Anchors of Truth

A River Within

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000164A

00:13 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth,
00:16 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:22 I thank you for joining us this morning.
00:25 I hope you all are happy in the Lord.
00:27 Isn't it great when Sabbath rolls around?
00:30 And we can come and be in the house of worship
00:32 here at 3ABN.
00:34 But for those of you joining us around the world,
00:36 thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support
00:39 of 3ABN as we endeavor to take this great gospel
00:43 of the kingdom into all the world.
00:45 A ministry that's been here over 30 years with God's blessing
00:48 continues to grow year after year.
00:50 And thank you for what you do.
00:53 Anchors Of Truth is a great time every month
00:56 when we get different speakers.
00:58 Our speaker today is a very special friend to me.
01:01 He has been for many, many years.
01:03 The first time I knew about C.A. Murray,
01:07 we were asked, Melody and me, I think it was about 2003
01:11 possibly, to go to New York and sing at a camp meeting.
01:16 There was going to be 10 or 12 thousand people.
01:19 Mollie Steenson said, "They want you and Melody to sing
01:22 a new song she's written; I Know the Plans."
01:25 That Melody had written.
01:26 So she said, "But I want to let you know,
01:29 there's a man there that's going to sing with you."
01:31 And I said, "What?"
01:33 She said, "There's a pastor there and he said he's
01:35 going to get up and sing with you."
01:36 I said, "No he isn't.
01:38 I don't know this pastor.
01:39 I don't know if he can carry a tune.
01:41 I don't even know if he knows the song."
01:43 "Well, he wants to sing that with you."
01:44 So I said, "Well, what's his name?"
01:46 She said, "Pastor C.A. Murray. He's going to be there."
01:49 I said, "Well, I'll tell you what we'll do.
01:51 We'll try him out."
01:52 I said, "Before the service, we'll try him out."
01:54 Well we did, and of course he know the song already.
01:57 He knew it better than I did, actually.
01:59 And it was the first time I had ever met Pastor C.A. Murray.
02:02 What a blessing that he's been in my life as far as
02:06 ministry is concerned, and also just as a friend, he and Irma.
02:09 What special people they are.
02:11 I praise God to be able to work with these folk every day.
02:14 And C.A. has got such an anointing that God has
02:17 given him to preach the gospel literally around the world.
02:21 And God has given him musical abilities,
02:23 he's the General Manager of the Proclaim network.
02:27 So praise the Lord for Pastor C.A. Murray.
02:30 Also today we have some special music by some of our young folk.
02:33 How many like to see our young folk up here, right?
02:36 Alright, we have Farrah Barry on the piano,
02:39 and we have Marcus Gonzalez.
02:41 And they're going to be doing the song,
02:44 Peace, As the Deer Panteth For Water.
02:47 And then right after that, the next voice you'll hear
02:50 will be Pastor C.A. Murray.
07:25 Amen and amen. Well done.
07:27 Thank you so very, very much.
07:31 I'm going to ask you do me the great favor of
07:38 trying to come back this afternoon, if you can.
07:41 Something occurred to me about two o'clock this morning
07:44 as I was writing.
07:46 And I fell upon something that I began to play with
07:51 some 20 years ago.
07:54 And it occurred to me that it connects with what
07:58 we are talking about this morning.
08:01 And I should like to suggest something to you this afternoon
08:06 as we close out this series.
08:10 So we ask for your prayers this morning,
08:13 and again this afternoon.
08:15 Turn with me, if you will, to the gospel as written by John.
08:22 Chapter 4 and verse 9.
08:30 John chapter 4, we begin at verse 9.
08:35 You are, no doubt, familiar with this story,
08:38 so we will not recount all of it in our Scripture lesson,
08:43 save, to highlight and showcase certain aspects of the story
08:48 that are germane to our discussion.
08:52 John chapter 4, beginning at verse 9.
09:01 The Bible says, "Then the woman of Samaria said to Him,
09:06 'How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me,
09:13 a Samaritan woman?'
09:15 For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans."
09:18 I'm reading from the New King James.
09:22 "Jesus answered and said to her, 'If you knew the gift of God,
09:30 and who it is that says to you, "Give Me a drink,"
09:35 you would have asked Him, and He would have
09:39 given you living water.'
09:46 The woman said to Him, 'Sir, You have nothing to draw with,
09:51 and the well is deep.
09:53 Where then do You get that living water?
10:00 Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well,
10:06 and drank from it himself, as well as his sons
10:12 and his livestock?'
10:16 Jesus answered and said to her, 'Whoever drinks of this water
10:22 will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water
10:27 that I shall give him will never thirst.
10:33 But the water that I shall give him will become in him
10:38 a fountain,'" or a river, "of water springing up
10:44 to everlasting life."
