Anchors of Truth

The Final Apostasy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000034

00:12 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:14 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:17 Last Day Events with John Lomacang.
00:23 Hello friends and welcome once again to the 3ABN Worship Center
00:26 located in one of the largest cities in the world;
00:29 Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:30 Can the church say amen.
00:33 It's the hub of quite a bit of what's happening in the world.
00:36 And praise the Lord that He has chosen this obscure village
00:40 to be a place where beams of light are going in every
00:43 direction around the world.
00:44 And we thank you today for tuning in and waiting for
00:48 the Lord to speak to your heart.
00:49 And whether you're joining us via satellite, television,
00:53 internet, or radio, or however, whatever means God is using to
00:58 reach you with this message today, we thank you for
01:00 taking the time to sit down and listen to what the
01:03 Spirit of God has to say to you.
01:05 We began a few days ago.
01:07 And the entire topic this week, or for this Anchors series,
01:10 was Last Day Events.
01:12 The first sermon was The Final Countdown,
01:15 then The Final Stage, then The Final Coalition last night.
01:19 This morning's message is entitled, The Final Apostasy.
01:23 And then on this afternoon at 3:00 pm Central time,
01:27 I want to invite you to come back, we have the last message
01:30 entitled, The Last Act.
01:34 We are living in very critical times in the world,
01:36 and what's happening around us is almost imperceptible.
01:38 It's like a coming tsunami.
01:41 500 miles an hour but you can't see it because
01:44 it's under the surface.
01:45 And so we pray that the Holy Spirit today will guide your
01:48 heart, open your ears, and also give you the leading of the
01:52 Holy Spirit to bring, not only information,
01:55 but to bring conviction and to lead you to the
01:58 person of Christ Jesus.
02:00 So bow your heads with me as we invite the Lord
02:03 to continue with us this morning.
02:07 Our gracious Father in heaven, we thank You, Father, that
02:10 when we open the Word, things get brighter.
02:14 In this day and age, Father, we pray that more will
02:17 choose to open the Word, for there to be an extension
02:21 of light in this field of darkness.
02:25 We now put our lives in Your hand, heavenly Father,
02:28 and we ask that You'll lead us and guide us.
02:30 We also pray that You'll work on the hearts of those who are
02:33 hearing this concentrated truth for the very first time.
02:37 Dilute it so that they can digest it,
02:39 not that it will go away.
02:41 And I pray that, Lord, I submit myself to You, that Your
02:44 Holy Spirit will work through me to accomplish Your
02:47 design and Your purpose.
02:49 In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
02:54 Revelation 13 verses 11 to 12 is the scripture for this morning.
02:59 You know, I remember when my wife and I flew to Australia.
03:03 That is, consciously.
03:04 We went with the Heritage Singers, but I remember being
03:07 invited there again.
03:08 And we both went together.
03:10 I won't mention the airline.
03:12 But there was something very intriguing about flying back.
03:15 On this particular occasion, we had never done it before
03:19 and we haven't done it since, on this particular occasion
03:23 we left Australia in the evening when it was dark,
03:28 never knowing that we would arrive in San Francisco
03:32 three hours before we left.
03:37 The phenomena of flying against the time zone is this.
03:41 We left at night, as we were in flight the sun rose,
03:46 before we landed the sun set.
03:48 We left in darkness, flew in the light, landed in darkness.
03:54 And you know, to some degree, that's how our world is today.
03:57 This Protestant Reformation that I introduced last night
04:00 took off in darkness.
04:02 At its height, we were flying in the light.
04:05 But now we're getting to the place where the world is
04:08 descending again into darkness.
04:11 This is the critical hour where those who understand that the
04:16 Word of God is a light and a lamp need to embrace
04:19 the Word of God afresh all over again.
04:22 This is a crisis hour.
04:24 And even though we live in an age where more Bibles are
04:27 sold and read and put into all kinds of forms of media,
04:30 we're still living in one of the darkest hours
04:33 in earth's history.
04:34 This Bible verse tells us what we can expect
04:37 and how the scenario is going to unfold before us.
04:41 John the revelator, marooned on an island at Patmos,
04:46 sequestered there by the very power of Rome,
04:49 he begins to write what God gave to him
04:52 as they unsuccessfully tried to end his life
04:56 in a cauldron of boiling oil.
04:59 They could not put his light out because God was about to
05:02 turn his light on.
05:04 And thus, this message is communicated, from a little man
05:07 languishing on the island of Patmos,
05:10 to people in this modern age.
05:12 Listen to what he says.
05:46 John walks us through an unfolding scenario of how
05:49 things are going to be in the end times.
05:51 And whether we believe this languishing prophet or not,
05:55 his words being communicated through him from God,
05:58 these are accurate words.
05:59 We're living in a stage that's developing.
06:02 Truly, the issue of the last days is going to be worship.
06:05 Everybody is going to be worshipping.
06:08 Everybody is going to worship something.
06:10 Someone once said, if you want to see what people worship,
06:14 look at their bank books.
06:15 Nowadays I would say, look at their credit card statements.
06:18 Everybody worships something.
06:20 God created within us a vacuum that can only
06:24 be filled by worship.
06:25 Whether it's materialistic things or whether it's
06:29 worshipping God.
06:30 But I want to say this.
06:32 Materialistic things cannot satisfy us
06:35 like worshipping God can.
06:38 Last night I talked about the coalition, the seven systems
06:41 through which Satan has worked throughout the generations.
06:44 Mentioning once again that this is not something that is
06:46 encapsulated in one particular section of the Bible.
06:49 But as we begin to unfold in this morning and
06:52 this afternoon's presentations the seventh part of the
06:55 final coalition, we will discover that the seventh
06:59 or last piece of the final coalition has been
07:02 in development for nearly 500 years.
