Anchors of Truth

Hot, Cold, or Lukewarm?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lee Venden


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000121

00:13 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:15 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:22 Well welcome, we're so happy that you could join us.
00:25 And we're looking forward to this series,
00:28 The Revelation of Whom?
00:31 And especially tonight's subject,
00:34 Hot, Cold, or Warm.
00:37 You know, we've got a water cooler in the lobby at 3ABN.
00:42 And it has hot, cold, or warm.
00:47 And I always refer to that warm as Laodicean.
00:51 And so when I go through, sometimes I will tease Mary,
00:55 who's working there at the desk, and I'll say, "I'm getting ready
00:59 to have a cup of Laodicean water."
01:01 And the truth is, I really prefer the cold water
01:06 to that lukewarm water.
01:09 But this is going to be a very interesting subject.
01:12 We're living in a time, folks, where we better get serious
01:16 about having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:21 You see, we can do everything we can to proclaim the gospel,
01:25 and I believe in that, going forth, the blessing is
01:30 on the "go," but I believe that what God would have us
01:33 to do more than anything else is to prepare ourselves
01:38 through a relationship with Jesus.
01:41 Knowing Him.
01:42 That's our first work and our first responsibility.
01:48 And that is the direction that we're talking about
01:51 in this series.
01:52 Our speaker, Pastor Lee Venden, 30 years a pastor.
01:58 Been a Bible teacher.
02:00 My son, John, had the privilege of having Lee Venden
02:03 when he was in his junior and senior years at Campion Academy.
02:08 And since 2008, he has been a Revivalist in the
02:14 Upper Columbia Conference.
02:16 He's written three books.
02:18 And he is the author of a Bible study lesson series entitled,
02:24 More About Jesus.
02:26 His wife is Marji.
02:29 They've been married 36 years.
02:32 And they have two wonderful children;
02:36 a son, Chris, and a daughter, Lindsey.
02:39 And this is a man who loves the Lord Jesus Christ.
02:43 I know that when he was my son's Bible teacher,
02:46 he was his favorite Bible teacher throughout all.
02:50 And he had, from first grade on, John was in our schools.
02:55 But he'll tell you, or at least second grade,
02:57 he will tell you that this was his favorite Bible teacher.
03:05 So tonight, we're looking forward to this presentation.
03:08 And we are going to invite the Lord especially to be with us.
03:14 And before C.A. Murray comes to sing,
03:18 I'd like for us to have a word of prayer, let's pray.
03:20 Father in heaven, we thank You tonight that we can come to You
03:24 in the name of Jesus.
03:26 Father, we pray that You will enter into our hearts,
03:30 speak to our minds, help us to listen,
03:35 as the Spirit is speaking to our hearts.
03:39 And Father, we thank You for all that You have done for us.
03:44 For giving us life eternal and the assurance
03:47 of that life through Jesus.
03:49 Help us to look to Him and to love Him with all of our hearts.
03:57 And in His precious name we ask it, amen.
04:01 You know, it's a real privilege to work with
04:04 everyone we work with here at 3ABN.
04:06 I enjoy it. My wife will tell you.
04:10 This last weekend we were gone.
04:12 We enjoyed very much being at Avon Park
04:15 and being with those dear people down there.
04:18 But also we had some other things to do.
04:21 We even cut some of those short and came back a day early.
04:25 Because we miss being here with the people at 3ABN.
04:30 We love working with them.
04:32 One of those that we are really privileged to work with
04:38 is Pastor C.A. Murray.
04:41 He loves the Lord.
04:43 And he loves this ministry.
04:46 And we love to hear him sing.
04:48 And he's going to sing one of my very favorite hymns,
04:53 My faith Has Found A Resting Place.
05:19 My faith has found a resting place,
05:25 not in a manmade creed;
05:30 I trust the Ever-living One
05:35 that He for me will plead.
05:40 I need no other evidence,
05:45 I need no other plea.
05:51 It is enough that Jesus died
05:56 and rose again for me.
06:09 Enough for me that Jesus saves,
06:14 this ends my fear and doubt;
06:19 a sinful soul I come to Him,
06:25 He will not cast me out.
06:30 I need no other evidence,
06:35 I need no other plea.
06:40 It is enough that Jesus died
06:46 and rose again for me.
06:53 The great physician heals the sick,
06:59 the lost He came to save;
07:04 for me His precious blood He shed,
07:09 for me His life He gave.
07:14 I need no other evidence,
07:19 I need no other plea.
07:25 It is enough that Jesus died
07:30 and rose again for me.
07:45 My soul is resting on His word,
07:51 the living Word of God;
07:56 salvation in my Savior's name,
08:01 salvation through His blood.
08:06 I need no other evidence,
08:11 I need no other plea.
08:17 It is enough that Jesus died
08:23 and rose again for me.
08:52 It is enough that Jesus died.
08:56 Wow.
08:58 Aren't you glad that He succeeded on His mission.
09:02 I want to speak to Him one more time, if that will be alright.
09:05 I think we can probably not have too much prayer,
09:08 so I'm just going to pray one more prayer, please.
09:13 Lord Jesus, I am twitterpated.
09:23 That would be a good way to say it.
09:26 And I need the Holy Spirit to just dwell inside
09:34 my mind, my tongue.
09:37 I want that for every one of us as we look together
09:40 in Your direction, but I particularly ask for
09:42 some sort of miracle right now.
09:45 I'd like to feel the cruise control take over.
09:53 I'd like to feel the gas pedal suddenly go on
09:56 some other power than my own.
09:59 And so I'm asking for You to do that.
10:06 And You told us that we could ask,
10:11 and that You delight in giving us the answer to this request.
10:16 So I'm praying for it in Jesus' name, amen.
10:25 We're doing a series, a five part series,
10:29 and it's entitled, Revelation of Whom?
10:34 And I think that there's no question who
10:37 we're talking about here.
10:38 We're talking about Jesus, with a capital "J."
10:42 There are a lot of different ways that you can study
10:45 the book of Revelation.
10:46 There are many different applications,
10:48 there are many different ways to unpack it.
10:51 But the angle that I am interested in pursuing
10:54 in the next few presentations is going to be
10:57 what I'm going to call, experiential with Jesus.
