Anchors of Truth

Do-it-Yourself Religion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lee Venden


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000123

00:13 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:15 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:23 Welcome again to Anchors Of Truth.
00:25 Glad that each one is here in our live audience.
00:27 My name is Greg Morikone.
00:29 This is my wife, Jill.
00:30 We also want to say a welcome to you in our television land.
00:34 Also through radio you may be listening
00:36 to this program this evening.
00:38 Also on mobile devices.
00:39 That seems to be quite the trend as well.
00:41 We get a lot more response from people that are watching
00:43 on their iPads, their iPhones, Android devices as well.
00:47 But anyway, welcome to the Anchors Of Truth program.
00:49 What a blessing this series has been with Elder Lee Venden.
00:54 I know that I've truly been blessed.
00:56 And tonight is night number three from this series.
00:59 But if you're joining us brand new maybe tonight,
01:03 just real quick, Pastor Lee Venden,
01:05 he comes from Upper Columbia Conference,
01:08 which I call way out west from here in southern Illinois.
01:12 And he is the full time Revivalist for that conference.
01:17 He and his wife travel a lot together.
01:20 He and his wife have been married, he told me
01:22 just before we went out here on stage, for 36 years.
01:25 They have two beautiful children.
01:27 And they're so happy in serving the Lord.
01:30 Now I know we've been following this series.
01:32 Tell us a little bit more about what this full five part series
01:36 is all about.
01:37 It's called, The Revelation of Whom.
01:39 And for those of you who have been here night by night,
01:41 it has been a tremendous blessing, hasn't it.
01:43 And if you have joined us at home, we know it has
01:47 been a blessing for you at home as well.
01:50 Obviously, the "Revelation Of Whom" focuses on
01:53 looking at the book of Revelation, but yet
01:56 looking at it through the eyes of Jesus.
01:58 Trying to find Jesus in the book of Revelation.
02:02 Wednesday night we looked at Revelation chapter 3,
02:05 the counsel Jesus gives to the church of Laodicea.
02:08 That's the end time church.
02:10 We looked at last night was the first angel's message.
02:13 That was an incredible message, wasn't it, sweetie.
02:16 - It was, absolutely. - I was so blessed by that.
02:19 Who gets the glory.
02:21 And my own heart was pricked as I prayed
02:25 last night and asked Jesus, "Lord, show me the
02:28 pride that is in my heart."
02:29 Because he talked about giving God the glory
02:31 and not for our own self.
02:33 So it was an incredible blessing.
02:35 And tonight, we're looking at the second angel's message.
02:38 And the title is, Do It Yourself Religion.
02:41 So I'm excited to hear what he's going to share,
02:43 how we can see Jesus in the second angel's message.
02:46 Absolutely.
02:47 And before we actually go to the music, which you're
02:50 actually bringing our music to us tonight,
02:53 we want to actually have a short prayer.
02:54 And then you'll tell us about this song
02:55 you're going to play for us.
02:56 Let's pray.
02:57 Father in heaven, Lord, we are so thankful.
03:00 Thankful, Father, that as we're here in this live broadcast
03:05 here in Thompsonville, Illinois, just a little speck
03:07 on the earth, Father somehow, I don't know how it all works,
03:11 but Lord You hear each one of our prayers.
03:14 Lord, thank You that we can talk to You,
03:16 we can talk to You on a personal, just personally
03:19 Father, as we would to a friend.
03:21 Lord, we honor You as God.
03:23 And we recognize You as our Father and as our Lord,
03:25 as our King, as our Redeemer.
03:27 Lord, also we're thankful for You wanting to have a
03:30 personal relationship with us.
03:32 We pray for a special blessing on Elder Venden as he
03:34 brings us again another part to this series.
03:38 Lord, bless his lips.
03:40 Thank You that he is being a vessel that You're able to
03:43 pour Your words through to us.
03:46 And Father, as we hear the message, may we not just
03:48 be hearers only, but doers also of what You want us to do.
03:52 And in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
03:54 So tell us this song you're going to play for us tonight.
03:56 It's actually a medley, it's two songs.
03:59 It's, Something About That Name, and Something Beautiful.
04:03 I'm just playing the piano, I'm not singing.
04:05 And sometimes it's nice to know what the words are to the song.
04:09 So the second part of the song, Something Beautiful,
04:12 it says, "Something beautiful, something good;
04:14 all my confusion, He understood.
04:17 All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife;
04:21 but He made something beautiful out of my life."
04:25 Amen, and as soon as Jill is done playing the medley,
04:29 we'll get to hear the third part of this series,
04:31 Do It Yourself Religion.
04:34 Amen.
07:38 Something about that name.
07:41 There really is something about that name.
07:44 The name above all names.
07:45 At the name of Jesus every knee will bow.
07:49 I'm going to bow one more time and have another prayer.
07:53 Lord Jesus, I just bow just now knowing that even though
08:00 there is time and space between us, You hear this prayer.
08:05 And that You are eager to supply us with an extra measure
08:12 of the Holy Spirit tonight.
08:14 You told us to ask.
08:15 You said where two or three are gathered in Your name,
08:17 that we should ask.
08:18 And I'm asking right now.
08:20 I know I need the Holy Spirit.
08:22 I want to be on cruise control.
08:25 And I pray for the Holy Spirit to just fill our hearts
08:30 and open our minds and our ears and our eyes
08:34 to what a friend we have in You, and what that friendship
08:38 includes, and how we can live more completely for Jesus.
08:42 In whose name I pray, amen.
08:47 Well I want to start out by telling you a story
08:51 about a confederate prison.
08:54 Actually, a prisoner in a confederate prison camp.
08:59 He was a Union soldier and he had somehow gotten captured.
09:02 And there he was in this prison camp.
09:04 Somehow, I don't remember how, I just remember
09:06 what happened next in this story; he escaped.
