Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: Revela

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ARSS

Program Code: ARSS190001S

00:16 Well, good morning, everyone.
00:18 Good morning.
00:20 Welcome to Anchor 2019.
00:23 This year, as advertised,
00:25 we are going to study the seven seals.
00:29 We're going to study from Revelation Chapter 4
00:32 through Revelation 8:1.
00:37 It's going to be an exciting study.
00:39 We're going to try and cover as much material as we can.
00:43 Somebody was asking,
00:44 "How can you have 24 sessions just on the seals?"
00:49 The answer is that
00:50 there's a lot of material on the seals
00:53 when you study them verse by verse,
00:55 and carefully.
00:57 Now, we are live streaming.
00:59 So we also want to welcome those individuals
01:02 who are watching on our television stations,
01:05 SUMTV and SUMTV Latino.
01:08 And we also want to thank those who are watching online.
01:12 We want to welcome you to Anchor this year.
01:16 I just want to announce that the syllabus
01:18 at this point is not available
01:20 for those who are watching our television channels
01:24 and online.
01:26 It will be available as soon as the class is finished,
01:30 not only for purchase but also for free.
01:33 If you go to our website,
01:34 and do a search, you'll find the syllabus.
01:37 You'll be able to read it online.
01:41 You will also be able to download it if you wish.
01:44 So it will be available as soon as the class is finished.
01:49 What we want to do in our class today,
01:51 after we have a word of prayer
01:54 is go through the handout that you received
01:56 at the very beginning that you have at your settings.
02:00 And so let's have a word of prayer.
02:01 And then we're going to go through that
02:03 introductory material that will help us
02:05 understand the seals all the better.
02:08 So let's bow our heads for prayer.
02:11 Father in heaven, we thank You for the privilege
02:13 of being here today.
02:15 We realize that
02:16 we're living in very momentous times,
02:19 times when prophecy is being fulfilled
02:22 everywhere we look.
02:24 And the seals have a special message for this day.
02:28 We ask that as we begin this series of classes
02:31 that you will be with us
02:32 through the ministry of your Holy Spirit.
02:34 I ask, Lord, that You will open our minds
02:36 that we might understand,
02:38 that You will open our hearts that we might receive,
02:42 and that You will empower us
02:44 to live in harmony with Your will
02:46 as history winds down to an end.
02:50 We thank You, Father,
02:51 for the promise of Your presence.
02:53 And we ask that You will be with us,
02:56 we claim that promise in the precious name of Jesus.
03:00 Amen.
03:03 First of all, let's review the table of contents
03:07 in your syllabus.
03:09 This is a massive syllabus,
03:11 you know, this is the second edition
03:13 of the syllabus on the seals.
03:15 The first one had a little less than 200 pages,
03:18 this one has 400, almost 450 pages.
03:22 So a lot of material has been added.
03:24 And I just want to go through the syllabus.
03:26 So we're all aware of what it contains
03:29 and how much we're going to be able to cover in the class.
03:33 First of all, Chapters 1 through 8,
03:37 basically deal with the introductory vision
03:42 to the seals.
03:44 Now I have covered this material before.
03:47 I did a series on the 24 elders.
03:50 However, probably there's some people here
03:53 who have never seen that series.
03:55 And, so I'm going to cover that material again,
03:58 because it's crucially important
04:00 for understanding the seals.
04:02 So we can't just assume, well,
04:04 let's just skip Chapters 4 and 5,
04:06 and go directly to Chapter 6.
04:09 So we are going to review that material on the 24 elders
04:13 and the introductory vision of Revelation 4 and 5.
04:17 So the first eight chapters
04:18 deal with the introductory vision
04:22 of Revelation Chapter 4 and Revelation Chapter 5.
04:26 There's also two addendums to this section.
04:30 In other words, additional studies that are added
04:32 that are related to the chapters
04:35 that we have there.
04:37 The first addendum is concerning
04:41 what happened on the day of Pentecost
04:44 because we're going to notice that in Revelation 4:5,
04:47 really what you have is a description of Christ
04:49 arriving in heaven
04:51 to begin His intercessory ministry
04:53 on the day of Pentecost.
04:54 And so that addendum, the Lord is our rock helps us
04:58 understand a little bit better
05:01 what happened when Jesus arrived in heaven.
05:04 The second addendum is called chain reaction.
05:08 And that one has to do with the persecutions
05:12 that started right after the day of Pentecost
05:16 and continued through the period
05:18 of the Roman Empire.
05:20 And that's going to help us understand a little bit more,
05:24 particularly the second seal of Revelation Chapter 6.
05:30 So, you have then the first eight chapters
05:33 with the two addendums deal with introductory matters,
05:35 the introductory vision of Revelation 4 and 5.
05:39 Then Chapters 9 through 14,
05:41 you have a study of the first six seals.
05:46 And the majority of our time
05:49 we are going to spend studying the six seals.
05:53 Then our Chapter 15 deals
05:55 with the Revelation 7 interlude.
05:57 In other words, there's an interlude
05:59 between the first six seals and the seventh seal.
06:05 And, of course, Chapter 7 deals with the sealing
06:08 of the 144,000.
06:09 Then the question is,
06:11 why is there that interruption or interlude
06:15 between seal number six and seal number seven.
06:18 There's a large section there
06:20 that deals with the Revelation Chapter 7 interlude.
06:25 And then there's an entire chapter,
06:27 Chapter 16, that deals with the seventh seal.
06:32 The seventh seal is only one verse.
06:35 There is silence in heaven
06:38 for the space of about half an hour.
06:41 And, you know, I used to think that that referred to,
06:46 perhaps the Second Coming of Jesus
06:48 is going to take seven days,
06:49 or we're going to take seven days
06:51 traveling back to heaven.
06:53 But I think that there's a better explanation to that,
06:56 and we'll deal with the seventh seal in Chapter 16.
07:01 And then Chapter 17 to 22
07:04 are chapters that deal with a seal of God
07:06 and the mark of the beast.
07:08 Basically, we're probably not going to be able to cover
07:12 all of those chapters.
07:13 There are different ways of looking
07:15 at the Sabbath Sunday issue at the end of time.
07:19 If we have time, at the end of the class,
07:22 we will cover some of those,
07:23 but I'm not sure if we're going to have time
07:26 to go through that.
