Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002403S

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:04 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:06 ♪♪♪
00:10 Doug Batchelor: The Great Basin bristlecone pine is one of the
00:13 longest living organisms on earth.
00:15 Doug: Incredibly, it can live more than 4,000 years.
00:19 In fact, one specimen called the Methuselah tree in the white
00:23 mountains of California is believed to be over 4,700 years
00:27 old, and it's among the oldest living trees on the planet.
00:31 This tree was around when the Egyptians were building
00:34 the pyramids.
00:35 Some of these ancient evergreens found on lonely mountain tops
00:39 have weathered thousands of years of intense freezing wind,
00:42 pounding rain, scorching sun, and violent electrical storms.
00:47 How have they managed to survive for millennia of such harsh
00:51 weather and adverse conditions?
00:53 They do it by sending their roots deep and wrapping them
00:56 tenaciously around the solid rock and hanging on.
00:59 You know, friends, Jesus tells us that there's a time of
01:02 tribulation coming just before His return.
01:05 An intense, frightful storm of trouble unlike anything we've
01:08 ever seen.
01:10 Is your life anchored on the solid rock of Christ?
01:13 Let's explore together from the Bible just what will happen in
01:17 the last days.
01:22 Doug: You know, one of the reasons that World War II was
01:25 won by the Allies was because of a major deception that took
01:30 place about how they were coming to Normandy.
01:35 The English managed to capture one of the enigma machines that
01:39 the Germans used to communicate, and so they already knew
01:42 something about their plans.
01:45 And then they began to send false messages to lead them to
01:49 believe that they were going to do the landing up north, when,
01:52 in reality, it was Normandy.
01:54 And so what they did, they had these plywood phony ships they
02:00 put in the water, and they had inflatable tanks in tents with
02:06 nobody in it because, you know, back then the airplanes didn't
02:09 have the same kind of photography that we have now.
02:11 The German spy planes would fly high over and saw the great, big
02:16 phony army.
02:19 And Hitler was convinced that they were going to be landing at
02:22 a different location, and they directed all of their
02:25 forces there.
02:26 And because they didn't know how they were coming, when the war
02:29 began, they were successful.
02:33 Well, you can spin that around.
02:35 It's very important for us to understand not only that Jesus
02:39 is coming but something about how He's coming or we can
02:43 be deceived.
02:45 Now, this whole series is based on Revelation 14, but I want you
02:49 to look especially right now at Revelation 14, verses 14 and 15.
02:54 "Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud
02:59 sat One like unto the Son of Man, having on His head a golden
03:02 crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.
03:05 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud
03:08 voice to Him who sat on the cloud, 'Thrust in Your sickle,
03:13 reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of
03:17 the earth is ripe.'"
03:19 He's coming to reap the earth.
03:21 He's coming in the clouds of heaven.
03:22 Now, what do they call Him?
03:24 Son of Man.
03:25 Who is that?
03:27 That was one of the most famous terms that Jesus used
03:30 for Himself.
03:32 Who would like to guess how many names Jesus goes by
03:35 in Revelation?
03:38 Someone did a count, and I think it's pretty accurate.
03:41 Thirty-seven different titles for Christ in the book
03:45 of Revelation.
03:46 He's called the first begotten of the dead, the Prince of the
03:49 kings of the earth, the faithful Witness, the Amen.
03:52 I mean, He's got so many titles that tell different facets of
03:55 His character.
03:57 And you ever notice when they introduce royalty, they got
04:00 these long titles?
04:02 Well, Jesus is the King of kings, and He's got many titles
04:05 that describe His territory and His character, and He is coming
04:09 as the conquering King, the rightful owner of this world
04:12 that He's redeemed.
04:14 Amen?
04:15 Now, you can read in Acts 1:11, knowing something about how
04:19 He came.
04:20 "Men of Galilee," the angel said when Jesus ascended up
04:23 into heaven.
04:24 "Why do you stand here gazing up into heaven?
