Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic Principles

The Importance of the Historical Flow, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: ASTPP

Program Code: ASTPP000006

00:15 Well, now we want to continue our study about the importance
00:18 of the historical flow method, known also as historicism.
00:23 Let's just review briefly what futurism does with historicism.
00:28 First of all, if Revelation 4 through 19 takes place
00:33 in the future after the rapture of the church,
00:35 none of it is relevant for us today.
00:38 So what does that do with the three angels' messages?
00:41 It makes them irrelevant for today.
00:44 Secondly, futurism has the timing of the rise
00:48 of the antichrist wrong.
00:50 We believe that antichrist already arose within the flow
00:53 of Christian history.
00:55 Futurism teaches, "No, the antichrist will arise
00:58 in the future over in the Middle East."
01:01 And so basically, if the antichrist is going to arise
01:03 in the future, he has not risen in the course of church history.
01:09 In the third place, futurism is wrong about the place
01:13 where the antichrist will appear.
01:15 They say that the antichrist will appear in the Middle East.
01:19 We say that the antichrist appears in Rome.
01:23 In the fourth place, futurism has wrong the manner
01:27 in which the antichrist will appear.
01:30 According to futurism, it will be a blasphemous individual
01:33 who will blaspheme God and Christianity.
01:36 We believe that it is a power that will arise within
01:38 the Christian church and counterfeit the work of Christ.
01:44 Next, futurism gets the parties involved
01:48 in the controversy wrong.
01:50 Because we believe that the dragon, the beast,
01:52 and the false prophet are the parties involved on one side
01:56 and the wicked are on the other side.
01:58 And the issues have to do with worship.
02:01 Futurism teaches, "No, no, no, the parties involved are
02:05 the Arabs, who have allied themselves perhaps with
02:10 the Russians and with others, the Chinese,
02:13 that come and attack the Jews."
02:15 So in other words, the parties are shifted from Rome
02:20 and Protestantism in the United States to the Middle East.
02:24 Also we noticed that futurism has the issues
02:28 in the controversy wrong.
02:29 We believe that the issues are the law,
02:32 the Sabbath, and worship.
02:34 Futurism teaches, "No, No, it's the oil of the Middle East
02:38 and it is anti-Semitism."
02:41 We also noticed that futurism obliterates the timing
02:45 for the rise of the remnant church.
02:49 Because Revelation chapter 12 tells us exactly when, where,
02:53 and what characteristics the remnant church will have.
02:56 Futurism says, "No, Revelation 12 is future.
02:59 It has nothing to do with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:03 We also noticed that futurism destroys the prophecy
03:06 of the 2300 days.
03:07 And it destroys historicism, or the historical flow method,
03:12 as the method to properly interpret Bible prophecy.
03:16 Now the next point that I would like to deal with is that
03:20 futurism gives people a false sense of security.
03:26 You see, what futurism teaches is that if you don't
03:29 make it in the rapture, then you can still
03:33 make it during the tribulation.
03:36 And if you don't make it through the tribulation,
03:39 then there's still the opportunity, if you
03:41 survive the coming of Christ, to be converted
03:45 during the millennium.
03:47 And so basically, it's a doctrine that teaches
03:49 several chances for you to embrace Christ
03:53 and to reach salvation.
03:55 Whereas Scripture teaches that before the second coming
04:00 of Christ when probation closes, at that moment
04:04 probation closes for everyone and there is
04:07 no further probation.
04:09 You see, as Adventists, we believe that we are to prepare,
04:13 not so much for the second coming.
04:15 We are to prepare for the close of probation.
04:17 And when probation closes, that's it.
04:20 There are no more chances.
04:21 There are no chances after a rapture,
04:23 more chances during the millennium.
04:25 No, once a person dies,
04:27 that's the close of probation individually.
04:30 Or if the world reaches its moment of the corporate
04:33 close of probation, that's it.
04:36 There are no more chances after that.
04:39 And so the devil wants people to think that
04:40 they're going to have multiple chances to give themselves
04:43 to the Lord and to be saved.
04:46 The next point that I would like to deal with
04:48 is that futurism causes people to not prepare
04:55 for the time of trouble that is going to come upon the world.
05:00 The time of trouble that is going to come upon the world
05:02 is the worst in the history of planet earth.
05:06 It is going to be a tremendously trying period of time.
05:10 And we are going to need an unshakable and unbreakable
05:14 faith to go through the tribulation,
05:17 because our faith will be severely tested.
05:21 But what does futurism teach?
05:22 They say, "No, No, you don't have to worry about
05:24 going through the tribulation.
05:25 That's for the Jews, that's not for Christians."
05:27 You know, you're going to be whisked off to heaven,
05:30 and the tribulation is going to be for those
05:32 who are left behind.
05:33 So, you can have your cake now and you can eat it too.
05:37 In other words, people are not invited to prepare
05:42 for something that they don't believe that
05:44 they're going to go through.
05:45 Let me ask you, would you prepare for a hurricane
05:49 in Fresno?
05:53 I wouldn't.
05:54 There's no hurricanes in Fresno.
05:56 Would you prepare for a tsunami in Fresno?
05:59 No, you wouldn't prepare. Why not?
06:01 Because you say, "There's not going to be a tsunami in Fresno.
06:04 There's not going to be a hurricane in Fresno."
06:06 Because you don't believe that it's coming.
06:09 So you don't prepare for what you don't believe is coming.
06:11 Futurists don't believe that they're going to
06:14 go through the tribulation.
06:15 And so when probation closes and the tribulation begins,
06:18 they'll be in the midst of the tribulation
06:20 without any shelter whatsoever because they have not prepared.
06:25 Let me read you some statements from the spirit of prophecy
06:27 on this specific point.
06:30 The first statement is in, Great Controversy, page 594.
06:35 Ellen White says in this particular statement,
06:38 "Before his crucifixion, the Saviour explained to his
06:42 disciples that he was to be put to death,
06:46 and to rise again from the tomb;
06:48 and angels were present to impress his words
06:51 on minds and hearts."
06:52 Notice, angels were there.
06:55 "But the disciples were looking for temporal deliverance..."
06:58 Did they misinterpret Bible prophecy?
07:01 Did it make a difference?
07:03 Oh yeah, they were wrong about the way in which
07:06 prophecy was going to be fulfilled.
07:07 Of course, that wouldn't happen in connection with
07:09 the second coming, right?
07:12 She continues saying, "But the disciples were looking for
07:15 temporal deliverance from the Roman yoke, and they could not
07:19 tolerate the thought that he in whom all their hopes centered
07:22 should suffer an ignominious death.
