Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

A Mother Daughter Conspiracy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002237S

00:00 (inspirational music)
00:02 - [Announcer] This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:07 (upbeat music)
00:09 - Have you ever seen a bald eagle's nest?
00:12 Eagles often use the same nest year after year,
00:15 and over time, some nests grow to enormous size,
00:19 many up to nine feet in diameter and weighing two tons.
00:23 Both parents provide well for their offspring,
00:25 and the young birds grow quickly as they eat voraciously,
00:29 adding a pound every five days.
00:31 But eventually they must learn to fly
00:33 and hunt for themselves.
00:35 Life for young eagles is tough,
00:37 and tragically only 10 to 20% survive to adulthood.
00:40 They get electrocuted by landing on wires.
00:43 They're hunted by poachers, hit by vehicles,
00:46 and sometimes they simply starve.
00:48 They were once declared an endangered species,
00:51 but they've made a surprising comeback.
00:53 Because of its grace, speed, strength, and its size,
00:57 the bald eagle was chosen
00:58 to symbolize the United States of America.
01:01 Not only do nations today choose animals
01:04 as their national mascots or symbols.
01:07 The Bible also uses different beasts
01:09 to identify the characteristics
01:11 of prominent kingdoms in prophecy.
01:14 So join me now as we discover what the Bible really says
01:18 about the future of the United States of America.
01:25 The title of our lesson is dealing with
01:27 "A Mother-Daughter Conspiracy,"
01:31 and it's based upon Mark 6:14-29.
01:36 You'll also find this referenced in the Book of Matthew.
01:39 Jesus tells us that John the Baptist was the greatest
01:43 of the prophets, not that he worked longer,
01:46 he never wrote a book,
01:47 but greatest in his dedication
01:50 in his message to prepare the way for the king, the Messiah.
01:54 He was that voice crying in the wilderness,
01:56 bringing the people of God back to a revival,
02:00 calling the people of Israel back to their Savior
02:03 and their Lord.
02:05 And because of John's bold and faithful preaching,
02:09 he was not intimidated by anyone.
02:11 John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah,
02:14 according to the angel that spoke to his father.
02:17 He was not afraid to say to the scribes and Pharisees,
02:21 "You den of vipers,
02:22 who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"
02:25 He was also not afraid to tell King Herod,
02:28 "You are committing adultery
02:30 in that you took your brother Phillip's wife."
02:33 Her name was Herodias.
02:35 And that really aggravated her,
02:37 and she stayed on King Herod,
02:38 said, "You need to arrest that loud mouth."
02:41 Finally Herod gave in.
02:43 He had John put in prison
02:45 because of his audacious preaching,
02:49 but she thought, "That's not enough.
02:50 Herod likes him."
02:51 He would occasionally go to the prison
02:53 and listen to John the Baptist
02:55 or have John the Baptist brought up to the palace
02:57 and speak to him and put 'em back in jail.
02:59 She said, "Well, pretty soon, John the Baptist
03:02 is gonna wreck this arrangement I've got."
03:03 Here's she's like the queen now that she's enticed the king.
03:08 So Herod had a birthday party, and she had a clever plan.
03:12 Herod had a few drinks,
03:15 and then she said, "Would you like my daughter to dance?"
03:19 And he said, "Yeah."
03:21 And as she expected, he made sort of a pompous boast,
03:24 and he said to Salome if she'd come out and dance,
03:27 he said, "Ask whatever you will.
03:28 Anything up to half my kingdom, I'll give it to you."
03:32 So she came out, and she did her exotic dance
03:36 and entertained king and all the guests that were there,
03:39 the who's who in the kingdom of Judah.
03:43 And he said, "What do you want?"
03:44 She wasn't sure what to ask for.
03:46 You think you'd get a credit card
03:47 for Nordstrom's or something.
03:49 Went to her mother and said, "What shall I ask for?"
03:51 She said, "You need to ask
03:53 for the head of John the Baptist on a platter."
03:57 And I don't know how reluctant she was,
04:00 but that's what she did.
