Anchors of Truth

No Harm

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000150

00:13 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:15 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:21 We do welcome you to the final presentation
00:25 in what has been a really exciting and spiritual
00:29 series of presentations dealing with the law and with love.
00:34 So we welcome our audience here in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:37 and we welcome those of you who are watching
00:39 and listening from around the world.
00:41 The other night Ty and I were talking and we happened to hit
00:45 on a subject that was sort of tangential to what
00:48 he's been preaching about.
00:49 And he said, "C.A., you've got to preach this."
00:52 And I have a fairly long list of things that I want to
00:55 preach on, so I said, "Well, I'll add that.
00:57 You know, I'll put it there somewhere
00:58 on the bottom of the list."
00:59 Because he was giving me a homework assignment.
01:01 And I didn't need another homework assignment.
01:03 I tend not to like homework assignments.
01:05 But he said, "You've got to preach this."
01:08 And then as he went into the message that night
01:10 and the subsequent nights, that assignment kept coming
01:14 closer to the top of the list.
01:15 And now that I've heard four of his presentations,
01:17 now I've got to preach it.
01:19 In fact, the next time I preach, I will probably
01:20 preach on that subject.
01:21 Because it is tangential to what we are talking about.
01:24 What Ty has been walking us through is really,
01:28 not the necessity of keeping the law,
01:32 but as we discussed today, the inevitability of
01:35 keeping the law once you've got a functioning
01:37 working love relationship with Jesus Christ.
01:40 So that it's not something you do, it is something you are.
01:43 It's not something that you're striving to do.
01:45 It's something that comes as a natural consequence
01:48 of being in love with Jesus.
01:50 And that is an old doctrine, but it is also a new doctrine.
01:54 Because the Adventist church has had to, sort of,
01:56 wrestle with that since its early days.
01:59 Keep the law? Yeah.
02:01 But how do you keep the law?
02:03 Why do you keep the law?
02:05 You put Christ in the center of the law,
02:07 and the law makes sense.
02:09 It's not something you are striving and grasping to do.
02:12 It is something that's a natural consequence
02:13 of being in love with Jesus Christ.
02:15 And that's what we found out during these last several days.
02:18 And so tonight's presentation, No Harm, I'm sure will
02:21 follow in that context.
02:23 Danny and Ty and I were discussing this.
02:26 This is what the Adventist church needs.
02:29 This is what the world needs.
02:31 It needs to know that it all revolves around Jesus.
02:36 That it becomes so much easier when you start with a
02:39 loving relationship with Jesus.
02:41 You don't start with the law.
02:43 You start with Jesus.
02:44 And everything else follows in its train.
02:46 And Ty has done that so very, very beautifully and
02:51 illustrated that for us during these last several sessions.
02:53 And we expect no less than that again this evening.
02:56 Of course, our guest, our speak, is Ty Gibson.
02:58 He is co-founder of Light Bearers Ministry.
03:01 And as has been so well articulated, they have given
03:04 hundreds of millions of pieces of literature out
03:06 around the world.
03:07 And doing a wonderful job doing that.
03:11 If you have known 3ABN for many years,
03:14 you remember Ty from the days when he was a young guy
03:17 with a beard, a young guy trying to look old.
03:20 Now he's an older guy trying to look young.
03:24 He's gotten rid of that beard and he looks a little better.
03:26 I think clean shaven, for me.
03:27 You can actually see his face.
03:29 Good looking guy once you can see that face
03:31 out from under all that beard.
03:33 And really a wonderful...
03:36 I'll tell you why I shaved my beard.
03:39 Because I was on 3ABN and I got mail from 3ABN viewers,
03:45 most of them older women, who said,
03:49 "You look like the criminal element.
03:53 You need to get that hair off your face."
03:56 - So I shaved. - Praise the Lord.
04:00 We'll edit that later.
04:03 The question really is, and Ty has been asking it
04:07 for these past several presentations,
04:10 do you love God?
04:12 How much do you love God?
04:13 And if you love Him, let your actions
04:17 let the whole world know.
04:19 We'll pray, and then sing that song.
04:22 And then Ty will give us his presentation.
04:23 Father God, we praise You and we do love You.
04:28 What we want is to love You more,
04:33 to love You best, so that You can use us
04:37 any way that you see fit.
04:40 Please, Lord, speak to us just now, because we want to
04:45 hear a word from You.
04:47 And we thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
05:00 Do you love God more than anything?
05:07 Do you love God?
05:13 Do you love God more than anything?
05:19 Do you love my God?
05:26 Love is all that He asks in return
05:34 for all that He has given.
05:40 Love will be the endless theme
05:47 throughout the course of heaven.
05:54 Do you love God more than your car or home?
06:00 Do you love God?
06:06 Do you love God more than all you own?
06:13 Do you love my God?
06:19 Tell me, do you love God more than your family?
06:26 Really, really, really love Him?
06:30 If you do, just let the whole world know.
06:37 That's all He asks of you.
06:46 Do you love God more than your car or home?
06:53 Do you love God?
06:59 And do you love God more than all you own?
07:06 Do you love God?
07:11 Tell me, do you love God more than your family?
07:19 Really, really, really love Him?
07:23 If you do, just let the whole world know
07:30 that you love the Lord.
07:32 Come on, let the whole world know, let them know,
07:36 that you love the Lord.
07:39 Let the whole world know,
07:46 let the whole world know,
07:52 let the whole world know.
07:59 That's all He asks
08:08 of you.
