Amen Conference

Sabbath Devotional

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AMEN

Program Code: AMEN200006S

00:02 The Adventist Medical Evangelism Network
00:04 motivates, trains, and equips healthcare
00:07 professionals to share Jesus Christ with their patients.
00:11 Just like the woman who reached out to touch
00:13 the hem of Jesus' garment, many patients today are
00:16 desperately looking for the same healing touch
00:19 of faith, and our members are there to help them
00:22 find it. Welcome to the 16th annual AMEN conference.
00:27 Touch of faith.
00:34 [Andi]: Welcome to the 16th annual and first
00:36 virtual AMEN conference. I want to welcome everyone
00:41 from around the world, and I also want to thank 3ABN
00:44 for hosting us. We are very blessed. Even though
00:47 we have a pandemic, we are still able to have a
00:50 meeting, and God is good, and we are grateful.
00:53 I'd like to ask our speaker of the hour, Kameron DeVasher,
00:57 to join us on stage. Kameron DaVasher is
01:00 our morning speaker for the devotionals, and we
01:02 believe that devotional times are very, very
01:05 important. Kameron spoke to us yesterday morning,
01:09 off to a good start, and my twin sister and I
01:11 were very blessed. We want to ask Mr. DeVasher
01:16 to give us a little fact check. - Sure. - On some
01:18 of the points that we learned that we thought
01:20 were extremely important. - Okay. - The first one
01:23 was, "The church has far too many members,
01:26 and not enough missionaries." - Absolutely correct.
01:28 - Absolutely correct. - What I meant by that
01:30 is that the membership of the church, it's too
01:32 easy to be a member now. Just have your name on
01:34 the books and very little expectation of actual work.
01:37 But the reality is, we should all be missionaries,
01:40 laborers, for Christ if we're members of
01:42 His body, the church. [Twins, together]: Amen, amen.
01:44 [Andi]: And Lyndi, what did you learn?
01:46 [Lyndi]: Okay, this is a wonderful one. It says
01:48 that good works are not the destination; they are
01:52 just the preparation. [Kameron]: That's absolutely
01:54 true. We should have disinterested benevolence
01:56 and always looking for opportunities to do good.
01:59 But the reason we do good works is so that
02:02 they will hear and give credibility to the good
02:04 words that God has given us - our distinct message
02:06 that we're supposed to share with the world.
02:08 [Twins, together]: Amen! [Andi]: For those of you
02:10 who do not know Kameron DaVasher, he's from the
02:12 Michigan conference. He's director of Sabbath
02:14 school and lay ministries, he's an avid hiker and
02:17 outdoorsman, has a wonderful family...
02:19 We'll be blessed this morning by his talk,
02:22 "Did Stephen Say Something Wrong?" But before he
02:25 speaks, my twin sister will now pray for us.
02:27 [Lyndi]: Let's bow our heads. Father in heaven,
02:29 we are so grateful for the opportunity we have
02:32 to have this meeting even though there's a
02:34 pandemic. It could've been canceled, but that
02:37 was not your will. We're grateful for the 3ABN
02:39 family to host this virtual event. We want to ask
02:43 now for your Holy Spirit to be poured out on
02:46 Pastor DeVasher as he opens again to us the
02:49 word of life from Your Word. As this important
02:52 topic is going to be delivered, we ask for
02:55 Your Holy Spirit to touch his tongue and
02:58 his lips with a life call from on high.
03:01 Be with us as we listen, that we'll have ears to
03:03 hear and do what the Spirit asks us to do,
03:06 for Jesus' sake. Amen. [Andi]: Amen.
03:09 [Pr. DeVasher]: Amen. Thank you, ladies, for
03:10 that kind introduction. Dynamic introduction,
03:12 in fact. Pretty sure this is the first time
03:15 in my ministry that I've been fact-checked about
03:17 a sermon I've just presented, and it makes me think
03:19 of the Berean believers in Acts chapter 17, where
03:24 not only did they receive the Word with all readiness
03:26 and eagerness, but they would go home and daily
03:29 see if what was presented was true, according to
03:32 the Word of God, and that's what we should
03:33 always be doing. So, I'm counting it a sincere
03:36 blessing to be with the AMEN company this morning
03:40 in partnership with Three Angels Broadcasting Network
03:43 here, this beautiful facility, and this Sabbath
03:46 morning that we get to open the Word of God
03:48 together. Now, this will be a follow-up. In our
03:51 previous messages, as was already mentioned,
03:52 we discussed the importance of not only preparing the
03:55 soil of the heart through good works, but also to
03:58 sow the seed of the Word of God at every opportunity
04:01 the Lord gives us. And today, we want to go
04:03 a step beyond that and take a look at a message
04:07 entitled, "Did Stephen Say Something Wrong?"
04:10 Of course, Stephen had this holy boldness to
04:12 speak the Word of God when the opportunity
04:14 came, and...well, it didn't work. In fact,
04:19 he lost his life as the first Christian martyr-
04:21 or at least it appeared it didn't work. What
04:23 happened there, and how can I avoid such a problem
04:26 in my ministry, or what lessons can we learn
04:29 from that? So, we're gonna study that deeply
04:31 from the Word of God today. But before we
04:32 do any study of the Word of God, we, of course,
04:34 need to begin with a word of prayer. So,
04:36 please, bow your heads with me. Dear Heavenly
04:39 Father, thank You so much for another day
04:41 of life at all, but particularly for a
04:43 Sabbath day of rest and worship, of fellowship,
04:47 and of service in Your cause. Lord, now, as
04:50 we study these words, we would ask that You
04:52 would send the Holy Spirit, as You have
04:54 promised to do, to lead us into all truth, for we
04:58 don't merely want to be informed; we want
05:00 to be transformed to become like Jesus. So
05:03 to that end, Lord, bless us today, for we pray it
05:06 in Jesus' name. Amen.
