Amen Conference

Saturday Morning Devotional

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AMEN

Program Code: AMEN230006S

00:01 >> Adventist Medical Network motivates trains and equips
00:04 health professionals to share price with their patients.
00:08 In his presence, we and our patients find rest home and
00:12 powerful healing. Take hold of God's promised, abided his
00:16 presence and experience to surrender
00:20 to faithfully minister as he did.
00:22 [MUSIC]
00:27 [MUSIC]
00:31 >> Welcome again to the Amen Conference Morning Session.
00:34 So devotional this morning
00:37 invite you to bow your heads and pray with me. And that will
00:40 introduce our speaker father, having thank you so much for
00:43 the 7th today for the Blessing of Fellowship,
00:45 the Times of prayer and just the blessings that you shower
00:49 upon us. We pray again for your holy Spirit.
00:51 As we hear from our speaker today, we pray in Jesus name.
00:54 Amen.
00:56 Sort of emotional speaker. For those of you who were here
00:58 yesterday is Jim Castor. Castor is Pastor Castor or
01:03 elder Castor missionary cast are what we call it. He's
01:07 everything is a decent blessed by the Lord has been a blessing
01:09 to us as he leaves us in prayer each morning.
01:12 He's a missionary in the spirit of George Mueller. He's a
01:16 prayer facilitate around the world. And we've really been
01:19 blessed by his ministry. So let's pray as he shares some
01:22 thoughts with us this morning that the Holy Spirit will touch
01:25 our hearts of his and we will be blessed this morning.
01:28 Thank you.
01:31 Thank you.
01:36 >> I could finally greet everyone. A happy 7.
01:39 Happy 7.
01:41 It could relate to Doctor
01:44 John One. He stood here
01:46 Thursday night and said I'm so tempted to greet you. Happy 7.
01:51 But every just 27 of their people are hungering for the
01:54 word of God. It's like 7th every day.
01:57 Fans got is good. Can you say amen?
02:01 And for those of you who are here doing our morning prayer
02:05 time, I know that the God has already been pouring out of his
02:08 his blessing
02:10 and that we desire more.
02:14 So I'd like to invite those who are able to kneel down to peace
02:17 deal. That would be for what to print.
02:23 All right. Great. Got there. The loving heavenly father.
02:25 Lord, we give you up racing to give you thanks.
02:28 And we desire Lord to lift up our voices tu to greet you.
02:32 Happy 7th. The father
02:34 Lotus. We worship
02:36 here this morning.
02:38 Just like to remember our brothers and sisters
02:41 in Israel and Palestine
02:44 who are experiencing a different side. But the Lord.
02:47 But the father, yes, in a very special way that even in the
02:50 midst
02:51 of this troubled world, father, I pray that they may sense the
02:56 closeness of your presence.
02:58 So I asked a very special way that may be anointing power of
03:01 your holy spirit, be upon us and help us Lord to appreciate
03:04 the freedom that we have right now
03:06 and help us look to join New Year to you the Times of peace.
03:10 But in the times of war and the times of difficulty,
03:13 we will know for a fact Nordic. You're Preston says with us
03:17 that your promise, sure and true that you will never leave
03:20 us. No forsake us
03:21 again. The father, we pray for the anointing 5, your holy
03:24 spirit of fun. Us high below behind your cross that I may
03:26 not be seen our be heard,
03:28 but Jesus and Jesus alone be seen. Be heard to lift up an
03:31 exalted.
03:32 Yes, all this and a loving and precious name of your son,
03:34 Jesus. All your children, safe
03:40 friends, aren't you glad
03:42 the G says set a wonderful, beautiful, powerful example for
03:46 us to follow.
03:49 You're a man sound so sleepy. I know it's too early can be
03:53 practice it. Can you say a man?
03:55 >> And then yes, fence.
04:00 The theme verse for this conference is one of my
04:03 favorite versus
04:05 some 16 was 11 and even my prayer partner is not a his
04:08 head is his favorite
04:10 verse. And I know most of you, this is your favorite first.
