ASI Conventions

Session 16

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ASIC

Program Code: ASIC190016S

00:20 Good afternoon ASi!
00:24 I hope your lunch was excellent
00:26 but I hope it was not too much because you want to stay awake.
00:29 We want to welcome you and give you an invitation.
00:32 We want to welcome you because the program this afternoon
00:35 is going to be amazing. If you like stories,
00:38 you're going to love these stories.
00:41 We also want to give you an invitation. Lyndi, why do we
00:43 want to invite them? Well, ASi is going to be coming up
00:47 July 29 to August 1 next year.
00:51 If you're at ASi this year, you know why you need to be here
00:54 next year. ASi has been a wonderful experience
00:58 from the seminars we've attended to the morning sessions.
01:01 Even Sabbath School was a blessing. Why would anybody
01:05 want to miss ASi?
01:09 If I could pick a favorite spot, I think it would be
01:11 Sabbath School. Amen! How often have you gone to Sabbath School
01:15 and cried? It was really a blessing.
01:18 Amen. Well, why don't we bow our heads to pray.
01:23 Father in heaven,
01:26 Lord, I thank you so much for this Sabbath Day that
01:28 You've given us. I thank you for ASi
01:32 and for the reminders that we've had
01:35 ever since Wednesday of our need not just to
01:40 have knowledge of the Scriptures
01:43 but to put those Scriptures into action.
01:47 In Your holy name I pray, Amen.
01:51 We were trying to get... We were going to have
01:54 Ray and Madeline Hamblin Skype with us right now.
01:57 We're trying but we're having a little bit of
01:59 technical difficulties.
02:00 But Ray and Madeline, when I tried to call them
02:02 to ask them to come and get on the phone with us today
02:06 they were busy because they were out giving Bible studies.
02:11 And then when I asked them if they could Skype with us today
02:14 at this time they said: "Well, we'll have to re-arrange
02:17 because of our nursing home ministry
02:20 that we're involved with. "
02:21 Now those are what I call true ASi friends and family.
02:26 This is something maybe to educate you
02:29 and to inform you a little bit about exactly how much
02:32 they've meant to ASi and how much they mean to us...
02:35 particularly this leadership team that you see
02:38 up here on stage.
02:40 They've worked with us for many many years.
02:42 And so we have bonded significantly with the Hamblins.
02:47 And I remember... I'm looking at Harold over here
02:50 at your far right. Harold Lantz and Ray Hamblin
02:55 are like schoolboys when they get together.
02:57 They're such buddies, and so it's really exciting to see it
03:01 when they get together. And you really recognize that
03:03 they are indeed family.
03:06 So I guess I'll go ahead and proceed with the presentation
03:09 that we have crafted for them
03:11 so that you'll understand a little bit about what they mean
03:14 to us. It is fitting to recognize the efforts
03:17 of God's workers and more importantly
03:20 to say thank you for being invaluable mentors
03:23 and positive examples of leadership.
03:26 Ray and Madeline Hamblin fit in this category.
03:29 They are not only the reason behind my husband Ray and I
03:33 joining ASi but why we became active in the organization.
03:38 They have not only been "die-hard" supporters
03:42 of ASi but great encouragers of fledgling ministries,
03:47 candid advisors, and beloved friends.
03:51 Ray was a past president of both ASi and ASi Missions Inc.
03:57 was one of the original team... Oh, and there they are!
04:01 Forgive me for interrupting
04:04 but we see Ray and Madeline Hamblin on screen.
04:08 And we... Oh, you can? Can you talk? So Hi!
04:14 Hi. And can our audience see them?
04:19 No, our audience cannot see them yet. Oh.
04:21 OK... so the audience can't see you yet
04:23 but you can see us, right Ray and Madeline?
04:26 There they are! We can, yes. OK! There we go!
04:29 All right! ASi audience, would you permit me to begin again?
04:32 Amen. All right!
04:34 So Ray and Madeline, we love you dearly.
04:37 We're so sorry you're not here with us
04:39 but we just have a few words that we wanted to share
04:42 with you. And in your fashion, we had to go ahead and get
04:46 started because you were so busy workin' for the Lord.
04:49 But since you're here with us
04:51 we're going to go ahead and start from the beginning.
