Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

A Woman in the Wilderness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002234S

00:02 - [Narrator] This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:06 (classical music)
00:08 - Have you ever heard of James Sterling Moran?
00:11 Probably not.
00:13 But chances are you've heard of publicity stunts,
00:15 which he's credited with creating.
00:17 James Moran was born in 1907 in the state of Virginia
00:21 and he entered the publicity field in the 1930s,
00:24 where he excelled at drawing the public's attention
00:27 to his clients.
00:29 Some of his more famous stunts were sitting on an ostrich
00:32 egg for two weeks until it hatched,
00:34 tanning half of his body in California and half in Florida,
00:38 or leading a live bull through a Manhattan china shop.
00:42 Then there was the needle in the haystack.
00:45 For this stunt, Moran had somebody hide a needle
00:48 in two tons of hay.
00:51 Amazingly, he successfully located the needle
00:53 after more than 82 hours of tedious searching.
00:58 You know when you consider that there are more
00:59 than 40,000 denominations in the world today
01:02 that claim to be Christian, finding the true church
01:04 is something like looking for a needle in a haystack,
01:08 but it doesn't have to be that way.
01:10 The Bible gives us specific guidelines to help us clearly
01:13 identify God's end time people.
01:16 So join me now as we take a closer look
01:18 at this important topic.
01:20 (poignant music)
01:24 Pray for me as I share with you tonight,
01:26 because we've got a lot to cover and I want to do my best
01:28 to present this subject in a very clear and practical way.
01:33 We're going to be talking about a woman in the wilderness,
01:36 and it's based on Revelation 12
01:39 and I think it's always a good idea to start
01:41 by reading the passage that we're going to be considering.
01:44 Let's start with Revelation 12:1.
01:47 Now a great sign appeared in heaven.
01:49 A woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet
01:53 and on her head a garland of 12 stars.
01:57 Then being with child,
01:58 she cried out in labor and pained to give birth,
02:02 and another sign appeared in heaven.
02:04 Behold, a great fiery red dragon having seven heads
02:07 and 10 horns and seven diadems or crowns on his heads.
02:11 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven
02:13 and threw them to the earth.
02:15 And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready
02:18 to give birth to devour her child as soon as it was born.
02:23 And she bore a male child who is to rule all nations
02:26 with a rod of iron,
02:27 and her child was caught up to God in his throne.
02:31 Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
02:33 where she had a place prepared by God
02:36 that they should feed her there for 1,260 days.
02:41 Now I want to jump down to verse 13.
02:44 Now, when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth,
02:47 he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child,
02:51 but the woman was given two wings of a great eagle
02:53 that she might fly into the wilderness to her place
02:56 where she's nourished for a time and a times in half a time
03:00 from the presence of the serpent.
03:02 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth
03:04 like a flood after the woman,
03:06 that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.
03:09 But the earth helped the woman
03:10 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood
03:13 that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
03:16 And the dragon was enraged with the woman
03:19 and he went to make a war with a remnant
03:21 or the rest of her offspring that keep the commandments
03:24 of God and have the testimony of Jesus.
03:27 Who is this woman?
03:29 We know who the dragon is.
03:31 Woman that flees into the wilderness,
03:33 a woman that brings forth a man-child,
03:35 right here in the center of Revelation
03:37 is one of the key characters
03:39 and one of the most important studies
03:41 in the topic or the subject of Revelation.
03:44 So the lesson is a woman in a wilderness
03:46 and we always like to begin with a storacle.
03:48 We like to tie the old and the New Testament together.
03:51 Most of us know the story of Solomon,
03:54 how he prayed for wisdom and God said I'm going to give you
03:57 wisdom unlike anyone who is before you.
04:00 And one of the many examples of his wisdom
04:03 that's very famous is it tells us in the Bible
04:06 that there were two women that had children.
04:10 There were women out of wedlock,
04:11 they lived in the same home.
04:12 They both got pregnant about the same time.
04:15 They gave birth about the same time.
