
Answers for a Skeptic Part 3 of 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AU

Program Code: AU000085S

00:01 - The way some people tell the story,
00:03 the devil works for God, shoveling coal
00:05 onto the fires of Hell to make sure it never ever goes out.
00:09 So in other words, the devil is actually working for God.
00:14 So does that sound right to you?
00:16 [gentle music]
00:26 [gentle music continues]
00:36 Welcome to another world changing episode
00:39 of "Authentic," brought to you by the generous people
00:41 who like to keep this on the air.
00:44 And I say that it's world changing
00:46 because I'd like to believe
00:47 that it's going to change somebody's world.
00:50 Today we're going back to a series I started
00:52 after I heard a skeptic
00:54 on TikTok pose questions that she would like to ask God
00:58 if she discovered that He was real.
01:00 And so far we've explored just a few of her objections
01:03 like the idea that God has somehow been silent.
01:07 And of course that proved to be an unfounded accusation
01:11 because after all, Christianity is known
01:14 as a revealed religion.
01:15 It claims that God has spoken through the pages
01:18 of this book and through the person of Christ.
01:22 And of course after complaining
01:23 that God hasn't told her anything personally,
01:27 she went on to complain about the contents of the Bible
01:30 or at least what she thought was the contents of the Bible.
01:35 So that's where we're going today,
01:37 to one of the most misunderstood teachings
01:39 of Western Christianity.
01:41 In fact, it's so misunderstood
01:44 that your average Christian has no idea
01:47 what the Bible actually says.
01:49 And if you ask them to tell you,
01:51 you're more than likely going to get medieval superstition
01:55 than you are actual biblical content.
01:58 And really that's a bit
01:59 of a tragedy because it's on this front in particular
02:03 that God gets most of His negative publicity.
02:06 Publicity that isn't rooted in anything God actually said.
02:10 It's founded on stuff that church people say.
02:14 And of course the subject we're talking
02:16 about is the doctrine
02:17 of eternal damnation in the fires of hell.
02:21 So let me read you what this skeptic actually said
02:24 so we can begin to unpack this.
02:26 And remember,
02:27 she's supposedly addressing her questions to God.
02:31 She says, "If You knew that the vast majority
02:34 of humans You created would end up in hell,
02:37 why did You create them?
02:39 Why did You create hell?
02:40 How is infinite justice punishment for a finite crime?
02:44 What is the point of torturing someone in hell
02:47 if they can never get out of it and never learn?"
02:52 You know something?
02:53 While some of her previous objections were not
02:55 very well thought out,
02:57 I'd have to say that this objection makes a lot of sense.
03:01 And she is by no means the only person to ask this stuff,
03:05 not by a long shot.
03:08 I mean, in particular, I'm thinking about Robert Ingersoll
03:11 who was kind of like the Richard Dawkins
03:13 of the 19th century.
03:15 He was nicknamed 'The Great Agnostic,
03:18 a word that is usually reserved for people
03:20 with a much more, well, modest approach
03:23 to the subject of religion
03:24 because agnostic just means you don't know.
03:28 But the stuff that Ingersoll said goes
03:30 way beyond not knowing.
03:32 And he was famous
03:33 for leveling some rather brutal accusations against God.
03:37 Like this one,
03:38 dealing with the doctrine of hell, where he said,
03:40 "Against the heartlessness of the Christian religion
03:43 every grand and tender soul should enter solemn protest.
03:47 The God of Hell should be held
03:48 in loathing, contempt, and scorn.
03:51 A God who threatens eternal pain should be hated,
03:54 not loved, cursed, not worshiped.
03:57 A heaven presided over by such a God must be
04:00 below the lowest hell.
04:02 I want no part in any heaven in which the saved,
04:05 the ransomed and redeemed will drown
04:07 with shouts of joy the cries and sobs of hell
04:10 in which happiness will forget misery,
04:13 where the tears of the lost only increase laughter
04:16 and double bliss."
04:18 Now let me just say this.
04:21 If that's what the Bible actually teaches,
04:23 then I've got all the sympathy in the world
04:25 for Robert Ingersoll
04:27 because he's kind of making a really great point.
04:30 It kind of sounds like a really brutal and unforgiving God.
04:35 But you know, I can't join Ingersoll's protest
04:38 because he's arguing against medieval superstition
04:42 and not what the Bible says.
