparation as 10:53 possible done so that you're able to enjoy that day. 11:00 So, hopefully that, does that make sense Godwin? 11:04 Godwin: Yeah. 11:05 So, that means, suppose, let's say the, if the food was 11:11 prepared, I haven't, like I haven't sinned if I were to 11:14 eat it. 11:15 Doug: No, I don't think so. 11:17 Now, you know, I'd go on to say that, you know, Paul says 11:21 anything that's not of faith is sin. 11:23 So, you know, if you're highly convicted, then, well, don't 11:26 do it. 11:27 Or if someone else in your family is feeling really 11:29 uncomfortable with it, you know, don't do anything to make 11:31 them stumble. 11:32 But, you know, if I was in visiting somebody and someone 11:37 didn't share my beliefs and they prepared a meal on that day, I 11:42 would eat it and ask God to bless it. 11:44 It's something I can't control. 11:45 It's a question of whether it's your home or not. 11:49 And if you have, you know, if you're leading and you have 11:51 control in your home, that's different. 11:53 All right, thanks friends. 11:55 Appreciate that Godwin. 11:56 Jëan: Next caller that we have is Brittany-- 11:58 Doug: By the way, pardon me, Pastor Ross. 11:59 I should tell Goodwin, we do have a book on how do you keep 12:03 the sabbath holy. 12:04 Jëan: Yeah, that's right. 12:06 We'll send that to anyone who calls and ask. 12:07 It's not a book that we send out too often, but it's a great book 12:09 filled with very important Bible truth. 12:12 Just call and ask the number is 800-835-6747. 12:16 The book's called "How to Keep the Sabbath" dial #250 on 12:20 your smartphone and just ask for it by name. 12:22 We'll be happy to send it to you. 12:23 All right, we're ready for our next caller. 12:25 We've got Brittany in California. 12:26 Brittany, welcome to the program. 12:27 Brittany: Hey. 12:29 Doug: Hi, how are you doing Brittany? 12:30 Brittany: Oh, pretty good. 12:32 Doug: And your question? 12:33 Brittany: Yeah, my question is, when was Exodus 20 written, 12:39 specifically the Ten Commandments section? 12:42 Doug: So, you've got two things happening here. 12:44 You're asking, when was it written? 12:46 And then you're asking maybe when did it happen? 12:49 We know more about exactly when it happened. 12:52 It was shortly after they left Egypt. 12:54 Instead of going north towards the land of Canaan, they went 12:58 more southeast to some believe that Sinai was in Arabia. 13:05 And after crossing the sea, Moses went up the mountain and 13:09 before he went up the mountain, he spoke to the nation of Israel 13:13 and he declared the 10 commandments. 13:14 Then Moses went up after the people said, all the Lord has 13:17 said, we will do. 13:19 He got the written transcript. 13:20 When did Moses write the book of Exodus? 13:23 Based on the the wording, it seems like Exodus was written 13:26 not very long after the events. 13:28 And so I don't know, it may have been before they made it to the 13:33 borders of the promise land. 13:34 That's when you end up with Numbers and they got turned back 13:36 into the wilderness. 13:38 So some time in there. 13:39 And Genesis was probably I meant sorry to say, yeah, Genesis was 13:43 probably written while Moses was in median and he was wandering 13:47 there as a shepherd. 13:50 So, hopefully that answers that for you Brittany. 13:52 And thank you for your question. 13:53 Jëan: Next call that we have is Glenn listening in Ohio. 13:56 Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 13:59 Glenn: Good evening, pastors. 14:00 And thank you for taking my call. 14:03 Back in the first century there was a young man named Saul who 14:07 was very much in favor of Rome as he went about arresting 14:11 people who were found worshiping the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua. 14:16 And after his conversion experience, Rome treated 14:19 him terrible. 14:20 Why did they do that? 14:21 They put him in jail, beat him up, left him for dead. 14:24 Why did they do that? 14:26 Doug: Well, in the beginning of Paul's ministry after his 14:29 conversion, Rome really didn't care less about the Christians. 14:34 The first few times that Paul was arrested, it was because the 14:38 Jews had stirred up the mob and the same thing they did 14:41 with Jesus. 14:42 Pilate was gonna let Jesus go. 14:44 But they said, "Oh, He's rebelling against Caesar." 14:47 And the Ephesians, they said about Paul and Silas, he's 14:49 stirring the whole city up. 14:51 These are turning the world upside down. 14:53 The Romans otherwise wouldn't have cared. 14:55 But there were either the idol makers were threatened by the 14:58 work of Paul who said, "Don't pray to idols." 15:01 Or it was some of the Jews that had rejected their teachings 15:05 about Jesus. 15:06 They said they were--they're throwing out the law of Moses. 15:09 So later, it became the Romans when the Jews rebelled 15:13 against Rome. 15:17 Then Christians were persecuted along with the Jews because they 15:20 saw them as the same monotheistic religion, reading 15:23 the same Bible. 15:24 Jëan: So, you mentioned that before Saul's conversion when he 15:28 was still Saul and he was persecuting the Christians, he 15:31 was doing so in the name of the religious leaders, 15:33 the Sanhedrin. 15:34 He wasn't doing it in the name of Rome or the Caesar's. 15:37 So later on, actually, it's interesting, there were times 15:40 when the Jewish leadership wanted Paul, this is after his 15:44 conversion, wanted to kill him and it was the Romans that 15:47 actually protected him until he made it all the way back-- 15:50 Doug: In the temple on the steps. 15:52 That's right, they saved him. 15:54 Jëan: All right thank you, Glenn. 15:55 Next caller that we have is Karen in British Columbia. 15:57 Karen, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 15:59 Karen: Hi there, pastors. 16:00 Thank you for taking my call. 16:02 I listen to you all the time and you are a blessing both of you. 16:06 Doug: Thank you. 16:07 Karen: You had mentioned the other night, I listen to "Bible 16:09 Answers Live" quite often and you had talked to a man who was 16:12 saying that at the flood when all the people on the earth were 16:17 destroyed and that the Bible does say something about all the 16:21 souls in the sea died. 16:24 And I think you had said you thought that could be true. 16:28 But I was wondering if that's the case, wouldn't the Lord 16:31 hadn't had to have recreated all the fish that are now in 16:36 the sea. 16:37 Doug: Yeah. 16:39 Now, I think there may be a misunderstanding. 