04:02 The Bible tells us:
04:03 "So she went and said to her mother, 'What shall I ask?'
04:06 She said, 'The head of John the Baptist.'"
04:08 And when the king heard this, he was so sorry,
04:12 but he had made a promise,
04:14 and a king cannot change his word.
04:17 So an executioner went to the prison forthwith.
04:21 John was unceremoniously
04:23 executed alone, this great prophet,
04:27 and the head was brought, it says,
04:28 in a charger to the mother.
04:31 John's disciples later came and recovered his body
04:34 and buried his body.
04:37 Now, this is not the first time
04:39 that a mother-daughter team conspires
04:43 to persecute a prophet of God.
04:46 You read in the prophecies of Revelation
04:48 about another-mother daughter team
04:51 that persecutes the prophets of God.
04:54 John introduced the ministry of Jesus.
04:56 Jesus ministered for 1,260 days, 3 1/2 years.
05:02 But the Bible tells us
05:03 that there's another mother-daughter team
05:07 that persecuted the prophets of God.
05:09 That leads us into our lesson for tonight.
05:11 Question number one,
05:12 what other mother-daughter team persecuted God's people
05:15 in the Old Testament?
05:17 I think many of you are acquainted with a name,
05:19 though you may not know all the story behind it.
05:22 Bible talks about Jezebel,
05:25 killed the prophets of the Lord.
05:29 King Ahab,
05:31 he married a princess from the kingdom of Tyre,
05:35 and she was all engrossed and very devoted to Baal worship.
05:39 That's what happens when you marry outside your faith.
05:42 And she began to push the king
05:43 and push the king and to push the king.
05:45 The Bible says, "Nobody in Israel ever sold themself
05:48 to do Israel like Ahab, whom his wife Jezebel stirred up."
05:55 One time Ahab said,
05:56 "I'd like to have that vineyard next door,
05:58 but Naboth doesn't wanna sell it to me."
06:00 She said, "Give me your signet ring.
06:01 I'll take care of it for you."
06:04 And she arranged a feast,
06:06 had everybody falsely accuse Naboth.
06:09 He was taken out of the city.
06:10 He was executed, and she came back and says,
06:12 "Now you can have that vineyard.
06:13 I killed the man who owns it."
06:15 Ruthless woman.
06:18 For 3 1/2 years, she persecuted the prophets.
06:21 You remember the famine?
06:23 Elijah fled into the wilderness 1,260 days.
06:29 That time period comes up in Daniel, speaking of the beast,
06:32 and in Revelation several times.
06:36 Let me give you one more.
06:38 1,260 days was the time of the famine in the days of Elijah
06:44 when Jezebel was persecuting the prophets of God.
06:45 Obadiah the prophet hid a bunch of them in caves.
06:48 You may have read about that.
06:50 1,260 days was a period of time when Jesus taught,
06:56 and then He was executed.
06:58 1,260 days, 42 months, 3 1/2 years,
07:02 talking about the Jewish calendar,
07:04 is the period of time from the time of Christ
07:08 to the stoning of Stephen
07:10 when the gospel then went to the Gentiles.
07:13 You read in the Book of Esther,
07:14 did you ever catch this?
07:16 "In the third year of the reign of Ahasuerus,"
07:19 this is how the book begins,
07:21 "he had a feast lasting 180 days."
07:23 What's half of 360?
07:27 180.
07:28 And at the end of that period of time,
07:30 Vashti the queen is deposed,
07:35 and they begin the search ultimately for Esther,
07:37 another 3 1/2.
07:38 You'll find that time period continues to appear.
07:41 Prophetically, we learned that from 538 to 1798,
07:47 you've got this other 1,260 year period of time, not days.
07:53 It's when you use a day for year,
07:55 the Dark Ages when religion was running things
07:59 in civilization.
08:01 Not only was it Jezebel.
08:02 Jezebel had a daughter.
08:04 Her name was Athaliah.
