Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Refusing Babylon’S Buffet, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000191S

00:02 - [Announcer] This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:07 (soft upbeat music)
00:09 - In January 2010, a minivan struck
00:12 and killed a man crossing a Brooklyn street,
00:15 especially tragic because this was no ordinary man.
00:19 Joe Rollino would've been 105 years old in March.
00:23 His friend said he was the model of health.
00:26 A World War II vet with three Purple Hearts,
00:29 Rollino got his start in the 1920s
00:31 at the Coney Island Carnival billed
00:33 as the strongest man in the world.
00:36 Five feet five inches tall and weighing 150 pounds,
00:40 for his size, he was one of the strongest men ever.
00:44 He could move 3,200 pounds with his back,
00:47 lift 475 pounds with his teeth,
00:50 and 635 pounds he could lift with one finger.
00:55 At Joe Rollino's 103rd birthday party,
00:57 a friend gave him a quarter,
00:59 and Rollino bent it with his fingers.
01:01 He then apologized because he used to do it with a dime.
01:05 Did I mention that Joe Rollino didn't drink or smoke,
01:08 he exercised daily, and he was a lifelong vegetarian?
01:13 The Bible also makes a connection
01:15 between a very strong man and a unique lifestyle.
01:18 The Bible says Samson did not drink,
01:20 and he stayed away from unclean foods.
01:23 Would you like to live to a healthy 100?
01:25 Anything as possible when we follow God's health plan.
01:29 So join me now as we take a deeper look
01:31 into this life-changing subject.
01:38 Well tonight, we're gonna be talking
01:39 about the subject of Refusing Babylon's Buffet.
01:44 So if you've got your Bibles,
01:46 go ahead and turn to the book of Daniel chapter one,
01:49 and it tells us that, "In the third year of the reign
01:52 of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar,
01:55 the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem and he besieged it,
01:59 and the Lord gave Jehoiakim, king of Judah, into his hand,
02:02 with some of the articles from the house of God,
02:04 that he carried into the land of Shinar
02:06 to the house of his God, and he brought the articles
02:10 from into the treasure house of his God."
02:12 First thing I want you to notice about the book of Daniel,
02:14 it is a battle between two gods and two kingdoms.
02:17 All through the book of Daniel,
02:19 it's talking about the gods of the world and the king
02:23 of kings and who's gonna ultimately win in this battle.
02:27 "Then the king instructed Ashpenaz, master of the eunuchs,
02:31 to bring some of the children of Israel
02:32 and some of the king's descendants."
02:34 Actually some of these are descendants from he Hezekiah,
02:37 and there had been a prophecy made by Isaiah to Hezekiah,
02:41 saying, "Some of your descendants will be brought
02:44 to the palace of Babylon and be eunuchs serving the king."
02:48 This was literally fulfilled in the book of Daniel.
02:52 "Some of the king's descendants and some of the nobles
02:54 and young men in whom there was no blemish but good looking,
02:58 gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge
03:00 and quick to understand,
03:02 who had ability to serve in the king's palace,
03:04 and whom they might teach the language
03:06 and literature of the Chaldeans.
03:08 And the king appointed for them a daily provision
03:10 of the king's delicacies from the king's cafeteria.
03:15 They would be fed as they studied in the king's university
03:18 to serve as advisors and wise men."
03:20 He said, "We're gonna get the brightest and the best."
03:23 "Now from among those were the sons of Judah were Daniel,
03:27 Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
03:29 To them, the chief of the eunuchs gave the name to Daniel
03:32 the name Belteshazzar, then to Hananiah, Shadrach,
03:36 to Mishael, Meshach, to Azariah, Abednego.
03:41 But Daniel purposed in his heart he
03:42 would not defile him himself
03:44 with the portion of the king's delicacies."
03:47 Daniel was faced with a little moral conundrum.
03:50 He said, "I'm thankful that of those
03:52 who are carried away captive,
03:53 we're gonna be having comfortable quarters
03:56 somewhere in the king's barracks.
