Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Bricks Without Straw Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000182S

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:08 Doug Batchelor: In 1629, the emperor of India, Shah Jahan,
00:12 went on a military campaign to crush rebellion in his kingdom.
00:16 Even though she was ill and pregnant, his wife joined him on
00:20 the grueling journey.
00:21 On the way, she collapsed, gave birth to their daughter, and
00:24 then died.
00:26 The beautiful empress was only 39 years old.
00:28 Beside himself with grief, the emperor carried his wife's body
00:32 home and constantly wore white robes of mourning.
00:35 When he finally came out of seclusion, he ordered that a
00:38 beautiful palace be built for his beloved wife.
00:41 It was never to be called a tomb.
00:43 It was to be called by the Indian word mahal,
00:46 meaning palace.
00:48 The palace that the emperor built is one of the most
00:50 breathtaking structures ever built, a dazzling wonder of
00:54 marble and jewels, known today as the Taj Mahal.
00:58 This majestic tomb is an abiding memorial of the emperor's love
01:03 for his wife.
01:04 Did you know that God has also given believers an eternal
01:08 memorial of His creative power of love?
01:12 It's built, not in marble, but in time, and it can change
01:16 your life.
01:17 So, let's dive in together now and explore this important and
01:20 fascinating subject.
01:26 Doug: All right, friends, our study tonight is dealing with
01:29 the subject of Bricks Without Straw.
01:33 The story of the Bible is the story of a people that God calls
01:38 out of slavery into the Promised Land.
01:41 Well, you know, I'm not going to tell you the whole story of the
01:45 ten plagues.
01:46 You know that what happened then is Pharaoh--Moses said,
01:49 "Pharaoh, if you don't let them go,
01:50 it's going to be really bad."
01:53 Plague after plague after plague came.
01:56 Finally, the tenth plague firstborn died, except for those
02:00 who had the lamb's blood on their homes.
02:04 The blood of the lamb protected them.
02:06 Then after that, they began their journey out of the
02:09 Promised Land.
02:10 God parted the Red Sea.
02:12 They're on their way, not to--they're not
02:14 going right to Israel.
02:15 They're actually going south.
02:17 They're going to Mount Sinai because God said, "You're not
02:18 prepared to go to the promised land until we go to Mount Sinai
02:22 and I give you My law."
02:23 Notice God did not give them the law to save them.
02:26 They were saved by the lamb.
02:28 After they're saved by the lamb, He brings them to the law.
02:32 We are not saved by keeping the law, we're saved by the lamb,
02:34 the blood of the lamb, amen?
02:36 But then when you aren't saved, God says, "If you love Me,
02:39 here's My commandments."
02:40 First commandment says, "I am the Lord your God who brought
02:43 you out of Egypt out of the house of bondage.
02:45 I'm the God who saved you.
02:46 If you love Me, here's My law."
02:50 Those who trusted and loved the Lord,
02:52 made it to the Promised Land.
02:54 Those who lost faith, did not.
02:57 It's a pretty simple lesson.
02:59 So, as they're going into the wilderness on the way to Mount
03:01 Sinai, they haven't got there yet, they got hungry.
03:04 God said, "I'm going to rain bread down from heaven for you,
03:07 but pay attention."
03:08 He said, "I'm going to rain bread down from heaven
03:10 six days a week.
03:12 You got to go out and gather it.
03:13 On the sixth day, gather twice as much for the Sabbath day."
03:19 Now, they hadn't been to Mount Sinai yet.
03:21 Where's this Sabbath business come from?
03:24 "Moses said, 'Eat that today.'" He says, "You got twice as much
03:27 here on the sixth day of the week.
03:29 And for today is--eat what you collected the day before, for
03:33 today is the Sabbath to the Lord; today you're not going to
03:35 find it in the field."
03:37 The whole time they were in the wilderness, that manna fell six
03:39 days a week and none fell on the seventh day because God had
03:44 rested and blessed that day.
03:45 All right, let's go into our questions here.
03:47 "What day of the week is the Sabbath?"
03:50 In North America when the Pilgrims came over, there was no
03:53 confusion about whether or not people should keep a Sabbath.
03:55 Everybody believed that.
03:57 So, let's go and find out what the Bible says.