04:13 Let me read that to you again. You will show me the path of
04:16 life in your Preston says what
04:19 fullness of joy. It's not just glad that it's not just
04:22 happiness. It's not just joy
04:25 but fullness of joy.
04:27 And that's your right hand.
04:29 There are pleasures forevermore,
04:31 France. Can you imagine this? This promise if we just take
04:35 this to heart, what will be our experience?
04:38 Because I have not seen anyone. I have not known a red anyone
04:42 who ever grace this planet
04:44 that has been that a sale term ended by the enemy,
04:48 us much of Jesus Wallace,
04:52 even what is happening in Israel right now in Palestine.
04:56 Compare that to what she says. It's gone through.
04:59 It's nothing in comparison. France.
05:02 Have you ever wondered remembered the first
05:05 quotes that I read to you yesterday to description of
05:09 what it is to be like in the presence of Jesus and you
05:11 imagine friends, he was assailed a factor meant that he
05:15 was pushed on buddy. And in the end, he has this descriptions.
05:19 When you linger around him, friends, he has the atmosphere
05:24 of peas, even in the midst of all these trials.
05:28 But his eyes that
05:30 and I'm thinking most of us,
05:33 even having difficulty sleeping
05:36 even in the midst of peace and I praise God friends that the
05:40 Lord has given me
05:42 one of the gifts,
05:44 even the gift of public sleeping.
05:48 Sometimes it doesn't work.
05:52 Listen, France,
05:54 he has this love than us and love is expressed in his words.
05:59 He's got to I don't know about your friends, but I would have
06:03 a hard time expressing love in my voice and my character.
06:06 If I'm constantly being oppressed by the enemy,
06:10 I think you would say the same thing.
06:13 He has the sweet sympathetic spirit.
06:17 Sometimes we forget to be sympathetic when we ourselves
06:19 are suffering
06:21 being crushed down
06:22 and fence. Just imagine this is last line yesterday in this
06:27 first
06:28 I regret that I read and the people long to abided his
06:31 precedence
06:33 that the conference of this love might be with them
06:36 continually.
06:38 Can people say the same thing
06:42 about us
06:44 even in the midst of all this chiles and friends? Let me
06:47 bring to you
06:49 a little picture of what crisis gone through. What's what's the
06:53 picture
06:54 of Christ's life? Listen, France, this is from his.
06:57 I have a just 759.
07:00 It says here when Jesus came into the world safe and serve
07:03 our what's turned against him. From that time, he appeared as
07:08 a babe in Bethlehem
07:10 they use or for work to bring about his destruction.
07:15 France. This no break time for Jesus.
07:18 Did you hear this from the time he was he was a baby. The Lord
07:25 brought to him
07:26 to this world
07:29 and Fred's the enemy doesn't want him to exist. Listen,
07:32 France
07:33 in every possible way he sought to prevent Jesus from
07:36 developing a perfect childhood, a full plus manhood
07:40 Holden Ministry,
07:42 an unblemished sacrifice
07:45 in France. This is us
07:48 what haven't witnessed. This is from Heaven's perspective.
07:50 Listen to this fence continue on heaven to be held. The
07:54 victim betrayed into the hands of the merger is small
07:58 and with mockery and violence heard from one tribe, you know,
08:02 to another.
08:03 It heard the sneers of his persecutors because of his
08:07 lonely birth.
08:08 It hurt a denial with cursing and swearing by one of his
08:12 best-loved disciples.
08:15 I saw defensive. It's saw heaven saw the frenzied work of
08:19 Satan and use power over the hearts of men fearful. See the
08:24 savior seized at midnight. It 70 drive to and fro from
08:28 palace to judgment told a rain twice before the priest twice
08:33 before the sun had run twice before filing and once before
08:36 had mocked scorched condemn and led out to be crucified.
