
Speak of the Devil

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AU

Program Code: AU000074S

00:01 - On today's episode of "Authentic,"
00:02 we're gonna be talking about the devil,
00:05 and we'll see if we can't separate fact from fiction.
00:08 So buckle up and get ready for a bit of
00:10 a strange ride through history.
00:13 [dramatic music]
00:34 Welcome to a very special episode of "Authentic,"
00:36 where I'm gonna quite literally speak of the devil,
00:39 or, to be more precise,
00:41 I'm gonna talk about how we got our current understanding
00:43 of who or what the devil is in Western Christianity.
00:48 And that's important because when I mention the devil,
00:51 most people get this mental image
00:53 of a red guy with horns, and a pitchfork, and a tail.
00:56 He's kinda half man and half goat,
00:58 and that's the way that pop culture
01:00 almost always portrays him.
01:03 The only problem with that portrayal
01:04 is that there's nothing even close to that description
01:07 to be found in the Bible
01:09 because it's really a better fit for pagan mythology.
01:14 The description of Lucifer that you find in the Bible is
01:16 anything but grotesque.
01:18 In fact, the Bible suggests that the devil
01:20 is really quite attractive.
01:22 I mean, just listen to this passage from the book of Ezekiel
01:26 where God is talking to the king of tire,
01:28 but it becomes obvious after a few sentences
01:31 that he's actually speaking to the devil
01:34 by appealing to the king's reputation.
01:36 Here's what it says.
01:38 Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying,
01:40 "Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tire,
01:44 and say to him, 'thus says the Lord God.'"
01:48 Now, here's where it becomes obvious
01:50 that he's actually speaking to the devil.
01:52 It says, "You were the seal of perfection,
01:56 full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
01:58 You were in Eden, the garden of God."
02:01 And of course, the literal king of Tire
02:03 was never anywhere near the Garden of Eden.
02:05 So this is actually talking to somebody else.
02:08 It continues.
02:09 "Every precious stone was your covering,
02:12 the sardius, topaz, and diamond,
02:14 beryl, onyx, and jasper,
02:16 sapphire, turquoise, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
02:19 The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
02:21 was prepared for you on the day you were created.
02:24 You were the anointed cherub who covers."
02:28 Now, remember in the Old Testament sanctuary,
02:31 the covering cherubs were the angels
02:33 on top of the Ark of the Covenant.
02:35 And the Ark of the Covenant
02:37 was a symbolic representation of God's throne in heaven.
02:41 So what this is actually telling us
02:43 is that Lucifer used to have
02:45 one of the most exalted positions in God's government,
02:48 right next to the eternal throne of God.
02:52 It says, "I established you.
02:54 You were on the holy mountain of God."
02:57 Now, in the Bible, that's where God's throne is located.
03:02 "You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
03:05 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created
03:09 till iniquity was found in you."
03:12 Now, here's what I want you to notice.
03:14 There are no horns, no tail, no red skin.
03:19 The Bible describes a fallen angel.
03:21 And in his second letter to the Corinthian Church,
03:24 the Apostle Paul suggests that the devil appears
03:27 as an angel of light.
03:29 So you've got to wonder,
03:31 where in the world did we get the pop art devil
03:33 that looks like a red version of the Greek God Pan?
03:37 Well, it's a pretty long story,
03:39 but I think it's worth exploring
03:41 because after 2,000 years of Christianity,
03:45 we've got a lot of non-biblical artifacts
03:48 that have made their way into our belief system.
03:51 And while most of them are perfectly harmless,
03:55 there are some cultural artifacts that have skewed the way
03:58 that people actually think about the Christian faith.
04:02 When the Christian Church started taking over Western Europe
04:04 in the wake of Constantine's conversion,
04:07 and then especially after the conversion
04:10 of the Frankish King Clovis,
04:12 Christian bishops found themselves
04:14 continually running up against the pagan beliefs
04:16 of the Celts and the Germanic tribes.
04:19 And these were pagans who had no desire
04:22 to convert to Christianity at all.
04:27 And just like the Greeks, the Romans, and the Egyptians,
04:29 the pagans of Europe had a rather large stable of gods.
04:33 And that pantheon was such
04:35 a fundamental part of their culture
04:36 that you still find remnants of it in our culture today.
04:41 For example, some of the days of the week
04:44 are named for Roman gods, like Saturday,
04:47 which is named for Saturn.
04:49 But some of the other days are named
04:50 for Teutonic or Germanic gods like Wednesday,
04:54 which is literally Woden's Tag or Woden's Day.