11:01 Looking for Jesus in Revelation.
11:04 After all, it's His book.
11:05 And it's the Revelation of Jesus.
11:08 So I want to find Jesus in it.
11:11 I want to hear Jesus in it.
11:14 I want to know Jesus in it.
11:17 So that's what we're going to do together.
11:19 We'll look in His direction.
11:21 And He's promised to reveal Himself to us.
11:26 When I was about probably in fifth grade,
11:29 we lived in a little town called Grand Junction, Colorado.
11:33 And in that town there was a family, they lived up
11:37 on a hill outside of town.
11:38 Johnny Watkins was the name of the gentleman, his wife Ann.
11:42 And there was a doctor in our church
11:45 whose name was Dr. Stute.
11:47 Now Johnny and the doctor were good friends,
11:50 but they were always trying to find a way to
11:52 one up the other, in terms of the teasing, or a
11:55 practical joke, or a prank.
11:57 And so that was kind of a common fare for them.
12:00 Well there's one I still remember, even though
12:02 I was only in fifth grade when it happened.
12:04 But the Watson's had most of the church family out
12:08 early in the spring when the first strawberries had come
12:12 for a church fellowship kind of an evening of fun together.
12:17 And it was a Sunday evening.
12:20 And one of the things they had done was they had arranged
12:23 to have strawberry shortcake with the first strawberries
12:28 of spring, homemade shortcake,
12:33 and Ann's famous topping, whipped cream with
12:36 the special secret ingredient.
12:38 Well among the people who were there that night
12:41 was Dr. Stute.
12:43 And when the strawberry shortcake came out
12:45 and was delivered, oh my, you could hear the people
12:48 commenting all through the house and out onto the porch
12:51 and the lawn, "This has got to be the best treat
12:55 we've had in ages.
12:56 Strawberries all ready. Strawberries."
12:59 And, "Ann, what is your secret ingredient
13:02 in that whipping cream?
13:04 It is something else."
13:06 "Well," she said, "if I told you, it wouldn't be a
13:07 secret any longer."
13:09 People ate and devoured it, and asked for seconds.
13:13 Dr. Stute enjoyed his, it appeared.
13:17 But after the event was over, around 2:30 in the morning,
13:25 Dr. Stute called Johnny Watson on the phone.
13:28 He said, "I'm sorry to waken you at such an indecent hour.
13:33 But," he said, "did anybody else call you with a problem
13:37 from the strawberry shortcake?"
13:39 He said, "I don't know exactly what it is,
13:42 but everybody seemed to be saying it was good.
13:44 And so I ate mine.
13:45 But" he said, "there was something about
13:49 the whipping cream that just didn't go well with me.
13:53 In fact, I'm feeling sick right now and I keep belching up
13:57 the taste of the whipping cream, you know.
14:00 Has anybody else called you to talk about this whipping cream?"
14:05 And Johnny said, "No, Doc.
14:08 You're the only one that had shaving cream.
14:11 Why would anybody else call?"
14:15 They had put beautiful creamy white shaving cream
14:20 on his strawberries.
14:21 And everyone else was enjoying theirs and commenting,
14:25 and so Dr. Stute thought, "It just must be
14:27 my palate this evening and I'm just not quite..."
14:30 And he ate it, ate it all, and then woke up blowing bubbles.
14:34 Well the point of it was that the strawberry shortcake
14:39 looked like something on the outside
14:42 that it wasn't really in reality.
14:46 It looked like something that it wasn't.
14:50 We're going to see how that illustration ties in
14:53 as we take a little look here in the third chapter of Revelation.
14:58 I'm going to be reading verses 14 and 15.
15:01 And if you have a red letter addition to your Bible,
15:04 you would discover that these would be in red letters.
15:06 Because Jesus is the one who is speaking here.
15:34 So what is Jesus saying here?
15:37 As He talks to this church called the Laodicean church,
15:40 He says, "I wish you were cold or hot."
15:44 Well apparently God prefers cold to lukewarm.
15:51 Because this church is lukewarm, and He says,
15:54 "I wish you were either cold or hot."
15:56 Well, if we were going to try to explain cold and hot,
15:58 I suppose we would say a hot person would be
16:00 someone who is plugged into a rich deep meaningful
16:04 personal experience with the Lord Jesus
16:06 and communes with Him regularly and faithfully,
16:09 and loves to meet with Him in His word,
16:11 and someone who has a meaningful prayer life.
16:13 We call that person a hot person.
16:16 And if we were going to try and describe a cold person,
16:18 I suppose we would probably describe somebody
16:21 who is a rebellious sort that has no interest in
16:24 the things of God, no interest in time or eternity.
16:26 Just living for the moment and indifferent to anything
16:30 that we might call spiritual.
16:31 We call them cold.
16:33 Maybe even rebellious. Alright?
16:36 Now here, Jesus is saying that God prefers cold hearted
16:41 rebellious people over lukewarm people.
16:45 Which seems a little odd at first read.
16:50 Why would God prefer cold over warm?
16:54 Well, have you ever been cold?
16:57 When you're cold, you want to be hot.
17:01 You know, you look for a hot shower to come into
17:04 after you've been out in that cold weather.
17:06 You bundle up, you put on a coat, you put on a down jacket.
17:10 You get in the car and turn the heater on.
17:13 Last night I spent some time sleeping in a car.
17:17 And my wife had said to me, "Ought you take your light
17:21 little down jacket with you on this trip just in case?"
17:23 I said, "Oh, it's spring weather.
17:25 The flowers are going to be out.
17:26 Who needs a down jacket.
17:27 That would be overkill."
17:28 But just as I was leaving the car to get to the plane,
17:31 my wife said, "You should stuff it in.
17:33 It doesn't take up much space, just stuff it in."
17:36 Well I stuffed it into my suitcase, my little carry on.
17:39 And I'm so glad I did.
17:41 Because I ended up on the side of the road last night.
17:45 I had missed my plane.
17:47 I didn't get here until three in the morning.
17:49 And I ended up on the side of the road last night.
17:51 And I thought, "Well, I'm going to put the down coat on
17:54 and I'm going to try and sleep."
17:56 Because I couldn't stay awake any longer.
17:58 And I'm going to try and sleep.
