Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002406S

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:07 ♪♪♪
00:08 Doug Batchelor: Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and
00:12 make disciples of all nations."
00:15 Here at Amazing Facts, we take the Great Commission seriously.
00:19 That's why we're an international ministry.
00:22 I've personally had the privilege of sharing the Gospel
00:25 in many countries, from China to New Guinea, from Russia to
00:29 Africa, to India.
00:31 And it's evident that people everywhere have a hunger for
00:34 the Word of God.
00:35 As we make significant progress in delivering God's message,
00:38 there's still a lot of work to be done.
00:40 It's not enough that people know about Jesus.
00:43 People need to experience a new birth and to know the fantastic
00:47 love of God.
00:48 Life's difficult.
00:50 Many people across the globe are struggling, but God is
00:53 still love.
00:55 And it's our mission here at Amazing Facts, and it's our joy,
00:58 to show that love to others by sharing the good news.
01:01 We pray that today's program will bless and inspire you to
01:04 share God's Word with others.
01:06 And, don't forget, stay tuned for today's free offer at the
01:10 conclusion of the presentation.
01:12 God bless.
01:17 Doug: The Bible tells us about a sanctuary.
01:21 There's actually three of them.
01:22 Now, when I say sanctuary, you've got different words.
01:25 One is the word tabernacle, that's typically assigned to the
01:30 sanctuary they had in the wilderness.
01:32 Then you've got the word sanctuary.
01:34 And then you've got the word temple.
01:36 In the Middle East right now, there is a major conflict, at
01:39 the time of this recording, and, if you boil it down, a lot of it
01:43 has to do with some sacred real estate on top of a mountain
01:47 called Mount Moriah.
01:49 It's sacred real estate for three major-- you could argue
01:54 four major-- religions of the world.
01:57 There are about 2.2 billion Christians in the world; that's
02:01 including Protestants and Catholics, orthodox Christians.
02:05 There's about 1.7 Muslims in the world.
02:07 And there is about 16 million Jews.
02:11 And that mountaintop is a holy spot.
02:15 Now, to give you a little quick overview of why this is such an
02:19 interesting piece of real estate goes all the way back to the
02:23 time of Abraham.
02:24 It's first mentioned when Abraham wins a battle against
02:28 these kings of the North.
02:30 His name was Chedorlaomer, up by Damascus.
02:33 Still in the news today, right?
02:35 Battle between Abraham and the people of Syria, the North.
02:39 And he rescued Lot, that had been captured from Sodom, and
02:43 Abraham got all this bounty from the war.
02:45 And, on his way back, he stopped in a small town called Salem
02:50 where there was a king priest named Melchizedek.
02:54 It's the first time Salem is mentioned.
02:56 The word Jeru Salem, Jeru Shalom, it means city of peace.
03:00 But this is the place.
03:03 Later, God says to Abraham, "I want you to take your son, your
03:05 only son who you love, and I want you to bring him to the
03:08 mountains of Moriah and offer him there for Me."
03:10 Abraham went from Hebron, or wherever he was at the time, and
03:15 he went to the mountains of Moriah, Mount Zion, same place,
03:19 the vicinity of Salem.
03:20 And he went up the mountain to offer Isaac.
03:22 And it's a story, really, of the plan of salvation.
03:27 The father and son go up the mountain.
03:29 Abraham places the wood on Isaac's back; the cross was
03:32 placed on Jesus's back.
03:35 And, on the way up the hill-- Isaac's gone to sacrifice before
03:37 with his father.
03:39 He says, "Father, I see that we've got the wood, and we've
03:44 got the fire."
03:45 What it would take, the tinder and flint to make the fire.
03:48 He said, "But where is the sacrifice?
03:51 Where's the lamb?"
03:52 And Abraham said, "My son, God will provide Himself a lamb."
03:56 They got to the top.
03:58 Abraham told his son what God had asked him to do.
04:00 Isaac willingly offered himself as a sacrifice.
04:03 Just before the knife came down, God stopped him and said,
04:08 "Abraham, Abraham do not harm the lad.
