Abundant Living

Snack Attacks

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Paula and Curtis Eakins


Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL00158A

00:01 High calorie dense foods, high salty foods,
00:05 high sugar foods, sugary snacks everywhere,
00:09 shopping malls, gas stations,
00:11 fast food restaurants that open later and later
00:14 for your convenience, no money, no problem
00:18 they now take credit cards. We simply live in a culture,
00:21 which advised today's topic entitled snack attacks,
00:25 we'll be right back.
00:57 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living,
00:59 this is Curtis Eakins, I am glad you are with us today,
01:02 I would like to introduce my beautiful bride of
01:05 13 glorious wonderful years Paula Eakins,
01:08 how are you doing honey? I am doing wonderful.
01:10 You're looking mighty good too.
01:11 Thank you. Praise the Lord! Snack attacks.
01:14 Snack attacks, this is the culture we live in honey
01:17 I mean everywhere, every time we turn on the radio
01:20 or television, bill boards and magazines and
01:23 all these foods, it lures us to
01:25 increase our snack attacks.
01:29 And I think the thing that blows my mind is
01:30 that I have seen what you are seeing
01:32 at the super markets now.
01:34 Yes. The credit cards and not only that,
01:37 not only using the credit cards to actually buy
01:39 the food, but also at some of the fast food places
01:43 they have their own card, which you can actually use
01:46 and that is getting us into more and more trouble.
01:49 You know now this is of course is a running series
01:52 of the Winning Weigh series and this is one of
01:54 the programs on that serious, the snack attacks.
01:57 I remember I use to work with a coworker of mine at
02:00 the Huntsville hospital years ago
02:01 and she said to me she said Curtis,
02:04 the only exercise I do is when we get off from
02:08 the hospital she drive up to the fast food restaurant,
02:12 she take her finger, hit the button
02:16 and the window will come down and the only exercise
02:18 she does is she held out her hand to get the food
02:23 and then bring it back, that was it for the rest of
02:26 the day alright, and so it makes it convenient.
02:29 Yeah. They open later and later and credit cards
02:32 of course and all these advertising ads and usually
02:36 these ads are to be advertised not so much
02:38 for vegetables and fruit, but the high sugar,
02:43 high fat, high salty type foods,
02:48 the snack attacks. So we are in this
02:51 type of culture now, so part of this
02:54 the winning ways series, we are not going to just
02:56 emphasize how we can shrink those fat cells that
02:58 we talked about last time, but also there is a
03:01 spiritual warfare going on as well,
03:03 so we are going to emphasize that in
03:04 this program amongst some other things as well.
03:06 Well, lets talk about that, let's start off with the Bible
03:09 and what type of scriptures we are looking at
03:11 that might help us as we look through this
03:14 whole area of snack attacks. Okay, and again you know
03:17 we had different addictions, we have a program
03:19 some years ago called food addictions,
03:21 you know people are addicted to cigarettes and drugs,
03:23 but you know when you think about food addiction
03:26 and these are more than just desires or cravings,
03:29 people are sometimes addicted to food.
03:32 Absolutely. Now, this is also true in Biblical days,
03:37 so lets go back to God's word and lets turn to
03:40 your Bibles if you have it, if not just jot the text down,
03:44 I am reading from Deuteronomy chapter 21
03:48 and I'm going to start at verse 20,
03:50 Deuteronomy chapter 21 and verse 20,
03:53 "and they shall say unto the elders of his city"
03:55 now this is a mother and a father,
03:58 they have a son, they got some problems
04:00 with their son, so we pick up this story of verse 20.
04:03 They shall say unto the elders,
04:05 "this is our son, he is stubborn,
04:10 he is rebellious, he will not obey our voice
04:14 and he is a glutton." He is having some problems
04:21 with some snack attacks, even back in Biblical days
04:24 and again as you read on in the letter I have for
04:27 that chapter there that this is a such a severe thing
04:31 that God actually instructed the parents
04:34 there and Israelites to actually take that child
04:38 outside of the camp of Israel and stone him.
