Abundant Living

Building Better Bones 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Paula Eakins, Curtis Eakins


Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL00151A

00:01 What is the role of Calcium in the bones?
00:04 And what about Calcium balance? What about
00:06 those Calcium supplements in Calcium-rich foods?
00:10 Well, we are going to explore those issues
00:12 and more in our program entitled,
00:14 Building better bones part II, so stay by.
00:45 Hi welcome to Abundant Living. I am glad you've
00:48 invited us to your living room today as always,
00:50 and I would like to introduce myself Curtis Eakins,
00:53 and this is my beautiful bride Paula Eakins,
00:56 how are you doing today? I am doing fine, thank you.
00:58 Okay you're looking mighty good too. Thank you,
00:59 praise the Lord. You always look good by the way.
01:02 Thank you and praise him. Praise him, thank you,
01:05 alright. Building better bones part II, now of course
01:08 well last week we started this program on Building
01:11 better bones part I and just in case if you missed
01:14 last week's program we're going to do a short review
01:17 before we go into today's topic. But again as we
01:20 mentioned before there was a tease I made last week,
01:23 I am going to repeat that tease, It's a question
01:25 also a sobering answer. And the question was raised
01:29 to women who were over 75 years of age,
01:32 and the question was, would they rather die or break
01:36 a hip and be admitted to a nursing home.
01:40 Over 80 percent of those women said they would
01:43 rather die. Because if we break a hip a lot of
01:47 individuals, 66 percent of those individuals
01:51 lose their independence. So again you could understand
01:55 why most would say they would rather go down
01:57 to a early grave than to break a hip and go into
02:00 the nursing home. And also women are so independent.
02:03 Well, that's true too; yes, you know I can see, yes,
02:05 how that would cause a problem. Yeah, yeah so
02:08 as I mentioned before last week as well this
02:11 Osteoporosis is an epidemic over the age of 65 years
02:16 of age. So once one reached over 65 is now categorized
02:20 in that age group and beyond as an epidemic.
02:23 So it's called a silent disease because Calcium
02:27 can be snatched from the bones without us even
02:30 knowing about it. You've talked also about testing;
02:32 different types of testing can be done. Yes, okay we
02:34 talked about testing, I talked about the T-score.
02:36 This is the DEXA scan, DEXA, DEXA scan and they will
02:42 measure your bone in three different areas.
02:44 They will measure your bone matrix in the hip,
02:48 the spine and the wrist. And this is very low X-Ray
02:52 that you can receive. So, no problems of receiving,
02:56 you know X-Ray that you may think, it may be more
02:58 than as needed but again they will give you a T-Score
03:03 and -1 to -2.5, in that category is low bone mass.
03:12 Once you dropped below -2.5 and lower than it's
03:16 said be Osteoporosis and in those two categories
03:21 44 million people fall into that category. So again
03:25 it's a devastating disease and one in six women
03:29 will have a fracture before the end of the life.
03:32 So, that's like playing Russian Roulette,
03:34 one in six. Well, one of the reasons we have talked
03:36 also about the factor we said that one in six,
03:38 now we talk about the women in menopause.
03:40 Okay, menopausal woman also post-menopausal
03:43 women. Oh, that's true too, yes. And mainly because
03:45 of the fact that now we're having a problem with the
03:47 hormones, the estrogens specifically. Okay, and
03:50 because of the fact that sometime woman has
03:52 surgical Menopausal at early age, of course that
03:55 sets her into a menopause. And in that situation
03:58 there is a problem with the bone loss. We talked about
04:00 that first five years after Menopause of a woman
04:04 could actually lose her bone matrix, not all of it
04:07 but actually have a problem with the bone matrix
04:09 now having those little holes and stuff in it.
04:11 Yeah, okay, and so, now I understand, now I
04:13 understand too honey that I have mentioned that before
04:15 first five years, because I think we saw a graph
04:17 last week, right. And once they reached the age of 50
04:20 or when they go through Menopause, either surgical
04:22 or natural Menopause that bone matrix begins to
04:26 decline drastically, right, around the age of 50 or
04:29 whenever they go through that period. I think up to
04:32 50 percent of bone lose at that time, absolutely if
04:34 they don't take any replacement therapy
04:37 estrogen in the cells so, let's talk about that
04:40 because last week we talked about if one does not
04:42 take any estrogen replacement therapy then they will
04:44 lose their bone mass. So, how can they counteract that?