07:27 So you'll notice, for example,
07:29 in the syllabus beginning on page 331.
07:33 What is God's eschatological seal?
07:36 And basically that chapter
07:38 deals with an objection that is presented
07:42 to the Sabbath as the seal of God.
07:44 You know, people say, well, but the Bible says
07:47 that the seal is the Holy Spirit.
07:49 The Apostle Paul says the seal is the Holy Spirit.
07:51 So how come Adventists say that the seal is the Sabbath?
07:54 That chapter answers that particular question
07:57 that people ask.
07:59 The next chapter, the papacy,
08:01 the Jesuits on the Sabbath is a real eye-opening chapter,
08:05 because it deals with the papal strategy today.
08:09 And, of course, the pope is a Jesuit,
08:11 to eventually enforce Sunday as a day of worship.
08:15 There's been a change in the talking points
08:18 of the Roman Catholic papacy
08:19 and you can read that in that chapter.
08:22 Then you have lessons from a forbidden tree.
08:25 And basically, that deals with the test of Adam and Eve
08:29 in the Garden over a tree
08:31 compared to the final test regarding the Sabbath.
08:35 There's a remarkable striking parallel between the two.
08:39 The next one is a short one, the idle Sabbath.
08:42 Ellen White constantly called Sunday,
08:44 the idle Sabbath.
08:46 Why would she call it the idle Sabbath?
08:49 Well, in that chapter, I think there's an explanation
08:52 to that particular question.
08:53 The Seal of the Living God.
08:56 That's a chapter that actually deals
08:58 with all of the reasons in the Bible,
09:00 why we believe
09:01 that the Sabbath in the end time
09:03 is the seal of God.
09:06 It does it from several different perspectives.
09:08 And then finally, I decided to add
09:11 the newsletter article that I wrote,
09:13 which wasn't the last one, but the one before last,
09:17 reflections on a Sabbath debate.
09:21 Some of you or maybe most of you received the newsletter,
09:25 and you probably read that article,
09:27 but I consider it a very important article.
09:30 And so I included it at the end of the syllabus.
09:34 So basically, this is the content
09:37 of the course that we're going to have here during this week.
09:42 Now, in your handout, you'll notice
09:44 that there are three main schools of thought
09:47 concerning the seals.
09:50 We're on the page of the handout now,
09:52 the loose pages
09:54 that you had at the table when you came in.
09:58 Basically there's three schools of thought
10:00 when it comes to the seals.
10:02 The first school of thought is the preterist school.
10:06 And basically, that idea
10:09 is that the seven seals are describing events
10:13 that took place in the history of the...
10:17 the early history of the Roman Empire,
10:20 and the Jewish nation.
10:22 In other words, all of the seals
10:24 were fulfilled 17-1800 years ago,
10:30 which has very interesting implications,
10:34 because if the seven seals were fulfilled,
10:37 already, all of them
10:39 during the period of the Roman Empire,
10:41 and during the period of the Jewish nation,
10:45 then we're dealing simply with history.
10:50 And they really have no present relevance.
10:53 So it's very serious,
10:55 the school of thought that you embrace
10:57 when you study passages in the Book of Revelation.
11:01 The second view is the futurist view.
11:05 And basically what futurist believe
11:07 is when in Revelation 4:1,
11:10 a voice tells John, come up here.
11:14 They say that is the rapture of the church.
11:17 And then they say that
11:19 after the rapture of the church,
11:20 then the seven seals will transpire in order.
11:24 In other words, the seven seals,
11:25 all of them are future
11:27 after the rapture of the church.
11:30 Now, if that is true, then the seven seals
11:33 have no relevance for us today.
11:36 Because they are going to be fulfilled
11:38 after we're gone to heaven.
11:41 So what the devil has done through the preterist
11:43 and through the futurist school is try to convince people
11:48 that these things have no relevance for us.
11:51 The preterist say,
11:52 all fulfilled in the past, its history.
11:55 Okay, it might be academically interest,
11:58 interesting to study it, to know,
12:00 you know what transpired in history,
12:01 but it has no present relevance.
12:03 And for those who believe that the seals are future
12:06 after the rapture of the church,
12:08 then the seals have no relevance for us,
12:11 because supposedly we're going to be gone
12:14 when the seven seals occur.
12:16 Are you understanding the point?
12:18 So if that's the case,
12:19 why even bother to have this class?
12:22 But the seals according to the third school,
12:25 the historicist school,
12:28 have very much relevance today.
12:31 Let's just notice the little writing
12:34 under the historicist school.
12:37 The historicist school teaches that the introductory vision,
12:42 that is Revelation 4 and 5,
12:44 describe the arrival of Jesus
12:48 to His Father at the ascension.
12:51 This is very important, the chronology.
12:54 In other words, the vision of Revelation 4 and 5,
12:57 in Revelation Chapter 4,
12:58 the Father sitting on His throne.
13:00 There are the 24 elders, the four living creatures,
13:03 the seven lamps of fire,
13:04 which represent the Holy Spirit,
13:06 and Jesus isn't there yet, the angels,
13:08 the angelic hosts aren't there.
13:10 And then in Chapter 5, Jesus arrives.
13:13 He is the lamb as though it had been slain,
13:16 and He presents His wounds to His Father.
13:18 His Father accepts His sacrifice
13:19 and He begins His intercessory ministry.
13:23 So for the historicist school,
13:25 the seals begin with the ascension of Christ.
13:28 That's the introductory vision.
13:30 And then the seven seals are the events
13:32 that transpire from the point
13:36 that Jesus begins His intercessory ministry
13:39 until the Second Coming of Christ.
13:42 In other words, the seals describe the events
13:44 that take place between Christ's inauguration
13:47 and the consummation when Jesus comes.
13:50 So you can follow in the seals
13:52 the sequence of historical events.
13:54 It's kind of like the seven churches,
13:56 kind of like the seven trumpets,
13:58 kind of like Daniel 2 that begins in the days
14:02 when Daniel wrote,
14:03 and concludes at the Second Coming of Christ.
14:06 So basically, that seals have much relevance
14:09 because we can follow the historical trajectory.
14:12 And, you know, I believe that now
14:14 we are living in the second part
14:16 of the sixth seal.
14:17 And soon the events of the sixth seal
14:20 are going to come to conclusion.
14:22 Jesus is going to come and then the seventh seal
14:24 is going to take place,
14:25 so we can follow the flow of history.