03:58 We'll be in this Babylonian university.
04:00 I'm thankful they're offering to defeat us.
04:02 They're not torturing us,
04:03 that we'll be able to serve in this capacity.
04:07 But they want us to eat things,
04:10 according to the word of God, we are not supposed to eat
04:12 and drink things, according to the word of God,
04:14 we are not supposed to drink
04:16 that the Bible says will defile us."
04:20 Daniel was very wise, came up with a solution,
04:24 and he suggested to the prince of the eunuchs, said,
04:28 "Test your servants for 10 days,
04:31 and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink.
04:35 Put us on a vegetarian diet for 10 days."
04:38 And so at first, the prince of the eunuchs says,
04:40 "I can't do that because my job is to keep you healthy,
04:43 and you're gonna have to eat the good Babylonian food
04:45 if you wanna be healthy.
04:46 How can you be healthy eating vegetables and pulse
04:50 and beans and drinking water?"
04:52 They'd got the idea that somehow that the exotic food
04:56 is gonna be the healthiest food, but that's not true.
04:59 At the end of 10 days,
05:01 their features appeared better and fatter in flesh.
05:04 Now you might be thinking, "Pastor Doug,
05:06 I don't wanna be fatter in flesh."
05:07 What that means is they had just made a grueling trip
05:10 across the desert to come to Babylon,
05:12 and they were probably worn thin,
05:14 and they were able to fill out.
05:15 They had elasticity in their step and zip in the hip,
05:19 and they just looked like they were in good shape.
05:24 And they looked much better than all of the young men
05:26 who ate the portion of the king's delicacies.
05:29 You could visibly see a difference.
05:31 Not only was there a visible difference
05:33 after just 10 days of eating this diet, but it says,
05:36 "In all matters of wisdom and understanding
05:39 about which the king examined them,
05:41 he found them 10 times better than all of the magicians
05:46 and astrologers that were in his realm."
05:49 10 times wiser, these young men.
05:52 Notice the connection between their perceptions,
05:54 their intelligence, and their diet that is being made.
05:58 So why are we talking about this
06:00 as we delve into deep prophecies?
06:02 Because clarity of mind is actually
06:05 gonna help in your understanding.
06:07 The devil is trying to befuddle this whole generation
06:10 in the world with drugs and dissipation and bad diets,
06:13 so we just don't think straight,
06:15 and it affects our understanding.
06:17 It affects every aspect of our life and our relationships.
06:19 And that's why this is the first chapter
06:22 that you find in the book of Daniel.
06:23 It's a lesson on self control,
06:25 giving glory to God with your body,
06:28 and tells us that not only did they live 10 times longer.
06:32 You read on in that chapter,
06:33 it says Daniel lived until the time of King Cyrus,
06:36 meaning Daniel lived about 100 years.
06:40 So he not only was sharp,
06:42 and even you get into Daniel chapter five.
06:46 He's an old man, and he's still brilliant at that time,
06:50 and God is still speaking through him.
06:52 So let's find out what the Bible says about how to take care
06:55 of our bodies so that we could have a longer,
06:58 stronger, more abundant life, and friends,
07:01 when I began to learn these things, it just changed my life,
07:04 and I am just so thankful that we have a chance
07:06 to share this with you.
07:07 We're gonna have fun tonight.
07:08 You wanna know what the Bible says, amen?
07:09 - [Congregation] Amen.
07:10 - And I think you're gonna be blessed by this.
07:12 First of all, question number one,
07:14 what was the original diet that God designed for humans?
07:18 You read the answer there, right?
07:20 In the first chapter of the Bible.
07:22 It says in Genesis one verse 29, "And God said,
07:26 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed,
07:30 and every tree whose fruit yields seed to you,
07:34 it shall be for food.'"
07:36 The original diet for man was fruits
07:40 and nuts and maybe beans.
07:42 But in the beginning, man was certainly a vegetarian,
07:46 and during that time,
07:47 his lifespan was measured in centuries.