04:27 This same JESUS," who is the Son of Man?
04:31 Jesus, "who was taken up from you into heaven,
04:35 will so come in like manner as you saw Him
04:37 go into heaven."
04:39 They what?
04:40 They saw Him go.
04:41 Will we see Him come?
04:44 So the Bible says there in Acts chapter 1, the angel said He's
04:46 coming the same way He left.
04:47 How did He leave? Left in the clouds.
04:50 How's He coming? Coming in the clouds.
04:52 Was He real when He left?
04:54 Yeah, He said, "Touch me.
04:55 Feel me. I'm not a ghost."
04:57 He ate in front of him. He'll be real when He comes.
04:59 Did they see Him leave?
05:01 Will we see Him come?
05:04 Then will the Rapture be a secret?
05:07 See, the word "rapture," and we--I think most of us all
05:09 believe that we'll be caught up.
05:12 The question is, are people caught up separately and
05:14 secretly while the world goes on?
05:18 And that's what many people believe.
05:20 Let's find out what the Bible teaches on this, okay?
05:23 Question number two: Will Jesus come quietly when He returns?
05:26 Let's first just establish that.
05:28 When the Lord comes back, is it quiet?
05:30 Is it secret?
05:32 Let's see what the Bible says.
05:33 You'll believe the Bible, right, friends?
05:36 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with
05:39 a SHOUT, with the voice of the archangel, and the TRUMPET
05:44 of God."
05:46 You know, I think it's interesting.
05:47 There's a story in the Old Testament, one of my favorite.
05:50 It's in Joshua chapter 2.
05:52 It's the story of Rahab the harlot,
05:54 who's mentioned three times in the New Testament.
05:58 And it tells us that Joshua was coming to Jericho.
06:02 He's entering the Promised Land.
06:04 They're claiming the Promised Land.
06:06 Do you know how to say "Jesus" in Hebrew?
06:08 Joshua. Yeshua.
06:10 Same name. Yeshua.
06:13 And they blew seven trumpets.
06:15 Are there seven trumpets in Revelation?
06:19 And the men shouted, and they blew the trumpet,
06:23 and the walls fell.
06:25 Was that a notable, visible event?
06:27 And Rahab and everybody in her house was saved.
06:31 God's going to save His church; everyone else was destroyed.
06:35 There's a judgment.
06:36 It's a little picture-- miniature Old Testament picture
06:39 of what's coming in the future, and you see that?
06:42 All right.
06:43 The Bible says in Jeremiah 25:30, "The Lord will," do what?
06:48 That's not a very good roar.
06:49 "The Lord's going to roar from
06:51 on high, and utter His voice
06:53 from His holy habitation; He
06:54 will roar," there it is again,
06:56 "mightily against His fold.
06:58 He will give a shout, for those who tread on the grapes," and by
07:02 the way, this is Old Testament.
07:04 Jeremiah, grapes.
07:06 Do you remember Revelation?
07:07 It talks about the winepress press of God's wrath that we
07:10 read about.
07:11 It's a parallel verse.
07:13 Did I tell you there are 404 verses in Revelation, 278 of
07:22 them can be found almost verbatim in the Old Testament?
07:26 If you want to understand Revelation, you need to know the
07:29 Old Testament because there's a lot of parallels there.
07:33 "The Second Coming is going to be like a thief only because it
07:36 will sneak up on those that are not ready."
07:39 The Bible says in Revelation chapter 16:15, "Behold, I am
07:42 coming as a thief."
07:44 People say, "See?
07:45 He's going to snatch away the church."
07:47 But you need to read the whole thing.
07:50 When Jesus comes like a thief to rapture the saints, and I agree.
07:54 He's coming like a thief to rapture them up.
07:56 But is it before or after the tribulation?
08:00 Let's read the whole verse.
08:01 Second Peter chapter 3, verse 10.
08:03 Write that down.
08:05 I think it's in your lesson.
08:06 "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the
08:10 which the heavens will pass away."