08:06 It says: "When Athaliah saw that her son was dead,
08:09 she arose and destroyed all of the royal heirs,"
08:12 the seed of David.
08:13 She tried to kill 'em all,
08:15 but one young boy named Joash escaped.
08:17 And ultimately she ruled for six years,
08:20 and then she was slain.
08:23 Question number two,
08:24 what is the second angel's message in Revelation 14?
08:27 We talked about the first angel's message:
08:29 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
08:30 for the hour of his judgment is come.
08:32 And worship Him that made the heaven and the earth
08:34 and the sea and the fountains of waters."
08:36 The second angel has a message.
08:37 You read it in Revelation 14:8:
08:40 "Another angel followed, saying,
08:42 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
08:47 because she," now is it talking about a city?
08:50 Is it talking about a church?
08:52 "For she has made all nations drink of the wine
08:56 of the wrath of her fornication."
08:58 We'll find out what that wine is
09:00 and who this woman is and what that city is.
09:02 The Bible is very clear about that.
09:04 Question number three,
09:06 how does God symbolize Babylon in Revelation 17?
09:10 If you have your Bibles,
09:11 or you've got your device with a Bible on it,
09:13 you'll wanna turn there with me to the Book of Revelation,
09:15 last book in the Bible, chapter 17.
09:19 And it describes this very unusual woman.
09:25 Verse one: "Then one of the seven angels
09:29 who had the seven bowls,"
09:30 these are the seven vials
09:31 with the plagues that are poured out,
09:33 "he came, and he talked with me saying,
09:35 'Come, I will show you the judgment
09:38 of the great harlot who sits on many waters
09:41 with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
09:44 and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk
09:47 with the wine of her fornication.'
09:49 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness.
09:52 And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet-colored beast
09:56 which was full of names of blasphemy,
09:59 having seven heads and 10 horns.
10:02 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
10:05 adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
10:08 having in her hand a golden cup full of the abominations
10:12 and filthiness of her fornication.
10:14 And on her forehead a name was written."
10:16 Now, I'm hoping you're realizing that this is symbolic
10:19 because you're probably not gonna see too many people
10:21 that have a whole paragraph on their forehead.
10:24 "On her forehead was written:
10:26 'Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots,"
10:30 mother and daughters, "'and abomination of the earth.'
10:35 "And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints
10:38 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
10:41 And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement."
10:45 Now, if you still got your Bibles open,
10:48 just jump to verse nine.
10:49 The angel begins to explain the vision:
10:52 "Here is the mind that has wisdom:
10:54 The seven heads are seven mountains
10:56 on which the woman sits."
10:58 It's definitely not talking about ancient Babylon.
11:00 There were no mountains around ancient Babylon.
11:04 You look in verse 15: "The waters which you saw,
11:07 where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations."
11:11 It's not one nation.
11:13 Nations this woman is over,
11:15 and tongues, languages, many languages.
11:18 And if you're in doubt, you go to the last verse:
11:21 "The woman that you saw is that great city
11:24 that reigns over the kings of the earth."
11:27 What great city was reigning over the kings
11:29 of the earth when John was imprisoned
11:31 on the island of Patmos and had his vision?
11:34 So here you have a picture of a woman.
11:37 What does a woman represent?
11:39 A church.
11:40 This woman has become unfaithful.
11:43 Tells us, first of all, it says she's guilty of blasphemy.
11:46 Now when we say blasphemy,
11:48 let's use the Biblical definition.
11:50 The religious leaders said
11:51 that Jesus was guilty of blasphemy
11:55 because Jesus claimed the prerogatives
11:56 that belonged to God.
11:58 That's a definition for blasphemy.
12:00 When Jesus said he could forgive sin, they said,
12:03 "That's blasphemy.
12:04 Who can forgive sin but God alone?"
12:05 They're right, but Jesus is God the Son, correct?
12:09 It says she's arrayed.
12:10 Here's something very practical.
12:11 It talks about some of the principle colors.
12:13 She's arrayed in purple and scarlet
12:16 and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls.