14:28 And we can know that everything has been fulfilled the way
14:30 God has said that it's going to be fulfilled,
14:32 and we know exactly where we are,
14:34 and what still needs to be fulfilled.
14:37 Are you follow me or not?
14:38 That's the beauty of the historicist method
14:41 of interpreting Bible prophecy.
14:46 Now, let's notice at the bottom of the page of the handout,
14:50 the historicist principles that we are going to apply.
14:53 First of all, we allow the Bible
14:57 to interpret the symbols of the seals
15:02 because the Bible does not explain the seven seals.
15:06 There's no explanation to this,
15:08 to the symbols of the seven seals
15:10 in Revelation 4 through 8:1.
15:14 You know, you won't find we're in Revelation Chapter 7,
15:17 you have the seal.
15:18 It doesn't say the seal is the Sabbath.
15:21 It doesn't tell you what the trees are.
15:23 It doesn't tell you what the sea is.
15:27 It doesn't explain the symbols.
15:29 So how do you understand the symbols of the seals?
15:32 You apply the historicist principle
15:34 that the Bible is its own interpreter.
15:36 You go to other texts in the Bible
15:38 that use the same symbol to understand
15:40 what the symbol means.
15:42 So if you find, for example, in Revelation Chapter 7,
15:46 it says that the wind doesn't blow on any tree.
15:50 You know, you're not looking for a place
15:52 where there's lots of trees.
15:54 No, trees symbolize God's people.
15:59 There are multiple verses that compare,
16:01 he will be like a tree planted next to waters,
16:04 it says in Psalm 1.
16:06 So you know what that trees there represents God's people.
16:10 Sea, well, you know what sea represents?
16:12 It represents multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples.
16:15 But you have to go to other places in Scripture
16:18 that give you the meaning of the symbol.
16:21 The Bible is its own interpreter.
16:24 And that's the principle
16:25 that we're going to apply to the seals.
16:27 We're going to allow other texts of the Bible
16:29 to explain the meaning of each symbol.
16:32 Another point is that we need to carefully
16:34 consider the order of events,
16:38 or the literary structure,
16:40 realizing that the literary structure
16:43 of Revelation is tricky.
16:45 Maybe I shouldn't have used that word.
16:48 But, you know, if you think that you're going to,
16:51 you're going to read Revelation 1:1
16:54 through Revelation Chapter 22,
16:57 the last verse, and say,
16:58 I'm going to find an exact chronology
17:00 of all of the events that are going to take place
17:03 from Revelation 1 through the end of time,
17:05 you're going to be so confused,
17:07 you don't know what planet you're on.
17:09 Because the Book of Revelation is like Daniel,
17:12 it works in cycles.
17:14 It goes to flashbacks.
17:15 It goes forwards, it goes backwards,
17:17 that repeats, it has cycles,
17:20 and the key is to be able to determine
17:23 where a cycle ends and where a new cycle begins.
17:27 And so we're going to see that in the seals,
17:30 and that's a very, very important point.
17:32 So the historicist principle means
17:34 that we are going to take
17:36 a look at the literary structure
17:38 of the seals as well.
17:42 Let's go to the next page.
17:44 It is vitally important
17:46 to realize that the introductory verses
17:50 contain the beginning and ending point
17:52 of the entire series.
17:54 I'm going to dedicate a few minutes to this
17:56 because this is crucially important.
18:00 When the series begins, you have an introductory verse,
18:05 or sometimes two or three verses
18:08 that give you the beginning and ending point
18:10 of the entire series.
18:13 Let me give you an example.
18:14 Go to Revelation 3:21.
18:16 We'll pick up on this a little bit later.
18:19 But let's just do it now briefly.
18:23 Revelation 3:21.
18:25 This is the conclusion to the seven churches.
18:30 And it's also the introduction to the seven seals.
18:34 It gives you two points of time,
18:37 with several events in between.
18:40 Notice it says, Here Jesus is speaking,
18:43 "To him who overcomes,
18:47 I will grant to sit with Me on My throne,
18:52 as I also overcame
18:54 and sat with My Father on His throne."
18:58 Now, are there two points of time here?
19:00 Jesus overcame and He what?
19:04 And He sat with His Father on His throne.
19:06 Then he says, "If you overcome,
19:10 you will also sit with the Father," where?
19:15 "With Jesus on His throne."
19:17 So you have Jesus overcoming sitting on the throne.
19:21 If we overcome, we will sit on the throne.
19:24 So what we're going to notice is that seven seals
19:27 are simply describing the period
19:29 between when Jesus sat with His Father on His throne,
19:32 and when we will sit with Jesus on His throne.
19:36 In other words, the seven seals
19:38 describe the overcoming of God's people
19:40 throughout the course of Christian history,
19:42 culminating with sitting with Jesus on His throne.
19:45 Are you with me or not?
19:46 So this one verse
19:48 gives you the starting point for the seals.
19:50 That's when Jesus sat with His Father on his throne.
19:52 It gives you the ending point,
19:55 when after the seals God's people are victorious,
19:58 and they sit with Jesus on the throne.
20:01 So, introductory verses are extremely important.
20:05 Let's notice another introductory passage,
20:08 Revelation Chapter 8.
20:10 Revelation Chapter 8.
20:11 This is the introduction to the trumpets.
20:15 The introduction to the trumpets,
20:17 Revelation 8:2-5.
20:21 Now, our study next year, Lord willing,
20:24 if we're still here,
20:26 and you know, a final events have not reached us,
20:32 we will have our class on the trumpets.
20:35 Now, that is a very controversial part
20:39 of Revelation.
20:41 There are multiple interpretations
20:42 in the Adventist Church.
20:44 I don't know the reason why, because I've studied them,
20:48 and they seem to be pretty, pretty clear.
20:50 But we're going to study the trumpets.
20:52 And there are people in the Adventist Church
20:53 who say that all of the trumpets are future.
20:57 Others see the trumpets as having a dual application.
21:01 In other words, they were fulfilled,
21:03 and they're going to be fulfilled again in the future.
21:07 And the reason why many say
21:09 that the trumpets come
21:12 after our future,
21:16 is because of what we're going to notice now.
21:18 Revelation 8,
21:19 and let's begin at verse 2.
