Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Who Is Jesus?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002105S

00:01 - [Announcer] This presentation
00:03 is brought to you by the friends
00:04 of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:08 (chiming music)
00:15 - Who was Jesus? Was He a liar?
00:17 Was He a lunatic or was He the Lord?
00:22 (air whooshing)
00:24 Our message this morning probably could be classified
00:27 as important as anything I could talk about,
00:31 because I'm reminded as every now
00:33 and then I mingle with the people in our culture
00:37 that a lot of folks,
00:38 while they may hear the name of Jesus from time to time,
00:42 they really have no idea who Jesus is.
00:47 And I thought it would be valuable
00:49 and appropriate to talk a little bit.
00:52 And sometimes we need reminding about that subject,
00:56 who is Jesus?
00:58 I wasn't sure how to title this sermon,
01:00 because when you say who is Jesus,
01:02 it sounds like He's present tense.
01:04 And some people think you should title it.
01:06 Who was Jesus,
01:09 but either way you word it, people want to know who is He?
01:13 Where did He come from?
01:15 Somebody wrote this beautiful passage one time
01:18 where they said,
01:19 "All the armies that have ever marched
01:21 and all the Navys that have ever sailed.
01:23 All the parliaments that have ever sat
01:25 and all the Kings that have ever reigned
01:27 put together have not affected life upon Earth is powerfully
01:31 as this one solitary life."
01:33 When you think about the way that Jesus
01:35 was born in comparative obscurity,
01:39 and He never did all the typical things that usually do,
01:42 you know greatness, He never led an army into battle.
01:45 He never led a Navy.
01:47 It doesn't tell us that He ever wrote a book.
01:50 He didn't do any of the things
01:53 that you typically think of with greatness.
01:54 We don't know what He looked like.
01:56 There's a lot of artist renditions of what looked like,
01:59 but there's nothing contemporary from His day.
02:02 And yet He changed all of history.
02:06 While we're talking about history,
02:08 you've got AB and BC and they use new terms today.
02:11 But we used to call that Before Christ and After Death
02:14 or the year of our Lord,
02:16 all of history is dated from His birth.
02:18 So how can you doubt that He lived?
02:19 If you look in the encyclopedia,
02:21 it doesn't cast any doubt on whether or not He lived.
02:24 So we know He lived the real question you've gotta decide.
02:29 Was He a liar?
02:30 Was He a lunatic or was He the Lord?
02:33 Who was Jesus?
02:35 Did God come to our Earth in the form of a man to save us?
02:40 Oh, I want to read something first by A.W Tozer.
02:42 He said, "Christ is not one of many ways to approach God.
02:46 He's not the best of several ways.
02:48 He is the only way."
02:51 Anyone who comes to God must come through Christ.
02:53 And while Buddha may have said a number of profound things,
02:57 and you might have some profound sayings from Krishna
03:01 and Mohamed and the different religions of the world,
03:04 nobody spoke like Jesus.
03:05 And none of them died as a sacrifice
03:09 for the sins of the world.
03:10 There's something very clearly different about Jesus.
03:13 Jesus is the only Redeemer with God.
03:17 He's the only mediator with God.
03:19 Christ is the bridge between heaven and Earth.
03:24 Jesus said to Nathaniel,
03:26 "Hereafter, you will see the angels of God ascending
03:29 and descending on the Son of Man."
03:31 None of the other religious leaders of the world say,
03:33 "I am the way the truth and the life to God."
03:36 He didn't say, "I'm one of the ways."
03:38 He said, "I am the way."
03:40 He didn't say, "I'm one of the truths,
03:42 all rivers lead to the ocean.
03:43 I'm just one of them."
03:45 He said, "I am the truth.
03:46 I am the life."
03:49 So why did Jesus come?
03:50 So where do we look to get the information for this?
03:54 There are over 300 Old Testament prophecies
03:58 that talk about what to expect
04:00 when the Messiah comes through.
04:02 We're not going to look at all 300,
04:04 but we're going to look at some basic categories
04:06 to find out who is Jesus.
04:10 Especially, you'll find a lot in the Psalms.
