Anchors of Truth

The Final Coalition

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000033

00:12 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:14 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:17 Last Day Events with John Lomacang.
00:23 Hello friends and welcome once again to our series
00:26 entitled, Last Day Events.
00:28 We thank you for tuning in again,
00:30 for taking the time tonight to sit down and invite your
00:32 friends and family to watch and to listen to this program.
00:36 Whether by television, whether internet,
00:39 whatever means you're looking through,
00:41 we thank you that you've taken the time.
00:43 And we hope you have your Bibles.
00:44 If you're joining us on the radio, we pray that you'll
00:47 keep it tuned into this station.
00:48 Because tonight we have a very important topic.
00:51 It is entitled, The Final Coalition.
00:53 We began a few nights ago with the message entitled,
00:56 The Final Countdown.
00:58 Then last night, The Final Stage.
01:00 Tonight, The Final Coalition.
01:02 And on tomorrow, Saturday morning at 11:00 o'clock,
01:05 we call it the Sabbath, the message is, The Final Apostasy.
01:10 11:00 am Central time.
01:12 And then tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 pm Central time,
01:15 the last message entitled, The Final Act.
01:19 We would like you to stay in an attitude of prayer.
01:21 This is a very powerful message tonight.
01:24 And I want to communicate it the way that God intends
01:27 for it to be communicated.
01:28 But I don't want you to take it personal.
01:30 I believe that the Lord has many sincere Christians that are
01:33 looking for salvation.
01:34 And many are walking where God doesn't intend for them to walk.
01:39 I mentioned last night that many of the last day signs are
01:42 happening in the church.
01:43 The devil already has the world.
01:45 So tonight as we pray, we'll ask the Lord to open our hearts
01:48 and our eyes to hear what He has to say to His people,
01:52 and to those who need to find out His truth,
01:55 and to accept Him as their Savior.
01:58 Let's bow our heads together.
02:00 Our gracious Father in heaven, we thank You again.
02:03 As we open the Word, we pray that we will also open our
02:06 hearts and our minds and our ears.
02:09 We pray that You will keep back the enemy from hindering
02:12 this message from going forward in a very powerful way.
02:16 Lord, I give you my heart and my hand.
02:18 And take this word, take the scriptures and make it the
02:21 living word that someone who's looking for truth
02:24 will find it, and they will also find a relationship with Christ.
02:29 In Your precious name I pray, amen.
02:34 If you have your Bibles tonight, you may want to turn with me.
02:37 If you don't have your Bibles, you know that we've been
02:39 faithful to put the texts on the screen.
02:40 One of the most significant Bible verses in the Bible...
02:44 You know, when I was raised and I played sports in high school,
02:47 I once played football.
02:48 You can tell I'm not built for that sport.
02:50 I want to tell you, I just played two games.
02:52 And after getting hit in the head, I thought, you know,
02:54 there's got to be another way to live.
02:57 So I took up basketball and that has not been good to me.
02:59 All my injuries have been from basketball.
03:01 Broken leg, almost lost my eye, broke my face in three places,
03:05 almost lost my voice.
03:06 I didn't get a penny for any of that.
03:08 But something that sticks out in my mind is this.
03:11 Whenever the game began, the coach always said to us,
03:16 "Forget that cliché."
03:18 And we would say, "What cliché?"
03:21 And it is this one.
03:22 "It is not whether you win or lose but how you play the game."
03:26 He said, "That does not apply to this game.
03:28 You better win.
03:30 We have not trained you to play a game.
03:32 You better win."
03:33 And brothers and sisters, we are in a battle.
03:36 This is not a game we play.
03:38 Christianity is a "whether you win or lose" situation.
03:42 So this text tonight takes us right into the focus of,
03:45 not a game that Christ is playing,
03:47 not a game that Satan is playing,
03:49 but in fact it is whether or not we win or lose.
03:53 To encourage you, Jesus has already won.
03:56 Can you say amen to that.
03:58 So we have to join the winning side if we plan on being
04:01 on that eternal field where joy and peace will last forever.
04:06 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17.
04:08 I'm going to speak quickly tonight, I have a lot to cover.
04:10 The Bible says:
04:13 The dragon is Satan.
04:16 The woman is the church.
04:29 Friends, let me make a statement that's very very clear.
04:32 We are definitely living in the last days.
04:34 I believe that with all my heart.
04:36 The final coalition against truth will soon be formed.
04:40 We are on the brink of the battle of Armageddon.
04:43 And every system that has ever opposed the government of God
04:47 is going to be represented in the battle of Armageddon.
04:51 That's also the final coalition.
04:54 The Bible has prophesied it, we have preached about it,
04:57 and we have seen steps being made to bring this text
05:01 to its grand fulfillment.
05:04 While this is not solely the last day verse,
05:07 the last days bring this verse to its fruition,
05:11 to its strength, to its fulfillment.
05:14 We are living in the most intense time of the assault,
05:17 and this is the last days.
05:19 The largest and most coordinated attack, according to this text,
05:23 is going to be the last days.
05:25 But to fully understand what this text means,
05:27 there are five things we must understand.
05:28 How many things did I say?
05:29 Five. Here they are.
05:31 One, who is the warrior in this text?
05:35 Secondly, who is the intended victim?
05:37 Thirdly, what is the reason for the attack?
05:40 Fourth, what is the arsenal used in the attack?
05:45 And last, how will we know that the final attack is imminent?
05:51 How will we know that we're living at the time
05:53 of the final attack?
05:54 The final play of the game, the last ten seconds,
05:57 as I talked about a few nights ago.
06:00 First, let's look at the first recorded attack,
06:03 the first war that took place.
06:05 Revelation 12 and verses 7 and 8.
06:07 And it reads as follows.
06:14 Michael is Christ.
06:17 The dragon is Satan.
06:24 It says that there was even disharmony among the
06:27 dragon and his angels.
06:28 There is not unity, there is not a unified coalition
06:32 among the fallen angels any more than there's a unified
06:35 coalition in our world.
06:36 Wherever there is sin, there's not unity.
06:38 But it goes on.
06:49 That means, when we get to heaven,
06:51 Satan and his angels won't be there.
06:53 It's going to be a place without sin.
06:55 Sin will never ever have a chance, never have an
06:59 opportunity to rise up a second time.
