Anchors of Truth

The Holy Spirit's Divinity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000052

00:11 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:17 Unknown God with David Asscherick.
00:22 The Word of God begins with the Hebrew words,
00:25 Re'shiyth bara Elohim.
00:28 In the beginning, God.
00:30 And it uses that plural language at the very outset of the Bible.
00:34 So very early on in the reading of the Word of God,
00:37 we are forced to deal with what I call, the One We,
00:41 the plurality and singularity, or the singularity and plurality
00:45 as the case may be.
00:46 We have to wrestle with the idea that we're dealing with a
00:49 God who is three in one.
00:51 One manifested three ways.
00:53 Deal with it as you wish or as you will.
00:56 But you've got to accept that at the very
00:58 beginning of the Word of God.
00:59 And David Asscherick did such a very, very fine job
01:02 on last night as we began to take this walk, this journey
01:06 into understanding the mysteries of God.
01:08 I bid you good evening. My name is C.A. Murray.
01:11 And it is my privilege and pleasure to welcome you to
01:14 night number two in our odyssey together learning
01:17 about the mystery of God and the mystery of the Godhead.
01:22 And we are very, very pleased to have as our speaker,
01:26 David Asscherick, who has changed titles
01:29 just a bit as of late.
01:30 He is now the co-director of Light Bearers Ministry.
01:34 He still is involved with Arise, but Arise has now
01:37 fused with Light Bearers.
01:39 And together, they make a powerful weapon
01:41 for the cause of Christ.
01:43 And so David Asscherick and his partners at Light Bearers,
01:50 Ty and James, make a powerful, powerful weapon in the
01:53 hands of God for the salvation of the souls of men.
01:56 So we invite you to give ear and listen this very night
01:59 to the Word of God, because I know that he will have
02:03 great words, good words, godly words,
02:07 to share with us this very night.
02:09 Before he comes, we are going to ask Pastor Lomacang
02:12 to come and sing, Much Too High A Price.
02:14 But before he does that, would you now bow your heads
02:17 with me in a word of prayer.
02:20 Gracious and heavenly Father, we are so very, very thankful
02:23 for the privilege we have of study.
02:27 We know that Your Word is the lamp unto our feet
02:30 and a light that shines on the path before us.
02:34 But we ask this night for illumination in our minds
02:39 so that we can see Your Word and know Your Word
02:45 and understand Your Word and apply Your Word
02:49 to our lives as together we seek to walk this road
02:54 that leads to glory.
02:55 We ask from You for the speaker clarity and anointing
03:02 so that he will speak those things that we know You have
03:05 give him to say.
03:08 We ask from You for ourselves open hearts,
03:12 open minds, receptive ears that we may hear Your Word
03:18 and make application to our lives.
03:20 And so bless our sitting this night.
03:22 Give us Your presence and Your power.
03:26 And we praise You and thank You.
03:28 In Jesus' worthy name, amen and amen.
03:32 And now our pastor, our friend, John Lomacang.
03:34 And after him our speaker for the evening, David Asscherick.
04:09 Your love endured the cross,
04:17 despising all the shame.
04:23 That afternoon when midnight fell,
04:29 Your suffering cleared my name.
04:36 And that sin swept hill became
04:42 the open door to paradise.
04:48 Because You paid
04:52 much too high a price.
05:03 You paid much too high a price for me;
05:12 Your tears, Your blood, the pain,
05:18 to have my soul just stirred at times
05:24 yet never truly change.
05:30 You deserve a fiery love
05:37 that won't ignore Your sacrifice.
05:42 Because you paid
05:47 much too high a price.
06:05 Your grace inspires my heart
06:12 to rise above the sin
06:18 and all the earthly vanity
06:24 that seeks to draw me in.
06:30 I want to tell this tainted world
06:36 of love that truly saved my life.
06:45 A love that paid
06:50 so high a price.
06:58 You paid much too high a price for me;
07:08 with Your tears, Your blood, and the pain
07:15 to have my soul just stirred at times
07:21 yet never truly change.
07:28 For You deserve a fiery love
07:34 that won't ignore Your sacrifice.
07:43 Because you paid
07:49 much too high a price.
07:58 Because you paid
08:04 much too high a price.
08:30 John, I have to tell you I got nervous there
08:31 when I walked out and the music started to come back up.
08:33 I thought, "I just walked through the middle of his song,"
08:37 and he was going to start singing again.
08:38 Thank you, John. That was absolutely beautiful.
08:40 Good evening, everyone.
08:42 Oh you're joking, right?
08:45 Good evening, everyone.
08:47 Okay, good.
08:48 A little bit of enthusiasm, if you will.
08:50 It's great to be here this evening.
08:52 And a good evening to our viewing audience as well.
08:55 Look at this, I brought like a veritable
08:56 library with me tonight.
08:57 Yeah?
08:59 A little bit of light reading.
09:01 900 pages.
09:03 I'll be showing you that in just a bit.
09:05 Did you have a good day today?
09:07 Oh man, I had a really good day today.
09:08 I had a run, spent some time with Dr. Stefanovic,
09:12 went over and played dodge ball with the kids at the school.
09:15 Got totally humbled.
09:16 Totally humbled.
09:18 I thought I would just absolutely win.
09:20 And no, no. Such was not the case.
09:23 So anyway, I've had a great day, very busy day.
09:25 And we have quite a little bit of information
09:28 that we're going to cover.
09:29 We're talking about the unknown God.
09:31 And last night, we sort of set the table.
09:34 Were you with us last night?
09:35 Okay, last night we sort of set the table.
09:37 Tonight, we're going to continue to sort of put the
09:40 meal on the table as we seek to understand who and what,
09:46 in as much as we can understand, is this God
09:49 that is revealed to us in Scripture.
09:51 And so without further adieu, we're just going to have a
09:53 quick prayer and we're going to dive right into our
09:55 time together in Scripture.
09:57 Father in heaven, what a privilege to be here tonight.
10:00 And as John has sung, it is true that You paid
10:04 a very high price, the highest possible price:
10:08 the price of Your own life; the life of Your Son,
10:12 the life of God.
10:14 And Father, it is our privilege tonight to come before You
10:17 because of what Jesus has done.
10:20 We don't come in our own merits or our own righteousness,
10:24 for we have none, we possess nothing.
10:27 As the old hymn says, "Nothing in our hands we bring,
10:29 simply to Thy cross we cling."
10:32 And so Father, we thank You for being willing to pay that price.
10:36 And tonight as we seek to understand who You are,
10:40 and what You are, and why You would do this,
10:43 this amazing thing, this gospel story,
10:48 Father, I pray that Your Spirit would come into this room.
10:51 Yes, but Father, more than that, we pray that your Spirit would
10:54 come into our hearts, that we may understand
10:58 who You are and the significance and the height and the depth
11:02 and the breadth of Your love and grace.
11:05 Be with us, Father.
11:06 Tonight may the unknown God, the Spirit, become less unknown.
11:13 May we seek to understand Him better and to know Him better.
11:16 And thus, to know You better.
