Anchors of Truth


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000011

00:13 Welcome to Anchors of Truth, live from the
00:16 3ABN Worship Center. The Sanctuary
00:18 series with John Bradshaw.
00:22 We're so happy that you could join for the
00:25 third of the Anchors of Truth series. The first
00:29 was with Ty Gibson, and the subject was love.
00:32 And last month John Lomacang gave the very
00:36 popular series on, on spirits, unclean spirits
00:40 and that was extremely well received and
00:43 a lot of people learned a whole lot about
00:46 that. I'm still getting letters on both of
00:49 these from the Ty Gibson series and from
00:51 John Lomacang series on how much it
00:54 meant to you the viewer, and that's what
00:57 this is all about. This series tonight is going
01:00 to be introducing the new speaker for
01:03 It Is Written. John Bradshaw recently was
01:07 called to take the place of Shawn Boonstra
01:09 who took a medical leave and we hope Shawn
01:14 is doing well, recovering and we look forward
01:16 to his being back in the pulpit before too long.
01:19 We would love to even have him here on 3ABN,
01:23 and this particular series we have one
01:25 open for him any time that he is ready
01:28 to do that. But tonight John Bradshaw
01:31 is gonna be our speaker and you're gonna
01:33 get better acquainted with him. As someone
01:35 today say who is John Bradshaw? Well
01:38 number one he is the speaker of It Is
01:42 Written, but he hasn't always been the speaker
01:44 of It Is Written, he grew up in New Zealand.
01:46 He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at the age
01:49 of 23 from reading The Great Controversy
01:54 which was given to him by his brother
01:57 who had accepted Jesus Christ as his personal
02:00 Savior. John came to this country. He went
02:04 to Amazing Facts, the school of evangelism,
02:07 studied and became an evangelist for Amazing
02:11 Facts and he did that for a number of years.
02:14 Sixteen years he was holding evangelistic
02:17 crusade around the country. He became
02:19 Pastor of the Lexington, Kentucky Seventh-Day
02:23 Adventist Church. He served there for a
02:25 number of years before accepting
02:28 the call to College Place, Washington
02:31 where he pastored only for a short time
02:34 and then It Is Written called and said
02:38 we are asking you to come, and be the
02:40 fourth in the history of It Is Written
02:44 to serve as speaker. George Vandeman
02:47 the founder, Mark Finley was the second
02:49 speaker and then Shawn Boonstra and
02:52 now it's John Bradshaw. Tonight he's gonna
02:55 be studying with us on the Sanctuary
02:59 and the exciting place that the Sanctuary
03:03 has in our Salvation. The title of tonight's
03:06 subject is going to be reality, and I'm looking
03:11 forward to it. I know that the Lord has
03:14 blessed John, Has given him real insights
03:17 into the scripture and I believe that as you
03:21 become more acquainted with him, you're
03:24 going to appreciate the way that he studies the
03:27 Bible the way he presents those studies as he
03:31 comes to us by television. Tonight
03:34 before he does come as our speaker I'm going
03:38 to ask our good friend C.A. Murray to come
03:41 and sing for us and he is going to sing
03:44 that song, I will give all
03:46 my service to you, C.A.
04:11 I give all my service to You
04:19 I give all my service to You
04:27 No matter the cost or what others do
04:35 I give all my service to You
04:43 I give all my problems to You
04:51 I give all my problems to You
05:00 No matter the cost or what others do
05:08 I give all my problems to You
05:15 I give all my family to You
05:23 I give all my family to You
05:31 No matter the cost or what others do
05:38 I give all my family to You
05:52 I give all my future to You
05:59 I give all my future to You
06:08 No matter the cost or what others do
06:15 I give all my future to You
06:25 I give all my worship to You
06:32 I give all my worship to You
06:40 No matter the cost or what others do
06:48 I give all my worship to You
06:57 I give all my worship to You.
07:26 Thank you very much for that, good evening
07:27 everyone. Good evening. What a blessing
07:30 to be here at 3ABN with you and with you
07:32 this evening. And I'm excited that we can
07:36 get together here and gather around the Bible.
07:38 As we open the Bible tonight I believe God
07:41 is going to bless us. Do you know what I believe,
07:43 I believe that God does bless us when we
07:46 open the Bible. Now sometimes when we open
07:49 up the Bible together people are blessed with
07:51 45 minutes sleep. And if that's the blessing
07:53 you need as we open the Bible tonight then
07:56 by all means go ahead and receive that blessing.
07:59 Sometimes people are blessed as they leave
08:02 church, lets say they're blessed with the gift
08:05 of criticism and backbiting. You've
08:08 experienced that. I'm not saying you're
08:10 participating in the way that you've done
08:11 yourself, but you know of folks who they,
08:14 maybe they leave the Sanctuary or leave
08:16 church or maybe even leave camp meeting,
08:18 and they could spend hours telling you
08:21 exactly what was wrong with what they heard.
08:24 Well I hope tonight though that you gonna
08:26 give the blessing that we're all gonna get
08:28 the blessing that God wants us to have.
08:29 There are blessings in the word of God
08:32 when we come keen to be blessed and eager
08:37 for God to fill us up with His spirit and
08:40 anxious for God to impact our lives in a powerful
08:44 then I think maybe, maybe that I'm trying
08:48 to get out of something here, but what I
08:49 want to say is even irrespective of the
08:51 preacher if we're keen to be blessed and
08:55 expecting to be blessed by God, when we
08:58 encounter the Lord in the Bible we'll we
09:00 blessed. Now we're beginning a series of
09:04 messages based on the Sanctuary. This simply
09:12 and extraordinarily complex, this very
09:17 basic, yet this very advanced, this very
09:23 ancient, but very modern and relevant today.
09:29 This, this thing, this Sanctuary. I don't
09:33 propose over the next few messages to,
09:35 to tell you a whole lot of things that you never
09:37 heard before. You know what I've told
09:40 many congregations is this. If I'm telling
09:42 you things that you've never heard before then,
09:44 then either there is something wrong with
09:46 what I'm saying or there is something wrong
09:47 with you. Here is what I like. I like to tell
09:51 people the old, old story whenever I
09:54 preach I don't try to be creative and inventive.