07:02 Nahum 1:9 says, "Affliction will not rise up a second time."
07:07 Sin and sinners will be no more.
07:09 The one pushing sin will never exist again.
07:13 So there will never ever be an opportunity,
07:16 even in our choices, to sin.
07:18 The reason clearly is, we will be made in the complete
07:22 image of Christ, fully righteous.
07:26 And when the Bible says we are righteous,
07:28 "He that is holy, let him be holy still.
07:31 He that is righteous, let him be righteous still."
07:34 Forever sealed in the righteousness of Jesus.
07:37 And I must say, in Jesus there is not a hint of sin.
07:42 Revelation also describes the warrior.
07:44 Revelation 12 and verse 9. Here it is.
08:05 After Satan and his angels sinned, the battle didn't end.
08:09 They turned the earth into the battlefield.
08:12 Ever since Satan was kicked out, ever since his angels were
08:15 expelled, the earth has become the battlefield.
08:18 It's like after a baseball game.
08:20 The young guys, they go to the baseball game.
08:22 The baseball doesn't end for them.
08:23 They go home and play stickball.
08:25 After the basketball game,
08:26 the basketball game doesn't end for them.
08:28 They go home and play basketball.
08:29 I remember growing up and watching the
08:31 New York Nicks play on television.
08:33 Even in the winter, even in the snow,
08:35 we all got together, the guys in the neighborhood.
08:37 We would get a snow shovel, go to the park,
08:41 shovel the snow, and play basketball
08:44 in freezing cold weather.
08:46 The point of the matter is, you don't need an indoor arena
08:49 to play basketball.
08:51 You don't need heaven for that to be the battlefield.
08:53 The earth is the battlefield of today.
08:55 Satan is down here.
08:56 His angels have fallen.
08:58 And when they fell, they became the demons to
09:01 carry on the battles from age to age.
09:04 Satan uses his angels to organize the world
09:08 into the final coalition.
09:10 Look at Revelation chapter 16 and verse 14.
09:13 The Bible says:
09:38 So there are demons working as we're sitting here.
09:40 There are demons in every facet of society.
09:42 There are demons everywhere in the earth.
09:45 As there are angels, as the Holy Spirit is working on the
09:48 hearts of all humanity, there are demons opposing
09:51 the advancement of truth at every hand.
09:53 But I want to say this.
09:54 Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
09:58 Can you say amen to that.
09:59 So I'm not fearful of the demons.
10:01 I'm just so glad that the Lord has told us that we are not
10:04 wrestling against flesh and blood.
10:06 This is a real war.
10:08 We are really living in the final battle,
10:11 soon to be followed by the battle of Armageddon.
10:15 But tonight, I want to say this.
10:17 And understand this very clearly.
10:19 There is a final coalition.
10:21 I'm not talking about the Christian coalition.
10:23 I'm not talking about any other earthly coalition.
10:25 There is a final coalition that will be formed.
10:28 And not until all seven systems are in place
10:33 that the final battle is going to begin.
10:36 The Bible reveals seven systems through which
10:41 Satan has continued to work from age to age.
10:44 How many systems did I say? Seven.
10:47 Seven is a complete number.
10:48 And by the way, you're not going to find this in one particular
10:51 passage in the Bible.
10:53 I've done my homework to find this one.
10:55 As a matter of fact, you may not have heard this
10:58 ever presented before.
11:00 This may be the first time you're going to hear about
11:02 these seven systems.
11:03 I'm not talking about seven kings.
11:05 I'm not talking about Rome and all of its phases.
11:07 I'm talking about from the very time that Satan
11:09 entered this earth until the very end, he has established
11:13 seven systems through which he works.
11:16 I'm not talking about the seven heads and ten horns.
11:18 Not that at all.
11:19 Seven systems introduced into the Bible.
11:22 But in those systems, there are two main ways he works.
11:27 One is destruction, the other is deception.
11:31 Those are the only methods he uses.
11:33 Let's observe the introduction of the first
11:35 of the seven systems.
11:37 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1.
11:38 Are you ready to follow? Here we go.
11:40 The Bible says:
11:56 The first system was introduced in the garden.
11:58 I'll tell you what that was in a moment.
12:00 But the first thing that Satan did to lay the foundation
12:03 for the first system was what he's still doing today.
12:07 He got Eve to question whether or not
12:10 God really said what God said.
12:14 So the questioning of God's word did not begin just in the
12:17 evangelical world or just when all these books I talked
12:20 about last night came out.
12:21 This began in the Garden of Eden.
12:23 The oldest tactic Satan has used in all the ages
12:26 is to question whether or not God's word really says
12:30 what God's word says.
12:37 He led Eve to believe that there are no negative consequences
12:41 to ignoring the word of God.
12:44 That's why tradition is exalted today.
12:47 I remember once...
12:48 And I'm not going to tell many stories tonight,
12:50 but this fits right here.
12:51 I remember one day, a member of our church said,
12:53 he looked in his pastor's Bible or saw his pastor's Bible
12:56 opened out at a Bible study or in the pulpit,
12:58 and he saw a lot of places in the Bible highlighted in yellow.
13:01 And he thought, "My pastor is really a man that studies."
13:04 And he asked his pastor, what are those highlights
13:06 in his Bible about?
13:07 And his pastor said, in seminary they told them
13:11 to highlight those verses because those are verses
13:14 that they did not want him to preach from
13:16 when he began his ministry.
13:21 Seminaries are also being used in our world
13:25 to sow seeds of error.
13:27 So whether a person is in a seminary or not,
13:29 if you are in Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit,
13:32 Jesus says, John 16:13, "Howbeit when He,
13:35 the Spirit of truth, is come, He will lead you and
13:39 guide you into all truth."
13:40 And can you say amen to that.
13:41 So the Holy Spirit is the active agent leading people to
13:44 understand the Word of God.
13:45 You can be in a seminary, but if they're not telling the truth,
13:47 you're just an educated liar.
13:52 And there's nobody more dangerous than a person
13:54 that knows how to use his lies.
13:56 Education with a lie behind it is a dangerous tool.
14:00 There's nobody more intellectual than Satan,
14:02 by the way, except God.
14:06 Satan also convinced Eve that sin does not lead to death;
14:09 Genesis 3 verses 4 and 5.
