ASI Conventions

Session 17

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ASIC

Program Code: ASIC190017S

00:19 Happy Sabbath! For me has been and for my family
00:23 a wonderful blessing to be at ASi since 2005
00:28 and we look forward to the next convention.
00:31 Well, I have good news and bad news.
00:34 The bad news is it's almost ending.
00:36 Isn't that sad?
00:38 How many of you have been at ASi the first time this year?
00:42 Can I see your hands?
00:43 Wow! That's a big group.
00:45 OK... I'm not going to ask the rest, but of these
00:48 who have raised their hands how many of you are going to be
00:50 planning, at least have a chance to be here next year?
00:54 Not here but in Orlando. Let me see your hands.
00:56 Wow! That's amazing! Praise the Lord!
01:00 We are so blessed to come together once a year
01:03 to really unite in prayer on a message
01:07 on the mission to really be prepared
01:11 for the next year to continue on God's work.
01:15 It's such a blessing to be part of ASi, isn't it?
01:18 Well, this vespers we're going to continue to have a very rich
01:22 program. We're going to have Philip Baptiste
01:25 giving us a message.
01:26 But before anything we're going to ask the presence
01:29 of God in our midst.
01:31 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
01:35 Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for this convention.
01:40 It has been a collective blessing;
01:42 it has been a personal blessing for each one of us.
01:45 We had these days together to really be inspired
01:50 and be focused on mission.
01:53 Now help especially to go beyond this event
01:56 that Your Holy Spirit will touch our hearts
01:59 so that we will continue to be on fire for You
02:02 because we want to see You very soon coming to this earth
02:06 and take us home. We ask You that Your Holy Spirit
02:09 will be with our speaker tonight
02:11 and that You will continue to be such a great blessing
02:17 for the ASi family. In Jesus' name we ask, Amen.
02:22 I have the privilege of introducing tonight's speaker
02:25 Philip Baptiste. You just voted him in to be
02:29 our secretary/treasurer representing ASi
02:33 at the North American Division.
02:35 I've worked with Philip for over a year now.
02:37 He is brand new to ASi.
02:40 He has been on the job, he said, one year and 3 days.
02:43 And during that time what I've really appreciated about him
02:46 is his passion not just for lay people
02:49 getting involved in ministry
02:51 and ministering, but his passion
02:55 to make sure that the lay people
02:57 join hands together with the church.
03:00 You heard Elder Denslow talk about uniting
03:03 with the church... that we are the church.
03:05 And that is true, and that is Philip's passion.
03:08 And so I want to welcome him to the pulpit
03:11 after our special music and for a challenge
03:15 to join hands together and press together...
03:18 press together with the church to finish the work.
03:21 Thank you.
03:26 Praise Father, Son - praise Father, Son -
03:31 praise Father, Son,
03:36 and Holy
03:42 Ghost. All people that
03:47 on earth do dwell
03:50 sing to the Lord with
03:54 cheerful voice.
03:57 Him serve with mirth,
04:00 His praise foretell...
04:04 come ye before Him
04:08 and rejoice.
04:12 O, enter then His gates with joy!
04:18 Within His courts
04:21 His praise proclaim.
04:26 Let thankful songs your tongues employ.
04:32 O bless and magnify
04:37 His name.
04:40 Because of all
04:43 our God is good;
04:49 His mercy is
04:51 forever sure.
04:56 His truth at all times
05:00 firmly stood
05:04 and shall from age to age
05:09 endure...
05:11 endure.
05:17 Praise God from whom all blessings
05:23 flow,
05:25 praise Him all creatures
05:28 here below.
05:32 Praise Him above
05:35 ye heavenly host:
05:39 praise Father, Son,
05:42 and Holy Ghost.
05:49 Amen.
05:55 Amen.
06:01 Amen.
06:08 Praise God from whom all
06:11 blessings flow.
06:17 Praise Him all creatures
06:20 here below.
06:25 Praise Him above
06:27 ye heavenly host:
06:33 praise Father, Son,
06:35 and Holy
06:40 Ghost.
06:43 Praise God from whom
06:48 all blessings
06:53 flow.
06:57 Praise Him
06:59 all creatures
07:04 here below.
07:10 Praise Him above
07:16 ye heavenly
07:22 host:
07:25 praise Father, Son,
07:32 and Holy
07:36 Ghost.
07:40 Amen!
07:55 The year was AD 31.
07:58 The place is a grassy hill by the Sea of Galilee.
08:02 The people are hungry.
08:05 Jesus turns to His disciples
08:07 and says: "Give ye them to eat. "
08:12 "But Lord, " they cry,
08:14 "how can we feed the multitude with such limited resources? "
08:19 "I mean, all we have is two small fish
08:22 and five loaves of bread. "
08:24 "How can we feed the enormous number of people
08:27 with so little? "
08:29 "I mean, are we supposed to divide up the loaves and fish
08:33 and give each person a crumb? "
08:36 But Jesus' instructions are clear.
