Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

A River of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002231S

00:01 announcer: This presentation is brought to you by
00:03 the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:07 ♪♪♪
00:10 Doug Batchelor: Did you know that when a human baby is born,
00:13 about 78% of its body is made up of water?
00:17 Our water ratio drops somewhat as we age,
00:21 but water remains an essential part of our survival.
00:24 In fact, a mere 2% drop in body water
00:28 can cause fuzzy short-term memory,
00:30 difficulty with basic math,
00:32 and trouble focusing on a computer or a printed page.
00:36 If the water in your body drops 5%,
00:39 you'll no longer be able to see.
00:42 A 10% drop takes away your ability to hear.
00:46 Water plays a crucial role in almost every body function.
00:51 But some researchers estimate that 75% of Americans
00:55 are chronically dehydrated.
00:57 Insufficient water increases the risk for obesity,
01:01 fatigue, and a host of common diseases.
01:04 Water is essential not only to our physical bodies,
01:07 but our spiritual survival as well.
01:10 As the Living Water, Jesus is the ultimate thirst quencher
01:14 for our souls, and we receive him in a special way
01:18 when we enter the waters of baptism.
01:21 So join me now, friends, for today's program
01:23 as we take a closer look at this very important subject,
01:26 how we can be born of the Spirit and the water.
01:34 Doug: Our lesson today is a very important subject.
01:37 It may be one of the most important.
01:39 And some of you're going to think, Pastor Doug,
01:42 are you pulling a fast one?
01:43 Why are you dropping this subject into a prophecy seminar?
01:47 As we move on, I think you'll understand
01:49 why it belongs and why it's so important.
01:52 The lesson title is "The River of Life."
01:57 And I would like to direct your attention to a story
01:58 that you find in the second book of Kings,
02:01 II Kings chapter five.
02:03 It tells us about a character.
02:05 He's an Assyrian by the name of Naaman.
02:10 And it says Naaman was a mighty man with his master.
02:14 He was a valiant man.
02:16 He's well-known.
02:17 He was successful.
02:18 And by him, the Lord had given deliverance to Syria.
02:22 Wealthy man, courageous.
02:24 He was the general for the king.
02:27 But at the end of that first verse,
02:28 it's got five words it says, "But he was a leper."
02:33 Everything changes.
02:35 I mean, what profit is it if you gain the whole world
02:38 and you're dying of a deadly, contagious disease
02:41 for which there is no cure?
02:43 He was wealthy, he was strong, had a great reputation.
02:47 It says he was an honorable man.
02:50 But one day, he came down with this terrible,
02:53 dreaded contagious disease of leprosy.
02:56 The Bible often compares leprosy to sin, you may know.
03:01 Well, the story goes on to tell that Naaman
03:06 bought a slave girl that worked in his household,
03:09 he's a wealthy man, and she had been captured from Israel.
03:14 This little girl, she had probably heard
03:16 the story of Joseph, how Joseph found himself a slave
03:18 in a foreign land and said,
03:20 Well, if I'm going to be a good slave,
03:21 God's got a reason for me to be here.
03:24 I'm going to trust the Lord.
03:25 If God was able to use Joseph in that capacity,
03:28 then perhaps he can use me.
03:31 And when she found out that her master had leprosy,
03:33 she said to her mistress, she said,
03:36 "For if he, Naaman, would go to Israel, the prophet there,
03:42 "Elisha, would heal him of his leprosy."
03:46 So Naaman goes down to Israel.
03:47 And they'd often been enemies,
03:49 so it's kind of an odd request.
03:51 I mean, here Naaman has been the general
03:54 who has attacked Israel.
03:55 And there's this brief period of truce.
03:58 So he goes down there and gives a message
04:00 to the king of Israel that says,
04:03 King of Syria sent a message to the king of Israel,
04:06 I've sent Naaman my servant unto you
04:08 so you can heal him of his leprosy.
04:10 King of Israel said, What?
04:12 What am I now? Some faith healer?
04:15 Well, word came to Elisha, what had happened.
04:17 He sent a message to the king of Israel.
04:19 He said, "Send him to me that you may know
04:23 "that there is a prophet in Israel."
04:26 And so Naaman comes to the house of Elisha, the prophet,
04:29 but Elisha doesn't even come out.
04:31 He sends out his servant, Gehazi,
04:34 and he is got a very short, simple message.
04:37 "Go and wash in the Jordan River seven times
04:39 "and your flesh shall be restored to you again
04:42 "and you'll be clean."