14:11 Genesis 3 verses 4 and 5.
14:17 People today believe that people are dead, but not surely.
14:22 That's why folk wouldn't go to the cemetery at night.
14:24 Let me submit to you; the cemetery is one of the
14:26 safest places in any major city.
14:29 You could get a towel and go lay in the cemetery,
14:33 put your money all around you, in New York, and
14:35 nobody will come after you and rob you.
14:37 Amen, I know that's to be true.
14:39 That's the truth.
14:41 Here's what he said.
14:42 Here's what he said, God's holding out on you.
14:44 Verse 5.
14:50 Disobedience does not lead to your eyes being opened.
14:53 It leads to your eyes being shut.
14:58 Yes they did know good and evil.
15:00 But what they knew is not what they wanted to know.
15:02 Sometimes we get to know good and evil.
15:04 And we want to forget the evil we know and find out more
15:07 of the good that we should know.
15:09 God evil is not a good thing to know.
15:11 God did not intend for Adam and Eve to understand
15:13 death, and sin, and suffering, and pain.
15:15 Yes they did know good and evil.
15:17 But not what God intended for them to know.
15:20 Here's a powerful quotation from the book, Darkness Before Dawn.
15:23 My favorite author.
15:25 I believe that God inspired Ellen White so that her words
15:28 resonate like they were just written.
15:30 Listen to what she says.
16:08 You can hear the lies.
16:09 When people die, everybody, the news says it,
16:12 preachers lie from the pulpit, "He's in heaven
16:14 now looking down on us."
16:15 No he's not, he's right there in the coffin.
16:18 What's not being preached nowadays is the resurrection.
16:21 What's the purpose of the resurrection?
16:22 For Jesus to come back and resurrect His saints, amen.
16:26 That's not being preached.
16:27 You don't hear anything about the resurrection.
16:29 Just dying and going to heaven.
16:32 Now let me tell you something.
16:33 If death was an entrance to heaven,
16:35 death would not be an enemy.
16:36 He would be a friend.
16:38 But it's an enemy.
16:39 And the reason why we cry is because the Lord has put within
16:42 us something to understand that death is an enemy.
16:45 We don't rejoice at funerals and say,
16:47 "Oh, I'm so glad my mother died. Now she's in heaven."
16:50 We don't say that.
16:52 But preachers lie.
16:55 I don't even want to say "untruth".
16:56 I want to call it what it is.
16:58 Preachers lie, and they do it intentionally.
17:02 And that's what the church did during the dark ages.
17:04 That's how they raised up their cathedrals in Europe.
17:06 They lied to the people.
17:07 They taught purgatory to people who had parents that did not
17:11 get baptized before they died.
17:12 They raised millions, the Catholic church did
17:14 during the dark ages, and raised up their cathedrals
17:16 with that lie.
17:17 Then they taught another lie.
17:18 Limbo for babies that did not get baptized.
17:21 That's why babies are baptized in the Catholic church.
17:25 They said, "They're in purgatory now, they're in limbo.
17:27 But I can get them out if you pay me."
17:30 They also taught the sin of indulgences.
17:32 And I'll talk about more of that later on in the sermon.
17:34 But the foundation for deception today, the very first system,
17:39 whether you caught it or not, the very first system
17:42 established in the Garden of Eden is the
17:44 system of spiritualism.
17:46 What did I say? Spiritualism.
17:48 The oldest thing that Satan has used;
17:50 spiritualism throughout the ages.
17:52 From the Garden of Eden until Jesus comes,
17:55 spiritualism will be active.
17:57 Ellen White says in the book, Spirit Of Prophecy, Volume 4,
18:01 listen to what she says, page 235.
18:14 That whole series I did on the occult,
18:17 spiritualism is everywhere.
18:18 It's everywhere.
18:20 I'm not going to take the time tonight.
18:21 If you haven't heard that series called Unclean Spirits,
18:24 you need to get it.
18:25 Spiritualism is everywhere, in everything.
18:28 And what does it mean by the natural immortality of the soul?
18:31 People believe that the soul goes on and on and on.
18:34 That's the reason why people believe that their
18:36 dead one's are in heaven.
18:37 That's the platform for the veneration and worship of Mary
18:40 and other saints that are really dead.
18:42 The afterlife is portrayed in movies and television.
18:45 And that's all born in spiritualism.
18:47 Spiritualism is the basis for the New Age movement
18:50 and Eastern Mysticism.
18:52 Spiritualism is the door to séance's and mediums
18:55 and witches and warlocks.
18:56 Spiritualism is the entrance into the occult
18:59 and devil worship.
19:01 It's been going on for six thousand years.
19:04 But what was introduced in the Garden of Eden
19:07 will reach its full development in the last days.
19:10 Listen to what Ellen White says in the book,
19:14 Darkness Before Dawn, page 23 paragraph 3.
19:43 We are living in the last remnant of time, are we not?
19:48 That's right.
19:49 He's laid the foundation a long time.
19:51 His final effort.
19:52 That's why my series has the word "final" in every message.
19:56 Spiritualism is the oldest of the seven systems.
19:58 And it will be a part of the battle of Armageddon.
20:02 The first contributor to the final coalition.
20:05 But now let's go to the second system.
20:07 This one was introduced shortly before the flood.
20:10 Genesis chapter 6 and verse 5 gives us the entrance
20:13 into this system.
20:14 And the Bible says:
20:28 Patriots And Prophets, page 91 paragraph 1.
21:17 This second system removes God from the picture.
21:21 Here's how Paul says it in Romans 1 and verse 28.
21:35 This second system that was introduced,
21:39 not at its fulfillment yet, not at its full strength,
21:42 the second system that was introduced is what we
21:44 now call modern atheism.
21:49 The removal of God.
21:51 What do you call a system and a society that pushes the
21:54 knowledge of God out of its civilization?
21:58 You call it atheism.
22:00 That's what happened to the Communist.
22:01 That's what happened in Russia.
22:03 That's what happened in France in 1798.
22:05 They outlawed God.
22:06 Let me tell you something.
22:08 You can pass laws, but you can't get rid of God.
22:10 What do you say?
22:11 It was introduced but it did not reach its fulfillment.