10:50 Gracious Father, we ask for the presence and power
10:56 of Your Spirit.
11:00 We come expecting a blessing.
11:04 Do not disappoint.
11:07 For we wait upon You.
11:08 In Jesus' name, amen.
11:12 I brought my Mishnah with me this morning.
11:14 I don't know if I'll get a chance to read from it.
11:16 I may have to just refer to it.
11:21 The term, "Samaritan," appears only once in the Old Testament.
11:28 It is found in 2 Kings 17:29.
11:34 It refers to the citizens of the former kingdom of Israel,
11:39 the northern tribes.
11:42 Later, the term was applied to the city and the surrounding
11:45 district, of which Samaria, the city, was the political hub
11:52 and also the religious center.
11:57 The origin of Samaria as an entity is found
12:01 in 2 Kings 17:24-34.
12:05 We don't have time to read all of that.
12:09 But after King Tiglath-Pileser, and later Sargon...
12:13 And for those of you who are trivia buffs,
12:16 when Ellen White was sent to Australia in the 1890's,
12:21 she had a dog.
12:24 I believe it was a German Shepherd or Shepherd mix.
12:27 She named that dog, Tiglath-Pileser.
12:31 So she did have a sense of humor.
12:37 So Tiglath, and later Sargon, carried most of the population
12:41 of Israel into exile.
12:44 The Assyrians had this idea that when they conquered
12:49 a nation, they tried to replace the people who are there
12:54 with an imported people in trying to totally destroy the
12:58 history of the people whom they conquered.
13:01 So the Assyrians displaced the original Israeli's
13:06 and replaced them with Babylonians,
13:09 people from Mesopotamia, and people from Hammath in Syria.
13:14 And these people brought with them their own religion,
13:19 their own beliefs, which intermingled with the religion
13:23 of the small number of Jews that remained.
13:28 The worship of Jehovah eventually won out.
13:34 But it was adulterated by the pagan beliefs of those
13:39 who the Assyrians brought in for that particular purpose.
13:44 So these foreigners never really let go of their gods,
13:48 and their religion was intermingled with the
13:51 pure Jewish religion and became the religion of the Samaritans.
13:56 Josiah was able to re-conquer much of Samaria
14:01 under his great revival.
14:04 But the influences were always there.
14:07 And the religion in Samaria was always somewhat more
14:12 liberal, shall we say, than the religion of those in Judah.
14:21 And under the watch of these pagan influences,
14:30 the religion of God was nearly erased,
14:35 but not totally.
14:38 So when Judah returned from Babylonian captivity,
14:43 they viewed the Samaritans as half-breeds,
14:49 traitors to the faith, and turncoats.
14:55 And that was the genesis of the animas between
14:59 Samaritans and Jews.
15:03 The Samaritans later asked to join the Jews
15:07 in the rebuilding of the temple.
15:11 They were rebuffed.
15:12 The Jews rejected that request.
15:16 They tried to help them rebuild the city.
15:19 The Jews would not allow it.
15:23 Zerubbabel, Yeshua, and the others rejected outright
15:28 the offer of Samaritan aid, because they didn't
15:31 want to be contaminated with this half-breed religion.
15:35 You follow me?
15:38 The Jews, for their part, were concerned
15:41 about the Samaritans practicing a corrupt religion,
15:45 and they didn't want to be part of that.
15:47 They didn't want to get soiled with Samaritan impurities.
15:54 So the Samaritans stopped the rebuilding of the wall
15:57 by force for a time.
16:00 They burned the gates of Jerusalem,
16:03 tore down sections of the wall, and generally harassed Nehemiah
16:08 and others who were trying to rebuild the temple
16:12 and the city of Jerusalem.
16:15 Nehemiah describes in some detail how Sanballat,
16:18 the Samaritan governor, made attempts to hinder the work.
16:24 And we find that in Nehemiah 4 and 6.
16:29 Josephus says the Samaritans were the kind of people
16:35 who claimed to be Jews when it was to their advantage.
16:40 But when being a Jew was unpopular,
16:43 the Samaritans had nothing to do with them.
16:47 When the Seleucid king, Antiochus IV,
16:50 Antiochus Epiphanes, tried to Hellenize
16:54 the community of Israel, and tried to turn everybody
17:00 into Greeks and make them behave as Greeks,
17:03 the Jews resisted and suffered severe persecution.
17:08 The Samaritans dedicated their temple on Mount Gerizim
17:12 to Zeus, the defender of strangers.
17:17 So they were kind of a "go with the flow" people.
17:20 Path of least resistance.
17:24 So when the Jews began to rebound in the days of
17:26 the Maccabees, John Hyrcanus went north and burned down
17:32 the Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim.
17:36 So by the time of Christ, the hatred was
17:40 centuries old and mutual.