04:47 You know Hormone replacement therapy;
04:49 we now talking about Bio-identical therapies.
04:52 This is not the patch or the pill. And there is a whole
04:55 group called, The Academy of Compound Pharmacists,
04:59 and these are Pharmacists that actually do nothing but
05:01 we call them natural protocols when they do
05:03 a prescription or write up a prescription. Okay,
05:05 and of course if you want to know how you can find it
05:07 you can go to our website Hseminars.com, and
05:10 we'll be glad to let you know where these
05:12 telephone numbers are, you can get a hold of them
05:14 but these are all natural, maybe basically for,
05:16 with a soy base, okay but has been very, very good
05:20 as far as not having any side-effects,
05:22 no contraindications or anything for individual
05:25 who would take that rather than the patch or the pill.
05:29 Okay, so we are not talking about Premarin,
05:32 no Premarin. We should, you know what Premarin is?
05:35 Yes. Premarin, Pregnant Mares' Urine. Okay, so
05:40 I don't think we want that, or Prempro, they are all in the
05:43 same category, and of course in 2002 they made
05:47 the announcement. They want women who were taking
05:49 Premarin, Prempro that they want them to come off
05:51 of it because of the side effects, it was not helping
05:54 with heart disease and cancers and that was
05:56 not helping at all. And there were some other
05:58 things that were going on. So, they just stopped
06:00 all research and any woman who was on those they told
06:03 them come off, that's why the compound pharmacists
06:05 is the way to go. Okay, so Premarin,
06:09 Pregnant Mares' Urine. Right. It is not natural
06:12 for us to do that, unless your a horse, unless our
06:15 native food is hay, absolutely, and it is not.
06:18 Yeah, our native food is not hay, so it's natural for us.
06:21 We're talking about our 40 percent, the women who
06:23 are in menopause or post-menopausal women
06:25 in that Osteo issue, because of fact that of the
06:28 estrogen, and testosterone production all those levels
06:31 hormonal but also it's not just that but also
06:35 bad eating habits. Okay, now again, alright,
06:37 as we review we talked about the, in particular
06:41 the animal protein, right. When we take in
06:44 animal protein, it snatches away the Calcium
06:48 from our bones. Calcium is used as a
06:50 buffer so the more animal protein we take in
06:52 whatever source be it pork, chicken, lamb,
06:56 fish, beef, milk, cheese, yogurt whatever it is,
06:59 then the more animal protein we take in the more Calcium
07:02 we lose from our bones, so we are actually peeing out our
07:06 bones alright. The Kidneys excrete the calcium
07:09 and of course we have porous bones, or Osteoporosis.
07:12 So we emphasize that that's why milk, although
07:16 milk has Calcium but we only receive or absorb
07:20 30 percent of Calcium in the cow's milk. And since
07:23 milk also has animal protein it's actually a deficit
07:26 not a benefit in the long run and we have also did
07:29 some clinical studies in reference to that as well.
07:31 So, we are talking about not animal protein but a
07:35 plant based protein that's the way to go because
07:37 when we take that in then we keep the Calcium
07:40 that we're taking into our system. Alright,
07:42 now let's go to some other things. Now we're talking
07:46 about the food pyramid chart. That's new as of
07:49 2005 as we speak here and let's talk about the food
07:52 pyramid chart and then we're going to go into a
07:54 powerful statement as well. Let's talk about food
07:56 pyramid chart. Well, one of things that I got very
07:58 excited about as being in the area of nutrition
08:00 and that is that every four or five years a new
08:03 pyramid chart comes out. Now, this one was different
08:06 because this is the first time the pyramid
08:08 chart not only dealt with food, it also dealt with
08:11 exercise. We have never seen that before. Okay,
08:14 and that's because of course a problem with
08:15 obesity in America. America has just gotten too fat,
08:19 just too fat. And that comes from a sedentary lifestyle,
08:21 okay, and bad eating habits, fast foods okay.
08:24 And in that scenario what did Curtis so they went
08:26 through and instead of hitting even the dairy and
08:28 the meat kingdom, they talked more about whole grains.
