Amen Conference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AMEN

Program Code: AMEN230001S

00:01 >> And this medical event was in that motivates trains and
00:05 equips health professionals to share price with their
00:08 patients. In his presence, we and our patients find rest home
00:13 and powerful healing take hold of God's promised a Biden,
00:17 his presence and experience the surrender
00:21 to faithfully minister as he did.
00:23 [MUSIC]
00:28 [MUSIC]
00:31 >> Good evening, everyone.
00:34 I feel like saying Happy Sabha even though it's not happy 7th
00:37 rain but it's coming.
00:40 Welcome to the 19th annual a man conference. Can I hear an
00:45 amen?
00:46 How many of you are happy to be here today?
00:50 Wonderful. And I want to extend a warm welcome to our online
00:53 live audience as well. We're glad that you're tuning in to
00:57 join in with us. And so I always look for a 40 man
01:01 conferences because I always see a lot of old friends and
01:05 make many new ones as well.
01:07 And I'm excited about this weekend because of our theme in
01:11 his presence. I think that phrase says it all.
01:14 So I'd like to open up this conference with the word of
01:17 prayer. If you would bow your heads with me, please.
01:21 Heavenly father.
01:24 We're here at this conference
01:26 because we want to enter into your presence and remained
01:30 there.
01:32 Lourdes is the key to everything in life.
01:36 If we would simply stay a tune to your voice
01:41 and in your presence, all of life's complexities with
01:45 disappear.
01:47 And so that is our presence. And that is our prayer that you
01:52 will fill this place. But your holy spirit, that you'll bless
01:55 the proceedings, that you would put your words in amounts of
01:59 all the speakers
02:00 and that everything we do in the next few days, clarify and
02:04 point to 2.
02:06 So heavenly father,
02:08 May your will be done
02:10 and maybe feel your presence in Jesus name. We pray, Amen.
02:14 [MUSIC]
02:19 [MUSIC]
02:22 >> When I first started coming to a man, I would offer to pray
02:26 with selected patients based upon their expressions and
02:30 based upon the verbalize knees. But after going to when the
02:34 conference is, why attended a prayer session and talk about
02:39 praying with patients in Sparta need to stop offering to pray
02:42 with all my patients after praying with all my patients
02:45 that led me to since specific encounters with patients which
02:49 has really been encouraging. I had to encounter with one
02:53 individual patient. The patient came into the clinic and we
02:56 would get a routine visit. She said she didn't have any
02:59 problems. But as we had our discussion, I came to the end
03:03 of the visit.
03:05 >> Yeah. Offered to pray with her.
03:07 When I offered to pray with the patient, the patient's
03:10 expression chair in, they became sad, tearful and just
03:16 started looking down. Ask or was there something else you
03:20 need to tell me.
03:22 The patients said
03:23 when you offered to pray with me, it reminded me of my past.
03:28 I used to in turn church. I used to study God's word,
03:33 but I stopped doing all those things. Will this encourage me
03:38 to start staying God's word? Again, as I talked with the
03:41 patient,
03:42 she came back. I saw that she and reconnecting with Christ as
03:46 a result of this simple prayer. That's what a man's go ways to
03:50 help people be reconnected and newly strengthened their
03:54 relationship to Christ.
03:55 [MUSIC]
04:00 [MUSIC]
04:04 >> Good evening, everyone.
04:06 Welcome to a man conference. We're excited to see you here
04:10 and so thrilled that you joined us for the first opening night.
04:14 A few announcements to get our weekend started. First off is
04:19 something called a devotional project. Many of you may have
04:23 seen an email in your inbox saying we are calling for its
04:28 you guys to give or offer a devotional to be recorded to be
04:33 put into Arp Project for Amen Ministries.
04:39 Doctor Khanna Simmons is going to give us more details on this
04:41 later. But I invite you if you haven't seen that e-mail ready,
04:44 please look in your inbox because we don't we not only
04:47 want you, but we need you for this devotional project.
04:52 Our next announcement is regarding our exhibits. How
04:55 many of you are able to see those this evening or visit a
04:58 few of them?
05:00 A good number of hands. Wonderful. I want to encourage
05:03 you to go and check them out again next time they're open
05:07 and please don't forget to go all the way down the hallway
05:10 and around the corner because we have many ministries
05:14 represented this year and you will not want to miss out on
05:17 the stories that they can share as well as opportunities for
05:21 you to get involved in these ministries.
05:24 For those of you who signed up for CME or C D E credit.
05:29 Please keep this in mind as you're going to the sessions
05:33 tomorrow for medical continuing education. There is a QR code
05:37 for you to scan. This is located in your program on Page
05:42 27. You can ask and that with your phone, it will take you to
05:46 a website where you will create an account to sign up for your
05:49 CME for dental, continuing education. Please keep an eye
05:54 out for the sign in sheet that will be present at the sessions
05:58 tomorrow. And so get your pens ready because you're going to
06:01 need those when you walk into those sessions
06:04 last but definitely not least is our meal location. Have any
06:09 of you enjoy dinner tonight
06:11 is delicious. Wasn't it
06:13 tomorrow and moving forward? Our meals are going all the
06:17 outside and that location is going to be to your left as you
06:21 exit this building and across the parking lot on a plot of
06:25 lawn. So we invite you to join us there for our next meal,
06:28 which breakfast tomorrow
06:31 moving forward. We're going to have another video
06:33 presentations. I invite you to sit back and enjoy that.
06:36 And welcome again to the 2023, a man conference in his
06:40 presence.
06:41 [MUSIC]
06:46 [MUSIC]
06:48 >> Amen Conference and what it stands for gain, you know,
06:52 bringing Jesus into your practice of medicine. It's it's
06:56 something that inspired me in the first place to study
07:01 medicine. And I believe as health professionals, we have
07:05 such a great influence over the lives of others and what better
07:10 way to connect people through Christ that's through, you
07:14 know, our health, many street at first last year. I didn't
07:19 know what to expect. He was my first conference and it was
07:24 just an amazing experience to connect with like-minded health
07:29 professionals. I think the greatest highlights for me last
07:33 year and this year where those conversations I had at the
07:37 dinner table at the breakfast table, Jessica, 19, then
07:41 sharing ideas. I was really encouraged and inspired by the
07:47 people I met here at the Amen Conference hearing, the
07:50 testimonies of other health professionals and how they have
07:55 received the bonus, I guess, to share Christ, you know, in
08:00 their practice, whether it is through prayer or in the
08:03 future, that has helped me to become more confident in
08:09 praying with patients because I realize the impact that it can
08:14 have.
08:15 >> On someone's life to hear your physician, you know,
08:19 expressing faith in God. And so I've been able to do
08:24 that more in my interaction with patients and it's been
08:30 well received. And I'm very grateful to be able to do that.
08:34 What I like most about Amen is the opportunity, at least for a
08:40 young physician to receive mentorship to fund those who
08:44 are more experience than who have knowledge in their fields.
08:48 I really appreciate and talking to the their physicians,
08:53 people who are experts in their field just this morning.
08:57 I'm in one of my networking groups I was talking with and
09:01 act anew was given the advice on.
09:03 >> You know how to move forward. And so the networking
09:06 aspect, the connection aspect is my favorite pipes that has
09:10 been, you know, most impactful.
09:12 [MUSIC]
09:17 [MUSIC]
09:19 >> Good evening again.
09:22 I have some wonderful people with me up here and we're going
09:26 to introduce to you guys want to come around the front.
09:29 We're going to introduce to you guys, network woks. How many of
09:33 you attended a network walk last year in Myrtle Beach?
09:37 I see a few hands. Wonderful. We hope you join us again this
09:42 conference and for the most of you, many of you that did not
09:46 raise your hands. This is an exciting opportunity for you to
09:49 get to know those around you better as well as to process
09:53 and implement the theme and the topics of our groups together.
09:59 I am going to go ahead. I'm going to come sooner here.
10:02 I'm going to go ahead and let each individual
10:06 give their name there too. Title as well as the topic of
10:10 their network walk will start with Doctor Hot.
10:14 >> Hi, I'm Harvey Honda. My cardiologist Kettering Ohio
10:17 and my topics going to be called teaching the teachers.
10:21 It's really going to focus on some practical ways that we can
10:24 kind of influence the people that are training to integrate
10:27 Street rally in their care.
10:29 But when the big things are going to wrestle with is,
10:32 are we really doing everything we can to raise an army of
10:35 medical evangelists to help for the mission? And if not,
10:39 why are we doing that?
10:42 >> I'm David de Rosa and internal medicine specialist
10:44 and the and the pastor of the Fort Wayne, First 7th Day
10:48 Adventist Church in Indiana.
10:50 We're going to be looking at the book of Psalms that I'm
10:52 going to suggest to you that as powerful it as that book is for
10:56 personal devotions. It can not be read can texts, Ali, without
11:00 doing it in community. We'll look at how the book of Psalms
11:04 is Healing, how you can use it in your practice and your
11:06 church as part of your outrage.
11:09 >> Creighton talk 3 orthopedic surgeon and we're going to talk
11:13 about the topping. My mind is I will go. So sometimes we don't
11:18 want to go. But there are plenty of opportunities popping
11:21 up all over the world locally regionally around the world
11:26 that we can go and participate in medical evangelism. So we'll
11:30 talk about that share some ideas and stories.