21:25 "And I saw the seven angels who stand before God,
21:27 and to them were given seven trumpets.
21:30 Then another angel, having a golden censer,
21:32 came and stood at the altar.
21:34 He was given much incense, that he should offer it
21:36 with the prayers of all the saints
21:38 upon the golden altar
21:39 which was before the throne.
21:41 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints,
21:44 ascended before God from the angel's hand."
21:48 Let me ask you, up to this point,
21:50 is the door of probation open?
21:55 How do we know that?
21:58 Well, because the prayers of the saints are ascending,
22:01 and Jesus is receiving the prayers of the saints,
22:04 and is mingling the prayers
22:06 with the incense of His marriage.
22:09 So we know that up to the point of verse 4,
22:15 Jesus is interceding.
22:17 That is the beginning point.
22:19 When did Jesus begin His intercessions?
22:23 When He ascended to heaven,
22:25 at the beginning of the Christian dispensation,
22:28 but then the scene changes.
22:31 It says in verse 5,
22:32 "Then the angel took the censer,
22:35 filled it with fire from the altar,
22:38 and threw it to the earth.
22:41 And there were noises, thunderings,
22:43 lightnings and an earthquake."
22:46 So what does the throwing down of the censer represent?
22:51 If the censer means presenting the prayers
22:53 of the saints before the Father,
22:55 what would the throwing down of the censer represent?
22:59 It would represent that the fact
23:01 that intercession has ceased.
23:05 So, and what happens in between
23:07 when Jesus begins His intercessions,
23:11 and when intercession ends?
23:13 The seven trumpets are in between.
23:16 Are you with me or not?
23:18 So this introductory vision gives you the starting point,
23:21 and it gives you the ending point
23:23 of the trumpets.
23:25 Now the same thing,
23:27 and this becomes a little bit more complex,
23:29 but let's take the time to do it.
23:30 Let's go to Revelation Chapter 11.
23:33 Revelation Chapter 11.
23:35 This is the conclusion of the seven trumpets,
23:39 the conclusion of the seven trumpets.
23:42 And this is where you're going to see
23:43 that we really need to be careful about
23:45 studying the sequence or the order of events.
23:49 It says there in Revelation Chapter 11,
23:51 and let's begin at verse 15.
23:54 Revelation 11:15,
23:57 "Then the seventh angel sounded:
24:00 And there were loud voices in heaven, saying,
24:02 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms
24:05 of our Lord and of His Christ,
24:07 and He shall reign forever and ever!'
24:09 And the twenty-four elders
24:11 who sat before God on their thrones
24:13 fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying..."
24:15 Now notice what the hymn,
24:17 the theme of the hymn is saying,
24:20 "We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty,
24:22 The One who is and who was and who is to come."
24:26 Now notice this.
24:27 "Because You have taken Your great power and reigned."
24:32 So what is the seventh trumpet?
24:35 The seventh trumpet is when Jesus takes over what?
24:38 Takes over the kingdom.
24:40 He begins to reign.
24:42 When does Jesus begin to reign?
24:48 Well, He actually begins to reign
24:51 when probation closes,
24:52 because His kingdom is complete.
24:55 The investigative judgment has revealed
24:57 who are subjects of His kingdom?
24:58 His kingdom are His subjects.
25:01 So when the investigative judgment ends,
25:03 His kingdom is made up.
25:05 However, Jesus does not take over the reigns of the kingdom
25:09 until the Second Coming.
25:11 But legally, the verdict is already there
25:13 when probation closes,
25:15 because His kingdom,
25:16 the group of His followers has been made up
25:18 by the investigative judgment.
25:20 Then they go through a time of trouble
25:22 where it appears that Satan is in control.
25:24 Because Ellen White says that,
25:26 you know, after the close of probation,
25:29 Satan will have full control over the final impenitent.
25:33 So it would appear that Satan is in control,
25:35 even though Jesus has legally taken over the kingdom.
25:38 Now Satan is struggling to keep his kingdom.
25:41 But then after the tribulation,
25:42 Jesus empirically and personally
25:44 takes the kingdom.
25:46 Are you with me or not?
25:47 So the seventh trumpet deals with the close of probation
25:50 and with Jesus taking over His kingdom.
25:54 So in verse 17, the seventh trumpet ends.
25:59 But now in...
26:01 Here's the tricky part in verse 18.
26:03 If you read verse 18, after verse 17,
26:09 you're going to be all messed up.
26:11 Because verse, what verse 18
26:13 does is it gives you the structure
26:15 of the rest of the book.
26:19 In other words,
26:21 is giving you the introduction to the main sections
26:25 of the last half of the Book of Revelation.
26:28 You say, "How is that?"
26:30 Well, let's notice those events.
26:34 And you'll see this at just below the middle of the page,
26:39 where you have those bullet points.
26:42 It says in Revelation 11:18,
26:44 "The nations were angry,
26:49 and Your wrath has come,
26:53 and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
26:57 and that You should reward Your servants
26:58 the prophets and the saints,
27:00 and those who fear Your name,
27:02 small and great, and should destroy those
27:04 who destroy the earth."
27:07 Now, you've several events mentioned in this verse.
27:11 You've, first of all, the nations were what?
27:14 The nations were angry.
27:16 Now when it says the nations were angry,
27:19 who are they angry at?
27:22 See, this doesn't mean that they're just mad at each other.
27:26 It means that they're angry at whom?
27:29 They're angry at God,
27:30 and they're angry at God's people.
27:31 The nations were angry.
27:34 And then it says, "Your wrath has come."
27:36 Let me ask you, what is God's wrath?
27:39 Where is God's wrath poured out?
27:42 In the seven last plagues,
27:43 is that before or after the close of probation?
27:46 That's after the close of probation.
27:49 And then it says and the time of the dead,
27:51 that they should be judged.
27:53 Now you say, "Now, wait a minute.
27:55 Doesn't the judgment take place before the seven last plagues
27:58 are poured out?
28:01 Yes, but maybe this judgment is not talking about
28:05 the pre-advent investigative judgment.
28:07 Maybe this is talking about the millennial judgment.
28:12 And you're gonna see that that's just the case.
28:15 So it says, once again, the nations were angry.
28:21 That's happening now during probationary time,
28:23 angry at God's people.
28:25 Your wrath has come,
28:26 that's God's response to the anger of the nations,
28:29 and the time of the dead,
28:31 that they should be judged.