09:57 I'm not looking to be on the, on the cutting
09:59 edge of new and marvelous. I think if
10:01 we come to the Bible, to the pillars of truth,
10:06 to the tried and tested, to the known and then
10:10 we take out of that story of how some things
10:13 old and some things new of we let God breathe
10:15 his spirit into us through the word of God
10:18 we're going to be okay. Now in case you're
10:21 wondering. We aren't over the next few messages
10:25 gonna be talking about the decorations around
10:31 the altar of incense or the carvings around
10:36 the Altar of Burnt-Offering.
10:39 That's not really where I wanna go with this.
10:41 We would busy ourselves with the minutiae
10:44 and I don't say that disrespectfully of
10:47 the Sanctuary or we could come to this and
10:51 look at the bigger picture. The aspects
10:55 of the Sanctuary that really impact us most
10:59 powerfully and most prominently today.
11:02 So in case you're thinking when is he
11:04 gonna talk about the blue edge around
11:06 the priest garment. You know you might
11:09 have to listen for a while to hear me talk
11:10 about that over these next few days, but
11:13 I think as we study the Bible together and
11:15 talk about this wonderful, wonderful
11:18 subject, this present truth subject of the
11:21 Sanctuary. Then there's no question that
11:23 we're going to be blessed. Well that
11:25 having being said. It's probably time we open
11:27 up our Bible. Before we do that, lets pray
11:30 together and ask God, now let's do different.
11:34 And expect God to bless us wonderfully
11:38 right now. Can we pray together? Lets pray.
11:42 Our Father in heaven, we thank you
11:44 that we can come to you tonight in the name
11:46 Jesus Your Son. We are grateful tonight
11:51 that You've given us Your word, the Holy Bible.
11:57 Somewhere in the Bible I believe it was
11:59 in the 8th division of the book of Psalms.
12:03 Man who had much to repent have said.
12:06 What is man that thou art mindful of him.
12:11 The son of man that you visit him. Lord,
12:15 we've forfeited every right to your blessing,
12:20 but we thank You that You don't treat us as
12:23 we deserve to be treated. We thank You
12:27 that you're merciful and gracious. So rather
12:31 than ask you presence tonight, this is your
12:34 place we thank you for your presence. We
12:38 expect to be blessed, not selfishly, but
12:40 because we believe you wish to manifest
12:43 yourself in us that you be glorified. We ask
12:47 that we would take away from our meditations.
12:50 Even something that would draw us closer
12:55 to you, that would weld us immovably to you.
13:00 I pray tonight that we would collide with your
13:04 grace and your goodness. And so bless us please
13:08 as you wish for us to be blessed. We pray and
13:12 we thank you in Jesus name,
13:15 please join me and say amen.
13:21 Just today talked to a fellow who told me that
13:26 he had done some traveling, he and his
13:28 wife lot of traveling. He said every year.
13:30 We try to go somewhere different make us think.
13:36 He doesn't like taking the package to a
13:38 vacations, he likes to take these vacations
13:41 where you go to a place and maybe have
13:42 to drive through the wilderness and do it
13:45 just a little bit tough. He told me, that some
13:49 years ago, he had been to Cambodia.
13:51 I said oh you went to Angkor Wat. He said yes
13:54 I did. Now I, I, I know I came off sounding
13:59 all educated, but I just read about Angkor Wat
14:02 recently so I could converse with some
14:04 knowledge on this subject. In Cambodia
14:08 from what I understand it's kind of in Central
14:10 Cambodia they're in Asia, South East Asia.
14:14 There is, there is an ancient city of Angkor.
14:18 It's about 800 years old that what this fellow
14:21 Dave told me today about 800 years old.
14:25 It's an incredible thing. A couple of hundreds
14:28 years ago a Frenchman explorer named Henri
14:31 Mouhot, I think that's his name, was traveling
14:34 in Asia looking for old sites and he,
14:38 we can't say he discovered, because
14:39 it had never really been lost. But, but, but
14:42 most of the world had forgotten or had never
14:45 got to know about Angkor this city. Henri Mouhot
14:50 the Frenchman found this city and then told the
14:53 world about it. The city itself is as large as
14:57 the city of Paris. It's big, it's a very big city
15:00 and it's filled up with old temples. The
15:06 magnificent stone structures. How they
15:09 were built to say I don't know is true but you
15:13 could probably find out pretty easily. The,
15:16 the magnificent center piece of this old city of
15:18 Angkor is Angkor Wat a fabulous temple. Now
15:24 people who worry about these things say
15:25 that the holds of tourists who go there to
15:28 visit, they're gonna destroy the place. My
15:30 friend say there is no security guards anyway,
15:32 you can climb over the top of anything. Stand
15:34 on top of anything, he said if you wanna climb
15:36 up to the top, the pinnacle of the temple
15:37 and fall off that's up to you. I'm not sure that
15:41 many tourists want to do that, but he was saying
15:43 there is nothing to stop a person from doing
15:45 that. It is just across the street is with
15:47 the airport is and maybe this wasn't great
15:49 planning. Now the sound of the planes coming
15:51 and taking off and all the, is it shock waves
15:54 or whatever it is threatens just
15:56 that to do irreparable damage to this fabulous
16:00 place. If you go there today, it's a site of
16:03 some importance to some people. It's true.
16:08 But for the most part it's an old city that
16:12 was overgrown, swallowed up by the jungle,
16:15 left abandoned for hundreds and hundreds
16:20 of years. I've never been to Athens, Greece
16:24 but what I understand in the center of Athens,
16:26 Greece is an enormous temple originally
16:30 it was dedicated to Zeus, King of the Olympian
16:34 Gods. When it was built it was magnificent.