08:32 For the first time we begin hearing a lot of information
08:36 about having five fruits and vegetables a day,
08:38 that's five each and also having whole grains,
08:41 brown rice and whole wheat bread and oatmeal and all
08:44 those type of foods in the diet. Because that fiber
08:47 component, because of that cholesterol component
08:50 where our body's taking in too much animal protein,
08:52 raising that our cholesterol level up very, very high
08:55 and causing a problem with once again the Calcium
08:57 situation for osteoporosis. And so with that in mind
09:01 we're talking more about more fruits and more
09:03 vegetables and of course we said this before on our
09:05 program. If you doing something like lets say,
09:09 if you want to know an apple, an orange medium size,
09:12 a medium size banana is considered as one serving.
09:15 If you want something like let's say vegetables
09:17 if you're doing a salad then that's one cup of raw
09:20 vegetables. Okay, if you are doing anything that's
09:22 cooked then that's a half a cup of any cooked
09:24 type vegetables and of course same thing with fruit,
09:27 you know the whole fruit medium size,
09:29 but if they're not cooked that we are talking about
09:31 a half of cup of cooked. Now when it comes with the
09:35 pasta and grains, I've got to say this, we're only
09:38 talking about a half a cup of pasta and a half a cup
09:43 of rice, alright, because we're looking at, basically
09:46 we're talking about a person taking it about 2000
09:48 calories a day. Basically women 2000 a day,
09:51 men between 2400 to 2600 calories a day
09:55 as those individuals who don't eat quite that much
09:58 but our concern is mainly that the normalcy to not
10:02 gain weight is about 2000 for women, 2400 to 2600
10:07 for men as well. Okay, so done with the plant based
10:09 whole grains, plant based; emphasizing the plant based
10:13 protein as apposed to animal protein. Well, I think
10:15 the animal protein is more higher up in the pyramid
10:18 chart. Absolutely, that's emphasizing, right, right,
10:20 very good. Well you know the other thing that we're
10:24 concerned about also and that is what about
10:26 nutrition for the bones. Okay, we're gonna have a
10:28 powerful statement I am going read on the screen,
10:30 before we go to the screen let me verify this author.
10:33 The author is named Ellen G White, a prolific author,
10:37 a Christian health educator and she's written in 1800s,
10:41 believed to be inspired by God about over 12 million
10:45 people around the world. The most translated author
10:48 in the United States, fourth in the entire world.
10:51 She makes a profound statement as far as our
10:54 bones are concerned in our health. Let's go to our
10:56 next graphic. The statement is this,
10:58 "Ministry of Healing page 295, Our bodies are built up
11:04 from the foods we eat, the bones demand theirs."
11:11 Therefore this author here talks about every organ,
11:14 muscle, gland and the body needs nutrition.
11:17 Certain body's parts need different nutritional
11:21 components and she mentions that the bones
11:24 in particular need their nutritional parts to build up
11:29 the bone matrix. Now having said that, let's look at
11:32 the calcium balance, because we're talking about
11:34 calcium and in our skeletal system houses practically
11:40 all the calcium within the body, in the skeletal
11:43 system. About 95 up to 99 percent of the calcium
11:47 is in the skeletal system. Less than about 5 percent
11:51 of the calcium is in our blood stream. But this is
11:54 what happened, this is calcium balance now
11:56 homeostasis. When the calcium in our blood stream
12:00 drops, it snatches the calcium from our skeletal
12:04 system to maintain the homeostasis in our blood
12:08 stream. When that happens of course our skeletal
12:12 system is robbed of the calcium, because we have a
12:15 deficiency of calcium in our system. The calcium
12:18 has to maintain homeostasis in our blood stream.
12:22 So there is a balance there, so having said that
12:24 we need to understand what are those calcium
12:27 rich foods honey? Let's talk about that first.
12:29 The calcium rich foods, well we talked about that
12:32 before on one of our programs and we talked
12:33 about that, we talking about like cereal in fact
12:35 for instance Total, Total, just three fourths of a cup of Total
12:40 has over 1,000 mg of calcium in it, alright, orange juice
12:44 one cup of orange juice has 350; this is that one has
12:48 calcium in it. Oh, okay, you see orange with calcium
12:50 also, 350 mg of calcium, okay, soy milk this is
12:55 fortified, 200 to 400 mg of calcium. Soy milk, okay,
13:01 Collard greens, Collard greens, one half of a cup,
13:04 180 milligrams of calcium, no animal protein in these,
13:10 no animals, beans of all type, Kidney, Pinto,
13:13 you name, all your legumes okay, has between
13:15 160, and 210. Okay, alright and of course Tofu
13:20 and why is that high? Because tofu not only
13:23 the bean itself has the highest amount of calcium
13:25 than any bean in the bean kingdom, Amen for Tofu,
13:29 when they make up Tofu they use a calcium starch
13:32 okay, that actually doubles the amount of calcium
13:36 which makes it higher in calcium than milk.
