Anchors of Truth

Everlasting Promises

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Zaremski


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000152

00:12 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth, live from Surprise, Arizona.
00:21 And we do welcome you to night number two of
00:24 our Anchors Of Truth series,
00:26 the first and opening series for 2015
00:29 here from beautiful and warm,
00:31 praise the Lord, Surprise, Arizona.
00:33 Yeah, we just feel so sorry for the rest of the country tonight.
00:37 Because I know back home, it was like three degrees today.
00:41 Yea, as in one, two, three.
00:43 - Yeah, right. - It was very, very chilly.
00:45 And here I think it was about 70 or 75.
00:48 I don't know, but it was nice. It was.
00:50 And we don't want you to feel bad.
00:54 Don't turn us off, nothing like that.
00:56 But this is a beautiful place to spend the winter.
01:01 It is a beautiful place to spend the winter.
01:02 I've been here in the summer, and it's a wonderful place
01:05 to spend the winter.
01:09 We have done 116 to 120 in the summer.
01:13 - Indeed we have. - Yes, yes.
01:14 But tonight we are in this beautiful church.
01:17 Pastor Murrell is the pastor.
01:19 And beautiful people in front of us.
01:21 This is a good looking congregation, Jim.
01:23 It really is, and we've got a good group out here
01:26 for a Thursday night.
01:28 Fantastic support from this church.
01:31 This is an amazing church.
01:34 We want to talk to Pastor Tull a little bit about it.
01:36 It's only about six years old, the congregation, totally.
01:40 And they went from zero to this beautiful church in six years.
01:47 And 160 members, I believe.
01:50 Something like that.
01:52 This church is a vibrant growing church.
01:56 I had the joy of being here for their first Sabbath.
01:59 And now we're back again.
02:02 We sort of invited ourselves.
02:04 But Murrell said, "Come on." So we did.
02:08 And we're just so happy to be here with you in this beautiful
02:15 Clearview Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:17 in Surprise, Arizona.
02:21 You got that right. In Surprise, Arizona.
02:23 So we do welcome our congregation here in-house
02:27 and our worldwide congregation to what is the second,
02:30 we may make this an annual thing,
02:33 Anchors that focuses on the Jewish work
02:36 and the unique perspective that our Jewish brethren,
02:40 who have come over to the Adventist church, bring.
02:42 Last night Dr. Bolotnikov gave us a very powerful message.
02:46 He's a deep thinker, you know.
02:48 You've got to kind of get on the same wave link with Sasha.
02:50 And really challenged our minds.
02:52 And tonight we've got another good friend of our ministry,
02:55 Jeff Zaremsky.
02:56 And Ralph Ringer will introduce him in just a little bit.
02:59 Again, another deep thinker and great preacher,
03:02 and leader of the congregation there in Florida.
03:04 He said he's allergic to the cold, so he's pastoring
03:07 there in Florida; so we praise the Lord for that.
03:09 We have a bonus here tonight,
03:10 for those that are watching live.
03:12 Because after this first hour, then we have a second hour,
03:20 which is going to be a panel discussion.
03:22 And so we invite every single one of you to stay by.
03:27 And those of you that are home, stay by for that.
03:31 Because we're going to be talking to some very
03:35 interesting individuals.
03:37 Sasha Bolotnikov and Jeff Zaremsky,
03:40 and we're going to be also visiting with Ralph Ringer,
03:44 and talking about the Jewish work
03:48 and how important it is.
03:50 Right now we're going to invite Pastor Bolotnikov to
03:53 come forward and to have prayer for us
03:57 and to lead us in prayer this evening.
04:01 He is wearing a very quiet shirt.
04:08 But we won't have any trouble seeing him.
04:10 And lead us, would you.
04:13 Heavenly Father, we're so grateful for the opportunity
04:18 to present Your message here from this beautiful church.
04:23 And we ask You to bless everyone who participates.
04:28 Bless the speaker, bless all of us, bless the listeners,
04:35 and the visitors here at the church and our viewers
04:39 all across the globe so that the Holy Spirit
04:42 would touch everyone with the word of truth.
04:46 We pray in the name of Jesus, amen.
04:49 Amen.
04:51 We've got special music at this time.
04:54 And pastor Murrell Tull and his wife, Ginger,
04:59 are a real music team, but a real pastoral team.
05:04 And we're going to invite Ginger to come right now.
05:08 And she's going to be singing for us,
05:11 This Time, is the name of the song.
05:13 When Ginger finishes her song, Pastor Ralph Ringer
05:18 will come to introduce our speaker for this evening.
05:22 Ginger.
05:37 There were the little hills that seem so hard to climb;
05:46 there were even times I thought I'd lose my mind.
05:55 But I didn't know that just around the bend
06:03 stood the greatest hill that life could ever send.
06:13 And this time You gave me a mountain, dear Lord;
06:22 a mountain I'm too weak to climb.
06:31 And this time I need You like never before.
06:39 Hold my hand, guide my feet;
06:44 help me climb this mountain steep.
07:04 Through the pouring rain, the path I cannot see;
07:13 and the falling leaves say that winter's soon to be.
07:21 Yet in my heart I know Your way is best for me;
07:31 and these very trials have brought me to my knees.
07:40 And this time You gave me a mountain, dear Lord;
07:49 a mountain I'm too weak to climb.
07:58 And this time I need You like never before.
08:06 Hold my hand, guide my feet;
08:11 help me climb this mountain steep.
08:18 And this time You gave me a mountain;
08:27 a mountain I'm too weak to climb.
08:36 And this time I need You like never before.
08:44 Hold my hand, guide my feet;
08:49 help me climb this mountain steep.
08:56 And this time I need You like never before.
09:04 Hold my hand, guide my feet;
09:09 help me climb this mountain steep.
09:24 Amen.
09:27 This evening, Jeff Zaremsky, who leads two of our congregations,
09:33 and is also the director of the Shalom Adventure
09:39 outreach magazine for Jewish people,
09:41 will be our speaker.
09:47 Thank you for coming out tonight.
09:49 I find it better to say that in the beginning,
09:51 because at the end not everyone is always here.
09:53 So it's better to start with a, "Thank you for coming out."
09:57 What we want to talk about tonight will have to do with our
09:59 everlasting promises.