16:40 There is a verse that talks about it in every soul 16:42 in the sea died. 16:43 That's in the seventh plague if I'm not mistaken, Pastor Ross, 16:46 it's not talking about the flood. 16:48 During the flood, we don't believe all the sea life died. 16:51 You might think with all the turmoil and the mud and the silt 16:55 that is blowing around in the waters during the flood that it 16:59 would choke a lot of sea life. 17:01 Some probably did get killed because you find fossils of 17:04 these great sea creatures that are dead. 17:06 But I'm amazed every year, we've got trout in our creek up in the 17:10 hills and it floods in the winter and there's logs and mud 17:14 and debris and everything washing down the creek. 17:16 And I think, I don't know how any fish could ever survive. 17:19 And the next spring there they are again. 17:21 Somehow they hide in the little eddies and the ripples of 17:24 the rocks. 17:25 So, a lot of sea life did survive the flood. 17:27 In fact, it's kind of interesting Lake Titicaca, which 17:31 is, I don't know, 11,000 feet high, it's got sharks. 17:35 Freshwater sharks and they're not that distantly related to 17:38 the sharks you'd find in the ocean. 17:40 When those mountain ranges of the Andes rose up, there were 17:44 bodies of water that just rose up with them. 17:45 And some of the sea life there are similar to the sea life you 17:49 find in the sea. 17:50 So, and they find fossils inland where there used to be oceans 17:56 that aren't there. 17:57 So, I believe a lot of sea life did survive the flood. 17:59 I don't think God recreated. 18:01 I think a lot was destroyed and they're extinct now. 18:03 Jëan: And the plague you're referring to Revelation 18:05 chapter 16, verse 3. 18:06 It's the second plague and it talks about the sea 18:09 turning to blood and every living creature in the sea died. 18:13 Doug: I think it says soul in King James. 18:15 Yeah, so that's talking about something a different time 18:18 period at the end of time. 18:20 But yeah, a lot of sea creatures did survive the flood, the birds 18:23 and the land animals were in the Ark. 18:26 Sea creatures were still in the water. 18:29 Thanks. 18:30 Jëan: Next call that we have is Anthony in New York. 18:32 Anthony, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 18:34 Anthony: Yes good evening, pastors. 18:35 My question, it's based on Hebrews chapter 8 where God 18:40 talks about the new covenant that he was gonna make with the 18:42 house of Israel, which we know that's spiritual 18:46 Israel, Christians. 18:48 But my question is all throughout the Bible, we see 18:51 covenants that God makes with His people. 18:53 He made covenant with Noah. 18:54 He made a covenant with Abraham and just all throughout 18:57 the Bible. 18:59 And then what I also realized is that in like Deuteronomy chapter 19:03 28 for example, there were blessings and there were curses 19:08 that were mentioned there. 19:10 So, I was having a conversation with a friend and they 19:13 say, "Yeah." 19:14 So, whenever we don't keep part of the bargain, when we avoid, 19:19 when we break the covenant, then God breaks His, when we break 19:22 the covenant with God or when we do something wrong according to 19:26 the covenant, then God breaks His covenant with us. 19:29 And it just didn't sit well with me to say that God 19:31 breaks covenants. 19:33 So, I just wanted to know, is there any evidence in the Bible 19:36 of God breaking a covenant with his people. 19:39 Or is it just that we work our covenant with God and we just 19:42 suffer the consequences of that? 19:44 Doug: Yeah, well, the word covenant, 19:46 I would not use the word break because 19:47 break would make whoever breaks the covenant is violating 19:50 the agreement. 19:52 If I make a contract with you, and there's certain terms. 19:55 If you break the covenant, the contract becomes null and void. 20:00 There are places in the Bible. 20:01 I'm trying to think there's several places actually where 20:03 God says, you know, "You've broken the covenant." 20:05 He tells them, "You've broken the covenant." 20:08 And so, the promises that God had are conditional on keeping 20:12 the covenant. 20:13 If we don't keep the covenant, then the promises are null 20:18 and void. 20:19 God says, "If you will do this, then I will do that." 20:22 And so, God never breaks His Word. 20:25 But if we break the covenant, then the promises are null 20:29 and void. 20:31 And different covenants had different promises like in the 20:33 Ten Commandments, it says, "Honor your father and mother." 20:36 Promise says, "Your days will be long on the land that I 20:39 give you." 20:40 And so, pay your tithe and the promise is, "I will open for you 20:45 the windows of heaven." 20:47 Now, there's some people that have long life, but he's not 20:49 opened the windows because they don't pay their tithe. 20:51 So, I mean, there are different promises where words and 20:54 covenants all through the Bible. 20:55 But yeah, God never breaks His Word. 20:58 Heaven and earth will pass away. 20:59 His Word won't pass away, but we might break the covenant and 21:02 then the promises it's nullified at that point. 21:07 Jëan: All right, thank you, Anthony. 21:08 Next caller that we have is Robert in California. 21:11 Robert, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 21:12 Robert: Yes, pastors. 21:13 Thank you for taking my call. 21:15 My question is about man's free will. 21:19 And in the book of Jonah, we all know that God had asked Jonah to 21:25 prophesy to the wicked people of Nineveh. 21:29 And he decided not to do that and took off and fled to the 21:34 ocean, got on a ship and was sinking, and then got into the 21:38 water and then the fish swallowed him and brought him 21:40 back to make him go to Nineveh and do God's bidding. 21:44 So, the question is, I guess Jonah did not choose to do that. 21:50 He left and actually was punished in a kind of a singular 21:55 way here of coming back to do it. 21:58 And my point is that there, see, there's a fine distinction 22:03 between I'm not gonna do that, but he knew directly from God 22:07 that you'd better do this. 22:08 And he, you know, had to come back and through extraordinary 22:13 circumstances to do it. 22:14 So, is there some point that really, we know that there is 22:17 some way that we don't have to guess to do something right? 22:20 Like Moses is doing the work that he did, you know, he was 22:24 kind of told by, you know, after he was pushed out of Egypt to 22:30 through the circumstances to go up and be told do this and he 22:33 went and did it, you know, he re released the Israeli people. 