Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002402S

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:10 Doug Batchelor: It's the most-read book in the world,
00:12 selling close to 4 billion copies over the past 50 years.
00:16 The Bible is an amazing book unlike any other.
00:20 Although it was written over a period of around 1500 years by
00:24 40 different people on 3 continents, the Bible maintains
00:27 incredible harmony throughout its 66 books.
00:31 A long list of Bible predictions have come to pass that confirm
00:35 the scriptures are divinely inspired, but none are more
00:38 dramatically fulfilled than 125 prophecies about the Messiah
00:43 that were fulfilled to perfection in the life of Jesus.
00:47 Various Old Testament books predict with great precision,
00:50 the place of His birth, His trial, the manner of His
00:52 crucifixion, the timing of His resurrection, and many other
00:56 aspects of His life.
00:57 One thing is for certain: that dozens of prophecies and
01:01 predictions about His life could never have happened by
01:04 chance alone.
01:05 Jesus is the Bible's central figure, but who is He and how is
01:10 your life affected by His?
01:13 Join me now, as we take a closer look at this hero of revelation.
01:21 Doug: Little amazing fact, you know that in 70 BC with the
01:28 slave revolt of Spartacus, you've probably heard that name,
01:32 was once played by Kirk Douglas, there were--when it was put
01:37 down, 6000 insurgents were
01:42 crucified by the Romans.
01:44 If you can imagine that.
01:45 They lined the roads around Rome for miles.
01:49 But then 70 AD with the 2000-- there were 2000 Jews executed by
01:56 the Romans, and that was to discourage the rebellion of
02:00 the Jews.
02:02 The Romans used to crucify thousands of people, and
02:06 crucifixion was the most frightening thing that could
02:08 happen because it sometimes took days for a person to die.
02:13 That's why Pilate was amazed when Jesus seemed to die in
02:19 6 hours.
02:21 You know, Christ was--Jesus was on the cross 6 hours alive, 1
02:27 hour dead resting.
02:29 I'm sorry, friends.
02:31 You know, I think about that and I look at what the Lord's done
02:33 for me and in my life and it just touches my heart, and the
02:38 story of the cross that was once meant by the Romans to strike
02:41 fear into people's hearts, it brings joy now.
02:46 It was a symbol of fear and agony, and now it brings peace,
02:51 and people see the cross and they find--they find comfort.
02:56 And I just hope that you will understand the importance of
03:00 what we're studying tonight.
03:02 Okay, shake it off, Doug.
03:07 It's based on Revelation 14.
03:10 In Revelation 14, you'll see that it says there in chapter
03:13 14, verse 6: "I saw another angel flying in the midst of
03:17 heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who
03:21 dwell on the earth--to every tribe, nation, tongue,
03:26 and people."
03:27 God wants people everywhere to know this message.
03:31 So we're going to get into the questions.
03:33 Question number one: What is the central theme in Revelation
03:36 chapter 14?
03:38 Answer?
03:39 "I saw another angel flying in
03:41 the midst of heaven, having
03:43 the," what?
03:45 "Everlasting gospel."
03:46 Thanks, you did a great job.
03:48 Why is it called the everlasting gospel?
03:50 That phrase is only found here in Revelation.
03:54 You know why?
03:56 'Cause the results of the gospel are everlasting, and the
04:00 gospel has not changed from the very beginning.
04:05 Revelation talks about the gospel, the Lamb that was slain
04:08 from the foundation of the world.
04:10 It goes all the way back.
04:12 We are all saved by grace.
04:15 The second part of this is Revelation 13, verse 8: "All who
04:19 dwell on the earth will worship
04:20 Him, whose names are not written
04:23 in the Book of Life of the Lamb
04:25 slain from the foundation of
04:27 the world."
04:28 This is the Lamb that was slain all the way back at the
04:31 foundation of the world.
04:32 What's that talking about?