04:58 And Thursday is Thor's Tag, and so on.
05:02 Now, there's nothing particularly wrong with that,
05:04 and I sincerely doubt that anybody thinks
05:06 I'm worshiping Thor just because I used
05:09 the Germanic name for the fifth day of the week.
05:12 Now, in some places, Christian missionaries
05:15 openly challenged these pagan gods,
05:17 like the famous missionary Boniface,
05:19 the man who tried to convert my ancestors, the Frisian,
05:23 who were tree-worshiping pagans through and through.
05:27 So what Boniface did was cut down their sacred oak tree,
05:31 which really upset a lot of people,
05:34 and eventually they beheaded the missionary.
05:37 But in other places,
05:38 the church looked for ways to compromise,
05:40 to incorporate some of the local culture
05:43 into the church in order to make Christianity
05:46 seem more attractive.
05:48 So for example, you'll notice
05:50 that in some parts of the Christian world,
05:52 we still have patron saints who are dedicated
05:55 to the various activities of daily life.
05:58 You have St Christopher, the patron saint of travelers,
06:01 and St. Joseph, the patron saint of dying people.
06:05 And that really harkens back to the days
06:08 when our pagan ancestors
06:09 had various gods dedicated to different activities.
06:13 They had Venus, the goddess of love,
06:15 and Mars, the god of war,
06:17 and Mercury, the messenger god, and so on.
06:21 So what the church really did
06:22 was find a Christianized substitute
06:25 that would allow the pagans
06:27 to keep some of their customs.
06:30 You'll notice that the same thing happened
06:32 with a lot of pagan holidays.
06:34 The 31st of October was known to the Celts as Samhain,
06:37 the day when they believed
06:39 that the veil between the living and the dead
06:41 became really, really thin.
06:43 So they built massive bonfires
06:45 and put candles inside of carved out turnips
06:48 in order to keep the spirits of the dead at bay.
06:51 It was such a prominent part of Celtic culture
06:53 that the church decided they couldn't just get rid of it.
06:57 So they rebranded it as All Hallows' Eve or Halloween,
07:01 which was a special festival
07:02 the night before All Saints' Day
07:04 on the 1st of November.
07:06 And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
07:08 Over the course of time,
07:09 a lot of the pagan gods and festivals
07:11 were just Christianized, rebranded.
07:16 But there was one major deity among the European pagans
07:18 that the church really could not adopt,
07:21 and it posed a major problem
07:22 because it was such a deeply entrenched part
07:24 of pagan culture.
07:26 He was known as the horned god,
07:28 and he was a very ancient figure
07:31 for a lot of ancient pagan traditions,
07:33 not just in Western Europe.
07:36 He was the god of nature
07:38 and was probably derived from a time
07:40 before the pagans of the Western world
07:42 had adopted agriculture and the domestication of animals.
07:46 Before that time, they were hunters.
07:48 And this horned god was the god of hunting,
07:51 a character who held the keys
07:53 to the darkest parts of the forest.
07:57 Now, among some of the Celtic tribes,
07:58 this horned god was known as Cernunnos,
08:01 a name that contains the root word for horn.
08:04 I mean, the Latin word for horn is cornu,
08:07 and Cernunnos was the Celtic cognate of that Latin word.
08:11 Most of you know what a cornucopia is.
08:13 It's a horn of plenty.
08:15 And you'll see that Cernunnos starts the same way,
08:18 with the Latin word for horn.
08:20 So when we come across some of the ancient depictions
08:23 for this horned god,
08:24 he's usually shown sitting in a lotus position,
08:27 kind of like the Buddha,
08:29 and he's got deer antlers on his head.
08:32 In one hand, he's often holding a torc,
08:34 which is a stiff braided ring of metal
08:37 that you wore around the neck.
08:38 And in his other hand, he holds a serpent.
08:41 He's usually depicted
08:43 with all kinds of wild game all around him
08:45 because he was the patron god of hunting,
08:49 but he was also the god of the underworld,
08:52 the one who welcomed you to the afterlife.
08:55 Among some tribes, he was also considered
08:57 the god of fertility.
08:58 So he was a really practical god,
09:01 covering all the major concerns
09:02 that a tribe of hunter gatherers might have.
09:05 He's the solution for hunger because he gives you game.
09:08 He's the solution for the propagation of the species
09:11 because he's in charge of fertility,
09:13 and he's the solution to death
09:15 because he escorts you into the afterlife.
09:18 So this was a really major god.
