ASI Conventions

Session 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ASIC

Program Code: ASIC190002S

00:20 I have the privilege of this evening of introducing
00:23 our ASI speaker at this opening meeting.
00:27 Pastor Ted Wilson is the President
00:29 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
00:33 He is the pastor of over 21 million people
00:39 in 215 countries.
00:41 I wanna share with you five things
00:43 you may not know about Elder Wilson.
00:46 Number one, he grew up in Egypt.
00:50 He's lived in the United States,
00:51 the Middle East, Africa, and Russia.
00:54 He speaks English, French,
00:58 Russian some, and some Arabic.
01:01 He has a PhD degree from New York University
01:06 specialized in city evangelism.
01:09 Elder Wilson is well,
01:11 you may not know this
01:12 is a certified Health Education Specialist.
01:16 And he has a degree in Public Health.
01:19 You may not know as well, that his wife's name is Nancy,
01:23 many of you know that, he has three married daughters,
01:25 and he has 10 grandchildren.
01:29 Now you might wanna know, what does Pastor Wilson do
01:32 when he's not at the General Conference office?
01:35 He loves hiking and mountain climbing,
01:36 but did you know he was an expert carpenter?
01:40 You may not know as well,
01:43 that in addition to being an administrator,
01:45 he's a pastor, a writer, and that he loves evangelism.
01:49 He just came back
01:50 from an evangelistic meeting in India.
01:53 Now at the core of his being, he loves the church,
01:57 he loves this message, he loves God's people.
02:00 And especially he loves ASI
02:05 and lay people are witnessing for Christ.
02:08 After the music you'll hear a message from God
02:13 given through Pastor Wilson
02:15 that will be indicted by the Holy Spirit.
02:37 Come
02:38 Thou Fount of every blessing
02:44 Tune my heart to sing thy grace
02:50 Streams of mercy never ceasing
02:57 Call for songs of sweetest praise
03:04 Teach me some melodious sonnet
03:10 Sung by flaming tongues above
03:17 Praise the mount
03:20 I'm fixed upon it
03:24 Mount of Thy redeeming love
03:33 Here I raise my Ebenezer
03:39 Here there by Thy help I've come
03:45 And I hope by Thy good pleasure
03:50 Safely to arrive at home
03:56 Jesus sought me when a stranger
04:02 Wandering from the fold of God
04:08 He, to rescue me from danger
04:13 Interposed His precious blood
04:32 Oh, to grace how great a debtor
04:37 Daily I'm constrained to be
04:42 Let Thy goodness like a fetter
04:47 Bind my wandering heart to Thee
04:52 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
04:57 Prone to leave the God I love
05:08 Here's my heart
05:12 Oh take and seal it
05:16 Seal it for Thy courts above
05:38 Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it,
05:41 seal it for the courts above.
05:46 What a beautiful way
05:48 in which to begin our ASI Convention this evening,
05:54 to give ourselves to the Lord
05:56 in a very peculiar and specific way.
06:00 What a privilege it is to be here with you tonight
06:04 to support this magnificent organization
06:08 that has sharing Christ in the marketplace
06:12 as your greatest theme.
06:15 But the theme for this ASI here in Louisville, Kentucky,
06:20 is written in some letters
06:24 that may be a little bit difficult for you to see.
06:28 But it is Business Unusual
06:32 for God's Unusual Business.
06:36 You'll see a little clock up there
06:39 that shows that it's almost 12 o'clock.
06:43 It is almost the time for the Lord's appearing.
06:47 It is a time in which all of us
06:50 must be actively involved as a group.
06:54 The denominational paid individuals,
06:59 lay people working together
07:02 in a powerful way
07:05 for business unusual, unusual business.
07:11 This is the time in which we live.
07:15 An opportunity for us to be involved
07:18 in God's last day proclamation.
07:23 The three angels' messages
07:25 flowing across the skies from one continent to another,
07:30 bringing about the last proclamation.
07:37 Tonight,
07:38 we're gonna spend a few minutes
07:42 in a kind of an informal study of God's Word
07:45 and the Spirit of Prophecy to understand
07:48 what it really means to be Business Unusual
07:54 for ASI.
07:57 ASI was established about 1947,
08:02 a marvelous organization
08:04 that started out as the association
08:06 of self-supporting institutions.
08:10 A wonderful way in which God saw
08:13 that lay people working in order to support themselves
08:19 would be able to help the church
08:20 in a powerful manner in its outreach.
08:26 As ASI developed further and further,
08:29 more and more people
08:31 became part of this amazing outreach.
08:36 And it is now developed
08:37 into Adventist Laymen's Services & Industries.
