Abundant Living

The Pressure Is On

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Curtis & Paula Eakins


Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL00192A

00:01 If I told you that there was one disease
00:03 where your lifetime risk of being diagnosed
00:06 is at 90 percent. And also it is the number
00:11 one reason for prescription drugs,
00:13 one last clue it is also called the silent killer
00:19 have any guesses. Well, today's program is entitled
00:22 the pressure's on. We'll be right back.
00:52 Hi, welcome to the Abundant Living
00:54 and this is Curtis Eakins your co-host,
00:56 which means I have another host too,
00:58 my wife Paula Eakins. How you doing today, honey?
01:01 Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
01:02 Alright, you are looking wonderful today.
01:03 Thank you. Well, thank for being with me
01:05 on these programs. You started off with
01:08 some heavy stuff there on the pressure's on
01:10 and I am sure that by this time someone's
01:13 hopefully kind of knowing where this program
01:15 is gonna be going. You think they have an idea
01:18 of what we are talking about, you know,
01:19 it could be arthritis, it could be diabetes.
01:21 What do you think, baby? No, no, no the pressure's
01:23 on means that we gonna be talking about high
01:25 blood pressure. High blood pressure.
01:27 High blood pressure. Okay. Let's start.
01:29 I guess we settled that. Let me before you,
01:31 with your questions, honey, yes, this is
01:33 gonna be a series called the,
01:35 a clean heart series. Okay. Alright.
01:39 So the next few weeks we're gonna be talking about
01:41 not just heart but the cardiovascular system
01:44 in general. So but today's program is of course
01:47 high blood pressure or the medical term is
01:49 hypertension. So a clean heart series,
01:52 so you want to stay with us for the next
01:54 few weeks dealing with the cardiovascular system.
01:56 Well, moving right into the area of high blood
01:59 pressure. Let's go ahead and define
02:01 the term high blood pressure.
02:04 Okay, good question. Let me first before
02:08 we define the term high blood pressure.
02:10 Let's first talk about blood pressure, alright,
02:14 in blood pressure every time the heart beats,
02:16 blood goes through the vessels and provides organs,
02:21 glands the nutrients that these organs and glands
02:24 need on day-to-day basis, but now sometimes
02:28 that pressure against that artery wall was
02:30 very thin as some problems and that pressure
02:34 when it's high is called high blood pressure.
02:37 Okay, okay. In medical term of course is hypertension.
02:39 There are two types of high blood pressure;
02:41 one is called essential which has no real medical
02:45 reason or cause for that and the other one is
02:48 called secondary which due to maybe renal failure,
02:52 endocrine problems whatever. So, in today's program
02:55 we're gonna be zeroing in on essential high blood
02:57 pressure or hypertension. Now as far to the numbers
03:00 are concerned. Now there are three groups of numbers
03:03 that we need to look at and of course this is in
03:05 your work book as well. Number one let's look at
03:09 the normal blood pressure. Now the top number systolic
03:15 where the heart is beating that number should be 119
03:21 or less, that's the top number systolic.
03:25 What about the bottom number?
03:27 Okay, now the bottom number should be 79
03:30 or less, alright, so let's say, with top number
03:34 systolic is let's say 126 and bottom number is 78
03:39 then it's not normal, okay, both need to be below 119,
03:43 not 119 or lower 79 and lower top and bottom.
03:47 Now the next phase of the system of high blood
03:52 pressure is pre-hypertension,
03:54 alright, the top number is either 120 to 139
04:01 and the bottom number is 80 to 89.
04:07 So now therefore if the top number is normal
04:12 but the bottom number is abnormal then the
04:14 person is still pre-hypertension,
04:17 alright, still have pre-hypertension,
04:19 alright. Now stage one is 140 to 159
04:25 and 90 to 99. And this also in your work book
04:29 as well because we all way down to stage four.
04:31 Normally those who are in the pre-hypertension
04:35 of phase that's about 30 percent of the population.
04:39 We're talking about 60 million people.
04:41 Those who are on stage one said to be
04:43 "hypertension" it's another 30 percent
04:47 which another said to be 60 million people as well.
04:49 So therefore, with that in mind look at those
04:52 two stages together. The pre-hypertension
04:55 and stage one, look at about a 120 million people,
05:00 that's why it's the nation's number one
05:02 reason for drug prescription, alright,
05:05 and it will go down like I said before to stage
05:08 four and of course it can be very damaging
05:10 to the system. People often say,
05:14 I don't know when to take my pressure,
05:15 okay, whether morning, afternoon, when I go to
05:19 the doctor, what is the tip on how to take your
05:22 blood pressure, or when to take it?