28:33 And notice, and that you should reward your servants,
28:36 the prophets and the saints,
28:38 and those who fear your name small and great,
28:40 and to destroy those who destroy the earth.
28:45 So you have this section here, you have five events.
28:49 The nations were angry, which is happening now.
28:53 And it's going to intensify,
28:55 to the point where you have a Sunday law,
28:57 a death decree.
28:59 Your wrath has come,
29:01 that's God's response to the anger of the nations
29:03 against His people.
29:05 The time to judge the dead,
29:09 the time to reward God's servants,
29:12 and the time to destroy those who destroy the earth.
29:16 Now you'll notice on the left hand side,
29:17 the sections in the last half of Revelation
29:20 that are being dealt with.
29:22 Revelation Chapter 12 through 14
29:24 describes the anger of the nations.
29:27 In other words,
29:29 that's an amplification of that phrase,
29:31 the nations were angry.
29:33 Is that the emphasis of Revelation Chapter 12?
29:37 Yes, the dragon wants to kill the man child.
29:41 The dragon persecutes the woman for 1260 years.
29:44 Then the dragon was angry at the remnant of her seed
29:48 who keep the commandments of God.
29:49 The central theme is the anger of the nations
29:51 against Christ and His people.
29:53 Revelation 13, you have the beast that receives it,
29:58 receives power and throne and authority from the dragon.
30:02 The dragon is the Roman Empire.
30:05 The same empire that wanted to kill Jesus,
30:07 and then the beast that receives the power
30:09 and the throne persecutes God's people
30:12 for 1260 years.
30:14 And then a beast rises from the earth
30:17 that gives a decree that you can't buy or sell.
30:21 And whoever doesn't receive the mark of the beast
30:22 is going to be killed.
30:23 Is that the anger of the nations?
30:25 Oh, yeah, absolutely.
30:27 And then after the three...
30:29 When the three angels' messages are proclaimed,
30:31 then you have the wicked gathered around Jerusalem,
30:34 they're in the winepress,
30:35 they want to destroy those who are within the city,
30:38 because they've accepted the messages of three angels.
30:40 So the central theme of Revelation 12, 13, and 14
30:43 is the anger of the nations against God's people.
30:46 And it's summarized in that one phrase
30:49 that introduces the second half of the book.
30:51 Are you following me?
30:53 Then your wrath has come, where would that be described?
30:56 Well, that would be in the next section
30:57 in the last half of Revelation.
30:59 You read Revelation 15,
31:01 it speaks about the close of probation.
31:03 It says there that the temple is filled with smoke,
31:06 that heavenly temple
31:08 which refers to the Most Holy Place.
31:09 No one can enter the temple until the seven last plagues
31:13 have been poured out.
31:14 So that's at close of probation.
31:16 And the seven last plagues are God's wrath.
31:19 Are you following me or not?
31:22 So Revelation 15 through 19 describes
31:24 the close of probation and the seven last plagues.
31:27 All of that section deals with the seven last plagues.
31:31 Now you say what about the time to judge the dead?
31:35 Well, if we're following in chronological order,
31:37 which dead is this talking about judging?
31:42 It's not talking about the investigative judgment
31:44 of God's people before the Second Coming, because...
31:47 Because the plagues,
31:49 once the plagues are poured out,
31:51 probation has closed.
31:54 Are you with me or not?
31:55 So it must refer to another investigation,
31:58 another, other dead people who are being judged.
32:00 Who would those be?
32:02 Those wicked people who remained on earth
32:06 and are being judged during the millennium?
32:08 Is there a millennial judgment?
32:10 Revelation Chapter 20 says that judgment was committed
32:14 to those who were beheaded
32:18 because they did not worship the beast,
32:20 his image or received the mark.
32:22 So the time to judge the dead is not the righteous dead.
32:26 It's the time to judge the wicked dead,
32:28 who have been left here at the Second Coming.
32:32 Are you with me?
32:34 And then is that the same time that God rewards His people?
32:38 When He begins to judge the wicked,
32:41 does He also reward His people?
32:43 Yes, He does.
32:45 The same time at the Second Coming.
32:47 You know, Jesus takes His people to heaven,
32:49 He rewards them with heaven,
32:51 and the judgment of the wicked begins.
32:53 And then what is the last section
32:55 of the Book of Revelation?
32:57 Well, you'll notice in Revelation 20:14-15,
33:02 "The wicked are destroyed."
33:04 In other words, those who destroyed the earth
33:08 are they themselves destroyed
33:11 after they are judged.
33:14 So Revelation 11:18
33:17 is actually a summary
33:20 of the second half of the Book of Revelation,
33:22 the main events.
33:23 Now you say, are you on target?
33:26 Well, let's read this statement from Ellen White.
33:30 She knew this all the time.
33:33 You know, she, I don't think Ellen White,
33:35 you know, sat down to study the literary structure
33:39 of the trumpets.
33:41 But she did receive divine revelation.
33:43 She always presented everything exactly the way it is,
33:47 with no PhD, with no, no super,
33:53 you know, studied what all the scholars said,
33:55 "No, no, Ellen White gets everything right,
34:00 because she was inspired by God."
34:01 She put everything in the right order.
34:04 Notice this statement from Early Writings, page 36.
34:08 "Then I saw that Jesus would not leave the Most Holy Place
34:13 until every case was decided
34:15 either for salvation or destruction,
34:18 and that the wrath of God could not come
34:22 until Jesus had finished His work
34:24 in the Most Holy Place,
34:25 laid off His priestly attire and clothed Himself
34:29 with the garments of vengeance."
34:30 So when is it that the wrath of God is going to come
34:34 before the close of probation
34:36 or after the close of probation?
34:38 After Jesus ceases His intercessions.
34:41 "Then Jesus will step out
34:44 from between the Father and man,
34:46 God will keep silence no longer,
34:48 but pour out His wrath
34:51 on those who have rejected His truth."
34:54 Now listen to this.
34:55 "I saw that the anger of the nations,
34:58 the wrath of God,
35:00 and the time to judge the dead were separate and distinct,
35:05 one following the other."
35:09 So are the events in Revelation 11:19
35:11 in chronological order?
35:14 Yes or no?
35:15 According to Ellen White,
35:17 are they in chronological order?
35:18 Absolutely.