04:45 So maybe let me set the table like this.
04:48 Last season we spent some time exploring
04:51 where the Western church got this idea
04:54 that the devil is a half man,
04:55 half goat creature with red skin and horns.
04:59 It's a concept that you won't find anywhere in the Bible.
05:02 I mean, just go and try and find it.
05:04 And as we peeled back the layers
05:06 of history last time we discovered
05:08 that as the Christian Franks pushed their way
05:11 into the other Germanic territories of Europe,
05:14 the church in the West spent a lot of time
05:17 trying to create harmony between pagan beliefs
05:19 and the teachings of the Bible
05:21 in order to convince my ancestors to become Christians.
05:25 And that wasn't an easy task
05:27 because my ancestors were well rank barbarians.
05:33 This effort to harmonize Christianity
05:34 and pagan belief is the reason we still have a lot
05:37 of pagan fingerprints on our culture to this day.
05:41 Like the fact that we still use the names
05:44 of pagan gods as names for the days of the week.
05:47 And among all those pagan gods
05:49 was a very ancient deity known as Cernunnos,
05:52 the God of the forest and the God of hunting.
05:56 He was also the God who escorted you into the afterlife
05:59 down into the underworld,
06:01 kind of like Charon, the guy who rode you
06:03 over the Rivers Styx in Greek mythology.
06:07 Now, there was almost no way the church could christianize
06:10 this horned God
06:12 and there was no way the pagans were going to give him up.
06:15 So in an effort to persuade the pagans
06:17 to abandon Cernunnos, they identified him with Satan.
06:21 And that's how we got the horned version of Lucifer.
06:25 Now if you missed that episode,
06:26 you might wanna find it on our website
06:28, click the Shows tab, click Authentic
06:35 and then look for a show called, "Speak Of The Devil."
06:37 That's,
06:39 click the Shows tab, then click Authentic
06:42 and look for, "Speak Of The Devil."
06:45 And maybe if you'd be so kind, click on the Donate button
06:49 while you're there too to keep us going.
06:53 So our modern concept of the devil, it was borrowed
06:56 from pagan mythology and it's not in the Bible.
07:00 And frankly, that's also what happened when it came
07:02 to our popular conceptions of hell.
07:05 I mean, just think about the word, hell,
07:07 and notice the picture that pops into your head.
07:10 It's a fiery cave somewhere deep
07:12 beneath the surface of the earth where the souls
07:14 of the lost are being tortured day after day
07:17 after day throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
07:21 And of course in our comic book version of Hell,
07:22 the horn Devil with goat's feet is running the place.
07:28 But then take your Bible and look for that.
07:31 Find me that description in the pages of this book.
07:35 What you will be able to find is a mention
07:37 of fire at the end of the world.
07:38 And you can find descriptions of people
07:41 who are lost but it's not at all the same
07:44 as the stories we've been telling.
07:46 Most of us unless you happen to be Jewish came
07:49 from a pagan background in the rather recent past.
07:52 In fact, in the case of my tribe,
07:54 the Friesians, Christianity arrived
07:56 in about the eighth century
07:58 which is only about 12, 1,300 years ago.
08:01 And unfortunately by that time,
08:03 Christianity had already undergone a significant degree
08:07 of syncretism through two significant channels.
08:10 First, there was a fairly large degree of Hellenistic
08:13 or Greek thinking that made its way into the Christian faith
08:17 through the scholars who worked in Alexandria
08:20 because they were busy trying to impress the Pagans
08:23 with the deep philosophical thoughts of the Bible.
08:26 And most of these guys
08:27 like Clement or Origen were well-meaning,
08:31 but they compromised just enough
08:33 to burden Christian thinking
08:34 with ideas that did not come from Jesus or the apostles.
08:40 But then something happened in the fourth century
08:42 that really encouraged widespread syncretism
08:45 between the pagan worldview and Christianity.
08:48 And I'll be right back after this to tell you what that was.
08:53 [gentle music]
08:56 - [Advertiser] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues,
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09:26 - In the early fourth century, there was this event
09:29 that forever changed the course of the Christian Church
09:31 in the West.
09:32 And of course I'm talking
09:34 about the nominal conversion of Constantine.
09:37 I say it was nominal
09:38 because he really didn't change very much.
09:41 He continued to murder his own family members
09:43 for political reasons,
09:45 and he actually stalled his own baptism
09:47 until he was pretty much on his own deathbed.