08:44 I want to thank all of you here tonight,
08:47 and all those who will be coming.
08:51 On behalf of the world church,
08:53 I wanna give a ringing endorsement
08:56 and a huge vote of thanks for what you are doing
09:01 as members of ASI.
09:04 Thank you for being part of God's last day proclamation.
09:09 Never fear and never feel
09:13 that somehow you are being marginalized.
09:17 Somehow you are not a part
09:20 of God's last day proclamation.
09:24 Business Unusual,
09:27 the time and the clock is ticking.
09:33 My own personal family
09:35 has deep roots in ASI.
09:41 My grandfather and grandmother on the Wilson side
09:45 began essentially their ministry
09:49 at Madison College.
09:51 They along with brothers of my grandfather,
09:57 my great uncles,
09:59 and their families have deep roots
10:02 in that beautiful experience of Madison College.
10:07 From that experience,
10:10 my own personal family
10:12 has grown to love this organization
10:15 because it is full of people that have absolutely one goal
10:21 and that is to allow Jesus to use them
10:24 to proclaim the soon coming of Jesus Christ.
10:29 And that's what Business Unusual is all about.
10:34 Tonight, as we focus upon what you can do,
10:38 and what scripture tells us,
10:40 this amazing and unbelievable setting
10:45 in which we are in now
10:48 will only give us greater opportunity
10:51 to allow the Holy Spirit to use us.
10:54 I want you to understand fully
10:56 you are part
10:58 of God's great proclamation.
11:02 Business Unusual,
11:06 the theme itself gives you an understanding
11:09 that there is something that is peculiar.
11:12 There's something unique.
11:14 There's something exciting
11:15 about what's going to be happening.
11:17 Now I don't know if you been able to look at
11:20 the most recent Inside ASI.
11:25 As I was looking through this the other day,
11:29 I looked at the editor's note
11:31 written by the editor, Kristi Jensen.
11:34 And Kristi brought out some absolutely amazing things
11:37 about Business Unusual.
11:40 I'm not gonna read the entire short editorial,
11:43 but let me pick out just a few points.
11:47 "The end is near
11:49 yet what are we doing to prepare
11:52 unusual times call for unusual business."
11:57 That's why you're here tonight.
11:59 That's why you're a part of ASI.
12:02 That's why I'm here tonight.
12:06 She goes on to say, few more lines down.
12:10 "While dwelling on our mortality
12:12 is counterproductive
12:13 focusing on our mission is imperative.
12:17 Are our lives reflecting the time
12:19 in which we live?"
12:22 Don't forget that clock up there
12:24 minutes before midnight.
12:29 Are we living lives of unusual dedication,
12:33 unusual love, and unusual business?
12:39 A little further on, she points out,
12:42 "As we consider our mission
12:43 in this unusual time in earth's history
12:47 take time to pray,
12:50 to meditate on scripture and to witness,
12:54 listen to the voice of the Lord,
12:57 live a godly Christian life."
12:59 And then she concludes with this.
13:01 "We are living in the end times.
13:05 How are you living an unusual life?"
13:11 The objectives of ASI are amazing,
13:16 for it is really a practical approach
13:20 that ASI engenders in its work.
13:24 Christ in the marketplace.
13:27 Represented here tonight
13:28 are many different kinds of businesses,
13:31 many different kinds of services,
13:33 self-supporting institutions,
13:35 special mission outreach activities.
13:40 You are vital to the mission of the church.
13:44 And the objectives that ASI has
13:47 is to make this outreach practical
13:51 as we come up to the end of time.
13:57 What are the ASI purposes?
14:01 Well, I went on to the website,
14:03 you know, you can find almost anything online.
14:07 You can't believe everything online,
14:09 but you can find a lot of things online.
14:12 In fact, I don't even worry about a concordance anymore.
14:17 I don't worry about trying to find specific information
14:21 in some encyclopedia, I just Google it.
14:25 And then, of course, I have to decide
14:27 whether I want to accept that particular result.
14:31 But the ASI website tells us
14:35 ASI is a membership based organization
14:38 of Seventh-day Adventist lay people
14:42 who are enthusiastic.
14:44 Now I like that word.
14:46 If you came here tonight to ASI,
14:51 tired after a long trip,
14:54 troubled about some experience,
14:57 challenged about perhaps some business opportunity,
15:02 maybe a little distracted.
15:03 I want you to become enthusiastic tonight
15:07 because that's what it says you are.
15:11 Lay people who are enthusiastic
15:13 about actively participating
15:16 in the churches' world-wide mission.
15:21 That's what ASI is all about.