07:25 The words which they needed to remember were banished
07:28 from their minds."
07:29 Who do you suppose banished them from their minds?
07:33 The devil.
07:34 "And when the time of trial came, it found them unprepared.
07:38 The death of Jesus as fully destroyed their hopes as if
07:41 he had not forewarned them."
07:43 And now comes the application.
07:45 "So..." Like it was back then.
07:48 She says, "So in the prophecies, the future is opened before us
07:54 as plainly as it was opened to the disciples
07:58 by the words of Christ.
07:59 The events connected with the close of probation
08:02 and the work of preparation for the time of trouble
08:05 are clearly presented.
08:08 But multitudes have no more understanding of these
08:12 important truths than if they had never been revealed.
08:16 Satan watches to catch away every impression that would
08:21 make them wise unto salvation, and the time of trouble
08:25 will find them unready."
08:28 If you're thinking that prophecy is going to be fulfilled
08:31 in the future after you've been whisked off to heaven,
08:34 would you think that it would be necessary to prepare
08:37 for the worst time of trouble in the history of the world?
08:40 Absolutely not.
08:41 The devil wants to lull people to sleep.
08:45 Notice this next statement, Great Controversy, page 622.
08:48 Isn't it true that we usually think that things are
08:51 going to be really bad, and we try to imagine
08:55 the worst case scenario?
08:58 Well, Ellen White says that we can imagine
09:01 the worst case scenario for the tribulation,
09:03 and it's still going to be worse.
09:04 Notice this next statement.
09:06 "The 'time of trouble such as never was'
09:09 is soon to open upon us;
09:11 and we shall need an experience which we do not now possess,
09:16 and which many are too indolent to obtain."
09:20 "Indolent," means lazy.
09:22 "It is often the case that trouble is greater in
09:25 anticipation than in reality;
09:28 but this is not true of the crisis before us.
09:33 The most vivid presentation cannot reach
09:36 the magnitude of the ordeal.
09:39 In that time of trial, every soul must stand
09:41 for himself before God."
09:43 So you can imagine the worst, and it's still going to be worse
09:47 than you can imagine.
09:48 That's what the time of trouble is going to be like.
09:51 Great Controversy, 621.
09:53 She says, "The season of distress and anguish before us
09:57 will require a faith that can endure weariness,
10:01 delay, and hunger; a faith that will not faint,
10:05 though severely tried.
10:07 The period of probation is granted to all
10:10 to prepare for that time."
10:12 Now, does what Ellen White say square with Scripture?
10:16 Absolutely. Let's notice a couple of text.
10:19 Matthew 24 verses 21 and 22.
10:22 Matthew 24:21-22.
10:26 Jesus says here, "For then there will be great tribulation,
10:31 such as has not been since the beginning of the world
10:37 until this time, no, nor ever shall be."
10:41 Does that sound pretty drastic?
10:44 And listen, "And unless those days were shortened,
10:48 no flesh would be saved;
10:50 but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."
10:53 It's going to be so severe that God is going to have to
10:55 shorten it, or else nobody would remain alive.
10:58 That's how bad it is.
11:00 And then we find in Daniel 12 verse 1 similar words.
11:03 Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1.
11:05 "At that time Michael shall stand up..."
11:09 That's the close of probation, when Michael stands up.
11:12 It's Jesus changes His garments from priestly garments
11:16 to His kingly garments.
11:18 "At that time Michael shall stand up,
11:20 the great Prince who stands watch over the
11:22 sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble,
11:26 such as never was since there was a nation,
11:30 even to that time."
11:31 Once again, the emphasis; it's the worst time of trouble
11:34 in human history.
11:35 But here's the good news.
11:37 "And at that time your people shall be delivered,
11:40 everyone who is found written in the book."
11:45 You know, we have an illustration of this in the
11:47 historical sections of Daniel.
11:48 One of the materials you're going to receive is
11:51 that each of the stories of Daniel is a prophecy.
11:54 Not only are the prophecies of Daniel, like Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
11:57 Daniel 8 prophecies, but the stories in Daniel
12:01 are also prophecies.
12:03 The three young men in the valley of Dura.
12:06 See, Nebuchadnezzar for a while lived like a beast.
12:09 Didn't he?
12:10 And he raised up an image.
12:12 He commanded everyone to worship his image.
12:15 And whoever did not worship would be killed.
12:17 Does that sound familiar?
12:19 Revelation 13.
12:20 The beast raises an image.
12:23 He commands everyone to worship the image of the beast.
12:25 And whoever doesn't will be what?
12:28 Will be killed.
12:29 And so you know that there's a relationship between the
12:31 story in the Old Testament and the story at the end of time.
12:35 Only, at the end of time, you're dealing with a global event.
12:39 You're not dealing with a local thing that's happening
12:41 in the valley of Dura.
12:44 The experience of the three young men is an illustration
12:46 of what the time of trouble is going to be like.
12:50 What would you do if there was a burning fiery furnace
12:52 that was heated to the maximum heat...
12:54 That's what the number seven means.
12:55 I don't think Nebuchadnezzar had a thermometer.
12:58 But imagine a furnace, a kiln, heated to its maximum heat,
13:05 and they say to you, "You either receive the mark of the beast
13:08 or we're going to throw you in there."
13:10 Would that be a test of faith?
13:12 That would be a huge test of faith.
13:15 And Ellen White explains that the furnace that the
13:18 young men went through represents the furnace
13:21 of affliction of the time of trouble.
13:23 She says in the chapter in Great Controversy,
13:24 "In The Time of Trouble," she says the flames
13:27 will appear at the point of consuming God's people.
13:30 But they will come forth as pure gold.
13:33 That's what she says.
13:34 So the furnace is symbolic of the time of trouble.
13:37 The number seven represents the worst.
13:40 Totality complete, in other words.
13:42 It will be a terrible time of trouble.
13:44 And those who have not prepared will be found wanting.
13:49 So what does futurism do?
13:51 It says, "Don't worry about preparing for the tribulation.
13:53 You know, just enrich yourself.
13:54 Get lots of houses and lots of money."
13:56 This prosperity gospel, "Just prosper and, you know,
13:59 you can have your cake here and then God is going to
14:02 take you to continue enjoying bliss in heaven forever."
14:07 And so people are lulled to sleep.
14:09 They say, "Oh no, it's going to be easy.
14:10 Christianity is an easy thing."
14:12 And they don't realize that when probation closes,
14:14 the time of trouble will come.
14:16 And they will be totally unprepared.
14:18 Futurism lulls people to sleep.
