Abundant Living

S for Sunlight

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL180233C

00:02 Okay, now. Hey.
00:03 Now we know you have to admit.
00:05 Oh, yes. Okay.
00:07 If...
00:08 Let me just say this, that you know...
00:09 Just say it, Baby.
00:11 You mean a lot of people who say things like, you know,
00:12 my family won't eat that or my family are meat eaters
00:16 or, but they are trying to make the family healthier,
00:19 so then you don't need to tell them
00:20 everything you're doing because I'm telling you,
00:22 there's a lot of stuff in the freezer section
00:24 that you can actually use now
00:25 that really will make them think about.
00:28 Well, what is that really? So this is a mock.
00:30 There's a lot of mock beef products
00:34 out there in the market.
00:35 I mean, this is just one that we used.
00:37 Yes.
00:38 And look at that. Look at that. Okay?
00:40 I mean, with the onions and bell peppers, yes.
00:41 And you can serve this out with the brown rice.
00:43 You can serve it out with the noodle.
00:44 I have a little bit of gravy left over
00:46 to put over top of that rice.
00:47 And I'm telling you will be like good to go.
00:49 You're good to go.
00:50 Okay. Good to go. Okay.
00:51 We got some, is that brown rice, Honey?
00:53 Brown rice or you can do noodles,
00:54 just a little bit...
00:56 I put a little bit of parsley on top of that.
00:57 Okay. And then the gravy is... A bit of gravy on the top.
00:59 Actually, gravy for those
01:00 who want a little bit of extra gravy?
01:02 Yeah. So, now let's...
01:04 I know we're gonna take pictures
01:06 but, maybe just take,
01:07 just one of those bad boys...
01:09 Just take a fork in and just see if,
01:12 you know, we can work that out.
01:15 You know, you just kind of...
01:17 Oh, my goodness, and nice and juicy.
01:20 Oh, yeah, that's a nice, plump one.
01:23 Okay.
01:24 Okay.
01:25 Now let me... Just half of it.
01:27 And you take the other half?
01:28 Uh-huh.
01:29 Hmm.
01:31 You didn't get quite a half but you can get it.
01:32 Because, my love for you is more than your love for me,
01:35 so I give you more than I have.
01:37 Oh, okay.
01:39 So this is good. My goodness.
01:41 Oh. Oh. Okay.
01:43 I'll do one more and then you do one more.
01:45 Because it's almost time.
01:48 And you take the last one. Okay.
01:49 I hear some are laughing, just one of camera crew.
01:53 Okay, it's time to close. It's time to close.
01:56 John 10:10.
01:58 "Jesus said I come, that they might have life
02:02 and have it more abundantly."
02:06 See you next time.


Revised 2019-10-24