11:37 >> And John Turcotte family practice. And we're going to
11:42 talk about the unique mission in Adventist Medicine as it is
11:45 merging both medicine in ministry to spread the gospel.
11:50 There is transformative power that can be found in the Pastor
11:53 Physician Alliance. We're going to discuss that on our network
11:56 walk.
11:59 Hello. Hello. My name is Pete Lingus and I'm a physical
12:02 therapist.
12:03 >> And I'm Michael and the PTA and our network and walk is
12:07 titled.
12:08 >> How merging spiritual and emotional well-being can lead
12:12 to healthier and more meaningful relationships.
12:15 >> That's right. Join us tomorrow as we share and
12:19 discuss what we call
12:21 tools to mesh, spiritual and emotional well-being into your
12:25 personal life and work life.
12:29 >> Robert Benson died from Michigan Conference in this
12:32 pastor, their also physical therapist. But tomorrow,
12:36 you know,
12:37 6,000 years ago, there was a painful divorce that was
12:40 experienced by the universe. And there was weeping and
12:43 crying and having by hundreds of millions of angels and there
12:47 seem to be no remedy to bring this divorce back together.
12:50 But there was a firm that was found a way. We'll talk about
12:52 the way to get back into the presence of God had a presence
12:55 got in our lives and restore the divorce and the marriage.
13:01 >> My name is Gloria Kim. I'm an OBGYN in Illinois.
13:06 So by theme will be white prayer batters in your practice
13:10 in in your life.
13:11 I'm going to be focusing on 3 things. I'm praying with
13:15 purpose, praying with power and prayed with persistence.
13:19 I'll be sharing some of the stories and some of the
13:21 miracles that have happened in answer to prayer, including 2
13:26 miracles that have been going on for almost 4 years. So
13:29 everybody is welcome. It's not just for medical people because
13:33 prayer is for everyone.
13:36 >> Good evening. My name is old and never heard. My wife and I
13:39 were missionary physicians in Chad Africa for 12 years.
13:44 We've now been back to America and our network walk is going
13:47 to focus on folks that were either involved in
13:50 international medical mission work or who may be interested
13:54 in being involved in long-term international medical mission
13:57 work.
13:59 And how being in that sort of a scenario may affect your need
14:02 to continually be in his presence.
14:07 >> Good evening. I'm Kiyana Simmons. I'm a dentist, no
14:10 medicine specialist.
14:11 >> And my topic is actually going to be a managing
14:15 professionalism ministry and our children. I'll be joined by
14:21 my husband, Sammy Graph and my son team in. And we're going to
14:25 talk to you of all how you can as professional women. Have
14:30 your family be an active part of not just the ministry but
14:34 your business as well.
14:37 >> Thank you, everyone. So we encourage you to join one of
14:41 these network woks every morning. 07:00AM they will be
14:46 meeting right after devotional finishes its finishes in this
14:50 room. So as soon as Jim Castor finishes the prayer devotional
14:54 portion of the morning, these individuals will be at the back
14:58 of the room with a sign and you'll be able to identify
15:02 which group you want to attend Friday morning Saturday morning
15:07 as well as Sunday morning. You can find more details in
15:11 your program to look more over network locks as well as the
15:16 topics of these different groups. We hope to see you
15:20 there.
15:32 Well, hello again.
15:34 >> I'm here to talk to you about a really exciting
15:37 initiative here at a man. How many of you here for the
15:40 very first time and can I see a show of hands?
15:43 Well, that's a pretty good fit. How many if you've been here
15:47 more than once or even for the last?
15:50 >> Yes, 90, as raise your hands.
15:53 >> OK, Walker about even this year. Well, for those of you
15:57 who are new this year, it doesn't matter. Everything is
16:00 new to you. But for those of you who have attended 18 years
16:04 before now, this year, we're doing an exciting new
16:08 initiatives with a man and it's going to showcase what a man is
16:13 all about. So what exactly is a man you might say? Well,
16:18 a man and is you what does a man need a man needs you?
16:25 What does a Mendy Zaire? Well, the desire UT and so
16:31 where does that leave us? What is a man inviting you to
16:35 t? Well, this year we want to invite each of you to see stay
16:40 connected and be inspired as we work our way up to our 20th
16:45 anniversary celebration next year, but has last this
16:49 organization. But usually we only get together like this for
16:55 one conference annually. And our desire is to keep us
16:59 connected in 2024 yon this conference and all throughout
17:05 the year into our new conference. So what does that
17:09 mean? That means we have a new and exciting opportunity for
17:13 each and every one of you, whether this is your first
17:16 conference, it's your 19th conference or any number in
17:20 between. We want to invite you to come out and give us your
17:25 testimonies. You are not here by chance. God has placed you
17:30 here and you have a story, a story that be want you to share
17:36 your test. Dummy
17:38 is the second fast scene that is going to help with each and
17:42 every one to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. We're saved
17:46 by the blood of Jesus Christ and our testimonies. So we're
17:51 inviting you to please turning your booklet to page 36.
17:56 There's one their full information in there for you.
18:00 It talks of all what we're going to be doing. I encourage
18:03 you to prey ax. Got to give you your message because he's done
18:08 something special for each and every one of you. It could be
18:12 your personal testimony. How a man has inspired you.
18:15 It could be hauled God has used in clinic where the patient it
18:20 could be hall. You have been impacted by one of your staff
18:24 members.
18:25 Anything that is associated with God working with you and 3
18:30 U in medical leave engine is is what we want you to share.
18:34 And we have a wonderful team that is going to compile that.
18:37 And throughout 2024, you receive in your inbox, a
18:42 devotional with all our testimonies in court in each
18:47 and every one of us and helping us to stay connected. So I
18:51 encourage you to stand. This could schedule your time.
18:56 And I'm looking forward to seeing each and every one of
19:00 your testimonies in 2024, I know a lot, but you hear this
19:04 year and 2023, he has the testimony that he wants you to
19:08 share and we're looking forward to hearing it. Thank you.
19:12 [MUSIC]
19:14 >> We all know what it's like to get angry. Don't wait.
19:18 Have you ever gotten mad at someone for cutting you off in
19:20 traffic or stealing your parking spot
19:23 the most of the time? It is more complicated than that.
19:25 Isn't it?
19:27 Perhaps someone deeply wronged you or maybe you're mad at
19:31 yourself for hurting someone? You love
19:34 what? Anger is a natural emotion. But did you know that
19:38 holding onto it? Letting it fester into on forgiveness has
19:41 terrible consequences for your health and well-being.
19:44 Studies show an forgiveness increases our risk for all
19:47 sorts of health problems, anxiety and depression,
19:50 difficulty sleeping, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
19:54 increased stress. And even the number one cause of death in
19:57 the U.S. heart disease.
19:59 But there is hope today we explore the transformative
20:02 power of forgiveness.
20:06 >> This interplay between our emotions and physical health
20:09 starts in the brain. When we're angry, our brain responds as if
20:13 we're in danger. Activating our fight or flight response.
20:17 If you're just as ever gotten tighter, your hands get sweaty
20:20 when your surprise or scare. And that's because of this
20:23 response that's designed to prepare and protect you at a
20:27 moment's notice.
20:29 What's going on beneath your skin? Is that your the Gullah
20:33 ad? Part of your brain triggers the hypothalamus to say to
20:36 build a tiny little pituitary gland to release adrenal
20:40 cortical trophy warm-up. Were they see to uh, to tell
20:43 your adrenal glands which are just located above your kidneys
20:47 for what your body, with what we call stress hormones,
20:50 hormones like adrenaline for Laura, up enough for the
20:53 quarters off
20:55 those chemicals are harmful because they have the ability
20:58 to dramatically and quickly pivot. The body's functions.
21:02 The grain even prioritizes OneBlood is that the burning
21:06 blood away from you? Got to your muscles. Just in case you
21:09 need to fight or flee
21:12 on forgiveness, then keeps this fight or flight mechanism.
21:15 Cherney we harbor resentment and anger is like slamming on
21:20 the body's breaks and at the same time pushing on the gas
21:23 pedal and not letting up that wear. And tear of chronic
21:27 stress puts a tremendous burden on the body.
21:30 Chronic exposure to these and other chemicals weakens our
21:34 immune system. The ruins how we sleep and increases our risk
21:38 for depression, anxiety, weight gain and heart disease. Over
21:42 time, the high levels of cortisol, it's a process.
21:45 Serotonin, one of the happiness and feel-good hormones high
21:49 quarters. All also affects our prefrontal cortex, the front
21:53 part of our brain where we make decisions and it affects our
21:56 short-term memory. They can even begin to kill off the
21:59 neurons in our brain, not forgiving someone because of
22:02 her disappointment is like drinking poison and expecting
22:06 that it will hurt the other person. But in reality is
22:08 destroying ourselves to put it plainly on forgiveness affects
22:12 us more than anyone else.
22:16 >> It's remarkable how our bodies are designed to keep us
22:18 safe in a moment of danger. But as Doctor Schwartz has
22:21 pointed out on forgiveness is just as dangerous for bodies
22:25 has any external threat.
