Abundant Living

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL000221A

00:01 Premenstrual syndrome also known as PMS.
00:07 Well, are you a woman that suffers from this
00:11 and or know somebody that's actually going
00:14 through these different changes PMS.
00:17 Well, this program is designed especially for you and them.
00:23 Stay by.
00:58 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living.
01:00 This is Curtis Eakins, welcome again
01:02 and this is my beautiful bride
01:04 of 20 glorious wonderful years--
01:07 Paula Eakins.
01:08 Very good.
01:09 Okay. Okay.
01:11 I know, I never know
01:12 where you are gonna go all the way
01:14 or just half the way or whatever but--
01:16 Okay.
01:17 Hello.
01:18 Hey, that's a nice hairstyle
01:20 and the band around your hair matches your blouse.
01:24 I'm a girly girl. You're girly girl.
01:25 I'm a girly girl.
01:26 Okay, so--
01:28 It's all about staying cute.
01:30 All about staying cute.
01:32 Okay, well, I won't be wearing one of those then.
01:34 Okay, now let's go on.
01:36 Now you mentioned about--
01:38 This subject is really heavy.
01:40 Yes, it is.
01:42 There are so many women between the ages of that
01:45 18, 20, 30 years
01:48 that are really still experiencing
01:50 premenstrual syndrome
01:52 and that's PMS by the short name.
01:54 And so we get lot of phone calls on that,
01:56 we know lot of people that are going through that
01:58 so, I think its a very appropriate program
02:01 to not only speak to it
02:03 but then also to maybe possibly help other
02:05 individuals as going through it.
02:06 Yeah, I think absolutely, honey,
02:08 a lot of people are experiencing that as well.
02:11 And a lot of the time sad to say that
02:14 you have some suicidal, suicidal attempts
02:18 and thoughts during this times too
02:20 because it can be very devastating
02:23 and we can put a person really out of commission so to speak.
02:28 So we really need to deal with this topic
02:31 and give some relief
02:32 because it's entitled PMS relief.
02:36 Absolutely.
02:37 So after the program we are hopefully give
02:39 the one some relief then with this issue as well.
02:42 Well, what about let's define that term
02:44 and what exactly is PMS.
02:46 Okay, PMS or premenstrual syndrome sometimes called.
02:50 Now let's look at the words.
02:52 I remember my grade school teacher many years ago
02:55 I guess about maybe close to 50 years ago
02:58 we were in the third or fourth grade--
03:01 I didn't tell my age. Yes, you didn't.
03:02 I do say, fourth grade so they can probably by now--
03:05 people are probably doing the maths.
03:07 So fourth grade, 50 years ago you start school--
03:11 Okay, anyway well, it doesn't matter.
03:13 But let's go on.
03:14 So anyway I guess you got tired of us
03:17 asking to teacher, teacher, what does this word mean?
03:20 Teacher, what does this word mean?
03:21 So she says class, if you don't know
03:24 what the word means take the word apart
03:28 define its components
03:31 and then put the definition together.
03:33 And teacher, I've been doing that
03:34 for the last close to 45-48 years, all right.
03:39 My teacher, hopefully my teacher is still watching.
03:42 She lives in Huntsville by the way.
03:43 Teaches mathematics in church in Huntsville,
03:45 Barbara Russell.
03:46 Anyway, so premenstrual syndrome,
03:53 therefore menstrual the menses
03:57 where the blood flow from the uterus,
03:58 you know, preparing for the baby in the uterus
04:03 but the blood is pre.
04:06 Therefore it is pain, cramps prior to the menses,
04:11 prior to the flow of the women
04:13 the bleeding from the uterus.
04:15 So premenstrual syndrome.
04:19 Usually when the blood starts to flow
04:21 is when the pain, the cramps begin to subside.
04:26 So it's really doing-- basically that lunar phase
04:30 the seven days, three to seven days prior
04:35 to the menses, premenstrual syndrome.