22:14 That's what made France so diabolical.
22:17 Atheism was the power that Satan organized
22:21 to lead them to outlaw God's word in 1798.
22:25 But atheism was in existence thousands of years
22:29 before France did that.
22:33 The Great Controversy 1888, page 269 paragraph 2.
23:08 Atheism is alive in our world today, and growing in America.
23:14 You know what they're saying?
23:15 That we have religious freedom.
23:16 And they're using religious freedom to introduce all kinds
23:19 of systems against the government of God.
23:21 Atheism was the seed of Communism.
23:23 God is being expelled out of American society.
23:26 Look at some of the things that we had when we were young
23:29 that we don't have any longer.
23:31 For example, the phrase, "In God We Trust,"
23:34 while still being on the dollar bill, atheists challenge that.
23:37 They says, that's anti-religious freedom.
23:40 So get rid of, "In God We Trust."
23:43 And something else being resisted in America;
23:45 when you say, "One nation under God,"
23:47 atheists stand up and protest that.
23:49 Prayer in high schools at their graduations.
23:52 Prayer at school's sporting events are being protested,
23:56 once again, by atheists.
23:57 I heard on the news just a few weeks ago, a young man
23:59 who's friend died in a car accident, 16 years old.
24:03 He was playing a football game and when he hit the
24:05 winning touchdown, or ran for the winning touchdown,
24:08 he pointed to the sky in a gesture, somewhat so to speak
24:12 in his own mind, contributing the win to his friend.
24:15 You know what happened?
24:16 He was reprimanded for doing that, for pointing to the sky.
24:20 They said that was a religious gesture.
24:23 That's how ridiculous it's getting in America.
24:26 God is being put out.
24:28 A man by the name of Edward Kagin,
24:30 he's an atheistic leader, he says he has started
24:33 something called, The American Religious Civil War.
24:36 There's a picture I want to show you right now.
24:37 It's ridiculous. I can't tell you a whole lot about it.
24:40 But this is a picture of something called, de-baptism.
24:45 Did you hear what I said? You heard it right.
24:47 De-baptism.
24:48 This is a de-baptism certificate.
24:50 I blocked the name out for obvious reasons.
24:52 There's a movement in America appealing to Christians
24:55 to leave Christianity.
24:56 And he stands up in this movement with a
24:59 Grim Reaper's cloak on, a cloak over his head,
25:02 and a big ole blow dryer.
25:03 And in a ceremonial sense, he has those who want to be
25:06 de-baptized walk down the line and he blow dries them,
25:10 to symbolize he's removing all the water of baptism.
25:15 De-baptism in America.
25:17 It's ridiculous, but look it up on the internet.
25:18 There are so many responses to that,
25:20 so many people registering in.
25:22 TIME magazine did the exposé and they recorded the videos.
25:25 There's about 15 videos on de-baptism.
25:27 Isn't that ridiculous?
25:29 But you know what the atheist said?
25:30 They said, "Christians shouldn't get upset by that.
25:33 Because if their Christianity is secure, what we do
25:35 should not make them feel insecure."
25:37 I'm not insecure, I'm just telling you how Satan
25:38 is working in America.
25:40 Here's a picture of one of his followers, had on this shirt.
25:42 This girl use to be a Christian.
25:44 She gave up her Christianity and here's the shirt that she wears.
25:46 "There's probably no God.
25:48 Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
25:51 Well, she's in trouble if she had to use the word "probably".
25:54 If you're not sure that God does not exist,
25:57 that's not the shirt you need to wear.
25:58 Am I right?
26:00 "Probably."
26:01 Well that means there's a chance.
26:03 But that's what is happening in America.
26:06 Let's go to the third system.
26:07 This system of atheism will be in the final coalition.
26:11 The third system that we will introduce
26:13 is one that was born on the heels of a nation
26:17 that rejected its Savior.
26:20 Let's go to Matthew chapter 23 verses 37 to 38.
26:25 Praise the Lord I'm moving at a good pace tonight.
26:27 I so appreciate the guys in the truck and the entire crew.
26:30 Thank you, guys. Thank you, ladies.
26:32 Matthew 23 verses 37 and 38.
26:35 This third system is Judaism, modern Judaism.
26:40 First spiritualism, then atheism, then Judaism.
26:45 Listen to what Jesus said about the nation that rejected Him.
27:16 According to
27:19 And I did my research. I'm giving you snippets.
27:21 If you want to have fun and do the homework, you can.
27:24 They say... These are Jews for Judaism.
27:26 They say that Jesus is not the true Messiah.
27:30 They use a word in the Hebrew "HaMashiach".
27:35 They said Jesus, the word "Messiah",
27:37 in Hebrew or in Greek does not read that way.
27:40 So therefore, Jesus cannot be the true Messiah.
27:43 They say the true Messiah must be a descendant of King David,
27:47 and Jesus does not fit that.
27:48 They said Jesus' father was a descendant, but not Jesus.
27:52 Is that amazing?
27:53 They said a literal Elijah must come, not someone
27:56 preaching the Elijah message.
27:58 That's the third reason they reject the divinity of Jesus.
28:01 They also say the Old Testament prophets do not predict
28:05 a second coming.
28:06 Well it's all through the Old Testament,
28:07 the second coming of Jesus.
28:09 Amen?
28:10 But they said because there's no second coming,
28:12 the second coming; the says,
28:16 the second coming is a desperate attempt
28:18 to explain away the failures of Jesus.
28:22 Judaism, which God established to be a blessing, has now
28:26 become a curse in the earth because they rejected the
28:28 very One that wanted to use them to carry the
28:30 gospel to the world.
28:31 Judaism is that third system.
28:33 But look at what 2 John chapter 1 and verse 7 says.
28:36 The foundation for our safety is accepting Jesus,
28:39 and that He came in the flesh.
28:42 John says:
28:56 So, the system that God established and called to be
28:59 a light to the world, they rejected Jesus.
29:02 In Acts chapter 13 verses 42 to 46, he said,
29:05 "It was necessary that the Word of God should
29:08 first be given to you.
29:09 But seeing that you reject it and judge yourselves unworthy
29:13 of everlasting life, low, we turn to the Gentiles."
29:16 And the Gentiles, when they heard that,
29:18 the Bible say they rejoiced.