04:54 So this is for you:
04:57 It is fitting to recognize the efforts of God's workers
05:01 and more importantly to say thank you
05:04 for being invaluable mentors and positive examples
05:07 of leadership. Ray and Madeline Hamblin
05:10 fit in this category.
05:11 They are not only the reason behind my husband Ray and I
05:15 joining ASi but why we became active in the organization.
05:20 They have not only been "die-hard" supporters of ASi,
05:24 but great encouragers of fledgling ministries
05:27 candid advisors, and beloved friends. Amen!
05:32 Ray was a past president of both ASi and ASi Missions Inc.
05:37 and was one of the original team to pilot New Beginnings
05:42 in the Philippines almost 20 years ago.
05:45 An initial board member of GYC
05:48 and still a faithful advocate of the YFJ Initiative
05:53 first chairing and now still serving on the life board
05:58 which provides YFJ oversight.
06:02 Madeline served on the ASi board
06:05 and in ASi program coordination roles
06:08 bringing a standard of excellence the ASi convention
06:12 still possesses today.
06:14 They are not only team members running their own printing co.
06:18 but also active in ministry together at their home church.
06:23 Ray and Madeline, we remain indebted to you
06:27 for your friendship and grateful for your service and support.
06:33 We just want to take this opportunity
06:35 and Ray and Madeline, thank you for joining us today
06:38 by Skype. We know that's not the best way.
06:41 We would love to have you here in person!
06:43 But some of you may and may not know
06:48 but it is seldom that the ASi organization
06:52 recognizes and chooses to fill this category
06:56 for membership. It's called the honorary membership of ASi.
07:01 And it is done for people who have gone way above
07:04 and beyond the call of duty in service for ASi.
07:08 And I want you to know, Ray and Madeline, that today
07:11 your names have been voted into honorary membership
07:15 for ASi by a full vote of the ASi executive committee
07:21 as well as the board, and it's a unanimous decision.
07:24 We love you guys and we want you to continue to be
07:27 a part of the family of ASi as we move forward.
07:30 Today we have... we're going to give you something
07:35 that we'll have to ship it to you.
07:37 I don't know if you can see it here but I hope you can.
07:39 It's a very beautiful globe that represents to us
07:44 a gift fitting for those who have had world-wide impact
07:49 in the ministry of ASi.
07:51 And I don't know all the stories.
07:55 I've only heard a few of them.
07:56 But I know Harold has shared some stories about some of the
08:00 travels that you guys participated in some years ago.
08:05 But it's been a blessing to our ministries around the world.
08:08 You've been a blessing here. Madeline and I have served
08:11 on program committee together for I don't know how many years.
08:14 But Madeline has been a huge blessing to us on the program
08:18 committee helping us to stay anchored in what ASi
08:21 is really all about. Amen!
08:23 So again today, we just want to say thank you
08:27 Ray and Madeline for all that you have done
08:29 and for all that you continue to do
08:32 and for the service you are providing right now even in
08:35 your local community being active and sharing Christ
08:38 in the marketplace. We know that you've been a mentor
08:41 to many people. Many of those people are here today
08:44 that know you, and we're just grateful
08:46 for the opportunity to recognize that leadership
08:49 and mentorship you and Madeline have provided
08:52 to the younger generation of ASi ministries and members.
08:57 So thank you today. We love you guys and appreciate you.
09:02 Amen! Well thanks, Steve. This is totally unexpected.
09:08 It's an honor, but I want to note that starting with
09:12 Elder Ken List going forward
09:16 that we have been blessed: ASi, the ASi family
09:21 in the opportunity that we were given.
09:26 You know, for me ASi has been a springboard
09:30 to draw closer to Jesus
09:33 and it's been a learning curve on how better to serve
09:36 my local church and the marketplace.
09:39 As you know, we have met some of the dearest people
09:43 on earth through ASi. And it's been a privilege
09:45 too, for us to watch ASi grow into what it is today.
09:49 Thank you so much.
09:51 This is just unbelievable. Thank you.
09:55 Thank you again Ray and Madeline Hamblin:
09:57 honorary members of ASi!
10:19 Have you ever wondered where we began?
10:23 The spark to begin this movement?
10:29 Remember:
11:05 Under her guidance this college was established.
11:10 Self-supporting, inspiring, educating.
11:13 The foundation was laid.
