Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002405S

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:04 by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:09 Doug Batchelor: Did you know most baby mammals, birds,
00:11 and even some fish instinctively identify and bond with their
00:15 parents in the very early stages of their lives?
00:19 But if the parents aren't available, well, some strange
00:21 things can happen.
00:23 In the 1930s, Austrian zoologist, Konrad Lorenz
00:27 conducted some of the first experiments on the imprinting of
00:31 precocial birds, those that leave the nest soon
00:34 after hatching.
00:35 When he presented himself to a newly hatched group of mallard
00:39 ducklings and he quacked softly to them, they recognized him as
00:43 their mother and consequently followed him everywhere.
00:46 Cross species imprinting has been observed many times even
00:51 among some species that are naturally enemies, like cats and
00:54 squirrels or lions and antelope.
00:56 Did you know that in a spiritual sense, we humans can also
01:00 be imprinted?
01:01 We tend to become like what we look at.
01:05 That's why it's so important that we fix our eyes on Jesus.
01:09 So join me today as we explore the Bible facts about how we can
01:14 be imprinted by our heavenly Father and have a life-changing
01:18 experience with Jesus.
01:23 Doug: We've got a verse--everything we're doing in
01:25 this series, we're basing it on Revelation 14, and I want to
01:29 tell you why this fits into our study tonight.
01:32 You look in verse 6, and it pictures three angels flying in
01:36 the midst of heaven.
01:37 Who remembers what the word "angel" means?
01:40 A messenger flying in heaven.
01:42 These are good, godly messengers, the angels on earth,
01:45 and the beasts, they're all down below.
01:47 An angel flying is a symbol of a message that goes to the world,
01:52 and God--the messages of angels usually go through people.
01:56 You'll often find angels will tell people to give messages,
02:00 and so, it's telling about this message that goes around the
02:03 world, and of course, you've got first, second, third
02:06 angel's message.
02:07 And then if you look in verse 14, "I behold, there was a white
02:11 cloud, and One on the cloud like the Son of Man, coming,"
02:14 who is that?
02:16 Jesus comes.
02:17 So after these messages go to the world just at the end of
02:19 time, Jesus comes.
02:22 What is in this first angel's message?
02:24 In verse 6, Revelation 14:6, "I saw another angel flying in the
02:28 midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to
02:32 those who dwell on the earth--to every nation, tribe, tongue, and
02:35 people--saying," here it is, "with a loud voice, 'Fear God',"
02:39 and the loud voice here is "megaphone" in Greek, megaphone.
02:42 Y'all know what that means, right?
02:43 Megaphono.
02:44 It's saying loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to Him,
02:48 glorify God, the hour of His judgment is come," clearly near
02:52 the end, right?
02:54 And it says, "And worship Him that made the heaven and the
02:59 earth, and the sea and the springs of water."
03:04 This is dealing with a quote from the Ten Commandments, "For
03:10 in six days the Lord made the
03:11 heaven, the earth, the sea,
03:13 and the fountains of waters."
03:15 And you'll see that in Exodus 20, verse 11.
03:18 So after God makes man, how many days in creation?
03:22 Six days of creation.
03:23 But how many days in a week?
03:25 Seven, why?
03:27 After God created everything, He then created a period of time,
03:33 a dimension of time, a day for communion, for fellowship, to
03:39 put aside aside--aside the distractions of work and things
03:42 like that for focusing on relationship, and He said this
03:47 has to happen on a regular basis for love and relationship to be
03:50 strong with each other and with God.
03:54 We need that time, and He knew that we'd get distracted, and
03:57 that's why in the Ten Commandments it
03:58 says, "Remember."
04:00 'Cause we're prone to forget.
04:03 How many of you remember in the story of the Exodus, when Moses
04:07 comes to the Pharaoh and he says, "God has sent me to say,
04:10 'Let my people go,'" and the Pharaoh said, "I'm not gonna let
04:14 them go," and he said to Moses, "You are causing the people to
04:20 Shabbat from their labors."
04:22 Do you know that's the word that the Pharaoh used?
04:25 See, when Moses came out of the wilderness and God sent him, he
04:28 first met with the elders of Israel and said, "God is getting
04:31 ready to act in a mighty way to deliver you from your slavery.
