Anchors of Truth

Into Eternity Future

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000005

00:13 Welcome to "Anchors of Truth"
00:15 live from the 3ABN Worship Center,
00:17 the "Extravagant Love" series with Ty Gibson.
00:22 There used to be a song that we sang,
00:25 I don't know if they took it out of the new
00:27 hymnal or not called The Love of God,
00:29 do you remember that song
00:30 the love of God, how rich and pure.
00:32 How measureless and strong.
00:35 It shall forevermore endure.
00:38 The saints' and angels' song.
00:41 We sing that and it was one of my,
00:42 my favorite songs. We have been
00:44 ruminating on that love of God these past
00:47 several sessions, talking about the extravagant
00:50 love of God and we've, we've taken this word
00:53 that I said previously sort of overworked,
00:56 overused and given it new depth and new meaning.
01:00 Particularly when we talk about the eternal,
01:04 extravagant, all encompassing
01:07 love of God for you and for me.
01:10 We've had a good time and sadly we've come
01:12 down to our last sitting in this
01:14 particular series of meetings.
01:17 As our preacher, our pastor, our friend
01:19 Ty Gibson has been expounding on God's
01:22 word to us the love of God.
01:24 My name is C. A. Murray and it is my
01:26 privilege and pleasure to welcome you sadly
01:29 to this last meeting. Ty began with eternity
01:33 past, this afternoon we look at eternity future
01:38 under the context the extravagant love of God
01:42 and we are so very, very pleased to have
01:45 him with us. He is a busy, busy man but
01:48 most people who work for the Lord are busy,
01:49 busy men and women. But he has stopped by
01:53 to give us the word of God yet again this afternoon.
01:57 We're gonna change things up just a little bit
01:58 and rather than have a singing musical
02:01 ministry, we're going to have a Pianist musical
02:05 ministry by one of the very best, our own
02:07 Jill Morikone who is sitting
02:09 at the Piano even as I speak.
02:11 Before we call upon her, we're going to call
02:13 upon the Lord and ask His presence as we
02:17 have our meeting this afternoon, shall we pray?
02:20 Gracious Father, we do thank you,
02:22 we praise you for being such a wonderful
02:25 gracious and yes loving God.
02:29 You have demonstrated your love in that while
02:33 we were yet sinners, Christ died for us
02:39 and your word says, greater love hath no man
02:42 than that He lay down His life for His friend.
02:46 But you've done better than that,
02:48 because Jesus lay down His life for His enemies
02:53 and for those who had turned their backs on Him.
02:55 Lord, we respond to that love in infirmity
02:59 this day and ask You to fill our hearts with
03:02 Your Spirit, bless Your men servant yet again
03:05 as You have done during the previous four
03:09 sittings together, give him words that are meat
03:12 in due season for our thirsty and weary souls.
03:16 And give us open and receptive hearts,
03:19 ears and minds as we seek to
03:23 know Your will for our lives.
03:25 And then to walk in that will and way.
03:30 We love You, we praise You
03:32 and we thank You, in Jesus name, amen.
03:36 Our speaker again Ty Gibson,
03:38 but before he comes to us Mrs. Jill Morikone.
07:46 Amen. Thank you Jill, I was peeking around
07:51 the corner from backstage and I don't
07:53 know if you noticed it from your angle but
07:56 Jill was really feeling the beauty of that music
08:00 coming through her to us and our goal here
08:05 of course has been to think and to feel for the
08:10 heart of God. We've been reaching
08:12 up and out of ourselves, as the Apostle Paul says
08:17 all of us as human beings I don't if you
08:19 remember this but in Acts chapter 17 he says
08:22 that God leads us to feel after him with our hearts.
08:28 That's what we're endeavoring to do and
08:30 we've now come to the 5th and final session
08:34 together that we have entitled
08:36 "Extravagant Love" and lets see if we have a
08:39 down yet, what kind of love is this?
08:41 Extravagant love and we've now come to the
08:45 conclusion of our series together.
08:48 We began in session number 1
08:51 by contemplating eternity what?
08:54 Past and now we have traversed the entire
08:57 course of this beautiful gospel of Christ and are
09:02 about to turn our gaze toward eternity future.
09:08 We noticed in our first session that Psalm
09:11 chapter 90 and verse 2 kind of neatly and for
09:14 the sake of our finite human understanding
09:17 divides reality into those two basic parts.
09:23 There David says from everlasting
09:26 to everlasting you are God,
09:30 this God of infinite other centered love
09:33 has always existed and we learned that he has
09:37 existed in that eternity past.
09:42 Engaged in self giving love,
09:44 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
09:47 I mean if you were to, in the most succinct and
09:50 clear way possible communicate to a friend
09:53 or to a relative. Hey what,
09:55 what's God all about? They might ask what do
09:58 you believe I wonder what you would say to them.
