
Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AU

Program Code: AU000031S

00:00 - It's Thanksgiving season,
00:01 which of course is a lot of people's favorite holiday.
00:05 Even though if we're really honest about this,
00:07 a lot of us have actually forgotten how to be thankful,
00:10 so today on Authentic, recovering the lost art of gratitude.
00:16 [upbeat music]
00:36 So here we are,
00:38 it's Thanksgiving season here in the United States,
00:41 and I know I didn't say anything about Canadian Thanksgiving
00:44 when it was October,
00:45 so listen, my apologies to those of you living
00:48 on the north side of the 49th parallel.
00:50 I just hope you can still pull something useful
00:53 out of today's subject, just use it next October.
00:57 Today I thought it would be nice to take a little break
00:59 from some of the heavier subject matter
01:01 that we usually talk about
01:02 and maybe just think about the fine art of gratitude,
01:05 because, well, the practice of thankfulness
01:08 seems to be a bit of a lost art here in the modern west,
01:11 especially in recent history.
01:14 I mean, think about this,
01:15 here we are one of the most privileged nations
01:17 in the history of the world,
01:19 and certainly one of the wealthiest,
01:21 and I can testify firsthand as an immigrant,
01:24 an naturalized American that we have
01:27 an awful lot to be thankful for here,
01:30 and yet, in some ways I had never heard so much in gratitude
01:36 as I have in recent years in a place
01:37 where people actually have more to be thankful for
01:39 than many other parts of the world.
01:41 I mean, I know, I know America has problems
01:44 and it's certainly not a utopia,
01:47 but at the same time we should probably not forget
01:49 that we really have more than most, we really do.
01:53 I remember years ago crossing the border
01:55 into the United States, and back in those days,
01:57 I was still down here on a work visa.
02:00 The border agent looked at my passport and said,
02:02 "Well, I guess you'll be applying
02:03 "for a green card any day now."
02:05 I said,
02:05 "Maybe, I don't know,
02:07 "I don't know what the future holds."
02:08 Oh, he said,
02:09 "You'll be staying.
02:10 "Once you see what we have here,
02:12 "you're gonna wanna live here for good."
02:15 Now, of course as a citizen of another country,
02:18 my pride was a little bit wounded because
02:20 the standard of living in my country is really pretty good.
02:23 I mean, how dare he suggests that America
02:26 might have something more to offer me?
02:29 But you know something?
02:30 It turns out in a lot of ways, he was right.
02:32 I've personally discovered that America
02:34 really is a land of opportunity.
02:37 Personally I found it much easier
02:38 to get ahead in this country, at least back in those days,
02:41 and I was amazed by just how much access Americans have
02:45 to just about anything they want.
02:47 Now, again, that's not to suggest that my home country
02:50 is some kind of backwater where the living is hard
02:52 because that's not true either,
02:55 I come from a really good place to live
02:57 and a lot of people love to live there,
03:00 and still I couldn't help,
03:01 but notice just how much you have here in America.
03:04 This really is one of the most prosperous nations
03:08 in the history of the planet, probably the most prosperous,
03:12 and yet at the same time as I listened to a lot of
03:14 my new American neighbors talk about their country,
03:17 I heard a lot of complaining about
03:19 just how bad they thought everything was.
03:22 And in some ways I found that misdefined because
03:25 as people complained about politics, and the economy,
03:29 and the state of society, and a million other things,
03:32 they were also complaining about how many people
03:34 were trying to sneak across the border
03:36 into this country every single day.
03:38 Somehow those two things don't compute.
03:41 If life in America is really as horrible as some people say,
03:44 then why would so many people be willing
03:46 to risk everything to get here?
03:49 It doesn't add up.
03:51 And again, I am not gonna suggest
03:53 there isn't room for improvement,
03:55 or that we don't have some serious problems
03:57 because obviously we do,
03:59 but now that it's Thanksgiving,
04:01 I thought maybe for just a few moments, even just one day,
04:04 you and I could try to recover the fine art of gratitude,
04:08 because as it turns out, gratitude is something
04:11 that doesn't come naturally to most of us,
04:14 surprisingly, it's something you have to practice.