18:00 I slept for about an hour, and then I woke up cold.
18:03 My coat, my down coat, was keeping this part warm,
18:06 but the rest of me was cold, you know.
18:08 I started the car and I turned the heat to the full
18:12 as it could go, and I turned the fan as far as it would go.
18:15 Because I wanted to be hot.
18:17 And I got so hot that it was unbearable in the car.
18:21 Unbearably hot; then I turned it off.
18:23 And it lasted for another hour and a half.
18:25 So I got it so warm I was able to sleep another hour and a half
18:28 that way, so.
18:29 But when you're cold, you want to be hot.
18:33 You want to be hot.
18:34 You're looking for something.
18:35 When you're warm, you're not really concerned about
18:38 any change in your situation.
18:40 But when you're cold, you are interested in a change
18:43 in your situation.
18:45 Now how does God feel about lukewarm?
18:47 Well let's keep looking.
18:49 Verse 16 of Revelation 3, Jesus continues to
18:52 tell us, and He says...
18:55 Talking to the Laodicean church now.
19:05 What's He saying?
19:06 We could be really crass and crude, and we could say
19:10 when God sees the lukewarm it makes Him want to puke.
19:15 You know?
19:16 "You give me the urge to regurge," is what He's saying
19:19 to the church at Laodicea.
19:21 "I just want to throw up when I see you."
19:25 Well why would God want to throw up when He sees Laodiceans?
19:30 Well, because they think they're okay and they think
19:35 they don't need anything.
19:37 So they're not looking for a change in their situation.
19:40 Yet their situation is actually desperate.
19:43 However, they don't realize it and they're not looking.
19:46 Now He calls this the message to the church at Laodicea.
19:52 In order for a church to be called Laodicean...
19:57 And I got a kick out of hearing about the Laodicean
20:01 water dispenser you have here at 3ABN.
20:05 But in order for a church to be Laodicean,
20:09 more than 50% of the members would have to be Laodicean.
20:13 You follow what I'm saying?
20:15 Because if it wasn't more than 50%,
20:17 you'd call it something else.
20:19 You know, you'd, whatever.
20:20 It has to be more than 50% in order to call it that.
20:25 So more than 50% of this church is lukewarm,
20:31 the Laodicean church that we're talking about.
20:36 The majority of the people then, the majority of the people
20:40 in this last days church that Jesus is describing...
20:45 Because we understand that this church represents the
20:48 church just prior to the return of Jesus.
20:52 The majority of the people in this church
20:56 are going to be lukewarm.
20:59 Or they wouldn't call it Laodicean.
21:02 Now I went on Google this afternoon,
21:05 and I went on the Wikipedia, and I looked up the
21:09 Seventh-day Adventist Church North American Division.
21:13 And I found out that we have just a little over,
21:15 approximately, just a little over one million people
21:20 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America
21:23 whose names are registered on church books
21:25 somewhere as members.
21:28 Okay, so let's just work with that number for a minute.
21:32 A little over a million.
21:34 That means that more than 500,000 of them
21:41 would be lukewarm.
21:44 Doesn't that sort of shock you when you put it that way?
21:47 More than 500,000 of them would be lukewarm.
21:50 Remember, Jesus is describing the church just before He comes.
21:53 Something is going to happen to change this,
21:55 so we're going to get there, but we're not there yet.
21:57 We're just talking about things as He describes them.
21:59 So more than 500,000 lukewarm church members.
22:08 Now if this is of any comfort to you,
22:12 this message is not limited to Seventh-day Adventists.
22:15 This message applies to all of the churches around the globe.
22:23 God has people in every church.
22:26 He also has lukewarm people in every church.
22:30 And one day something is going to happen
22:31 to change the lukewarm.
22:33 But at the present time, there are more than half
22:38 of the members around the world of all the churches
22:42 qualify here as the last day church that Jesus is describing
22:47 in Revelation 3.
22:51 If the majority are lukewarm, then you would expect
22:54 to find lukewarm people in positions of leadership,
22:58 you'd expect to find them in institutions,
23:02 you'd expect to find them as instructors,
23:04 you'd expect to find them as educators,
23:07 you would expect to find them as administrators,
23:10 you would expect to find them as pastors,
23:11 you would expect to find them as members.
23:14 If more than 50% are lukewarm, then more than 50% of all
23:18 those different groups that I just described would
23:20 fall into that category.
23:22 Alright?
23:23 Well, what is lukewarm.
23:30 At my house we have a faucet, one of those old fashion kind
23:34 where it has a knob on each side.
23:37 We have another one in another part of the house
23:39 that has one knob that goes up and left or right.
23:41 But you know, if you just have the two knobs
23:45 if you turn the one on the left at my house,
23:48 hot water comes out.
23:49 If you turn the one on the right, cold water.
23:52 If you turn them both on together and try to get
23:55 some sort of equal mix, then you end up with warm.
23:58 We would call it lukewarm.
24:01 Well, Jesus is referring to lukewarm religious people
24:06 in Matthew 23, and He calls them hypocrites.
24:08 I want to read that one off the screen with you.
24:11 Matthew 23 verses 27 and 28, Jesus says, "Woe to you,
24:15 teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites..."
24:36 So, Jesus' way of describing a lukewarm person is to say
24:42 you look different on the outside
24:44 than you are on the inside.
24:45 Like the shaving cream on top of the strawberries.
24:49 It looked good, though.
24:51 Dr. Stute suckered for it.
24:53 It looked good enough that he ate it, you know.
24:56 But it really wasn't what it looked like.
24:58 And Jesus is saying, "You're like a whitewashed tomb."
25:01 The sepulcher looks pretty good on the outside.
25:04 Nice engraving. You know, it's beautiful.
25:07 But on the inside, corruption.
25:09 Dead men's bones.
25:12 Well let's just think a little bit about those people that
25:14 Christ was speaking to when He said that,
25:17 what we just read from Matthew 23.
25:20 The people He was speaking to He said,
25:22 "You search the scriptures..."
25:26 They were familiar with the Bible.
25:28 They knew it backwards and forwards,
25:29 the Bible as they knew it.
25:31 Which we would call, perhaps, the Old Testament
25:33 type scriptures.