05:10 "Did Stephen Say Something Wrong?"
05:14 To begin our study today, before we go to the
05:17 experience of Stephen that we'll be getting to
05:19 later on, I'd like to start with the life of
05:20 Christ. Always, the life of Christ is a great place
05:23 to start any study of God's Word. We'll start
05:25 in Matthew chapter 19 this time, the very first
05:28 book of the New Testament. Matthew chapter 19...and
05:33 we'll begin with verse 16. Here, Jesus has an
05:38 encounter with a rich young ruler. Hopefully,
05:42 all of us are well familiar with this, but we're gonna
05:44 look at three different stories, right back-to-back,
05:47 in the life of Jesus. And through these
05:48 different encounters, look for the common thread
05:52 of the experience. First, the rich young ruler in
05:54 Matthew chapter 19, starting with the verse 16. The
05:57 Scripture reads... [text on-screen]
06:06 Verse 17: "So He said to him, 'Why do you call Me
06:08 good? No one is good but One, that is, God." Now,
06:12 to be clear, sometimes, people get confused on
06:14 this particular passage, saying, "Jesus was saying
06:17 that He wasn't God!" No, what He was doing
06:19 was testing that man's faith. "Do you truly
06:21 address Me as the God who sent Me?", right?
06:26 The Son of God. He goes on, "But if you want to
06:30 enter the life, keep the commandments." Well
06:34 he said to Him, "Which ones?" And Jesus said, "You shall
06:37 not murder, you should not commit adultery,
06:39 you should not steal, you should not bear false
06:40 witness, honor your father and your mother, and you
06:42 shall love your neighbor as yourself." Now verse
06:46 20, "The young man said to Him, 'All these things
06:48 I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?'"
06:53 Clearly, there was something in the heart of this young
06:54 man that knew that, "Yes, I've been in a household
06:57 of faith, and I've been a commandment-keeper
06:58 my whole life, but something in me is obviously off!
07:02 What do I still lack?" And Jesus says to him
07:05 in verse 21, "If you want to be perfect, go
07:09 sell all what you have and give to the poor,
07:13 and you will have treasure in heaven...and come follow Me."
07:18 Jesus invites the man to, "Come follow Me,
07:20 but first, sell what you have, and give it away."
07:24 And that's the rub. In verse 22, "But when
07:27 the young man heard that saying, he went away
07:29 sorrowful, for he had great possessions."
07:34 The rich young ruler, Jesus spoke to him
07:37 clearly, invited him personally, and the
07:41 man turned away. Let's look at another example.
07:45 In John chapter 6... We were right there in Matthew,
07:47 so turn to the right. Matthew, Mark, Luke,
07:50 then John, chapter 6. Now, we're not gonna
07:54 look at everything we could in this chapter,
07:55 but I find it fascinating what Jesus encounters
07:59 here, and how He deals with the people. In the
08:01 beginning of John chapter 6, and here in verse 1,
08:04 it opens up the story of the feeding of the
08:06 5,000, and Jesus literally gives them physical bread-
08:10 meets their temporal needs. He basically does that
08:14 disinterested benevolent work of winning their
08:16 hearts, right? And then, after a little sliver of
08:20 a miracle where Jesus walks on the sea, the
08:23 next day, we pick up the story in verse 22.
08:26 [reads text on-screen]
08:53 And you get the context of the story. In the first
08:55 part of John chapter 6, Jesus had been feeding
08:58 the 5,000. They were all so filled and pleased,
09:02 that the next day, they go seeking Jesus again.
09:06 Now, it doesn't take a great theological mind
09:08 to ascertain what their interest is. They got
09:11 bread yesterday; what do they want today?
09:14 Seconds! [chuckles] They're looking for more.
09:16 They want that daily bread, right? Well.
09:21 After they find Jesus, notice what we find
09:25 here in verse 26. [reads text on-screen]
09:44 So now, He's transitioning. You notice He's like,
09:47 "You're coming to me because of the physical
09:49 bread. I'm now transitioning from the temporal to the
09:53 eternal. We need to now talk about the bread of
09:55 life." He's making that transition, right? Notice
10:00 verse 35. Jesus is patently clear, where Jesus said
10:06 to them... [text on-screen]
10:18 Now, you would think in our modern context,
10:20 "Oh, beautiful! He's the bread of life;
10:21 it's a well-known passage." But in that immediate
10:24 context, they had just had food yesterday.
10:27 They've sought after Jesus and found Him now
10:30 today for another serving of their daily bread,
10:34 and Jesus now says, "No food for you, except
10:41 Me. I am the bread of life." And this starts a
10:47 discussion, and it gets more and more, well,
10:51 perilous, to the point that, in fact, verse 66
10:55 says... [text on-screen]
11:03 He fed them food yesterday, they came for food today,
11:06 and He says, "No more temporal food; let's go
11:09 to the eternal food. I am the bread of life."
11:13 And friends, it didn't go over very well.
11:17 When it says, "Many of His disciples went back,"
11:21 how many were there yesterday? Some 5,000.
11:26 And how bad does it get today? Look at the
11:29 very next passage. Verse 67. [text on-screen]
11:38 Which seems to imply that that many was
11:41 a great many, if not the vast majority-
11:45 so much so that Jesus had to ask His core
11:47 twelve, "Are you going, too?" Let's look at one
11:53 more example. Go to Matthew chapter 26,
11:57 back to the left. Matthew chapter 26.
12:04 We're gonna start in verse 6. Jesus is here,
12:13 anointed for His burial. Verse 6 says... [text on-screen]
12:41 What a, by the way, pious-sounding reason!
