Abundant Living

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL000215A

00:01 Now, we talked about Alzheimer's the overview
00:04 and then we talked about the causes of Alzheimer's.
00:08 And so today, we're gonna actually be
00:10 talking about the treatment.
00:12 So stay by.
00:45 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living.
00:47 This is Curtis, your co-host,
00:48 which means they have another host as well and your name?
00:52 That's me, Paula Eakins. Paula Eakins, all right.
00:54 You've been very good as a co-host
00:57 on this program over the last years.
00:58 Thank you. I appreciate that.
01:01 I appreciate you. Okay.
01:02 I'll keep you on the co-host for the next show as well.
01:05 That's a very good idea.
01:07 Okay. Okay.
01:08 Now you are talking about Alzheimer's,
01:09 we talked about the causes, talked about the overview.
01:13 Now we're gonna be talking about the treatment,
01:15 some things that we can do
01:16 that will enhance cognitive development.
01:19 Well, I know that people are really wanting to hear
01:22 what that would possibly be also
01:23 because that was-- that overview
01:25 you're talking about what really went down
01:27 about our conference that we had on Alzheimer's,
01:30 all the people who came and then it turned around
01:32 and get into the different drugs
01:33 that could possibly cause them
01:35 serious problems for an individual.
01:37 And now I know everybody is saying so tell me for real,
01:41 what are some of the treatments?
01:43 Yeah.
01:44 Well, you know, and we are talking about Alzheimer's,
01:46 now the list I mentioned before that
01:48 we're not just talking about Alzheimer's but also dementia.
01:51 Alzheimer's about 70 percent of dementia.
01:55 And so because you also have vascular dementia as well,
01:58 TIA strokes or brain injuries and depression, low thyroid
02:03 so all those things can cause cognitive impairment.
02:08 But there's lot of drugs out there
02:10 that is used for Alzheimer's disease.
02:13 Three in particular probably most well known
02:16 is Aricept and that's out there.
02:20 You have Exelon that's the patch.
02:23 You have Namenda.
02:25 Namenda is the one
02:26 that is not as efficacious as the other two.
02:29 As matter of fact, I just realized last--
02:31 I think last month at the date of this taping
02:34 that the Alzheimer's Association representative
02:36 told me that they have taken it off the shelf,
02:39 it's just really not that effective.
02:42 But with those drugs for Alzheimer's
02:44 it can cause leg cramps, it can cause arrhythmias,
02:48 it can cause-- it raises your heart-- blood pressure
02:51 and also can cause depression and delusions.
02:54 So those are the drugs that's used for Alzheimer's
02:57 that's out there right now,
02:58 so really, it's not really efficacious
03:02 as far as reversing a situation.
03:06 It kind of slows it down just a little bit
03:08 but then with that
03:10 you have the side effects of those drugs too.
03:13 So there's a lot of research need to be done
03:16 for as what can be done to increase medication.
03:21 We're gonna be talking about some of that in this program
03:23 so-- and let me say this upfront,
03:25 of course you want to get pen and a paper
03:28 because we are gonna throw out some things
03:30 that will enhance cognitive health impairment,
03:33 increase our cognition, increase your memory
03:37 and executive function, all those kind of things.
03:40 So we will be mentioning about some things
03:42 for the next 15-20 minutes.
03:44 Well, I know that you are talking about
03:46 now the treatment part.
03:47 So I know that someone is asking that question.
03:49 If we are talking about treatment,
03:51 then what are some of the lifestyle intervenes
03:54 'cause we've already talked about the drug situation.
03:57 So what are some positive lifestyle interventions
04:00 that can be used?
04:02 The first one I like to title this, use your head.
04:07 Now what I mean by that
04:08 of course is mental stimulation.
04:10 Now when I say that most people will think of,
04:12 oh, yeah, I've heard about it.
04:14 If you do crossword puzzles, well, now that's true.
04:19 But one thing we need to know about doing crossword puzzles,
04:22 if you keep doing crossword puzzles over and over again
04:25 then what's happen is that you just simply going
04:27 over to already pathways in the brain,
04:31 that's been already established.
04:33 So what's emphasizes not just doing crossword puzzles,
04:37 the Mayo Clinic points this out,
04:40 new mental stimulation creates new brain nerves.
04:47 Let me say it again.
04:49 New mental stimulation creates new brain nerves.
04:55 In that way they will start-- new brain cells
04:58 start fighting with one another
05:00 and it keeps the switch on in our brains.