08:12 What happens in the day when he comes like a thief?
08:15 "The heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements
08:18 will melt with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are
08:23 in it will be burned up."
08:25 Does life go on for seven more years when Jesus comes
08:27 like a thief?
08:29 No, clearly not.
08:31 What other physical events accompany Jesus's return?
08:34 I'm going to have to move along quickly here, so you stay
08:36 with me.
08:37 "There were noises and," what?
08:39 "THUNDERINGS, lightnings;
08:42 and there was a great,"
08:43 and this is Revelation 16:18.
08:44 "There's a great EARTHQUAKE,
08:46 such a mighty and a great
08:48 earthquake as had not
08:49 occurred on the earth--
08:50 since men are on the earth."
08:53 It is--you're talking about the big one.
08:54 That's the big one, when Jesus comes.
08:57 Who will see Jesus when He comes?
08:58 Is it a secret?
09:00 The Bible says, "Then shall the sign of the Son of Man appear in
09:04 heaven, and then," how many?
09:06 "ALL the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see
09:09 the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven."
09:12 "They will see Him coming."
09:14 What does it say?
09:15 "They will see Him coming."
09:16 Who?
09:18 "ALL, with power and great glory."
09:20 And He sends forth His angels to gather together His elect from
09:23 the four corners of the earth, meaning north, south, east,
09:25 and west.
09:26 Everyone a lot--now someone's going to ask the question,
09:29 "Pastor Doug, the world is round.
09:32 How can everybody in the world see Him come at the same time?"
09:35 Doesn't say "at the same time."
09:37 The day He comes, He's going to sweep around the world, the dead
09:40 will be raised and they're caught up to meet the Lord, and
09:42 the righteous are raptured up to meet the Lord, and He takes them
09:44 back to glory.
09:46 But everyone's going to see Him that day when he comes, right?
09:49 You know, in the next 24 hours, the whole world is going to see
09:51 the sun up in the heavens, right?
09:54 This is--that shouldn't confuse you.
09:57 Who will be with Jesus when He returns in the clouds?
09:59 I should really emphasize "how many?"
10:02 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all of the holy
10:07 ANGELS with Him, then He'll sit on the throne of His glory."
10:12 First Thessalonians 3:13, "At the coming of the Lord Jesus
10:15 with all of His saints."
10:17 Don't miss that. "All."
10:19 It says He's revealed from heaven with His mighty angels,
10:23 coming in the glory of the Father.
10:25 "When He," Jesus, "opened the seventh seal, there's silence in
10:29 heaven for half an hour."
10:30 Now, that's Revelation 8:1.
10:31 What does that mean?
10:33 This explains it: if Jesus comes in the glory of the Father with
10:37 all the angels, would it--who'd be making any noise in heaven?
10:42 Who'd be singing in heaven?
10:43 Why is there silence in heaven?
10:46 Now, it says "for about the space of half an hour."
10:49 In prophetic terminology, a day is a year.
10:52 We'll get to this later, but we'll show you.
10:54 And so, when you break it down, a half an hour prophetically is
10:58 about seven days.
11:00 So the time that Jesus takes to come and to rapture up the
11:04 church and take them on a parade through glory and bring them
11:07 back to heaven, there's silence in heaven for seven days because
11:10 there's no one there.
11:12 Christ and all the angels have come like a victorious parade to
11:15 rescue His redeemed.
11:17 That's why there's silence in heaven.
11:20 What will happen to the righteous at Christ's return?
11:23 "The Lord Himself will descend
11:25 from heaven with a shout,
11:26 with the voice of the archangel,
11:28 with the trumpet of God.
11:29 And the dead in Christ
11:31 will RISE first."
11:33 You know, there's two resurrections, Jesus said.
11:36 There's a resurrection of the just and the resurrection of
11:39 the unjust.
11:40 There's the first resurrection.
11:42 It says in Revelation 20, "The rest of the dead do not come
11:45 forth until the thousand years are finished."
11:46 That's your second resurrection.