12:44 To discourage this act. But verse 10, "But when
12:49 Jesus was aware of it, He said to them"... Now,
12:53 notice. It doesn't say He drew them away
12:54 privately to reprimand them gently. It seems very clear
12:59 that right then and there, on the spot, Jesus called
13:02 out their hypocrisy. [reads text on-screen]
13:19 And He rebuked His disciples right then
13:22 and there. Interestingly, the very next thing that
13:29 Scripture records after that story in verse 14,
13:32 now: "Then, one of the twelve," one of those
13:35 disciples Jesus just chastened, "called
13:38 Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and
13:41 said, 'What are you willing to give me if I deliver
13:44 Him to you?' And they counted out to him thirty
13:47 pieces of silver." Now notice verse 16 very
13:50 carefully. "So from that time, he sought opportunity
13:54 to betray Him." Apparently, it had been in the back
13:59 of his mind at some point, but there was a tipping
14:01 point in the experience of Judas that that rebuke,
14:07 in front of everyone, hardened his heart
14:12 and made his decision. Each of these vignettes
14:20 from the ministry of Jesus recounts a time
14:24 when people turned away from Him. Thus, from these
14:28 three stories, we must ask the almost unthinkable
14:31 question: Did Jesus make a mistake in His dealings
14:38 with people? Mm. Should He have required such
14:45 a sacrifice from the rich young ruler?
14:47 He didn't even ask His own disciples that. They
14:49 voluntarily left everything. He just said, "Follow Me"!
14:51 But for this one, He said, "Sell everything,
14:54 then follow Me." Why did He up the stakes?
14:56 Why did He set the cost so high? And with the
15:01 crowd that turned away in John chapter 6 after
15:03 the feeding of the 5,000, shouldn't He have understood
15:06 their mistake in notions of the Messiah? I mean,
15:09 we talked about this. Even His own family didn't
15:10 understand. We saw later that John the Baptist
15:12 still didn't even understand the nature of His true
15:16 ministry. Even when Jesus was departing after His
15:18 resurrection, His disciples still didn't have the right
15:21 conception of His ministry, so is it really their fault
15:24 that they didn't understand who He was? Maybe if He
15:26 had treated them a little bit...
15:30 ...differently? Maybe a little more gently? Maybe more
15:35 delicately confront their confusion, than just denying
15:40 them bread? And what about poor Judas?
15:48 Didn't Jesus know the fierce battle raging
15:51 within His unconverted disciple? Perhaps if He
15:57 would've chastened him just a little more gently,
16:01 or called him aside to speak to him privately,
16:07 could Jesus have averted His own betrayal?
16:13 Of course, to all of these suggestions, we rightfully
16:16 respond, absolutely not. Jesus always did what
16:22 was best in every circumstance, and never failed to fully
16:26 reflect the glory of God! The self-evident fact is
16:32 that when those people turned away from Jesus,
16:36 it was their fault, and not His. Now, why is this
16:44 the case?-that some people, given the opportunity, will
16:48 even, with Jesus Himself, turn away from the grace
16:53 that's being extended? To help answer this,
16:57 let's go back to Luke chapter 8. We've made
17:00 reference to this yesterday morning. Today, we're gonna
17:01 look at it specifically in Scripture. Luke chapter 8.
17:05 Jesus gives the well-known parable of the sower.
17:10 The story picks up in verse 4 of Luke chapter
17:13 8. [reads text on-screen]
17:56 And when you skip down to verse 11, Jesus decodes
17:59 the symbols of this parable. He says in verse 11...
18:02 [reads text on-screen]
18:53 Now, many sermons have been preached, and a
18:56 great number of lessons can be drawn, from this
18:57 particular parable of Jesus. But for our
19:02 purposes today, a few lessons stand out in my
19:05 mind as particularly pertinent. First of all,
19:10 if you noticed, there is only one variable
19:14 that determined the quality of the harvest.
19:18 Notice it was the same sower for every different
19:23 hearer...right? So he didn't say, "A team of
19:26 sowers went out, and this one had this technique,
19:28 and that one had that technique, and this one
19:30 was more public, and this one's more personal,
19:32 or this one's more digital, or this one-"... No.
19:35 I don't know that digital's a biblical term, but you
19:36 understand what I'm saying. It's the same
19:39 sower in every instance, right? #1) One constant is
19:44 the sower. The next constant is the seed.
19:48 It's the same seed, right? It's not like
19:50 he sowed the Word of God here, and then he
19:51 sowed personal opinions here, and then he sowed
19:53 this over here, or that over there-no, no, no.
19:55 It was the same sower, sowing the same seed.
20:00 Also by implication, we can ascertain that
20:03 he sowed the same seed the same way! So you
20:06 have the same sower sowing the same seed
20:09 the same way, yet vastly different outcomes.
20:13 Okay, so what makes the difference? The only variable
20:16 in the whole parable is the condition of the
20:18 heart! Of the four examples mentioned, by the way-
20:26 'cause that's why we [say] the condition
20:27 of the heart is so prime and such a premium, such
20:30 an issue, because that's where everything starts,
20:33 right? But notice this also... And I- it just-
20:37 I don't know-maybe people have seen this
20:39 for years, and I'm just coming late to the party-
20:42 but it wasn't that terribly long ago at all that as
20:44 I was reviewing this parable, the thought
20:47 struck me...that here is Jesus, talking about
20:51 the work of soul-saving, giving the seed of the
20:53 Word of God to the whole world, and He gives
20:56 multiple examples of how it might go. And if you
20:59 notice, of the four different types that
21:01 happened, three of them didn't work. Now, I don't
21:08 know if you appreciate that like I do, but I
21:11 like a good testimony of failure. [laughter]
21:15 I know that seems a little- we like to talk about
21:17 testimonies, and sometimes I've been in testimony services
21:19 b- and it almost becomes a spiritual one-upmanship.
21:22 "Yes, well, you found your car keys, but I found a
21:24 whole car! And this one..." [laughter] Whatever- it
21:27 goes on and on, and we always want to hear the
21:28 next big thing. But if you notice, the Word
21:30 of God is different. The Word of God not
21:33 only tells us all the good things that happen,
21:35 but also includes the bad things. It not only
21:37 tells us all the accolades of the hearers, but also
21:39 their downfalls and their shortcomings - their
21:41 struggles, their?, the temptations, the...