12:20 It says she has harlot daughters who have also fallen.
12:24 Now, the average people couldn't read the Bible,
12:26 but the priests had them.
12:28 And as they would read the Bible, often in Latin,
12:31 they realized there was a great disparity
12:32 between what the church was practicing
12:34 and the doctrines of the Bible,
12:37 and they would protest.
12:39 And ultimately it became a showdown.
12:40 On October 31st, just about 500 years ago,
12:44 a little more than 500 years ago,
12:45 Martin Luther nailed his protests, those 95 theses,
12:49 on the doors of the Wittenberg Church.
12:52 And they said it was because of certain doctrines,
12:55 but when they came out they didn't come all the way out.
12:59 What I mean by that is they protested certain doctrines,
13:02 but they still retained in their teachings things
13:05 that could not be found in the Bible
13:06 'cause they were traditions that they just had for years.
13:09 So just like a mother is gonna have some resemblance to,
13:12 or daughter's gonna have some resemblance to the mother,
13:14 these daughters have some resemblance to the mother.
13:18 And we'll go through what those characteristics are
13:20 in just a moment.
13:23 Don't go anywhere, friends, we'll be back in just a moment
13:25 for the rest of today's presentation.
13:28 You probably already know
13:30 that the United States is one of the most powerful economic
13:33 and military nations in history.
13:36 But have you ever wondered if the Bible has anything
13:39 to say about the US in Bible prophecy?
13:42 What if I told you that it does?
13:44 Would it surprise you?
13:46 Well, it's true.
13:47 Using vivid symbolic imagery,
13:49 the Book of Revelation details the rise of America
13:53 and the prominent role that it will play
13:55 in the last days of human history.
13:57 If you'd like to know more about this important subject,
14:00 Amazing Facts wants to send you a special gift
14:03 called "The USA in Bible Prophecy."
14:07 This short but insightful study guide will astound you
14:10 as you see for yourself how
14:13 the Book of Revelation pinpoints the United States
14:15 as a major player in these end-time events
14:18 and what you can do to be ready for it.
14:21 To get your free copy, call the number on your screen
14:23 and ask for offer 181, or visit the web address.
14:27 And after you read this incredible resource,
14:30 make sure and share it with a friend.
14:32 Well, let's get back to the rest of today's presentation
14:34 and learn some more amazing facts from the Word of God.
14:38 Says she was a persecuting power.
14:42 She persecuted and martyred the saints.
14:44 Now we're living in a little more sophisticated time
14:47 in history, but if you go back a few hundred years,
14:49 I don't know if you've read in history
14:51 about the Spanish Inquisition.
14:53 But Karen and I were in Spain.
14:56 Oh, it's been three or four years ago now.
14:58 And while we were there,
15:01 we'd go by several of the shops on the streets,
15:03 and it would say, pay a few pesos,
15:07 and you can go down and look at the torture implements
15:09 underneath the churches.
15:11 And we went down, and oh man,
15:14 it was just very disturbing
15:17 to look at these torture machines
15:20 and tools that they had to try to get these people
15:24 that were heretics to recant or repent
15:27 or extracting confessions.
15:30 And I won't even go into detail
15:32 because children will watch these programs,
15:35 but you can look it up if you're curious
15:37 if you got a strong stomach.
15:39 And this didn't happen for a year or two.
15:41 The numbers from historians are somewhere between 30
15:44 and 50 million people, Christians and Jews,
15:49 were killed by the church during this time of persecution.
15:53 Friends, this was no small thing.
15:55 A few hundred years, we start forgetting what happened.
15:59 And Jesus did not operate that way,
16:01 saying, "If you don't agree with me,
16:02 or you don't follow me, I'm gonna torture you."
16:05 He invited people to follow.
16:07 If they walked away, they walked away.
16:08 I mean, Jesus used love.
16:10 He you did not use force and pain
16:12 to make someone follow Him.
16:13 It's says she sits upon seven mountains.
16:16 You could Google it on your phone,
16:18 just don't do it right now,
16:21 city of seven hills.