22:28 But take heart. There is a solution and a path toward
22:31 improved health research shows that in the same way and
22:35 forgiveness negatively affects our health practicing
22:37 forgiveness has incredible health benefits and can lead to
22:41 fuller more enjoyable lives.
22:43 >> Think of on forgiveness, the state of Haiti. Onto
22:46 disappointment, frustration and fear as tightening your fist
22:50 for some amount of time. Your muscle state. Hey, can you
22:53 get fatigued? You lose energy. All your attention stays
22:57 focused on your clenched fist. It's difficult to focus on
23:00 anything else when you unclench your fist your muscles, soft,
23:06 more flow improves in your arm. Even your shoulder begin to
23:09 relax. That's what forgiveness does. It puts your brain in
23:14 your entire body back into focus. It improves this
23:18 serotonin levels in your brain and normalizes that hormone in
23:21 your brain. When we forgive someone letting go of those
23:25 angry feelings tells our brain in our body took on collection
23:30 to soften our bodies as she returned to a state of the
23:33 analysis that we call homeostasis, that provides
23:37 balance across all of its functions.
23:40 Because when we forget that fight or flight response gets
23:44 told off when that happens, brains, relax, that reduces
23:49 anxiety, improves depression and we regain our focus that
23:54 are meant to Marjah to start in navigating other things in our
23:58 lives.
23:59 And that reduction of anxiety and stress leads to better
24:02 sleep. Improves our mood and even helps or a new system.
24:06 We may even help you restore the relationship with the
24:09 person that you did not want to forget, but even if it doesn't,
24:14 there are still hope benefits for you. What's exciting is
24:17 that those benefits to our cardiovascular system. It can
24:20 reduce the risk of stress. Laura blood pressure,
24:24 improve our heart rate and forgiveness actually reduces
24:28 your risk of heart disease or stroke.
24:31 There is no shortage of health benefits that come with the act
24:35 of forgiveness.
24:36 >> I love the imagery of forgiveness as the active an
24:39 clenching a fist because that's what forgiveness is a choice to
24:43 let go.
24:44 It reminds me of one Holocaust Survivor Corps intend to said
24:47 forgiveness is not an emotion. That is an act of the well.
24:52 Corey, a Dutch Christian worked with her father and her sister
24:55 to help 800 Jews escape not to persecution during the
24:59 Holocaust and World War. 2 Corey and her family were
25:02 arrested and thrown into prison where Corey's father and sister
25:05 Betsy died
25:06 recklessly. Corey survived, bravery, sacrifice and
25:10 unshakable faith in God March Corey's life. But perhaps her
25:13 most astonishing attribute was her ability to get
25:17 after the war. As Corey was traveling to Germany, sharing a
25:21 message of God's forgiveness, she came face-to-face with one
25:24 of her former captors. In fact, he was one of the guards from
25:27 the prison where his sister Betsy had died.
25:30 The transform man pleaded for Coors forgiveness with an
25:34 outstretched hand engulfed in shock and traumatic memories.
25:37 Corey recalls. I stood there. I whose sons had every day to
25:42 be forgiven. I could not.
25:44 Let's see had died in that place. Could he erased the slow
25:48 terrible death? Simply by asking for forgiveness
25:52 and her pain? Corey turned to prayer.
25:55 Here is how she describes the encounter.
25:57 Jesus help me. I prayed silently I can with my hand,
26:01 I can do that much. You supply the field and so would mean the
26:05 kind of plea forest land to the once stretched out to me.
26:09 And as I did an incredible thing to place, the current
26:12 started in my shoulder raised on my arm, sprang into life,
26:15 joined hands. And then this healing. Warren seemed to flood
26:20 my whole team bringing tears to my eyes. I forgive you,
26:25 brother. I cried with all my heart
26:28 for a long moment week. Rast each other's hands. The former
26:33 guard and the former president. I have never known God's love
26:37 so intensely as I did that.
26:40 Corey credits God for her ability to forget her story
26:44 reminds us that the act of forgiveness is often incredibly
26:47 difficult. When we choose to forgive, it leads to freedom.
26:52 I love how she states it. Forgiveness is releasing the
26:55 prisoners just to discover that I was the one in prison.
27:00 >> There really is true that when we forgive someone,
27:03 we set a prisoner free.
27:05 But it's not the person that we expect that we're setting free.
27:08 It's actually ourselves just as when we refuse to forgive
27:12 someone. Body responds with par for hormones. The act of
27:16 forgiveness causes slow response in your body. Not only
27:19 by quiet in the the bad horror movies, the stress hormones,
27:22 but also but activating hormones that help us feel
27:26 uplifted. What inspired studies show that love what
27:30 psychologists suggest is the strongest emotion. What leads
27:33 to a dope immune response in the brain to open? It is one of
27:37 the feel-good chemicals are buddies create in the emotion
27:41 of love. Creates a lot of that as well as increases serotonin.
27:44 That does the same thing. It's as if our bodies are
27:47 designed to positively respond to the act of forgiveness and
27:52 love.
27:53 >> We've seen how detrimental holding on to anger and
27:55 resentment is for health and how powerful forgiveness can be
28:00 for our bodies.
28:02 But how do I do it? How do I actually forget?
28:05 Here are 5 steps to help you on your journey to become more
28:08 forgiving. Step. One is to admit forgiveness isn't an easy
28:12 task. As a journey that takes time and effort. Step 2 is to
28:16 remember that forgiveness is a choice I make. It is
28:19 acknowledging that something hurtful happened facing it and
28:22 saying this happened. It hurts a lot. But I'm now choosing
28:27 love over anger, compassion over bitterness, empathy over
28:30 age for my own well-being.
28:33 Step 3 is understanding that forgiving someone isn't
28:36 excusing nor condoning a wrong.
28:40 It is important for our health to forgive regardless of
28:43 whether or not the other person is deserving.
28:45 Step 4 is recognizing forgiveness involves empathy.
28:49 Many people think forgiveness is simply moving on. But
28:53 complete forgiveness goes a step further. It is putting
28:56 yourself in the other person's shoes and offering empathy and
28:59 compassion to the person who wronged us. Often understanding
29:03 another struggles makes it easier to emphasize and moved
29:07 towards forgiveness.
29:08 The final step number 5 is one. They can be a powerful tool to
29:13 help you achieve the first 4 steps.
29:16 Research shows that individuals with strong religious
29:18 commitment and are more likely to engage in forgiving
29:21 behaviors. The power of prayer and the power forgiveness go
29:25 hand in hand.
29:26 If you don't have a spiritual connection, consider reaching
29:29 out to someone you trust and asked them to pray for. And
29:33 with you,
29:34 there is 5 practical steps to embrace the power of
29:37 forgiveness in your life and experience optimal health.
29:41 Remember the power to forgive lies within your crest
29:45 forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, rather. It is a
29:48 testament to your resilience and courage.
29:52 Choose forgiveness and you choose a life of true
29:54 liberation, joy and optimal health.
29:58 [MUSIC]
30:03 [MUSIC]
30:08 [MUSIC]
30:13 >> Amen.
30:14 Tonight. Our message is going to be shared by Doctor John
30:18 Shannon. He met earlier this evening.
30:21 Doctor John Shun wears many hats, including and being a
30:25 husband, a father, a physician, a mentor and much more.
30:30 He graduated from residency in internal medicine and completed
30:35 a fellowship in Hematology Oncology. Today. His career is
30:40 not only to treat the disease in a patient but to minister to
30:45 the soul of individual in front of him. I can personally attest
30:50 is someone that recently graduated from residency,
30:52 that his example and the way that he works with his patients
30:56 is impactful as well as makes those observing him want to
31:01 carry that forward in their own careers. So I know you're going
31:04 to be blessed by his message tonight. He currently serves as
31:08 the man president.
31:10 And we're excited to hear the message to learn his she put on
31:14 his heart to share with us tonight. Before we hear from
31:18 him, though, we're going to be blessed by a special music
31:20 presented by Rolando, who is a medical student, as well as
31:25 Esteban who currently is a cardiology fellow.
31:29 [MUSIC]
31:34 [MUSIC]
31:39 [MUSIC]
31:44 [MUSIC]
31:49 [MUSIC]
31:56 >> You know, this long to
32:00 once worlds.
32:04 >> Ends us to I see in the last this year, though, on the
32:18 [MUSIC]
32:21 as to when to to always leads. I longed too.
32:34 >> Since.
32:39 >> When Ohio law.
32:41 [MUSIC]
32:47 >> And so has
32:55 and seems mice
32:57 [MUSIC]
33:02 [MUSIC]
33:07 [MUSIC]
33:10 the same slice.
33:12 [MUSIC]
33:17 [MUSIC]
33:22 [MUSIC]
33:27 [MUSIC]
33:34 >> When I
33:37 >> we saw seas and heavy.
33:41 >> We see it.
33:42 [MUSIC]
33:47 [MUSIC]
33:53 [MUSIC]
33:58 [MUSIC]
34:03 [MUSIC]
34:07 We saw 2
34:13 [MUSIC]
34:18 [MUSIC]
34:23 [MUSIC]
34:28 [MUSIC]
34:33 [MUSIC]
34:35 [MUSIC]
34:40 [MUSIC]
34:45 [MUSIC]
34:47 and then sings on so.