04:44 Evidently, his leprosy had advanced, when it says,
04:46 "Your flesh shall be restored."
04:47 He may have already gotten to the stage in his leprosy
04:49 where sometimes you can lose digits or piece of them
04:54 through injury, and it was pretty far advanced.
04:58 And Naaman says, "Wash in the Jordan River?"
05:01 Well, the Jordan River was not the best river in the world.
05:06 Matter of fact, in the summertime,
05:07 the Jordan is like a series of stagnating pools.
05:11 But what does it mean if someone tells you to take
05:13 seven baths in a dirty river?
05:16 The Jordan River, it's either green or brown.
05:18 It's very rarely clear.
05:21 And when Naaman heard that,
05:23 I mean, he was expecting the prophet to come out
05:25 and go through some incantations and say, you know,
05:30 magic words and he'd be healed.
05:31 Or ask him to do something like climb a mountain,
05:34 go kill some other enemies.
05:36 And he says, "Go wash."
05:38 And it offended his pride.
05:40 Here he is.
05:41 Brought millions of dollars in gold, and silver,
05:43 and clothing to pay for his healing.
05:45 I think someone once calculated it was over $52 million
05:51 in gold and silver had been sent by the king
05:52 to heal Naaman of his leprosy.
05:56 And he says, "Go wash."
05:58 Well, he had just ridden by the Jordan River
06:00 on his way to Israel.
06:02 Now see, he's so mad, he turns his horse around.
06:05 He begins to gallop off and he said,
06:07 the Bible says he left in a rage.
06:10 He said, "Are not the rivers of Damascus, Abana and Pharpar,
06:13 cleaner than all the waters in Israel?
06:17 And he thought his problem was leprosy
06:19 and God knew his problem was pride.
06:20 Good man, but he was proud.
06:24 Pride is the mother of all sins.
06:27 And on his way down to Damascus,
06:31 he had to ride by the Jordan River.
06:34 And the soldiers came to him and they said,
06:35 "Master," they drew near 'cause they had been
06:38 keeping their distance, he's contagious.
06:40 They said, "If he had asked you to do some hard thing,
06:42 "wouldn't you have done it?
06:44 "If he had said go conquer a thousand Philistines,
06:47 "you would've done it.
06:48 "But he's saying wash."
06:51 Naaman thought, Well, you know, I'm going home to die.
06:54 What have I got to lose?
06:57 And he gets off his horse
06:58 and he steps on down into the river.
07:01 Has to take off his clothes and his armor
07:02 with his men watching.
07:04 It's sort of a humbling experience.
07:06 And the water's brown.
07:08 And he gets off there and you see little clouds of mud
07:10 coming up underneath his feet.
07:12 And he thought, How can this possibly help?
07:15 They said, "Master, do it."
07:18 So he goes and he dunks himself the first time
07:20 and it comes up and all he knows is it stings.
07:24 And he's still got his leprosy.
07:26 And he thinks, Well, you know, why am I going through this?
07:30 They said, "No, he didn't say one time, Master.
07:32 "Seven times."
07:34 He dunks himself again and again.
07:37 And he thought every time he dunked himself
07:39 that it was washing aways leprosy.
07:40 It was washing away his pride.
07:43 Finally, after six times, he thought, Oh, enough's enough,
07:46 and he's going to get out.
07:48 And they said, "No, no, Master,
07:49 "he said seven times."
07:51 Now, let me ask you a question.
07:53 Does God mean what He says?
07:56 Do numbers matter to God?
07:58 When God told Joshua to march around Jericho seven times
08:01 on the seventh day and you'll gain the victory,
08:04 did they get the victory before?
08:07 The Lord means what He says.
08:10 So Naaman obeyed and he went down the seventh time.
08:13 And something happened.
08:15 He felt it. He had to feel it.
08:17 He came up out of the water, leprosy was gone.
08:20 Any missing digits popped back into place.
08:23 He was completely and totally healed.
08:27 Well, this was one of the first times we see
08:30 something connected with washing
08:32 in the Jordan River and cleansing.
08:35 Now, there were several miracles that happened
08:37 in the Jordan River, and one of the greatest miracles was
08:40 this is where Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit,
08:42 because this is where John the Baptist began baptizing.
08:46 And that is our subject for tonight.
08:49 We're going to be talking about the subject of baptism.
08:52 It is a prophecy subject.