07:09 Unlike spiritualism that's been in existence
07:12 for nearly 6000 years.
07:14 Each of the portions of these systems, each of the
07:17 components of this seven piece final coalition,
07:20 has a life on the shelf.
07:23 This is the youngest one with the shortest shelf life,
07:26 but the greatest impact.
07:28 And there's a paradigm shift that's taking place
07:31 in our world.
07:32 It is a subtle but steady transition from
07:35 light to darkness.
07:37 It is the continual and determined acceptance
07:41 of error in place of truth.
07:44 But the danger is, when error is embraced in place of truth,
07:49 evil will be embraced in place of good.
07:54 Ellen White said it this way, and I summarized it.
07:57 When we believe right of all wrong,
08:01 eventually we will believe evil of all good.
08:06 In this day and age where error is accepted as though
08:09 delivered by God, which it's not, it is hard to see light
08:14 when you have made your mind accustomed to darkness.
08:17 When you have accepted a lie, it is almost against your
08:21 natural mental grain to now begin to love
08:24 and embrace the truth.
08:26 And we're living, even though we have so many evidences,
08:28 we are living in one of the darkest periods
08:31 in earth's history.
08:32 Categorized also by the last church, the church of Laodicea.
08:36 Filled with goods.
08:38 Magnificent mega and giga churches in our world today,
08:42 but oh how dark many of them are.
08:45 That's why Paul the apostle wrote these words in
08:47 Romans 14 and verse 6.
08:48 He said:
08:55 What he means by that is simply this.
08:58 People, when you try to communicate the truth
09:00 from God's word, under some spiritual bend or some
09:06 satanic bend, they turn what you say into something
09:10 that seems to be bad.
09:12 You communicate the message of the Sabbath,
09:14 or the state of the dead, or any of the tenants of the faith,
09:18 or any of the 28 fundamentals, and people, even Christians
09:22 that receive it, almost receives it as though it's something bad.
09:26 And then evil is spoken of it when it really is good.
09:31 John the apostle was also given a glimpse
09:34 of the coming religious shift.
09:36 Jude 1 and verse 3, look at what he says.
09:48 Let me just say something.
09:49 There's a common salvation in Christendom.
09:51 That is simply this; we believe that we are saved by grace
09:54 through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
09:56 Can you say amen.
09:57 That's the common salvation.
09:59 But John didn't leave it there.
10:02 He said, "But there's something I need to talk to you about.
10:05 Although we have a common salvation and we look to Jesus,
10:08 everyone of us, there's something I need to
10:10 pull your coat tail about."
10:12 As he continues, he said:
10:27 When the apostles began to die out, the truths of the cross
10:31 began to fade away with them.
10:33 When Roman persecution began to rise up under the Roman Emperor
10:36 Diocletian from 303 to 313 AD, all those who had faithfully
10:40 embraced the message, that was given to them by the
10:42 apostolic church, began to die off.
10:45 And Rome sought in strategic and very military ways
10:48 to break the church down and turn its attention right back
10:52 to the reigning and ruling power of Rome.
10:54 As a matter of fact, the entire New Testament,
10:57 its entire history comes from the time that Rome was in power.
11:02 From the very first chapter in Matthew to the very last chapter
11:07 in the book of Revelation, all existing, all taken from
11:10 the period under the reign of Rome.
11:13 However, as God led men to be faithful to what God called
11:17 them to, on October 31, 1517, repulsed by the error that
11:25 was taught by the church of the dark ages,
11:28 Martin Luther began to contend with the hierarchy of Rome.
11:35 He began what we now call today, the Protestant Reformation.
11:40 Here's a picture of Martin Luther nailing his contentions,
11:45 or his thesis, to the church door at Wittenberg, Germany.
11:49 The other picture to the right there is the church that is
11:52 now a part of the Reformation tour.
11:54 You can go to Wittenberg Germany and it would take you somewhat
11:57 like our pioneer's tour in the northeast.
12:00 That's the church there where people pass by and they
12:02 see that as a place where the Protestant Reformation began.
12:05 In other words, God began a movement to restore
12:09 the integrity of the Bible.
12:14 The Bible had been stamped out.
12:15 That's why when you study history...
12:17 I loved history.
12:18 As a matter of fact, that was one of my
12:19 favorite subjects in school.
12:20 Science and history and math, one of my favorite subjects.
12:24 It was when I began to study history in school
12:27 that I realized how much the Bible was parallel to many
12:31 events that unfolded in history.
12:34 Namely, the dark ages. Also called, the medieval times.
12:36 Medieval, because the times that the Protestant Reformation
12:39 was catapulted was during the times that evil was
12:42 in its middle stages.
12:44 People were put to death, considered heretics.
12:48 And those who were outside of the church, the church of Rome,
12:51 gave the job to the civil government to inflict
12:54 the penalties, just like it happened to Jesus.
12:57 The Jews gave the Romans the job to inflict civil penalties
13:01 on Jesus, "for religious infractions," they said.
13:05 And during the dark ages, God did not forget His people.
13:09 The Word of God, though trampled down, the Word of God
13:13 continued to shine in the hearts of those who sought for it.
13:18 And Martin Luther, as he went on a pilgrimage to the
13:22 Vatican City, to Rome, as he went there and read the Bible
13:26 that was chained to the altars, which only the bishops
13:28 and the popes had access to, he began to read.
13:31 And the Bible says in Psalm 119 verse 130, listen to the words.
13:44 Martin Luther began to read the Bible for himself.
13:47 And he stayed in this pilgrimage in Rome much longer than he
13:50 intended to be there.