04:18 And then one night, one of the ladies when she was sleeping,
04:22 she accidentally overlaid her little infant child
04:27 and suffocated it.
04:29 When she woke up during the night to nurse the baby
04:31 and saw it was dead, she was devastated.
04:33 And then she heard her companion's baby whimpering,
04:37 and she thought,
04:38 I'm too ashamed for anyone to know what I've done.
04:40 She put her dead baby in that place
04:43 and took the live baby to herself.
04:46 Well, when the women got up in the morning,
04:49 the one woman went to go nurse her baby and it was dead
04:52 and she looked at it and said, "This is not my baby."
04:56 And the other one said, "No, that's your baby.
04:57 "This one's my baby."
04:59 And so this was a great dispute
05:00 and the judges didn't know what to do with it.
05:02 So it came to the king.
05:04 And you know, of course what Solomon said, he said, well,
05:06 one of you saying the living baby is yours
05:08 and the dead baby is hers, and vice versa.
05:10 Said well, the only thing you can do
05:12 is split the baby in two,
05:13 which has become a proverb in our society
05:15 to divide the baby.
05:18 And Solomon told his soldier,
05:20 let's divide the baby and the soldier goes for the baby
05:24 and the real mother threw herself down before Solomon,
05:26 said oh my Lord, the king, don't do that.
05:28 Give her the baby, but don't kill it,
05:30 and the other one said, aw, it's a fair thing to do.
05:31 Let's just split the baby.
05:34 Solomon said, well obviously this is the real mother.
05:37 And people were so impressed by his wisdom
05:41 that was revealed when the soldier pulled out his sword.
05:46 Now, what does the sword represent in Bible truth?
05:49 Represents the word of God and tells us that
05:52 the word of God is quick and powerful
05:54 and sharper than any two edge sword, Hebrews 4.
05:57 What does a woman represent in Bible symbology?
06:02 Woman is the church and when we look in Revelation 12
06:06 at this beautiful, glorious woman clothe the light,
06:10 she must be the true church.
06:13 Then there's another woman,
06:14 there's only two women in Revelation.
06:16 You got the true woman in Revelation 12,
06:18 you got a counterfeit woman in Revelation 17,
06:21 she's called the mother of harlot.
06:22 So you don't have to guess if she's good or bad, right?
06:25 It's pretty clear.
06:27 So we're going to be talking, we'll be using the sword
06:29 of God's spirit to figure out how do you identify
06:33 the true church in a world today where you've got hundreds,
06:37 if not thousands of different Christian denominations,
06:39 and I want to reiterate that I believe
06:41 there are Christian people in many different churches.
06:43 Does everyone hear me?
06:45 Many different denominations there are people
06:47 that love the Lord and one denomination
06:49 does not have a copyright on salvation,
06:53 but God does have a people and a movement in the last days
06:56 and he's going to pull people together.
06:58 How do you know?
06:59 Let's get to our lesson for tonight.
07:01 We'll begin with question number one.
07:03 How does Revelation picture God's true church?
07:06 Now, we just read this to get our background.
07:08 You read in Revelation 12:1, pictured as a what?
07:12 A woman clothed with the sun,
07:15 with the moon under her feet and on her head
07:18 a garland of 12 stars.
07:20 Who is this woman?
07:22 Some say, well, this is Mary and you can look around,
07:26 if you look at a lot of the the medieval art,
07:29 you'll often see Mary standing on,
07:32 paintings and sculptures of Mary,
07:34 standing on the moon, 12 stars above her head.
07:37 She's holding the baby and she'll have a halo
07:41 of like sun behind her.
07:42 You've probably seen this before.
07:45 But how could this be Mary?
07:47 It says she flees into the wilderness,
07:49 where she's persecuted for 1,260 years.
07:52 This is a broad picture of God's true church.
07:55 Jesus said to the church,
07:56 you are the light of the world.
07:59 Now, these are the lights that God made.
08:00 God made the sun. God made the moon.
08:02 God made the stars. It's God's light.
