Abundant Living

R for Rest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL180231A

00:01 What determines a year?
00:03 When the earth makes the complete rotation
00:05 around the sun.
00:07 What determines a day?
00:09 When the earth makes
00:10 the complete rotation on its axis.
00:12 What determines a month?
00:14 When the moon makes a full cycle.
00:17 But the question is what determines a week?
00:22 Today's program is entitled 'R' for Rest.
00:26 We answer that question so stay by.
00:50 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living.
00:51 My name is Curtis Eakins and my beautiful bride
00:55 of almost a quarter of a century.
01:00 Kinda shocking when I say that way.
01:02 See, if I say silver anniversary,
01:03 that's one thing,
01:05 but quarter of century it's like, uh-huh.
01:07 But it's been good though, hasn't it?
01:09 I'm Paula Eakins.
01:10 Oh, yeah, your name. Yeah, okay.
01:12 Yeah, you know your name, too. Yeah.
01:14 I'm glad you with me with these programs today.
01:16 I'm glad to be here, also.
01:18 Oh, your hair looks nice, I like that hairstyle, too.
01:20 Thank you. You're welcome.
01:22 Do you like my hairstyle?
01:24 Love it.
01:25 Okay. Not being facetious.
01:27 Okay, I think we need to focus on the "R" for rest.
01:32 "R" for rest, "R" for rest.
01:33 Now, but, let's go back to the tee...
01:35 because think about it now.
01:37 These people will think about, what constitutes a year?
01:40 The earth make a full rotation around the sun.
01:43 A day, a full rotation on its axis.
01:45 A moon, a full cycle.
01:47 But what represents or determines a week?
01:52 Think about that.
01:53 So with that, that something we wanna thing about.
01:55 But before we do that
01:57 this is a series "The HEALERS,"
01:59 we're doing with this HEALERS, it's a acronym.
02:02 And we cover for the H for Herbal medicine,
02:05 E for Eating,
02:07 A for Adoration,
02:09 L for Liquids,
02:11 E for Exercise.
02:12 Now this is the "R" for Rest.
02:14 And we are going through this series here
02:17 because trying to help
02:18 to reduce the amount of medications
02:20 that people are taking on a routine basis
02:23 with all the painful side effects.
02:24 As we walk through the series,
02:26 we will cover impact over dozens of diseases,
02:30 just by going through these letters, the series.
02:33 And we are looking at the three tiers of credibility.
02:35 God's Word, tier number one.
02:37 And in tier number two, our featured author
02:39 we're using for this series, Ellen White.
02:42 And in tier number three,
02:43 all the scientific literature as well.
02:45 So those are the three tiers of the credibility
02:47 in the series and got a workbook,
02:49 so we're working from this workbook today.
02:51 Well, that first question is coming in, from our book.
02:53 It is asking the question,
02:55 are that so what physical laws nature determines a week?
03:00 Okay, yes.
03:01 What are the physical laws of the week?
03:03 And really if you look into heavens, Honey.
03:06 A week, that the moon does not determine our week.
03:11 It doesn't.
03:13 The sun doesn't do anything and haven't
03:15 that determines a week.
03:17 The stars, any planet
03:20 not find that determines a week.
03:21 How did we get a seven day week?
03:25 How did we get that?
03:26 There's nothing that we can explain at all
03:30 in the physical laws.
03:32 But when we go to God's Word,
03:34 the standard of truth is here in a Word of God.
03:37 And I'm gonna read this right out of our workbook here.
03:40 This is from in Genesis 2:2, 3
03:45 it says here, NIV,
03:48 "By the seventh day God hath finished the work
03:53 that He had been doing," dealing with creation.
03:56 "On the seventh day He," now here is one thing He did,
04:00 "rested from all His work."
04:03 And another thing He did."
04:05 God blessed the seventh day," and the third thing,
04:09 "and made it holy."
04:13 Why? It tells you, why.
04:16 "On it He rested from all His work of,"
04:19 here it is, "creating that He had done."
04:23 So after creation, God did three things,
04:28 He rested, He blessed, and He made it holy.
04:33 So it took Him six days for creation,
04:37 on the seventh day He rested.
04:39 And thereby this is the only thing we have
04:44 that we can determine
04:45 what constitutes a seven day week.
04:51 Outside of this,
04:52 there's nothing in the physical world,
04:55 in our planets, the solar system
04:58 that gives us the seven day week
05:00 but this text right here.
05:05 So the question is...
05:06 So then was God tired?
05:10 You know, and I have heard that before,
05:12 because and you think about it, Honey.
05:14 Now let's say on the first day of the week,
05:16 I mean God only said what?
05:17 "Let there be light."
05:21 There're four words on the first day.
05:24 I mean, that's exhausting to say those four words.
05:26 I mean, that just wore Him out probably.
05:28 I mean He's just saying four words.
05:30 All He did, He just, He spoke and it is to pass.
05:33 So just talking shouldn't make God tired.