16:23 So you got a woman, represents what?
16:26 Church.
16:28 This great city reigns over the kings of the earth,
16:31 sits among seven hills,
16:33 scarlet and purple, wealth.
16:38 Goes on to say that she's also got a gold cup in her hand,
16:42 says that she rules over the kings of the earth.
16:46 You know if you read anything about history
16:48 during the Dark Ages,
16:50 By the way, you know why the Dark Ages were called dark?
16:53 'Cause the church said that the average person
16:55 should not be reading the Bible
16:57 because there's too much risk.
16:58 They won't understand it.
16:59 They said the church must interpret it for you.
17:01 The Bibles were often in Latin,
17:03 and they were chained in the walls of the monasteries
17:07 and the churches.
17:09 And the average person did not have the Word.
17:12 Martin Luther translated the Bible
17:14 into the language of the people,
17:15 as did Wycliffe and many of the others.
17:17 They wanted to give the Word to the people,
17:19 and that's when there was an explosion of belief
17:22 and revival when the people could read for themselves.
17:25 Jesus spoke to the common people.
17:27 Anyone can understand the teachings of Christ.
17:30 That was called the Dark Ages
17:31 because the Bible is a lamp to my feet
17:32 and a light to my path.
17:34 You take away the light, you've got darkness.
17:37 That's what happened.
17:39 How do the beasts of Revelation 13 and 17 compare?
17:43 It tells us: "I stood upon the sand of the sea,
17:45 and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea,
17:48 having seven heads and 10 horns,
17:52 and on his heads a blasphemous name."
17:55 Now, not only do you see this here in Revelation 13:1.
17:59 You look in Revelation 12,
18:02 and it talks about a beast with seven heads and 10 horns.
18:06 Now, if you're driving down the road,
18:07 you've seen a deer crossing before, right?
18:10 Have you ever seen a crossing where you got a beast
18:13 with seven heads and 10 horns?
18:16 No.
18:17 And it says: "I saw a woman sitting
18:18 on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy,
18:22 having seven heads and 10 horns."
18:25 It's very interesting that you've got this beast.
18:29 Now is this a literal beast in the last days,
18:31 or is it a symbol?
18:35 This is symbolic.
18:37 So there's a big similarity.
18:39 Revelation 12, you've got that beast,
18:42 and it says that it's the power of Rome
18:44 that tries to destroy the baby, the manchild,
18:47 as soon as it was born.
18:48 The Roman power tried to destroy Jesus when he was a baby.
18:53 What is the meaning and the origin of the word Babylon?
18:56 Well, you go back to the Tower of Babel.
18:58 You read in Genesis 11:4,6,7:
19:02 "Let us build ourselves a city
19:04 and a tower whose top is in the heavens.
19:07 And the Lord said, 'Let us go down there
19:09 and confuse their language,
19:11 that they may not understand one another's speech.'
19:14 Therefore the name of it is called Babel
19:16 because there the Lord confused the language of the earth."
19:20 So one of the characteristics
19:21 of Babylon is confusion of doctrines.
19:24 There's just a lot of different beliefs out there
19:26 that leave people wondering what in the world is going on.
19:29 There's a confusion in Babylon.
19:32 How does God describe Babylon in urging His people to leave?
19:37 Revelation 18:2,
19:40 and it says, "He cried mightily with a loud voice,
19:42 saying, 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
19:48 and has become the dwelling place of demons
19:50 and the prison of every foul spirit.'"
19:52 Now why does he say,
19:54 "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen?"
19:56 Well, you had the fall of Babylon back when the children
19:59 of Israel were in Babylon in the Old Testament.
20:01 But then Babylon falls again in prophetic times.
20:05 Now let me put you in the Bible mind for just a moment.
20:10 The children of Israel, they were captives in Babylon,
20:14 but long before that, where did Abraham come from?
20:18 Mesopotamia.
20:19 Abraham brought his wife and his family out of Mesopotamia,
20:24 the same region of Babylon.