08:42 Bearing a heavy burden of the cross
08:44 amid the wailing of the daughter of the daughters of
08:47 Jerusalem and the jeering of the rubble,
08:50 friends. I don't know about you,
08:53 but just the first lines. I don't know if I'll be able to
08:56 survive that.
08:58 How don't know if I'll be able to keep my cool.
09:01 Listen to the next lines. Haven't viewed with grief and
09:04 amazement Greiss hanging up on the cross blood flowing from
09:09 his wounded impulse
09:11 and sweat tinge with blood standing up on his bout
09:16 from his hands and feet.
09:18 >> Lot felt drop by drop upon the rock drilled for the foot
09:23 of the cross.
09:24 >> The once made by the nails gate as the weight of his body
09:28 dragged up on his sense.
09:31 He's labored breath, grew quick and deep
09:34 and his soul planted under the burden of the sense of the
09:37 world
09:38 and all have been was filled with wonder
09:41 when the prayer of Christ was offered in the midst of this
09:45 terrible suffering.
09:48 Forgive them
09:50 for they know not what they do.
09:55 I don't know if I'll be able to pray this prayer.
09:59 I think my prayer would be I'm just being honest with you
10:01 here. Lord peace, a venture servant.
10:07 This is the time right now that you should do something.
10:10 I don't know if I have something in me that will pray.
10:13 Lord, please forgive those people who are doing this to
10:17 me.
10:20 There stood mend, formed in the image of God.
10:24 Joining me to crush out the life of his only begotten son.
10:30 What a sight for the heavenly Universe.
10:33 Can you picture this? France?
10:36 Heaven is watching. This is a beloved commander.
10:40 This is the one that they vow to and now being mocked,
10:45 derided scorched and they won
10:48 to put out the life of the one who gave his life. And then
10:53 this is what haven't saw. But can you imagine fence?
10:56 Can you just imagine
10:59 what she says was experiencing
11:02 was Jesus was feeling
11:03 sometimes you could empathize and what people are going
11:06 through. But no one could explain it better than the
11:09 once. What going through this,
11:12 the trends get this. This really blew my mind fans
11:15 because of all the things that I have just give you a picture
11:18 of the heaviness,
11:20 the pain, the sorrow, all the setbacks, this what's not
11:26 the thing
11:28 that has given Christ the greatest sorrow,
11:30 you know, what was it?
11:32 Listen fence
11:35 as the Father's Press since less withdrawn,
11:39 they saw him
11:41 sorrowful
11:42 with the bitterness of sorrow exists. Even that of the last
11:47 great struggle with debt.
11:50 You know, what was his greatest sorrow?
11:53 Is that withdrawal from the press? It's of his father.
11:57 That was his greatest dear fans. The greatest anxiety of
12:02 Jesus was not that they will nail him to the cross is not
12:05 that they will mark him whip him
12:09 and put him to shame.
12:11 It was the withdrawal of the press since
12:14 obvious father.
12:17 And here I see
12:21 I will not say no secret.
12:23 This is like a clue, a very obvious clue that she says is
12:28 giving his people to show us how to go through this life.
12:32 In the midst of all the trials and troubles
12:35 is to be deciding
12:38 the precedence
12:39 of the 75 other.
12:41 Can you say amen to that?
12:43 This is the reason why that is being assailed attacked.
12:46 The ride pushed down and yet he could blessed people in getting
12:50 consent but vice and yet you could see love in his face in
12:54 his voice. You could hear sympathy,
12:57 friends. This is the reason why and more friends. You know
13:01 what? I love the theme of our of our conference right now of
13:04 a convention in his presence and night for a fence that this
13:08 will be our continual theme.
13:11 Our invented theme of a man, not just the theme of a man.
13:14 May this be the theme of your life?
13:16 Can you say amen to that?
13:18 Because friends, this is the theme of Jesus life.
13:21 This is his theme
13:23 to be about his father's business to be under his
13:26 father's will.
13:28 And so friends, let me continue on
13:31 it says here, safe kind of agencies join the country rated
13:35 would evil men in leading the people to believe Christ the
13:38 chief of sinners
13:40 and to make him the object of that, the station and those
13:44 school up, she says, as he hang up and across were interviewed
13:47 with the spirit of the first great rebel.