08:23 Hmmm, thank you, C.A.
08:26 What an appropriate song for the message this afternoon.
08:29 I'm glad you stayed by.
08:31 This is the meeting after lunch.
08:34 And I think some of you know what that means.
08:37 I'm a little at a distance from you, so it won't be that easy
08:41 for me to pay attention to the glazed over look
08:44 in some of your eyes as your lasagna tries to interfere
08:48 with our purpose just now.
08:50 So I want to encourage you to put forth extra special effort,
08:55 if necessary correct your posture,
08:58 take a few deep breaths, as we launch in to God's Word.
09:02 You need your frontal lobe to be engaged just now.
09:06 Alright?
09:07 This morning, Danny asked me to share about an exciting
09:12 new set of Bible studies.
09:14 And some of you, you said it just went by too fast.
09:17 You didn't get where they could be obtained,
09:21 what it's about.
09:22 Let me just briefly repeat.
09:23 This is a brand new set of Bible studies,
09:25 27 Bible studies in the series, called, Truth Link.
09:30 They are a very unique resource that I think will just
09:34 absolutely blow your mind and take your heart
09:38 in your relationship with Jesus to a whole new level,
09:41 and give you a tool to share the message
09:45 with absolute biblical doctrinal integrity.
09:49 Simultaneously, the love of God and the gospel of Christ
09:54 woven in to every single biblical doctrine.
09:58 So get a set of these Bible studies and begin
10:00 making use of them, not only for your own
10:03 personal spiritual growth and edification,
10:06 but also to have on hand something to study
10:10 with family and friends.
10:12 So they're available at,
10:17 Lightbearers, the name of the ministry I represent,.org.
10:21 You can also go to that website and just get the phone number
10:24 from there and call and order them on any day of the week.
10:28 Alright, so I'm excite about our subject right now.
10:32 And in order to access the concepts that we want to
10:36 begin developing regarding the law of God,
10:39 in this our final session on the subject,
10:43 I want to explore with you, ask you to explore with me,
10:45 something that we all experience.
10:50 Have you noticed that we tend to cringe when we witness
10:56 pain or suffering of just about any kind?
11:01 Have you noticed that?
11:02 Just today earlier somebody was sharing with me
11:07 from their heart and they began talking about the breakdown
11:13 in a relationship between a mother and a daughter.
11:17 And as he was describing to me the disintegration of
11:21 that relationship, I noticed that his eyes were tearing up.
11:27 And as he continued describing the breakdown of the
11:30 relationship, I could just feel the stab of that pain
11:35 in my own heart, and I felt my eyes beginning to tear up.
11:39 Almost involuntarily.
11:42 Just last week a woman came to me, somebody I know,
11:45 and I've known her for some time.
11:48 And she walked up and rather abruptly said,
11:52 "Ty, my husband just informed me that he's seeing another woman."
12:00 And immediately, boom, the pain was there.
12:03 It was residual pain for me.
12:05 It wasn't even my experience.
12:07 But I could empathize, I could feel the pain
12:12 that was throbbing in her heart.
12:15 Even pain on what might be regarded as a lesser level
12:22 is difficult for us to witness as human beings.
12:25 I'm driving down the road just, I don't know, a few months ago
12:28 and I'm doing, I don't know, 50 or 60 miles an hour.
12:32 And as I'm driving along, suddenly I see out of the
12:36 corner of my eye, here comes a rabbit.
12:41 And everything in me, I'm willing to risk my life
12:45 and run into trees and hit mountain sides
12:49 to avoid the bunny.
12:52 Because everything in me is against the pain, the suffering,
13:00 the death that might be inflicted on a creature
13:05 of nature.
13:07 Now it is possible, and often is the case,
13:11 that we as human beings can become jaded.
13:15 We can become insensitive.
13:18 And insensitivity can move into being not just
13:24 insensitive, but literally callus and hard and cold.
13:29 Where we can begin to hear about and witness
13:33 relational breakdown and suffering and pain
13:36 and it means nothing to us.
13:37 We don't feel anything.
13:40 And then when you get past the point of just being insensitive,
13:43 a human being can be brought to the place where they
13:47 feel no pain or empathy at all.
13:50 And that's called, psychopathy.
13:54 That's when a human being gets to the place
13:56 where they have no emotional response
14:00 to the suffering and pain of others.
14:05 Now I bring all of this to our attention
14:09 to direct you to one of what I would regard to be
14:14 one of the most important biblical perspectives
14:18 on the law of God, and one that I think
14:22 many of us might find to be a totally new idea.
14:26 We know lots of Bible verses about the law.
14:28 And I would venture to say that when we turn to this one,
14:32 you'll say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've read that."
14:34 But almost none of us have read the second half of the verse,
14:39 or at least allowed it to register.
14:41 Go to this verse in Romans chapter 13.
14:45 Go to Romans 13.
14:46 Just an amazing text from which I have drawn the
14:50 title of this message.
14:52 Notice this text, it's about the law of God.
14:55 But we're going to unpack and explore a dimension,
15:00 an aspect, of the law of God that is rarely ever considered.
15:04 Alright, this is Romans chapter 13
15:09 and verse 10.
15:13 Notice the language.
15:14 "Love does no..." What?
15:20 " harm to a neighbor; therefore..."
15:24 Notice the grammatical flow.
15:26 Notice the connection.
15:28 "Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore
15:34 love is the fulfillment..."
15:37 The fulfilling of what?
15:39 "...the law."