04:17 Human nature being what it is,
04:19 it seems like we have this tendency to gravitate
04:21 more toward discontentment than we do toward contentment.
04:26 And a state of constant discontent
04:28 will almost always give you a miserable existence.
04:32 So the question we need to ask ourselves
04:35 in light of the fact that none of us
04:37 gets more than a few short years on this planet,
04:40 the question is, why in the world would anybody
04:43 want to live a miserable life
04:45 when there's a much, much better alternative?
04:49 I'm reminded of a story in the Bible
04:51 where this group of men suddenly approaches Jesus
04:54 and they have a very serious problem.
04:56 All of them are outcasts from society,
04:59 and the reason they're outcast is because they have leprosy.
05:02 Now, back in that day, it was an incurable disease
05:05 and it was also transmissible.
05:08 So it meant that victims had to be run out of town
05:11 to go live somewhere else in a leper colony.
05:14 That was the only option available to them.
05:16 And I mean, talk about social distancing,
05:18 if these people ever came near another group,
05:21 they had to announce their presence by crying out,
05:24 "Unclean, unclean,"
05:26 so that people could get out of the way
05:27 and save themselves.
05:29 I mean, we think the current pandemic is inconvenient,
05:32 but imagine having a deadly disease
05:34 that completely isolates you
05:36 from the rest of civilization forever.
05:39 There was no coming home,
05:42 and there was no cell phone, no Zoom, you were out.
05:45 So here's the story as you find it in the Gospel of Luke 17.
05:51 It says,
05:52 "Now it happened as He,"
05:53 That's talking about Jesus.
05:54 "Went to Jerusalem
05:56 "that He through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.
05:59 "Then as He entered a certain village,
06:01 "there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off."
06:07 Now of course they had to stand a far off because
06:09 they had a deadly contagious disease.
06:11 So here they have a legitimate problem,
06:14 something to be legitimately unhappy about.
06:17 It continues in verse 13.
06:20 "And they lifted up their voices and said,
06:22 "'Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!'
06:25 "So when He saw them, He said to them,
06:27 "'Go, show yourselves to the priests.'"
06:30 Because you see, in order to be restored to society
06:33 and declared healthy,
06:34 it required an examination from a priest.
06:38 "And so it was," it says,
06:39 "that as they went, they were cleansed."
06:43 Now, if we had more time,
06:45 there are all kinds of little details
06:46 in this story we could look at,
06:48 things like the fact that God really cares
06:51 about human suffering and He notices when you're hurting.
06:55 Or we could study the fact that these guys
06:58 apparently had to start walking
07:00 in the direction of the priest in order to be healed,
07:03 which teaches us something about the nature of faith.
07:07 It's more of an active process than passive.
07:10 But for Thanksgiving, just for now,
07:12 let's zero in on what happens next, this is verse 15.
07:16 It says,
07:17 "And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned."
07:21 You know, it almost sounds like he turned around
07:22 as soon as he knew he was better
07:24 before he ever got to the priest.
07:26 "And with a loud voice glorified God,
07:29 "and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks.
07:33 "And he was a Samaritan."
07:36 Now that last phrase is not just a passing comment.
07:41 Just in case some of the culture of the biblical world
07:43 might be new to some of you,
07:45 lemme just take a moment and explain what a Samaritan was.
07:48 Back when the Assyrian Empire
07:50 attacked the 10 northern tribes
07:52 and took those people captive,
07:53 they repopulated the region with a bunch of outsiders
07:57 they brought in from other parts of their empire.
07:59 And over time because of these people's proximity
08:02 to the tribe of Judah to the south of them,
08:05 these new outsiders kinda developed
08:07 their own version of the Jewish faith.
08:10 They had their own sacred mountain,
08:11 their own version of the Scriptures,
08:13 and their own religious rituals.