22:37 But at that time, he didn't do you now, "Do you want to do this 22:41 or not?" 22:43 No, I'm not gonna go back there. 22:44 Doug: So, first of all, with Jonah, I would argue that Jonah 22:47 still had a choice because if you look at Jonah chapter 3, 22:50 after his terrible experience in the fish, he prays and repents 22:55 during that time, fish burps him out on dry ground says, "Now the 22:59 word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, 'Arise, 23:02 and go to Nineveh.'" 23:04 Jonah could have said no again. 23:05 But after what he'd been through, he thought, you know, 23:08 "Things don't go well when I don't listen to God." 23:10 So, he went, but there's stories in the Bible where God asked 23:12 prophets to do things, they didn't do it. 23:14 And one prophet said no, and he died. 23:17 So, he had a choice. 23:21 Sometimes the consequences were pretty severe. 23:24 But you've got a lot of examples in the Bible. 23:26 Even Moses had a choice when he said, "Oh, don't send me." 23:29 God says, "Well, if you say you can't speak, your brother will 23:32 translate for you." 23:33 But, and even Moses nearly died on his way because he was in 23:36 disobedience when he stopped and says, the angel of the Lord 23:41 nearly slew him. 23:42 Jëan: Then you go, Balaam, the prophet who really wanted to go 23:45 to get the money. 23:46 And he said, "No, God says I can't go." 23:48 And then God allowed him to go. 23:49 So yes, God does recognize freedom of choice even with 23:52 the prophets. 23:54 Doug: And it backfired for Balaam. 23:55 So, hopefully that helps a little bit, Robert. 23:57 We thank you for your question. 23:59 We do have a book, "Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" 24:02 That talks about free will. 24:03 Jëan: The number to call for that is 8000-835-6747. 24:07 You can ask for the book, "Does a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" 24:10 We'll be happy to send it to you or dial #250 on 24:14 your smartphone. 24:15 Say, "Bible Answers Live." 24:16 Ask for the book by name. 24:18 Now, I didn't mention this at the beginning. 24:19 But if you're outside of North America, if you'd like to 24:22 receive that book, just go to the website. 24:24 24:25 You'll be able to read it there on our library, our digital 24:28 library, so you can still read that resource. 24:31 Next caller that we have is Ivan in Mexico. 24:34 Ivan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 24:36 Ivan: Hello, pastors, good evening. 24:38 Doug: Evening. 24:39 Ivan: Thank you for taking my call. 24:41 Yes, I had a question but I actually wanted to answer one 24:42 of yours. 24:44 Doug: You want to answer one for me, huh? 24:45 Ivan: Yes. 24:47 So, every time I, sometimes I see you when you do a ministry 24:51 on YouTube, I see that you asked the question about the Ark of 24:55 the Covenant if someone has found it yet. 24:57 I've seen a couple of videos on the internet. 24:58 There were the, it was found by a man named Ron Wyatt back 25:03 in 1982. 25:04 Doug: I know about that and I think that's been disproven. 25:07 Ivan: Oh, I see. 25:09 Doug: I've been there on three occasions. 25:11 Pastor Ross has been there. 25:12 There's no cave underneath the cross. 25:15 And the whole thing was fabricated. 25:18 But, yeah, anyway, I won't go into that right now. 25:22 But, yeah, I don't believe the Ark has been found. 25:24 No, it's ok. 25:26 I know about the videos and, some people, you know, they'll 25:29 believe anything but it's not been discovered. 25:32 Anyway, go to your question though. 25:34 Ivan: Yeah. 25:35 Okay, well, my question was about medication. 25:37 Is it okay to take prescribed medication that makes you 25:40 like, woozy? 25:42 Doug: Well, you know, we'll be very careful not to pretend 25:45 we're doctors and tell you what to take. 25:47 But there's no moral sin in taking medicine that is, you 25:52 know, achieving a goal and hopefully healing. 25:55 You can see, for instance, in Jeremiah 46:11, "Go up to 25:59 Gilead, take Balm, O virgin, daughter of Egypt; in vain 26:02 they'll use many medicines; and you'll not be cured." 26:06 And then you read in Ezekiel chapter 47 verse 12 says, "The 26:10 fruit of these trees will be for food, and their leaves 26:13 for medicine." 26:14 They use medicine back in Bible times when Hezekiah had a 26:18 terrible boil. 26:20 Isaiah didn't just wave his hand over him. 26:22 He says they placed a lump of figs, a poultice on his leg and 26:26 it healed the boil. 26:27 So, that was a medic--medical treatment, so to speak. 26:30 So yeah, check with your doctor. 26:31 If it's making you dizzy, you might wanna check 26:33 the prescription. 26:35 But no moral dilemma in using medicine for a good purpose. 26:38 Don't abuse drugs. 26:39 That's a different thing. 26:40 And don't go away. 26:42 We're coming back with more Bible questions in just a 26:43 few minutes. 26:45 ♪♪♪ 26:48 male announcer: Stay tuned "Bible Answers Live" will 26:50 return shortly. 26:52 ♪♪♪ 26:57 ♪♪♪ 26:59 announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives. 27:02 ♪♪♪ 27:11 Scarlett Varley: I'm Scarlett Varley. 27:13 I grew up in a military home. 27:15 Both my parents were in the Navy and my mom left fairly early and 27:20 then my dad stayed for 15 years and so he was deployed a lot. 27:24 We would read the Bible every night together as a family. 27:27 And I mean, I knew like that God was there and like I knew that 27:30 He, like, died for me. 27:31 But it wasn't something that, like, you know, stuck in 27:34 my head. 27:35 Any time I went to church, I never got enough information. 27:39 You know, you're there for just like an hour. 27:41 I was super, super hungry for knowledge and I wasn't being 27:44 given it. 27:45 And even though I accepted Christ, my faith, like, really 27:48 wasn't all that strong. 27:51 I mean, I lost my first friend in high school, you know, my 27:54 first boyfriend to suicide and that was really hard and I 27:57 didn't understand it and I was just really, really depressed. 28:03 I was also like, abused and so I was just really confused and I 28:08 was like, Lord, why was I put in that situation where I had no 28:11 control over anything? 28:13 I was suicidal. 28:15 I was developing an eating disorder. 28:17 So, like all these things were just coming into play, you know, 28:21 I don't feel loved, you know, that's not something that would 28:23 happen if I was loved and that's not something that happened if 28:26 maybe I must have done something wrong if I went through that. 28:29 And I just blamed myself for everything. 28:32 On the outside I was still like super happy and outgoing and I'd 28:36 give everyone a hug and compliment them and try to put 28:38 the attention on other people. 