08:53 And so people who are coming to a prophecy seminar
08:55 and saying, Well Doug, I don't want to know about salvation.
08:57 I'm not interested in my salvation.
08:59 I'm interested in the details.
09:01 Do you realize that the heavy subjects that are coming now,
09:04 if you're not born again, you're not going to understand?
09:07 Jesus said, "Seeing, they will not see.
09:09 "Hearing, they will not hear.
09:11 "But to those who consecrate themselves,
09:14 "he will give them ears to hear what the Spirit says
09:16 "to the church."
09:18 That's in Revelation chapter two.
09:19 And so, this is a subject where you say,
09:22 All right, Lord, we're getting into deep water now
09:24 and I need to follow Youand choose to say,
09:28 Lord, you're my Savior.
09:29 And so we're presenting this Bible subject
09:31 because it really is a symbol of how God saves people
09:37 from their sins.
09:38 The children of Israel, Paul tells us
09:40 in I Corinthians chapter 10,
09:42 they went through the Red Sea.
09:45 This is way back in the Old Testament.
09:47 And Paul says they were baptized in the sea.
09:50 They didn't walk on the water, they went down.
09:54 And God wants us to go down.
09:56 Baptism is a symbol of death, burial, and resurrection.
09:59 We're going to talk about that tonight
10:01 and maybe speaking to you or you who are watching now.
10:04 As we move on into the future, we want you cleansed.
10:07 We want your robes made white in the blood of the Lamb.
10:10 First question in our lesson.
10:13 What New Testament prophet used the Jordan River
10:15 for baptizing or cleansing?
10:18 You can read here in Matthew chapter three, verse one.
10:21 "In those days, John the Baptist came
10:24 "preaching in the wilderness of Judea."
10:27 And the people came from everywhere and it says,
10:30 "Then Jerusalem, and all Judea,
10:32 "and all the region round about the Jordan
10:35 "went to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan River."
10:39 Jordan in the Bible is a symbol of death.
10:42 It is the lowest river in the world and it represents
10:45 like a humbling of ourself.
10:47 It also represents a burial.
10:48 Then you come up out of the water,
10:50 it represents a cleansing and a new birth.
10:53 What glorious Bible ceremony symbolizes a washing
10:57 from the leprosy of sin?
10:59 Acts 22:16, "Arise and be baptized, and wash away your
11:05 sins, "calling on the name of the Lord."
11:07 Baptism is this ceremony.
11:10 And John the Baptist, of course was baptizing.
11:12 Someone was asking, is this the first time
11:17 baptism is mentioned in the Bible?
11:19 Well, you got the children of Israel going
11:20 through the Red Sea, you've got Naaman,
11:22 you've got the children of Israel walking
11:24 across the Jordan, or through the Jordan River
11:26 when they came into the Promised Land,
11:28 and it's like baptism.
11:30 According to the Bible,
11:31 how many different kinds of baptism are acceptable?
11:35 Well, the Bible says in Ephesians 4:5, there is,
11:38 you see it on your screen there?
11:39 How many?
11:41 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism."
11:45 Is the Lord important?
11:47 Is faith important in the gospel?
11:50 Is baptism important?
11:52 According to the Bible writers,
11:53 they gave it a priority.
11:55 One baptism.
11:56 Not only does that mean there's one truth
11:58 that we are baptized into,
12:00 there's really one method of baptism in the Bible.
12:03 Question number four: What's the word baptize mean?
12:07 The word baptism, it comes from the Greek word baptizo,
12:10 and that simply means to dip, to immerse, to plunge.
12:14 You can find it in Greek literature
12:17 where when they were dying cloth,
12:18 they would take these big vats of purple or red dye
12:21 and they would plunge the cloth under so that the dye
12:25 would sink into all the fibers and saturate things
12:28 and it would be adequately baptize or submerged.
12:32 And so the Bible's pretty clear the method of baptism
12:36 that Jesus experienced, that John the Baptist practiced,
12:40 that Naaman experienced was where they were immersed.
12:44 The Lord wants us to be immersed in Him.
12:47 He wants us to be completely cleansed.
12:50 It's not just, you know, washing your hands.
12:53 It's a total consecration and baptism represents that.
12:57 That's why you read in Colossians 2:12,
12:59 "Buried with Him in baptism, in which you are also raised
13:03 "with Him through faith in the working of God
13:05 "who raised Him from the dead."
13:07 Baptism is compared to a death, a burial,
13:12 and a resurrection.
13:14 Jesus is our example.