08:04 This woman has God's light.
08:06 She is great with child, and she's getting ready
08:10 to bring forth this man child, this singular man child,
08:14 and the dragon is standing before the woman
08:16 to devour the child as soon as it's born.
08:19 The devil is not too happy with that.
08:20 That's the second part of our question.
08:22 Revelation 12:2, then being with child,
08:25 she cried out in labor and pain to give birth.
08:28 The purpose of the church was to introduce the world
08:31 to the Messiah and to really be a place
08:35 that presents salvation to the world.
08:37 It's to be, you might even say a hospital for sinners.
08:41 One reason I think that the church is portrayed as a woman
08:44 is typically by nature, women are more nurturing than men.
08:50 Women are more sensitive than men, they're more caring.
08:53 You know, we are connected with a self-supporting ministry.
08:55 75 or 80% of the checks are written by women
08:59 that are moved by needs.
09:02 It's not that men don't ever or don't ever care,
09:04 but I think we all know that,
09:05 that God's designed women for one thing,
09:07 that is they're designed to bring forth children,
09:11 to nurture those children, and so this is something
09:14 like what the church is supposed to do in the world,
09:16 is to be bringing people to Christ and helping to multiply
09:21 the kingdom for Jesus.
09:23 This woman is standing on the moon.
09:25 What does the moon represent?
09:28 It's the Old Testament promises and prophecies
09:31 that support the New Testament.
09:33 The New Testament is Jesus.
09:34 Jesus is the light of the world.
09:36 You read in Malachi 4
09:38 that the sun of righteousness will arise,
09:40 and that's not S-O-N, it's S-U-N.
09:42 The sun of righteousness will arise
09:44 with healing in his wings.
09:45 It's talking about the light of the New Testament gospel.
09:48 12 stars above her head, what does that represent?
09:51 What's 12 represent in the Bible?
09:54 How many? It's a number for the church.
09:56 How many apostles? New Testament?
09:58 12.
09:59 Old Testament, how many patriarchs?
10:01 12.
10:02 They figured there were 12 judges
10:04 and I think I told you that there were also,
10:08 in the New Testament, you've got 12 Jewish apostles
10:10 that were chosen and Paul goes the Ephesus
10:12 and he baptizes 12 gentiles
10:15 and I thought that was an interesting number too.
10:18 New Jerusalem, 12 gates, 12 foundations, tree of life,
10:23 12 different kinds of fruit 12 times a year
10:26 and the Bible tells us that it's 12,000 furlongs around.
10:29 12 is a number for the church.
10:31 Principally the leadership.
10:32 The stars are above our head
10:34 and that usually typifies leadership in the Bible.
10:36 So this is God's church getting ready for the Messiah
10:41 to come and be introduced to the world.
10:44 But the dragon wants to stop it.
10:46 Question number two,
10:48 who is the great red dragon and what does he try to do?
10:51 Who is the dragon?
10:53 It tells you right, in that same chapter.
10:54 That old serpent called the devil and Satan.
10:57 How can that be misunderstood?
10:58 Serpent, dragon, devil, Satan.
11:01 He is the arch themed that is bringing all the evil
11:05 into our world and that Jesus called the devil,
11:08 the prince of this world.
11:09 He's kind of hijacked or kidnapped this world
11:12 because the original parents of the human race,
11:15 God made man at his own image and he was given the ability
11:18 to have dominion over this planet
11:21 and then Adam and Eve basically handed the keys
11:23 over to the devil.
11:25 You and I are all suffering as civilian casualties
11:28 in this war, but Jesus didn't want to lose us.
11:31 So he came into the world as a man to live among us
11:35 and to save us, to show us what God is like,
11:37 to show us what the father's like,
11:40 to die for our sins that teach us how to live.
11:43 So it says that the dragon,
11:45 he stands before, he's cast out of heaven.
11:47 That old serpent of old called the devil and Satan,
11:50 and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready
11:53 to give birth to devour her child as soon as it was born.