09:08 He managed to escape.
09:10 But he traveled by night, because he was very deep
09:13 into the confederate territory.
09:15 And he didn't want to be seen, you know.
09:17 And so he would travel under cover of darkness.
09:20 And days passed as he traveled.
09:23 And finally he was getting kind of excited,
09:25 because he realized that he was almost to the Union territory.
09:30 And he couldn't wait to get home again.
09:33 And so it was the final sort of day or two that he thought
09:36 he'd have to travel at night.
09:38 He was going along in the darkness in the woods,
09:40 and suddenly a group of soldiers, picket soldiers,
09:44 surrounded him.
09:46 And the jig was up.
09:47 So near and yet so far.
09:49 They aimed their guns at him, they told him to put his hands
09:51 on top of his head.
09:53 They told him that if he did not surrender,
09:55 they would shoot him on site right there.
09:58 And so it was two choices; surrender or be shot.
10:03 He made the surrender choice.
10:06 And they came in the darkness, got around him,
10:08 tied his hands behind his back, and started marching him
10:13 through the forest.
10:14 It was getting close to dawn, and about the time they got
10:20 to the prison where they were going to place him,
10:24 he realized that every soldier's uniform was blue and not gray.
10:30 And he suddenly discovered he had surrendered to his friends.
10:35 And boy was he happy.
10:37 Was he happy.
10:39 He had surrendered to his friends and it was
10:42 going to be a happy ending.
10:45 Well, tonight we're going to talk about how that
10:48 surrendering to Jesus and depending upon Him
10:52 is actually the happiest ending to the story.
10:56 We noticed last night as we took a look at the
10:59 three angels' messages and began looking at them,
11:01 we noticed that there is a common thread
11:04 that goes through all three of the messages.
11:07 Much like the British Navy and their scarlet thread
11:09 that goes through their rigging and their ropes.
11:12 There's a common thread, and that is...
11:25 That's the common thread.
11:26 And now tonight we're going to take a look at
11:28 the second angel in Revelation 14:8,
11:31 a second angel and a mystical Babylon.
11:36 So in Revelation 14:8, we read...
11:53 Now, if all nations drink of her wine, that would have to include
12:00 the non-Christian nations as well, wouldn't it?
12:03 Right?
12:04 So that would include Muslim nations.
12:06 That would include Buddhist nations.
12:09 That would include all nations, Christian and non-Christian.
12:14 So if that's true, then Babylon would have to be something more,
12:18 something more than a uniquely defined denomination.
12:23 If it's going to include all nations.
12:26 Alright?
12:28 Today we're going to discover how easily
12:31 Babylon's problem can actually be our problem as well.
12:36 Babylon's roots, as you know, trace back to a tower
12:42 known as the tower of Babel.
12:45 The tower of Babel was built by a fellow named Nimrod.
12:50 And in Genesis we find this interesting start of the story.
13:07 Now this word, "babel," we're use to that word
13:11 in our modern day.
13:12 Because when we use that word, we're referring to confusion.
13:15 So someone's talking too fast, or they are not enunciating,
13:19 or they're slurring their words, or talking too quietly
13:23 and so it turns into kind of a murmur.
13:25 And we say to them, "Slow down or speak more clearly.
13:29 You're just babbling," we say.
13:31 "You're just babbling, I can't understand what you're saying."
13:34 So this term, "babble," comes back to the tower of Babel.
13:40 And you know the story.
13:42 There in Genesis 11, Nimrod was the first king of Babylon.
13:48 He actually was.
13:50 And he built this tower of Babel.
13:52 And the purpose of building the tower of Babel
13:54 was to save themselves.
13:57 The people wanted to save themselves.
14:01 Noah's descendents after the flood had been told,
14:04 God made a promise, and He said that He would
14:06 put His bow in the sky as a symbol, the rainbow,
14:12 as a symbol of His promise to never again destroy the earth
14:16 with a flood.
14:18 Every time I see a rainbow, I think, "Wow, that's His bow."
14:22 His bow.
14:23 It actually arches over the throne in heaven.
14:27 And someday we'll get to see it, the original.
14:30 So far we've been seeing something I guess maybe
14:32 you might call them the reprints.
14:35 If the reprints are so good, can you imagine what the
14:38 original must look like.
14:40 So anyway, Noah's descendents doubted the rainbow's promise.
14:48 They doubted God's promise and they did not trust Him
14:52 to fulfill what He said.
14:55 And so in an effort to save themselves
14:58 they built this tower.
15:00 They figured, "If God doesn't come through His promise,
15:03 which we're not sure we trust Him on, we don't need to worry
15:07 because we're going to take care of ourselves."
15:10 Well, how did God deal with the tower of Babel?
15:13 It went to the ground.
15:15 They were already confused about salvation,
15:17 they thought they couldn't trust God.
15:21 So He confused their speech as well, and they became babblers.
15:26 As I already mentioned, that's where we got
15:28 that phrase that we often use.
15:30 Now following Babel, we find Nebuchadnezzar
15:35 in a city known as Babylon in 606 BC.
15:40 Now God's people are captive to a nation that symbolizes
15:48 man's effort to save himself.
15:52 See, it goes all the way back to the tower of Babel.
15:54 Now we have Babylon, and it is a nation that symbolizes
16:00 man's effort to save himself.
16:04 God's people are captive there.
16:06 Now the only thing needed to be Babylon's captive
16:13 would be to be enslaved to the idea that somehow
16:18 I can save myself.
16:20 Whether it is getting to heaven or whether it is in perfecting a
16:25 Christ-like character.
16:27 In either case, if I think I can save myself
16:32 I am enslaved to what Babylon symbolizes.
16:37 Babylon's wine, then, is our presentations title.
16:42 It is, do it yourself.
16:44 And our title is, Do It Yourself Religion.
16:49 Nearly every false religion is based on the idea that
16:51 man can save himself by his own efforts.