04:35 So, Adam and Eve were told, "Do not eat from the
04:38 forbidden fruit."
04:40 And when they ate from the forbidden fruit, what happened
04:42 to them?
04:45 All of a sudden, they felt a cool breeze.
04:48 Because up to that point, you know, all the artists paint Adam
04:51 and Eve as though they're streaking around the garden of
04:53 Eden and they're naked and all the artists, you know, they
04:56 always have to put the leaves of the tree strategically, at least
04:59 if it's the G-rated versions of Adam and Eve, and the rest of
05:03 them, you can tell they have nothing on.
05:05 That's really not the way it was.
05:07 When Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration, He was
05:11 glorified and His garments began to shine.
05:15 Moses came off Mount Sinai, he was shining.
05:19 Adam and Eve holy, living in the presence of God, they shined.
05:23 After they sinned, the light went out and they felt the
05:26 breeze and they knew something was wrong.
05:29 So what did they do?
05:31 They ran from God.
05:33 Don't ever forget, God did not run from us.
05:36 God then told Adam and Eve, your fig leaves that you had sewn
05:39 together, and the Bible says they made skirts, aprons,
05:42 of leaf.
05:44 Not only was it the wrong material, it wasn't
05:45 nearly enough.
05:48 They were basically mini skirts.
05:50 And God, then it says, "He gave them tunics of skin robes."
05:54 Of what?
05:56 Skin.
05:58 Do you think God said, "Let there be skin," or did something
06:02 have to die?
06:04 The sacrificial system was established there in the garden
06:07 of Eden.
06:08 Adam and Eve saw the first death.
06:10 It was a lamb that died to cover their sin and their nakedness.
06:13 God explained to them the plan of salvation about Jesus, there
06:17 at the very beginning.
06:19 And He wanted them to know that He had a plan where they could
06:22 be forgiven, even though what was a penalty for disobeying?
06:25 "And the day you eat thereof, you will surely die."
06:28 That lamb is a symbol of Jesus.
06:31 They all knew that.
06:32 That's why when John the Baptist finally points to Jesus and he
06:35 says, "This is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the
06:38 world," it was the fulfillment of everything they had looked
06:41 for and longed for.
06:42 Question number two: Why do we need the everlasting gospel?
06:47 "The wages or the penalty for sin is," what?
06:51 It's death.
06:52 How come you're not dead?
06:54 How many have sinned?
06:55 The Bible says all have sinned.
06:57 So if you've sinned and the penalty for sin is death,
07:00 why aren't you dead?
07:01 Why are the people out there that don't believe in God
07:03 walking the streets?
07:04 Jesus's death not only provided a way for us to be forgiven and
07:07 have everlasting life, He is the one who bought time for people
07:12 to make a decision.
07:14 Everyone is living under this probationary time.
07:17 It's one life, and the devil is trying to destroy and distract
07:21 people so that they don't think about what really matters in
07:23 life is the one that lasts forever.
07:27 Does that make sense?
07:28 Question number three: Why did Jesus die?
07:33 Well, the answer is pretty clear in the Bible.
07:35 Hebrews 9:22: "According to the law almost all things are
07:40 purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there
07:43 is," what?
07:44 "No remission of sin."
07:47 You can read in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 3: "For I delivered to
07:50 you, first of all, that which I also received, that Christ
07:54 did," what?
07:55 "He died for our sins."
07:59 He did not die for His sins.
08:01 He died for our sins.
08:03 And how many of us have sinned?
08:06 So make it personal.
08:08 He died for you.
08:10 God sent His Son to suffer, not just die.
08:13 He suffered for all the sins you have ever committed or will
08:15 commit and He died for you.
08:17 Why?
08:19 Because He loves us more than we'll ever know.
08:22 Loves us desperately, wants to save us.
08:24 He doesn't want you to be lost any more than any human wants to
08:29 lose their child.
08:30 He loves you infinitely more because any affection you have
08:33 for your children, you ultimately get from
08:35 your Creator.