17:43 Jews hated Samaritans, Samaritans hated Jews,
17:50 so much so that this Mishnah says a traveler
17:54 traveling from Galilee to Jerusalem
17:57 would avoid passing through Samaria, which was the most
18:00 direct route, at all cost.
18:02 He would even go into the foreign land of Perea
18:05 to avoid touching or having anything to do with Samaria.
18:13 Interestingly enough, the anthro-historians say
18:16 if you go to the north of Israel today,
18:20 there are descendents of those original Samaritans
18:26 worshiping and living there to this very day.
18:30 But in the days of the New Testament,
18:34 the Jews were possessed of a species of institutional
18:39 and societal racism.
18:42 And it wasn't a matter of that Jews didn't like Samaritans.
18:47 They looked down on them as inferior, impure,
18:53 and treacherous.
18:56 It is said in one of the old Talmudic prayers
19:00 that the lords of the temple often prayed,
19:03 "Lord, I am glad I am not lame, I am glad I am not a woman,
19:14 and I am glad that I am not a Samaritan."
19:18 So now you have the background of the meeting between Jesus
19:24 and a woman that was now in her sixth relationship;
19:30 five husbands and one common-law paramour,
19:36 at the well of Sychar.
19:39 Jesus now has to cut through nearly 700 years of animosity,
19:46 bigotry, mistrust, racism, and suspicion.
19:53 This woman at the well was looked down upon by any Jew.
20:00 She was looked down upon by her own Samaritan people.
20:05 Married men shunned her.
20:09 Single women shunned her.
20:12 Married women shunned her.
20:16 And she didn't have many friends.
20:21 Ellen White says the animosity between Jew and Samaritan
20:24 was so strong and so ingrained that even the disciples,
20:30 it didn't occur to them to do something nice for her.
20:35 She has a reputation, and it was not good.
20:41 Which is precisely why she was getting water
20:45 at twelve o'clock noon in the hottest part of the day.
20:51 The respectable ladies had already gotten their water
20:54 in the cool of the morning.
20:57 There would have been talking, there would have been laugher,
21:00 sharing a little gossip.
21:02 Maybe even talking about her.
21:03 But that was done at 6 am, 7 am, maybe 8 am.
21:07 Nobody got water at 12 noon.
21:10 It's too hot, it's too miserable.
21:16 So she waits until everyone is gone,
21:21 and she goes to get her water.
21:25 No normal person, no person of repute would get water
21:30 at the sixth hour.
21:33 That is precisely why she is there.
21:37 So when she gets there, there is only one person there.
21:45 And praise God He is anything but normal.
21:49 Now you've got to like Jesus as a tactician.
21:54 Ellen White says that there was the well, and then there was
21:57 this wall around the well.
22:01 And Jesus plants Himself on that wall right around the well.
22:07 So she cannot ignore Him, she cannot miss Him.
22:10 She's got to go around Him to do what she wants to do.
22:14 Christ is right in her way.
22:18 And Ellen White says she pretends like He's
22:21 not even there.
22:23 Because that's how Jews treat Samaritans.
22:28 And that's how Samaritans treat Jews.
22:33 But Ellen White said she did have a passing interest
22:36 in the Scriptures.
22:40 She was in the right state of mind.
22:43 She was tired of the old life.
22:47 She had been through five marriages
22:50 and was in common-law relationship with a sixth.
22:55 And Ellen White says, and this is interesting,
22:59 Christ revealed to this woman, and we'll get to this
23:02 in a little bit, things that He never told any Jew.
23:06 He didn't even tell Nicodemus.
23:07 And He didn't even tell His own disciples.
23:10 He gave her information that the Jews never got,
23:16 and even the disciples didn't get until the very end.
23:18 He gave it to her that day.
23:24 There are important lessons that we can learn
23:27 from the lesson at the well.
23:29 Number one, Christ is no respecter of persons.
23:32 Praise God.
23:35 It doesn't matter what your reputation is.
23:37 It doesn't matter what you've done.
23:39 It doesn't matter where you come from.
23:41 It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, black or white,
23:43 tall or thin, educated or uneducated.
23:45 He's no respecter of persons.
23:48 So her past made no difference to Jesus.
23:51 Praise God.
23:53 See, I can apply that to me.
23:54 My past makes no difference to Jesus.
23:56 And surprise, surprise, you're past...
24:01 Mm-hmm.
24:03 ...makes no difference to Jesus.
24:09 You see, the situation between Jews and Samaritans
24:12 was so bad that not only would a Jew not do a favor
24:17 for a Samaritan, he wouldn't accept a favor from a Samaritan.
24:24 Right here in the book.
24:26 I got it right here.
24:27 Don't have time to read it all.
24:31 Won't take anything from you, won't give you anything.
24:34 In fact, the Mishnah says, "Better to die of thirst
24:40 than accept a glass of water from a Samaritan."