04:43 Simply because not just of snack attacks,
04:45 but also because the child was also rebellious as well.
04:47 But part of that story was because of the child
04:50 did not control the appetite.
04:53 So sometimes, a lot of times
04:54 the food sometimes control us
04:57 we need to take that control back
04:58 and we can control the food.
05:00 So, then in Biblical days there were some problems
05:03 with people having snack attacks and again
05:07 we'll go all the way back to the beginning of this world.
05:10 Appetite with a cause of our parents first sin,
05:14 and so Esau, you know coming from the field,
05:19 the Bible says he was very hungry and of course Jacob,
05:22 he had the beans, already prepared
05:24 and Esau, he recognized the birthright,
05:28 he saw the beans, he chose beans,
05:31 ahead of birthright. You know the food causes us to
05:35 have some misjudgment and Satan also understands
05:39 this too, so I think that's why Satan also
05:42 tempted Jesus with three temptations in the Bible,
05:44 that's recorded, but the first of the three
05:47 temptations Jesus in the wilderness was
05:50 to turn these stones into bread.
05:53 So there is a spiritual implication when it comes to
05:56 the Winning Weigh, losing weight,
05:59 we want to emphasize that Satan also knows that
06:03 this spiritual implications so far as getting us
06:06 to lose control of our appetite,
06:09 but Bible also tells us we should also keep
06:11 our bodies under subjection,
06:14 in other words under control,
06:16 so control our appetites
06:18 The only way that that can happen,
06:21 is that you really have to talk to the Lord about it.
06:24 Absolutely. You know I think about the time
06:26 when even a food, the food at one time
06:29 back in the 50s and the 60s was small,
06:33 like a muffin was a couple ounces,
06:36 you know now a muffin is mega.
06:39 So its larger food is more food and so you are more
06:43 tempted to eat it and of course like you said
06:45 before it becomes an addiction.
06:47 Yes, it is. It's an addiction to sweets,
06:49 an addiction to salt, an addiction to fat
06:51 and so with that in mind we need to have a spiritual
06:56 talk with the Lord about trying to get
06:59 ourselves under control. And I think that's where
07:01 we want to emphasize honey, right on the mark about
07:03 that, the spiritual connection as far as
07:06 this weight management is concerned and what if
07:08 God has some strong language for those
07:12 who have lost control of their appetites,
07:15 having these snack attacks.
07:16 So, lets go to our first graphic,
07:18 lets see the strong line that God has for us,
07:21 lets read it, "commit suicide
07:24 and put a knife to your throat
07:29 if you are given to gluttony."
07:33 That's very strong language, now at first,
07:37 value, face value you think that the Bible is telling us
07:41 to commit suicide, you know the Bible
07:44 could have said I have many ways of doing that,
07:46 the Bible could have said and put a gun to your head.
07:51 Well, that would do it. Or put a dagger through
07:54 your heart, that would do it,
07:57 but the Bible says and put a knife where?
08:00 To your throat. To your throat,
08:03 why the throat? Stay with me on this one,
08:06 that's the only passage the food passes from
08:08 the mouth to the stomach.
08:10 So what the Bible is saying is stop the act
08:14 of over eating right here, where the passage of food
08:18 into us from the mouth to the stomach,
08:20 so cut out that not so much to commit suicide
08:24 but Jesus came that we might have life
08:26 and have it more abundantly so he is saying that
08:28 getting control and stop the act right here
08:31 where food passes from the mouth to the stomach.
08:34 We've become a society though that are constantly
08:36 eating up, you might have a meal your breakfast,
08:39 you have your lunch, you have a supper
08:40 and then in between times and a lot of people believe
08:44 that are not Curtis actually eat from out of emotion.
08:48 You know being stressed out, that's a bad time
08:50 when you're stressed out. You eat a lot you know,
08:52 so trying to win that control,
08:55 trying to figure out what is it that causes me
08:58 to eat more and eat in between meals.
09:00 That snack attack is actually more than just
09:02 three meals a day, now we are talking about
09:04 all in between eating as well, right.