10:01 I'll be looking at that in relation to
10:03 dispensational theology, replacement theology,
10:06 old and new covenant, and what still applies today.
10:10 So all these things we'll wrap together.
10:13 Looking at the dispensational theology
10:15 and replacement theology.
10:17 I'm not going to talk about all the aspects of it,
10:18 but in relation to the everlasting promises
10:21 or the everlasting covenant the dispensationalists
10:25 basically teach that the Jewish people
10:28 were God's covenant people before Christ came,
10:32 and they continue to be God's covenant people
10:35 after Christ came.
10:37 That God gave the Jewish people specific promises
10:40 and specific commandments, and He's given to the Gentiles
10:44 other promises and other commandments.
10:46 Replacement theology basically teaches, in relation to
10:51 the covenant, is that the Jewish people
10:53 were God's covenant people before the cross,
10:57 before Christ came.
10:58 But then after Christ came, they were replaced...
11:02 That's where we get the term, replacement theology.
11:04 ...replaced with the church.
11:07 So we're going to look at this a little bit.
11:10 Let's look at a Bible text out of Romans chapter 11 verse 17.
11:15 It says, "...some of the branches were broken off..."
11:18 How many branches?
11:20 Some of the branches were broken off.
11:24 Now replacement theology kind of pictures it as
11:26 all the branches were broken off.
11:28 But it doesn't say that. It says, "some."
11:29 It doesn't say, "many."
11:31 It doesn't even say, "most."
11:32 It says, "...some of the branches were broken off..."
11:35 Now who were those branches?
11:40 Who were the branches that were broken off?
11:44 The Jewish people. Right.
11:45 And so then that's the, "some of the branches,"
11:47 that were broken off.
11:48 Right? So then the rest of the branches that weren't
11:51 broken off, who were they?
11:53 The Jewish people as well. Right, exactly.
11:55 So some of the Jewish people were broken off,
11:58 the others who are outside of the, "some,"
12:01 remained a part of the tree.
12:03 And then, ", being a wild olive tree,
12:07 were grafted in among them..."
12:09 Who's the, "you"?
12:11 The Gentiles, that's right.
12:13 Okay, and they were "grafted in among them."
12:15 Who is the, "them"?
12:17 The Jews.
12:18 Right, so the Gentiles are grafted in among the Jews.
12:22 With the Jews.
12:24 "...and became a partakers of the root
12:26 and the fatness of the olive tree..."
12:29 Who is, "the root and the fatness of the olive tree"?
12:34 Jesus, right.
12:35 God is the root; Jesus is the root and the
12:37 offspring of David, right?
12:38 The root of Jesse, comes from the root of Jesse, right?
12:40 He is the root.
12:42 He gives a parable, not about an olive tree,
12:43 but about a vine.
12:45 He is the vine, you are the branches, right?
12:46 So He is the source and we are the branches.
12:50 So in relation to replacement theology,
12:53 basically they cut down the tree.
12:55 They have the tree cut down to the root, and then the
12:57 wild olives branches are grafted into it.
13:00 They wouldn't explain it that way, but basically that's the
13:02 end result of that theology.
13:04 Dispensational theology says basically there's two trees.
13:08 And again, they wouldn't explain it that way,
13:09 but they have basically two different routes of salvation;
13:12 one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles.
13:14 But we see in the text itself, Romans 11:17,
13:17 that only some of the Jewish branches were broken off
13:21 and the Gentile branches were grafted in
13:24 among them and with them.
13:26 So we have one tree, one full tree, with Jesus as the root
13:31 and sustaining it all.
13:33 So Jews and Gentiles together.
13:35 Clear enough?
13:36 So both replacement theology and dispensational theology
13:40 are wrong.
13:41 Now they both have their Bible text and they both ignore the
13:45 Bible text of the other group.
13:47 And so there's a third option.
13:49 And it's neither one of those, dispensational
13:51 or replacement theology.
13:53 Even though the majority of Christianity
13:54 falls into either one of those two camps.
13:58 But from this text, and many others, it is blatantly wrong.
14:01 And many problems with it.
14:02 Dispensational theology lifts the Jews up on a pedestal,
14:06 replacement theology just throws them in the ditch.
14:08 And so neither one of those, as we see.
14:11 Let's look at an example here.
14:13 The Israel of God, or the covenant people of God.
14:16 We have Joshua, Aiken, and Rahab.
14:21 They all lived at the same time.
14:22 Their stories, their lives, overlap in the city of Jericho.
14:26 Joshua was the leader of the Israel nation right after Moses.
14:30 And he, by God's grace, takes us through the Jordon river,
14:33 brings us up to Jericho.
14:36 He is from the tribe of Ephraim.
14:38 And he's faithful to the Lord.
14:39 And the Bible records, at the end of the book of Joshua,
14:42 that he was faithful to the Lord all the days of his life,
14:47 and the people were faithful all the days that he reigned,
14:49 and all those that reigned along with him.
14:53 Aiken was of the tribe of Judah.
14:56 He was part of the Israel nation and part of the Israel army.
14:59 And he was involved in the attack on Jericho.
15:02 The walls of Jericho come tumbling down.
15:05 And God had said before they went into the battle that,
15:07 "This is the first city, so it's the tithe.
15:09 It all belongs to Me.
15:12 Everything is to be sacrificed.
15:15 Everything is to be killed.
15:16 And all the spoils go to Me.
15:19 It's the first city."
15:22 And Aiken didn't believe that, didn't agree with that.
15:25 And he decides, he sees some nice spoils;
15:27 some silver, some gold, and some nice clothing.
15:29 And he takes that and he buries it in his tent.
15:32 And God reveals to Joshua and the Israel nation
15:38 who was stealing and who was causing problems.
15:41 And it comes out and it turns out that it was Aiken.
15:45 And so Aiken is cut off and his family are cut off and killed
15:47 and executed from the nation.
15:50 Rahab was a person who lived in Jericho,
15:55 a Jerichoitess, a Canaanitess.
15:58 A prostitute living in the city of Jericho.
16:01 She had heard the stories of the parting of the Red Sea
16:03 that happened forty years prior.
16:05 She believed that, and she believed.