13:16 How was He baptized?
13:18 If you are a Christian, you follow Jesus.
13:21 What does the Bible say about Him?
13:24 "Jesus came and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
13:26 "And immediately coming up from the water,
13:29 "He saw the heavens open."
13:31 Is it pretty clear?
13:32 He goes down in the water, he comes up from the water.
13:35 John baptized in the Jordan.
13:36 It's a river.
13:37 You can also read where the Bible says
13:39 that he baptized in Salim
13:40 because there was much water there.
13:43 What other truths are symbolized in baptism?
13:48 "Therefore, we are buried with Him through baptism,
13:51 "that just as Christ was raised from the dead
13:54 "by the glory of the Father,
13:55 "even so we should walk in a newness of life.
13:59 "For if we have been united together in the likeness
14:02 "of His death, certainly shall we be in the likeness
14:06 "of His resurrection."
14:08 Baptism is a symbol of a death,
14:11 but it's not only just a death,
14:12 it's a burial, and then it's a resurrection.
14:16 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends.
14:18 In just a moment, we're going to return
14:19 for the rest of today's presentation.
14:22 Baptism, how important is this Christian rite?
14:26 Is it essential to go to heaven?
14:28 And if so, is there a right way and a wrong way to do it?
14:31 Can you get baptized on behalf of another person?
14:34 The answers may surprise you.
14:37 We have a wonderful free resource we'd like to share
14:40 with you called "Baptism, Is It Really Necessary?"
14:43 In this book, you're going to find all of the balanced
14:46 and biblical answers you need about the purpose and meaning
14:49 of baptism in the life of every Christian,
14:51 straight from God's Word.
14:53 To get your free copy, call the phone number on your screen
14:56 and ask for offer number 165, or visit the web address.
15:01 And after you read this incredible resource,
15:04 make sure to share it with a friend.
15:07 Well, let's get back now to today's presentation
15:09 and learn some more amazing facts from the Word of God.
15:13 Doug: I remember hearing about this baptism
15:15 here in northern California.
15:17 There was this Spanish gentleman
15:20 and he told the pastor, he said,
15:22 You know, I've lived a pretty wild life.
15:25 And he said, when you baptize me,
15:26 and he said, I want to get baptized in the lake.
15:29 And he said, when you baptize me, I'm a good swimmer.
15:36 He said, I want to have a prayer while I'm under water.
15:39 Pastor said, All right.
15:41 Usually, when they baptize a person,
15:42 they just immerse 'em and you bring them right up again.
15:45 You just, you know, important you don't hold 'em under.
15:48 So the pastor said, I baptize you in the name of the Father,
15:51 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
15:52 And he put him down and he hold him there.
15:57 And people on the shore are shifting back and forth
15:59 and they're wondering if they're going to charge
16:00 out in the lake and attack the pastor.
16:02 What are you trying to do? Drown him?
16:04 And then he squeezed his hand, he brought him back up again.
16:06 Then he explained everybody,
16:07 I wanted to just have a prayer while I was under water.
16:11 But usually, one of the ways you tell a person is dead,
16:14 they stop breathing.
16:17 And so at least for that moment that you hold your breath
16:19 while you're under water,
16:21 it's like I'm dying to my old ways.
16:22 When a baby's born, it comes out of an envelope of water
16:25 and it takes its breath.
16:27 And we all worry when it doesn't
16:28 take that first breath, right?
16:30 That first cry is symbolic of a new birth.
16:34 How important is baptism?
16:38 The Bible tells us, Mark 16:16, Pastor Doug,
16:41 why are you talking about this subject?
16:43 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved."
16:47 Does that sound important?
16:49 "But he who does not believe will be condemned."
16:51 You notice the emphasis is on belief.
16:55 Will there be some people in heaven who were not baptized?
16:59 Well sure.
17:01 You've got all these characters in the Old Testament
17:02 who will be saved and it doesn't tell us
17:03 that they practice baptism as a a rite back then.
17:07 What about the thief on the cross who died next to Jesus?
17:11 Will he be saved?
17:14 Why was Jesus baptized?
17:17 Was Jesus baptized for His sin?
17:20 No.
17:22 Jesus is baptized as an example for you and me.
17:26 Another reason that I believe Jesus was baptized,
17:29 Jesus did not die for His sin; He died for mine.
17:31 I get credit for His death.