08:16 But as far as the religious authorities
08:17 in Jerusalem were concerned,
08:20 the Samaritans were a little better than Gentiles.
08:22 In fact, I guess they really were Gentiles.
08:25 And so Jerusalem considered these people
08:27 to be ritually unclean.
08:30 When the Babylonian captivity ended
08:32 and the tribe of Judah came back home to rebuild Jerusalem,
08:35 they actually refused to let the Samaritans participate
08:39 in the reconstruction of the temple,
08:41 so the Samaritans went and built their own.
08:44 People traveling from Jerusalem would go out of their way
08:48 to avoid traveling through the region of Samaria
08:50 if there was any other conceivable way
08:52 they could get to their destination because
08:55 they didn't want to set foot
08:56 on what they considered to be unclean territory.
09:01 So this one leper, the Samaritan was somebody
09:04 that most of Jesus' followers considered to be unclean
09:08 even if he didn't have leprosy,
09:10 but to make matters worse, he did have this dreaded disease,
09:13 and so I guess in some ways we could say,
09:15 this man was considered doubly unclean,
09:18 and yet out of the 10 lepers that Jesus healed that day,
09:22 this is the only guy who came back to say thanks.
09:26 He's the only one.
09:28 It continues now in verse 17,
09:31 "So Jesus answered and said,
09:34 "'Were they're not ten cleansed?
09:36 "'But where are the nine?
09:38 "'Were they're not found any who returned
09:39 "'to give glory to God except this foreigner?'"
09:43 Notice now how Jesus recognizes this man's outside status,
09:48 and well, that's for the benefit
09:50 of those who are watching what's happening.
09:52 "And He,' it says, 'Jesus said to him,'
09:54 "'Arise, go your way.
09:57 "'Your faith has made you well.'"
09:59 So here's what we've gotten in this story,
10:02 even though it doesn't really say it,
10:04 I think we can probably assume
10:06 that the other nine lepers were not Samaritans,
10:10 they probably came from a more privileged class,
10:14 and yet the only one,
10:15 the only one who actually practiced gratitude
10:19 was the outsider.
10:20 The man who had less to be thankful for than all the rest.
10:25 And that might just be a really important lesson for us,
10:28 some of the most privileged people
10:30 who have ever lived on the face of this planet.
10:33 I'll be right back after this.
10:36 [light music]
10:37 - [Announcer] Life can throw a lot at us.
10:39 Sometimes we don't have all the answers,
10:42 but that's where the Bible comes in,
10:45 it's our guide to a more fulfilling life.
10:48 Here at the Voice of Prophecy,
10:49 we've created the Discover Bible Guides
10:52 to be your guide to the Bible.
10:53 They're designed to be simple, easy to use,
10:56 and provide answers to many of life's toughest questions,
10:59 and they're absolutely free.
11:01 So jump online now or give us a call
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11:07 - You know, I wish I could just remember all of the details,
11:10 but I remember listening to the radio a few years ago,
11:13 really decades ago and I heard this guy who,
11:16 if I remember this correctly, didn't have any feet,
11:19 and he was forced into a life of begging.
11:23 And again, if I'm remembering this correctly,
11:25 he also had some additional health challenges
11:27 that made his life really unpleasant.
11:29 He had nothing going right.
11:32 And somebody was talking to him on the radio,
11:34 I think it might've even been one of those
11:37 on the street interviews, and they asked this guy,
11:39 "Why are you so happy?
11:41 "What are you happy about?"
11:43 And that's when this man started to recite a poem,
11:45 and fortunately, I remember just enough lines
11:48 from this poem to be able to track it down
11:50 and bring it in today.
11:52 Some of you have probably heard this
11:53 at some point in your lives,
11:54 but I think it really bears repeating.
11:56 It's by John Paul Moore,
11:59 at least the version that I found online in,
12:01 and instead of hearing this in my voice,
12:03 I want you to imagine the voice of a homeless man,
12:06 somebody begging on a street corner
12:08 because that's the way I heard this.