13:39 Oh, okay interesting so all those foods no animal
13:42 protein. So we're taking those foods because it
13:44 doesn't have animal protein, right, then we keep the
13:47 calcium in those foods, they're not excluded,
13:50 is that right? Absolutely, okay, wonderful,
13:51 wonderful, absolutely, absolutely, okay.
13:53 What about the role of our building of the bones
13:56 and bone matrix as far as calcium is concerned?
13:59 Okay, as I mentioned before the role again homeostasis
14:02 again, when the calcium drops in the blood stream
14:06 then the calcium in our skeletal system replaces
14:09 that and then of course our skeletal system is going to
14:11 be also impaired. So that's the role of calcium in our
14:14 system. It will maintain homeostasis, so that's the
14:17 role of calcium in the body. Now we have a graphic,
14:20 let's go to our next graphic and this is very profound
14:23 because as I mentioned before we need calcium
14:26 in our system. And it's the most prolific mineral
14:29 in the entire body. And then what's come next is
14:33 of course is phosphorus, so again calcium is there
14:37 the most major mineral in the entire body and most
14:40 of that over 95 percent is in the skeletal system.
14:44 You can see that graph there that we need the
14:46 calcium in our bones and also the phosphorus as well,
14:49 it's very important to have that, as far as we
14:52 are thinking the fact they are going to ask you and that is,
14:54 what about supplements. Okay. Now we have a
14:58 lot of supplements, people may be taking again,
15:01 we have the Calcitonin and that's very minimum
15:06 into injection or nasal, you know very little benefit
15:10 from the Calcitonin. You have the dolomite bone
15:14 meal, that's known to be very toxic, or lead
15:18 in particular. You have Evista, now Evista
15:22 is a hormone type of medication and but it can
15:28 cause blood clots from Evista. You have Fosamax,
15:32 now Fosamax is a non-hormonal drug. But with
15:36 that you have inflammation of the esophagus and also
15:39 it slows down the absorption of calcium when we do eat
15:43 foods. So all these supplementations do have
15:46 their downside, so what we emphasizing here,
15:49 in next week's program as well, is to increase our
15:52 calcium rich foods and to avoid animal protein at the
15:57 same time. We are also mentioning some other
15:59 things as well and again one more last thing about
16:02 the supplementation. You know go to a grocery store
16:05 now and a lot of the foods you have mentioned about
16:08 the Tofu that's now fortified with calcium.
16:11 According to the physician desk reference a lot of
16:15 foods are now fortified with calcium. There are different
16:17 types of calcium. You have Calcium carbonate,
16:21 calcium phosphate, calcium citrate, calcium lactate,
16:27 it goes all the way down the list. The most absorbable
16:30 type of calcium is according to the physician desk
16:34 reference is calcium carbonate about 41 percent,
16:39 calcium phosphate about 40 percent and then this
16:43 third is the calcium citrate and some of those
16:49 calcium supplementations are now fortified in your
16:51 soy milks. Okay, but the main thing is that you want
16:54 to make sure that, that calcium carbonate tends to
16:57 settle down at the bottom of the carton, that's why
17:01 it's said on the carton quite often, shake well,
17:05 shake well. When we shake it up then we get that
17:07 calcium carbonate otherwise 30 percent or more can be
17:11 at the bottom of the carton and we miss out on that
17:14 calcium carbonate or other type of calcium that has
17:16 been supplemented in those particular types of foods.
17:19 Well you can see that we've also moved into
17:22 the section of talking about now the vitamins and
17:24 minerals and foods that we should be eating,
17:26 plant based versus animal protein which is what we
17:29 always talk about on abundant living and also
17:31 here at 3ABN of having that plant based diet that
17:34 the original of the God, the original diet that God
17:37 gave to you and I, Amen, to keep us healthy.
17:40 Well I know you're wondering are we going to go
17:41 in Kitchen now? This is really surprise because,
17:43 I am actually going to make a sausage vegetable soup.
17:47 I and know you said, oh wait a minute just let me
17:49 talk about protein, that's animal protein.
17:51 This is a mock, oh, vegetable mock sausage
17:56 vegetable soup. So get your pen and
17:57 your paper and meet us in the kitchen.
17:59 Would you li


Revised 2014-12-17