Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202429S

00:03 male announcer: It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted, and its
00:10 words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should
00:14 always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:34 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 Doug Batchelor: Hello, listening friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 The fastest speed ever recorded by a horse was in 2005, when a
00:59 quarterhorse called A Long Goodbye reached 55 miles an hour
01:03 in a sprint.
01:05 The fastest running speed ever recorded by a human was Usain
01:09 Bolt on August 16, 2009, at the World Championships in
01:13 Berlin, Germany.
01:14 The Olympic champion reached 27 miles an hour.
01:18 So what would be the chances of a man winning a race against
01:21 a horse?
01:23 Probably better than you think.
01:24 That is, if the race is long enough.
01:27 It happened in 2004 at the 25th annual Man versus Horse
01:31 21-mile-long marathon in Wales, Britain.
01:35 With 500 runners and 40 horses, Huw Lobb won in 2 hours and
01:40 5 minutes.
01:42 What's more, he beat the horse by 11 minutes.
01:45 It was the first time that a man has won the race and the prize
01:48 of 25,000 pounds.
01:51 When it comes to long distances, humans can outrun almost any
01:55 animal, especially on a hot day.
01:58 Because we cool by sweating rather than panting, we can stay
02:01 cool at speeds and distances that would overheat
02:04 other animals.
02:06 Some people think it's impossible to outrun temptation,
02:09 but they underestimate what we can do with God's power,
02:12 Pastor Ross.
02:13 Jean Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug.
02:15 The Bible says that all things are possible to those
02:17 who believe.
02:18 With faith, you know, it is possible to please God to do
02:20 those things that are pleasing to him.
02:22 Doug: Yep, absolutely.
02:24 Our friends might be surprised to know there's a couple of
02:26 verses in the Bible that talk about people racing horses.
02:29 You've got the verse there in Jeremiah chapter 12, verse 5.
02:34 It says: "If you've run with the footmen, and they've wearied
02:37 you, how will you contend," or compete, "with horses?"
02:40 And then you can read in 1 Kings 18, verse 46 that it talks about
02:45 when "the Spirit of the Lord, the hand of the Lord, came on
02:47 Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab,"
02:52 that's Ahab's chariot, "to the entrance of Jezreel."
02:55 He was running before the king and his horses.
02:58 But we're really thinking not about a race against horses,
03:01 but, really, a race of life and against temptation and sin.
03:05 Paul talks about that in Hebrews 12, verse 1-2: "Wherefore," I
03:10 should say, "Therefore, since we also are surrounded by a great
03:13 cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin
03:17 that does so easily ensnare us, and let us run with endurance
03:21 the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author
03:25 and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before
03:29 Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at
03:33 the right hand of the throne of God."
03:36 Tells us the only way we can run this race is by laying aside the
03:39 weights and the sin and looking unto Jesus.
03:43 So, can we outrun temptation?
03:47 Not by ourselves, but with God's help, all things are possible.
03:50 Jean: You know, we have a book.
03:52 It's called, "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
03:53 It gives those biblical principles as to how we
03:56 can resist.
03:57 The Bible--it's good news.
03:58 The Bible speaks that those who trust in Christ, they
04:01 can overcome.
04:02 Blessed are those who overcome, the book of Revelation says.
04:05 We'll send this book free to anyone who calls and asks.
04:08 The number is 800-835-6747, and you can ask for the book.
04:12 It's called, "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
04:15 The number is 800-835-6747.
04:18 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone and ask for the book
04:21 by name, and we'll be able to send it to you.
04:24 Well, Pastor Doug, before we go to the phone lines, we've got a
04:27 few folks who are standing by.
04:28 Let's start with prayer.
04:30 Dear Lord, once again we are grateful that we have this time
04:32 to open up Your Word and study the most important book dealing
04:36 with the most important subject.
04:38 And so Father, we pray Your blessing upon this program
04:40 this evening.
04:42 Be with those who are listening wherever they might be, and
04:43 guide us into a clearer understanding of Bible truth,
04:46 for we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
04:49 Doug: Amen.
04:50 Jean: Now, Pastor Doug, as I look at those lining up, we want
04:52 to thank all of those who have called in.
04:54 I see we have some repeat callers, which is always nice,
04:58 but if you're a first-time caller, we want to make sure
05:00 that we get your call on the air.
05:03 So if you've never picked up your phone and called with your
05:05 Bible question, do it now.
05:07 The number here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
05:12 That's 800-463-7297 with your Bible question, and we'll try to
05:19 get you near the front of the line if you're a
05:21 first-time caller.
05:22 We're ready for our caller first.
05:24 We got Laura in Colorado.
05:26 Laura, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
05:29 Laura: Yes, my question is if you cuss at the Spirit, can you
05:33 be forgiven?
05:35 Doug: If you could, like, if you're in a seance and you try
05:38 to consult with evil spirits, can you be forgiven?
05:40 Is that your question?
05:41 Lori: No, let's just say, like, you said "F the Spirit"
05:44 because you were mad, can you be forgiven?
05:47 Doug: Oh, is that the unpardonable sin, yes.
05:50 When the Bible says, "All manner of sin and blasphemy will be
05:51 forgiven men, but it's the blasphemy against the
05:54 Holy Spirit."
05:55 Now that certainly is a sin, don't misunderstand.
05:57 But blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not losing your
06:00 temper, getting discouraged, and cursing God or the Holy Spirit.
06:04 While that would be a sin, it's talking about an ongoing
06:08 resistance to the voice of the Holy Spirit, so you no longer
06:11 hear the Holy Spirit anymore.
06:14 So when a person grieves away the Holy Spirit, as in the case
06:18 of King Saul and Judas, and Balaam, and a few others in the
06:21 Bible, then they've reached the point of no return.
06:25 But if you're, you know, if a person sinned and they feel
06:28 conviction, and they repent of their sins, the Lord is always
06:31 willing to forgive if we're willing to confess and repent.
06:34 Jean: And I think we have a book, Pastor Doug, talking about
06:36 that subject: "What is the Unpardonable Sin?"
06:38 And you can call and ask for it.
06:39 We'll send it to you.
06:41 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
06:44 You can ask for the book, "What is the Unpardonable Sin?"
06:46 Friends, if you're listening outside of North America and you
06:49 can't call to get the book, just go to the website, just
06:51, and you can read the book there online.
06:56 Thank you.
06:58 Next caller that we have is Kimberly in California.
06:59 Kimberly, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
07:03 Kimberly: Yes, good evening.
07:04 This is Kimberly from Bakersfield.
07:06 Doug: Thanks for calling.
07:08 And your question?
07:10 Kimberly: Okay, yes.
07:11 So, in Revelations 12:6, it talks about the woman, or Israel
07:17 possibly, fleeing to the wilderness for 1260 days.
07:23 But then in Daniel 12:11, it says after the abomination
07:29 happens, there'll be 12-- there'll be 1290 days.
07:34 And then Daniel 12:12 says: Blessed is he who waits until
07:39 the 1335 days.
07:41 So can you explain the differences between these and
07:44 what possibly is happening between those time periods?
07:48 Doug: I can.
07:50 It's hard to do it in the 3 or 4 minutes we kind of budget for a
07:53 question because you're asking about--we have a lesson that
07:58 covers some of that, but let me give you a quick,
07:59 quick overview.