16:38 It took 680 years to build. Can you imagine
16:43 something taking that long to build. You've to
16:46 be patient. I mean I've been aware of church
16:52 building projects and that saints get a little
16:55 bothered when it takes a while for things to
16:57 really get happening and imagine if your
16:59 church built something it took 680 years to
17:01 get completed that be something. But about
17:04 a 100 years after it was completed it
17:06 began to fall into ruin following a barbarian
17:09 invasion, then years later the materials used
17:14 to build this beautiful thing were taken to be
17:18 used in the building of other temples and
17:21 other construction projects. If you
17:22 go there today there is not much left.
17:24 Ten pillars, ten, ten complete pillars still
17:27 standing if you see it, you say what pillars,
17:30 just pillars. Three of them some disrepair,
17:34 one of them is on the ground, fell over in
17:35 1852 it's just laying there. A once proud
17:41 temple, magnificent, but now dilapidated, ruined,
17:48 forgotten, appreciated sure, but only for
17:52 historical and archeological purposes.
17:57 It is said that the oldest manmade
17:59 place of worship is in Turkey. I don't know
18:01 the name of place in Turkish, but in English
18:03 it translates to Potbelly Hill. I believe
18:06 this thing was in existence long before
18:09 the pyramids of Egypt were in existence.
18:11 Long before Stonehenge. Again fascinating ruins
18:17 and that's about it. It's nothing more now
18:20 then something that was a foot note in history.
18:24 An archeological fascination. You know
18:27 I've been to Stonehenge in, in England and
18:31 looked at that, that complex with
18:34 fascination. You ask yourselves all sorts of
18:36 questions, how do they do that put those stones
18:38 up there. What in the world was it for?
18:41 Most people think it was a worship site.
18:43 Not a very savory worship site, but a
18:45 worship site most people will tell you.
18:49 I'm going to be in London and seeing part
18:51 of the wall of the city of London built by
18:57 the Romans. They say about 400 BC it's still
19:02 there. You could, you could, well you can't
19:05 really touch it. You know suppose to I guess
19:06 you could if you really wanted to. Old, good
19:10 for nothing but looking at. You can search
19:13 the world my point is that you find all
19:15 temples fascinating temples, architectural
19:17 master pieces, once they were really something,
19:20 today they are really curiosities and that's
19:23 about it. But when we come to the Bible.
19:25 We read about a temple that's truly old,
19:30 truly ancient in fact the Bible tells us
19:35 that God has a temple and you'll find
19:38 it in heaven when it was constructed?
19:41 I don't know. The Bible doesn't really give us
19:43 many clues about its construction date,
19:46 but we can know that it is ancient, ancient,
19:50 way older than any old temple here on
19:53 the earth. Now unlike earthly temples, unlike
19:59 the ruins that you'll find in Greece and
20:02 in Turkey and in Cambodia and in Israel
20:05 and other places, unlike those things.
20:09 This ancient temple of God constructed,
20:13 I don't know how long ago, is still being
20:17 used and in fact the Bible makes clear
20:19 that today it is so relevant to us that
20:23 this temple of God in heaven is the nerve
20:26 center of the plan of Salvation. In fact
20:29 whether we realize it or not, the Sanctuary,
20:33 the temple of God in heaven is absolutely
20:37 vital to our daily lives and to our eternal
20:42 destinies. If you have your Bible with you
20:44 turn with me in Bible the Revelation chapter
20:46 11. Revelation chapter 11 lets pick up what
20:50 the Bible says about this temple. Revelation
20:52 chapter 11 and I read from verse 19.
20:55 Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19 the Bible says,
20:58 And the temple of God was opened in heaven,
21:00 and there was seen in His temple the ark
21:03 of His Testament and there were lightning
21:06 and voices and thundering and an earthquake
21:11 and great hail. God's own temple, God's dwelling
21:18 place. Now it's true this one little verse buried
21:21 in about the heart of the book of Revelation
21:23 doesn't tell us a lot in terms of details, but
21:28 it tells us a lot. Let's look, this verse tells
21:32 us that one, God has a temple in heaven.
21:34 Now that's significant, just that alone. It
21:37 tells us that too in heaven is the ark of the
21:41 covenant and we know that in the ark of the
21:43 covenant among other things is that what?
21:46 Ten Commandments. So we get a little picture
21:49 developing here and we know therefore
21:51 that the Ten Commandments of God are in the
21:55 heavenly temple. A temple in heaven God's temple
21:59 not in ruins but still very much in use.
22:04 Now to try to ascertain the relevance of this
22:10 heavenly temple lets go back all the way
22:16 back to the beginning. The Bible tells us
22:20 that in the beginning God created the heaven
22:22 and the earth. Now it had to been an amazing
22:26 time to be alive. There was Adam and Eve
22:30 and you can think there was no sin, there
22:34 was no death, they were no taxes to pay,
22:37 there was no smell to breathe, there were
22:39 no noisy neighbors. It was just like you wish
22:43 it would be. In fact better than all of that,
22:48 way better than all of that it's very clear
22:51 from the word of God that God would come down
22:53 to the Garden of Eden and talk with Adam and Eve
22:56 face to face. Now can you even imagine what
23:00 that would be like? God showing up at your house
23:04 and sitting down to spend sometime. That's how
23:07 good Adam and Eve had it. In fact if you go
23:10 into the book of John. You read in John 1
23:13 and verse 1. In the beginning was
23:14 the word. The word was with God and the word
23:17 was God and then in verse 14 the Bible says,
23:21 the word was made flesh and dwelt or tabernacle
23:25 among us. What this tells us is something
23:29 phenomenal. It is God's wish, God's will to
23:34 spend time in the presence of His people.
23:37 God is not aloof, God is not hard to get
23:41 through to, God has not turned His back on
23:45 the world, on the human family. God is not
23:47 hard to catch up to get some time with, God
23:50 wants to spend time with His people and I don't
23:55 mean that in just some metaphysical and
23:58 metaphorical sense. God really wants to spend
24:01 time with us. In fact if we can get to the end of
24:04 the story. I mean the very end of the story.