05:24 Oh! When to take it, yeah.
05:25 Well, you know we've been to a lot of health fairs
05:27 and we've been to a lot of health fairs
05:28 and sometimes folks health fairs may not be the best
05:31 place to take your blood pressure.
05:32 I mean you're walking around eating all kinds of
05:35 foods and drinks and cokes and whatever I mean
05:37 take a blood pressure and almost as you say have
05:39 a heart attack looking at your numbers, alright,
05:41 So, that may be not be an accurate thing to do,
05:43 but a lot of people are not taking the blood pressure
05:45 at home. If you do that it's very easy to do
05:48 but there are certain thing that we need
05:50 to be mindful of while we do take our blood
05:52 pressure. Number one, you need to have the
05:56 right cuff, if the cuff is too small you have a
06:00 false high number. If the cuff is too large you have
06:03 a false low number. In cold temperatures,
06:07 if the body is cold, coming from the cold whatever
06:09 take your blood pressure it's gonna be a false
06:11 low number. Also you need to have your feet
06:15 flat on the ground, do not cross your legs,
06:18 no talking, turn off the radio, turn off the TV
06:23 and be quiet for at least 5 minutes.
06:27 A lot of times people really don't do all of these.
06:30 Right, right, so you may have some false positives
06:32 and false negatives in doing all of this as well,
06:34 and so with that in mind. And now America Heart
06:37 Association they suggest this.
06:39 Take your blood pressure standing up two times
06:44 and then take a average. Take your blood pressure
06:46 sitting down two times and take a average.
06:50 You take the average of the one that you were
06:52 sitting down. The one standing up is just a
06:54 reference. So, they suggest that as well.
06:57 And so therefore one blood pressure reading
07:00 may not be accurate one you want to take
07:02 at least twice and so but there is different ways
07:05 of doing it but the main things is that we want
07:07 to make sure that we take an accurate reading
07:09 every time. And sometimes in the doctor's office
07:12 you know you're rushing to the doctor's office
07:14 you're looking for a parking place, you know you
07:17 dropped the kids off or whatever,
07:18 the husband off to work and you go into the
07:20 doctor's office and you wait there for 30 minutes
07:22 and you know, you're stressed out and here
07:24 comes the doctor with the white coat
07:26 and take your blood pressure. You're now
07:27 waiting for five minutes and wow it maybe too
07:30 high, it maybe a false positive.
07:32 So you want to take all those into consideration
07:35 taking your blood pressure. Well, I
07:36 know from me, I know when you talk me go have
07:38 a physical done. It's the same thing,
07:40 we know it's called the White coat syndrome.
07:42 Yes right, I have learned that I
07:45 need to be calm and when I go into that
07:47 office I actually once I see him doing my
07:50 blood pressure I start saying the Lord is
07:51 my shepherd I said the prayer.
07:53 Oh! That's good. Lord is my shepherd
07:54 I shall not want, I just lay this,
07:56 you know try to calm myself down because it is true.
07:58 They'll do a reading, it'll be high.
08:00 And yet I know what my pressure,
08:02 my blood pressure is normally.
08:04 And then it will go back again or he ask me
08:07 to go back again later on, to it better,
08:08 but I found it just by just having
08:10 that peace of God. Yeah, that's true.
08:12 He helps calm me down. Now that's a good point
08:14 that you're saying a Bible verse, The Lord is my
08:16 shepherd; I shall not want. That's right.
08:18 Yeah, calm me down. Okay. If it goes
08:21 untreated, a lot of people know they have high
08:23 blood pressure, okay, what can happen if it
08:25 goes untreated. Okay, we have a picture
08:28 on our screen here, and those are a lot of things
08:31 that can happen if blood pressure goes untreated.
08:33 Let's look at this and it's very important
08:35 to understand this graphic here. Number one,
08:37 again left untreated, number one, you increase
08:42 dramatically stroke, and reason for this is that
08:46 when there is pressure against your artery
08:48 wall in the brain then it causes the vessels in the
08:53 brain to rupture causing a stroke.
08:56 Now we're gonna have a program later on,
08:58 later on in several weeks entitled different strokes
09:02 for different folks. We will go into more that later on.