04:39 And that's the area where a lot of women
04:41 are having problems during that time
04:43 and at sometimes even during the menses itself as well.
04:48 But usually by that time the problem subsides,
04:51 gets less pain, gets less cramping.
04:53 So it's really prior to the menses
04:56 that's why it's called pre.
04:58 And let's talk about then
04:59 because those symptoms are very, very important
05:01 and sometime people are experiencing
05:03 may not even know that's related to the menses itself
05:06 or they-- they will know that
05:07 once the month has actually comes down it happens to them.
05:10 So let's look at the symptoms
05:11 of what actually is a part of premenstrual syndrome.
05:14 Okay, good. I think we have a graphic.
05:16 Oh, yeah, let's go to the graphic.
05:17 You want me to read this honey, or you want to read it or--
05:20 Okay, insomnia,
05:22 this is really when you can't really get any sleep
05:24 and you got those headaches going on,
05:26 these attention headaches
05:27 and sometimes be the migraine headaches.
05:28 We got aggression.
05:30 Oh, yeah.
05:31 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
05:33 that's got the attitude thing going on.
05:34 The depression okay, fatigue, food cravings
05:39 Yeah, yeah and then brain fog and joint pain. Okay.
05:44 I mean, that's a lot of stuff.
05:45 And I mean, these are the same kind of things that
05:47 we hear different women talking about.
05:50 You know, they start going down,
05:51 at least sometime every single one of the things we mentioned
05:54 and or two or three of the different things
05:55 which means that you are into that
05:58 premenstrual cycle arrived.
06:00 Yeah, I know and addition to that
06:02 and that's just some of the symptoms.
06:04 I mean, that's just a summary we can call
06:07 but of course, I never experienced PMS.
06:10 Let's praise him.
06:12 Yeah, praise him too, yeah.
06:14 But anyway what I have read in my research,
06:19 so this is not a first hand basis
06:21 but what I read in my research that the cramping,
06:24 the bloating, the breast tenderness
06:27 and maybe you can add to that, honey.
06:29 Well, I was gonna say,
06:30 you know, I do remember all this kind of thing too
06:32 when I was in that age category
06:34 but now this time of my age praise Him,
06:36 I don't have to worry about.
06:38 So you have more wisdom now.
06:39 Premenstrual syndrome, but like I said before
06:43 a lot of women talk to us about that and what's going on.
06:45 So now we talk them about because its not just something,
06:48 sometime women that's inherited,
06:50 sometime, you know, this in a family line
06:52 the mother, grandmother,
06:53 sometime it's passed on down genetically.
06:55 But sometimes it's things that actually can be caused by or--
07:00 Aggravated by these different things
07:04 to like the diet, lifestyle as well.
07:06 So it can make matters worse.
07:07 Absolutely.
07:08 So therefore, you want to go to some other causes--
07:10 Let's look at that.
07:11 Because there are some things
07:12 that can actually make this situation even worse.
07:15 There you go.
07:16 And so let's go to the screen at this time, all right.
07:18 Look at some causes. Let me read this okay, honey.
07:21 All right, Changes in hormones, all right.
07:23 So therefore there is imbalance of hormones going on,
07:26 this dealing with the brain.
07:28 Then we have chemical changes in the brain as well.
07:32 Low levels of vitamins and mineral.
07:34 We'll talk about supplementations
07:37 later on in the program
07:38 where we can balance that all as well.
07:40 Eating lots of salty foods.
07:42 I think we'll talk about that because as I understand, honey,
07:46 and of course this is just based on research
07:48 not first hand knowledge, but there is a lot of bloating.
07:51 So a person eats a lot of salty foods
07:54 that's going to retain water fluid
07:57 who makes matters ever worse.
07:59 Is that correct?
08:00 Yeah, salty foods is that going--
08:01 that's why the bloating
08:03 and also can be swelling even on the legs,
08:05 the lower part of the legs as well
08:07 because the body is gonna retain that fluid
08:09 because of the salt.