12:11 So when they asked this guy,
12:12 how in the world he could be happy,
12:14 here's how he responded by saying this,
12:16 "I've never made a fortune, and I'll never make one now,
12:19 "but it really doesn't matter 'cause I'm happy anyhow.
12:23 "As I go along my journey,
12:24 "I'm reaping better than I've sowed,
12:26 "I'm drinking from the saucer 'cause my cup has overflowed.
12:30 "I don't have a lot of riches
12:31 "and some times the going's tough,
12:34 "but with kin and friends to love me,
12:35 "I think I'm rich enough.
12:38 "I thank God for the blessings that His mercy has bestowed,
12:41 "I'm drinking from the saucer 'cause my cup has overflowed.
12:46 "He gives me strength and courage
12:47 "when the way grows steep and rough.
12:50 "I'll not ask for other blessings
12:51 "for I'm already blessed enough.
12:53 "May we never be too busy to help bear another's load,
12:57 "then we'll all be drinking from the saucer
12:59 "when our cups have overflowed."
13:02 Now, I don't know about you,
13:03 but when I first heard that I suddenly realized,
13:05 hey man, I'm more like the nine lepers who never came back
13:08 than I am like that Samaritan,
13:10 the social outcast who took the time to say thanks.
13:16 I mean, look, I'm not a wealthy man
13:17 by any stretch of the imagination,
13:19 and I've got lots of problems in my life, believe me,
13:22 but I'm also not begging on a street corner today.
13:24 And as far as the global population is concerned,
13:27 I'd have to say that, you and I, we're all one percenters.
13:29 I know that doesn't really mesh with most people's thinking,
13:32 but it's true if you think about it.
13:34 I have traveled the world
13:35 and I have seen real grinding poverty.
13:39 And even a hard life here in America,
13:41 difficulties here are better
13:43 than some of the places I've seen.
13:45 I've seen a man with 14 kids subsisting in a 10 by 10 hut.
13:52 I've had poverty stricken mothers in India run up to me
13:54 as I'm walking through the village
13:55 and they try to give me their children
13:57 because they can't afford to feed them,
13:59 and they think I'm a rich American
14:01 who can take them back home.
14:03 Here at the Voice of Prophecy,
14:04 we sponsor a home for girls who are rescued
14:07 from the horrific world of human trafficking,
14:10 and most of them were forced into childhood prostitution
14:13 because of the devastating poverty they were born into.
14:18 Look, I've seen suffering on a scale
14:19 that sometimes keeps me awake at night.
14:22 I remember the day that I climbed
14:23 into a cellar behind a church in Rwanda
14:25 where the bones of thousands of genocide victims
14:28 were stacked on shelves, and I found this tiny skull,
14:32 it must've come from a two-year-old
14:34 and it had been sliced in half by a machete.
14:37 And here I am living in the wealthiest country
14:40 in the history of the world,
14:41 and if I'm really honest about it,
14:43 I'm probably more prone to grumbling
14:45 than most of the people I've met live in these other places.
14:48 And I don't know why it is,
14:50 but it always seems to me like the people who have the most,
14:54 spend the most time complaining.
14:55 And honestly, there's something wrong with that.
15:00 Every year we dedicate just one day to thankfulness,
15:02 one out of 365,
15:04 and that's a far worse ratio than one out of 10.
15:08 So what would happen if we actually tried to make gratitude
15:10 a more regular part of daily life?
15:12 What if we just took more time
15:14 to recognize how good we really have it?
15:18 You know, right now it seems like this country
15:20 is more polarized and less happy than it ever has been
15:23 at least in my lifetime.
15:25 Every so often, you know,
15:26 I go and waste a little bit of time perusing social media,
15:29 and I can't help but notice
15:30 that that's getting to be a very unhappy place.
15:33 In fact, some days there's really nothing social about it.
15:36 And one of the biggest things I'm noticing
15:38 is just how many people wanna blame somebody else
15:40 for everything that goes wrong in their lives.
15:43 It's a non-stop barrage.
15:45 Y'all what's wrong with this country?