13:52 He stayed there to read the Bible for himself.
13:55 And he began to formulate and understand that the theory
13:58 and the source of his salvation was not by the works that
14:03 he had formerly embraced.
14:06 But simply by the faith; by faith in Jesus,
14:10 by faith in His word.
14:12 And so he stood on that platform,
14:14 "The just shall live by faith."
14:17 And he turned around and left a different man than he was
14:20 when he went to Rome.
14:22 The Protestant Reformation began.
14:24 And the revolt was against the teachings of the Roman church.
14:27 It was also called in history,
14:29 the European Christian Reform Movement.
14:33 Fueled by men like Martin Luther and John Calvin.
14:37 They were chief among the reformers.
14:39 But they were joined by a man by the name of Philip Melanchthon.
14:44 What they did together, as they rejected the system of works
14:48 that was put together by Roman Catholicism,
14:50 they began to systematically put the Bible together.
14:53 As a matter of fact, Martin Luther, refusing to recant
14:56 what he believed, he was sought by the Roman government.
14:59 And they asked him to recant what he believed,
15:02 and he refused to.
15:03 And then they said, "Well, since you will not give it up,
15:05 we're going to take your life."
15:06 And Martin Luther was hidden by one of his friends
15:14 in a castle in Germany.
15:17 And there, he faithfully methodically translated the
15:21 Bible from Latin to German.
15:26 He unchained the Bible from the altars of Rome
15:29 and began to pass it among the common man.
15:33 What a thing to be put in jail for; putting the Word of God
15:36 in the hand of the common man.
15:40 Not allowed by the powers and the governments of Rome.
15:44 John Calvin was a French theologian who also broke away
15:48 from the Roman church.
15:49 Philip Melanchthon joined Luther and Calvin as reformers.
15:53 And when they stood up toe to toe with the Roman hierarchy
15:56 and challenged them on every point, they were able
15:59 by the Word of God to defend their faith
16:02 with a, "thus saith the Lord."
16:05 That's why today, if you don't know what the Bible says,
16:07 you are of no value to the cause of God.
16:10 You've got to store it in your mind, because the day is
16:11 going to come when this book will not be with you.
16:14 And the Lord has promised He will bring back to our minds
16:18 those very things that we have learned.
16:21 He will fill our hearts with those things that
16:23 we have stored there.
16:25 You can't get money out of the bank if you
16:27 haven't put it there.
16:28 And the Word of God can't come back unless
16:29 you've stored it there.
16:31 This is the hour, this is the time.
16:33 The times of peace and prosperity.
16:35 That's why Satan works so hard to keep us busy with
16:38 things that do not pertain to studying the Bible.
16:41 You can't cram for a final exam in one day.
16:44 And you can't cram for the final spiritual exam
16:47 unless we begin by studying the Word of God now.
16:50 These three men stood up together.
16:53 Here's a picture of these reformers;
16:55 Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Philip Melanchthon.
16:59 Obviously, these were artist conceptions because they
17:03 didn't have cameras back then.
17:04 But you'll notice that these men were dressed in the
17:07 garb of their day.
17:08 But it was less about how they were dressed.
17:11 It was more about what fueled them.
17:13 These men were like the ancient reformers of Israel.
17:16 And there's a text in 1 Chronicles 12 and verse 32
17:19 that's really pertinent to any time in which God
17:21 calls us to stand firmly.
17:22 Look at what it says.
17:25 These men were likened unto the sons of Issachar.
17:36 Brothers and sisters, those joining us, we have to have
17:38 an understanding of the times to know what to do.
17:42 That's why Solomon says that we should redeem the time,
17:46 because the days are evil.
17:48 If you look at the world around you, everything is crumbling.
17:52 You don't try to put your roof on when you see
17:54 the rain clouds coming.
17:56 You do it while the sun is still shining.
17:58 God has given us days of peace to get ready before the
18:01 days of storms come.
18:03 And the storm is building on the horizon.
18:05 But it always begins as a subtle breeze.
18:07 But before you know it, the storm will be right upon us.
18:10 These are days that we have to understand the times
18:14 and know what we ought to do to prepare for the
18:17 trials that are ahead.
18:18 The Protestant Reformation began to spread like a storm
18:21 in northern Europe.
18:22 Every country, with the exception of Ireland and pockets
18:26 in Britain, to God's glory, they began to turn Protestant.
18:29 Do you know what that means?
18:30 They began to move back to the Bible.
18:32 Can somebody say amen.
18:33 Southern Europe remained Catholic, though.
18:37 Italy, Spain, Greece, Serbia, Portugal, Gibraltar, and Croatia
18:42 just to name a few.
18:43 There was a dividing line between the north and the south.
18:47 That's why there were constant wars in Central Europe.
18:53 Because those from the south sought to increase their
18:55 territory to the north and take back what Protestantism
18:58 had taken from them.
18:59 And Protestantism, pushing down, sought to take from Catholicism
19:03 what they had stolen from God.
19:05 Constant wars in Central Europe.
19:08 Here's a map of how the territories were divided.
19:11 You have Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern Europe.
19:15 The colors are associated; blue for Northern,
19:17 green for Southern, lighter blue for Western,
19:20 and somewhat of a pink there for Eastern Europe.
19:24 That's how Europe was divided.
19:26 And the Bible predicted that it would be divided.
19:32 It said, because of the iron, it will never cleave.
19:36 The clay and the iron could never mix together.
19:39 And boy did they try to make Europe united.
19:42 But something you have to keep in mind,
19:43 understanding the times to know what to do.
19:45 Today, Europe is somewhat united.
19:48 United economically.
19:51 Not politically.
19:53 They are united under the Euro dollar.
