Abundant Living

A Is for Adoration

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL180227A

00:01 The children of Israel,
00:03 as they were traveling through the wilderness,
00:05 they cheered their way by music of sacred song.
00:09 Music is a powerful healer.
00:12 It can bind as a glue,
00:13 and depression and other things as well.
00:15 Today's program is entitled "A for Adoration."
00:19 We'll be right back.
00:42 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living.
00:44 My name is Curtis Eakins
00:45 and this is my beautiful bride of 24 glorious years.
00:51 Your name?
00:52 Paula Eakins as it is taping.
00:54 As it is taping?
00:55 Now, when you see it,
00:56 we probably be in our silver anniversary.
00:58 Whoo hoo. Whoo.
01:00 Okay. Just...
01:01 Just one whoo...
01:02 One whoo is all right. Okay.
01:04 Anyway, but we're glad you're with us again,
01:06 today's program.
01:08 And this is a program that we're doing
01:12 about a acronym called healers.
01:14 So we covered the H, that's herbal medicine.
01:17 We covered the E, that's eating.
01:20 Today the letter is A for adoration.
01:25 Adoration.
01:26 This is a powerful healer. All right?
01:29 And we use in our several references of,
01:32 some of the main references we're using is, number one,
01:34 is of course God's Word.
01:36 He is the standard of truth, God's Word,
01:39 to source all wisdom and knowledge.
01:41 And also our feature author throughout this whole series
01:44 is Alan White, Christian Author,
01:46 we're using her statements as well.
01:48 Then the last, our reference is the clinical studies,
01:51 we're using that as well.
01:53 So those are three tiers of credibility.
01:55 But A for Adoration is a powerful healer,
01:59 so that we can help those people
02:01 safely and effectively
02:03 weighing themselves off of the drug medication
02:07 without those baleful side effects
02:08 that come with as well
02:10 with that knowledge of your primary care physician.
02:14 And also stresses that people go through as well.
02:17 A lot of that adoration is really a part of it.
02:19 So why don't we start off by saying or identifying
02:22 what exactly is adoration?
02:25 Okay.
02:26 Well, let's define the term.
02:28 You know, my grade school teacher
02:29 years ago, she said,
02:30 class, if you don't know what the word mean,
02:33 take the word apart.
02:35 Try to define its components and put it together.
02:37 So adoration, the root word is,
02:40 what I do with you, honey, adore.
02:45 That wasn't a joke.
02:47 So why is the laughter?
02:49 Okay, not sure.
02:51 You're not sure?
02:52 Okay. Adore.
02:53 So okay, I kind of threw you off.
02:55 You threw me off.
02:56 Okay, let me go with the definition.
02:57 Okay, yeah.
02:59 So adore...
03:00 So adore, adoration, break it up.
03:02 AD means to.
03:05 Orore means to speak.
03:09 So, adoration is something that is some...
03:13 something that's audible to speak.
03:15 So therefore,
03:17 and there are three forms of how we can show adoration,
03:21 adoration towards God, and his love and devotion.
03:26 We can do it through music.
03:28 We can do it through the spoken word
03:31 and the last one we can do or show adoration,
03:34 praise through prayer.
03:37 So those are three forms of adoration.
03:39 Now I like to add one more too, is also thought,
03:42 because in order to show adoration,
03:47 you must have a positive thinking process.
03:51 It's hard to show true sincere adoration
03:55 with negative thinking.
03:56 Absolutely.
03:58 So therefore thoughts of guilt,
03:59 depression, grief, remorse...
04:03 We can show adoration but it won't be sincere.
04:06 It won't be from the heart.
04:07 So Jesus said,
04:09 "They honor Me with their lips
04:11 but their heart is far from Me."
04:13 So, the adoration,
04:15 praise towards God
04:17 and honoring Him with all his love
04:19 and devotion etcetera.
04:22 I say, I know they're saying right now,
04:23 then so where is that in the Word of God?
04:26 Adoration?
04:27 Adoration? Adoration?
04:29 Now there are several texts of scripture
04:31 in God's Word about adoration.