14:20 It gives them a false sense of security, because they think
14:24 they can be saved beyond the moment of the rapture,
14:27 and also no preparation for the time of trouble
14:31 such as never has been seen.
14:33 Another very important point is that futurism sets itself up
14:40 for the counterfeit second coming of Christ.
14:43 Now futurism is based on two large errors.
14:50 Number one, a wrong comprehension of the
14:53 prophecy of the 70 weeks.
14:54 We've already discussed that.
14:55 A gap between week 69 and week 70,
14:58 which skews Bible prophecy.
15:01 And you know, basically, it eliminates the 2300 day prophecy
15:06 and its fulfillment in 1844.
15:09 But there's another pillar of futurism, and it's a pillar
15:13 that's build on sand.
15:14 And that is, that the millennium will be spent on earth.
15:19 In fact, all of futurism is based on a wrong
15:23 concept of the millennium.
15:25 Now let me explain how this is.
15:27 Jesus made two promises to His people.
15:31 The first promise is in John 14 verses 1 to 3.
15:34 You have this in your material if you're following along.
15:38 Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled;
15:40 you believe in God, believe also in Me.
15:42 In My Father's house are many mansions;
15:45 if it were not so, I would have told you.
15:49 I go to prepare a place for you."
15:50 Where was Jesus going to go? To heaven.
15:53 He's talking about His Father's house.
15:55 He says, "In My Father's house are many mansions."
15:58 By the way, Jesus did not go to heaven to build mansions.
16:02 Jesus did not say, "In My Father's house
16:04 will be many mansions."
16:05 He said, "In My Father's house are many mansions."
16:08 They were there when He said it.
16:10 Jesus does not need 2000 years to do heavenly contracting
16:16 when He created the world in six days.
16:18 There's something far deeper here.
16:20 And so it continues saying in verse 3,
16:22 "And if I go and prepare a place for you..."
16:26 And we usually emphasize that He's planting flowers
16:28 and making everything beautiful up there.
16:31 Jesus doesn't need 2000 years to make the heavens beautiful.
16:34 So you say, "What does it mean,
16:35 He goes to prepare a place for us?"
16:37 It simply means that He prepares the place for us
16:40 by the work that He performs in the heavenly Sanctuary.
16:43 That's where the book of Hebrews comes in.
16:46 And the book of Revelation.
16:47 It's by His work in the Holy and Most Holy Place
16:50 that He's able to prepare a place for us.
16:54 And we miss that because we focus on, you know,
16:58 planting flowers and, you know, making the
17:00 place beautiful for us.
17:01 I'm sure He's going to make it very beautiful,
17:03 even more beautiful than Eden.
17:05 And I'm sure He's going to have mansions for us.
17:07 But there's something far deeper than that involved here.
17:10 And so in verse 3 He says, "And if I go and prepare a place
17:13 for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself;
17:16 that where I am, there you may be also."
17:19 Did Jesus promise to take His people to heaven, yes or no?
17:21 Yes He did.
17:23 But He made another promise.
17:25 It's found in the beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5 and verse 5.
17:29 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
17:34 So Jesus promised His people to take them to heaven.
17:37 But He also promised them that they would inherit the earth.
17:40 Now how can Jesus fulfill both of those promises?
17:43 Futurists say that there's only one way that it can happen.
17:47 They say, "Listen, what happens is,
17:49 seven years before His glorious coming
17:53 Jesus raptures His people to heaven and they spend
17:57 seven years in heaven.
17:58 That fulfills the first promise.
18:01 He takes them to His Father's house for seven years.
18:05 And then after seven years in heaven, He comes back with them.
18:09 And then the meek inherit the earth.
18:11 Because the 1000 years will be spend here."
18:16 So their view is based on the millennium.
18:19 If you believe that the millennium is going to
18:21 be on earth, they say, then you have to believe in a
18:24 rapture where Jesus is going to take His people
18:26 to heaven for seven years.
18:27 Because if He doesn't, then He will not have fulfilled
18:30 the promise that He was going to take His people
18:32 to His Father's house.
18:33 Are you following me or not?
18:35 But I believe that there's another, the Adventist way,
18:38 for Jesus to fulfill both of those promises.
18:41 And that is, that Jesus is going to come in His second coming
18:44 gloriously in only one coming.
18:46 And He's going to take His people to heaven for 1000 years.
18:50 That fulfills the first promise.
18:52 And then He's going to bring them to the earth,
18:53 and the meek will inherit the earth.
18:56 You do not have to invent a rapture idea
18:58 to believe that Jesus is going to take His people to heaven,
19:02 and then you're going to have the new earth.
19:03 If you have the correct view of the millennium,
19:06 you will understand that the first promise
19:08 of the Father's house takes place when Jesus comes again
19:12 and takes His people to heaven for 1000 years.
19:14 The second promise is after the 1000 years
19:17 when He comes back, and then the meek
19:19 will inherit the earth.
19:21 So their wrong view of the millennium is what causes
19:25 them to invent the pre-tribulation rapture,
19:27 because there has to be some time when Jesus is going to
19:29 take His people to heaven.
19:32 Are you understanding me?
19:34 Now, those individuals who believe that Jesus is
19:37 going to spend the millennium here on earth
19:41 are setting themselves up for a huge deception.
19:47 Because the devil is going to counterfeit
19:48 the second coming of Christ.
19:51 And he's going to make it appear that the millennium has arrived.
19:55 And if you're expecting the millennium to be on earth,
19:58 you will be deceived.
20:00 Praise the Lord that God's people will not be deceived.
20:03 It says in Matthew, "He will deceive if possible
20:06 the very elect."
20:08 It's the elect that are the target
20:09 of the devil's deceptions.
20:12 He won't be able to deceive the elect.
20:15 "If it were possible..." That's very hypothetical.
20:17 If it were possible, he would deceive the very elect.
20:20 God's elect will not be deceived.
20:23 But it will be the intention of the devil to deceive them.
20:26 You see, the devil will see that there's a group of people
20:28 that are faithful to God.
20:31 And he's going to say, "As a last resort, I've got to
20:33 do something to get these people over to my side.
20:36 I haven't been able to, you know, through persecution,
20:38 through a death decree.
20:40 I have not been able to get them over to my side."
20:43 And so he says, "I know what I'll do.
20:45 What I will do is, I'll counterfeit the
20:47 second coming of Christ.
20:48 And they'll think that it's the real Christ,
20:50 and they'll accept me."
20:53 Are you following me or not?
20:55 But God's people won't be deceived.
20:57 Allow me to read you Matthew 24:26-27,
21:02 and then the description that Ellen White gives
21:04 of the counterfeit second coming.