15:40 Here, the apostle Paul is informing us that God's law
15:47 is a realm of existence, if you will, a set of parameters
15:57 within which there is no harm.
16:02 One version says, "Love does no hurt
16:06 to its neighbor, therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law."
16:11 Within the parameters of God's law, there is an
16:15 absence of harm, there's an absence of hurt.
16:20 Now in our first presentation, we explored what we called,
16:25 The Law Before the Law.
16:27 And we essentially tried to point out that God's law
16:32 is not an arbitrary set of rules that He concocted willy-nilly
16:37 out of nowhere.
16:39 And I posed the question to you, could God have come up
16:42 with another ten other than the Ten Commandments?
16:45 Could He have just said, "You know what, not these ten.
16:48 But I'll come up with another totally different ten.
16:51 Move that pile of rocks twice a day;
16:54 commandment number one.
16:55 Commandment number two; every day look up, down,
16:59 to your left, to your right.
17:00 And then do it again four times.
17:02 Commandment number three..."
17:04 Those would be arbitrary commands that have no
17:06 grounding in relational existence,
17:10 no grounding in reality.
17:12 In other words, God's law is not an arbitrary list
17:16 of externally imposed rules.
17:19 It is in fact, the law of God is in fact a transcript of the very
17:24 character of God.
17:25 It is the essence of God's own identity.
17:30 The law of God describes for us how God thinks,
17:34 and feels, and behaves toward all others.
17:39 It's not arbitrary.
17:40 It's intrinsic to the very nature of God.
17:45 Do you see what I'm saying?
17:47 So this helps us to understand that the law of God
17:53 is basically a description of what relational integrity
17:59 looks like.
18:00 The Bible uses another word to describe this.
18:03 And that word is, covenant.
18:05 I'll leave this for you to study in your own time.
18:09 Look in Scripture at the usage of the word, covenant,
18:14 and you will discover that over and over again
18:18 the Ten Commandment law of God is called,
18:21 a covenant.
18:22 Now a covenant is simply a word that describes
18:26 what a relationship looks like when it's mutual.
18:31 A covenant is when I live for you, and you live for me.
18:39 It is the perfect arrangement for all relationships.
18:43 I live for you, and I don't say, "Wow, I really like the..."
18:48 Or you don't say, "I really like the fact
18:50 that he's living for me.
18:52 I think I'll live for me too.
18:54 This is a great arrangement.
18:55 How about everybody live for me."
18:58 That's not a covenant.
19:00 The covenant occurs when I live for you, and you reciprocate.
19:06 This is what Jesus is describing.
19:08 He gets to the heart of it.
19:10 This is what Jesus is describing in Luke 6:38.
19:12 One of the best verses in all the Bible.
19:14 This should be something you know like your phone number,
19:17 or your social security number, or your wife's birthday.
19:22 This verse, Jesus describes the whole deal.
19:26 He says, "Give, and it shall be given to you.
19:33 Pressed down, shaken together, and running over
19:37 shall others give into your bosom," or into your life.
19:41 In other words, in the process of living for others,
19:46 Jesus is saying it starts a chain reaction.
19:50 There's a reciprocation that occurs.
19:52 There's a cause and there's an effect.
19:54 You also find this principle in 1 John 4:19
19:58 where the gospel is encapsulated in this simple statement,
20:02 "We love God because He first loved us."
20:06 In other words, in that text there are two usages
20:09 of the word, love.
20:11 There is God's love that is primary and active
20:14 toward me regardless of my condition.
20:17 It doesn't matter if I'm doing good, bad, or otherwise,
20:20 God's love is a constant, covenantal, faithfulness to me.
20:25 The Bible says in another place that if we are unfaithful,
20:30 God is or remains faithful, because He cannot deny Himself.
20:36 In other words, God cannot go contrary to who He is.
20:40 He can't be other than what He is.
20:42 And what is He? He's faithful.
20:44 Whether I am or not, whether I am or not.
20:47 And that faithful love then initiates a response in me.
20:53 One author says, "Love begets love."
20:57 In other words, God's love is a creative force.
21:00 It produces after its own kind.
21:05 And so the apostle Paul says, "Love does no harm
21:13 to its neighbor."
21:14 In other words, there is an absence of relational violation
21:21 where love is occurring.
21:23 Love is not a silly sentimental cotton candy sweet kind of
21:28 sentimentalism.
21:29 It's not just a warm fuzzy feeling.
21:33 Love is a powerful principle.
21:37 It is a force to be reckoned with.
21:42 And the force to be reckoned with in the love of God
21:46 is that He will be good and faithful to you and me
21:50 no matter what we do to Him.
21:52 And that's why we see God's love reaching its pinnacle expression
21:56 at Calvary.
21:58 John chapter 13 verse 1, as Jesus is coming to the
22:02 end of His ministry, this is such a powerful line,
22:06 He's coming to the end of His ministry.
22:07 He's about to wash the disciples feet.
22:09 He's about to celebrate the Passover with them.
22:11 He's about to go to Calvary.
22:13 And John 13:1 says, "...having loved His own
22:18 who were in the world, He loved them to the end."
22:23 He loved them to the end.
22:25 That is to say, He loved them to the end of Himself.
22:30 When Jesus died at the cross, Jesus perfected, personified,
22:35 revealed, and put on living display the love of God
22:39 in its most beautiful possible expression.
22:44 He loved all others above and before Himself.
22:48 And He wasn't feeling super sentimentally or emotionally
22:54 high while He was hanging on the cross.