04:33 I mean, we can go a whole program just on this.
04:36 If we had to pick one text
04:38 in the Word of God, just one
04:40 and this would be the one is Psalms, Chapter 9.
04:43 Again, we're using our workbook,
04:45 this is a workbook.
04:46 Yes.
04:47 The Seven Prophet Healers.
04:49 So we're talking out with our workbook here.
04:50 And Psalms 9:1-2, they said,
04:54 "And I will and there is thus."
04:56 And David's doing the talk.
04:57 David's doing the talking, all right, good point.
05:00 David says, "I will praise You, O Lord,
05:04 with all my whole heart.
05:06 I will tell of all Your wonders.
05:10 I will be glad and rejoice in You.
05:13 I will sing praise to Your name,
05:18 O Most High."
05:21 I like this one. I like this one.
05:22 let's explain on that a little bit, honey.
05:24 I like it because you know David's making a statement.
05:26 And I think that sometimes individuals, you know,
05:29 as they're starting your day off
05:30 or going through their day, things happen.
05:33 I think when we start our day off with God,
05:35 begin the day with God
05:36 and then just think back always...
05:38 always just think back of the wonders
05:40 of what God has done for you.
05:42 What has He done for you?
05:43 You know, sometimes you just take a piece of paper,
05:45 and take a line down the middle of it,
05:47 right down appraises, write down the negativity,
05:50 your praises should outnumber your negativity,
05:54 because first of all, if we just start off with,
05:57 it woke me up this morning, got me started.
06:00 There you go.
06:01 He put breath in me for the beginning of the day.
06:03 So, oh, don't get me started.
06:06 Adoration to God, He is a awesome God.
06:10 Yes, He is.
06:12 Yes, He is. Yes, He is.
06:13 And you know, a lot of people...
06:14 Sometimes we have to blaze a new trail in our brain...
06:19 Absolutely.
06:21 To praise God. Yes.
06:22 One writer says, our Christian author says that,
06:25 determine to praise God,
06:28 make a determined effort to praise God.
06:33 And when we do that, it increases our will.
06:36 And after a while we can't help but to praise Him.
06:39 Once you make a determined effort
06:41 to praise God.
06:42 And so therefore adoration toward God...
06:44 Now, the music,
06:46 we're gonna highlight the music
06:47 because it's three ways I can say before,
06:49 through music song, through the spoken word,
06:53 and the last one through prayer.
06:54 We're not going to cover all of those of course.
06:56 We're just gonna highlight on the song
06:58 or the singing here in this section
07:00 as far as this is concerned.
07:02 Well, now when I think about music,
07:06 I think about the fact that...
07:07 You know for us, for me,
07:09 in our home, we keep WJOU on,
07:13 which is a Christian network, okay.
07:14 Oakwood University network.
07:16 And my girl, Melissa is the one who host the program
07:19 from 6am to 10am in the morning.
07:22 And just sometime I tell people who will say I'm stressed out,
07:25 I'm going through a lot of stuff.
07:27 I said, you know, put on some spiritual music.
07:30 Now, when we say spiritual music,
07:31 we're not talking about those songs like,
07:33 "I lost my dog, my man, my car, my house,"
07:35 those are not the songs.
07:37 That's not gonna work.
07:38 They will not uplift you. Okay.
07:40 That's music, but not the music we're talking about.
07:42 Yeah.
07:43 But music,
07:45 we have a musical mind, you know,
07:46 and the very idea that as we hear those songs,
07:50 as the songs begin our day,
07:51 it really helps to keep us
07:53 in a positive mode all day long.
07:55 Okay. Good.
07:56 And then on top of it, if I'm kind of like,
07:59 let's say for instance, we got a lot of shows going on.
08:03 And let's say we're doing 12 shows,
08:05 like we're doing.
08:06 Like we're doing right now this week.
08:08 So when I get ready to go to bed at night,
08:10 my mind is on the show, the recipe,
08:13 all that stuff is you know, I'll be moving it.
08:15 Okay.
08:17 I have to just put on my water sounds,
08:19 my sounds of nature, praise the Lord.