11:57 Did the devil make an effort
11:58 as soon as Jesus was born to kill him as a baby?
12:02 Have you read there in Matthew where King Herod,
12:04 he was so jealous that there was another king of the Jews,
12:07 he sent to soldiers into Bethlehem
12:08 when the wise men did not return and he ordered them
12:11 to kill all the male children two years old and under.
12:16 That was the devil that was behind Rome doing that.
12:18 It's not the first time.
12:20 You can see in Egypt, the devil thought that a savior
12:23 was coming for the children of Israel.
12:25 He thought it would be one of the Jewish children.
12:27 He had the Pharaoh killing, not all the babies,
12:30 all the male babies.
12:32 Have you noticed that?
12:33 Bethlehem, all the male babies.
12:35 And then when Athaliah became queen of Judah,
12:39 the devil again knew that through the seed of David,
12:41 a savior was coming and so she went to annihilate
12:44 all the descendants of David, all the male children.
12:48 So through history in the Old Testament,
12:49 the devil was trying to keep the savior from coming
12:52 and destroy him as he was a baby.
12:55 Number three, what happens after Satan fails
12:58 to destroy Jesus?
13:00 You read in Revelation 12:5, well you read this before,
13:02 her child was caught up to God into his throne,
13:07 and from there, it says Jesus rules all the nations
13:10 with a rod of iron.
13:12 After Jesus, question four, was caught up to heaven,
13:15 what did Satan do to the church?
13:18 It tells us in Revelation 1213,
13:20 when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth,
13:23 he cannot reach Jesus, but he wants to hurt Jesus.
13:27 Says he persecuted the woman.
13:29 Now who is this woman in Revelation 12?
13:32 She's a church.
13:33 She's wearing light.
13:35 You go to Revelation 17, it says the woman
13:38 is wearing gold and pearls and scarlet and costly array
13:41 and it's not talking about the same kind of light.
13:45 It's artificial, manmade.
13:46 This is God's church filled with the light of God.
13:50 The devil has then vented his fury on the church.
13:54 Don't go anywhere friends,
13:56 in just a moment we're going to return
13:57 for the rest of today's presentation.
14:00 You know, there are thousands
14:01 of varying Christian denominations,
14:03 all claiming that they are teaching the truth.
14:06 So how do you pick a church?
14:08 Is there a particular true church?
14:10 Can you be sure?
14:12 Thankfully, the Bible offers solid guidelines
14:14 to help us identify his church.
14:17 We have an eye-opening free resource
14:19 we'd like to share with you.
14:20 It's called Search for the True Church.
14:22 In this logical well-researched book,
14:24 you'll discover how to find God's true church for yourself
14:27 and it explains from scripture,
14:29 the four identifying characteristics
14:32 of God's genuine church.
14:33 To get your free copy, call the phone number on the screen
14:36 and ask for offer number 134
14:39 or visit the web address on the screen.
14:42 And after you read this incredible resource,
14:44 make sure to share it with a friend.
14:46 Well, let's get back to today's presentation
14:48 and learn some more amazing facts from the word of God.
14:52 After Christ ascended to heaven,
14:54 he poured the Holy Spirit out on the church.
14:57 Christianity began to spread like fire
14:59 all through the Roman Empire and even in Paul's day,
15:04 he says, the gospel's been preached to every creature,
15:07 and the more they tried to persecute Christians,
15:10 the more Christianity spread.
15:12 And you've probably heard about where the different Caesars,
15:15 they, you know, Christianity was called
15:17 (speaking in foreign language)
15:19 forbidden religion, and Christians were thrown
15:22 to the lions and the coliseums and they were burnt.
15:24 Nero was supposedly, he'd smear them with pitch
15:28 and he'd burn the Christians,
15:30 but the more that he persecuted the church,
15:31 the more the church grew.
15:34 So the devil then said, this is not working.
15:36 And he went to plan B.
15:38 Plan A was just an annihilate Christians,
15:40 but the more he, it's like trying to get rid
15:42 of your weeds by mowing them.