10:01 I would suggest that that you would begin by
10:04 saying well I'll tell you what I believe about
10:06 God, I'll tell you what God is really all about?
10:09 God is love, always has been and always will
10:15 be, before any human beings existed,
10:19 before the angels existed, the eternal self
10:22 existent uncreated God has always existed and
10:28 a beautiful tryst of other centered love.
10:32 And that story that we've been
10:34 contemplating then continues as a running
10:39 narrative to unfold before us that God's
10:43 love eventually took on a
10:47 personified form in our world.
10:52 Jesus came into our world as a human being
10:57 to amplify, to magnify, to communicate in
11:00 practical flesh and bone, relational terms
11:05 that we could understand.
11:07 He came into our world as the consummate
11:11 Revelation of the character of God.
11:14 And as He came into our world that beautiful
11:18 disclosure of the divine heart reached its apex,
11:21 its zenith point at the cross of Calvary.
11:25 We entitled that message off the charts
11:28 and we discovered that God's love is more
11:33 enormous and beautiful then we could ever fully
11:37 comprehend or imagine. That literally at the
11:40 cross Jesus revealed that the creator of the
11:44 universe loves all others above
11:48 and before His own life. And then we moved on
11:53 from there this morning to discover some other
11:57 practical implications of God's extravagant love,
12:01 by practical implications I mean we began to
12:06 pose the question. Okay, alright,
12:07 God loves us like this, God's love is
12:10 extravagant it's beautiful, we see it
12:12 displayed and demonstrated in Christ
12:14 but how do I tap into it,
12:17 how do I access this love so.
12:20 That it's not just the theory but it becomes a
12:22 living, pulsating, reality in my life
12:26 and in all my relationships.
12:29 And we discovered that the Bible teaches that
12:32 God's love finds access to our hearts,
12:37 to our lives through the medium of
12:39 comprehension, you remember.
12:41 Those of you who are there for that message,
12:44 we looked at Ephesians chapter 3 and we saw
12:46 that Apostle Paul informs us through
12:49 prayer that the Holy Spirit wants to take up
12:53 residence inside of us. That Jesus wants to
12:57 come into our hearts and to live in us by faith.
13:02 And then Paul turns a corner and he
13:04 says the way you bring Jesus into your heart
13:07 and life is by becoming routed and grounded in
13:12 his love you remember. And becoming rooted
13:15 and grounded in his love as a agricultural
13:19 metaphor is then explained to us in more
13:22 practical concrete language.
13:25 Paul says, get rooted and grounded in his
13:27 love and then he says I pray that you would
13:30 comprehend the love of Christ
13:33 which passes knowledge. To comprehended it
13:36 means to grasp it with the mind and with the
13:39 emotions, it means to come to the place where
13:43 we understand its various dimensions and facets.
13:48 God's love is like a multi-faceted diamond
13:53 that we hold to the light and with every turning
13:56 the color prism of His character is refracted
13:59 and reflected into our understanding.
14:02 We saw seven dimensions of God's
14:05 multidimensional love and I wanna challenge
14:08 you that I was just scratching the surface.
14:12 I wanna ask you to make it your lifelong
14:14 pursuit to explore and to peel back the layers
14:20 of God's love throughout scripture
14:22 from Genesis to Revelation and
14:24 I guarantee you that as you do you will find
14:28 your self falling more and more deeply in love
14:33 with God with every new glance,
14:35 with every new insight to His beautiful character.
14:40 So, that's where we've come from and now
14:42 in our final session we're going to talk
14:45 about eternity future, we're going to pose a
14:48 rather simple question. What does eternity look
14:54 like, what does it hold for us?
14:57 What will life be like in eternity future once this
15:02 great controversy is over, this dark midnight
15:05 of pain and suffering and agony has passed?
15:09 And we find ourselves safely on the eternal
15:12 shores of that kingdom the prophecy says
15:18 shall never end, what, what will
15:20 it be like in eternity future.
15:22 And I would like to suggest to you
15:25 that eternity future looks exactly like
15:28 eternity past just with a lot more participants.
15:36 And if eternity past looks like and other
15:39 centered self giving friendship Father,
15:42 Son, and Holy Spirit living only and ever
15:45 for one and other. Then eternity future
15:48 looks just like that, except for now you and
15:51 I have been inducted into that fellowship.
15:54 Now we are participants in this eternal free fall
16:00 of ever deepening love relationship with God
16:04 and I might add with one another.
16:08 Now, this eternity future that we're
16:10 discussing begins at the second coming of Jesus
16:14 Christ in a sense, I say in a sense
16:18 because and we don't have time to explore this.
16:21 Eternity future actually begins in another sense
16:24 right now, Jesus said I come that you may
16:29 have life and that you might have it present
16:32 tense more abundantly, there is a sense in which
16:35 eternal life is a quality of life that we have now
16:40 before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
16:44 We partake of it in quality,
16:47 in our relationship with God on a daily basis
16:49 we're continually tasting what it's like
16:54 to live in eternity future with Him.