15:23 To spread the Gospel of Christ to the world,
15:26 this unique and diverse group of members
15:30 and that's all of you,
15:34 ranges from business owners, to individual professionals,
15:39 to supporting ministries,
15:43 enthusiastically spreading God's Word
15:47 and His mission.
15:51 You see Business Unusual requires you to become
15:57 part of God's great last day proclamation,
16:02 total member involvement,
16:05 everyone doing something for Jesus as we anticipate
16:11 the time reaching 12 o'clock.
16:17 Recently, I was looking at a magazine,
16:22 was actually directed to this particular article.
16:27 It is in the latest version of Adventist Journey,
16:33 which is the North American Division
16:37 edition of Adventist World.
16:40 It has Adventist World included in it.
16:43 There was an article, a commentary
16:45 by a gentleman named Adam Fenner.
16:48 Adam Fenner is the Director
16:51 of the Adventist Learning Community
16:54 sponsored by the North American Division.
16:57 In this particular article, and you may have seen it.
17:02 The title of it is,
17:04 "Is Adventism Relevant Anymore?"
17:10 And Adam goes on to explain.
17:12 And Adam is a very single-minded focused person.
17:16 He's a bright individual.
17:18 He has friends like you do in the church.
17:22 And he went on to explain that, "Two of his best friends
17:25 left the church during the past year.
17:29 Both went through Adventist education
17:31 from kindergarten through graduate school."
17:34 And then he goes on to say that,
17:35 "They're financially successful, respected,
17:38 well-liked by their peers, etcetera."
17:43 He says, "That they were active in their local churches.
17:46 They never let meat touch their lips,
17:49 never consumed alcohol,
17:51 and generally were shining examples
17:53 of traditional Adventism.
17:56 But recently, quite independently..."
18:00 Now these are two of his best friends.
18:02 "They stopped going to church
18:04 and informed their communities
18:06 they no longer considered themselves
18:09 Seventh-day Adventists."
18:13 Then he goes on to say, "My friends told me,
18:16 'The church is no longer relevant to my life.'
18:21 For them,
18:22 Adventism became spiritually and mentally draining
18:26 rather than sustaining."
18:32 And then I close with what he continued to say,
18:36 "For the most part they continue to believe
18:38 the 28 Fundamental Beliefs in some capacity,
18:41 but have been so dismayed by the church's execution
18:47 of the Gospel Commission
18:49 that they simply have lost faith in the church."
18:54 Now I don't know who these individuals are
18:57 and what their background has been.
18:59 I don't know what drove them to give up something
19:03 which had been such a part of their lives.
19:06 But I want to tell you, my dear friends at ASI,
19:09 one of the greatest solutions for those two individuals,
19:13 not knowing who they are,
19:15 but I would venture to say there would be
19:20 a much greater enthusiasm on their part
19:24 if those people had joined ASI.
19:30 ASI gives you an enthusiastic view
19:34 of World Mission.
19:35 ASI gives you that understanding
19:38 that it is Business Unusual.
19:41 It is unusual business that God wants us to be about.
19:46 I want you to pray along with me
19:48 for those two young professionals,
19:51 that God somehow will bring them
19:54 back into an understanding
19:58 of what service is all about
20:02 when it comes down to understanding
20:05 God's great plan for each of us.
20:08 Business Unusual means being part of God's proclamation
20:13 and service to others.
20:15 And that is what ASI is all about.
20:20 Get involved with God's work,
20:25 for the time is ticking
20:27 close to midnight.
20:32 In Scripture,
20:35 we understand and read something fascinating
20:39 in the 1 Book of Peter.
20:42 And for a few moments I wanna focus
20:44 on 1 Peter Chapter 4.
20:48 If you have your Bibles with you,
20:50 if you have your Bible on your iPhone,
20:53 whatever it is, go to 1 Peter Chapter 4
20:56 and beginning with verse 7.
21:01 In this particular chapter,
21:03 there are unusual guidelines and principles for all of us
21:07 as we are facing the very end of time.
21:10 Let me tell you, my wife and I, Nancy,
21:13 travel all over the world.
21:15 We visit so many places we understand and see
21:19 what is happening in the world just as you do.
21:24 I want to tell you,
21:25 we are living in the very last tips of the toes
21:30 of the statue of Daniel Chapter 2.
21:34 The next great event that will take place
21:36 is the coming of that rock,
21:38 not cut out with man's hands,
21:41 representing the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
21:45 We are living in unusual times, business unusual,
21:51 the clock is ticking.
21:55 1 Peter 4:7,
21:58 "But the end of all things is at hand."
22:02 I believe we are there.
