Awesome Science

Arches National Park & Bridges Nat. Monument Pt2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ASB

Program Code: ASB000113A

00:04 And comes from the DVD series, "Awesome Science"
00:11 NOAH JUSTICE: In eastern Utah, in the Colorado River Basin,
00:14 is a national park and a monument,
00:17 both with very unique but similar features.
00:20 Arches National Park has over 2,000 arches
00:24 formed in sandstone.
00:26 The arches range in size from very large to super small.
00:30 Some scientists say that these arches
00:32 formed over millions of years.
00:35 But at the rate they are eroding away,
00:37 this long time period would be improbable.
00:40 Then, just south of arches, is Natural Bridges National
00:44 Monument where three massive rock ridges
00:47 are found in White Canyon.
00:49 They are some of the largest natural bridges in the world.
00:53 Yet, there is no river that runs through this canyon.
00:56 Flash floods are supposed to be the erosion agent.
01:00 But again, the time frame that they
01:02 used to determine the ages of these awesome natural bridges
01:06 doesn't match the rate of erosion.
01:08 Some other mechanism with faster erosion rates was at work.
01:13 In addition, at the bottom of one of these bridges
01:16 is a mysterious figure drawn by ancient settlers which
01:19 gives hints of early animals in the southwest, specifically
01:23 what looks like a sauropod dinosaur.
01:26 Let's explore these parks and find out
01:28 how the Bible gives us hints about their formation and age.
01:33 All this and more, next on "Awesome Science."
01:42 "Awesome Science" takes you on a field trip
01:45 to some of the most amazing geologic and historic sites
01:48 around the world, where we used the Bible as our history
01:52 guidebook to interpret what we see, that Bible can be trusted,
01:56 and empirical science falls in line
01:58 with the biblical account of creation,
02:00 the fall, and the flood.
02:03 Science, it's awesome.
02:05 [music playing]
02:07 This whole region is part of the Grand Staircase, a 10,000 foot
02:12 sequence of strata that has been revealed through erosion.
02:16 These sandstone layers are known to cover entire continents,
02:20 spreading across to Europe and North Africa.
02:24 There is no other logical explanation,
02:26 other than a massive catastrophic event,
02:28 which could produce these layers.
02:31 Secular geologists believe inland seas in deserts,
02:34 over millions of years, laid down these layers.
02:38 Oceans would come and go.
02:40 But the evidence is much more consistent
02:43 with the layers being laid down very quickly by water,
02:46 with little time passing between the layers.
02:49 In addition, many of the layers contain large cross-beds.
02:53 Cross-beds can be formed by desert wind or moving water.
02:58 Scientists can determine which process
03:00 created the dunes by the downslope angle of the dunes.
03:04 Lower angles indicate that they were formed under water.
03:09 All the cross-beds in these sandstone layers
03:11 are lower-angled dunes, indicating
03:14 they were all formed in a massive catastrophic water
03:17 event spanning the continents.
03:20 Only one event in recorded history
03:22 could have accomplished this-- the global flood of Noah's day.
03:27 Most scientists can agree that natural bridges are formed
03:30 by erosion from water that flows in the stream bed of a canyon.
03:35 It is thought by secular geologists
03:37 that the bridges here were formed over long periods
03:40 of time by flash floods.
03:42 Yet, there is no regular stream or river in this canyon.
03:47 Flash floods, which are common in this area,
03:50 can undercut the walls of rock, separating
03:53 the meandering gooseneck sections of the stream.
03:56 With enough water and force, the rock wall within the meander
04:00 is undercut and the meander is cut off.
04:03 A new stream bed then flows under the bridge.
04:07 Eventually, as erosion and gravity enlarge the bridges
04:11 opening, the bridge can collapse under its own weight.
04:15 There is evidence of at least two collapsed natural bridges
04:19 within the monument.
04:21 Scientists have estimated that in times past,
04:24 even more existed in this canyon.
04:27 But all of this is based on observations
04:30 they make in other canyons around the world.
04:33 The fact is, nobody was here when these bridges formed.
04:37 So we have to use forensic science
04:39 to try and piece together what happened
04:42 and make our best guess.
04:44 Forensic science investigates all possible elements
04:48 of a past process, trying to come up
04:50 with an idea of how it happened.
04:53 Some call this historical science
04:55 because what really happened was in the past.
04:58 We cannot repeat it in the lab.
05:01 In the case of this canyon, there
05:03 isn't a lab big enough in the world
05:05 to recreate the erosion that happened here.
05:09 So scientists have to make their best educated guess.
05:13 Therein lies the problem because people's bias
05:16 can get in the way of the best explanation.