04:10 Now I know that you trust Me."
04:12 This was an an allegory of what the Father and Son would do for
04:15 you and me.
04:17 "God so loved the world He gave His Son."
04:19 Abraham is the father of the faithful.
04:20 He was willing to sacrifice his son and obey God.
04:24 Years later, David, who is a descendant from Abraham, an
04:30 angel of judgment's going through the land of Israel, and
04:33 thousands were dying from a plague because of their pride.
04:36 And David had instigated their pride.
04:39 And David looked up, and he saw an angel with a drawn sword over
04:43 Mount Moriah, the very place where Abraham offered Isaac.
04:46 It was owned by a Jebusite named Oran back then, or Ornan.
04:50 And David prayed and said, "Let this punishment be on me.
04:56 But what have these sheep done?"
04:58 Again, you see there's a judgment, and they're sheep, and
05:01 God stops, and David goes and he offers sacrifice.
05:04 He buys the threshing floor and offers sacrifice, and the
05:07 judgment is stopped.
05:09 The angel of judgment is stayed.
05:11 That, again, is on Mount Zion.
05:12 Later, David tells Solomon, "This is the place that God has
05:14 chosen to build His house."
05:17 And so, why is this coming from our Revelation study?
05:21 "Then another angel came out of the temple that was in heaven,
05:25 also having a sharp sickle."
05:27 This is part of the harvest of the earth that's going
05:30 to happen.
05:31 So, with that background, what did God ask Moses to build,
05:35 and why?
05:36 You read, in Exodus 25, verse 8, "And let them make Me a
05:41 sanctuary, that I might dwell among them."
05:46 Now, Jesus is with us everywhere we go.
05:48 But God wanted them to have a place that was a physical
05:51 presence that they could see because we kind of live in time
05:54 and space.
05:55 This was so important to the Lord that, when the plagues fell
06:00 on Egypt and they crossed the Red Sea, instead of going
06:02 north up to the promised land, God said, "No, I want you to
06:06 go south down to Mount Sinai."
06:09 And they went to Mount Sinai, and there, not only did they
06:12 get The Ten Commandments, but Moses stayed on the mountain
06:15 40 days and 40 nights.
06:16 It doesn't take 40 days and 40 nights to write
06:18 the 300 words of The Ten Commandments.
06:20 While he was there on the mountain, God gave him
06:22 instructions about building an edifice.
06:25 He says, "Let them make Me a sanctuary."
06:27 From where did these sanctuary blueprints originate?
06:32 Where did Moses get the plans?
06:34 Did he just dream it up?
06:36 The Bible tells us, Exodus 25:40, "And see to it that you
06:41 make them according to--" the what-- "the pattern--" the
06:44 design-- "which was shown you in the mountain."
06:48 Now, this sanctuary, this earthly sanctuary, is like a
06:51 miniature of a very real sanctuary that God has in heaven
06:55 where He dwells.
06:57 Like on the sanctuary on earth, they had a room with golden
07:01 angels carved in the walls.
07:03 In heaven, God's got a living wall of angels.
07:06 Sanctuary on earth, they had angels on the right and left of
07:09 the Ark of the Covenant.
07:11 In heaven, they're real angels.
07:14 In fact, friends, the subject of the sanctuary is all through the
07:20 book of Revelation.
07:22 We need to understand it.
07:23 A lot of the Bible, you will not understand.
07:25 The subject of the sanctuary in the temple goes from Exodus
07:29 to Revelation.
07:30 That's a lot of Bible, yet a lot of Christians never study the
07:33 subject, and it is filled with meaning that helps us understand
07:37 the plan of salvation.
07:39 Revelation, chapter 1, where does Jesus first appear?
07:42 Standing among seven candlesticks, that was in
07:46 the sanctuary.
07:47 You read later, it talks about the angel took coals from the
07:51 altar of incense, that was in the sanctuary.
07:54 He said, "I saw the Temple of God open in heaven; I saw
07:56 the Ark."
07:58 That was in the sanctuary.