11:15 Ministries sprang up all over the world.
11:18 Lay members and church leaders burned to join ministry with
11:22 the church. ASi was born.
11:27 Today ASi continues with the example of the apostle Paul
11:31 sharing Jesus Christ in the marketplace.
11:36 Business professionals were needed on the team.
11:39 And as ministry and business united in their efforts
11:42 a dynamic network was formed.
11:45 Every day ASi members and ministries
11:48 carry the light to mission fields across the North American
11:51 Division and the whole world.
11:58 It's important to be a part of ASi
12:00 because I'm able to share my gifts with a team of people
12:03 in so many ways worldwide.
12:05 It's not just a blessing to the people I teach...
12:08 it's a blessing to me as well.
12:12 Building a One-Day Church is a really special experience
12:16 because you get to come in here and these people
12:19 sometimes don't even have a church. They value the church
12:23 so much, and building it... It's a good build!
12:27 It's not hard. I didn't have to go through any special training
12:30 to do it, but the rewards from it are incredible.
12:34 Such an experience!
12:36 It's a great opportunity to be part of ASi as a business
12:40 because it's God who gave us these businesses
12:43 in the first place. And now being a part of the ASi family
12:48 I can work together in a strategic way
12:50 to use my business to multiply the kingdom of God
12:53 in a way that I never could have done before.
12:56 Well, you know, I think that this whole program
13:00 says 2 or 3 important things. Number one:
13:04 It says: "I can be involved. No matter who I am -
13:08 no matter what my skill level or what my talent -
13:10 I can be involved. " And that really is a message
13:12 for the whole church. The take-away is:
13:15 we can work together.
13:18 We can build community that goes beyond
13:23 what differences we have.
13:43 This is who we are.
14:35 We are a team in business and ministry together...
14:40 focused on Christ,
14:42 passionate about the mission of the church
14:44 just like you. Join us in spreading the light
14:49 of the Advent message to the world.
14:51 What the world needs is Jesus.
14:55 Remember.
15:00 I would like you to take note of a verse of Scripture
15:02 which we have referred to several times during this
15:05 convention found in Romans chapter 12 verse 1.
15:09 "I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God
15:13 that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice
15:17 wholly acceptable unto God
15:19 which is your reasonable service. "
15:23 Apparently Catherine and Chris and Dudley
15:28 and Ava and Eric and Ida
15:31 and Ethel and other stories that were mentioned here today
15:35 felt like this verse of Scrip- ture meant something to them.
15:39 They did not walk away from this reasonable request
15:44 that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice
15:47 even though many of them ended up pouring out their lives
15:51 for the cause of Christ on the front lines.
15:55 This afternoon as we talk together
16:00 for just a few more minutes
16:02 I'm wondering what it really means
16:05 to be a living sacrifice.
16:10 I believe that in today's world we would consider
16:13 what we have just heard to be unusual.
16:18 We would consider this to be almost insane to go out
16:22 into the mission field knowing that you would probably live
16:24 only two years.
16:28 Paul speaks about this in II Corinthians 4:2 when he says
16:32 this: "For our light... " Excuse me, verse 17: "For our light
16:37 affliction which is but for a moment
16:42 worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal
16:48 weight of glory. " What God has done
16:50 in giving us the opportunity to be involved in sacrificial
16:54 service is actually for our benefit.
16:57 We look at it many times and we say: "Oh,
17:00 what a sacrifice they're making! "
17:02 When in reality what God is doing is He is
17:05 showing us the benefit that we can have personally
17:09 from this kind of sacrifice.
17:11 II Timothy Paul says this, chapter 2 verse 12
17:14 he says: "If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. "
17:20 "If we deny Him, He will also deny us. "
17:24 How many of us here today want to be denied
17:27 by our Savior?
17:33 I really believe I'd rather suffer
17:35 than to be denied by Jesus.
17:42 Paul calls us again. We find in Ephesians chapter 5
17:47 and verse 2 this call.
17:52 And this is the way Paul says it: "And walk in love
17:57 as Christ also has loved us
18:02 and hath given Himself for us
18:05 an offering and a sacrifice to God
18:10 for a sweet-smelling savor. "
18:13 There's something about this idea of sacrifice
18:17 as exhibited in the life of our Savior
18:23 that we often fail to take note of.