08:01 The number 1260.
08:03 In the Jewish calendar, there are 360 days in the year.
08:07 They use a lunar calendar.
08:09 And so, half of 360 is 12-- 1260.
08:18 So it's what we would call 42 months or 3.5 years.
08:22 And so, you'll often see that number.
08:25 The famine of Elijah was 3.5 years.
08:30 It's 3.5 years into the reign of King Ahasuerus that the queen is
08:35 dethroned and they begin the search that becomes Esther.
08:39 You find 3.5 in the ministry of Jesus.
08:42 He taught for 3.5 years.
08:44 Then after his death and resurrection, there's 3.5 years
08:47 until the stoning of Stephen, and the gospel then goes to
08:51 the Gentiles.
08:52 There's a--there's a prophetic 3.5 years that you mentioned
08:55 there in Revelation chapter 12, where it talks about the woman
08:59 fleeing into the wilderness.
09:00 Now, I think that woman is not just talking about Israel, I
09:03 think it's talking about the Church that goes underground.
09:08 So, and God, it says, miraculously feeds her there.
09:11 So, what is the difference then between what you find in Daniel?
09:16 Now, there is an overlap between Daniel, chapters 7, 8, 9, and
09:22 what you find in Revelation.
09:23 They both have the 1260, and what's a quick way to answer
09:28 that, Pastor Ross?
09:30 I know you know it as well, if not better than I do, but--.
09:31 Jean: Yeah, just a real quick answer on that.
09:33 So you've got 1260, 1290, and 1335.
09:37 The 1260, as you mentioned, Pastor Doug, specifically in
09:39 Revelation 12--.
09:41 Doug: Pardon me, all three of those numbers are in Daniel 12.
09:43 Jean: Yes, they're in chapter 12, and the 1260 is mentioned 7
09:47 times in scripture, so it's an important number.
09:50 Begins with the decree, well, really, the establishment of the
09:53 papal power in 538.
09:55 And it continues to 1798 when the political power of the
09:59 papacy was removed.
10:00 So that's the 1260.
10:02 The 1290 begins a little earlier, and that's in 508.
10:07 You have the first nation, the French under the Franks, or
10:11 Clovis, king of the Frank, it was the first nation to decree
10:15 Catholicism as the official religion and really helped to
10:19 establish the political power of the papacy.
10:22 And that continued until 1798, so the 1290 begins in 508.
10:26 And then the 1335, beginning in 508, goes all the way through to
10:30 1843, 1844, and there was a great revival that took place.
10:35 So in a nutshell, those times do overlap, but they deal with
10:38 different prophetic aspects that took place during the Dark Ages.
10:42 Doug: We need to put together a simple chart because we get that
10:45 question a lot, that explains that and I think you just
10:47 finished a series of lessons on Daniel and I bet you have
10:50 something like that in there.
10:52 Jean: We do. We've got some charts.
10:53 They're actually busy laying it out right now, so, it will
10:56 be available.
10:58 All right, thank you, Kimberly. We've got Gary in Illinois.
11:01 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
11:05 Gary: Thank you.
11:06 In Genesis 2:15, it says, "Then God took the man and put him in
11:11 the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it."
11:15 Is that a call for humanity to be good stewards of the planet?
11:21 Doug: Well, I think that certainly is a pattern that, you
11:24 know, originally, man was to be a horticulturist.
11:27 God made man to be in the garden, and never is a man
11:32 closer to God than when he's in the garden.
11:35 Because this is my Father's world, as you say, we are to
11:40 care for it, and to be good stewards of the planet.
11:44 And, you know, I think that when it comes to using the resources,
11:47 they're there to be used, but they should be used responsibly.
11:51 We have a little bit of land where we do occasional logging,
11:53 but we do what they call organic logging.
11:55 We thin the trees.
11:57 And so, I think that it's really important that people do
12:01 recognize, it says in Revelation, is it chapter 11
12:04 where it says, "God will destroy those that destroy the earth"?
12:08 And so, there's a judgment for people that not only abuse their
12:12 bodies, the Bible said, "Your body is the temple of the Holy
12:15 Spirit; whoever defiles that temple, him will God destroy."
12:19 I think if we destroy God's creation, there's also judgment
12:22 for that.
12:24 So hopefully that answers that, Gary, and good question.
12:27 Jean: Anthony's listening in New York.
12:28 Anthony, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
12:31 Anthony: Hello, good evening, Pastors.
12:33 Doug: Evening.
12:35 Anthony: In Luke chapter 8 with the woman with the issue of
12:38 blood, Jesus said, "Who touched Me?"
12:42 And He said, "Somebody has touched Me: for I perceive that
12:45 virtue has gone out of Me."
12:47 And then over in John chapter 20, verse 17, when after He
12:53 resurrected and Mary was in the garden, Jesus says--"Jesus said
12:58 unto her, 'Touch Me not; for I am not yet ascended to My
13:02 Father: but go to My brethren and say unto them, "I ascend
13:05 unto My Father, and your Father; and to My God and your God."'"
13:07 So, my question is, why didn't Jesus want anyone to touch Him
13:13 before He presented Himself to the Father?
13:15 Is it because He had to maintain His disposition as the spotless
13:20 Lamb, untainted by sin, and didn't want to be tainted by
13:22 sin, if--by anyone touching Him, or does it have something to do
13:26 with when, you know, somebody touching Him and virtue leaving
13:29 Him before He presented Himself resurrected to His
13:34 heavenly Father?
13:36 Doug: Yeah, good question.
13:37 I remember when I first read that verse, I thought, "Well, I
13:39 thought He really loved Mary Magdalene; she certainly
13:41 loved Him.
13:42 Why would He say, 'Don't touch Me'?"
13:44 It's like you're unclean, don't touch Me.
13:46 I was relieved to find out that word there, "Don't touch Me,"
13:49 it's not the best translation in the King James.
13:51 Maybe some other versions have it that way.
13:53 If you'll look, for instance, the New King James says, "Do not
13:56 cling to Me."
13:57 The word there could also mean hold or to cling.
14:02 He said, "Do not detain Me, 'cause I've not yet ascended to
14:05 My Father."
14:07 In other words, Christ said, "I've just risen.
14:08 I've not even ascended before the Father to have My sacrifice
14:11 declared victorious.
14:13 I will be back."
14:14 And notice when He does come back, and I think it's in
14:17 Matthew, where they worship Him, they grab His feet, and He says,
14:20 "All hail."
14:21 So He wasn't opposed to them touching Him because they
14:23 certainly touched Him later.
14:24 He said, "Put your hand in My side.
14:26 Touch My hands.
14:27 See that I'm not a spirit, that I've got flesh and bone."
14:31 And so Jesus was not opposed to the disciples touching Him
14:34 after resurrection.
14:35 He just told Mary, "Do not detain Me.
14:38 Do not cling to Me 'cause I've--" she may have already
14:40 been grabbing His feet.
14:42 He said, "Don't hold Me.
14:43 I've got to go to My Father, but I want you to go tell
14:45 our brethren."
14:46 So no, it wasn't that He thought that she was unclean and that He
14:50 would somehow be contaminated.
14:51 It actually means do not hold or cling or detain Me.
14:56 Thanks, good question, Anthony.
14:58 I'm glad you asked it.
14:59 Jean: We got Tim in Arkansas.