07:50 This was the original diet for man.
07:52 And now you might be saying, "Pastor Doug,
07:55 are you telling us we've gotta be vegetarians?"
07:56 Let me set the record straight.
07:57 No, I'm not telling you that.
07:59 I'm saying this is where we came from,
08:01 and this is where we're going in heaven.
08:03 This is God's original plan,
08:05 and since God designed our bodies,
08:07 he knows that this is the best diet for the human body,
08:11 and science now is backing that up.
08:14 Question two, after Adam and Eve sinned,
08:17 what supplemental food did God add to their diets?
08:22 You read in Genesis three, and this is following sin,
08:25 man could no longer eat from the tree of life.
08:28 He said, "And you will eat the herb of the field."
08:30 And that is better known as what? Vegetables.
08:34 In other words, at first, it's just the fruits
08:36 and the grains, the water, of course,
08:42 nuts, and then he adds vegetables.
08:44 Now you know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?
08:48 Let me do a little quiz with you real quick.
08:50 Apple?
08:51 - Fruit. - Fruit.
08:53 Potato. - Vegetable.
08:55 - Vegetable. Tomato. - Fruit.
08:58 - They sound alike.
08:59 Potato tomato, but they're different, huh?
09:01 Zucchini.
09:03 - Fruit. - Vegetable.
09:04 - I heard both there. Zucchini's a fruit.
09:06 Eggplant. - Fruit.
09:09 - Frui, yeah. Brussels sprouts.
09:12 - Vegetable. - Unedible.
09:14 (audience laughs)
09:19 Anything that is the product of the blossom is a fruit.
09:24 Any part of the plant, whether it's a tuber, like a potato,
09:27 and then you get the carrots or the root
09:28 or the stalk or the leaves, that's part of the vegetation.
09:31 That's a vegetable, and so then God added vegetables.
09:35 I know a lot of kids are really sorry God added vegetables
09:37 to man's diet, but this was the original diet for man,
09:41 and man was originally a vegetarian.
09:44 And it's been proven and a lot of athletes
09:47 have also discovered that in that diet,
09:51 you're gonna have less disease, less cancers.
09:54 Your life will be longer. The jury's in.
09:57 How many of you have heard
09:58 of the "National Geographic" study that they did?
10:01 It was in the cover of their magazine
10:03 called the blue zones, the blue zones.
10:06 These are areas of the world
10:08 where people live unusually long, much longer than average,
10:12 and they did some research and went
10:14 around the world and looked at the lifespans,
10:16 looked at the lifestyles of people
10:17 that were living a long time,
10:19 trying to evaluate why do they live so long.
10:22 I remember three out of four of the principal areas,
10:26 they had Sardinia in the Mediterranean,
10:29 people lived a very long time,
10:32 they had people in Okinawa that live a very long time,
10:36 and then they had Seventh Day Adventists
10:39 in Loma, Linda, California, that live a very long time.
10:43 That was one of the groups. The jury is in.
10:45 It is a fact that if you follow the biblical principles
10:48 of health that you find in the word of God,
10:51 you can avoid a lot of disease.
10:52 Now, I know that some of this is genetics,
10:56 and someone said one of the most important things you
10:58 can do to increase your health
10:59 is choose your ancestors very carefully
11:02 'cause there's some things you can inherit,
11:04 but you don't have to have the same results
11:08 as your ancestors.
11:10 Even though you may have inherited bad genetics,
11:12 that was maybe combined with a bad lifestyle.
11:15 One reason I got real excited about this
11:17 is any of you remember Jack LaLanne?
11:20 (muffled speaking)
11:21 He had the first aerobic exercise program on television,
11:25 and when he was a boy, his father died
11:31 when he was very young from a heart attack.
11:32 I don't know, he was late 40s or something,
11:35 and he later learned it was from the lifestyle.
11:39 And he went to a lecture and he saw a man
11:41 that was 60 years old doing back handsprings
11:45 across the stage, and he was promoting a vegetarian diet,
11:48 and Jack LaLanne said, "I don't wanna die young,"
11:51 and he committed himself to health.