03:58 What day of the week is the Sabbath day?
04:01 And you can read in Genesis chapter 2, verse 2--now, we just
04:04 quoted part of this a minute ago, but I want
04:06 to emphasize something.
04:08 "And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had
04:11 done; and He rested on the," what day?
04:14 "The seventh day from all His work which He had done.
04:17 Then God blessed the seventh day and He sanctified it."
04:22 You notice a number that keeps coming up?
04:25 Seventh day, seventh day, seventh day.
04:29 Here, in the very beginning of the Bible, you find the first
04:31 time a number is mentioned three times, 777.
04:34 When you go to the end of the Bible, seven is
04:37 the day of God, God's rest.
04:38 Six is the day that man was made.
04:40 It's a day for man.
04:42 When you get to the end of the Bible, you got 666 at the other
04:45 end of the Bible, and it's about manmade worship.
04:48 And you realize that the whole battle through the Bible is
04:51 about, who do we worship?
04:53 It's repeating itself.
04:55 "How has God demonstrated the importance of His holy Sabbath?"
04:59 Well, you can read in Exodus chapter 20, this is from
05:02 the Ten Commandments.
05:03 By the way, you find it also in Deuteronomy, chapter 5.
05:07 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
05:10 The Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."
05:13 It's very clear which day it is.
05:15 The Bible tells us that God rested on the seventh day, He
05:20 blessed it, and He sanctified it.
05:23 It's obviously important.
05:25 Now, you know, I think it's interesting that when I share
05:28 this message, I often have pastors that will sometimes come
05:32 to programs like this, and I'll visit with them.
05:35 And I remember I was doing a seminar like this one time, and
05:39 pastor didn't wait until after the program.
05:42 He saw some of his members were coming, and he was a little
05:45 concerned that they were going to start asking him
05:47 too many questions.
05:48 And he said, "Pastor Doug," and just shouted out
05:53 from the audience.
05:54 Said, "You're putting these people under
05:56 the bondage of works."
05:58 I said, "All right, brother, why do you say that?"
06:00 He said, "You're putting them under the bondage of legalism."
06:03 I said, "No."
06:04 Said, "I'm telling them to keep the Sabbath day.
06:05 I'm telling them to rest, you're telling them not to.
06:08 You're telling them to work."
06:10 And I said, "Do you think God wants us to keep
06:12 the Ten Commandments?"
06:13 He said, "No."
06:15 Several of his members turned and looked at him like--and then
06:19 he said, "Yes."
06:20 But he knew that would include the fourth and he said,
06:22 "Nine of them."
06:25 This really happened.
06:26 And I said, "So you're telling me and the people here that the
06:29 one commandment you think we ought to forget about is the
06:31 only commandment that begins with the word 'remember'?"
06:35 I said, "That sounds suspicious."
06:38 You know, one reason that I came to believe the Sabbath truth is
06:41 because when I talk to pastors, if I asked ten pastors, I got 11
06:46 different answers on this subject.
06:49 I talked to one pastor, I said, "Why don't we keep
06:52 the Sabbath anymore?"
06:54 "Well, because we don't keep it on the seventh day anymore
06:57 because it's not mentioned again in the New Testament."
07:02 I said, "Really?"
07:03 So, I did a study, and I found out there is one commandment
07:05 that's not repeated in the New Testament.
07:08 You know which one it is?
07:10 "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
07:13 The Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes
07:14 His name in vain."
07:15 Show me where that's in the New Testament.
07:17 But is the Sabbath mentioned in the New Testament?
07:20 Many, many times.
07:22 It's like an urban myth that just got out there and people
07:24 repeat it, and they don't actually look to find out
07:26 it's not true.
07:28 Then another pastor, he said, "Well, we don't have a command
07:31 to keep the Sabbath day, but we've got a long-standing
07:34 tradition that we now remember Sunday in honor of
07:36 the Resurrection."
07:37 I said, "Okay, that's beautiful.
07:39 Now, where's the verse?"
07:40 "Well, we don't have a verse, but we do have
07:42 a church tradition."
07:44 I said, "I don't know if that's got the authority
07:45 I'm looking for."
07:47 And I kept asking these questions.