25:34 The writings of Moses and the prophets, right?
25:37 They were familiar.
25:38 These are people that Jesus was talking to who return
25:41 tithes and offerings.
25:42 These are people whom Jesus was talking to
25:44 who had a health message.
25:46 These are people who had their kids enrolled
25:47 in Christian education.
25:49 You might call our counterpart, Christian education.
25:51 These are people who had studied prophecy hugely.
25:56 They were major students of Bible prophecy.
25:59 They had timelines, charts.
26:01 They had it all mapped out.
26:03 They knew exactly what to expect.
26:06 They had family worship every evening.
26:10 And yet Jesus said, "You look good on the outside,
26:14 but inside you're rotten.
26:16 You're filled with corruption."
26:21 That's a pretty good list of descriptors
26:25 that we just noted about these people.
26:27 They look pretty good.
26:28 Go down the line, check those things off.
26:30 But, trouble. Trouble.
26:34 The Titanic looked good.
26:37 I've seen pictures of it.
26:38 It looked good just tied up to the dock there.
26:41 But the Titanic, they did some research after it sunk
26:45 and they concluded that there was too much sulfur
26:50 in the steel that was being used for the hull.
26:55 And when you put too much sulfur in steel...
26:57 I'm not an authority on this.
26:59 I just read this, okay, so.
27:00 But when you put too much sulfur into steel,
27:03 it becomes brittle, like glass.
27:06 And what happened was, ordinarily what should have
27:09 happened is when the Titanic hit the iceberg,
27:11 it should have dented the steel.
27:13 Like when you run your bumper into something,
27:15 it bends the bumper.
27:17 But because there was too much sulfur, it cracked.
27:22 It shattered like glass, and the water began pouring in.
27:25 And we know the rest of the story.
27:26 What was the problem?
27:27 The Titanic looked like something that it wasn't.
27:31 It looked different on the outside than it really was
27:34 on the inside.
27:36 Lukewarm people go through the motions.
27:40 They are religious, they do the right things.
27:42 But they actually are doing the right things
27:44 for the wrong reasons.
27:48 And Jesus rebuked them.
27:50 He said, "You make Me sick.
27:53 You are religious, but you are not spiritual."
27:57 Are you familiar with the difference between
27:58 religious and spiritual?
28:00 It's possible to know the rules without knowing the Ruler.
28:05 It is possible to know the laws without knowing the Lord.
28:10 It is possible to know the facts without knowing the Friend.
28:15 It is possible to know the Sabbath as a day
28:19 without knowing the Lord of the Sabbath as a Person.
28:22 So the difference between religious and spiritual
28:26 kind of lies in those differences that I was just
28:29 comparing here a moment ago.
28:31 Jesus said, "You lukewarm people are high on the standards,
28:36 but you're low on knowing Christ."
28:40 That's the problem.
28:41 That's the problem of the church of Laodicea.
28:44 They're high on the standards, but they're low on personal
28:46 relationship with Jesus.
28:48 That's why I appreciated Pastor Gilley saying at the
28:51 very beginning, there's nothing more urgent or
28:53 more important for us at this time of earth's history
28:55 than to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
28:57 A personal one.
28:59 Jesus revealed in the book of Revelation what the
29:02 last church will look like until just before He comes again.
29:05 Now unfortunately, many people have thought that
29:08 the way you get the warm to become hot
29:11 is by preaching what they call the straight testimony.
29:15 And that can look like a lot of different things,
29:18 but it often comes across like legislating standards.
29:22 If we can get people to hold the standards,
29:25 even raise the standards, we can move the warm
29:28 to being hot by legislating standards.
29:32 But legislated standards do not change hearts.
29:36 They don't change hearts.
29:38 My father, my dad, passed away last February
29:41 just a little over a year ago.
29:42 He was a preacher.
29:43 And that same church that had the strawberry shortcake
29:47 that I told you about, he pastored there.
29:50 That's back about when I was in the fifth grade.
29:53 And they were studying, during the mid-week service, they were
29:55 studying the subject of revival.
29:58 And the church members who were coming to the
30:00 mid-week service said, "We like that.
30:01 We want to experience a revival right here."
30:04 And so they said, "We need to raise the standards
30:09 if we really want to have revival."
30:10 So one of the standards they decided to raise was,
30:13 they needed to do away with anything that appeared
30:16 to have any tie or connection to jewelry.
30:18 Got to get rid of anything that was like jewelry.
30:20 Get rid of that.
30:21 And my dad thought, you know, well really...
30:23 Because he certainly didn't wear any jewelry.
30:25 So he figured that, you know, he wasn't
30:26 going to be inhibiting revival.
30:28 Until the word got back to him that they were talking about him
30:32 out in the congregation as he would preach
30:34 from Sabbath to Sabbath.
30:35 And he found out the reason they were was because
30:37 he was actually wearing a tie clasp on his tie.
30:42 He had a little tie clasp there.
30:43 And actually, it was made out of chrome.
30:47 And so there were times when if he moved just right
30:49 it would glint in the light.
30:51 Well anything that glints, that's adornment, see.
30:53 And so the people said, "Pastor Venden, we can't ever
30:55 experience a revival with you wearing a tie clasp.
30:58 You've got to get rid of that tie clasp."
30:59 So he went home, he took off his tie clasp.
31:02 But then he found that he had a problem, because his tie,
31:05 at potluck his tie kept drifting into the soup.
31:09 And now he had his tie soiled, but you know, at least
31:11 he wasn't inhibiting revival.
31:13 And so, but you know, his tie wasn't too good.
31:15 So as a way of trying to solve his problem with his tie,
31:18 he was rummaging around in the bathroom drawers one day
31:22 and he found bobby pin, some bobby pins.
31:26 Well he put a bobby pin, he said, "Well that works."
31:29 It's dark, you know.
31:30 Doesn't glint in the sun or anything.
31:32 So he put this bobby pin on.
31:34 And his tie quit falling in the soup, you know.
31:37 And then he said he actually began to feel a little bit proud
31:40 of his bobby pin.
31:41 You know, because he said people would say to him,
31:44 "Pastor Venden, what is that bobby pin on your tie?"
31:46 He would say, "Oh, it's a bobby pin because I don't
31:48 believe in jewelry.