09:50 But all that aside,
09:51 what happened is that Constantine made Christianity
09:54 the official religion of the Roman Empire
09:57 which meant two things.
09:59 One, the Roman persecution
10:01 against Christians suddenly stopped.
10:04 And two, it became incredibly trendy
10:07 for a while to become a Christian.
10:09 And what that meant was that lots of high ranking
10:12 Roman pagans suddenly said they were Christians
10:16 but what they were doing was trying to gain social favor.
10:19 I mean, if the emperor is Christian,
10:21 it couldn't possibly hurt your career
10:23 to join him in his religion.
10:25 So lots of people did.
10:28 Now, that's not to say
10:29 that Constantine didn't do anything good
10:31 because in a lot of ways his conversion
10:34 actually helped the church,
10:36 but it also created an atmosphere ripe for compromise,
10:40 the blending of Pagan and Christian beliefs.
10:44 And then of course the Germanic tribe known
10:46 as the Franks converted to Christianity beginning
10:49 with Clovis in the sixth century.
10:52 And they literally became the Pope's standing army
10:55 by the time we get to guys like Pepin
10:57 or Charlemagne in the latter part of the eighth century.
11:01 And what these guys did unfortunately was force
11:04 their pagan neighbors to adopt Christianity essentially
11:08 at the point of a sword.
11:10 So now people like the Saxons
11:12 and eventually the Vikings, they also joined the ranks
11:16 of the Christian Church sometimes for all the wrong reasons.
11:20 In fact, in some places the Vikings adopted Christianity
11:24 up to a point just because it was illegal for Christians
11:29 in the north of Germany to do business with them.
11:32 So the church created a special ritual.
11:35 We're not exactly sure what it was
11:37 but they called it Prima Signatio.
11:40 And it was the first step
11:41 toward joining the Christian Church
11:43 without actually requiring baptism.
11:46 A lot of scholars think that it was simply making
11:48 these guys make the sign of the cross
11:50 which suddenly made you a legitimate business partner.
11:54 But in reality,
11:56 most of these people still kept their pagan customs.
11:58 And over time the church simply christianized those customs
12:02 and wove them into the Christian belief system.
12:06 Now, sometimes it was completely harmless, like the names
12:09 of the days of the week, we're still using those
12:13 but other times it created a real theological mess
12:16 like with the doctrine of hell.
12:19 The version that most people talk about with the fiery caves
12:21 and the devil torturing people,
12:24 that honestly looks more like pagan mythology
12:27 than it does the teachings of the Bible.
12:29 But of course that's not immediately obvious
12:32 to a lot of people because, well,
12:34 the Bible really does speak of a final judgment
12:37 on this planet and it does mention fire
12:39 in conjunction with that.
12:41 In fact, some of the language seems to underscore the idea
12:44 that it's everlasting torment and that people will flip
12:48 and fry throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
12:51 But here's what I wanna suggest.
12:53 I think we're reading those passages with a great deal
12:56 of hindsight and we're seeing our popular conception
12:59 of Hell in places where it might not actually be there.
13:03 And I know I'm about to tread on really thin ice
13:06 because there are a lot of Christians who for some reason
13:10 really love the doctrine of hell and they love the idea
13:14 that unbelievers are going to burn for all eternity.
13:17 In fact, I remember one guy I was talking to
13:19 about 30 years ago who suddenly got out of his chair
13:22 and blurted out, "God's gonna make those people suffer
13:24 and that makes me wanna praise Him."
13:27 Honestly, it left the room in a bit
13:28 of stunned silence because he said it with such a tone
13:32 of vindictiveness that I think
13:34 even the most determined hellfire and brimstone preacher
13:37 might've felt a little bit uncomfortable.
13:41 So maybe let's start there with the misguided notion
13:44 that God is eager to destroy us
13:46 because, well, it doesn't make a lot of sense
13:49 when you see the lengths to which God went
13:51 in order to save us.
13:53 The most famous verse in the Bible says,
13:55 "For God so loved the world
13:57 that He gave his only son, that whoever believes
14:00 in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
14:04 And a few chapters later we find Jesus saying,
14:06 "Greater love has no one than this,
14:08 that someone laid down his life for his friends."
14:12 So this idea that God is eager
14:14 to get rid of us doesn't make much sense.