22:57 He was experiencing excruciating pain
23:01 and the pain of self denial to keep loving, loving, loving
23:06 you and me above Himself to the Nth degree of self-sacrifice.
23:11 That's what love looks like in action.
23:13 Now for you and me, God envelopes us with this love.
23:19 Again to quote an author that really gets this.
23:25 We're surrounded with an atmosphere of grace,
23:28 the whole human race,
23:29 we're surrounded with an atmosphere of grace
23:32 as real as the air we breathe.
23:35 In other words, whether you turn to the left or to the right,
23:38 up or down, any direction you look within the parameters
23:42 of the gospel, you realize that, to use the language of John
23:47 in John chapter 1, God has heaped upon us
23:50 grace upon grace.
23:54 He's always good, no matter what.
23:57 And the only question is, do we see it?
24:00 And once we see it and it really rivets our attention,
24:04 we begin to voluntarily of our own free will,
24:07 spontaneously we begin to return to Him
24:10 from the inside out.
24:12 It's not merely an outward demand or compliance
24:17 that God's looking for.
24:19 He's not looking for robots or machines or slaves.
24:22 He's looking for living, volitional, emotional,
24:26 rational friends.
24:30 He's looking for people who will know Him
24:33 in the interior of His heart and like what they see,
24:38 and reciprocate and love Him back.
24:42 So here we have Paul telling us, "Do you want to know what
24:48 the law is all about?" Paul says.
24:51 It's about no harm.
24:53 It's about relational integrity.
24:55 When a man comes to me and he says,
24:59 "I just can't sustain this marriage.
25:03 I'm going to leave.
25:04 I don't love her anymore.
25:07 I don't love her anymore."
25:10 What he's describing is the breakdown
25:16 of what the Bible calls, love.
25:18 Relational disintegration is occurring.
25:21 And essentially what he's saying is that he refuses
25:24 to continue to keep his vow.
25:26 He refuses to be faithful.
25:29 When the Bible says, "God is love,"
25:32 it doesn't simply mean that God has warm sentimental
25:36 feelings toward you.
25:38 It means God is faithful to you.
25:41 God will follow through.
25:42 If you want to summarize the whole Bible,
25:44 here it is, here's the Bible.
25:47 There's the Old Testament and the New Testament; here it is.
25:49 The Old Testament is a promise made,
25:52 and the New Testament is a promise kept.
25:55 That's what it is.
25:56 That's why it's called the old covenant, or testament,
26:00 and the new covenant.
26:01 It's God saying, "I love you. I'll keep loving you.
26:05 And I will give My Son."
26:07 And the whole testament is one Messianic
26:09 prophecy after another.
26:11 Jesus is coming.
26:12 "I will give Him as a covenant to the people,"
26:16 the Old Testament says.
26:17 Jesus will come and He will fulfill the covenant.
26:22 He will confirm the covenant with many for one week.
26:25 And in the midst of the week He will be cut off.
26:28 He will go to Calvary to ratify relational faithfulness.
26:33 That's Daniel chapter 9.
26:35 So the whole Bible is God saying, "I love you.
26:39 And I'll prove it."
26:40 And the New Testament is, in Jesus Christ, God proving it.
26:44 God following through to keep covenant with you and me
26:48 regardless of our unfaithfulness.
26:50 The love of God is nothing less than relational faithfulness.
26:57 It is faithfulness at any cost to one's self.
27:04 And so this "no harm" idea, let's unpack it further.
27:07 What in the world does Paul mean when he says there's
27:12 no harm done when love is being exercised?
27:17 When love is in play, there's no harm.
27:20 That means that in any given relationship,
27:24 I am, you are, God is, whoever the participants are,
27:28 in any given relationship the individuals are
27:30 choosing what is best and right for the other,
27:35 for the other, first and foremost above self.
27:40 So there's no violation occurring.
27:44 Now God has chosen to create human beings to operate
27:50 in precisely this manner.
27:52 I want you to look with me at Genesis real quick.
27:54 We're going to do a little tour de force here
27:57 of the Bible.
27:59 And we're going to begin at the beginning with Genesis.
28:01 I want you to notice something here, a pattern
28:04 in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.
28:07 For the sake of time, I'm just going to tell you some things
28:10 you already know, and then focus on some parts that
28:12 we need to have really emphasized for us
28:15 and brought to our attention.
28:18 Each day of creation, watch this, God comes to the end
28:22 of that particular segment of what He made,
28:25 and He says, "It's good."
28:26 Right? You know this part.
28:28 It's good.
28:29 Comes to the end of the second day,
28:30 He looks at everything He made and He says, "It's good."
28:33 Third day; it's good.
28:35 Fourth day; it's good. Fifth day; good.
28:37 End of the sixth day God says something, He modifies
28:40 His declaration.
28:41 He says, "Behold, now it is very good."
28:46 Now the difference between, "good," and, "very good,"
28:48 in the development of the narrative is that
28:52 "good" is descriptive of the constituent parts of creation
28:58 under development.
29:00 In other words, good for what it is on that day at that level
29:04 at that stage of the creation venture.
29:07 Okay?
29:08 The difference between, "good," and, "very good,"
29:11 is creation in process...
29:13 "Yep, that's good. Good, good, good."
29:15 ...and creation complete.
29:18 Now what makes creation complete?
29:21 The creation of the man and the woman
29:24 on the latter part of the sixth day.
29:27 Once the man and the woman are created,
29:30 they are placed, as it were, in this incredible
29:35 material environment that surrounds them.