13:50 Listen to this fence,
13:52 the field and then the men
13:54 with file and low load, some speechless
13:59 film
14:00 the words
14:01 it was safe.
14:03 He was safe and well in cited all the people around she sets
14:07 to mock him to sail this hurtful words towards him and
14:11 listen to this fence. He inspired their taunts
14:15 and France. What people at that that's do not look at people
14:19 but be aware of who's behind
14:21 those taunts, who's behind those low load, some speeches.
14:26 But friends listen to his next line. And I expect a great men
14:30 for this.
14:31 But by all this,
14:33 he gained nothing.
14:40 Let me read it again.
14:41 But they all this say Ted
14:44 gained nothing.
14:50 You really need to conduct there.
14:53 Listen, fence.
14:55 And this is one thing that I see here. Remember when when
14:58 the presence of the father
15:03 and she says even cried my God, my God,
15:07 you know, to finish that light.
15:09 Why have you forsaken me? Listen, friends. This is one of
15:11 my little conclusions here. Christ coming or clan on his
15:15 father's precedence. Even all his census tells him that got
15:20 us abandoned it.
15:22 Did you hear this fence? She says did not let go.
15:26 All he sends us are telling him your father's abandon you.
15:31 It's because of the weight of the center of the world
15:33 that separates him.
15:35 Have you sense that that that experience fence, you know,
15:38 that God is there, but if you could somehow not here,
15:43 even hiss, it's powerful promises. This is not really
15:46 ring true.
15:48 And this is what she says. This experience multiplied
15:51 exponentially
15:53 and yet the clan on 10,
15:55 he did not leave this press since France.
15:58 But as for get, let us not forget, I mean
16:01 that we're in the midst of the same battle. Can you say amen
16:04 to that?
16:05 And when you are in the midst of the same battle, don't be
16:08 surprised. Sometimes you get, wouldn't it?
16:11 Sometimes you get hit
16:14 sometimes fence. You see casualty around you to not be
16:18 surprised, maybe offense, but it has learned that it's
16:20 learned my dear fence from what case has gone through
16:24 ACS won the victory. You can win a victory. Can you say Amen
16:28 to that?
16:31 I remember this is beautiful story
16:36 that that I got to know in the beginning of this year.
16:40 I know working with ASAP Ministries said a house,
16:44 a shameless plug
16:46 said ministry has been a blessing to me
16:49 and people have been asking me to what this ASAP stands for
16:53 before. It was cold at the Southeast Asian projects,
16:56 but some help. The range of the ministry is not just in
17:00 Southeast Asia. It goes beyond Saudi is a shift.
17:03 It's it's not a 10, 40 window as the load opens the door.
17:06 We want to minister to people. So the work of a S a P s
17:12 the local people to be local missionaries because no one
17:15 knows the language, the culture better than those people.
17:19 And they say p helps out
17:21 a missions conference says that are not able to hire more Bible
17:24 workers. Church planters. And that's how ASAP bridge the
17:28 gap from from the land of resources here in the U.S. to
17:32 bring resources back to the places where it needs and
17:35 trends. We've been existing for 28 years and it gave 28 years.
17:40 Faith-based friends. That's the way to go. Can you say Amen?
17:46 Hereby year we go and we want to because we just don't
17:50 provide
17:51 their their needs financially. We also desire for them to have
17:56 a closer walk with Jesus to be inspired, to have continual
17:59 training. So we go there
18:02 expecting that. We'll bless this. People may defend is the
18:05 other way around.
18:07 We are the one who are blessed.
18:09 We had a 1, 2, or encourage the stories of those people
18:14 brings all our our complaints are suffering in tooth
18:19 into oblivion. What they're going through there and yet
18:22 rejoice in the midst
18:25 of the battle is just really mind blowing. By the way,
18:28 France.