16:08 And she heard that Israel was coming, and she believed
16:10 in the Lord God of Israel.
16:12 And she believed that God was going to
16:14 work for them and with them.
16:15 And she protected two spies that came in.
16:18 And they tell her, "If you put this red cord out the window,
16:22 when we attack the city we will spare you and your family."
16:25 And she does; she believes them, and she does.
16:27 And she is spared.
16:28 And there is a Rahab in the genealogy of the Messiah.
16:31 Whether it's the same Rahab or not, I don't know.
16:33 But there is a Rahab mentioned there.
16:36 So which one of these, or which ones of these, either one,
16:40 are the covenant people of God, the Israel of God?
16:43 Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim.
16:48 Faithful commander.
16:49 Is he part of the Israel of God?
16:51 Amen? Okay?
16:53 How about Aiken?
16:54 From the tribe of Judah.
16:56 In the army.
16:57 Of the nation of Israel.
16:59 Is he part of the Israel of God?
17:04 No, he gets cut off. Right? He gets cut off.
17:07 How about Rahab?
17:09 A Canaanite, Jerichoitess.
17:12 Prostitute.
17:14 Is she a part of the Israel of God?
17:16 Yeah, she becomes grafted in,
17:18 becomes part of the nation of Israel.
17:19 She believes, and God accepts her in, right?
17:23 And so we have two; Joshua and Rahab,
17:28 a Jew and a Gentile, part of the Israel of God.
17:31 Part of the saved that will be in heaven.
17:33 And Aiken, born a Jew, who will be cut off.
17:37 So we have some, from that example right there,
17:39 we have some of the branches being broken off.
17:41 We have a wild olive branch being grafted in
17:44 among and with Joshua and the other branches
17:48 and connecting into the root.
17:51 Now when did this story take place?
17:53 Before or after the cross?
17:57 Before the cross.
17:58 Way before the cross.
18:00 Now both dispensational theology and replacement theology
18:04 teach that the covenant people of God
18:07 were the Jewish people before the cross.
18:10 But here we have a clear example
18:12 that it wasn't flat across the board that all
18:15 the Jewish people were the covenant people of God.
18:17 Aiken gets cut off.
18:19 And Rahab gets grafted in.
18:21 We have other stories; Ruth and the Gibeonites and
18:24 the mixed multitude that come out of Egypt.
18:25 So God's plan has never been; the Jewish people there,
18:30 and then someone else later on.
18:32 Like the replacement theology would teach.
18:33 Or Jewish people then, and continue Jewish people.
18:35 And some other route for the Gentile people.
18:37 But God's plan is and always has been
18:43 for Jews and Gentiles to be grafted in together
18:47 and among and with into the root of Jesus.
18:52 Always, from the very beginning.
18:55 So there's no pedestal, there's no lifting up of
18:57 one over the other.
18:58 There's no putting down of one over the other.
19:02 But all together equal in the sight of God.
19:05 The invitation has always been equal and open to all people
19:10 from the very beginning of time.
19:16 Now there was a little bit of a methodology shift
19:20 a little bit after the time of the cross.
19:23 Before the cross, God was using Jerusalem and the Sanctuary
19:29 there to draw people to teach them.
19:31 Like the Queen of Sheba.
19:32 She comes to Jerusalem, she learns about the sacrifices.
19:35 She learns about them pointing forward to the Messiah to come,
19:38 salvation through the blood.
19:40 After the cross, the temple is no longer needed,
19:44 the sacrifices are no longer needed.
19:46 And so the methodology shifts to where then they're sent out
19:49 to go and make disciples of all nations.
19:53 It's a little bit of a methodology shift,
19:56 but not a theology shift.
19:58 Nor an ethnic shift.
20:00 Theology shift like replacement theology would teach,
20:03 or an ethnic shift like replacement theology.
20:07 Dispensational would teach the theological shift.
20:11 And replacement theology, changing the different laws
20:14 in different ways.
20:15 And replacement theology would teach
20:17 an ethnic shift taking place.
20:20 It wasn't either of those.
20:21 Just a little bit of shifting in how to reach the world
20:25 is all that took place.
20:30 So let's look at the old covenant, new covenant.
20:34 Some will phrase that as old testament, new testament.
20:37 Because the word, "covenant," and, "testament,"
20:39 are interchangeable words.
20:43 Which I don't think are good terms;
20:45 the Old Testament, calling the first part of the Bible,
20:48 Old Testament, and the second part of the Bible,
20:50 New Testament.
20:51 Because the Old Testament is not the old covenant,
20:56 as we'll see here as we look at some Bible text.
20:58 And so if we use those terms, Old Testament,
21:01 we are using it to denounce and put away
21:07 the teachings of the first part of the Bible.
21:11 Three-fourths of the Bible.
21:16 And again, replacement theology would use that, "Old Testament,"
21:19 to say, "Well, the Jews have been done away with."
21:21 And the dispensational theologists would say,
21:23 "See, the Old Testament is old covenant.
21:27 And so the law has been done away."
21:29 And neither one is right.
21:31 The Jews haven't been done away with,
21:33 as far as being able to be grafted into God's root,
21:39 be covenanting with God.
21:40 And nor has the law been done away with.
21:42 So when we use those terms, Old Testament, New Testament,
21:44 we actually shoot ourselves in the foot
21:47 to be able to use the text in three-fourths of the Bible,
21:52 and a good portion of the New Testament,
21:54 or quotes from the first part of the Bible.
21:58 And so we'd have to really black line those out
22:00 if those are old and done away with.
22:03 So let's look at what the old covenant and new covenant is.
22:09 Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 11,
22:11 "He declared to you His covenant."
22:15 I'm sorry.
22:17 Chapter 4 verse 11, "You stood at the foot of the mountain,"
22:21 this is Mount Sinai, "and the mountain burned with fire
22:24 with darkness, cloud, and thick darkness.
22:27 And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire."
22:30 This is before Moses went up on
22:32 Mount Sinai and received the Ten Commandments.
22:34 God speaking to the people.
22:37 And verse 13, "And He declared to you His covenant
22:42 which He commanded you to perform, the Ten Commandments;
22:45 and He wrote them on two tablets of stone."
22:50 So He declared to you His covenant.
22:52 Who is the, "His"?