11:53 He ended up living into his 90s.
11:55 He signed one of his books, and he saw our TV program.
11:58 He signed one of his books and sent it to me,
12:00 said, "Doug, thinking of you healthfully."
12:02 And when he was like 75 years old,
12:05 he pulled 75 kids across San Francisco Bay
12:08 in a boat by himself.
12:10 He just had incredible health,
12:13 but he learned that, in spite of the genetics of his family,
12:17 by changing his lifestyle, he could prolong his life.
12:21 So original diet, vegetarian diet.
12:24 Here's an amazing fact for you.
12:26 A few years ago, Janette and Alan Murray from Australia,
12:31 Janette had survived cancer,
12:34 and she thinks one reason she had survived breast cancer
12:37 is because she had turned to a vegetarian and a vegan diet,
12:41 and they wanted to promote that.
12:43 So she and her husband Alan decided
12:45 to do a marathon around Australia,
12:48 and they ran 365 marathons a day consecutively
12:55 without missing a day.
12:57 They went 11,000 miles completely
12:59 around the country of Australia.
13:02 They consumed, I think, 22,000 bananas. I forget.
13:07 Lots of vegetables, lots of fruit.
13:08 They had a support crew that would meet them along the way.
13:11 They'd start early so it wouldn't be too hot.
13:13 Then they went to Tasmania. They ran around Tasmania.
13:16 They ended up running consecutively 366 marathons in a row,
13:23 making it through the "Guinness Book of World Records,"
13:24 and the interesting thing is Janette was 63 and he was 68
13:29 at the time they did this.
13:31 Vegetarians. People say, "Oh, vegetarians can't be healthy.
13:34 You don't get enough protein.
13:36 You don't get enough vitamin B.
13:37 Those are myths. That's totally not true."
13:40 Don't go anywhere, friends.
13:41 We'll be back in just a moment
13:43 with the rest of today's presentation.
13:45 It's no secret, friends.
13:47 Millions of people today are suffering from health issues
13:50 that lead to crippling disease and shorter lives.
13:54 We spend billions every year on goofy health fads
13:57 that often end up hurting our bodies more than helping.
14:00 But what if I told you that the Bible
14:02 has the exact prescription that you need
14:05 to live a healthier and a happier life?
14:08 Amazing Facts wants to send you a special free resource
14:11 called "Amazing Health Facts."
14:14 This attractive full-color magazine
14:16 presents eight powerful biblical health lessons
14:18 in a direct and captivating way, giving you practical,
14:22 easy to follow guidance on better living today.
14:25 Backed by modern research,
14:27 each lesson is packed with colorful and intriguing facts
14:30 that will help you keep your body, mind,
14:32 and spirit stronger than ever.
14:34 To get your free copy, call the phone number on the screen
14:37 and ask for offer number 806 or visit the web address.
14:41 And after you read this incredible resource,
14:43 be sure and share it with a friend.
14:45 Let's return now to today's presentation
14:48 and learn some more amazing facts from the word of God.
14:52 So is God concerned with our physical health?
14:55 What does the Bible say?
14:57 Is it just spiritual things or is it physical also?
15:03 You read in Matthew four verse 23,
15:05 "And Jesus went about all of Galilee,
15:07 teaching in their synagogues,
15:09 preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
15:11 and healing all kinds of sickness
15:14 and all kinds of disease among the people."
15:17 Did Jesus want people to be sick and diseased?
15:19 - No. - No.
15:21 He spent so much time healing these things.
15:23 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
15:27 and be in health just as your soul prospers."
15:30 Now he's telling us that, "Not only do I want your soul
15:33 to prosper, I want you to prosper and be in health."
15:37 Now the apostle Paul said, "It's true that bodily exercise
15:41 is not gonna save your soul."
15:42 The most important thing
15:43 is that you are spiritually healthy,
15:45 but that doesn't discount the importance
15:47 of bodily exercise and health.