08:00 So the context of this vision is in the sanctuary.
08:04 And, if you look in, like, Isaiah chapter 6, and you read
08:08 the first few verses there, "In the year that King Uzziah died,
08:11 I saw the Lord high and lifted up, and the train of His robe
08:16 filled the temple.
08:17 And on the right and the left were Seraphim, and they cried
08:21 one to another.
08:22 And they each had six wings: with two wings, they covered
08:24 their face; with two wings, they covered their feet; with two,
08:27 they did fly.
08:28 And they cried one to the other and they said, 'Holy, holy, holy
08:31 is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!'"
08:35 Here you have a picture of God on His throne, between two
08:38 living Seraphim, and the little Ark that Moses made on earth
08:45 with those angels on top, that was a symbol of the dwelling
08:49 place of God.
08:50 And, when God would meet with Moses, he would meet with him in
08:54 the Holy of Holies between the Shekinah glory, they called it,
08:57 the glory of God, between those two angels.
09:00 And so this teaching, if you read the last eight chapters in
09:04 the book of Ezekiel, you know what it's talking about?
09:07 The temple.
09:09 So it's all through the Bible.
09:11 And we need to understand this.
09:14 "There are priests who serve--"
09:16 the what-- "the copy and shadow
09:19 of the heavenly things,
09:21 as Moses was divinely instructed
09:23 when he was about to make
09:25 the tabernacle--For he said,
09:27 'See that you make all things
09:28 according to the pattern
09:30 shown you in the mountain.'"
09:32 They were to make it according
09:33 to a specific pattern that had been given.
09:35 Pattern given by who?
09:37 By God.
09:39 And you can also read here where it says, in Revelation 14:17,
09:42 the verse we covered, "And then another angel came out of--" the
09:45 what-- "the temple--" which is in?
09:49 Does God have a temple in heaven?
09:52 Why did Jesus say, "Think not that I've come to destroy
09:56 the law and the prophets.
09:57 I've not come to destroy but fulfill, for I say unto you,
10:00 until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle
10:05 will in any wise pass from the law til all is fulfilled."
10:08 By the way, when He said fulfilled there, doesn't mean
10:10 done away with, it means filled full.
10:15 Why does heaven have to pass away?
10:18 Because the original Ark is in heaven with God's law.
10:23 The Bible tells us there is a temple in heaven, and the law is
10:26 a reflection of God's character we studied the other night.
10:29 All right, question number three.
10:31 What did God teach through the sanctuary?
10:35 What was the object of this?
10:37 Notice this, Psalm 77, verse 13, short verse but very important,
10:42 "Your way--" King James says it, "Thy way."
10:45 I like that better, "Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary."
10:50 The way of God, that means the way that He saves us,
10:56 He expresses himself.
10:58 Now, the earthly sanctuary was built around a
11:02 sacrificial system.
11:03 And I know, when I first started reading the Bible, learning
11:06 these things, I thought, "I don't understand all the blood
11:10 and the purpose for the sacrifices."
11:13 And then, as I continued studying, Revelation talks about
11:15 the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world.
11:19 And then I read where Adam and Eve, when they sinned and
11:21 their garments of glory went out and they saw their
11:24 nakedness, they tried to cover it with fig leaves,
11:26 symbol of self-righteousness.
11:29 Remember, Jesus cursed a fig tree, and God said,
11:31 "That won't do it."
11:34 And God gave them skins.
11:35 Now, where did the skins come from?
11:38 God established a sacrificial system.
11:41 The penalty for sin was death, not for Adam, but the whole
11:44 creation suffered.
11:45 Adam was like the ruler of the world, and, when death went to
11:48 Adam and it went to Eve and their children, it went to the
11:50 whole planet, became corrupted because of sin.
11:53 All the creatures suffered.
11:55 So God said to cover your nakedness.
11:59 "Someday My Son is going to come to take away your sins, and His
12:04 robe of righteousness will cover your sin."
12:06 But He began the sacrificial system; He showed them how.
12:09 Now we're going to put a little sanctuary up on the screen here.