22:54 Who is, "His"? God.
22:56 It's God's covenant.
22:58 That's important right there.
22:59 "His covenant" is God's covenant.
23:02 And what, in the verse, is God's covenant?
23:04 "He declared to you His covenant,
23:05 which He commanded you to perform; the Ten Commandments."
23:10 So the Ten Commandments there are the covenant,
23:13 or His covenant.
23:15 God's covenant that He has given to us
23:18 is His Ten Commandments that He wrote on stone.
23:22 It's His gift to us.
23:24 Now another term for, "covenant," is, "testament."
23:27 What would be another term for covenant?
23:29 What are some synonymous terms for, "covenant"?
23:31 What is a covenant?
23:34 Agreement, right.
23:36 Promise, right. Promise, right.
23:38 Covenant; accord. That's right.
23:41 Some people covenant together; marriage covenant.
23:43 Making vows to each other, making promises to each other.
23:46 So the Ten Commandments could be looked at as
23:48 God's ten promises that He has promised to us.
23:54 He has promised us, "I will meet all your needs
23:57 according to My riches and glory.
23:58 You won't have to steal from anyone.
24:01 You won't covet from anyone else.
24:03 I will give you contentment.
24:06 I will give you love in your heart and remove hatred
24:09 out of your heart so that you won't murder anyone.
24:12 I promise you.
24:14 I promise you that I will be able to find you a job so that
24:17 you'll be able to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
24:21 I promise you I will give you so much love for your spouse
24:23 that you will not commit adultery against them.
24:28 I promise you that I will be such a wonderful God to you
24:32 that you will not need any other gods other than Me."
24:35 They are God's promises to us.
24:39 And so it's like a contract, it's like a warranty.
24:43 And so if it's not working right, you can go to God.
24:46 You can say, "God, You promised me
24:49 that You were going to provide for my needs.
24:50 You promised me that You were going to find me a job
24:52 so I can keep the Sabbath.
24:53 It's Your Sabbath and it's Your covenant,
24:55 so You've got to help me.
24:57 You've got to work for me.
24:59 You've got to do something here.
25:00 I am holding You to Your covenant.
25:02 I'm holding You to Your promise to me."
25:06 His covenant.
25:08 His Ten Commandments.
25:10 Oh, it's a whole lot more beautiful that way.
25:15 Now, the new covenant is actually older
25:23 than the old covenant.
25:25 As we'll see here in a minute.
25:27 Because the Ten Commandments, how far back do they go?
25:31 Back to the Garden of Eden, right?
25:33 Right, the Sabbath was there in the Garden of Eden, right?
25:35 Were they allowed to steal in the Garden of Eden?
25:37 No, that's what they got in trouble for, right?
25:39 They took something that wasn't theirs, right?
25:41 And coveting, that led to the stealing, right?
25:44 In a sense, they kind of murdered.
25:45 Right? Eve murdered Adam by giving him the deadly fruit.
25:50 They had other gods before them by listening to Satan
25:53 instead of listening to God.
25:54 So the Ten Commandments were there from the beginning.
25:56 And so God's covenant, His covenant, is older.
26:01 From the very beginning.
26:04 Now in the Exodus version of this, Exodus chapter 19 verse 8,
26:09 "All the people answered together,
26:12 'All that the Lord has spoken we will do.'"
26:18 So they are, what are they making to God?
26:20 They're making a promise.
26:23 "All that You say we will do."
26:28 So we're making a covenant to God.
26:31 And that's before Moses went up on the mountain.
26:34 So how long did that promise last?
26:37 Not even six weeks, right?
26:40 After Moses goes up on the mountain,
26:42 he comes back down, and in chapter 24 verse 7,
26:47 Moses took the Book of the Covenant.
26:51 So he went up there, God gave him His covenant.
26:55 According to the book, Moses brought it down.
26:57 "Moses took the Book of the Covenant
26:59 and read it in the hearing of the people.
27:01 And they said, 'All that the Lord has said
27:05 we will do, and be obedient.'"
27:07 So we added to it this time.
27:10 "Not only are we going to do it, we will be obedient.
27:13 We promise you."
27:15 How long did that last?
27:17 Not too long at all.
27:19 Now did God even ask them to promise Him anything?
27:24 "Moses took the Book of the Covenant
27:25 and read it in the hearing of the people."
27:28 It doesn't say, "What's your response?"
27:29 He didn't ask for a response.
27:31 He didn't ask, "Will you promise to obey it?"
27:33 He gave them His covenant.
27:35 "And they said, 'All that the Lord has said we will do.'"
27:40 This is the old covenant.
27:45 This is the old promises that need to be done away with.
27:51 These are the faulty promises that are built on
27:58 shifting sands.
28:00 Our promises to God are like trying to climb up a rope
28:03 made out of sand.
28:05 It just falls apart in our hands.
28:11 And then in verse 8, the same chapter, Exodus 24,
28:14 "Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people..."
28:18 How would you like that?
28:20 And amazingly they came back next week.
28:22 Huh? Would you do that if we strew some blood?
28:24 He took the blood of the goats and the rams,
28:26 and he sprinkled it on the people.
28:32 "...and said, 'This is the blood of the covenant
28:35 which the Lord has made with you...'"
28:39 Who made the covenant?
28:41 The Lord.
28:42 He doesn't even mention their promise.
28:44 He ignores it.
28:46 He doesn't say, "This is the blood of the covenant
28:47 of the promises we made to each other."
28:52 "This is the blood of the covenant
28:55 which the Lord has made with you
28:59 according to all of these words."
29:03 What words?
29:05 His Ten Commandments.
29:07 The words of His covenant written in the book, right?
29:12 Now the book of Hebrews says, "Jesus is the Mediator
29:17 of a better covenant, which was established on better promises."
29:23 There we see, "covenant," and, "promises,"
29:24 are interchangeable words.
29:28 Better covenant, better promises.
29:30 Hebrews 8 verse 7, "For if that first covenant had been
29:35 faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second."
29:42 So he's saying that first covenant had faults with it.
29:45 Right?
29:47 God's Ten Commandments, is there any fault with
29:49 God's Ten Commandments?
29:51 No, so it's not God's Ten Commandments
29:53 that's the faulty one.