14:17 The price He paid to secure your place
14:20 in His kingdom is so exorbitantly high
14:24 that you'd have to believe
14:25 that He wouldn't be eager to lose you.
14:27 I mean, God is not an unwise investor.
14:30 The fact is He's moving heaven and earth
14:32 to get you into His kingdom
14:34 and that's not the behavior
14:36 of somebody who's eager to torture you.
14:38 It doesn't add up.
14:40 And the way some people talk about Hell,
14:43 you'd think that God's gonna enjoy watching people writhe
14:46 the agony, that He's some kind of sadist
14:48 who relishes pain and suffering.
14:51 But what you find in the Bible is the opposite.
14:55 I mean, here, listen to this from Ezekiel chapter 33
14:58 where God is really worried that His people are going
15:01 off the rails and just listen
15:03 to the agony in His voice where He says, well,
15:06 "'As I live declares the Lord God,
15:09 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked
15:11 but that the wicked turn from his way and live,
15:14 turn back, turn back from your evil ways
15:16 for why will you die, oh, house of Israel?'"
15:20 So right out of the gate we can see
15:22 that some of the basic assumptions we have
15:24 about the nature of Hell are not founded on the Bible.
15:29 We've mixed pagan beliefs about the underworld
15:31 with our biblical understanding of what actually happens.
15:35 And the result has been somewhat monstrous.
15:40 Now, just in case there's somebody who's worried there
15:42 that I'm going to prove to be a rank heretic,
15:44 let me be perfectly clear.
15:46 I do believe in the doctrine of Hellfire.
15:48 I absolutely do, but I also have no choice
15:52 but to base my understanding
15:53 of it on what the scriptures actually say.
15:56 I think these days the world of religion is confusing enough
15:59 without Christians adding to the confusion.
16:02 And as a Christian, I want to be absolutely certain
16:05 that what I believe is founded on the scriptures.
16:09 Now there are things I don't understand
16:12 but there are also some areas where the weight
16:14 of biblical evidence is so overwhelming
16:17 that I can rest assured
16:18 that I'm teaching what Jesus Himself believed.
16:21 And this is one of those areas.
16:24 But to do this subject justice
16:26 and to give you a chance to explore it for yourself,
16:29 I'm gonna slow way down and maybe spend two shows
16:34 on this because it's just that important.
16:38 And here's my challenge to you.
16:40 Never take my word for anything.
16:43 Check what I'm saying against the Bible.
16:45 And if I'm wrong, you stick with the Bible
16:48 and forget what I said.
16:50 I do not claim to be infallible
16:52 and I am anything but error free on any subject.
16:56 So always take what any minister says with a huge grain
17:00 of salt and then get a Bible and do your homework.
17:03 There's enough confusion in the world of religion right now
17:06 that you simply can't afford to do otherwise.
17:09 And if what I'm about to share with you is true,
17:12 then it will bear up under scrutiny.
17:14 And I'm absolutely not afraid to have you check
17:17 what I'm saying against the Bible
17:19 because this book is the final court
17:22 of appeal when it comes to the teachings of Christianity.
17:24 In fact, it's the only court of appeal.
17:28 So with that very important disclaimer, let's get started.
17:32 I told you a moment ago
17:33 that I do believe in the doctrine of Hell.
17:35 And that's because the Bible clearly teaches it
17:38 but not the way that many people think it does.
17:41 Here's what it actually says in Revelation 20, verse 15.
17:46 "And if anyone's name was not found written
17:48 in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
17:52 So in other words,
17:54 the Bible really does draw a distinction
17:57 between the saved and the lost, and it does not agree
18:00 with the modern trend towards universalism,
18:03 this idea that well, everybody makes it in the end.
18:07 In the Bible, the book of life is a record of the redeemed.
18:11 And honestly given the incredible lengths
18:13 to which God has gone to secure your spot
18:16 in that book of life, I can't imagine
18:18 why anybody wouldn't want to be there.
18:21 But ultimately, God doesn't force you into His kingdom.
18:23 That's not the way He is.
18:25 It was the way of the medieval church
18:28 but it's not God's way.
18:30 So do I believe in the fires of Hell?
18:32 Yep, I do.
18:34 But there's more to the story.
18:35 And right after we take this quick break,
18:38 I'll show that to you.
18:39 [gentle music]
18:43 - [Announcer] Life can throw a lot at us.