09:06 I think, as we look at the word of God,
09:07 Ecclesiastes 2:17, the Bible says
09:10 if it pleases eat, and in due season, yes.
09:14 When it is due. Well, how do we know
09:16 when it is due? Well, look at the digestive system,
09:18 it takes about 4 to 5 hours for the food
09:19 to digest our food, so eat at 8 O'clock in the morning,
09:22 that's breakfast food, 4-5 hours lunch,
09:24 4-5 hours supper, 4-5 hours go to bed.
09:29 So now, there is one challenge
09:31 we're gonna have in this program,
09:33 I gonna give out this challenge right now,
09:34 we are going to repeat it at the end of this program.
09:36 There is one challenge we want you to take in for the next,
09:42 for your life time basically.
09:44 This is a challenge folks and you can help repeat
09:46 this challenge, and also now we tell people kitchen
09:51 CLOSED at 6, lets say it one more time,
09:54 I don't think they were listening honey, again
09:55 Okay. Kitchen CLOSED at 6. Now we had at one time,
10:01 as a matter of fact a couple of times
10:03 we do our community programs.
10:04 That's right. And we said that and the people
10:06 just had a fit, they said, oh my goodness,
10:08 you know. But guess what well we did a week
10:10 long health program in a church, in a community
10:13 and we started on a Sabbath,
10:15 we moved through the week and we gave different
10:17 instructions each night and when they first
10:20 heard kitchen closes at 6, like that Saturday evening.
10:22 That's true. And then so many people said well,
10:23 what about tonight, you know can I eat tonight,
10:25 we said well go ahead and eat tonight.
10:26 I am going to start it on Sunday.
10:28 Okay and you believe it as we moved through
10:30 the week we were asked a question each night
10:33 and the people began to say it works.
10:35 Yes. I can actually get my food in stop at 6 o' clock
10:40 I feel better in the morning. Yeah, I think when you do
10:42 that therefore those fat cells begin to shrink,
10:47 now of course now once more eloquent audience,
10:51 it's always one in the audience,
10:52 one person said, well my kitchen is closed at 6
10:55 but the refrigerator in my bedroom it's open till 12.
10:59 Okay, no, no, no. No no no no, so that's
11:01 a big room too, the refrigerator in your bedroom Roy.
11:03 You got to hit it all. So fridge too closes
11:05 and we do that because a lot of these snack
11:07 attacks are usually in the evening.
11:10 And why is that? Because we nibble sometimes
11:13 we are bored, sometimes we watch television
11:16 we tend to eat a bag of potato chips,
11:17 a half a gallon of ice cream
11:19 and sometimes we eat when we are not hungry
11:22 and we miss queue the signal because the body
11:26 is simply full, what we think is hungry
11:29 so we eat and so those snack attacks usually
11:31 happen in the evening, so when we close at 6
11:33 that's when the holy spirit comes in folks.
11:35 Yeah. Ask the holy spirit to help us and when we do
11:38 that then the weight will also start to come down,
11:40 kitchen closes at 6.
11:41 What are some of the problems about
11:43 constant eating, what can happen as a result of that.
11:46 Well, this one inspired a lot of that we like to
11:48 quote quite often Ellen G. White, inspired by God
11:54 that most people, I believe over 12 million
11:56 people around the world, the most translated author
11:58 in the United States, number one woman
12:01 that's translated in the entire world according to
12:03 library of congress, she made a statement that
12:05 would go something like this,
12:07 I'm going to paraphrase, she says that the brain
12:09 is very closely connected to the stomach
12:12 and so when we overeat what happens is that
12:15 the brain nerve power, now she said this in 1800s,
12:20 the brain nerve power has to help out the stomach
12:25 to digest the food. Now being in neurosurgery
12:29 I know there are 12 cranial nerves, 12,
12:32 she said that brain nerve power,
12:35 so which one of the 12 cranial nerve is the nerve
12:39 that actually helps the stomach
12:41 to digest the food? We have discovered
12:44 the name of that nerve, it's called the Vagus nerve
12:48 that's the only nerve from the brain to go to
12:51 the stomach to help digest the food now when that's
12:54 constant because of overeating,
12:56 that brain nerve power comes from the brain,
12:59 then when we overeat and stuff ourselves,
13:03 the brain becomes sluggish and that's why we tend to
13:07 go to sleep and therefore when that happens,
13:10 an adjustment is impaired.