09:05 Let's go back to the graphic let's see what else
09:07 we can what happens to the damage of blood
09:09 vessels if left unchecked. Blood vessels damage
09:13 of course Arteriosclerosis it can damage blood
09:16 vessels, any blood vessels to clean the heart as well.
09:20 Heart attack or congestive heart failure,
09:23 even the kidneys, renal failure again this pressure
09:27 against our artery wall, so any time there's gonna
09:30 be a major organ there, it's gonna damage that
09:32 blood vessel, it's gonna damage also that organ.
09:35 So, it puts some undo stress on the kidneys as well.
09:39 So it can cause renal failure, heart attack,
09:42 strokes and congestive heart failure as well
09:46 just by having high blood pressure and a lot of
09:51 people don't even know they have high blood pressure,
09:53 left unchecked, those are the some of the
09:55 damages right there. So you are going to your
09:58 doctor you find you have high blood pressure
10:00 and of course at that point they're going to put you
10:03 on some type of medication if it's high,
10:05 yes, so what about medication? Yeah,
10:07 like I said before it's the number one reason for
10:09 prescription drugs is high blood pressure.
10:12 The medication for high blood pressure can be
10:15 a problem in our self. We listed several things in
10:18 our work book, but just to summarize it in may be
10:21 30 seconds and so. There are several different
10:23 categories of high blood pressure. You have the
10:26 ACE inhibitors this causes dry cough and etc.
10:30 You have the diuretics, potassium loss, muscle pain
10:35 and cramps and you have the blockers are called
10:39 the ABC blockers. A: Alpha blockers; B: Beta blockers;
10:45 Calcium channel blockers. All those held
10:49 a list of side effects and I counted at least 40.
10:52 Dizziness, fatigue, muscle cramps, loss of appetite,
10:57 weight gain, libido, low sex drive, renal failure,
11:02 liver disease, rapid pulse rate, cold hands,
11:08 extremities, and even can be very fatal as well.
11:12 And that's just the good news. So, a lot of people
11:16 looking for other alternatives other
11:18 than that as well. And let's talk about quickly
11:20 about the sodium I know there are lot of people
11:22 when we talk about high blood pressure,
11:24 we talk about the sodium. And let's talk about sodium
11:26 as salt, table salt and what people are taking in
11:29 and what shall we take on a daily basis.
11:31 Well, you know when we talk about the sodium levels.
11:34 One of the things that people are very surprised
11:35 that when we do in our program and that is
11:37 the 1/4 of teaspoon of sodium is over 590 milligrams.
11:45 1/4 of the teaspoon, okay, 1 teaspoon is over 2360
11:52 milligrams of sodium, oh! My goodness,
11:53 I am giving you those numbers because believe
11:56 it or not the average person should not take in more
11:59 than 2500 milligram of sodium and you say,
12:03 okay, what does that mean. What it means
12:05 that when you go and buy your foods you can
12:07 always see the amount when it comes
12:09 to sodium in milligram amounts. It takes 1000
12:13 milligrams to equal 1 gram of sodium so you
12:16 can see already about 590, 1/4 of teaspoon.
12:19 Then you're moving, you're moving, okay,
12:21 and people don't measure out there sodium.
12:24 What they usually do as they just take the salt
12:26 shaker and they shake, shake, shake.
12:27 Shake, shake, shake. And they shake it more
12:29 than two or three times a day. A person is salt
12:31 sensitive however I've said 2500 milligrams
12:34 sodium a day. But if you're salt sensitive
12:36 we are actually recommend that you not do more than
12:38 1500 milligrams of sodium a day. And so you can
12:42 actually count by looking on your labels.
12:44 Seeing exactly how much sodium is actually there.
12:46 And you can keep a count where you are.
12:49 How about the average American.
12:51 The average American is taking in anywhere
12:53 from 6 to 8 grams of sodium a day.
12:58 I said 6 to 8 grams. Oh! My, grams.
13:00 Grams of sodium a day, alright, which is also
13:03 causing a problem with these high numbers
13:05 you're seeing now of high blood pressure whether
13:07 it's by salt you're actually sprinkling extra salt on
13:09 your food, there is already salt on your processed
13:12 foods, that kind of thing. These are the ways in
13:15 which we can get more sodium in our diet than
13:17 we actually need to have and I guess one of the
13:20 things I want to ask you then okay, it's how do you
13:22 actually go about selecting low sodium foods.