19:56 They're seeking to establish what's called, a common market.
19:59 Because according to prophecy, they'll never
20:01 be united religiously.
20:04 And when God says never, He means never.
20:06 What do you say?
20:07 See, Babylon came down.
20:09 God said it would never rise again.
20:11 But now we have a spiritual Babylon that took its place.
20:15 The Roman Catholic Church launched what was called a
20:17 counter reformation because the wars were so fierce.
20:20 They could not defeat the Protestant reformers
20:23 based on the Bible because they couldn't gainsay what the
20:27 Bible had already taught.
20:29 You cannot fight against the sword of the Spirit
20:30 because it's two-edged.
20:32 It cuts up error no matter which way you throw it at the Bible.
20:35 Both ways they were succeeding.
20:37 And every Christian that was persecuted,
20:40 one drop of blood, history says...
20:42 Read Foxe's Book Of Martyrs, if you have a strong stomach.
20:47 But every Christian that died, two or three sprung up
20:49 in his or her place.
20:51 They could not stamp out the light of God.
20:52 And the blood of the saints became seed and catalysts
20:56 for the growth of truth in Europe.
21:00 And so, what did Rome do?
21:01 They launched a counter reformation.
21:05 The focus became art, music, literature, politics, science.
21:11 And then also, religious reformation.
21:15 If you look at what's happening today, the same paradigm shift
21:19 is taking place in the Christian world.
21:20 We focus more on the music.
21:22 And now our big push in religion is politics.
21:26 Why?
21:27 Because what Rome did in Europe, they are now including us in
21:31 here in America.
21:34 And so, how did Rome successfully catapult
21:36 the counter reformation?
21:40 From 1545 to 1563, Rome launched a counter reformation
21:46 and they established something called, the Council of Trent.
21:51 What did I say? The Council of Trent.
21:54 The Council of Trent met in the capital city of the
21:58 holy Roman Empire.
21:59 It's now simply called Italy.
22:02 Here's a picture of the Council of Trent as it met in session
22:05 in the Santa Maria Maggiore church.
22:09 Large contingency, all the leaders of the Roman world
22:14 gathering together.
22:15 And the purpose of their gathering was,
22:17 "What do we do with these Protestant reformers?
22:20 How do we quiet them?
22:21 How can we strengthen our efforts to block out
22:25 and stop the progress of the Bible?"
22:27 As a matter of fact, in the Latin, "Concilium Tridentinum"
22:31 simply means, or the "Council of Trent" in Latin means,
22:35 an ecumenical movement.
22:37 The word "ecumenical" is the Greek word
22:39 for the inhabited world.
22:41 And the word "catholic" is the Greek word for "universal".
22:45 So here you have the Catholic universal church
22:49 getting together with an ecumenical, a worldwide agenda.
22:54 Pushing it and structuring it through the Council of Trent.
22:58 But is this a surprise to God?
23:00 Not at all.
23:01 Look at Daniel 7 and verse 23.
23:03 The Bible predicted the rise of the power of Rome.
23:07 Here's what the Bible says.
23:09 Daniel 7 verse 23.
23:29 The iron kingdom of Rome.
23:31 The iron kingdom.
23:32 What made it different was, it was a religio-political system.
23:37 And today, it is still a religio-political system.
23:43 Today, it's regaining its strength and momentum
23:46 that it once had during the dark ages.
23:49 The topic of the Council of Trent was Protestantism
23:52 and the counter reformation.
23:54 You had two churches.
23:55 One pushing in the direction of the Bible,
23:58 the other one bolstering its strength in the
24:01 direction of tradition.
24:04 But the challenge for Rome was; how do you attack and win
24:09 when your sword is non-scriptural?
24:12 They couldn't do it.
24:13 They had to find a way to at least strengthen their arsenal
24:17 against the Protestant reformers.
24:19 But they couldn't do it if they chose the same sword.
24:23 Let me make a point here.
24:24 I remember once preaching and teaching when I was up in
24:27 northern California and I had a Revelation seminar.
24:29 I talked about that a few nights ago.
24:31 And when I began my Revelation seminar, all of sudden,
24:34 all the other churches in town about a week later
24:36 began to have prophecy seminars just to counteract
24:39 my Revelation seminar.
24:41 I got a letter from a pastor whose member was very
24:44 disgruntled that she was learning truth.
24:47 And so he wrote me a letter.
24:48 And I still have it in my possession to this very day.
24:51 The letter had the following content:
24:57 "I have my scriptures and you have yours."
25:04 I wrote him back, "I don't have any scriptures,
25:07 and neither do you.
25:08 And the Bible does not back up two opposing views."
25:13 But he also said something like the Roman church would have said
25:16 during the dark ages.
25:17 He said to me, "For the sake of your church and our community,
25:20 please reconsider your position."
25:21 I took that as a threat. I'm from New York City.
25:24 That sounded like fighting words.
25:25 So I made an appointment to meet with him.
25:28 And I waited until he came back from his
25:29 missionary trips in Africa.
25:31 And I was there sitting in his office when he came in that day.
25:33 And I had a very respectful conversation with him.
25:36 I challenged him, if he didn't like what I was teaching,
25:40 I said, "Let's meet in your church.
25:41 Let's have a meeting in your church.
25:44 Let them ask me questions and let them ask you questions,
25:46 and let us both answer from the Bible."
25:49 Well I can guarantee you he said "no."
25:54 And then I said to him, respectfully but very straight,
25:57 "So therefore, I'm going to continue to preach and teach
26:00 what I'm preaching and teaching.
26:02 Don't every threaten me again."
26:04 And I walked out hoping there was nothing pointing at my back.