21:07 "Wherefore if they say unto you, 'Behold, he is in the desert,'
21:13 go not forth.
21:15 'Behold, he is on CNN...'"
21:17 No, that's not what it says.
21:18 "'Behold, he is in the secret chambers,' believe it not."
21:25 Hey, if he's on television, don't even look.
21:28 Because it's going to be dazzling.
21:31 And then Jesus said, "For as the lightening
21:33 cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west;
21:37 so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
21:41 It will be visible to the whole world.
21:45 See, Christ will not appear in different parts of planet earth.
21:48 Now let me read you Ellen White's description.
21:51 This is found in the book, Great Controversy,
21:53 pages 624 and 625.
21:57 She says, "As the crowning act in the great drama of deception,
22:02 Satan himself will personate Christ.
22:05 The church has long professed to look to the Saviour's advent
22:08 as the consummation of her hopes.
22:11 Now the great deceiver will make it appear," that's important,
22:15 "will make it appear that Christ has come."
22:19 Here comes the key, "In different parts of the earth,
22:23 Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic
22:27 being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description
22:32 of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation."
22:36 Is the devil going to be able to counterfeit how Jesus looks?
22:39 Oh yeah.
22:41 His face is going to shine as the sun.
22:43 His legs are going to be like burnished bronze.
22:46 He's going to be clothed in a white garment.
22:47 People are going to say, "This is the Christ
22:49 of Revelation chapter 1.
22:51 It's what we've been waiting for."
22:52 Notice what she continues saying.
22:54 "The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything
22:59 that mortal eyes have yet beheld.
23:01 The shout of triumph rings out upon the air,
23:04 'Christ has come! Christ has come!'
23:06 The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him,
23:10 while he lifts up his hands, and pronounces a blessing upon them
23:13 as Christ blessed his disciples when he was upon the earth.
23:18 His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody."
23:22 Don't you think he's going to say, "I am the Christ."
23:25 No, no.
23:28 "His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody."
23:34 Now listen, "In gentle, compassionate tones
23:36 he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths
23:39 which the Saviour uttered."
23:41 He can utter the truth even.
23:44 But not the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
23:48 Notice what else, "He heals the diseases of the people.
23:52 And then, in his assumed character of Christ,
23:55 he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday,
23:59 and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed.
24:03 He declares that those who persist in keeping holy
24:05 the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen
24:09 to his angels sent to them with light and truth."
24:12 And then Ellen White says, "This is the strong,
24:15 almost overmastering delusion."
24:18 In fact, she has another statement where she states
24:21 that God's people will be crying out in anguish
24:24 for deliverance in the time of trouble.
24:26 And that's when Satan is going to
24:27 counterfeit the second coming.
24:29 He's going to say, "I have come to answer your pleas.
24:34 Wow.
24:36 That's why it's a strong almost overmastering delusion.
24:39 Now, will God's people be deceived?
24:41 Will the elect be deceived?
24:42 No. Why not?
24:44 Because they don't go by their eyes.
24:46 They don't go by their ears.
24:48 They don't go by their feelings.
24:51 They go by what God says.
24:53 Notice what she continues saying.
24:55 "But the people of God will not be misled.
24:59 The teachings of this false christ are not in accordance
25:03 with the Scriptures."
25:06 What is the key?
25:08 The Scriptures.
25:10 "His blessing is pronounced upon the worshipers
25:12 of the beast and his image; the very class upon whom
25:15 the Bible declares that God's unmingled wrath
25:18 shall be poured out."
25:20 And now notice, "And furthermore, Satan is not
25:24 permitted to counterfeit the manner of Christ's advent.
25:28 The Saviour has warned his people against deception
25:31 upon this point, and has clearly foretold the manner
25:34 of his second coming."
25:36 Is it important to know how He will come?
25:38 Of course it is.
25:40 "'There shall arise false christs, and false prophets,
25:43 and shall show great signs and wonders;
25:45 insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall
25:48 deceive the very elect.
25:50 Wherefore if they shall say unto you,
25:52 "Behold, he is in the desert;" go not forth:
25:55 "Behold, he is in the secret chambers;" believe it not.
25:58 For as the lightning cometh out of the east,
26:00 and shineth even unto the west;
26:02 so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.'
26:05 This coming, there is no possibility of counterfeiting.
26:10 It will be universally known; witnessed by the whole world."
26:16 What will unmask the devil?
26:19 The Scriptures, folks.
26:21 That's the only thing that we can build our faith on,
26:24 is God's Holy Word.
26:27 If you don't know how He will come,
26:30 you will end up accepting the wrong who.
26:33 You see, we live in a post-modern world
26:37 where people are driven by experience theology.
26:41 "Truth," they say, "comes from inside, not from outside."
26:44 "Truth is subjective, not objective."
26:47 "Truth is personal, not biblical."
26:50 The importance of doctrine is downplayed.
26:54 You notice that on the Tony Palmer video.
26:56 He said, you know, "We'll sort out our doctrines
26:59 when we get up there."
27:01 Well if you don't sort them out here, you won't be there.
27:04 That's the bottom line.
27:06 But people say that doctrine isn't important.
27:09 "Let's just love one another.
27:10 Let's just come into unity, let's get along."
27:13 It's an artificial unity.
27:15 And by the way, he quoted the text where Jesus says
27:18 that He wanted us all to be one, but he also forgot to quote the
27:22 text that says, "Sanctify them in Your truth,
27:25 Your Word is truth."
27:29 See, that's called, selective quoting.
27:33 The devil is going to use the same method
27:35 that he used with Eve.
27:38 Do you know what the devil did with Eve?
27:40 He led her to follow the testimony of her heart.
27:44 Everything the devil did was based on the subjective.
27:49 First of all, here's a snake that's talking,
27:52 a serpent that's talking.
27:54 Do serpents talk?
27:55 Oh, that would be a miracle. Right?
27:57 So he performs a counterfeit miracle.
28:00 And then he misquotes the word of God.
28:03 And then he says to Eve, "Hey, Eve, you know,
28:06 you want to know the real reason why God
28:08 told you not to eat from the tree?
28:09 He told you, you were going to die, but that's not the reason."
28:12 And so Eve is saying, "Well, tell me what the reason is."
28:15 And he says, "God knows that if you eat from the tree,
28:17 you're going to be like Him.
28:18 And God doesn't want any rivals.
28:21 He's the only one who wants to be God.
28:23 So He's intimidating everybody to think that they'll
28:26 die if they eat from the tree.
28:27 But the real reason is that everybody
28:29 is going to be like Him."