24:45 So I'm not doing anything for you, and I will not allow you
24:48 to do anything for me.
24:50 So Christ's request, "Give Me a drink of water,"
24:55 is shocking.
24:58 First of all, you've got a man speaking to a woman
25:00 at high noon, you've got a man speaking to a woman
25:03 that He does not know at high noon,
25:05 you've got a man who is a Jew speaking to a Samaritan
25:07 at high noon at a well.
25:09 Shocking.
25:12 And then He asks her for a favor.
25:19 She would have never asked Him for anything.
25:22 700 years of bad blood prevented it.
25:26 But this request immediately said to her,
25:31 "This Jew is different."
25:38 And if you follow this story to its logical end,
25:40 you'll find out He never did get that drink of water.
25:44 Never did.
25:45 Because water wasn't the issue.
25:48 Let me put it this way; water was the issue,
25:51 but not H2O.
25:58 So Christ gets down to it.
25:59 NIV puts it this way, "If you knew the gift of God
26:02 and who it is that asks you for a drink,
26:06 you would have asked Him and He would have given you
26:08 living water," John 4:10.
26:10 At that point, she knew she had heard something important.
26:13 She knew something had gone by her,
26:15 she knew something had hit her ears.
26:17 She didn't quite know what it meant,
26:18 she didn't quite know what it was,
26:20 she didn't quite know how to decipher it.
26:22 She just knew somebody had said something to her
26:25 that was important, and she needed to kind of stick with it.
26:30 Ellen White says Christ let her lead the conversation.
26:33 You've got to like Jesus' tact.
26:35 He let her think she was running the show.
26:37 "You can drive the bus."
26:40 So He let her lead the conversation.
26:42 And for a while He chose to follow her.
26:44 Now she didn't know it was going where it was going,
26:47 but Jesus did.
26:50 So she said, "How are You going to give me water?
26:55 The well is deep, You don't have anything to get water with.
27:00 So how are You going to give me this living water?
27:03 Where can You get living water?
27:05 Are You greater than Jacob?"
27:08 See, this lady had heard eternal truth.
27:10 Her religion was corrupted, but it wasn't totally wrong.
27:13 She knew about the past, she knew about father Abraham,
27:16 she knew about Jacob's well.
27:17 The Desire of Ages, to quote, says she was engaging Jesus
27:24 in what Ellen White calls, "a light bantering manner."
27:28 Now I didn't want to assume what that meant.
27:31 And Erma said to me this morning, she said,
27:33 "You spend too much time looking up words."
27:35 But I wanted to check out, "bantering."
27:37 And, "bantering," says, an exchange of light,
27:41 playful, teasing remarks.
27:43 So she started off kind of playing with Jesus,
27:45 perhaps even flirting with Him.
27:47 I mean, she knew how to handle guys.
27:52 She had five husbands.
27:54 And living with number six.
27:56 She knows what guys like and how to handle guys.
28:01 So she's playing with Jesus for a little bit.
28:07 But Jesus wasn't playing with her.
28:11 Jesus was trying to save her soul.
28:14 Second lesson, it doesn't matter what others think about you.
28:20 The only person you have to contend with
28:23 is the one who can save your soul in heaven
28:26 or send your soul to hell.
28:29 And that is Jesus.
28:32 So when she asks Him, "Are You greater than Jacob,"
28:35 Christ could have said, "Sure am.
28:38 You've got it right."
28:40 But He doesn't even bother with that question.
28:42 Doesn't even answer it. Just goes beyond it.
28:44 He gets back to the real issue.
28:45 Because the real issue isn't Jacob,
28:47 the real issue is water.
28:54 So in John 4:13, He says, "Every one who drinks of this water
28:58 will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water
29:03 that I shall give him will never thirst."
29:09 Praise God.
29:12 "But the water that I shall give him will become in him
29:16 a fountain," a river, "of water springing up
29:20 into everlasting life."
29:22 Now she knew now that this guy was different.
29:28 She wants that water, but thinks it's going to solve
29:32 her present problems.
29:34 She has yet to clue into the fact that the person
29:37 talking to her isn't really talking about water.
29:41 Water is a metaphor for what she needs
29:45 to save her soul.
29:48 So she says, "Give me this water.
29:51 Sounds good. I want it.
29:53 First of all, I don't want to get thirsty again.
29:56 And secondly, I don't want to ever have to come here again
30:00 and face this humiliation."
30:03 Going to that well, you see, brothers and sisters,
30:05 was a daily humiliation for this woman.
30:09 The very fact that she's drawing water in the heat of the day
30:13 at 12 noon is humiliation.
30:14 "Lord, I'll do anything so I don't have to come here
30:17 for the rest of my life and humiliate myself
30:21 day after day after day, lonely, by myself,
30:25 sun beating down, no one to help me,
30:27 everybody talking about me, everybody shunning me.