08:40 He says: "Give ye them to eat. "
08:46 "But Lord, " they cry, "we don't have the financial ability
08:51 to feed so many. This is all we have" they cry
08:57 holding up their two small fish and their five loaves of bread.
09:02 But Jesus says: "If you just give Me the little that you have
09:05 I'll multiply it and I'll make it more. "
09:09 And so they did and it did,
09:13 and He did. And as a result over 5,000
09:18 were fed and they were filled.
09:22 The year is 2019.
09:26 The place is here and the time is now.
09:32 All around us people are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.
09:36 All around us people are hungering to hear the good news
09:40 of the Adventist message.
09:42 All around us people are hungry to hear the gospel
09:45 of Jesus Christ. All around us people are hungry to hear
09:49 the three angels' messages of Revelation 14.
09:53 And Jesus says to you and me
09:55 as His disciples: "Give ye them to eat. "
10:03 But we say: "But Lord,
10:06 we don't have the resources to effectively spread the gospel. "
10:10 "Give ye them to eat" Jesus commands.
10:15 But we say: "But Lord, we don't have the time.
10:18 I mean, we can barely make it to Sabbath School on time.
10:21 How are we supposed to carve out the time
10:24 to engage in sharing Christ and serving people? "
10:29 "Give ye them to eat" Jesus cries.
10:35 But the disciples are full of excuses.
10:39 Somehow they don't fully understand the mission.
10:43 But Jesus says: "If you just give Me the little that you have
10:49 I'll take it and I'll multiply it and I'll make it more. "
10:53 "If you just give Me your talents and your gifts
10:56 and your abilities, just place it in My hands,
10:59 I'll do more than you can ask, think of, or imagine. "
11:05 Good evening. My name is Philip Baptiste.
11:10 And this evening I'm so humbled and honored
11:13 to have the opportunity to give you the closing challenge.
11:18 Come with me in your Bibles to the book of Matthew.
11:21 Matthew chapter 9 verses 35 to 38.
11:26 Matthew chapter 9 verses 35 to 38.
11:31 If you found it, say "I got it! "
11:34 If you need more time, say "Have mercy. "
11:37 Matthew chapter 9 verses 35-38. The Bible says:
11:43 "Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages
11:47 teaching in their synagogues
11:49 and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom
11:51 and healing every disease and every affliction.
11:55 And when He saw the crowds He had compassion on them
11:58 for they were harassed and helpless
12:01 like sheep without a shepherd.
12:04 And then He said to His disciples:
12:06 'The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.
12:11 Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest
12:14 to send out laborers into His harvest. ' "
12:19 With your prayers and God's help
12:21 for this next few minutes I'm going to challenge you
12:24 from the topic Mission Priority:
12:28 It's Harvest Time.
12:30 So I want to do a little exercise as we begin.
12:33 When I say Mission Priority
12:36 you say It's Harvest Time. Let's practice.
12:39 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
12:42 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
12:44 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
12:47 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
12:50 Amen! Amen!
12:52 That's our topic for this evening.
12:54 Turn to your neighbor and say those words. Say:
12:56 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time. Go!
12:59 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time. Amen, Amen, Amen!
13:04 That's our topic for today.
13:06 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time. Let us pray.
13:12 Father, I ask one more time
13:14 that You will make me just a nail upon the wall
13:17 holding Your picture into place.
13:20 Let people not see me but let them be reminded
13:23 of Your redeeming grace. Oh Jesus,
13:25 make me just a nail upon the wall
13:28 holding Your picture into place.
13:31 In Jesus' name, we pray - let everyone say -
13:34 Amen.
13:37 Matthew 9 describes the missional priority of Jesus.
13:42 While the disciples were busy fighting and bickering
13:45 about "Who's going to sit on the left side? "
13:48 and "Who's going to sit on the right side? "
13:50 and "Who's going to be great- est in the kingdom of heaven? "
13:53 Jesus was totally and completely focused on mission.
13:58 Matthew 9:35 declares that "Jesus went throughout all the
14:03 cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues
14:06 and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom
14:08 and healing every disease and every affliction. "
14:11 His focus was not on church or governmental politics.
14:16 His focus was on mission.
14:19 And while the disciples were more focused on changing
14:22 the political landscape of the Roman Empire
14:25 Jesus was focused on mission.
14:27 While the disciples were more focused on climbing the church's
14:31 corporate ladder Jesus was focused on mission.
14:34 While the disciples were trying to figure out
14:37 who was going to be the next head elder or conference
14:40 president Jesus was focused on mission.
14:44 And how did He accomplish His mission?