16:57 So, there is a sense in which eternal life
17:00 and eternity future is experienced here and
17:04 now on a daily basis in our relationship with God.
17:09 But this whole relationship with Christ
17:12 that begins here and now reaches its
17:14 consummation at the Second Advent.
17:18 Turn with me in your Bible to chapter 14
17:21 of the gospel of John this is a familiar
17:23 passage to anybody who has spent time in
17:27 scripture, it is one of the most familiar passages
17:32 of scripture but I'd like you to look at it with
17:34 me as if you've never looked at it before.
17:38 I want you to open your mind and heart to notice
17:41 something in this second coming passage
17:44 so that we can see and understand the second
17:47 coming of Jesus Christ perhaps in a way we've
17:50 never thought of it before.
17:52 And yet in precisely the way it is depicted in the
17:56 text, look here at chapter 14 of the gospel of John.
18:01 Jesus is speaking to His disciples and He says:
18:03 Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in
18:06 God believe also in me. Why are they troubled
18:10 by the way in the context here,
18:11 what has he been telling them is going to happen?
18:14 He's been saying you know I'm going to
18:16 depart from this world. It's almost over,
18:21 our relationship this last three and half years it's
18:24 coming to an end, I'm leaving.
18:27 They don't comprehend what He means,
18:29 they denied the idea that He will have to
18:33 suffer and die over and over again, they don't
18:35 get it but they are troubled because there
18:37 is one thing they're all understanding.
18:40 He saying goodbye and they feel it,
18:43 let not your heart be troubled you believe in
18:45 God believe also in me, but watch what He says
18:47 here: In my Father's house are many,
18:50 what is your version say, mansions,
18:54 that's right, oh! Wait a minute somebody else
18:56 has a different version I heard it, rooms.
19:00 Now, we like to, to home in on the mansion
19:04 language, but I'd like to suggest you that the
19:08 second coming of Jesus and eternity future
19:12 is not to register in our minds and in our
19:16 theology as a materialistic hope,
19:20 do you hear what I'm saying?
19:21 We're not called upon in scripture to think of
19:27 heaven and eternal life and the Second
19:30 Advent in materialistic terms.
19:33 Now, most versions say: In my Father's
19:35 house are many mansions,
19:38 but somebody's version, they just quoted from
19:40 the New International version which in some
19:43 ways is a version that is weak on other verses but
19:46 on this verse it is most accurate to the Greek.
19:50 Here it literally says, Jesus literally says:
19:53 In my Father's house are many rooms,
19:56 the idea here that Jesus is communicating is not
20:00 a materialistic hope but a relational hope.
20:04 He says in so many words I'm leaving,
20:07 I'm departing and I know you're bummed about that.
20:10 But I want you to know that I'm going to the
20:13 Father's house and I'm going to prepare rooms
20:17 for you there. In other words you're
20:20 going to ultimately live with me in my
20:25 Father's house, it's a relational
20:29 aspiration that Jesus is communicating here.
20:34 Now, there's no doubt about it everything in
20:36 this heaven and eternal life including the rooms
20:39 we live in are going to be truly
20:43 luxurious and mansion like.
20:45 These were be mansion level rooms no doubt,
20:49 but that's not the point. It's not about the
20:54 material stuff, it's not about the streets of
20:56 gold, it's not about the gates and wow they're
20:58 made out of pearl are they?
21:00 I like pearl, no the streets of gold my
21:06 friends are paving material in the kingdom of God.
21:11 It has no significance in a moral value system,
21:17 even now if you stop and think about it you
21:20 know don't you? That in a truly cognoscente
21:24 moral value system, money has no significance.
21:31 Now, my wife Sue and I just to give you
21:34 a glands into what I'm trying to get out.
21:38 My Sue and I, when we got married we were
21:40 very idealistic and very enthusiastic about this
21:44 thing called the marriage institution
21:47 and it's potential for this remarkable
21:50 ability to procreate. We thought that is
21:53 amazing, we could actually bring into
21:55 existence human beings who have never existed
21:58 before as many as we want.
22:03 I said we were idealistic Sue
22:04 and I were also very biblical.
22:07 We were just discovering the
22:09 scriptures as teenagers and when we got
22:12 married we said let's have twelve children.
22:17 That's a biblical number, we will populate the
22:20 kingdom, no we were not Mormons
22:23 but we were very determined to have
22:26 lots of children and then an 8 pound and ten
22:30 ounce Amber came out of Sue's little body.
22:35 And Sue said would you be cool with six,
22:41 it sound it like a very small number to me
22:43 at that point, I thought oh man I don't know
22:45 I like the twelve sounds better I mean look at
22:48 this beautiful child. We can, we can have
22:50 one after another why would you stop,
22:52 but I like Sue, I like her a lot.