30:30 I'll take that water...
30:32 ...if it will free me from this."
30:37 She was thinking, "Here's my chance to shed some shame."
30:41 And Christ wanted to help her with that.
30:44 And so much more.
30:46 You've got to love...
30:50 Well let me say this, you know.
30:51 Everything that touches you touches Jesus.
30:54 Did you know that?
30:56 Did you know that?
30:57 Everything that concerns you concerns Jesus.
31:02 You understand that?
31:04 You understand that?
31:06 Those things that you are concerned about
31:10 concern Jesus.
31:13 Amen.
31:15 Jesus is concerned about the things that concern you.
31:22 You understand that?
31:24 Jesus is concerned about those things that we are
31:28 too concerned about.
31:32 Mm-hmm.
31:34 And Jesus is concerned about those things
31:38 that don't concern us.
31:42 Amen.
31:44 Get the tape, re-watch that.
31:50 And you've got to love Christ's next line.
31:54 Jesus is a master tactician.
31:58 He's got her on the hook.
32:01 She's listening.
32:03 Her heart is opened.
32:05 Next line, right cross.
32:08 "Go get your husband and come back.
32:14 Go get him and bring him back."
32:17 Her immediate response, "I don't have a husband."
32:20 And Ellen White says she was hoping by that statement
32:24 to cut off any kind of discussion in that direction.
32:27 She was hoping to cut Christ off at the pass.
32:30 "Don't have a husband.
32:32 Let's press on to something else."
32:35 Because she didn't want Him going down that path.
32:40 But Jesus was trying to get her to see who she was
32:48 as a sinner so she could understand who He was
32:53 as her Savior.
32:56 Amen.
32:57 Christ had to get her to understand her position
33:02 so that He could take her from where she was
33:07 to where He wanted her to be.
33:10 So He's got to get her to face the fact that she is a sinner
33:14 and that He is her Savior.
33:17 Very, very important to know where you are
33:20 so that you can know where you're going.
33:28 So the bantering now becomes sparing.
33:34 "I have no husband."
33:36 And in her mind, that was that.
33:39 Game, set, match, period, exclamation point.
33:44 "Don't have a husband.
33:45 Let's go on to the next subject."
33:49 She didn't want to go there.
33:51 Ellen White says she hoped, she wanted to prevent
33:55 all questions in that direction.
34:00 That was the reason she was gathering water at
34:02 twelve o'clock instead of six am.
34:06 Because she had five, and was working on number six.
34:12 Jesus, brothers and sisters, promises to give you
34:16 not only what you want, but what you need.
34:21 And sometimes what you need over what you want.
34:26 Because the Bible says sometimes we pray for things we want
34:29 that we shouldn't pray for because we don't really know
34:32 what we want.
34:36 Amen.
34:38 So He may give you what you want, but He will give you
34:42 what you need.
34:46 And He was looking past her wants to her needs.
34:49 So He had to make her a little uncomfortable
34:52 before He would elevate her.
34:58 So the Savior cuts her no slack,
35:02 because He knows what she needs.
35:05 And what she really needs is a Savior.
35:08 "Bring your husband back, and we'll talk."
35:15 "I don't have one."
35:18 "I know.
35:22 Your statement is true.
35:24 You've had five.
35:26 You've been to the alter five times.
35:30 And you didn't bother going to the alter this time.
35:33 You're just shacking with him."
35:42 And Ellen White says, for the first time in this
35:44 whole conversation she got scared.
35:50 Wouldn't you?
35:53 It's hard to get scared.
35:57 You've got to remember, in those days, no newspaper,
35:59 no radio, no TV, no internet, no Google.
36:02 She didn't put anything on Facebook.
36:07 Here's a total stranger.
36:09 He's from a nation of people that hates their guts,
36:13 she's a woman, alone, talking to a male Jew,
36:18 at high noon, no less, who is a total foreign stranger.
36:22 And He's putting her business in the street
36:25 like it's on the History channel.
36:29 Ellen White says she trembled.
36:32 She got scared. Wouldn't you?
36:34 A total stranger comes up to you, asks you for water,
36:40 and then begins to get in your business,
36:44 and says, "Shelly, get your husband."
36:47 "I don't have a husband."
36:49 "You're right.
36:51 J.D.'s not your husband.
36:53 You've had Danny, and Jim, and Greg, and Jeff, and..."
37:00 Time to get scared.
37:04 You meet a man who's never seen you before in your life,
37:07 and He knows you like a book.
37:11 And Ellen White says she trembled.
37:16 "Five husbands, you're current is not your husband."
37:23 So now the sparring becomes reverence.
37:27 And she's still trying to change the subject.