14:48 I just love your kind of questions.
14:51 By seeking the lost and serving the least.
14:55 By proclaiming the gospel and healing the sick.
14:59 You see, you didn't realize this, but over 2,000 years ago
15:04 Jesus was a part of the very first ASi
15:09 in Galilee. You see, Jesus was an ASi member!
15:14 You see, He was a lay person.
15:16 He was not a pastor or a priest or a Levite.
15:20 He was a carpenter by profession.
15:23 A business professional who had mastered the art of carpentry
15:27 from His earthly father while simultaneously mastering the art
15:32 of total dependence on His heavenly Father.
15:35 And with the unprecedented determination
15:39 to preach the gospel
15:40 He went out to recruit twelve other lay people
15:44 to be His disciples to establish the very first ASi
15:49 chapter in Jerusalem.
15:51 And He modeled for them how ASi members
15:56 are to live and how they are to lead.
15:59 His life's focus and His leadership focus
16:03 is all about mission.
16:06 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
16:10 Say it with me: Mission Priority:
16:13 Mission Priority:
16:16 Mission Priority:
16:20 Jesus combined the ministry of healing with the ministry
16:23 of preaching. And as SDA's we are compelled
16:28 to do the same. Listen to the SDA church's
16:32 official mission statement found on our website
16:36 and written in our policies.
16:38 Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ
16:41 who live as His loving witness
16:44 and proclaim to all people
16:47 the everlasting gospel of the three angels' messages
16:50 in preparation for His soon return.
16:53 Now listen to our method:
16:55 "Our method, guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit,
16:59 Seventh-day Adventists pursue this mission
17:02 through Christ-like living, communicating,
17:05 discipling, teaching, healing, and serving. "
17:11 THIS is what ASi is all about
17:16 and this is what WE must be about.
17:20 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
17:23 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
17:26 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
17:28 You see, our mission is about saving lives.
17:32 Our mission is about sharing Christ and serving people.
17:36 Our mission is designed to ensure that no one is lost!
17:43 Let me illustrate.
17:45 On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur
17:50 there was once a crude little life-saving station.
17:53 The building was just a little hut
17:56 and there was only one boat,
17:58 but the few devoted members kept constant watch
18:02 over the sea with no thought for themselves.
18:06 Day and night they went out tirelessly searching
18:10 for the lost.
18:12 Many lives were saved
18:14 by this wonderful little life-saving station.
18:18 Soon it became famous.
18:21 Some of those who were saved
18:23 and various others in the surrounding areas
18:25 wanted to become associated with the station
18:29 and give of their time and money and effort
18:32 for the support of its work.
18:34 New boats were brought and new crews were trained
18:38 and the little life-saving station grew.
18:41 Soon some of the new members of the life-saving station
18:45 were unhappy that the building was crude and so poorly
18:49 equipped. They felt that a more comfortable place
18:54 should be provided as a first refuge for those
18:59 who had been saved from the sea.
19:02 So they replaced the emergency cots with beds
19:05 and put better, nicer furniture
19:09 in an enlarged building.
19:11 And now the life-saving station became a gathering place...
19:16 popular gathering place for its members.
19:20 They began to redecorate it beautifully
19:23 and they furnished it as some sort of club.
19:27 Less of the members were now interested in going to sea
19:32 on life-saving missions
19:34 so they hired lifeboats and life crews to do the work...
19:39 boat crews to do the work.
19:41 The mission of life saving was still given lip service
19:45 but most people were too busy or lacked the necessary commitment
19:50 to take part in the life saving activities personally.
19:56 About this time a large ship was wrecked off the coast
20:01 and the hired crews brought in boatloads of cold, wet,
20:05 half-drowned people. They were dirty; they were sick.
20:09 Some of them had black skin or brown skin
20:14 and some of them spoke a strange language.
20:17 And the beautiful new club was now considerably messed up.
20:21 So the property committee had a shower house built
20:24 outside of the club where victims of the shipwreck
20:28 could be cleaned up before coming inside.
20:31 At the next meeting
20:34 there was a split in the club membership.
20:37 Most of the members wanted to stop the club's life-saving
20:42 activities as being unpleasant and a hindrance
20:46 to the normal pattern of the club.
20:48 But some of the members insisted that life saving
20:52 was their primary purpose and pointed out
20:55 that they were still called a life-saving station.
20:59 But they were finally voted down
21:02 and told that if they wanted to save the lives
21:06 of all kinds of various dirty, dingy people
21:08 who were shipwrecked in these waters
21:10 they could go and begin their own life-saving station
21:13 further down the coast. And so they did.
21:16 And as the years went by
21:19 the new station experienced the same changes
21:23 that had occurred in the old station.
21:25 They also evolved into a club,
21:28 and yet another life-saving station was formed.