29:56 Is the rest of the Bible, the Old Testament,
29:59 or the first part of the Bible,
30:01 is there anything wrong with that?
30:03 No, the Bible says that all Scripture is given
30:05 for instruction and doctrine and for reproof,
30:10 written by holy men of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
30:14 Right?
30:15 So it's not the first part of the Bible.
30:20 It's not the Torah and the writings and the prophets
30:23 that had fault in them.
30:28 So that can't be what the old covenant is.
30:32 So what is the old covenant?
30:33 Well verse 8.
30:35 "...finding fault with them..."
30:37 Who is, "them"?
30:40 The ones who promised. Right.
30:42 That's where the fault is.
30:43 The fault is in their promise.
30:45 Because we don't have the power in ourselves
30:47 to keep our promises to God.
30:51 And then Paul quotes from Jeremiah 31 verse 31.
30:58 "'Behold, the days are coming,' says the Lord, 'when I will
31:02 make a new covenant with the house of Israel
31:04 and with the house of Judah."
31:06 It's interesting, it says His new covenant is with who?
31:10 Israel and Judah.
31:12 Not like replacement theology that says,
31:13 "Well, it's the Gentiles."
31:14 The new covenant is with Israel and with Judah.
31:17 The Israel of God, which would include Rahab and Ruth.
31:20 Again, the olive tree all grafted together.
31:25 Who's making the covenant in the new covenant?
31:29 "I..." Who's the, "I"?
31:31 God.
31:32 "I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel."
31:36 He doesn't say, "Make Me another promise.
31:39 You blew your old covenant promise,
31:41 you blew your old promise.
31:42 Make Me a new promise.
31:43 Be more determined this time.
31:45 Grit your teeth even harder this time.
31:47 Promise even on a bigger stack of Bibles this time."
31:52 He doesn't say, "Behold, we make a new covenant.
31:55 We wiped that other one out, we're going to re-draft it.
31:57 And we'll promise each other all over again."
32:00 He doesn't say that either.
32:01 He doesn't say, "Well, I'm going to wipe this out,
32:02 I'm going to wipe these people out.
32:04 I'm going to make a new promise with new people."
32:07 He says, "I will make a new covenant."
32:09 God makes the new covenant with us.
32:12 Just as He did when He spoke His covenant from Mount Sinai.
32:16 Just as He did when He spoke to Adam and Eve promising them.
32:21 God's covenant, God's everlasting covenant,
32:25 that does not fade away.
32:29 Verse 10 same chapter, Hebrews chapter 8,
32:31 "'This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel'
32:35 says the Lord, 'I will put My laws in their mind
32:39 and write them on their hearts; I will be their God,
32:42 and they shall be My people.'"
32:48 Who's doing all the work here?
32:50 God.
32:53 "I will put My laws in their mind and write them
32:57 on their hearts; I will be their God,
33:01 and they shall be My people."
33:03 We shall be His people why? Because we promise?
33:07 Because we try real hard?
33:09 Because we're very determined?
33:11 Because we're very good?
33:13 Because God writes His law in our hearts
33:18 and in our minds.
33:20 His covenant.
33:21 Again, that's His covenant, that's His desire,
33:24 from the very beginning.
33:25 God's work; God does His work in us.
33:31 And in verse 13, "In that He says, 'A new covenant,'
33:34 He has made the first obsolete.
33:37 And now what is becoming obsolete and growing old
33:40 is ready to vanish away."
33:44 Our old promises, our old trying, our old resolutions,
33:48 should vanish away and become obsolete;
33:52 and stop depending on our own promises and our own self will
33:56 and our own determination and our own trying,
34:02 and trust in God and let God work His work,
34:08 His covenant, in us.
34:12 Again, the obsolete growing old.
34:14 That can't be the Ten Commandments.
34:15 It can't be the Bible.
34:16 It can't be the first part of the Bible.
34:18 Because those aren't obsolete.
34:20 They aren't done away with.
34:23 And so if you ever hear anyone saying that
34:25 the first part of the Bible has been done away with
34:27 or the law has been done away with,
34:29 well again, tell them they can't quote then from
34:30 all the parts, you know, of the Psalms and of Isaiah,
34:34 and these wonderful promises.
34:35 "Oh, you can't quote those.
34:37 You said that's obsolete, that's done away with.
34:39 That's Old Testament, that's old covenant."
34:41 No, but they haven't grown old, have they.
34:43 Those promises are good and those text are just as
34:47 good today as they were when they were written
34:50 even thousands of years ago.
34:55 Then in chapter 9, Hebrews chapter 9 verse 14,
34:58 " much more shall the blood of Christ...cleanse your
35:01 conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
35:08 When God gave His covenant the first time,
35:10 He sprinkled the people with the blood of the sacrifices.
35:14 Now with better promises, God's commitment, God's promises,
35:18 God's covenant, He now offers blood again.
35:23 This time, better blood as well.
35:26 And so certainly the blood part of the covenant is also
35:29 something that has vanished away, right?
35:30 We don't need to do the sacrifices anymore, do we?
35:33 Because He has become the sacrifice.
35:34 Messiah is the sacrifice.
35:36 Right? And so that part is definitely part of
35:39 the old covenant aspect.
35:42 Now the sacrifices themselves, as far as the shadow goes,
35:45 the Sanctuary itself as far as the shadow goes,
35:48 was their fault with that?
35:50 Was there anything faulty with it?
35:51 No. It was a perfect shadow.
35:53 But it wasn't the reality, was it.
35:55 It pointed forward, it perfectly did its job.
35:57 It perfectly pointed forward to the Messiah.
35:59 And the Messiah came just as prophesied.
36:03 So it fulfilled its purpose. But now its purpose is done.
36:06 It's good to read to help us understand
36:08 the cross even better.
36:10 But we don't need to sacrifice anymore.
36:13 So certainly the sacrifices are part of that, because we have
36:16 the blood of Christ that cleanses your conscience
36:21 from dead works.
36:26 Who is it that cleanses our conscience from dead works?
36:30 Christ; His blood.
36:32 He cleanses us.
36:35 Not just outwardly, but down into the conscience.
36:40 The blood of bulls and goats couldn't do that.
36:43 But the blood of Messiah has done that.