31:49 I don't wear tie clasps; I don't believe in jewelry."
31:51 And he would feel very pious and proud
31:54 about his bobby pin.
31:55 He said he even found out you could get different
31:57 colored bobby pins to match different colored ties.
31:59 And he said that he discovered that the latter state of
32:02 of that man was worse than the first.
32:05 Because now he was proud of his spirituality, you know.
32:13 Falsely called, but proud of it.
32:16 Legislated standards do not change hearts.
32:20 Now I'm not in favor of lowering standards.
32:22 I'm not saying that.
32:23 I'm not saying we should lower standards.
32:25 But I'm just saying that raising standards is not what
32:29 brings on revival.
32:31 That's the point. Raising standards.
32:33 Working on externals...
32:37 Hear me carefully here now.
32:39 Working on externals is the very thing that
32:42 Jesus says is wrong with Laodicea.
32:46 He says, "You clean up the outside, but your inside
32:50 is not right."
32:52 So if you're trying to get rid of Laodicea by working on
32:56 standards, that's external.
32:58 And you're actually perpetuating the very thing that Laodicea
33:02 is known for when you focus on the standards.
33:04 Do you see how that works?
33:05 That's the very problem of Laodicea,
33:07 is it's focused on the external obedience.
33:11 The kind of obedience and transformation that
33:14 Jesus wants to work out in us comes from within.
33:19 It's Him indwelling.
33:20 And as Jesus lives His life in us and through us,
33:23 we become more and more like Him as He works His righteousness
33:27 out of us from the inside out.
33:29 The indwelling Christ living His life in us.
33:32 We sing songs about it; "You'll live Thy life in me."
33:34 You know, that kind of thing.
33:36 That's what He's looking for.
33:37 Well what does He say to these Pharisees?
33:39 In Matthew 23 verses 25 and 26, He says...
33:56 Now let's go back on now to Revelation 3:18.
34:01 The first part of what we have noted in Revelation 3
34:05 has been what I'm going to call, the rebuke
34:08 to the church of Laodicea.
34:10 So far we've looked at the rebuke.
34:12 Now notice what we're going to look at next.
34:13 It's going to be called, the counsel.
34:15 And isn't it wonderful that God never rebukes
34:17 without giving counsel.
34:19 He always says, "This is the problem, here's the solution."
34:21 Here's the problem, here's the solution.
34:23 Alright, so let's look at the counsel.
34:24 Revelation 3:18, He says...
34:40 Now gold, white clothes or white raiment, and salve.
34:47 What are these things? What do they represent?
34:50 Well, I want to share something with you
34:52 from our church periodical written many years ago.
34:55 You can find it if you dig back into your garage
34:59 to the stack that's there in the back corner.
35:02 Here it is.
35:10 Now that's good news.
35:11 Because just a moment ago, I said more than 500,000 then
35:14 of the church members of any church in North America
35:17 are going to be characterized as lukewarm.
35:19 But that doesn't need to be a cause for despair,
35:22 because it says the counsel shows that we do not need
35:26 to see ourselves in a hopeless case.
35:28 "The Laodicean message is full of encouragement."
35:31 Full of encouragement.
35:36 Now what is the gold?
35:48 Okay, so what is the gold and what is the white raiment.
35:52 And also, what is the eye salve?
35:54 Where told the eye salve is the Holy Spirit
35:56 bringing discernment and understanding concerning
36:00 our need of our Savior and a personal
36:02 relationship with Him.
36:03 So that's what the eye salve is.
36:05 So we could summarize Jesus' counsel this way.
36:08 Jesus' counsel is, "You need My righteousness,
36:11 which comes through faith.
36:12 And you need love brought into your heart.
36:14 And these are the gifts that result as the Holy Spirit
36:17 works in you when you abide in Me."
36:19 Okay, so we're talking here now about a personal relationship
36:23 with Jesus as the counsel to the church at Laodicea.
36:30 Now when Jesus comes there's going to be no such thing as
36:34 a lukewarm person.
36:36 You know, when Jesus comes there's only two groups.
36:39 There's no longer three.
36:41 There's the hot and the cold.
36:42 There's the righteous and the wicked.
36:44 There's the wheat and the tares.
36:45 The sheep and the goats.
36:46 The wise and the foolish.
36:47 Everywhere you go through Scripture, when it comes down
36:49 to the final events, there's only two groups.
36:52 Only two groups.
36:53 So something happens just before Jesus comes that
36:57 causes the middle group to disappear.
37:00 You could say they go hot or cold all over.
37:04 Sometimes I've said that.
37:05 You know just recently, last week, I was walking with
37:07 my wife along a little path outdoors,
37:10 and a snake went slithering across my trail.
37:13 I hate snakes. I just despise them.
37:17 This is a tiny little thing but I tell you what,
37:19 I went hot and cold all over.
37:20 Just seeing that snake, I just went hot and cold all over.
37:23 Well just before Jesus comes, the lukewarm are going to go
37:28 hot or cold all over.
37:32 They stop being warm.
37:34 There's a little rhyme that says,
37:35 "There was a little girl who had a little curl
37:38 right in the middle of her forehead.
37:40 When she was good, she was very very good;
37:44 and when she was bad, she was...
37:47 ...horrid."
37:48 You know what it is, alright.
37:50 That's what's going to happen just before Jesus comes.
37:53 Well how does it happen?
37:55 What takes place?
37:56 And why does it take place?
37:58 God moves in and God picks up speed at the very end.
38:02 And as God moves in and picks up speed...
38:04 We're told the final movements are going to be what?
38:06 Rapid ones.
38:08 ...the warm start going one way or the other.
38:12 There's going to come a time in our world
38:14 when Jesus waits no longer.
38:17 We have often talked about the privilege that is ours
38:19 of hastening His coming.
38:21 But the idea of hastening a coming implies or
38:24 carries with it that there is a point in time
38:27 in which He comes whether we hastened it or not.
38:30 You don't hasten something unless it's
38:32 already going to happen.
38:33 You can make it happen more quickly,
38:36 but it's going to happen whether you hasten it or not, okay.
38:39 See, I figured out on Google today also how far it was
38:43 if I had driven instead of flown here.