22:05 "Therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers."
22:09 If ever there was a time to be a joyous happy Christian,
22:13 but to focus on things in a serious manner,
22:17 it is right now.
22:19 Seventh-day Adventist should not be moping,
22:22 should not be so frustrated
22:24 with all of their experiences that they become
22:29 as Elder Ralph Thompson
22:32 used to say sadventists.
22:38 Elder Ralph Thompson,
22:39 former secretary of the General Conference,
22:41 a wonderful mentor of mine, used to say,
22:44 "We should not be as Adventists, sadventists,
22:49 we should be gladventists."
22:52 I want to tell you as we look to the future and realize
22:56 that there are amazing things that God wants to do with us.
23:00 We should be glad but serious at the same time.
23:03 "And above all things have fervent love for one another,
23:07 for love will cover a multitude of sins."
23:11 I just wanna stop for a moment.
23:14 I don't care where you go in what country
23:16 and certainly within our own environment
23:21 in this country,
23:23 there is such a lack of love for others,
23:27 that it is driving people into opposite corners.
23:33 And God is calling for us as Seventh-day Adventist
23:36 to bring true love into desperate situations.
23:42 There is nothing more powerful
23:44 than a loving and lovable Christian.
23:50 Now as scripture goes on, it says,
23:52 "Be hospitable to one another without grumbling."
23:57 Be open to helping others.
24:00 Your influence will make such a difference
24:03 in Business Unusual.
24:07 "As each one has received the gift,
24:09 minister to one another,
24:10 as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."
24:14 Let me tell you,
24:16 Seventh-day Adventist ought to be the greatest proponents
24:19 of the grace of Jesus Christ anywhere on this earth.
24:25 We are only saved by the grace of Jesus Christ,
24:28 by the righteousness of Christ.
24:31 Now I will have to tell you and I'm gonna be preaching
24:33 on this Daniel Counsel.
24:35 The righteousness of Jesus Christ
24:38 involves marvelous aspects of justification.
24:44 And the righteousness of Christ
24:46 is also involved in sanctification.
24:50 It is His complete and wonderful plan,
24:54 all through His righteousness,
24:56 but the grace that has been provided to us
24:59 is to be the core
25:01 of why we are propelled in Business Unusual.
25:07 "If anyone speaks,
25:08 let him speak as the oracles of God.
25:10 If anyone ministers, let him do it
25:14 as with the ability which God supplies,
25:16 that in all things God may be glorified
25:19 through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory
25:22 and the dominion forever and ever."
25:26 I wanna tell you in Business Unusual
25:28 as ASI continues its powerful message
25:31 to the world,
25:33 as it participates in the church outreach
25:37 in revival and reformation,
25:40 in mission to the cities
25:42 in comprehensive health ministry
25:44 or medical missionary work, in total member involvement.
25:49 All of that is to point people
25:52 not to self but to Jesus Christ.
25:56 One of the greatest challenges
25:57 the Seventh-day Adventist Church faces
26:00 is not some nuclear holocaust,
26:03 not some persecution that may come,
26:06 not some disastrous situation.
26:10 The greatest challenge we face is self.
26:16 God is calling for us to give God the glory,
26:21 to have selflessness and selfless service.
26:26 That is what Business Unusual is all about.
26:31 Peter goes on saying,
26:33 "Don't think it strange concerning the fiery trial
26:37 which is to try you,
26:38 as though some strange thing happened to you."
26:41 When you become a wonderful follower of Jesus Christ
26:47 expect people are going to be against you.
26:53 It's just part of the criteria.
26:59 It goes on to say,
27:01 "But rejoice to the extent that you partake
27:03 of Christ's sufferings,
27:07 that when His glory is revealed,
27:08 you may also be glad with exceeding joy."
27:13 Some of you have experienced great suffering.
27:16 There are those perhaps in the audience tonight
27:19 who have been in unfortunate situations
27:23 where you have been persecuted.
27:25 And you have left that situation.
27:29 There are people here who have suffered physically
27:32 with many difficulties,
27:33 you have suffered spiritually with people against you.
27:37 But let me tell you,
27:38 none of us have ever suffered as Jesus suffered.
27:42 So be glad to suffer in the name of the Lord.
27:48 Now here's an interesting verse
27:49 as we come to the end of this particular chapter,
27:54 "If you are reproached for the name of Christ,
27:58 blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory
28:01 and of God rests upon you."
28:06 If I were to ask you to raise your hands tonight
28:08 as to how many have been reproached
28:12 because of your connection with Jesus.
28:16 My estimation would be that most of you have.
28:22 Don't worry about what people say
28:24 in the corners about you.