15:43 They just spread the seeds and he said,
15:46 I've got to find something else.
15:48 I'm going to try to destroy the church through infiltration.
15:53 That's what he did by putting Judas in Jesus's group
15:55 and by getting them to compromise.
16:00 See, the devil is not worried about Christianity
16:03 if he can dilute the truth so we lose our impact.
16:07 The devil is not worried about people
16:09 saying they're Christians and going to church and singing
16:12 if we are not living holy lives,
16:14 if we're not preaching the real gospel about salvation
16:17 from sin and the real power of the gospel,
16:19 the devil doesn't mind.
16:21 Matter of fact, the devil prefers if we have the facade
16:24 of Christianity and we don't have the power.
16:26 Paul talks about a people in the last days
16:29 that have a form of religion with no power.
16:32 God wants us to have the real McCoy, amen?
16:35 So what the devil did is he got,
16:36 he kinda came into the church and through Constantine,
16:38 the Roman emperor,
16:39 Constantine was a pretty shrewd politician.
16:42 He said, Christians really aren't hurting anybody.
16:46 All these things about Nero said
16:47 that Christians were cannibals because he heard
16:50 that in their services, that they would eat the flesh
16:53 and drink the blood of Jesus, which of course was symbolic.
16:57 There's no cannibalism going on.
16:59 And so he spread terrible rumors about Christians.
17:02 Constantine realized that was all nonsense and he said,
17:06 they're not hurting anybody.
17:08 We ought make peace with him.
17:09 We've got enemies on the outside right now we're fighting.
17:11 He claimed to have a vision where he said
17:12 he was supposed to now conquer under the sign of the cross.
17:16 And to show his sincerity,
17:18 his mother converted to Christianity.
17:21 Constantine then ordered his army
17:22 to march through the Tiber River in Rome and he says,
17:25 you have all been baptized, says you're all Christians now.
17:29 But the problem was they had no teaching.
17:30 We learned before baptism there should be
17:32 some teaching, right?
17:33 Go teach baptize.
17:35 They went into the water dried pagans
17:37 and they came up wet pagans and all of a sudden,
17:40 almost overnight, all these pagan teachings
17:42 came into the church
17:44 and they got commingled with Christianity.
17:46 So now Christians who were, you know,
17:51 not involved at all in idols,
17:53 they had idols of pagan deities everywhere in Rome
17:56 and Greece and throughout the empire, and they said,
17:58 what do we do with all these beautiful idols?
18:00 And some of the Christian leaders said, you know,
18:02 we'll probably reach more pagan
18:04 if we don't make 'em change too quickly.
18:06 Let them just rename their idols
18:08 and all of a sudden they're praying to Peter, James,
18:11 John, and they just renamed their idols.
18:15 So they basically subsumed all of these rights
18:18 and ceremonies that were not in Christianity,
18:21 and then you entered a period of time
18:23 where you had a co-mingling of Christianity
18:26 and instead of the church becoming a movement of love,
18:29 it started to become a political institution.
18:32 What are two other identifying marks of God's church
18:35 according to Revelation 12:17?
18:37 The dragon.
18:39 Who is he again?
18:40 The devil was enraged or wroth,
18:42 if you got a King James version,
18:44 with the woman.
18:45 Who, who is she? Which woman?
18:47 True church. This woman of light.
18:49 Obviously, if the dragon is wroth with her,
18:51 is she the right woman?
18:53 Yeah, if the devil's mad at you,
18:54 you're doing something right.
18:56 Isn't that true?
18:57 You can be pretty sure of it.
18:59 He was enraged with the woman and he goes to make war
19:01 with the rest of her offspring.
19:03 It's not just her now, it's those who have been converted
19:06 through her influence that are spreading.
19:08 This is in the last days now,
19:10 and it says rest of her offspring, who have a couple
19:13 of characteristics that keep the what?
19:16 The commandments of God
19:19 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
19:21 If you look in Revelation 19:10,
19:23 it says that testimony of Jesus Christ
19:26 is the spirit of prophecy.