11:48 The dead in Christ rise first, and we are caught up to meet Him
11:52 in the air.
11:54 And so, you've got a resurrection happening.
11:56 "Then we who are alive and remain," by the way, this is
11:58 1 Thessalonians 4.
11:59 You can read 16 on through the end of the chapter.
12:03 "We shall be," what?
12:05 "CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds."
12:08 We go up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.
12:12 This is the Rapture.
12:14 The Rapture means to be carried away.
12:17 Thus, we shall always be with the Lord.
12:20 Can you say amen?
12:21 He's going to come send His angels together.
12:24 How's it going to happen?
12:25 First Corinthians 15:52, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an
12:28 eye, at the last trumpet.
12:30 For the trumpet will sound,
12:31 and the dead will be raised
12:33 incorruptible, and we
12:34 will be CHANGED."
12:36 So when the Lord comes, you know, some of us here, you may
12:38 not need to die.
12:41 And I know years ago, I thought, "Oh, I'm in.
12:46 The Lord's going to come before I get old."
12:50 But a day with the Lord is like a thousand years I've learned.
12:53 But I think we're living in that generation where if God doesn't
12:56 come soon, there won't be much left.
12:59 And it's exciting to think--I'd like to live and remain and be
13:02 translated, be transformed without ever tasting death.
13:06 And all of a sudden, you go from this body, and proof, you get
13:09 a glorified, immortal, perfect body
13:12 caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
13:14 How wonderful will that be?
13:16 "And He'll send His angels with the sound of a great trumpet,
13:18 and they will gather together His elect from the four winds of
13:22 the--from four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."
13:26 So as He sweeps around the world, the graves of the
13:30 righteous are opened, and they are resurrected with
13:32 glorified bodies.
13:33 And if they've died and they've, you know, been cremated, He'll
13:36 reassemble--whatever He has to do, and they're going to be
13:38 caught up to meet Him in the air.
13:41 So, considering what we've just looked at--and we've just given
13:44 you a few scriptures.
13:46 We'd be here all night if I gave you all the scriptures.
13:49 Have we learned that the coming of Jesus is literal?
13:53 Personal?
13:54 It says that He Himself is coming.
13:56 Visible?
13:58 Is it audible?
14:00 Trumpet, a roar, shout.
14:03 Is it vitalizing?
14:04 A resurrection.
14:06 Is it glorious?
14:07 All the angels like lightning.
14:08 It's climatic.
14:10 Does it sound like a secret to you?
14:12 No.
14:14 What solemn warning did Jesus give about His Second Coming?
14:17 Now, this is why this is so important.
14:20 "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and
14:25 will DECEIVE many."
14:27 Jesus said, Matthew 24, "FALSE Christs and FALSE prophets will
14:31 rise and show great signs and wonders and DECEIVE, if
14:35 possible, even the very elect."
14:37 If the very elect God-saved people are almost deceived, then
14:41 how convincing are the deceptions?
14:43 That's why you've got to know what's going to keep us from
14:45 being deceived.
14:47 You've got to know what the Bible says, friends.
14:49 Therefore, if they say He's in the desert, do not go forth.
14:53 If He's--boy, what a prime time for Him to suddenly appear in
14:56 Jerusalem right now on the verge of a terrible conflict.
15:01 Just before the Second Coming, Satan, disguise as Jesus, and
15:04 his demons will pour out a mass deception on the world in their
15:08 final attempt to confuse the church and to deceive people.
15:13 You don't have to be deceived.
15:15 So how can I be sure that I'm not deceived in the last days?
15:20 The Bible says the Bible is the answer.
15:24 "To the law and to the testimony!
15:27 If they do not speak according to this Word--" the Bible is
15:29 called the law and the prophets.
15:31 That's an Old Testament--they called it--Jesus called it the
15:33 law and the prophets.
15:34 Sometimes he says "the law and the prophets," and "Moses."
15:37 Sometimes he says "Moses and the prophets," but it's talking
15:39 about the Word of God.