38:45 It was 1,973 miles from where I live.
38:49 Then I punched into my calculator and I discovered
38:51 that if I had driven that at 60 miles an hour,
38:54 it would have taken me 33 hours.
38:56 That's not stopping for the bathroom or gas.
38:58 That's just 33 hours of nonstop driving.
39:02 Then I thought, well what if I changed it from 60 to 70.
39:05 Because there's a lot of speed limits on the interstates
39:07 that say 70.
39:08 Well it changes it to 28 hours instead of 33.
39:13 I can hasten my trip by going 70 instead of 60.
39:18 But if I go 60, I'm still going to get here.
39:21 Alright?
39:22 So we have had the privilege of hastening the return of Christ.
39:26 But He's going to come whether we hasten it or not.
39:28 He's going to come.
39:29 He's got a time figured out when He's coming.
39:32 And I believe that the point when He's planning to come
39:36 is not based on the clock.
39:37 I believe it's based on world conditions.
39:40 World conditions.
39:42 I believe the world is going to reach a point where it is
39:45 so rotten that if He didn't come there'd be
39:48 nobody left to come for.
39:49 Because we'd be on the verge of self-destruction implosion.
39:53 Billy Graham, I believe, is the one who said,
39:55 "If Jesus doesn't come soon He's going to have to apologize
39:58 to Sodom and Gomorrah, because we are
40:00 approaching their wickedness.
40:02 And it wouldn't surprise me if we don't pass it."
40:04 And so then He'd have to apologize, see.
40:06 So I believe there's conditions, world conditions.
40:08 And when our world reaches that point,
40:10 God is going to pull out all the stops.
40:12 As they say for the organist.
40:14 Pull out all the stops.
40:16 Romans 9:28 says...
40:24 So as God finishes His work, a great polarization takes place
40:29 and the lukewarm disappear.
40:31 Have you noticed...
40:33 Probably many of you haven't, because you're not as old as me.
40:36 I have crossed the threshold of age.
40:39 And now I notice things and say things that I use to hear
40:43 older people say, but I say them now.
40:46 But 50 years ago on television, 50 years ago Mary Tyler Moore
40:52 and Dick Van Dyke were required to wear pajamas
40:55 that buttoned all the way up to their necks,
40:57 they had to wear wedding bands,
40:58 and they had to sleep in twin beds,
40:59 because the censures for the networks said,
41:03 "We will not have anything...
41:05 These people aren't married. They're actors and actresses.
41:08 And we're not having them in the same bed.
41:10 That would just look like scandal.
41:11 We're not going to put our actors and our actresses
41:13 in a compromised situation.
41:15 So they're going to sleep in twin beds."
41:16 That was the Dick Van Dyke show.
41:18 50 years ago.
41:20 I don't think I need to tell you how things have changed.
41:23 Commercials are worse than what any censure would have
41:28 ever dreamed back 50 years ago.
41:29 Okay, so that's just one example.
41:30 I just grabbed that one out of the hat.
41:32 But there are all kinds of examples where the world is
41:35 becoming increasingly wicked.
41:36 At the same time it is also becoming increasingly interested
41:40 in spiritual things too.
41:42 You see both camps forming.
41:43 You see both camps forming.
41:45 For example, 50 years ago the only place you could
41:48 get a Christian book would be at camp meeting at the ABC.
41:52 Now you can buy Christian books at Wal-Mart.
41:54 Did you know that when they were selling the Passion of Christ,
41:57 that DVD, it came with the Desire of Ages?
42:01 Did you know that? It was packaged.
42:02 I actually saw it with my own eyes, I saw it.
42:05 The Passion of Christ packaged with the Desire of Ages,
42:07 Christian book; you can get this a Wal-Mart.
42:10 This is a lot different than 50 years ago.
42:13 So what I'm trying to say is, we're seeing the
42:15 world conditions polarizing.
42:17 We're seeing the wicked become more wicked,
42:19 and we're seeing an increased interest in spiritual things
42:21 and in the things of God as well.
42:23 Simultaneously.
42:24 That's a good sign.
42:25 That is a good sign.
42:27 The message of Jesus and His righteousness is rising.
42:31 And as it rises, the result is going to be a genuine
42:35 true remnant church.
42:39 Now you might say, "Well what do you mean
42:40 by a genuine true remnant church?"
42:44 Prior to lukewarm's disappearance,
42:48 so when they're still lukewarm,
42:51 the remnant church is remnant doctrinally,
42:55 but not experientially.
42:58 It has it here, but it doesn't have it here.
43:03 When God finishes what He's going to do
43:06 and the polarization is concluded,
43:08 His remnant are going to have it here and here, not just here.
43:12 Not just here.
43:15 When that happens...
43:17 Well John 4:23 says, Jesus was talking to the
43:22 woman at the well, remember her.
43:24 And she asked Him what kind of worship
43:28 God was interested in most.
43:30 As a diversion, because she got a little bit nervous
43:32 when He talked about her personal life.
43:33 And He said, "Whoa."
43:34 She says, "You must be a prophet.
43:36 Can we change the subject?
43:37 Let's talk about God's worship style," and so on.
43:38 So then she asked Him the question.
43:40 And it went up on the screen, but I ended up digressing.
43:43 I'll come back to it now.
43:44 And Jesus said to that woman,
43:47 "Do you want to know what kind of worship God's looking for?"
43:56 Jesus said, "The kind of worship God is looking for is two kinds.
44:00 He's looking for spirit and truth."
44:04 It's like saying heart and head.
44:06 See, if you're in a rowboat and you only have one oar,
44:09 you're going to go in a circle.
44:11 In order for the rowboat to make any kind of progress,
44:13 you have to have both oars in the water.
44:15 And Jesus is saying, "It's not enough to have it here
44:17 if you don't have it here."
44:19 It's not enough.
44:20 Just having it here is not enough to save anybody.
44:23 Knowing the facts, knowing doctrine,
44:25 knowing the truth, that doesn't...
44:26 See, have you ever heard people say,
44:29 "Please pray for my son," or, "my daughter.
44:30 They left the truth."
44:32 Or, "We've been in the truth for this X number of years."
44:34 Or "I first found the truth..."
44:35 Ever heard that phrase?