37:30 And Christ allows her to drive the bus just a
37:32 little bit further.
37:37 "I see that You're a Prophet."
37:42 Well, hello.
37:46 She's trying to change the subject.
37:48 Lesson number three, nothing is hidden from Jesus.
37:52 You can't hide anything from Jesus.
37:54 And I am so glad that Christ knows everything about us,
37:59 and loves us still.
38:00 Amen?
38:02 See, we've all got stuff.
38:04 I've got stuff, you've got stuff,
38:06 all God's children got stuff.
38:07 Everybody has got stuff.
38:08 And I think if we all knew everything about each other...
38:16 There's some stuff about me you don't want to know.
38:24 I suspect there's some stuff about you I don't want to know.
38:27 But Jesus knows it...
38:31 ...and loves you still.
38:34 No surprises with Jesus.
38:36 And He's letting her know, "I know about all of your stuff.
38:42 And I can fix that stuff."
38:51 Nothing hidden from Christ.
38:53 In fact, the truth is, Christ does His best work,
38:57 ladies and gentlemen, in pigpen lives.
39:02 Amen?
39:03 Does His best work in lives that are totally messed up.
39:07 That's when Christ is at His best.
39:08 When you throw up your hands in disgust and say,
39:10 "There's nothing I can do with the mess I've made
39:13 but make more mess,"
39:17 Jesus says, "Give it to Me.
39:19 I can clean it."
39:21 I was up the other night trying to find some stuff,
39:24 and I turned on the TV real quick, and there was a
39:26 commercial on for the world's greatest vacuum cleaner.
39:32 It cleans up messes.
39:34 So does Jesus.
39:36 The world's greatest vacuum cleaner.
39:40 He cleans up messes.
39:44 And so He knows all about her life.
39:46 This lady is the poster child for mixed up existences.
39:50 She's from a hated race, she's from a despised faith,
39:54 from misplaced beliefs, convoluted marriage situation,
39:59 and actively living in adultery.
40:01 Doesn't get any worse than that.
40:03 She's an outcast in her own community.
40:05 Hated by Jews and Samaritans alike,
40:08 and an outcast in her own town.
40:15 And Jesus is about to fix it all.
40:20 So she changes the subject one last time,
40:24 and Christ allows her to do it.
40:30 Ellen White says the Holy Spirit is moving.
40:34 Christ lets her steer the situation just
40:36 a little bit longer, because He knew where it was going to end.
40:43 She tries to bring in a little controversy
40:47 to try to get Him off the path.
40:51 So she says, "You know, some people say
40:56 we ought to worship in Jerusalem.
40:59 And my people say we ought to worship up here."
41:06 She figures Christ would get into that controversy
41:09 like everybody else does.
41:14 And Christ tells her, "The issue is not where.
41:23 The issue is who and how."
41:27 The same thing Shelly said a couple months back.
41:32 It's not where you worship.
41:35 Nothing more important about worshiping in Thompsonville
41:37 than worshiping in Marion.
41:41 It ain't where.
41:44 It's who.
41:46 And how.
41:52 "The time is coming, in fact, now is,
41:56 because I'm standing right in front of you,
42:00 that God is going to reject places,
42:06 because He doesn't dwell in places.
42:09 He dwells in hearts."
42:11 You remember the very first night, I told you
42:13 how ridiculous it was that the children of Israel
42:17 hung their harps on the willows because
42:19 they were thinking about Jerusalem?
42:22 Jerusalem can't save you.
42:24 Neither can Thompsonville.
42:26 Amen.
42:28 Hallelujah, amen.
42:34 Because it's not where.
42:37 It's who...
42:39 ...and how.
42:42 And God can find you in Babylon just like He can find you
42:46 in Jerusalem.
42:48 And God can find you in Damascus just like He can find you
42:52 in Jerusalem.
42:54 And God can find you in your home just like He can find you
42:58 in the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
43:01 Now that's not a call to stay home.
43:04 It's an assurity that wherever you go,
43:07 God is with you.
43:14 So Christ is saying, "What God wants is pure hearts
43:20 and worship in spirit and in truth."
43:26 That's who He's seeking.
43:28 He's trying to let her know, Samaria, Jerusalem,
43:33 that's not the issue.
43:36 Interestingly enough, Ellen White says
43:38 He could have never made that statement in Jerusalem.
43:41 It wasn't going to fly there.
43:42 Because the Jews were too hung up on the temple.
43:46 They felt that once you left the temple,
43:48 you got lost.
43:51 And God couldn't find you anymore.
43:54 Which is why when the temple was destroyed
43:56 and they were in Babylon when they should have been
43:58 singing the Lord's song, they were hanging their harps
44:01 on the willows and whining about Jerusalem.
44:07 Nothing sacred about Jerusalem.