09:21 Now, in most cultures,
09:23 Cernunnos was at the very apex of the pantheon,
09:25 and he's probably the oldest pagan deity in the world.
09:30 And what the Christian Church discovered
09:31 was that a lot of their would-be converts
09:34 were not willing to abandon this god.
09:37 So what did the church do?
09:39 I'll be right back after this.
09:45 - [Announcer] Life can throw a lot at us.
09:47 Sometimes we don't have all the answers,
09:50 but that's where the Bible comes in.
09:53 It's our guide to a more fulfilling life.
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10:15 - At the beginning of the year, in the month of January,
10:17 the priests of the horned god
10:19 would often dress up in animal skins
10:21 and put on a set of horns
10:22 that they could lead their people
10:24 in ecstatic dances and other pagan rituals,
10:27 and they would offer sacrifices
10:29 to this major god, Cernunnos.
10:31 Now, this took place all over Europe,
10:34 and it kept on taking place
10:36 long after the Catholic church showed up.
10:38 In fact, we have records of people still dabbling
10:42 in the cult of the horned god as recently
10:45 as the 1800s, believe it or not.
10:48 Now, in the beginning, when the church was new to Europe
10:51 and relatively weak,
10:53 it was more inclined to put up with pagan rituals.
10:56 But then as time moved along
10:57 and the church became more and more powerful,
11:00 it felt less inclined to be tolerant.
11:03 So what they did with this horned god
11:05 was to compare 'em to the devil, the enemy of Christ.
11:09 Suddenly, pictures of Lucifer started to look like
11:12 these pagan priests wearing their horns and animal skins.
11:16 European pagans were now said to be devil worshipers,
11:20 which might be the reason that people
11:22 still confuse European paganism with satanism,
11:26 and they're not the same thing.
11:28 In fact, today's practitioners of Wicca
11:30 will tell you that Satan is a Christian character
11:33 who doesn't play any part in their belief system.
11:37 Now, of course, for Christians,
11:38 every belief system outside of the Bible
11:40 is said to be at least inspired by the devil,
11:44 but the pagans of Europe did not recognize
11:46 an individual named Lucifer or Satan.
11:50 Now, as a point of clarification,
11:52 when the church continued to become more powerful
11:55 and they started to persecute pagans,
11:57 some of those pagans gladly labeled Cernunnos as Satan,
12:01 in order to let the bishops know
12:03 that they were indeed enemies of their church.
12:07 They said, "Look, if that's what these people hate,
12:09 then that's who we are."
12:11 And to really push back,
12:12 they started taking aspects of the Catholic mass
12:15 and mocking it during their own rituals
12:18 in order to clap back against these aggressive missionaries.
12:22 So I guess over, time, some of these pagan cults
12:24 really did start to look like devil worship,
12:28 but it was the Christian Church that made the first move
12:31 by quite literally demonizing this horned god.
12:34 And then starting in the 13th century or so,
12:37 Satan suddenly began to appear in Christian artwork,
12:40 looking the way that we think about him today,
12:43 half man, half animal, and horns.
12:47 But that's not an image that you'll find
12:49 in the pages of the Bible.
12:51 It just doesn't exist.
12:54 So to make a long story short,
12:56 when the church couldn't find any way
12:58 to redeem this pagan deity
13:00 or rebrand him as some kind of Christian character,
13:03 they made him into Satan in order to get rid of him.
13:07 And if you look through the records of the Catholic bishops,
13:09 you'll find some of them wringing their hands
13:11 in anguish over this problem,
13:12 like this account from the seventh century,
13:15 from the British Archbishop Theodore.
13:18 He wrote, "If anyone at the Kalends of January
13:22 goes about as a stag or a bull,
13:25 that is making himself into a wild animal
13:27 and dressing in the skin of a herd animal,
13:29 and putting on the heads of beasts,
13:32 those who in such wise transform themselves
13:34 into the appearance of a wild animal,
13:36 penance for three years because this is devilish."
13:42 So in the beginning,
13:43 Satan actually appeared with deer antlers,
13:45 not the goat horns that we see today.
13:48 And over time, we added the goat horns
13:50 so that he looked more and more like the Greek God Pan
13:53 who was another pagan god of the wilderness,
13:57 which brings me to another rather notorious
13:59 depiction of the devil that modern occultists use,
14:02 which is Baphomet.
14:04 Chances are you might be familiar with this one
14:06 because some modern occult groups
14:09 have provoked an awful lot of animosity by insisting
14:12 that they wanna put a statue of children
14:14 adoring Baphomet on government property.