28:32 And so Eve says, "Yeah, God didn't explain
28:34 why we couldn't eat from the tree.
28:35 Now I have an explanation."
28:37 The devil is playing mind games.
28:39 And then it says she sees the fruit and it looks good.
28:42 She's touching it because the serpent placed it in her hand,
28:45 and she didn't die.
28:46 And she said that God had said, "If you touch it, you'll die."
28:49 She added to the word of God.
28:50 It's dangerous to add to the word of God.
28:54 And so she's seeing the fruit, it looks good.
28:58 She thinks that it will be tasty.
29:01 She's hearing what the devil is saying.
29:03 So now she takes the fruit and she eats.
29:07 Her standard of deciding what to do was based on experience.
29:14 Her only protection was to say, "We live by every word
29:20 that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
29:23 Our only protection...
29:24 Ellen White has a chapter in, Great Controversy,
29:26 that says, our only safeguard will be to build our faith
29:30 upon the word of God; as it is written.
29:34 Now let's assume for a moment...
29:36 Bear with me on this.
29:38 ...that the futurist scenario that I have described at the
29:41 beginning of our study will unfold just like
29:45 futurists have said.
29:47 One day many people all over the world disappear into thin air.
29:51 A ten nation federation is established in Europe
29:54 led by a charismatic individual who signs a seven year
29:58 peace treaty with the Jews.
30:00 During the first three and a half years of his reign
30:03 things begin to deteriorate.
30:05 But during the last three and a half years,
30:07 the planet unravels at the seams.
30:09 There are unparalleled natural disasters,
30:12 devastating pandemics, warfare, social unrest, famines,
30:16 and criminality such as never has been seen
30:18 in the history of the world.
30:20 As the antichrist increases in power, this individual
30:23 receives a deadly wound.
30:25 But miraculously his deadly wound is healed.
30:28 At the beginning of the last three and a half years
30:30 of his reign, he breaks his peace treaty with the Jews
30:34 and moves his headquarters from Rome to Jerusalem,
30:36 and sits in the rebuilt Jerusalem temple
30:39 claiming to be God and demanding the worship of the world.
30:43 He builds a gigantic image of himself and commands everyone
30:46 to worship on pain of death.
30:49 The Jews and unsaved Christians who are left behind
30:51 after the rapture are persecuted mercilessly.
30:54 Finally after seven years past, a glorious individual
30:58 appears in different parts of the earth
30:59 with a radiance that outshines the noon day sun.
31:02 He heals the diseases of the people,
31:04 speaks in soft, subdued tones some of the truths
31:08 that Jesus spoke, and destroys the antichrist
31:11 as the enemies of the Jews and the Christians
31:14 who were left behind.
31:15 ...and the enemies of the Jews and the Christians
31:17 who were left behind.
31:19 I can just hear Christians saying at that time,
31:22 "We told you Seventh-day Adventists
31:25 that things were going to devolve in this way.
31:27 But you would not listen.
31:29 Now you see that we were right and you were wrong."
31:33 The question is, folks, how many people in the world
31:36 at that time would believe the historicist interpretation
31:38 of Bible prophecy?
31:41 How many would believe that the true enemies of God's people
31:45 are the Roman Catholic Papacy and apostate Protestantism
31:47 allied with the kings of the whole world
31:50 and the multitudes of the whole world?
31:54 The answer is that there would be very few,
31:56 only the elect, who would be willing to hold onto the
32:00 traditional view that is provided by
32:03 the historicist method of interpreting Bible prophecy.
32:07 Now somebody might say, "Pastor Bohr, you're somewhat insane.
32:11 What makes you think that Satan will be able to implement
32:13 the prophetic scenario that is taught by futurism?"
32:17 I'm not categorically saying that it will happen this way.
32:22 But when we remember that when the door of probation closes,
32:25 Satan will have full and complete control
32:28 of the impenitent.
32:30 It might just happen that way.
32:32 Why would the devil have this scenario preached
32:36 every Sunday morning on television if he did not
32:39 have an agenda in mind for the future?
32:44 God will withdraw His Spirit.
32:46 Satan will be allowed full reign to carry out his program,
32:50 except he will not be allowed to kill God's people.
32:54 Ellen White says in, Great Controversy, page 614,
32:57 that when probation closes, "The restraint which has been
33:01 upon the wicked is removed, and Satan has entire control
33:07 of the finally impenitent."
33:10 And believe me, if the devil is able to make an
33:13 airplane disappear, he would not have much trouble
33:17 making people disappear as well.
33:20 Is it not time, folks, that as Adventists we should
33:23 give the trumpet a certain sound
33:25 and warn the world about these things?
33:28 Who the dangerous powers are?
33:30 What the issues in the final controversy are?
33:33 And how to be on the Lord's side?
33:36 And the fact that a time of trouble is coming
33:38 such as never has been seen?
33:40 And we need to prepare a character that is fit
33:43 to go through that period of human history
33:45 and receive Jesus when He comes in glory?
33:49 I believe that we have a special prophetic message
33:51 for the world for now, because we see things happening
33:54 in the world where things are winding down to the end.
33:59 I'm not giving dates.
34:00 I'm not saying that He's coming tomorrow
34:02 or next week, or even in a year or two.
34:05 But the signs in the world indicate that prophecy is
34:08 fulfilling the way that it is depicted
34:11 in Daniel and Revelation, and in the book,
34:13 The Great Controversy.
34:15 You see, Satan not only hates our message,
34:19 he hates our method.
34:21 Because our message is based on our method.
34:24 If you get rid of historicism, you get rid of our message.
34:29 And if you get rid of our message,
34:30 you get rid of our mission.
34:32 You've probably read the book, Futurism's Incredible Journey.
34:35 There it's portrayed in a simple way the devastating effects
34:39 of futurism on the message of the Adventist Church.
34:43 You see, we believe that we can observe the simple trajectory
34:48 of prophecy, and we can identify the antichrist
34:52 by looking at the flow of prophetic history.
34:55 We believe that there are no gaps.
34:57 It's a simple method that even children can understand.
35:01 The historical flow method helps us understand
35:04 who the antichrist is, when and where he will arise,
35:08 what he will do, who will help him recover his power.
35:13 Historicism shows what the issues are in the conflict.
35:17 Furthermore, it tells us when and where the remnant church
35:21 would arise in the course of human history.
35:24 It shows us what our message is, what our mission is.
35:29 Those who reject this message crawl around
35:33 in prophetic darkness.
35:36 If the antichrist is a literal future person,
35:40 and the time periods of his dominion are literal and future,
35:45 then the Roman Catholic Church has nothing to do with the
35:48 fulfillment of prophecy.