18:31 If Jesus is really our example,
18:38 should we be willing to sacrifice as He sacrificed?
18:45 In Acts of the Apostles it talks about the apostle John
18:49 and it makes this interesting statement. Says:
18:51 "When John had been brought into sympathy with Christ... "
18:57 Now we think about that. How many here would like to be
19:01 brought into sympathy with Christ?
19:04 Is that a thing that we should crave? To understand
19:08 how to be brought in sympathy with Christ?
19:12 Well unfortunately, the statement doesn't stop there.
19:16 It says: "When John had been brought into sympathy with
19:18 Christ through the fellowship of His sufferings
19:23 the Lord revealed to him
19:29 what is the condition of the nearness to His kingdom.
19:33 'To him that overcometh, Christ said, I will grant to sit
19:36 with Me on My throne
19:38 even as I also overcame
19:40 and am sit down with My Father in His throne. ' "
19:42 Revelation chapter 3 verse 21.
19:45 "No one who stands nearest to Christ will be... "
19:50 "The one who stands nearest to Christ will be one who
19:53 has drunk most deeply of the spirit
19:57 of self-sacrificing love. "
20:02 You know, I started by saying we've been talking about
20:06 business unusual, and this afternoon we've kinda
20:10 focused on sacrifice unusual.
20:13 I believe this is the essence of sacrifice unusual
20:17 is to model our lives after the lives of our
20:22 self-sacrificing Savior.
20:26 It goes on to say: "This is the kind of love that vaunteth not
20:29 itself up. It is not puffed up; it seeketh not her own.
20:33 It's not easily provoked; it thinketh no evil. "
20:38 It's the kind of love that moves the disciples
20:41 as it moved our Lord
20:43 to give all. To live and to labor
20:48 and even to sacrifice unto death
20:52 for the saving of humanity.
20:55 This is the kind of sacrifice that Jesus showed us
20:59 through His life that He lived on this earth.
21:02 Through the way that He walked;
21:03 through the way that He ministered;
21:06 through the way that He interacted with people.
21:10 This morning we were pointed to the cross.
21:16 David Asscherick talked about the cross and how
21:23 that kind of death at that time in history
21:29 was really not something that was looked on favorably.
21:36 But the cross is the demonstration of the great love
21:40 that God had for us.
21:44 Acts of the Apostles page 519 says this:
21:47 "The plan of salvation was laid in sacrifice. "
21:54 The plan of salvation was laid in what?
21:57 Sacrifice!
22:03 II Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9:
22:06 "Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
22:12 that though He was rich yet for your sakes
22:15 He became poor
22:18 that ye through His poverty
22:21 might be rich. "
22:26 Christ gave Himself, sacrificed Himself
22:32 that we would have the opportunity
22:36 to have eternal life.
22:38 I think we really don't understand that. Honestly.
22:41 I don't think I understand it personally.
22:44 We often say this, we talk about this, but
22:47 the reality is that without this sacrifice of Christ
22:51 we would have no hope.
22:58 What does that kind of sacrifice mean to us?
23:07 What does that kind of sacrifice say to our hearts?
23:11 Do we ponder this enough? Do we think about the sacrifice
23:16 that Jesus made for us? Do we ponder the sacrifice
23:20 enough to really even say it's a part of our thinking?
23:27 Because when we think about this, when we ponder this idea
23:30 of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ
23:33 I believe it will change the way that we look at the world
23:36 around us.
23:40 Acts of the Apostles page 370.
23:43 "For the conversion of one sinner
23:47 the minister should tax his resources to the utmost. "
23:52 Now let's just take a little quiz here.
23:55 We could say the minister and we could all... well, not all
23:58 but most of us could comfortably walk away from this
24:02 conversation because we could say: "Oh,
24:05 that means the preacher. "
24:08 Right? That means the preacher should sacrifice.
24:12 So we could get by with that.
24:15 Are we not all called to be ministers of the gospel?
24:20 Have we not all been empowered by the Holy Spirit
24:23 to do something for God?
24:25 To share the good news with those who are perishing
24:27 in this world?
24:32 Why would this be true? Why would we do this?
24:35 Why would we consider this? Why would we even think
24:38 that this is the kind of life that God desires us to live?
24:41 And it's really for our own good.
24:45 It's because of the value of the human soul.
