
Off The Edge

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AU

Program Code: AU000104S

00:00 - Well, we're gonna do it again,
00:01 ad I'm hoping for the last time.
00:03 If you've had people bothering you
00:05 with all that really weird flat earth stuff,
00:07 trying to tell you the flat earth
00:09 is the historical Christian position,
00:11 well, you might just wanna see today's episode.
00:15 [smooth upbeat music]
00:35 Okay, I really, really, really debated
00:38 whether or not we should do this topic again today
00:41 because, well, I've done it once in the past
00:43 and it kind of brought some really interesting people
00:46 out of the woodwork.
00:47 Apparently it actually made some people mad,
00:50 and more people than you might think.
00:52 Sadly, there's enough of what we're gonna talk about
00:55 going around right now
00:56 that I really think it's becoming something
00:58 of a widespread problem.
01:00 It's not going away.
01:01 So I've decided to address this one last time,
01:05 even though I think it's pretty silly.
01:07 What am I talking about?
01:09 It's the flat earth conspiracy people.
01:11 And honestly, it's hard to believe
01:12 that we need to talk about this in the 21st century.
01:16 There just seems to be this relentless group of people
01:19 who think that they've come into
01:20 a very special body of knowledge,
01:22 they've uncovered a vast conspiracy by NASA
01:26 and every single government agency on the face of the planet
01:29 to hide the fact that the earth is, indeed, flat.
01:33 Now, just in case you belong to that group,
01:35 let me just say that you're gonna be wasting your time
01:38 by writing me letters
01:40 because I'm not gonna answer them.
01:42 And I know some of you are gonna do it anyway,
01:43 but I'm really not gonna answer your letters.
01:46 And yes, I absolutely believe in the Bible.
01:49 Anybody who watches this program knows that I do.
01:52 And no, I don't have to give any more answers after today.
01:56 I really don't.
01:57 All I'm going to do today is point out something
02:00 I think is really, really important.
02:03 You see, there's this misguided idea going around
02:06 that the medieval Christian Church
02:08 actually believed the earth was flat,
02:11 that it took the likes of Galileo, Copernicus,
02:14 and finally, Columbus and Magellan
02:16 to disabuse the Church of this idea.
02:19 And honestly, this is important to think about
02:22 because I've discovered a decidedly religious tone
02:26 with a lot of these flat earth folks.
02:28 I mean, there really are secular flat earth people as well,
02:31 but from where I sit as a minister,
02:34 they don't seem to get quite as worked up
02:36 as the religious folks.
02:38 The religious flat earth believers appear to think
02:41 they've stumbled across a great conspiracy
02:43 that must be exposed,
02:45 that your salvation might be at stake
02:48 if you don't accept what they're telling you.
02:50 I've had these people show up at events where I'm speaking,
02:52 and they'll follow me around,
02:54 telling me that they're worried
02:55 about how God's gonna deal with me
02:57 if I don't sit down and listen to them.
02:59 And I can assure you, according to this book,
03:02 my salvation has nothing to do with the shape of the earth.
03:07 But now let's get back to this idea
03:08 that the church has historically taught
03:10 that the earth is flat
03:12 and only changed that in recent history.
03:15 This is an idea that some atheists love to promulgate
03:18 because it makes Christians look a little ridiculous.
03:21 But wouldn't you know it?
03:23 It's not actually true.
03:24 The Church did not teach that the earth is flat
03:27 and neither did medieval Christian scholars.
03:30 We've known the earth is a sphere
03:32 for a really, really long time.
03:35 Of course, that doesn't mean that the idea of a flat earth
03:37 never showed up among Christians at all,
03:40 because it did,
03:41 and it's happening again.
03:43 But today it's the history of how this happened
03:47 that I want you to think about,
03:48 because it's not what you've been told, not even close.
03:52 You really can find ancient Christian writers
03:54 who promoted the idea of a flat earth.
03:57 But here's the catch,
03:58 there were only two of them.
04:00 And until the 17 and 1800s,
04:02 the rest of Christianity didn't take those guys seriously
04:06 on just about anything they said.
04:08 And I'll tell you who they were in just a moment.
04:11 But before I get to that,
04:12 let me introduce you to two other guys
04:14 who were very popular speakers back in the 19th century
04:17 because they traveled the countryside
04:19 telling people that science and the Bible
04:21 were irredeemably opposed to each other.
04:24 Their names were John William Draper
04:27 and Andrew Dickson White.
04:29 Back in 1874,
04:30 John William Draper published a book called
04:33 a "History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science."
04:37 It was a bit of a manifesto,
04:39 really, a polemic work
04:40 designed to ridicule the intelligence of most Christians.
04:44 And because Draper had published
04:46 a very popular history of science
04:48 before he put this book out,
04:50 and because he was a very popular and gifted speaker,
04:53 a lot of people took this work to heart.
04:56 Now, I'll give him credit where credit is due.