05:20 Just like you can come to the wrong conclusion on a murder
05:23 case if you dismiss some of the evidence,
05:25 if you don't use the right approach or worldview,
05:29 you can come to the wrong conclusions and explanations
05:32 about Earth's history.
05:34 We do know that flash floods happen in this area,
05:37 especially during the monsoon season in mid-to-late summer.
05:42 But we should look at the bigger picture.
05:45 This part of the southwest lies in the Colorado River Basin.
05:49 The Colorado River basin drains a total
05:52 of 243,000 square miles, an area roughly the size of France.
05:59 Large reservoirs and canyons are contained in the area
06:02 today including Lake Powell, the Grand Canyon, and Lake Mead.
06:07 The drainage eventually ends up in the Gulf of California.
06:11 Secular scientists claim that the geologic features
06:14 in the Colorado River Basin were eroded over millions of years
06:18 through slow and gradual processes,
06:21 yet evidence is mounting that these features were
06:24 eroded quickly in a massive event not that long ago.
06:28 One example is the vertical walls in many of the canyons.
06:33 The process of erosion would have destroyed the steep walls
06:36 long ago if they took millions of years to form.
06:40 Evidence of this is seen in places
06:42 like Zion Canyon in Utah, where the vertical walls
06:45 are more than 1,000 feet high.
06:48 Yet there is little debris at the bottom of the canyon.
06:51 Catastrophic events recently at Mount St. Helens
06:55 give us clues to how water could have easily carved out canyons
06:59 in a matter of hours.
07:01 In 1982, there was an eruption at Mount St.
07:04 Helens that sent a large amount of water across the blast zone.
07:08 That water ponded in one area.
07:11 But that pond breached, quickly draining the area,
07:14 leaving behind large canyons.
07:18 This shows how catastrophic processes on a small scale
07:22 can produce features secular scientists thought
07:24 took long ages to form.
07:27 The White Canyon is a drainage system of the Rocky Mountains.
07:31 There is no river system in this area.
07:33 But the canyon provides drainage when there are heavy rains.
07:38 Just on simple observation, it seems highly unlikely
07:41 that there is enough rain annually
07:43 to carve out these massive canyons at Natural Bridges.
07:46 Some other mechanism has been at work
07:49 that isn't operating today.
07:51 After 150 days of the global flood,
07:54 the Bible tells us that water covered the entire Earth.
07:58 Up to this point, massive amounts of sediment
08:01 were being laid down across the entire Earth under the waters.
08:06 Evidence for this exists all around the world
08:09 with 75% of the Earth's land surface
08:12 comprised of sedimentary layers.
08:14 Psalm 104 tells us as the flood continued,
08:18 mountains rose and valley sank.
08:20 This would have begun to shift of the waters,
08:23 creating massive sheet erosion across the continents.
08:27 Evidence of this is seen at places like Devil's Tower
08:30 in northeast Wyoming, where thousands
08:33 of feet of sedimentary layers were removed rapidly.
08:37 As the Rockies rose at the end stages of the flood,
08:40 the sheet erosion would have eventually lessened
08:42 and channelized erosion would have begun.
08:45 Large lakes would have also been left at the end of the flood.
08:49 Places like the Grand Canyon, Zion Canyon, and White Canyon
08:53 would have been formed in a very short time, just like what
08:56 happened at Mount St. Helens.
08:59 We don't know whether the bridges
09:01 were formed during the receding parts of the flood or after.
09:04 But because the canyons meander at sharp angles,
09:08 minor cutting could have started during the end
09:10 stages of the flood.
09:12 But the major cutting of these canyons
09:14 could have been post-flood.
09:16 The oceans were much warmer in the past due to volcanic
09:20 activity.
09:21 Creation scientists maintain that the oceans were thus
09:24 very warm after the flood, producing
09:27 large amounts of precipitation around these areas.
09:31 This very large amount of rain falling
09:33 for several hundred years, would have
09:35 continued to erode the canyons and valleys created
09:39 during the flood.
09:40 We know that man lived here for several thousand years.
09:44 The Bible indicates that after Babel, man
09:47 spread out across the Earth.
09:49 The evidence of pictographs and petroglyphs
09:52 indicate that they were here some time
09:54 after the bridges were made.
09:56 So there is a short window between the end
09:59 of the flood and Babel when White Canyon was cut
10:02 and the bridges were carved out.
10:05 Estimates are, this area was formed
10:07 within several hundred years after the flood or about
10:10 4,000 years ago.
10:13 We know at the end of the flood that the ice age grew rapidly.