12:12 This is an overview; this is sort of an aerial view of
12:14 the temple.
12:16 There were three principal places in the sanctuary.
12:18 You had what they called the courtyard.
12:21 You had the holy place.
12:23 Then you had the inner sanctum called the Holy of Holies or
12:27 the most holy place.
12:29 There are three phases in salvation.
12:32 The three phases are, it's big theological terms; it's
12:36 justification, sanctification, glorification.
12:41 Justification took place in the courtyard where you had
12:45 the altar and the laver.
12:47 Sanctification took place in the holy place.
12:50 Glorification was when you came into the presence of God in
12:54 the Holy of Holies.
12:55 I might also mention at this point that the priests would go
13:00 and they would offer the sacrifices in the courtyard, and
13:04 the high priest and sometimes others might go into the
13:06 holy place.
13:08 But only the high priest was to go into the Holy of Holies, and
13:13 it only happened two times in the Hebrew economy.
13:16 Once when the temple was built and inaugurated.
13:19 Don't forget that.
13:21 When they finished building the temple, obviously, builders had
13:23 to be in there when they built it.
13:24 Moses went in; when they finished it, he sprinkled
13:27 everything with blood to sanctify it, and then they
13:29 activated it.
13:31 But, from then on, the only time a high priest went in was the
13:33 end of the year on the day of atonement.
13:37 And so, only the high priest could go in there because it
13:40 represented the presence of God.
13:42 So it's just good for you to have that overview.
13:44 Now, there are three phases.
13:46 The children of Israel, their history follows this as well, as
13:51 you'll see when we proceed.
13:53 You come out of Egypt; Egypt was, you know, on the outside,
13:59 and they went through the Red Sea.
14:00 First, they were baptized in a pillar of fire, that was
14:03 the altar.
14:04 Then they went through the Red Sea, that was the laver,
14:06 was filled with water.
14:08 Then they entered the wilderness, that's where they
14:10 were sanctified.
14:11 Then they entered the promised land, that was when they
14:13 were glorified.
14:14 Three phases in the Hebrew experience.
14:16 Number four, notice.
14:18 What were the objects in the courtyard?
14:21 I already touched on them, and there'll be some repetition here
14:23 because I want to have this sink in.
14:25 First thing you saw when you went in is, who knows?
14:28 Is the altar of offering.
14:29 It says, "And you will burn the whole ram on the altar.
14:33 It is a burnt offering to the Lord."
14:35 First thing that came through the door, and there was
14:37 a sacrifice.
14:40 What begins our journey?
14:42 It's a sacrifice, the first step.
14:45 When the children of Israel came out of Egypt, what began
14:47 their journey?
14:49 They were to eat the Passover sacrifice with their shoes on
14:52 their feet, their staff in their hand, their unleavened bread on
14:55 their backs.
14:56 That's why they eat unleavened bread.
14:58 And, so, first thing was the sacrifice, that was the altar.
15:03 Then you had, also in the courtyard, you had the laver.
15:06 So this represents, the sacrifice was the fire, and then
15:10 you add the water.
15:12 Now, what does Jesus say?
15:13 "Unless you are born of the water and the Spirit, you cannot
15:17 enter the kingdom of Heaven," John chapter 3. Does he say you
15:21 might not be able to or you cannot?
15:23 You cannot; you need both baptisms.
15:27 And I know a lot of churches, they brag about how many people
15:29 were baptized in water, but they don't care much about baptized
15:32 in the fire.
15:34 You remember what John the baptist said, "I baptize you
15:37 with water.
15:38 But there's come one coming after I who will baptize you
15:40 with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
15:42 You need both.
15:43 The children of Israel were baptized in a pillar of fire,
15:46 and then they went through the Red Sea; it's another kind
15:48 of baptism.
15:50 So you have the fire and the water there in the courtyard.
15:54 Number five.
15:55 What sanctuary symbol did Jesus fulfill
15:58 in the altar of sacrifice?