15:41 What keeps us from being deceived?
15:44 How did Jesus meet every temptation?
15:46 The Bible.
15:47 You need to know your Bible because the devil reads
15:48 the Bible.
15:50 Amen.
15:51 "To the law and the testimony!
15:52 If they do not speak according to this WORD, it is because
15:54 there is no light in them."
15:57 Christ says, "Look, I have told you beforehand."
16:00 He says, "I am warning you in My Words so you will not
16:03 be deceived."
16:04 He wants us to know what's coming.
16:06 What can we know about Jesus coming?
16:11 And you notice what it says about "when," not just "how,"
16:13 but now we're talking a little bit about when he's coming.
16:17 Well, for one thing, you read in Matthew 24, verse 33, "So also,
16:22 when you see all these things," what things?
16:24 The signs that He gives.
16:26 "Know that it is NEAR."
16:27 Can we know when his coming is near?
16:30 "Even at the doors."
16:32 But what do we need to be careful to avoid?
16:36 "But of that day and that hour KNOWS no one."
16:41 Nobody knows.
16:42 "Not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
16:46 No one knows the day or the hour.
16:48 Setting dates is not God's will.
16:50 But notice again, He says in Luke 21, verse 28, similar to
16:53 Matthew 24, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up,
16:58 lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."
17:02 Can we tell when it is near?
17:05 The Bible compares the signs of Christ coming to a woman having
17:08 a baby.
17:10 It's birth pangs.
17:12 And father of five children, I know something about how that
17:17 all works.
17:18 And, you know, mama gets big, and at first she starts having
17:22 some contractions.
17:23 It's just warm-up.
17:25 Don't get excited.
17:26 You know, usually first time they run to the hospital
17:27 every time and doctor sends them home.
17:29 They have these Braxton Hicks contractions, and the body is
17:33 just getting ready for liftoff.
17:35 Doesn't mean anything.
17:36 You might have weeks.
17:37 And--but then, as the time gets closer, you start noticing,
17:41 "Ooh, another one.
17:44 Ooh, another one."
17:45 You call the doctor, you know what he's going to say?
17:47 "How far apart are they?
17:49 Don't bother me. I got to go golfing.
17:51 You got plenty of time, especially if it's the
17:53 first one."
17:55 But then, as--you know what happens?
17:57 As they increase in frequency and intensity, you know soon
18:03 you're going to have a baby.
18:06 We've always had wars and rumors of wars.
18:09 There have been earthquakes.
18:10 There's always been problems in the world.
18:13 But when you have world wars and world pandemics and an increase
18:18 in natural disasters, you're seeing the birth pangs getting
18:21 closer and closer together, and studies support that.
18:26 Let's look at what some of those signs are.
18:28 One of the signs you look, for instance, in Daniel 12, verse 4.
18:32 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until
18:35 the time of the end; many will run to and fro," the time of the
18:39 end, what happens?
18:40 "Knowledge will be increased."
18:42 Now, has something happened to human knowledge in the last
18:45 hundred years?
18:46 It is extraordinary.
18:48 You realize for the first 6,000 years of human history, people
18:50 got around on foot or horses, right?
18:54 If you wanted to telephone somebody, you went over to
18:56 their house.
18:58 That's how we communicated.
19:00 Number 10: will there be an opportunity to repent during
19:04 the Second Coming?
19:06 No, it's like a sign out in front of the Baptist church.
19:09 It said, "Repent now, and avoid the rush."
19:13 Because the Bible tells us in Revelation that when they see
19:16 Jesus coming, all the tribes of the earth will mourn.
19:20 It'll be too late then.
19:22 Someone was talking to a rabbi, and they said, "When is the best
19:25 time to repent?"
19:27 The rabbi said, "The last day of your life."
19:30 And he said, "Well, what if I don't know when the last day of
19:32 my life is?"
19:33 He said, "Exactly.
19:36 Do it now."