34:49 [MUSIC]
34:54 [MUSIC]
34:59 [MUSIC]
35:04 [MUSIC]
35:09 [MUSIC]
35:14 [MUSIC]
35:19 [MUSIC]
35:22 [MUSIC]
35:27 [MUSIC]
35:33 >> Amen.
35:35 Thank you so much for that music. Rolando,
35:39 there's nothing like the perfect song to bring us in the
35:42 presence of Christ. The men.
35:44 I feel like
35:46 the message is also necessary after that.
35:54 What I want to share with you tonight is something
35:59 I felt I needed in my life for a long time.
36:02 And as I was studying this passage of scripture, which
36:05 I'll share with you shortly,
36:07 I felt like it really spoke to my soul on this exact same
36:10 theme
36:11 that we have with this weekend.
36:13 So I would pray. But as I speak, that you would pray for
36:17 me that God's message will come through clear
36:20 and that ultimately his message is what you take away. And so
36:26 please bow your heads, the team,
36:28 heavenly father,
36:29 we just dedicate this time to you.
36:32 We thank you so much, Lord,
36:34 for the privilege of being able to work for you
36:37 in our respective spheres of influence. And Laura does a
36:41 speech tonight. I just pray that you will envelop us in
36:44 your presence that you will help us to share a message
36:47 directly from you. I pray for forgiveness on my part, Lord,
36:50 because you know how inadequate I and so many ways an
36:54 unqualified to share this message.
36:56 I pray, lord, that people will continue as a result of what
37:00 we're sure tonight.
37:02 So we dedicate this time to you and all these things. We pray
37:05 in Jesus name. Amen.
37:10 So I recently met with former medical school classmate of
37:13 mine who I haven't seen since we graduated.
37:17 I had a chance to catch up with him. It was wonderful.
37:20 And I asked him what he was doing. And he's currently
37:23 working as a hospital list.
37:25 And I knew him because when I was a student.
37:28 >> He.
37:30 >> He's one of these people who you instantly like very
37:33 outgoing, very gregarious.
37:36 And he had a passion for his faith. And so he was involved
37:39 in some of the events that we organize. You know, the men
37:43 student chapter on campus, which I was a part of.
37:46 So that's how I interact with him primarily when I was a
37:48 student. So that's catching up with him. I asked him how he
37:53 liked his work.
37:54 It soon became clear that all was not. Well.
37:58 He said that in his private practice and his crew,
38:03 the atmosphere was that the toxics,
38:06 he said that the doctors there were more concerned about
38:09 revenue in our views and things like that and not so much about
38:12 patient care or the quality of patient care.
38:15 So he felt a lot of decisions that were made were made to the
38:20 detriment of his patients.
38:22 So in the beginning, he tried to change the culture. He tried
38:26 to be
38:27 the one who's difference. And
38:30 and he told me in the end, it's exhausting being alone, salmon
38:34 swimming upstream.
38:36 Ultimately, he said, you know what, John, I just learned to
38:39 pick and choose my doubts.
38:41 And so there's some things I just like. And I realize it's
38:43 just not worth the time the energy in the effort to rock
38:47 the boat and a lot of these things.
38:50 He also mention that
38:54 none of the other physicians he works with
38:56 appear to be Christians.
38:58 And so when he initially tried to incorporate spiritual care
39:01 into this practice, although they didn't outright come out
39:05 and tell him to stop doing this, he could tell by their
39:09 attitudes that they thought this was ridiculous
39:12 and they let him know just how dumb
39:17 non-professional.
39:23 What I detected from talking to him was someone who felt the
39:27 solution.
39:28 He's he's he's been working at this practice for a number of
39:31 years. And I changed some details to protect us
39:34 anonymity.
39:36 But I can tell in his eyes that
39:39 that he was pretty disillusioned with medicine
39:43 and then he got excited. And he said, well, I'll tell
39:45 you what, I'm working on John Doe. I am actually learning how
39:49 to do commercial real estate.
39:51 And and that is where the future is.
39:56 And that was a hard left. And I said, well, I'm glad
39:59 you're learning about that. But
40:02 if you hate this job, where if you're not feeling like this is
40:05 where your call to serve, why not change shots? And he said,
40:09 well, John, there's no other position that can match the
40:13 benefits package, the compensation that they're
40:15 giving me.
40:16 They're just paying me way too much. So my goal is to work
40:20 there long enough to generate the Capitol. I need to get into
40:24 commercial real estate investing and then I can walk
40:27 away from the hospital is forever. I this is my this is
40:30 my exit.
40:33 And so as he was talking about this, I couldn't help but feel
40:36 sad.
40:37 Not because there's anything wrong with real estate that
40:40 because I felt that my friend have lost his original vision
40:45 and calling for why God had brought him into medicine
40:49 and I felt an emptiness there.
40:56 Maybe some of you can relate to my friend's story.
40:59 I think that's the story that repeats itself
41:02 in many ways in many different lives in different contexts.
41:06 But as you go through the humdrum daily living as life
41:10 takes its toll in our work is for specials,
41:13 you can just become a job.
41:16 And when your job as a health care professional becomes just
41:19 a job,
41:20 it can really do a number on your faith.
41:23 It can really make you disillusioned and cynical in
41:26 ways that other jobs can't.
41:29 So I want to talk about that tonight
41:33 because it's telling that burnout in health care has
41:35 reached epic proportions
41:37 and it's become a buzzword in the academic literature.
41:40 Everyone talks about burnout. Everyone talks about why is it
41:44 that people are leaving medicine and ropes? And the
41:46 question is, what can we as Christian physicians do about
41:50 it?
41:51 Does Christ offer an antidote for this condition in our
41:55 lives?
41:56 And so to answer that question, I want to turn to the chapter 5
42:00 and I'm going to use this story
42:03 of Peter James and John says calling his disciples to
42:08 illustrate all the points tonight.
42:11 So Luke, Chapter 5, starting at first one.
42:15 So was as a multitude pressed about him to hear the word of
42:18 God that he stood by the lake of Knesset, right? And he saw 2
42:22 boats standing by the lake.
42:24 But the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their
42:27 nets that he got into one of the boats, which was Simons and
42:31 asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down
42:34 and talked the multitudes from the boat
42:36 when he gets off speaking. He said to Simon launch out
42:40 into the deep and let down your nets for catch.
42:43 But Simon answered and said to him master, we have toiled all
42:46 night and cut nothing.
42:48 Nevertheless at your word, I will let down the net.
42:54 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of
42:57 fish
42:58 and then that was breaking. So the signal to their partners
43:01 in the other boat to come and help them.
43:04 They came and filled both votes so that they began to sink.
43:08 When Simon Peter sign, he fell down at Jesus, Disney's same
43:12 depart from me for I am a sinful man, a Lord
43:16 for he and all were with him were astonished at the catch of
43:19 Fish which had taken and so also were chains and John
43:23 descended 70 who are partners with Simon
43:26 and Jesus said to Simon, do not be afraid from now on.
43:30 You will catchment.
43:32 So when they had brought their boats to land the force of call
43:37 and followed him.
43:40 The first point I want the trial from the story
43:44 is that the disciples efforts were fruitless
43:48 when they play bird apart
43:51 from Christ.
43:53 The disciples efforts were fruitless
43:56 when they labored apart
43:59 from crisis. This is what the desired just says on Page 2.49.
44:03 During that sat night on the lake when they were separated
44:06 from Christ, the disciples were pressed hard but unbelief and
44:11 we re with fruit must. Well,
44:14 this is interesting because Peter James and John were
44:18 expert fishermen.
44:20 They were very knowledgeable because this is their life
44:23 trade. They were experts in their field
44:26 and they knew that along with all the other fishermen,
44:28 the ideal fishing conditions at night. So they were there out
44:31 fishing all night
44:33 and it caught nothing.
44:36 And this is despite ideal conditions.
44:39 You can say that by that morning,
44:41 maybe they're feeling a little burned out
44:43 if you're a little disillusioned about the trade.
44:46 If I'm an expert fisherman and I spent all night fishing
44:50 come morning if I caught not even a single fish, I wondered,
44:54 is it time to get out of this people?
44:56 You know, is this really what I should be doing with my life
45:02 and as a health care provider, I want to ask, have you ever
45:05 felt like you work has been truth must? Well,
45:09 despite the fact that you're an expert in your field, have you
45:12 ever have to experience coming back with your nets empty?
45:17 Because I know I have
45:20 you see friends. This is what happens
45:22 when the Labor Party from Jesus
45:26 becomes just a job
45:28 and we go through the motions
45:30 without experiencing true fulfillment.
45:35 And despite our best efforts, we return with our nets empty
45:40 and just like the disciples were well trained fisherman and
45:43 yet caught no fish. We can be well trained in whatever field
45:47 we're in.
45:49 When we from labor, apart from Christ's, we fail.
45:55 When we lean on our own with some of our own strength,
45:58 we fall short of what we could do and who we could be
46:02 through Christ.
46:06 So too often, I think the issue is that we turn to Jesus as a
46:10 last resort, not a first resort.
46:12 Our default posture is to get things done in our own strength
46:15 in our own way.