11:19 Bind our hearts together with You and with one another tonight
11:22 as we open Scripture, is our prayer in Jesus' name.
11:25 Let everyone give an enthusiastic amen.
11:29 Alright, amen. Very good.
11:31 Now let's just spend a couple minutes in review talking about
11:34 what we did last night, what we learned last night.
11:37 And then we're going to continue with our discussion of the
11:42 singularity and the plurality of God. Okay?
11:45 So I want to ask a simple question here.
11:47 How many Gods are there in Scripture?
11:50 The true Gods, how many true Gods are there in Scripture?
11:53 One God. Okay.
11:54 And that would be an emphasis on the singularity of God.
11:58 Right?
11:59 But as we began to learn last night, God is manifested
12:03 in three Persons, or in a plurality.
12:06 And that's what we're going to be discussing tonight.
12:08 And even tomorrow night as well.
12:10 Trying to get our minds and our hands wrapped around
12:12 this idea of God as one and yet God as three.
12:16 And what's the word that is sometimes used to describe that?
12:20 The word Trinity.
12:21 Now the word Trinity, are we married to that word?
12:23 Is it essential that you use that word?
12:25 No.
12:26 There are certain teachings that are not in harmony
12:29 with Scripture that someone might call "Trinitarian."
12:32 And so if someone says, "Oh David, I saw this really
12:34 weird, really wild, really crazy thing on the Trinity online,"
12:38 and they bring that definition to you or to me,
12:41 if it's a little wild and a little weird and a little crazy,
12:43 and it's not biblical, are we going to say,
12:45 "Oh I believe that because it says Trinity."
12:47 No, we're going to say, "In as much as we're allowed to
12:50 define that term, that's what we believe."
12:52 And that's what we're trying to understand is,
12:53 what does that mean.
12:55 Why did this word even come up?
12:57 Why the idea that God is a singularity as well a plurality?
13:01 Now, one more little thing that we learned last night.
13:04 And that is, that when we're seeking to understand
13:06 who and what God is...
13:07 We looked at several passages last night.
13:09 We looked at Psalms, we looked at Job,
13:10 we looked at Deuteronomy.
13:11 And we looked at the New Testament, 1 Timothy 3:16.
13:16 God, in the essence of His Godness, is easy
13:20 or difficult to understand?
13:22 You tell me.
13:24 Do we understand God exhaustively?
13:26 No, no, no, no, no.
13:28 We understand just the smallest little sliver
13:31 of who and what God is.
13:32 Who remembers what our illustration was last night?
13:34 What is this here? This is the sea shore.
13:37 And out there is the sea.
13:39 All of this that's behind us is the very limits
13:43 of human intellect and human language.
13:46 And we say all of the correct things in the best possible way
13:50 and we're thinking correctly.
13:51 But even in our best thinking and even in our best
13:55 articulation, the reality that is God is an infinity beyond.
14:01 Are we clear on that, everyone?
14:02 God cannot be boxed in or circumscribed by our language.
14:06 Now, God does reveal Himself in Scripture.
14:09 He does use words, but we have to understand and appreciate the
14:13 limits of those words and the limits of the human intellect.
14:15 Amen?
14:16 As we heard last night, one of the questions that was put there
14:20 in the book of Job is, "Can you search the limits of God?"
14:24 And the answer is, of course not.
14:27 Paul, in the New Testament, says, "Without controversy,
14:30 great is the mystery of godliness."
14:34 Now what we're going to try and do this evening is
14:36 continue to understand this wonderful beautiful mystery
14:41 that is God as a unity, singularity,
14:46 as well as a plurality.
14:48 Now the title of our whole series is, Unknown God.
14:52 And we're seeking to understand the role and person
14:54 of the Holy Spirit.
14:56 But before we can really get to understand who and what and
14:59 the work of the Spirit is, we have to understand
15:02 what is God in His nature and in His character.
15:05 And that's what we began to do last night.
15:08 So that's a little bit of review.
15:09 Are you ready for some new material now?
15:11 Okay, now we started in Genesis chapter 1
15:13 right at the very beginning in a good systematic
15:16 treatment of who God is and how He reveals Himself.
15:20 And we came across that important passage there
15:23 in chapter 1, and God said, "Let Us make man in Our image."
15:31 And who remembers the analogy that we used last night,
15:33 the illustration?
15:34 What is this?
15:36 This is a mirror.
15:38 And when I look in the mirror, is that me there?
15:40 Is that me?
15:42 What is that?
15:43 That's a reflection or an image.
15:46 And so while that is not me, that is certainly an accurate
15:50 representation of me.
15:53 In other words, it would be a little strange to look in the
15:55 mirror and see curly hair and glasses, and then to look at me
15:58 and see bald and no glasses.
16:00 Right? You would say, "Oh that's strange."
16:02 Or look there and see a woman, and to look
16:05 here and see a man.
16:06 Right? You'd say, "Well that's something.
16:07 The mirror is broken."
16:09 Right?
16:10 Okay, so when we look at the thing that God made
16:15 in His image, what is that thing that God made in His image?
16:19 Very good. A family.
16:21 "Let Us make man in Our image."
16:24 Plural possessive pronoun.
16:26 "Let them..."
16:28 "Them" as a plural represents a plural; an "Us" and an "Our".
16:32 The very first thing that God says to the man and the woman,
16:35 both of whom were made in His image is, "Make another."
16:38 And so the thing that in its most sublime beauty
16:44 that is in the image of God is not just a male
16:46 or just a female.
16:49 But the family unit is the thing that is
16:52 truly in the image of God.
16:53 We're going to unpack that further as we continue now.
16:57 Genesis chapter 3, we noted that verse yesterday,
16:59 "Man is become like one of Us." Right?
17:03 "Man is become like one of Us."
17:04 Genesis chapter 1, 2, and 3.
17:05 Now what we're going to do is go to Genesis chapter 11.
17:09 This is now new material.
17:11 Genesis chapter 11.
17:12 This is the story...
17:13 Well, who knows what story this is?
17:15 What's right there in Genesis chapter 11 just after the flood?
17:19 A little bit of a building project.
17:22 Okay, very good. The tower of Babel.
17:24 And let's just read through this because there's two interesting
17:28 things that emerge here.
17:29 Two very important things.
17:32 We'll pick it up in verse 1, "Now the whole earth had
17:34 one language and one speech.
17:37 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east,
17:39 that they found a plain in the land of Shinar,
17:41 and they dwelt there.
17:42 Then they said to one another..."
17:44 These are the people after the flood.
17:46 Now watch this language here.
17:47 "Come, let..." What does your Bible say?
17:51 "'Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.'
17:54 They had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar.
17:57 And they said..." Here's our phrase again.
17:59 "'Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower
18:03 whose top is in the heavens;
18:04 let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be
18:07 scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.'
18:08 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the
18:11 sons of men had built.
18:12 And the Lord said, 'Indeed the people are one and
18:15 they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do.
18:18 Now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.'"
18:21 Now let's just pause here for a moment.
18:23 The story is basically being told of a people who are
18:25 going to build a city and build a tower.