07:48 Another one said, "You know, we're not under the law now."
07:50 I said, "Okay.
07:52 Does that mean we break the Ten Commandments?"
07:55 They said, "Well, we keep the spirit of the law,
07:58 but not the letter."
07:59 What does that mean?
08:01 I mean, if you're keeping the spirit of the law, don't you
08:03 keep the letter?
08:05 Yeah.
08:06 And then I talked to--another guy was really creative.
08:09 He was kind of a cowboy evangelist and he said, "Pastor
08:12 Doug," said, "back in the days of Joshua, he prayed, the sun
08:15 stood still, Saturday turned into Sunday."
08:18 I never heard that before.
08:20 I said, "Well, they kept keeping it on Saturday for a long time."
08:24 A lot of confusion out there in the Christian world about this.
08:26 And it's not really hard to figure it out if you look at
08:29 what the Bible actually says.
08:31 Now, is this important?
08:33 Jesus says in Matthew chapter 5, verse 19, "Whosoever therefore
08:37 shall break one of the least of these commandments, and teach
08:40 men so, he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
08:44 But whoever will do and teach them will be called great in the
08:48 kingdom of heaven."
08:49 So, please don't take offense with Pastor Doug because I'm
08:51 teaching you about this commandment.
08:53 The Lord and Savior said, "Whoever shall do and teach it
08:56 is called great in the kingdom of heaven."
08:58 I want to be a doer, and I want to be a teacher of
09:01 the Word of God.
09:02 I have to answer to Jesus, so I'm not going
09:04 to teach you what tradition says.
09:05 I'm going to teach you what he says and what
09:07 the Word says, amen.
09:08 So, it's important to Him.
09:11 "Did Jesus intend for His people to be keeping the Sabbath after
09:15 He died for their sins?"
09:17 Some are saying, "Well, you know, once He died on the cross,
09:20 the law was nailed to the cross, and we don't need to
09:22 keep it anymore."
09:25 Jesus told them, speaking of the last days, he said, "And pray
09:27 that your flight," he's talking about this tribulation, "pray
09:31 that your flight--" It depends what airline
09:35 you're booking, right?
09:38 "Pray that your flight may not be in the winter or on the
09:40 Sabbath day."
09:42 Because obviously, in the winter if you're fleeing--he said,
09:45 "Those that be in Judea flee into the hills."
09:47 We may have to flee into the hills in the last days.
09:49 It's hard to find food that time of year, harsh environment.
09:53 And he's also saying that wouldn't be appropriate for a
09:56 day of rest, having to run for your life.
09:58 Jesus, looking down on -- says, "Pray that you
10:01 won't have to do that then."
10:02 Christ still expected His people to recognize the Sabbath, even
10:06 in the future.
10:08 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends.
10:09 We'll be back in just a moment with the rest
10:11 of today's presentation.
10:13 Are you weary of the never-ending 24/7 schedule
10:16 in today's hectic world?
10:18 Is this stressful grind really the way that life
10:21 was meant to be lived?
10:23 Or is there something better out there waiting for you?
10:26 Well, what if I told you that God had originally designed
10:29 mankind to take a regular refreshing weekly break, and
10:34 that in doing this, your life, and even your health,
10:36 would improve.
10:38 It's a blessing called the Sabbath, and it can change
10:41 your life forever.
10:43 That's why Amazing Facts wants to send you a special, free
10:46 magazine, and it's called "The Rest Of Your Life."
10:49 It's filled with vivid color graphics and fascinating facts
10:53 that reveal the lost Bible truth and commandment known
10:57 as the Sabbath.
10:58 You'll discover the incredible physical and spiritual blessings
11:01 of embracing the Sabbath, as you explore the history from ancient
11:05 times to the present, even to the future.
11:07 To get your free copy, call the phone number on the screen and
11:11 ask for offer number 813 or visit the web address.
11:15 And after you read this incredible resource, be sure and
11:18 share it with a friend.
11:19 Let's return now to today's presentation and learn some more
11:22 amazing facts from the Word of God.
11:26 Doug: Now I am going to preemptively share with you a
11:29 Scripture because you're going to hear these things, you're
11:32 going to go, "I got to ask my friends or
11:33 my pastor about this."