14:18 And they want that as a way of pushing back
14:19 against Christians who want
14:21 the 10 Commandments or nativity scenes
14:23 to be on display at the government courthouse.
14:27 But again, you'll notice that Baphomet is goat-like.
14:31 He's a horned god with a goat's head and a man's body,
14:33 and it comes with a pentagram drawn on his chest,
14:36 which comes from the ancient mystery religions
14:39 of the very distant past.
14:41 And from what I can tell, the first time this figure
14:44 showed up in Western culture
14:45 was shortly after the Crusades started.
14:48 Some people actually think that Baphomet
14:50 is a corruption of the name Muhammad
14:53 because Christian soldiers were trying to
14:55 demonize the Muslims,
14:56 which means that they were kind of doing the same thing
14:59 the church did with the pagans.
15:01 They were casting their enemies in the role of the devil
15:04 in order to make them seem really, really evil.
15:08 Now, what's kind of interesting
15:10 is the way that the Knights Templar
15:11 eventually got smeared with a rumor
15:14 about this horned god, Baphomet.
15:16 They were the order of knights charged with protecting
15:19 the holy land from Muslims
15:20 or, more specifically, the city of Jerusalem
15:24 and the Temple Mount.
15:25 When the order eventually fell out of favor
15:27 with the official church,
15:29 people started spreading a rumor that
15:32 these Templars had been worshiping the horned god.
15:35 So we still have all kinds of fantastic stories
15:37 about Templars in circulation to this day,
15:41 and they even still show up in modern conspiracy theories.
15:45 The Baphomet that you see today,
15:47 like the one they wanted to put on government property
15:49 in the state of Oklahoma,
15:51 well, it's a modernization of a much older version
15:54 of the same thing.
15:56 The finishing touches were added by a famous occultist
15:59 named Eliphas Levi
16:01 who published a famous book on occult practices
16:03 back in 1897.
16:06 So to recap, during the medieval period,
16:09 we picked up all kinds of pagan leftovers from the cultures
16:12 we were trying to bring into the Christian Church
16:15 because we were trying to grease the conversion process.
16:19 And while some of these customs like, I don't know,
16:21 kissing under the missile toe were harmless,
16:25 there were other cultural artifacts
16:26 that began to distort our understanding
16:29 of Christianity itself,
16:31 like the way we think about Lucifer.
16:34 In the Bible, Lucifer is a covering cherub,
16:38 and he's the only angel whoever gets commended for beauty.
16:41 We saw that in the famous passage from Ezekiel 28,
16:45 but then in Isaiah 14,
16:47 we find a description of the very moment
16:50 that this covering cherub fell from grace.
16:53 Here's what it says, starting in verse 12.
16:55 How you are fallen from heaven, o Lucifer,
16:58 son of the morning.
16:59 How you are cut down to the ground,
17:01 you who weakened the nations.
17:03 For you have said in your heart,
17:05 "I will ascend into heaven.
17:06 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
17:09 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
17:12 on the farthest sides of the north.
17:14 I will ascend above the heights of the cloud.
17:17 I will be like the Most High."
17:20 yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
17:23 to the lowest depths of the Pit.
17:26 What we have in the Bible is a highly exalted angel
17:29 who let his power and position go to his head.
17:32 He began to crave a higher status
17:35 than the one God had given him,
17:36 right up to the point where he started to think
17:38 he actually belonged on God's throne.
17:41 And so for that reason,
17:42 he had to be removed from the presence of God
17:45 before he did any more damage.
17:48 Now, the damage he did do was substantial.
17:51 In fact, the Bible mentions
17:52 that he managed to poison the minds
17:54 of 1/3 of heaven's angels,
17:56 who then joined his rebellion,
17:58 which you find described in Revelation 12,
18:01 where it describes how the struggle
18:02 between good and evil in this universe began.
18:05 Here's what it says.
18:07 And war broke out in heaven.
18:09 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon,
18:11 and the dragon and his angels fought,
18:13 but they did not prevail,
18:15 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
18:18 So the great dragon was cast out,
18:20 that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan,
18:23 who deceives the whole world.
18:25 He was cast to the earth
18:27 and his angels were cast out with him.
18:30 What we have in the Bible is a serpentine devil,
18:33 not a goat-like devil.
18:35 He's the serpent in Eden,
18:36 and he's the dragon of the Book of Revelation.
18:38 It says that he managed to deceive a large number of angels.
18:41 And back in verse four,
18:43 it tells us that 1/3 of the stars in heaven joined him.