18:27 And this refrain occurs three times,
18:29 "come let...," "come let...," "come let..."
18:33 So people here are unified and they're going to do a thing.
18:37 But watch, it's very interesting what Moses does here.
18:39 Under the inspiration of the Spirit, Moses keeps
18:42 this same refrain.
18:44 But notice that he changes the subject of the refrain.
18:47 Now it's somebody else who's giving the very same phrase.
18:51 Notice verse 7.
18:52 "Come, let..." What does your Bible say?
18:56 "'Come, let Us go down there and confuse their language,
19:00 that they may not understand one another's speech.'
19:02 So the Lord scattered them abroad over the face
19:05 of all the earth, and they ceased building the city."
19:07 Who is the "Come, let Us," in verse 7?
19:10 It's God Himself.
19:11 Okay, so don't miss that.
19:12 Don't miss that very fascinating little stylistic element
19:15 where Moses says that the people say three times,
19:18 "Come let us do something," "Come let us do something,"
19:20 "Come let us do something."
19:21 And Moses says that God then said, "Come let Us."
19:27 God here is referred to by Himself as a plural.
19:31 God refers to Himself in the plural.
19:33 And we've talked a little bit about why this is.
19:35 It's because the word there in the Hebrew is the word "Elohim,"
19:40 which is in the plural.
19:42 Now there's another very fascinating thing here.
19:45 Look back at verse 6.
19:48 It says, "And the Lord said, 'Indeed the people are one.'"
19:55 Now I'm going to ask you a very simple question.
19:57 "People," is that a single unit, is that a single individual,
20:02 or is that a plural?
20:04 Okay, so check this out.
20:06 "The people," plural, "are..." What does the Bible say?
20:11 ""
20:12 "The people are one."
20:13 Now yesterday I told you there's a word.
20:15 You might not remember it.
20:16 But it says that when the man and the woman become one flesh,
20:21 that word is the word "echad."
20:23 You remember that? The word "echad."
20:25 Not the word "yachid," which is a different word,
20:28 which means solitary, alone, completely alone.
20:32 The word "echad" means not just one, but unity.
20:37 Unity.
20:38 That's the very same word that we have here in verse 6,
20:41 "Indeed the people..."
20:42 That is a plural entity, a plurality; or echad.
20:47 The man and the woman, two, are echad.
20:51 Now that's going to become very important for us
20:52 in just a moment because we're going to look at
20:54 one of the most significant, arguably the single most sacred
20:59 text to Jewish persons in the entire Old Testament.
21:03 We're going to look at what the Jews call, the Shema,
21:05 which means, hear or to listen.
21:08 We're going to go there in just a moment.
21:09 But at this point, I just want you to put this idea on a shelf
21:11 in your mind that a plural can be one.
21:15 And that's not necessarily inherently contradictory.
21:18 Are we together on that, everyone?
21:20 Because, the man and the woman became one.
21:22 And here, the people are... What?
21:24 The people are one.
21:25 Now, you're in Genesis 11. Go to Genesis 18.
21:29 Now under normal circumstances, if we had more time,
21:33 we would just read the whole story of Genesis chapter 18.
21:36 We would just read it through.
21:37 But I'm just going to quickly rehearse it for you.
21:40 A man by the man of Abraham...
21:42 What's his name, everyone?
21:44 A man by the name of Abraham is sitting in the door of his tent
21:48 under the trees, and he looks out.
21:50 And as Abraham looks out, he sees three travelers.
21:53 How many travelers does he see? Three travelers.
21:55 And in keeping with Middle Eastern custom, he rushes out
21:58 to meet the three travelers.
21:59 And he invites them to his place, "Hey, come.
22:01 Wash your feet, have a meal, get some water."
22:03 And so the three travelers come to Abrahams tent
22:05 there under the oaks.
22:06 I think it was at a place called Mamre.
22:08 And they sit down and they begin to interact.
22:10 They're talking, they're conversing.
22:12 Now Abraham thinks that he has just invited three travelers,
22:15 three sojourners that are just making their way.
22:17 He doesn't know that who he has actually invited in is
22:22 God Himself and two angels.
22:25 He doesn't know this.
22:26 Because they just look like ordinary travelers.
22:28 Now in the course of their time they spend together,
22:31 they talk and they eat some food.
22:34 And then they say, "Okay, well we've got to get going.
22:36 Okay, we've got to get going."
22:37 And so they say to Abraham, "We're going to go."
22:40 And so Abraham, the Bible says, sees them out.
22:42 Right, we do that. Don't we?
22:43 When people come to our house and they get up to leave,
22:46 do we just say, "Okay, see you."
22:47 Do we see them to the door?
22:49 Yea, yea.
22:50 In some families, you say bye to them in the living room,
22:52 then you say bye at the door, then you say bye outside
22:54 of the door, then you say bye at the car, and then you wave.
22:56 Right? It's like a series of goodbye's.
22:58 So that's kind of what Abraham's doing here.
23:00 He has had lunch with the three, He has had a meal with them.
23:03 And then he sees them out.
23:05 And as he is seeing them out, God says...
23:08 And this is right toward the end of Genesis 18.
23:10 God says, "Am I going to withhold this thing
23:14 that I'm going to do from Abraham, seeing that Abraham
23:17 is My guy and I know that he will command his
23:19 household after him?
23:20 Can I withhold from Abraham what I am about to do?"
23:24 And as Abraham is seeing them out, God is thinking this.
23:26 And then God turns to Abraham.
23:29 And the other two, the Bible says, continue to walk.
23:32 God turns and He says to Abraham, "Abraham, let Me
23:35 tell you what we're doing here.
23:37 There is a cry that has come up to us, a great cry
23:40 from a certain city, a pair of cities."
23:43 What were those two cities? Sodom and Gomorrah.
23:45 "We have heard a great cry that has come up to us.
23:47 And we're going down to see if in fact it is as we have heard."
23:50 Right? We find this many times in Scripture.
23:52 In Genesis chapter 3, God comes down to see what Adam has done.
23:55 In Genesis chapter 11, He goes down to see the
23:57 tower that the sons of men had built.
23:58 We just saw that.
23:59 And here in Genesis 18, He turns and He says to Abraham,
24:02 "We're going to Sodom and Gomorrah to see if it's
24:05 as we've heard.
24:06 And if it is, those cities are going to be destroyed."
24:09 Now Abraham is immediately concerned because
24:11 he knows somebody who lives in one of those cities.
24:13 And who is that? Lot.
24:14 Okay, so now Abraham says to God...
24:18 And this is at the point where he realizes, "Whoa, these are
24:20 not just ordinary travelers.
24:21 These are not just ordinary sojourners.
24:23 This is," in fact he calls Him, "the Judge of all the earth."
24:27 He says that to Him.
24:28 He says, "What? You're going to go destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?"
24:31 Because Abraham knows what kind of a city it is.
24:33 Okay?
24:34 And so he says, "What? Will not the Judge of all the earth
24:38 do the right thing?"
24:39 Right? You familiar with this?