04:13 Over 300 Old Testament prophecies reference the anointed.
04:17 First prophecy you're going to find in the Bible regarding
04:20 the Messiah coming is actually in Genesis 3:15.
04:23 We'll put that on the screen.
04:25 Here it says,
04:27 when God was speaking to Adam and Eve after the fall,
04:31 He said, "I will put enmity."
04:33 That's similar to the word enemy.
04:35 It means there's animosity.
04:36 There's friction.
04:37 There's an adversarial relationship
04:40 between the and the woman.
04:41 He was talking to the serpent.
04:43 "Between your seed and her seed."
04:46 The seed of the woman,
04:48 talking about this promised seed
04:50 that was going to come through humanity was the Messiah.
04:54 "He," the seed of the woman,
04:56 "Will bruise your head."
04:58 God says to the serpent or the devil
05:00 that the seed of the woman, Christ would bruise your head.
05:02 A mortal wound to the head.
05:03 "And you will bruise His heel."
05:05 You will impede his progress or slow his walk down.
05:08 So this first prophecies found right
05:10 there in Genesis chapter three,
05:11 they were looking for a savior,
05:12 the seed of the woman that would come,
05:14 that would defeat the serpent that caused the fall of man
05:18 and the loss of paradise.
05:19 Through Christ paradise is restored.
05:23 So let's look at some of those prophecies.
05:25 For one thing, in John 1:45,
05:30 after Philip found Jesus,
05:32 he then goes and he tells Nathaniel,
05:34 "We have found Him of who Moses in the law.
05:37 And also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth,
05:41 the son of Joseph."
05:42 He said Moses and the prophets and the law all talked
05:45 about this man.
05:46 It all pointed to this one individual,
05:49 where did Jesus come from?
05:52 Now we alluded to that there in John chapter eight,
05:54 but let's look at some other verses.
05:56 John 19:8,
05:58 matter of fact, Pontius Pilate during the trial of Jesus.
06:01 He asked that very question, "Where are you from?
06:05 Where did you come from?"
06:08 Jesus said in John 6:38,
06:11 "For I have come down from heaven."
06:15 Now, if I said that to you,
06:17 you'd probably asked me to get some counseling.
06:21 So, or you, you know there are people
06:23 out there that would think that I snuck away
06:24 from area 51 in Nevada.
06:27 I was an alien, but Jesus wasn't talking
06:30 about being an extraterrestrial.
06:32 He was saying He came from the Father.
06:34 He made that very clear and we read just a moment ago.
06:36 He said, "I'm going back to the Father."
06:38 This is a messenger.
06:39 And when you talk about the Father,
06:41 we're not talking about a God of a certain solar system
06:45 or a certain galaxy.
06:47 Biblically when you're talking about the Father,
06:48 you're talking about thee God of everything.
06:52 Think about the amenity of space and how big God must be,
06:55 how awesome God is.
06:57 And when Jesus says that I made all that
07:00 and I am the Son of God and I've come from God.
07:03 Wow! That's a pretty bold claim.
07:06 That's a pretty amazing claim that He came from God.
07:10 Again, Jesus answered and said,
07:12 "My kingdom is not of this world."
07:14 He told Pilate if my kingdom was of this world,
07:16 then would my citizens fight
07:18 but my kingdom is not now of this world.
07:22 Did Jesus claim to be God?
07:24 Did He claim divinity?
07:27 Is He just another man?
07:29 Or was He the commingling of the divine and human?
07:33 John 8:58.
07:36 "Jesus said to them,
07:37 'Most assuredly I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'"
07:44 You remember when Moses was talking to God
07:47 at the burning bush and he said,
07:48 "So exactly which God are you?
07:50 What's your name?
07:51 What shall I say to the people of Israel?
07:53 Who are you that you are sending me?
07:56 Do you have a business card?"
07:58 How did God introduce himself to Moses?
08:01 He said, "I AM that I AM."
08:03 It's not that I once was, or I will be.
08:06 The phrase I Am means,
08:07 I AM everlasting to everlasting.
08:09 I AM the self existent one. I AM eternal.