24:07 We would find in Revelation chapter 22
24:10 where the Bible says this. And I'm gonna
24:14 read from verse 3, And there shall be no
24:16 more curse. But the throne of God and of
24:19 the Lamb shall be in it. And his servants
24:23 shalt serve him. And shall see his face.
24:28 That's what God wants, to spend time with His
24:32 people. We know from reading the end of the
24:35 story that God gets His wish throughout
24:37 the ceaseless ages of eternity, we know that.
24:40 God had His wish with Adam and Eve in the
24:43 Garden of Eden before sin. But then sin came.
24:47 What does Isaiah tell us about sin.
24:49 Isaiah 59 and verse 2, sin has a habit
24:52 of doing what? Separating between us and God.
24:57 So God said what am I gonna do?
25:00 I wanna dwell with my people.
25:02 I wanna be in their midst
25:04 and when He saw the way the human race
25:06 was going, He knew they certainly needed help.
25:08 If ever there was a time God needed to be
25:10 in the midst of His people that was the time.
25:13 So God said to Moses in Exodus chapter 25
25:17 and verse 8 and let them make me a sanctuary
25:22 that I may dwell among them.
25:26 Let them build me a dwelling place,
25:29 have them make me a house,
25:32 I want to be in their midst.
25:36 Build me a dwelling and they did.
25:39 And Israel being a nomadic people built a,
25:42 a portable dwelling, when they moved throughout
25:46 the wilderness the sanctuary that
25:49 they construct it could be taken apart
25:51 and transported, dismantled,
25:54 moved throughout the wilderness and setup
25:56 in another place. Let them make Me a sanctuary.
26:01 Now if it was up to me and you what kind
26:03 of a sanctuary would we make God?
26:05 Granite countertops, brass fittings everywhere
26:10 I mean what would you put in the house for God.
26:13 God didn't leave it up to Moses just to guess
26:15 or wonder or think or, or, or plan all on his own.
26:20 Exodus 25 and verse 9 says,
26:23 According to all that I show thee,
26:25 after the pattern of the tabernacle,
26:26 and the pattern of all the instruments thereof,
26:29 even so shall ye make it. God said I want
26:33 to dwell in the midst of my people.
26:35 So here's what's gonna happen.
26:37 You make me a dwelling place, but I will show
26:40 you the plans. I'll draw out the plans,
26:42 you take that and you build that,
26:44 build it out what I've showed you to make
26:46 it out of it, build it according to the plans
26:48 that I show you, make it according to my
26:50 specifications. And this sanctuary was gorgeous.
26:54 Two rooms, the first room the one that priests
26:59 went into on a daily basis that was called
27:01 the Holy Place and a smaller room beyond
27:06 the first room was the one called the
27:09 Most Holy Place. Around that structure
27:12 was a courtyard, and around that courtyard
27:16 or edging the courtyard were linen curtains
27:19 suspended by silver hooks from pillars of brass
27:23 that were trimmed with silver.
27:25 The sanctuary itself was exquisite.
27:29 The walls were gold plated, the curtains
27:33 beautifully made and God gave Moses plans,
27:38 clear directions build it the way I show you
27:42 that's important it needs to be the my
27:44 specifications Moses. You know it would even
27:50 if we try it, even if we took time we figured
27:53 we needed to. It'd be hard to get our minds
27:55 wrapped around just what the sanctuary
27:57 of God it was really like. The one in heaven
28:00 or the one here on earth, so we're gonna take
28:03 some time over the next few meetings.
28:06 We'll talk about not just what it was like,
28:07 but what the functions of the sanctuary were?
28:10 How they are relevant to us in our daily
28:13 lives today? And how the beautiful plan
28:15 of Salvation was demonstrated through
28:18 the sanctuary services? What could an ancient
28:22 sanctuary possibly have to do with life down
28:26 here in this fast paced world.
28:28 Now you have your Bible, lets turn to Hebrews
28:30 chapter 8 and we'll, you know it's no surprises
28:34 that the writer to the Hebrews wrote about
28:37 the sanctuary a whole lot.
28:39 To the Hebrews the sanctuary was
28:41 tremendously important and do you know how
28:43 the Jews were? The sanctuary was,
28:46 it was a veritable symbol of their
28:49 national greatness. You wanted to know
28:52 how they were the people of God.
28:54 Look we've got the temple here.
28:56 We've got the temple, man here is the evidence
28:59 that we're God's people, but the writer
29:01 to the Hebrews knew inspired by,
29:04 he wrote this book and they tell me 66 AD
29:07 and do you know what was gonna happen
29:08 in just four years later in 70 AD you write.
29:11 Sanctuary the temple was gonna be what?
29:14 Devastated. The writer was saying instead
29:19 of being overly concerned with the earthly temple
29:25 I want you to look up because there is a
29:28 heavenly temple that is so much more important
29:33 now than the earthly temple,
29:35 and so we're looking at Hebrews chapter 8
29:37 and we'll pick it in verse 1.
29:39 Word of God says, Now of the things
29:41 which we have spoken this is the sum.
29:44 We have such an high priest,
29:47 who is set on the right hand of the throne
29:50 of the Majesty in the heavens.
29:52 A minister of the what? Sanctuary,
29:57 and of the true tabernacle,
29:59 which the Lord pitched, and not man.
30:03 Hey you know what we're reading here?
30:06 Firstly, there is a sanctuary in heaven.
30:10 Lets understand that, lets be certain
30:12 about that, lets be sure about that.
30:14 Do you know what I've noticed over the years
30:16 of being a Christian? I've noticed that
30:18 when the devils wants to get at God's people.
30:20 When the devil wants to make trouble
30:22 in the church. When the devil wants to
30:24 shake somebody's faith. When the devil
30:26 wants to take somebody and make them doubt
30:29 the entire end time message.
30:31 Do you know he so often starts?
30:32 Right there in the sanctuary.
30:34 Right there in the sanctuary.
30:36 Lets doubt that, lets doubt these time
30:38 prophecies. Lets argue about holy place
30:41 and most holy place. Lets argue about where
30:43 Jesus went when He had send to heaven?