21:44 failures...alongside the successes. Right?
21:47 And here, in Luke chapter 8, Jesus wasn't even
21:49 just telling a story; He was making up something
21:51 to make sure we understood the process in our minds,
21:54 and yet, most of what He described didn't work!
22:00 I find that fascinating. Now, each one works
22:05 a little better. That's also an interesting thing,
22:07 too, right? But at the end, only one of those
22:11 crops produced a harvest! We shouldn't be surprised,
22:18 then, if in most of the work we do in laboring
22:21 for Christ appears to, or in reality truly does,
22:28 fail of meeting the success we intend. Let that sink
22:35 in, friends. Christ Himself taught that most of our
22:40 work won't succeed as we'd like it to. And He
22:47 does not say, "Therefore, the lesson is, farming doesn't
22:50 work." No! He just said, "This is the reality in
22:56 the world. This is what you're going to face."
22:58 You're gonna have people respond this way, people
23:00 respond this way, people respond this way, people
23:02 respond this way...but your job isn't, "Determine
23:05 which will work"; your job is simply, "Go to
23:07 work." [Amen.] [Yes.] Mm. I'm reminded of
23:12 this passage from Christian Service, pg. 264. "The good
23:17 seed may, for a time, lie unnoticed in a cold,
23:20 selfish, worldly heart, giving no evidence that
23:23 it has taken root. But afterwards, as the Spirit
23:27 of God breathes on the soul, the hidden seed
23:30 springs up, and at last bears fruit to the glory
23:33 of God. In our lifework we know not which shall prosper,
23:38 this or that." Which, of course, is taken from
23:40 Ecclesiastes chapter 11, where the agricultural
23:43 metaphor is employed again to talk about:
23:46 Don't just wait till everything is just right;
23:48 you sow your seed, and let the results lie with God.
23:54 She says, "We do not know which shall prosper,
23:56 this or that. This is not a question for us to settle.
24:01 We are to do our work, and leave the results with God."
24:05 Praise the Lord for that admonition-that encouragement,
24:09 actually-from Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy.
24:12 But let's come back to that. Why is it...
24:17 Now, we understand that the heart and the condition
24:20 of the heart is a preparation for the reception of gospel
24:26 truth. We understand that concept now. But even if
24:31 we've done that heartwork, even if we've done our
24:35 best to do what God has asked us to do, why is
24:40 it that some people just aren't interested in spiritual
24:45 things? Or choose, as is in the case with the
24:48 rich young ruler, or those in John chapter 6, the
24:51 many who decided not to follow Him anymore...
24:56 Why does some evangelistic work succeed, and why
24:59 does some evangelistic work fail? To understand
25:04 this, I would submit to you that redemption
25:08 requires three distinct and essential steps.
25:16 Hear me out. The transformation of a life is always-always
25:23 occurs, I should say- in three distinct sequential
25:26 steps. #1) You must be convinced of the truth.
25:34 #2) You must be convicted by the truth. And #3) You
25:43 must be converted by the truth. [Amen!] And
25:49 it works like this every single time. When men
25:53 and women are presented with Bible truth, the
25:56 Holy Spirit convinces the mind. The Word of God
26:00 is living and powerful, and it demonstrates,
26:04 it self-authenticates, the reality that this is
26:08 true, #1. Now, as soon as your mind understands
26:15 that what's being presented is true, automatically,
26:18 because we are holistic beings, our heart is
26:23 connected to that mind, right? So for instance.
26:27 I've heard people ask the question: Why do
26:29 we start all of our public presentations of
26:32 evangelistic seminars, or even personal Bible
26:35 studies - why do they always seem to start
26:37 with Daniel chapter 2? "Wouldn't you rather
26:40 talk about the gospel?" Well, here's the trick
26:42 of what happens, right? When you walk through
26:44 Daniel chapter 2, we think we're conveying the truth
26:46 about a metal man, right? An ancient dream that
26:49 outlined the history of the world. And we
26:51 think from our perspective, "Why be so clinical?
26:53 Why be so mechanical? Why not be alive with
26:56 the gospel and the love of Jesus?" Well, here's
26:58 the thing that's gonna happen. When people start hearing
27:02 the truth, and they recognize there was
27:05 a Daniel who did live then and there, who
27:08 spoke about Babylon, then Medo-Persia, then
27:11 Greece, and then Rome. Rome didn't fall, but it
27:13 was divided, and that brings us down to our
27:16 time. It doesn't- we think we're still talking
27:18 about a metal man, but those people are having
27:20 an encounter with Jesus Christ. [Amen!] They're
27:23 recognizing, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! So you're
27:24 telling me that this is true, and this is true?"
27:28 They're connecting the dots from the head
27:30 to the heart, saying, "If that's true, then
27:31 I'm here, and He's real, and I-"... [Amen!]
27:36 Right? [Yes.] There's something working. They're
27:39 being convinced of the truth, and immediately
27:42 upon understanding the Word of God, it goes
27:44 to the heart, and they're convicted that applies
27:47 to them. [Amen.] 'Cause what they're taking away
27:51 is, "Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, divided
27:54 Rome, here we are, in the very toenails of time,
27:57 Jesus is coming soon, God is real, and He is
27:59 my judge." Now, I've gone from temporal to
28:05 spiritual. Now there's accountability; now,
28:08 there's a reality to what I thought was merely
28:10 mythology. When that switch goes from mythology to
28:17 reality, that's the jump from convincing to convicting.
28:26 But let me tell you something else: Conversion
28:30 does not consist merely of being convinced of
28:34 the truth, or even feeling the conviction of the truth!