08:13 Christ was claiming to be God and to be eternal.
08:17 Says there would be something unique about His birth.
08:21 Now everybody alive was born at some point,
08:25 but Jesus was born in a very unique way.
08:28 And a prophecy told this was going to happen 500 years
08:30 before the event.
08:32 Isaiah 7:14,
08:34 "The Lord will give you a sign;
08:35 Behold, a virgin will conceive and bear a son
08:38 and you will call His name Emmanuel."
08:41 Now that doesn't happen very often, does it?
08:44 Was Jesus born of a virgin?
08:47 Doesn't it say that?
08:49 You can read the next verse here in Matthew 1:18.
08:54 "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows;
08:57 After His mother Mary was betroth to Joseph,
09:01 before they came together."
09:04 This was not some laboratory insemination.
09:07 It said that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her,
09:10 before Joseph and Mary came together.
09:12 She was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit.
09:17 And God said that, that would happen.
09:20 The Bible records that it did happen.
09:22 The place of His birth is identified.
09:24 Now you're getting very specific because it's going to mention
09:27 the town of Bethlehem
09:29 and you can read this passage in Micah 5:2,
09:34 he interrogated the scribes and he said,
09:37 "Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?"
09:39 And they said, "We know exactly
09:40 where He's supposed to be born.
09:41 He's supposed to be born in Bethlehem."
09:43 And so there was no question about that.
09:46 Bethlehem,
09:48 there are actually two towns in Israel called Bethlehem.
09:50 I didn't know how many there are,
09:51 but I know there are scores of towns
09:53 in North America called Farmington.
09:55 You know I'm talking about,
09:57 there's a lot some towns that have very common names.
10:00 You can find all over North America.
10:02 I think we've got a few James towns
10:05 and you got a few towns called Paris.
10:07 There's Paris, Maine. There's a Paris, Texas.
10:09 I don't know why you'd come to America
10:11 and name anything Paris.
10:12 But anyway they did.
10:13 Well in the promise land,
10:15 the word Bethlehem means house of bread.
10:18 And there were a couple of Bethlehems,
10:20 but you notice it specifies the Bethlehem
10:22 where Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin,
10:26 which was Bethlehem Efrata,
10:28 which is just outside Jerusalem.
10:30 So this prophecy in Micah not only tells,
10:32 what town it delineates specifically,
10:35 which Bethlehem Jesus was going to come from.
10:38 A matter of fact,
10:40 it was so clear that when king Herod saw the Wisemen coming,
10:45 he interrogated the scribes and he said,
10:47 "Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?"
10:49 And they said,
10:51 "We know exactly where he is supposed to be born.
10:52 He's supposed to be born in Bethlehem."
10:54 And so there was no question about that.
10:57 Now there's a very interesting prophecy.
10:59 This really could be a prophecy that also tells
11:01 the time of his birth in Matthew.
11:03 I'm sorry.
11:04 In Daniel chapter nine, Daniel 9:25.
11:08 There's a prophecy. It's the 490 year prophecy.
11:12 Part of that prophecy is called the 483 Year Segment.
11:16 And that's where it says in verse 25.
11:19 "No one understand, that from the going forth of the command
11:23 to restoring and build Jerusalem,"
11:25 which was given in 457 BC by King Ahasuerus.
11:29 "Unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks
11:33 and three score in two weeks."
11:35 So it's actually the decree of Artaxerxes.
11:38 I was getting Esther mixed up with Nehemiah.
11:40 King Artaxerxes in 457 BC gave that decree.
11:44 Seven weeks in Jewish prophecy,
11:48 a day equals a year.
11:50 Now you'll see a few references for this.
11:52 Ezekiel 4:6, "I have appointed you each day for a year."
11:55 You can also read that principle in Numbers 14:35.
11:58 Even the words of Jesus in a parable,
12:00 He tells in Luke 13:32.
12:02 He makes it clear that in a prophecy,
12:04 you use a principle of a day for a year.
12:07 So when you go and you add up the time period
12:11 here in Daniel, where he says seven weeks and 62 weeks,
12:15 seven plus 62 is how much?