30:45 Oh you have got to be wrong and
30:47 I got to be right. just the fact of the
30:51 devil loves to make trouble on the subject
30:53 of the sanctuary suggests to me that
30:55 the sanctuary is an important subject.
30:57 If it wasn't he wouldn't be wasting his time
30:59 shaking up God's people when it comes
31:01 to the sanctuary. There is a sanctuary in heaven.
31:05 Point number two, it is the true tabernacle
31:09 erected by God and not erected by humans.
31:15 And thirdly, now maybe you're too holy
31:19 for this to even matter to you,
31:21 but if like me you grew up on a wrong side
31:23 of the tracks this might mean something to you.
31:26 Thirdly, there is in the sanctuary in heaven
31:33 a high priest who ministers for us.
31:37 Now that just sets me alive.
31:39 You know some of us are aware that we need
31:41 a whole lot of mercy and a whole lot of grace
31:43 and a lot of help. And there is a high priest
31:46 who ministers for us in the sanctuary
31:49 of God in heaven. And that high priest
31:53 as we learn and revisit over the next few
31:56 times way together is our Lord
31:58 and Savior Jesus Christ and I say praise the Lord.
32:03 For now lets take an overview look at the
32:05 sanctuary. The Bible is very clear that
32:08 there is a temple of God in heaven.
32:10 I'll read a couple of little notes I've made here.
32:12 Solomon in second Chronicle 6 and verse 39
32:16 referred to God's dwelling place.
32:20 David called it a palace in Psalm 48:3
32:23 his holy temple in Psalm 11 and verse 4
32:27 and the place of his habitation. In Psalm 33
32:30 and verse 14. We've already seen John
32:33 in the book of Revelation talks about
32:35 the temple of God. Isaiah talked about
32:38 the habitation of his holiness.
32:40 Isaiah 63 and verse 15, Paul referenced
32:43 the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched
32:46 Jesus referred to My Father's house.
32:50 And Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 25 and verse 30
32:55 talked about God's holy habitation.
32:58 You might have your Bible still open in the book
32:59 of Hebrews and if you do Hebrews chapter 8
33:02 that would be good, but we look in the verse 5
33:05 before we look in verse 5. It says here that
33:08 the priests who ministered in the
33:10 sanctuary served unto the example
33:13 and shadow of heavenly things as Moses
33:18 was admonished of God when he was about
33:20 to make the tabernacle. This is what it says,
33:22 See, saith he, that you make all things
33:24 according to the pattern shown to you in the mount.
33:29 So there was a sanctuary on earth
33:31 and priests ministered in the sanctuary
33:35 on earth, but what took place in the
33:37 sanctuary on earth was just a shadow
33:41 of the reality of what took place in heaven.
33:44 Let's think about what happened back here
33:46 in the earthly sanctuary?
33:48 God had Moses construct a sanctuary.
33:52 And the services of the sanctuary helped us
33:55 understand the plan of Salvation.
33:57 The sinner would bring his lamb
34:01 to the sanctuary. Sometimes bring a goat.
34:08 This would happen also later at the temple.
34:11 Lambs would be brought, animals would be
34:14 brought and sacrificed. The penitent sinner
34:18 would come and lean his weight on the
34:20 head of that little lamb. Now, I don't how much
34:24 you all know about lambs? I come from New Zealand,
34:27 when I was a kid we had three million people
34:29 and 65 million sheep. We were just as scared
34:33 as anything that revolting and takeover
34:35 the place. It was difficult once upon time,
34:40 at least when I was kid to not know
34:42 a lot about lambs or sheep.
34:45 You just had to, in fact we had a reasonably
34:48 large backyard and so there were times
34:50 that we, we were raising lambs in our backyard,
34:53 and you know it was a curious thing.
34:57 I think we had two or three pet lambs along
34:59 the way when I was a kid, and we get these
35:02 little lambs just days old you know.
35:05 And we bottle feed them and we nurse them
35:07 or we love them and we call out,
35:09 they come running and that was,
35:11 you know Mary had a little lamb that followed
35:12 her everywhere it was a lot like that.
35:15 The lamb got to a certain size
35:19 and disappeared and I, I couldn't never get
35:23 a straight from my father about
35:24 where the lamb went. When I got little older,
35:30 it struck me as this massive co-incidence
35:33 that we would raise a little lamb,
35:36 the lamb would disappear and then the freezer
35:38 was miraculously full of, full of mutton.
35:44 I think I found out what my dad was up to.
35:48 The little lamb, they're cute man,
35:49 they are innocent, they're sweet as anything
35:52 and it hurt me one, but somebody will have
35:54 to bring his best lamb down to the sanctuary
35:56 and lean his weight on the head of the thing
35:59 and confess his sins. Now in figure
36:04 his sins within transferred from him to the lamb.
36:09 So if you like, if you like he had a land that
36:12 was now bearing a whole lot of sin.
36:15 Now the lamb would then be killed.
36:18 Very sharp knife would be taken
36:20 and the lamb's throat would be slit from
36:21 ear to ear. If you've ever witnessed that?
36:24 Maybe you have, I have if you've ever
36:26 witnessed that, that's a, that's a bloody thing.
36:29 It's nothing pretty about it.
36:30 I don't think it was meant to be pretty.
36:32 I think it was suppose to be ghastly
36:34 to impress us. The way God wanted us
36:36 to be impressed. Now you had a dead lamb.
36:39 The priest would take some of that blood
36:41 and now it was sin layered blood.
36:43 Remember the lamb had sin on it transferred
36:46 from a sinner. Now you had the blood
36:48 of the lamb and the blood now as
36:50 it was contained or carried the sin
36:53 of the people. And the blood was taken
36:55 inside the sanctuary and put in one
36:58 or two or three different places.
37:01 What this meant symbolically was that the,
37:04 the sin of the sinner was transferred from him
37:09 and was taken inside the sanctuary.
37:14 Where it went on record. We'll talk about the day
37:17 of the turn that another time when they took
37:19 care of the sin record. So this sanctuary
37:22 was tremendously important and when the sin,
37:27 sorry when the lamb was being slain,
37:29 when the offering was being made.