04:34 You need to reconsecrate yourselves to God.
04:37 Turn back. Obey him.
04:38 Remember His Sabbath."
04:40 And they started doing it again, and the Pharaoh heard that.
04:42 He said, "I've heard you're causing the people to Shabbat."
04:45 And then the Pharaoh said, "I'm gonna make sure that they
04:48 cannot rest.
04:50 I am not gonna let them have straw anymore.
04:51 They're gonna have to collect their own straw.
04:53 I'm gonna intensify their labor so that they work, work, work
04:56 and they can't think about their God anymore."
04:59 Moses is like Jesus saying, "Let my people go."
05:02 The Pharaoh is saying, "Work, work, work and don't think
05:04 about God."
05:05 Jesus said, "Beware.
05:07 Be careful that your hearts are not overcharged with eating, and
05:10 drinking, and the cares of this life."
05:12 So that day, whether it's your death or the Second Coming, that
05:16 day overtakes you as a thief.
05:19 Some people plan on changing one of these days and they never do.
05:24 God says, "We need to pause, and keep recalibrating, and making
05:27 sure that God is our priority."
05:29 So, question number 1, we got a lot to cover: When did God
05:33 establish the Sabbath?
05:35 Genesis 2, verse 1 through 3: "Thus the heavens and the earth,
05:39 and all the host of them, were FINISHED.
05:41 And on the seventh day He ended his work which He had done, and
05:45 He rested on the seventh day."
05:47 Now, what chapter of the Bible is this?
05:51 Fir--book of Genesis, first book, second chapter.
05:53 How far back does the Sabbath go?
05:57 This is why Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man way
06:01 back in the beginning.
06:02 Question number 2: What day of the week is the Sabbath?
06:07 What does the Bible say?
06:09 Exodus 20, verse 10: "The," what?
06:11 "SEVENTH DAY is the Sabbath of the Jews," Sabbath of who?
06:17 "The Lord thy God."
06:20 And then you look again in Genesis chapter 2.
06:23 Let's read the rest of that: "And on the," what's it say?
06:27 "SEVENTH DAY God ended His work which He had done, and He rested
06:31 on the SEVENTH DAY from all the h--the work that He had done.
06:35 And then God blessed the SEVENTH DAY and sanctified it, because
06:39 He rested from all His work which He had created and made."
06:42 Now, did God say, "I want you to remember a seventh day?"
06:47 Did God say “a” seventh day is the Sabbath, or did he say "the"
06:50 seventh day?
06:53 If I were to say to you, "Now, can you please bring me a book?"
06:57 You could grab the hymnal in the back of the seat there.
07:00 You could grab a Bible.
07:01 You could grab Harry Potter.
07:02 You can grab anything.
07:04 Hopefully, there's no Harry Potter books here.
07:06 Right, a book is a book.
07:09 It could be your phone book in your top pocket.
07:12 I--but if I said, "Bring me 'the book,'" you'd want--look around,
07:17 you go, "Wonder who has 'the book.'"
07:18 It's a definite article.
07:20 It's talking about a specific book, isn't that right?
07:24 So when God says that "the seventh day is the Sabbath of
07:27 the Lord," it's as definite as the language can make it.
07:30 He's talking about something specific.
07:32 Now, if you're wondering, "Well, what day is the seventh day?"
07:35 We don't really know anymore.
07:36 Calendar has been changed.
07:37 You've probably heard that.
07:39 No, no calendar change has ever affected the weekly cycle.
07:42 The "Merriam-Webster Dictionary,"
07:45 I typed in the word "Saturday."
07:47 The definition: "the seventh day of the week."
07:50 So we know what day is the seventh day, and if you doubt
07:53 that, there's about 16 million Jews in the world that still
07:57 know what day it is.
07:58 Has the calendar ever been changed?
08:01 Yes, about 500 years ago, we transferred from the Julian
08:06 calendar that goes way back before Christ to Julius Caesar
08:10 to the Gregorian calendar.
08:13 Thursday the 4th became Friday the 15th.
08:17 But here's a question.
08:19 What day followed Thursday?
08:21 Friday.
08:23 No change in the calendar has ever affected the weekly cycle.
08:27 So, there's no question about the days of the week.