19:38 You know, whenever the Bible calls a person, Jesus said,
19:41 "Today, if you hear His voice."
19:44 Now is the acceptable time.
19:46 He says, "Come down quickly," He said to Zacchaeus.
19:49 He calls us to Him.
19:50 There's an urgency to come to Him.
19:54 So there will be no extra probationary time.
19:58 The secret Rapture doctrine teaches that after the church is
20:02 raptured, that those who maybe were not ready will then get
20:07 another seven years.
20:09 They'll have to go through the Tribulation, but then they can
20:11 maybe repent and be saved again.
20:14 And then they've got the righteous reigning over the
20:16 wicked for a thousand years, and that just seems
20:17 really strange to me.
20:19 Righteous with immortal, glorified bodies reigning over
20:21 the wicked that are dying?
20:23 It's really bizarre.
20:25 The Bible tells us that when we enter that 1,000 years, there is
20:30 no more sin and suffering for God's people.
20:33 So study this prayerfully and carefully.
20:36 I want you to be ready.
20:38 What will happen to the wicked when Christ returns?
20:41 "That lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will
20:44 CONSUME with the breath of His mouth and DESTROY with the
20:48 brightness of His coming."
20:50 When does the Antichrist get destroyed?
20:53 Brightness of His coming.
20:55 He doesn't get 3 1/2 years to sit in the temple.
20:57 The coming of the Lord destroys him.
20:59 Is that clear?
21:02 You know, on a--if you take a flashlight out into the woods at
21:09 night and you turn over a log and turn on the light, all the
21:15 cockroaches sort of run from the light, but the moths will come
21:20 to the light.
21:22 The coming of the Lord is going to be kind of like that, and
21:26 there's going to be the saved; they're going to come to Christ,
21:30 and then you're going to have the lost that are going to run
21:32 like cockroaches.
21:33 So what do you want to be, a butterfly or a cockroach?
21:37 Ever think of it that way?
21:39 Do you want to welcome His coming, or are you going to run
21:41 from the brilliance of His coming?
21:43 "The rest were KILLED with the sword which proceeded from the
21:47 mouth of Him who sat on the throne--on his horse."
21:49 So, first of all, is Jesus going to have a sword in His mouth
21:52 when He comes?
21:54 No, it's a symbol for the Word of God in His mouth.
21:56 They're slain.
21:57 The Bible says they're all judged by the Word.
21:59 They've been warned.
22:01 Number 12: what is the primary purpose for the Second Coming?
22:06 Why is Jesus coming?
22:07 To get even with the wicked?
22:09 No.
22:10 He said, "I go to prepare a place for you.
22:13 And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will RECEIVE you to
22:16 myself; that where I am, you may be also."
22:20 He wants us to be with Him more than anything else.
22:24 The whole purpose of the plan of salvation--for the joy that was
22:27 set before Him--He endured the cross so you could be with Him.
22:32 He desperately wants you to be saved, and it breaks His heart
22:36 for those that don't get ready.
22:39 Since we're living just before
22:40 the Second Coming, how should we
22:43 relate to this glorious event?
22:45 See if we can time things so we
22:46 repent on the last day to get
22:49 ready then, or does the Bible
22:51 say, "Therefore also be READY."
22:56 When could you be ready for the Second Coming?
23:00 By the time we have closing prayer.
23:02 If you tell the Lord, you here, you who are watching.
23:06 If you tell the Lord and say, "Lord, I want to be ready.
23:09 I don't know how to do it, but I believe that you're going to
23:11 make it possible."
23:12 And you give yourself to Him, He will get you ready.
23:15 Do you believe it, friends?
23:17 Jesus is coming very soon in the clouds, and he wants you to be
23:22 ready to meet Him.
23:24 Interesting story from history.
23:25 I think many of us recall that when Pearl Harbor happened and
23:30 when second World War began, America entered the war, we had
23:34 a lot of troops that were stationed in the Philippines,
23:37 and they just were not prepared for this attack.