26:09 Because he was a very powerful man, the largest church in town.
26:11 Matter of fact, the lady that he was tormenting,
26:13 a lady that was up in years, she held the purse strings
26:17 for the building of that new church facility.
26:20 And the pastor and her son and other church members
26:22 pressured her into not accepting the truth.
26:24 And I said, "Lord, she's in your hand.
26:26 I'm not requiring anything of her."
26:27 I knew where her heart was, and so did the Lord.
26:30 But they refused to allow her to attend that church, our church,
26:32 because she had the money that was going to be the catalyst
26:35 for building their new church.
26:37 Well friends, when it comes to truth, money means
26:39 absolutely nothing.
26:40 I'd rather lose all my money and live for the truth
26:44 and have eternal life.
26:45 What do you say?
26:46 They did not know how to fight against
26:48 the Protestant reformers.
26:49 And so they began to do something.
26:51 And they began to shift from what the
26:53 Bible says to tradition.
26:58 They began to persecute men whose sole purpose
27:01 was to put the Bible back into the hands of common man.
27:05 And the Bible also predicted the ruthlessness of Rome.
27:08 Daniel 7 verse 7, notice what it says, again.
27:21 That's how God describes the power that embraced
27:25 the world through Rome.
27:44 And when you follow history, you find the ten nations of Europe.
27:47 The three that opposed Rome; the Vandals, the Heruli,
27:50 and the Visigoths.
27:53 And Rome methodically brought them down.
27:55 And when Rome brought down the very last power that opposed it,
27:58 Rome began an uninterrupted unobstructed reign
28:02 from 538 to 1798, when the dark ages were officially launched.
28:07 And the Bible predicted that also.
28:09 It said that Rome would persecute the saints of the
28:12 Most High for a time, times, and dividing of time.
28:15 1260 years Rome reigned almost unchallenged.
28:19 But all of a sudden in the midst of their reign, here comes men
28:22 that said, "Hey, it's time to get back to the Bible."
28:24 Brothers and sisters, it's time to get back to the Bible.
28:27 They couldn't stop the roll, they couldn't stop the rain.
28:30 But look what they did.
28:31 The Council of Trent was determined.
28:33 Iron kingdom.
28:34 All roads, as history said, led to Rome.
28:38 Every king had to bow to the authority of Rome.
28:41 But look what the Council of Trent did.
28:44 The Council of Trent, when they met from 1559 to 1563,
28:49 they wrote the following words.
29:05 They began to exalt tradition up to the standard
29:11 of the Scripture.
29:12 Look at the very next slide and you'll notice,
29:15 Roman Catholicism, how they developed their teaching.
29:18 Roman Catholicism's doctrinal formation was
29:20 sacred scripture and sacred tradition.
29:24 In other words, they determined what, in tradition, was sacred.
29:29 When you follow the history, they began to borrow
29:32 from the history of the kings before them,
29:34 the Roman Emperors before them; like Roman Emperor Justinian,
29:38 Roman Emperor Constantine.
29:41 In 168 AD, the first Sunday law was issued.
29:44 But it was not a law in the sense that everybody had to
29:47 keep it under penalty of death.
29:48 Then in 321 AD, May 321 AD, another Sunday law was passed.
29:56 But those were not the Sunday laws that made it an issue
30:00 for the world in the sense of whether or not
30:02 your life was on the line.
30:04 But Rome re-enforced itself during the dark ages.
30:07 Here's how the Protestants established their teachings.
30:10 The Protestants stood up and said to the Roman government...
30:12 Look at this slide.
30:15 ...sola scriptura, the Bible and the Bible only.
30:23 The Bible and the Bible only.
30:25 How do you fight somebody with the Bible by using the Bible?
30:29 They couldn't do it.
30:31 That's why I appreciate what Ellen White says.
30:33 A lot of people misunderstand her place
30:34 in the Adventist church.
30:36 But listen to what she says about this very same
30:38 Protestant creed in the book, The Great Controversy,
30:41 the 1888 edition, page 205.
30:43 Listen to what she says, speaking about the Bible.
31:10 That's what we are.
31:11 If you're a Protestant, your creed is the Bible
31:14 and the Bible only.
31:15 But you're finding today that what's being taught in
31:18 Protestantism is not really Protestant at all.
31:21 What's really being taught in Protestantism
31:23 is baptized paganism to a great degree,
31:25 and refurbished Catholicism.
31:28 The lines have been dimmed.
31:30 Rome made sure that the Protestant reformers
31:34 did not get the Bibles in the hands of the common man
31:37 without opposing them, without instilling persecution.
31:40 But something happened very significant going many years
31:44 forward in the 1900's.
31:46 Two particular popes.
31:48 Here's the pictures of both of them.
31:50 Pope John Paul XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
31:56 They both said:
32:09 Notice, from 1881 to 1963 and from 1897 to 1978.
32:14 These men both met similar to each other.
32:17 One followed the other.
32:20 The first Pope that called for the second council
32:26 died before the council was held.
32:30 Taken up by the Pope that followed him.
32:32 And they both said, what the church did during the 1500's
32:36 still exists to the very day.
32:40 What actually is that?
32:42 What did the church do that continues to exist
32:44 to the very day.
32:46 Listen to what the Council of Trent did.
32:50 The Catechism of the Council of Trent, page 402.
33:06 The Council of Trent did that.
33:07 So when these two popes in our modern time
33:09 said that the Council of Trent still exists in our modern era,
33:13 and the principles continue to be proliferated,
33:15 they're saying, what they did then
33:17 we still see it existing today.
33:18 But let's continue.
33:48 That's what the Council of Trent did in 1566.
33:52 Well let's continue, because when this came up
33:54 the challenge came to Rome, "How could you do that?