24:53 Goes on to say in Acts of the Apostles: "The soul that God
24:56 has created and Christ has redeemed
24:58 is of great value because of the possibilities before it.
25:03 The spiritual advantages that have been granted,
25:07 the capabilities that it may possess,
25:09 and if vitalized by the Word of God
25:15 and the immortality it may gain through the hope
25:19 presented in the gospel.
25:22 And if Christ left the 90 and 9 that He might seek and save
25:28 one lost sheep, can we be justified in doing less? "
25:37 She goes on to say in this paragraph
25:40 "Is not a neglect to work as Christ worked,
25:46 to sacrifice as He sacrificed,
25:50 a betrayal of sacred trust? "
25:54 Is not this an insult to God Himself
25:58 if we do less than Jesus did?
26:07 It's just a little bit challenging
26:11 to think this way. It's a little bit challenging
26:15 to talk about the kind of sacrifice that Jesus had
26:20 and to consider that that is the kind of life
26:23 that He is calling us to.
26:27 We need a deeper sense of the value of a soul.
26:30 We need a deeper sense of the sacredness of the work
26:33 that God has called us to do.
26:35 We need to understand that we should not be studying
26:38 our own ease and our own convenience
26:42 and how we can make self-comfortable.
26:45 But we need to be more forgetful of who we are.
26:54 When we read the parable of the lost sheep, we find
26:58 the shepherd going and searching and searching
27:04 and searching
27:06 until that one lost sheep is brought home.
27:16 We read the life of Paul and we see that many times
27:19 we find him and he talks about this being adrift
27:24 in the sea and being hungry and being naked and being beaten.
27:31 And when we read that we think: "Well that was the apostle Paul.
27:35 It makes a great story in the Bible of a great apostle,
27:38 a great man who worked for Christ
27:40 and sacrificed his life for Christ. "
27:45 Should we not consider that Christ has also called every
27:49 single one of us to reach to the lost souls of our world?
28:01 When Jared spoke to us on Friday evening
28:05 I was thinking: "How true it is
28:09 that we often pat ourselves on the back
28:12 for the great progress that we have made around the world. "
28:16 Ellen White speaks to this in Historical Sketches page 290.
28:22 This is a very interesting thing that she says.
28:25 "Seventh-day Adventists are making progress. "
28:29 Amen? "Doubling their numbers. " Amen?
28:33 "Establishing missions. " Amen!
28:37 "And unfurling the banners of truth in the dark places
28:41 of the earth. " And then she uses two words
28:47 similar to the word but.
28:48 She says: "And yet... and yet
28:52 the work moves far more slowly than God would have it. "
28:59 And then in the little quotation marks the question is: "Why? "
29:03 And the answer is disturbing, and this is what the answer
29:07 says. And I believe that if she were here today
29:10 the answer would be very similar if not identical.
29:13 "The members of the church are not individually aroused
29:19 to put forth the earnest efforts that they are capable of. "
29:27 The members of the church. Now I think
29:30 if I don't mistake it that's talking about us.
29:34 We are the members of the church. We are the essence
29:37 of the church... it's us!
29:41 "We are individually not aroused
29:44 to put forth the earnest effort that we are capable of making. "
29:49 She goes on to say: "And every branch of the work
29:51 is crippled by lack of fervent piety
29:55 and devoted, humble God-fearing laborers. "
29:58 And then she asks the question: "Where are the soldiers
30:03 of the cross? " If we really believe that Jesus went to that
30:06 cross for you and I, and we have agreed that we should join
30:10 His army, she asks this question:
30:12 "Then where are the soldiers of the cross? "
30:14 Why are we so much asleep
30:18 at the switch when there's so much to be done?
30:30 What will it take
30:34 for us to see
30:37 the joy of self-sacrificing effort for Christ?
30:44 You know, Jesus lived a life to give us an example
30:47 for a reason because He said: "I have come that you might
30:50 have life and have it... " What? "more abundantly. "
30:54 Well evidently the abundant life comes through sacrifice.
30:59 I think we've kinda lost sight of that.
31:02 The idea that the abundant life... We think
31:05 "Well the abundant life means I'm going to be healthy. "
31:07 Well what about these missionaries we just talked
31:09 about who have died on the field of battle?
31:13 Is that the abundant life that Jesus is calling us to?