24:41 And he says, "What if there were 50 righteous there?"
24:44 And God says... Does anyone know what He says?
24:46 He says, "Well if there were 50 righteous,
24:49 I would..." What?
24:50 "...I would preserve it."
24:51 And then Abraham says, "But what if there were 45?"
24:54 God says, "I would preserve it."
24:55 "What if there were 40?" "I would preserve it."
24:56 "What if there were 30?" "What if there were 20?"
24:57 "What if there were 10?"
24:59 All the way down, they're bargaining down to 10.
25:01 And God said, "Hey, if there were 10, I would preserve it."
25:04 Now this is just how Genesis 18 ends.
25:07 And let me just walk you through that.
25:09 Go to Genesis chapter 18.
25:10 Let's just read the last little bit there.
25:13 We'll pick it up in verse 31, the last three verses.
25:15 "And he said, 'Indeed now, I have taken it upon myself
25:18 to speak to the Lord: Suppose twenty should be found there?'
25:20 So He said, 'I will not destroy it for the sake of twenty.'
25:22 Then he said, 'Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak
25:24 but once more: Suppose ten should be found there?'
25:26 And He said, 'I will not destroy it for the sake of ten.'"
25:28 Now look at verse 33.
25:29 "So the LORD went His way as soon as He had finished speaking
25:33 with Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place."
25:36 The word "LORD" there is capital "L" capital "O"
25:38 capital "R" capital "D".
25:39 That's Jehovah. Okay?
25:41 So Abraham has just been talking face to face with God.
25:46 Right? With who he calls, "the Judge of all the earth."
25:50 And then after this conversation is done...
25:51 Remember that there's no breaks in the
25:55 way that Genesis was written.
25:56 In fact, the way that the whole Bible was written.
25:57 The chapterisation, the versification,
25:59 was added many many centuries later.
26:01 In fact, millennial later in this case.
26:03 Now look at the very next thing that we read.
26:06 Chapter 19 verse 1, it says, "Now the two..."
26:10 What does your Bible say?
26:11 "Now the two..." Well who are the two angels?
26:14 Oh, simple.
26:15 They're the ones that were...
26:16 How many people had lunch with Abraham?
26:19 Three, and one turned to talk. That was God.
26:23 And the two angels made their way to where?
26:26 They made their way to Sodom and Gomorrah.
26:27 And you know the story, right? They show up and they meet Lot.
26:30 And Lot says, "Hey, come stay at my place."
26:32 "No, we'll just sleep in the square."
26:33 "No, you're going to stay at my place," and he brings them over.
26:35 Do we know the story?
26:36 Now you might be saying, "What does this have to
26:37 do with the unknown God?"
26:39 Ah, now this is a very interesting point.
26:42 We went through all of that little story in Genesis 18
26:45 and 19 to establish a very simple fact.
26:47 And that is, that God; Jehovah, Yahweh...
26:52 Okay? God...
26:53 Who, everyone?
26:55 God is on the earth.
26:59 Are you with me on that? He's on the earth.
27:01 We know that because He was just eating
27:02 cheese in Abraham's tent.
27:04 Okay, that's what it says.
27:05 He's on the earth, He was just talking to Abraham.
27:09 After that conversation is done, He begins to walk and
27:12 starts to catch up to the angels that have gone ahead.
27:15 Are we together, everyone?
27:16 Well as the angels arrive there, they stay at Lot's house.
27:19 You know the story, that the wicked people of
27:21 Sodom and Gomorrah, Sodom in this case,
27:23 they come out and they say, "Hey, we want these guys."
27:26 They're blinded.
27:27 And they basically say, "Hey Lot, let me tell you what's up.
27:29 We're not just ordinary travelers.
27:31 We're here to find out if what we've heard
27:32 about this city is true.
27:33 We've seen that it is the case.
27:35 This city is going to be destroyed.
27:36 Get your family and get out."
27:38 Right?
27:39 I'm telling you a very familiar story that you would know.
27:42 Now watch this.
27:43 As the angels lay hold on Lot and his wife,
27:48 begins to drag them and the family out,
27:50 a very interesting thing happens.
27:52 I'm in Genesis 19 now. Let's pick it up in verse 19.
27:56 "Indeed now, your servant has found favor in your sight,
27:59 and you have increased your mercy which you have shown me
28:01 by saving my life; but I cannot escape to the mountains,
28:04 lest some evil overtake me and I die."
28:06 The angels had said, "Run to the mountains."
28:08 But he's like, "Uh, I don't really like camping.
28:11 I don't want to... I can't go to the mountains.
28:13 I mean, I don't even... Where do I sleep?
28:14 I don't have a sleeping bag. I don't have a tent."
28:16 So he says, "I can't do that."
28:17 Verse 20, "See now, there's a city over here.
28:20 Just a little one. Just a small city.
28:22 Near enough to flee to. It's just a small one.
28:25 Please let me escape there, is it not just a little one,
28:28 and my soul will live."
28:29 Verse 21, "And he said to him, 'See, I have favored you
28:32 concerning this thing also, in that I will not
28:34 overthrow this city for which you have spoken.'"
28:36 Lot was apparently a bit of a city boy. Right?
28:38 And so he says, "I can't go camping.
28:39 I want to go to the city."
28:40 "Okay then, go to Zoar."
28:41 Verse 22, "'Hurry, escape there.
28:43 For I cannot do anything until you arrive there.'
28:45 Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar."
28:47 Which means, little. Or insignificant.
28:49 Now verse 23, "The sun had risen upon the
28:51 earth when Lot entered Zoar."
28:52 Now just stop right there, I want to get the story
28:55 very simply in our mind.
28:57 Lot has come out of the city. Right?
29:00 And the angels have said, "Run away.
29:02 Run away to the hills."
29:03 "Well, I don't want to go to the hills.
29:04 Can I go to this little city? Can I go to Zoar?"
29:06 "Go to Zoar because I can't do what I'm going to do
29:10 until you get there."
29:11 And so it says that Lot makes his way to Zoar.
29:13 Now watch what happens as God, who had been talking to Abraham,
29:19 has now apparently arrived at the scene.
29:22 He is now at the scene as well.
29:25 And one of the most intriguing verses in all of Genesis
29:29 occurs in verse 24.
29:30 Okay, and you'll understand why we went through this
29:32 whole story to establish this.
29:34 Loot at Genesis chapter 19 verse 24.
29:36 It says, "Then the LORD..."
29:38 That's capital "L" capital "O" capital "R" capital "D".
29:40 That's Yahweh.
29:42 That's the God of the Old Testament.
29:43 "Then Yahweh rained brimstone and fire on..."
29:48 What two cities?
29:50 Sodom and Gomorrah. Now watch this.
29:51 "...from the LORD..." Capital "LORD".
29:55 "...from the LORD," Yahweh, "out of the heavens."
30:01 Now look at that verse again.
30:03 "Then Yahweh rained fire and brimstone
30:05 on Sodom and Gomorrah from Yahweh out of the heavens."
30:09 I want to ask you a simple question.
30:10 How many Yahwehs do you have in that verse?