17:33 I think there are going to be people like that thief
17:35 on the cross who turn to Jesus
17:37 in the closing hours of their life
17:38 and they cannot practically accommodate a baptism
17:42 and the Lord gives them credit for His baptism.
17:45 'Cause He certainly wasn't baptized to wash away His sin.
17:48 There's some times I'll visit someone in the hospital
17:53 and they're in the closing days or hours of their life
17:56 and they're hooked up to apparatus and they say,
17:59 "Pastor Doug, I want to accept the Lord."
18:03 Well, they can't be baptized,
18:04 but can they accept the Lord and have their sins forgiven?
18:06 Yes.
18:08 Third reason Jesus was baptized is to show you and me
18:12 what to expect when we are baptized.
18:16 But I'll elaborate on that a little more in a few moments.
18:19 Is it important?
18:21 Listen to what Jesus said to Nicodemus.
18:23 "Unless one is born of the water and the Spirit,
18:26 "he cannot enter," that's pretty absolute,
18:29 "he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
18:34 You and I cannot pick the time when God's going to baptize us
18:36 with the Holy Spirit.
18:38 We can ask, but He does it.
18:40 Sometimes He does it suddenly.
18:42 At Pentecost, it says suddenly.
18:44 You and I can choose when we are baptized by water.
18:48 And so it's basically saying,
18:50 unless you're born of the water, your choice,
18:52 and born of the Spirit, my choice,
18:54 you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
18:56 When the children of Israel came out of Egypt,
18:59 the Bible says they went through the Red Sea,
19:01 baptized in water, and God sent a pillar of fire,
19:05 baptized in fire.
19:07 Water baptism, fire baptism, new person, new nation.
19:12 When they came out of that water and they were baptized
19:14 in the cloud of fire, they became a new nation.
19:16 You know, even our world is getting both baptisms.
19:19 The days of Noah, the world was washed with water.
19:23 Peter says this next time it's not going to be water,
19:25 but the heavens will dissolve with a great noise
19:28 and the elements will melt with fervent heat.
19:30 The earth and the works in it will be burned up.
19:32 Next time, he said, it's going to be baptized in fire
19:35 and then God will make a new earth.
19:37 So even our world is going to go through both baptisms
19:39 before it's made new.
19:41 You need both baptisms as well.
19:44 What blessed ceremony can be compared to baptism?
19:47 I already give you a little peek into it.
19:49 It's a symbol of like marriage.
19:52 And you can read in Galatians 3:27,
19:54 "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ,"
19:58 have put on Christ, it's like putting on
20:01 the wedding garment.
20:03 Now, baptism is as important to a Christian
20:09 as a wedding is to a marriage.
20:11 Typically, though there's exceptions, baptisms are public.
20:15 Most people want others to know about their wedding.
20:18 Love must be involved.
20:20 Faith must be involved.
20:22 It's a consecration. It's a commitment.
20:26 What command did Jesus give to His people
20:28 just before His ascension?
20:30 He said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
20:34 "baptizing them in the name of the Father
20:37 "and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
20:41 So the Lord wants us to go everywhere and to teach
20:43 and to baptize.
20:45 And He said, "Baptize in the name of the Father,
20:47 "Son and Holy Spirit."
20:48 Now when you get to the New Testament,
20:50 you get to the Book of Acts, it says go baptize
20:52 in the name of the Lord,
20:53 baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus.
20:55 So what are the criteria?
20:57 This is where it gets really important.
20:59 Before a person's baptized, what do they need to know?
21:02 Well, it says, for one thing,
21:03 they need to understand the teachings of Jesus.
21:06 Matthew 28:19, He said, "Go therefore teach all nations,
21:10 "baptizing them in the name of the Father,
21:12 "Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things
21:15 "whatsoever I've commanded you.
21:16 "Lo, I'm with you to the end of the world."
21:18 So you must be taught the fundamental teachings
21:22 of the Bible and accept them.
21:23 And that's the next point.
21:25 Believe all of the teachings of Jesus.
21:27 So yes, I embrace them.
21:28 I believe the teachings of Jesus.
21:31 Be willing to repent of your past sins.
21:35 Now, that means a sorrow for sin
21:38 and a turning away from sin.
21:41 Let me ask the ladies, if a man came to you and said,
21:43 I love you, I'd like to get married,
21:46 and we've been dating for a little while.
21:49 And I think if we got married I could stop
21:51 dating the other girls.
21:55 What would you say to a proposal like that?
21:58 Crazy.