08:10 And I'm not talking about a small amount of salt,
08:12 I'm talking about just really craving salty foods.
08:14 Now this is not as same as
08:16 maybe having some salt in your food
08:17 but this is now additional salt, okay.
08:20 Now, we didn't even bring this up
08:21 but this is also a heavy part of it
08:23 and that is craving caffeine.
08:26 Oh, caffeine.
08:27 Big time, chocolate--
08:30 Okay, chocolate, you just heard my feelings.
08:34 You know, all those kind of things is almost like
08:37 you know, is all that you are gonna kind of crazy.
08:38 You just really need to have a lot of--
08:39 It's kind of crazy.
08:40 It's kind of a deficiency
08:42 that's actually going on in the system,
08:44 but really enjoy things like, the extra amounts of caffeine,
08:47 the extra amount of salt just makes it worse, okay.
08:51 Makes it worse so--
08:53 Okay, now what about some lifestyle factors that
08:56 we can do, a woman can do
08:58 that will offset the symptoms that
09:01 will have so many symptoms subside a little bit.
09:04 What are some of things that a woman can do
09:07 that can offset this or make it even better during this time?
09:11 Well, first of all we already mentioned
09:12 the fact about the salty foods and also the caffeine food
09:16 and lots of sweets.
09:17 Okay.
09:18 Okay, something about all those kind of things
09:20 and those always a hormonal imbalance
09:22 but it just seems like around at that timeframe
09:24 or coming up to that timeframe you are more prone to that.
09:27 I do remember back in the day, that was back than a day
09:31 when I actually had issues with premenstrual syndrome
09:35 and also I know that a lot of my friends
09:38 also talk about this a lot, too.
09:39 And so when you think about back of that timeframe
09:43 your craving is gonna stop.
09:44 It's almost like, you know, no other time.
09:47 So it's definitely a hormonal imbalance, okay.
09:49 And with that in mind
09:50 you go after these kind of foods
09:52 and you have to really know,
09:53 but this is the time and if you eat them
09:55 you are gonna be in trouble, okay.
09:58 Because I just remember specifically
09:59 about the chocolate.
10:00 Now, what some of the things that you did?
10:03 I just remember the chocolate.
10:04 Oh, you just remember the chocolate?
10:06 I remember the chocolate. I remember craving--
10:07 You said chocolate four times.
10:08 Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, okay,
10:11 and I remember after that terrible, terrible headaches.
10:16 Really, so that just really aggravated--
10:17 So after a period of time you get to realize okay,
10:20 is it really worth all this?
10:21 Is it worth the sweets? Is it worth all the chocolates?
10:23 Is it worth all the salty things?
10:25 You begin and try to get yourself together
10:27 and say I'm not going to do that.
10:28 So you really have to do that.
10:29 The lifestyle changes means to be on point
10:32 when it comes to what you are eating,
10:33 it also means on point about getting your rest,
10:36 it means on point about not letting people stress you out.
10:38 Because remember I said that we are aggravation
10:40 or you know, oh, yeah.
10:42 Because you got a mood thing going on
10:43 and with that in mind once again hormonal imbalance.
10:47 You know, your family, your friends even know,
10:49 you know, I mean telling that
10:50 your periods on or your menses on.
10:52 But I mean, just know that
10:53 this certain time for me is not a good time
10:56 and if you continue to just talk to me
10:59 you might not be happy.
11:00 Okay, you may--
11:02 You might not be happy. Okay, yeah.
11:04 Let's do what I'm gonna say or do.
11:07 Okay, I want to add to that also I know, their lifestyle,
11:11 the eating, the carbohydrates,
11:14 they say that it can work where
11:17 if you increase your complex--
11:19 Now remember say carbohydrates we need to define that term.
11:22 Complex.
11:23 Your whole grains and legumes, complex
11:26 it will boost serotonin
11:30 and about seven days prior to the menses if you--
11:33 A person is regular that will help.