28:41 And so people didn't know what I was going through. 28:44 I was just super confused about life and why am I here? 28:47 Like, I don't think I have a reason to even be alive. 28:51 And I was really confused with God. 28:53 Like, why would you let this happen? 28:55 Like, why wouldn't you intervene? 28:57 I just wanted to change it. 28:59 I wanted to change it so bad. 29:01 And there was nothing I could do. 29:04 I quit choir because I was around too many people. 29:08 Choir was a big thing. 29:10 I just isolated myself because I couldn't stand being 29:14 around people. 29:15 And I was like, oh, well, if I don't have any friends and if 29:18 something happens to them, well, then it won't affect me because 29:20 I'm not part of their lives. 29:22 And so, I was just really scared of just losing people. 29:25 And so, I thought if the more I pushed them away, the easier it 29:28 would be to just go through life. 29:30 The problem was I didn't turn to God and that's what I 29:33 needed Him most. 29:35 My sophomore year in high school, we went on this thing 29:38 called Fall Weekend. 29:39 So, we went on a retreat for like the weekend and they showed 29:42 this clip of Jesus Christ on the cross and that broke me. 29:47 I mean, I was crying, crying so much and after they showed the 29:51 clip, you know, everyone's super quiet and they're like, I go out 29:54 on the campus, and we're gonna do this thing called 20 Minutes. 29:59 And so, I'm sitting out there and I'm just like praying. 30:03 I gave my life to Christ and it was just such, like, a 30:05 beautiful moment. 30:08 Right around that time, my dad found Doug Batchelor on the TV. 30:14 And so he's like, "Scarlett, come watch this." 30:16 And I'm like, "All right, like, I'll watch it." 30:19 And so, we started watching it, like, all the time. 30:21 And, he's like, "You know, this is like the Bible truth." 30:24 I was like, "It definitely is." 30:25 He's like, "Scarlett, you should go to Afco." 30:29 And I was like, "That's not really my cup of tea." 30:33 I was a very spirited person and Afco was structured and I, me as 30:40 a person, I wasn't too structured. 30:43 But you know, the more I thought about Afco, the happier I got 30:45 and it was like a two weeks notice before Afco started. 30:48 She's like, "You got accepted like we emailed you your letter 30:51 and all this stuff." 30:52 And I was like, "Oh no, oh no, I have to pack up my entire life." 30:55 And so I'm like, frantically, like, packing up everything and 30:58 me and my dad like, drive cross country and Afco is not what I 31:02 expected at all. 31:04 They've definitely led me, and helped me, and talked to me, and 31:07 taught me, and just loved me, and accepted me as who I was, 31:11 and just helped me grow as a person, and showing me different 31:14 ways of life and just how to live like a better life 31:18 in all sorts of areas. 31:20 Without the help of the Lord 31:21 and without like people who love the Lord and love me, I wouldn't 31:25 be where I am today. 31:27 Even though I didn't want Him, I, you know, I kind of shoved 31:30 Him away, He didn't let go. 31:31 And so, I'm super grateful. 31:33 ♪♪♪ 31:37 ♪♪♪ 31:44 ♪♪♪ 31:47 male announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where 31:50 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His 31:54 plan to save you. 31:55 So, what are you waiting for? 31:57 Get practical answers about the good book for a better 32:00 life today. 32:04 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. 32:07 If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the 32:10 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. 32:14 and 8 p.m. Pacific time. 32:16 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this 32:19 evening's program call 800-835-6747. 32:24 Once again, that's 800-835-6747. 32:29 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live." 32:35 Doug: Welcome back listening friends to "Bible Answers Live," 32:38 a live international interactive Bible study and you're part of 32:42 our Bible study family. 32:44 So, if you have a question, we welcome them. 32:47 These questions come in live and every now and then people say, 32:50 "I've got a question, but I'm afraid to get on the phone." 32:52 So, they'll email a question to us and I think we're gonna have 32:55 a few of those. 32:57 My name is Doug Batchelor. 32:58 Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross and we've got some email questions 33:00 for Pastor Doug. 33:01 For those of you who are watching, if you'd like 33:03 to send us an email, here's the email address. 33:05 It's easy. 33:06 It's 33:09 33:13 Jeremy is asking, "In James chapter 5, verse 16, it says, 33:16 'Confess your sins to one another and pray for 33:18 one another.' 33:19 Does this mean that we should share our deepest wrongdoings to 33:22 our fellow brethren?" 33:24 Doug: No. 33:25 You don't wanna be confessing personal sins to the public or 33:29 even your friends. 33:31 I think it's basically saying, you know, in a general sense 33:35 that we tell people, "You know, I'm struggling. 33:37 Will you pray for me?" 33:38 Otherwise, you get into the mode of where people used to confess 33:42 their sins to the priests. 33:43 And I think it would be terrible to be a priest and have to 33:47 listen to all the intimate secrets. 33:49 It's probably not good for his own soul to know that much. 33:51 Sometimes you get what they call too much information and they 33:56 say confession is good for the soul but bad for the reputation. 34:00 So, you know, unless you've got a close friend and there's 34:03 something specific you know, really feel like you need to 34:05 share and ask for their prayer for be very careful about making 34:10 your personal problems public. 34:12 Jëan: All right. 34:14 Next one that we have is actually next email question we 34:15 have is Mosh asking, "If Satan can turn himself into an angel 34:19 of light, how do we know whether it is him or whether it's a 34:22 real angel?" 34:23 Doug: Good question. 34:25 I think when the devil appeared to Jesus in the wilderness, he 34:27 appeared as an angel of light. 34:29 He didn't plop down like a, you know, a devil with bat wings and 34:32 a goatee and horns and say, "I've got a proposition." 34:35 Jesus never would have been fooled by that. 34:38 But what he said revealed who he was. 34:40 That's why by the third temptation, Jesus said, "Get 34:42 behind me, Satan." 