15:00 Tim, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
15:04 Tim: Good evening, Pastors.
15:05 How are y'all?
15:06 Doug: Much better than we deserve.
15:09 Tim: Amen.
15:10 Hey, my question is, in the New Testament, why is Jesus Christ--
15:16 they say Jesus Christ in the same sentence, then they change
15:19 it back over to Christ Jesus.
15:22 Is there a reason for that?
15:25 Doug: Well, I--if you understand that it's not like my
15:29 name, which is Douglas Batchelor, you would never say
15:32 Batchelor Douglas.
15:33 That would seem odd, unless, of course, you're going
15:36 alphabetically in school, and there's a comma after Batchelor.
15:40 But Christ is the title, and so He is Messiah Jesus, Jesus
15:48 the Messiah.
15:49 So it can be said interchangeably because one is a
15:52 title and one is a name that, you know, was more of a proper
15:56 name that He had been given.
15:58 But it's interesting, His name also means Yeshua, which means
16:03 God or Jehovah saves.
16:05 So, it's Messiah, God saves, or God saves the Messiah, the
16:12 Anointed One.
16:13 That's what that means.
16:15 Jean: And Christ, there's the Greek version for the word
16:17 Messiah, which is Hebrew.
16:18 Doug: For anointing, yeah.
16:19 Jean: The Anointed One.
16:21 Doug: Yeah, when they launch a ship, they christen it.
16:22 That means they anoint it.
16:24 Usually they break champagne over it, but they call that
16:26 a christening.
16:27 It means an anointing.
16:28 Jean: So in other words, you could say, for example, Dr.
16:30 So-and-so, or you can say So-and-so, doctor, because the
16:35 one's the title and the Messiah or the Christ is the title and
16:38 Jesus is the name.
16:40 All right, good. Robert in Washington.
16:42 Robert, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
16:45 Robert: Hello, evening, Pastors.
16:47 Doug: Evening.
16:48 Robert: My question tonight was, what is the new covenant,
16:52 because I was reading in Hebrews 8 through--Hebrews 8:7 through
16:56 10 that it seems like that God writing his law in our hearts is
17:03 the new covenant.
17:05 But then I was reading tonight in Matthew 26, where it talks
17:08 about Jesus saying, "This is My blood of the new covenant."
17:13 So there must be some kind of thing that would explain what
17:21 the new covenant is.
17:23 Doug: Yeah, well, what you read there, you're right, and--but
17:25 that goes together perfectly.
17:28 To understand the new covenant, it's good to take a peek at the
17:30 old covenant.
17:32 The old covenant, and you read this in Deuteronomy, I think
17:34 it's chapter 4, verse 13, says, "And He gave them His covenant
17:38 ten commandments, which He commanded them to observe."
17:42 The covenant was ratified with blood.
17:45 Even in the days of Moses, there was a sacrifice that was made
17:48 that ratified the covenant.
17:50 And so it's saying that the new covenant is the same law written
17:55 in our hearts rather on stone.
17:57 Instead of it being based on the promise of the people: in the
18:00 old covenant, the people told the Lord, "All the Lord has said
18:04 we will do."
18:05 They said, "We will promise to keep Your law."
18:07 The new covenant says, "I'm making a promise.
18:10 I will cause you to walk in My ways, and I will write My law in
18:13 your heart.
18:14 You'll be motivated by love instead of just being compelled
18:17 by your own power and will."
18:20 And no one really can keep God's law that way.
18:22 People in the Old Testament are actually saved by the
18:25 new covenant.
18:27 And so Jesus at the Last Supper, He's saying, "This is the blood
18:29 of the covenant, and," you know, "My body and My blood," and that
18:35 was really sealing it.
18:36 They would have a sacrifice where they would sprinkle blood,
18:39 and they'd offer the body of the victim.
18:41 And so Christ is making statements about the sacrifice
18:44 of the covenant.
18:46 But the first place you find the new covenant is actually in the
18:50 Old Testament, right?
18:52 I'm dyslexic.
18:53 I think it's Jeremiah 31:31 is where you find it, and he says,
18:58 "A new covenant I'll make."
18:59 And Moses even alludes to the new covenant where he said, you
19:03 know, instead of it being circumcision in the flesh, it
19:06 should be circumcision of the heart.
19:08 So they understood the principle that the--only the new covenant
19:11 is really what God wants.
19:13 King David said, "Sacrifice and offerings you do not desire, but
19:18 a body I prepared," and what God desires is a contrite heart.
19:22 They all understood that what really God wanted was a
19:25 transformed heart.
19:26 Ezekiel said, "I'll sprinkle you, and He's going to make a
19:29 new covenant with us.
19:31 I'll write my law in your hearts."
19:32 So that's the new covenant, and we have a book on that, I think.
19:35 Jean: I'm trying to think, Pastor Doug,
19:37 what the name of that--
19:38 Doug: Well, probably the, "What Was Nailed to the Cross,"
19:42 I think talks about that.
19:43 Jean: Is that the name of the book?
19:45 Doug: Yeah, it's one of them.
19:46 We've got two or three books that talk about the subject, and
19:50 we've got, you know, "Written in Stone," I think, talks about the
19:53 new and the old covenant too.
19:55 Jean: All right, we've got a number of resources talking
19:57 about the new covenant.
19:59 Just call and ask, "Written in Stone" and we'll be happy to
20:01 send it to anyone who calls and asks.
20:04 Also, the book, talking about the new covenant.
20:06 Don't we have a book called, "Why the Old Covenant Failed"?
20:08 Doug: Yeah, there you go.
20:10 Jean: That's the one I was thinking about, yeah.
20:11 So you can call and ask for that.
20:12 The number is 800-835-6747.
20:15 Ask for the book, "Why the Old Covenant Failed."
20:18 And also ask for the study guide; it's called "Written
20:20 in Stone."
20:21 Doug: Wait, I want to confuse 'em more.
20:23 We got another one, yeah.
20:24 "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
20:25 Jean: Yes, that's a good one too.
20:28 So you can ask for any of those books.
20:30 It's an important subject, so we have a number of resources.
20:33 Glenn in Ohio.
20:34 Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
20:37 Glenn: Thank you, Pastors, for taking my call.
20:39 Good evening.
20:40 My call concerns Revelation 13 and Revelation 14, and it's
20:46 about the program, the mark of the beast.
20:49 Why is the mark of the beast in the Bible?
20:53 Doug: Why is--well, God puts it in the Bible as a warning, so
20:58 that for one thing, when that time comes, we'll be prepared
21:03 and, you know, want to avoid that, because the Bible says
21:06 whoever receives the mark of the beast, the wrath of God is
21:10 poured on him, and he's going to be destroyed.
21:14 And it's basically also that what happens at the end of the
21:17 time, Glenn, with the mark of the beast and the seal of God,
21:21 is a battle between good and evil.
21:22 It's the culmination of the battle between good and evil
21:25 that goes all the way back to Cain and Abel.
21:27 Cain was a gentle shepherd, he sacrificed, he obeyed God.
21:32 His brother Cain, he rebelled, and Cain ends up getting marked
21:37 by God, and he was cursed.
21:39 And I was just reading today in, oh, was it James or Peter where
21:45 it says that "like that murderer Cain."
21:47 I think it's 2 Peter.
21:49 So, when you get to Revelation, you've got the same thing.