18:47 Now, stars are a common symbol for angels,
18:50 and what it's telling us is that one third
18:52 of the heavenly host turn their backs on their creator
18:55 at the beginning of this cosmic war.
18:58 I'll be right back after this.
19:04 - [Announcer] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues.
19:08 Bible prophecy can be incredibly vivid and confusing.
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19:33 - When the Bible tells us that the devil
19:35 was thrown out of heaven,
19:37 it doesn't say that he was sent to live
19:39 in the bowels of the earth
19:40 where he shovels coal on the fires of hell
19:42 for all eternity.
19:44 You just won't find that anywhere in the Bible.
19:48 The Bible simply says the he and his angels
19:50 were cast to the earth.
19:52 This idea that the devil lives down there somewhere
19:55 beneath our feet in some fiery cave,
19:57 well, that's just another medieval hangover
19:59 that has no biblical foundation whatsoever.
20:04 I mean, just remember that the horned God of the Celts
20:06 was also the keeper of the underworld,
20:09 and the same was true for Greek pagans.
20:11 Hades was their God of a shadowy realm of the dead.
20:15 It was a decidedly pagan way of thinking about death,
20:18 and the devil, as we conceive of him today,
20:21 was reassigned to step into that pagan role,
20:24 which kind of makes you wonder
20:25 just how much of what we believe
20:27 about death, hell, and the afterlife
20:29 is actually found in the Bible.
20:32 There was also this ancient pagan story from Europe
20:34 about a creature known as the Herlechin,
20:37 a world that eventually morphed into Harlequin,
20:40 which is a jester or a fool,
20:42 as in the joker that you find in a pack of playing cards.
20:46 The Herlechin was a giant monster
20:48 who escorted the spirits of the dead.
20:50 So Europe was permeated with these very old stories
20:53 about people encountering the Herlechin
20:56 in the dead of night.
20:58 Now, in a lot of Germanic languages, like Dutch,
21:01 this same character was known simply as the Hellekin,
21:05 a ghostly creature who hunted at night.
21:08 It's a word that should look familiar
21:10 because it's got the word hell in it
21:12 or the pagan underworld,
21:14 and it's got the word kin, which means a troupe or a family.
21:18 So the Hellekin was a creature who led a troop of beings
21:20 from the underworld.
21:22 What we did was recast all these pagan characters
21:26 as the devil.
21:28 And Satan now became the god of the underworld,
21:30 even though the Bible never says any such thing.
21:34 Now, that doesn't mean the Bible doesn't talk about fire
21:38 because it does.
21:39 In fact, in Matthew 25, Jesus mentions a fire
21:42 that is prepared for the devil and his angels.
21:45 But at the same time, there's nothing, anywhere in the Bible
21:48 to suggest that this fire is under the ground
21:51 or it's just a Christian version of the pagan Hades.
21:55 Instead, the fire is said to burn
21:56 on the surface of the earth.
21:58 In fact, if you look at Matthew 13,
22:01 you'll find Jesus parable of the wheat and the tares
22:04 where he says that the fire doesn't burn
22:06 until the end of the world,
22:08 and then it burns up here on the surface of the earth.
22:14 So this idea that the devil is living
22:15 somewhere beneath our feet
22:17 is really just a lot of medieval superstition,
22:20 and you will not find it in the pages of the Bible.
22:24 So of course, now you've got to wonder,
22:26 why am I spending so much time talking about this?
22:29 Well, let me put it this way.
22:31 Christianity has an awful lot of critics
22:33 who like to poke holes in our faith.
22:36 And personally, I believe that Christianity
22:38 will stand up against that criticism.
22:40 After all, it's still here after 2,000 years
22:43 in spite of some rather determined efforts to get rid of it.
22:47 But what I quite often find
22:49 is that people who mock the Christian faith
22:51 are marking caricatures and fairy tales
22:55 that aren't actually found in the Bible.
22:57 And the sad part is that many Christians
22:59 try to defend those ideas
23:00 even though they were never taught by Jesus
23:03 and never taught by the disciples.
23:05 These are just fairy tales and they're not biblical.
23:09 Now, to be clear, the Bible does describe a devil,
23:12 a fallen angel who led a rebellion against heaven
23:15 and then convinced the human race to follow his example,
23:18 but he doesn't have horns, he isn't part goat,
23:21 and he doesn't live in a fiery cave.
23:24 And at least part of the reason people
23:25 mock the idea of a devil
23:27 is because the Christian Church has actually participated
23:30 in the cartoon version of this character.