21:33 If you visit the seacoast today,
21:36 you will find a number of exclusive clubs
21:39 there along the shore.
21:41 Shipwrecks are frequent in those waters
21:45 but now almost everybody drowns.
21:50 Hmmm.
21:52 The Seventh-day Adventist church
21:55 is called to engage in seeking the lost
21:58 and serving the least.
22:00 WE are called to be a life-saving station.
22:04 We are called to rescue the per- ishing and pray for the dying.
22:09 We are called to save lives and to be a life-saving station.
22:13 We are called to engage in selfless service for the Savior.
22:17 We are called to be mission-focused because
22:21 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
22:24 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
22:27 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
22:30 We are called to be a life-saving station.
22:35 I hear you, pastor... I hear you...
22:39 but I've got a question for you.
22:42 How do we make mission our priority?
22:46 Oh, I just love your kind of questions!
22:50 I've got three practical ways
22:53 that I want to share with you this evening.
22:55 How many ways?
22:57 Three! Three practical ways that I want to share with you
23:00 that you can intentionally live out the model
23:04 of Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
23:10 The first way that we, I believe, can live out this model
23:16 of missional living and Mission Priority
23:19 It's Harvest Time is to number one: refresh
23:24 your prayer and devotional life.
23:28 Refresh your prayer and devotional life.
23:33 If there ever was a time we needed to be in prayer,
23:37 that time is now.
23:39 Sr. White says prayer is not the way to accomplish the work;
23:43 prayer IS the work.
23:45 And we need to be praying like never before.
23:49 And we need to be studying and in The Word
23:52 like never before.
23:55 So you need to refresh your devotional life
24:00 and your prayer life.
24:02 If you have a family, rekindle the altar of family worship.
24:06 Make sure that every day
24:08 you are praying together, you are worshiping together.
24:12 And make sure you're not only praying together as a family
24:15 and studying the Word together as a family
24:18 but make sure you're doing it together as a couple
24:22 and make sure you're doing it individually
24:24 as a person, as an individual... because
24:28 the secret to our success lies when we move forward
24:33 on our knees.
24:35 THAT is our highest calling.
24:39 We don't need more planning and more strategies.
24:44 Our chief strategy is prayer.
24:47 Our chief strategy is Bible study.
24:51 THAT is our number one goal.
24:54 I remember when the two disciples were on the road
24:58 to Emmaus. And you remember they were discouraged.
25:01 They were down, and they were asking the question:
25:05 "Jesus, why have You left us like this? "
25:08 "Jesus, how is it that we thought that You
25:12 had come to redeem Israel but yet You were suddenly gone? "
25:16 And just when they thought Jesus had left them
25:19 was just when He was walking right beside them.
25:22 Don't you love that about Jesus?
25:24 Just when I need Him most
25:26 Jesus is there to comfort and share
25:29 just when I need Him most.
25:31 And as they're discouraged and they're down
25:34 Jesus walks beside them.
25:36 And Jesus takes them through three steps
25:39 to be able to see His face,
25:42 to be able to recognize who He is.
25:44 'Cause the Bible says their eyes "were hidden from Him
25:48 that they could not see or recognize who He was. "
25:51 And so the first thing is He has a Bible study with them
25:55 on the road to Emmaus. You remember?
25:58 And then after the Bible study when they get to the house
26:02 He prays and He breaks the bread.
26:05 Let me tell you: Bible study, prayer,
26:10 and brokenness are the keys to success
26:14 in whatever you want to do for Jesus Christ.
26:17 Bible study, prayer, and brokenness.
26:21 He had a Bible study with them on the way.
26:24 Then they prayed and He broke the bread.
26:27 And after Jesus prayed and broke the bread, then their eyes
26:32 were opened and they said: "Oh! It is Jesus! "
26:35 "Oh! It is Jesus! "
26:38 "Oh! It is Jesus! "
26:40 And I want you to know
26:42 that if we engage in Bible study and prayer
26:46 and in brokenness... "What do you mean by brokenness,
26:50 pastor? " Say: "God, break up the pride in me. "
26:53 "Break up the selfishness in me. "
26:55 "Break up the anger in me. Break up EVERYTHING in me
26:59 that is unlike You. " Spirit of the Living God
27:02 fall afresh on me. Break me; mold me;
27:05 melt me; make me over again.
27:08 Amen! If we engage in Bible study,
27:11 prayer, and brokenness,
27:12 THAT is when we will see Jesus.
27:17 And we need to see Him because: Mission Priority:
27:21 It's Harvest Time. Mission Priority:
27:23 It's Harvest Time.
27:25 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
27:34 I'm so glad that even as I drink this water
27:38 I'm reminded that Jesus is the source of living water.
27:43 So the first step to be able to live out the model
27:47 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time
27:49 is to refresh your prayer and devotional life.