19:28 You know what is the law and the prophets?
19:33 You've got, it says here, remember the law of Moses.
19:36 Behold I send you Elijah, the prophet.
19:39 Commandments of God, the law of Moses,
19:41 Elijah the prophet, the spirit of prophecy,
19:44 the law and the prophets is a symbol for the word of God.
19:46 This woman has the word of God
19:48 and the devil is wroth with her.
19:51 Now, I'm just going to let you take a breath for a second
19:53 because I'm going to make a little speech and kind of,
19:56 we're just going to drift from the lesson
19:58 because I want to get the big picture for you.
20:00 How do you think the average person picks a church?
20:04 I was in South Dakota visiting my son
20:09 and we saw this little church on the side of the road.
20:12 It must be one of the smallest churches in the world,
20:15 and I said, there's a church I think I could handle.
20:18 You can fit the pastor
20:20 and maybe a couple getting married in there.
20:23 I didn't even go inside, but I thought it was kind of cute.
20:26 But how do you pick a church?
20:29 How do most people pick churches?
20:31 I'll tell you, I don't know if I'll remember it all,
20:33 but there's about 10 different ways
20:35 that people pick a church.
20:37 It's the church that their family went to, they grew up in.
20:40 Why do you go to that church?
20:42 It's where my family's always gone.
20:43 They were born this way, we're going to die that way.
20:45 Doesn't matter, right or wrong, that's what my family did,
20:48 that's what I'm going to do.
20:50 They pick a church, it's close to the house.
20:53 That's great to have a church close to the house.
20:55 They pick a church, pastor is charismatic and good looking
21:00 and I know that's why you're all here tonight, right?
21:02 (congregation laughs)
21:04 Why, why are you laughing?
21:07 They pick the church because the music.
21:10 Why do you go there?
21:11 Oh, the organ vibrates the build, it's wonderful.
21:15 The choir, I want to be in the choir, they got a choir.
21:17 What do they believe?
21:19 I don't know, but that's where I'm going.
21:21 You ask the aver person, what does your church teach?
21:24 Says well, we believe just like our pastor.
21:28 Well what does your pastor believe?
21:30 Well, he believes like us.
21:33 Well what do you and your pastor believe?
21:35 Same thing, they're just, yeah,
21:39 people really don't know the ingredients
21:41 or they pick a church because this is the church
21:43 where the important people go.
21:46 They say if you want to get anywhere in this town,
21:48 your connections, that's the church.
21:51 I understand for generations in Washington, DC,
21:53 as various presidents have attended different churches,
21:56 people start calling those churches every Sunday to say,
21:58 "Is the president coming this week?"
22:01 They want to be there when the president goes.
22:03 And I heard a one pastor, I think it was when George Bush
22:06 used to visit a Methodist church with Laura,
22:08 and they always wanted to know when the pastor,
22:09 when the president was coming, said,
22:11 will the president be here?
22:12 And he'd say, well I'm not so sure,
22:13 but God will be here if that matters.
22:18 Or they pick a church because the building,
22:20 the architecture.
22:22 Why do you go to that church?
22:24 Oh, the stained glass, it's beautiful, modern, it's clean.
22:28 That's good.
22:31 Why do you go to that church?
22:33 The loving, the people are loving, they're friendly.
22:36 What do they teach?
22:38 I don't know, but they're friendly
22:40 or they have an exciting worship service.
22:44 It's exciting.
22:46 These are some of the reasons that people pick a church.
22:48 Now, all of those things are good.
22:51 It's great if you can go to the same church
22:53 that your family's always gone to, if the music is good.
22:57 I mean you don't want it to be like feeding time at the zoo
22:59 when they start singing, right?
23:01 You want to have a good children's program.
23:03 It's good if the pastor can keep you awake.
23:05 It's good if it's close to the house
23:06 and they got a modern clean building
23:08 and all of those things are good,
23:10 but not one of those things,
23:12 which happened to be the main reasons people pick a church,
23:14 not one of them is the right reason.