18:45 Sometimes we don't have all the answers
18:49 but that's where the Bible comes in.
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19:13 - Now, if you remember the questions raised
19:14 by my online skeptic, one of them ran like this.
19:17 She said, "if You knew that the vast majority
19:20 of humans You created would end up in hell
19:22 why did You create them?
19:24 Why did You create Hell?"
19:26 And of course, the implication is
19:27 that God created Hell to torture us.
19:30 And when it comes right down to it,
19:31 the way we as Christians have taught this doctrine
19:34 over the centuries, you'd think that God created Hell
19:36 to get even with naughty children.
19:39 And while I don't doubt there are some parents
19:41 who manage to secure a degree of cooperation from their kids
19:45 by threatening them with the prospect of eternal torment,
19:49 the way we've been teaching this it's way off base.
19:54 Let me give you a good example of what I'm talking about.
19:56 what I'm about to read to you unbelievably comes
19:58 from a series of books written for children
20:00 back in the 19th century.
20:02 And I'm sure the author meant well
20:04 but the second book he wrote was called "The Sight Of Hell,"
20:08 where he invites little kids to join them on a tour of Hell.
20:12 Oddly enough the author's last name was Furniss,
20:16 spelled differently but still a little ironic.
20:19 So here's what he wrote for little kids.
20:21 You might wanna buckle your seatbelt.
20:23 The book says, "Look into this prison.
20:25 In the middle of it, there is a boy, a young man.
20:28 He is silent, despair is on him.
20:30 He stands straight up.
20:32 His eyes are burning like two burning coals.
20:35 Two long flames come out of his ears.
20:37 His breathing is difficult.
20:39 Sometimes he opens his mouth
20:41 and a breath of blazing fire rolls out of it.
20:44 But listen, there's a sound
20:46 just like that of a kettle boiling.
20:48 Is it really a kettle boiling?
20:50 No. Then what is it?
20:53 The blood is boiling in the scalded veins of that boy.
20:55 The brain is boiling and bubbling in his head.
20:58 The marrow is boiling in his bones."
21:02 Now that is pretty brutal.
21:04 And I've got to think that even the most hardened
21:06 turn or burn preacher's gonna have a problem with that.
21:09 And honestly, this is the stuff
21:12 that the skeptics are responding to
21:14 because from where they sit,
21:16 there's no way you can reconcile
21:18 that kind of writing with the notion of a loving God.
21:21 Now, to be sure, a lot of people have a rather warped idea
21:24 of what love is supposed to be.
21:26 And the Bible's concept
21:27 of love is not the sloppy sentimentalism
21:30 of the Victorian period.
21:33 But even then, how do you reconcile the idea
21:35 of love and a God who creates a place
21:38 to torture naughty children forever
21:40 and ever and ever without any end?
21:43 That was really the question my online skeptic was asking.
21:47 Why would God make Hell for us?
21:49 And the biblical answer is He didn't.
21:52 I know Pat Benatar used to sing Hell is for children,
21:56 but it isn't, and I know she was singing
21:57 about something else, I'm taking it outta context
22:00 but I just had to slip that in somehow.
22:03 What about this idea that God created Hell to torture us?
22:07 Well, listen to what the Bible actually says.
22:10 And listen very carefully.
22:12 These are the words of Jesus in Matthew 25.
22:16 "Then he will say to those on his left,
22:18 'Depart from me you curse it into the eternal fire prepared
22:22 for the devil and his angels.'"
22:25 Now wait a minute, prepared for who?
22:27 The devil and his angels.
22:30 The truth is that not one human being was ever supposed
22:33 to be in hell.
22:34 The way the Bible tells the story in Revelation 12,
22:37 the dragon or the devil leads one third
22:40 of the angels in a rebellion against God.
22:43 And what Jesus says in Matthew 25 is
22:45 that the fires of Hell were designed for them.
22:49 The only problem is that a lot
22:51 of people seem determined
22:52 to follow those fallen angels
22:53 all the way to their ultimate destination
22:56 which is how we end up in the same place.
23:00 But the truth is, it wasn't designed for us.
23:03 So it's not as if God, when He created the world,
23:05 created an eternal torture chamber for bad people.
23:09 That's how the skeptics talk about it.
23:11 Sadly, it's also the way
23:13 that a lot of Christians talk about it.
23:15 But biblically, try and find it.