08:31 People have no problem with that until they learn the
08:32 Sabbath truth.
08:34 Number 3: How are we to memorialize the Sabbath?
08:38 God tells us, says in Isaiah 66, verse 23, "And it will come to
08:43 pass that from one New Moon to
08:45 another, and from one Sabbath to
08:47 another, shall all flesh come to?"
08:49 congregation: "WORSHIP."
08:51 Doug: Or does it say "all Jews?"
08:53 Says "all flesh," it's all people, "'Come to
08:55 WORSHIP before Me,' says the Lord."
08:57 It's talking about in the new earth, from month to month, from
09:00 week to week, all flesh will come to worship before Me.
09:04 Again, Exodus 20, verse 8: "Remember the Sabbath day,
09:07 to KEEP it HOLY.
09:08 Six days you should labor and do all of your work, but the
09:10 seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
09:13 In it you shall do NO WORK: you, or your son, or your daughter,
09:16 or your male servant, your family servants," even animals
09:20 were given time off.
09:21 God's a loving God, "Your cattle, nor the stranger within
09:25 your gates."
09:27 Again, you read in Isaiah 58:13, "If you TURN AWAY your foot from
09:30 the Sabbath, from doing YOUR pleasure on My holy day, and
09:35 call the Sabbath a delight," is it a burden or a delight?
09:38 "on My holy day, call it a delight, the holy of the Lord
09:41 honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing YOUR own ways, or
09:45 finding YOUR own pleasure, or speak," it doesn't mean you're
09:47 not supposed to have any pleasure.
09:49 You should enjoy your food on the Sabbath.
09:51 It means it's doing your own thing or speaking your
09:53 own words.
09:55 We should be talking about spiritual things.
09:57 The Bible also tells us it's a holy convocation.
10:01 "Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is
10:04 a Sabbath, a solemn rest, a holy CONVOCATION.
10:09 You shall not do any work in it; it's a Sabbath of the Lord in
10:13 all of your dwellings."
10:14 Wherever you happen to be in your homes, you keep the
10:16 Sabbath, and your son and daughter that are with you, if
10:19 anyone's in your gates, you invite them to keep the Sabbath.
10:21 But it calls it a holy what?
10:23 Convocation.
10:24 This is a convocation.
10:25 Convocation means assembly, a convening, a coming together.
10:28 It's not only a day where you rest, but we should come
10:31 together to worship the Lord, and this was the habit and
10:33 pattern of our Savior as well.
10:34 Number 4: When does the Sabbath begin and end?
10:39 And some people have been confused about this, but the
10:42 Bible's pretty clear.
10:43 It says, "From EVENING to EVENING, shall you celebrate
10:48 your sabbath."
10:49 Sabbath begins Friday sundown and ends Saturday sundown, and
10:53 you probably have some Jewish friends and you already
10:55 knew that.
10:57 Number 5: Does the Sabbath matter to God?
11:01 The Sabbath truth.
11:02 What does the Bible say?
11:04 "Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy, as the Lord your God
11:08 COMMANDED you."
11:09 Moses said it there in Exodus and again before he
11:11 dies in Deuteronomy 5.
11:12 He says to remember it. God's commanded you.
11:16 Does God make--this is question 6: Did God make the Sabbath only
11:19 for Israelites?
11:21 What does it say?
11:23 "And He [Jesus]
11:25 said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for MAN, and
11:29 not MAN for the Sabbath.'"
11:31 What does that mean?
11:32 By the way, the word that Jesus uses here, and I put it on the
11:34 screen, when He said, "The Sabbath was made for man," Jesus
11:37 easily could have said "Jew."
11:39 The word He uses is the word anthropos, and you probably
11:42 recognize anthropology.
11:44 It's the study of man, and the word there means humanity.
11:48 The Sabbath was made for humanity.
11:51 Why in the world would God eliminate this one law from the
11:54 Ten Commandments?
11:56 Do only Jews need rest, or does everybody need rest?
12:01 Did Jesus keep the Sabbath?
12:04 Let's look at the example of our Savior.
12:07 "So He," Jesus, "came to Nazareth,
12:10 where He had been brought up.
12:12 And as His custom was," what's a custom?
12:14 Something you do once or twice, or it's
12:15 a way of life?