27:54 Say it with me: Refresh your prayer and devotional life.
27:58 Come on... say it like you actually mean it.
28:00 Refresh your prayer and devotional life.
28:04 All together now... go:
28:05 Refresh your prayer and devotional life.
28:09 The second step is to renew your commitment
28:12 to being a loving disciple.
28:16 Ellen White in the book Mind, Character, and Personality
28:19 she says this. She says: "Be lovable.
28:22 Let Christ be seen in all that you do.
28:25 Let all see that you are living epistles of Jesus Christ.
28:28 Be lovable. Let your life win the hearts of all
28:32 who are brought in contact with you. "
28:34 There's a little book that you have in your delegate bag.
28:38 It's called Leading Like Jesus:
28:42 Sharing Hope at Church, at Home,
28:45 and in the Marketplace.
28:47 I want to just ask you to turn with me for a minute
28:51 if you have it to page 49 of that book.
28:54 And I want to thank Stanborough Press
28:58 which is our SDA press in the UK
29:01 for helping me put this little book together.
29:04 You know, when I was asked to deliver the closing challenge
29:08 I had so much I wanted to share
29:10 that I realized I wouldn't have enough time
29:13 so I said: "Let me put it all together in a little booklet
29:16 that I can give you and it can challenge you
29:19 throughout the year until our next ASi in Orlando. "
29:22 Is that all right? Amen!
29:24 And so it's here for you, and I want to ask you
29:27 that you would just look at page 49.
29:31 And I'm going to read from page 48 actually.
29:36 When all is said and done what is great leadership about?
29:42 We hear the word disciple a lot.
29:44 But what does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus...
29:47 especially for us as Bible- believing, Sabbath-keeping,
29:51 commandment-obeying SDA Christians?
29:54 What does it mean to be a disciple?
29:57 And how do we know that we are actively engaged in
29:59 discipleship in our home, in our church,
30:02 and in our community? Scholars believe that a disciple
30:05 is simply a follower of Jesus.
30:08 But what does it look like to be a follower of Jesus?
30:11 And how can we tell the world that we are His disciples?
30:15 Jesus shared something deeply profound to His disciples
30:18 about this in John 13:34-35.
30:22 He said: "A new commandment
30:23 that I give you that you love one another.
30:26 As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
30:30 By this will everyone know that you are My disciples
30:34 so that you love one another. "
30:37 Here Jesus explains what it means to be a disciple.
30:40 He says: "Being a disciple involves more than
30:43 uttering pretty-turned phrases and namby-pamby
30:46 soliloquies. " Disciples are followers of Jesus
30:50 who model the radical love of Jesus by loving one another.
30:54 In fact, He declares that this is a new commandment
30:58 that He is giving, and it's interesting that Jesus gives
31:01 this commandment to His disciples.
31:03 These are the very disciples who are supposed to be modeling
31:07 love one for another.
31:09 However instead, they're fighting and competing
31:11 with each other. They allow greed and pride
31:14 to get in the way of selfless service for the Savior.
31:18 So instead of loving unconditionally
31:20 they were always fighting, always bickering.
31:23 "Who's going to sit on the left side? "
31:25 and "Who's going to sit on the right side? "
31:26 and "Who's going to be the greatest
31:28 in the kingdom of heaven? "
31:30 Ellen White in her book The Desire of Ages
31:32 reflecting on Jesus' words says this:
31:35 "In His last meeting with His disciples
31:37 the great desire which Christ expressed for them
31:40 was that they might love one another as He had loved them.
31:45 To the disciples this commandment was not new
31:48 for they had not loved one an- other as Christ had loved them.
31:51 But He saw that new ideas and impulses must control them.
31:56 That new principles must be practiced by them
31:58 and through His life and death they were to receive a new
32:02 concept of love. The command to love one another
32:05 had a new meaning in light of His self-sacrifice.
32:09 The whole work of grace is one continual service
32:12 of love, of self-denying,
32:15 of self-sacrificing effort.
32:17 During every hour of Christ's sojourn on the earth
32:21 the love of God was overflowing from Him
32:23 in irrepressible streams.
32:26 All who are imbued with His Spirit
32:28 will love as He loved. The very principle that actuated
32:33 Christ will actuate them in all their dealing with one another.
32:38 This love is the evidence of their discipleship.
32:41 'By this will all men know that you are My disciples... '
32:45 Jesus said... 'if you love one another. '
32:47 When men are bound together not by force or self-interest
32:51 but by love they show the working of the influence
32:54 that is above every human influence. "
32:57 Desire of Ages, p. 677 and 678.
33:02 So in light of all this
33:04 here are some questions for us to contemplate.
33:09 Are you truly a disciple?
33:12 If so, are you modeling discipleship
33:15 and letting people know you're a disciple
33:18 by having genuine love for others?