21:54 You've got one group is persecuting the other group
21:57 because they're worshiping according to God's will, and the
22:00 devil inspires them with anger and malice.
22:04 So God's warning us about what's going to happen.
22:06 That's why it's in the Bible.
22:08 Jean: We do have a study guide.
22:09 It's called, "The Mark of the Beast."
22:10 It's important, very important subject that you can read about
22:13 in the Bible.
22:14 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
22:16 If you'd like to learn more about that, the number
22:18 is 800-835-6747.
22:21 You can ask for the study guide.
22:23 It's called "The Mark of the Beast."
22:25 We've got Jim listening in Oregon.
22:26 Jim, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
22:28 Jim: Hello, Pastors.
22:30 Doug: Evening.
22:32 Jim: There is one peculiar word that's only in the Bible in
22:37 one place.
22:39 I think I know what it means, but I'm not sure.
22:43 It's in Revelation 1:1, the word "signified."
22:50 What does that mean?
22:52 Doug: Well, the word "signify," it mean--and actually I think
22:55 it means semaino in Greek, it means to sign-ify or it's given
23:01 in signs.
23:02 And when it says: "He sent and He signified it by His angel,
23:05 through the angel," the vision is given in signs and
23:09 apocalyptic symbols, you might say.
23:13 Yes, it means, I'm looking at the Greek definition right now.
23:16 It's rather lengthy, but it's talking about to desire a sign
23:21 or the characteristics of the sense of relating something, it
23:24 could be a shape.
23:25 But, best definition I've heard is it means to sign-ify, because
23:31 that's what, you know, you break down the word "signify,"
23:34 it's sign-if-y.
23:36 And it means given in signs or symbols.
23:39 Jean: And of course, the whole book of Revelation, you find
23:41 lots of symbols in the book of Revelation.
23:43 So the Bible's telling us that if we need to understand the
23:47 book of Revelation, we need to let the Bible interpret
23:49 these symbols.
23:51 And that's why you go through the Old Testament.
23:53 A lot of the Revelation is actually quoted from the
23:56 Old Testament.
23:57 So it's given in symbols and types.
23:59 All right, thank you, Jim.
24:01 Next caller that we have is Loydene in Nebraska.
24:04 Loydene, welcome to the program.
24:07 Loydene: Well, thank you very much and good evening, Pastors.
24:10 Doug: Good evening.
24:12 Loydene: Okay, my question is on Isaiah chapter 17, verse 1, when
24:19 it's talking about Damascus.
24:21 And I have the question because I know the USA bombed Syria
24:27 today and Israel bombed Damascus, so I wanted to know if
24:33 chapter 17 has anything to do with what's going on now or was
24:39 it something that was in the past?
24:41 Doug: The vision of Isaiah against Damascus, and Isaiah,
24:45 when you start marching through, I just finished reading the book
24:48 of Isaiah, you start marching through chapter 17 and
24:52 subsequent chapters, talks about his visions that pronounce
24:55 judgment on Nineveh, on Damascus, on the Philistines, on
25:00 several countries.
25:01 They all came true, many of them during the time
25:04 of Nebuchadnezzar.
25:05 He went marching through the Middle East, and he conquered
25:08 many of these cities, and Damascus was destroyed.
25:12 Now Damascus is rebuilt, and if you look at verse 1, it says:
25:16 "The burden against Damascus.
25:17 'Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will
25:20 be a ruinous heap.'"
25:21 Well, that did happen, but it was eventually rebuilt.
25:24 Some cities that were destroyed were never rebuilt, and God--it
25:28 specifically says that Babylon, ancient Babylon, would never be
25:31 rebuilt, and it wasn't.
25:33 I think there's some tourist ruins that were rebuilt there,
25:36 but the city has not been a thriving city.
25:39 And I don't think that Isaiah here is talking about the
25:43 present conflict in Syria.
25:46 But the news certainly is interesting these days 'cause I
25:49 think the whole power structure of the Middle East is going
25:52 through a transition again.
25:54 Jean: And of course, Syria and Egypt and--Syria and Israel
25:58 have been at war many a time.
26:00 You have Syria that conquered the ten tribes of Israel, took
26:04 them off into captivity.
26:06 So yes, there's a long history between the Syrians and the
26:09 Israelites and all of those various nations in that area.
26:12 Doug: Yeah, now you'll notice the word "Syria" in Syria, and
26:16 then you'll notice in the Bible, you've got Assyria.
26:19 So, the capital of Assyria was Nineveh, the capital of Syria
26:24 was Damascus, and even back when Naaman the leper, he was the
26:29 Syrian, he came down, he was healed, so they were--they were
26:32 kind of at war, then peace and war then peace, and it's not
26:35 changed since the time of Israel, I guess, their
26:37 whole history.
26:40 Thank you.
26:41 Jean: All right, Pastor, I'm looking at the clock.
26:42 We probably don't have time to take another caller because
26:45 we're coming up on a break, but we do want to let people know
26:47 that we have all kinds of great resources at the "Amazing
26:51 Facts" website.
26:53 Doug: Yeah, absolutely.
26:54 And people sometimes think, "Well, I have to wait another
26:56 week to listen to 'Bible Answers Live,'" but you can go to
27:00 YouTube or the Amazing Facts Facebook page, and you can
27:03 listen to past programs.
27:05 There's even a place at the "Amazing Facts" website where
27:08 you can look at the particular Bible answers.
27:11 In fact, I just heard this week, we've got 8000 pages at the
27:16 "Amazing Facts" website.
27:18 So there's a, as they would say, a blizzard, a plethora, a
27:21 kaleidoscope of Bible study information there, and make sure
27:25 you check out
27:27 But we're not done with this program.
27:29 Coming back in just a few moments.
27:35 announcer: Stay tuned.
27:36 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
27:46 announcer: Amazing Facts Changed Lives.
27:58 Scarlett Varley: I'm Scarlett Varley.
28:01 I grew up in a military home.
28:02 Both my parents were in the Navy, and my mom left fairly
28:06 early, and then my dad stayed for 15 years and so he was
28:10 deployed a lot.
28:12 We would read the Bible every night together as a family, and
28:15 I mean I knew, like, that God was there and, like, I knew that
28:18 He, like, died for me but it wasn't something that, like, you
28:21 know, stuck in my head.
28:22 Any time I went to church, I never got enough information.
28:26 You know, you're there for just, like, an hour.
28:29 I was super, super hungry for knowledge and I wasn't being
28:31 given it.
28:33 Even though I accepted Christ, my faith, like, really wasn't
28:36 all that strong.
28:39 I mean, I lost my first friend in high school, you know, my
28:41 first boyfriend to suicide, and that was really hard and I
28:44 didn't understand it.
28:47 And I was just really, really depressed.
28:50 I was also, like, abused and so I was just really confused and I
28:55 was like, "Lord, why was I put in that situation where I had no
28:59 control over anything?"
29:01 I was suicidal.
29:02 I was developing an eating disorder, so like, all these
29:05 things were just coming into play.
29:08 You know, I don't feel loved, you know, that's not something
29:10 that would happen if I was loved and that's not something that
29:13 happened if maybe I must have done something wrong if I went
29:16 through that, and I just blamed myself for everything.
29:20 On the outside I was still like super-happy and outgoing and I'd
29:23 give everyone a hug and compliment them and try to put
29:26 the attention on other people.