29:20 And I want to say today, Jesus is the Savior.
29:22 What do you say?
29:23 Regardless of who says otherwise.
29:25 And what they did to cover it up is recorded in
29:28 Matthew 28 verse 13.
29:29 They could not accept the fact that Jesus rose again.
29:32 But I tell you today, the reason I'm preaching this way is,
29:35 I serve a risen Savior who is soon returning to take us home.
29:39 Here's the lie they spun, Matthew 28 verse 13.
29:42 When they heard about the resurrection of Jesus,
29:43 they called the Roman soldiers together and they spun a lie.
29:46 And they said to the soldiers:
29:57 What did the Roman soldiers do? Verse 15 of Matthew 28.
30:09 But let me tell you something.
30:10 Jesus had a plan to make sure that people knew He was raised.
30:13 He was seen by more than 500 people.
30:16 Amen, someone.
30:17 So He didn't rely on the Roman soldiers to get the news out.
30:20 He told Mary, "Go tell the disciples I'm risen.
30:23 Go tell Peter, the one that denied Me, the one that
30:25 I'm going to forgive, tell him I'm risen."
30:27 And on the day of Pentecost, a risen and a resurrected God
30:30 was firing up Peter, the apostle, now forgiven.
30:33 And he called the Jews that finally understood
30:36 Jesus is the Messiah, he called them to repentance.
30:39 Jesus is alive and well today.
30:40 What do you say?
30:42 The system that rejected its own Savior will be
30:45 in the final coalition.
30:46 There's an entire world filled with Jews looking for the
30:51 coming of the Messiah.
30:52 When in fact, He's coming the second time, not with sin,
30:55 but for the purpose of taking us home.
30:59 Let's go to the forth system now.
31:01 The forth one that will be included in the final coalition.
31:04 This system was introduced on the basis of demoting Jesus.
31:10 This forth system is Islam.
31:13 Go with me to Genesis chapter 17 verses 20 and 21.
31:16 The first one, spiritualism. The second one, atheism.
31:18 The third one, Judaism. And the forth one, Islam.
31:22 Genesis chapter 17 verses 20 and 21.
31:25 Notice what the Bible says.
31:46 Right now Islam is all over the world.
31:49 It's the fastest growing segment of religious society.
31:52 It's the fastest growing population in the world, period;
31:55 the Muslim population.
31:57 But notice verse 21.
32:08 God made a covenant with Isaac.
32:11 What do you say?
32:13 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
32:15 Then the twelve sons of Israel.
32:17 God has a nation today that serves Him, not demotes Him.
32:21 But let me give you some facts about Islam, just so that
32:23 we can be more educated.
32:24 Because they don't totally deny Jesus.
32:26 As a matter of fact, Jesus is mentioned 25 times more
32:31 in the Koran than Muhammad is.
32:34 Belief in Jesus is required in Islam, and required
32:37 to be a Muslim.
32:39 They teach that Jesus is a messenger from God
32:43 to guide the children of Israel.
32:45 But they also say, as is every other messenger from God.
32:50 Islam teaches that Jesus was a Muslim.
32:53 Islam teaches the virgin birth of Jesus.
32:56 But Islam does not accept Jesus as being incarnate God,
33:01 and they don't accept the fact that He was the Son of God.
33:05 Islam also teaches that in the judgment, they say,
33:08 Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity.
33:13 They also say that Jesus was not crucified,
33:17 but He was taken to heaven.
33:19 And they say, Jesus did not atone for our sins.
33:23 Let me say this.
33:25 Anyone who's sins are not atoned for by Jesus
33:28 will be in the final coalition.
33:29 What do you say?
33:31 Look at Acts chapter 4 verse 11.
34:00 The only one that can give us salvation is Jesus.
34:03 He said, "No one comes to the Father except through Me."
34:07 So when I pray my prayers, I say, "In Jesus name I pray."
34:11 I come to the Father in the name of Jesus.
34:14 He is alive, He did atone for our sins,
34:17 He was crucified, He is sitting at the right hand of the Father,
34:21 and He is very much divine.
34:25 But the fifth system.
34:27 The fifth system to be included in the final coalition.
34:31 This is a powerful one.
34:32 You know, the reason why this pulses with me is because
34:35 most of my family members are under the delusion
34:40 of this system.
34:44 So I'm talking to generations.
34:46 I'm talking to generations of family.
34:50 I'm talking to generations that I want to see in the kingdom.
34:54 This is personal to me.
34:56 I'm talking to those who love the Lord, but who have had their
35:00 eyes closed by tradition that has resonated
35:03 from generation to generation.
35:05 The fifth system that is a part of the final coalition
35:10 is a system born on the basis of complete deception.
35:15 And I think you've already guessed which one it is.
35:17 Catholicism.
35:19 Established during the dark ages.
35:22 We'll talk about that tomorrow morning;
35:23 how they got established,
35:24 how they got to where they are today.
35:26 But I'm not going to talk about that right now.
35:27 I'm going to talk about the means and the methods
35:30 that Satan has used to establish in that system
35:33 all of the deception that is working on the hearts of
35:36 1.3 billion people today.
35:42 Now I want to preface this.
35:45 What I'm about to say is not against any person.
35:48 It's against a system.
35:55 But I'm also going to say, if you get upset, check it out.
36:00 Do your homework.
36:03 The only reason why you should get upset is because
36:06 you don't want to look it up.
36:08 But if you want truth, you're about to get it.
36:13 I'd rather you get upset with me telling the truth
36:15 than both of us laugh our way all the way to hell.
36:19 Matter of fact, Paul the apostle, when he was
36:22 opposed by some of the leaders in the New Testament, he says,
36:25 "Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?"
36:28 "Faithful are the wounds of a friend,
36:30 but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."
36:32 A wise man by the name of Solomon said that.
36:34 So the wounds that come as a result of telling the truth
36:37 are wounds that will lead us to finding the truth.
36:40 Catholicism established itself on the basis of man
36:45 as the mediator between God and us.
36:47 And so the question is, why confess to a sinful man
36:50 when Jesus is our sinless Mediator?
36:54 Look at what Timothy says, 1 Timothy 2 and verse 5.
37:09 Why call an earthly man "father" and pray,
37:12 "Our Father, which art in heaven?"