33:22 Will your spouse or your children or your parents
33:24 or your siblings call you loving?
33:27 Do you relate to your family in a loving way
33:30 or harsh and indifferently?
33:33 How loving are you to those you feel threatened by in church?
33:37 Do you model love and service to the person you think
33:40 could potentially take your place when nominating committee
33:43 meets next year?
33:45 How loving are you when you're not chosen
33:46 for a church office or the position that you feel
33:49 you've worked for or you deserve?
33:51 Do you model the unselfish, humble servanthood of Christ?
33:55 Or do you model self-centeredness, rudeness,
33:58 and unforgiveness?
34:00 Are you loving, kind, caring, and compassionate?
34:04 Are you obedient to Jesus' command to love one another?
34:09 If we're going to call ourselves disciples,
34:11 then we have to be loving.
34:13 And my prayer for each one of us
34:15 is the next time someone asks "Who is a disciple? "
34:18 that they will be able to look at each one of us
34:21 and declare: "He's a disciple,
34:24 she's a disciple,
34:25 because they love one another. "
34:30 So number one is refresh your prayer and devotional life.
34:36 Number two is renew your commitment
34:40 to be a loving disciple.
34:43 Look at your neighbor and say: "Be nice. "
34:46 Yeah. Look to your other neighbor and say: "Be nice. "
34:49 Maybe they're the ones that's no so nice.
34:55 That's right... be loving.
34:58 And number three is rekindle your passion to get involved
35:03 in active ministry.
35:07 If you go to page 20 of the same book,
35:14 page 20, Leading Like Jesus,
35:20 there's a little thing here on page 20.
35:23 It's called TMI part 1 and there's a part 2.
35:27 Says: "As Jesus was approaching the close of His ministry
35:30 on earth He gave His disciples some very interesting
35:33 instructions. He told them to go to a particular village
35:37 and when they saw a donkey tied up
35:40 to untie it, take it, and bring it to Him.
35:43 If anyone asked them what they were doing,
35:46 they were just to say that "the Master had need of it. "
35:48 So the disciples took the donkey
35:50 and that donkey became involved in ministry.
35:53 Can you imagine a donkey being involved in ministry?
35:57 A donkey was awarded the humble privilege
36:00 of carrying on his back Jesus, the Son of God,
36:03 the Savior of the world!
36:04 The interesting thing about this donkey
36:07 is that it was all tied up.
36:09 You see, donkeys are meant to be working
36:12 to help ease the burden of those nearby.
36:14 But this donkey was tied up
36:17 meaning that it was just standing idly by
36:20 not reaching its full potential for ministry.
36:23 Jesus saw from afar off
36:26 that this donkey needed to be used in Christian service.
36:29 And so He told the disciples to untie the donkey,
36:33 release it, and let it do what it was created to do.
36:37 I've got a question for you this evening:
36:40 how many times have we perhaps acted like that donkey?
36:44 How often have we been standing by with our gifts
36:48 and talents tied up instead of using them for ministry?
36:52 How often have we listened to appeals in church
36:55 to get involved, to give more,
36:57 while we stand idly by with our hands folded
36:59 and our talents and resources tied up?
37:02 How much more could we accomplish
37:04 if we untie our donkeys and release them
37:08 to be used by the Master?
37:10 We have no idea how much God is wanting to bless us
37:14 because many of us have missed our blessings
37:17 because we prefer to be benchwarmers rather than
37:20 involved in ministry.
37:22 I want you to do me a favor. Turn to your neighbor.
37:24 Give them a tap on the shoulder
37:26 and say: "Untie your donkey! "
37:28 "Untie your donkey. " Turn to your other neighbor
37:31 and say: "You... untie your donkey! "
37:42 I want you to know the Seventh-day Adventist church
37:44 has launched a global initiative called Total Member Involvement
37:48 and I'm excited about this incredible concept.
37:51 Total Member Involvement is an invitation
37:53 for every single Seventh-day Adventist Christian
37:56 to untie their donkeys, release their full potential,
37:59 and get involved in ministry and service for Jesus.
38:03 AMEN!
38:05 Jesus extended this invitation over 2,000 years ago.
38:09 He told His disciples: "Look, the harvest is plentiful
38:11 but the laborers are few.
38:13 Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers
38:16 in the harvest field. " Jesus reminds us
38:19 that we have a great harvest but we are desperately in need
38:22 of more workers. This is a call for TMI.
38:27 Can you imagine what could happen if every single SDA
38:31 member was willing to move from being a spectator
38:34 and a benchwarmer to being an incredible worker
38:37 for God. Think of the incredible difference we could make
38:41 for God's kingdom! We can wrap up the work
38:44 and we can go home! Amen!
38:47 THIS is our calling.