29:28 And so people didn't know what I was going through.
29:32 I was just super-confused about life and why am I here?
29:35 Like, I don't think I have a reason to even be alive.
29:39 And I was really confused with God, like, why would You let
29:41 this happen?
29:43 Like why wouldn't You intervene?
29:45 I just wanted to change it.
29:46 I wanted to change it so bad and there was nothing I could do.
29:51 I quit choir because I was around too many people.
29:56 Choir was a big thing.
29:57 I just isolated myself because I couldn't stand being around
30:01 people and I was like, Oh well, if I don't have any friends and
30:05 if something happens to them, well, then it won't affect me
30:07 because I'm not part of their lives.
30:09 And so I was just really scared of just losing people and so I
30:12 thought if the more I push them away, the easier it would be to
30:16 just go through life.
30:17 The problem was I didn't turn to God and that's when I needed
30:20 Him most.
30:22 My sophomore year in high school we went on this thing called
30:25 Fall Weekend, so we went on a retreat for, like, the weekend
30:28 and they showed this clip of Jesus Christ on the cross and
30:32 that broke me.
30:34 I mean I was crying, crying so much, and after they showed the
30:39 clip, you know, everyone's just super-quiet and they're like,
30:42 all right go out on the campus, and we're going to do this thing
30:44 called 20 Minutes and so I'm sitting out there and I'm just,
30:48 like, praying.
30:50 I gave my life to Christ and it was just such, like, a
30:52 beautiful moment.
30:55 Right around that time, my dad found Doug Batchelor on the TV.
31:02 And so he was like, "Scarlett, come watch this," and I'm like,
31:04 "All right, like, I'll watch it."
31:06 And so we started watching it, like, all the time and he's
31:10 like, "You know, this is, like, the Bible truth."
31:11 I was like, "It definitely is."
31:13 He's like, "Scarlett, you should go to AFCOE," and I was like,
31:18 "That's not really my cup of tea."
31:21 I was a very spirited person and AFCOE was structured and I--me
31:27 as a person, I wasn't too structured.
31:30 But you know, the more I thought about AFCOE, the happier I got.
31:32 And it was, like, a 2 weeks' notice before AFCOE started.
31:35 She's like, "You got accepted."
31:37 Like, "We emailed you your letter and all this stuff," and
31:39 I was like, "Oh no, oh no, I have to pack up my entire life."
31:42 And so I'm like frantically, like, packing up everything and
31:46 me and my dad, like, drive cross country and AFCOE was not what I
31:50 expected at all.
31:52 They've definitely led me and helped me and talked to me and
31:55 taught me and just loved me, and accepted me as who I was and
31:59 just helped me grow as a person and showing me different ways of
32:02 life and just how to live, like, a better life in all sorts
32:05 of areas.
32:07 Without the help of the Lord and without, like, people who love
32:10 the Lord and love me, I wouldn't be where I am today.
32:14 Even though I didn't want Him, I, you know, I kind of shoved
32:17 Him away, He didn't let go and so I'm super-grateful.
32:24 ♪♪♪
32:36 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where every
32:39 question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
32:43 plan to save you.
32:44 So what are you waiting for?
32:46 Get practical answers about the Good Book for a better
32:49 life today.
32:53 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
32:56 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on the
32:59 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m.
33:02 and 8 p.m. Pacific time.
33:05 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
33:08 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
33:13 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
33:18 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
33:24 Doug: Amen, friends, you heard the number.
33:26 Just give us a call with a Bible question and we're trying to
33:29 encourage people, even if you've never called in before, call in,
33:33 and as soon as you get through, we're going to try and put you
33:35 at the head of the line.
33:36 We get so many people calling in and they've got great questions,
33:39 but we always like to have some new first-time fresh callers.
33:44 Before we go to the phones, while our friends are picking up
33:47 the phone, we've got a couple of email questions that have
33:49 come in.
33:51 Jean: We do.
33:52 And if you'd like to send us an email question, it's easy.
33:54 The email address is just
34:00 All right, Pastor Doug, Richard is asking: "When we are going
34:02 through trials in life, how do we know if we are being led by
34:05 the Holy Spirit?"
34:07 Doug: Well, whenever you're going through trial, God may be
34:10 trying to teach you something or to reach others through you,
34:15 witnessing through the trial.
34:17 Whatever trial it might be, you can turn to God and ask for the
34:21 Spirit to guide you through the trial.
34:23 So you might be in the trial because you've done something
34:26 wrong or you took a wrong turn, but at any time along the way,
34:29 you can turn to God, and the Spirit will take that and use
34:33 you and lead you through that trial just like He led the
34:37 children of Israel with a pillar of fire through the Red Sea and
34:40 through the wilderness.
34:41 When you go through your wilderness, God's Spirit will be
34:45 there, and you've just got to be praying and commit your life to
34:48 Him every day.
34:49 Jean: Okay, and then we have another question.
34:52 Leslyn is asking: "Can you explain the process of
34:55 justification and sanctification?
34:58 Or is it sanctification and justification?
35:00 The Bible mentions it both ways."
35:03 Doug: Yeah, there's three technical terms in the process
35:06 of salvation.
35:07 You've got justification, sanctification,
35:11 and glorification.
35:13 And justification, to keep it simple, it means you come to
35:17 Jesus just as you are.
35:19 He will forgive you through His blood just as if you had
35:23 never sinned.
35:24 He'll wash you, and then out of love for Him, you follow Him,
35:29 and He teaches you to live a new kind of life.
35:31 So you can come to the Lord like the thief on the cross and turn
35:34 to Him and say, "Lord, remember me," repent of your sins,
35:36 confess your sins.
35:38 He will then forgive you, cover you with His righteousness, and
35:40 look upon you just as if you've never sinned.
35:43 Sanctification means that you're learning to walk in a newness
35:46 of life.
35:48 Glorification is ultimately when we get into glory and we have
35:51 our new bodies and we're not tempted anymore.
35:53 There's no more devil.
35:54 Jean: Okay, final question that we have, email question here,
35:57 Pastor Doug.
35:58 Annette is asking: "If God created everything in the
36:00 universe, did He create Himself?"
36:02 Doug: Well, that'd be hard to comprehend.
36:04 He would have to exist in order to create Himself.
36:07 It is a mystery, you know, and even people that are atheists
36:11 realize that the great mystery is how do you get something
36:14 from nothing.
36:15 The very enormous, complex, infinite universe that we
36:18 observe right now, to say that it came from what they call a
36:23 singularity, that means something exploding
36:25 from nothing.
36:27 There's no scientific way that can happen.
36:29 It's the same problem of saying how can you have a God that's
36:32 lived from everlasting to everlasting?
36:34 Mystery for us, but it's easier for me to believe that an
36:38 intelligent God designed the universe that we observe as to
36:42 believe that all the incredible systems and organization we see
36:47 in the world today all happened out of nothing for no purpose.
36:50 Jean: Okay, we're going to go to the phone lines.
36:52 The next caller that we have is Hector in New York.
36:55 Hector, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
36:57 Hector: Good evening, Pastor. I saw you in New York.
36:59 Thank you. I enjoyed the seminar.
37:01 Doug: Oh, praise the Lord, thanks for coming.
37:02 Hector: Yeah, I have a question.