20:25 Anything that was over the Euphrates River
20:28 was in that territory.
20:29 He brought her out of Babylon into the promised land.
20:33 Abraham then has a son.
20:34 What's his name? Isaac.
20:37 And God says to Abraham,
20:40 "Don't want your son marrying one of these Canaanite girls.
20:43 He's gotta go back and bring his wife out."
20:45 So a servant comes and gets a wife named Rebecca,
20:48 brings her out of Mesopotamia into the promised land.
20:52 Jacob then goes looking for a wife.
20:54 Where's he go?
20:55 Back across the Euphrates.
20:57 He ends up with four for the price of one.
21:00 He gets Rachel and her sister
21:02 and the two handmaids and all the kids.
21:05 They come out of Babylon into the promised land.
21:09 Then the children of Israel, because of their unfaithfulness,
21:11 are conquered by Nebuchadnezzar.
21:12 They're carried off to Mesopotamia.
21:16 After 70 years in Mesopotamia, Cyrus the Persian comes,
21:20 conquers Belshazzar,
21:23 and he says, "I'm gonna let the people go."
21:25 Now the problem is whenever you stay someplace for 70 years,
21:31 I've seen how much stuff I bring when I go on a weekend.
21:34 You ever go camping for a weekend,
21:36 and you come back with just half the food is still there?
21:40 If you stay somewhere for 70 years,
21:42 and you make friends and you have a family,
21:44 and you learn the language,
21:46 and then all of a sudden after 70 years
21:48 of being in a country
21:49 and really getting to where you kind of feel at home,
21:51 then God says through his prophets,
21:54 "Let's go back to the promised land."
21:55 You go, "Oh that sounds exciting,
21:58 sounds like an adventure,
21:59 but kind of comfortable right now."
22:02 God says, "You need to come out of Babylon
22:04 'cause plagues are gonna fall on Babylon.
22:06 You need to go to the land like your father Abraham did,
22:09 where I'm gonna give you this land forever.
22:11 You need to have faith.
22:13 Trust me."
22:14 There was a lot of reluctance among the children of Israel
22:17 and Babylon about coming out.
22:19 In the last days, God is calling people
22:22 that believe His Word back to the Word of God.
22:25 Now that's gonna mean for some people changing churches.
22:30 That is not easy.
22:32 People say, "Oh, our family's been believing these things
22:34 and part of this church for years.
22:36 All our friends are there."
22:38 Are they teaching the truth?
22:40 Are they practicing,
22:41 are they proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ?
22:44 Babylon is fallen.
22:46 Come before it's too late
22:48 'cause when Jesus comes back,
22:50 He's gonna have a united people
22:52 that are building once again on the Word.
22:54 Jesus said when the storm comes,
22:57 wise man builds on the what? The rock.
22:59 Foolish man builds on the?
23:01 See, you know that story.
23:03 You sing about it, right?
23:06 And what is that rock?
23:08 "He that hears these words of mine and does them,
23:12 he'll be like the wise man building on the rock."
23:14 Hearing the word and what?
23:17 Doing it, doing the Word.
23:20 When the storm comes,
23:21 you realize the storm comes to the wise man,
23:23 and the storm comes to the fool?
23:25 Jesus says not if the storm comes.
23:28 He says when the storm comes.
23:29 Friends, a storm is coming,
23:31 and the only way we're gonna get through that storm
23:33 is to be founded on the rock of Jesus and His truth.
23:37 And this is a message that's going to the world
23:39 in the last days.
23:40 It doesn't matter how comfortable we are
23:42 in the various teachings.
23:45 We need to come back to the Word in these last days.
23:49 So he cries mightily, "Babylon is fallen.
23:51 Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins."
23:54 Now, see, when people don't know something,
23:58 that's one thing, but once we know God's will,
24:01 if we continue persisting in disobeying, it becomes sin.
24:04 Let me illustrate.
24:06 Years ago, I need two hands for this illustration.
24:10 Years ago, I heard about a man that had a fabric shop,
24:14 and this is back in England.