11:35 Two verses that are often misunderstood that people turn
11:38 to when it comes to learning the Sabbath truth, one of them
11:40 is found in Romans chapter 14.
11:42 Let me just read that to you real quick.
11:45 Romans 14, and I'm going to jump to verse 5.
11:49 "One person esteems one day above another; another esteems
11:53 every day alike.
11:54 Let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.
11:57 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he
12:00 who does not observe the day, does not observe it."
12:03 What's that talking about?
12:05 "Well, Pastor Doug, that just means that, you know, if you
12:07 want to go to church, go to church.
12:08 If you want to go Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, doesn't
12:10 matter, just go when you feel like going."
12:12 Would God really say that?
12:13 I have never heard a pastor stand up in his church on Sunday
12:16 and tell his congregation that, never ever, ever, because they
12:21 know--well, first of all, if you tell all your people, "Oh, you
12:23 don't have to go, it doesn't matter," well, they have a hard
12:25 enough time getting them to come.
12:28 This is talking about the Jewish converts to Christianity that
12:32 were asking the Gentiles.
12:34 They said, "You've got to keep the ceremonial sabbaths."
12:37 There are two kinds of sabbaths in the Bible.
12:40 There was the perfect Sabbath of the Ten Commandments that
12:42 existed before sin.
12:45 Then there were the ceremonial sabbaths nailed to the cross
12:48 that came after sin that were fulfilled in Christ.
12:51 They were annual sabbaths.
12:53 They were feast days.
12:54 They were other days and new moons.
12:56 They were saying, "You got to keep all these."
12:58 And Paul said, "No, you don't.
13:00 If you want to go ahead, no sin in it, but you don't have to."
13:02 But there was never a contest about the importance of the
13:05 weekly worship day of rest.
13:08 So, using these verses that are talking about the ceremonial
13:11 sabbaths to say that God doesn't care if we keep the Ten
13:14 Commandments is not an honest biblical argument.
13:17 Most pastors know that, but I've heard them use it that way.
13:20 Let me show you the other one.
13:21 It's in Colossians chapter 2, and I'll start with verse 13.
13:25 "And you, being dead in your trespasses and the
13:29 uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together--"
13:32 Notice it mentions circumcision.
13:34 That's one of the things they've done away with, part of the
13:35 ceremonial law.
13:37 "He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven all your
13:40 trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting--" It's not the
13:44 finger of God.
13:45 It's talking about handwriting of a man.
13:47 "Of requirements--" not talking about the Ten Commandments,
13:50 these are ordinances.
13:52 "That were against us, which were contrary to us.
13:55 And He's taken them out of the way, having nailed them
13:57 to the cross."
13:58 I just want to pause here and give you some points.
14:02 The ceremonial laws were not written on stone, they were
14:05 written on paper.
14:06 Moses instructed the children of Israel, "Take this scroll, put
14:09 it in a pocket on the outside of the Ark of the Covenant, that it
14:12 might be a witness against you," uses the very words.
14:16 Paul is specifically talking about the ceremonial laws that
14:19 were to be a witness against them that contained ceremonial
14:22 sabbaths, wasn't talking about the Ten Commandments
14:25 inside the Ark of the Covenant.
14:28 Going on here.
14:30 It says, "Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that
14:33 was against us, which was contrary to us.
14:35 Having taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross."
14:37 You can't nail stone to anything.
14:40 "Having disarmed principalities and powers.
14:42 He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them
14:45 in it.
14:46 So let no one judge you in food or in drink--" These are the
14:49 food and drink offerings in the sanctuary.
14:51 "Or regard of a festival or new moon or sabbaths."
14:55 There's an S there.
14:56 "Talking about sabbaths, which are a shadow."
14:59 He tells you what sabbaths, the ones which are a shadow
15:02 of Christ.
15:03 All the ceremonial sabbaths and feasts it's talking about, not
15:06 talking about the weekly day of worship and rest.
15:11 It says here, "Don't let anyone judge you about this, the
15:13 substances of Christ."
15:14 Those are the two verses people typically turn to and say,
15:17 "That's one commandment that we don't need to keep anymore."
15:20 But friends, let's be perfectly honest.
15:22 I'm willing to go anywhere that has the truth.