22:55 And I heard the screams of
22:57 childbirth and I said okay six.
23:00 And then Jason came into the world as wide
23:04 as he was tall and Sue said please,
23:10 please how about just four,
23:13 let's just have four children I said okay four.
23:16 And then little baby Leah came into the
23:19 world and it was not an easy feet, she came out
23:24 out upside down backwards or sideways
23:26 or something. And it seemed as though she
23:30 was holding on to Sue's spleen or her spine or
23:34 something and wouldn't let go.
23:36 There was excruciating pain involve and as
23:39 soon as Leah was born Sue said that's it.
23:44 I'm done, with her fingernails digging into
23:47 my arm as if to say done right, I said yes
23:52 baby done, just three that's it,
23:55 no problem it's over. And then we watched
23:58 these three children grow up and as they
24:01 grow up and days turned into weeks and
24:04 weeks turn into months and
24:05 the months turn into years.
24:08 I can tell you in all honesty that when
24:11 I closed my eyes and I think that to the best
24:17 memories of my life. Never does any
24:22 materialistic or professional type of a
24:25 consideration pop into my mind, when I think
24:28 of the best and happiest moments of life.
24:31 I see my daughter Amber 13 years of age
24:36 alone with her daddy in the city of Riga in
24:40 Latvia on a mission trip, bonding and she
24:44 is nervous and she's missing her mom.
24:47 And she's beautiful and we're connecting on a
24:50 whole new level, I see my son Jason
24:55 and myself on a mount bike ride through a
24:57 mountain pass and an unexpected storm comes.
25:01 And we take refuge, laughing our heads off
25:05 and dripping wet under a tree and I see my little
25:10 precious Leah on my shoulders as we hike to
25:14 a waterfall and she's banging me on the top
25:16 of the head saying giddy up daddy, giddy up.
25:22 Those are the snapshots that come to my mind
25:27 when I think of what really makes life
25:31 significant and worth living.
25:34 What I'm trying to say to you is that life
25:38 as God intended to be is primarily a relational
25:46 reality, not a materialistic reality.
25:51 Now, please don't misunderstand me,
25:52 I look forward to heaven and all the,
25:55 the glories of heaven, but what I'm telling you
25:59 is that eternity future is made up of something
26:04 so beautiful that once you begin to grasp it,
26:10 it takes your breath away. And it leads you to love
26:16 the Lord like you never have before
26:19 and everything of a material significance
26:22 just recedes. Even in this life
26:26 nothing really has any comparison to what it's
26:31 like to truly know that you are eternally loved
26:35 by God in a significant and powerful way.
26:40 Nothing even is a close second to that
26:44 deepening realization, Jesus tells us our
26:49 destiny that we'll commence at His
26:51 second coming. He says: Let not your heart be
26:53 troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.
26:58 In my Father's house are many rooms:
27:00 if it were not so, I would have told you.
27:03 I go to prepare a place for you.
27:06 And here's His whole point, I go to prepare
27:09 a place for you, notice this
27:14 that where I am there you maybe also.
27:21 Do you hear what He is saying?
27:22 He's saying I want you with me,
27:27 is there anybody who's like that for you?
27:30 Is there anybody that you just like being with,
27:33 it doesn't, you're not nervous there is no
27:35 affectation, there is no atmosphere, there is no
27:40 self consciousness. You can be silent
27:43 if you wanna be silent, you can fall asleep in
27:45 the car and slobber and they're driving and you
27:47 don't feel bad. You just like being with them,
27:53 is there anybody like that for you,
27:55 I know there has to be a friend or mom or dad
27:58 and auntie and uncle and Nana and papa, a spouse.
28:03 Somebody that you just feel totally comfortable
28:07 with and you enjoy their company.
28:10 Jesus essentially says that's the quality of
28:15 connection I want with you, I want you to be
28:19 with me just with me for all eternity future.
28:25 In the modern vernacular, I just really want to
28:29 hang out with you forever, I like you,
28:33 yes He loves us and we've been exploring
28:36 the fact that He loves us with an extravagant,
28:39 everlasting love. But listen, like is
28:45 dimension of love and what I'm telling you is
28:49 not only does He love you in a sense that out
28:52 of you know out of a sheer unconditional
28:55 principle of love he tolerates us,
28:58 no He doesn't just tolerate us,
29:01 He actually likes us. Now, He doesn't like
29:06 the things that we do sometimes,
29:09 but you know from your own human
29:10 experiences that it's possible to love
29:14 someone and to like certain dimensions of
29:17 what you see to be their potential and not to like
29:21 the things that you seen them do
29:23 that will below their potential.
29:26 Well, Jesus sees in you the full blown potential
29:31 that you have if you allow your heart and
29:34 mind and life to be cultivated by His love.