28:26 Don't worry about being slighted
28:29 for some position in your local church.
28:32 Don't worry about what people are saying
28:35 on social media about you.
28:39 Let me tell you if I worried about that,
28:42 I wouldn't be here tonight.
28:47 You just lean on the Lord.
28:49 You just say, Lord, take care of us.
28:52 And thank You for letting me be reproached
28:55 for Your name.
28:59 "On their part He is blasphemed,
29:02 but on your part He is glorified."
29:08 By God's grace,
29:10 and our connection with Him in Business Unusual,
29:14 may everything we do bring glory to God.
29:19 "But let none of you suffer as a murderer,
29:22 a thief, an evildoer,
29:24 or as a busybody in other people's matters."
29:27 Now it's interesting in that sequence
29:29 of descriptions,
29:31 most of you would say, "I'm not a murderer.
29:34 I'm not a thief. I'm not an evil doer."
29:39 However, I wanna tell you and I include myself,
29:42 are we tempted to become busy buddies
29:45 in other people's business?
29:48 Tempted to criticize,
29:50 tempted to somehow move people away from a focus
29:56 on Business Unusual.
30:00 "Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian,
30:01 let him not be ashamed,
30:03 but let him glorify God in this matter.
30:06 For the time has come
30:08 for judgment to begin at the house of God,
30:11 and if it begins with us first,
30:13 what will be the end of those
30:15 who do not obey the gospel of God?"
30:19 Peter begins to worry about those
30:22 to whom you are ministering to
30:26 in the marketplace.
30:29 And then he quotes from the Book of Proverbs.
30:32 "Now 'If the righteous one is scarcely saved,
30:35 where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?'
30:40 "In other words,
30:42 it seems to me Peter is saying it's a challenge for us
30:45 who are even connected with God
30:48 to somehow be able to be judged worthy.
30:52 What about all these other people
30:53 who don't know about Him?
30:57 Thank God that
30:58 when you claim the name of Jesus.
31:01 And when you call upon the power of God
31:04 to change your life,
31:06 He will do just that.
31:10 And God will give you the power
31:11 as you proclaim in Business Unusual,
31:16 so that the ungodly and the sinner will be found
31:20 not only at the foot of the cross,
31:23 but in heaven itself, when Jesus returns.
31:27 "Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God
31:32 commit their souls to Him in doing good,
31:37 as to a faithful Creator."
31:40 Business Unusual,
31:43 committing yourself to doing good
31:47 in the name of Jesus,
31:50 our faithful Creator.
31:56 Last month,
31:57 Nancy and I had the privilege
32:01 of holding religious outreach meetings
32:05 in the city of Kolkata.
32:08 Kolkata is a city of about 15 million people
32:13 with only about 350 Seventh-day Adventists.
32:20 We have a wonderful program that has been implemented
32:23 and is unfolding to reach that enormous metropolitan area
32:28 by God's grace.
32:31 So that we can establish
32:34 not just three congregations or so,
32:38 but about 50 congregations in that huge metropolitan area.
32:44 It was a privilege to be able to speak God's Word.
32:49 I used Mark Finley's wonderful series
32:51 called Revelation of Hope.
32:52 I've done that,
32:54 used it about 10 or more times and will continue to do so.
32:59 As I was preaching the Word of God
33:02 as the Word of God was on the screen
33:04 in the Bengali language,
33:06 our audience, which was 80%,
33:10 the majority of the indigenous religious people
33:13 of that particular area,
33:15 I saw what the Word of God did to their hearts
33:19 because it was proclaimed with Holy Spirit power.
33:25 And in that Business Unusual setting,
33:28 I saw the Holy Spirit touch people's lives,
33:32 they would raise their hands,
33:34 they would stand,
33:37 they would come forward.
33:41 It was an unusual situation for them
33:43 because the Word of God was something so new,
33:46 and yet it was so striking.
33:49 This is the work
33:51 that God is calling you to do.
33:56 I wanna go over for just a few moments,
33:58 some magnificent quotations
34:01 from the book Christian Service.
34:04 And I'm gonna ask those who have been assigned
34:06 to distribute these papers to you.
34:10 We could have put them on the screen,
34:12 but I want you to have something in your hand.
34:15 I want you to go home tonight and understand
34:17 what Business Unusual is all about.
34:20 We may not have enough copies so you may have to share.
34:23 Perhaps we can make some copies.
34:25 You've got it on your iPhone
34:28 if you have the Ellen White writings online.
34:33 But this comes from Christian Service.
34:37 Those of you who will receive the paper
34:39 and we hope that they're being passed out now,
34:42 a number have them.