35:19 They're in chronological order.
35:21 Now, the question is, when it says,
35:24 when Ellen White says here,
35:26 I saw that the anger of the nations,
35:28 the wrath of God,
35:30 and the time to judge the dead were separate and distinct.
35:33 So is the time to judge the dead
35:35 after the close of probation,
35:37 according to this statement?
35:39 Yes.
35:41 Because He says there's an order.
35:43 The nations angry, first of all,
35:45 then the wrath of God
35:47 which is the seven last plagues,
35:48 then the time to judge the dead.
35:51 So can this be the investigative judgment
35:54 of the righteous?
35:56 It cannot be the investigative judgment
35:57 of the righteous.
35:59 It's that simple.
36:00 So we know from the testimony of Ellen White,
36:03 that the anger of the nations represents
36:05 the anger of the wicked against God's people,
36:08 God's wrath being poured out is the seven last plagues.
36:11 And the judgment of the dead is not the judgment
36:15 of the righteous dead.
36:17 It is the judgment of what?
36:19 The judgment of the wicked dead.
36:22 And then she ends the statement by saying,
36:25 once again, let's begin,
36:26 "I saw the anger of the nations,
36:28 the wrath of God,
36:29 and the time to judge the dead were separate and distinct,
36:32 one following the other.
36:34 Also that Michael had not stood up,
36:36 and that the time of trouble
36:38 such as never was had not yet commenced."
36:40 Now notice that chronological detail.
36:43 The nations are now getting angry.
36:46 So was that part still during probationary time?
36:50 The anger of the nation still during probationary time?
36:52 Yes.
36:54 Is the wrath of God after probationary time?
36:57 Is the judgment of the dead
36:58 after God pours out the seven last plagues?
37:02 Fantastic, Ellen White had it right.
37:07 And so we end the statement,
37:08 "The nations are now getting angry,
37:10 but when our High Priest
37:12 has finished his work in the Sanctuary,
37:14 he will stand up,
37:16 put on the garments of vengeance,
37:18 and then the seven last plagues
37:21 will be poured out."
37:26 And then I want you to notice how important this issue
37:29 of where new series begin and when,
37:32 where series end.
37:35 Unless, listen, we can interpret symbols
37:37 till we're blue in the face.
37:39 But if we don't know how Revelation is organized,
37:44 how the events,
37:45 what the sequence of the events is,
37:49 when one series ends, and the next series begins,
37:52 when there's a flashback, when it takes you forward.
37:57 We're not going to even know where we're at.
38:02 So even, maybe I shouldn't say even more important,
38:06 but just as important
38:08 as being able to interpret individual symbols,
38:11 what they're mean,
38:12 what they mean and put them together.
38:14 It's crucially important to know
38:15 how the Book of Revelation was organized,
38:19 the sequence of events, how the book is organized.
38:22 And so let's go now to Revelation 11:19,
38:26 see if you want to read this in chronological order,
38:31 it won't make any sense.
38:33 Revelation 11:19.
38:35 After we find the summary of the rest of the book,
38:38 it says, "Then the temple of God was opened in heaven,
38:43 and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple.
38:47 And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings,
38:49 an earthquake, and great hail."
38:53 Do you see what the problem is here?
38:56 If you take Revelation 11:19,
39:01 as taking place after Revelation 11:18,
39:06 you're going to be in serious trouble.
39:10 is the introductory verse
39:14 to the rest of the book.
39:17 Verse 18 gives you all of the summary
39:20 of all of the events.
39:22 gives you the starting point for the last half.
39:25 And that is the beginning of the investigative judgment
39:29 in 1844.
39:32 Every single time that Ellen White quotes
39:34 Revelation 11:19,
39:36 she applies it to what happened in 1844.
39:40 So can you read
39:42 in chronological sequence with the verse
39:44 that comes before?
39:46 No, you'll be all goofed up.
39:49 But when you realize that Revelation 11:19
39:52 is the introduction
39:56 to the last half of the book
39:58 that its focused is going to be the Most Holy Place
40:01 of the heavenly sanctuary, then it makes sense.
40:04 And incidentally, this verse
40:05 not only gives us the starting point,
40:08 the temple of God opened in heaven,
40:09 the ark of His covenant seen in His temple,
40:12 but it also gives us the ending point.
40:15 And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings,
40:17 an earthquake and great hail.
40:18 That's exactly what happens at the seventh plague.
40:23 Are you with me?
40:26 So once again, you have the introduction.
40:30 The point is the...
40:32 That Revelation Chapter 12
40:34 and following is going to focus primarily
40:37 on what happens after 1844,
40:39 the investigative judgment in heaven.
40:42 And when that concludes at the seventh plague,
40:45 which we're not going to read now,
40:46 that's where you have lightnings, noises,
40:48 thunderings, an earthquake and great hail.
40:51 So how important then is it to understand
40:56 that Revelation is not written in chronological order?
40:59 You know, there's a reason
41:00 why the Christian world is so goofed up,
41:04 because they're using the wrong method.
41:07 They're trying to open the door with the wrong key.
41:10 Only historicism will help people
41:14 unlock the secrets of the Book of Revelation.
41:17 There's no other method that will do it.
41:19 Futurism is broke.
41:23 Preterism is broke.
41:25 Only historicism makes the Book of Revelation
41:30 relevant and understandable.
41:33 Now, the last point that I want to deal with
41:35 in this introductory aspect
41:38 is that sometimes we are very inconsistent
41:43 in our way of interpreting prophecies
41:46 of the Book of Revelation.
41:48 And for a moment,
41:49 I'm going to mention something about the seven trumpets.
41:55 We are going to study
41:56 as I mentioned before next year,
41:58 Lord willing at Anchor,
42:00 the seven trumpets which cover Revelation,
42:04 basically Revelation Chapter 8
42:06 through Revelation Chapter,
42:08 the end of Chapter 11, of the Book of Revelation.
42:11 And, you know, there are many different views
42:15 of the trumpets.
42:16 Some say that the trumpets are totally future.
42:19 Some say that the trumpets are in the past.
42:22 Some say that there's a dual application
42:25 to the trumpets, you know,
42:26 they were fulfilled in the past,
42:28 and they're going to be fulfilled in the future.
42:30 But the reason why people have all of these different views
42:35 is because they're very inconsistent
42:37 in the methods that they use.