29:37 He sees that it is entirely possible
29:40 for His very own image to be completely
29:43 reconstructed in you and in me,
29:48 He sees that potential. And He sees flashes of
29:51 it in moments of true, adoring worship,
29:56 He sees flashes of it when you engage in acts of
30:00 service for others with no self consideration.
30:05 He looks at you when you experience a
30:09 genuine sense of affirmation and you
30:12 reach out in acceptance to another person who
30:15 is in need. He says that's the
30:17 person I know you can be 24/7 every second of
30:21 the day into eternity future.
30:24 And I wanna be with you and I'm in the
30:27 process of beautifying your character
30:31 according to Ephesians chapter 5, making His
30:34 bride beautiful, removing every spot
30:37 and wrinkle and any spot of defilement.
30:41 He is beautifying our characters for the
30:44 consummation for the wedding
30:46 at the Second Advent. And that's the person
30:50 Jesus says I want to be with for all eternity.
30:53 He goes on and He says: That where I am,
30:55 there you may be also. And where I go you know.
31:00 And the way you know and Thomas said to
31:02 him, Lord, verse 5, "Lord, we don't know
31:05 where you're going, so how can
31:06 we possibly know the way?
31:08 They're still not getting it and Jesus said to
31:10 them, verse 6: I am the way, the path, the road,
31:17 I am your spiritual journey, I am the way,
31:22 the truth and the life and then He states
31:24 explicitly our eternal destiny.
31:27 No man comes to the Father except by me,
31:33 He doesn't say boy you're gonna really love
31:36 eternity future because I have some really neat
31:38 architecture in mind for your mansion.
31:43 I've got great stuff for you there, He says no
31:47 your destiny is the Father, He longs for
31:51 you, He's been reaching out to you,
31:53 He's sent me to save you.
31:55 And I'm the path upon which you will make
31:58 your journey back to the heart of the Father.
32:03 The second coming is the consummation
32:06 of all our hopes. It is the point in which
32:11 we launch off into eternity future for an
32:15 eternal fellowship with the God the Father,
32:18 God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
32:20 Loop over to chapter 17 of John and you'll know
32:24 similar language that Jesus employs here
32:28 verse 24, verse 24. Now, go back to verse
32:33 23 because I can't miss the last line of verse 23.
32:36 Jesus is praying these kinds of sentiments:
32:40 I am them and you Father in me, that they
32:43 maybe made perfect in one, and that the world
32:48 may know that you have sent me,
32:50 now get this, and that you have loved them as
32:56 you loved me, what? Jesus says, Father you
33:02 love them, put your name there, Father you
33:06 loved Ty with the same quality and passion of
33:15 love with which you love me Your only begotten Son.
33:19 Father, you love them as you have loved me,
33:21 look at verse 24: Now watch this:
33:24 Father, I desire is that a Stelic word?
33:30 No, that's a word of passion,
33:34 that's a word of enthusiasm.
33:36 He says: Father, I desire that they also,
33:40 whom you have given me, may be,
33:43 here it is again, with me where I am.
33:49 He wants us to be what again?
33:52 With Him. Just so, so incredible,
33:57 that they may behold my glory which you
34:02 have given me for you get this loved me before
34:07 the foundation of the world.
34:10 Jesus says Father, I want them to be
34:12 brought into fellowship of love with which you
34:15 and I have been engaged before the
34:17 world was even created. You and I have been
34:20 engaged Father along with the Holy Spirit and
34:22 this, this love relationship,
34:24 this friendship, this fellowship and I want
34:27 them to be introduced into that inner circle.
34:31 I want them to be participants for all
34:34 eternity future in this loved that You and
34:37 I have been sharing for all eternity past.
34:40 Verse 25: O righteous Father, the world has
34:43 not known you: but I have known you,
34:45 and these have known that you have sent me.
34:48 Verse 26 is the climax: And I have declared to
34:51 them your name, and will declare it so that
34:55 the love with which you have loved me may be
34:59 in them, and I in them. Astounding huh?
35:07 Jesus here describes salvation and it's
35:13 ultimate end goal, as escorting you and me,
35:19 ushering us back into an eternal love relationship
35:26 with Him and with His Father that resembles
35:31 the love that they shared before
35:33 the world was even created.
35:38 Is that desirable? Does it arouse in you
35:44 a sense of longing? Does it break within
35:50 you the shackles of mere religious
35:57 observations and going through the motions and
36:01 legalistic considerations and serving God
36:04 because you have to after all, because He's
36:06 God and you're not and it's His universe.
36:08 So you had better do what He says if you
36:09 know what is best for you.
36:12 There is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun,
36:17 I better get my act together.
36:20 Do you feel that just kind of, just rolling off
36:24 of your back and a lightness, and a
36:27 freedom that comes from knowing
36:29 God in this kind of light?
36:36 It wakes up something inside of me
36:40 that I would so love to see
36:43 awakened in every one of us.
36:47 Well, Peter in one of my favorite eternity
36:50 future texts opens to our mind with even greater
36:55 clarity what it is that Jesus has in store for us.