13:25 Okay, there is a easy way of doing folks
13:27 and there is one number you need to remember
13:30 selecting foods that has the right amount of
13:33 sodium that you need particularly those
13:35 who are already hypertension.
13:36 One number, that number is 15. Now we look at
13:41 a package container of food in the grocery store.
13:44 You want to look not so much at the milligram
13:47 amount of sodium but you want to look at the
13:49 far right column, okay, it may have the letters DV
13:55 or the words daily value as a percentage.
13:59 You go down to sodium, go across to the far right
14:04 column you see a percentage there.
14:07 That percentage needs to be 15 or less.
14:12 15 or less you know this a right amount of sodium
14:16 that the percentage, particular person's
14:18 hypertension. If you are not even hypersensitive
14:21 it still need to good to have that percentage
14:23 around 15. Sometimes you can go up to
14:26 20 percent, even 25 percent and with that
14:28 in mind regular table salt is 25 percent,
14:34 regular table salt so that's way past the 15.
14:36 So but you have also some white salt which is
14:39 down to about 12 percent, so that's one way of doing
14:42 that as well. So just looking at the labels
14:44 15 is that number you need to understand for
14:46 looking at the sodium amount that the body
14:49 needs on a daily basis. Several studies have
14:52 come out. They have talked about potassium foods,
14:54 okay, potassium versus sodium type foods.
14:57 Explain to us... I understand that potassium foods
15:01 are also there to help lower our blood pressure,
15:03 so talk about that. Okay, yeah, quickly
15:09 low sodium diets can lower blood pressure what
15:11 they discovered now they say, published in
15:13 Archives of Internal Medicine that when we have foods
15:17 that has a high potassium and a low sodium ratio,
15:21 blood pressure drops even further.
15:24 So with that in mind we have the whole list of
15:26 foods in our work book but so with foods that
15:28 has a high potassium and a low sodium you have
15:31 the lima beans, you have bananas and the orange,
15:34 but they has high potassium and a low sodium,
15:38 the ratio, the higher the potassium the lower
15:41 the sodium. Foods that have a high sodium
15:44 and a low potassium food will raise your
15:48 blood pressure. Those foods are mostly your
15:51 flesh foods and your sea foods. Your flounder,
15:54 salmon, your cod and chicken and roast beef,
15:58 those have a high sodium and a low potassium
16:03 and those foods will raise your blood pressure,
16:05 it's very damaging to the system.
16:07 So now we have idea of the foods that can
16:09 raise your blood pressure and foods that can
16:12 lower your blood pressure. So, we are seeing once
16:13 again the fruit, vegetables, the whole grain will do
16:15 that, that's true, yeah, what about botanical
16:17 medicines then? Yeah, botanical medicine
16:19 again what we need to do is, let's go to our
16:22 graphing, let's look at botanical medicine.
16:24 I want to see this graphic first of all because our
16:27 blood vessels are very elastic. If they are wider
16:31 or if they are dilated the blood pressure comes
16:34 down. If they constrict themselves and the blood
16:36 pressure goes up. So with that in mind,
16:39 there is one herbal medicine out there that can simply
16:44 dilate the arteries. Now, as the arteries are
16:48 dilated the blood pressure comes down, right,
16:52 alright. So, with that in mind there is one herb
16:55 or botanical medicine we call it, that can simply
16:57 dilate the arteries which causes the blood
17:00 pressure to come down. Let's go to the screen,
17:01 look at that herb at this time. Here it is,
17:04 botanical medicine "Hawthorn has played
17:08 a role in the prevention and treatment of
17:11 hypertension, hyperlipidemia and
17:15 congestive heart failure." So it is very powerful
17:20 as far as that's concerned looking that about
17:22 600 milligrams per day on a daily basis and let you
17:25 health care profession be aware that you have taken
17:27 this botanical medicine so that they can make
17:29 their adjustments as far as your blood pressure
17:31 medication is concerned. So it is very important,
17:34 I think we are apart go into the kitchen
17:35 and at this time and maybe talk a little bit about
17:38 cause physical emotional stress can also raise your
17:43 blood pressure as well. So we probably talk about
17:45 that in the kitchen. Well, we are not finished
17:47 with this subject. We're gonna go into the kitchen
17:49 and we're gonna do a Spicy Oven Baked Vegetables.
17:53 Get your paper and your pencils
17:55 and see you in the kitchen.


Revised 2014-12-17