04:58 He rightly pointed to the rise of Constantine
05:02 and the marriage of Church and State
05:03 as a key turning point here in the West,
05:06 a point where the Church began to prize political power
05:10 more than it did preaching the gospel.
05:12 If you've been watching this show,
05:13 you know I believe that's true.
05:15 The marriage of Church and State back in the 4th century
05:18 was not a good thing
05:19 and led to some really embarrassing episodes for the Church.
05:23 You know, like the burning of heretics at the stake
05:26 and those kinds of things.
05:28 But then Mr. Draper went one step further
05:31 and suggested that the Church rejected
05:33 rationality and science at the very same time.
05:37 Here's what he actually wrote.
05:39 "The antagonism we thus witness between religion and science
05:43 "is the continuation of a struggle that commenced
05:45 "when Christianity began to attain political power."
05:49 Now, you'll notice that this is a popular sentiment
05:52 to this day,
05:54 much to the chagrin of a growing number of scientists
05:57 who now realize that what you and I just read
06:00 isn't actually true.
06:02 The other guilty party in this story
06:03 was the guy by the name of Andrew Dickson White,
06:06 who was also a brilliant public speaker,
06:08 who never really had much trouble attracting an audience.
06:12 When the American Civil War broke out,
06:14 his speaking tours were no longer possible,
06:17 so he ended up directing his efforts
06:19 to the political scene in New York State.
06:22 But he really, really, really missed his years
06:26 of study and research.
06:27 And so he enlisted the help of a really good friend,
06:30 the Quaker Ezra Cornell,
06:32 and the two of them founded a new university together,
06:36 and you probably guessed which university it is.
06:39 It's Cornell University.
06:41 The idea behind this new school
06:43 was that people who taught there would be completely free
06:46 of all external influences, including religion.
06:51 Now, a lot of people found that idea
06:52 kind of repulsive in that day,
06:55 even dangerous,
06:56 because they feared what might happen
06:58 if their kids got an exclusively secular education.
07:02 And so these two guys got a lot of opposition.
07:05 In the end, the opposition made Mr. White a little bitter,
07:08 so he composed a brand new lecture series
07:11 he called "The Battlefields of Science."
07:14 The story he told?
07:16 I'm sure you can guess it.
07:17 He said religion is the absolute opposite of science.
07:20 In fact, it's an enemy to science
07:22 and a problem that had to be dealt with.
07:25 The "New York Daily Tribune" printed that original lecture,
07:29 and the rest is history.
07:31 By 1896, Andrew White had published a really big book
07:34 called "A History of the Warfare of Science
07:37 "with Theology in Christendom."
07:40 He openly told everybody that it was a response
07:43 to what happened when they founded Cornell.
07:46 "I tried to be nice," he said,
07:48 "but now I'm gonna play offense."
07:51 Both Draper and White insisted that only a simpleton
07:54 would continue to believe in the words of the Bible.
07:57 And that's an idea you'll still find running rampant
08:00 on the battlefield of modern social media.
08:03 I'm sure you've seen some of these people in their posts,
08:05 "Oh, believe in fairytales all you want,
08:08 "but I'm gonna be dedicated to reason and science."
08:11 So, what would you guess
08:14 would be one of the biggest points
08:15 that Draper and White presented in these books of theirs?
08:19 "The Church," they said,
08:20 "has historically taught that the earth is flat,
08:23 "and they even persecuted
08:24 the people who said that it wasn't.
08:26 "The ancient Greeks," they said, "on the other hand,
08:29 "they were dedicated to science
08:31 "and they knew the earth was a sphere,
08:33 "but the Church, being steeped in ignorance,
08:36 "refused to accept that idea
08:37 "because the Bible told them otherwise."
08:41 Today what these guys were teaching
08:43 has come to be known as the conflict thesis,
08:46 this idea that science and Christianity
08:49 are at odds with each other.
08:50 To this day, you'll see some skeptics
08:53 using that idea to ridicule people of faith.
08:57 But there's a problem.
08:59 Either Draper and White didn't know their history
09:02 or they were being dishonest,
09:04 because their theory doesn't hold anywhere near the water
09:07 that some people think it does.
09:09 I mean, did the Church really persecute Columbus
09:13 for saying the Earth was a sphere?
09:15 Did the Church really teach that the earth was flat?
09:19 The answer is absolutely not.
09:22 And as soon as we take a really quick break,
09:24 I'll come back to tell you what really happened
09:30 - [Narrator 1] Here at The Voice of Prophecy,
09:31 we're committed to creating top-quality programming
09:34 for the whole family.
09:35 Like our audio adventure series, "Discovery Mountain."
09:39 "Discovery Mountain" is a Bible-based program
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09:43 Your family will enjoy the faith-building stories
09:46 from this small mountain summer camp and town.
09:49 With 24 seasonal episodes every year
09:52 and fresh content every week,
09:54 there's always a new adventure just on the horizon.
10:00 - Here's a problem I find
10:01 when it comes to all this flat earth stuff.