12:18 69, 69.
12:20 A week has got how many days?
12:23 A week has how many days?
12:25 I gave you an easy one. Come on, help me.
12:27 Seven days.
12:29 So you add that up and you've got 483 years,
12:35 69 weeks, 483 days, a day is a year, 483 years.
12:40 If you count from the start of the decree
12:42 to rebuild Jerusalem, 457 BC given by Artaxerxes,
12:47 and then you go 483 prophetic years
12:50 or regular years to 80, 27.
12:54 That's exactly when Jesus was baptized.
12:57 And you can read about that in John 1,
13:00 when Jesus came to the Jordan river,
13:02 He knew His time had come and right at His 30th birthday,
13:06 He was baptized.
13:07 John the Baptist said he saw Jesus coming.
13:10 "Behold! The Lamb of God
13:11 who takes away the sin of the world."
13:14 Jesus was that lamb that they had been looking for.
13:17 Abraham said to Isaac, when Isaac said,
13:19 "Lord, our Father, we've got the wood.
13:22 We've got the fire, but where is the sacrifice?"
13:24 Abraham said,
13:26 "My son, God will provide Himself a lamb."
13:28 Finally, they're all looking for the lamb of God.
13:30 The Anointed, the Messiah.
13:32 John says, "There He is.
13:33 This is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.
13:36 This is the seed of the woman.
13:37 This is the one that we've been looking for all this time."
13:40 And he identified Him several times.
13:42 And that's why Philip and Peter and Nathaniel
13:45 all began to follow Him then,
13:47 because He had been flagged by John the Baptist,
13:50 as the Lamb of God.
13:52 Now I told you,
13:54 you could actually figure from Daniel's prophecy
13:56 when Jesus was born.
13:59 By the way,
14:01 there were a couple that were looking for His birth,
14:02 maybe because of Daniel's prophecy,
14:05 because they knew that it was going to be 483 years
14:08 from the command to rebuild Jerusalem
14:10 until the Messiah was anointed and began His ministry.
14:14 They could understand that a priest could not begin to teach
14:18 until he was 30.
14:20 King David did not begin to reign until he was 30.
14:23 Joseph went out to administrate over Egypt when he was 30.
14:27 So all they had to do was count back 30 years
14:30 from 80, 27
14:32 and find the birth of Christ around 4BC.
14:35 So even from that same prophecy,
14:37 you could have calculated about the time of His birth.
14:40 Don't go anywhere friends,
14:42 in just a moment will return
14:43 for the rest of today's presentation.
14:46 What if you had an extraordinary friend, always dependable,
14:50 consistently inspiring you to noble actions,
14:53 bringing out your best character traits
14:55 and loving you no matter what,
14:57 someone who would be with you throughout your entire life.
15:01 Well, according to the Bible,
15:02 you can find that friend in Jesus.
15:05 We have a beautiful full color resource
15:07 we'd like to give you that will help
15:08 you get to know Jesus like never before.
15:11 Thousands have become acquainted
15:13 with Him through this powerful life changing book
15:16 and have found in Him a best friend forever.
15:19 To get your free copy,
15:20 call the phone number on your screen
15:22 and ask for offer number 800
15:25 or visit the web address on the screen.
15:27 And after you read this incredible resource,
15:29 make sure and share it with a friend.
15:31 Well, let's get back now to today's presentation
15:35 and learn some more amazing facts about the word of God.
15:39 You can read there in Acts 10:38,
15:43 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit
15:46 and with power.
15:48 And He went about doing good and healing
15:50 all who were oppressed of the devil,
15:52 for God was with Him.
15:53 When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came down
15:56 and He was anointed with the Holy Spirit.
15:58 He was the anointed.
16:00 You don't hear about the miracles of Jesus,
16:01 unless you're reading something apocryphal.
16:03 You don't read about the miracles of Jesus before He was 30.
16:07 For the first 30 years of His life,
16:08 He lived as a man among men, just as you and I do.
16:13 And then He was anointed at His baptism.
16:15 He began as public ministry,
16:17 turned the world upside down in three and a half years.