15:47 How dare you believe what you believe?
15:49 And you know, I think it might be the illusion of anonymity
15:52 that makes us behave like that online,
15:54 always at each other's throats,
15:56 but what if we were just more thankful?
16:00 Again, I'm not saying you don't have problems
16:02 because most people do,
16:03 and I'm not saying we live in some kind of paradise
16:05 where nothing needs fixing because we don't,
16:08 but just how much does complaining contribute to fixing it?
16:11 The answer is it doesn't.
16:14 And not for a minute would I dare to pretend
16:16 that I'm not part of the problem,
16:17 because I am, I love grumbling,
16:20 so maybe I'll be the first to admit
16:22 that I need to improve my capacity for thankfulness.
16:26 I know that most of you are familiar
16:27 with the Ten Commandments
16:28 or at least you're aware they exist
16:30 because they're such a formative
16:31 part of Western civilization or at least they used to be,
16:35 and out of those Ten Commandments,
16:37 there's one that doesn't really get much airplay because
16:40 well, most people forget it.
16:41 And ironically the one we forget
16:43 is the one that begins with the word, remember.
16:46 It says,
16:47 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
16:48 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
16:50 "but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
16:54 "In it you shall do no work,
16:55 "you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
16:57 "nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
16:59 "nor your cattle,
17:01 "nor your stranger who is within your gates.
17:03 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
17:05 "the sea, and all that is in them,
17:07 "and rested the seventh day.
17:09 "Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
17:12 "and hallowed it."
17:13 So now you're wondering,
17:15 what in the world does that have to do with Thanksgiving?
17:16 Well, for quite a few years,
17:18 Jean and I have deliberately taken the time to observe
17:21 the Sabbath the way it's described in that commandment.
17:23 Not out of some kinda legalistic impulse
17:26 to try and win points with God,
17:28 but because we became convinced that the Sabbath
17:30 must have been designed as a gift for humanity.
17:33 After all Jesus said, the Sabbath was made for man.
17:37 And so we started making the effort to keep it.
17:41 On Friday night at sunset when the biblical Sabbath begins,
17:44 we deliberately put aside our work
17:46 and all of our worries for 24 hours
17:48 until the sun goes down the next day.
17:51 And we gathered the kids in the family room,
17:52 Jean would put out a special platter of food
17:54 and we lit a couple of candles
17:56 and recognition of this special time,
17:58 we read Bible stories, we prayed together
18:00 and I've gotta say,
18:01 it became a real highlight in our house.
18:04 And one of the things we often did as the evening began
18:06 was to just go around the circle
18:09 and list what we're thankful for.
18:12 I remember one time having company over
18:14 and they joined us as we lit those candles
18:16 and we began to rehearse our gratitude
18:18 and I'll never forget the response.
18:20 They said,
18:21 "Wow, it's like you guys have Thanksgiving
18:23 "every single week."
18:24 And it's true, we kinda did.
18:26 So I mean, try to imagine what might happen
18:28 if every single week you took time off
18:30 from all your problems,
18:32 you didn't even let yourself think about them,
18:34 and you added 52 extra Thanksgiving days, every single year.
18:39 What would that be like?
18:40 I'll be right back after this.
18:44 [light music]
18:45 - [Announcer] Here at the Voice of Prophecy,
18:46 we're committed to creating
18:47 top quality programming for the whole family.
18:50 Like our audio adventure series Discovery Mountain.
18:53 Discovery Mountain is a Bible based program
18:55 for kids of all ages and backgrounds.
18:58 Your family will enjoy the faith building stories
19:01 from this small mountain summer camp in town [mumbles]
19:03 with 24 seasonal episodes every year
19:06 and fresh content every week.
19:08 There's always a new adventure just on the horizon.
19:15 - Today I enjoy associating with a group of Christians
19:17 that really value the weekly Sabbath, they see it as a gift.
19:21 And yet, sometimes people will come to me and say,
19:24 man, if you observe the Sabbath,
19:25 that's gotta be some kind of legalism.