37:04 In Isaiah 11:9, I'm going to see--I'm going to read
37:08 the Bible.
37:09 "The earth shall be filled--the earth shall be full of the
37:11 knowledge of the Lord as the water cover the sea."
37:15 But in Revelation 21:1: "Then I saw a new heaven and a
37:20 new earth.
37:21 So the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and
37:23 the sea was no more."
37:26 How come He didn't see no water?
37:28 Doug: Well, first of all, in Isaiah, he's saying the
37:31 knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth like the sea.
37:35 So he's using a metaphor.
37:36 We know how the sea kind of covers the earth.
37:38 Two-thirds of the world is water.
37:40 Isaiah is using that as a metaphor for heaven, that
37:44 everybody around the planet will understand God.
37:47 They'll know God.
37:48 It won't be like in the world today where so many people don't
37:51 know God.
37:52 So, the knowledge of God will blanket the new earth as the sea
37:56 covers the world today.
37:58 But when it says there's no more sea in Revelation, it doesn't
38:00 mean there's no more water, and no more large bodies of water,
38:05 because it says there's a river that's flowing from the throne
38:07 of God, and even Ezekiel talks about that river that flows from
38:11 the temple that flows out to the sea, but it says that it's fresh
38:15 water in Ezekiel, that there's-- it's all--that the trees go--
38:18 grow beside it.
38:20 And so, if trees are growing beside it, it's not salt.
38:23 So it's telling us you're not going to have the salty water
38:25 you can't drink, it stings your eyes.
38:27 But there will be large bodies of water in heaven, but it's
38:30 probably not going to cover the earth like it does now, so that
38:34 everyone's separated.
38:36 Hope that makes sense.
38:37 Thank you.
38:38 Jean: We've got Gabriel in California.
38:40 Gabriel, welcome to the program.
38:43 Gabriel: Hi.
38:44 Doug: Hi, Gabriel.
38:46 Gabriel: Pastor Doug, why do people use Peter's vision of the
38:50 unclean animals as excuse to eat unclean food?
38:54 Doug: Why do people use Peter's vision that you find in Acts
38:57 chapter 10 as an excuse to eat unclean animals?
39:02 Well, I've heard that many times where people say, well, there's
39:06 nothing wrong with eating unclean animals, because Peter,
39:09 in Acts chapter 10, he's up on the roof praying, he's hungry,
39:13 and he has this vision of a sheet lowered from heaven full
39:16 of all kinds of unclean animals, and God says, "Arise and eat,"
39:20 and Peter says, "Not so, Lord!
39:22 I've never eaten anything common or unclean."
39:25 God says, "Do not call unclean what I have cleansed."
39:28 People say, "Aha! God cleansed all the animals."
39:31 That happens three times and Peter's wondering what this
39:34 vision means.
39:35 He never eats anything from this sheet 'cause it's hard to eat a
39:37 vision, and it says he explains it later that God showed him
39:43 that He wanted him to go to the Gentiles.
39:46 Right when he has that vision, he was being invited to the
39:50 house of a Gentile.
39:51 They didn't know they were supposed to preach the gospel to
39:54 the Gentiles.
39:55 They had just been going to the lost sheep of the house of
39:57 Israel, and Peter explains the vision later.
39:59 So let's take Peter's word for it.
40:01 He said, "God has shown me through this vision, not to call
40:05 any man unclean."
40:07 M-A-N, not P-I-G.
40:09 So that's the purpose of the vision.
40:11 Some people have misapplied that to think that that means you can
40:14 eat anything that crawls, and that's not what the Bible's
40:17 teaching there.
40:19 Thanks for your question.
40:20 Appreciate that, Gabriel.
40:21 Jean: And the verse you're referring to is Acts chapter 10,
40:23 verse 28.
40:24 Doug: Thanks so much.
40:26 Jean: We got Rona in Virginia.
40:28 Rona, welcome to the program.
40:30 Rona: Oh, thank you, and may God bless you and your ministries.
40:35 Doug: Thanks so much.
40:36 Rona: My question is, where was Satan during the flood?
40:40 Was he hiding in the ark?
40:42 Doug: No, I don't think so.
40:44 I think that God's angels were in the ark and Satan doesn't get
40:47 along very well with good angels.
40:49 They had a war once.
40:50 So my assumption is that he was out in the raging elements, and
40:56 I read in one commentary that he feared for his own existence
41:00 when he saw how the whole creation had been--was in that
41:04 tremendous tempest that, you know, trees are being uprooted
41:11 and rocks are flying through the air and water's pouring from the
41:14 skies, and it was--it was the, what would you call it?
41:17 The mother of all storms.
41:19 So, no, I think Satan was out in the darkness and the raging
41:22 elements, and God's angels were in the ark protecting Noah.
41:25 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is Mandy
41:28 in Florida.
41:29 Mandy, welcome to the program.
41:31 Mandy: Hello, good evening. Doug: Evening.
41:36 Mandy: So I just got done reading Joshua chapter 7.
41:40 It starts, verse 16, and I don't know how to pronounce his name.
41:44 Is it Achan?
41:46 Doug: Yeah, that's right, Achan, like bellyaching, yeah.
41:51 Mandy: Achan, so he stole some of the spoils, some clothes and
41:57 gold and silver, and, as you know, they killed not only him,
42:03 but they took his wife and his children too and I don't
42:08 understand why first of all, he was judged so harshly.
42:11 Did he not repent?
42:13 Did he have an opportunity to repent?
42:16 And why did they have to kill the children too?
42:18 I just feel like they're--I mean, like, were they--I just
42:20 feel like they were innocent and why would they--I mean that--
42:24 this is just like really bothering me.
42:27 Doug: No, don't let it be-- don't let it trouble you.
42:29 Just keep this in mind: that in the Hebrew, when it says they
42:33 killed the children, it doesn't mean little children.
42:36 It meant, you know, sons or daughters.
42:38 Achan could have been, you know, 40 years old, and he had adult
42:42 children, and he, first, he did have an opportunity to repent.
42:45 He didn't repent until they cast lots and the lot fell on him.
42:49 Then he finally confessed when God basically pointed him out.
42:53 So he was--he had lots of opportunity to confess, and he
42:56 waited until the last minute.
42:58 And it says that he hid this forbidden--he didn't
43:01 just steal.
43:02 God specifically said, "Do not take any of the bounty
43:05 from Jericho.
43:06 That all belongs to the Lord," and he was stealing from
43:08 God, basically.
43:10 The first city they conquered was Jericho, and because it was
43:13 the first fruits, any of the booty of war, that would be
43:16 consecrated to God.
43:18 The other cities, they got to keep it when they
43:19 conquered them.
43:20 So Achan, when he stole this, his family, now these may have
43:23 been adult children, they were conspirators with him.
43:27 They were accomplices.
43:28 They knew that he had hidden it underneath the rug in his tent.
43:33 And so they were all brought out.
43:36 Now, Moses is the one who said that the son will not die for
43:39 the sins of the father, and the father will not die for the sins
43:42 of the son.
43:43 I think Ezekiel repeats that.
43:45 So they must have been accomplices.
43:47 They knew what was going on and just keep in mind, though it's
43:50 says they're children, they may have been above the age
43:53 of accountability.
43:54 Jean: And because of his sin, Pastor Doug, there was a battle
43:56 that took place and several of the Jewish soldiers died as a
44:01 result of him hiding this and still he refused to confess it.