23:18 Now I'm really taking my time with this
23:20 and we're going to spread it over more than one show
23:22 because this is so very important.
23:24 In fact, I think this might be the number one grudge
23:27 that a lot of people hold against God.
23:30 And what my internet skeptic asked as a valid question
23:34 why would God create a place to torture us forever?
23:37 And what sense would it make to put people there
23:40 when there's no chance
23:41 of learning your lesson or changing your mind?
23:43 That's a good question
23:45 and I wanna make sure that we address it.
23:48 And when it's all said and done, there's a chance
23:50 that you might still not believe in the God of the Bible
23:53 but at the very least, you owe it to yourself
23:56 to make sure you're actually critiquing the Bible
24:00 and not a bunch of medieval folklore.
24:02 And if you're a Christian, I wanna challenge you
24:04 to make sure you absolutely know what the Bible says
24:08 so you don't find yourself repeating medieval mythology
24:12 and unwittingly adding to the massive pile of misconceptions
24:16 about God that have kept people away from church.
24:19 But right now, I've gotta take a really quick break
24:22 so I'll be right back after this.
24:25 [gentle music]
24:29 - [Advertiser] There is a place so still,
24:32 [gentle music]
24:35 you can almost hear your imagination.
24:39 [gentle music continues]
24:46 So free,
24:50 your spirits can soar.
24:56 So vast,
24:59 it needs to be explored.
25:01 [gentle music continues]
25:10 So high,
25:13 you can touch the clouds.
25:18 A place,
25:21 called Discovery Mountain.
25:29 - You know the way I understand what happened
25:31 to Robert Ingersoll, his hatred for God had something to do
25:34 with his pastor dad and the way his dad talked about Hell.
25:38 It's entirely possible the story has been stretched
25:41 a little bit, and it might even be urban legend
25:43 but apparently one day little Robert's dad got mad
25:47 about something and sat him down to talk
25:49 about the terrible consequences of sin.
25:51 "Look, if you keep doing things like that," his Dad said
25:54 "God's gonna send you to the fires of Hell
25:56 where you're gonna burn forever, without any mercy,
25:59 without any end."
26:00 To which Robert Ingersoll replied,
26:02 "Well, if that's what God is like, then I hate Him."
26:07 Now, of course, I got that story from another preacher
26:09 and it might not actually be true
26:11 but it bears repeating because it represents the thinking
26:14 of an awful lot of people.
26:16 What kind of sadistic God says,
26:18 "Do things my way or I'll torture you?"
26:21 It's a valid question, and it's one I believe I can answer
26:25 if you'll give me the benefit of a couple of shows.
26:27 Because while there really is a biblical answer,
26:30 we're gonna have to do a lot of work to find it.
26:33 So be patient, do yourself a favor and commit
26:36 to watching the other episodes that deal with this subject.
26:40 So here's what we've established so far.
26:42 First off, the Bible makes it clear that God hates suffering
26:46 and He hates the thought of losing you
26:48 especially after paying such a high price to save you.
26:52 There is no sadism, no cruel enjoyment
26:54 of pain on the part of God or the Bible.
26:57 It's an I imported idea that came
26:59 from sources other than the scriptures.
27:02 Secondly, we saw that hellfire is quite real
27:05 and it's tied to the way that God deals
27:06 with people who do not wish to be a part of His kingdom.
27:09 That much is crystal clear from Revelation 20, verse 15.
27:15 But then we also saw that hellfire was never part
27:17 of God's original plan for the human race.
27:20 It was designed for fallen angels.
27:22 And the only way human beings get there
27:25 is to follow those wicked angels to their fate.
27:29 Now, all of that, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
27:33 There's so much more that we're going to unpack
27:35 from the pages of the Bible, and you're gonna have to wait
27:38 until next week to get the rest of the story.
27:41 In the meantime, head on over to
27:45 Look at the Show tab and catch up
27:47 on some of the other programs we've been offering.
27:49 Maybe look for the "Speak Of The Devil" program
27:52 for a little more background on this subject.
27:55 And while you're there, consider keeping us on the air.
27:57 Just push that big orange Donate button
28:00 at the top right hand of the page.
28:03 Thanks for joining me.
28:04 I'm Shawn Boonstra
28:06 and you've been watching another edition of "Authentic."
28:09 [gentle music]
28:18 [gentle music continues]


Revised 2023-10-26