38:49 And so I'm leaving you with 3 things
38:53 'cause the clock just hit zero
38:55 so now I'm on overtime... grace.
39:00 Thank God for grace!
39:02 I ask for just three minutes of grace.
39:05 I don't believe in speaking long but let me wrap up.
39:09 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
39:13 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
39:15 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
39:18 How do we make mission our priority?
39:21 Number one: refresh your prayer and devotional life.
39:24 Say it: Refresh your prayer and devotional life.
39:28 Number two: renew your commit- ment to be a loving disciple.
39:32 You say it: Renew your commitment
39:34 to be a loving disciple. And number three:
39:36 rekindle your passion to get involved
39:40 in active ministry. Rekindle your passion
39:44 to get involved in active ministry.
39:46 Let's say it one more time: Rekindle your passion to get
39:49 involved in active ministry.
39:51 Rekindle your passion to get involved
39:54 in active ministry.
39:55 So three things as I close.
39:58 Some preachers say "lastly" and they last, but I say
40:01 in conclusion - I actually conclude, praise the Lord -
40:05 I want to challenge each of you. Number one:
40:08 to get involved in active ministry.
40:12 Next year June 25 to July 3
40:17 is our General Conference session in Indianapolis, IN.
40:20 The theme of our 2020 GC session
40:23 is Jesus is Coming! Let's Get Involved!
40:26 In preparation for that theme
40:29 I want to challenge you between now and GC session
40:33 to preach or conduct at least 1 evangelistic series
40:37 either here at home or overseas.
40:41 I'm going to say it again: between now and GC session
40:45 or even now and the next ASi in Orlando
40:49 I want to challenge you to preach and conduct
40:52 at least one evangelistic series either here in North America
40:58 or overseas. Can we say Amen? Amen!
41:01 Will you rise to the challenge?
41:04 Oh... that was quiet.
41:07 Will you rise to the challenge? Amen!
41:09 Amen. Now you actually have to do it.
41:13 Number two: ASi has created some resources
41:17 to help you do this. We have picture rolls
41:20 if you desire to go overseas.
41:22 You can go to
41:26 or you can go to
41:29 and click under media and then click on picture rolls.
41:33 We have picture rolls, and they're beautiful picture rolls
41:37 designed for places overseas where there's no power,
41:41 where there's no PowerPoint
41:43 and you would just have to preach under a mango tree.
41:46 But they're beautiful!
41:47 And you can get them and go overseas and make a difference.
41:51 My wife and I were missionaries in Kenya,
41:53 and we used it among the Maasai people in Kenya
41:57 and it is such a blessing.
41:59 We also have the New Beginnings evangelistic series.
42:04 The New Beginnings evangelistic series is an awesome series
42:09 written by Mark Finley.
42:11 And this year we refreshed the series.
42:14 We were asked for Global Youth Day
42:16 to do 7 sermons. We did not remove one jot or one tittle
42:21 from the text of the sermon BUT we completely refreshed
42:25 the graphics in HD and in a youth-friendly oriented way.
42:31 And so you can use those sermons to preach.
42:34 And because of the success with Global Youth Day
42:37 we actually have all 26 sermons now done
42:41 in the New Beginnings GC Youth Edition.
42:44 You can just go
42:49 No... media/newbeginnings
42:54 and click on gcyouthedition
42:57 These are resources that we have for you
43:00 to keep your commitment of preaching one series either here
43:05 or overseas. And here it can even be in your home
43:09 as a small group Bible study
43:11 but I want to challenge you to do it.
43:13 And lastly, next year
43:16 we're planning an overseas mission trip to Madagascar.
43:19 We want to invite you to go with us on that mission trip.
43:24 More information will be available to you.
43:28 As I conclude I want to share a final story.
43:36 The teacher tells a story. She says...
43:42 She's a grade three teacher
43:45 and she tells her kids a story.
43:48 She says: "The ant and the grasshopper were friends.
43:51 And all summer long the ant saved up and worked hard
43:56 to store up food for the winter.
43:58 But the grasshopper played and frolicked in the mud
44:01 and when the winter came the grasshopper ran out of food.
44:06 So the grasshopper ran to the ant and said:
44:08 'Can I please have some of your food? '
44:11 And she says to her grade three students: 'Now you
44:13 finish the story. So they wrote their ending to the story.
44:18 Later that night she's grading the papers.
44:21 So one little boy wrote: "The ant said to the grasshopper
44:27 "No, no, never, never, uh-uh-uh.
44:29 You'll never have any of my food, hallelujah! "
44:34 And then another little kid wrote:
44:37 "The ant shared his food with the grasshopper
44:41 but halfway through the winter
44:44 the food ran out and they both died. Ha, ha, ha, ha! "
44:50 So those were the types of stories she got.