18:29 I was supposed to give this message yesterday, but got not
18:32 yesterday tomorrow,
18:34 but God somehow strongly convicted me to give this
18:38 message today.
18:41 It's the victory and the power to sound depressants
18:44 I've got. Can you say amen to that?
18:47 So friends
18:48 one time
18:50 before I I focus on on the the main story,
18:54 a field supervisor was doing a zoom,
18:57 a zoom meeting or a zoom devotional
19:01 with the brothers and sisters in Myanmar. And you know what's
19:03 happened to me and my right now, France is the civil
19:05 unrest. And that was, I think, 2 years ago
19:09 and France, he told us in the midst of his devotional,
19:14 he could hear explosions at the background
19:18 where Bible workers,
19:20 but doing the job for the Lord fence. Can you
19:24 can you see how this people are still willing
19:29 to do
19:32 even in the midst of the most dangerous situations?
19:36 And I'm thinking, what's my excuse?
19:39 Not to be precedent, devotion hoax,
19:41 what's my excuse? My dear friends.
19:44 But to be in the presence of God not to attend church and
19:47 its people are risking their lives,
19:50 but they're there
19:52 and friends. So
19:53 when we were in this close country and usually mention the
19:56 country. So this is us. We call this close country in the
20:00 coming as places that we go to.
20:03 I met this this lady
20:05 and that I'll call her Natalie
20:07 just so that that should be protected
20:10 because they are risking their lives in spreading the gospel
20:13 in that place. Nelly, my defense, you could cede her
20:16 interests whenever you speak in front, the first person,
20:19 I think that you'll notice is Nelly. She has this hunger.
20:23 She is the seriousness about her. And then one of the
20:26 pastors told me, Jim, you have to listen to the story of Nelly
20:30 and it said
20:31 tell me about her and fence. I read nelly's papers and I was
20:35 blown away. Nelly has brought a lot of people
20:39 DeJesus before she even became a Bible worker. Can you say
20:43 amen to that?
20:44 But not least life was not easy. She wants she was
20:49 attacked by
20:51 physical ailment that she could not understand what it is and
20:55 even adopt. This would not out.
20:57 And she went from doctor to doctor. They could not give
21:01 any solution to it
21:02 until she resorted to go to the witch doctor,
21:06 friends and places like that
21:08 when they're desperate, they do do do everything in their power
21:12 to find answers. To find solution. She went to the witch
21:15 doctor. And even the witch doctor could not give her
21:17 answers.
21:19 Can you imagine fence the frustration about this?
21:22 If we talk to us, you have to offer
21:26 animals,
21:27 the things that are precious to your heart.
21:33 Doctor after another gave up on her and you know what? They
21:36 tell her,
21:37 the spirit that is with you. Actually, they found out later
21:41 on that Natalie.
21:43 Let's possessed by demons,
21:47 which doctors told her spirits are with you. I way stronger
21:51 than the spirits that we took care of before.
21:54 We have not experience something like that.
21:58 So fence in desperation
22:00 she wants. She was really calling out for 4 more doctors
22:04 after doctors but the same and so that she get from them
22:12 and rushing through this through the story because
22:15 there's a lot of points I want to focus on. If you want to
22:18 know more about this,
22:20 go to the booth
22:22 and asked them how to get a hold of the story.
22:27 One Adventist member
22:32 and she said to you know what, Nelly, I could not bear to see
22:35 you suffering.
22:37 I think I know what the solution for this. And he said,
22:41 what is your solution? You get to know Jesus
22:44 offense is one thing about desperate situations. Desperate
22:48 situation opens the door for the people
22:51 for Christianity
22:53 because they have seen of the solution is not doing anything.
22:57 Anything any good.
22:58 And so it chai Christianity. And so they begin to learn
23:02 about
23:03 this guy,
23:05 the savior who died for Nelly.
23:08 And guess what, France
23:09 after the 5th day of studying the Bible, one by one, the
23:13 spirits that Natalie
23:16 and now his mom actually was asked to take care of of many,
23:20 7 month old. Good because of what she's going through.