35:50 Protestantism as a fulfillment of prophecy disappears
35:52 in the midst as well.
35:55 Is that perhaps the reason why Protestants today
35:58 are wanting to join the Roman Catholic Church,
36:01 because they've lost their prophetic bearings?
36:03 Do you actually think that if Protestants today
36:06 understood this scenario of Bible prophecy,
36:10 which was sustained by the Protestant reformers that
36:13 founded these Protestant churches, do you think that
36:16 if they followed this prophetic method they would want
36:18 anything to do with the Roman Catholic Papacy
36:21 or with apostate Protestantism?
36:23 They would come out.
36:24 And folks, the book of Revelation chapter 18
36:27 says that multitudes will come out of Babylon
36:30 when this message is presented with power.
36:33 Ellen White had this to say about those individuals
36:36 who don't identify the antichrist according
36:39 to scriptural principles.
36:40 This is found in volume 7 of the Bible Commentary, page 949.
36:45 She says, "Those who become confused in their understanding
36:50 of the Word, who fail to see the meaning of antichrist,
36:55 will surely place themselves on the side of antichrist."
36:59 Is it important to know who the little horn is?
37:02 Is it important to know who the beast is?
37:05 Is it important to know what the image of the beast is
37:08 and the mark of the beast is? Yes.
37:10 Because the world needs to know, folks.
37:12 They need to make a decision for the Lord.
37:14 And if they don't know who the anti...
37:16 If they're looking for an antichrist in the Middle East,
37:19 they're looking in the wrong place.
37:21 If they're expecting to be gone for the tribulation,
37:25 they're not preparing a character fit for heaven
37:28 and fit for the tribulation.
37:30 And so, folks, this is a matter of life and death.
37:33 And so she continues saying, "Those who become confused
37:36 in their understanding of the Word, who fail to see
37:39 the meaning of antichrist, will surely place themselves
37:42 on the side of antichrist."
37:43 And then notice this, "There is no time now
37:46 for us to assimilate with the world."
37:48 Do you know when it is that we lose our conception of
37:52 who the antichrist is?
37:53 When we what?
37:54 When we assimilate with the world.
37:56 She continues saying, "Daniel is standing in his
37:59 lot and in his place.
38:01 The prophecies of Daniel and of John are to be understood.
38:05 They interpret each other.
38:07 They give to the world truths which every one
38:11 should understand.
38:12 These prophecies are to be witnesses in the world.
38:17 By their fulfillment in these last days they will
38:21 explain themselves."
38:24 And yet even in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
38:26 we have scholars, some of them teach in our
38:29 religious institutions, who are saying that
38:32 our views of Bible prophecy are mistaken.
38:37 Let me refer to two specific individuals.
38:41 And this is back in the 1990's, early 1990's.
38:45 A history teacher at La Sierra University
38:48 in southern California; teacher of Reformation Studies.
38:53 That's what's interesting.
38:54 His teaching was on the Protestant Reformation.
38:56 That was his strong suit.
38:59 He said, well the Roman Catholic Church of the past,
39:03 and now I quote, "was a contemptuous
39:06 and contemptible organization."
39:09 But then he goes on to say this, "But those days are over.
39:14 The world has changed.
39:16 The United States has changed.
39:19 And even the Roman Catholic Church has changed.
39:22 In the second half of our century, having reconciled
39:25 itself with progress, liberalism,
39:28 and modern civilization, it..."
39:30 That is the Roman Catholic Papacy.
39:32 " no longer the Bible suppressing, science resisting,
39:35 liberty opposing, Protestant hating,
39:36 culture ignoring, Latin mumbling,
39:39 obscurantism loving, ecclesiastical organization
39:42 of former years intent on ruling the world from Rome."
39:47 In other words, the papacy is not that any more, he's saying.
39:50 "Vatican Council II transformed all of that."
39:54 All that Vatican Council II did was give
39:56 the Roman Catholic Church a face lift.
40:01 And last I knew, that is cosmetic surgery.
40:06 He continues saying, "To ignore these new realities
40:09 and to refuse to come to terms with the contemporary
40:12 Roman church is to choose to remain stuck in a religious
40:15 no man's land, condemning a church that no longer exists,
40:19 using old labels and propaganda that only offend
40:23 and alienate deeply.
40:25 Instead, Seventh-day Adventists ought to involve themselves
40:28 in building bridges of understanding,
40:31 to reach out to Roman Catholics and developing bonds of love
40:35 to enable them, with us, to arrive at a full appreciation
40:38 and application of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
40:43 History teacher at La Sierra University.
40:49 Notice how Ellen White described it.
40:52 This is found in the book, Great Controversy, pages 571 and 572.
40:56 And incidentally, this is the best description
40:59 that I've ever found on what the papacy is;
41:02 what Ellen White is going to give now.
41:05 She says, "The papacy is just what prophecy declared
41:07 that she would be, the apostasy of the latter times.
41:12 It is a part of her policy to assume the character
41:16 which will best accomplish her purpose."
41:19 And here comes the description.
41:20 "But beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon,
41:24 she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent."
41:29 Cosmetic external changes.
41:31 You tell me one dogma of the Roman Catholic Church
41:34 that has been changed.
41:36 Do they still believe that you're suppose to come
41:38 to Jesus through Mary?
41:40 Do they still believe that Jesus is sacrificed in the mass?
41:44 Do they still believe in purgatory?
41:46 Do they still believe in indulgences?
41:49 Do they still believe that hell is going to burn forever?
41:52 Do they still believe that Sunday is the day of worship?
41:56 Do they still believe that you can bow to idols?
41:59 So how has it changed?
42:01 Who has changed?
42:03 Protestants have changed.
42:05 And that's why they differ less from Catholics.
42:08 Not because Catholicism has changed,
42:11 but Protestantism has changed.
42:14 So she says, "Beneath the variable appearance of the
42:18 chameleon, she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent.
42:22 'Faith ought not to be kept with heretics,
42:24 nor persons suspected of heresy,' she declares.
42:27 Shall this power, whose record for a thousand years is written
42:31 in the blood of the saints, be now acknowledged
42:34 as a part of the church of Christ?"
42:36 Asked Ellen White.
42:38 "It is not without reason that the claim has been put forth
42:41 in Protestant countries that Catholicism differs less widely
42:45 from Protestantism than in former times.
42:48 There has been a change; but the change is not in the papacy.
42:53 Catholicism indeed resembles much of the Protestantism
42:57 that now exists, because Protestantism has so greatly
43:02 degenerated since the days of the Reformers."