08:22 And you know what happens to me?
08:23 It knocks me out.
08:25 Like it did last night.
08:27 Yes, it did.
08:28 Did knock me out, okay.
08:30 Yes, it did, yes.
08:31 And I didn't think about anything
08:32 that was going to go on.
08:34 I just let the Lord handle all the business.
08:35 Okay.
08:36 I want to look at another text of scripts
08:38 because we want to highlight God's Word
08:40 as our standard of truth.
08:41 Yes.
08:43 And it's found in Colossians Chapter 3:16.
08:46 Colossians Chapter 3:16 because...
08:47 Another favorite.
08:49 Again, adoration, praise,
08:51 and we're gonna get into a little bit about
08:53 how it can also help with diseases as well.
08:57 So adoration, praise,
08:59 here it is Colossians 3:16.
09:02 "Let the Word of Christ..."
09:04 Now this is a spoken word.
09:05 Remember music,
09:07 spoken word, and prayer, this is spoken word.
09:09 "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom,
09:14 teaching and admonishing one another."
09:18 So now we're teaching other individuals.
09:20 And here it is.
09:22 "In Psalms, hymns,
09:26 spiritual songs,
09:28 singing with grace in your heart to the Lord."
09:34 All right.
09:35 So this is ammunition that
09:36 not just we can sing to ourselves,
09:39 we can uplift ourselves,
09:40 but also admonishing and teaching others
09:43 through the song and musical sounds
09:46 and that's how the children of Israel
09:47 as they were going through the wilderness,
09:49 they cheered their way by music of sacred song.
09:53 That's how they travel through the wilderness
09:55 and it can really banish a lot of gloom and depression,
09:59 everything else as well.
10:00 Well, like you said before, you can't really sing praises
10:03 and also be stressed out at the same time.
10:05 Absolutely, yeah.
10:07 Something goes hand in hand.
10:08 Praise God, that He put you out that way as well.
10:09 We got a graphic
10:11 and I'm gonna put this on the screen here.
10:12 This is coming from an aspiring author,
10:14 our future author that we're highlighting,
10:17 doing this series as well.
10:19 This is coming from the Third Testimonies.
10:22 Testimonies, volume 3, page 172,
10:24 listen to these words, here it is.
10:26 Quote. It's on the screen.
10:28 "Heaven is all health,
10:32 and the more deeply the heavenly influences
10:37 are realized the more sure will be the recovery
10:42 of the believing invalid."
10:44 Heaven is all health.
10:46 So once we realize the heavily influences
10:49 that in itself sets us up to receive the healing
10:53 for those who believe it can store us the health.
10:55 So music, adoration is a powerful healer.
11:01 So how can...
11:02 how can that music,
11:04 how can that improve our health?
11:05 Well, I want to turn to page here,
11:07 I think is in our workbook here.
11:08 There's several things that we're gonna ahead
11:10 and close out.
11:11 Number one,
11:13 music helps to boost our immune system, all right,
11:16 our white blood cell count.
11:17 And also when we hear music,
11:19 it also focuses on the brain,
11:23 the left hemisphere of the brain
11:26 increases with blood flow,
11:28 which also creates more cognitive improvement
11:33 and within 30 minutes, when hearing music,
11:37 so therefore it also impacts cognitive improvement.
11:41 Also, those who are going through chemotherapy,
11:44 cancer patients,
11:45 they have less complications
11:47 during those treatments as well.
11:49 So music can be a powerful healer,
11:51 also dementia as well.
11:53 So it's a very efficacious music,
11:56 a powerful healer.
11:57 In your workbook, we have also of course,
12:00 the spoken word and also the power prayer as well.
12:03 But time is running out on us but I think we're gonna go
12:06 into the kitchen right now, honey,
12:08 and what we're going to have for the audience for today?
12:10 Well, you know, we love to make,
12:12 I mean, I love sauces to go over things.
12:15 So today we're actually gonna do
12:17 a peach strawberry sauce to go over top of our waffles.
12:21 Oh, okay.
12:23 So get your paper and your pencil
12:24 and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2019-10-07