05:37 Now on sixth day, He made man
05:38 but again, you know,
05:40 so let's look at the Word of God.
05:42 And so I'm gonna read this from Isaiah 40:28,
05:46 this is the in NIV, Isaiah 40:28,
05:50 "Do you not know?"
05:51 Now notice this is in a question form.
05:54 "Do you not know?
05:56 Have you not heard the Lord is the everlasting God?"
06:01 Here it is.
06:03 "Creator of the ends of the earth,
06:06 He will not grow tired or weary."
06:11 So therefore,
06:13 now I guess here the question remains.
06:16 If God rested on a seventh day from creating the world.
06:21 In the Bible, it says, "He doesn't grow tired."
06:26 I guess the question is, then why did He rest?
06:30 What do you think, Honey?
06:32 I mean, we heard that before, maybe...
06:34 Rest is because of the fact
06:35 that when we think about Christ.
06:37 Okay.
06:38 The fact that Christ rested, the Father and Christ rested.
06:42 Okay. So He's resting really for us.
06:45 Okay. Not for Himself.
06:48 Setting an example.
06:49 Because He's an example for us to follow.
06:51 Okay. And we sure need rest.
06:53 We sure need rest.
06:55 I don't know about you.
06:57 But I know that
06:58 when the seventh day rolls around, I need rest.
07:01 Yes. Okay.
07:03 I think, yeah, it's true.
07:04 I think God is simply setting a divine example.
07:07 Yeah.
07:08 He doesn't need rest, He doesn't get tired.
07:10 So He must be setting a divine example.
07:14 Jesus knew no sin, He was sinless.
07:18 Yet, He was baptized
07:23 setting a divine example for mankind as well.
07:27 So thereby with that in mind,
07:29 that's the only conclusion we can come to,
07:32 setting a divine example.
07:34 And therefore we have our week
07:36 based on creation.
07:39 So therefore, every Sabbath
07:41 we're reminded of the Creator by doing that.
07:46 Well, I heard there is a weekly rest cycle.
07:51 So if there is a weekly rest cycle,
07:53 how do you explain that?
07:55 Okay.
07:56 This is not just from the Word of God,
07:58 this is also from the biblical perspective as well.
08:01 And not biblical but also from the scientific perspective.
08:05 Lot of people know and be aware
08:07 of we have a daily, daily rhythm cycle.
08:12 All right?
08:13 So certain things happen every day, 24 clock.
08:17 Very few people realize that we are also have
08:20 a built-in biological
08:24 weekly rhythm cycle.
08:27 And the father of chronobiology,
08:30 what he's called is Franz Halberg
08:32 from the University of Minnesota.
08:34 And he discovered that not just humans
08:37 but animals, mammals,
08:41 insects, fish, and birds
08:45 operate on an unexplainable built-in
08:50 seven day weekly rhythm cycle.
08:54 Exactly.
08:56 And I've seen in the medical journals,
08:57 it's in the book here...
08:59 There is a medical journal called
09:01 Chronobiology International,
09:04 November 2017 and it's a title.
09:08 This is a title, Honey,
09:09 "Seven Day Human Biological Rhythm."
09:14 So realize that certain things happen
09:18 on the seventh day,
09:22 not just humans,
09:24 animals, insects, fish, birds, mammals
09:28 is unexplainable outside of God's Word.
09:33 It's simply remarkable, simply remarkable.
09:37 Wow! Okay.
09:38 So what affects...
09:39 What functions, what functions we talk about outside of that?
09:43 Right, okay.
09:45 What functions are actually affected by this cycle?
09:46 Now, I'm gonna just go down the list here
09:48 until we just simply, just run out of time.
09:50 Okay.
09:51 So the body has a, normally a daily cycle,
09:53 we mentioned that.
09:55 But also functions on a biological rhythm cycle
09:58 on a weekly basis.
10:00 Okay.
10:01 Let me just start with vitamin K.
10:04 Vitamin K is called the clot, clot vitamin,
10:09 clot bursting vitamin.
10:11 Clot, clotting vitamin,
10:15 that's what I'll say clotting vitamin,
10:17 blood clot, all right.
10:18 Okay.
10:19 And did clotting of vitamin K
10:23 is complete on the seventh day?
10:29 Mercy.
10:30 Therefore when you read in scriptures
10:32 such as Genesis 17:12,
10:35 circumcision is always on the day after, day eight.
10:41 So if you circumcise before that
10:43 they would breach that.
10:44 So vitamin K,
10:46 clot blood is really complete on the seventh,
10:50 not the sixth, not the eighth, but the seventh day.
10:54 That's why circumcision is always on that eighth day
10:57 according to scripture.
10:59 That's one. Okay.
11:00 Now let's go and talk about our teeth.
11:05 They discovered, folks, this is just simply amazing.
11:08 All right, simply amazing.
11:10 This is from American Journal called Frontiers of Physiology,
11:14 June 2017, they discovered that
11:17 there is a dental enamel on our teeth.