08:38 God loves you, and the only way He can talk about His love for
08:41 us, it says, "God the Father so loved the world, He gave His Son
08:44 that we might not perish."
08:46 He died for us.
08:47 Why did God make such a fantastic sacrifice for us?
08:51 I just gave you this verse.
08:54 Say it with me.
08:55 "For God so LOVED the world that
08:59 He gave His only begotten Son,
09:02 that whoever believes in Him
09:04 should not perish but have
09:06 everlasting life."
09:08 God so loves us.
09:10 He's pouring out His heart in that word, that He gave His Son.
09:15 Now, what's the most valuable thing that God could give?
09:18 What's the most valuable thing you have?
09:20 Your life?
09:22 Or would you say the life of your child?
09:25 What if your child's the Creator?
09:28 Think about that.
09:30 Everything that you see, all things that were made, were made
09:32 by Him.
09:34 For the Creator to die for the creation, how much bigger can
09:36 you get than that of a sacrifice?
09:40 And He does that to save you and you're going to say, "Well, I'm
09:42 busy, don't bother me"?
09:45 God loves you desperately.
09:47 What do I do to benefit from this incredible sacrifice that
09:51 Jesus has made?
09:52 How does--how do I apply that?
09:55 What does it say?
09:56 You read in Acts 16:31, what's the first word?
10:00 "BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved."
10:03 Believe on the Lord.
10:04 What does that mean, to believe?
10:08 The word "believe" is kind of self-evident.
10:10 It means "be live."
10:12 Whoever "be lives" in Him will not perish.
10:17 It's not the kind of faith where a person says, "Yeah, I believe
10:20 Jesus really lived.
10:21 I read about it in the encyclopedia.
10:23 Since I believe that Jesus really lived, I guess I'm going
10:25 to heaven."
10:26 No, that's the kind of faith the devil has.
10:29 Does the devil know Jesus lived?
10:31 Is that going to save him?
10:32 James says, "Even the devils believe and tremble."
10:35 It's not that kind of faith.
10:36 And yet a lot of churches are preaching this watered-down,
10:39 shallow grace.
10:42 To be live in Him.
10:44 If Jesus tells you something and you believe Him, do you act
10:47 upon it?
10:49 If Jesus tells you something, you say, "I believe, Lord," but
10:52 you don't do it.
10:53 He wants you to follow Him, study His Word, amen?
10:57 Number six: What happens to me when I choose to believe in the
11:02 name of Jesus?
11:05 The Bible says, "If we," what?
11:08 "If we CONFESS our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us
11:12 our sins and to cleanse us from," how much?
11:16 "All unrighteousness."
11:17 Now, who do we confess to?
11:21 Well, if I offend you, I confess to you, and they say confession
11:26 is good for the soul, but it can be bad for the reputation.
11:30 You've got to be careful about making a public confession.
11:34 Of course, if there's a public sin, it might require a public
11:37 confession, but most sins should be confessed personally to God.
11:42 Now, what else goes along with that?
11:44 Acts chapter 3, verse 19.
11:46 What's that word?
11:48 "REPENT therefore, and be converted, that your sins might
11:52 be blotted out."
11:54 Now, what does repentance mean?
11:55 Very simply, in the Hebrew mind, repentance means you're walking
11:58 this way and then you change directions.
12:02 I used to be able to do that in military school, and then you go
12:04 this way, and so repentance is a change of direction.
12:08 It's not just telling God you're sorry, it means being sorry and
12:12 willing to turn away from your sins.
12:16 Some of you, right now, you're thinking, "You know, I am sorry
12:18 but, Doug, I'm addicted.
12:21 I repent but I don't know if I can change."
12:24 Don't worry, right now, about how you will be
12:27 different tomorrow.
12:29 The devil will scare you from making a commitment to the Lord.
12:32 You come just the way you are.