29:38 And it says in chapter 2 that God put them in a garden.
29:45 And God actually gave the garden a name.
29:48 He gave the garden a name.
29:49 He said the garden that He put them in would be called,
29:52 chapter 2 verse 8, Eden.
29:56 Now develop this with me.
29:58 When we read the word, "Eden," we think, "Oh that's just
30:03 the name that God came up with for the garden."
30:07 And it is the name that God came up with.
30:09 But it's not just a collection of letters to create a certain
30:14 phonetic sound.
30:16 Every name in the Bible means something.
30:21 It all has definition.
30:22 Whether it's the name of a person
30:24 or it's the name of a place.
30:27 Every place and thing and person is named according to
30:34 its function, according to its intrinsic value,
30:39 what it's for, what it does.
30:41 The word, "Eden," isn't just a nice name
30:45 to refer to a place.
30:47 It literally has a meaning.
30:49 Eden is the Hebrew word for pleasure.
30:54 So literally, here's what we see taking place.
30:57 God creates this incredible material environment.
31:02 Okay, He creates landscapes.
31:06 He creates a profusion of colors;
31:10 from the flowers and the trees and the skyline.
31:13 He creates flowing brooks with gentle water that fills the ear.
31:20 He fills the sky with birds.
31:24 And He says, "You know what?
31:25 Not only are these going to be visually beautiful,
31:29 I'm going to make them sing."
31:30 And so God creates birds that sing.
31:33 They fill the sky with their visual beauty
31:38 and the beauty of the song that they sing.
31:42 God surrounds the man and the woman with what?
31:47 With beauty of every kind.
31:48 He says, "I'm going to create tasty stuff for you to eat."
31:52 So He creates various different trees that bear fruit.
31:56 They're not all the same.
31:58 They're different.
32:00 This one tastes like that and the other like something else.
32:04 And these flavors are engineered by God to just dance
32:08 all over their taste buds so that with every bite
32:11 there's delight.
32:13 This is all intentional.
32:15 This is telling us something about the character of God.
32:18 God could have said, "I'm going to create the man and
32:21 the woman, and I'm going to have one tree.
32:24 And it's going to have a tube hanging from it.
32:27 And every day for one hour I'll have them hook up
32:29 to an IV machine and get some nourishment."
32:33 He could have said, "No, I'll have one tree.
32:35 And the fruit will be brown in color and it will
32:39 taste like cardboard."
32:42 No.
32:43 God, out of the beauty and abundance of His creativity,
32:48 says, "I'm going to create lots of different trees.
32:50 And man oh man, they're going to taste good.
32:53 They're going to love this stuff."
32:55 This is the kind of God we're dealing with.
32:58 He surrounds them with visual beauty,
33:01 auditory beauty, flavors.
33:07 He creates them and puts them in the garden of pleasure,
33:12 the garden of pleasure.
33:13 Now here we are post fall in the world in which we live.
33:19 And it's natural for us as believers in Christ
33:24 to sometimes have a negative view of the word
33:27 or the concept of pleasure.
33:29 But biblically speaking, pleasure is the invention
33:35 of Almighty God.
33:36 God is the author of pleasure.
33:40 God is the one who created the human machine, if you will,
33:44 this thing that we are, to intellectually
33:47 enjoy the process of problem solving.
33:52 To scientifically investigate the mysteries of the universe
33:55 and just be delighted to discover new things.
33:58 God is the one that created the emotional component
34:03 in the human being.
34:05 To walk up and to develop a relationship with somebody
34:09 and have them look back into your eyes,
34:11 and you get the feeling that,
34:13 "Wow, I like you and you like me,"
34:15 and that feeling of emotional satisfaction.
34:18 God's the author of that.
34:20 God is the one who created the body with its ability
34:25 to feel pleasure.
34:27 God is the one who said, "Not only am I going to create a man,
34:31 I'm going to create a man and a woman.
34:33 And I'm going to let them fall in love
34:36 and enjoy one another's friendship."
34:39 God's the author of all of this.
34:41 Now having created this kind of environment,
34:44 this kind of world, this garden of pleasure,
34:47 God put the man and the woman there.
34:49 And He basically said, "Hey, have a great time.
34:54 Be fruitful, multiply, and expand the garden
34:57 to encompass the whole earth."
35:00 Steward all of this beauty in such a way that the
35:04 garden of pleasure grows to take in the whole planet.
35:08 And multiply.
35:09 Procreate all kinds of other human beings
35:12 who themselves will join in all the fun of existence.
35:17 This is God.
35:20 Now, having created that kind of environment and that kind of
35:26 world, sin enters the picture in chapter 3.
35:32 But I want you to notice now a contrast.
35:35 Because this is the first time that we encounter
35:38 the principle of God's law and what sin is by contrast.
35:45 Again, this is the first time we encounter in Scripture
35:48 the principle of God's law.
35:50 I say, the principle of God's law, because we don't
35:52 find in Genesis 1 and 2 the Ten Commandments;
35:55 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;
35:56 "Thou shalt..." "Thou shalt not..."
35:58 We don't find that in Genesis 1 and 2.
35:59 But we find the essence of the law in Genesis 1 and 2
36:06 in that God created the man and the woman
36:08 to live in relational integrity.
36:12 Each one living wholly for the other,
36:15 and both of them living for God, and God living for them.
36:19 That's the law of God, in essence.
36:21 It's right there in principle.
36:23 Now God did something very interesting
36:26 when He created this environment.
36:27 Chapter 2, notice carefully verse 16.