15:50 Another little amazing fact.
15:52 The Williams sister, Venus and Serena,
15:55 I believe it was a Venus who had an autoimmune deficiency
15:59 and that she had to get out
16:00 of her tennis playing for a while.
16:02 She found that the best results came
16:04 from turning to a vegan and a vegetarian diet,
16:08 and it showed such dramatic improvement
16:10 that her sister Serena also adopted it,
16:12 and especially when they're training,
16:14 they're very strict about it,
16:16 and they have won more titles than any other pair
16:20 of women in tennis in history.
16:21 They're also in the "Guinness Book of World Records,"
16:23 and I can go through a number of athletes, triathlon people,
16:27 Carl Lewis, and then they're learning
16:30 that the human body functions better
16:33 with the diet that God designed.
16:37 When I wake up in the morning, I typically,
16:39 before I go to the office, Karen,
16:42 she usually has a little bucket of grapes
16:43 for me or some fruit.
16:45 I'll dice up an apple and eat a handful of nuts,
16:49 and boy, that just holds me.
16:50 My head is clear, I feel great,
16:53 and I can make it until one o'clock just on that.
16:55 That's Adam and Eve, fruit, grains, and nuts.
16:58 Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
17:01 if you got strawberry preserves.
17:02 Fruits, grains, and nuts, all your basic fruit groups.
17:04 You got your protein.
17:05 Everything's in there and you feel great,
17:08 long as it's not too much sugar.
17:11 Oh, I didn't ever read the verse, John 10:10.
17:13 Christ said, "I have come that they might have life
17:16 and they might have it more abundantly."
17:17 God wants you to have an abundant life.
17:21 God promised the children of Israel
17:22 that if they would serve and obey him,
17:24 he'd remove all sickness.
17:27 Did he keep his promise? He did.
17:31 You read in Psalm 105 verse 37,
17:34 "He brought them out, and there was none feeble person,
17:38 not one sick person among his tribes."
17:41 Tells us they had about 600,000 men in the army.
17:44 So if you got 600,000 fighting men
17:47 and then you figure that there's some younger men
17:48 and older men and you got the women and you got the kids,
17:51 you've got at least two million people.
17:53 Can you imagine two million people and not one clinic,
17:56 and the doctors just sitting there all day,
17:58 tapping his foot with nothing to do?
18:00 Wouldn't that be wonderful? - Amen.
18:02 - Well, they spent 40 years following God's plan,
18:05 drinking the water from the rock
18:07 and eating the bread from heaven,
18:08 and he did give them occasional quail that would come in.
18:12 But following the diet of God, they ended up,
18:15 they were getting exercise.
18:17 There's a world famous Institute, their friends of ours,
18:20 just up the hill, called Weimar Institute.
18:22 Have some of you heard of Weimar Institute?
18:24 And they're famous for an acronym called NEWSTART,
18:27 And each letter in that acronym, NEWSTART,
18:30 represents one of the biblical principles for health,
18:33 things like nutrition and exercise
18:37 and water and sunlight, ST, and temperance, A, air,
18:43 R, rest, T, trust in divine power.
18:46 Had to talk it out to myself to remember what they were.
18:50 But you follow those things, fresh air, exercise,
18:52 sunlight, water, trust in divine power,
18:57 and you know what?
18:58 You follow that program.
18:59 People come from around the world to go to that institute
19:00 to recover their health by following those principles,
19:04 and they're in the Bible.
19:05 It's Bible teachings.
19:08 When they came out,
19:09 there was not one feeble person among their tribes.
19:12 Why is our health so important to God?
19:14 We heard this come up in our questions
19:16 with the people on the street.
19:18 It says in the Bible, I Corinthians 6:19 and 20,
19:22 "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
19:27 Therefore, glorify God in your body."
19:31 Now how many of you are hoping that God
19:33 is gonna give you a new body when Jesus comes?
19:35 Anybody?
19:36 You don't care so much when you're young,
19:38 but you get to be my age, you start thinking,
19:39 "That sounds pretty attractive to me.