19:28 You're doing this to earn points with God
19:30 or to get into heaven.
19:32 And I guess if I was trying to impress God
19:35 with religious observance, they might have a point,
19:38 it would be a waste of time trying to impress God that way,
19:42 but if you consider the Sabbath
19:43 from a biblical point of view,
19:45 if you look at how it was designed,
19:47 you discover it was created as a gift.
19:50 I mean, go back to the story of Eden
19:51 and you'll find two things
19:52 that God gives the human race as a gift,
19:55 the institution of marriage and the Sabbath.
19:58 And you'll notice that both of these things are relational
20:01 and that's because of the character of God,
20:03 He's a God who craves relationship.
20:06 Marriage the Bible tells us
20:07 is a picture of Christ's relationship with His church,
20:10 and the Sabbath is dedicated time
20:13 for building a relationship with God.
20:15 Here's the way the Bible describes it,
20:17 now in Genesis 2, it says,
20:20 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
20:22 "and all the hosts of them, were finished.
20:24 "And on the seventh day
20:25 "God ended His work which He had done,
20:27 "and He rested on the seventh day
20:29 "from all His work which He had done.
20:31 "Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
20:34 "because in it He rested from all His work
20:36 "which God had created and made."
20:39 After the six days of creation,
20:41 the next thing God did, He took a day off.
20:44 And since the Bible tells us
20:45 that God neither faints nor is weary,
20:49 I've come to believe that God must have established
20:51 this weekly break for us, to set an example for us.
20:56 You know, when my youngest daughter was just a toddler,
20:58 she had a horrible time staying in bed.
21:01 So we would go up and help her say her prayers
21:03 and tuck her in,
21:05 and then turn off the lights and head downstairs,
21:07 and then five minutes later,
21:09 she was out of a room insisting she wasn't tired yet.
21:12 So one night I decided
21:14 to help her conquer this restlessness,
21:16 and I laid beside her on top of the covers.
21:18 And I said,
21:19 "Now you do what daddy does."
21:21 I close my eyes,
21:23 and I took a deep breath, and she took a deep breath,
21:25 and I said, let it out,
21:26 and she let it out and she copied me.
21:29 And of course I fell asleep
21:31 and she got up and went downstairs,
21:32 but you kinda get my point, I'm setting an example.
21:36 And it's entirely possible that your Maker
21:38 was trying to show you an example the best way to live.
21:41 Maybe He was making a specific sanctuary in time
21:44 so that you could just stop trying
21:46 and struggling all the time and just be His child.
21:50 And you gotta wonder,
21:51 what would happen
21:52 if you had that opportunity every single week?
21:56 And what would happen if you use
21:57 that dedicated time to practice gratitude?
22:00 You know, I don't live an exorbitant life,
22:02 but this week I had a roof over my head,
22:04 and I had food to eat, I shop at Target and Kohl's,
22:07 but I have clothes on my back.
22:10 I don't own a new car, but right now I have a reliable one.
22:13 And even though I'm feeling
22:15 the effects of aging like everybody else, I'm upright today,
22:17 and I can see the world around me
22:19 and I have the gift of life.
22:22 I mean, look, it is easy to find things to be unhappy about.
22:25 Believe me, I'm a pro, I'm good at it,
22:28 but why in the world would you waste
22:30 this one short lifetime focusing on everything that's wrong?
22:34 It doesn't make sense, not when you have a choice.
22:37 Now look, I'm gonna take one last quick break,
22:40 so while I'm away, do this,
22:41 why don't you go and get a pen and paper
22:44 and write down just three things you're thankful for?
22:47 You probably have time to make it five or 10,
22:50 write them down, I think you're gonna be surprised
22:52 by what you feel by the time you're done with the list.
22:55 I'll be right back after this.
22:58 [light music]
22:59 - [Announcer] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues,
23:03 Bible prophecy can be incredibly vivid and confusing.
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23:25 and start bringing prophecy into focus today.