28:39 There's that third essential step where you yield
28:42 your will to that truth - to the God of truth -
28:50 and conversion takes place. Over and over in the
28:55 ministry of Jesus, He encountered otherwise
28:59 brilliant people, who as soon as the truth
29:01 of what Jesus was saying, and the application of it
29:04 came to their own hearts, they would very quickly
29:07 become uncomfortable in the situation, and try
29:10 to deflect and obfuscate and turn away and hedge
29:13 them, and... Let me give you a couple examples.
29:16 Go to Luke chapter 10. You're already in the
29:17 gospel of Luke; just go over two pages to Luke
29:19 chapter 10. Look in verse 25. It says... [text on-screen]
29:34 By the way, this is not attorney-at-law, esquire,
29:37 like we think of today; this is a lawyer in the
29:39 biblical sense. He was a specialist in the Word
29:42 of God, right? So, Jesus says, "You know the
29:44 Word; you tell me what must I do! It's all written
29:47 down. You're a scholar in it. What is your
29:51 reading of it?" Verse 27. [reads text on-screen]
30:00 Time out. We don't have time to get into this,
30:02 but did you know there's not a single passage in
30:04 the Old Testament that has that entire phrasing
30:06 in there? What this man has done is taken two
30:09 passages from two different books of Moses, and synthesized
30:12 them into a single answer that says to love the
30:15 Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself.
30:17 Friends, if you were to look through the
30:18 study of the New Testament, you would find that other
30:20 times, when Jesus was asked this very question,
30:23 He didn't defer the answer to someone else; He gave
30:25 it Himself, and it was exactly, word for word,
30:27 the same answer. This man didn't just answer
30:30 a good answer; he answered the best answer. He gave,
30:33 in fact, the Jesus-owned answer. Thus, when Jesus
30:38 responds to him, verse 28... "...He said to him, 'You
30:41 have answered rightly!" If He was us, He would
30:47 say, "Good job! Well answered. Let's bow
30:49 our heads for a word of prayer." But He adds
30:52 something else. He said, "You have answered rightly,
30:55 do this, and you will live." What was the problem?
31:00 The man was convinced of the truth, but Jesus
31:03 knew he wasn't converted to doing it, right? So He
31:07 calls them out. He says, "Now, not only is this
31:09 true, but you need to do something about it.
31:12 Do this and live." But verse 29, "But he, wanting
31:17 to justify himself, said to Jesus, 'And who is my
31:22 neighbor?'" Time out. This man has already
31:28 evidenced his knowledge of the Word of God.
31:31 He's already demonstrated not only to have a good
31:34 answer, but have the best answer - the
31:35 Jesus answer to the question! His knowledge base is
31:39 sound. Yet when Jesus comes back with a simple,
31:45 "Well done! Now just go do it," this otherwise
31:49 brilliant man comes up with this-well, I don't
31:56 know-ridiculous question. I mean, "Who is my-"
32:03 I mean, "Lord, I would do, but the problem is
32:05 I can't figure out, and I don't know where,
32:07 and I don't know who, and I don't know-"
32:09 The implication being, "If I could only figure
32:12 out who my neighbor is, I would go and do likewise;
32:14 but..." But the Bible tells us why he asked
32:18 that silly question. "And he, wanting to
32:24 justify himself, said, 'And who is my neighbor?'"
32:29 I would submit to you, friends, that he knew
32:31 exactly who his neighbor was. He just didn't like
32:34 it. [chuckles] He knew the truth; he also recognized
32:38 it and applied to him... but he wasn't ready to
32:42 yield to that truth and put into practice what
32:45 he knew to be right. Sometimes, I call this
32:49 what we know as the parable of the Good
32:51 Samaritan. I call it the unnecessary parable.
32:54 This man already knew who his neighbor was.
32:58 And after Jesus walks him through like a children
33:00 story... "There was one time this man, and these
33:03 other men were not"- and He goes through it.
33:04 Look at the end of the parable. Verse 36. Jesus
33:08 asked him again. "So..." [reads text on-screen]
33:15 Remember the question is, "Who is my neighbor?"
33:16 Jesus said, "Alright, we listened to the story-
33:18 now you tell me who was the neighbor?" "And he said,
33:25 'He who showed mercy on him.'" And Jesus comes
33:29 right back to the same point they already had.
33:31 Then He said to him, "Go and do likewise."
33:37 You see the same kind of silliness coming out of
33:39 the mouth of Nicodemus, a Sanhedrin leader, right?
33:42 He comes to have that midnight interview with
33:43 Jesus, and Jesus cuts right to the quick and
33:45 says, "No-no, you need to be born again!" And
33:48 then, when that conviction comes to his heart, what
33:51 does he do? He comes up with silly, obscure,
33:54 ridiculous questions, right? "Well, how can
33:56 a man be born again? Am I supposed to go
33:58 back in my mother's womb? I don't-"... Jesus would say
34:01 things like, "Are you a teacher of Israel and
34:03 you don't know these things? I'm talking about
34:05 spiritual truth. You know what I'm talking
34:07 about!" In fact, go to John chapter 3. If you're
34:11 in the gospel of Luke, just go to the right
34:13 one book. John chapter 3. Notice how Jesus lays
34:17 the case to Nicodemus, and it's an issue of the
34:20 heart. Verse 19. John 3:19. [reads text on-screen]
34:37 The reason they don't accept the light isn't
34:39 because they don't understand it, nor is
34:41 it because they don't see the application in
34:43 their lives; they just don't like where it's
34:44 going! 'Cause if I go that way, that's gonna
34:47 take me away from this thing that I like to do
34:49 over here, and then love darkness rather
34:51 than light. It's an issue of love; where is your heart?