37:01 Now, watch this in 1st Peter chapter 1,
37:04 1st Peter chapter 1, we're going to, we're going
37:08 to look specifically at verses 7 and 8.
37:11 I'm gonna read first from the
37:13 New King James Version but I want you to pay
37:15 close attention to this text and
37:17 notice where it leads us. In verse 7 of 1st Peter 1,
37:22 Peter talks about the Revelation of Jesus
37:26 Christ this is his term for the second coming.
37:31 Jesus is going to return and when He returns
37:37 Peter says it will be an experience to encounter
37:43 Him and then Peter explains that it is
37:48 something that bears contemplating in terms
37:53 of eternity future, watch this.
37:55 He speaks of the Revelation of Jesus
37:57 Christ verse 8: Whom having not what?
38:03 Having not seen you love, though now you
38:08 do not what? You don't see Him,
38:11 yet you believe and you rejoice with joy
38:17 inexpressible and full of glory.
38:22 Now, here's what Peter is saying, he's saying to
38:26 us and to the believers in his time,
38:28 he's saying you haven't seen Jesus with your
38:32 eyes and yet you love him.
38:36 Alright, you haven't seen Him but you love
38:40 Him and then he says, this love that you have
38:43 for the Savior it fills you with an
38:47 inexpressible joy that foretells the glory
38:55 the future kingdom. The Phillips translation
38:59 renders the text, verse 8: Though you have
39:03 never seen Him, yet you love Him and at the
39:08 present time you trust him
39:12 without being able to see Him.
39:16 And even now he brings you a joy that
39:23 words can not express and which has in it
39:30 a hint of the glory of heaven.
39:35 Do you see what Peter saying here,
39:37 he saying listen at the Revelation of Jesus
39:40 Christ at his second coming.
39:42 You're going to see him personally,
39:45 face to face that's coming, but Peter says
39:48 wait a minute, wait a minute, back up,
39:50 you haven't even seen him yet you love him.
39:54 And not seeing him and yet loving him,
39:59 you are filled with an inexpressible joy,
40:01 there is a joy that is derived from this love.
40:05 And that joy, that happiness,
40:07 that satisfaction that is derived from his love
40:13 is a hint of what heaven is all about.
40:20 Because heaven and eternal life my friends
40:23 it is not merely net material gains.
40:31 Heaven and eternal life is foreshadowed,
40:34 it's whispered. In the love we
40:40 sometimes sense for the Savior and then long to
40:46 experience it more sustained.
40:49 Do you know what I'm saying, you have these
40:50 times where you're going through your
40:52 Christian experience and, and you're just on
40:56 the mountain top. But what Isaiah says
40:58 riding on the high places of the earth,
41:01 just spiritually alive and you're just so,
41:05 so engaged with the Lord. And then other times
41:10 the practical duties of daily life and the
41:13 memory of your own failures and,
41:15 and your own relational breakdowns and feeling
41:18 so bad and you're at a low place.
41:24 But, what's happening is at those high places
41:27 where you really sense the love of Christ;
41:31 you are experience, you're tasting.
41:36 What in eternity future will be infinitely
41:38 sustained with no low points?
41:43 Because everything that brings us down would
41:48 have been removed. Now, I want to with
41:52 that little launching pad, I wanna share with you
41:55 four windows into eternity future, four what?
42:01 Windows into eternity future, it's like we're
42:03 standing in the house, in the biblical house,
42:07 in the theological house. And we're contemplating
42:12 and we're probing and we're looking out
42:15 certain windows that the scriptures open before us.
42:21 And those windows give us a view into the
42:25 contents of eternity future.
42:28 Window number 1 we're going to call
42:32 an infinitely sustained relational bliss,
42:37 does you get that? Some of you can't write
42:40 fast enough so I'm gonna say it again
42:43 window number 1 is an infinitely sustained
42:48 relational bliss, unbroken relational integrity.
42:56 A relationship with God and with one and other
42:58 that will be forever and forever and forever
43:02 uninterrupted, unbroken, infinitely sustained.
43:08 And it'll be more than infinitely sustained,
43:10 it will be infinitely escalating, it will grow
43:15 and deepen and broaden. Look in your Bible at
43:18 chapter 16 of Psalms, Psalm 16, this is a verse
43:22 that, that ought to stand out to us as we
43:26 contemplate heaven and eternity future and the
43:29 earth made new. Here David opens
43:34 this window to us and he says verse 11 of
43:39 Psalms 16: You Lord, "You will show me the
43:43 path of life; In Your presence, in your what?
43:48 In your presence is what kind of joy?
43:52 Fullness of joy and at Your right hand are
43:57 pleasures forevermore. That sounds like it's
44:00 infinitely sustained, it's eternal, it's nonstop.
44:06 Pleasures in his presence forever and
44:09 what kinds of pleasures are being described here?