37:15 Doesn't make sense.
37:17 It's not even consciously clear.
37:19 Why say "father" when we pray,
37:22 "Our Father, which art in heaven?"
37:25 It gives you, not only His designation of who He is,
37:28 but where He's located.
37:29 In heaven.
37:31 But listen to what Jesus said.
37:33 Matthew 23 and verse 9.
37:35 Jesus made it very clear.
37:39 He was speaking in the ecclesiastical sense,
37:42 not in the parental sense.
37:53 Why kneel before an earthly priest
37:55 when the Bible says in Hebrews 8 and verse 1:
38:06 That's where our Priest is.
38:08 A sinless Priest. Amen.
38:10 Not someone that has to atone for his sins
38:13 and then try to atone for mine.
38:14 My sins are atoned for, and yours are atoned for,
38:17 by the blood of a spotless Lamb and a spotless Mediator.
38:22 Let's keep going.
38:24 Why pray to people that are dead?
38:28 Why pray to saints that are no longer alive
38:31 to intercede for us when Hebrews 7 verse 25 says:
38:53 We have an Intercessor that's always alive.
38:57 He's not in a city on the earth, but He's in a city in heaven.
39:01 He's confessing our names before the Father
39:04 as we confess His name before those on the earth.
39:08 Why pray to images?
39:11 Oh, there's a text that I almost forgot.
39:12 I don't want to go past it.
39:14 Because you can't pray to the dead.
39:15 Isaiah 8 and verse 19 says:
39:22 Absolutely not.
39:24 Let me tell you something, I saw the factory where
39:26 those saints are made.
39:27 It's just melted plastic and somebody sits down
39:29 and paints them very classically.
39:30 It's their job.
39:31 That plastic is not going to help you in an accident.
39:35 And I hope you don't feel that I'm disrespecting you.
39:37 But I'm telling you the truth.
39:39 The only help you're going to get in an accident is Jesus.
39:42 His holy angels will guide the hand of the steering wheel to
39:45 keep you from something that could possible happen.
39:48 Not a plastic idol on your screen.
39:50 Not a crystal like the New Agers do.
39:52 Not something that's made by the hands of man.
39:54 Isaiah said, "They have eyes but they can't see,
39:56 ears but they cannot hear."
39:59 But let's continue.
40:00 Why pray to images when it's forbidden in the Bible?
40:03 Exodus 20 verses 4 and 5, notice what the Lord says.
40:29 Worship belongs to God, and to God alone.
40:33 Men like worshipping things.
40:36 So Satan set up an entire system of worship.
40:38 If you look at the Old Testament prophets,
40:39 this existed in their day.
40:41 Elijah was given the job of tearing down all the altars
40:44 established by the false kings.
40:45 In the days of many of the kings, those who are Philistines
40:49 and Amorites and Jebusites and Hittites, they set up
40:53 sometimes their altar right next to the altar of God.
40:56 And that's alive today.
40:57 That's why the Bible says, Paul says there is spiritual
41:00 wickedness in high places.
41:01 When you look that word up, "high places,"
41:05 you have to go to the Old Testament.
41:08 Because the phrase "high places" meant the groves where
41:13 false worship took place right next to the altar of God.
41:17 That's the high places.
41:18 Not just some ethereal place in heaven,
41:20 but spiritual wickedness closely aligned right next to the place
41:24 where God should be worshipped.
41:27 That's why Isaiah 42 and verse 8 says as follows.
41:41 Is that clear?
41:45 But Catholicism hasn't stopped there.
41:48 They teach that people die and are in heaven right away.
41:51 That's not in the Bible.
41:52 They teach that the soul is immortal.
41:54 That's not in the Bible.
41:56 They teach that there is an eternally burning hell.
41:59 That's not in the Bible.
42:00 That was another way of raising money during the dark ages.
42:03 It's amazing what happened during the dark ages.
42:05 But the reason why it's called "the dark ages" is because the
42:08 light of God's truth was extinguished.
42:11 It was hidden from the common man.
42:13 I'm going to talk about that tomorrow morning,
42:14 about the Protestant Reformation.
42:15 How God's number one aim is to open the eyes of the blind
42:20 to set at liberty those who are captives.
42:23 The recovering of the sight.
42:25 And one of the conditions the Bible outlines
42:27 in the last days is this:
42:31 Wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.
42:36 And you know what? Don't even know it.
42:40 So there are people worshipping, don't even know their condition.
42:43 Because they are under the leadership and under the
42:46 mesmerism of men that have them doing things that are
42:49 not supported, not even in the Bible anywhere.
42:52 Let's continue.
42:54 Catholicism teaches that babies can be baptized.
42:58 How can a baby be baptized when a baby doesn't
42:59 even understand commitment?
43:01 A baby just wants a bottle and its diapers changed.
43:07 Catholicism ordains Sunday as a holy day.
43:09 And you what? They tell you that.
43:11 It's not in the Bible.
43:12 What's so sad about it is, Protestant leaders,
43:15 evangelicals, try to find scriptures in the
43:18 Bible to support that.
43:19 And the ones who set it up...
43:20 I'm going to show you this tomorrow morning.
43:21 The ones that set up the worship and honor and the veneration of
43:24 Sunday, they tell you they did it.
43:27 And all these leaders that want to hold on to tradition.
43:30 Because you know why?
43:31 You can go to church for an hour...
43:33 And it's becoming the same sickness in
43:35 the Adventist church.
43:36 One hour in church and the rest of the day piddling around
43:39 doing unholy things on God's Holy Day.
43:41 I'm going to hit that on the head tomorrow like a man
43:43 driving in a stake into a train rail.
43:46 Because what we are doing is, we're going down the
43:49 same road, we're following the trends and patterns
43:52 of the secular society of Christianity and
43:55 beginning to live like them.
43:56 The same lethargy exists in the Adventist church.
43:59 Disrespect for the truth when it's being preached.
44:04 Why give God an entire day?
44:08 You know friends, it's not about giving God an entire day.
44:10 It's about giving God your entire heart.
44:15 If God has your heart, what's a day?
44:18 A day is nothing when He has your heart.
44:20 Matter of fact, I love when our anniversary comes.
44:22 Everybody is on hold.
44:23 My wife and I spend the entire day together.