16:55 In some way save himself.
16:57 So do I have to belong to a particular church
17:01 in order to be captive to the idea that I can
17:05 depend on my own efforts?
17:07 I don't have to belong to any church.
17:10 Or I can belong to every church or any church
17:13 and still have this tendency to depend upon myself.
17:20 I pray every day that God would enable me to depend upon
17:26 Thee instead of depending on Lee.
17:30 It's so easy to slip into self-dependence.
17:36 Don't have to belong to a particular church.
17:39 Arthur Spalding, in his book, Captains of the Hosts,
17:43 writes this...
18:01 Now just a minute ago, we said Babylon represents confusion.
18:04 Right?
18:16 Notice he said many Christians.
18:20 Many Christians.
18:22 Many professed Christians.
18:24 Many years ago before I was a pastor, I taught
18:31 in a Seventh-day Adventist high school.
18:33 And I taught religion, or Bible.
18:37 And I remember we had a guest speaker
18:41 come to our community who was presenting a series
18:46 of religious meetings in one of the local churches.
18:51 Every day he would come to our high school
18:54 and he would do a special presentation while he was
18:57 in town for the young people there in the high school.
19:00 And then after his presentation, he would mingle in the various
19:03 classrooms and field questions and interact with the kids.
19:08 So I was seated in one of the classrooms
19:11 as he came in to interact with the kids.
19:14 And the kids asked him some questions.
19:17 They wanted to ask how they could be more victorious.
19:21 How they could be overcomers.
19:22 How they could get over besetting sins,
19:25 problems, failures, flops, falls.
19:27 They wanted to know how they could be overcomers.
19:29 And they asked him, "So you know,
19:31 what counsel do you have for us?
19:32 How does it work?"
19:33 I'll never forget what he did.
19:35 He went over to the board and he made a chart.
19:37 I'm going to try and represent this chart
19:38 for you on the screen.
19:40 He said, "Now look at this chart.
19:41 There's different heights on the chart because different people
19:45 are capable of different percentages of effort
19:48 towards overcoming.
19:49 Some people may only be able to produce 10% of the effort."
19:52 He said, "Now if you look at the chart, you'll notice
19:53 nobody can do 100%.
19:56 Nobody can get to the top.
19:58 But some people have just sort of by birth and by genetics,
20:02 and whatever, some people have more unction,
20:05 more guts, more discipline, more whatever."
20:09 And he said, "Now here's the deal.
20:10 Everybody, whether you're a 90 percenter or whether you're a
20:13 10 percenter, you've got to do your part.
20:16 And after you have put forth the effort that you're capable of,
20:20 whichever level that is, then God kicks in the rest
20:25 and takes it to 100%."
20:27 Which was the rest of his chart.
20:28 So he said, "You all can get to 100%.
20:30 God makes up the difference.
20:32 So if you're a 10 percenter, God's going to make up 90.
20:34 If you're a 90 percenter, God's going to make up 10.
20:36 You'll get to the 100%.
20:38 But you've got to do your part if you expect God to do His."
20:42 That's what he said as I listened.
20:45 And I struggled with it because I noticed how confusing
20:51 it seemed to be to the young people.
20:53 They asked him questions like, "Well how do you know whether
20:55 you're a 10 percenter or a 90 percenter?"
20:58 "How do you know if you've done your 10%?"
21:00 "How do you know if you thought you were a 10 percenter
21:02 and God thought you were a 15 percenter?
21:04 How do you know if you still had 5% to go?"
21:07 "How can you be sure?"
21:08 "And another thing, how come that person doesn't have to
21:10 try as hard as I do just because I got born with more strength?
21:14 Why should I expect to have to do more?"
21:16 And so there's this confusion going on here.
21:19 Confusion.
21:22 He was referencing what Spaulding had just described
21:27 a moment ago that there are professed Christians
21:30 who say, "After you've done your part, God kicks in
21:33 and does the rest.
21:34 But you have to do part and He does part.
21:37 And between you, you get 100%."
21:40 Well they were confused, and I was confused.
21:44 You know, I've been confused on this.
21:48 I can remember trying so hard to do my part.
21:50 I, you know, wondered, "Well what is my part?"
21:53 And I tried, you know, I...
21:54 Some people tell you, "You've got to make better choices."
21:57 So I tried to work at better choices.
21:59 Other people told me, "You need to resist more than you are.
22:02 You need to strengthen your resolve.
22:05 You need to quote a Scripture at the point of temptation."
22:10 I remember carrying a little pocket New Testament around
22:12 with me thinking that maybe if I, at the right moment
22:15 you know, I could kind of pull that thing out and it would
22:17 just kind of be like a good luck charm or something
22:19 that would help me get across that crisis.
22:21 I've tried singing hymns at the point of temptation.
22:25 I tried cold showers.
22:27 I tried counting backwards from 100, you know.
22:29 I tried all kinds of ways, methods, gimmicks,
22:33 whatever you might say, in order to do my part.
22:37 And I discovered that I kept flopping and failing miserably.
22:49 Do it yourself religion.
22:53 I would suggest that probably the greatest problem
22:57 in the Christian religion...
22:58 And that would be in every church.
23:00 That would be including my church.
23:02 Every church.
23:04 this idea that somehow we must save ourselves.
23:09 Maybe we don't think we can save ourselves
23:11 in terms of getting to heaven, but many of us
23:15 have been confused about how much we have to do
23:19 to perfect a Christ-like character.
23:24 See, do it yourself religion has a way of sneaking in
23:29 very easily.
23:31 The greatest symptom that I am a victim of
23:34 "do it yourself" religion, the greatest indicator
23:38 that I have slipped into the self-dependence rut,
23:43 is the pitifully small amount of time that most of us find
23:48 to spend with Jesus morning by morning and day by day.
23:54 I told you last night, I think it was,
23:56 about a survey that I've taken.