11:20 And every time the teeth grows,
11:23 the teeth grows there's like a line a dark spot,
11:27 just like the rings of a tree.
11:28 Yes. All right.
11:30 The teeth is without exception.
11:33 If we look very closely on the microscope
11:35 you can see the dark spots
11:37 on the outside dental enamel
11:38 of the teeth and guess what?
11:41 Those dark spots only occur every seven days.
11:47 Wow!
11:48 Even our teeth experience a "rest."
11:54 Mercy. The teeth, all right.
11:56 Let's go with one more last one.
11:58 What about organ rejection?
12:02 And this is from another medical journal,
12:03 Spanish medical journal.
12:05 They determined that
12:06 when a person receives an organ,
12:08 based on scientific literature,
12:10 when you receive a organ,
12:12 transplant whatever kidney, heart, lungs,
12:15 that if the body is going to reject
12:16 that organ, guess what?
12:19 Usually, it rejects that organ either on the 7th day,
12:24 the 14th day, the 21st day,
12:28 the 28th day on a 7 day cycle.
12:33 Wow!
12:34 This is simply unexplainable outside of God's Word,
12:40 as far as that is concerned.
12:41 Let's go with another one.
12:44 The pineal gland, it's a small p gland
12:48 in the base of the skull, in the brain.
12:51 That releases the hormone melatonin,
12:56 also not just daily but also, folks, on the...
13:02 You guessed it.
13:04 Seventh day, melatonin,
13:08 you know, the mood, that kind of thing.
13:09 And now here's a last one, I got one more come,
13:11 I'm looking into clock.
13:12 I got, we can go on with it, but there's one more,
13:14 just one more, just one more.
13:16 Yes, yes, yes.
13:17 For those they did a study
13:19 and now this is a validated study a years ago,
13:22 got a group the people.
13:23 And they discovered that the heart rate
13:27 beats slightly slower on the...
13:31 You guess it by now.
13:33 That's right. The seventh day.
13:36 Now matter of fact,
13:37 that people's blood pressure
13:39 is slightly lower than a heart rate.
13:42 In respect, even if you have a day off on Saturday,
13:45 or any other day,
13:46 the heart rates beats a little slower
13:49 on the seventh day that any of the day a week.
13:54 Therefore we have an unexplainable built-in
13:59 seven day weekly rhythm cycle.
14:04 And therefore, that's what God says,
14:06 when He create our bodies,
14:08 our bodies are built for resting on that same day
14:13 that our bodies are designed to rest,
14:15 are designed to rest.
14:17 You now hear people say about they have a 24, 7 plus day.
14:21 So now we're knowing that
14:23 in a 24 hours of the day
14:24 as you're cutting down to 7.
14:26 So is there a Bible scripture that actually talks
14:31 about the seventh day rest?
14:33 Well, yes, it is.
14:35 I think we can go with our closing texts,
14:37 I think I'm looking at my time here.
14:39 Let's go to Exodus 20, I remember years ago,
14:45 there was a debate in Houston, Texas over 30 years ago.
14:49 And the debate was over the seventh day Sabbath
14:53 and we are not...
14:55 It was still binding on people
14:58 and went back and forth on that debate.
15:01 But sometimes if we look at the Word of God,
15:05 it tells us about the seventh day Sabbath.
15:08 Of course, the Jesus worship on,
15:11 went to church and synagogue
15:12 on the seventh day of the week.
15:14 Luke 4:16, but we look at this in a heart of Ten Commandments
15:19 God wrote with His own finger, it says in Exodus 20:8.
15:23 It's only commandment that start
15:26 with the word remember,
15:27 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
15:29 Why?
15:31 "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work,
15:34 but the seventh day is a Sabbath
15:36 of the Lord thy God,
15:38 in it thou shalt not do any work,
15:40 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
15:42 nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
15:44 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
15:46 that is within our gates," why?
15:48 "For in six days the Lord made heavens and earth,
15:52 the sea, and all that in them is,
15:54 and rested the seventh day,
15:57 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day,
16:00 and hallowed it.
16:01 Wow! I think, Honey.
16:03 Okay, okay.
16:04 But us resting
16:06 and keeping holy the seventh day,
16:10 we are actually in a harmony
16:13 with how our bodies are created by God
16:15 that created Himself when He created our bodies.
16:19 So those who go against that,
16:21 it's gonna have detrimental far as our longevity is concerned.
16:25 So by resting, observing on a seventh day,
16:30 our bodies are designed to do that by God Himself.
16:33 Well, all I know that I loves the Sabbath day.
16:36 Yes.
16:38 And I'm gonna tell you why I love the Sabbath day
16:39 when we going into kitchen.
16:40 Oh, that's right. Okay.
16:42 Because in a kitchen today,
16:43 we're gonna do another one of our favorites
16:45 which is a vegetable pizza.
16:48 So, get your paper and pencil and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2019-10-14