16:01 The Bible tells us, 1 Corinthians 5, verse 7, "For
16:04 indeed Christ is our Passover, which was sacrificed for us."
16:09 John 1:29, "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and
16:14 said, 'Behold!
16:16 The Lamb of God that takes away the sin--'" of three people,
16:20 that takes away the sin of how much?
16:22 How many of you live in the world?
16:24 Everybody in the world can take advantage.
16:28 There is enough sacrifice in Jesus's sufferings to cover all
16:31 of your sins and the sins of everyone who's ever lived.
16:34 How can He do that?
16:35 He's God.
16:36 We can't figure it out, but He could do it.
16:38 Number six.
16:39 What does the laver represent?
16:41 It says, "Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling
16:46 on the name of the Lord."
16:48 We need to be baptized in the Spirit, the altar; we need to be
16:50 baptized in the laver, the water.
16:53 You can even read in 1 Corinthians.
16:55 Here, this one's from Romans
16:56 chapter 6, verse 3; it says,
16:58 "Or do you not know that as many
17:00 of you as were baptized
17:02 into Christ Jesus
17:04 were baptized into His death?
17:06 Therefore we are buried with Him
17:08 through baptism into death,
17:10 that just as Christ was raised
17:12 from the dead by the glory
17:13 of the Father, even so
17:14 we should walk in--" what--
17:16 "a newness of life."
17:18 After baptism, you're born again; you walk in a newness of
17:20 life; all the old sins are gone.
17:23 1 Corinthians chapter 10 is where Paul says,
17:26 in verse 1 and 2,
17:27 "Moreover, brethren, I don't
17:29 want you to be unaware of our
17:30 fathers who were under the
17:32 cloud--" pillar of fire-- "and
17:33 all passed through the sea, and
17:35 all were baptized into Moses in
17:37 the cloud and in the sea."
17:39 Jesus said, "We must be born
17:40 of the water and the Spirit."
17:42 Little amazing fact I think you'll find interesting.
17:46 The world was all washed with water in the days of Noah.
17:50 The Bible says, "When Christ comes, the world's going to be
17:52 washed in fire," 2 Peter chapter 3, "And then God's
17:56 going to make a new heaven and new earth."
17:58 Before the world is born again, it goes through a water
18:00 and a fire baptism also.
18:03 So everybody and everything must go through those baptisms.
18:06 And that's what baptism is a symbol of, the washing.
18:09 You hold your breath momentarily.
18:11 It's a new birth, new beginning.
18:14 Number seven.
18:16 What were the other items that were in the holy place?
18:19 We're making our way through the sanctuary.
18:21 You can read here, and, "On the--" say it-- "the table of
18:26 showbread, they shall spread a blue cloth, and put it on the
18:30 dishes, in the pans, and the bowls, and the pitchers pouring;
18:34 and the showbread shall be on it."
18:36 They had a table with bread.
18:39 And so that was always, when you went in the sanctuary, that'd be
18:41 on the left side.
18:43 You go straight towards the altar, would be the, Ark of the
18:46 Covenant, rather, would be in front of you, and the altar of
18:48 incense on the right.
18:49 Then you would-- I'm sorry, on the right, you'd have the bread;
18:52 on the left you would have the candlestick.
18:55 That leads us to the next thing.
18:57 In Numbers 8, verse 2,
18:58 it says, "When you arrange the lamp,
19:01 the seven lamps shall give light in front of the lampstand."
19:06 So, so far we've got two articles of furniture.
19:09 You've got the bread, and you've got the light.
19:11 What's next?
19:13 "And you shall make in altar to burn incense on."
19:18 They had an altar of incense.
19:20 Now we're gonna talk about, what do these things represent?
19:23 They're very important.
19:25 We've got the the bread.
19:27 How many loaves of bread were there?
19:30 Twelve, one for each one of the tribes of Israel.
19:35 Who is the bread?
19:36 Who is the bread that came down from heaven?
19:39 Jesus is the bread.
19:41 And this is saying that the people of God were to be fed
19:44 with the bread of life.
19:45 Then you come over here, and then you've got the light.