19:41 I'd like to trade this in on a newer model." Anyone else?
19:44 - Yeah. - Yes.
19:45 - All right, suppose that you're my friend,
19:47 and you're gonna take a vacation in Mexico,
19:49 and you say, "Pastor Doug, can I borrow your pickup truck?"
19:52 The pickup truck's only a few years old,
19:53 and I say, "All right, yeah," and you take the truck.
19:57 You're gone for three weeks.
19:58 You don't tell me you're going to race the Baha 100.
20:02 And you come limping back after a few weeks,
20:05 and I can hear you coming.
20:07 There's this terrible knocking noise
20:08 that's coming from what used to be my engine,
20:10 and as you drive up, one of the doors is falling off.
20:13 Windshield's broken. Headlight's hanging out.
20:16 Smoke's coming out from under the hood.
20:17 You're making a terrible squealing noise
20:20 because the tires are worn off
20:21 and you're driving on the rims.
20:23 You ever seen that before?
20:24 Sparks are flying out everywhere,
20:27 and you come out and you jump out,
20:29 and you hand me the keys say, "Thanks so much, Doug.
20:31 I really appreciate it. Had a great trip.
20:34 Can I borrow it again in a month?"
20:37 Am I gonna lend you my truck?
20:40 I can't afford to fix it anyway.
20:44 You are not your own. You are bought with a price.
20:48 Christ owns you 'cause he is your creator.
20:50 He owns you because he's your Redeemer,
20:53 and we will give an account to God
20:54 for what we do with the bodies that he's given us.
20:57 If we're saying, "Lord, we want you to give us a new body,"
21:00 and we're not caring for the one that we've got,
21:03 well, why would you think that he'd trust you
21:05 with a glorified eternal body?
21:07 Now some of you didn't know these things,
21:09 and you're already suffering the results
21:11 of bad life choice decisions.
21:13 God will forgive you, but you wanna start
21:15 where you're at now and start taking care of your body.
21:19 Amen?
21:20 This is something you don't hear Christians talk
21:21 about very often, but it's in the Bible.
21:23 I'm gonna show you some more verses here.
21:26 Look at Romans chapter 12, verse one.
21:28 "Present your body as a living sacrifice."
21:31 He doesn't want a dead one.
21:32 He wants a living healthy sacrifice. "Holy."
21:35 Your body's a temple of the Holy Spirit,
21:37 which is your reasonable service.
21:38 It's reasonable for you to do that and say,
21:40 "Lord, take my body.
21:42 Take my health."
21:44 Now, why do you want to take care of your health?
21:47 Not just for you. What's the great commandment?
21:51 Love the Lord with all your heart.
21:53 Love your neighbor as yourself.
21:56 I wanna take care of my body
21:57 'cause I love God and I wanna serve God.
22:00 I can serve him better if I'm in good health.
22:02 Does that make sense?
22:04 I wanna take care of my body
22:05 'cause I love my neighbor and I wanna serve my fellow man.
22:08 I can serve my fellow man better if I'm in good health.
22:12 We're doing these programs and plus,
22:14 I've got my other work that I do,
22:15 and it's rather demanding, and I just know that every day,
22:18 I've gotta get some exercise.
22:19 I've gotta make sure I get rest.
22:21 I eat very carefully. I've just eaten twice today.
22:24 If you eat too much, you get food coma just
22:26 before you preach and that doesn't work.
22:29 And so out of love for you, out of love for God,
22:33 I try to take care of myself.
22:35 Isn't that the reason to do it, first of all?
22:36 It's 'cause of love.
22:38 Are the Bible health principles still practical today?
22:41 Answers, I'm gonna go through just some
22:43 of these very quickly, and by the way,
22:45 these answers that you're gonna see,
22:48 this lesson was written before the pandemic.
22:51 (laughs) I just want you to know that.
22:53 This is not some kind of statement
22:55 on what's happening in the world today.
22:57 A, quarantine procedures control contagious disease.