12:34 You make a complete commitment.
12:36 Say, "Lord, I'm sorry.
12:37 Forgive me.
12:39 I repent of my sins.
12:40 Please change my heart.
12:42 Give me victory," and He can, friends.
12:45 Now, you can't think of a sin that God cannot save you from.
12:50 Just briefly, I used to drink, used to smoke, use drugs, curse,
12:57 I was a burglar.
12:58 I'll stop there.
13:01 Living immorally.
13:02 I said, I'd stop, I'll stop there.
13:06 And God helped me change.
13:09 So when people say, "I don't think I can change," don't tell
13:11 me that.
13:13 Yes, you can.
13:15 Unless you think your devil's bigger than your Jesus.
13:18 The Bible says, "Greater is He that is in you than he that is
13:21 in the world."
13:22 Yes, you can.
13:24 Don't underestimate God and it doesn't mean you're going to be
13:27 perfect or you may not make mistakes, but you need to keep
13:29 following on to trust the Lord.
13:33 What is this wonderful conversion experience called?
13:36 Answer?
13:38 It says: "Do not marvel that I say to you, 'You must
13:41 be,'" what?
13:42 "BORN AGAIN."
13:43 The everlasting gospel is about a new life.
13:45 How does a baby grow?
13:48 They receive the nourishment and the love and the regular
13:52 cleansing and the protection from their parents.
13:57 Do they worry?
13:59 But they naturally grow.
14:01 And as you feed on the sincere milk of God's Word, as the Bible
14:05 says, as you read the Bible, as you pray, that's like the breath
14:09 of the soul.
14:10 When a baby stops breathing, you get crib death, you got to
14:13 spend time in prayer.
14:14 And as you wiggle and start practicing and sharing your
14:17 faith, you're going to make a lot of mistakes and you're going
14:19 to learn to walk and you may stumble and fall, but you keep
14:21 getting up, amen?
14:23 You will grow.
14:24 Children usually don't worry about growing.
14:26 If they do the basics.
14:28 Got to exercise, you've got to eat, you've got to breathe.
14:31 You need to pray, you need to read the Word, and to share your
14:34 faith, and try and live it out, and you'll grow.
14:38 You'll have a new life.
14:39 You know what it says in Isaiah?
14:40 Learn to do good.
14:42 If you spend your whole life doing bad, learning to do good,
14:47 it's a process, amen?
14:49 You can read, it says, and this
14:51 is in John 14:17: "The SPIRIT of
14:54 TRUTH, whom the world cannot
14:56 receive, because it neither sees
14:58 Him nor knows Him; but you know
15:00 Him, and He dwells with you and
15:01 will be," what?
15:03 The Holy Spirit comes into your heart and your life.
15:06 See, when you come to the Lord and you repent of your sins,
15:08 you're giving God permission to activate His power in your life
15:12 and you're going to see and feel miracles.
15:14 You're going to go, "Wow, God is real."
15:17 It's amazing.
15:18 Says: "We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror
15:22 the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image
15:26 from glory to glory, just as by the," what?
15:30 "The SPIRIT of the LORD."
15:31 What is--what's happening?
15:32 You're being transformed, by what?
15:34 By beholding.
15:36 Now, I'm going to say something.
15:37 I'd like you to repeat it after me.
15:39 By beholding, we are changed.
15:42 It's a law of life.
15:44 Your soul is something like a photographic plate.
15:46 When you aim the camera at something, you press the button,
15:48 it captures an image.
15:51 You become like what you look at.
15:54 The reason that you speak or understand English or those
15:57 listening in Spanish, Spanish, is because that's what
16:00 you've heard.
16:01 The reason you're dressing the way you dress today, you look
16:04 around at what the fashions are and you dress
16:06 accordingly, right?
16:09 We are all influenced by what we take into our eyes.
16:12 Do you want to be like Christ?
16:14 Fix your eyes on Jesus, amen, friends?