43:07 Is that a good description?
43:08 That is a fitting description.
43:10 And then Ellen White in, Review and Herald, June 1, 1886,
43:16 said that the union between Catholics and Protestants
43:20 "will not, however, be effected by a change in Catholicism;
43:25 for Rome never changes.
43:28 She claims infallibility.
43:31 It is Protestantism that will change."
43:35 And then she says, "The adoption of liberal ideas..."
43:38 When Ellen White speaks about liberal ideas,
43:40 she's talking about civil rights and human rights.
43:44 She's talking about being politically correct.
43:47 That's the terminology that we would use today.
43:50 In other words, the adoption of political correctness,
43:53 or liberal ideas, false charity she also calls it,
43:58 "on its part," that is on the part of Protestantism,
44:01 "will bring it where it can clasp the hand of Catholicism."
44:07 So who are we to believe?
44:10 Paul Landa or Ellen White?
44:12 No contest.
44:14 There's another teacher at La Sierra University
44:18 back in the early 90's by the name of Frank Knittel.
44:22 I believe that he taught in the English department
44:25 of the same university.
44:27 And he's had some interesting things to say about
44:29 Ellen White's book, The Great Controversy.
44:32 And I quote, this is from Adventist Today,
44:36 the July-August issue, 1993, page 11.
44:40 He says regarding, The Great Controversy,
44:42 "We must not base our spiritual warning to the world
44:45 on evidence which we feel is found in any book
44:49 other than the Bible.
44:51 White gave Adventism her interpretation of the Scripture,
44:55 and her view in not infallible."
44:57 He's pitting the Bible against Ellen White.
45:00 And listen carefully, he says that the view that the
45:04 papacy is the antichrist was the view of Ellen White.
45:07 So let me ask you, how did the reformers get their view
45:10 that the papacy was the antichrist?
45:12 They didn't have Ellen White.
45:13 They studied Scripture.
45:15 And they reached the same conclusions
45:17 as Ellen White from the Bible.
45:19 So to say that, "Oh, you can't trust Ellen White
45:22 what she says about the papacy, because that's her,"
45:26 the fact is that Protestantism has gone astray from its roots.
45:31 If Martin Luther resurrected from the dead today,
45:34 he would die of a heart attack.
45:36 Because he would not recognize the Lutheran church.
45:40 If John Calvin resurrected today, he would not
45:43 believe what's before his eyes.
45:44 Because the Presbyterian church would not be the
45:46 church that he knew.
45:50 Blessing gay marriage,
45:53 and with gay clergy.
45:55 These reformers, they fought for the Bible with their lives.
46:02 And what they had to fight for with their lives
46:04 is being destroyed by a group of individuals
46:07 who no longer believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures.
46:14 Knittel continued saying, "Our message to the world,
46:18 as Paul declared for himself, is Jesus Christ and Him crucified;
46:23 and a detailed accounting of the prophecies
46:25 and an exposition of the Sabbath is secondary."
46:29 That sound like an Adventist?
46:32 "Whatever we wish to believe about prophecy
46:34 is our own right and responsibility.
46:37 But whatever we believe should be based totally upon
46:39 what we derive from our own study of the Bible,
46:42 and not upon anything written by anyone since the
46:45 canon of the Scriptures was established."
46:48 I would say, unless what that person wrote
46:50 is in harmony with Scripture.
46:53 He continues saying, "We have almost destroyed ourselves
46:55 by our passionate disinclination to search for ourselves,
46:59 and we wear out the pages of the Ellen G. White index
47:03 when we should instead be studying the Bible."
47:06 Basically what he's saying is, "Study the Bible,
47:09 discard Ellen White."
47:10 But eventually what happens is, people study the Bible,
47:13 if they studied the Bible the way they're suppose to,
47:16 they would reach the same conclusions as Ellen White
47:18 concerning Bible prophecy.
47:21 So Knittel says we need to preach the gospel,
47:23 we need to preach the true gospel.
47:24 And he mentions the first angel's message.
47:27 What he doesn't tell you is that the first angel's message
47:30 is not only Revelation 14 verse 6.
47:35 You know, people like to quote Revelation 14 verse 6,
47:37 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
47:39 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
47:41 who dwell on the earth; to every nation,
47:43 kindred, tongue and people."
47:44 And they stop there.
47:47 But folks, the three angels' messages continue.
47:52 The first angel not only preaches the everlasting gospel,
47:55 he says, "Fear God and give glory to Him,
47:59 for the hour of His judgment is come.
48:01 And worship Him."
48:03 And then it appeals to the Creator, which is the Sabbath.
48:07 So Knittel says the Sabbath is secondary.
48:10 Folks, it's part of the same message where the angel is
48:13 preaching the everlasting gospel.
48:16 And by the way, part of the message is also calling
48:18 people out of Babylon.
48:21 That's the second message.
48:22 And the third message says, "Beware of receiving
48:25 the mark of the beast.
48:27 Rather than that, receive the seal of God."
48:29 Why does he stop at verse 6?
48:32 Why not continue the three angels' messages,
48:35 like Ellen White so eloquently does in her writings?
48:41 Is it any surprise to us that Billy Graham called the pope,
48:45 Pope John Paul II, the world's foremost moral leader.
48:50 Is it shocking that the late Paul Crouch, the founder of TBN,
48:55 would say, "I'm not protesting anything.
48:58 I'm deleting the word, 'Protestant,'
48:59 from my vocabulary."
49:02 Is it a surprise that Robert Schuller, who established
49:06 the Crystal Cathedral, would say that he hopes that the
49:09 day will come when the entire Christian world
49:12 will accept the pope as its leader?
49:15 Is it any surprise that Jack Van Impe,
49:18 as he looked at John Paul II, would with admiration say,
49:23 "What a man."
49:25 Is it any surprise that Lutherans and Catholics
49:28 signed a joint declaration on righteousness by faith?
49:31 Is it any surprise that prominent Protestant
49:35 and Catholic leaders signed the document,
49:38 "Evangelicals and Catholics Together," where basically
49:43 they said that they agreed on the common points.
49:50 The question is, are the common points an issue
49:53 at the end of time?
49:55 Is that present truth in the end time?
49:59 No, the issues have to do with where Jesus is.
50:02 Where is Jesus?
50:04 In the Most Holy Place.
50:06 So wherever Jesus is, that is present truth.
50:10 If you want to know what present truth is,
50:12 what we should be preaching, we should find out
50:15 where Jesus is and what Jesus is doing,
50:19 and preach that.