44:13 Well, the pleasures that we find in God's
44:16 presence are the pleasures of affirmation
44:22 and acceptance and a lack of reserve
44:28 innocence and a deep settled conviction that
44:35 this one who made me infinitely loves me.
44:42 There is going to be other kinds of
44:43 pleasures no doubt, we talk about
44:45 traveling to different planets,
44:46 I'm looking forward to that I have dream
44:48 sometimes about flying, more like floating
44:51 actually, it's like I'm really big and
44:53 I'm just kind of wobbling over
44:55 the earth in my flying dreams.
44:58 But I'm looking forward to flying
45:00 and sowing to planets so far, exploring the universe
45:02 although I'm getting tired of traveling
45:04 I must be honest. I'm looking forward to it,
45:08 I'm looking forward to Jesus said that
45:10 we will have the pleasure of sitting under the tree
45:12 of life and having fellowship with Abraham,
45:15 Isaac and Jacob, Jesus said that we will eat
45:20 with them and we'll fellowship with them.
45:24 I'm looking forward to that pleasure,
45:25 but the pleasure here is the pleasure of his presence.
45:28 The pleasure of being with him,
45:31 the pleasure of knowing this God,
45:35 in chapter 27 and verse 4 of Psalms,
45:39 just flip over just a couple of pages.
45:41 Notice that this pleasure involves another aspect
45:47 verse 4 David says: One thing I have desired
45:53 of the Lord and that will I seek:
45:56 That I may dwell in the house
45:58 of the Lord forever why? All the days of my life,
46:08 To behold the beauty of the Lord,
46:12 And to inquire in His temple isn't that something?
46:16 David says I can't wait to spend eternity
46:19 in the house of God, because there is gonna
46:23 be lots of neat stuff there right, no.
46:28 I wanna dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
46:31 All the days of my eternal existence,
46:35 to behold the beauty of the Lord,
46:39 And to inquire in His temple.
46:41 Again all of this is communicated in
46:43 relational terms, don't you love it
46:48 when you get to know somebody better than you
46:51 ever have known them before and they're more
46:53 beautiful than you've ever imagined?
46:56 Maybe you have children or a best friend or a spouse
46:59 and all of the sudden out of nowhere you're like wow,
47:03 you're incredible I knew you were incredible,
47:06 but you are more incredible then I ever imagined.
47:09 You see some aspect of their personality,
47:12 some part of their heart, they open their mouth
47:15 and they speak and they disclose things
47:18 that you never knew about them before.
47:20 I go through this all the time with my wife Sue,
47:22 we'd be together approximately forever
47:24 and it seems like it's just been a week.
47:27 Because over and over again it's new,
47:31 over and over again we'll just be laughing our heads
47:35 off about something and I'll just look at her.
47:39 And I'll just feel so blessed that she loves me
47:44 and that she knows me and that she still loves me
47:49 even though she knows me.
47:51 She is born as the best human being
47:54 I have ever known and she was my first
47:56 introduction to the heart of God.
48:00 She already knew Him, she believed
48:02 in the existence of God and somehow I had
48:04 the idea that he's good and I was like what,
48:07 how could you possibly believe that we probably
48:09 got here by aliens or something?
48:11 That's how far removed I was from reality
48:14 and she just kind of whispered
48:16 to me over and over again.
48:18 You're gonna get it someday,
48:21 God does exist and God is good.
48:24 And I have been, I have been just unveiling
48:27 this lady's heart all these years now
48:30 and that reminds me that if finite human beings
48:37 can get to know one and other like that,
48:40 can you imagine what is gonna be like to fellowship
48:43 with the infinite God of heaven forever and ever.
48:48 Just one disclosure of beauty after another,
48:51 David says I want to dwell in the house of the Lord,
48:53 all the days of my life; To behold His beauty.
48:56 So, eternity future looks like that,
48:59 it's an infinitely sustained relational bliss,
49:04 just getting to know him better and better.
49:07 Secondly, eternity future is a complete
49:13 absence of hurt, one of the high places of scripture
49:20 is Isaiah chapter 11 and verse 9 where God's
49:25 ultimate aspiration is brought to our attention,
49:28 He says, He says: They shall not hurt nor destroy
49:34 in all my holy mountain says the Lord,
49:36 for the earth shall be filled
49:38 with the knowledge of the Lord.
49:41 God's ultimate hope and desire is a world
49:45 and a universe free from all hurt
49:48 which is to say God looks forward to an eternity
49:51 future free from all relational violation.
49:56 If you stop and think about it every pain
49:58 that we as human beings experience is traceable
50:02 to some relational breakdown,
50:05 some relational violation, somebody crossed the line
50:11 to violate somebody in a residual effect,
50:14 reached out from there to cause pain
50:17 to many, many others.
50:19 Eternity future is a future with no hurt,
50:23 with no pain, with no wounds.