44:26 I don't hesitate to say, "This weekend is our anniversary.
44:28 We won't be around."
44:30 Well God has a weekly "anniversary."
44:35 But just for the sake of gaining access to the pagans,
44:38 Rome took the day that they already worshipped, the sun day,
44:43 baptized it and gave it to Christianity.
44:45 And you'll find out tomorrow all the claims.
44:47 They tell it to you in black and white.
44:49 And you'll see those things tomorrow morning.
44:51 Catholicism also teaches its members to pray the rosary.
44:54 It's forbidden in the Bible.
44:57 Matthew 6 and verse 7, Jesus said:
45:09 Catholicism teaches its followers to pray, "hail Mary,"
45:13 not "hail King Jesus."
45:15 They say that Mary is full of grace.
45:16 God is full of grace.
45:18 How can someone who is dead be full of grace?
45:22 Mary was just a woman like anybody else, but she was
45:24 chosen by God to be the mother through whom Jesus came.
45:28 And on that very same note, God was her Father,
45:31 she is not God's father.
45:36 Asking Mary to pray for sinners.
45:39 Listen to what Jesus says in John 14 verse 6.
45:56 We go through Jesus.
45:58 You may have seen the picture of Jesus like this.
46:01 One hand stretched up to God,
46:02 the other hand stretched down to man.
46:04 He brings mortal man in touch with an immortal God.
46:08 His brings an immortal God in touch with mortal man.
46:10 He is the bridge between humanity and divinity.
46:13 Not Mary.
46:14 And when you look at the hierarchy;
46:16 God, Mary, then Jesus...
46:21 And during the dark ages, a poem was put together to
46:24 teach children that Mary was more supreme than God.
46:26 Some of us said it.
46:28 "Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was white as snow.
46:31 And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go."
46:36 The lamb was following Mary.
46:37 Catholicism put that together so during the dark ages
46:40 kids could say that and get use to Mary being
46:43 the leader of the Lamb.
46:44 I want to tell you this.
46:45 The Lamb is the leader of Mary.
46:47 Can you say amen.
46:49 Clever, clever.
46:50 "Mary had a little lamb."
46:51 No, the little Lamb had Mary.
46:55 That's the beauty of the incarnate God.
46:58 He created the one through whom He came into the world.
47:01 That's too deep to even understand right now.
47:04 But it's sad that Catholicism was able to teach that.
47:07 You know why?
47:08 Because they exalted, during the dark ages,
47:10 during the Council of Trent...
47:12 I'm going to talk about that tomorrow.
47:13 Don't miss it.
47:14 During the Council of Trent, they exalted tradition
47:18 on the same level, and even above, the Bible.
47:21 You'll see how exactly they did that.
47:23 So nowadays, they can slide that in and say,
47:26 "Oh, that's tradition and it's blessed."
47:28 Any tradition that is against the Word of God is not blessed.
47:32 Anything that removes from God's word a, "thus saith the Lord,"
47:37 is not blessed.
47:39 It cannot be blessed.
47:41 Matter of fact, Jesus said in Matthew 15 and verse 3,
47:45 I used the NIV for this one.
47:57 It's just tradition.
47:58 Not all traditions are bad.
48:00 You heard the story about the lady that every Thanksgiving...
48:02 And I don't eat ham, but the story fits.
48:04 Because every time she'd cook a ham, she'd cut off one inch
48:08 of the ham and put it in the pot.
48:09 You've heard this story, many of you have heard this story.
48:11 Maybe you heard this story before.
48:12 But it's significant. It fits right here.
48:15 And her husband said, "Honey, why do you cut off an inch
48:17 from the ham before you bake it?"
48:18 She said, "Because my mother did."
48:20 While being puzzled by that, she called her mother and said,
48:23 "Mom, why do you cut off an inch of the ham before you bake it?"
48:28 I should use something else.
48:30 An inch of the wham before you bake it.
48:33 "Why do you do that before you bake it?"
48:35 She said, "Because my mother did it."
48:37 And thankfully, the grandmother was still alive.
48:38 And she called her mother and said, "Mom, why do you that?"
48:41 And she said, "Oh honey, it was simple.
48:43 It was just too big for the pan."
48:47 And there are people that are doing things and they
48:49 think it's blessed and there's something mystical about it.
48:51 It's simply tradition.
48:53 Tradition is not the basis of salvation.
48:55 Whatever happened to the Word of God.
48:57 You know what's amazing to me, is nowadays there are more
49:00 Bibles accessible than any other time in human history.
49:03 You can get Bibles on iPad, iPod, on the pc, on the Mac.
49:09 You can get it on your small Smartphone
49:12 and your smart devices.
49:13 Bibles are everywhere.
49:15 They're sold by the millions all over the world.
49:18 It's still the number one bestselling book.
49:21 Every translation.
49:22 Simple English, children's Bible, old English.
49:26 But this is the most biblically ignorant age in human history.
49:32 Because tradition has taken center stage.
49:38 I think you see why I take this seriously.
49:41 There are people that are held bound in darkness
49:44 tonight because of some of these things.
49:47 But I'm asking you, if you fall into any one of these categories
49:50 that I've talked about so far, check it out.
49:52 If you think I'm making it up, contact me;
49:57 I will be glad.
49:58 We have an entire staff of pastors who would love to
50:00 lead you and guide you.
50:05 Tradition is the reason many people are going to
50:07 lose their salvation.
50:10 But if you follow a plain, "thus saith the Lord,"
50:12 you can't follow the map and end up in Canada
50:16 when the map leads you to California.
50:20 The Word of God is reliable.
50:23 It's also sharper than any two-edged sword.
50:26 It will cut up error no matter where it finds it.
50:30 Get back to the Bible.
50:31 You know what happens nowadays...
50:32 And I have a little bit more time tonight.
50:34 And I thank the Lord I was able to get through these
50:36 very important points.
50:37 I didn't forget I have one more system.
50:38 I didn't forget.
50:40 But I need to say this.
50:43 All this instant information is robbing the study of the Bible.
50:47 Things are happening so fast.
50:49 A commercial changes every 3 to 4 seconds.
50:51 So people think that the Bible should change
50:53 every 3 to 4 seconds.
50:54 And when it doesn't, the word of the 21st century is "bored".