46:17 But no matter what kind of success or lack thereof for met
46:20 with when we do this, we fall short of God's plans for us
46:25 here in John, 15
46:27 versus 4, 5, prices abide in me. And I in you as a branch,
46:32 cannot bear fruit of itself on the set of bites me up and said
46:36 bye to the vine. Neither can you unless you abide in me.
46:41 I am the vine. You are the branches. He who abides in me
46:45 and I in him bears much fruit for without me. You can do
46:52 notice that Jesus does not say if we do not abide in him,
46:57 we will bear less fruit.
47:01 He doesn't say that will bear diminished or smaller fit.
47:05 What does he say?
47:07 You will bear?
47:11 But conversely,
47:13 notice of Jesus does not say that if we abide in him,
47:16 that we will have a higher chance of bearing fruit.
47:19 He does not say that you will be a little more fruit than
47:21 what you normally do.
47:23 He says you will bear
47:25 much fruits.
47:29 So we're either connect to Christ and very much fruit or
47:34 we're disconnected from him and bearing no fruit.
47:38 These are the only 2 options we have.
47:42 There are no intermediate stages fruitfulness. We're
47:46 either a fruitful bow or with their branch.
47:53 The fruit that Jesus speaks of is a true work that he calls us
47:57 to do.
47:58 And the work that Jesus calls us to do is impossible to do on
48:02 our street alone.
48:04 The people he calls us to be is impossible for us to be
48:08 by her own merits and our own efforts. And this is life
48:11 without him. We can do nothing.
48:15 So this is what I would call our higher calling and
48:18 represents our true potential because no matter how natively
48:22 talents abr no matter how successful we are by the world
48:25 standards, apart from him, we fall short of his plans for our
48:30 lives.
48:32 There was a
48:33 an African village
48:36 which ran to a crisis where
48:39 there was no clean water
48:40 available to the village. And so people are dying of
48:43 thirst was a humanitarian debacle
48:46 and people were in there trying to solve this issue for this
48:49 village a short order.
48:51 And there was a missionary who decided to come and try to help
48:53 with the effort said as he was there working on this issue,
48:56 he befriended a family in that village.
48:59 And one day
49:01 the family invited him to come have lunch with them. And so he
49:04 went to your humble abode. It was something that looked
49:07 like this with where they had a dirt floor for the ground and
49:12 rudimentary roof
49:14 and he goes inside and he sees just what you would expect to
49:17 see in a hunt like this except at their table, which is like
49:22 a cross section of wood,
49:24 a tree stuff, if you will.
49:25 There was a medal canister and look so out of place in this
49:30 primitive hut.
49:32 And so this missionary couldn't help but to ask the people,
49:35 what is that?
49:37 And they said, we don't know. But there's a camp nearby that
49:41 was used by an NGO. And then when they left the band and a
49:44 lot of things and this is one of the things they left behind.
49:46 We're not sure what this is, but it makes a darned good
49:49 chance.
49:50 So they be using as a chair.
49:52 And so the missionary was intrigued. So he was inspecting
49:54 this canister. And then to his surprise, he found out that it
49:58 was actually
50:00 an Ulta
50:02 Ultra efficient
50:04 water filtration system
50:06 that could have solved the film which is water, pollution
50:09 problems.
50:11 And the answer to their woes was sitting right here but
50:15 being used as a chance
50:18 because people do not know for what purpose it was created.
50:24 You could not argue that this canister made a very effective
50:28 chair,
50:30 but compared to what it was designed to do,
50:33 you cannot deny that it was falling far short of its
50:36 potential
50:38 friends. If we are not laboring under Christ direction,
50:42 no matter how successful you are by the world standards I
50:46 submit to you. Thank you are using your life to be checked
50:50 when God intended for you to use your life
50:53 to bring souls and his kingdom.
51:01 Imagine this.
51:03 What if Peter, James and John that night
51:05 caught some fish?
51:08 Maybe it wasn't a record-breaking haul. But the
51:10 caught something,
51:12 maybe it would have been enough
51:15 prevent them
51:16 from being Christ when he
51:19 ordered them
51:20 to cast out again,
51:23 maybe even if it's a record-breaking haul. If they
51:26 had met with some success, maybe they would assess,
51:29 you know, what we had in the fish last night. So actually,
51:33 we're good.
51:35 I suspect it was no coincidence that on the night before this
51:38 encounter with Christ, the disciples caught 0 fish.
51:43 This is not a common occurrence.
51:46 4 fishermen to fish all night and the catching of fish.
51:50 I don't think it was a coincidence. Could it be that
51:53 caught sometimes allows us to go through a desert experience
51:57 in our work in our lives
52:00 so that we will feel a need for Christ's.
52:04 That's not to say that
52:05 got brings back things that your lives, perhaps he allows
52:09 us because he knows that
52:11 in our joys, his voice becomes a whisper. But in our pain,
52:16 it becomes a megaphone.
52:20 The second point I want to bring out is that the disciples
52:23 experienced increased faith and success when they labored under
52:29 Jesus destruction.
52:31 So imagine the scenario that the disciples were in.
52:35 You spent the whole night fishing and caught nothing.
52:39 And now this gallery in Rabbi
52:42 is sitting standing in your boat preaching
52:45 and this rabbi, who was definitely not a fisherman.
52:48 If anything, he's a carpenter,
52:50 turns around and tells you the expert fisherman
52:55 cast out
52:57 and put your yet again into the water.
53:00 You had just finished cleaning all your debts
53:03 and you fish all night under ideal circumstances and caught
53:06 nothing.
53:08 And this man who knows presumably nothing about
53:10 fishing is telling you to go fishing in broad daylight 100
53:14 the worst possible conditions and to throw unit on the other
53:17 side
53:18 as if that would make a difference. Right
53:22 now. Imagine what Peter James and John says response could
53:25 have been
53:27 when it comes to preaching.
53:29 That's all you, rabbi. When it comes to fishing, that's our
53:32 territory. And we're here to tell you that makes no sense.
53:36 We're not going to catch any fish by simply cast our net on
53:39 the other side. Okay, or by lowering their nets again,
53:43 we've done this all night.
53:45 So let me tell you exactly why this makes no sense as a
53:49 command
53:52 and because and that's where the clean and stowed away what
53:55 a great inconvenience to do this again. And then the secy,
53:59 no fish. Now I got a clean and that's again
54:02 when an inconvenience
54:05 when Jesus commands us to do something,
54:09 do we come up with reasons not holding?
54:13 Do we sometimes say Lord, when it comes to my field
54:16 that doesn't work.
54:18 People don't respond to things like that.
54:23 Let me tell you, Lord,
54:25 this is going to work in the context of my specialty.
54:28 Let me tell you, based on my experience and my training,
54:32 what is realistic and what's not realistic?
54:34 Have we ever done that to Lord when he calls us to do
54:36 something that seems to go against the green
54:39 of our intuition.
54:43 So when we feel impressed to do something that seems irrational
54:46 counter intuitive, we has a team,
54:51 perhaps we hesitate because it would cause us great
54:54 inconvenience.
54:56 I remember distinctly this happen to me
54:59 when I was in fellowship.
55:00 I remember was a coal mine and I was taking care of
55:05 award of very sick patients.
55:07 But there was one patient in particular who I had developed
55:10 a friendship with,
55:12 you know, just call him Joe
55:14 and Joe had end stage. Pancreatic cancer has
55:17 metastasized to his lungs and he was there because he was
55:20 short of breath. They have to put bilateral chest to 10
55:23 and we knew that we are going to discharge into hospice care.
55:26 This is and station nothing anyone can do.
55:29 But over the course of his hospital stay, I had befriended
55:32 him. And one of the things that stood out to me was that this
55:35 was like the most cheerful man I've ever met.
55:39 He would encourage us when we come in and say, how's your day
55:42 today?
55:44 And it would just be finally to say, how can this man with
55:46 end-stage cancer be so cheerful
55:49 in my heart? I was like this man must know God pace, just no
55:53 way.
55:54 And I remember one day I'm asking him, hey, I'm assuming
56:00 you're a man of faith because you really cheer me up. Every
56:04 time you come talk to you Intel's wondering, you know
56:06 what, faith background you come from and he looked at me.
56:09 He gave me the biggest smiley says
56:12 Doctor Shin, I believe in family and I believe in love.
56:15 But I don't believe in God.
56:18 And that took me back because I had never seen
56:22 happy atheists going to his grave.
56:27 I love today. I am so thankful for life and I love you.
56:31 And I'm so happy about my life. And I count my blessings and
56:35 I'm an atheist. And I was like, wow, I have never seen this.
56:38 So
56:40 I put my foot in my mouth and said, okay, well, I guess from
56:44 the scene.
56:46 But he was a mystery to me because I was thinking, well,
56:48 what would you get that from? Because playing I could not
56:51 tonight I feel lifted up in his presence. Every time I talked
56:54 to him, I said, well, whether you know it or not,
56:57 you exude the joy of the Lord in you, you must not be far
57:00 from heaven.
57:02 Well, this night was a call night. I knew that the next
57:05 morning we're discharging him home with hospice care.
57:09 And I was thinking to myself,
57:11 you know, I hope he does well.
57:14 And I hope that show hears the gospel message at some point
57:18 before he passes because I know he doesn't have much time left.
57:21 Turn the lights off. When you're on call. As many of you
57:24 know, you want to sleep when you can cause that page.