11:35 Also one other thing, I think you missed as well, exercise.
11:40 Those women who exercise on a regular basis
11:45 have a easier syndrome, premenstrual syndrome
11:50 than those who do not exercise as well.
11:52 So exercise on a regular basis also be pretty good for those
11:59 to reduce those symptoms that we just discovered.
12:02 I once again going back talking about the same thing.
12:04 I meet lot of a young women who will say things like,
12:07 their hands and they feets they are cold all the time.
12:09 And I ask them, do you exercise at all?
12:11 And they will say, well, not really.
12:12 Not as much as I should.
12:14 But one of the things is really good
12:15 for cold hands and also feet,
12:18 you know, is to actually exercise.
12:21 You can't bring that up and down
12:22 it's good to get out there and walk.
12:23 I don't mean time when it's actually getting late.
12:25 Come on, I mean, get into a routine
12:27 of actually getting your walk in
12:29 because it helps you a lot.
12:30 It helps that blood that circulate through the body,
12:32 the fingers and to the toes.
12:34 And I also said to them if you have cold feet,
12:36 when you go to bed at night put cotton--
12:38 White cotton socks on so that your feet--
12:41 Because lot of time, you know, feet sweat.
12:43 And so in the winter time especially it's wet,
12:46 your feet are sweating so putting on cotton,
12:49 white cotton socks helps a lot
12:51 and that walking helps with the extremities
12:53 to get that blood flow going.
12:55 And it works. It does, it does.
12:57 But I mean, I don't know.
12:58 They tell me it works.
13:00 They tell you-- It does works.
13:01 Yeah, so my wife tells me it works.
13:03 Okay, now the medication that people take
13:06 because during this time and--
13:08 What are some of the medications they take.
13:09 Okay, Motrin, Midol, Aspirins all these kind of things.
13:13 Tylenol, Ibuprofen.
13:14 Tylenol, Ibuprofen.
13:16 All those and sometimes they eat okay,
13:19 but most of the time it causes some issues.
13:20 You know, we are always into trying to figure out, you know,
13:23 because they have side effects to them.
13:25 So you want to look at what's more natural.
13:27 What can I use that is more natural?
13:28 So what kind of things can we use
13:30 and I know that most the time we say,
13:32 not just one day or one month,
13:34 you know, anytime you do into herbal medicines
13:37 you got to do it over period of time.
13:38 I do all the lifestyle together not just one thing.
13:40 Yeah, we normally say, three months--
13:42 Probably get to three months or in this case
13:45 it would be three cycles.
13:47 Okay. Which will be three months.
13:49 See, they want to know, okay.
13:50 What is that, what is those supplements
13:52 that we can actually use?
13:53 Well, number one, of course,
13:54 the supplementation is very important.
13:56 Some of the one that has worked over the years B6,
14:01 vitamin E, calcium, vitamin D, folic acid.
14:08 Again, B6, vitamin E,
14:12 calcium, vitamin D, folic acid.
14:17 And those based on the percentage or daily value.
14:22 We get those supplementations,
14:24 I'll give supplement we'll have the daily value
14:26 or say percentage, DV daily value.
14:30 That should be 100 percent that way those vitamins
14:33 you don't get a whole lot of one or the other
14:35 it will be nice safe range.
14:36 That's one of the thing that we can do
14:38 as far as supplementation is concerned.
14:40 Okay, I want--
14:41 I want a piggyback off of that one.
14:43 Because once again I do want to say that, ladies, listen.
14:46 We see a lot of people who take vitamins
14:49 and they spend lot of money
14:50 and we will look on the vitamin pack and we'll see--
14:52 we talked about this before on the show
14:54 the B and C are water soluble vitamins.
14:58 Anything excess of what the body needs
14:59 is gonna be leached out.
15:00 So this is expense adventure, all right.
15:02 And then we talked about also the A, D, E and K,
15:05 ADEK that's the fat-soluble vitamins.