19:49 Who is the light?
19:52 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world."
19:53 But, not only did Jesus say, "I am the light of the world,"
19:56 He said, what?
19:57 "You are the light of the world."
19:59 Now, we don't have light of our own, but we reflect his light.
20:02 And how many lights were there?
20:04 Seven.
20:06 And what kept the light burning?
20:08 It was pure virgin oil.
20:11 And that was because it was a symbol for the Holy Spirit.
20:15 It was a special oil they use in the sanctuary, but it was
20:17 olive oil.
20:19 And it's a symbol for the Spirit that keeps the light burning.
20:21 We need that Spirit to keep the light burning.
20:23 You are like the light of the world.
20:25 You are not to put your light under a bush but to be set upon
20:29 a hill.
20:30 But we are reflecting the light of Jesus.
20:31 We have no light in ourselves.
20:33 He is the bread.
20:34 But you know what else Jesus did with the bread?
20:36 Jesus not only said, "I'm the bread of life."
20:38 He said to the disciples, "You give them something to eat."
20:41 Jesus broke the bread, gave it to the disciples, they gave it
20:44 to the people, it multiplied in their hands.
20:46 So, all of these things that God does for us, He also wants us to
20:49 do for Him, as his representatives.
20:52 Jesus said, "As the Father sent me, so send I you."
20:55 So you've got the bread, and you've got the light.
20:58 And then the third thing is what?
21:00 It's the altar of incense.
21:02 Now, it was on the horns of the altar that the priest would come
21:05 in, and he would spread blood for the daily sacrifices.
21:09 It wasn't until the day of atonement that they went into
21:12 the Holy of Holies.
21:13 What does this altar represent?
21:15 It's a symbol for the prayers of God's people.
21:19 They would put incense on it, and the incense, often
21:22 frankincense, and they might have myrrh, some other essence,
21:26 it would waft over the curtain into the presence of God in
21:29 the Holy of Holies.
21:30 And it represented the prayers of the people.
21:34 In these three articles of the altar of incense-- You've got
21:37 prayer, you've got the light, and you've got the bread.
21:41 This represents the three disciplines in the
21:43 Christian life.
21:44 All right, we're going to keep going.
21:46 Where did Jesus go after his resurrection?
21:50 Answer, "Christ has not entered into the holy place made with
21:55 hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself,
21:59 now to appear in the presence of God for us."
22:02 Where is Jesus now?
22:06 Now, you know, Christ may appear to you in a dream.
22:08 He might speak to you through the Holy Spirit.
22:11 Jesus did speak to Paul even after his ascension.
22:14 Jesus is not handcuffed to one spot in heaven.
22:17 He is God; He's free to go where He wants.
22:20 But His principal place of work and ministry is as our High
22:24 Priest in heaven at the right hand of power, the Ruler of
22:29 the universe.
22:30 He is enthroned, and you just read some of the beautiful
22:33 statements Paul makes regarding Christ in the beginning and end
22:36 of his letters, makes it clear about his position and his deity
22:39 with God.
22:41 Again, Hebrews 9, verse 11, "Christ came as high priest of
22:45 the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect
22:49 tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation."
22:52 All right, is it clear to you that there is a tabernacle
22:57 in heaven?
23:00 Is it clear to you, from what we're reading in the New
23:02 Testament, Jesus is our High Priest?
23:06 He is our Mediator.
23:07 In the same way Moses would go from the people to God and from
23:10 God to the people, Christ is the ladder between heaven and earth.
23:15 Even on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus was
23:17 glorified, and God said, "This is my Son," and Moses and Elijah
23:23 said, "He is the one."
23:24 And then you had Peter, James, and John.
23:27 So you had three humans, Peter, James, and John.
23:30 And you had three divine, God, Elijah, Moses.
23:34 Then you had Jesus who is the bridge between the earthly and
23:37 the divine.
23:38 Christ said to Nathaniel, "You're impressed because I said
23:43 I saw you under the fig tree.
23:45 You'll see greater things than these.