23:23 My dear friends nearly could not perform the role of being a
23:26 mother being a wife.
23:28 So isn't her. Mom was there and the mom saw this, the saw the
23:31 power of God.
23:33 So she rented a neighbor who said, you know what
23:36 she says? It's working at Natalie
23:40 and France.
23:41 The neighbor
23:43 could not hold it to herself and she told the pastor faster
23:47 we need to go to Natalees house.
23:49 Some help complete to deliver her from the enemy and trends.
23:52 The pastor and the church members. What
23:56 we decided to go to Natalees House and the spirits friends.
24:01 The demons were not happy about it.
24:04 And so that he even stopped in L a
24:06 I don't want those questions to be here. I have great plans for
24:10 you. We want you to be one of the strongest doctors here
24:14 which adopters and that he said, no, I don't want to
24:16 listen to you. And since they didn't want to know you want to
24:19 the sun,
24:20 that was the months
24:22 some spoke to the husband and to the mother of Natalee and
24:25 friends. They said no,
24:27 the only one that could bring deliverance to Nelly's Jesus.
24:30 Can you say amen to that?
24:32 And so France when the dock with the pastor was there to
24:35 get to the church members, it was a battle.
24:38 The enemy would not let go.
24:43 But since the battle is fierce,
24:45 the members continue to pray, continued singing. And as the
24:49 battle rages on, there's singing became louder. Their
24:53 prayer became more intense until the enemy gave up
24:58 left Natalie.
25:00 And that Lee said,
25:01 I want to know more about Jesus
25:04 and she said, I want to give my heart for she says from that
25:07 distance
25:08 and the husband wanted to give his life as well for that.
25:11 This. But the thing it's in that culture, if the father of
25:16 the family
25:17 well will leave the traditional religion, it would be a shame
25:21 to the whole family.
25:23 And so the mother convicted convinced
25:26 Das, but no,
25:27 just let your or your wife be bumped ice and you stay in
25:31 their religion
25:32 fence. Isn't it a shame that
25:34 that she saw the evidence of the power of God? And yet she
25:39 has that they did.
25:41 It speaks so much about our experience as well. Isn't it?
25:44 You have seen God's power God's hand. And yet we hesitate to
25:48 give them all
25:50 as for that reason got cannot 40 deliver us. And you know
25:54 what happened? Fence. The enemy could not touch Nelly anymore
25:57 because she decided to give
25:59 her life and to Jesus. And you know what, the enemy, the
26:02 demons at that.
26:06 And when the baby was it that the father,
26:11 the only solution for this
26:13 is to give is to fully give my heart to Jesus.
26:17 So friends, they decided to give the hearts to Jesus.
26:21 You know what happened
26:24 as the enemy of that? He could not comment anymore. And so
26:27 Nelly and her husband started studying the Bible, started
26:32 reading the Bible and the enemy does not want us to read our
26:35 Bible. So you know what you did? He blinded Nelly's husband
26:40 to Nelly's husband went to the doctor. The doctor said I'm
26:43 sorry, but your condition would be permanent.
26:46 And so France Nelly and her husband cried out to Jesus.
26:50 Lord, please,
26:52 he'll my husband.
26:54 But if not, we still get highlights to you,
26:57 the Lord. He'll now he says, what can you say? Amen,
27:00 France. The constant attack in Eli's life brought this
27:05 uncertainty in her heart.
27:07 And so one day he came to the faster faster. You know what?
27:11 I'm I'm quite
27:13 and quite afraid. Maybe an not be able to continue this this
27:17 fight this walk because I have been at that constantly.
27:20 I don't know if I could continually hold on to the
27:23 presence of God, but the duct that the pastor said
27:26 just continue coming to its come to the U.S. presence
27:30 friends. One night
27:31 as Nellie was sleeping, she had a dream.
27:34 She saw an angel and her dream.
27:37 They just took her hand
27:39 and brought her to this beautiful place. Later on.