44:37 Generally when people use that phrase, they're referring
44:39 to a set of theological beliefs, of doctrines,
44:42 of scriptural lining things together
44:45 and saying, "Okay, this is the truth."
44:46 They're talking about basically theology and doctrine.
44:49 That's usually what they're referring to.
44:51 Okay?
44:53 But Jesus said, "I am the way, the..." What?
44:55 "...the truth." The Truth is a capital "T."
44:57 The truth is a person.
44:59 It's something more than head knowledge.
45:00 It's a person.
45:02 And when Jesus talked to that woman, He said
45:04 the kind of truth that God is...
45:06 The kind of people that God is looking for is people who
45:08 worship Him in spirit and in truth; both head and heart.
45:14 Well as God starts to finish the work a shaking takes place
45:19 in the church.
45:21 And I believe this shaking takes place in every church,
45:24 every denomination, around the world.
45:27 Right now I'm a Seventh-day Adventist pastor,
45:28 I intend to stay that way.
45:30 And so I'm referencing my own church.
45:32 But I believe this is happening in all churches.
45:34 All churches.
45:37 What happens is the shaking takes place.
45:39 Very interesting, long standing members start leaving.
45:44 And backsliders start returning.
45:47 Isn't that weird?
45:49 People who have been in the church for 60 years leave,
45:53 and people who left in discouragement come back.
45:56 That's one of the results of the shaking.
45:58 But what causes the shaking?
45:59 The little book, Early Writings, page 70, says this...
46:13 Now please refresh yourself.
46:15 Just a moment ago, we noted what the counsel was to the
46:18 church at Laodicea.
46:19 The counsel was the need for a personal relationship
46:23 with Jesus; faith and love.
46:26 The eye salve of the Holy Spirit who reveals our need of a Savior
46:29 and a union and communion with Him on an ongoing basis.
46:32 That's the counsel.
46:33 That's the counsel.
46:35 Now this is a real puzzler, because it said there
46:38 in that Early Writings, page 70, it said the shaking is not
46:42 caused by rebuke.
46:45 The shaking is not caused by raising standards.
46:49 The shaking is caused by the counsel of the True Witness.
46:54 Which is another way of saying, then, that what causes
46:57 the shaking is an increased focus and interest
47:01 in the Lord Jesus Christ.
47:02 Now isn't that a puzzle?
47:04 Why that would cause people to go one way or another...
47:07 You would think that a focus on Jesus would be embraced
47:11 by everybody, both in the church and out of the church, you know.
47:15 You would think.
47:16 But it actually ends up causing a lot of lukewarm people
47:21 to leave completely.
47:28 Why?
47:29 Why would an emphasis on Jesus cause people to leave?
47:35 Well, because they have been substituting something else
47:39 for their security.
47:42 What have they been substituting?
47:44 They have been substituting external goodness.
47:49 They have been substituting intellectual
47:51 understanding of truth.
47:54 They have been substituting theological purity
47:59 in doctrine for a personal experience with Jesus.
48:03 They've been substituting that.
48:06 Now I'm not saying that you can't have both.
48:08 You can have both or Jesus would not have said here and here.
48:11 Right?
48:12 But if someone gets unhappy with a focus on Jesus,
48:17 it's because they have been depending on
48:18 something other than Jesus.
48:21 They have been living their stainless pure life
48:24 apart from Him.
48:26 And when someone comes along and says that doesn't count,
48:28 they get angry.
48:30 I was preaching at a camp meeting in Alberta, Canada.
48:34 And I mentioned this.
48:35 And after the meeting a gentleman came up.
48:37 He had white hair and a beard.
48:39 And he started poking me with his finger in my chest.
48:43 And he stood there after the meeting and he said to me,
48:45 "Don't tell me that all of my staying out of trouble
48:48 for 60 years doesn't amount to some brownie points in heaven.
48:51 I don't have that daily time with God that you
48:54 talk about, and I don't need it.
48:55 I have stayed out of trouble, I have kept my nose clean,
48:57 I've got a clean slate.
48:59 And God knows that and it doesn't matter what you say.
49:02 Don't give me that kind of nonsense."
49:04 He was mad.
49:05 He was mad that I was telling him, just staying out of trouble
49:09 doesn't get anyone to heaven.
49:11 Just raising standards doesn't get anyone to heaven.
49:15 You have to know Jesus.
49:16 What's the root word of "Christian?"
49:17 "Christ."
49:19 If you don't know Christ, just knowing biblical truth
49:22 isn't going to be enough to save you.
49:24 It isn't going to be enough.
49:25 Remember, the people who killed Jesus knew what
49:28 day to go to church on.
49:30 You know, but they killed Jesus.
49:32 It's not enough to have a biblical knowledge
49:34 or understanding if you don't have a relationship with Jesus.
49:37 It's all for not.
49:39 I had some members of one of the churches I pastored,
49:44 prior to what we're doing right now...
49:47 A group of my actual elders and some of the key leaders
49:51 in my church, board members, sent a letter to my
49:54 conference president, my boss, my CEO.
49:57 And the letter, they sent me a copy of it, because they wanted
49:59 me to see what they were complaining about.
50:01 They actually signed the letter.
50:02 There was about half a dozen of them.
50:03 And some of them had been, before they retired
50:06 they had been influential leaders in the world church
50:09 and denomination, and so on.
50:11 And they signed their name.
50:13 And this is what they wrote to my president.
50:16 They said, "We're getting tired of all of the sermons
50:19 being forever and always about Jesus.
50:22 What we would like is some good old fashion
50:24 Seventh-day Adventist preaching down here for a change."
50:27 That's what they wrote.
50:29 That was the letter.
50:30 Well, what were they thinking?
50:31 They were thinking good old fashion Adventist preaching
50:34 wouldn't be about Jesus.
50:35 It would be about truth, truth, truth.
50:38 "Make sure they know what the truth is.
50:39 Hit them with the truth, and if they don't know the truth,
50:41 man, they're in deep trouble.
50:42 We know the truth, and if they want to be
50:43 correct they will sign up with us.
50:45 If they don't sign up with us, they don't have the truth."
50:47 That's good old fashion.
50:49 But my conference president wrote them back a letter,
50:51 and he sent me a copy.