05:04 So not just doing the same thing over and over again
05:07 but new things-- learning a new language,
05:11 something new than just doing
05:12 the same thing over and over again
05:14 because you're just going over the same pathways
05:17 that's been trailed in our brains.
05:19 So new stimulation, now we do some things to- -
05:22 So, okay, so what you are saying
05:24 is that we got to challenge the brain.
05:26 Make it do something different from what it is used to.
05:28 Okay, so let me just say this. Okay.
05:30 First of all we love playing games.
05:32 Of course now, I love playing games.
05:35 We love having people over play games.
05:36 We've got some games, the one called chicken foot.
05:38 We learned from a group we were with one time
05:40 a while back and it's very, very stimulating.
05:43 Unless, unless, unless you-- okay, let me say this,
05:46 we have a granddaughter and every single time
05:49 that we take a new game to her-- you know she does.
05:53 We said, you got a new game, got a new game.
05:54 She said, okay bring it on.
05:55 So we bring the game on and I want you to know
05:57 after about may be three times of doing the game,
06:01 she knows all of it.
06:02 I mean, she counts the cards,
06:03 she counts everything she has there
06:05 and while we are all sitting and trying to figure
06:07 how this game is gonna go, she is already got it done.
06:09 That's Shanice. That's Shanice.
06:11 She got that mathematical brain.
06:12 Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
06:13 We got new game, we are gonna take to them those soon.
06:15 We got new game, always find the new ones.
06:17 At first I ask the question,
06:19 Shanice, have you ever played that and so?
06:21 And if she says no, it is on.
06:23 Yeah, it is true. That's true. Okay.
06:25 One of my favorite games is Phase 10.
06:27 Oh, yes.
06:28 Phase 10, that's another real good game
06:30 and we not only love that we go,
06:31 we go to the park sometime,
06:33 we'll go in different atmosphere
06:35 and play the game Phase 10.
06:37 So another thing too that games are good switch them up.
06:42 Curtis taught me how to play Sorry.
06:44 What happens when we play Sorry, Curtis?
06:47 I let you win. Okay.
06:49 That's not the right answer you are looking for.
06:53 Now surely you know that when Curtis says
06:56 he let me win, that doesn't happen.
07:00 Anyway Curtis, what about walking?
07:03 Well, walking also-- of course now let me say this again.
07:08 Let's first go to the screen.
07:11 We are going to explain what you see on the screen
07:13 and then we are gonna talk about walking.
07:15 How it can increase cognitive development.
07:17 You see here, now on the left side
07:19 this is a brain.
07:21 In our brain of course you have blood vessels.
07:23 Now executive function is needed
07:28 to do several things, learning,
07:30 balance a check book, and making decisions.
07:33 To do that we need blood flow.
07:37 When we begin to walk or engage
07:39 in any type of physical activity
07:42 that will increase blood flow into the brain
07:46 which will increase executive function
07:49 which is learning, reading, writing, problem solving.
07:53 So see at the brain that's on the right.
07:55 So therefore when we walk,
07:57 when we engage in any type of physical activity,
08:01 it increases the blood flow,
08:03 the blood flow goes into the brain
08:05 and helps to improve executive function.
08:09 So therefore that's why walking will enhance
08:13 cognitive development, walking.
08:16 And we suggest walking in open air,
08:19 brisk walking would be good.
08:22 Some people jog and of course there's a story about that
08:25 but we may not have time to talk about that.
08:27 But again walking, brisk walking in open air,
08:30 any type of physical activity
08:32 will increase their blood flow in the brain,
08:34 then we can increase our executive function.
08:37 Now, of course we're talking about Alzheimer's
08:38 and you're talking about,
08:39 you know, the caregiver and the individual
08:41 that might be experiencing Alzheimer's.
08:43 You know, you might not start off with the brisk walking
08:45 but the bottom line is just to go out and walk.
08:47 And then as you continue to walk,
08:48 you can actually increase the pace
08:50 and that will do really good.
08:51 But somebody also I remember at the conference
08:53 someone talked about the importance of water as well.
08:56 So what about water? How important is that?
08:58 Okay, now water--
09:00 now we're talking about dementia, Alzheimer's diseases.
09:03 A lot of people think
09:04 well, I'm looking for some type of special herb or drug
09:09 and these are just simple lifestyle things
09:11 that we can do.
09:12 Sometimes we overlook the most obvious.
09:14 I mean, walking, we miss by going to sleep
09:19 or going to bed last program.
09:21 Yeah. And so water.
09:22 This is study done,
09:24 it was published in a Medical Journal,
09:26 this was study done
09:27 at the Martins Care Home in England
09:32 where this new nurse
09:34 who is over charge of this Martins Care Home,
09:37 she decided to engage all the people
09:40 in this care home, the seniors a water club.