42:40 Let's just go through some of those things.
42:43 We're at the bottom of page two,
42:45 the inconsistency of method.
42:49 Now, the prophetic series all begin with what?
42:54 When you have a prophetic sequence,
42:57 they will always begin in the day
43:00 in which the prophet wrote, correct?
43:06 Where does Daniel 2 begin?
43:09 Babylon.
43:10 Did Daniel live in Babylon?
43:12 Yes. Okay.
43:14 Daniel 7?
43:16 Is it beginning with Babylon?
43:18 Yes, Daniel 8 begins with Medo-Persia.
43:22 Did Daniel lived during the period of Medo-Persia?
43:24 Yes.
43:26 Daniel 11 begins with what?
43:28 Medo-Persia.
43:30 Was Daniel alive?
43:31 Yes.
43:33 So where does the prophetic chain begin?
43:35 It begins in the time when the prophet wrote.
43:40 How about Revelation Chapter 12?
43:42 The dragon that tries to kill the man child?
43:45 Is that in the time of John?
43:47 Yes, absolutely.
43:48 Revelation 13, the dragon gives his throne,
43:51 his power and authority to the beast.
43:53 The dragon is the Roman Empire.
43:55 So you're starting at the Roman Empire again.
43:58 And then you have united... You have the seven churches.
44:02 Where does the seven churches begin?
44:04 They begin in the apostolic times.
44:07 Where do the seals begin?
44:08 The white horse, apostolic times.
44:12 So here's the problem.
44:14 Why does Uriah Smith begin the trumpets
44:20 in the fourth century
44:23 with the barbarian invasions?
44:27 Are you seeing the inconsistency?
44:30 All of the prophetic chains begin in the days
44:34 when the prophet lived.
44:36 But they say the trumpets, that's the exception.
44:39 Even though the trumpets begin not in the first century,
44:43 they begin in the fourth century
44:45 with the barbarian invasions.
44:47 We begin to detect a problem.
44:52 Furthermore, is there any evidence
44:54 that chain prophecies have a dual application?
44:59 Do the seven churches have a dual application
45:03 to the past and the future?
45:05 No.
45:07 Does Daniel 7 have a dual application?
45:10 Can you say that Daniel 7
45:12 is fulfilled twice once in the past
45:14 and then it's fulfilled in the future again?
45:17 How about Revelation 13?
45:19 Does that have a dual fulfillment?
45:22 No.
45:23 So why do we... Why would we say that
45:25 the seven trumpets have a dual fulfillment,
45:29 if none of the other chain prophecies
45:31 have a dual fulfillment?
45:33 Daniel Chapter 2 has one fulfillment
45:36 and you use the historicist method.
45:38 It helps you know exactly
45:39 where you are at any given moment
45:41 in the study of the prophecy.
45:43 So you can follow the trajectory.
45:44 It begins with the head of gold,
45:47 breast and arms of silver, belly of bronze,
45:50 legs of iron, feet of iron and clay,
45:53 the stone that hits the image,
45:55 the mountain, the everlasting kingdom.
45:57 You've been unable to follow the flow of the prophecy
46:00 from beginning to end.
46:02 So does Daniel 2 have two fulfillments?
46:05 No, it's got one.
46:07 Does Daniel 7 have two fulfillments?
46:08 The lion represents Babylon,
46:10 but then something else in the future?
46:12 No.
46:13 The bear can represent something in the past,
46:15 something in the future?
46:16 No.
46:18 Chain prophecies, you have the lion, Babylon,
46:21 the bear, Medo-Persia, the leopard, Greece,
46:23 the dragon beast, Rome,
46:25 the 10 horns, the divisions of Rome,
46:27 the little horn, the papacy, and so on.
46:31 So why would you say that the trumpets
46:34 have a dual fulfillment,
46:36 if in chain prophecies
46:38 you have basically one historicist fulfillment?
46:44 Furthermore, in the interpretation
46:47 that is given of the trumpets,
46:48 why would John dedicate four trumpets
46:51 to the barbarian invasions?
46:54 I mean, the barbarian invasions were important,
46:57 but four trumpets to the barbarian invasions.
47:01 And by the way, specific names are given
47:05 to individuals that fulfill the trumpets,
47:09 Muhammad, Odoacer, Attila the Hun,
47:14 you know, fulfill, they...
47:16 Nowhere in any of the other chain prophecies
47:19 do you have individual names fulfilling,
47:21 they are movements,
47:23 they are kingdoms that fulfill Bible prophecy.
47:28 Furthermore, in the trumpets,
47:32 you find that the inconsistency
47:34 of applying the symbols in the trumpets.
47:38 You know, different, a different method
47:41 is applied to interpreting the symbols of the trumpets,
47:46 then what is used to interpret the symbols
47:48 in other passages of Bible prophecy.
47:51 You know, you read, for example,
47:53 some books on the seven trumpets,
47:56 some Adventist books on the seven trumpets.
47:58 And what they'll do is sometimes
48:00 they'll interpret the symbols literally,
48:01 and sometimes they'll interpret them
48:03 as symbolic.
48:05 There appears to be really no method,
48:08 no hermeneutical method to interpret the symbols.
48:12 As Adventists, we've understood that the symbols
48:14 before the Second Coming, the symbols
48:16 represent something that is not literal,
48:19 but it's symbolic.
48:21 But in many of the expositions of the trumpets,
48:24 you have a literalizing of symbols,
48:28 which really should be understood
48:31 in a symbolic sense.
48:34 One final point that we have on this
48:37 is that in the series on the trumpets,
48:41 many see the Muslims fulfilling.
48:47 Yes, particularly the fifth and sixth trumpets.
48:51 Now, the big question is,
48:54 where do you find the Muslims in any of the prophetic change?
49:00 Are the Muslims in Daniel 2?
49:03 No.
49:05 Are the Muslims in Daniel 7?
49:07 No.
49:09 Are the Muslims in Daniel 8 and 9?
49:12 No.
49:13 Are the Muslims in Daniel 11?
49:18 No.
49:20 Are the Muslims in the seven churches?
49:24 Are the Muslims in the seven seals?
49:27 Are the Muslims in Revelation 12?
49:31 Are they in Revelation 13?
49:34 They appear nowhere in any of the prophetic chains.
49:39 So why would there be a great emphasis
49:44 in the trumpet series on the role of the Muslims?