36:46 And when was the sacrifice made?
36:49 When did Jesus die for us?
36:55 2000 years ago?
36:56 The Bible says He's the Lamb slain from
36:59 the foundation of the world, right.
37:01 So as far as God's concerned, again, the everlasting covenant
37:03 is older, the new covenant is older than the old covenant.
37:07 It goes back to the very beginning even before the
37:09 foundation of the world, as far as God is concerned.
37:11 His blood was sacrificed; it was a done deal when
37:14 God made that decision that He was going to,
37:16 4000 years later, be that sacrifice for the world.
37:21 So His blood shed forth to cleanse us, to remove from us
37:28 the dead works, the dead promises, the dead attempts.
37:32 How good are our works?
37:34 How valuable are our works?
37:36 All our righteousness is filthy rags.
37:41 And He cleanses us of our filthy promises, our weak promises.
37:48 Even our best of promises, how strong can they be?
37:52 Without Christ, we can do nothing.
37:55 And so there's nothing. Nothing.
37:58 All our promises are nothing.
38:00 Worthless.
38:01 Done away with, obsolete. Throw them away.
38:04 Trust and hold God to His promises.
38:09 So let's look at some of these promises.
38:14 Philippians chapter 1, "He who has begun a good work in you
38:17 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
38:20 Who's doing all the work?
38:22 He is.
38:23 "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it."
38:29 He starts it, and He completes it.
38:33 He does the justifying, and He completes it.
38:36 He is the completer.
38:37 Him, not us.
38:39 I don't trust in Him for what He did on the cross
38:42 and then the rest is up to us.
38:44 He makes a promise to us, He did something for us,
38:46 and now we've got to do our part?
38:49 There is a part for us to do.
38:52 Get out of the way.
38:54 Surrender.
38:56 Let Him work in us.
39:00 He has begun the work; let Him complete it.
39:03 Let Him do it.
39:05 Stop trying to get in there.
39:07 You know, our prayers, when we pray, "God, help me,"
39:12 who's the assistant in that prayer?
39:15 God's the assistant, right?
39:17 If God's your co-pilot, switch seats, right?
39:21 Don't ask Him to help you.
39:24 Say, "God, I can't do this.
39:26 I can do nothing.
39:29 Come inside me.
39:31 Begin Your work and complete Your work in me.
39:34 And do it for me, and do it through me."
39:40 Philippians chapter 2 verse 13, "It is God who works in you
39:44 both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
39:49 Who's doing all the work?
39:51 God.
39:52 It is God who works in you, both to will and to do.
39:58 What is, "to will"?
40:02 To choose.
40:03 Your will, right? Your will?
40:04 You choose what you want to go to who.
40:06 You want this to go to them, and this to go to them,
40:07 and nothing to go to them.
40:09 Right? You know, you make your choices.
40:10 Your will, right?
40:12 He helps us to choose.
40:13 We can't even choose on our own.
40:16 He gives us the power to choose.
40:19 To both will and to do.
40:22 He gives us the desire, gives us the power to choose,
40:25 and then He does it in us and through us.
40:29 That's His covenant.
40:30 That's His promise.
40:32 Not ours.
40:33 And He will do that through us.
40:36 His good works, not our good works.
40:38 Not our good pleasure.
40:40 He will do His good pleasure through us.
40:44 And that will make us the happiest.
40:48 Not our own filthy pleasures, but His pleasures.
40:51 Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ
40:58 who strengthens me."
40:59 Who's doing all the work?
41:01 God. Christ.
41:03 I can do all things because Christ is the one
41:05 who strengthens me.
41:06 Again, we can do nothing without Him.
41:08 We can do nothing.
41:10 But with Him, we can do all things
41:14 through Christ who strengthens me.
41:17 Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
41:21 Now that's all, again, the second part of the Bible, right?
41:23 So well, maybe because the old promises are old
41:25 and done away with, right, and He didn't promise those
41:26 good promises then, they're only in the second part
41:28 after the cross, He started making great promises?
41:31 Well let's look at the book of Exodus chapter 31 verse 13.
41:36 "I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
41:39 Leviticus 20 verse 8, "I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
41:43 Leviticus 21 verse 8, "I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
41:47 Leviticus 22 verse 32, "I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
41:53 I didn't want to wear glasses, so I printed real large.
41:56 This is my notes, they look like this.
41:58 Maybe you can help out here.
42:01 Help me out here.
42:02 "I am the Lord...
42:07 ...who sanctifies...
42:11 Who sanctifies you?
42:14 The Lord.
42:15 The Lord sanctifies you.
42:17 He began the good work, He justified us,
42:19 and He will complete it.
42:22 He is the Lord who sanctifies us.
42:25 Sanctification is the work of a lifetime.
42:27 But it's not our work of a lifetime,
42:29 it's His work of a lifetime.
42:31 He continues His work in us.
42:33 He continues to grow us, He continues to convict us.
42:35 He continues to show us where we're weak and faulty,
42:37 and continues to perfect us by His grace.
42:40 He does the work.
42:42 In the book of Leviticus and Exodus,
42:44 "I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
42:47 God's doing all the work, not us.
42:51 Leviticus 11:45, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."
42:59 Leviticus 19:2, "You shall be holy,
43:02 for I the Lord your God am holy."
43:05 Leviticus 20 verse 26, "You shall be holy to Me,
43:08 for I the Lord am holy."
43:10 What's the reason that we are holy?
43:13 Because of Him.
43:15 Not because of us.
43:16 Not because, "Oh, I've done better this year than last year.
43:18 I've tried harder and I've read more and I've prayed more."
43:21 We are holy because He is holy.
43:25 And then He wants to come and dwell in us and make us holy.
43:29 Not that it's us that's holy; it's Him that's holy.
43:32 Him living in us, because we are nothing.
43:36 Without Him we are nothing.
43:37 But it's Him, all Him in us and through us and for us.
43:43 Psalm 119, "I've hidden Your word in my heart
43:46 that I might not sin against You."
43:51 Him in the heart, His word in our heart.
43:53 He is the living word.
43:54 Him in us, that I might not sin against You.
44:01 Philippians chapter 2 verse 5, "Let this mind be in you
44:06 that was in Christ Jesus."
44:11 God wants to put His mind in us.