37:32 The priest acted as a go between or as an
37:37 intermediary between the people,
37:40 the repentant people and a Holy God
37:43 whose law had been broken. So if the earthly
37:48 sanctuary was patterned after the heavenly
37:51 and if the earthly priest served unto the shadow
37:55 of heavenly things, then what they did down
37:58 here on the earth is a symbol of what takes
38:00 place up there in heaven. The sinner comes to God
38:04 and brings a lamb. The lamb, not a woolly lamb,
38:08 the lamb is obvious question who?
38:11 Jesus that's right. The lamb is brought,
38:14 but Jesus was a slain, we'll sacrifice him every
38:18 week or everyday or ever again after
38:21 the one sacrifice. Jesus died on the old
38:23 rugged cross shed His blood,
38:25 now bringing faith in the sacrifice of the great
38:29 lamb back there on Calvary.
38:30 We come to God and we confess our sins
38:32 and Christ's blood in heaven is pleaded
38:37 on our behalf as an offering,
38:39 as an expiation for, as a sacrifice for our sins,
38:43 thank the Lord. It's the temple of God in heaven.
38:46 The location where Jesus ministers for us
38:50 as our mediator, as our great High Priest.
38:55 Now what I'm telling you is most likely not
38:57 new to you. If it's new to you well great,
39:01 it's probably not. But discovering it can be
39:04 a lot like a man who in England recently
39:07 dug out a small shiny cup from under a bed
39:10 in his house. It had been there for years.
39:13 His dad has been in the scrap metal business,
39:16 and before he died he gave his son John.
39:19 The man's name was John several things.
39:21 John said I put it in a box and I just forgot
39:25 all about it. Decades later John says what
39:31 about that little cup. He thought the cup
39:35 was brass, probably wasn't worth
39:39 anything at all. So he decided that
39:44 he haven't looked at. Took it down to the
39:48 British museum in London and had the experts
39:51 there look it over. I don't pose this thing's
39:53 worth anything but dad said it was real old
39:56 and it was in the family for a few years.
39:58 Can you take a look? You know they found out
40:00 that this thing was dated from before
40:02 the time of Christ and was worth a $100,000.
40:06 He knew it was there. He was very aware
40:10 that he owned it, that he possessed it,
40:11 but he just didn't know what it's true value was.
40:17 And sometimes that can be true for
40:18 the people of God. Oh the sanctuary,
40:21 I remember hearing about that when
40:22 I was a child. Oh the sanctuary,
40:24 yeah I've heard some people discussing
40:25 that or debating that. Oh the sanctuary,
40:27 when I was in academy we had a class on that.
40:32 But if, if we go back to this subject dusted off,
40:36 get it out from under our bed, open up the Bible,
40:39 bring it to the Lord in the light of day
40:41 and say Lord what about this?
40:43 It might be that we can rediscover the great
40:47 value of knowing that there is an
40:50 High Priest in heaven Jesus who ministers
40:54 his blood for us in the presence of
40:57 Almighty God. We might just say what a
41:01 wonderful God we serve, what a great savior
41:03 we have, what a fantastic and perfect
41:05 plan of salvation God has given to us.
41:08 I'm going back to the book of Hebrews.
41:09 Hebrews 4 and verse 14,
41:13 lets read Hebrews 4 and verse 14,
41:17 maybe a little bit more than that.
41:19 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest.
41:21 Lets stop right there. Here is what we know.
41:23 We're covering some very elementary things
41:27 this time around before we go a little
41:28 deeper later. We read the Bible that there was
41:31 a sanctuary on earth and there were priests
41:34 that ministered for God's people there,
41:36 and we read in the Bible that there is a sanctuary
41:39 in heaven and there is a priest,
41:43 actually an High Priest who ministers
41:47 for us there. Now here is what the writer
41:49 to the book, to the Hebrews.
41:50 The writer of the book of Hebrews saying
41:52 you know, mea culpa, you know what
41:54 I really wanna do? I really just wanna
41:56 come out and say here's what Paul said.
41:58 But if I do that some people gonna think
42:00 I'm ignorant. And I just wanna satisfy
42:02 everybody on that point rather than pick a fight,
42:04 so if you want I keep calling this guy
42:06 the writer to the Hebrews I'm just trying
42:09 to cover myself from the person who is right
42:12 now having a cow thinking that I'm a ignorant
42:15 person for believing it was Paul.
42:17 Just being honest with you.
42:19 So the writer to the Hebrews said this,
42:22 in Hebrews 4 and verse 14.
42:24 Seeing then that we have a great high priest,
42:28 that is passed into the heavens,
42:30 Jesus the Son of righteous, have you got that?
42:32 because Jesus is our high priest in heaven.
42:35 Because of that, seeing as Christ represents us
42:39 before the throne of God Paul writes let us
42:43 hold fast our profession.
42:47 We'll comeback to that point. For we do not
42:49 have an high priest which cannot be touched
42:51 with the feeling of our infirmities;
42:53 but he was in all points tempted like as we are,
42:57 yet without sin. Verse 16, Let us on the
43:01 strength of that, let us because of this,
43:04 let us therefore come boldly unto the
43:07 throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy,
43:10 and find grace to help in time of need.
43:15 There we have it. The Bible says because
43:18 we have a great high priest in heaven,
43:21 we can hold fast our profession.
43:26 Because Christ is there as your advocate.
43:29 Because Christ is there as your lawyer,
43:32 because Christ is there as your intercessor,
43:34 because Christ is there as your mediator.
43:37 We can come boldly to the throne of grace
43:41 and hold fast to the profession
43:44 we have then Christ is our Savior and
43:46 God as the one true God.
43:49 I looked up this thing. There is a Greek word
43:51 that used here of course the New Testament
43:53 was written in Greek which is hold fast
43:56 the word is Katecho. It means cling
43:59 tenaciously to. Now I don't know what it does
44:03 in your mind, but it reminds me maybe
44:05 of a barnacle clinging to the hull of a ship.