27:41 She she recognized that the angel is Jesus
27:45 took her to this beautiful place
27:47 and showed her the book of Life,
27:51 an Angel, a Jesus Tonelli. Look, Natalie,
27:55 your name is written in the book of Life
27:58 and all of a sudden France New Delhi will come.
28:03 Then he doesn't want to a cough.
28:05 She saw something really powerful, encouraging.
28:09 You know what's amazing? Because her husband woke up as
28:12 well
28:13 and told Nelly of the dream that he had.
28:17 He had the same dream snow yet.
28:20 God confirmed to Natalie that you're safe in my presence.
28:26 Can you say amen
28:28 us safe in my presence and friends?
28:31 Nelly had another dream
28:34 after they got that ice. The enemy did not want to give
28:36 up.
28:38 We should doctor and together with the other's spirits,
28:41 came to her and her dream.
28:43 And they said to Nelly, Nelly
28:45 still have a chance. 6 still come back to us. If you come
28:48 back to us, we will make you the most powerful witch doctor
28:53 that this place of ever seen
28:55 and that he said,
28:58 I want to be with Jesus.
29:00 You know what you said
29:01 in the name of Jesus,
29:03 leave my place.
29:06 And they've got
29:08 and Natalie said,
29:09 even in my dream, I could win the battle.
29:14 Can you say amen to that?
29:16 Might your friends?
29:17 God has given us the victory.
29:20 We have nothing to fear and listen to this fence
29:23 of all the things that the enemy placed upon Jesus.
29:27 I love this this line that's S
29:30 but the enemy was defeated
29:32 safe and was defeated. He could not lead Jesus into saying he
29:36 could not discourage him or drive him from a work that he
29:39 had gone on earth to do
29:41 from the desert, the calvary,
29:44 the storm of safe and she wrath beat up on Jesus. But the more
29:49 merson the sleet fell. Listen to the secret fence.
29:52 The more firmly this son of God coming to the head of his
29:58 father,
30:02 the stronger the storm, a defense,
30:05 the firm or a great up and got
30:09 the mere we should draw to the U.S. presence. Can you say Amen
30:13 and get this friends? There's no limit on how near we could
30:16 jot his first since
30:19 God is good friends and listen to this next line and press
30:23 into the blood stain that
30:24 and all the efforts of Satan to oppress and overcome him only
30:28 brought out
30:30 in a pure light.
30:32 He's stopped his spotless character,
30:35 France.
30:36 When Christ bow down his head and died,
30:40 he held fast his faith
30:42 in a submission to got,
30:47 but he won.
30:49 Can you say Amen to this?
30:52 But he won.
30:54 France is one thing that I see here victory. Our success is
30:58 not just completing the tasks
31:01 or even the quantity or quality of what we have accomplished.
31:05 Victory
31:07 is the doing and fulfilling what he has asked us to do.
31:12 Can you say Amen to that?
31:14 Most of the time
31:16 our picture of victory is what the world wants us to see.
31:21 But can we still can we see it from God's perspective?
31:26 Listen, fence.
31:28 It is staying faithful,
31:31 true and faithful to him
31:34 a school that's first to be faithful
31:38 before successful.
31:40 Listen to this fence.
31:44 Even the first missionaries that cold that Jesus cold
31:48 to join him
31:50 was the first missionaries sent to the next
31:53 friends of the Moni X.
31:55 They have experience with the presence of Jesus could bring
31:59 the defense. Can you imagine
32:01 when they saw Jesus like the other
32:05 people in the crowd, they want to be his presence. Lord,
32:08 please help us to say in your presence. But she says told him
32:10 what
32:13 stay and tell people
32:17 what you have, what you have to experience, what I have done
32:20 and fans. This is one thing that I realize being in his
32:23 presence is not just literally being its presence, its of his
32:27 will.
32:28 Can you say amen to this
32:30 being in the presence of God is following in debating what God
32:34 has commanded you to do and listen to this fence. But as
32:36 soon as Jesus pointed out their duty, they were ready to bay.