49:49 These are questions that we need to ask ourselves
49:51 when we study the trumpets.
49:54 And we're going to look at it in detail
49:58 in our next Anchor class.
50:00 So basically, these are some of the things
50:03 that we have to take into account
50:05 when we are studying not only the seals,
50:09 but other passages of Scripture as well.
50:12 So let me ask you,
50:14 was what we looked at so far clear?
50:17 Were you able to follow and understand
50:19 what we've dealt with?
50:21 So we are going to apply these principles
50:24 to the study of the seals,
50:27 all of these historicist principles
50:30 that we find come from Scripture itself.
50:34 Now what we want to do is we want to go to page three.
50:39 And we are going to begin
50:43 our study of the seals,
50:47 particularly the introductory vision,
50:49 but before we go to the introductory vision,
50:52 we need to take a look at events that happened
50:56 while Christ was still on earth.
50:59 As the introductory vision simply points
51:02 to His ascension to heaven and His inauguration
51:05 as the interceding High Priest.
51:07 We need to look at some events that transpired
51:10 while Jesus was on this earth.
51:13 So first of all, what we want to notice
51:16 is that Jesus is the creator.
51:19 And because He is the creator,
51:21 He is responsible for our existence.
51:25 Is that a true statement?
51:28 He's not responsible for our sin.
51:31 He's responsible for our existence,
51:33 because He created us.
51:35 Notice John 1:1-3, "In the beginning was the Word,
51:40 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
51:44 He was in the beginning with God.
51:46 All things were made through Him."
51:49 That is Jesus, the Word.
51:51 "And without Him nothing was made that was made."
51:56 So who was the creator of all things?
51:58 Jesus.
52:00 So did Jesus create all of us?
52:04 No, you came from your mother, folks?
52:09 And where did your mother come from?
52:12 From her mother.
52:14 And where did her mother come from?
52:16 Well, from her mother.
52:18 So if you go back all the way to the beginning,
52:20 where do you end the chain?
52:22 With Adam and Eve.
52:24 So when Jesus created Adam and Eve,
52:26 He created all of us, because we all come from them.
52:29 So He's responsible for the existence
52:32 of every person here on planet earth.
52:37 Now, at the beginning, when Jesus created this world,
52:40 He placed Adam as the original ruler
52:45 over this realm.
52:47 Adam was the king, in other words,
52:50 of this realm of this world.
52:53 Psalm 8:3-5 tells us this.
52:57 One evening,
52:59 the psalmist was contemplating the heavens,
53:04 and he wrote these words.
53:05 "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
53:09 the moon and the stars, which You have ordained.
53:13 What is man that You are mindful of him,
53:17 and the son of man that You visit him?
53:20 You have made him a little lower than the angels,
53:24 and You have crowned him."
53:26 This speaking about the creation of Adam.
53:28 "You have crowned him with glory and honor."
53:31 Who wears crowns?
53:33 Kings.
53:35 Now, every king has a realm of dominion.
53:38 So Adam was created to be king, king of what?
53:42 Notice verse 6,
53:45 "You have made him to have dominion
53:48 over the works of Your hands,
53:50 You have put all things under his feet."
53:53 That means that He's the ruler.
53:55 "All sheep and oxen, even the beasts of the field,
53:59 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea
54:02 that pass through the paths of the seas."
54:06 So God chose Adam as the king.
54:10 And his territory was everything relating
54:13 to planet earth.
54:15 However, there was a condition for him
54:19 to remain ruler over this realm.
54:22 And that was to offer God sinless perfection.
54:29 And Adam did not offer what God required.
54:34 And therefore, the Bible tells us
54:37 that Satan usurped the throne that belonged to Adam,
54:43 and the territory over which he ruled.
54:46 And we find this in Luke 4:5-7,
54:51 this is on the Mount of Temptation.
54:53 It says, "Then the devil,
54:55 taking him up on a high mountain,
54:59 showed Him all the kingdoms of the world
55:01 in a moment of time.
55:04 And the devil said to him..."
55:05 By this time, there were many kingdoms,
55:07 there was still the planet earth.
55:10 And the devil said to Him, 'All this authority,"
55:13 that's the position, right?
55:15 "All the authority, I will give you,
55:19 and their glory,
55:21 for this has been delivered to me,"
55:22 who delivered it to him?
55:24 Adam, "for this has been delivered to me,
55:27 and I give it to whomever I wish.
55:31 Therefore, if you will worship me,
55:33 all will be Yours.'"
55:36 So who took over the throne of this world?
55:39 Satan, and this became his realm of dominion,
55:44 his territory.
55:45 Of course, he usurped it.
55:47 It was not rightfully his.
55:48 He stole it from Adam.
55:51 In Romans 6:16, which is not in your syllabus,
55:54 it says, "Do you not know that
55:56 to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey,
55:58 you are slaves of whom you obey."
56:02 And Adam chose to obey Satan,
56:05 and therefore he became a slave of Satan.
56:09 And, of course, all of his descendants sinned,
56:14 because all have sinned
56:15 and come short of the glory of God.
56:16 So all of Adam's descendants
56:19 became slaves as well.
56:24 Now,
56:27 man or mankind therefore needed
56:31 some way to be saved.
56:34 See, Jesus now says,
56:35 I'm responsible for their existence.
56:39 They've sinned, they're lost, they're going to die,
56:42 they're going to suffer second death.
56:44 I need to implement a plan
56:47 so that they can recover what was lost.
56:51 Now, we're going to notice in our next study together,
56:54 that the redeemer of the lost possession,
56:59 and the emancipator from slavery
57:02 had to be a next of kin.
57:06 In other words, had to be a close relative,
57:09 in order to redeem someone
57:11 who had sold himself into slavery,
57:13 or someone who had sold their patrimony or their,
57:17 the land over which they governed.
57:21 Only a next of kin could recover
57:26 by making a payment what had been lost.
57:30 But we're gonna find that the problem is
57:32 that within the human race,
57:35 there was no one who had not sold himself into slavery.
57:39 And there was no one who had not relinquished
57:42 their possession.
57:44 Because the Bible says that all are sinners,
57:47 and come short of the glory of God.
57:49 So within the human race, there was no one
57:51 who could recover the last, lost possession.
57:55 But we shall see that someone did show up.


Revised 2021-10-21