15:28 I accepted the Sabbath truth, not because anyone else
15:31 in my family did.
15:32 Matter of fact, I knew it might be more unpopular.
15:35 I did it only because I had no choice.
15:38 I thought if I'm going to be a Christian, I want to get to
15:41 heaven, I want to be a real Christian.
15:43 And you can't convince me that God would have these Ten
15:46 Commandments that He would speak from a mountain for the whole
15:49 nation, thunder and lightning was His majesty and glory, write
15:55 it with His finger in stone, I mean what more could God do to
15:59 emphasize the glory of it all?
16:00 Give it to His people and say, "This is to be placed in the
16:04 Holy of Holies.
16:05 It's My Word."
16:07 And then say later in the New Testament, "Well, from here on
16:11 out, you only need to keep nine of them."
16:14 "Can we be certain that the present seventh day of the week
16:17 (Saturday) is the same Sabbath that Jesus kept holy?"
16:21 How do we know that for sure?
16:23 That's pretty easy.
16:24 Just look here at the examples you find in the Bible.
16:27 It tells us that day, the day that Christ was crucified,
16:30 Friday, was the preparation.
16:32 They used to prepare on the sixth day of the week by getting
16:35 their cooking, their wood gathered and everything.
16:38 And the Sabbath drew on.
16:41 It says, "And then they returned and they prepared spices and
16:43 fragrant oils."
16:44 Christ was crucified.
16:46 They did not finish their work of embalming him.
16:48 "And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment."
16:52 Notice Luke, a Gentile, writes this.
16:54 That would have been a really good place for him to say they
16:56 rested on the old Jewish Sabbath.
16:58 He doesn't write it like that.
16:59 It says, "According to the commandment."
17:02 He states it as a self-evident truth for any believer
17:05 in Christ.
17:07 Now friends, I can't get past this point.
17:08 This is a speed bump for my logic.
17:11 How in the world could it be that the apostles followed Jesus
17:15 for three and a half years, heard Him teach and preach
17:17 hundreds of sermons as He went from town to town, they lived
17:21 with Him every day, they observed Him week after week,
17:24 when it came to burying Him, there were no Pharisees that
17:28 were overseeing that event.
17:29 It was just the apostles, the inner circle.
17:33 They said, "The sun is going down.
17:36 We are not going to be able to finish embalming Him before
17:40 Sabbath begins.
17:41 Jesus would not be pleased if we did this kind of work on the
17:44 Sabbath day."
17:45 You can't deny they believe that.
17:47 They say, "We'll come back Sunday morning,
17:48 and we'll finish."
17:50 Read it, this is what happened.
17:52 They would not even finish this labor of love because they
17:56 believed it would displease the Lord.
17:58 Jesus never gave them the impression that it didn't matter
18:01 because they wouldn't even violate the Sabbath to finish
18:04 burying Him.
18:05 You see what I'm saying?
18:07 And it does matter.
18:10 "Now on the first day of the week, they came early
18:13 to the tomb."
18:14 So, one thing we just learned here is you've got the
18:17 Preparation Day, which we call, some people call it Good Friday.
18:22 Do you realize that Jesus died just before the Sabbath?
18:26 He said, "It is finished."
18:28 Then Jesus went to sleep, and He woke up Sunday morning to
18:32 continue His work as our high priest.
18:36 Jesus even kept the Sabbath in His death.
18:40 He finished His work of saving man.
18:42 He rested, just like Jesus rested.
18:45 You know on the sixth day of the week, God put Adam to sleep.
18:48 He opened his side and out came a bride.
18:52 You know the story?
18:54 On the sixth day of the week, Jesus had his side opened up
18:56 with a Roman spear and blood came out,
18:58 and the church was born.
19:01 And then He rested on the Sabbath just like Adam.
19:04 This is truth that's been lost, friends.
19:06 And people are missing the blessing.
19:08 So, you got Preparation Day, what we would call, what day?
19:11 Friday.
19:12 Then you get the Sabbath day.
19:13 We commonly call it--these are Roman names Sunday and Saturday.
19:16 And then the first day of the week,
19:18 they call that Easter Sunday.
19:20 Now, is it important that Jesus rose the first day of the week?