12:17 "As His custom was, He went into the
12:19 synagogue on the SABBATH day,
12:21 and He stood up to read,"
12:23 He read the scriptures.
12:25 And you have the story.
12:26 He read Isaiah 61 that day.
12:27 He read the scriptures on the Sabbath day.
12:30 It was His pattern.
12:32 You can also read here in Mark 1:21, "Immediately on the
12:37 SABBATH day He entered the synagogue and He taught."
12:40 If you're doing what Jesus did, you're safe.
12:44 "But Pastor Doug, didn't Jesus break the Sabbath?"
12:47 No.
12:48 "Was He accused of it?"
12:50 Yes.
12:51 His enemies accused Him of being a drunk.
12:53 Was He a drunk?
12:55 They accused Him of being a Samaritan.
12:56 Was He a Samaritan?
12:58 They accused Him of being a wine bibber.
13:00 They accused Him of being demon-possessed and Beelzebub
13:04 and--yeah, they accused Him of all kinds of things that
13:07 weren't true.
13:08 Jesus said, "I have kept my Father's commandments," John
13:11 chapter 15, "I have kept my Father's commandments, and I
13:14 abide in His love."
13:16 What is sin?
13:17 Transgression of the law.
13:18 Did Jesus ever sin?
13:20 No.
13:21 Did Jesus have arguments about the Sabbath with the
13:24 religious leaders?
13:25 Yes.
13:27 Was the argument ever whether or not it should be kept, or how it
13:31 should be kept?
13:33 All the disputes Jesus ever had about the Sabbath were never
13:36 disputes about whether it should be kept.
13:38 There were disputes about how it should be kept.
13:41 They were attaching all these man-made burdens to the law that
13:44 God didn't attach, saying that He couldn't heal somebody.
13:48 You could get your donkey out of the ditch on the Sabbath day,
13:50 but you couldn't heal an old woman.
13:53 And so, Jesus said--and matter of fact, it says He was angry
13:56 with them because of the hardness of their hearts.
13:59 So that was never the issue.
14:02 Did Paul and the other apostles honor the Sabbath day?
14:06 Paul, after being converted, "He reasoned in the synagogue,"
14:10 one Sabbath?
14:12 "Every SABBATH, persuading," just the Jews.
14:15 No, persuading who?
14:17 "Jews and Greeks," Greeks was a word it meant anyone non-Jew
14:19 Gentile, "Persuading the Jews and the Greeks about Jesus on
14:24 the Sabbath day."
14:26 "Then Paul, as his custom was, he went to them for
14:29 three SABBATHS.
14:30 He reasoned with them from the Scriptures."
14:32 Some said, "Well, he was just doing that because he was
14:35 accommodating the Jews."
14:36 No, keep reading.
14:38 Look at what it says in Acts 13, verse 42:
14:40 "When the Jews went out
14:42 of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged him
14:45 that these words might be preached
14:47 to them," when?
14:48 "The next SABBATH."
14:51 So, you have Moses keeping it.
14:55 You have Jesus keeping the Sabbath day.
14:59 You have the apostles keeping the Sabbath day.
15:01 You go to Isaiah 66, and it says, "'For as the new heavens
15:05 and the new earth That I will make will remain before Me,'
15:07 says the LORD, 'shall--So shall your seed in your name remain.
15:10 And it shall come to pass That from one New Moon to another,
15:14 And one Sabbath to another, Shall all flesh
15:17 come and worship before Me.'"
15:19 Adam and Eve kept it in the garden.
15:21 Moses kept it. Jesus kept it.
15:23 We know the old Testament prophets.
15:25 Read Nehemiah. Read Jeremiah.
15:27 They all kept it. Apostles kept it.
15:28 We're gonna keep it in heaven.
15:30 Can you think of a compelling reason why the church should not
15:33 be keeping that one Commandment right now?
15:34 Maybe that's why the angel is seen flying in the midst of
15:37 heaven before the Second Coming, calling God's people back to
15:41 worship him that made the heavens and the earth, and the
15:44 sea, and the fountains of waters.
15:47 'Cause the Sabbath is a memorial of creation.
15:51 Number 9: Did Jesus's resurrection change God's holy
15:55 day from Saturday to Sunday?