30:14 You have two Yahwehs in that verse, don't you.
30:17 Do you see it?
30:18 You have two Lords in that verse.
30:20 Now you might be saying, "Well wait a minute.
30:21 How do we know there's two Lords there?"
30:23 Very simple.
30:24 Because one of those Lords was just eating cheese in
30:26 Abrahams tent and then discussing with Abraham
30:29 the destruction of Sodom and how many people would
30:30 need to be there in order for Him to preserve it.
30:31 He then turns.
30:33 And the point of this is to let you know
30:34 that God's feet are on earth.
30:36 He is with Abraham.
30:38 Are you with me? Yes or no.
30:40 So when He finally shows up and Lot has made his way to
30:42 Zoar, it says, "Yahweh, Jehovah, the Lord, rained brimstone and
30:48 fire from Yahweh out of the heavens."
30:53 Question, what direction does rain come from?
30:58 No, rain doesn't go up.
31:00 Maybe it does here.
31:01 Rains comes from up, but it comes down.
31:04 Are you with me on that?
31:05 I misunderstood what you were saying.
31:06 Rain comes down.
31:07 So you have Jehovah there, Yahweh there...
31:11 Right?
31:12 ...who is having fire and brimstone come down.
31:14 So He calls to Him, "Bring it down."
31:17 You've got two Jehovahs in that verse.
31:18 Two Yahwehs in the verse.
31:20 I'm using those names interchangeably because
31:22 we don't know exactly what the correct pronunciation is.
31:24 Okay?
31:25 Now the point is basically this.
31:26 We might read that and think, "Whoa."
31:28 I remember one time, I studied this with a Jehovah's Witness.
31:30 Just went through the story with a Jehovah's Witness
31:31 on the airplane.
31:33 And he was like, "Oh yea," "Oh yea," "Oh yea," "Oh yea."
31:34 And we get down to verse 24, he was like...
31:38 "I've got to study that out," he says.
31:40 "I've got to study that out."
31:41 I said, "You do that, you study it out."
31:43 The point is basically this.
31:45 This is not some radical strange weird thing when we follow
31:49 the basic directionality that Genesis has us headed in.
31:52 In Genesis chapter 1, "Let Us make man in Our image."
31:55 In Genesis chapter 3, "Man has become like one of Us."
31:58 In Genesis chapter 11, "Come let Us go down and
32:00 confuse the language."
32:01 Here in Genesis 18, the Lord is having lunch with Abraham.
32:05 And then the Lord calls down fire and brimstone
32:08 from the Lord out of the heavens.
32:10 What we're seeing here is a common thread of hints.
32:16 What word did I say, everyone? Hints.
32:18 Now do these passages prove that God is a Trinity?
32:23 No, they don't prove that God is a Trinity.
32:25 But what they do is very interesting.
32:27 They get us headed in a direction that when we
32:29 get to the New Testament becomes crystal clear.
32:33 If all you had were the Old Testament...
32:35 Let's just imagine that the New Testament does not exist
32:38 and all we have is the Old Testament.
32:39 So we're Jews, let's just say.
32:40 If all you had was the Old Testament,
32:42 I'm going to go on record as saying,
32:44 you would not emerge from a study of the Old Testament
32:47 as a Trinitarian.
32:48 You wouldn't.
32:49 That's why the Jews are not Trinitarian.
32:51 If all you had was the Old Testament, what you could say
32:54 is that there are hints and suggestions that point in the
32:59 direction of the plurality of God.
33:02 But you would not say, "Oh, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
33:06 But what is hinted at and what is suggested
33:09 and what is directional in the Old Testament
33:11 becomes explicitly clear in the New Testament.
33:14 Are you with me on that?
33:16 Now I want to show you just a couple more things here
33:17 that I find very interesting in the Old Testament.
33:21 Just a couple.
33:22 Go with me to Numbers chapter 6.
33:26 Numbers chapter 6.
33:27 We leave Genesis, through Exodus, Leviticus.
33:29 Numbers chapter 6.
33:32 Now this is another passage that I find intriguing.
33:35 Not as proof, but as suggestive.
33:39 What's the word that I used there, everyone?
33:41 Suggestive.
33:42 I want to be very clear on that word.
33:44 It's suggestive, it's not definitive.
33:46 It's not definitive. It's suggestive.
33:48 Now look at this.
33:49 In Numbers chapter 6, this is God speaking to Moses.
33:54 And He says to Moses, "Moses, when the priests put My blessing
33:59 and My name on the people of Israel, they need to do it
34:03 in a certain way.
34:05 And when they do it in that certain way, they have to
34:07 do it just like this."
34:10 Okay, now you'll be familiar with this blessing.
34:11 Verse 22, Numbers chapter 6 verse 22.
34:14 "And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 'Speak to Aaron
34:16 and his sons, saying, "This is the way you shall
34:19 bless the children of Israel, say to them..."'"
34:20 God is very particular.
34:22 "This is how you do it."
34:23 And watch how the blessing is to be pronounced.
34:25 The official priestly benediction from God
34:28 on His people through the priests.
34:30 Verse 24, "Yahweh bless you and keep you."
34:34 Verse 25, "Yahweh make His face shine upon you,
34:37 and be gracious to you."
34:38 Verse 26, "Yahweh lift up His countenance upon you,
34:41 and give you peace."
34:42 Verse 27, "So they shall put My name on the children of
34:46 Israel, and I will bless them."
34:48 Now isn't it interesting that the official priestly blessing
34:52 and benediction that God gives to Moses to give to the people
34:57 is a threefold blessing.
34:59 Yahweh do this, Yahweh do this, Yahweh do this.
35:03 Now, does this prove the Trinity?
35:06 Not at all.
35:07 Does it prove the triune nature of God?
35:10 Not at all.
35:11 But it's suggestive.
35:12 Particularly when we get to the New Testament and
35:15 Jesus begins to say very radical things like,
35:18 "I and My Father are one."
35:23 Right?
35:24 So the official priestly benediction
35:26 is a threefold blessing.
35:28 Let me show you another one of those.
35:29 Go with me to the book of Isaiah.
35:32 Isaiah chapter 6.
35:34 Isaiah has wondered into the temple.
35:37 I don't know if he wondered there or not
35:38 but he has made his way to the temple.
35:40 And as he goes into the temple, he sees the Lord of hosts.
35:43 And as he sees the Lord of hosts high and lifted up,
35:46 he sees these angels that are flying around that
35:48 have three pairs of wings.
35:49 And with two they cover their feet, and with two they cover
35:52 their face, and with two they fly.
35:54 And these angels are crying out something.
35:57 Oh, what are they crying out? What is it?
35:59 Not "holy" one time. Not "holy, holy" two times.
36:06 They're crying out what? "Holy, holy, holy."
36:09 Which raises the question, why three?
36:12 Why is the number of holys that the angels cry out three?
36:17 It's the very same thing that we find in Revelation
36:19 chapter 4 verse 8, "Holy, holy, holy."
36:23 Now, does this again prove the Trinity?
36:25 No, it's not proof. It's not determinative.