09:45 And this was what she did, head nurse.
09:47 What she did is she installed water receptacles
09:52 throughout the care home number one
09:55 and also placed water containers
09:57 inside everyone's room at this care home.
10:01 And they were requested or encouraged to drink
10:04 at least six cups of water a day.
10:08 Over the six months the results were amazing.
10:12 She says, I got several courses of what nurse says.
10:14 She says, the whole home just buzzes now.
10:18 They had less call-ins or call-outs, less falls,
10:25 they had people who have a better mood,
10:28 a better personality, they didn't have people
10:31 who were wandering out as much and it was just amazing.
10:36 There was more cheerfulness throughout the whole home.
10:38 So we just simply encouraging people
10:41 who you know, healthcare professionals,
10:43 we care for our loved ones, you want to make sure
10:45 that they get adequate amount of water.
10:49 The reason being is number one, the brain is 80 percent water.
10:56 Yes. The brain.
10:57 So it makes seem to reason that if we have a lack of water
11:01 then the brain cannot function as properly
11:04 therefore we have problems with memory loss, etcetera.
11:07 So just a matter of just drinking
11:09 adequate amount of water, drink it up.
11:13 And you do know that drinking water
11:14 is not just affiliated of course with the Alzheimer's
11:18 but drinking water is important everyday
11:20 no matter what is going on,
11:21 because it helps to lubricate the brain,
11:23 the bones, all the system itself.
11:25 You know, we did a program once on that as well
11:27 talking about water and we showed how--
11:30 when you don't have enough water what happens
11:32 is the blood becomes very, very thick.
11:34 And so when we showed also we showed--
11:36 we had a vase over the head we had ketchup in it.
11:40 We showed how thick it could be,
11:41 your blood can get very thick.
11:42 And then we actually poured water in there
11:44 and we stirred it up with the straw.
11:45 So the size of the straw
11:46 the vein is very, very, very, very small, the vessels
11:49 and we showed how just by adding that water
11:52 how it lubricated and changed
11:53 the consistency of the actual ketchup.
11:56 That's what happens when we drink water.
11:57 We drink water, you know, it actually helps
11:59 to defuse itself throughout the body system
12:02 and it's really good for all parts of the body.
12:05 So I hope you are drinking your water,
12:06 not just because you think
12:07 you might have Alzheimer's or dementia
12:09 but because it's just a good thing to do.
12:12 You know, I think let's take another thing too honey,
12:14 because lot of times people taking care of their loved ones
12:17 who may have dementia or Alzheimer's
12:19 and they may not remember to get their water in.
12:22 So we have to remind them, we have to may be
12:24 put a water jug in front of them
12:26 and you know, time it
12:27 and you know, little posted notes
12:30 because we need to help our loved ones go ahead
12:32 and increase their cognitive development.
12:35 Therefore with that lack of water
12:37 is going to impact the mental and central nervous system.
12:40 Yeah. Yeah.
12:41 Well, what about herbal medicine?
12:42 Any other herbal medicines that we can actually use
12:45 as it relates to Alzheimer's as well?
12:48 Okay, now when it comes to herbal medicine,
12:51 I'm going to mention in my opinion
12:54 based on research the top two herbs
12:58 used for enhancing memory, short time memory,
13:03 enhances cognitive development,
13:06 it protects the nerve cell has low toxicity
13:12 and very effective even more so than drugs for Alzheimer's.
13:18 Two of them. Okay.
13:19 So we are gonna quickly run out of time
13:21 so I'm going to highlight the first one.
13:22 The first one this is based on meta-analyses.
13:26 Now what I mean by meta-analyses mean that
13:29 several studies put together
13:32 that will endorse this herbal medicine
13:35 to increase cognitive development.
13:38 Nine studies total combine and this herb induced in India,
13:44 innovated for many years
13:47 for cognitive development in Alzheimer's diseases.
13:50 Let's go to screen and see what this herb is at this time.
13:54 Here it is Bacopa Monnieri it states this,
13:59 journal from Ethnopharmacology.
14:02 It enhances to speed of attention.
14:06 Two, it decrease choice reaction time.
14:10 And three, it's effective for dementia
14:13 and Alzheimer disease and also ADHD,
14:17 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
14:19 So again enhance speed of attention.
14:21 In other words, that we have-- the intention is speed it up
14:26 so we'll be able to concentrate better.
14:29 And reaction time where we can react quicker
14:34 than if we didn't have this herb into the system
14:37 and then also the third one of course
14:39 that we mentioned about enhance
14:40 the cognitive development and also ADHD.