44:09 Ladies and gentlemen, forgive me for saying this,
44:11 there's nothing sacred about the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
44:21 I repeat what I said the other night.
44:23 It is blasphemous, but it is blasphemously true.
44:30 Every Christian is not a Seventh-day Adventist.
44:36 Amen.
44:38 Amen.
44:42 And every Seventh-day Adventist...
44:49 Mm-hmm.
44:52 See, it's not about the name.
44:56 It's about Jesus in your heart.
44:58 Now is the Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:00 the right church?
45:01 And I'll use that bigoted, isolationist term.
45:06 Is it?
45:08 Uh-huh, I've no doubt about that.
45:12 But Seventh-day Adventists, as a name, doesn't save you.
45:18 We have heard the joyful sound, Jesus said.
45:22 Amen?
45:23 So if you're in the church and not in Christ,
45:26 you are lost.
45:30 Because it's not about the name, and it's not about the place.
45:34 It's about who and how.
45:38 And that's what He needed her to understand at that moment.
45:41 It's about who and how.
45:43 That is a message He never gave to the Jews.
45:46 They never heard that from His lips because they
45:48 wouldn't have accepted it.
45:51 Too self-righteous, too in to the temple, and too bigoted.
45:55 But that was the clincher for that woman.
45:58 Now get this statement in John 4:21-24.
46:02 Christ deliberately kept this from the Jews
46:04 because they weren't ready for it.
46:06 He didn't even say that to the disciples.
46:10 Ellen White says, this is, Desire of Ages, page 190,
46:13 "But that which had been withheld from the Jews
46:16 and which the disciples were afterwards enjoined
46:20 to keep secret, was revealed to her."
46:22 So He told her something that day at that well
46:26 that He didn't tell the Jews,
46:28 that He didn't tell the disciples,
46:29 that He didn't tell Nicodemus,
46:30 that He didn't tell any of those persons
46:32 that He had those one on one conversations with.
46:34 He went all the way to Samaria to talk to a hated woman
46:38 who He shouldn't have been talking to, at high noon
46:40 at a well, one on one, man and woman.
46:42 It should have never happened.
46:43 And He gave her something He gave to nobody else
46:45 throughout His ministry.
46:50 Jesus saw that she would make use of her knowledge
46:54 in bringing others to share His grace.
46:57 That's the only reason Christ gives anybody anything.
47:01 So that you can use it to bring others to the foot of the cross.
47:07 So He gave her something special because He knew she would
47:09 use that special something to help save somebody else.
47:13 That's powerful that He gave it to a Samaritan.
47:17 Something He didn't give even to His own disciples.
47:20 The Bible says to study to show thyself approved,
47:25 because He wants us to get ready to be able to reveal
47:28 the character of Christ to everybody we meet.
47:30 No two people are the same.
47:34 No two people have the same experience.
47:37 Everybody is different.
47:39 And praise God, Jesus tailored His experience
47:43 for that particular woman.
47:45 And that's the way it is for all of us.
47:47 Christ tailors His experience for what you need
47:53 at the time you need it.
47:55 Danny Shelton and I are friends.
47:59 But Danny is cowboy boots.
48:02 And I like cowboy boots.
48:06 But I can't wear them.
48:11 I tried to try on some of J.D.'s cowboy boots the other day.
48:15 Hurt my feet.
48:17 And they're not suppose to do that.
48:19 I'm city, he's country.
48:21 So he gets a country Jesus...
48:28 ...and I get a city Jesus.
48:30 You know what?
48:32 Same Jesus.
48:34 Amen?
48:35 Shelly's from Texas.
48:38 So is J.D. So is Jim.
48:41 I'm from New York.
48:43 They get a Texas Jesus,
48:46 I get a New York Jesus.
48:49 Guess what?
48:51 Same Jesus.
48:54 But He tailors our experience,
48:56 because everybody's road is different.
48:59 And it doesn't matter what road you're on,
49:01 because we're all heading to the same place.
49:07 And Christ uses a term, and I love this...
49:09 Got to check my time.
49:10 Christ uses a term that He uses nowhere else in the Bible
49:15 to no one else in the Bible.
49:16 It's only used one time.
49:17 It's in verse 21.
49:20 Christ says, "Believe Me."
49:25 Ever use that term?
49:26 When you're getting ready to get serious?
49:29 "Child, believe me."
49:32 "You've got to believe me."
49:34 Only one time, to one person, and she was a Samaritan.
49:38 He says, "Woman, believe Me when I tell you."
49:43 Huh?
49:44 "Believe Me."
49:46 Only one time, to a non-Jew, on a hot day,
49:51 at a Samaritan well.
49:52 He says, "Believe Me."
49:56 The time is coming when everything is going to change.
50:01 And you're not going to worry about Jerusalem,
50:04 you're not going to worry about Gerizim;
50:07 you're only going to worry about Jesus.