50:26 The Bible says that God will erase all the memory,
50:31 the emotional memory, we won't have amnesia,
50:33 we won't forget who we were.
50:35 If we did we would have forgot the plan of salvation
50:37 and the whole thing would have been pointless.
50:40 We will not have amnesia but we will have
50:43 no more emotional memory of the pain
50:47 and the wounds and the hurt
50:48 that this world has inflicted upon us.
50:50 Number 3, eternity future, eternity future
50:56 will be composed of a child like innocence,
51:01 do you remember when the little children
51:04 were brought to Jesus and the disciples,
51:06 the adults said you know this is God and human flesh
51:12 and he's got some important things on his agenda,
51:14 he's setting up his kingdom and all and
51:17 you know you're just women and children,
51:19 please scat, get out of here.
51:20 This is the Messiah after all,
51:22 He doesn't have time for little kids,
51:24 what did Jesus say? Suffer the little children
51:28 to come unto me and do not forbid them,
51:30 do you know the rest?
51:31 For of such is the kingdom of God.
51:36 Now, my premise is that if the kingdom
51:44 will only be inhabited by child-like individuals
51:52 then the monarch of that kingdom
51:56 is himself ultimately child like.
52:00 I'd like to suggest to you that in the words
52:03 of a fascinating quotation by George McDonald:
52:07 that he was, that as God was,
52:10 is and ever shall be divinely child-like.
52:14 Childhood belongs to the divine nature,
52:20 or this interesting line from another author.
52:23 Perhaps we have sinned and have grown old
52:28 and our Father is younger than we are.
52:32 There is a sense in which God is child like,
52:35 God is not immature but he is innocent,
52:39 the Bible says he is of purer eyes
52:41 then to behold iniquity.
52:43 He shrinks back from seeing sin,
52:48 he's not immature but he's innocent,
52:50 he's not naive about evil
52:52 but evil is foreign to his nature.
52:55 He's not silly minded, but he did designed
53:01 the penguin and his waddle.
53:03 God is divinely child-like on a mega mature level.
53:10 Are you with me? God is just pure, unbridled,
53:18 authentic, innocent love and in that sense
53:24 God is the most child-like person
53:26 in the whole universe.
53:27 And I can't wait to hang out with him,
53:29 I can't wait to spend time and eternity with a God
53:33 who can throw his head back in laughter
53:38 at the beauties of creation
53:40 and the platypus's weird but beautiful appearance.
53:46 God made all this stuff,
53:48 there is something deeply and intricately
53:52 beautiful about God's child like heart.
53:54 And finally, number 4, eternity future
54:00 is intimate fellowship with God,
54:05 which is brought to us in many places
54:07 but I'll just give you just three or four scriptures.
54:11 First of all chapter 2 and verse 17 of Revelation
54:14 tells us that upon entering the kingdom
54:18 we will be given each one of us a white stone
54:23 with a new name, that nobody knows except
54:28 for the one who receives it and the one who gives it.
54:31 What's this new name?
54:33 It is a point of intimacy between God
54:37 and our individuals souls because
54:39 He alone knows us the history we've had,
54:42 what it is that He's led us through,
54:44 the victories that by His grace we've gained.
54:47 He knows us like nobody else,
54:49 He alone can pick the perfect name to depict
54:53 our new character in Christ.
54:58 And that new name will be a point of intimacy
55:01 for all eternity between us and our God
55:07 and then it says that we will each of us partake of
55:10 hidden manna, hidden manna, manna is a biblical
55:14 symbol for spiritual insight and truth.
55:19 In order words, there is hidden manna,
55:21 there is hidden insight to the character of God
55:23 that nobody else can access but you.
55:26 Nobody can ever know God
55:28 in the way I can know Him, because each individual
55:33 ponders him and relates to him
55:35 with a totally exclusive relationship
55:40 that nobody else can access
55:42 as unique as your fingerprint.
55:44 You will know God in ways that nobody
55:47 else can and finally, Revelation chapter 22
55:50 says in verse 4: That eternity future
55:54 will involve the intimacy of face to face
55:59 communion with God, it says they shall see
56:02 his face and his name,
56:05 his character will be in their foreheads,
56:07 in their frontal lobe region.
56:10 In order words my friends, eternity future
56:13 ultimately is about being completely restored
56:18 to face to face, eye to eye,
56:21 voice to voice, first person, and fellowship
56:27 with the most beautiful person in all the universe.
56:31 And if that's what eternity future
56:34 is made of, you can count me in and I hope
56:39 that you plan by God's grace to be there as well.
56:43 Thank you for spending this time with me
56:45 in this five part series on the
56:48 Extravagant Love of God, let's pray.
56:50 Father in heaven, we open our hearts to you anew,
56:54 we have received insights from your word
56:58 regarding the kind of person that you are
57:00 and the love that you cherish for us
57:03 in your heart. May we love you
57:06 and return, in Jesus name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17