33:57 How and where do you get the authority from?"
34:00 And look at the question.
34:41 The questioning to Rome continued.
34:51 And by the way, the references are sometimes almost as long
34:54 as the quote itself.
34:56 But I put it there just so you know that it's not something
34:58 that was arbitrarily put together, but it exists
35:01 in actual writing.
35:22 Have you ever played hide and seek before?
35:25 Trying to find people where they're not really hiding?
35:29 Many Protestant leaders are trying to find in the Bible
35:32 what is not really there?
35:35 Trying to find foundation...
35:37 That's why I was so thankful...
35:38 I'm glad I heard Shelley's voice.
35:39 I was so thankful that God moved upon Shelley and Danny Shelton
35:41 to put together that book, The Commandments Twice Removed.
35:44 Five million copies went out.
35:46 Five million copies sowing seeds of truth,
35:48 harvesting a kingdom for the coming of our Lord.
35:52 Because this is a message, though hard to hear,
35:55 must be heard.
35:57 Because this is the foundation of truth.
36:00 Listen to what Rome continues to say.
36:03 And I'm so glad, because the Protestant leaders that are
36:05 trying to find it in the Bible...
36:06 There are only, by the way, twelve references
36:08 in the New Testament to the first day of the week.
36:09 Only twelve.
36:11 Eight of them have to do with the resurrection.
36:13 So they only have four shots to find the sanctity of Sunday
36:18 in the New Testament.
36:19 And listen to what Rome says when the Protestant leaders
36:22 try to find it, here's what Rome says.
36:43 That's what Rome says, "We never sanctify that day."
36:46 God sanctified the Day.
36:50 By the way, you can't sanctify what God never sanctified.
36:53 You can't make holy what God never made holy.
36:55 Let me use another example.
36:56 Living together does not sanctify your relationship
36:59 into a marriage in God's sight.
37:02 The churches living together.
37:03 Error, darkness; living together.
37:07 God never sanctified that connection.
37:09 Therefore, it is not accepted by God.
37:12 They continue.
37:13 Look at the next small quotation.
37:26 That's exactly how they put the brackets there.
37:29 That's the homage they pay.
37:30 So when a Protestant leader says he denies the authority,
37:35 or is repulsed by what Rome teaches,
37:38 Rome says, "So where did you get Sunday from?
37:42 So on what authority do you honor the day we set up?
37:45 Huh, come on tell me?"
37:49 They can't find it.
37:51 I remember when I was part of a pastoral council there in
37:55 northern California, I remember very well.
37:57 The Catholic priest was ostracized from attending it
38:01 because the Protestant pastors said, "We don't want to be
38:04 associated at all with the Catholic priest."
38:06 But he was my good friend.
38:08 Pastor John Lawrence, the Catholic priest.
38:09 I would go visit him all the time, he had lunch together,
38:11 we laughed together.
38:12 Matter of fact, when the Adventist book mobile
38:14 came through, he would buy books like the Bible commentaries
38:17 and the entire Conflict series.
38:18 And I said to this Catholic pastor, I said, "Wait a minute.
38:23 Why are you buying all those books?"
38:24 And here's what he said, and I appreciate this so much,
38:26 he said, "I am reading your books so that when anybody
38:30 ask me what you believe, I can show them from what you write."
38:38 They never allowed him to be a part of the council,
38:40 but we still had a friendship, we still visited together,
38:42 we still laughed together.
38:44 And whenever he began his Revelation seminar
38:47 to counteract mine, I visited him and I said,
38:48 "Now what's your position on Revelation?"
38:50 And he put his finger on his lip and he said,
38:51 "Actually, I don't have one."
38:54 He just held the meetings to keep people away from mine.
38:58 But the Lord said that this would occur.
39:00 Daniel 7 verse 25.
39:03 Speaking of Rome, the Lord says:
39:23 In other words, you ever see a kid try to hide from an adult?
39:27 They hide like this.
39:30 They figure if they cover their eyes, you can't see them.
39:33 Like many of us when we were growing up, you know,
39:35 we figure by pulling the blanket over,
39:36 the boogie man can't see us.
39:38 Remember that when you were young?
39:40 Afraid of the dark.
39:41 And so they pull the blanket over.
39:43 And so all of a sudden, they think the blanket
39:44 is an invisible shield.
39:46 Well, there are those who have put their own hands
39:48 over their eyes and they believe by blinding themselves
39:51 they have blinded God.
39:52 But God said, "Ah, you think you've changed it."
39:54 But the things that they've changed, they've altered the
39:57 commandments of God.
39:58 When you read the Catholic version of the ten commandments,
40:01 they have taken out the commandment forbidding
40:03 image worship and put the fourth commandment
40:05 into the third spot.
40:08 And they broke the tenth commandment into two
40:10 to make up the gap.
40:13 But they only, as far as God is concerned, they just thought
40:17 that they changed times and laws.
40:19 The sad reality is, men have accepted what they did
40:22 over what God has done.
40:25 But how could they do that unless they felt they
40:27 had some kind of authority.
40:28 Listen to what they say they believe they have.
40:31 The next quotation reads as follows.
40:52 In other words, he is, as it were, God on earth.
40:55 I would say, "Nay, nay."
40:59 God is God in heaven, and God is God on earth.
41:01 Can you say amen.
41:03 But you have to remember that Martin Luther
41:05 ignited the Protestant Reformation.
41:06 Martin Luther was labeled as a Protestant heretic.
41:10 And Rome never denounced its error.
41:14 But the first two denominations that were formed out of the
41:16 Protestant Reformation were the Lutherans and the Anglicans.