44:54 But little Timmy wrote something special.
44:56 Little Timmy said: "The ant gave ALL his food to the grasshopper.
45:01 The grasshopper lived and the ant died. "
45:05 And at the bottom in child's crayons
45:08 was a picture of Jesus and the cross.
45:11 Don't you know that that's what Jesus has done for you?
45:14 He gave ALL so you can live
45:17 and now you've gotta tell somebody about it.
45:19 Tell somebody about the goodness of Jesus.
45:22 Tell somebody that He's coming soon.
45:24 Tell somebody that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:27 has a message of hope and healing.
45:29 Tell somebody that Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
45:33 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
45:36 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
45:38 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time.
45:42 If it's your desire to accept this challenge
45:46 of Mission Priority and live a missional life,
45:50 just stand with me right now as we pray.
45:57 Lord, we accept this challenge.
45:59 We pray that You will help us to truly live missional lives.
46:05 And when You come may You say to each one:
46:09 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. "
46:12 May we leave here with a focus renewed on mission
46:17 remembering that Jesus is coming soon.
46:20 May we do all we can to tell our friends and neighbors
46:24 about Jesus. We pray and thank you in Jesus' name,
46:29 Amen.
46:42 There is a fountain
46:47 filled with blood
46:50 drawn from Immanuel's veins.
46:57 And sinners plunged
47:01 beneath that flood
47:04 lose all
47:07 their guilty stains.
47:11 Lose all their guilty
47:17 stains...
47:20 lose all
47:22 their guilty stains.
47:27 And sinners plunged
47:31 beneath that flood
47:34 lose all
47:37 their guilty stains.
47:42 The dying thief
47:46 rejoiced to see
47:50 that fountain in his day.
47:57 And there may I
48:00 though vile as he
48:04 wash all
48:06 my sins away.
48:11 Wash all my sins
48:15 away...
48:18 wash all my sins
48:22 away.
48:26 And there may I
48:30 though vile as he
48:33 wash all my sins
48:37 away.
48:42 Ever since by faith
48:47 I saw the stream
48:51 Thy flowing wounds
48:55 supply
48:58 Redeeming love
49:02 has been my theme
49:05 and shall be till
49:09 I die.
49:12 And shall be
49:16 till I die...
49:20 yes, it shall be
49:23 till I die.
49:28 Your redeeming love
49:31 has been my theme
49:35 and shall be
49:38 till I die...
49:45 and it shall
49:48 be till I
49:52 die.
50:01 Amen! Thank you so much for that wonderful music.
50:05 It's a blessing to be at ASi this year.
50:07 I've been personally blessed
50:10 and I hope that you have as well.
50:12 We're just going to wrap up this evening with a couple
50:14 of announcements. For probably the first time ever
50:18 there's something unique going on here.
50:20 And Ruben, why don't you tell us what's going to happen
50:23 in fact in just a few minutes.
50:25 That's right. So how many have really enjoyed ASi this year?
50:30 Amen! How many of you are planning to come
50:33 next year in Orlando?
50:35 Raise your hands. Amen. All right, we have wonderful news.
50:38 First time ever, at midnight...
50:42 Or not midnight... sorry. At sunset today
50:45 we're going to be opening registration.
50:48 What about that? OK? All right!
50:50 So if you're enthusiastic, motivated to go to Orlando
50:53 don't lose time because we're going to keep the rates
50:58 as they are, we promise, for the ones that are going to register
51:01 as quickly as possible. So take action:
51:05 at sunset do your registration.
51:08 All right! So that's one thing we're doing this year
51:11 to encourage our attendees to be proactive
51:15 about next year and get your registration in early.
51:17 Sundown this evening registration opens.
51:20 You can go online to
51:23 and you can register there for Orlando next year.
51:26 Praise God for that. And if you're an exhibitor,
51:28 your registration will open at midnight.
51:31 We want your focus on the booths
51:33 for our last time at the exhibit booths.
51:36 All right. So exhibitors: you can register at midnight.
51:40 And now we want to thank you again for being here
51:45 at ASi this year.
51:46 I said it's been a personal blessing to me. I hope it has
51:49 to you as well. Philip, are there any remarks you have
51:51 as we close out this convention together?
51:53 Mission Priority: It's Harvest Time!
51:58 God bless you. Now Philip, you've challenged us tonight
52:03 to get involved in doing some evangelism
52:05 personally either here in the United States
52:08 or somewhere around the world.
52:10 So, you know, I'm committed to this personally
52:13 and I hope that you are as well.
52:15 And we can make a difference for the SDA church
52:19 in helping to get this good news to the entire world.
52:22 We'll look for some reports about this next year.
52:24 We hope to engage you in telling us what you did
52:27 even during the year. So thank you; may God bless you
52:31 and good night.


Revised 2020-04-13