32:40 Not only did they tell their own households and neighbors
32:43 about Jesus, but they went throughout. The couple is
32:46 everywhere declaring his power to save and describing how he
32:50 had freed them from demons. They like the next line
32:53 in doing this work. They could receive a greater blessing than
32:57 if merely for the benefit to themselves. They had remained
33:01 in his presence.
33:04 Did you hear this fence?
33:07 The closest we could be in the presence of God, you know
33:12 how it looks like
33:13 it's a bay. His will for you
33:16 offense.
33:18 It isn't a working to spread the good news of salvation that
33:21 we have brought near to the savior.
33:24 And remember when Jesus came back to this place,
33:27 there are thousands who are brought his feet
33:30 because of this, too,
33:32 because of this to her baby,
33:34 their savior
33:36 fence.
33:37 I was really blessed.
33:40 But Doctor Scott, now since testimony yesterday.
33:43 I don't know about you fence
33:45 and his perspective
33:47 and what safety looks like
33:51 since I have been sharing about this. But
33:55 hearing from Doctor Nelson,
33:57 that's like
34:00 that's that's what I've been talking about.
34:04 And people sometimes tell us,
34:06 yeah, God gave you a head. Use it. Give you great friends.
34:10 I know I don't trust my brain.
34:14 Our brain. Our heart is deceitful above all things and
34:17 desperate to make it.
34:19 We have to be leaning
34:21 the one
34:22 who knows our brain more than we do.
34:26 And friends, God's perspective of safety. It's what Doctor
34:30 Nelson share it
34:31 yesterday
34:33 and France. I praise God that he's perspective of safety is
34:37 not the same as our perspective
34:40 because if it's the same as our perspective,
34:43 we would not be here right now, France.
34:45 It would not be safe for Jesus to come down from heaven
34:48 to be scorched
34:50 to be a sale. But the enemy to be at that from
34:53 from birth
34:54 Calgary.
34:56 But France
34:58 definition of safety is finally his will
35:01 being in his will
35:06 John, 15 verse 5.
35:08 It's a very beautiful reminder for us that without him,
35:11 we are nothing.
35:12 So wherever he sends us were what everybody's asking us to
35:16 do. That is our greatest safety. Can you say amen to
35:19 that
35:20 apart from him fence apart from its presence,
35:24 there's no victory
35:25 apart from its presses. There's no power and apart from this
35:28 press since there's no life.
35:32 And this is the reason why my defense,
35:34 our theme sets
35:36 his presence,
35:37 its fullness of joy,
35:40 because in this press since that's where we find a victory,
35:43 its presence, that's where we find life.
35:46 And this is one thing that I pray.
35:49 And for me,
35:51 that's when
35:52 I like this over here on earth.
35:55 But there will be a declaration from heaven.
35:59 The enemy try to do everything he can
36:04 to sway the Anna
36:10 everyone else.
36:13 But he gained nothing from it
36:16 because they desire peace precedence
36:19 more than anything else.
36:21 France.
36:23 Let this be our experience.
36:26 Let us be our prayer.
36:28 It's on the down for Japan.
36:36 A great got to be a loving heavenly father. Lord,
36:39 please help us to design your press is the way Jesus decide
36:42 your presence.
36:44 Lord, I ask. That may be not just designed a victory,
36:47 but here we desired a longing to be in your presence. The
36:51 long to be in your will.
36:54 So Lord I yes, that may be anointing power of the Holy
36:56 Spirit. Be upon us. The move. Everything. Oh, lord. It's not
37:01 supposed to be in our lives.
37:03 It's not supposed to be in my heart.
37:05 The hearts of my brothers and sisters here
37:07 and give us lord the deepest longing the desperation
37:11 to stay in your presence. Even though some things we
37:14 sense that if you are not around
37:16 Lord, I pray. Fill us with your spirit.
37:19 We asked all this and a loving and precious name of your son,
37:21 Jesus on your children safe
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Revised 2023-11-21