34:44 He knew who he was. 34:45 And so, you measure whether it's an angel of God or an angel of 34:50 the devil based on what they say in the Word of God. 34:53 It's the same measurements you'd use to how do you know a true 34:55 prophet from a false prophet? 34:57 Jesus said, "You'll know them by their fruits." 34:59 And you can measure what they say by the Word of God. 35:02 Moses says actually in Deuteronomy says, "If anyone 35:05 says he's a prophet and he says anything against what I teach." 35:09 Paul said, "Even if an angel from heaven should teach you 35:12 another gospel, let him be accursed, anathema." 35:16 So yeah, based on what they say. 35:18 Jëan: All right, maybe time for one more of these 35:20 email questions. 35:21 So, Nathaniel from Indonesia, he's asking, "John the Baptist 35:25 knew that Jesus' is real mission or what his real mission was and 35:29 prepared the way for Him. 35:30 Why then in Matthew chapter 11, did he seem to express doubt and 35:34 send his disciples to confirm that Jesus was the Coming One?" 35:39 Doug: Well, John heard from the Holy Spirit when Christ came to 35:42 get baptized, "This is the One." 35:43 And twice, he said, "This is the Lamb of God." 35:46 But even John, like the apostles thought that Jesus at some point 35:51 was gonna reveal Himself as the new king of Israel. 35:53 John even believed the popular Jewish beliefs that Christ's 35:57 Second Coming and First Coming were commingled and that somehow 36:01 He was gonna make Israel a great nation again and bring an 36:04 everlasting righteousness. 36:05 And he kept waiting for Jesus to do something dramatic. 36:09 And while John was languishing in Herod's prison, the devil 36:13 began to work on him and he started wondering, "Did I get 36:16 it wrong? 36:17 Are you the one or do we look for someone else?" 36:19 And Jesus told the messengers from John, "Just stand here for 36:23 a minute." 36:24 And they watched Jesus open the eyes of the blind, and heal the 36:27 sick, and maybe even raise the dead. 36:28 And He said, "Go tell John what you've seen." 36:32 And then John remembered the verse in Isaiah where it says 36:35 that He would preach the gospel, that He would heal the sick in 36:39 the ministry of Christ. 36:41 And he said, "Yeah, He is the Messiah." 36:42 It just wasn't time for Him to manifest Himself as king yet. 36:47 So, yeah, John was, but I think John had peace after that and he 36:50 was ready to die, obviously. 36:52 Jëan: Okay, we're gonna go to the phone lines. 36:54 Our next call that we have Alan standing by in California. 36:56 Alan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 36:58 You're on the air. 37:00 Alan: Thank you, gentlemen. 37:01 Bakersfield, California here. 37:02 Well, I was reading 2 Chronicles 7 verse 14 where God is saying 37:07 that, "If My people who are called by My name, humble 37:09 themselves and pray and seek My face," and then it goes on to 37:12 say He'll do His part by healing the land. 37:15 Now, is there a certain amount of people that need to do that 37:18 before he grants that because I know in Genesis 18, Abraham kind 37:23 of like negotiates with God about 50 people to save the city 37:27 of Sodom, righteous people than 40? 37:29 And he goes down. 37:30 So, there's some flexibility there, some negotiation there. 37:32 I just didn't know if-- 37:34 Doug: Yeah, well-- 37:35 Alan: What that meant in 2 Chronicles. 37:37 Doug: Two thing, I think you have two different things 37:38 happening in the story where Abraham is interceding for the 37:42 city of Sodom and Gomorrah. 37:44 It wasn't just a famine. 37:47 See, when 2 Chronicles it says, "If God withholds the heaven, so 37:50 it does not rain." 37:52 He says, "If My people called by My name will humble themselves 37:55 and pray and turn, I will bless them with the rain of heaven." 37:59 In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God's getting ready to 38:01 annihilate these nations that have just totally given 38:06 themselves over to wickedness. 38:08 And so, there, Abraham is pleading for them to have 38:11 more time. 38:12 He's not saying they're gonna have good weather. 38:14 He's trying to save them from annihilation. 38:16 And God says, "Well, if there's still 10 or 12 people in the 38:19 city that can witness, there'll be salt, there'll be light, 38:22 there might be hope that there'll be a revival. 38:25 But if you don't have any witnesses there, then people are 38:28 fully given over to evil." 38:30 So, there's two different things happening there. 38:33 But I think the principle is still true that you find in 2 38:35 Chronicles that if a nation that is suffering under the judgments 38:39 of God, He's withdrawn His blessings. 38:41 If they'll humble themselves and pray, He did it for Israel 38:44 many times. 38:45 He can do it for our nation too. 38:47 Jëan: And I think it's got a broad application in addition to 38:49 just the nation and particularly Israel. 38:52 But it's also referring to the church, the people of God, there 38:55 is a revival needed amongst those who claim to be the 38:57 followers of Christ. 38:59 And that revival comes as a result of earnest 39:01 fervent prayer. 39:03 We're seeking the latter rain not just literal rain. 39:06 So this promise is incorporating a revival amongst God's people. 39:11 If they turn to Him in prayer as well. 39:13 Doug: That's right. 39:14 Jëan: All right, next one that we have is Xylyn in Texas. 39:17 Xylyn, welcome to the program. 39:19 Xylyn: Hi, Pastor Doug. 39:21 Doug: Hi. 39:22 Xylyn: I'm doing Bible study right now. 39:24 Do I have to know all the truth or what is it best to 39:27 get baptized? 39:28 Doug: Okay, good question. 39:29 Do I need to know all the truth? 39:31 No. 39:33 There are certain fundamentals that you should know both to 39:36 give a Bible study or for a person to be baptized. 39:39 Jesus says in Matthew chapter 28 says, "Go therefore and teach 39:43 all nations baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, 39:46 and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe 39:48 all things I've commanded you." 39:50 So, there is teaching before baptism. 39:52 And of course, there's a lot of teaching after baptism. 39:55 Before two people get married, they may not know everything 39:58 about the other person, but they wanna know that person well 40:01 enough to commit their life. 40:03 And before a person's baptized, well in our church, they go 40:07 through, you know about a dozen baptismal vows that are 40:10 the basics. 40:12 Need to know of course, the what that, who God is and that the 40:15 Bible is His Word, that it's holy and it's the bottom line 40:19 for our truth and believing in the commandments of God, 40:23 understand what sin is and the penalty for sin and salvation 40:26 from sin. 40:27 So, there's some basics a person needs to understand 40:29 before baptism. 