14:44 Now this herb can be purchased anywhere,
14:47 in any major health food store in United States.
14:51 And the dose is based on clinical studies
14:54 is 300 milligrams.
14:56 Bacopa Monnieri, 300 milligrams.
14:59 And lot of times you see this in lot of their memory formulas
15:02 you see Bacopa Monnieri is on there.
15:04 A lot of times you don't really have enough.
15:06 Sometimes like 30 or 40 milligrams,
15:09 we need 300 to be efficacious, enhancing the memory as well.
15:13 So let's go for that. So that's one.
15:16 The second one is also very popular.
15:20 This one is used in China for years, all right.
15:23 And so let's go to screen to see
15:25 what this herb is at this time.
15:27 Huperzine A, this is from a Chinese club moss
15:30 and this is really based on ClinicalTrials.gov.
15:33 It's gone on clinical trials
15:35 for the last eight to ten years.
15:37 Here it is, "Evidence that this herb
15:40 may compare favorably to other drugs
15:44 for Alzheimer's currently in use
15:47 and useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's diseases."
15:51 This is really remarkable
15:53 because a lot of the clinical trials
15:55 that the government does is not on herbal medicine,
16:00 it's on other drugs.
16:02 ClinicalTrials.gov go there type in Huperzine A,
16:07 click at this tape, time of this taping
16:10 there's over nine clinical trials going on as we speak.
16:14 This been going on for the last eight to ten years
16:17 and so it proved to be very efficacious,
16:21 it protects the nerve cell,
16:23 increases speed of our blood flow.
16:27 And so therefore cognition really increases by taking it.
16:31 Now the dosage for this herb is 400 micrograms,
16:37 not milligrams, micrograms.
16:39 Smaller.
16:40 Four hundred all right, per day you see the improvement
16:44 and it's suggested to take this
16:46 particular herb with meals, all right.
16:49 And it was in the few months
16:51 you can take both of these together,
16:53 be a good combination and plus for both for these,
16:56 first it has no side effects
16:58 and prove to be even more efficacious
17:01 than a drug for Alzheimer's that's on market right now.
17:05 Well, you know, we always say also
17:06 when we talk about this on 3ABN.
17:08 If you are doing a herb you want to make sure
17:10 that you are talking to your doctor to make sure
17:13 that there is a combination you and he are both in agreement,
17:15 not just dropping whatever you are taking
17:17 but you want to talk to your doctor.
17:18 Make sure you are on the same page
17:20 as you're going through talking about herbal medicine, okay.
17:23 And I know what you are saying to yourself,
17:24 you know, I'm going through a lot
17:25 and we know when we had this conference
17:27 there were lot of people
17:28 that were going through a lot of changes.
17:30 The caregiver was really suffering a lot
17:32 because that person who had Alzheimer or dementia
17:35 could have been their parent
17:36 or is their parent father and mother
17:38 and it's really a very stressful time for a caregiver
17:42 and also the individual going through Alzheimer's.
17:45 And so where is God with this?
17:48 Well, I'm gonna tell you right now
17:49 where God is, is in the word.
17:51 Of course read the scripture,
17:52 there's a good scripture that matches this one.
17:54 Okay, honey, this is taken from 2 Corinthians 10,
17:58 I'm gonna read verse 5 and this is what it says.
18:01 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing
18:08 that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
18:12 and bringing into captivity" here it is
18:16 "every thought to the obedience of Christ."
18:21 We are talking about cognition.
18:23 We talk about new mental stimulation
18:28 which creates new brain cells
18:32 will start to fight with one other
18:34 and keeps the switch turned on.
18:38 One way of doing that
18:39 is studying God's word on a daily basis.
18:43 Keep that switch turned on,
18:45 those new brain cells start fighting with one another,
18:48 therefore we can increase cognition just by this alone--
18:51 along with other things that we mentioned as well.
18:53 Now you're talking about that cognition
18:55 and also increasing by reading the word.
18:57 Let's say you have an individual
18:59 that you are saying that is kind of hard to read to them.
19:01 You know, we've seen cases
19:03 where people get cassettes or DVD's.
19:06 They have the Bible on it
19:07 and you can actually plug that in,
19:09 put the earphones on and while they are just there,
19:12 you can actually use that as well.
19:13 So we're gonna give you some other ideas
19:15 also we go into kitchen
19:16 because we are about to go into kitchen.
19:17 We're gonna make some cilantro black bean patties,
19:20 so get your paper and you pencil
19:22 and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2015-02-19