31:17 And the answer is yes, that's the abundant life
31:20 that Christ is calling us to because it's the life
31:22 of self-sacrifice that results in souls for His kingdom.
31:27 Can we do any less than Jesus did? He gave His life!
31:32 And yet we appreciate sitting comfortably.
31:45 I really don't even like to read this because it kind of
31:48 speaks to us. She says: "There are too many faint,
31:51 cowardly hearts in this hour of spiritual conflict. "
31:55 There are too many what?
31:57 "Faint and cowardly hearts
32:01 in this hour of spiritual conflict. "
32:04 Our world today is in a battle
32:06 and the great controversy rages all around us.
32:10 Without a doubt we ARE in spiritual conflict.
32:18 In Review and Herald May 6, 1890, she wrote these words:
32:23 "The Lord is in need of workers
32:27 who will push the triumphs of the cross of Christ. "
32:33 Well if that was true in 1890 I believe it is true in 2019
32:39 but even to a greater degree. There are 7+ billion people
32:43 on this planet who many of them have never even heard
32:48 the name of Jesus. That's hard for us to imagine.
32:56 The cross of Christ... It's true: the cross of Christ
32:59 is covered with stigma and reproach
33:04 yet it is the hope of life.
33:10 It is the hope of life.
33:14 I believe God is calling us to joyfully sacrifice.
33:24 You know, heaven is a place where God lives.
33:30 But the spirit there is not a miserly spirit.
33:33 It's a very generous spirit. And God gave everything
33:37 through His Son. And this is what it talks about:
33:42 the life of Christ. Counsels to the Church
33:46 page 272 if you want to look this up.
33:49 "The cross of Christ appeals to the benevolence of every
33:52 follower of Christ. " I hope today that it appeals to you.
34:01 She goes on to say in Christian Service page 21:
34:06 "Let us give while we have power.
34:10 Let us do while we have strength.
34:12 Let us work while it is day.
34:15 Let us devote our time and our means to the service of
34:19 God that we may have His approbation and receive
34:22 the reward. " I want to close today
34:27 with the story of Wm. Borden.
34:34 The Borden family, if you know much about
34:38 brands today, is actually still a brand.
34:41 It's in the dairy industry.
34:43 And you've seen the little pictures of Elsie the Cow?
34:46 That's the Borden brand.
34:50 William was born in the early 1900's, living in the early
34:53 1900's. And their family was a very prosperous family.
35:02 Yet one of their members by the name of William
35:05 deviated from this path.
35:09 He... Under the influence of Dwight Moody
35:13 he had come to know Jesus Christ as his Savior.
35:18 As he graduated from high school his parents said:
35:21 "What can we do for William that will be a wonderful
35:24 high school graduation gift? "
35:28 And so they gave him a trip around the world.
35:32 During this trip around the world
35:37 William became convicted
35:40 that God was calling him to be a missionary.
35:43 He went home to his family and he said:
35:46 "God is calling me to be a missionary. I know it!
35:49 I feel it! I've been around the world.
35:51 I've seen these suffering people and I know that God is
35:53 calling me to be a missionary. "
35:58 His family and his friends disagreed with his decision.
36:01 In fact, they tried desperately to discourage him
36:04 saying: "Why waste your life on the mission field?
36:08 Anybody can do that.
36:09 You're rich. You have a fortune ahead of you.
36:12 Why are you going to waste your life on the mission field? "
36:17 But William would not be dissuaded from his desire to be
36:21 a missionary. He went to receive training.
36:27 He was pursuing a career as a missionary.
36:36 He wanted to go to the Far East
36:38 and minister to the Muslim community there.
36:41 It was so difficult for his family and his peers
36:45 to actually believe that he would do this.
36:47 But he was determined.
36:51 During this difficult time
36:53 he wrote two words in his Bible.
36:57 He wrote: "No reserves. "
37:01 He had decided he was going to put everything that he had
37:04 on the line for Jesus Christ come what may.
37:08 He also wrote this in his Bible: "Say no to self and yes
37:13 to Jesus every time. "
37:16 I think those are some pretty good words. How about you?
37:21 After preparing himself for mission service
37:24 he was on his way sailing for China.