23:59 70 to 80% of people who attend church, by filling out an
24:04 anonymous survey, indicate that they are faithful in
24:06 church attendance but they have little or no
24:08 time for God during the week.
24:11 Well, if I can't find time to spend alone with Jesus Christ
24:16 on my knees in prayer and in His Word,
24:19 if that's not a priority in my life, if He and I are not
24:22 on regular speaking terms, there is little or no
24:26 communication with God, if I do not know what it means
24:28 to have a meaningful devotional life,
24:30 something more than a text for the day with my hand
24:34 on the doorknob, you know, something more than
24:38 somebody reading a short page of something
24:41 while we all shovel food into our mouths around the table,
24:45 something more than just flipping on the station
24:47 to the religious broadcast while driving and calling
24:50 that my time with God, if I don't go one on one with Jesus,
24:55 if I don't have time for Him, then regardless of what I
24:59 might say, I am depending on myself.
25:03 I am actually living my life independent of a personal
25:07 relationship with Jesus.
25:11 Wow.
25:13 We've been told that it would be good for us to spend
25:15 a thoughtful hour every day in contemplation of
25:18 the life of Christ, and that we should especially focus on
25:21 the closing scenes.
25:23 A thoughtful hour.
25:25 But many of us can't even find enough time...
25:27 Many of us can't even find as much time to spend with Jesus
25:30 as we spend with our meals.
25:32 And yet Jesus compared Himself to bread.
25:35 He said, "I am the bread of life."
25:36 Whoa, well how much time do I spend eating the
25:39 physical bread of life, and could there be any correlation?
25:42 See, if I don't have time for the bread of life,
25:45 I'm living my life independently of Jesus, regardless of
25:50 what church I attend on the weekend.
25:57 Now, I'm talking about the daily devotional life.
25:59 Because that's how you get to know Jesus better.
26:03 You remember Mary and Martha.
26:05 Martha, bless your heart, she was working for Jesus.
26:08 She was trying to make a meal for Him and for the disciples,
26:11 and for her brother and her sister.
26:12 I mean, that's a good thing; I would call that church work.
26:14 Working for Jesus.
26:16 But when she came out and made it clear
26:18 that she wished Mary would help...
26:19 Remember, Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus learning of Him.
26:23 Jesus said to Martha, "Martha, Martha.
26:27 You're troubled by much serving.
26:29 But one thing is needful, Martha.
26:33 And Mary has figured out what it is.
26:35 And I don't want to take that away from her.
26:36 Martha, I appreciate your desire to work for Me.
26:39 But Martha, there's something I want even more than your work,
26:44 more than what you can do for Me.
26:46 Martha, I want you.
26:47 I want a friendship with you.
26:50 I want to commune with you, I want to fellowship with you.
26:53 I want us to become closer and closer.
26:56 And Mary has figured that out, Martha.
26:58 Now Martha, I'm not saying I don't want you to work for Me.
27:01 I'm just saying that, you know, let's stay in touch, shall we?"
27:08 If I don't have the time with Mary to sit at Jesus' feet,
27:12 if I am substituting working for Jesus for devotional life,
27:18 then I am living life apart from God.
27:21 I am depending on myself.
27:26 This is not, this daily devotional life is not optional.
27:30 It's the whole basis of the Christian life.
27:33 It is.
27:34 Can you imagine someone trying to run a dairy farm
27:36 without any cows or goats?
27:39 Can you imagine someone trying to, um...
27:43 ...skydive without a parachute more than once?
27:49 Can you imagine a baker without flour?
27:58 Can you imagine a bank or a banker without money?
28:05 Oh, you can imagine that because that's what
28:06 we do in America, I guess.
28:07 Just sort of bank without money.
28:10 But anyway, you understand what I'm saying.
28:13 In each of those examples that I just used,
28:17 the most important ingredient was missing.
28:21 Well, what flour is to the baker,
28:23 what a dairy cow is to the dairyman,
28:27 the daily devotional life and time alone with Jesus
28:30 is to the Christian.
28:31 It's not optional, it's the least common denominator.
28:34 I cannot grow in a personal walk with Jesus
28:37 without spending time with Him day by day.
28:39 Can't do it. It's not optional.
28:41 You don't just squeeze this in at the end of a busy week
28:43 if you have a little time before you fall asleep on Friday night.
28:45 No, this is a daily matter.
28:47 I eat food every day.
28:49 And I must eat the bread of life every day as well.
28:53 Now this angel's message that we were just looking at,
28:56 I'm going to look at it again with you
28:57 because there's a word in here that I want to notice.
28:59 It's called, "fornication."
29:00 And we're going to look at the verse again.
29:14 Now this word in Scripture describes an illicit
29:18 relationship outside of marriage.
29:21 That's what it describes.
29:22 You could boil it down this way, you could say that
29:26 fornication is when two parties who are not
29:28 suppose to merge, merge.
29:31 Alright?
29:33 I could describe it to you this way.
29:36 I love it when my wife makes homemade bread.
29:39 I just love it.
29:40 And there's nothing like coming home and walking into the house
29:45 and smelling that aroma of fresh bread popping
29:50 right out of the oven, you know.
29:52 And I go over there and I look at it sitting there cooling.
29:55 And I'm sniffing at it, and I'm thinking about
29:58 how I've been told that, you know, you shouldn't put
30:00 butter on hot bread.
30:02 But you know, I have to confess to you.
30:04 I have put my life at risk more than once
30:06 with that sort of very combination.
30:09 And almost regretted it, but not quite, you know.
30:15 And so anyway, sometimes I'll go to slice myself
30:21 a piece of this fresh bread and put a little butter on it.
30:25 Get that kind of melting down a little bit, you know.
30:27 Soften the center just a bit more with that butter.
30:31 And Marji will say, "Would you like a little peanut butter
30:34 or anything else?