50:21 And that would involve, of course, preaching
50:24 that the heavenly Sanctuary is being cleansed.
50:27 And therefore, in parallel fashion, we should be
50:30 cleansing the temple of our soul.
50:33 It involves preaching that God's law is still binding.
50:36 It involves preaching that the Sabbath
50:38 is still God's day of rest.
50:40 It involves preaching health reform.
50:43 It involves preaching that the hour of His judgment is here.
50:48 In other words, it involves preaching a whole cluster
50:51 or a whole system of truth that is centered in the
50:54 Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary.
50:57 Why does the religious world reject
51:01 the Seventh-day Adventist message?
51:03 Folks, it's simple.
51:04 They have refused to enter the Most Holy Place
51:07 to discover the truths that are centered there.
51:12 It's that simple.
51:13 And I have a book that called, Worship At Satan's Throne.
51:17 It's an analysis of the message to the church of Philadelphia.
51:22 And I analyze also Ellen White's throne vision where she's
51:25 commenting on the message to Philadelphia,
51:27 on what happened with the Protestant world when the
51:30 Protestant world rejected the message of the Millerites.
51:34 You know, probation closed for the
51:37 Roman Catholic system in 1798.
51:41 Probation closed for Protestantism...
51:43 I'm not talking about individuals within the
51:45 Catholic church or individuals within the different
51:48 Protestant churches.
51:49 No, I'm not talking about that.
51:50 There are sincere loving Christians in all churches.
51:53 The Roman Catholic Church, Protestant churches,
51:56 even among non-Christians, there are people who
51:58 serve God to the best of their knowledge.
52:00 I'm talking about systems.
52:02 In 1844, when the Protestant churches disfellowshiped
52:07 Ellen White and her family and cast those who were preaching
52:11 the message of the second coming out of their churches,
52:15 the second branch of Babylon fell.
52:18 Which is the daughters.
52:21 And so Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are fallen systems.
52:26 Why do you suppose God would tell us to preach
52:30 from Revelation chapter 18, "Come out of her, My people."
52:36 Is it any surprise to us that people like Ralph Reed
52:40 and Pat Robertson, and others, would try to unite
52:44 Catholics and Protestants in voting blocks
52:48 to get certain candidates elected to office.
52:53 Candidates that are in harmony with their world view
52:57 and their scenario.
53:00 Folks, as Adventists we need to recover our prophetic roots.
53:04 We need to get back to the basics.
53:06 We need to get back to preaching present truth.
53:09 It has power to bring conviction to people.
53:12 I've seen it. Taj has seen it in his meetings.
53:15 I never cease to marvel, you know, he's come to our
53:18 church twice, the way people respond.
53:20 And he doesn't water down the message.
53:21 I mean, it's direct, everything.
53:23 Including jewelry, and health reform, and you name it.
53:27 It's all there.
53:28 And multitudes of people give their hearts to the Lord.
53:31 So this idea that if you preach prophecy,
53:33 if you preach doctrine, you know, people are going to
53:36 get scared and they're not going to want to come.
53:38 That's not true.
53:39 When it's presented in a beautiful way,
53:41 in a way that it makes sense, people embrace it
53:44 and they're excited about becoming Seventh-day Adventists.
53:49 I want to finish by mentioning the loud cry of Revelation 18.
53:53 You know what the loud cry is?
53:54 It's when the messages of the three angel's
53:57 are given a boost.
53:59 God will put jumper cables,
54:03 if you please, on the three angels' messages.
54:05 And they will be proclaimed with the utmost power.
54:09 What does the message of Revelation 18 say?
54:13 It says Babylon is fallen.
54:16 And she has become the habitation of demons.
54:18 And it says, "You better get out of there.
54:22 Because plagues are going to fall upon her.
54:25 Come out of her, My people,
54:28 so that you do not partake in her sins
54:30 and you do not receive her plagues."
54:33 I end this session by reading from, Great Controversy,
54:35 606 and 607, about what Ellen White says
54:39 concerning this loud cry.
54:41 It's very inspiring.
54:43 This is, Great Controversy, 606 and 607.
54:47 She says, "Thus the message of the third angel
54:49 will be proclaimed.
54:51 As the time comes for it to be given with greatest power,
54:54 the Lord will work through humble instruments,
55:00 leading the minds of those who consecrate
55:02 themselves to His service.
55:04 The laborers will be qualified rather by the unction of His
55:08 Spirit than by the training of literary institutions."
55:14 No PhD needed.
55:18 The Holy Spirit is needed.
55:21 I'm not saying that education is bad.
55:22 Don't get me wrong, education can be good.
55:27 As long as education is in harmony with the philosophy
55:30 and beliefs of the Adventist church
55:32 and helps the church to fulfill its mission.
55:36 But God is not dependent upon great knowledge gained
55:42 in literary institutions.
55:44 She continues saying, "Men of faith and prayer
55:47 will be constrained to go forth with holy zeal,
55:50 declaring the words which God gives them.
55:53 The sins of Babylon will be laid open.
55:57 The fearful results of enforcing the observances of the church
56:00 by civil authority, the inroads of spiritualism,
56:05 the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power;
56:08 all will be unmasked."
56:11 Who's going to unmask these things?
56:14 The Holy Spirit through humble instruments.
56:17 She says, "By these solemn warnings the people
56:20 will be stirred.
56:22 Thousands upon thousands will listen who have
56:25 never heard words like these.
56:27 In amazement they hear the testimony that Babylon
56:31 is the church, fallen because of her errors and sins,
56:34 because of her rejection of the truth sent to her from heaven.
56:38 As the people go to their former teachers with the eager inquiry,
56:41 'Are these things so?'
56:43 the ministers present fables, prophesy smooth things,
56:47 to soothe their fears and quiet the awakened conscience.
56:52 But since many refuse to be satisfied with the mere
56:56 authority of men and demand a, 'Thus saith the Lord,'
57:00 the popular ministry, like the Pharisees of old,
57:02 filled with anger as their authority is questioned,
57:05 will denounce the message as of Satan and stir up
57:09 the sin-loving multitudes to revile and persecute
57:13 those who proclaim it."
57:16 That is what is ahead for the humble instruments
57:20 that God is going to use to finish His work on this earth;
57:24 to let everybody know what the issues are
57:28 and what powers are involved in the final controversy.
57:32 So I hope that we've been able to understand
57:34 how important the historical flow method is.
57:36 Have you grasped that our historical flow method is vital?
57:39 Without it, there is no Seventh-day Adventist Church.
57:42 And it comes from within Scripture.
57:45 It is not imposed on Scripture.


Revised 2015-01-21