23:00 Church leaders in Europe during the bubonic plague
23:02 finally turned to the Bible and figured out
23:05 how to prevent the bubonic plague from spreading.
23:07 Talks about isolation.
23:09 You read about that in the laws of Moses.
23:11 Answer B, human waste should be buried.
23:15 Basic sanitation.
23:17 You'd think people would know that,
23:18 but I've been in a lot of countries of the world
23:20 where they don't know it, and they just have typhoid
23:23 and cholera and all kinds of disease
23:25 'cause they're not practicing biblical sanitation.
23:27 It says this back in the Bible times.
23:30 Washing the body and clothing controls germs.
23:34 God talked about the importance of washing,
23:36 regularly washing your body and your clothing.
23:39 And I hope you'll write down questions on this lesson.
23:42 D, living morally helps prevent sexual diseases.
23:46 I think all of us know that that's practical good sense.
23:51 Answer E, animal fat should not be eaten.
23:54 Not only that, the Bible says animal fat
23:56 and blood should not be eaten.
23:58 Disease can be transferred from animal to animal.
24:02 In fact, they're still speculating
24:04 that they're not exactly sure what the animal was,
24:06 but they're pretty sure that this pandemic originated
24:10 in China and it had to do with either a pangolin
24:13 or a bat or some animal.
24:15 Many of the flus, the swine flu, the bird flu,
24:19 it's because of people getting disease from animals.
24:21 You've never heard of someone spreading a virus
24:24 'cause they got it from blueberries.
24:26 You don't get a virus from bananas.
24:29 Another good, simple rule for health.
24:31 Anything you get addicted to is probably not good for you.
24:35 I've never seen a person start shaking,
24:37 and you say, "What's the problem?"
24:39 And they say, "I haven't had Brussels sprouts all day."
24:42 It just always happens with the things
24:44 that aren't good for you.
24:47 Hatred and bitterness is detrimental to one's health.
24:50 So it's not just what you eat.
24:51 Some people are unhealthy because of what's eating them.
24:54 God talks about forgiveness, doesn't he?
24:56 That's a health practice in the Bible.
24:57 Say amen. - Amen.
25:00 - Overeating is harmful.
25:02 We're living in a world in a culture where more people now
25:05 are dying from eating too much than starvation.
25:08 Isn't that shocking?
25:09 We're eating in a time in the world where our kids
25:12 are more likely to have shorter lives
25:15 than us because of their lifestyles.
25:17 Childhood diabetes is an epidemic right now,
25:20 and overeating, soda pop is liquid candy,
25:25 and kids are always walking around nursing sodas,
25:28 and it's just a really big problem.
25:30 It's bankrupting our country, too, the health issues.
25:33 Answer H, our bodies need proper rest.
25:37 I, the importance of work.
25:39 Not only does the Bible say that you should be resting,
25:42 but it says six days, you should work,
25:43 and when you work, it gives you exercise.
25:45 Wasn't work part of God's original plan for Adam?
25:50 In a world today where some people,
25:51 the only exercise they get is putting batteries
25:53 in the mouse or the remote control,
25:56 we don't get the exercise we used to get,
25:58 and so we need to get out.
25:59 If you're in a sedentary job, get out.
26:01 Use your muscles. Exercise.
26:03 You've gotta make it be disciplined about that
26:05 if you want your body to function well.
26:08 A positive attitude is good medicine.
26:11 That sometimes just takes mental training.
26:13 Do not keep falling into the trap about thinking
26:16 about the regrets and bitter things and negative things.
26:19 Train yourself to be grateful for your blessings.
26:22 It is better for your health,
26:24 and it's healthy to laugh, releases endorphins.
26:28 The other thing is being a good influence.
26:32 Parents' habits affect the children.
26:34 So a lot of people are unhealthy
26:36 because they adopted lifestyle habits from their families.
26:40 They've not gotten the victory over those things,
26:42 and so be careful that you make those changes in your life,
26:45 or it can be generational.
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Revised 2022-09-22