57:27 You can go off any seconds. I put it next to me. Turn the
57:30 light off.
57:31 Let's go to sleep
57:33 and then it got hits me.
57:37 Maybe you should go talk to Joe right now
57:39 about the Gospel message
57:43 past midnight
57:48 and like the faithful Christian, I am. My first
57:50 response was no. Didn't hear that
57:54 going to bed.
57:57 But the thought persistence. And you know, when you're
58:00 trying to ignore that, you're under conviction
58:03 that the conviction somehow grows and multiplies and it
58:07 becomes this burning sensation. You can't help shake the
58:09 feeling that God is staring down from heaven, smiling and
58:12 shaking his head and you're trying to play it off and
58:15 saying I didn't see that. I didn't receive the message.
58:18 I'm not under conviction. I'm going to sleep
58:21 its iPhone myself, not able to sleep. And the more I couldn't
58:25 sleep, the more frustrating icon because I realize precious
58:27 minutes are ticking away and I need to sleep when I can't.
58:30 Lord, it's the middle of the night. When am I going to do
58:33 walk into Joe's room and say
58:35 I'm here to preach the gospel message to you,
58:39 Lord. He's probably sleeping and I couldn't wake him up and
58:41 preach a sermon to him like this is not going to let I'm
58:44 going to starting tomorrow. So tomorrow morning, if you
58:48 want me to say something to him and if you present the
58:50 opportunity, I will be your mouthpiece to him. That's more
58:53 appropriate because he expects to see an morning rounds and
58:56 this is a cancer patient. If you have a doctor randomly
58:59 pop into a room in the middle of the night, your cancer
59:01 patient, you can get heart attack because you're going to
59:03 think what would happen. What's wrong? Why are you here
59:06 announced what am I going to say board? And you know what?
59:09 I heard back
59:10 a deafening silence.
59:13 And as I'm sitting here saying giving him all the reasons why
59:17 it made no sense to lower my net,
59:20 all I could hear is deafening,
59:23 eloquent convicting silence.
59:27 Where's the faith?
59:29 I asked you to lower your net
59:31 and you're given the all the reasons why that makes no
59:33 sense.
59:35 And honestly, my convenience had a lot to do with it.
59:39 Rough day. I want to catch a few hours of sleep. This makes
59:42 no sense, Lord.
59:44 So finally, I couldn't take it anymore because I wasn't
59:47 sleeping anyway, OK, lord,
59:51 I might be reading too much into this. But if it's truly
59:53 you want to get out of bed right now and March to Joe's
59:57 room, then
59:59 you are responsible for whatever happens next. So I get
01:00:03 out of bed. I turn on the lights. I put my picture on my
01:00:06 scrubs and I can't believe I'm doing this.
01:00:09 And like Lord, I'm going to go to toward peak under Joe's
01:00:12 store in lights are off. I'm not going in
01:00:16 because I mean, she's asleep not going to risk waking him
01:00:18 up.
01:00:20 I so I walking toward the nurses, look a thing, doctor.
01:00:23 She is something wrong. No, no, no. Just doing my
01:00:27 nightly rounds.
01:00:31 I said no fellow ever
01:00:35 like Wow. Doctor Shin is really dedicated to his patients
01:00:39 coming in at one in the morning to check up on his patients.
01:00:42 And I walk around and I walked to Joe's store. I'm like,
01:00:45 I don't see a light and I picked under
01:00:48 and I see like that.
01:00:50 The lights on well, many patients sleep with their
01:00:53 lights on. It doesn't mean that they're awake,
01:00:56 but I need a deal. But OK, lord, with the lights on,
01:00:59 I'm going to peek inside. But if he's asleep, this is
01:01:01 going nowhere.
01:01:02 So walk up to the door. And I don't even knock. I just opened
01:01:05 it a crack. And I look in
01:01:08 and to my dismay, Joe's awake and he's talking with his wife
01:01:11 was sitting next to him. And there's carrying on like
01:01:13 it's 12 news.
01:01:16 And so at that moment I met a crossroads and God is just
01:01:19 saying,
01:01:24 what am I going to see?
01:01:26 I'm going to Walton therein.
01:01:28 What do you want me to do
01:01:31 if there's a really a flash of insight, if you ever wanted to
01:01:34 put words in my mouth, now's the time to do it.
01:01:36 So can you please tell me what you want me to do when you when
01:01:39 I go in there before I go in there. And at that moment,
01:01:42 a nurse comes up from behind me to support action. Are you
01:01:45 going in
01:01:46 and at the moment they see me.
01:01:50 The doctor. Shin. I was like, oh, yeah, yes, Ken, with a
01:01:54 nurse. Like what brings you here off only I knew.
01:01:59 Well, I'm making my evening rounds. I'm just wondering how
01:02:02 you're doing. And also we're doing great. We're doing great
01:02:05 and shows us is happy chipper self
01:02:07 and I go inspect the IV bags and act like I know what I'm
01:02:11 doing on the board. Buy you time if you're going to be a
01:02:13 brilliant flash of insight like and now's the time because I
01:02:16 have no idea what I'm going to say.
01:02:20 And I want to tell you that the flash of insight came, but it
01:02:22 did not.
01:02:25 And so they came a point where he was just blink, blink.
01:02:28 So doctor, she is there something you want to talk
01:02:30 about, sex?
01:02:33 I think so.
01:02:35 How are you feeling, Joe?
01:02:37 You should ask that question to someone who is going on
01:02:41 and he's like, well, you know, a little short of breath today.
01:02:43 But overall, I'm feeling good.
01:02:46 And so I just sat down next to him on his bed.
01:02:49 And I said, you know, and I started with Joe,
01:02:52 I know you're leaving tomorrow and do all your discharge
01:02:55 papers are in order transports going to comment such-and-such
01:02:57 a time.
01:02:59 But I just want to thank you. I want to thank you because
01:03:02 you've been a bright spot in my day every morning during
01:03:05 rounds,
01:03:06 as much as it's my job to bring joy to my patients and some
01:03:10 hope to them. I want to tell you, thank you brought joy to
01:03:13 me
01:03:14 and it's find your incredible attitude. And I I want to let
01:03:17 you know how inspiring you are to each other.
01:03:19 And when I said this, he just hugged his wife. He said,
01:03:22 well, that's what happens when you're married to this lady,
01:03:24 you know, the best woman and that a man can ask for
01:03:28 and she just laughing on the shoulders saying all stop and
01:03:30 honey, I just like, wow, that's amazing.
01:03:34 And I don't know why.
01:03:36 But I want to ask him what makes you so happy and good
01:03:40 natured like this. You are going to own funeral.
01:03:43 You have to get your affairs in order. You might have weeks
01:03:45 left maybe days. How can you be this happy and content?
01:03:49 And I asked him to Joan, can do you mind if I ask you a
01:03:53 personal question? He's a doctor, Jen, we're friends now.
01:03:57 You can ask me anything to do with a lot of patients were
01:04:00 dying.
01:04:02 And honestly, the only ones I've seen
01:04:04 come close to holding your kind of attitude are the ones who
01:04:08 have hope for life in the hereafter
01:04:12 for the people who believe in God.
01:04:14 But you told me that you don't believe in gun.
01:04:17 And so I want to know what you find out from where we find
01:04:21 your hope front.
01:04:23 And when I asked him, this was quite for second. He said,
01:04:25 you know, action. I grew up in a very tough out
01:04:29 Christian l.
01:04:30 But there are things that happened to me in life that
01:04:32 convinced me that God can exist and allow all of them stuff.
01:04:36 We could this happen in the world. It's better that I
01:04:38 choose to believe that he doesn't exist and to believe
01:04:41 that he exists and allows these things to happen.
01:04:44 But I can tell you what
01:04:45 the things that are most important in my life and my
01:04:47 family
01:04:49 and my friends and those who got me knows I left.
01:04:52 And even though I'm only in my 40's, I'm dying young. I'm
01:04:56 dying. Rich,
01:04:58 honestly, do I want to live longer? Of course I do. But I
01:05:01 cannot deny and I'm blessed man
01:05:04 and I have no regrets in my life. I've the best family I
01:05:07 could ask for. And as the saying this, his wife is
01:05:10 smiling but she's shedding tears.
01:05:15 I said, Joan,
01:05:16 I find it so inspiring.
01:05:19 And at that moment, I don't know why. But I felt compelled
01:05:22 to ask him,
01:05:24 you know what, Cho,
01:05:28 you agree.
01:05:29 But the key to finding meaning in life is found up in
01:05:33 relationships
01:05:35 because all you mentioned to me were the people who mean the
01:05:37 most to your life. That's right, Doctor Jen,
01:05:41 you know, Joe, I believe
01:05:45 the ultimate meaning that we can have in life is centered on
01:05:48 relationships as well.
01:05:50 But I believe that it's that we because we have a condom.
01:05:53 We also want to have a relationship with us, too.
01:05:57 And the question I want to ask you to do is to have you ever
01:05:59 wondered
01:06:01 what happens after you die?
01:06:04 And I don't know where that question came from. And it
01:06:07 sounds like to me felt like was coming out of left field.
01:06:09 But I just said it before. I even knew what I was
01:06:11 thinking.