44:14 He wants to cleanse our conscience from the
44:16 dead works through His blood.
44:18 And He wants to put His mind in us.
44:22 Now what is the works that it says there
44:23 for us to do to get His mind?
44:29 Oh, I went too far there.
44:30 Where did it go?
44:33 Oh I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself maybe.
44:38 Yeah okay, so let's back up. Sorry.
44:39 Colossians chapter 1 verse 27,
44:40 "...Christ in you, the hope of glory."
44:44 He wants to come in us.
44:45 That's the hope of glory; Christ in us.
44:47 Jude 24, " Him who is able to keep you from falling..."
44:52 Do you believe that He is able to keep you from falling?
44:55 Yes.
44:56 Who is able to keep you from falling?
44:59 God is able to keep us from falling.
45:03 Him sanctifying us, Him sustaining us.
45:07 Him keeping us from falling.
45:11 "...and present you faultless before the presence
45:18 of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior
45:21 be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
45:23 both now and forever more.
45:25 Amen."
45:32 1 John 2 verse 1, "I write to you so that you sin not."
45:38 Does John believe that God can give us the power not to sin?
45:42 Yes, he wrote, "I write to you.
45:44 That was the whole purpose I wrote to you.
45:46 I write to you so that you sin not.
45:48 He's able to keep you from falling.
45:51 Present you faultless before His throne of grace."
45:56 "But if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father;
46:03 Jesus Christ."
46:05 He doesn't say, "But when you sin,
46:08 don't worry, you've still got an Advocate with the Father."
46:11 It says, "I write to you so that you sin not.
46:14 But if you sin, you have an Advocate with the Father."
46:21 There is no sacrifice in the sacrificial system,
46:23 the temple system that God gave, there is no sacrifice
46:27 for known willful sin.
46:31 All the sacrifices are for unknown sins
46:34 that become known to us, that we then confess
46:39 and surrender over to God.
46:42 He is able to keep us from falling.
46:45 But if we unknowingly sin and it becomes revealed to us,
46:49 we have an Advocate with the Father who can cleanse us
46:53 and forgive us.
46:55 Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ;
46:59 nevertheless I live.
47:00 Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.
47:04 And the life that I now live, I live by faith in the
47:06 Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
47:11 What is our job?
47:16 "I am crucified with Christ."
47:18 So what's our job?
47:20 To die.
47:22 That's it.
47:23 That's our job.
47:25 Surrender, die, be crucified with Him.
47:29 And if we're crucified with Him, when was He crucified?
47:34 From the foundation of the world.
47:35 Before we were even born.
47:37 We can accept our death in Him, and be dead in Him.
47:42 Our job is to die.
47:44 "I am crucified with Christ."
47:46 Nevertheless, I live.
47:47 You see me standing here.
47:49 But it's not I.
47:50 It's Christ that liveth in me.
47:55 I live by faith in the Son of God,
47:58 who loved me and gave Himself for me.
48:02 Glory to God, and only to God.
48:04 Now to that text in Philippians 2 verse 5.
48:07 "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus."
48:11 He wants to put His mind in us.
48:17 Jesus lived a faultless life, was able to keep from sinning.
48:23 He was tempted in all ways like as we are.
48:26 But He did not sin.
48:27 Now if we have the mind of Christ, does that mean
48:29 we'll never forget someone's name?
48:33 Does that mean we'll never get a splinter?
48:36 Some people think of this, you know, with Jesus sanctifying us
48:38 and perfecting us, and presenting us blameless
48:41 and faultless before His Father, they say,
48:42 "Oh, you can't make any mistake."
48:44 That's not what it's talking about.
48:46 It's talking about not sinning.
48:47 I mean, Jesus was a carpenter.
48:49 Do you think He ever got a splinter?
48:50 Ever think He cut a board too short?
48:54 Yeah.
48:56 He made mistakes. That's not sin.
49:00 He never chose to rebelliously disobey His Father.
49:05 I mean, He was a baby. You think He wet His pants?
49:07 I mean, you think He pooped in His diaper?
49:08 I mean, you know, He came in the flesh, right?
49:10 Those who say He did not come in the flesh are the antichrist,
49:13 the Bible says.
49:14 He came in the flesh.
49:16 But He did not sin.
49:18 He did not choose to disobey.
49:20 Did not rebelliously hold on to sin.
49:23 And neither do we.
49:26 By God's grace, we don't have to choose to sin.
49:30 Sin is knowing to do wrong, and doing it.
49:32 Knowing what's right, and not doing it.
49:35 We don't have to choose to sin.
49:37 By God's grace, Him sanctifying us, He gives us the power
49:40 to make the right choice.
49:42 And then by His grace, to will and to do.
49:46 Him doing it, not us.
49:48 Now we're not going to run around and say,
49:50 "Oh, I'm sanctified. I'm perfect.
49:51 I haven't sinned in three weeks, you know."
49:53 That would be our first sin.
49:55 You know.
49:56 Because we won't be looking at ourselves.
49:58 We'll be looking at Him.
50:00 Ah, what are we?
50:01 We are nothing.
50:03 We are dead.
50:05 We are crucified with Him.
50:07 So it's not us that's perfect.
50:09 It's Jesus in us.
50:11 "I'm crucified with Christ; nevertheless, I live.
50:13 Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."
50:15 This is the new covenant, this is the everlasting covenant.
50:18 This is the one that doesn't go away.
50:19 These are the powerful promises that we can hold on to.
50:24 1 Thessalonians 5:23, "May the God of peace
50:26 Himself sanctify you completely,
50:30 and preserve you blameless at the coming
50:34 of our Lord Jesus Christ."
50:36 He is able.
50:38 Okay, so then what still applies of the Bible?
50:45 If the Old Testament is not the old testament,
50:47 if it's not the old covenant, does it all then still apply?
50:52 I've got a little formula here that I think could apply to...
50:55 Although in Judaism they determined, Maimonides,
50:58 that there's 613 laws in the first part of the Bible.
51:02 So whatever, if there is exactly that, or whatever.
51:04 I think this rule can apply to all of them.
51:08 If the law was given to Adam and Eve before sin
51:13 entered this world, it is eternal.
51:16 It's before limited time.
51:18 Like we're in this age, you know.