44:08 You can't pry those things off hardly,
44:11 because they cling tenaciously to the side
44:15 of the boat. The writer says here's
44:18 what you want to do, because there is a high
44:22 priest representing you in heaven.
44:24 You need to come to God and hang on tight
44:29 and don't let go. God says you've got Christ
44:35 representing you in heaven and because you do,
44:39 you can have confidence. Jesus knows what
44:43 we're going through by experience.
44:50 Alright. I'll pick another fight here.
44:53 I don't mean to, I'm just gonna do it anyway.
44:58 Some people I know and they have come to me
45:00 and they have said, now what that means
45:04 is that when Jesus was tempted there
45:06 in the wilderness. Those temptations
45:09 represented everything. And He want really
45:13 tempted in every way that you and I,
45:15 but He was tempted to use His divinity
45:20 or He was tempt, whatever, okay fine.
45:22 I believe He was, but I also believe that
45:25 the Bible is right when it says He was
45:27 tempted in all points like as we are.
45:29 No, no, no was He tempted to smoke a joint?
45:31 Probably not. I don't know if they had
45:34 marijuana back then. I mean it was Nazareth
45:37 after all and they might have had worse
45:38 than that, but whatever the equivalent
45:41 was back there. You know Jesus was tempted
45:43 with that stuff. Was Jesus tempted?
45:46 Well careful now, was Jesus tempted
45:48 to be immoral? Was He tempted?
45:50 Absolutely He was. Tempted, did He cave?
45:53 Of course not, not even by a thought,
45:57 was Jesus tempted to go down there with
45:58 the rough crowd and drink liquor with them?
46:00 Of course He was tempted.
46:03 But was there any answering court?
46:05 No, He was converted. Was there a yearning?
46:09 Oh if only my mother would let me go out
46:11 and get drink. No, of course there wasn't,
46:14 but was He tempted? Yes He was.
46:18 Was He tempted to lose his school when
46:20 He was having a difficult day with the
46:21 building project? Sure He was.
46:27 I hate to admit this. But a few weeks ago
46:30 I left my Bible on a airplane.
46:34 It just killed me. I knew I'm not going to
46:36 get it back. I called up the airplane,
46:38 I left my Bible on the plane.
46:40 They said I've never seen it.
46:42 I would never see that Bible.
46:44 You know what happened?
46:45 I replaced it in fact someone else replaced it.
46:51 The most beautiful Bible I've ever had,
46:54 in fact the most beautiful Bible
46:56 I've ever seen. Guess what I did today?
47:05 Oh I'm not gonna tell you.
47:06 I'll let you figure it out.
47:09 No, no, no, I just sent another one to join up
47:12 with that Bible out there and lost property land.
47:21 I was discouraged, was Jesus tempted to be
47:29 as discouraged as I was,
47:31 if ever He lost something?
47:34 Come on now, Jesus was made like unto
47:38 his brethren. Temptation was real to Jesus
47:43 and the reason I'm, I say this is not to try
47:45 to make Jesus more of a human than He was.
47:47 I don't mean to go there. I'm not trying
47:49 to make a sinner of that man.
47:50 I'm not trying to tell you that Jesus was
47:51 crass or crude or rough and was struggling
47:54 to keep it straight. I don't mean that.
47:56 But what I mean to say is we can come to Jesus
48:00 pouring out our hearts to him knowing that
48:02 he's been where we are. Knowing that Jesus
48:04 has been through the ringer of temptation.
48:06 Knowing that Christ had the devil on his tail.
48:10 There where people dogging his steps during
48:13 his ministry. Waiting for him to say something.
48:15 Dragging him out of town to throw him off a hill.
48:18 Trying to trip him up with his word.
48:20 Devil telling him make these stones in the bread,
48:22 every time Jesus turned around there was
48:24 temptation and trying to take him out.
48:26 We can come to Jesus Christ today
48:28 and know that Jesus doesn't look down on us.
48:32 We can know that Jesus doesn't say
48:34 you miserable thing. We can know that
48:38 the heart of Jesus is towards us
48:40 and not against us. He knows where we are.
48:43 He knows what we're going through,
48:45 because in a real sense Christ has stood
48:49 in the same place that we have.
48:50 Now again carry on, I'm not saying that Jesus
48:53 went through exactly like we went through.
48:55 But He was tempted in all points like as we are,
48:59 yet without sin. If we start giving Jesus some
49:04 sort of advantage against temptation
49:05 that we don't have. We destroy the completeness
49:08 of his humanity. I only reason that I can say
49:10 that is because I read that in a book.
49:12 And it was a good book.
49:13 A book that I've trust and I expect
49:14 you would as well. Jesus walked where we walked.
49:17 And that's so significant that the book of Hebrews
49:21 takes time to point that out.
49:25 Jesus was tempted by the devil and when He was,
49:29 He was able to say it is written.
49:32 And I like that phrase a lot you know.
49:33 It is written, man shalt not live by bread alone.
49:37 It is written, you're not gonna tempt
49:39 the Lord thy God. It is written,
49:41 Jesus met him with the word of God.
49:43 He relied on His Father in His humanity.
49:46 He relied on the Holy Spirit power.
49:50 And you know something when the Bible says
49:52 that we're tempted like Christ was,
49:54 we know that we can be victorious like Christ
49:56 was as we rely on the power written
49:59 in the word of God, amen.
50:03 Christ is acquainted with the vicissitudes
50:05 of daily life. We're instruct to become
50:08 with confidence to us throne of grace.
50:10 Come boldly to the throne of grace.
50:14 Come with confidence to where the high priest is.
50:21 Where is the place for doubting God's mercy
50:25 and God's grace. There is no place for that.
50:28 None, the, the saints of God have the
50:33 faith of Jesus. We read in Revelation 4:12,
50:36 they believe it, they accept it,
50:38 they are confident that God will give mercy
50:42 and grace to help in time of need.
50:45 You know there is, there is a verse
50:46 in the Psalms that I just love.