36:28 But it's suggestive.
36:30 Now in this very passage, there's something
36:31 else quite interesting.
36:32 It says here in verse 7, we'll pick it up in verse 7,
36:36 "He touched my mouth with this coal and he said,
36:38 'Behold, this has touched your lips;
36:39 your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is purged.'
36:41 I also heard the voice of the Lord, saying,
36:44 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'"
36:52 "Who will go for Us?"
36:53 The, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts,"
36:56 in this very same passage refers to Himself as an "Us."
37:00 Are we beginning to see a bit of a pattern here?
37:03 God referring to Himself with plural pronouns?
37:07 God referring to Himself as Elohim in the plural?
37:10 "Yahweh bless you and keep you.
37:11 Yahweh make His face to shine upon you.
37:13 Yahweh be gracious unto you."
37:14 "Jehovah rain fire and brimstone from Jehovah out of the heaven."
37:18 Are we beginning to see a bit of a pattern here?
37:19 Yes or no.
37:20 Stay in Isaiah, look at chapter 9, Isaiah chapter 9.
37:24 And then I think this will be our final text from
37:26 the Old Testament and then we'll get into the New Testament.
37:28 No, we'll look at one more in the Old Testament.
37:30 Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6.
37:31 It's the one I told you we'd look at there.
37:32 The most sacred text to a Jewish person; the Shema.
37:37 But before we do that, Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6.
37:40 Look at this one. You'll know this one.
37:41 The Christmas season is just past here not too long ago.
37:44 And this is a passage that we often associate with
37:46 the Christmas season.
37:48 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given;
37:52 and the government will be upon His shoulder.
37:53 His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
37:56 Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
38:01 Now that's very interesting.
38:03 The Son is called Mighty God.
38:08 The Son is called Everlasting Father.
38:11 Now sometimes that throws people off.
38:12 They say, "What? How is He the Son and He's the Father?"
38:16 Well, He's the Father in this sense.
38:18 In this particular sense, He is the Father of the human race,
38:22 the new Father of the human race.
38:23 Adam, of course, was the first father.
38:25 He failed.
38:26 But Jesus, in a very special sense, Paul refers to Him
38:29 in the New Testament as the second Adam.
38:31 Right? He's the new Father of the human race.
38:33 That's why we have to be born again.
38:35 We were born the first time under the old Adam.
38:37 And we're born again under the new Adam.
38:39 Can you say amen to that?
38:40 So here's a very interesting thing.
38:41 Think about this.
38:43 If you have a horse, what is the...
38:47 I don't know if this is the correct language.
38:48 The son of a horse is what kind of an animal?
38:51 I know that's really bad.
38:52 I don't know anything about horses.
38:54 Foal, okay.
38:55 But what kind of an animal is it.
38:57 Is it a chicken?
38:59 It's a horse. Okay.
39:00 So let me make it very simple.
39:01 Horse, horse.
39:02 If you have progeny, if you have descendants
39:04 from a horse, it's a horse.
39:05 If you have a pig, you have a pig.
39:07 If you have a fish, you have a fish.
39:09 If you have a human, you have a human.
39:10 Right? So think this through.
39:11 If the Son is Mighty God, what's the Father?
39:17 He's God. He's God too.
39:18 So if the Son is God and the Father is God,
39:21 then how many Yahwehs do you have there?
39:24 You have two.
39:25 So what we see here is very fascinating.
39:27 In the Old Testament, we don't have proof positive
39:31 that God is in fact a plurality in terms of a triunity.
39:35 But we do see suggestions.
39:38 We see... What's the word, everyone?
39:40 ...suggestions that hint in that direction.
39:42 Now what we're going to do is we're going to transition
39:43 to the final passage.
39:45 This is the one I was mentioning there.
39:47 Deuteronomy 6.
39:49 And if you were to ask one of your Jewish friends,
39:53 what is the essence of the Old Testament,
39:56 what is the most important, most central, most sacred verse
40:00 in the Old Testament, they would almost certainly take you to
40:05 Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4.
40:07 Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4, referred to by the Jews as
40:11 the Shema, the Shema.
40:13 Which means; listen, hear.
40:16 Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4, "Hear, O Israel:
40:21 The Lord our God, the Lord is..."
40:25 What does your Bible say?
40:27 ""
40:29 "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."
40:31 Now what this actually says in the Hebrew is,
40:34 Jehovah or Yahweh, Yahweh Elohim...
40:37 Yahweh is the appropriate personal name of God.
40:41 Again, we don't know if that's the exact right voweling.
40:46 But, Yahweh.
40:47 "Elohim Yahweh echad."
40:52 Okay, now let me unpack that for you there.
40:54 "The Lord our God, the Lord is one."
40:58 "Jehovah," or Yahweh, "Elohim..."
41:00 Remember that's our term for, that's a plural word for God.
41:04 Again, "...Jehovah echad."
41:08 "Yahweh Elohim, Yahweh echad,"
41:11 is exactly what that verse is saying.
41:13 Now here's an interesting thing.
41:15 We've already seen how the word "echad" is used
41:19 in Hebrew thinking.
41:20 "The two become echad."
41:24 That's Genesis chapter 2.
41:25 In Genesis 11 with the building of the tower of Babel,
41:27 "Behold, the people," many, "are echad," one.
41:33 And so here when it says, "Jehovah is echad,"
41:37 is doesn't mean Jehovah is a rigid singularity.
41:41 The word for that would be "yachid."
41:43 That would be the...
41:44 In fact, I think I've got an interesting little thing.
41:47 Let me just read this to you.
41:48 Very interesting great little book here.
41:51 It's actually not particularly little.
41:52 But it's a book called "The Trinity:
41:56 Understanding God's Love, His Plan of Salvation,
41:58 and Christian Relationships."
42:00 By Woodrow Whidden, Jerry Moon, John W. Reeve.
42:03 Love this book.
42:04 Great introduction to the subject.
42:06 Let me just read you a very short statement here
42:09 on this particular word "echad."
42:13 The authors write, "What is striking about this important
42:16 word translated as 'one' in English is that it is
42:20 the Hebrew word 'echad.'
42:22 It means, one among others.
42:25 The emphasis being on a particular one.
42:28 The possibility of there being others is inherent in 'echad,'
42:32 but 'yachid' precludes that possibility.
42:35 Another way to explain 'echad' is that it refers to the oneness
42:39 that results from a unity of numerous persons.
42:44 Now Moses most certainly had the Hebrew word 'yachid,'
42:47 which he could have employed if he wanted to describe the
42:50 Lord God of Israel as an exclusively unitary being."
42:56 He does not say, "Yahweh is yachid."
42:59 One in the solitary sense.
43:01 He says, "Yahweh is echad." One in the unified sense.
43:06 In the same sense that a man and a woman are one family,
43:11 one flesh.
43:12 In the same sense that the people are unified in language,
43:15 they are unified in purpose.
43:17 This is why, as Christians, we affirm this glorious wonderful
43:21 sublime and yet mysterious truth that God is one,
43:26 but He is three Persons that comprise one God.