13:12 So this is a very close connection between
13:14 the brain and the stomach and that's one of the
13:16 problems of having these snack attacks
13:19 and it's usually in the evening time.
13:22 Vagus nerve. The Vagus nerve,
13:24 it's a big nerve, we did a carotid
13:25 endarterectomy where we actually see that nerve,
13:28 that nice sized nerve that comes from the brain stem
13:30 down to the stomach Well, I guess the question
13:33 then is what about calorie dense foods
13:35 because that's also a major culprit,
13:37 we talk about identify, when you say calorie dense,
13:41 yes, what type of foods are we talking about?
13:42 Yeah calorie dense simply means there is a lady
13:44 named Dr Barbara Rose she is an nutritionist
13:49 at the university of Penn State and she does
13:52 some good research on calorie dense food
13:55 for over 20 years and she is a author of the book
13:58 called volumetrics, what kind of dense food
14:00 is simply this, is the amount of calories
14:03 in a gram of food. In other words,
14:08 certain foods have high calories in a small amount
14:12 of weight, we call that food calorie dense,
14:16 it's very dense in calories,
14:18 let me give you some examples,
14:20 potato chips is a calorie dense food, you know
14:24 one chip has a lot of calories yet is light,
14:27 but it's calorie dense, you know 5.5, mayonnaise
14:33 and butter is a calorie dense food 7.2,
14:38 the food has the highest amount of calories
14:41 per weight is oil 8.8, therefore when we fry foods
14:51 that oil seeped into that food that is fried,
14:54 therefore that baked potato which is only
14:56 60 calories but when it is fried, it's now
14:59 a calorie dense food because of the oil
15:02 that's been absorbed in that food. That's why
15:04 the Bible in the King James version no where
15:08 has the word fried or frying found in God's word,
15:12 so therefore its not only what we eat and we base
15:15 that on Genesis 1:29 and Genesis 3:18, but also
15:18 how the food is prepared determines whether or
15:22 not that food is going to be fattening,
15:23 whether it can enlarge those fat cells.
15:26 So calorie dense foods, so again,
15:28 what we want to do is switch from those foods to
15:32 light calorie foods, therefore
15:35 when the main components of plant based diet is
15:38 the lot of water content, water has volume. Yes.
15:43 Therefore we can eat more of those foods
15:45 with less calories, because
15:48 water doesn't have any calories.
15:50 Now you're talking about the fruit and vegetables.
15:51 Exactly. Yes. That's why we want to shift from
15:54 the calorie dense foods to those foods that are
15:57 plant based has a lot of water content,
16:00 it has the volume so you have the sense of
16:03 fullness, satiety mechanism is completed
16:06 but yet still the calories are not high
16:09 at all, that's what we want to do.
16:10 You know I think that the thing that's so amazing
16:12 was that the new dietary guidelines when it came out
16:15 it actually addressed the whole issue.
16:17 That's true, of food, but something
16:19 happened this time. Yes. Not only did
16:21 it talk about the foods that we should have
16:23 according to the pyramid chart, it also talked about
16:25 exercise now nowhere have they ever put
16:27 the food and exercise together.
16:29 It's the first time happening.
16:30 And that's because of the problem in America
16:32 of the obesity factor, and they even say the word
16:35 morbid obesity factor which means we used to
16:37 have a problem with the weight then the obesity
16:39 and now morbid obesity which means that
16:41 we are way out of line when it comes to our diet
16:44 and exercise and of course we used to exercise a lot
16:46 before in the past and so you could eat more
16:48 and of course the exercise kind of helps to
16:51 balance it out. But we now just kind of sit
16:54 around you know we got the buttons we're pushing
16:56 you know, we were fighting somebody in front of
16:58 the parking lot to get to the store faster
17:01 you know I was there first, it's just a lot of things
17:03 going on. Yes. But dietary guidelines
17:05 this time came out and was speaking about
17:07 they wanted us to look at the foods, the fats,
17:12 trans fats, they want out. Okay. Alright, that's,
17:15 we will talk about that when we go into the kitchen.