44:05 So he had blood on his hands to some degree because of the role
44:08 that he played in this.
44:09 Doug: Yes.
44:10 Jean: Okay, next caller that we have is Alice in New York.
44:12 Alice, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
44:16 Alice: Yes, hi.
44:17 I'm so happy to talk to you for the first time.
44:19 Okay, here's my question: When a person dies, a true believer,
44:25 and he gets buried, does the soul go to God,
44:28 Jesus, in heaven?
44:30 Doug: Let's tell you what goes to the Lord.
44:32 You read in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 that the dust returns, I
44:37 think it's verse 7.
44:38 The dust returns to the earth as it was,
44:40 and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
44:43 Now, there's a difference between spirit and soul.
44:45 It doesn't say the soul returns to God.
44:47 It says the spirit.
44:48 That word there, "spirit," is ruach in Hebrew, and you got to
44:53 say it in the back of your throat, ruach, and it
44:56 means breath.
44:58 The breath of life returns to God who gave it.
45:01 Now when God created Adam in the beginning, says God made Adam
45:04 out of the dust of the earth, He breathed into him the breath of
45:08 life, and Adam became a living soul.
45:11 So notice Adam doesn't become a soul until God combines the
45:15 breath of life with the body that He's made.
45:19 When a person dies, the body returns to the dust, the breath
45:23 of life returns to God.
45:25 The breath of life is not a conscious soul that's, you know,
45:28 floating around thinking, "Well, you know, when do I get my
45:31 physical body?"
45:32 The Bible says that when a person dies, they sleep until
45:35 the resurrection.
45:37 Jesus said, "Our friend Lazarus sleeps, and I go to wake
45:40 him up."
45:42 And there's about 12 resurrections in the Bible, and
45:44 all the people who are resurrected, none of them ever
45:47 comment on being conscious of anything during death.
45:51 So, it's simply saying the spirit of life goes to God who
45:55 gave it.
45:57 Jean: And there's another verse in Ezekiel chapter 18, verse 20.
45:59 It's a verse that a lot of people don't know about or
46:02 forget, and the Bible's very clear.
46:03 It says: "The soul that sins shall die."
46:07 So there you have the soul dying.
46:08 Well, if the soul dies, it can't go anywhere.
46:10 Just doesn't exist after a person dies.
46:13 Doug: I think in Revelation it says: "And all the souls that
46:15 were in the sea died."
46:17 Jean: Yeah, that's right.
46:18 Doug: So, you know, it's even telling you that fish
46:20 have souls.
46:21 That means that anything that had the breath of life died.
46:24 So, yeah.
46:25 Jean: You know, we do have a study guide.
46:27 It's called, "Are the Dead really Dead?"
46:28 And this gets into the subject and gives a lot of excellent
46:31 Bible verses.
46:32 If you'd like to receive that, Alice, or anyone listening, all
46:34 you have to do is call 800-835-6747, and ask for the
46:39 study guide.
46:41 It's called, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
46:42 It's just 800-835-6747.
46:46 Ask for the study guide, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
46:47 and we'll send it to you.
46:49 Or you can also dial #250 on your smartphone and you can get
46:53 it that way as well.
46:54 Doug: Pastor Ross, let me remind people, you know, we give out a
46:56 lot of resources.
46:58 The--all the resources we mention, with rare exception,
47:00 these are all free.
47:02 And I think people sometimes are afraid, they think, "Oh, there's
47:04 got to be a catch."
47:06 That "someone's going to be knocking on my door and I'm
47:08 going to have these problems now, or we're going to all of a
47:10 sudden start getting mail and--" Friends, if--we're just going
47:14 to send you the book.
47:15 Or you can download it.
47:16 And we just want you to have the truth.
47:18 And there are people that believe in what "Amazing Facts"
47:21 is doing, and they support us through the year.
47:23 We'd be happy if you want to be one of them, but we send these
47:26 books out with no obligation.
47:30 So take advantage of it.
47:31 You read these things, it'll change your life.
47:34 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is Derrick
47:35 in California.
47:36 Derrick, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
47:39 Derrick: Hello, Pastor. Good evening.
47:40 Doug: Evening.
47:42 Derrick: Yes, well, my question is, are all
47:46 sins forgiven?
47:48 Doug: Well, Jesus tells us in Matthew chapter 12 that "all
47:51 manner of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to the sons of men,
47:55 but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven
47:58 either in this life or the life to come."
48:01 So clearly, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven,
48:05 but I don't know, am I answering what you're asking?
48:09 Derrick: Yes, yes.
48:10 Doug: Yeah.
48:11 So, and we identify, we've got a free book that we'll send you,
48:14 Derrick, that talks about what is the unpardonable sin.
48:18 People always try to conjure up in their mind the most heinous
48:21 thing they can think of.
48:22 Is it--do you have to be a serial killer?
48:24 Is it killing your child?
48:26 Is it--some people have thought abortion was the unpardonable
48:29 sin, or maybe it's if you were to kill your parents, is that
48:32 the unpardonable sin?
48:34 They try to think of the worst thing they can think of.
48:36 And you'd be surprised what the Bible says about it, so send for
48:40 that free offer.
48:41 Jean: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
48:44 You can ask for the book.
48:46 It's called, "What is the Unpardonable Sin?"
48:48 And we'll send it to anyone who calls and asks.
48:50 Mark in Michigan.
48:52 Mark, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
48:53 You're on the air.
48:54 Mark: Yeah, thank you.
48:56 Real quick, my church's state conference disciplined a member
48:58 of my local church for a non-moral issue.
49:00 No due process through our senior pastor or local church.
49:03 Our senior pastor tried to protect them both.
49:05 The conference suspended a local evangelistic ministry
49:10 until the member would be disciplined and recently our
49:12 senior pastor was fired, again with no due process.
49:15 We're still trying to reason with the conference leaders.
49:18 Should our local church hold our state conference
49:21 accountable by voting out the leaders, or by diverting tithe
49:25 elsewhere, or just follow what they say, according to Acts 5:29
49:29 and 2 Timothy 2:1 and 2?
49:32 Thank you.
49:33 Doug: Okay, that's a big question.
49:35 Well, you know, what you have happening in the New Testament,
49:38 it seemed like they did use-- they would combine prayer, and
49:42 then they would choose leaders, and, you know, they prayed and
49:46 they chose seven deacons.
49:48 Another time they cast lots to pick between the two best, and
49:52 when they chose leaders, they would respect the decisions of
49:54 the leaders.
49:55 If you're in a church that is using a democratic process where
49:59 there are conferences, and I know they have that, for
50:01 instance, in our church, in the Methodist Church and Baptist
50:03 Church, where you elect leaders and it's a
50:08 representative leadership.
50:10 Then the thing to do is if you're unhappy with that
50:12 leadership, as they do in North America, people vote in and vote
50:16 out senators, presidents, then when the time comes, you vote--
50:21 you voice with your vote your approval or disapproval.
50:25 So, you know, I'm always very reluctant to say that you would
50:30 divert your tithe.
50:32 I think the best thing to do is for people to communicate.
50:35 Sometimes it means writing a group letter.
50:38 Or if the conference will allow a face-to-face meeting, that a
50:41 group might meet with the conference and sit down and best
50:44 thing is always to discuss things before you take some kind
50:48 of a severe action.