50:10 Aren't you glad that we don't serve a "one size fits all" God?
50:17 God tailors our salvation experience for each of us.
50:23 If you look at how He treated Nicodemus,
50:25 how He treated Matthew,
50:26 how He treated this woman at the well,
50:28 how He treated Pilate,
50:30 how He treated an unnamed Canaanite.
50:33 Each presentation tailored to meet the spiritual needs
50:36 of that individual.
50:38 This woman needed to know, one, she was a sinner.
50:42 Two, that she could be saved.
50:46 Three, that praying at Gerizim wasn't going to do it.
50:51 Four, that Jesus, the stranger from Galilee,
50:55 had what she needed.
50:58 Five, when you get it, you'll never thirst again.
51:06 But more than that, more than that,
51:09 so much more, when you get and receive living water...
51:16 And we're going to talk about that this afternoon.
51:17 I'm going to show you something that I just,
51:19 I'll say, stumbled upon that I think is really exciting.
51:24 And why living water is so important.
51:28 Because Christ told her that day, "When you get living water,
51:35 you will become a fountain of water.
51:42 You will become a source of water.
51:47 People will be able to come to you and learn of Me."
51:54 Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is transformative.
51:58 Christ is saying, "You don't become a static pool.
52:02 You become a source of water so that people who interface
52:06 with you will learn about Me.
52:12 And they will learn so much more from Me.
52:16 You become a fountain of water."
52:20 I want to move into something,
52:21 but I'll try to just get to it fast.
52:26 Jesus gave her that day, really, the keys to the kingdom,
52:37 and He showed her the way of salvation.
52:45 And by the grace of God, His Bible study was not wasted.
52:51 She dropped her water pot and ran into town.
52:56 Isn't it interesting, and I don't know, I've got to check
53:00 if this is just the language that John employs,
53:05 or if it's a commentary on the kind of people
53:11 that she knew.
53:13 But the Bible says she went and got the men of the town.
53:19 Did you read that?
53:20 She went and got the guys.
53:22 Now I don't know if the Bible is just discounting the women
53:26 who may have come, or since the only people that
53:31 she was really associating with was guys,
53:35 that's who she went and got.
53:39 And the Bible doesn't touch on this, but I'm very curious
53:42 to know if any of her five ex's were in that group.
53:49 But she said, "Come and see a Man who told me
53:55 everything that I have done."
54:01 And they came.
54:03 And there was conversion that day.
54:06 Because a little woman with a bad reputation
54:11 had met Jesus.
54:13 And when you meet Jesus, you can't keep it to yourself.
54:20 And when you share Jesus, His word does not come back void.
54:28 That's the power of the gospel.
54:31 I rather suspect that when we get to heaven,
54:36 we will meet that little lady.
54:39 And we may meet all five of her ex's.
54:43 And we may meet number six, who she never got married to.
54:50 But what a day of rejoicing that will be.
54:55 Because Jesus broke tradition and stopped by a Samaritan well.
55:00 No one is beyond the reach of Jesus.
55:06 It doesn't matter what you've done.
55:09 It doesn't matter how many times you've done it.
55:15 It doesn't matter what you think of yourself.
55:19 Because even when you give up on yourself,
55:22 Jesus doesn't give up on you.
55:25 And He will plant Himself right in your way
55:31 to get your attention.
55:33 He'll make you have to go around Him.
55:35 And He's not going to ignore you.
55:36 He will say, "I've got water for you.
55:41 I've got something that when you drink,
55:43 not only will you not thirst, but you will become a
55:48 wellspring of waters for others."
55:52 Isn't that exciting?
55:54 Not only do you not get thirsty, you become a river.
56:00 And others can come to you and find Jesus,
56:05 like those in the city of Sychar found Jesus
56:11 through a little lady at a Samaritan well.
56:16 Shall we pray.
56:18 Gracious Father, how we praise You and thank You
56:25 that Jesus traveled out of His way to meet a woman
56:31 who needed to meet Him.
56:35 Because that says that Christ will travel out of His way
56:39 to meet me at the point of my need.
56:44 Wherever I am; in Jerusalem, Samaria,
56:49 the utter parts of the world, or Thompsonville, Illinois,
56:56 Christ will find me and call me, and give me, through the power
57:02 of His Holy Spirit, living water.
57:07 Father, everyone in this house wants that water.
57:13 Not only want that water, Lord, we need that water,
57:18 we crave that water,
57:21 that we may never be thirsty again.
57:24 But more than that, that through the out flowing
57:29 of that living stream, our lives will be a blessing,
57:36 and others will see Jesus in us.
57:41 Oh mighty Father, would You be pleased
57:46 to give us living water that we may never
57:55 ever thirst again.


Revised 2016-02-15