17:17 Okay. Trans fat go low in cholesterol okay,
17:20 but there was something strange this time
17:22 that was really wonderful it was almost like
17:24 somebody was reading the word of God
17:25 because they actually talked about
17:27 more of the plant based diet.
17:30 That's true. They said nine servings,
17:34 nine servings, that's four servings of
17:36 fruits and five servings of vegetables alright
17:40 and you know once before on Abundant
17:42 Living we spoke about what's a serving,
17:44 half a cup of fruit or vegetable is consider as
17:48 a serving because it's more dense,
17:50 its been cooked. That's right.
17:51 And then a fresh, then we are talking about one cup
17:54 and so with that in mind you have to kind of
17:57 juggle those out to know when you meet that nine
18:01 servings size okay, now that's separate from
18:04 the grain and cereal kingdom, away with all that white rice
18:08 that white flour, pastry flour,
18:10 whole wheat flour is the way to go,
18:12 brown rice is the way to go,
18:14 brown whole wheat bread is the way to go,
18:16 those whole grains, that was really being
18:19 pushed a lot this time as well and then also
18:21 that sodium level, lowering the sodium level,
18:24 getting that sodium level down no more than
18:26 one teaspoon. And that's the entire day, okay,
18:28 one teaspoon, so when you look at your sodium
18:30 we talked about that before,
18:32 sodium levels we said one gram is equal to 1000 mg
18:37 and every time you look at salt,
18:39 an item that has salt, you will always see in
18:41 milligram amounts and so you want to curb that,
18:42 since you're salt sensitive,
18:44 so that's an issue as well. And so with that in mind
18:46 it also talked about exercise and exercise
18:49 we are going to be holding on to that
18:50 until we get to the program,
18:52 its going to be talking about and I am sure
18:53 we are going to get on that program
18:55 as well exercise, 'cause that's the next
18:56 component as well. That right, okay.
18:58 Well, I guess one of the things I was thinking
18:59 about was people like that high fat.
19:02 They do. And high sugar.
19:04 They do. And so how can they make a change.
19:06 Well you know again sometimes peoples taste
19:10 buds have been so perverted over
19:12 the years because we, lot of people like
19:15 the salty foods, the sugary foods,
19:17 the high fats foods, when we were born
19:20 outside the sense of pain, taste is the sense that's
19:25 most fully developed, this sense of taste,
19:30 we have 9000 taste buds on our tongue,
19:35 they die and regenerate every 10 to 14 days.
19:38 Lets go to our last graph and lets look at
19:41 the taste buds on your tongue, let's talk about
19:44 this because we can simply change
19:47 our taste buds, now you see those projections
19:49 there, those are what we call papillae and
19:52 at the tip of those projections there,
19:55 in the back there you have taste buds,
19:57 it seems like they had a bad hair day,
20:00 those are taste receptors and so therefore sometimes
20:05 those taste receptors that you see there,
20:07 some look like mushrooms, some look like small
20:09 volcanoes, there taste buds sometimes been
20:14 perverted over the years and we simply need to
20:17 retrain those taste buds. Thank you for that graphic,
20:20 so what we need to do is to shift and those
20:24 high fat foods, high sugar foods, keep in mind
20:28 those taste buds can be retrained about every
20:32 two weeks, so in time we can change the way
20:35 we taste foods, so in time we don't like the high salty
20:39 high sugary foods because the taste buds
20:41 have be retrained. So again folks,
20:43 but again our last challenge,
20:45 we are going to leave with you in this part of
20:48 the program is kitchen CLOSED at 6 alright.
20:53 Well, our kitchen is open right now
20:55 because we're getting ready to do,
20:56 as we are going into the kitchen and
20:58 we are going to make a Mediterranean vegetable.
21:00 So lets just get your paper and pencil and stay by.


Revised 2014-12-17