16:18 Number nine: Can the gospel really save me from all of
16:22 my sins?
16:23 What does the Bible say?
16:25 God, who has promised.
16:28 He's what?
16:29 "God, who cannot lie, has PROMISED."
16:32 Can you believe the promise, "before time began."
16:36 You can read in Titus 2:14: "Who gave Himself for us that He
16:41 might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for
16:44 Himself, His own special people, zealous of good works."
16:50 He'll be zealous.
16:51 He purifies us.
16:53 As we look at Him, He transforms us.
16:55 He's promised.
16:56 Number 10: Can I be confident that my new-birth experience
17:00 will be successful and lasting?
17:02 How do we know?
17:04 Has God promised that He'll finish what He started?
17:06 You read in Philippians 1:6: "Being confident," you can have
17:10 confidence, friends, "of this very thing, that He that has
17:13 begun a good work in you will," do what?
17:16 You can write that in your lesson.
17:18 "COMPLETE it until the day of Jesus Christ."
17:21 You can read in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 2: "Looking unto
17:25 Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
17:28 If you keep your eyes on Jesus, He will finish what He started
17:31 in your life.
17:33 Can you trust Him?
17:34 You know you can, friends.
17:36 He won't let you down.
17:37 Now, when you look at yourself, you might get disappointed.
17:41 When I look at my life, I realize I'm not what I ought to
17:44 be, but I praise God I'm not what I used to be.
17:48 And when I look at Jesus, I realize I've got a long way
17:51 to go.
17:52 But I believe that He will finish what He started in
17:54 my life.
17:55 You keep Him before you as your goal.
17:58 Number 11: Why do some people fail in their
18:01 Christian experience?
18:03 Answer?
18:05 It says: "All we like sheep," what does Isaiah 53:6 say?
18:09 "All we like sheep have turned, every one, to his OWN WAY."
18:14 We really only have two choices: His will or our will.
18:19 The Bible says that Jesus even struggled in the garden and
18:22 said, "Not my will, Lord.
18:23 Your will be done."
18:25 And we all have that battle between our will and His will.
18:29 But as you surrender to the Lord, so, "Lord, help me be
18:32 willing to do Your will," He will transform you and give you
18:36 that desire.
18:37 You know how a cow is always looking for grass on the other
18:40 side of the fence?
18:41 The devil always wants to embed us with this dissatisfaction.
18:44 We're always thinking it's got to be somewhere else.
18:48 And I asked a rancher one time, "How is it that a cow
18:51 gets lost?"
18:53 Says: "He nibbles his way into being lost.
18:56 He just goes from one tuft of grass to another and stops
18:59 paying attention to where he's at.
19:00 Always looking at what's directly in front of him, going
19:02 his own way."
19:04 And that's how we do it.
19:05 We kind of nibble our way into being lost.
19:07 People backslide.
19:09 You've got to keep fixing your eyes on Jesus.
19:13 Number 12: If I sin after I've
19:16 been born again, am I lost?
19:19 That'd be kind of hopeless, wouldn't it?
19:22 The Bible tells us in Proverbs 24:16: "For a righteous man may
19:27 fall," what?
19:28 "Seven times and," do what?
19:30 "Rise again."
19:33 You can read in the Bible about Mary Magdalene, out of whom
19:35 Jesus cast seven devils.
19:38 And there are people like Peter who followed the Lord and he
19:42 fell, and David fell and Solomon fell, and they were all redeemed
19:48 in the end.
19:49 Do not be discouraged.
19:50 So many people get discouraged, they fall.
19:52 Keep getting back up.
19:54 You need to make constant course corrections.
19:56 You know, I--I'm a pilot and I don't have a plane anymore, but
20:01 I used to fly.
20:02 Think I--was it this year?
20:03 I flew once this year.
20:05 That was kind of cool.
20:06 And I also go out in the woods and I hike and so I've got
20:09 a GPS.