30:35 Maybe some, you know, almond butter or peanut butter."
30:37 And I'll say, "Marji, Marji, I can't believe,
30:40 I can't believe I just heard you ask that question.
30:43 That would be fornication.
30:45 Fornication.
30:46 You don't put peanut butter on top of fresh bread.
30:50 A stronger flavor to drown out this wonderful taste.
30:54 No Marji, no please. No fornication in this house."
31:01 Well, maybe you don't think of that as fornication.
31:03 But the point I'm trying to make is that it's the merging
31:06 or attempted merging of things that aren't suppose to merge.
31:09 And in our house, I don't think peanut butter should
31:11 merge with fresh homemade bread that's still piping hot.
31:14 I just don't. So that's my opinion.
31:17 Well theologically, there's a form of fornication
31:20 call syncretism.
31:23 Syncretism.
31:25 Syncretism is the merging or attempted merging of
31:29 two antagonistic principles or ideas that are not compatible.
31:36 So that's what syncretism is.
31:38 Trying to get some things together that aren't compatible.
31:40 They shouldn't be trying to put them together.
31:42 You know, oil and water.
31:44 They don't go together.
31:46 It's very difficult to mix oil and water.
31:48 Well syncretism is like that.
31:50 Theologians use this word to describe a strange concoction
31:53 of salvation that's based partly on works and partly on faith.
32:01 These are terms that are mutually exclusive actually;
32:03 salvation partly on works and partly on faith.
32:09 In a little book entitled, Selected Messages,
32:11 there is this interesting comment.
32:24 Now we need to be easy on these people.
32:26 These are conscientious souls.
32:28 These are not reprobates.
32:29 These are not rebellious, hard hearted, indifferent people.
32:32 These are conscientious people.
32:33 These are people who probably attend church.
32:35 They probably care a lot about the things of God.
32:38 And they're conscientious.
32:39 And I don't want to be too hard on them, because they might
32:41 end up looking too much like me.
32:44 But these conscientious souls are trusting partly to God
32:48 and partly to themselves.
32:50 They're actually syncretists, whether they know it or not.
33:05 They've got those gimmicks, you know, I was talking
33:08 about a few minutes ago.
33:09 You know, you strengthen your, you know, your resolve.
33:12 You stiffen your backbone.
33:14 You take the cold shower.
33:15 You sign the hymn. You do whatever.
33:17 You depend on a gimmick.
33:18 They depend on some sort of watchfulness against temptation
33:22 and the performance of certain duties.
33:41 See we're looking for Jesus in the three angels' messages.
33:44 We're looking for Jesus in the book
33:47 that bears His name; The Revelation of Jesus.
33:52 See, trusting partly to God and partly to myself
33:56 would actually be spiritual fornication.
34:01 Partly to God and partly to man; spiritual fornication.
34:05 Furthermore, consider this.
34:08 Fornication is an attempt to obtain some of the fruits
34:14 of marriage outside of marriage.
34:20 Are you with me?
34:22 Okay?
34:23 Now, some of the fruits of marriage outside of marriage;
34:27 that's fornication.
34:29 Now I want you to notice something in a little
34:31 verse that you're familiar with, a couple of verses,
34:33 in the book of Galatians.
34:35 Notice this...
34:44 Forbearance, which is another word for patience.
34:51 And even self-control is a fruit of the Spirit.
34:57 Isn't that interesting?
35:00 Would you say, if you look at those characteristics,
35:03 would you say that those would be good descriptions
35:05 of a Christ-like character?
35:07 I would say so. Yeah.
35:09 And did you notice that the Christ-like character
35:12 is the fruit of the Spirit?
35:14 Not the fruit of the person.
35:16 A Christ-like character is not something I produce for God,
35:20 it's something that God produces in me through the
35:22 power of the Holy Spirit.
35:23 It is the fruit of the Spirit.
35:26 Now, if I am trying to produce a Christ-like character
35:29 outside of the relationship with Jesus,
35:34 then I'm attempting to acquire the fruits of a relationship
35:38 without the relationship.
35:39 And that's spiritual fornication.
35:42 Spiritual fornication.
35:47 Still the remnants of Babylon...
35:51 ...even in conscientious souls who are well intended.
35:59 Still part of the wine of Babylon.
36:03 It is possible to be involved in Babylon even in a church
36:08 that has figured out who the beast power represents.
36:13 Are you hearing me?
36:16 Well, studying Babylon would have to include
36:18 its most famous king; Nebuchadnezzar
36:23 He was a giant king of a giant nation.
36:28 The time that he was king, he was king of the world.
36:32 King of the known world.
36:34 His kingdom dominated the entire planet, in terms of
36:38 what was populated at the time.
36:41 He was a big man, he was somebody.
36:47 And he thought so.
36:51 And in Daniel 4, he was standing out on the veranda
36:55 looking out over the city; Babylon.
36:58 And he said these words...
37:18 Whoa.
37:21 King Nebuchadnezzar was a victim of "do it yourself" life.
37:26 "Do it yourself" life.
37:28 You know, most of us transfer fairly easily into
37:31 "do it yourself" religion, because most of us
37:34 have been raise on "do it yourself" life.
37:37 Really.
37:39 Are you thinking about it?
37:40 Even from a small child, what do we do?
37:42 You know, look at this, "Johnny learned to tie his shoe
37:47 all by himself."
37:49 "Oh Johnny, no kidding. You did it by yourself?"
37:51 "I did it all by myself, yeah."
37:52 "Listen, would you like me to help you
37:54 do the zipper on your coat?"
37:55 "No, I'll do it all by myself."
37:57 "Well Johnny, I'm so proud of you doing it all by yourself."
38:00 "Oh look here, Mary drew this picture all by herself.
38:03 Nobody helped her. Nobody.
38:05 She didn't trace it, she didn't stencil it, or anything.
38:08 She did it all by herself."