36:33 "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying..."
36:37 Notice the language.
36:38 "Of every tree of the garden..."
36:42 What are the next three words?
36:44 " may freely..."
36:47 " may..." " may..."
36:51 " may freely eat..."
36:55 Okay, grammatically, as God is speaking, He is formulating
37:01 a positive grammatical structure.
37:05 He's telling them what they may do.
37:08 And it's a vast horizon of freedom.
37:11 He says, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat."
37:15 But then notice verse 17.
37:18 "But," qualification, "of the tree of the knowledge of
37:21 good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat
37:27 of it you will surely die."
37:28 Notice this.
37:30 God presents a huge, a vast horizon of liberty and freedom.
37:37 "Of every tree you may freely eat.
37:40 But not this one."
37:43 And the one qualification embedded in God's language
37:49 is a protective language.
37:53 "Because I don't want you to be hurt.
37:56 I don't want you to die."
37:59 Now two things we need to see here from the get go.
38:02 Number one, the Scripture does not say,
38:06 "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;
38:08 but not this one, because if you do I'll kill you."
38:11 It doesn't say, "Don't eat of that one or I'll kill you."
38:16 It's not, "Don't, or I'll kill you."
38:18 It's, "Don't, or you'll die."
38:21 God is describing the nature of reality
38:25 as God created reality to function.
38:28 He's describing a state of affairs in which
38:33 relational breakdown, relational violation,
38:38 causes pain and hurt and disintegration.
38:43 He's not giving a threat.
38:45 He's describing the cause and effect relationship
38:49 that is involved in either love or selfishness.
38:54 It's very interesting though, because when the devil
38:58 comes to tempt the man and the woman,
39:01 beginning with the woman, notice chapter 3 verse 1.
39:04 And you will immediately... This is just going to click on.
39:06 The lights are going to come shining.
39:08 If your lasagna can get out of the way,
39:10 you're about to realize something very profound.
39:13 Notice chapter 3 verse 1.
39:15 "Now the serpent was more cunning..."
39:18 Notice, "cunning."
39:20 Another version says, "subtle."
39:23 He's coming with an intent to what?
39:26 To deceive.
39:27 He's not coming with truth.
39:29 He's coming with a skewed view of things.
39:35 "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast
39:38 of the field which the Lord God had made.
39:39 And he said..."
39:41 And what are you going to expect out of this guys mouth?
39:44 Some kind of tweak.
39:47 Some kind of...
39:49 He's going to twist it.
39:52 "And he said to the woman, 'Has God indeed said,
39:56 "You shall not eat of every tree of the garden."'"
40:02 Do you hear the difference?
40:05 Do you catch the subtlety?
40:07 Notice that God presented the matter as big freedom,
40:14 minor restriction, for your good.
40:18 The devil comes along and he flips it, and he presents
40:22 vast restriction.
40:25 And he doesn't even mention any freedom.
40:28 He essentially says, "Has God told you that you can't eat
40:32 of everything?"
40:33 He's trying to arouse in humanity a sense of restriction.
40:39 "You can't..."
40:41 Notice, if you compare verse 16 of chapter 2,
40:44 underline or circle, if you do that in your Bible,
40:47 or take notes.
40:49 God says, "You may."
40:52 Circle the words, "You may."
40:54 The devil, down in chapter 3 verse 1, says, "You shall not."
41:00 This is the difference between the biblical true view of
41:06 God's law and the demonic tweaking of God's law.
41:14 God is not a God of, He's not primarily,
41:18 He is not fundamentally a God of restriction.
41:20 He's a God of pleasure and liberty.
41:22 In fact, the New Testament calls God's law a
41:25 perfect law of liberty.
41:26 It's all about freedom, it's not about restriction.
41:30 And the only thing that God ever forbids
41:34 it that which would hurt us, that which would bring harm,
41:39 that which would break down the quality of our lives
41:43 and our capacity for pleasure and enjoyment in life.
41:49 Look now with me, if you don't mind, go quickly
41:53 over to Deuteronomy chapter 5.
41:57 And notice how God frames His law in chapter 5 of Deuteronomy.
42:02 You're going to love this.
42:03 This is just so important to understand
42:06 when we're dealing with the law of God.
42:08 And that's what this five part series is about.
42:11 Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 29.
42:14 This should be foremost in our notes regarding the law of God.
42:20 And this is in quote marks in mine.
42:22 I'm using the New King James Version.
42:23 So Moses is literally quoting the Lord.
42:26 This is God talking directly.
42:28 And God says, verse 29, "Oh, that they had such a..." What?
42:35 "...such a heart in them that they would fear Me..."
42:39 That is, "with awe, reverence, and really understand
42:42 who I am to them."
42:44 "...that they would fear Me and always keep
42:48 My commandments..." Comma.
42:51 And what follows is brilliant.
42:54 God doesn't say, "Oh, that they would always
42:58 keep My commandments.
42:59 Because I'm God and they're not.
43:01 And by golly, they better do what I say."
43:04 It's not God framing our existence in terms of
43:09 restrictions for restrictions sake.
43:12 Do you hear my words?
43:13 He's not restrictive for restrictions sake.
43:18 No.
43:19 Here, God is saying, "Oh, I wish that they had a heart in them
43:25 that would keep all My commandments.
43:27 Not because I'm a micro-managing control freak."
43:31 Do you see the words after the comma?
43:35 "...that it might be well with them
43:40 and with their children forever."
43:44 What is God describing here?