15:58 Some people say, "Well, if He rose the first day and that
16:01 became a new Sabbath because the Bible says that they got
16:05 together on the first day of the week and they broke bread."
16:07 Well, there's one occasion it says where they got together and
16:10 they broke bread, but you also read they broke bread, you can
16:14 read in Acts chapter 2, from house to house daily.
16:18 Breaking bread didn't mean a Communion service.
16:20 It meant eating.
16:22 Now, there are times they did have Communion services.
16:24 But it tells us what day of the week did Jesus have the
16:28 Last Supper?
16:30 Thursday, right?
16:32 Yeah.
16:35 Did that become a new Sabbath?
16:36 How important was that, when he instituted the New Covenant?
16:38 It's important.
16:40 What day of the week did Jesus die?
16:42 Friday.
16:43 Was that important?
16:45 Did it become a new Sabbath?
16:47 What day did He rise?
16:49 Sunday.
16:51 Was that important?
16:53 Does the Bible say it became a new Sabbath?
16:55 Show me one verse in the Bible that commands us to keep the
17:00 first day of the week as the Sabbath.
17:03 Only reason I can do that is I know it's not there.
17:07 And yet, what day does most of the Christian world keep?
17:11 Is there a command that tells us to keep the seventh day?
17:15 Yes, and you know what you're gonna hear?
17:16 I'm just telling you what you're gonna hear.
17:19 People are gonna say we're only supposed to keep the
17:20 commandments that are repeated in the New Testament, and the
17:23 Sabbath's not repeated.
17:25 Pastors say things and they figure people won't look it up
17:27 for themselves, but that is an absolute myth.
17:30 Show me where in the New Testament you find the
17:32 commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD God in
17:35 vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name
17:38 in vain."
17:39 Where is that in the New Testament?
17:41 Not there.
17:43 I think we're still supposed to keep that commandment, would
17:45 you agree?
17:46 But do you find the Sabbath in the New Testament?
17:50 Several times.
17:51 Hebrews chapter 4, "He spake in a certain place of the seventh
17:54 day on this wise.
17:55 God did rest from His works.”
17:58 And so, it's all through the New Testament.
18:00 So I hear all kinds of myths that people just buy into.
18:03 He rose, and it became the new Sabbath.
18:05 That sounds beautiful, but where is it in the Word?
18:08 It's not there.
18:10 And so God is calling his people back to the Word in the last
18:13 days, friends.
18:15 Why else would Jesus say, warning his disciples about the
18:19 end of the world and the destruction of Jerusalem,
18:21 "And pray?"
18:23 He's looking ahead in prophecy, "Pray that your flight will not
18:25 be in the winter or on the," what?
18:28 "The SABBATH day."
18:29 Jesus, looking down in time, knew his people would still be
18:32 recognizing the Sabbath.
18:33 Why else would He say that?
18:37 He knew they'd be keeping it.
18:38 Number 10: What day is the "Lord's Day?"
18:43 Exodus 20, verse 10: "But the seventh day is the Sabbath of
18:48 the LORD your God."
18:50 What day is the Lord's Day?
18:51 Sabbath Day.
18:53 Let's give you another one: "If you turn away your foot from
18:55 doing your pleasure on MY holy day," what day does God call
18:58 His day?
19:00 The Sabbath day.
19:01 And again, Jesus says, "Therefore the Son of Man is
19:04 LORD also of the Sabbath."
19:07 There's no question about what day it is.
19:10 Number 11: Why does so much of the world believe that Sunday is
19:17 a holy day?
19:19 Or that God's holy day is Sunday, I should say.
19:22 You know, this was foretold in prophecy.
19:24 You can see it in Daniel.
19:25 It's also in Revelation.
19:26 If you look in Daniel 7:25, "He the beast power will speak
19:30 pompous words against the Most High, and persecute the saints
19:34 of the Most High, and think to CHANGE times and laws."
19:39 Which one of the Ten Commandments is a time
19:41 and a law?
19:43 Fourth Commandment.
19:44 This is Encyclopedia Britannica:
19:46 "The Roman emperor Constantine,
19:48 a convert to Christianity,
19:50 introduced the first civil
19:53 legislation concerning SUNDAY in
19:54 321, when He decreed that all
19:55 should cease work on that day,"
19:58 unless you are working on a farm.