20:10 Now, this is different from the GPS you have in your car.
20:13 GPS in your car will say, "Turn here, turn there," and you're
20:16 going down the road, you know?
20:18 Unless you're doing a lot of off-roading with your rabbit.
20:23 These are telling you where you want to get to and it's got a
20:27 fixed point and it'll show you a straight line, but the terrain
20:31 does not always accommodate a straight line.
20:34 Or you might do a little sightseeing along the way and
20:36 you kind of get off.
20:38 But what you've got to do is just keep saying, "I'm off
20:40 the line."
20:42 So when I'm flying, you can't see this here.
20:45 But when I'm flying it says you got point A, point B.
20:48 Well, you want to go in a straight line, save fuel, save
20:51 time, but I'm what you call a wandering willie pilot.
20:57 If you don't have an autopilot, then you're looking out the
20:59 window and as you look out the window, you start turning a
21:02 little bit, and I look back at the GPS, straighten out and then
21:05 turn a little bit.
21:06 And so sometimes you're doing this but you keep--I keep
21:09 fixing back and I keep doing course correction.
21:14 In the Christian life, there's 1000 million distractions.
21:18 Every day, you keep your eyes on Jesus and His Word.
21:21 As you continue to read His Word, as you fix your eyes on
21:24 Jesus, you keep making course corrections.
21:26 You know, as long as I did that, I always found my destination.
21:31 If you keep making the course corrections, He will get you to
21:34 your destination, amen?
21:36 "If anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone
21:40 TURNS him back," you know what that tells us?
21:42 There are sometimes people that wander from the truth.
21:45 Do not be discouraged.
21:47 Not only should you turn back, but you should be used by God to
21:50 turn other back.
21:52 "Let him know that he that TURNS a sinner from the error of his
21:55 ways will save a soul from," what?
21:58 There's only two choices, friends.
22:00 The Bible says: Believe, everlasting life; do not
22:04 believe, perish.
22:06 Moses said, "I set before you this day, life and good, death
22:11 and cursing."
22:12 Only two choices.
22:14 Hebrews 10:26: "If we continue to sin willfully after we've
22:18 received the knowledge of the truth, there NO LONGER remains a
22:22 sacrifice for sin."
22:24 Now, don't be discouraged.
22:26 It's not saying if after you know the truth, you willfully
22:28 sin, you're lost.
22:29 It means if you continue to live a life of sin.
22:31 What else can God do?
22:33 He needs to save you from your sin.
22:35 The angel told Mary they'll call his name Jesus for He will save
22:38 His people not in their sin; from their sin.
22:43 Now, would God say He's going to do something and not be able to
22:45 do it?
22:46 He can do it for you.
22:48 What other wonderful promises come with receiving the gift of
22:52 the everlasting gospel?
22:55 I can do how many things through Jesus?
22:57 Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ Jesus."
23:01 You and God are a majority, friends.
23:04 It goes on to say, Philippians 4:19, "And my God will,"
23:08 do what?
23:09 "He will SUPPLY all of your needs."
23:11 Everything you need to be saved.
23:13 Don't think that God's going to leave you out or forget
23:14 about you.
23:16 You may have challenges, you'll have temptations, you might have
23:18 periods of discouragement, but God will never ask you to do
23:22 something without giving you the ability to do it, amen?
23:26 He will supply your needs.
23:29 "These things I've spoken to you, that your joy might remain
23:32 in you and that your," what?
23:34 "Your JOY might be full."
23:37 The Lord wants you to have a fullness of joy in your life.
23:41 It's one of Karen's favorite scriptures.
23:43 Psalm 16:11: "In your presence is fullness of joy.
23:47 At your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
23:51 Jesus said, "The thief does not
23:52 come," John 10:10, "except to
23:55 steal, and kill, and destroy.
23:57 I've come that they might have life."
23:59 What kind of life?
24:01 "An abundant life."