43:31 Now, that's sort of the Old Testament.
43:33 That gets us headed in a direction.
43:35 We transition now to the New Testament.
43:37 We're going to look at several passages in the New Testament
43:40 that strongly suggest.
43:41 What is implicit in the Old Testament becomes increasingly
43:45 explicit in the New Testament.
43:47 And we run into so many passages in which God is
43:51 very explicitly, I would say, communicating not just
43:55 plurality, but now triunity.
43:59 Not just two, but three.
44:02 And one of them is Matthew chapter 3.
44:04 Join me there if you would.
44:06 Matthew chapter 3, this is the story of the baptism of Jesus.
44:11 And in the story of the baptism of Jesus, we encounter
44:14 all three members of the Godhead;
44:18 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
44:20 We'll pick it up in verse 14, Matthew chapter 3 verse 14.
44:24 "And John tried to prevent Him, saying, 'I need to be baptized
44:27 by You, and are You coming to me?'
44:28 But Jesus answered and said to him, 'Permit it to be so now,
44:31 for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.'
44:33 Then he allowed Him.
44:35 When He had been baptized..."
44:37 "He" is Jesus. So there's one.
44:39 "...Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold,
44:41 the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God..."
44:44 There's a second entity.
44:46 "...descending like a dove and alighting upon Him."
44:49 Verse 17, "And suddenly a voice came from..." Where?
44:53 "...heaven..." Okay, question.
44:55 Where is Jesus at this point?
44:57 He's standing in the muddy waters of the river Jordan.
44:59 Right? And so the voice comes from heaven.
45:03 "This is My beloved..." What?
45:06 "...Son, in whom I am well pleased."
45:08 This is an unambiguous triadic reference.
45:12 A triadic reference.
45:13 Do we see the Son here?
45:15 Yes or no.
45:16 Do we see the Father here?
45:18 Do we see the Spirit here?
45:21 So we see Father, we see Son, and we see Spirit.
45:24 Again, what's implicit in the Old Testament becomes
45:27 explicit in the New Testament.
45:29 Now stay in Matthew, go to chapter 28.
45:31 From the beginning of Matthew...
45:32 By the way, it's very interesting.
45:34 This is something that just occurred to me recently.
45:37 In Jesus' baptism, all three are present.
45:40 He's present, His Father is present,
45:42 and the Spirit is present.
45:44 When Jesus gives the command...
45:45 This is so awesome. I can't believe I...
45:47 This was literally staring me in the face for years.
45:51 This is just one of the great things about Bible study.
45:53 You read it, you read it, you read it, you read it.
45:55 And one day you wake up and you read it in a new way.
45:57 And you think, "How did I not see that before?"
46:00 But as the gospel of Matthew comes to a close and God gives
46:04 command to the disciples to go baptize,
46:08 guess who shows up?
46:10 All three.
46:11 Right? Look at this.
46:12 Matthew chapter 28 and verse 18, "And Jesus came and spoke
46:15 to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me
46:17 in heaven and on earth.
46:18 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations..."
46:21 What's the next word?
46:22 "...baptizing them..." So there's the context.
46:24 "...baptizing them in the name..."
46:27 And by the way, I was sitting just today right over here
46:30 in the housing for 3ABN with my good friend,
46:33 Dr Ranko Stefanovic, who's getting ready to do a live
46:36 program on this, which is going to be absolutely awesome,
46:39 and he showed it to me right in the Greek.
46:41 He said, "David, look at this."
46:42 This is not "names," plural.
46:46 It's "name," singular.
46:48 "...baptizing them in the name..." singular.
46:51 But watch this.
46:52 "...of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
46:58 teaching them to observe all things that I have
47:00 commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,
47:01 even to the end of the age."
47:02 Now there's several things that we need to note here.
47:03 The first one is very fascinating, and that is this.
47:08 There's a single name which argues for the
47:10 singularity of God.
47:12 Amen?
47:13 There's only one God.
47:14 But in that single name, there is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
47:20 Now what is clear in the English is super duper clear,
47:24 super duper duper clear... Right?
47:27 That's the theological term; super duper duper.
47:32 Because, in the Greek it's literally "and the."
47:36 Everyone is preceded by the definite article.
47:39 "And the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit."
47:46 Now the fascinating thing is that just as in the Greek
47:49 as also in the English, when you have a list of things
47:52 that are preceded by the definite article...
47:54 In the English, that would be "the".
47:55 Right?
47:56 In the Greek, it's "to".
48:00 When you have a list of things, whether it's two or three
48:03 or more, it is usually always the case, it's almost always
48:09 the case that the things that are being described are
48:11 the same kind of thing.
48:13 Let me give you an example.
48:15 Peter, James, and John.
48:17 That's a list of three.
48:19 Peter, James, and John. They're all people.
48:22 It's not Peter, James, and horse.
48:25 Okay it's not Peter, James, and fruit smoothie.
48:28 Okay, it's the same kind of thing.
48:31 Here's another one.
48:32 Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
48:36 They're the same kind of thing. They're all gifts.
48:39 Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
48:41 So when you have things that are set off in this list fashion,
48:46 especially when they are preceded by the
48:48 definite article, "the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost,"
48:52 you're dealing with the same kind of thing.
48:55 Now I have a question. Is the Father a Person?
48:58 Yea of course, of course.
48:59 He's a personal being.
49:01 Is the Son a personal being?
49:03 Well, guess what the Spirit is then.
49:06 A personal being.
49:07 And we're going to unpack that in even greater detail
49:09 tomorrow, in our session tomorrow.
49:10 But the point is basically this.
49:12 In the baptism of Jesus, Jesus is being baptized.
49:15 There's one.
49:16 The Father's voice comes, "This is My beloved Son."
49:18 There's two.
49:19 And the Spirit descends. How many is that?
49:21 Three.
49:22 In the context of the baptism, you go all the way through the
49:25 gospel of Matthew and when Jesus gives the command to the
49:28 disciples for them to go baptize, He says,
49:30 "Baptize in the name," singular, "of the Father,
49:34 the Son, the Holy Spirit."
49:36 The three show up again in the context of baptism.
49:39 Are you with me on that?
49:40 Now, from the gospel of Matthew, we go to the gospel of John.
49:46 And this is a passage that you'll just,
49:47 most of you will just know.
49:49 If you don't know it, don't feel bad.
49:51 But many of you will just...
49:52 If I began quoting this passage, you could easily finish it.
49:55 For many of you.
49:56 It goes like this, John chapter 1 verse 1,
49:59 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
50:04 and the Word was God."
50:06 Okay, now just do the math there.
50:09 Okay, just think this through.
50:10 "In the beginning was the..."
50:12 Okay, we'll just use our books here as an illustration.
50:19 "In the beginning was the Word."
50:20 That's an entity. Right?
50:22 "And the Word was with..." which communicates adjacency.
50:26 "...with God."
50:28 So here's the Word and here's God.
50:29 So how many entities do we have here?
50:32 Two. Now watch this.
50:33 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
50:37 and the Word was God."
50:39 So do we have plurality?