20:00 You have to know what happened.
20:02 The Jews had become very unpopular.
20:04 Christians, not wanting to be associated with Jews, began to
20:08 compromise with the state.
20:10 They began to commingle the government religion with
20:13 Christianity, and it just all kind of got shmurgled up
20:17 together, where they took some of the pagan things.
20:19 The Romans were worshiping the sun on the first
20:21 day of the week.
20:23 They said, "You know, if we just change the day,
20:24 we can reach more pagans.
20:25 We'll accommodate them."
20:27 And so, little by little, they began to change and get away
20:30 trying to distance themselves from the Jews, even though the
20:33 Bible was very clear what day was the Sabbath Day.
20:36 And it eventually became universal in the Catholic
20:39 Church, and the Protestant churches that came out of the
20:41 Catholic Church still kind of retained some of that.
20:45 So, that's the history in just a nutshell.
20:47 A little more proof: did you
20:49 know that out of 108 languages
20:51 of the world, the word for
20:52 Saturday is Sabbath?
20:55 How do you say Saturday in Spanish?
20:57 Sabado.
20:59 Any Russians here? Russkis?
21:01 [speaking foreign language]
21:03 No Russki?
21:04 Subbota, right?
21:06 There you got it, Arabic and Indonesian.
21:08 We don't have room to put all 108 up there.
21:10 Isn't that interesting?
21:11 Their word for Saturday is
21:13 Sabbath because it goes all the
21:15 way back to the Tower of Babel, friends, when they
21:18 all scattered.
21:19 Will the saved keep the Sabbath in the new earth?
21:22 I quoted this to you a moment ago: "'For as the new heavens
21:25 and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me,
21:28 says the Lord, 'So shall your descendants in your name remain.
21:31 And it'll come to pass it from one New Moon to another, and one
21:35 SABBATH to another, ALL flesh will come to worship before
21:39 Me.'" What was this all about?
21:41 A memorial of worship that God has made.
21:44 It's gonna be the issue in the last days, and this particular
21:47 Commandment is gonna be an issue in the last days.
21:50 Number 13: Of what two precious things does God say the Sabbath
21:56 is a sign?
21:58 Now, when you see in a Revelation study like this the
22:01 word "sign," that should mean something.
22:06 You got people who are gonna have the seal of God, and then
22:08 others have the mark of the beast.
22:10 What is the Sabbath the sign of?
22:12 Read in Exodus 31:17, "It is a sign between Me and the children
22:17 of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord MADE the heaven,
22:20 the earth, and on the seventh day He rested," it is a sign
22:24 that you are His children.
22:26 You say, "Well, that's for the Israelites."
22:27 Don't forget, friends, the New Covenant is made only with the
22:29 house of Israel.
22:30 You are grafted into that promise.
22:32 It's a sign that He's Creator and that He can recreate you.
22:37 How many need a new heart created?
22:38 You pray, "Create in me a new heart, oh God."
22:41 Sabbath reminds us He can create out of nothing, and we need that
22:46 new creation.
22:47 What else is the Sabbath a sign of?
22:49 You can read in Exodus 20, verse 12: "Moreover I gave them My
22:53 Sabbaths, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might
22:55 know that I am the Lord who," does what?
22:58 "SANCTIFIES them," that means "makes them holy."
23:01 You realize that the pure in heart will see God.
23:05 He needs to make us holy.
23:06 The Sabbath is a holy day, and whenever we remember that holy
23:10 day, we believe He can make us holy if He can make a day
23:12 holy, amen?
23:14 And we need to remember that it's a memorial that He can
23:17 recreate us and make us holy.
23:20 Some will argue, "Well, Pastor, that keeping the Sabbath
23:23 is legalism."
23:25 How can God calling us into rest be legalism?
23:30 Don't fall for these arguments, friends.
23:33 It is as clear as day.
23:34 If you believe the Bible and the Ten Commandments, the
23:37 Sabbath--practically, we need it.
23:39 Spiritually, we need it.
23:40 And for every reason.
23:42 Do you know why the people fight it?
23:44 Because it doesn't follow the popular tradition.