41:20 And Pope John Paul, before his death, appealed to
41:24 both of these congregations, both of these denominations,
41:28 to reunite under the authority of Rome,
41:31 under the authority of Rome.
41:32 Look at this slide right here very quickly.
41:34 This is a slide, I got this back in 1980.
41:41 I'm going to try to read that.
41:55 In that particular article, Pope John Paul II
41:58 calls Martin Luther a "German rebel theologian."
42:02 A rebel? What did he do?
42:04 He just simply brought the Bible back to the hand of the people.
42:06 A rebel?
42:07 Because it unveiled Rome's intent.
42:09 But he comes now as the spiritual
42:12 inheritant of Martin Luther.
42:13 In other words, you know, "I'm coming in his place now.
42:16 So since I'm coming in his place, accept me
42:20 and let's unify ourselves together again."
42:23 But that's not all. Look at the next slide.
42:25 The New York Post.
42:49 The next article points out very clearly what they mean
42:52 by "new relationship."
42:53 How did the Anglicans respond to that?
43:04 What exactly does that mean?
43:05 Look at the next article.
43:55 That was the year 2007.
43:56 And they got their 42 page document together.
44:00 And friends, would you know it, they signed on the dotted line.
44:05 "Let's get back together.
44:07 Not on the basis of the fact that we now embrace
44:09 the Bible together.
44:11 But now tradition seems more convenient to me now that
44:14 our reforming leaders have now passed away and are asleep."
44:20 But what does Ellen White say about this?
44:21 Where is it all headed?
44:22 Look at The Great Controversy, page 542, the 1888 edition.
44:31 She says:
45:00 So the question is, what is Rome urging Americans to do?
45:06 And by the way, let me just say this.
45:08 I stand here today like Martin Luther, like John Calvin,
45:14 like Philip Melanchthon; a Protestant who still believes
45:19 that the only rule of faith in practice is
45:21 God's word, not tradition.
45:24 I stand here as a reformer in 2011
45:28 carrying the torch of truth.
45:30 Not my truth, but God's truth.
45:34 And I humbly deal with it because there are souls
45:36 watching and listening that are yet to be snatched out
45:40 of the jaws of error and darkness.
45:42 There is space in the kingdom for those who want to follow
45:45 the Lord and accept His truths.
45:47 The more recent pope, Pope Benedict,
45:49 made a powerful move.
45:51 Look at this next slide.
46:00 Look at the actual article as it reads.
47:21 That's what is happening today.
47:23 And American leaders in the midst of this fragile economy
47:25 are listening to the voice of Rome.
47:27 I'll show you this afternoon, Rome says there's a need
47:30 for a leadership in America and in the world
47:34 that have real teeth.
47:36 Could he mean iron teeth?
47:40 And he's asking the United States government
47:43 and the leaders of the G8 Summit and the G20 to give him that
47:46 power so that he can reign in all the problems of our world;
47:50 financial, economic, global, whether it's ozone, co2 levels,
47:56 global warming, you name it.
47:57 He says, "I can fix it, but you have got to give me the power
48:00 to make the decisions for the world."
48:02 It's coming together very quickly, because Rome is
48:05 urging Sunday as a national day in America.
48:09 All you've got to do is look around
48:10 and you begin to see a lot of stores closing.
48:13 And they list the reasons on their store windows
48:16 as to why the close.
48:17 "Because we honor Sunday as the holy day."
48:21 You can't make holy what God never made holy.
48:23 You can stay home on Sunday, like many of us, and rest.
48:28 But it's not a day that God sanctified.
48:31 You may see that the final apostasy also answers the
48:33 question, what is the seventh system of the final coalition.
48:37 The answer to both is apostate Protestantism.
48:44 Why apostate?
48:45 Protestantism is already in an apostate condition.
48:48 But right now, there are many sincere Christians that
48:51 go to church in every denomination.
48:53 Somebody ought to say amen.
48:55 Some of you are here.
48:56 Some of you came here because you heard God calling you out
48:59 and you responded to the truth of God's word,
49:01 to the voice of God's word.
49:03 You responded knowing that we are living in the last days.
49:06 And when you begin to see this, as I get to the message on
49:08 the final act, or the last act, I will show the progress
49:11 already made in America to create a bond between
49:14 Rome and the Protestant Americans.
49:16 The leaders in the churches of America,
49:18 these mega and giga churches, they do it through
49:20 all these coalitions.
49:21 First was the Christian coalition.
49:24 Before that, one led out by Jerry Falwell.
49:28 When he passed away, they took on a different leadership,
49:31 a different name.
49:32 And all these mega movements, all these firm strong political
49:36 movements, even under Pat Robertson.
49:38 Matter of fact, a few years ago the IRS yanked away his
49:40 501c3 status because they said, in 1996 Pat Robertson,
49:45 with his organizations in 49 different states,
49:49 sent out 40 million flyers to churches telling them
49:53 who to vote for in the election.
49:55 And they said, "That's a violation.
49:56 You cannot tell the state, you cannot tell its
49:58 citizens how to vote.
49:59 That's a violation of your status."
50:01 It took them a year to get that back.
50:04 But that's what is happening in America.
50:06 And what are they saying?
50:07 If they can create the largest voting bloc,
50:09 they can control America.
50:10 And thus control the destiny of the world.
50:13 Because when America sneezes, the rest of the world
50:15 catches a cold.
50:19 That's why when President Reagan sent an ambassador to the
50:22 Vatican, TIME magazine had the article,
50:25 "Unholy Alliance."
50:28 Against the constitution of the United States,
50:30 against our Bill Of Rights;
50:32 establishing a political leader to a holy organization
50:36 when our Constitution strictly says, our Bill Of Rights
50:39 strictly says, "We shall make no laws in respect
50:42 to religious or the free exercise thereof."