34:56 [reads John 3:20 on screen]
35:03 That's the real issue. You can be convinced
35:10 of the truth. You can be convicted by the
35:13 truth...and still not be converted. For
35:21 the rest of our time, I want to look at
35:22 two particular stories in Scripture, both found
35:27 in the book of Acts. We'll start with Acts
35:28 chapter 2. Acts chapter 2 - very well-known
35:33 passage about the Day of Pentecost. Many sermons
35:36 have been preached about this, and we don't have
35:38 time to get into all the context of this
35:40 particular message, but this is only 50 days after
35:44 the events of the death of Jesus and His resurrection
35:46 on that Sunday morning. And the same people
35:50 who were in the crowd that day, chanting things
35:52 like, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Let His blood be on
35:56 us and on our children!" are now back in Jerusalem
35:59 for the next feast, which is known as the Feast of
36:02 Weeks, or Pentecost. But on this feast, Peter
36:05 is now fully converted; the Holy Spirit has been
36:08 poured out, and he preaches a message. My does he
36:12 preach messages- and in fact- at this point,
36:14 I want to submit an idea here that may not be
36:16 popular, at least for a few minutes till I
36:19 explain it...and it is this: I believe that the
36:23 Seventh-day Adventist Church should be more
36:26 Pentecostal. [Amen!] Let me explain. [laughter]
36:32 Now, when we say that term, 'Pentecostal',
36:35 the picture that often comes to our mind is
36:38 what's commonly known today as Pentecostalism,
36:40 right? And this picture of very demonstrative
36:44 praise and worship with loud music-right?-or
36:46 you might have faith healings, or speaking
36:48 in unintelligible tongues, right? Holy roller - the
36:50 whole thing, right? But let me ask you some
36:52 questions: What we know today as Pentecostalism
36:56 is not actually found in the Day of Pentecost.
36:59 For example, how much mention of music is made
37:03 on the Day of Pentecost? None! Now, that's not
37:07 to say that they didn't sing some hymns or something -
37:08 but we don't know. But clearly, it wasn't the
37:09 central thing that moved the church, because it
37:11 didn't even make it in the Bible record! How
37:14 about faith healings? None. Now, maybe there
37:19 were people healed. Healing is a genuine
37:21 gift of the Spirit, praise the Lord, but there's
37:23 no mention of it on the Day of Pentecost. It didn't
37:25 have some big healing service, and people were
37:26 slain, and- no! How about speaking in unintelligible
37:31 tongues? [No.] No! Now, there was speaking in
37:34 tongues, but it was intelligible, right?
37:36 The Bible goes out of its way to even list
37:38 the languages and countries where they were from, right?
37:40 So, what made the Day of Pentecost so powerful
37:43 was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the preaching
37:45 of present truth! [Amen!] Peter opened his mouth,
37:48 and he preached a sermon that day. 26 verses. 13
37:51 of them were just quotes from the Old Testament.
37:54 Prophecies leading up to the Messiah as he
37:56 now understood Him, right? 11 of those verses were
37:59 just commentary about the verses he just quoted,
38:02 and the final two were just an appeal. And look
38:05 at the appeal Peter makes - my goodness.
38:07 Verse 36. By the way, let me go back to verse
38:11 32 to demonstrate it was present truth. Jesus
38:13 was not just preached that He was born in a
38:15 manger. He didn't just talk about the good life
38:17 of Jesus that He lived, He didn't just talk about
38:20 His death, or even His resurrection! Look at
38:22 verse 32. [text on-screen]
38:31 So notice He, even the resurrection at this point,
38:33 was old news and well known to those people. Here's
38:37 the next part. [reads text on-screen]
38:52 He said, "What you're seeing now is the work
38:54 of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary at the right
38:57 hand of God." He was preaching present truth
39:00 of Christ and His work in the heavenly sanctuary.
39:03 Accompanied by the Holy Spirit's power, that message
39:07 moves people. [Amen!] "Therefore," verse 36,
39:11 "let all the house of Israel know assuredly..." Now,
39:14 think of our three steps. "Know assuredly." They
39:17 need to be convinced, from Scripture, that Jesus
39:20 is the Messiah. "...know assuredly that God has
39:25 made this Jesus..." Now let's go to the convicting
39:28 part. Comma, "whom you crucified, both Lord and
39:33 Christ." Now, notice he wasn't just speaking
39:37 of Jesus in abstract, generic terms that might
39:40 be separate from them; he said, "No, no, no,
39:42 that Jesus we just learned is true, you killed."
39:50 It was a present truth message with a pointed
39:53 personal appeal. Now look very carefully at
39:59 verse 37. "Now when they heard this, they were cut
40:07 to the heart." They are convinced of the
40:12 truth he's presenting- they're convicted that
40:15 that truth applies particularly to them!-but at this
40:22 moment, are they converted? Not yet. There's one
40:25 more step, right? Watch this now: "...and said to
40:30 Peter and the rest of the apostles, 'Men and
40:31 brethren, what shall we do?'" How do I take the
40:36 convincing and the convicting, and evidence it with converting?
40:44 [reads text on-screen]
40:53 And I don't know if my reading of this is off,
40:55 but I think verse 39 is particularly beautiful.
40:57 Remember, these are the people who said, "Crucify
40:59 Him, and let His blood be on us and on our
41:03 children." Now verse 39 of Acts 2. [reads text on-screen]
41:17 Goes on in verse 41 to say that those who gladly
41:19 received his word were baptized; and that day, about 3,000
41:23 souls were added to them. Beautiful story. Let's
41:30 go to Acts chapter 7. Acts chapter 2 is a
41:34 story of success! Right? He convinced them from
41:40 Scripture. He made a direct appeal to their
41:42 hearts; and by the power of God, they were converted
41:45 when they repented and were baptized. Beautiful
41:48 story. Acts chapter 7. A very, very similar
41:55 story, but a vastly different outcome.
