Abundant Living

Alpha & Omega

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Curtis & Paula Eakins


Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL000211A

00:01 The supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids is booming.
00:05 As a matter of fact, the Food
00:06 and Drug Administration just approved
00:07 the first Omega-3 fatty acids supplement as a drug,
00:11 totaling sales of over 600 million in the United States,
00:15 over one billion worldwide.
00:17 What's the research?
00:18 Suppose I don't wanna eat fish or take fish oil,
00:21 are there any alternatives.
00:23 Well, today's program is entitled "Alpha and Omega."
00:28 We'll be right back.
00:53 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living,
00:54 this is Curtis Eakins your co-host.
00:57 I like to have my wife introduce herself this time.
01:00 His wife at this time.
01:02 Okay, and let's put a name on that,
01:04 Paula, Paula Eakins? Yeah.
01:06 Okay, we have a same last name,
01:08 so we're married. Yep.
01:09 In holy matrimony. Yep.
01:11 And are you happy with this marriage? Yep.
01:14 Okay, very good, I'm too.
01:17 That's a new hairstyle too by the way, isn't it? Nope.
01:20 Or you had it before? Yes.
01:22 Okay, and I like it. Thank you.
01:24 Okay, let's go with alpha and omega.
01:25 I know, I think we should move on with alpha and omega.
01:30 And you said alpha and omega,
01:31 so can you explain exactly what you're talking
01:33 about alpha and omega, what do you mean?
01:34 Yeah, alpha and omega
01:36 and again I'm gonna give out some initials,
01:38 so you may want to write down these initials
01:40 but alpha and omega,
01:42 these are different kinds of fats
01:45 they are found in foods,
01:46 all right, very beneficial to the system.
01:50 Alpha can convert into Omega-3 fatty acids,
01:56 that's why the program is entitled
01:58 alpha and omega, all right?
02:02 In Omega-3 fatty acids there are certain oils of fat
02:05 in that group too, and initials
02:08 because the words are so long,
02:09 is really known by initials.
02:11 One initial is EPA and DHA.
02:17 Those are different types of Omega-3 fatty acids.
02:20 Sometimes you'll see those initials on packages
02:22 but again you know that,
02:23 that's an Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA,
02:28 then of course you have the alpha,
02:30 which is alpha-linolenic acid, ALA.
02:35 It does not stand for Alabama,
02:37 okay, just want make sure that people understand that.
02:40 So but it's been booming and like I said before
02:43 the Food and Drug Administration
02:44 just a few years ago, just approved a drug,
02:49 Omega-3 fatty acids and supplement as a drug.
02:52 And it's been booming
02:54 since the last few years in this country and also worldwide.
02:57 So you said based on research, so based on research,
03:00 what are the benefits of this?
03:02 Okay, there is a lot of benefits,
03:04 now most people then they hear about
03:05 alpha or Omega-3 fatty acids,
03:09 most people think of heart disease, all right?
03:11 So let's go to the screen because that is true
03:13 but we gonna add more to that
03:15 than just heart disease as well.
03:16 But let's go to the screen to see the benefits.
03:19 Heart Healthy!
03:21 "Omega-3 fatty acids lower triglycerides,
03:24 resting heart rate, blood pressure
03:28 and improve heart efficiency and vascular function."
03:34 That's Omega-3 fatty acids, all right?
03:36 So that proves those things there.
03:38 Now in addition to that,
03:40 based on numerous clinical studies,
03:44 Omega-3 fatty acids also inhibits breast tumor growth,
03:52 also it release symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
03:58 Also it maintains brain health,
04:02 impacts-far as long and short term memory
04:08 also dementia and also some research
04:10 on Alzheimer's disease.
04:12 We're talking about Omega-3 fatty acids and also alpha
04:17 which is converted into omega,
04:20 that's why the problem is alpha and omega.
04:23 So the research is out there
04:25 and it's been growing for the last,
04:27 I guess 15, 20 years.
04:30 It just--I means it's just flying off the shelf.
04:32 Okay, because I'm gonna ask the question
04:33 that is so some so-- is in supplemental form
04:35 that people can actually take,
04:37 that's how it's out there on the market places.
04:38 Yeah, mm-hmm.
04:40 Along with the fact that it's coming actually
04:41 from the fish kingdom, is that right?
04:43 Yes, well, yeah, fish oil. Okay, other thing,
04:45 yeah, but the other things are coming from other than just fish
04:47 but just bottom-line, just is kind of talking
04:49 more about the fish part of it.
04:50 Yeah, the fish part of it, yes.