34:44 We're gonna be looking at just a few quotations
34:47 that will help us to understand
34:49 why Business Unusual is so key for this ASI Convention,
34:54 and for what God is intending to happen this year.
35:01 On page 74 of Christian Service,
35:04 now the copies that you're going to receive
35:06 will have citations from many different sources.
35:10 Unfortunately, we did not put the page
35:13 where it comes from in Christian Service.
35:16 But I will give you that page as we read it.
35:19 Page 74 in Christian Service,
35:21 and it comes from Testimonies volume 9,
35:24 "The strength of an army is measured largely
35:26 by the efficiency of the men in the ranks.
35:30 A wise general instructs his officers
35:33 to train every soldier for active service.
35:36 He seeks to develop
35:38 the highest efficiency on the part of all.
35:42 If he were to depend on his officers alone."
35:46 Now let's remember,
35:48 the work on this earth will never be finished
35:52 until the men and women comprising
35:54 our church membership.
35:56 That's you and me,
35:58 join ranks and hands
36:01 with pastors, ministers, and church officers,
36:06 all of us working together.
36:08 That's volume 9, page 117.
36:12 And so here Ellen White is saying,
36:16 "You can't just depend on officers alone,
36:18 he could never expect to conduct
36:19 a successful campaign.
36:21 He counts on the loyal untiring service
36:23 from every man in his army."
36:25 Every man and woman.
36:27 "The responsibility rests
36:28 largely upon the men in the ranks."
36:32 Going on, on that page,
36:34 "While there are but few officers,
36:36 it requires many soldiers to form the rank
36:39 and file of the army,
36:40 yet its success depends upon the fidelity
36:43 of every soldier."
36:44 Every one of you here in ASI is vitally important
36:49 to God's last day proclamation.
36:52 None of you is left out.
36:55 "One man's cowardice or treachery
36:57 may bring disaster upon the entire Army."
37:01 Now on page 75.
37:04 "The secret of success in the work of God
37:07 will be found in the harmonious working of our people."
37:11 Now this is an amazing quotation
37:14 given the setting in which we find ourselves
37:17 in the country here and international discord.
37:23 "There must be concentrated action.
37:27 Every member of the body of Christ
37:29 must act his part in the cause of God,
37:32 according to the ability that God has given him.
37:35 We must press together against obstructions and difficulties,
37:39 shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart."
37:44 It goes on to say, "Angels work harmoniously.
37:48 Perfect order characterizes all their movements.
37:52 The more closely we imitate the harmony
37:55 and order of the angelic host,
37:59 the more successful will be the efforts
38:02 of these heavenly agents in our behalf."
38:06 As you go forward with ASI in Business Unusual,
38:10 there are angels that are accompanying you
38:13 and opening the way ahead of you
38:16 if you are harmonious in your actions
38:21 and your objectives.
38:25 I wanna go on and look at another particular area
38:30 on page 86.
38:31 It comes from Testimonies volume 9,
38:35 it's on the second page of those
38:36 who have received the handout.
38:39 "If every soldier of Christ had done his duty,
38:41 if every watchman on the walls of Zion
38:43 had given the trumpet a certain sound,
38:47 the world might ere this
38:50 have heard the message of warning.
38:53 But the work is years behind.
38:55 While men have slept,
38:57 Satan has stolen a march on us."
39:03 Business Unusual,
39:06 had the purpose of God been carried out by His people
39:09 and giving to the world the message of mercy,
39:11 Christ would ere this have come to the earth,
39:15 and the saints would have received
39:17 their welcome into the City of God.
39:20 My brothers and sisters in ASI,
39:22 I'm looking forward to going to the City of God.
39:26 And I believe it will be very soon.
39:29 A little further on pages 86 and 87 under Heaven's Register.
39:34 It says, "The world needs missionaries,
39:36 consecrated home missionaries,
39:39 and no one will be registered
39:40 in the books of heaven as a Christian
39:42 who has not a missionary spirit."
39:46 That's what ASI is all about, a mission spirit,
39:51 enthusiastic people sharing Jesus
39:54 in the marketplace.
39:58 Here's an interesting quotation,
40:01 "Every neglected opportunity
40:04 to do service for God is recorded,
40:08 and there to every deed of faith and love
40:11 is held in everlasting remembrance."
40:19 Here's an interesting quote,
40:21 "Under the general heading of selfishness
40:25 came every other sin."
40:28 The work of Business Unusual in ASI is selflessness.
40:34 And the only way to have selflessness
40:37 is to be in connection with the one
40:40 who is truly selfless and that is Jesus Christ.