40:31 But you can start giving Bible studies as soon as you 40:33 understand anything in the Bible. 40:35 Jesus sent the apostles out teaching before they knew a lot 40:39 and there's some, several things they didn't know. 40:42 Jëan: So, yes, keep studying, keep learning. 40:44 And you know, when you're ready, it's time to get baptized. 40:47 Doug: And by the way, Xylyn, is it Xylyn? 40:52 Jëan: Xylyn. 40:53 Doug: Xylyn, you're--giving Bible studies is the best way to 40:56 remember scripture. 40:57 As you share it with other people, you're gonna remember it 41:00 a lot better. 41:02 So, keep it up. 41:03 Jëan: Next one that we have is Peter listening in Maine. 41:05 Peter, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 41:07 Peter: Yeah, thank you, doctor. 41:09 I mean, Pastor Doug and Ross. 41:12 My question is from 1 Corinthians 11:20-21. 41:19 And it says, "Therefore when you come together in one place, it 41:23 is not to eat the Lord's supper. 41:25 For one is eating, each one takes his own supper ahead of 41:29 another; and one is hungry and another is drunk." 41:33 So, my question is when they partake of the Lord's supper, 41:39 it's not fermented wine. 41:40 So, why is somebody drunk? 41:43 Doug: Yeah, well, it wasn't supposed to be, the Corinthians 41:45 had a lot of problems. 41:46 They also had a man living with his stepmother. 41:49 And in the communion service it's not supposed to be 41:53 a meal so much as to satisfy hunger because it's 41:58 unleavened bread. 42:00 And it's supposed to be not only unleavened bread, it's supposed 42:02 to be unfermented wine because one is a sign of the purity of 42:07 Christ's flesh and the other is a purity of his blood, 42:10 his gospel. 42:12 And so, it is Babylon that has wine that makes people drunk. 42:15 So, the Corinthians, Paul is correcting them from doing 42:18 it wrong. 42:19 He said, "You're not only drinking wine too much, you 42:23 drink of the wrong kind and some people are coming thinking it's 42:26 a meal and they eat before you've even had the service and 42:29 someone has nothing left when they get there." 42:31 He said, "You guys don't understand." 42:32 So, I would not use the Corinthians as an example for 42:36 whether it's supposed to be fermented or not because Paul is 42:38 basically telling that you're doing it all wrong. 42:41 Jëan: And the good news is, you know, Paul wrote another letter 42:44 in 2 Corinthians and it appears a lot of the counsel that Paul 42:47 had given in 1 Corinthians had been heeded because it's a 42:50 little more encouraging and positive when he wrote 42:52 2 Corinthians. 42:54 Doug: He praises them for trying to right some of the wrong. 42:56 Jëan: Trying to do the right thing, yeah. 42:57 All right, thank you Peter. 42:58 Next call that we have is Alan in Virginia. 43:00 Alan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 43:02 Alan: Hello, I just was wanted to ask if abortion 43:06 is unbiblical? 43:08 Doug: Yeah. 43:09 Simple question, simple answer would be yes. 43:13 Now let me give you some verses for that. 43:15 First of all just going to, and I know this is a very sensitive 43:19 divisive topic in our country right now. 43:22 But the question is, is human life sacred? 43:26 Well, the Bible says, yes, that people are made in the image of 43:29 God and that that life should be preserved and protected. 43:34 When does human life begin? 43:36 The only place that you can pinpoint when you know it would 43:40 begin is that conception when the cells of the man and the 43:45 woman spark into life and create a new being. 43:49 And in the Bible prior to birth, it talks about the baby within 43:53 Elizabeth who is John the Baptist leaping at the tidings 43:57 of Mary when she comes to visit. 43:59 So here she's I think six months along at that time, if we 44:03 calculate correctly, Mary's three months along. 44:06 And she says, "The babe leapt inside me at the tidings of 44:11 your coming." 44:12 Well, it treats it like a man like a human. 44:14 And when Bathsheba discovers that she's pregnant, she doesn't 44:17 say to David, "I've got, you know, fetal tissue." 44:19 She says, "I am with child." 44:21 Child is a child and she may have only been missed a period 44:26 or two and two or three months along and she said it was 44:29 a baby. 44:30 So I think the Bible is pretty clear that human life is sacred. 44:35 Now, is it an unpardonable sin? 44:37 No. 44:38 You know, there's a lot of people out there that made 44:42 decisions for abortion and God is a merciful God and He 44:47 will forgive. 44:48 But I think that you have to respect human life is sacred. 44:51 Jëan: Okay, thank you. 44:52 The next call that we have is Tang in Washington. 44:54 Tang, welcome to the program. 44:56 Tang: Hey pastor. 44:57 Thank you for having me. 44:59 Doug: Thank you. 45:02 Tang: So, I have been reflecting on the idea of once saved 45:06 always saved. 45:08 And I would love to hear your perspective on this. 45:10 You know, your salvation is something that is secure when a 45:14 person accept Christ or are there steps, 45:18 or one must continuously, you know, to take 45:21 to maintain your salvation? 45:23 And how does the scripture support either of you? 45:27 Doug: Yeah. 45:28 Well, great question. 45:30 And by the way, your question is one that's been debated by 45:32 Christians for over a thousand years. 45:35 So, I wanna tell you that I know there are Christians out there 45:39 that love the Lord that will disagree with me. 45:42 But it's like, I don't know if it's 50/50 the Christians who 45:45 believe in, you know, Calvinism and once saved, always saved. 45:48 And then those that believe that you need to maintain your 45:50 relationship with the Lord. 45:52 There's a lot of verses in the Bible that seem to indicate that 45:55 a saved person can be lost. 45:58 Paul said, you know, it, "I press on. 46:01 Said, "Lest I preach to others and I myself am a castaway." 46:05 Bible talks in Hebrews chapter 6 about those who are full of the 46:10 Holy Spirit and walking with the Lord. 46:11 If they turn away, if they fall away, it's impossible 46:14 to renew them to repentance. 46:16 In Revelation, message to the church 46:18 was to say He's talking to the church. 46:20 He says, "I will remove your candlestick." 46:22 Jëan: That's right. 46:24 And He says those who don't repent, He blots their name out 46:26 of the Book of Life, so-- 46:27 Doug: The name was in the book and then it's blotted out. 46:30 Jesus said those that abide in Him, if they don't bear fruit, 46:34 they are taken away. 46:36 So, and that's John 15. 