04:51 Okay, okay, okay so, in fact it is on the market.
04:55 Okay, what about just eating a fish.
04:57 Why do we need to do supplements anyway?
04:59 Just go to a fast food restaurant
05:00 and just order fish sandwich- Eats the fish, yeah.
05:03 Yeah, that will make sense, wouldn't it?
05:06 So you get the fish oil when you eat the fish.
05:09 Well, there may be some problem with that, okay?
05:12 Number one, let's first realize that when we eat fish,
05:17 a lot of fish that we eat
05:18 here in United States are from fish farms.
05:24 Now that may not be a good idea.
05:27 A fish farm? Yeah, fish farms, all right?
05:29 And it's been going on for at least
05:32 the last 30, 20, 30 years
05:34 and a lot of fish farms are in cold water inlets
05:37 on the west coast right here in United States in a way,
05:40 California, up in Vancouver, British Columbia
05:43 along those lines, there are fish farms
05:45 and they are like 100x100
05:49 maybe acre or square block are floating in the water.
05:53 I think we have a picture of the fish farm,
05:55 let's go to the screen at this time.
05:57 And this fish farm right there are packing like sardines,
06:00 they're not like swimming up stream all right,
06:02 and what happens is in these fish farms,
06:04 we have fecal matter, you have sea lice,
06:08 you have parasites all that is packed in,
06:11 in this container or these fish farms here
06:14 and most fish in these farms
06:17 are being raised salmon about 80%.
06:20 And lot of people eat salmon for the Omega-3 fatty acids
06:23 and most of the salmons are coming from these fish farms
06:25 that's contaminated with all these filth
06:28 in this fish farm.
06:29 So with that you also have vaccination,
06:32 all right and antibiotics,
06:34 all that's going into the fish tissue itself.
06:38 So therefore as one person calls it floating pig farms,
06:44 they are packed in like sardine.
06:46 These are couch potatoes,
06:48 marine couch potatoes, fish farms.
06:51 And a thing about is that
06:53 normally most fish or the salmon,
06:55 they normally feed on krill.
07:01 This is a carotenoid which is mostly orange.
07:04 So when the fish feed on that,
07:06 then their flesh is pink.
07:09 But guess what, they don't feed these fish farms krill,
07:13 they feed these fish farms,
07:14 cat fish, sardines, mackerel, anchovies.
07:21 So when the fish eat this type of food,
07:23 their flesh is no longer pink, it's a pale gray.
07:28 Well, no one's gonna buy any salmon that's flesh,
07:31 that's pale gray.
07:33 So how did you get the salmon flesh to be pink?
07:36 There is a pharmaceutical company
07:39 that actually makes shades a peek
07:41 that people can order and buy
07:44 and they feed this into the fish farms
07:46 and therefore it can make their flesh pink.
07:50 So we go through the store
07:51 and get the salmon fish farm pink flesh,
07:55 oh and people will buy it.
07:57 But it maybe a synthetic pigment of pink.
08:00 And if are not that, this fish don't really have
08:03 as much Omega-3 fatty acids as one's thought.
08:08 All that's going through the system fish farms.
08:12 I-I, that's mind boggling.
08:15 Yeah, and I'm-I'm trying to be nice. Okay.
08:18 Because more that can be said. I understand.
08:20 But this is very prevalent here in United States
08:23 and also worldwide as well, fish farms.
08:26 And people think, oh this is safe
08:27 because it's enclosed
08:30 but then that can be also increase the contamination
08:32 as well at the same time.
08:34 Oh, well have you ever heard of a fish farm?
08:37 I mean-I mean I've heard of a farm where animals,
08:41 cows and chickens and stuff, okay, but a fish farm.
08:44 Fish farm. For real.
08:46 Yeah, and increases the contamination
08:48 because now is-is packed in an enclosed environment. Yeah.
08:52 So all that fecal matter and sometimes lice,
08:55 sea lice burrows into the flesh of the fish
09:00 and then the fish all comes from this environment,
09:03 we take it into our system, all right?
09:06 So therefore eating fish may not be the best idea.
09:12 I'm agreeing and I believe the audience is agreeing too.
09:16 Okay, on this information what does Ellen White,
09:19 you know, she is one of our Christian authors
09:21 and she speaks a lot about the food and stuff is going on
09:24 and so what does she actually say about fish?
09:27 Well, she says quite a bit about fish,
09:29 this one powerful statement she said about fish
09:33 and of course not those who are not familiar
09:35 with this author Ellen G. White,
09:38 she is a prolific author, known to be inspired by God,
09:42 by millions of people around the world
09:44 according to Library of Congress,
09:46 the most translated author in United States,
09:49 second in the world.