38:10 "Oh Mary, I'm so proud of you.
38:12 Really, you did it all by yourself?
38:14 That's great."
38:16 We just reinforce this concept; all by yourself.
38:21 Santa Clause tells little boys and girls,
38:24 "I'm going to give you goodies if you have been good.
38:29 If you behaved, if you have stayed out of trouble,
38:32 if you have had self-control, self-discipline,
38:35 we give you presents.
38:37 But if you haven't, oh, bags of switches and lumps of coal."
38:42 We give children allowances if they do their chores.
38:46 If they don't do their chores, well not so much allowance.
38:49 At school you can get extra credit for extra work
38:54 as long as you did it all by yourself and you didn't cheat
38:59 or borrow from anybody else.
39:01 You need to do it all by yourself.
39:07 You get what you pay for, you pay for what you get.
39:11 You deserve it, you earn it, you work at it.
39:14 You are responsible.
39:16 You are the master of your own ship.
39:21 You know what the unspoken message is in all of this?
39:24 It's that charity is good to give, but it is bad to receive.
39:31 Something that's a gift?
39:33 "Oh no, no. No."
39:38 There's a wonderful friend of ours who use to do our taxes.
39:45 Her name is Ruby.
39:47 And the first time she did our taxes for us,
39:51 I was frustrated because when she handed them back to me,
39:55 she said, "There will be no charge."
39:57 And I said, "Ruby, I didn't bring them to you
40:00 thinking you were going to do this for free."
40:02 She said, "No, no. I want to do this for you.
40:04 Now don't give me trouble.
40:06 I want to do this for you."
40:07 She said, "Pastor Venden, are you a legalist?"
40:12 She said, "Can you accept a gift or do you feel like
40:14 you have to earn it?
40:16 See, I'm doing this because I'm just grateful for
40:20 what you've been sharing with us.
40:21 And I just want to do this, I just want to do this.
40:23 So don't be a legalist."
40:26 Well, we moved away from that town after having
40:29 become very close to her.
40:32 She did our taxes several times for free, and I began to feel
40:35 more and more indebted to her, see.
40:39 Because you don't accept something for nothing.
40:43 That's the way we grow up.
40:44 There's no free lunch.
40:46 If it is, it's charity.
40:48 And charity is good to give, but bad to receive.
40:51 That's the way we communicate.
40:53 So we moved away and I got this great idea.
40:57 She lived alone, and so we bought an airplane ticket
41:00 for her to come and spend a holiday week with us.
41:04 And I remember her telling me on the phone,
41:07 "Now I'm planning to pay for that ticket.
41:09 I am very upset with you that you already
41:11 purchased it and sent it to me.
41:12 Because I am glad to come to your place, but I know.
41:15 I do your taxes and you can't afford to buy
41:18 an airline ticket for me.
41:19 So I'm paying for my own ticket."
41:21 I said, "No, no, no.
41:22 I said to her, "Ruby," I said, "are you a legalist?
41:26 Can't you accept a gracious gift?"
41:29 She said, "Oh man."
41:33 So she came and she spent a week with us.
41:35 And we went to take her to the airport at the end of the week.
41:38 Had a great time.
41:39 When we came back to our house at the end of the airport trip,
41:42 our children, who were elementary school age,
41:46 went to their respective rooms, whatever,
41:48 to play or do whatever.
41:49 And before you know it, they're both coming back.
41:51 They have an envelope.
41:53 Under their pillows was an envelope.
41:55 Each of them had a hundred dollar bill, and it said,
41:58 "Now you tell your parents that unless they're legalists,
42:00 this is for you to use for school clothes.
42:03 And you just tell them that they can't mess with that."
42:06 And I called her and I said, "Ruby."
42:13 But there's something difficult about accepting a gift.
42:16 See, we grow up on the notion that you have to put in some
42:19 effort if you expect a benefit.
42:22 There's some self-dependence going on here.
42:29 We applaud the singers that sing, "I did it my way."
42:34 We applaud them.
42:35 I know the song. I mean, I could sing it.
42:38 And yet, the message of the song, "I did it my way."
42:46 And then after all of this growing up on
42:48 "do it yourself" life, we struggle.
42:51 Because we're trying to pour grace theology
42:55 into old wine skins.
42:59 And you remember what Jesus said about old wine skins.
43:02 They can't hold the new wine.
43:04 The grace theology is like new wine,
43:06 and it bursts the old wine skins.
43:10 And it bursts them because self-made men
43:13 tend to what to worship their maker.
43:17 Nebuchadnezzar said, "Is not this great Babylon
43:22 that I have built."
43:26 The words were barely out of his mouth,
43:30 and God passed a judgment upon him.
43:34 Zonk.
43:36 And he became the first hippie.
43:38 Did you know that?
43:39 Because the Bible says that he was on grass and grew long hair.
43:42 He was the first hippie.
43:44 Daniel 4, "While the word was still in the king's mouth..."
44:07 God wanted Nebuchadnezzar to know who kept his heart beating.
44:13 Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am the Lord..."
44:26 It's not about what I do.
44:29 It's about what He does.
44:32 And what He does is promise to work in us
44:36 both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
44:40 No syncretism here.
44:42 He says, "I will, both, will and do.
44:46 I am the responsible party for the whole package."
44:50 Philippians 2:13...
44:57 Well if that's what He wants to do,
44:59 if that's what He wants to do, what is He waiting for?
45:05 What is He waiting for?
45:08 You know what He's waiting for?
45:10 He's waiting for us to surrender.
45:13 That's what He's waiting for.
45:15 But surrender is difficult for us.
45:18 Because we are born with this independent drive.
45:24 It's part of our genes and chromosomes ever since
45:27 Adam and Eve blew it in Eden.
45:31 Independence is just the way we are wired.
45:34 It's the way we're put together.
45:36 Here in America, we even celebrate Independence Day.