15:08 If you take those in you get too much of it--
15:10 Of course, it's actually stored in liver
15:12 and it's gonna cause some problems later on.
15:14 So that daily value we want to make sure
15:16 it never goes above 100 percent of the daily value.
15:20 Because sometimes people show me stuff
15:22 and it's like 3,000 of the vitamin B6 now,
15:25 its way too much, way too much
15:27 and it's also very expensive.
15:28 Okay, yes, it is. Good point on that one, yeah.
15:30 Now what about a drink?
15:32 I know we talked before about hot ginger tea,
15:36 we talked about that is another thing to help
15:39 with the maybe the nausea kind of feeling
15:40 and stomach hurting.
15:43 That's one of the other ones also.
15:44 And did you have now was that, Vitex
15:46 was that another one you were gonna mention?
15:48 Yeah, let's listen about herbal medicine
15:50 because herbal medicine
15:51 can play a very vital role as far as reducing PMS.
15:55 So let's go to screen, let's--
15:56 This is our last graphic right here.
15:58 Vitex and again like I mentioned before
16:01 we always put in parenthesis
16:03 the botanical and scientific name as well.
16:05 This is coming from the Pharmacognosy Reviews.
16:09 Vitex sometimes known as chasteberry
16:13 or chaste tree either one.
16:16 Still Vitex same herb, "has been in clinical use"
16:20 to get this now, folks, "regulate the menstrual cycle,
16:26 reduce premenstrual symptom tension and anxiety."
16:33 Vitex also known as chaste tree or chasteberry.
16:39 It's the same herb because sometimes
16:41 it may use those words other than Vitex.
16:44 This is very popular.
16:45 This herb probably been researched
16:47 more than any other herb
16:49 when it comes to premenstrual syndrome.
16:54 Vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry.
16:57 Not only that it also reduces prolactin
17:02 that's why breast tenderness is reduced because of that.
17:07 It increases progesterone
17:11 also releases follicle stimulating hormone.
17:15 In other words this herb helps
17:18 to regulate imbalance of hormones.
17:22 They researched more than any of the herb for this condition.
17:26 Now on top of that
17:28 there is another thing that's going on
17:30 to because with the pain of the uterus
17:33 it enlarges itself and pushes against
17:36 sometimes the wall to cut off the blood supply
17:40 which causes the pain of the uterus.
17:42 So what we want to do is have some proper herbal medicine
17:45 that simply relaxes smooth muscle
17:50 and the uterus is a smooth muscle.
17:53 That being said raspberry tea relaxes smooth muscles,
18:00 but the uterus is the smooth muscle
18:02 and do that a few days
18:05 before you know your menses is to start.
18:07 If you don't want to wait until it starts,
18:09 but few days before with the raspberry tea
18:13 the Vitex chasteberry, chaste tree
18:15 same herb, ginger tea
18:17 because that's at any of your health food store
18:19 or any grocery store and just make a nice hot
18:23 pot of ginger tea help to relax as well.
18:26 So all those things that we can do, ladies,
18:28 to help reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
18:33 They do a good job or what?
18:35 Did I think he did a good job
18:37 for someone who researched it all and--
18:39 And based on what you tell me to.
18:40 And based on what you experience
18:42 and what you told, what you've heard.
18:44 And so, you know, it's a lot of information on this
18:47 and so of course in order for you to get
18:48 more information, if you want to contact us
18:50 abundantlivingtv.org is our website.
18:53 You can actually call because lot of time
18:54 people don't want to talk, they will talk more personable
18:56 with us about what's going on with them.
18:58 There is relief, ladies, there is relief.
19:00 I hope that the things you heard today
19:02 is something it can help you
19:03 and we are going into the kitchen
19:05 because we are gonna make a recipe
19:06 that's very, very easy and simple.
19:07 It's called the Tabbloulch cold salad.
19:10 Get your paper and pencil and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2015-03-05