50:53 And he said, "I'm looking forward to the day
50:55 when I get complaints like yours from every
50:57 church in my conference.
50:59 I want Jesus to be first and foremost in every church.
51:03 I want Jesus to be the subject matter and the theme of
51:06 every congregation."
51:08 And I said, "Thank you."
51:10 It's wonderful to work for a boss like that.
51:13 Well I said that the people who have been depending on their
51:17 goodness instead of their relationship with Jesus,
51:20 they get unhappy and they leave.
51:22 But at the same time, backsliders...
51:26 People who left because they couldn't produce the goodness
51:30 on their own.
51:31 They had tried to keep the rules.
51:33 They had given it their best shot.
51:36 They had been sincere about trying.
51:38 Like the Israelites, "All that the Lord has said, we will do."
51:40 They had tried.
51:42 They had been told, "This is the truth, this is it.
51:44 You know, walk in it," and so on.
51:46 But they kept falling and flopping and failing.
51:48 And they got so bruised and bloody that in
51:50 discouragement they left.
51:52 They thought, "I'm not going to add hypocrisy to failure.
51:55 I'm just going to check out.
51:56 I can't do it, I can't do it.
51:57 I can't walk this talk."
51:58 And they left.
52:00 But along comes this emphasis on Jesus.
52:03 Remember, the counsel to the church at Laodicea
52:06 is what causes the shaking.
52:09 And what is it?
52:10 They're told, "Jesus wants to be your friend.
52:13 And if you are involved in a personal relationship with Him,
52:17 He promises to work in you both to will
52:19 and to do of His good pleasure.
52:21 He promises to complete the work He has begun in your life.
52:24 He promises to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
52:27 It is a gift.
52:28 And He's asking you, He's inviting you into a relationship
52:32 with Him and He's saying, "If you will enter into
52:34 fellowship with Me, I will transform you into My likeness."
52:37 That is good news.
52:38 And when backsliders hear that, they say,
52:41 "Oh, I must have left too soon.
52:43 If it's about Who and not what, then I have a chance."
52:49 If it's about Who and not what.
52:53 So the last thing that happens just before Jesus comes
52:57 is, people trade places.
53:01 Those who have not chosen to be in a
53:03 relationship with Jesus leave.
53:04 Remember when He cleansed the temple the second time?
53:08 You can read about this.
53:09 It's very interesting.
53:10 The people who leave were religious people.
53:14 The people who stayed were the bruised and the battered.
53:18 The helpless and the hopeless.
53:20 They stayed and He healed them.
53:22 Remember the story, He healed them.
53:24 And the religious people were unhappy about it.
53:27 But He ministered to the hopeless and the helpless.
53:32 And so the weak and the infirmed, and I would also
53:36 suggest the strong who actually realized that they are weak
53:40 even though they appear strong.
53:42 Those are the people who embrace this message of Jesus
53:46 wanting to be friends.
53:47 "Can we be friends?"
53:49 "Can we be friends?" that's His message to you and to me.
53:52 Well...
53:58 Those weak and infirmed open the door to Jesus
54:03 so He can come home.
54:04 Or maybe I should say, respond to His knock
54:10 and open the door.
54:11 I have a friend, Carl Hafner, he's a pastor over in
54:13 Kettering in Ohio.
54:16 And he has a little girl, her name is Claire.
54:18 She's not such a little girl any more, but my wife taught her
54:20 as a kindergartener in school.
54:21 And Claire has loved the Word of God.
54:25 She just loved it ever since a little girl.
54:27 She loves the Word of God.
54:29 And she wrote her own paraphrase of Revelation 3:20.
54:32 And I want you to see what she wrote.
54:34 She wrote this as a fifth grader.
54:36 A fifth grader, Revelation 3:20.
54:38 Notice this.
54:39 "Knock, knock..."
54:41 The reason I say "CHV" is that it's the Claire Hafner version.
54:47 Okay, so here it is.
55:16 Remember, He said, "If anyone hears My voice
55:18 and opens the door..."
55:20 Isn't it sad how many of us have not opened the door
55:23 because we have been distracted with other things.
55:26 See, when Jesus knocks on the door, I don't want to be
55:29 sidetracked with my bank account.
55:31 When Jesus knocks on the door, I don't want to be
55:34 sidetracked with my new car or my new boat
55:37 or my new toy.
55:38 When Jesus knocks on the door, I don't want to be
55:41 watching television so that I can't hear Him
55:44 above the late night show.
55:45 When Jesus knocks on the door, I don't want to be so distracted
55:49 with current events and the news, which is usually nothing
55:52 more than a report on what the devil's been doing
55:54 for the last 24 hours, that I don't have time to hear His
55:57 knock or run to the door.
55:59 When Jesus knocks at the door, I don't want to be so distracted
56:02 with my earphones, and my iPhones, and my iPads,
56:06 and my headsets, and my music, and...
56:09 I don't want to be so distracted that I can't hear Him
56:12 when He rings the doorbell.
56:14 I don't want to be so consumed with my school and my education,
56:18 or my job, or my career that I don't have time
56:20 to open the door.
56:22 When Jesus knocks, I want to open the door and have Him
56:26 come in and fellowship with me and I with Him.
56:31 And guess what?
56:32 Even if you don't think you have anything to offer Him,
56:34 if you say like Old Mother Hubbard, I go there and
56:37 the cupboard is bare, He brings everything with Him.
56:41 Isn't that good?
56:43 And He lays out for you a table full of the bread of life
56:49 and the water of life.
56:51 And He says, "Let's eat."
56:53 And the best part of eating is you're going to eat with Him.
56:57 The counsel to the church at Laodicea is,
57:00 let's fellowship with Jesus.
57:03 Let's respond to His knock on our heart's door.
57:06 Let's pray.
57:07 Lord Jesus, thank You for being interested in us
57:11 enough to want to hang out with us.
57:14 To what to, no big agenda, but just to be friends,
57:17 to share a meal, to share life.
57:20 Forgive us for being distracted far too easily with things
57:23 that are going to rot, or rust, or burn.
57:25 And encourage us, Lord, strengthen us
57:27 to hear the knock and to open the door.
57:31 And to share with others the good news.


Revised 2014-12-17