10:17 As ice developed in the higher elevations,
10:20 the lowlands would have received much more precipitation
10:23 than seen today.
10:25 Creation scientists believe that the ice age
10:28 didn't last for more than a few hundred years.
10:32 Evidence suggests that it grew quickly and melted
10:35 catastrophically.
10:37 We can look to places like the Pacific Northwest
10:40 where we find evidence of a massive melt-off of the ice age
10:44 in what we call the Missoula Floods.
10:47 Throughout the world, the quick melt-off of the ice age
10:50 resulted in large lakes being held back by large ice dams.
10:55 The dam holding back glacial Lake Missoula
10:57 broke, producing the largest flash flood in history,
11:01 carving out canyons and scablands in just a few days
11:04 across hundreds of miles.
11:07 Evidence suggests that the Rockies
11:09 would have also produced similar conditions of regional floods,
11:12 only on a smaller scale.
11:14 One such example is in the Madison Valley,
11:17 just north of Yellowstone.
11:20 As the large glaciers melted quickly from the Rockies,
11:23 they could have produced flash floods
11:25 as the water was released down into the valleys.
11:28 If White Canyon had already been partially cut
11:30 by receding flood waters during the time of Noah,
11:33 then these flash floods from melting glaciers
11:35 would have eroded the canyon even more.
11:38 [music playing]
11:40 Much of the literature will tell you
11:42 that it takes centuries to carve out these natural bridges.
11:45 But this may not be the case.
11:48 We know of a process called cavitation
11:51 where the pressures of high water flow
11:53 can carve out rock in a matter of minutes.
11:56 We've seen this process in action
11:58 back in 1980 at Glen Canyon Dam.
12:02 A huge amount of spring runoff at Lake Powell
12:05 threatened to overflow Glen Canyon Dam.
12:08 So the engineers opened the floodgates.
12:11 The incredible amount of water running down the tubes
12:14 was so great that cavitation took place,
12:17 eroding huge amounts of concrete and sandstone
12:21 in a matter of seconds.
12:23 So it doesn't take long ages to form natural bridges, just
12:28 the right conditions.
12:29 The flood, local flash floods, and the melting of the ice age
12:33 would have provided the conditions
12:35 to quickly erode this canyon and form the bridges that span it.
12:40 This program is brought to you by
12:44 An organization committed to producing high quality
12:47 science-focused television content
12:49 all from a Biblical worldview.
12:52 Awesome Science is our kids series hosted by Noah Justice
12:55 In every episode, Noah visits the national parks
12:58 and historical sites to help you understand
13:01 earth's history using a Biblical worldview.
13:04 Find us online to watch all of our shows,
13:07 Noah's bloopers, behind the scenes videos, and special interviews.
13:13 You can also visit and like our Facebook page.
13:16 Where we post updates, announcements, and post extra videos.
13:20 Our YouTube channel also hosts many of videos and bonus segments.
13:24 Thanks for visiting. We hope you enjoy our great content.
13:30 Anthropologists estimate that man occupied this area
13:34 several thousand years ago.
13:35 Creation scientists would confirm this
13:38 as man spread out across the earth
13:41 after the event at Babel in the Middle East.
13:44 After several thousand years of habitation,
13:47 for some unknown reason, the Anasazi
13:49 left the area at around 1250 AD.
13:52 During their time of occupation, they
13:54 made many drawings on the rock about their life here.
13:58 A great collection of these petroglyphs
14:00 can be found at the bottom of Kachina Bridge.
14:04 One of these is especially peculiar.
14:07 There is a petroglyph bearing a startling resemblance
14:10 to a dinosaur, specifically a sauropod with a long tail
14:14 and neck and a small head.
14:17 These drawings were made only a few thousand years ago.
14:21 To hint that early Americans might
14:24 have seen dinosaurs and depicted them on canyon walls
14:27 seems like a pretty big claim.
14:30 This is especially true if you believe dinosaurs died out
14:33 over 65 million years ago like secular paleontologists insist.
14:39 Secular scientists have tried to debunk this claim,
14:42 saying that they represent other animals that the Indians would
14:45 have seen in the southwest.
14:50 But those who believe the Earth is about 6,000 years old as we
14:54 infer from the Bible, believe these
14:55 could be the drawings of dinosaurs
14:58 before they went extinct in this area a few thousand years ago.
15:02 The Bible says that all land animals
15:05 were created on day six of creation, which would
15:08 have included the dinosaurs.
15:10 Noah was commanded to take two of every kind of land animal
15:14 onto the ark, which would have also included dinosaurs.
15:18 They came off the ark about a year later
15:21 and began to repopulate.