43:46 God is saying, "Oh, how I wish that they had a heart in them."
43:52 Not just behavioral compliance.
43:54 Where is God trying to get?
43:56 Into our hearts.
43:58 "Oh that they had a heart in them to keep
44:00 all My commandments."
44:02 Why? What's God's motive?
44:04 "So that things would go really well for them,
44:07 and for their children.
44:09 Forever."
44:10 In other words, God is describing in the word,
44:13 "forever," the only way that life is ultimately sustainable.
44:19 With joy and pleasure and happiness.
44:21 Within the parameters of God's law there is vast freedom.
44:26 Let me give a simple example.
44:28 Our popular culture is obsessed with sexuality,
44:32 if you haven't noticed.
44:34 Billboards, magazines, television shows, music.
44:37 We live in a society that is just saturated
44:41 with smutty sexuality.
44:44 Now watch this.
44:45 The impression that's out there is that God's ways
44:50 with regards to sexuality are restrictive.
44:55 God says, "You shall not commit adultery."
44:58 And the world tilts their head and crosses their arms
45:02 and says, "Wow, that is so narrow minded.
45:08 Is God a party pooper or what?"
45:11 But here's the truth of the matter.
45:13 Listen to this.
45:14 When God says, "Here are the parameters for sexuality,"
45:22 right, do you know what He's actually doing?
45:25 He's describing the parameters within which
45:31 great freedom can occur.
45:35 Because within a monogamous relationship for life
45:40 between one man and one woman...
45:42 Watch this. Here's what happens.
45:44 When a man and a woman mutually commit to one another,
45:48 they'll have some hard times.
45:49 After all, we're sinners.
45:51 We're messed from the word, go.
45:52 Look in the mirror, you're dysfunctional.
45:55 The fact is, that if God were to back up one little baby step
45:59 from you and me, you would lose it, and so would I.
46:02 We are one step away from insanity at any given moment.
46:06 But for the grace of God, there go I, there go you.
46:10 But when two people come together and they
46:11 make a commitment, here's what happens.
46:14 The commitment itself, that is, the relational faithfulness...
46:19 That's what we're talking about here.
46:21 That commitment itself will be tried.
46:23 But if they continue to be committed to one another,
46:26 and at the point of stress don't give up,
46:30 there are levels of trust and security right around
46:36 the corner that would never be possible
46:39 if you throw in the towel at the two year point
46:43 or the three year point or the seven year point
46:46 where you just can't stand him anymore.
46:49 Well, if you keep working through it...
46:53 And there are exceptions of abuse and just on going
46:58 terrible, terrible treatment.
46:59 There is the exception of adultery.
47:02 But even that is a question that we could explore further.
47:05 But listen carefully to me.
47:07 People who give up in a relationship
47:11 never know what it's like to have the level of security
47:16 and trust and relational bliss that is only for those
47:22 who stay committed to one another for life.
47:24 Verses those who enter into one relationship,
47:27 and when it gets tough they give up and they move on.
47:29 And they have another relationship,
47:30 and it gets tough and they give up.
47:32 And they're called, serial daters.
47:34 I don't know what it has to do with cereal.
47:35 No, that's serial with an "s".
47:37 Okay, so they get together and they break up,
47:40 and get together and break up, and get together and break up.
47:41 And what are they never, ever, ever, ever experiencing
47:44 psychologically, emotionally, relationally?
47:47 Where do they never go?
47:49 They never go to the point where they bond
47:53 at the deepest possible level where you know security
47:56 and trust in ways that you never thought possible.
48:01 So when God says, "Here are the parameters for sexuality,"
48:05 He's not trying to make life hard and miserable.
48:08 He's saying, "No, no, no, no. Listen to Me, listen to Me.
48:12 Faithful committed love will pay dividends."
48:19 There is nothing more beautiful, this couple that I met
48:22 not long ago, there's nothing more...
48:24 This man, this woman, they have been married
48:26 approximately forever.
48:29 These guys are so old, I have never seen in close proximity
48:33 people this old before.
48:34 These people informed me, this man and woman,
48:38 that they had been married, married for 60 years.
48:42 If you can even imagine that.
48:45 And this brother is still holding her hand.
48:47 And I'll tell you what.
48:48 One of the most beautiful things you will ever witness
48:50 is elderly people who are still head over heels
48:54 in love with one another.
48:55 And if you will ask and you will explore, you will find out
48:57 they had some hard times.
48:59 Most men are jerks and need to be educated
49:03 by their wife in order to overcome some things
49:07 that are embedded in malehood.
49:09 And if she's patient, and if he is able to be taught,
49:15 it's amazing the beauty that develops as they age together.
49:20 Now nobody has that outside the parameters of God's law.
49:24 When God says, "This is My will for you," He's saying,
49:28 "It's so that it will go well for you.
49:30 I want things to go really great for you.
49:32 That's My goal for you."
49:34 This is one of my favorite verses on the law of God,
49:37 go to Psalm 119.
49:39 This is going to, this is just going to take it
49:41 to a whole new level.
49:43 Look at Psalm 119, and wow, verse 32.
49:51 Astounding.
49:53 Don't forget this one.
49:55 If you forget all the others that we've explored,
49:57 don't miss Psalm 119 and verse 32.
50:02 Look at this, wow.
50:04 Okay, I'm going to begin with the New King James Version.
50:08 Alright, here's what it says in the New King James Version.
50:12 David is contemplating God's law, and he says,
50:15 "I will run in the course of Your commandments,
50:22 for You have enlarged my heart."