23:41 And thousands of troops, British and English, were trapped
23:45 in Corregidor.
23:46 Roosevelt told MacArthur, "You need to get out while you can.
23:51 You're one of the most important generals."
23:54 He managed to barely escape, and before he left, he said,
23:57 literally, "I shall come again."
24:02 A lot of those troops, they fought to the bitter end, and it
24:04 was the biggest surrender in American history aside from the
24:08 Civil War.
24:09 Two more years went by and there was a lot of fighting, and true
24:15 to his word, MacArthur then strode ashore in the Philippines
24:18 with 270,000 soldiers fighting, and they took it back, and they
24:24 liberated the troops that survived.
24:27 If he would keep that promise and say, "I will come again.
24:31 I haven't forgotten about you."
24:34 Would Jesus leave when He said, "I shall come again."
24:37 Do you believe Him?
24:38 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God,
24:40 believe in Me.
24:41 In My Father's house are many mansions.
24:43 I will come again."
24:45 He wants you to be ready, friends.
24:48 Do you want to be ready?
24:49 ♪♪♪
24:53 Doug: Are you familiar with the prophetic signs of Christ's
24:55 return and just how close we really are to the most
24:59 extraordinary cosmic event in history?
25:02 Will we be suddenly and secretly raptured as millions are left
25:05 behind, or will Jesus's return be as loud and bright as
25:10 lightning from sky to sky?
25:12 Well, there might be a million different theories out there,
25:15 but there's only one Bible truth.
25:17 And Jesus promises if we seek, we will find.
25:21 That's why "Amazing Facts" wants you to have the rock-solid facts
25:25 on this subject with our newest Bible resource.
25:28 It's called "The Day of the Lord."
25:31 This colorful, fully illustrated magazine contains every
25:34 fascinating fact you need to know about the when, where, and
25:38 how of Jesus's soon return.
25:41 To get your free copy, call the phone number on the screen and
25:44 ask for offer number 825, or visit the web address.
25:48 And after you read this incredible resource, be sure and
25:51 share it with a friend.
25:53 ♪♪♪
25:59 Doug: Friend, God came to earth 2,000 years ago in the form of
26:03 a man.
26:04 His name was Jesus.
26:06 He came for three reasons: to show us what God is like,
26:10 to show us how to live, and finally, to die for our sins
26:14 that we might be forgiven.
26:16 But this only works if you choose to accept Him as your
26:18 personal Savior, confess you're sorry for your sins, and invite
26:23 Him to be the Lord of your life.
26:25 His arms are open wide.
26:27 Why don't you ask Him now?
26:29 Doug: Is there anywhere you can turn these days to find hope for
26:32 a brighter future?
26:34 Yes.
26:35 Please join me, Doug Batchelor, on September 20 for the start of
26:39 "Amazing Facts" Prophecy Odyssey, a Bible
26:42 study extravaganza.
26:44 These dynamic multimedia presentations will transform
26:48 what we know about the world and your purpose in it.
26:51 Bible prophecy is fast fulfilling.
26:53 Are you ready?
26:54 announcer: For more information and to register,
26:56 visit
27:00 Doug: Thank you for tuning in to "Amazing Facts."
27:03 Have you ever wanted to study the teachings of the Bible in
27:06 an easy to understand, step-by-step way?
27:09 The "Amazing Facts" Bible school offers free, simple to follow
27:13 lessons that will guide you through all of the vital
27:16 teachings of scripture.
27:17 Visit to sign up for your free lessons.
27:22 They're available by mail or online.
27:25 Studies are also offered in multiple languages.
27:29 ♪♪♪
27:46 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
27:48 It's sure to be a blessing.
27:50 And thank you for your continued support as we
27:52 take the gospel of Jesus Christ
27:54 to the world.
27:55 We hope you'll join us next week as we
27:57 delve deep into the Word of God
28:00 to explore more amazing facts.
28:02 ♪♪♪
28:12 ♪♪♪
28:24 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the friends of
28:26 the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2024-07-18