40:45 May ASI
40:48 always lift up Jesus.
40:54 Then on page four of the handout at the very top,
40:58 it is a mystery.
41:00 This is from Testimonies volume 9, page 42
41:04 or pages 88 and 89 in Christian Service.
41:10 "It is a mystery that there are not hundreds at work
41:13 where now there is but one.
41:15 The heavenly universe is astonished
41:18 at the apathy, the coldness,
41:22 the listlessness of those
41:25 who profess to be sons and daughters of God.
41:27 In the truth there is living power."
41:33 You know, you have to stop for a moment then just wonder,
41:37 what is heaven thinking right now?
41:41 When it looks down at the church
41:43 and realizes that so many times we are cold,
41:47 we are apathetic, we are listless,
41:50 but if we are in connection with God,
41:52 we will have living power
41:56 for Business Unusual.
42:00 "We can never be saved in indolence and inactivity.
42:04 There is no such thing as a truly converted person
42:08 living a helpless, useless life."
42:13 By God's grace,
42:14 no member of ASI is a person
42:20 who is helpless and useless.
42:23 "It is not possible for us
42:25 to drift into heaven.
42:30 No sluggard can enter there.
42:32 Those who refuse to cooperate with God on earth,
42:35 would not cooperate with Him in heaven.
42:37 It would not be safe
42:39 to take them to heaven."
42:43 Business Unusual.
42:47 And closing on the last page that
42:49 those of you who have this particular handout,
42:54 there are three watch words.
42:55 This is from page 106 in Christian Service.
42:59 "Three watchwords in the Christian life,
43:02 which must be heeded
43:03 if we would not have Satan steal a march upon us,
43:06 namely, Watch, Pray, Work."
43:13 Watch, Pray, Work.
43:16 Can you repeat those three with me?
43:19 Watch, Pray, Work.
43:22 One more time.
43:24 Watch, Pray, Work.
43:27 Business Unusual,
43:30 the time is drawing close to midnight.
43:36 Then this final quotation that I'd like to read,
43:39 which comes from Prophets and Kings,
43:41 page 164 in Christian Service is page 107.
43:48 "For the disheartened there is a sure remedy,
43:51 faith, prayer, work.
43:52 Faith and activity will impart assurance
43:55 and satisfaction that will increase day by day.
43:58 Are you tempted to give way to feelings
44:01 of anxious foreboding or utter despondency?
44:04 In the darkest days,
44:07 when appearances seem most forbidding,
44:10 fear not, have faith in God.
44:12 He knows your need. He has all power.
44:15 His infinite love and compassion never weary.
44:18 Fear not that He will fail of fulfilling His promise.
44:22 He is eternal truth.
44:24 Never will He change the covenant
44:26 He has made with those who love Him.
44:29 And He will bestow upon His faithful servants
44:32 the measure of efficiency that their need demands."
44:37 Business Unusual,
44:40 tonight, as you launch into this convention
44:45 for 2019 and understand that it is time
44:50 to understand fully that it is Business Unusual.
44:54 May the Holy Spirit come especially
44:57 into your heart.
44:59 And may you be animated, and be an enthusiastic member,
45:03 not only of ASI,
45:05 but of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:07 which God has called for the last proclamation
45:11 of the three angels' messages.
45:14 In a book that my wonderful colleague
45:17 who introduced me,
45:19 Mark Finley has written a new book
45:21 called "The Church Triumphant."
45:26 He remarks on page 112.
45:29 Those...
45:30 And he's meaning,
45:32 "Those who are part of God's great outreach to the world.
45:35 They count all things but loss for Christ.
45:39 He is there all in all,
45:41 they care not for earthly fame or human accolades,
45:44 position, prestige, and earthly praise
45:47 mean little to them
45:49 with the Apostle Paul, they say,
45:51 for me to live is Christ.
45:55 Empowered by His Spirit,
45:57 they proclaim His love and share His grace.
45:59 The earth is lightened
46:01 with the glory the character of God,
46:03 the Holy Spirit is poured out in latter rain power,
46:06 hearts are touched, lives are changed,
46:09 the world is reached, and Jesus comes again."
46:16 Business Unusual.
46:19 One of these days very soon wherever you are in this world,
46:24 whether it is in Louisville, whether it is in Hong Kong,
46:29 whether it is in Rio de Janeiro,
46:32 whether it is in Kinshasa, if it is in Cairo,
46:36 everyone will look up,
46:38 and they will see a small dark cloud approaching
46:41 and getting larger and larger and brighter and brighter,
46:45 and filling the sky with all the glory
46:48 that heaven can pour out.