50:42 But we also have what?
50:44 Singularity.
50:46 Plurality and singularity.
50:47 This was the very point that Jesus was making
50:50 when He used the phrase, the phrase that He so often used,
50:53 "Son of God."
50:55 In fact, go to John chapter 5 and find out how the Jews,
50:59 the Jews of Jesus' day, related to Jesus
51:02 when He used that phrase.
51:05 John chapter 5 verse 17.
51:09 "But Jesus answered them and said, 'My Father has been
51:11 working until now, and I have been working.'"
51:14 Verse 18, "Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him,
51:17 because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that
51:21 God was His Father..."
51:23 Now look at this phrase here.
51:24 "...making Himself..." What does your Bible say?
51:27 "...equal with God."
51:30 Okay wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
51:31 In Jewish thinking here, as well as in modern thinking,
51:35 my son, is he worth less than me?
51:39 Is my son my equal?
51:42 In terms of essence.
51:45 Am I more of a human being than my son?
51:47 No. No, no, no.
51:48 We're not equal in terms of authority for a time.
51:51 He's under my supervision for a time.
51:53 But the point is this.
51:55 He is 100% a human being. I'm 100% a human being.
51:58 So when Jesus said, "I'm the Son of God,"
52:01 "My Father is working..." the Jews said, "Are you kidding?
52:05 How could He say such a thing."
52:07 When He calls Himself, "the Son of God,"
52:09 He is making Himself...
52:11 What was the phrase?
52:12 ...equal with God.
52:14 Well look, if you have just...
52:16 And this is what we were just on in Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6,
52:18 "Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father,
52:19 Mighty God."
52:22 And so, if the Father is God and the Son is God,
52:26 how many entities do we have?
52:28 We have two entities.
52:29 Here's the Father, here's the Son.
52:31 And they both are... They're both one.
52:34 Just like, "In the beginning was the..."
52:37 "and the Word was with..."
52:38 "and the Word was..."
52:40 Getting a feel for it here.
52:41 Jesus says this...
52:43 By the way, the Jews fully understood what He was saying,
52:45 clearly understood what He was saying, because they said,
52:47 "Hey, You're making Yourself equal with God."
52:49 Now when we get to John chapter 10, Jesus spells out
52:53 this little formula, if I can use that language,
52:59 absolutely explicitly.
53:01 John chapter 10 verse 30.
53:03 Jesus says, "I and My Father are..."
53:10 There it is.
53:11 "I and My Father..." Entity, entity.
53:16 "...are..." What?
53:17 But in what sense are they one?
53:20 Well, they're one in the Old Testament sense.
53:21 They're one in the echad sense.
53:23 In the sense that they're unified.
53:26 Not that there's just a rigidly singular God. No.
53:29 There's one God who is comprised of a kind of divine family.
53:35 God as a society, God as a community.
53:38 God as a fellowship of co-equal co-eternal Persons.
53:43 Now somebody is going to say, "Wait a minute.
53:44 There's no Holy Spirit in these verses."
53:46 True enough.
53:47 We're going to get to the Holy Spirit in just a bit.
53:49 But maybe there's something I should just say here.
53:52 In fact, we're going to spend most of our time in the
53:53 Holy Spirit tomorrow night, the next three nights.
53:55 We're still just sort of laying the ground work here.
53:57 But the point is basically this.
53:59 What is hinted at in the Old Testament
54:02 becomes increasingly clear in the New Testament.
54:05 And then becomes expressly clear in the writings,
54:09 for example, of Paul.
54:10 What's hinted at in the gospels...
54:13 Not even hinted at.
54:14 What is spelled out increasingly clearly in the gospels
54:16 becomes just absolutely crystal clear by the time we get
54:21 to the epistles of Paul.
54:22 This is what is sometimes referred to as
54:24 progressive revelation.
54:27 And progressive revelation is just what it sounds like.
54:28 What's the root word of revelation?
54:30 Reveal.
54:31 So progressive revelation would be a progressive revealing.
54:33 You see a little bit here.
54:35 And you can just think of a tablecloth that covers,
54:38 you know, a long table.
54:40 So we just start peeling that cloth back and it's clear there.
54:44 And then it gets clearer and clearer and clearer and clearer.
54:45 And as the whole thing begins to unfold, the picture begins to
54:48 emerge that's very clear, very compelling.
54:51 Okay? Are we together, everyone?
54:53 Is this helpful at all? Are we learning anything?
54:56 Now, there's just one more passage that I want to go to
54:59 here tonight that I think will be good for us.
55:00 And it's also a passage in John.
55:03 And then we'll get into the epistles of Paul tomorrow night.
55:06 This is John chapter 8.
55:11 John chapter 8.
55:13 Jesus here is having a discussion, you can almost
55:17 call it an argument, with the religious leaders of His day.
55:22 And in the context of the whole dialogue of
55:24 John chapter 8 verse 58, it has to do with descendancy,
55:28 lineage, and fatherhood.
55:30 And at one point, Jesus even goes so far as to say to them,
55:33 "You are of your father, the devil."
55:35 I mean, that's not mincing words.
55:37 That's strong medicine.
55:39 "You are of your father, the devil."
55:40 Now as this begins to get to a real climax,
55:45 pick it up in verse 48.
55:46 "The Jews answered and said, 'Do we not correctly say that
55:49 You are a Samaritan and You have a demon?'"
55:51 I mean, they're just pulling out all the stops at this point.
55:54 "You're a Samaritan."
55:55 It's like, "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo."
55:57 Right? They were really upset.
55:58 That was like the lowest insult.
56:00 Well, as this dialogue continues to escalate,
56:03 we pick it up in verse 56.
56:05 Jesus says, "'Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day,
56:09 and he saw it and was glad.'
56:10 And the Jews said, 'Are you kidding?
56:12 You are not yet fifty years old, how have You seen Abraham?'"
56:15 And then Jesus uttered some of the most
56:17 phenomenally sublime words in all of the New Testament.
56:22 He said, "Most assuredly," count on this, definitely.
56:26 "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM."
56:34 He's literally taking the phrase from Exodus chapter 3
56:38 when Moses stood at the burning bush,
56:39 "Who shall I say sent me?"
56:40 "I AM that I AM."
56:42 And the Hebrew word there is, "hayah."
56:45 It means, to exist.
56:47 That's what the word means.
56:48 It's what we get the word "Yahweh" from.
56:50 Hayah, to exist. Yahweh.
56:52 "I am Him who always is and always has been
56:55 and always will be."
56:56 "I AM that I AM."
56:58 "The One who was and who is and who is to come."
57:00 That's how it says it in Revelation.
57:01 We'll look at that tomorrow night.
57:02 But Jesus there, speaking to the Jews, the Jewish leaders
57:06 of His day, says, "Before Abraham was, I AM."
57:12 "I am the Jehovah God of the Old Testament."
57:16 And the very next verse, they pick up stones to stone Him.
57:20 Friends, this picture is emerging.
57:22 God is a singularity, but also a plurality.
57:27 Is it coming clear?


Revised 2014-12-17