45:40 You know.
45:41 Independence.
45:43 We have trouble with that word, "surrender."
45:48 For most of us, we think of the word, "surrender,"
45:50 as a bad word.
45:51 Surrender is what losers do.
45:54 In a war, the people who surrender are the losers.
45:59 In a game, the people who surrender are the losers.
46:04 And then we come along and we read in Scripture that
46:09 God is looking for us to depend upon Him
46:14 and to surrender to Him.
46:18 And that this actually is a good thing?
46:20 A good thing?
46:22 It just seems to go counter to the way we think.
46:28 But you know what?
46:29 In the heavenly economy, much of what we think
46:32 is just opposite from the way the heavenly economy goes.
46:36 You know, in the heavenly economy, if you want to
46:38 be the greatest, you would be what?
46:40 The servant of all. Right, you know?
46:42 In the heavenly economy, if you cast your bread on the waters,
46:48 it returns to you, see.
46:49 In the heavenly economy, the first are last
46:53 and the last are first.
46:54 In the heavenly economy, when you surrender, you win.
46:59 It's just the opposite of the way we think.
47:01 Just the opposite.
47:03 Many years ago when I was a teenager,
47:05 some friends of mine took me scuba diving.
47:07 I wasn't certified, but they were.
47:09 And we did this buddy dive so that I could learn about it.
47:11 I thought it was so cool.
47:14 Another world.
47:15 I came home...
47:17 Remember, I'm a teenager.
47:18 And it was during that time...
47:19 Many people understand this.
47:22 There's a time in your life when, as a teenager,
47:24 you don't seem to think your parents are all that cool.
47:27 And I was in that stage.
47:29 And when you don't think your parents are all that cool,
47:31 your parents feel this estrangement,
47:33 and it kind of hurts them, you know.
47:35 Mark Twain, I think it was, who said,
47:36 "When I was 14 years old, I couldn't believe
47:39 how stupid my dad was.
47:42 But when I became 21, I couldn't believe
47:44 how much he had learned in just seven years."
47:48 Well I was this teenager, right.
47:50 And I come home from scuba diving, I said,
47:54 "Dad, you should try this.
47:58 My friends took me out as a buddy dive,
48:01 and I'll bet you they'd take you."
48:03 My dad said, "Oh, that wouldn't be necessary.
48:05 I wouldn't want to be a burden."
48:06 I said, "I don't think they'd think it was a burden, dad.
48:08 Let me give them a call."
48:09 He said, "No, no, no, no. Don't, don't call.
48:10 No, don't trouble them. I don't want to be a burden."
48:12 I said, "You know, I don't think they'll think it's a trouble."
48:14 I dialed their number.
48:15 I said, "Would you guys take my dad
48:16 scuba diving like you did me?"
48:18 They said, "We'd love to. That's great."
48:19 I said, "Dad, they said they'd love to."
48:22 And my dad said, "Uh, wonderful."
48:27 Truth was, he didn't want to go scuba diving because
48:29 he was afraid of scuba diving.
48:31 But he chose to go because he wanted to bond with his
48:35 teenage son who actually offered to do something with him.
48:38 You know.
48:40 So we put him in a swimming pool and got the wet suit on him,
48:44 and the whole bit, you know.
48:45 And the tank, and the regulator, and that little thing
48:49 you blow up, you pull on it.
48:50 If in an emergency, you pull a little cord and it goes, poof,
48:52 and it will float you out of trouble.
48:54 And the fins, and the mask, and the whole thing.
48:56 Put him in the swimming pool.
48:57 I said, "See piece of cake, dad. Piece of cake."
49:00 He said, "Yeah, this isn't too bad."
49:01 He sat on the bottom of the pool blowing bubbles
49:03 and you know, "It's not bad."
49:04 So the next day we took him to off the shore of San Diego.
49:08 California.
49:10 It happened that the night before, it had stormed.
49:12 And so the water was murky and the waves were large.
49:17 But we said, "Not to worry, dad.
49:18 Not to worry.
49:20 Because you have the mask on your face,
49:22 no salt gets in your eyes.
49:23 You have the regulator in your mouth,
49:24 no water is going to get in.
49:25 You can breathe air, it's not going to be a problem.
49:27 And you know, we're just going to walk out
49:29 and go under the turbulence of those waves.
49:31 And it will be fine, it'll be another world.
49:32 You'll just love it."
49:33 So we started walking out into the ocean together.
49:36 And as we were walking out into the ocean,
49:37 I turned and looked at my dad and he looked at me.
49:39 And I saw behind the glass, I saw terror in his eyes.
49:43 And he began shaking his head vigorously from side to side,
49:46 like, "No, no. Not now, not ever.
49:47 Forget this. This is nonsense.
49:49 I'm not going to do this."
49:51 So we said, "Ok dad, we're close enough to shore.
49:53 You just go ahead and go back.
49:54 But we're going to dive, and we'll see you
49:56 in 30 or 40 minutes."
49:58 So he turned around and we went out and we went under.
49:59 When we came back, my dad, still in his wet suit,
50:04 still with a tank on his back, was lying on the beach
50:08 on his back with the fins sticking up,
50:10 right where the waves were coming up
50:11 and crashing onto his feet.
50:15 And he's lying there like this.
50:16 He looked kind of like a beached whale with the
50:18 black outfit and all of that, you know.
50:19 And I came up to him and I looked down at this face,
50:22 I said, "Dad, what are you doing?"
50:24 He said, "I thought I was going to die."
50:26 I said, "What do you mean, thought you were going to die?"
50:29 He said, "I turned around to swim in,
50:32 and there was a riptide of some kind coming out."
50:34 Some kind of under current.
50:36 It was kind of like getting on a treadmill, an exercise thing.
50:39 And he said, "The harder I swam, the less distance I made.
50:44 And the shore just kept standing off from me.
50:47 And I'm working trying to get there.