23:46 Hereafter, you will see the angels of God ascending and
23:49 descending on the Son of Man."
23:51 Jesus is the escalator through which the angels come to and
23:56 from heaven and earth.
23:57 He is the bridge.
23:59 He is our High Priest.
24:00 Have you ever noticed, in life sometimes, it's not what you
24:03 know, it's who you know?
24:05 Have you ever found it beneficial to have a friend in
24:07 high places that got you out of a fix or had connections?
24:11 You're not going to find any friend in higher places.
24:14 You're not going to find any friend that is better connected
24:16 with Jesus, your High Priest, that is at the right hand of God
24:21 Almighty of the infinite cosmos.
24:25 And He is there pleading your name.
24:27 When you pray, say, "Lord, forgive me."
24:29 Jesus holds out His nail-pierced hands and pleads His own blood
24:33 for you.
24:34 And He says He will forgive you and give you power and lead you
24:37 and transform you.
24:39 How many of you want that experience?
24:44 Doug: Here at Amazing Facts International, we strive to
24:48 reach the world with the amazing truths of the Bible and proclaim
24:51 the love of Jesus.
24:53 We print thousands of easy-to-read materials such as
24:57 books, tracts, and fully illustrated magazines that are
25:01 all designed to change lives by clearing up the many
25:04 misunderstandings people have regarding the Word of God.
25:07 Our warehouse is filled with resources ready to mail out, and
25:11 we're eager to send them to you.
25:13 Make the most of your Bible study today by requesting our
25:16 free offer.
25:17 It'll surely enhance your knowledge of the Bible while
25:20 imparting a blessing to you and those in your life.
25:23 Simply follow the instructions on the screen, and we'll send it
25:27 to you free of charge.
25:28 And, once you read it, be sure to share it with a friend.
25:33 ♪♪♪
25:40 Doug: God is offering you peace and eternal life.
25:43 How?
25:44 Well, it all begins by simply turning towards the lord.
25:47 The bible promises that if we draw near to god,
25:50 He will draw near to us.
25:53 You can turn to him right now and ask for forgiveness
25:56 and a new heart and he's ready to forgive and receive you.
26:00 That's why Jesus came; whether do you know it or not,
26:03 He's always been your best friend.
26:05 A new life is only a prayer away.
26:08 Just ask him now.
26:12 male announcer: Have you always wanted to be a Bible expert but
26:15 never knew where to start?
26:16 Are you searching for answers that will bring you joy, peace,
26:20 and fulfillment?
26:21 Then you'll love the Amazing Facts Storacles of Prophecy
26:25 Bible study experience.
26:26 Now available in 18 languages, featuring 24 easy-to-read
26:31 lessons, the Storacles are packed with scripture and
26:34 step-by-step guidance that will give you absolute confidence
26:38 about what the Bible actually says about the second coming,
26:41 the rapture, the Antichrist, and the mark of the beast.
26:45 You'll also get the truth about hell and the afterlife and
26:48 practical insight about grace, salvation, and how to truly live
26:53 like Jesus.
26:54 Even better, it's absolutely free at
26:59 So don't miss out; get started on your Bible study adventure
27:03 today at
27:10 Doug: Is there anywhere you can turn these days to find hope for
27:14 a brighter future?
27:15 Yes, please join me, Doug Batchelor, on September 20
27:19 for the start of Amazing Facts: Prophecy Odyssey,
27:22 a Bible study extravaganza.
27:25 These dynamic multimedia presentations will transform
27:29 what we know about the world and your purpose in it.
27:32 Bible prophecy is fast fulfilling.
27:34 Are you ready?
27:36 male announcer: For more information and to register,
27:41 ♪♪♪
27:46 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free
27:48 offer, it's sure to be a blessing.
27:50 And thank you for your continued support
27:52 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ
27:54 to the world.
27:55 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve
27:57 deep into the Word of God to explore more
28:00 Amazing Facts.
28:03 ♪♪♪
28:24 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by
28:26 the friends of The Amazing Facts ministry.


Revised 2024-07-18