50:26 Do you like that language?
50:28 "I will run in the course of Your commandments,
50:32 because You have enlarged my heart."
50:34 Let's just unpack that for a minute.
50:36 Think this through carefully.
50:38 If you were in a room that is ten feet by ten feet,
50:41 or even twelve by twelve, or even fourteen by fourteen,
50:46 can you run?
50:49 No, you can't run.
50:51 Even if there's no furniture.
50:52 Go against the back wall, and right over there is the
50:55 next wall ten feet ahead, twelve feet ahead.
50:58 Just go ahead, just sprint.
51:01 Boom, you're going to hit the wall.
51:03 You can't work up momentum.
51:05 You can't get your legs moving underneath you.
51:08 You can't run in a restricted area.
51:13 You have to have space in which to run.
51:16 Am I right? Yeah.
51:18 So David says here, this is remarkable,
51:22 He says, "I will run in the course of Your commandments."
51:27 David perceives the commandments of God as a large horizon
51:33 of freedom, not a restricted small area to deal in.
51:40 It's big, God's law.
51:44 When God says, "You shall not bear false witness
51:47 against your neighbor," you know what He's doing?
51:50 He's saying, "If you always tell the truth
51:52 and you deal with integrity with everyone around you,
51:57 that will open them up relationally to you,
52:00 and your parameters for trust will expand.
52:06 If you'll do business that way."
52:09 Stephen Covey, the late Stephen Covey who wrote one of the
52:14 best selling business books of all time,
52:16 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,
52:18 one of the seven habits is what he calls, the win-win principle.
52:23 He basically says...
52:24 I don't know if he knows he's tapping into
52:26 Scripture on this or not.
52:28 I don't know what he was thinking.
52:29 But he basically says, every single business deal
52:33 that you conduct in life should be a win-win situation.
52:37 A win for you, but you deliberately make sure
52:41 the other person wins too.
52:44 Don't ever take advantage of anybody.
52:46 Don't ever cut a deal where there is a lack of integrity.
52:52 And you know what he goes on to describe?
52:55 Your business will boom.
52:57 It will expand.
52:58 People will want to do business with you.
53:01 Because they know that you will not violate them relationally.
53:05 They will know that you're the kind of person
53:07 who has their best interest at heart.
53:10 Isn't that amazing?
53:12 So God's law is this huge vast expansive horizon of liberty
53:20 that involves security and trust and fidelity
53:23 and loyalty in relationships.
53:26 You know how your life ends up restricted and small?
53:30 By violating people.
53:33 One after another they will back up from you.
53:38 And sin always incrementally leads to isolation.
53:44 People pull back from people who violate them.
53:48 And you do it as well.
53:51 There's restriction in sin.
53:53 There is freedom in God's love, in God's law.
53:58 He says, "I will run in the course of Your commandments."
54:01 And this is amazing, he says,
54:03 "For You shall enlarge my heart."
54:06 Isn't that something?
54:08 How many of you want to have a larger heart?
54:09 I was in an airport recently.
54:11 Because I'm always recently in an airport.
54:13 And while I was there, I saw a man speaking very
54:19 disrespectfully to what appeared to have been his wife.
54:23 Just right in public being rude and mean to her.
54:28 And then I noticed a little boy with his mom.
54:31 And they were completely unrelated.
54:33 But the little boy was just watching,
54:35 and I'm over here on this side.
54:36 So there's me, there's the mom and little boy,
54:38 and then there's this going on.
54:40 And the little boy says to his mom,
54:43 "Mommy, I think he needs to get a bigger heart."
54:50 What does it mean when God says that within His law
54:55 He will enlarge our hearts?
54:58 We began our time together in this particular message
55:03 by pointing out that we cringe at pain and suffering
55:07 and relational breakdown.
55:10 But we also pointed out that if you continue doing
55:14 those things that violate others in order to
55:17 justify self, we put up all kinds of psychological
55:22 survival mechanisms to shield ourselves from our own guilt.
55:25 And we become increasingly insensitive.
55:30 Part of the new covenant, part of the writing of
55:33 God's law in the deep interior of our hearts and minds,
55:38 it that it makes us sensitive again.
55:41 The stony heart is replaced with a heart of flesh.
55:47 We become sensitive again.
55:49 Empathy begins to develop.
55:52 We begin to feel what other people feel
55:57 within God's law.
56:00 I want you to imagine, in closing, a society,
56:05 a city maybe the size of St. Louis, in which
56:10 every husband and wife are head over heels in love,
56:16 and enjoy one another's company.
56:19 A city in which every parent/child relationship
56:23 is one in which the parents and the children
56:28 enjoy one another and never violate one another.
56:32 A society in which nobody ever lies, or steals,
56:37 or even wants anybody else's stuff.
56:39 "That's you stuff. Cool.
56:41 I'm happy with my stuff, perfectly contend with my stuff.
56:44 Don't want your stuff."
56:46 Imagine a society like that.
56:50 And ask yourself the question, "Would I want to live there?"
56:53 And of course, anybody in their right mind would say,
56:55 "Yeah, bring it on."
56:57 But what the world doesn't realize is,
56:58 all we've just described is the law of God
57:05 in action in a human society.
57:09 Is it any wonder that the Bible says
57:12 that, "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul."
57:17 It's a good law.
57:19 And it's a law in which there is no harm.
57:23 Would you pray with me.
57:24 Father in heaven, thank You for loving us the way You do.


Revised 2015-10-13