01:06:12 And Joe became very quiet
01:06:15 and his wife was looking at him intensely.
01:06:18 He said, you know what, Doctor, Jen? I have wondered,
01:06:21 I don't know. Obviously
01:06:23 I said, Joe, if there is a possibility
01:06:27 that you can continue these nothing to Asian ships beyond
01:06:30 the grave,
01:06:31 but there's a hope for life after this one.
01:06:34 Wouldn't you want to know about that?
01:06:37 He said, you know what, Doctor, Jen, if they're absolutely was
01:06:40 a chance that that could be possible. Yes, I would like to
01:06:43 know
01:06:45 the children. What do you have to lose by saying God, if you
01:06:49 exists,
01:06:50 reveal yourself to me
01:06:53 because I don't have much time
01:06:57 and there's a pin drop silence and show was quiet for a very
01:07:01 long time.
01:07:02 And he said
01:07:04 I have nothing to lose your right.
01:07:07 I think that right.
01:07:10 I felt like at that moment. What did I just say?
01:07:14 Seems very for me,
01:07:16 but I Joe and his wife has said, hey, I'll see you guys in
01:07:20 the morning before you leave. But I just wanted to thank you
01:07:22 again.
01:07:23 And he said, Doctor Jen, I really appreciate our
01:07:26 conversation tonight. You give me a lot to think about.
01:07:28 Thank you.
01:07:30 I walked out of his room wondering,
01:07:33 Lord that I take it halfway there.
01:07:35 Is that what you want to be to say?
01:07:37 That plant seed?
01:07:41 I think it will be done.
01:07:43 I went back to my car room
01:07:45 and this time I fell asleep.
01:07:47 The next morning I woke up
01:07:49 and I go to Joe's room to meet with him one last time before
01:07:52 his discharge under says the nurse looked at me says all
01:07:55 Doctor Shin Transport came early this morning. So he's
01:07:57 already gone.
01:07:59 And at that moment,
01:08:00 the hairs on my neck stood up.
01:08:03 I think, wow,
01:08:05 if I had waited as the floor I do tomorrow,
01:08:09 it would be too late
01:08:10 to talk to.
01:08:12 And that's when I was convinced
01:08:14 that was the word
01:08:16 that nagging that still small voice. I heard it was so easy
01:08:20 to justify away that was caught
01:08:23 and after what would happen if I had just authority, I'm going
01:08:26 to sleep. And when I wake up, I talk to Joe,
01:08:29 I will miss my chance to board. That was a divine appointment.
01:08:33 I pray that you will water. Whatever seed was planted last
01:08:35 night. I pray to sign up or for Joe and went on
01:08:41 weeks went by. I finished rotation.
01:08:44 One them collecting the mail and my office there.
01:08:48 I received this in the mail.
01:08:50 It's a newspaper clipping of Joseph to chewing
01:08:54 and it's from his wife. And she really just nice card. And she
01:08:57 said, you know, Doctor Jen, I want to thank you for the
01:08:59 beautiful gift you give to both Joe and myself
01:09:02 while he was in the hospital
01:09:04 and you do that last talking had taken that night before he
01:09:07 left
01:09:09 really took your advice to heart
01:09:12 and at the end of life,
01:09:14 he found peace. And I want to thank you for that.
01:09:18 When I read those words, it brought tears to my eyes.
01:09:23 No friends,
01:09:28 the key to experiencing the joy of laboring with Christ
01:09:34 submission to his well
01:09:36 when he says lower your debt when he says passed out again
01:09:40 rather than saying that makes no sense, Lord, that's not
01:09:43 going to work. Let me tell you why that's not going to work.
01:09:45 What you need to do is do they
01:09:49 and to say because you commanded me to do it, even
01:09:51 though that would make no sense to anyone else told me to do
01:09:54 it. I will be because you sent us.
01:09:59 You see Isaiah 55 versus 8 or $0.9 for my thoughts are not
01:10:02 your thoughts or your waist. My way system worked.
01:10:05 President heavens are higher than the earth. So I was hired
01:10:09 in your ways and my thoughts and your thoughts
01:10:14 and the question I have
01:10:16 for you is what caused the disciples said to Jesus is
01:10:20 irrational command to lower their nets again,
01:10:23 to tell them to do something that made 0 sense. What caused
01:10:27 them to obey and say I'll do that.
01:10:30 It was this
01:10:32 the survey just pitch to 49 but his presence kindled their
01:10:37 faith and brought them joy and success. So it is with us apart
01:10:42 from Christ. Our work is fruitless and it is easy to
01:10:46 distrust and member
01:10:48 when he is near and we labor under his direction,
01:10:52 we reach ace in the evidence of his power
01:10:56 Kiefer sentence, but his presence kindled their faith.
01:11:02 And that's why he says if you say I love
01:11:05 friends
01:11:07 and in the presence of Jesus candles, our feet
01:11:10 and this is where it begins. And this is why this is our
01:11:13 theme for this conference. Do you want the ability to
01:11:17 obey? Do you want your life to be transformed?
01:11:20 You will not have the capacity to unless you for spend time in
01:11:24 his presence and allow him to kill your faith,
01:11:28 allow him
01:11:30 to spark that faith in you. That must approve that. Peter
01:11:34 has Peters sat there listening to Jesus preach his heart was
01:11:38 strangely warm.
01:11:40 And when Jesus turned his gaze on Peter instead cast out again
01:11:43 and lower your net,
01:11:44 Peter said I will be
01:11:47 much time. Are you spending in the presence of God?
01:11:52 And the question is if the answer is not much, what is
01:11:56 keeping you away? Previous presidents,
01:11:59 I could spend the rest of the evening talking about the
01:12:02 things that promise of the presence of Christ. I want to
01:12:04 talk about 2 things in particular
01:12:07 that I think play a huge role in our inability spend time in
01:12:11 Christ's presence. The first one
01:12:15 is this.
01:12:22 It's different from dizziness because hurry, people are all
01:12:26 busy but not all busy. People are hurt.
01:12:30 Does it make sense Jesus was busier than anyone who ever
01:12:33 lived
01:12:34 but he was not hurt.
01:12:37 He was able to slow down and connect with his heavenly
01:12:39 father and those around him.
01:12:42 And it's been said and in our modern world today, Curry is
01:12:45 the greatest enemy of our special lives.
01:12:49 I learned its lesson in raise my children. I have 3 children,
01:12:52 a 9 year-old 7 year-old and 5 year-old
01:12:56 because oftentimes I'm busy at work.
01:12:58 I come home and only have just a few hours with him before you
01:13:02 have to go to sleep. May be just one hour and to maximize
01:13:05 my time. We've instituted something called special time.
01:13:08 What a special time. It's 10 minutes with mommy or daddy.
01:13:13 Where during those 10 minutes the child gets to choose
01:13:16 whatever they want to do
01:13:17 and I will give them my undivided attention can do
01:13:20 that.
01:13:20 Do they want to draw
01:13:22 sure not wrong with him.
01:13:24 Do you want to play with cars and sit on the floor and play
01:13:26 cards? I'll do that
01:13:28 today. One in it. They want me to read a book. They get picked
01:13:32 activity and for 10 minutes,
01:13:34 I don't answer the phone. I don't let anything distract
01:13:37 me.
01:13:38 I am there's and even though you think the amount of time
01:13:41 the small, all I love special time
01:13:45 and now when I come home, my kids are like
01:13:50 give me a special time tonight
01:13:52 and they just look forward to it
01:13:54 and he's 10 minutes are impactful?
01:13:56 Not because I'm any less busy because I've crush of things to
01:13:59 do after those 10 minutes over. But because those 10 minutes
01:14:02 I'm not hurt.
01:14:04 I slow down
01:14:05 and I acknowledge them for who they are in their presence.
01:14:10 And I think this is what God wants us to do
01:14:12 in the time that we spend with him were not just clocking in
01:14:15 and clocking out. Are you presence within its presence?
01:14:18 Are you hurry?
01:14:22 Education page to 60's
01:14:24 paragraph 3, many even in their seasons of devotion failing
01:14:28 receiving the blessing of feel communion with God. They are in
01:14:31 to greet haste with hurried steps.
01:14:36 If they have pressed through the circle Christ loving
01:14:39 presence, pausing perhaps a moment within the sacred
01:14:41 precincts but not waiting for counsel. They have no time to
01:14:45 remain with the divine teacher with their burden say return to
01:14:49 their work, not a pause for a moment in his presence but
01:14:52 personal contact the Christ to sit down and companionship with
01:14:57 him. This is our need. This is why God gave us at it.
01:15:02 He said Unplug from the craziness of life.
01:15:06 Unplug from the hurry. Step props up ability to be in my
01:15:09 presence and come once more into my presence because that
01:15:13 is where joy for evermore is truly experienced.
01:15:17 Everything begins with being in his presence. He knew that.
01:15:21 So he dedicated a whole day out of every week to say enter into
01:15:24 my presence again.
01:15:28 So you can good things. Keep us away from his presence. I have
01:15:31 even preparing to scream message. I lost track of the
01:15:34 number of times in the morning from working on this message
01:15:37 and suddenly an email, an urgent text message. Something
01:15:41 comes in rob me of my attention and suddenly to hurry, comes
01:15:45 back into my life
01:15:46 and it brought some of the village to be in his presence.