19:23 Absolutely.
19:25 But did He change the Sabbath day?
19:27 No. Why would He need to?
19:29 Was there anything wrong with the first choice that God made?
19:32 It's not a man or a church that picked the seventh day,
19:34 God picked it.
19:35 Said, "I bless that day.
19:37 I've hallowed that day."
19:38 Do we find anywhere in the Bible where God said, "I blessed or
19:40 hallowed a different day"?
19:42 In fact, I'm going to ask the studio, if you want, you can
19:44 turn the camera around.
19:45 I don't want to put you on the spot, but just
19:47 to demonstrate this point.
19:48 Show me--I know there's people here from
19:50 all different backgrounds.
19:51 Name one Scripture, you hold up your hand, you tell me,
19:53 I'll repeat it.
19:55 Name one Scripture where we are commanded anywhere to keep the
19:57 first day of the week as the Sabbath.
20:01 There is none.
20:02 The only command to keep a day is the seventh day.
20:06 You know, I think it's interesting that if I were to
20:10 tell you tomorrow there's going to be a new law and the speed
20:16 limit in Northern California is 90 miles an hour, would any of
20:21 you believe me?
20:23 Some of you would like that.
20:25 You might try it even.
20:26 Some of you are already doing it.
20:30 But you wouldn't believe me that that's been posted.
20:32 You know why you wouldn't believe me?
20:34 Because a government has a responsibility that if it's
20:37 going to change a law that is a major law that's going to impact
20:41 all of its citizens, that it needs to carefully promote,
20:44 advertise, announce that change.
20:46 You see what I'm saying?
20:48 One of the Ten Commandments that the people of God had been
20:52 keeping for ages, if God was going to change that, you'd find
20:55 some announcement somewhere.
20:57 You'd find some declaration.
20:58 You'd find some event.
21:00 There'd be something stupendous.
21:02 The reason that you find silence in the Bible is because it was
21:06 assumed by all the New Testament fathers and writers and apostles
21:11 that we're still keeping the original.
21:13 Matter of fact, it wasn't until a few hundred years after Christ
21:16 that a change began to come in.
21:18 The Jews became very unpopular in Rome.
21:21 And some of the Christians, wanting to distance themselves
21:23 from the Jews, they said, "Well, maybe we ought to keep
21:26 two days a week."
21:28 Since the Romans, Sunday was a big day for them.
21:31 That's why you get the word "Sunday," the first day
21:33 was sort of a festival.
21:34 And they said, "You know, we'll be able to win more Romans
21:37 into the church.
21:38 It'll be evangelistic."
21:40 They argued, "This will be good evangelism.
21:41 It'll be easier for them to relate."
21:43 So, for a while they kept two days.
21:45 Gradually, they began to give up the day, the seventh day.
21:50 They called the seventh day a day of fasting, and they called
21:53 the first day a day of feasting.
21:54 Nowhere in the Bible does it say you have to fast on the Sabbath.
21:57 Now, which would you prefer, a day of feasting
22:00 or a day of fasting?
22:03 The day of fasting started becoming very unpopular.
22:07 And gradually, they moved things.
22:09 It didn't happen overnight.
22:10 This happened over centuries.
22:11 And we'll give you more history on that.
22:13 In over 105 languages in the world, the word for the seventh
22:17 day of the week is "Sabbath."
22:20 [Speaking in Spanish]
22:27 Russian, [Speaking in Russian]
22:30 Yeah, right?
22:31 A hundred and five languages of the world.
22:32 Isn't that interesting?
22:34 These are in places that weren't even Christian.
22:35 The word for Saturday is Sabbath day, that's because it goes way
22:40 back before the time of the Jews.
22:43 I remember talking to--I used to pastor on an Indian reservation
22:45 and one of the Sioux Indians said, "Oh, yeah, we had a
22:48 seven-day week before you guys showed up."
22:50 They call--the Navajo call the white men bilagaana.
22:53 They said, "Before you bilagaanas came," and they said,
22:55 "The seventh day was the Sabbath."
22:57 I go, "Well, that's interesting."
22:59 Someone said, "Well, the calendar's been changed.
23:02 We don't know what day is what day."