51:19 This age is eventually going to end.
51:20 Right? We're in limited time.
51:22 Before the sin, they were in endless time.
51:25 Right? They had a weekly cycle, but an endless time.
51:27 They were suppose to live forever.
51:29 So it's eternal if it was given before this limited time.
51:32 It's eternal.
51:34 And it's universal.
51:35 It was given to Adam and Eve, the parents of mankind.
51:38 So it's universal to all mankind, to all people.
51:42 The Sabbath, was that there in the Garden of Eden?
51:45 Yes. So it's eternal and universal.
51:50 The circumcision, was circumcision there in
51:52 the Garden of Eden?
51:54 No, there's no mention of it there.
51:55 Not until Abraham 2000 years later, right?
51:57 So given to a specific person for a specific time.
52:00 Right? After sin had entered the world.
52:02 How about sacrificing?
52:03 Were there sacrifices in the Garden of Eden?
52:05 No. Outside the Garden of Eden, but not in the Garden of Eden.
52:08 Right?
52:10 We already talked about it;
52:12 no stealing and all those other things.
52:14 How about, did God say what they could eat and not eat
52:17 in the Garden of Eden?
52:19 Yes.
52:20 Yeah, He said you can't eat from that tree, right?
52:24 They weren't eating any hippopotamus' or anything,
52:27 you know, right?
52:28 He made some adjustments as we've gone along,
52:31 but He ruled over what we could eat and not eat.
52:34 The principles still apply.
52:36 How about the feasts?
52:38 Did they celebrate a Passover there in the Garden of Eden?
52:41 No. The Passover was not until 2500 years later, right?
52:45 Those are shadows.
52:46 Not that there's anything wrong with those things.
52:48 Right? It's wonderful to look at the shadow to better understand.
52:54 But it's not eternal and universal,
52:58 in that sense, like the others.
52:59 And I think, again, you can apply that to all of them.
53:01 And we can know which parts still apply,
53:03 universal and eternal, and which parts we're given for a time,
53:07 for a limited time, for a specific purpose,
53:09 as a shadow pointing to Jesus,
53:11 or for some other reason and purpose.
53:15 So the first part of the Bible is not the old covenant
53:20 or the old testament.
53:22 Again, I think we shoot ourselves, if not in the foot,
53:27 in the head, by using those terms.
53:30 Because it says those are obsolete,
53:32 being done away with, faulty.
53:34 And they're not.
53:36 It's one Bible.
53:37 We have one Bible. Several sections.
53:40 The Torah, the writings, prophets, gospels, Acts,
53:45 the epistles, Revelation.
53:47 So we've got sections.
53:50 But it's one Bible.
53:52 Filled with everlasting promises,
53:55 given to us by God,
53:58 that don't change, because God doesn't change.
54:01 Everlasting promises that we can rely on and we can hold fast to,
54:05 and we can trust upon and lean upon,
54:09 and trust in Him.
54:13 So I'd like to appeal to us today.
54:16 To put our trust totally in Him.
54:20 Not in New Year's resolutions, not in our promises.
54:25 If you've been making promises to God,
54:27 "I'm going to do better this year, God.
54:29 I'm going to read more in the Bible.
54:31 I'm going to attend services more regularly.
54:33 I'm going to get involved in that outreach.
54:35 God, I promise You, this year I'm going to do better."
54:38 Stop promising,
54:41 and ask God, live Your life in me.
54:43 Work in me.
54:45 And do in me what You would have me to do.
54:48 And fulfill Your purpose in me.
54:51 Lead me in prayer.
54:52 Lord, pray through me.
54:55 Lord, help me to understand Your Word.
54:56 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
55:00 Give me the ability to understand what I read.
55:02 Give me a love for Your Word so I want to read it,
55:05 that I desire to read it.
55:07 That I love your law as my desire all day long.
55:12 Give me that love, come inside me, give me Your mind.
55:15 Live Your life in me.
55:17 Write Your laws in my mind, in my heart.
55:20 If you put a CD into a CD player,
55:22 what's going to come out of the speakers?
55:26 If it's rap music, what's going to come out of the speakers?
55:29 Rap music.
55:31 You put beautiful gospel music in, what's going to come out?
55:34 Beautiful music, right? Beautiful music.
55:38 Let Him, let His mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
55:42 Jesus, place Your mind in me.
55:44 If you've been promising to God, I want you to
55:45 surrender that to Him today.
55:47 If you've believe in dispensational belief
55:49 or replacement theology belief,
55:51 you see now that both of those are wrong,
55:53 and you want to surrender that to Jesus,
55:54 "Jesus, I'm sorry for putting Jews on pedestals or
55:58 putting them in the gutter.
56:00 I'm sorry for thinking the first part of the Bible was old,
56:04 and referring to it that way.
56:07 Jesus, put Your words in my mouth,
56:08 put Your theology in my mind.
56:11 Speak through me.
56:12 Live through me.
56:14 Give me Your thoughts, Your attitude."
56:18 And if there's some sin in your life,
56:20 something you've been struggling with.
56:23 Some habit, some desire, some action.
56:29 Maybe you've been trying to give it up.
56:31 You've determined to give it up.
56:34 You've strove to give it up.
56:36 But you haven't given it up.
56:39 Give up, and let God.
56:44 Let Jesus work in you.
56:46 Surrender it to Him.
56:47 Confess it to Him.
56:49 Let Him remove it out of you.
56:51 It is His blood that cleanses your conscience from dead works.
56:57 Let His mind be in you.
56:59 Let Him give you the desire for the right to will and to do
57:04 of His good pleasure.
57:06 Let Him work in you and through you and for you,
57:10 and empowering you with His everlasting promise.
57:13 And stop living under the old covenant
57:16 of our own weak promises.
57:19 If any of those areas apply to you,
57:20 or anything else, as we pray together.
57:23 Our Lord and our God, Ruler of the universe,
57:25 we praise Your holy name and thank You
57:27 for Your great promises to us.
57:29 Live in us, through us.
57:32 Crucify us.
57:34 Live Your life out of us.
57:38 Perfect Your will, and sustain us and hold us
57:43 until your appearing.
57:45 And shine through us to the world
57:47 for Your honor and glory.
57:49 In Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2015-10-28