16:20 And then that would be part of that 490 year prophecy.
16:26 And then it tells the nature of His ministry.
16:29 Matter of fact, Jesus quotes these very words in Nazareth
16:31 when He began His ministry,
16:33 Isaiah 61:1,
16:35 "Christ stood up in the synagogue of Nazareth,
16:37 His hometown church in Galilee.
16:40 And He said, 'The Spirit of the Lord God
16:42 is upon me because He has anointed me.'"
16:45 He's the anointed.
16:46 "To preach the good tidings to the meek.
16:48 He sent me to bind the brokenhearted,
16:51 to proclaim liberty to the captives
16:53 and the opening of prison to them that are bound,
16:55 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord
16:58 and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort
17:00 all that mourn."
17:02 Furthermore,
17:03 it tells us that He would speak and teach in parables.
17:06 King David said in Psalm 78.
17:09 "I will open my mouth in a parable.
17:11 I will utter dark sayings of old,
17:13 which we have heard and known.
17:14 And our fathers have told us regarding Christ."
17:17 It said that He spoke and He taught them in parables.
17:21 Without parable, He didn't say anything.
17:23 He often taught in allegories and illustrations.
17:27 And those that heard Him talk, say,
17:29 "Never, ever did a man speak like this man."
17:33 There's no man that could teach like Jesus.
17:36 People who went to arrest him, came back and said,
17:38 "Wow! Nobody speaks like this man."
17:42 It goes on.
17:44 And it tells us about His betrayal.
17:46 For instance, Psalm 41:9,
17:50 "Even my own familiar friend and whom I trusted,
17:53 who ate my bread has lifted up his heel against me."
17:57 Did Jesus eat a meal with bread with Judas
18:01 and Judas walked right out that door
18:03 and went to the priest and then led them to Christ?
18:07 It gives us even more detail about the betrayal of Jesus,
18:09 Zachariah 11:12 and 13.
18:13 "Then I said to them, 'If it is agreeable to you,
18:15 give me my wages and if not refrain.'
18:18 So they weighed out for my wages 30 pieces of silver."
18:22 Not only tells that He was sold for the price of a slave.
18:25 It tells what kind of metal it could have been copper.
18:27 It could have been gold.
18:29 It could have been bronze or silver says it was silver.
18:31 Tells how many pieces of silver.
18:35 "And the Lord said to me, 'Throw it to the potter,'
18:36 that princely sum and they set on me.
18:39 So they took 30 pieces of silver
18:41 and threw them into the house of the Lord for the potter."
18:45 Now I don't have time to read it all,
18:46 but all the verses are in Matthew 27:3-7.
18:50 You can look that up. Matthew 27:3-7,
18:52 it tells how during the trial of Christ,
18:55 Judas overwhelm with a sense of guilt,
18:57 you know once the devil had used him,
18:59 he didn't need Judas anymore.
19:01 And Judas finally realizing what he had done,
19:03 came to his senses.
19:04 He betrayed the Son of God
19:06 and they were preparing to crucify Him.
19:08 He just was crushed by a sense of his guilt.
19:10 He went into the outskirts of the temple,
19:14 where He was being tried.
19:16 The Sanhedrin was meeting.
19:19 He said, I'd betray innocent blood.
19:20 He threw down the 30 pieces of silver.
19:23 They didn't want to take it because it was blood money.
19:25 They called it.
19:26 So they bought a potters field to bury strangers
19:28 in with the money.
19:29 That's all in the New Testament.
19:31 You know I don't know if I'm I,
19:33 lemme just say something here on the outset,
19:35 just to give you an idea.
19:37 All right, here we've got the book of Matthew.
19:38 Here's the New Testament.
19:40 This is the Old Testament.
19:43 Old Testament of course starts with Moses,
19:44 New Testament doesn't begin until the birth of Jesus.
19:48 These prophecies I'm reading to you about the Messiah.
19:50 They come from the Old Testament.
19:52 Not only do they come from the Old Testament,
19:54 even though there's no page here,
19:56 there ought to be a page in your Bible that says 400 years.