42:01 If you read through Acts chapter 7, you essentially
42:03 have Stephen, who is a lay member of the
42:08 church, one of the first appointed deacons, and
42:11 is now called to answer for his faith in Jesus
42:14 Christ before the Sanhedrin, the religious leaders of
42:16 the day. And if you were to compare the message
42:19 that Stephen presented that day with what Peter
42:22 presented in Acts chapter 2, they are very, very
42:24 similar. He walks them through the history of
42:27 their own people using Bible evidence to demonstrate
42:30 the veracity of his claims, and then he makes a
42:33 specific application to his audience. Okay? By the
42:37 way, he's also talking about the heavenly
42:39 sanctuary! Start with verse 44. [text on-screen]
43:06 So he's going through the history of the sanctuary,
43:09 the tabernacle, or as they had it in this day,
43:12 now, the temple, right? It started with Moses,
43:14 it went to the Promised Land, David wanted to
43:16 build him a house, but Solomon built him the
43:18 temple... By the way, these people loved the
43:21 temple, didn't they? Right? This is meeting
43:23 them where they are! It's exactly- but then
43:25 he makes a transition from the temporal temple
43:27 that they know and love to the spiritual temple that
43:30 God wants to have a focus on. Verse 48.
43:33 [reads text on-screen]
43:41 "...What house will you build for Me?" says
43:43 the Lord, or it's, "What is the place of my rest?"
43:45 [continues reading text]
43:48 So, he's taking their minds from the earthly
43:50 sanctuary to the heavenly sanctuary; and apparently,
43:56 that was a bridge too far. Now, we don't have a
44:02 film adaptation of this- we don't have the insights
44:05 exactly to know what happened. But clearly,
44:07 something happened right then and there, 'cause
44:10 look at verse 51. Stephen says... [reads text on-screen]
44:25 Now, we know what's about to happen to
44:26 Stephen in just a few verses from now. And
44:28 the burden of our question this morning: Did Stephen
44:30 say something wrong? Was he too pointed?
44:33 Was he too direct? Was he too clear with the Bible
44:37 truths? Should he have hidden his light a little
44:38 bit more obscurely to lead them more gently
44:40 along the way? I would submit to you that everything
44:45 was going well, to the point, at least, they
44:47 were able to listen to what he was saying,
44:49 until he took that temple on earth and went to
44:51 the temple in heaven. And I don't know what
44:55 they showed on their faces or their body
44:57 language or if they started picking up rocks, [chuckles]
44:59 you know. But clearly, something happened
45:03 that he said, "You know what? I need to cut the rest
45:04 of the sermon short; let me go straight to
45:06 the appeal." [laughter] Time was up on his
45:10 countdown clock, if you will, and he just laid
45:14 the lumber to it! "You stiff-necked..." Was
45:21 anything he's saying untrue, by the way?
45:22 [No.] No! He was saying- by the way, what did
45:25 Peter say? "The same Jesus whom you crucified
45:30 is now both Lord and Christ. That Jesus who
45:32 you thought was just a man is now God in
45:34 the heavens, and He holds your life in His
45:37 hands." It's the same message, the same appeal.
45:43 In fact, he goes on in verse 52. [text on-screen]
45:55 It's identically the same message as what
45:58 Peter said to the people on the Day of Pentecost.
46:03 Verse 54. Look carefully at the response. [text on-screen]
46:16 Pause right here. Were they convinced that what
46:20 he was saying was true? Yes, they were. Were
46:24 they convicted that that truth applied particularly
46:27 to them? Yes, they were. Third question: Were they
46:32 converted? No. Friends, I would submit to you,
46:36 it's possible to be convinced of the truth,
46:39 to even feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit in your
46:42 heart, and still not be converted. "When
46:48 they heard these things, they were cut to the
46:49 heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth."
46:58 I love that verse 55 does not say, "And he
47:01 laid down his life at that-" no. He wasn't
47:03 done. He's gonna preach until either they're
47:06 converted, or he's buried. Right? He said, "There's
47:10 only one way out of this. I'm just still going
47:11 straight ahead." [Amen!] "But he, being full of
47:15 the Holy Spirit..." By the way, don't ever
47:17 think that, you know, Stephen went off the
47:19 rails and kind of put his own personality into
47:21 it-no! He was still being led by the Holy Spirit,
47:23 even in that sharp rebuke. "...full of the Holy Spirit,
47:26 gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God,
47:29 and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,"
47:31 the very same message that Peter preached!
47:33 There's Jesus, in the heavens, at the right
47:34 hand of God, and you can almost picture Moses
47:37 in the wilderness with the serpent, brazen on
47:38 the stick, and he said, "Just look and live!"
47:42 He's literally just standing there! "Just
47:45 look." Verse 57. [reads text on-screen]
48:02 Notice this: They start speaking back to the
48:05 preacher, yet I don't know if it even coherent,
48:08 but they're just making noises. Wah-la-la-la-la-la-la,
48:11 right? And they're literally physically blocking the
48:16 sound waves from hitting their ear canal so that
48:19 they can hold off that power.
48:29 And they ran at him with one accord. We don't
48:33 have time for this sermon, either, but by the way,
48:37 the results of Acts 2 and Acts 7 were that
48:39 everyone was in one accord. God wants to
48:46 bring us into unity when we receive the Word,
48:49 and Satan will bring us into unity when we
48:51 reject the Word. At the end of the day,
48:56 the question remains, though: Did Stephen
48:58 say something wrong? I would emphatically
49:02 say, "No." His audience was convinced that what
49:07 he was saying was true, and they, according to
49:10 Scripture, were cut to the heart that it applied
49:12 to them. The only difference between the people in
49:15 Acts 2 and those in Acts 7 was the folks on the
49:19 Day of Pentecost yielded to the Spirit and received
49:22 the Word, while the folks in Act 7 resisted the
49:24 Spirit and rejected the Word. We're living in
49:30 the very last days of earth's history...and
49:35 Scripture has told us that we will witness
49:40 in the world this type of willful, active ignorance
49:50 in the last days of earth's history. Listen to this-
49:54 from 2 Peter chapter 3. He speaks of how scoffers
49:57 will come in the last days, walking according
50:00 to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is
50:02 the promise of His coming?" [text continued on-screen]
50:14 Notice that they're not uninformed; they're
50:17 trying to take something that's in their head
50:18 and push it back out. They willfully forget,
50:22 [text continued on-screen].