37:28 He decided he would make a stop
37:30 in Cairo so he could learn the Arabic language
37:35 because he wanted to minister to the Muslim people in the
37:38 Far East. So he figured: "I need to know this language. "
37:42 But before he had sailed on the boat he made another decision
37:48 and he gave his entire fortune to missions.
38:00 While he was in Cairo
38:02 he was stricken with spinal meningitis
38:10 and he gave his life.
38:12 A young man just in his 20's giving his life!
38:17 He had given away his fortune.
38:19 He had been trained to go as a missionary
38:29 and he made the sacrifice of his life.
38:35 So he had written these words in his Bible,
38:38 and when they took his Bible home to his parents
38:41 they found these words:
38:45 "No reserves.
38:48 No regrets.
38:49 No retreats. "
38:55 We've heard the stories of other missionaries.
38:58 And I don't know if you were listening today
39:00 but I was listening to the presentation
39:02 and I noticed that Ina also said that. She said:
39:06 "I have no regrets. "
39:09 And George said that about his brother.
39:11 He said: "I have no regrets
39:12 that my brother has died at the post of duty. "
39:17 I wonder if we could live that kind of life today
39:20 and it would make any sense to the world.
39:23 I doubt it.
39:25 I doubt if it would make any sense to the world
39:29 but I believe it'd make a lot of sense to Jesus
39:34 who gave His all. He gave His all and then He gave His life!
39:38 He poured out everything for us.
39:42 I'm appealing to you today
39:44 to live a life
39:47 patterned after the life of our Savior.
39:54 You know, I think Jesus could have written these 3 statements.
39:58 "No reserves. " He poured out everything.
40:02 "No retreats. " He did battle with Satan
40:06 on his territory
40:08 and in the end "No regrets"
40:11 because it resulted in the salvation of souls.
40:15 We're told that He would have come for just one.
40:19 What will we do for just one?
40:27 I want you to just think and pray
40:32 but I want you to make a de- cision to leave this place today
40:39 and to change the way... change your paradigm
40:43 about how you think about life.
40:45 So at the end of your life it can be said about you
40:50 "They had no reserves; they never retreated from the battle;
40:56 and no regrets. "
40:58 May God helps us that we would live that kind of life
41:04 because Jesus did.
41:29 In shady green pastures
41:35 so rich and so sweet
41:39 God leads His dear children
41:45 along.
41:49 Where the water's cool flow
41:54 bathes the weary one's feet
42:00 God leads His dear children
42:06 along.
42:11 Some through the water,
42:17 some through the flood.
42:21 Some through the fire,
42:25 but all through the blood.
42:31 Some through great sorrow
42:36 but God gives a song
42:41 in the night season
42:46 and all the day long.
42:59 Sometimes on the mount
43:04 where the sun shines so bright
43:09 God leads His dear children
43:13 along.
43:17 Sometimes in the valley
43:21 in darkest of night
43:26 God leads His dear children
43:32 along.
43:36 Some through the water,
43:41 some through the flood.
43:45 Some through the fire,
43:49 but all through
43:53 the blood.
43:58 Some through great sorrow
44:03 but God gives a song
44:10 in the night
44:13 season...
44:21 in the night
44:24 season
44:29 God leads
44:32 His dear children
44:37 along.
44:54 Amen! Thank you, Jennifer, for that beautiful music.
44:59 What a wonderful way to have us pause and consider
45:02 how we will live our lives from this day forward.
45:05 Let's bow our heads as we pray.
45:08 Father in heaven,
45:11 You have poured out all of heaven for us.
45:15 Lord, we confess today that we've been ungrateful.
45:18 We confess today that we have been unfaithful
45:20 and we desire, O God, to be back in Your graces.
45:24 We desire, O God, to be used by You.
45:31 We know that You lead us individually,
45:34 and I pray for every person in this audience today
45:37 that as we leave this place
45:40 You will lead and guide us. And that as You call us
45:44 we will step forward. That if You call us to sacrifice
45:47 we will joyfully sacrifice for You... whatever You may ask
45:51 because You gave all for us.
45:54 Heavenly Father, we are incapable as human beings
46:00 of appreciating this great sacrifice.
46:03 Please send us the Holy Spirit
46:05 to convict our hearts of what You have done for us
46:09 and what we should be willing to do for others.
46:12 Thank you that You hear and that You answer our prayers.
46:18 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


Revised 2020-03-30