20:00 One page that just says 400 years silence.
20:03 There are 400 years between all these prophecies.
20:06 And when Jesus finally comes.
20:08 That prophecy I just read to you from Zachariah.
20:11 They couldn't have concocted
20:12 and made that up 400 years went by.
20:14 We know from the Dead Sea Scrolls
20:16 that these things were written before Jesus was born.
20:19 How could you fabricate?
20:21 How could you counterfeit?
20:23 How could you manufacture that prophecy would be fulfilled.
20:29 That Jesus would be betrayed
20:30 by a friend who ate bread with Him for 30 pieces of silver,
20:33 who would then throw it to the potters field
20:35 in the house of the Lord.
20:37 I mean, that's just one of thousands.
20:40 Oh, actually 300.
20:41 I got carried away.
20:43 Prophecies, there might be more,
20:45 but someone counted 300 and I believe it.
20:48 Tells about the manner of His death.
20:50 Now this is an incredible prophecy you read in Psalm 22.
20:53 "The congregation of the wicked has enclosed me.
20:56 They pierced my hands and my feet.
20:58 They divided my garments among them,
21:00 for my clothing they cast lots."
21:03 This is prophesy nearly 800 years before Jesus was born.
21:07 How could you know that?
21:09 And that's all in that one Psalm
21:11 and there are many Psalms, Psalm 34.
21:13 "He guards all his bones; Not one of them is broken."
21:16 They've broken the bones of the thief on the right
21:18 and the left of Jesus because Jesus was the Passover Lamb.
21:21 And they were never to break the bones of the Passover Lamb.
21:24 They didn't break any of His bones,
21:26 just as the prophecy had said, "He guards my bones."
21:30 Jesus also claimed to be the Son of God,
21:34 not in the sense that we are all sons of God,
21:37 but in the unique sense
21:38 that He is the only begotten Son of God.
21:41 And He claimed to have the prerogatives
21:43 or the powers of the divine.
21:45 He claimed to be God.
21:47 Now those are some pretty bold claims.
21:50 What are you going to do with what Jesus says about Himself?
21:53 C.S. Lewis puts it this way.
21:55 "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things
21:57 that Jesus said, wouldn't be a great moral teacher.
22:00 He'd be a lunatic on the level of a man
22:02 who says He's a poached egg,
22:04 or else he'd be the devil of hell.
22:06 You must make your choice.
22:07 Either this man was and is the son of God
22:10 or else He's a mad man or something worse."
22:13 Someone else put it this way.
22:14 "Christ was either a conscious deceiver, diluted or divine.
22:20 He is either lunatic, liar, or Lord."
22:24 There is no escaping one of these three options.
22:27 You know there's three principle reasons that Jesus came.
22:30 First, He came to be our example.
22:34 He says in John 13:5, sorry, John 13:15,
22:38 "For I've given you an example
22:40 that you should do as I have done."
22:42 Part of the reason Jesus lived for 33 and a half years
22:45 among men is He said, "I want to show you how to live,
22:48 how to love each other, how to forgive.
22:51 I'm not just going to tell you to turn the other cheek.
22:53 I'm going to show you how it's done."
22:55 And He did, didn't He?
22:56 When He went through His trial,
22:59 I'm going to show you how to love and forgive each other.
23:01 The way He forgave.
23:03 He came point number two, to reveal the Father.
23:08 This world is very confused about who God is.
23:12 You know,
23:15 I don't know why it is that as I intermingle with people,
23:19 I hear Jesus name being used in profanity so frequently.
23:23 I've never heard people get mad,
23:25 hit their finger with the hammer and say, "O Buddha."
23:29 I don't hear them cite Muhammad's name or Allah or Krishna.
23:35 Why is it this diabolical focus
23:38 to especially scoring the name of Jesus?
23:44 That in itself ought to tell you there's a spiritual battle
23:46 out there.
23:48 World doesn't know who the Father is.
23:49 Jesus came to show us what the Father is like.
23:53 He said, "Have I been with you so long?
23:55 And you don't know me, Philip?
23:56 He that has seen me has seen the Father."