23:48 Jesus said, "You have a fine way of putting aside the
23:50 commandments of God that you might observe the traditions
23:54 of men."
23:55 What is more important, commandments of God or
23:57 traditions of men?
23:59 "There remains," New Testament, Hebrews 4 and 9, "There remains
24:03 therefore a REST for the people of God," that word "rest" there
24:07 in the original is "sabbatismos," Sabbath, "There
24:11 remains a Sabbath for the people of God.
24:13 For he has entered His REST has himself ceased from his works as
24:17 God did."
24:18 And then Jesus, in that great invitation, "Come unto Me,
24:22 all you who are weary and heavy laden," and what will He
24:25 give us?
24:26 "I will give you rest."
24:28 The Lord wants you to have that rest, friends.
24:31 You know who has no rest in Revelation?
24:33 Those that worship the beast have no rest, day or night.
24:38 Notice the contrast, friends.
24:40 Those that rest in Jesus, Sabbath is a sign of that.
24:43 The beast power, they don't rest.
24:46 How many of you would like to say, "I want that rest?"
24:53 Doug: Amazing Facts International is committed to
24:56 global evangelism.
24:58 Through various forms of media, such as radio, television,
25:01 satellite, and live streaming, we are fulfilling the gospel
25:05 commission and reaching the world like never before.
25:08 With radio programs, such as our "Bible Answers Live" broadcast,
25:12 with recorded TV programs, like this one, and through
25:16 full-length documentaries, including our “Kingdoms in Time"
25:19 and our “Revelation: The Bride, the Beast, and Babylon," our
25:22 goal is simple: to share God's loving truth with a world
25:26 in need.
25:27 I am confident today's free offer will enrich your
25:30 understanding of the Bible and bless you and your loved ones.
25:34 Simply follow the instructions on your screen, and we'll send
25:37 it to you at no charge, and once you read it, be sure to share it
25:41 with a friend.
25:42 ♪♪♪
25:50 Doug: Friend, God came to earth 2,000 years ago in the form of
25:55 a man.
25:56 His name was Jesus.
25:57 He came for three reasons: to show us what God is like, to
26:01 show us how to live, and finally, to die for our sins
26:05 that we might be forgiven.
26:07 But this only works if you choose to accept Him as your
26:10 personal Savior, confess you're sorry for your sins, and invite
26:14 Him to be the Lord of your life.
26:16 His arms are open wide.
26:18 Why don't you ask Him now?
26:22 announcer: Have you always wanted to be a Bible expert but
26:25 never knew where to start?
26:27 Are you searching for answers that will bring you joy, peace,
26:30 and fulfillment?
26:32 Then you'll love the Amazing Facts's "Storacles of Prophecy"
26:35 Bible study experience.
26:37 Now available in 18 languages, featuring 24 easy-to-read
26:41 lessons, the Storacles are packed with scripture and
26:45 step-by-step guidance that will give you absolute confidence
26:49 about what the Bible actually says about the Second Coming,
26:52 the Rapture, the Antichrist, and the mark of the beast.
26:55 You'll also get the truth about hell and the afterlife and
26:59 practical insight about grace, salvation, and how to truly live
27:04 like Jesus.
27:05 Even better, it's absolutely free at
27:10 So don't miss out.
27:11 Get started on your Bible study adventure today
27:14 at
27:21 Doug: Is there anywhere you can turn these days to find hope for
27:24 a brighter future?
27:26 Yes.
27:27 Please join me, Doug Batchelor, on September 20 for the start of
27:31 "Amazing Facts Prophecy Odyssey," a Bible
27:34 study extravaganza.
27:36 These dynamic multimedia presentations will transform
27:40 what we know about the world and your purpose in it.
27:43 Bible prophecy is fast fulfilling.
27:45 Are you ready?
27:46 announcer: For more information and to register,
27:51 ♪♪♪
27:57 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
27:59 It's sure to be a blessing.
28:01 And thank you for your continued support as
28:03 we take the gospel of Jesus Christ
28:04 to the world.
28:06 We hope you'll join us next week
28:08 as we delve deep into the Word of God
28:10 to explore more amazing facts.
28:14 ♪♪♪
28:24 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the friends of
28:26 the Amazing Facts ministry.


Revised 2024-07-18