24:03 Friends, you know, after I decided to follow Jesus, at
24:05 first I thought, "Well, Lord, I'm committed to follow You, but
24:09 I guess Christians don't have any fun."
24:11 Oh, was I ever wrong?
24:14 I have so much fun being a Christian, and we've been
24:17 traveling the world.
24:19 Just this year, we've been to Egypt and Europe and seen so
24:22 many incredible things.
24:24 Been able to share the gospel and being a Christian is really
24:27 an abundant life.
24:28 Don't believe the lie of the devil, that sin is the
24:32 abundant life.
24:33 It's the miserable life.
24:35 You'll find no peace or happiness.
24:39 "For He Himself has said, 'I will never LEAVE you
24:42 nor,'" what?
24:43 "'I'll never FORSAKE you.'"
24:44 You'll always have a friend with you.
24:46 He says, "I'm with you to the end of the world.
24:48 So we might boldly say: 'The Lord is my helper; I will
24:52 NOT FEAR.'"
24:53 You've got a wonderful friend that will never forget you.
24:56 Peace, He said, He gives us.
24:58 "My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give you.
25:01 Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
25:06 You know, friends, God makes all these wonderful promises for us,
25:09 but the big question is, will you decide now to accept Jesus
25:15 and that everlasting gospel?
25:21 Doug: What if you had an extraordinary friend, always
25:24 dependable, consistently, inspiring you to noble actions,
25:28 bringing out your best character traits, and loving you no
25:31 matter what?
25:33 Someone who would be with you throughout your entire life?
25:36 Well, according to the Bible, you can find that friend
25:39 in Jesus.
25:40 We have a beautiful, full-color resource we'd like to give you
25:43 that will help you get to know Jesus like never before.
25:46 Thousands have become acquainted with Him through this powerful
25:50 life-changing book, and have found in Him a best
25:53 friend forever.
25:54 To get your free copy, call the phone number on your screen and
25:57 ask for Offer number 800 or visit the web address on
26:01 the screen.
26:03 And after you read this incredible resource, make sure
26:05 and share it with a friend.
26:12 Doug: Do you long to experience the peace that can only come
26:15 from our loving heavenly Father?
26:17 Do you desire your heart to be clean and at rest?
26:21 Jesus stands before you right now with His arms open wide to
26:24 receive you.
26:26 Why not ask Him into your life right now?
26:29 Why not receive Him now as your personal Savior?
26:32 Take that first step and say, "Yes, Lord, I choose You."
26:37 He is ready and waiting to receive you.
26:41 Doug: Is there any way you can turn these days to find hope for
26:44 a brighter future?
26:46 Yes, please join me, Doug Batchelor, on September 20 for
26:50 the start of Amazing Facts' "Prophecy Odyssey," a Bible
26:54 study extravaganza.
26:56 These dynamic multimedia presentations will transform
27:00 what we know about the world and your purpose in it.
27:03 Bible prophecy is fast fulfilling.
27:05 Are you ready?
27:06 announcer: For more information and to register,
27:12 Doug: Thank you for tuning in to "Amazing Facts."
27:14 Have you ever wanted to study the teachings of the Bible in an
27:18 easy-to-understand, step-by-step way?
27:21 The Amazing Facts Bible School offers free simple-to-follow
27:25 lessons that will guide you through all of the vital
27:28 teachings of scripture.
27:29 Visit to sign up for your free lessons.
27:34 They're available by mail or online.
27:37 Studies are also offered in multiple languages.
27:40 ♪♪♪
27:52 ♪♪♪
27:57 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free
27:58 offer, it's sure to be a blessing.
28:01 And thank you for your continued support
28:03 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ
28:05 to the world.
28:06 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve
28:08 deep into the Word of God to explore more
28:11 Amazing Facts.
28:14 ♪♪♪
28:24 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the friends of
28:26 the Amazing Facts ministry.


Revised 2024-07-18