50:40 They don't like where the truth leads, so they
50:43 are, quote, "willfully ignorant" of what it
50:46 says. The apostle Paul, speaking to his protégé,
50:52 Timothy, and I believe speaking to us today.
50:55 2 Timothy chapter 4. He says... [reads text on-screen]
51:20 Please take and look at that passage again.
51:22 Notice they have no problem being taught,
51:25 as long as they get to set the curriculum.
51:28 Right? It doesn't say they'll leave the Church;
51:30 they say they'll leave your church. They
51:35 want to be taught. They want their ears to be
51:37 scratched. They like what they wanna like,
51:39 right? But when it comes to preaching truth,
51:42 present truth, cutting truth, convincing truth,
51:45 convicting truth, they don't wanna hear it.
51:50 Thus, you read in 2 Timothy chapter 3... [text on-screen]
51:56 When we think of the perils of the last days,
51:57 we often think of earthquakes and disasters and
51:59 pestilences and wars, and all kinds of things,
52:02 which are true; but even Jesus said, "These are
52:04 just the beginnings of sorrows," right? "The
52:07 end is still not yet." But here, he's speaking
52:08 of the very last days. He said, "In the last
52:10 days, perilous times will come," and he's
52:12 not talking about the condition of the physical
52:16 world, ecology, or economy, or even military; he's
52:19 talking about character. "For men will be lovers
52:23 of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud,
52:26 blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,
52:29 unholy..." [text continues on-screen]
52:46 They're gonna do all of this, in an otherwise
52:48 Christian context. They might even have the
52:52 label of Christianity. They might be in a country
52:54 that espouses Christian values, or makes statements
52:58 and slogans and logos and whatever, all about
53:00 good Jesus-y type stuff... but at the end of the
53:04 day, what's going on in their heart? They're
53:07 unthankful, they're unholy, they're unloving, they're
53:09 unforgiving, they're disobedient to parents,
53:11 despise the- all down the list. You know, oftentimes
53:18 whenever someone doesn't understand a message
53:19 in a preaching context, or even a personal Bible
53:22 study, we think, "You know, what they need
53:24 is more texts." [snaps, laughs] "They need to understand
53:26 that this-" so we take them to the Sabbath,
53:29 and, honestly, the Sabbath is so clear in Scripture.
53:32 You start from Genesis, you go all the way through
53:34 Revelation, all points in between, Jesus is
53:35 the Lord of the Sabbath, we're gonna be keeping
53:37 the Sabbath in eternity - you'd go on and on and
53:38 on, right? And if someone has an objection to the
53:42 Sabbath, we often think, "Oh, they haven't heard
53:44 THIS text, or that-" but the reality is,
53:47 they probably understand exactly what you're saying,
53:49 and they're convicted that it applies to them!
53:53 The issue is a matter of the heart. Men love
53:56 darkness because their deeds are evil. That's
54:00 the issue. Jesus saw it in His ministry. Stephen saw
54:05 it in his ministry. And I believe that's why
54:07 Jesus in Luke chapter 8, when he described the
54:09 work of sowing the seed of the Word of God, said
54:11 that most of it won't work the way we want
54:14 it to. Now praise the Lord, there'll also be
54:16 seeds sown that we won't ever see the results,
54:18 but there will be results to the positive - amen?
54:22 But regardless, God enjoins upon us, He requires
54:28 of us, a service regardless of whether it appears to be
54:36 successful or not. You see, the work of the Holy
54:40 Spirit is to take the truth of God's Word.
54:43 And like a sword, a sharp two-edged sword, apply
54:46 it in such a way that we are cut to the heart
54:49 and convicted...but conviction alone does
54:52 not save. One's response to the prompting of the
54:56 Holy Spirit determines whether they're converted.
54:59 Thus, in our work of personal evangelism,
55:04 let us not withhold the Word of God for fear of
55:07 saying something wrong. While we, of course,
55:10 want to be as winsome as possible and Christ-like
55:13 as He enables us, the ultimate decision to
55:17 yield to the work of the Holy Spirit is always
55:20 an individual one. Friends, we are not responsible
55:24 for the conversion of any soul. However, we
55:28 are responsible to have the conversation with
55:32 every soul. [Amen!] In the words of that great
55:35 old hymn, let us, then, be true and faithful,
55:39 trusting, serving, every day-because just one
55:43 glimpse of Him in glory will the trials of life
55:45 repay. [Amen!] Let's bow our heads for a
55:48 word of prayer as we close today. Heavenly
55:50 Father, I thank You so much, for in Your infinite
55:55 wisdom, entrusting to us the co-laboring work
56:03 of soul-saving with You. And Lord, help us to
56:08 learn deeply from the experience of Christ,
56:12 from the record of Scripture, from the
56:15 insights from the Spirit of Prophecy, so we can
56:17 do Your work, Your way. And Lord, we want to be
56:21 winsome! We want to be genial; we want to be
56:25 warm and welcoming, hospitable - we want
56:28 to clear every obstacle out of the way. But Lord,
56:32 we also see from Your own testimony and the
56:35 examples of early church leaders that even if we
56:40 do everything right, it still may not work out
56:44 the way we expect. Please, Lord, help us to never
56:48 become discouraged or distracted or dissuaded
56:52 from doing the work You've given us to do, but let us
56:55 be true and faithful, trusting, serving, every day.
57:00 To that end, Lord, we dedicate ourselves once
57:02 again, and we ask that You would make us laborers
57:06 for You, for we pray it in Jesus' name. Amen.
57:09 [Amen!] [intro/outro music]


Revised 2020-11-11