15:23 The earth was much different in climate than before the flood,
15:27 so the dinosaurs probably didn't come back in the same numbers
15:31 as they had before the flood.
15:33 But is there any supporting evidence for such a claim?
15:36 Yes, there is.
15:39 Dinosaur petroglyphs and pictographs
15:41 are much more common than we hear from the press and secular
15:44 scientists.
15:45 At an ancient temple and Ankgor, Cambodia,
15:48 a bas relief carving of a stegosaur has been found.
15:52 This building stone is over 1,000 years old.
15:56 This culture didn't practice paleontology either.
15:59 Forensic science would lead us to believe
16:01 that man and dinosaurs lived side by side for quite a while
16:05 after the flood in this Asian culture.
16:09 Even the Chinese, the Romans, and explorers
16:12 like Marco Polo documented encounters with such creatures.
16:16 In the book of Job in the Bible, God
16:19 describes two large creatures-- Behemoth and Leviathan--
16:23 which Job knew about.
16:24 When you read the descriptions, they sure
16:26 sound a lot like a dinosaur and an extinct sea creature.
16:31 In addition, the word dinosaur wasn't invented until 1841.
16:36 Before that, such animals were often referred to as dragons.
16:40 The word dragon is used many times
16:43 in the King James version of the Old Testament
16:46 to describe some of God's creatures.
16:49 It's probably only been in the past thousand years
16:52 that dinosaurs had been exterminated
16:54 into extinction through hunting and changes in climate.
16:58 Another compelling claim about dinosaurs living recently
17:02 is the discovery of soft dinosaur tissue and blood
17:05 cells.
17:06 T. Rex and triceratops bones, supposedly
17:09 over 65 million years old, could not have preserved soft tissue
17:13 for such a long time.
17:15 The tissue should have rotted away or fossilized a long time
17:19 ago.
17:21 But the fact that we still find soft tissue and blood cells
17:24 makes a strong case for dinosaurs living recently.
17:28 Finally, creation scientists have
17:30 done their own study of dinosaur pictography at Kachina Bridge.
17:34 They have found many indications that it is authentic.
17:38 Although it is not possible to assign absolute dates to rock
17:42 art, it is possible to narrow the time span in which
17:45 a particular figure might fall.
17:47 There are many methods of dating rock art that can give us
17:50 a clue to its relative age.
17:52 At times, it is suggested that rock art of extinct animals
17:56 is the work of clever hoaxers.
17:59 Yet, several dating methods have dismissed this possibility.
18:03 The first is desert varnish.
18:06 Desert varnish is an accumulation
18:08 of minerals building up in glyphs and on the canyon walls.
18:12 This dark coating or varnish takes a considerable amount
18:16 of time to accumulate.
18:18 It can be generalized that if the varnish on the glyph
18:21 is as dark as its surrounding undisturbed surface, then
18:24 the glyph is significantly old.
18:26 One could easily tell if a glyph was recent
18:29 because it would clearly stand out
18:31 as very light against the dark background.
18:34 The second clue is weathering.
18:36 Erosion of exposed rock by wind and water
18:39 wears the surface of the drawing,
18:41 giving it a pockmarked appearance.
18:44 A newer glyph has a bright, fresh appearance.
18:47 The degree of weathering provides a clue to the age.
18:50 And the weathering factor is considered impossible to fake.
18:55 Finally, there are lichens.
18:57 Studying lichens, which are a common plant consisting
19:00 of an algae and a fungus living together form,
19:03 a scaly adherents on rock surfaces.
19:06 Lichenometry, the study of lichen,
19:09 cover patterns, colonization, and growth,
19:12 is based on the slow growth rate of lichens
19:14 on exposed surfaces and the long life
19:17 expectancy of their colonies.
19:19 In certain habitats, lichens may reach their final size only
19:23 after several thousand years.
19:26 Lichenometry can tell us if a particular piece of rock art
19:30 is hundreds of years old.
19:31 A modern hoaxed glyph would have no lichen growth at all.
19:35 Based on these clues for its authenticity,
19:38 the dinosaur petroglyph here at Kachina Bridge is real
19:41 and was crafted by the Anasazi Indians
19:44 several thousand years ago.
19:46 It's amazing to take in the panorama
19:48 here at natural bridges.
19:50 And imagine dinosaurs like the brachiosaurus
19:53 roaming this landscape while you hunted for your next meal.
19:57 Science, it's awesome.
19:59 [music playing]
20:03 The geologic formations at Arches and Natural Bridges
20:07 remind us that catastrophic processes
20:09 have taken place on our Earth several thousand years ago.
20:13 The flood was a real event.