50:50 I guess the older I get the more I realize,
50:52 the more I realize I need God more in my life.
50:56 And there's a wonderful verse that says
50:59 he knoweth our frame and remembers
51:03 that we are dust.
51:09 Where are you? If you find yourself in a heap
51:16 and you're down and you hardly even know
51:19 which way to turn. One thing that I would
51:22 encourage you to remember is,
51:24 He knoweth your frame and He remembers
51:28 that you're dust. Now be careful how you hear
51:32 what I'm about to say. There are some people
51:34 who get tremendously discouraged about
51:37 their dirt. In fact we all should to a
51:41 certain degree. It says in the Bible blessed
51:44 that mourn and it's talking about folks
51:45 who mourn their spiritual lack.
51:49 But one thing that we can afford to
51:50 remember is that out granddaddy
51:53 Adam was made out of dirt.
51:56 God isn't surprised that there is dirt in our lives.
51:59 God's not, God, God doesn't turn
52:01 and run the other way when He sees dirt
52:03 in our lives, in fact He waits for us
52:05 to run to Him. He knows the dirt is there
52:09 and so He says if you come to Me I can
52:13 take care of the dirt and make you cleaner
52:16 then you'll ever be able to make yourself.
52:18 This is why John wrote and he said
52:19 my little children. I'm writing these things
52:21 to you, so that you don't sin.
52:23 Plan A don't sin. But if you do, you can know
52:28 that you have an advocate with the Father,
52:31 Jesus Christ the righteous.
52:33 I'm not talking about cheap grace,
52:35 I'm talking about powerful grace.
52:38 Grace that can reach down into the gutter
52:40 and lift you up and set your feet on solid rock.
52:44 That's the kind of grace I'm talking about tonight.
52:47 The kind of grace that is able to forgive
52:49 you and cleanse you from your sin.
52:53 Some years ago I was back in New Zealand
52:56 and a friend of mine came to me
52:58 and he said oh brother, he said to me
53:07 the kids are watching.
53:10 He said to me there's a guy who is here
53:15 that I want you to meet. I've been studying
53:16 the Bible with him. He told me his name.
53:21 I think I've heard that guy.
53:23 I've heard of that guy. You don't mean,
53:28 he took me to meet him. My friend Dave said,
53:31 John this is, I'm gonna call him Joe Smith.
53:34 This is Joe Smith. I said Joe Smith.
53:37 Joe, you owe me money.
53:38 Well, he didn't like that.
53:41 I said, he said why do I owe you money?
53:44 I said you used to own all the nightclubs
53:46 in town right? Yeah, that was me.
53:49 I left some money behind in the nightclubs.
53:51 I like some of it back? He said I don't have
53:54 any money to give you John and I knew he didn't.
53:56 This guy had been the man around town.
54:01 This guy owned a couple of big nightclubs
54:02 in the city near where I lived
54:03 and he was the man. It's funny how being
54:07 a nightclub owner makes you the man,
54:08 but he was the man. And when he arrived
54:10 in his nightclubs there will be a buzz in the
54:13 nightclubs they tell me. Little buzz, Joe was,
54:16 Joe was in the house.
54:17 Joe is here and Joe was moved,
54:19 drove a fancy car, and he hung around
54:21 with fancy people. Joe later told me
54:24 there were 20 years that he wasn't sober
54:28 one day out of 20 years.
54:30 Not even if that an exaggeration.
54:32 I don't know if that's, I don't know.
54:34 Even if it's an exaggeration you get
54:36 the point. Drunk for 20 years.
54:38 I believe him frankly. Joe was the man
54:42 and I knew people. We used to
54:45 go to the nightclubs.
54:49 Well economies do funny things,
54:52 people make strange business decisions.
54:55 Joe ended up losing everything
54:56 and that's when my friend Dave
54:58 got right beside him. Dave had known
55:01 Joe all way back, way back, way back
55:04 when Dave was just a miserable rotten
55:08 low down wretch of a sinner.
55:10 Dave had come to Jesus, so Dave and
55:13 Joe didn't run in the same direction anymore,
55:15 but now the Joe was down,
55:16 he needed a friend and Dave got beside
55:18 him Dave said, maybe we can talk
55:21 about the Bible. What do you know God?
55:22 Oh God don't have anything to do with me.
55:25 I'm way too bad for God.
55:26 I don't know about that. They started to study
55:29 the Bible together. Joe started getting so
55:33 interested he attended church several times
55:36 and that was just as God had worked it out
55:41 that was when I came to town to hold
55:43 a prophecy seminar. By now Joe had some
55:49 real faith in God. I said Joe you're gonna
55:50 come to these meeting right. oh sure.
55:54 First night Joe was there,
55:57 second night Joe was there, tenth night,
56:00 15th night, we made an appeal for baptism.
56:02 Joe was there, he filled out that card,
56:04 yes, I want to be baptized. Amen.
56:10 Last night of the meeting was one of the
56:13 most remarkable night of my lives.
56:15 The formal nightclub attendee had the
56:20 privilege of baptizing the former nightclub
56:23 owner who came out of that water
56:27 clean in Jesus, in fact when he came out
56:29 of that water he put his hands up above
56:31 his head like this and shuck his head.
56:34 It was like he just kicked the game winning
56:37 field goal in the super bowl or something.
56:38 He was triumphed because what Joe had
56:42 discovered was he could come boldly
56:45 to the throne of Grace.
56:47 My friend there is a sanctuary in heaven.
56:49 It exists tonight Jesus is there tonight
56:52 as your high priest and he says come,
56:57 just like the lamb we'll be slain to take care
57:00 of the dirt and sin of the sinner back then,
57:03 Christ's death can take care of
57:05 your dirt right now. Let me pray with you briefly,
57:07 let us pray. Oh Father, we thank you that
57:11 we have an high priest in heaven,
57:13 teach us to have implicit faith trust
57:17 and confidence in the one who ministers for us
57:19 now in the sanctuary. We pray in Jesus name, amen.
57:24 I'm glad you joined us, thank you,
57:27 God bless you. We'll see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17