24:17 They used to pick the size of the foot,
24:20 and the inch was based upon the size of the king's foot.
24:24 And so this man had a yardage shop, and he sold cloth.
24:28 And for years, he sold to everybody in the community,
24:30 and he'd measure it off on his table.
24:32 He had this tape measure,
24:34 and he'd measure off the cloth, and then he'd cut it.
24:35 And he'd sell it, wrap it up to the customers.
24:39 And one day after 30 years in his shop,
24:41 someone came in to buy some cloth, and they went back home.
24:43 They came back and said,
24:44 "I went to make some pillows out of that cloth,
24:46 and you sold me short."
24:47 He said, "Absolutely not."
24:49 He said, "Bring me the cloth."
24:50 And he put it back together again,
24:51 and he said, "Look, it matches up."
24:53 And they pulled out a tape measure,
24:56 and they measured his tape measure on the table,
24:59 and his tape measure on the table was like two inches short.
25:02 And he was stunned by this 'cause he's an honest man,
25:06 and evidently the king had died somewhere during the time,
25:08 and they had changed the standard.
25:11 And the standard had changed,
25:14 but he hadn't changed his table.
25:16 Well, he didn't know.
25:18 He may have been robbing people without knowing it
25:20 because there was something wrong
25:21 with his scale, his measurement.
25:22 You see what I'm saying?
25:24 But once that is brought to his attention,
25:26 it was not a sin before.
25:28 Once that is brought to his attention,
25:30 if he continues using that faulty measurement,
25:34 is he still an honest man?
25:36 No, 'cause now he knows.
25:38 See what I'm saying?
25:40 And so some of you are saying,
25:41 "Pastor Doug, I wish he never came to this seminar
25:44 'cause now I just know too much."
25:47 Don't, the truth is not a burden.
25:49 It's a blessing.
25:50 The truth will set you free, amen?
25:51 - [Congregant] Yes.
25:53 - What will prevent God's end-time people
25:54 from being deceived?
25:56 Only one thing, friends:
25:58 "To the law and the testimony.
26:00 If they do not speak according to this word,"
26:02 that's the Word of God, the law and the prophets,
26:04 "there is no light in them."
26:06 We need to follow the light in the last days.
26:09 Now in Noah's day, there's only one way of escape,
26:12 and that way of escape was to get in the ark.
26:14 There's one ark.
26:16 There was one door in the ark,
26:17 and He called His people into the safety of that.
26:20 And I think you've heard God's voice tonight speaking
26:23 through His Word, and He wants you to be part of that group.
26:27 He says, "Come out of her my people."
26:33 - [Announcer] Don't forget to request
26:35 today's life-changing free resource.
26:37 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail.
26:39 You can download a digital copy straight to your computer
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26:46 simply text the keyword on your screen to 40544,
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26:55 on the request page.
26:56 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
27:00 with Amazing Facts, wherever and whenever you want,
27:03 and most important, to share it with others.
27:08 (thunder cracking)
27:11 - [Announcer] Written by the hand of God
27:13 and spoken with His voice,
27:17 some words will never fade.
27:28 - [Announcer] Get Pastor Doug Batchelor's
27:29 12-part sermon series on the 10 Commandments
27:31 by calling 800-538-7275, or visit
27:37 - [Announcer] Did you know Amazing Facts
27:39 has a free Bible school that you can do
27:41 from the comfort of your own home?
27:42 It includes 27 beautifully illustrated study lessons
27:46 to aid in your study of God's Word.
27:48 Sign up today for this free Bible study course
27:51 by calling 1-844-215-7000.
27:54 That's 1-844-215-7000.
27:58 (gentle music)
28:00 (inspirational music)
28:03 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free
28:05 offer, it's sure to be a blessing.
28:07 And thank you for your continued support
28:09 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ
28:11 to the world.
28:13 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve
28:15 deep into the Word of God to explore more
28:18 Amazing Facts.
28:20 ♪♪♪
28:24 - [Announcer] This presentation was brought to you
28:25 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2024-05-09