20:15 It impacted our Earth in ways that we
20:18 will never fully comprehend.
20:20 Even though geologic features around the world verified there
20:24 was a global flood, secular geologists
20:27 continue to deny that truth.
20:29 But to those of us who believe in the Bible,
20:31 this rejection should come as no surprise.
20:35 The apostle Peter once said that in the last days,
20:38 people will scoff at God's work, making fun of creation
20:42 and the global flood.
20:44 Peter tells us they do this because they
20:46 want to deliberately forget God's judgment happened
20:49 on the Earth and deny that it will ever happen again.
20:53 If there is no judgement by God, they
20:55 can live whatever way they want.
20:58 It would sure seem like we are living in the last days
21:01 because most of the world scoffs at the global flood,
21:04 even though the evidence is plentiful.
21:07 But Peter also reminds us that "The Lord
21:10 is not slow in keeping his promise--"
21:12 as some understand slowness.
21:14 "Instead, he is patient with you,
21:16 not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone
21:19 to come to repentance."
21:20 In other words, God's desire is not to destroy his creation.
21:24 So he waits patiently for man to repent.
21:27 But God's patience won't last forever.
21:30 One day, his judgment will come.
21:33 The Bible says every person is born with a sin nature,
21:37 because the first man Adam sinned against God.
21:40 It has been passed down through the generations.
21:43 Because of the rebellion of Adam and Eve,
21:46 death came to the human race.
21:49 Our own evil deeds have earned us eternal separation from God.
21:53 He is Holy and cannot live with sinful creatures.
21:56 The Bible says that one day, all of us
21:59 will face judgment before God.
22:02 But God is also a God of mercy.
22:05 He desires fellowship with us.
22:07 He wants us to come to repentance.
22:10 So he provided his perfect son, Jesus Christ,
22:14 to live a sinless life and then die
22:16 on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins.
22:20 Jesus received the penalty of death we deserved.
22:24 All we have to do is recognize the depth of our rebellion
22:28 against God, repent of our sins, and bow our knee in submission
22:32 to Him.
22:33 We turn our hearts to Jesus Christ
22:35 and follow him for the rest of our days on Earth.
22:39 When we die, we will enter into eternal rest
22:42 with God because of the work of Jesus on the cross.
22:45 If you've not come to this place of repentance
22:48 and submitting your life over to your creator,
22:51 then now is the day of salvation.
22:53 We encourage you to do this today.
22:56 [music playing]
23:01 The geology of Utah is amazing.
23:04 From Zion to Bryce Canyon, Natural Bridges and Arches,
23:09 the sights are worth the trip.
23:11 The naturalistic and evolutionary idea
23:14 that it takes millions of years to form arches
23:17 has big problems.
23:19 The rate of erosion would suggest
23:21 that the arches are falling apart faster than they
23:24 can form.
23:25 Yet, we've never seen one form, so it's just an assumption.
23:30 But a global flood provides the right conditions
23:33 to build thousands of arches in a relatively short time.
23:37 The same holds true at Natural Bridges National Monument.
23:41 The receding flood waters would have carved many of the canyons
23:44 in the Colorado River Basin, including part of White Canyon.
23:49 But the bridges would have most likely formed after the flood,
23:53 before man spread across the earth-- within a few years
23:57 after the flood.
23:59 In their canyon drawings provide strong evidence
24:02 for the Biblical record about dinosaurs coming off the ark.
24:06 The biblical record can be trusted
24:08 as a book about Earth's history, with a timeline of only
24:11 6,000 years since creation.
24:14 It's not a fairy tale, myth, or allegory.
24:18 It's the true, inspired word of God.
24:22 Awesome Science is a video series produced by
24:27 Awesome Science Media produces many other great shows,
24:38 Ark Animals
24:44 We broadcast our episodes throughout the world
24:47 on television networks, TV stations, and online platforms.
24:51 We're making a difference by challenging the deceptive
24:55 evolutionary worldview, which directly opposes the Word of God
24:59 Our mission is to provide youth with a firm foundation
25:03 based on solid scientific evidence that supports their
25:06 Biblical worldview. We also want to encourage youth
25:10 to pursue the Truth, and maybe even make a career from their
25:14 interest in science and the Bible.
25:16 Thank you for watcing our shows.
25:18 Please keep up with us as we continue to build new content
25:22 which builds up your faith in the Word of God.
25:26 We encourage you to get out here with your family
25:29 and see these amazing sites from a biblical worldview.
25:33 You'll be inspired that the biblical record is real.
25:37 Until next time, remember science, it's awesome.
25:40 [music playing]


Revised 2018-03-22