46:50 A rainbow over that cloud
46:52 and lightning like activity underneath the cloud,
46:56 all of heaven,
46:58 all of the angels poured out for this climax
47:00 of earth's history because it is Business Unusual.
47:06 And that clock will have come
47:08 to its full compliment at midnight.
47:14 And we will look up into the sky
47:15 and we'll look into that cloud, and we will see Jesus.
47:22 And we will say this is the God that we have waited for,
47:24 He will save us.
47:26 And Jesus will look down.
47:29 And I like to think, He'll say,
47:31 "Well done good and faithful members of ASI,
47:36 enter into the joy of your Lord."
47:40 And we will ascend into heaven following those
47:45 who have died in Christ
47:46 but have heard that trumpet sound
47:50 and we will live with Jesus forever.
47:55 Business Unusual.
47:59 Tonight, how many of you would like to say,
48:04 Lord, I wanna take that challenge,
48:08 I wanna be part of an outreach
48:11 that relies completely on You,
48:14 that leans upon Your grace and Your righteousness
48:17 that animates me with the power
48:20 that is only from heaven itself.
48:23 And, Lord, I wanna be part of Business Unusual,
48:28 as we come to the end of time.
48:30 And, Lord, I wanna be there
48:32 when You appear in the clouds of glory.
48:35 But, Lord, help me to also enlist many others
48:40 and point them to the one who is all together lovely,
48:44 and can bring them into heaven itself.
48:50 As ASI members tonight,
48:52 how many of you would like to make that commitment
48:57 to Jesus as you begin this convention?
49:01 Would you stand to your feet?
49:08 As you stand and as you make this commitment,
49:14 Yvonne Lewis-Shelton is going to sing
49:17 a magnificent song of commitment.
49:20 And I asked that as she sings,
49:22 your mind will be focused upon Business Unusual.
49:28 God's business and your part
49:32 in this magnificent last day proclamation.
49:43 How can I say thanks
49:52 For the things You have done for me?
49:58 Things so undeserved
50:05 Yet You gave to prove Your love for me
50:11 The voices of a million angels
50:18 Cannot express
50:22 My gratitude
50:26 All that I am
50:30 And ever hope to be
50:37 I owe it all
50:41 To Thee
50:45 To God
50:48 Be the glory
50:53 To God
50:56 Be the glory
51:00 To God
51:03 Be the glory
51:08 For the things
51:10 He has done
51:15 With His blood He has saved me
51:22 With His power He has raised me
51:29 To God be the glory
51:36 For the things He has done
51:44 With His blood Jesus saved me
51:51 With His power He has raised me
51:57 To God be all the glory
52:04 For the things
52:06 He has done
52:11 Oh, great
52:13 Is thy faithfulness!
52:19 Great is thy faithfulness!
52:25 Morning by morning
52:29 New mercies I see
52:37 All I have needed your hand
52:43 Hath provided
52:47 Great is thy faithfulness!
52:56 Great is thy faithfulness
53:04 Lord, unto me!
53:24 Father in heaven we thank You
53:27 for the great faithfulness
53:30 that You have towards us
53:33 with the plan of salvation was established
53:36 before even the foundation of this earth,
53:39 that You have had it in mind that each of us
53:41 should be part of this last day proclamation,
53:44 and that You have made every provision
53:46 for us to be saved,
53:48 and all who are willing to call upon Your name
53:52 and believe in You.
53:55 Now, Lord,
53:57 we ask that You will bless this magnificent
54:00 and wonderful group of ASI members
54:04 who understand that it is Business Unusual
54:07 at this time in earth's history.
54:10 Lord, use us, use everyone,
54:15 and use this wonderful organization
54:17 that is so devoted
54:20 to helping the church accomplish its mission.
54:24 Use everyone to the greatest amount of good,
54:27 all to Your glory.
54:31 Thank You now for the commitment
54:33 on the part of each one standing.
54:35 Give each one a wonderful convention here in Louisville,
54:42 and those watching on television
54:44 and through internet.
54:46 Help them to feel the vibrancy of the presence
54:49 of the Holy Spirit.
54:51 Bring us
54:52 into a right relationship with You, Lord,
54:55 so that soon we may see Your coming
54:58 in the clouds of heaven
55:00 all through the power of the Holy Spirit
55:02 working in and through us to accomplish Your will.
55:08 Thank You for hearing us.
55:10 Give each one a good rest tonight.
55:12 And help us to remember
55:15 that in Your work on this earth,
55:18 it is now Business Unusual.
55:22 We commit ourselves into Your hands.
55:25 In Jesus' name, we ask it.
55:28 Amen.


Revised 2020-01-08