23:34 And and the same thing has happened
23:36 with other aspects of the Christian faith.
23:38 More often than people might realize,
23:40 well-loved Christian teachings
23:42 actually don't have a basis in scripture.
23:44 For example, most of us think of cherubs
23:47 not as impressive creatures
23:48 who stand next to the throne of God,
23:50 but as little babies with wings
23:52 that you find on Victorian Christmas cards.
23:55 Not in the Bible.
23:57 We talk about St. Peter letting people into heaven
23:59 as if he's the guardian of the afterlife.
24:01 But again, not in the Bible.
24:03 It's just another rewrite of pagan mythology.
24:06 And of course, there's almost no chance
24:07 Jesus was actually born on the 25th of December.
24:11 It's a date we borrowed from a Roman winter festival.
24:14 Here's another one.
24:15 It comes as a huge surprise for a lot of people
24:17 when they learned that Christians
24:19 actually continued to observe the Sabbath and not Sunday,
24:22 and they did that for hundreds of years.
24:24 And while the Bible absolutely talks about
24:26 heaven as a real place, the location of God's throne,
24:30 it doesn't actually say that you and I
24:31 are gonna live there for eternity.
24:34 Instead, it says that we're gonna go there for a little bit,
24:36 but then Jesus, who is God in human form,
24:38 takes up residents with us here on this planet.
24:42 I mean, just listen to this.
24:43 It's one of my favorite passages from Revelation 21.
24:47 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
24:50 coming down out of heaven from God
24:52 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
24:55 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
24:56 "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
24:59 and he will dwell with them, and they shall be His people.
25:02 God Himself will be with them and be their God."
25:05 So I guess what I'm saying is this.
25:08 If you're gonna discuss the Bible with people,
25:10 at least you make sure you know what it actually says.
25:13 Read the whole thing,
25:15 because I think you might be surprised by what you find.
25:18 I'll be right back after this.
25:23 - [Announcer] Here at the Voice of Prophecy,
25:24 we're committed to creating
25:26 top quality programming for the whole family,
25:28 like our audio adventure series, "Discovery Mountain."
25:32 "Discovery Mountain" is a Bible-based program
25:34 for kids of all ages and backgrounds.
25:36 Your family will enjoy the faith-building stories
25:39 from the small mountain summer camp Penn Town.
25:42 With 24 seasonal episodes every year
25:45 and fresh content every week,
25:47 there's always a new adventure just on the horizon.
25:53 - Okay, maybe let me wrap up by saying
25:56 that one of the biggest problems modern Christians have
25:59 comes from the fact that we've had 20 long centuries
26:02 that involves some pretty bad thinking.
26:05 A lot of people think they know what the Bible says,
26:08 but there's enough water under the bridge now
26:10 that we really need to go back
26:12 and do our homework and make sure.
26:14 Sometimes we just think the Bible teaches something.
26:17 So maybe it's time to go to the basics again
26:20 and have a look at what the founders of this movement
26:23 actually wrote under inspiration.
26:25 And when you do that, you can't just pick and choose
26:28 what you're gonna read or believe,
26:30 or you'll end up with the same problem again.
26:34 To be honest, a lot of the criticism
26:35 that people leave on the church's doorstep,
26:38 a lot of it is perfectly justified.
26:40 And sometimes when somebody says
26:42 that one of our beliefs is ridiculous,
26:45 they might actually be right.
26:47 So it's really important to know for sure
26:50 what the Bible teaches.
26:52 And in order to know that, you have to read it.
26:55 And as Paul told the church in Thessalonica,
26:58 "Do not quench the spirit.
27:00 Do not despise prophecies.
27:02 Test all things, hold fast what is good."
27:06 It's the same thing that he said
27:08 to his young protege, Timothy, when he wrote,
27:10 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
27:13 a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
27:15 rightly dividing the word of truth.
27:18 But shun profane and idle babblings,
27:20 for they will increase to more ungodliness."
27:24 Of course, I'm under no illusion
27:25 that being more accurate with the Bible
27:27 is going to stop criticism or mockery
27:29 because that's been going on since day one
27:32 with the Christian Church.
27:33 But at least let's shoot for an honest conversation
27:36 and deal with the text itself,
27:38 instead of the fairy tales we imported
27:40 from other sources during the Dark Ages.
27:44 Thanks for joining me today.
27:45 I'm Shawn Boonstra,
27:46 and you've been watching "Authentic."
27:50 [dramatic music]


Revised 2023-04-05