46:38 So there's, I believe there's a scores of scriptures. 46:41 And then you've got examples of people like Judas who Jesus sent 46:45 out preaching, teaching, casting out devils and--but he would not 46:49 fully surrender and be--he gave into his greed. 46:51 And, you know, some will say, well, he never was saved. 46:54 And all right, let's accept that. 46:56 What about King Saul? 46:57 King Saul was chosen by the Lord, 46:59 filled with the Holy Spirit, even prophesied, 47:02 and he ended up grieving away the Holy Spirit 47:04 and fell on his own sword. 47:06 Balaam was a prophet of God, but like Judas, he became 47:10 preoccupied with materialism and greed and he died a lost man. 47:15 And Revelation says so. 47:16 So, you just--it's reckless, 47:19 I think, now at the heart of this question is someone wants 47:23 to know. 47:24 What they're really asking is, "Can I have security about my 47:28 relationship with the Lord?" 47:29 I would say, "Yes." 47:31 God will never let go of you. 47:34 That doesn't mean we've lost our freedom to jerk our hand out of 47:36 His hand. 47:38 But Karen and I made vows when we got married and we made a 47:42 covenant and I am absolutely secure that I love her. 47:46 She loves me, that she will be faithful and I will be faithful. 47:50 I don't worry about it. 47:51 I've got confidence because I love her and I have faith in her 47:55 and she feels the same way. 47:57 Do we have freedom? 47:59 I mean, if we wanted to, could we violate those vows and 48:02 get divorced? 48:04 Yeah, we have that freedom. 48:05 Does it happen to some people? 48:06 It does. 48:08 But can you have security in your relationship? 48:09 You can. 48:11 And Jesus loves you. 48:12 He wants to save you, everybody listening. 48:15 And if you'll surrender your life to Him, it says He will be 48:18 the author and the finisher of your faith. 48:20 You can have security that He has begun a good work in you and 48:23 He will perform it. 48:25 Once people know that they can have security, they don't fight 48:28 for once saved always saved. 48:29 Jëan: We do have a book called, "Can a Saved Man Choose to 48:31 be Lost?" 48:32 And it deals with this very subject and we'll send it to 48:34 anyone who calls and asks. 48:35 The number again is 800-835-6747. 48:38 Just call and ask "Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" 48:42 Let me try to make it easy for you to get it. 48:43 Just dial #250 on your smartphone. 48:46 Say "Bible Answers Live" and ask for the book, "Can a Saved Man 48:49 Choose to be Lost?" 48:50 We got Jody in Canada. 48:53 Jody, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 48:54 Jody: Thank you. 48:56 Yes, I'm calling from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. 48:59 Today my question is John 14:12. 49:05 I'd love to know the meaning of it and it reads, "I tell you the 49:09 truth, anyone who believes in Me will do the same work I have 49:13 done, and even greater works, because I'm going to be with 49:16 the Father." 49:18 Doug: Yeah, people read that verse, Christ says that we will 49:21 do even greater works. 49:22 How can anybody do greater works than Jesus? 49:26 Well, He's not saying greater in magnificence. 49:29 He's saying greater in extent because He said, look, I can't 49:33 stay here and preach to all of Israel and preach to the world. 49:37 But, because I'm going to the Father. 49:40 "But you will have an even greater extent in your work in 49:44 that you will go into other countries and the expanse of the 49:48 work of Christianity has gone around the world through 49:52 His disciples." 49:54 So, that's what Christ is talking about. 49:55 He's not saying that, you know, his work of dying on the cross, 49:59 no human can surpass that. 50:01 And the miracles He performed, raising someone dead for 50:04 four days. 50:05 I don't think anyone surpassed that, but He's saying the extent 50:09 of the territory you'll go even to greater places than Me, which 50:13 has happened. 50:15 Christianity and the disciples, they went into the whole 50:17 civilized world back then. 50:19 Good question, thank you. 50:20 Jëan: We've got Max in Florida. 50:22 Max, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 50:24 Max: Yes. 50:26 So my question is about the, I know it's a controversial about 50:30 sacrifice, but I wanted to know where does God actually states 50:34 that he no longer accepted sacrifices if they were with a 50:40 contrite heart? 50:42 Doug: Well, even in the Old Testament, you can read in the 50:47 book of Malachi and also in the Psalms where He said, 50:51 "Sacrifice, I did not desire." 50:55 And in Malachi, He says, you know, "Are you going to appease 50:58 Me with bulls and rams and rivers of blood?" 51:01 He says, "I've shown you, O man, what is good, what does the 51:04 Lord require of you. 51:05 Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God." 51:09 And all through the Scriptures, the main thing the Lord wants. 51:13 And then what--who was it? 51:14 King Saul said, "Look, we've got a whole flock we're gonna 51:16 sacrifice to the Lord." 51:17 And Samuel said, "To obey is better than sacrifice." 51:21 So, what the Lord has always wanted was people's hearts. 51:24 It's only the sacrifice of Jesus, His blood. 51:27 You know, it's like that song. 51:28 "What can wash away my sin? 51:30 Nothing but the blood of Jesus." 51:31 It's not the blood of goats and sheep. 51:33 That was all a symbol. 51:35 And what really matters is the blood of Christ. 51:38 Now Christ, when He left the temple the last time He said, 51:41 "Your house is left to you desolate." 51:43 The high priest tore his robes at the trial of Christ. 51:46 When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn. 51:50 That whole ancient system has been torn now. 51:54 Now, Christ is our Passover according to Paul. 51:58 Jëan: Couple of verses that refer to what you said, 52:00 Pastor Doug. 52:01 Psalms 40 verse 6, "Sacrifice and offerings you did 52:04 not desire." 52:05 And then that's quote in Hebrews chapter 10 with reference 52:08 to Jesus. 52:09 It says, "Therefore, when Christ came to the world, He said: 52:11 'Sacrifice and offerings you did not desire, but a body you have 52:14 prepared for Me.'" 52:15 So, Jesus is our sacrifice. 52:17 He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. 52:20 There's no value in sacrificing lambs today. 52:23 Doug: That's a slam dunk scripture there. 52:25 It makes it pretty clear. 52:26 Jëan: It makes it clear. 