23:04 Well, friends, you might convince me that, you know, some
23:07 Jewish family got stuck on a deserted island, they lost track
23:09 of time, and they forgot what day the Sabbath was.
23:12 But you're not going to convince me that 15 million Jews around
23:14 the world all woke up and forgot what their holy day was.
23:17 We know what day it is.
23:19 The calendar has been changed.
23:21 We're under the Gregorian calendar now.
23:23 In 1582 when it was changed from the Julian calendar, they added
23:27 ten days to the calendar and October 5 went to October 15,
23:33 but Thursday was followed by Friday.
23:36 People are confused.
23:37 They think because a calendar and the week are on the same
23:39 piece of paper, that they're intertwined.
23:41 They're two completely separate distinct cycles of time.
23:45 That's why your birthday falls on a different day
23:47 of the week every year.
23:49 So, changes in the calendar don't do that.
23:51 Someone wrote a letter to the US Naval Observatory.
23:54 They said, "Have you seen that there's any change in the
23:56 calendar that has affected the weekly cycle?"
23:58 They wrote back and they said, "In all of our research, we have
24:01 not seen--from the time of the Christian era, we've not seen
24:04 anything that has changed the calendar to affect the
24:06 continuity of the weekly cycle."
24:09 So, when people say that, that's a myth argument.
24:13 "Does the Bible teach that God's end-time people would also be
24:16 keeping His seventh-day Sabbath holy?"
24:19 You can read in Revelation 12:17, the dragon.
24:22 Who's the dragon?
24:24 The devil, was wroth or enraged with the woman.
24:26 We've read this before, but it bears repeating.
24:29 Who's the woman, the church?
24:32 And he went to make war with the remnant or the remainder of her
24:35 seed, her offspring, that keep the commandments of God and as
24:40 the testimony of Jesus Christ.
24:44 Again, you can read here in Revelation 14:12 just before it
24:46 talks about the Second Coming, "Here is the patience of the
24:49 saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God."
24:53 Now, would that be one or two of them?
24:55 And they get the faith of Jesus.
24:57 You realize that everybody keeps some of the commandments
25:00 some of the time.
25:02 You do a pretty good job when you're asleep.
25:05 People in jail all keep some of the commandments
25:07 some of the time.
25:09 You know, it says in Deuteronomy chapter 5, "O, that there was
25:13 such a heart in them," God is speaking, "O, that there was
25:16 such a heart in them that they would fear Me and keep all of My
25:19 commandments always that it might be well with them
25:22 and their children."
25:24 God wants you to be blessed.
25:27 The Bible says, "If you know these things, happy are ye
25:30 if you do them.
25:33 Great peace have they that love thy law."
25:35 Sometimes people hear, people hear the Sabbath truth,
25:38 and they think it's a burden.
25:39 And God said, "No, no, it's a blessing.
25:41 I want to bless you."
25:43 And they're missing out on that blessing.
25:46 The Bible tells us before Jesus comes again, there's going to be
25:48 a revival of returning to His law.
25:52 And this is a commandment that has been neglected, and it may
25:54 be a real point of contention in the last days.
25:58 Last chapter in the Bible, "Blessed are those," there's
26:01 that blessing again, "who do His commandments."
26:04 Those who hear it?
26:06 Those who listened to it? No.
26:08 "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have
26:10 a right to the tree of life, and they enter through
26:13 the gates of the city."
26:14 "Pastor Doug, I thought that we're being saved by faith."
26:16 You are saved by faith.
26:18 But do you know the Bible says you're judged by your works?
26:21 It's not me.
26:22 The Bible says, "Behold, He comes and He'll reward everyone
26:24 according to his works."
26:26 Those are the words of Jesus.
26:28 "But I thought we're saved by faith."
26:30 You are saved by faith and if you are saved by faith,
26:32 your works will be different.
26:35 It's that simple.
26:37 And so, it's like, you know, Jesus said, "Not everyone that
26:40 says unto me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom but they that
26:43 do the will of My Father."
26:46 And the simplest expression of God's will in the Bible
26:49 is the Ten Commandments.
26:51 It says that in Psalm chapter 40.
26:53 "Yea, Lord, I love to do Thy will.
26:55 Thy law is within my heart."
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Revised 2022-06-01