23:59 By the way that's John 14:9.
24:02 And then most importantly,
24:03 Jesus came to trade places with us.
24:06 We are all under a death sentence because of our sin
24:08 and our selfishness and Christ does not want to lose us.
24:12 He loves us and He said, "
24:13 I will come. I will take the penalty for your sin.
24:16 Not only take it, I will give you my strength and power.
24:19 I am going to be your substitute.
24:21 I will trade places with you."
24:24 He said,
24:26 "I will give you my goodness and I'll take your badness.
24:27 I will give you my strength and I'll take your weakness.
24:31 I will give you my life and I will take your death.
24:33 I will give you my peace and I will take your sufferings
24:36 and your misery."
24:37 He's offering that all as a gift that we receive by faith.
24:41 But you need to believe that He is who He said He is.
24:45 (air whooshing)
24:50 - [Announcer] Don't forget
24:51 to request today's life changing free resource.
24:53 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
24:56 you can download a digital copy straight to your computer
24:58 or mobile device.
25:00 To get your digital copy of today's free gift,
25:02 simply text the keyword on your screen to 40544,
25:06 or visit the web address shown on your screen
25:09 and be sure to select the digital download option
25:11 on the request page.
25:13 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
25:16 with Amazing Facts,
25:17 wherever, and whenever you want
25:19 and most important to share it with others.
25:24 female announcer: Let's face it, it's not always easy
25:26 to understand everything you read in the Bible.
25:29 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
25:32 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
25:35 To get biblical, straightforward answers, call into
25:38 "Bible Answers Live," a live, nationwide call-in radio program
25:42 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Bachelor,
25:44 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions.
25:47 For times and stations in your area, or to listen
25:49 to answers online, visit
25:55 female announcer: Have you ever skipped a meal?
25:57 Not a bad idea if you need to watch your waistline,
26:00 but there's a heavenly food you should never skip,
26:02 God's Word.
26:03 Yet, how can you dive in daily when you're so busy?
26:06 Amazing Facts has you covered, and it's as easy as signing up
26:09 for our daily devotional and verse of the day,
26:12 both sent directly to your inbox,
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26:16 To start receiving the Amazing Facts Daily Devotional
26:19 and Verse of the Day, visit and click
26:23 on Bible Study in the main menu.
26:25 You'll be glad you did.
26:26 - Hello friends,
26:28 Pastor Doug Batchelor here with Amazing Facts.
26:30 When Susan's and Michael's whirlwind relationship led
26:33 to a wedding,
26:35 they had no idea how hard married life could be,
26:38 before they knew it,
26:39 they were on the stormy path towards divorce,
26:42 but that's when God led them to an Amazing Facts broadcast.
26:46 And there they saw the biblical view of marriage
26:49 as presented in knowing Jesus.
26:51 Finally, they understood what it meant
26:53 to love sacrificially like Christ.
26:55 And today, Susan and Michael are joyfully married,
26:58 sharing what they learned with others.
27:00 Now you friend have an opportunity to help someone today
27:04 and to make an eternal difference
27:05 for more people like Michael and Susan.
27:08 Your simple investment of faith in Amazing Facts,
27:11 will keep growing
27:13 and reaching more people with God's life changing word.
27:16 Would you preferably consider sending a gift today
27:19 to help others know Christ
27:20 and the wonderful truth that you've learned?
27:22 And it's easy to make a donation.
27:24 Give us a call at 877-506-1751.
27:30 The number again,
27:32 877-506-1751
27:36 or just visit
27:40 or send your gift to PO Box 1058,
27:44 Roseville, California 95678.
27:48 Thank you friends for watching Amazing Facts television.
27:51 Don't forget, share with others the amazing Bible facts
27:54 you're learning here every day.
27:56 (chiming music)
28:01 - [Announcer] Don't forget to request today's free offer.
28:03 It's sure to be a blessing,
28:05 and thank you for your continued support
28:07 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
28:10 We hope you'll join us next week
28:12 as we delve deep into the word of God
28:15 to explore more amazing facts.
28:24 This presentation was brought to you
28:25 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2023-03-30