22:00 But there are people who say, Pastor Doug, if you baptize me,
22:02 I think I can stop these major addictions and sins
22:05 in my life.
22:06 No, John the Baptist said, "Bring forth fruits
22:09 "meat of repentance in advance."
22:11 In other words, repent of your sins,
22:12 turn from your sins, and make that covenant.
22:16 You don't get baptized in order to love the Lord.
22:19 Some people have said, I think if you just baptize me,
22:21 then I'll love the Lord.
22:22 No, you want to consecrate yourself to the Lord,
22:25 be converted, and be baptized.
22:29 Repent of your past sins.
22:30 Repent and turn.
22:31 And that's the next verse.
22:33 Romans 6:5-6 and Luke 3:7-8,
22:36 agree to turn from your life of sin.
22:39 Be willing to say, Lord, I want to follow you.
22:41 Jesus gives you the power to change before your baptism.
22:46 He gives you the power to change before your baptism.
22:49 And so don't worry that I don't get the power
22:51 until I get baptized.
22:53 Baptism's a ceremony like a marriage.
22:54 The love must come first.
22:56 The commitment must come first.
22:57 You don't say, If I got married,
22:58 then I think I can be committed.
23:01 Don't marry that person.
23:04 Accept Christ as a personal Savior
23:06 and experience the new birth, II Corinthians 5:17
23:11 and John three verses three and five.
23:14 But doesn't baptism of the Holy Spirit
23:16 replace baptism by immersion?
23:20 No, need both.
23:22 You can read where in Acts chapter two
23:24 the apostles were baptized by John the Baptist,
23:27 but then at Pentecost they're baptized in the Holy Spirit.
23:31 And then Peter told them, after the Holy Spirit
23:33 had been poured out, he says in Acts 2:38,
23:36 "Repent and be baptized every one of you."
23:40 He says, "Repent and let every one of you be baptized,"
23:43 and so repentance and baptism,
23:45 they made it clear all through.
23:47 Even Paul when he was converted,
23:49 Ananias came to Paul and he said
23:52 I've been sent by the Lord to baptize you.
23:55 Paul had been converted.
23:57 And so connected with your decision to say
23:58 I want to be a Christian, I want my sins washed away,
24:01 I want to follow the Lord, is this sacred rite
24:05 that encompasses that commitment,
24:07 that covenant that you're making.
24:09 Now, I told you, you may not know everything about a person
24:13 before you get married.
24:14 You need to know the basics.
24:15 There needs to be a commitment.
24:17 But don't wait until you feel like you're perfect.
24:20 Because if you wait until you feel like you're perfect
24:22 before you get baptized, nobody will ever get baptized.
24:26 Even after Peter, James, and John were baptized,
24:30 you see that they weren't quite perfect yet.
24:32 In fact, Peter said, "Lord Jesus, depart for me.
24:35 "I'm a sinful man."
24:37 That's in Luke chapter five.
24:39 Jesus said, "When you're converted, Peter."
24:41 That's long after His baptism.
24:43 So you want to make your commitment, but don't say
24:45 I've gotta make sure that I'm perfect,
24:47 or you'll never get there.
24:50 And furthermore, Acts 2:38,
24:52 "Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission
24:55 "of sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
24:58 So you got water baptism, spirit baptism.
25:01 Now you'll notice biblically those baptisms
25:04 might happen at different times.
25:06 In Acts chapter 10,
25:08 Cornelius as Roman centurion and his household,
25:11 they are baptized with the Holy Spirit.
25:14 And Peter said, "Wow, they got baptized with the Holy Spirit
25:17 and they haven't been baptized with water yet.
25:19 Who can forbid that we baptize one with water?"
25:21 So he said let's do both baptisms.
25:23 He baptizes them with water.
25:25 Then you've got where Jesus is baptized,
25:27 the Holy Spirit and the water baptism happened
25:29 at the same time.
25:31 When Jesus was baptized, what did His Father say?
25:35 You can look here in Mark 1:9.
25:39 "It came to pass in those days that Jesus came
25:41 "from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John
25:45 "in the Jordan.
25:46 "And then a voice came from heaven saying,
25:49 "You are My beloved son in whom I am well pleased."
25:53 When we are baptized, God adopts us.
25:55 He says we are His beloved son or daughter
25:58 and He is well pleased.
26:00 How many of us want to know that God
26:01 is well pleased with us?
26:02 He looks upon us as though we have never sinned
26:05 and all of our sins washed away.
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Revised 2024-05-06