51:00 People are going to be lost because they were bored.
51:03 So bored they couldn't read the only way out.
51:05 Bored.
51:09 It's just one book.
51:11 Add up all the movies you've seen and all the songs you've
51:13 listened to, all the filth you've read on the internet.
51:16 The only map to get you out of the hole.
51:18 Boring.
51:20 Well I like my boring Bible.
51:21 Amen, somebody.
51:23 And by the way, it's not boring.
51:24 It's a pleasurable book.
51:26 Whenever my life is down and out, this is the only book
51:29 that brings me satisfaction.
51:30 All that other stuff is transient.
51:32 It evaporates.
51:33 It's like paper that you drop in a fire, it blows away.
51:36 People have tried to get rid of the Word of God.
51:39 It's the anvil that has worn out many hammers of the centuries.
51:43 It still lasts today.
51:47 Any system that's built on tradition,
51:49 anytime a tradition conflicts with the Bible,
51:52 the Bible is the final authority.
51:57 System number six.
51:59 And by the way, I'm not going to talk about
52:00 system number seven tonight.
52:01 I'm going to talk about that one tomorrow.
52:03 That requires an entire topic.
52:05 Because it's the last one.
52:08 It's the last of the seven.
52:11 And as I said earlier, when all seven systems are in place,
52:16 then we will know that we are living in the end time.
52:20 Because this last system I'm going to talk about tomorrow
52:24 could not exist at any other time other than the last days.
52:29 That's exactly the way the Bible unfolded it to exist.
52:32 But let's look at system number six.
52:33 I won't have to spend a lot of time on this one,
52:36 because this one is so obvious.
52:37 It's like the nose on your face.
52:38 The sixth system that is a deceptive system...
52:41 And by the way, every system I've mentioned tonight
52:43 is built on deception.
52:45 But I said that Satan has two methods.
52:46 What are they again?
52:48 Deception and destruction.
52:51 He has used deception from the Garden of Eden until now.
52:54 Which means he's reserving destruction for the final
52:58 battle of Armageddon.
52:59 All guns blazing.
53:01 Destruction; seeking to destroy.
53:04 Seeking whom he may devour.
53:06 He's going to pull the gloves off.
53:08 He's waiting for the final battle
53:09 and he's rearing up today.
53:11 But the sixth system of the seven is secularism.
53:17 What did I say? Secularism.
53:19 Secular humanism. All these philosophies.
53:22 Everybody wants to sound intellectual.
53:26 You can say a whole lot of nothing.
53:29 We have an entire society based on washing out the mind.
53:33 Let me tell you something.
53:34 The Bible talks about that as philosophy and vain deceit.
53:41 Here's a summarization of the system of secularism
53:44 simply as the Bible puts it.
53:46 1 John 2 verses 15 to 17.
53:49 The Lord says:
54:00 You can't love two things.
54:06 The lust of the flesh; secularism.
54:09 The lust of the eyes; look at Las Vegas, New York.
54:12 All these cities of light and vice.
54:15 And the pride of life; everybody wants to be top and best,
54:18 and talked about and praised.
54:25 Secularism; everybody just wants to have fun.
54:36 You know what?
54:38 There's nothing better than having fun and going to bed
54:40 without feeling that you offended God.
54:43 There's a lot of pleasure being a Christian.
54:46 The devil makes it seem like, "Can't you eat anything
54:49 in the Garden of Eden?"
54:50 "Yea, I can eat it."
54:51 Get this, God gave Eve every single tree but one.
54:57 God gives a whole lot of room.
55:01 And the reason why the people of the world cannot love God
55:03 is because they love the world.
55:05 No one can serve two masters.
55:07 They make no room for Jesus.
55:09 But I want to say tonight as I close, in the midst of all these
55:12 systems I've mentioned so far, they make no room for Jesus,
55:16 no room for God.
55:17 Don't have time for God.
55:20 It's like giving a dog a chicken bone after you've
55:22 sucked the marrow out of it.
55:23 He looks at it as if, "What am I going to do with that?"
55:27 No room for God, no value in their lives.
55:30 It's sad to go to your death bed without any hope.
55:33 There are people that need to have Jesus in their lives.
55:36 Let me encourage you.
55:37 No matter how bad the picture looks, there is still a system
55:40 that God has established.
55:41 And He says, "Upon this rock I build My church.
55:45 And the gates of hell will not prevail against it."
55:48 There's a system that's not going down.
55:50 The economy is going down, the job market is going down,
55:54 the stock market is going down.
55:57 Chrysler and Ford and GM and all the other foreign cars
56:01 are going to be going down.
56:02 Real estate is going down. It's all going down.
56:05 But the Lord says, the gates of hell will not prevail
56:08 against the church.
56:09 It's going up.
56:13 A song writer said, "People get ready, there's a train coming."
56:18 I'm getting on that train.
56:19 Anybody else here tonight?
56:20 Friends, let me encourage you. I'm talking about the truth.
56:22 If you want to get on the train to truth,
56:24 the train is found in God's word.
56:26 It is the conductor that is going to get us there.
56:29 It is His word that is going to be our guide.
56:31 Tonight, I'm going to pray that God will lead you and guide you
56:34 to turn off all the things that are pulling you away.
56:37 Get out of the systems of darkness
56:39 and get onboard with the conductor of light
56:41 as He leads us to that eternal kingdom.
56:44 Let's pray tonight.
56:46 Our gracious Father in heaven, we thank You so much
56:48 that the truth is clear, it's too clear.
56:50 We're not living in a dark age.
56:52 This is not the age of ignorance,
56:53 but this is the age of light.
56:55 Yet darkness is pervading every facet of society.
56:59 Sadly enough, even in the minds of many Christian homes
57:02 and the pulpits of many places around the world.
57:05 But tonight we thank You for the light that comes through Jesus.
57:07 Bless it, secure it, preserve it, that in this dark hour
57:12 someone will find Jesus.
57:14 And in your precious name we pray.
57:16 And God's people said, amen.
57:20 Tomorrow morning 11:00 am Central time, the message is,
57:23 The Final Apostasy.
57:25 Then 3:00 pm tomorrow afternoon, The Final Act.
57:28 God bless you.
57:29 We look forward to seeing you then.


Revised 2014-12-17