01:15:49 Friends
01:15:50 ruthlessly, eliminate that. Hurry from your life.
01:15:55 Take your time with your Lord
01:15:57 and revel in his presence.
01:16:01 The second thing I want to mention that keeps us from
01:16:05 entering into Christ's presence.
01:16:08 He's living with no sense.
01:16:10 I'm not saying that you have to be a perfect person to be in
01:16:13 his presence. But there's a world of difference between the
01:16:17 son of a moment and leaving an act of rebellion. I think you
01:16:20 know what I mean,
01:16:22 if God has been convicting you of something in your life that
01:16:25 you need to change
01:16:27 until you change it until you obey him. Your cannot find joy
01:16:31 in his presence,
01:16:36 you know, might
01:16:37 my youngest my son 5 year-old his name is Kyle.
01:16:41 When I come home, he likes to run up to me and goes up 5 to
01:16:44 up on the stat in Korean grabs my leg and he sits on my foot.
01:16:49 He's like boots.
01:16:51 So he wants to be my boots. And so I'm the one around the
01:16:54 house for a few minutes now tracking him with me and just
01:16:57 just loves us. So we do this quite often.
01:17:02 And one day I remember coming home and I come in at night,
01:17:07 look around. No Kyle.
01:17:10 It's interesting.
01:17:11 And so I say hello to my wife and I ask her,
01:17:14 where is Kyle? He's usually the first ones to greet me at the
01:17:17 door and I want to do. But since it's not doing that today
01:17:21 and she gives me a knowing smile. And she says
01:17:23 I wasn't really naughty boy today. And I told him that when
01:17:27 I get home, I'm going to tell. So he ran to his room
01:17:31 shut. His door is hiding under the bed.
01:17:33 [MUSIC]
01:17:39 But even at that tender young age, isn't it interesting
01:17:44 that when he knew he disobeyed his father,
01:17:48 his first reaction,
01:17:49 this is the presence of his father.
01:17:54 Isn't that what had been needed in the garden
01:17:56 when they disobeyed their first reaction to God's presence in
01:18:00 the garden was tied.
01:18:04 See, I see a 59 to test your iniquities have separated you
01:18:08 from your gun
01:18:11 sets. The price paid 17 0st paragraph 2
01:18:15 in his son. The states man held joyful communing with him in a
01:18:20 coup market. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
01:18:23 But after his sentence, he can no longer find joy in holiness
01:18:27 and he sought to hide from the presence of God. Such is still
01:18:31 the condition of the UN renewed heart. It is not in harmony
01:18:35 with got and finds no choice in communion with him.
01:18:40 Fullness of joy
01:18:43 fullness of joy that comes from being in the presence of Christ
01:18:46 can only come
01:18:48 when our hearts are lined with him.
01:18:51 Is the holy spirit convicting you of something that you
01:18:55 change your life.
01:18:58 It's just something
01:18:59 that seems so small that the world says that's nothing.
01:19:03 That's OK.
01:19:05 You can have that in your life,
01:19:07 but you cannot deny that you are under convictions.
01:19:12 It doesn't matter what it means for anyone else, but you
01:19:14 personally can not deny that constant convicting. You get
01:19:17 this out to me.
01:19:20 Start right there.
01:19:22 And I pray that you will make that decision tonight to
01:19:26 surrender to him
01:19:27 so that you can enter into his presence and experience that
01:19:31 joy
01:19:34 chalk close to him
01:19:36 spend time in his presence.
01:19:39 He will change that.
01:19:41 And your love for your board outgrow your life for sense.
01:19:48 The 3rd point I want to make from the story
01:19:51 is this.
01:19:52 As a result of laboring with Jesus disciples became fishers,
01:20:00 you see people was transformed by his experience, working with
01:20:04 Jesus
01:20:06 after Peter surrendered and submitted to Jesus is calling
01:20:11 he casts its net out again and witnesses miracle a fish.
01:20:15 What was his reaction?
01:20:16 He fell at Jesus feet and said the part for me for I am a
01:20:20 sinful man. Laurent
01:20:24 sets the price paid 64.
01:20:26 And 65 says the closer you come to Jesus, the more fall tu will
01:20:31 appear in your own eyes for your vision will be clear and
01:20:34 your imperfections will be seen in brought in distinct contrast
01:20:37 to his perfect nature. This is evidence the safest allusions
01:20:41 have lost their power to define influence of the spirit of God
01:20:45 is arousing. You know, deep-seated love for Christ can
01:20:48 do well in the heart at this not be allies, its own
01:20:51 sinfulness, the soul that has transformed by the grace of
01:20:55 Christ. Let Meyer he's defined character.
01:20:58 If we do not see our own moral deformity is unmistakable
01:21:02 evidence that we have not had a view up to beauty and the
01:21:06 excellence of Christ. The less we see to steam in ourselves
01:21:11 more. We shall see steam in the infinite purity and loveliness
01:21:15 our savior of the U of R U.S. influence drives us to him in
01:21:19 part.
01:21:21 And when the soul realizing its helplessness beaches out after
01:21:24 Christ, he will reveal himself in power is not what happened
01:21:29 in Peter's life.
01:21:31 The more our sense of art, the more our sense of need drives
01:21:35 us to him and to the word of God, the more excel to use.
01:21:39 We sell half of his character and the more fully we should
01:21:42 reflect his image.
01:21:44 He sees
01:21:46 Peter experience spiritual healing and conversion as he
01:21:49 labored under Christ wrecked. So in the same way, friends,
01:21:53 submission and surrendered at least a spiritual healing and
01:21:56 conversion in our lives. As we experience got it from
01:22:00 us. I can tell you on that morning
01:22:02 after when I saw that Cho was gone and I realize that God had
01:22:06 been leading the the night before to reach out to him.
01:22:08 I experienced conversion in my art
01:22:12 and my faith in him leveled up as a result of that.
01:22:15 You see France. We think that we're doing got a fever when we
01:22:18 incorporate our faith into our practice, no friends. It's
01:22:22 God's way of saving us.
01:22:25 You think you're doing a favor for God? He doesn't need us,
01:22:29 but he chooses to use us for our own. See sets a price page
01:22:34 80,
01:22:35 if you will go to work
01:22:37 as Christ designs that his second shelf and win souls for
01:22:40 him, you will feel the need of a deeper experience and a
01:22:43 greater knowledge and divine things and with hunger and
01:22:47 thirst after righteousness, those who test people
01:22:50 themselves to unselfish effort for the good of others are most
01:22:53 surely working out their own salvation.
01:22:58 What a privilege that God gives us to be cold leavers with him
01:23:02 in this work
01:23:03 we so often think
01:23:05 while got,
01:23:06 aren't you lucky to have me on your team
01:23:09 magnified by my training and my expertise. What a gift I am for
01:23:14 the kingdom. You caught a good one. When when I dedicated my
01:23:18 life to Lord and so write the word I got this, I will serve
01:23:22 you
01:23:24 friends. He would not call you to ministry on the scene.
01:23:27 You think you're very salvation depended on
01:23:30 white privilege. We have
01:23:32 to work with him in this works
01:23:37 when the disciples Nets were full of fish.
01:23:39 I want to point out
01:23:41 that the experience of working with Christ caused him to walk
01:23:44 away from it.
01:23:47 They had a record-breaking haul that represented a fortune if
01:23:51 they so that it was a single most biggest record-breaking
01:23:54 fish and in the history of Israel.
01:23:58 And for some reason
01:24:00 when they labored under Christ direction,
01:24:03 all of this to matter to them anymore.
01:24:06 You see friends,
01:24:08 we will no longer be attracted to the fish
01:24:12 because our highs will be sent on a higher price.
01:24:16 When we have experienced the joy of working and living in
01:24:18 his presence to things of earth across screens to them
01:24:24 with the hymn writer. We will say
01:24:27 you may have all this.
01:24:30 Give me Jesus.
01:24:32 Give me Jesus.
01:24:34 Prior to working with Jesus. Disciples. Mean goal was to
01:24:37 catch fish
01:24:39 after working with Jesus disciples mingle
01:24:43 the catchment.
01:24:45 They were no longer fisherman.
01:24:48 They were fishers of men.
01:24:52 Jesus gave them a higher calling than just being
01:24:55 fisherman.
01:24:57 And guess what?
01:24:59 She's calling us to do the same
01:25:01 in our lines. This is his higher calling for all of us.
01:25:06 He cannot treat you to become just a fisherman
01:25:10 to exchange for hours for dollars. Just take care of life
01:25:13 and health in this world.
01:25:15 He created you
01:25:17 to be a Fisher man
01:25:19 to axles to his kingdom.
01:25:21 How good you are at your shot.
01:25:23 If you're leaving a park in Christ and you're not getting
01:25:26 his presence, you are not achieving their full potential.
01:25:30 Your justice official me
01:25:33 God has called us
01:25:35 too much higher work and the greatest work that we can do.
01:25:39 The greatest legacy that we can leave behind
01:25:42 is to axles to his kingdom.
01:25:44 [MUSIC]
01:25:49 [MUSIC]
01:25:54 [MUSIC]
01:25:59 [MUSIC]
01:26:04 [MUSIC]


Revised 2023-11-20