50:50 Jean: Okay, next caller that we have is Carla in California.
50:53 Carla, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
50:56 Carla: Hi, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
50:59 Thank you for everything that you guys do.
51:01 May God continue to bless you.
51:02 My question for today is based on 1 John 3 and Galatians 3:26,
51:09 and it is: Is it correct to call all people children of God, or
51:15 does this title or identity belong only to believers?
51:21 Doug: All right, good question.
51:22 You know, it's a kind of a mixed bag.
51:28 What I mean by that is you'll often hear people say, "Well,
51:31 all of us are children of God."
51:33 And it's true in the sense that God loves everybody.
51:36 He wants to save everybody, but Jesus made it very clear there
51:39 are some people that have accepted Christ and they are
51:42 adopted into the family through baptism.
51:45 God said to Jesus, "You are My beloved Son," and when we're
51:48 baptized, we become part of God's family.
51:51 Jesus told the religious leaders, "You're of your father
51:54 the devil," so that means not every human is a spiritual child
51:57 of God.
51:59 And you know, Jesus said, "You say you're God's children,
52:02 you're children of Abraham, but you're not, really.
52:05 Those who are of faith are children of God."
52:07 You read in 1 John chapter 3, and I think Carla was quoting
52:10 that, "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on
52:13 us, that we should be called children of God!"
52:16 So, and then Isaiah says we are sons and daughters of God,
52:20 speaking about believers.
52:22 So to be a real child of God means that you have accepted Him
52:26 as your heavenly Father and that you're submitting to Him.
52:30 Children often resemble their parents, and so if you're trying
52:32 to follow or resemble your Savior, you're a child of God.
52:37 But there are some people that are called children of the devil
52:40 in the Bible.
52:41 Jean: All right, next caller that we have is David
52:43 in Missouri.
52:44 David, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
52:48 David: Yes, thank you, Pastors.
52:50 I was wondering, when Jesus Christ arose from the tomb, from
52:58 that time, the angels, the two angels, were waiting in the tomb
53:06 to speaking to Mary.
53:09 Where was He?
53:11 Doug: Okay, that's a great question, because when the
53:13 disciples came and looked in the tomb, they didn't see Him; they
53:16 saw the angels.
53:17 But after they left, He appears to Mary.
53:19 So where was He?
53:20 I think Jesus, first of all, Jesus can make Himself appear
53:23 and disappear.
53:24 He can close eyes and open eyes.
53:26 You see in, was it Luke chapter 24, on the road to Emmaus, He
53:32 basically blinded the eyes of the disciples so they didn't
53:34 recognize Him until the appropriate moment when He
53:37 blessed the bread.
53:39 So, you know, Jesus may have just made Himself invisible.
53:44 Could have been standing by a tree.
53:46 I don't know where He was.
53:47 He hadn't ascended to heaven yet, so He was probably there
53:49 watching everything.
53:50 He waited until they had all left but Mary, who stood outside
53:53 the tomb alone weeping, and He chooses to first reveal Himself
53:57 to her.
53:58 But I don't know, Pastor Ross, the Bible doesn't say, you know,
54:02 was He hiding behind a rock or where He was.
54:03 I just figured He made Himself unseen during that brief
54:08 interval and it's not--we're talking about maybe 20 minutes,
54:11 half an hour, it's not long.
54:13 Jean: And then we also read later on where Jesus did appear
54:16 to the disciples and He appeared suddenly in the room.
54:20 So for a period of time they couldn't see Him in the
54:22 room and then suddenly He appeared, so.
54:23 Doug: Good point.
54:25 So He could make himself disappear.
54:26 Jean: That's right. Okay, thank you.
54:29 Carol in Arizona.
54:30 Carol, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
54:32 Carol: Oh, thank you for taking my call.
54:35 I just enjoy your ministry.
54:39 My question is: Where in the Bible does it say, chapter and
54:46 verse, that it took Noah 120 years to build the ark?
54:53 I can't find it.
54:54 Doug: All right, the closest you're going to get is where you
54:57 read in Genesis 6, and you'll read in verse 3: "And the Lord
55:04 said, 'My spirit will not strive with man forever, for he is
55:08 indeed flesh; yet his days will be a hundred and twenty years.'"
55:12 Now, it's telling us that when the sons of God, meaning the
55:15 children of Seth, intermarried with the daughters of Cain, that
55:19 through those intermarriages they lost their distinct
55:22 holiness, and wickedness increased in the earth, so that
55:25 God was sorry that He made man, the thoughts of his heart were
55:28 only evil continually.
55:30 And so you've got this point where God is giving a warning
55:35 that they're going to have about 120 years before the end comes.
55:39 Then that's also referred to in Peter, where He says in 2 Peter
55:42 chapter 3 that "in the days of Noah, while the ark was
55:46 being prepared."
55:48 And so it doesn't mention 120 years there, but it says his
55:51 spirit was striving with people.
55:54 That's where you're going to get the 120 years.
55:56 So from that time, God tells Noah to, you know, you go into
56:00 chapter 7, he calls Noah, and God--Noah begins to build the
56:04 ark, and then the flood comes, and most scholars believe that
56:07 it's about 120 years.
56:09 His spirit was just going to strive with humanity to repent
56:12 of their sins before the flood would come.
56:15 Jean: Well, here's a quick question, Pastor Doug.
56:17 David in Missouri, real quick, what's your question?
56:20 David: Hey, okay, we'll make it quick.
56:22 Cain, where did his wife come from?
56:25 Doug: All right, good question.
56:26 Says: "Cain took his wife and went east to Eden."
56:30 Where did he come from?
56:31 It just says Adam and Eve had Seth and Abel, and Abel died.
56:36 They had brothers and sisters.
56:37 It says in Genesis chapter 5: "Cain married one of
56:41 his sisters."
56:45 Jean: All right, very good.
56:46 We've got another caller, Gary in Washington.
56:48 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
56:50 Gary: Hello.
56:52 Doug: Hey, Gary, we got just a minute.
56:53 Your question?
56:57 Gary: I want to know how it happened that when Adam and Eve
57:03 sinned, somehow, all of humanity instantly became a sinner.
57:11 Doug: All right, that's a great question.
57:14 It's almost like something happened in our DNA.
57:17 Adam used to be, at Creation, motivated by love.
57:20 God created Adam and Eve to be motivated by love.
57:23 After sin, something changed in our natures where the compass
57:27 needle was broken and it was pointing in the
57:29 opposite direction.
57:30 And instead of humans being motivated by love for God and
57:33 love for our fellow man, we became motivated by selfishness,
57:37 and that really is the disease that's passed on to all
57:40 humanity, is that we love ourselves.
57:43 The biggest battle that Jesus ever fought was there in the
57:46 Garden of Gethsemane when He was praying before He went to the
57:50 cross, and He said, "Not My will; Thy will be done."
57:54 Jesus said, "Deny yourself.
57:56 Take up the cross and follow Me, and you'll be in the kingdom."
57:59 That's the big question, friends, is taking up the cross
58:01 and following Jesus.
58:03 God willing, we'll talk about it more next week.
58:05 Thanks for listening to "Bible Answers Live," and check out
58:08 the website.
58:11 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
58:14 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
58:17 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
58:21 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.


Revised 2025-02-07