23:17 The one right reason to pick a church
23:19 is the foundational teachings of that church
23:21 are the teachings of Jesus Christ.
23:24 Read the ingredients.
23:26 Do not be fooled by the marketing on the box.
23:30 And a lot of pastors right now,
23:32 they're designing their churches,
23:33 they'll do surveys in the community and say,
23:35 what do these people want?
23:36 I'm going to design my church
23:38 to meet the felt needs of these people.
23:41 Is that what Jesus did?
23:42 Or Jesus say, this is the truth and this is what you need.
23:44 You need salvation from sin, instead of saying,
23:47 we're going to create a church to reach the people.
23:50 God is not wanting a church that will change
23:52 to morph into the culture, 'cause quite frankly,
23:54 our culture is sick.
23:56 God wants a church that is going to change the culture
23:59 because they're standing for the truth.
24:01 So when you want to know what church do I join,
24:04 choose very carefully and you want to make sure
24:07 it matches with the Bible.
24:09 Now did that make sense?
24:11 All right, with that as a foundation,
24:13 how do we find this woman in the last days?
24:18 How did Solomon figure out which was the real mother?
24:21 Use the sword.
24:22 We find the truth by the word of God,
24:24 the sword of God's word, amen?
24:26 How did Jesus say that we demonstrate our love for him?
24:31 Honk your horn and shout, is that what he said?
24:33 No, he said, if you love me, do what?
24:37 Keep my commandments.
24:40 And then you read on here in John First John 5:3,
24:42 for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments.
24:48 God wants us to be obedient
24:50 and this is one of the criteria a church
24:52 is going to be teaching the word of God and the law of God.
24:55 Because how do you know you need to savior
24:57 unless you're saved from sin?
24:59 And when you understand the love of God
25:01 through the law of God, you become a loving church
25:05 because he's forgiven you for your sins.
25:08 Since there are so many faithful Christians
25:10 in other churches--
25:11 You hear me friends?
25:13 I want to make sure you get that.
25:14 Don't walk away from this meeting saying,
25:15 Pastor Doug says he's the only one being saved
25:17 'cause he knows the church.
25:18 There are good people in many different churches,
25:20 but things are going to be changing in the last days.
25:24 Since he's got other people in many churches,
25:26 and there's only one true remnant church,
25:28 remnant means the remainder in the last time,
25:31 what will happen to these sincere Christians?
25:34 The words of Jesus, John 10:1,
25:37 and other sheep I have that are not of this fold,
25:40 them also I must bring
25:44 and there will be one fold and one shepherd.
25:48 So what's going to happen?
25:50 He said, I'm going to bring them together.
25:52 There's going to be a shaking in the last days.
25:54 We see the world as being polarized in many ways now.
25:56 People are polarized based on their countries.
25:59 If people are polarized now over racial issues,
26:01 people are polarized over political issues
26:04 and there's going to be a big polarization over religion
26:08 and there's going to be a shaking in the world,
26:10 and those that want to follow Jesus in his word,
26:12 they're going to kinda shake off in one direction.
26:14 They're going to have the other's going to shake off
26:16 into the other direction.
26:18 One's going to have the seal of God,
26:19 one's going to have the mark of the beast,
26:21 one's going to be the true bride,
26:22 one's going to be Babylon.
26:23 And this is how things are shaping up right now.
26:25 And I don't believe it's an accident.
26:26 You're hearing what you're hearing right now.
26:29 I believe that God is wanting you to know
26:31 that he wants you to be his child
26:32 and you need to read the ingredients, friends.
26:35 just don't say, well, I think it's whatever you feel,
26:37 or All rivers lead to the ocean.
26:39 What does the word of God say?
26:41 That's going to be your only safety in the last days.
26:44 (gentle music)
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27:21 - [Speaker] Have you ever skipped a meal?
27:23 Not a bad idea if you need to watch your waistline,
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27:30 Yet, how can you dive in daily when you're so busy?
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Revised 2024-05-09