52:27 All right, thank you. 52:29 Next call on that we have is let's see, Vicky in Colorado. 52:31 Vicky, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 52:33 Vicky: Hi, I was reading in 2 Samuel 24 and David was 52:39 encouraged by Joab to take a census and the Lord did not 52:45 approve it. 52:46 And I heard that Phineas was the one that actually stopped a 52:53 plague that was one of the choices that David had to make 52:58 for his punishment. 52:59 And I'd like to know a little bit more about that. 53:02 Doug: Okay, there are two things. 53:04 So, one you're asking about when David numbered Israel and there 53:08 was a plague and actually David offered sacrifice on Mount Zion. 53:14 Later, it became the, an angel appeared and it became the place 53:18 where the temple was built. 53:19 Where Phineas stopped the plague, I think it's, that's the 53:22 book of Numbers. 53:23 When the men of Israel began to have feasts with the Moabites 53:27 and the Moabite women came into the camp and one of them was so 53:30 bold that he took a Moabite princess right into his tent in 53:33 front of the whole congregation. 53:35 And Phineas, the priest came and basically he shish kabob'd 53:38 the two of them and God praised him for his zeal 53:41 in stopping the plague because of their immorality 53:47 and that women had led them into sin. 53:50 So that, these things are separated by hundreds of years. 53:53 Now, is there another Phineas in the Bible? 53:55 Well, there may be, I was gonna do a search. 53:57 I didn't have time, but it's not an uncommon name. 54:00 And I'm sure if you go to the Book of Numbers, I'm thinking 54:02 you will find another Phineas. 54:04 But there Chronicles. 54:06 Thank you, Vicky. 54:07 Appreciate your question. 54:08 Jëan: Another call that we have in Florida. 54:10 Trecia from Florida. 54:11 Trecia, welcome to the program. 54:13 Trecia: Yes. 54:14 Good night Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross. 54:17 My question is, yes good evening. 54:19 My question is John chapter 3 verse 8 where it says, "The wind 54:23 blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but can I 54:27 tell where it comes from and where it goes. 54:30 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." 54:32 Can you explain that more? 54:34 Like, expound on it. 54:35 Doug: Yeah, it is somewhat mysterious but I'll expound a 54:38 little more. 54:39 Of course, we can see the results of the wind. 54:41 You can't see wind, but you can see when wind moves the trees. 54:45 If I want to know if the wind is blowing, I don't look straight 54:48 up at a blue sky because you can't see it. 54:50 But if I look horizontally and I see papers rolling by and leaves 54:53 blowing by, then in my garbage can, you know, half a mile away, 54:57 then I know the wind is blowing. 54:59 So, we can see the results of the spirit on a person's heart 55:04 in that there's a transformation and we don't know exactly 55:07 when that might happen. 55:09 Now, being born of the water is something we can choose. 55:12 We can pick a date, we can go to the Jordan, we can get baptized. 55:16 When you get born of the Spirit, we cannot choose. 55:20 The wind blows where it lists. 55:22 In other words, you pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 55:26 God may give it right then and He may give it later. 55:29 But you should always be praying for the Spirit. 55:31 So Jesus said, you know, "The working of the Spirit and the 55:33 timing may surprise you like the wind." 55:37 And then at Pentecost, it says there was a sound of a mighty 55:39 rushing wind when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. 55:42 So that was a symbol of that. 55:44 Jëan: All right, last call, I think we have time 55:46 for Steven in Canada. 55:47 Steven, we got about a minute. 55:48 Steven: Good evening. 55:50 I would like to know, I read before that the seal of God is 55:53 going to be the Shabbat after the Ten Commandments. 55:57 Doug: Yeah. 55:58 Well, the seal of God is, first and foremost is the Holy Spirit. 56:04 And, but within it, in the seal of God, it says in Isaiah 56:09 chapter 8, I think it's verse 16, "Bind up the testimony, seal 56:13 the law among My disciples." 56:15 The Spirit of God seals the law of God in our hearts. 56:20 And a seal contains three things. 56:23 It typically has the title of an official, their name, 56:27 their territory. 56:29 And you know, when Daniel was put in the lion's den, a seal 56:34 was placed on the stone and it said, 56:36 "Darius, king, Medo-Persia." 56:38 Pontius Pilate put Jesus in the tomb or when is when He was put 56:43 in the tomb, a stone was rolled, Pilate put a seal on it. 56:46 And the seal probably said, "Pilate, Governor, Judea." 56:50 Title, territory, the name. 56:53 And in the law of God, you've got the seal of God in the 56:57 fourth commandment. 56:59 "For in six days," it says, "The Lord," that's His name, 57:02 "Created," that's His office. 57:04 He's a creator, sustainer, "Heavens and the earth, 57:06 everything above and below." 57:07 That's His territory. 57:09 So, some have said, well, the seal of God is the only place 57:12 you find the word holy in the Ten Commandments. 57:15 And that while the Holy Spirit is the prominent, first and 57:19 foremost seal that in His holy law, there's one commandment 57:23 where you find the word holy and one of the characteristics of 57:27 God's people that will have the name of the Father in 57:29 their forehead. 57:30 The seal of God in the last says is gonna be the Sabbath truth 57:33 and that would be the seal. 57:35 Jëan: We do have a free offer that we'd be happy to send to 57:37 anyone who wants to learn more about the Sabbath as we find it 57:41 there in the fourth commandment. 57:42 It's a study guide and it's called "The Lost Day of History" 57:45 and we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks. 57:47 The number is 800-835-6747. 57:51 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone. 57:55 Just ask for it by name. 57:56 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who is, who contacts us. 57:59 Those of you who are listening. 58:01 Doug: Friends, it's been a pleasure studying the Word with 58:03 you and we enjoy this so much. 58:04 We look forward to doing it again next week. 58:06 Make sure and tune in and tell your friends to join us for 58:09 "Bible Answers Live." 58:13 male announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. 58:15 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before. 58:19 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International. 58:23 A faith based ministry located in Granite Bay, California. |
Revised 2025-01-07