09:50 Wrote many volumes on health and healthful living,
09:53 five major health books by the way,
09:56 Counsels On Health, Ministry Of Healing,
09:59 Counsels On Diet and Foods, Medical Ministry and Temperance,
10:02 those are five major books on health, all right?
10:06 One of those books she mentions about fish.
10:09 Let's go to screen at this time
10:10 and folks let's hold on to your seat.
10:13 It's called Filthy Fish!
10:16 "Fish become so contaminated
10:19 by the filth on which it feeds as to be a cause of disease."
10:25 Counsel on Diets and Foods, page 394.
10:30 So again we got the fish oil
10:33 that mostly come from this farm raised fish
10:38 that's been fed mackerels, sardines,
10:40 cat fish with the fecal matter,
10:41 sea lice parasites, that kind of thing.
10:44 If we eat the fish
10:46 and that statement there says is so contaminated
10:49 because what happens with that,
10:51 lot of people they will be go out and do the fishing
10:53 but not knowing that so many fish feed on
10:55 sometimes the sewerage of the cities,
10:58 then they go out into the oceans
10:59 and people get the fish thinking that is fresh water
11:02 because it's not around the contamination
11:04 but not knowing that this fish sometimes
11:07 are feeding on the sewerage of cities nearby.
11:10 And so therefore you're taking all that toxin ways
11:13 and-and you got the mercury,
11:15 you got the PCB, you got all these dioxins
11:18 and fish contains also carcinogen,
11:22 cholesterol and saturated fat.
11:25 All of that for Omega-3 fatty acids.
11:28 You know, in a medical profession
11:30 we have, what we call the benefit to risk ratio
11:36 and we need to understand that sometimes,
11:39 something may not be a beneficial
11:41 if the risk outweigh the benefits.
11:44 And based on what has been said
11:45 and more we can say simply there's more risk
11:49 than what the benefits have the offer
11:50 as far as getting Omega-3 fatty acids.
11:53 And I know when you're watching that,
11:55 hear what he's saying, you then saying to yourself
11:57 okay-okay, enough of the fish.
11:59 So what am I gonna do now?
12:02 What about-- I can't do the oil,
12:04 I can't do the fish, so what are the alternatives?
12:07 Well, and people-- the Omega-3 fatty acids,
12:09 I mean it's in all the clinical studies have made this,
12:12 I mean, breast cancer growth
12:14 inhabit of that, rheumatoid arthritis,
12:17 dementia Alzheimer's disease,
12:18 of course cardiovascular disease,
12:20 I mean, so people still want those benefits. Absolutely.
12:22 But a lot of times about 40% of people
12:26 now do not like the fish oil for two reasons
12:29 because this very slightly going down hill,
12:32 because number one, the taste and after taste.
12:37 Number two, the smell.
12:40 But yet and still- still want the benefits
12:42 from Omega-3 fatty acids.
12:43 So what is there left, and don't want to eat the fish.
12:47 So there are some alternatives
12:49 without we call this the fishless, fish oil.
12:55 Which is there is lot of things that has Omega-3.
12:58 You have the canola oil,
13:01 flaxseed oil, soy oil,
13:06 Soybean, tofu and walnuts.
13:10 Those have the Omega-3 fatty acids
13:13 and you now even have in the health food stores
13:16 vegetarian Omega-3 fatty acids
13:18 that has the flaxseed oil already in them
13:21 And tend to have even more of the Omega-3 fatty acids
13:25 than the fish oil because of contamination
13:28 of those fish in the fish farms.
13:30 So that would be a safe bag going to that direction
13:34 you don't have the smell, you don't have the taste,
13:37 you don't have the contaminates
13:38 that the fish oil will bring
13:40 based on those fish farms in container there.
13:43 So it's a good way of taking in those Omega-3 fatty acids,
13:48 you're getting all the benefits
13:49 without the contamination of the fish oil
13:52 or even eating fish itself.
13:54 Well, you said, what you're gonna fix that about that,
13:59 so it's been we talked about this fish issue.
14:01 I hope we're not having Fish, are we?
14:03 Well, let me just say this, whenever you do a program,
14:05 I'm always trying to match
14:07 a food item to match that. Right, that's true.
14:09 And believe it or not, a friend of mine
14:12 from the Islands actually quite a while back
14:15 gave me a recipe for a mocked fish. Oh, okay.
14:19 Smells like, acts like, taste like fish
14:22 but it's all plant based,
14:24 so guess what, get your paper,
14:26 and your pencil and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2014-12-17