23:29 - You know, in addition to a weekly time
23:31 for gratitude and thankfulness,
23:34 I take the first hour of every day for the same reason too.
23:37 In the early hours before the office is open
23:40 and the world starts punching me in the teeth,
23:42 I head into my little study
23:44 and I sit in my chair and I think about my life.
23:47 You know, lately I've been reading from the Book of Psalms
23:49 and some days, I actually only make through a single verse
23:53 because I wanna always slow down and ask myself,
23:56 how does what I read actually apply to me?
23:59 Then I spend a little bit of time
24:00 being thankful for what I have.
24:03 Believe my life has been hard,
24:05 but there's always, always, always
24:08 something to be thankful for.
24:10 This is the time of year when children dress up
24:13 like Puritans and Pilgrims
24:14 and rehearse the stories of Plymouth Rock
24:16 and the hardship of that
24:18 first winter they had in the new world.
24:20 And somehow those people had less than we do by far,
24:25 and yet they found more to be thankful for.
24:29 And if we're honest, we'd have to admit that most of us
24:31 we're really like the nine lepers who never came back.
24:34 Compared to the rest of the planet, let's be honest,
24:36 we live a privileged existence
24:39 and we still somehow managed to convince ourselves
24:42 that our lives are lacking, that we've been done wrong.
24:47 You know, there's a passage in the Old Testament
24:49 that kinda describes how most of us live
24:51 and it's found in Proverbs 27.
24:54 It says,
24:55 "As in water face reflects face,
24:57 "so a man's heart reveals the man."
25:01 He's about to hold up a mirror
25:02 so you can get a good look at yourself.
25:04 "Hell,"
25:05 he says that's literally Sheol or the grave,
25:08 "Hell and destruction are never full,
25:11 "so the eyes of man are never satisfied."
25:16 Just like the graveyards in your community
25:18 never stopped demanding new victims,
25:21 our talent for complaining he says
25:23 never runs out of things to be unhappy about.
25:26 If you choose to look at the world
25:28 from the perspective of an ungrateful heart,
25:30 you're always gonna come up empty,
25:32 and you're always gonna want something more.
25:36 And then over in the New Testament,
25:38 we have the example of Paul,
25:40 a missionary who was persecuted, relentlessly,
25:43 treated miserably, and eventually put to death.
25:47 And here's how this man chose to look at the world.
25:49 Just listen to this.
25:51 "Not that I speak in regard to need,
25:53 "for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.
25:58 "I know how to be abased,
25:59 "and I know how to abound.
26:01 "Everywhere and in all things I have learned
26:04 "both to be full and to be hungry,
26:07 "both to abound and to suffer need.
26:10 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
26:15 You know, Thanksgiving really easily
26:18 is my very favorite holiday because
26:21 there's something about it.
26:22 It's just so pure, so uncomplicated,
26:25 especially when you compare it
26:27 to a busy complicated holiday like Christmas.
26:30 Thanksgiving doesn't come with half the fuss,
26:32 it really seems just to be about thankfulness.
26:36 I know for some people it's also about football,
26:38 but really it's just about thankfulness.
26:41 And as far as I'm concerned,
26:42 there is nowhere near enough thankfulness anymore.
26:46 Our appetite for more stuff, more things is bottomless,
26:52 but our aptitude for thankfulness could use a little work.
26:55 I mean, imagine going through life content, content.
27:01 Listen, I'll tell you what,
27:03 as soon as the show's over, I'm gonna go
27:05 and make another list of things that I can be thankful for.
27:08 Maybe you should go and do the same yet again,
27:11 and maybe get your whole family together,
27:13 encourage them all to do it
27:15 including that one person in your house
27:17 who always, always has something to complain about.
27:20 Make the lists, then sit down and read them together.
27:24 And for goodness sake, be thankful
27:28 because it's just a better way to live.
27:31 So listen, happy Thanksgiving
27:33 and thanks for joining me today.
27:34 I'm Shawn Boonstra and this has been Authentic.
27:38 [upbeat music]


Revised 2021-11-18