50:45 But Rome says they have the answer.
50:48 And Protestant America will be the system to unite us
50:53 under the tyranny of Rome.
50:56 The question is, is Protestant America protesting
50:58 anything anymore?
50:59 Absolutely not.
51:01 Listen to this quotation from the book, Signs Of The Times,
51:07 to answer the question, what is the final apostasy?
52:01 Where are we today?
52:03 We are on the brink of national apostasy,
52:06 to be followed closely on the heals by national ruin.
52:11 I know what I've said here today has probably rattled
52:13 some people's cages.
52:14 And they're probably swallowing right now and drinking water
52:17 and trying to get their composure.
52:19 But let me just say this.
52:20 I said it not with the intent of hurting anybody.
52:23 But with the intent just like I would, I'd bang your door down
52:26 if your house was on fire.
52:29 There are sincere Christians watching this program
52:34 that will get up tomorrow morning and go to the
52:35 church of their choice.
52:37 I have no problem with that at all.
52:41 But this is the day and age where God is saying,
52:46 if this book is your map, it's time to get back to the Bible.
52:53 If your destination is important, it's time to
52:56 get back to the instructions in the road map
53:00 from this world to the world that the Lord is preparing
53:04 for everyone of us.
53:06 We're living in a crisis hour.
53:08 Everything that we have trusted in is crumbling around us.
53:11 You can't trust politicians.
53:13 That's why every time I see a debate going on,
53:14 I say, just another debate.
53:16 Because the answers are not in Washington.
53:18 The answers are in the Lord Jesus Christ.
53:22 If we're looking for a secure foundation, the Lord says it,
53:25 there is no other foundation that anyone can lay
53:29 than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus.
53:33 My other appeal is this.
53:34 Those of you that know the truth, one of the things that
53:37 we need to do that we can do better is love those that
53:40 don't understand this truth as well as we do.
53:45 Our church should be so warm that when people of other faith
53:48 walk in here, they are so caught off guard by the
53:51 contagion of love that they say, "They don't only have the truth,
53:55 but they have the love of Jesus in their hearts."
53:58 You see, to know the message without having the love of
54:00 Christ in your heart is just as bad as not knowing the message.
54:04 So God's people ought to learn how to love one another.
54:06 Because one of the signs of the last days,
54:07 Jesus says, "Because iniquity will abound, the love of
54:12 many will wax cold."
54:15 So what does Satan do?
54:16 He goes to the place where the truth is found
54:17 to make it one of the coldest places on earth.
54:19 That why, brothers and sisters, I'm so glad that when people
54:21 come in here, your faces are smiling, your hearts are warm,
54:24 and you embrace those that come in here.
54:26 May it be our constant testimony that whoever walks through
54:29 those doors is a candidate for the kingdom.
54:33 The thing I also want to say is that we do not by any means
54:36 believe that Seventy-day Adventists
54:37 are the only ones saved.
54:38 Can somebody say amen.
54:40 We do not label other churches as lost.
54:43 We don't label other Christians as lost.
54:46 We're simply saying, there's some problems in
54:48 some of your directions.
54:49 Fix it before it's too late.
54:54 And if somebody were driving with me, following me to
54:57 my destination, going with me to the airport,
55:00 and they had the wrong directions,
55:01 I'd pull off the road and wait for them and say,
55:03 "Where are your directions? Let me look at those."
55:05 And they would praise me and thank me
55:08 for fixing their directions.
55:11 But the devil has so done a job today that people get angry
55:15 when you try to fix their directions.
55:18 This book is the only book that is reliable in a world
55:24 where error is being embraced.
55:27 And so today I appeal to you, on the basis of
55:31 your love for the Lord.
55:32 Jesus didn't say, "Keep my commandments
55:35 and you'll love me."
55:36 Look at the scripture, it's so beautiful.
55:38 Put there by Jesus, the One who established this truth.
55:42 The One who wants to save everyone who comes
55:44 to a knowledge of His saving grace.
55:46 He says in John 14:15, our final text.
55:49 And I'd like you to read that with me, church,
55:51 our local congregation.
55:53 Are you ready? Here we go.
55:54 Jesus says what?
56:02 Simple, but oh so profound.
56:05 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
56:08 My wife and I enjoy having breakfast together.
56:11 As a matter of fact, she buys all those cereals
56:12 with fiber in it.
56:15 And I like Post Super Sugar Crisps.
56:19 And she pulled my coat tail the other day.
56:21 She said, "Let me see the side of that box.
56:23 What's the ingredients?
56:24 How much fiber?
56:27 How much iron?"
56:29 She had eight grams of fiber in hers.
56:32 I had one gram of fiber in mine.
56:37 And she said, "It tastes good, but it's not good for you."
56:40 My point is, friends, error may taste good,
56:43 but it's not good for you.
56:46 Today God is saying, "Don't go by how it tastes."
56:49 It may fit your life style, it may fit into your schedule,
56:52 it may be perfectly convenient with all the things you want to
56:54 do on the weekend.
56:55 But if it tastes good, and that is the only thing that it brings
56:58 to your table is taste, check out its content,
57:01 check out its ingredient.
57:03 It may not be good for you.
57:07 It didn't taste good to go to the cross.
57:09 But it's the best thing that Jesus did for us.
57:13 And because Jesus was obedient even unto death,
57:16 He's calling those who love the Lord to be obedient,
57:19 that you may not lose your life.
57:22 And I appeal to you today, it's time to get back to the Bible.
57:26 May the Lord bless you as we look forward to the
57:28 final presentation this afternoon.


Revised 2014-12-17