50:48 And I can't get there, can't get there."
50:49 And he said, "I started panicking."
50:51 Well when you panic, you don't think clearly.
50:52 It never occurred to him to pull on the little cord,
50:54 poof, float that thing out.
50:56 And just float until he got out of the
50:57 current and then come on into shore.
50:58 Never occurred to him, when you panic.
51:00 So he just worked like a... You know.
51:03 And he was running on adrenaline.
51:05 And adrenaline only lasts so long.
51:08 And finally, he runs out of adrenaline.
51:10 And now he can't even swim anymore.
51:11 And he said to himself, "I thought I was going to die.
51:13 I thought, so this is how I'm going to die.
51:15 I'm going to sink to the bottom of the ocean.
51:17 And I'm going to breathe the air in my tank
51:20 until it runs out.
51:22 And then I'm going to drown.
51:23 And tomorrow in the newspaper in San Diego, it's going to say,
51:25 'Morris Venden died while trying to bond with his son
51:28 off shore in San Diego.'"
51:30 And he said he actually gave up and sank all the way
51:35 to the bottom of the ocean.
51:38 And as his knees hit the bottom of the ocean,
51:40 he realized he was only chest deep in water.
51:44 And he crawled out and flopped.
51:47 And that's how we found him.
51:48 But you see, when he surrendered,
51:51 when he gave up on himself, he won.
51:55 He won.
51:56 And that's the way it is with Jesus.
51:59 Nebuchadnezzar had to lose everything before he surrendered
52:04 and acknowledged his need.
52:06 He had to come to the end of his own resources.
52:10 It is incredible how stubborn some of us are.
52:16 It's just incredible how much we will put up with
52:19 before giving up.
52:22 I once did arm wrestling with a classmate in college.
52:26 He was way stronger than me.
52:27 He had grown up as a block layer, and a surfer.
52:32 You think about that.
52:33 Surfer and a block layer.
52:35 This guy had muscles on his muscles.
52:37 I was a fool to even think I was going to go up against him.
52:40 But I remember trying.
52:42 I thought, "I've got to try, I've got to try."
52:44 I worked so hard.
52:45 People were watching us, they said,
52:47 "Lee, your face is so red.
52:49 I can't believe how red your face is."
52:51 And I'm working and I'm working, and I get like here.
52:53 And then I come back up a little bit.
52:54 And I start to think I'm going to make some progress.
52:56 And then...
52:58 And I try again.
52:59 And finally, I mean I'm hyperventilating.
53:05 And crash, I lose.
53:07 The next morning when I was brushing my teeth,
53:09 I looked in the mirror and I had red polka dots
53:12 all over my face.
53:13 Seriously, little red... Looked like measles.
53:16 And I thought, "What's gone wrong?"
53:17 I thought, "I have some incurable disease.
53:20 I'm probably going to die.
53:21 I probably won't even graduate from college."
53:24 And I went to the nurses station and I said,
53:26 "Weirdness, I woke up, I've got all this stuff all over me.
53:30 What do you think it is?"
53:31 And she said, "I don't have any idea.
53:32 I've never seen anything like it."
53:34 I said, "Oh man, it's probably serious.
53:36 Probably very serious."
53:37 She said, "Well you know what, as I look at it,
53:39 it looks almost like you were straining and your blood
53:43 pushed out into the outer capillaries
53:45 and then they closed up and it couldn't get back in.
53:47 That's what it looks like; have you ever strained recently?"
53:50 Oh, have I ever strained.
53:55 We are stubborn about surrendering
53:59 and giving control to Jesus.
54:03 We are sick.
54:06 We are drunk on the wine of Babylon,
54:10 which is self-dependence.
54:13 And it doesn't matter what denomination you belong to,
54:17 this is a problem for everyone.
54:19 You notice it said, all nations drink of this stuff.
54:24 They all do.
54:27 Nebuchadnezzar had to lose everything before he
54:28 surrendered and acknowledged his need.
54:30 He did not understand that surrender was the way to win.
54:32 But God was patient with him.
54:34 And He's patient with us.
54:35 Aren't you glad He's patient with us?
54:38 Long suffering.
54:39 And in the end, He prays one of the most tremendous
54:41 prayers in all the Bible.
54:42 Have you read it recently?
54:43 It is an awesome prayer.
54:44 Daniel 4, notice who gets the credit and the glory
54:47 in this prayer.
54:57 There's something about looking to Jesus that
54:59 gives you new understanding.
55:13 "All the people of the earth are nothing compared to Him..."
55:48 Well quite frankly, I'm thankful that He's able to humble.
55:53 You know, last night Jim Gilley was talking with a group of us
55:55 over here, and he said, "Sometimes I almost,
55:58 almost, thank God for a weakness that forces me
56:03 to realize I can't do it all."
56:06 Sometimes I...
56:07 It's a blessing in disguise, perhaps, huh?
56:10 A blessing in disguise.
56:12 Well if God could bring that heathen king to his senses,
56:15 He can do something for you and for me.
56:17 And that's good news.
56:18 That is good news.
56:19 And one day we're going to join that group of people
56:23 who, according to Revelation 15:3,
56:25 are going to sing together...
56:39 I want you to pray with me, so let's just bow our heads.
56:41 Lord Jesus, please, please keep doing the good work
56:47 that You've begun in our lives.
56:48 Crowd this self out of us.
56:52 Replace it with Your self.
56:54 Fill us with Your Holy Spirit.
56:57 Enable us to recognize that surrender is the way to win.
57:02 Surrender is the way to victory.
57:05 That You are safe to surrender to.
57:08 We thank You for offering us that invitation.
57:10 We thank You for Your patience and Your long suffering.
57:13 We thank You that You haven't written us off
57:15 even though we're slow learners.
57:18 And we thank You that You promise to complete
57:20 the work You have begun.
57:21 In Jesus name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17