10:03 There's a handful of very vocal, so-called believers
10:07 who take advantage of social media
10:09 to publish their misguided notions.
10:12 What they do is insist that the Christian faith
10:14 has always taught a flat earth until recent history,
10:17 but then,
10:19 in order to accommodate the evolutionists, they teach,
10:22 the church went apostate and agreed that the earth is round,
10:25 or it's always some kind of variation of that.
10:27 The problem is, none of that's true.
10:30 The idea that the Church believed in a flat earth
10:32 was propagated by the likes of Draper and White.
10:36 But where did they get that idea?
10:38 Well, they got it from two ancient Christians
10:40 named Lactantius and Cosmas,
10:42 who were converts from paganism.
10:44 What the skeptics will tell you
10:46 is that all the Church Fathers believed in a flat earth.
10:49 But again, that's not true.
10:51 Go ahead and read all you want from the early Christians
10:54 about the shape of the earth,
10:55 and you'll only find two people who actually said that,
10:59 Lactantius and Cosmas.
11:01 Now, if you're watching the video version of this,
11:03 I didn't have a picture of Cosmas,
11:05 so this is just one of his maps I've put up on the screen.
11:09 I'm guessing that, before today,
11:11 most of you have never even heard of these two guys.
11:14 Do you know why?
11:16 It's because they were essentially theological nobodies.
11:19 Nobody believed what they said
11:21 on a massive range of subjects.
11:23 They were not influential.
11:26 But now listen to what Mr. White said.
11:29 He wrote about the church and a flat earth.
11:32 And he writes,
11:33 "Some of the foremost men in the Church
11:36 "devoted themselves to buttressing the model with new texts
11:39 "and throwing about it new outworks
11:41 "of theological reasoning;
11:42 "the great body of the faithful
11:44 "considered it a direct gift from the Almighty."
11:49 I'm sorry, the foremost men of the church?
11:51 Not even close.
11:53 Lactantius and Cosmas were anything but.
11:56 Let me read you something about Lactantius
11:58 by a professor of history named Jeffrey Russell, who said,
12:01 "His views eventually led to his works
12:03 "being condemned as heretical after his death."
12:07 Now, Lactantius died in AD 325,
12:09 which you'll note is a very long time ago.
12:13 He continues, "He maintained, for example,
12:15 "that God wills evil as a logical necessity
12:18 "and that Christ and Satan are metaphorical twins,
12:21 "two angels, two spirits, one good and one evil,
12:24 "both created by God."
12:26 In other words, Lactantius was a heretic.
12:30 So it seems a little weird
12:31 that Draper and White would insist
12:33 that he was some kind of foremost thought leader
12:35 in the early church.
12:36 He wasn't.
12:38 But of course, what about Mr. Cosmas,
12:39 the other flat earth Christian from the very ancient past?
12:43 Well, you get the same story.
12:44 People liked him at the time because he was eloquent,
12:47 but you will search high and low
12:49 for the medieval scholar who took him seriously.
12:52 Both of these guys were theological nobodies.
12:55 And wouldn't you know it?
12:56 If you go back and read the real influencers
12:58 of the early Church,
12:59 guys like Augustine or Aquinas,
13:01 you will not find them talking about a flat earth.
13:04 They said it was round.
13:06 You know why?
13:08 It's because the Christian churches always believed that.
13:11 But just in case you're not convinced,
13:12 let me read you just a little bit more,
13:14 this time from the work of Allan Chapman,
13:17 a historian in Oxford.
13:18 This comes from his book "Slaying the Dragons."
13:21 He says, "Let us be clear about one thing:
13:24 "no medieval scholar of any worth
13:26 "thought that the earth was flat.
13:28 "One needs only to read the astronomical literature
13:30 "of the Middle Ages
13:32 "to realize that the spherical nature of the earth,
13:34 "about 6,000 or 8,000 miles across,
13:36 "was standard knowledge,
13:38 "and taught to university students from Salamanca to Prague.
13:42 "Inherited in unbroken succession from the Greeks, in fact,
13:46 "taught by the Venerable Bede
13:47 "to the young monks of Jarrow Abbey in AD 710,
13:50 "and encapsulated in John of the Holy Wood's Latin textbook
13:55 "'De Sphaera Mundi, On the Sphere of the Earth'
13:58 "of around 1240."
14:01 But what about that old story
14:02 about how the Church persecuted Christopher Columbus
14:05 for saying the earth was round?
14:07 Well, remember, we just discovered that the spherical earth
14:10 was being taught to university students in Salamanca
14:13 in the medieval period.
14:15 And the legend goes that it was a council at Salamanca
14:18 that condemned Mr. Columbus for his round earth beliefs.
14:23 So, how could that be?
14:25 Well, it didn't happen.
14:27 What the Church disputed with Columbus
14:29 was the size of the globe, not the shape.
14:32 The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes
14:34 had already calculated the circumference of the earth
14:37 in its famous Egyptian experiment back in 240 BC.
14:41 He noticed that when he looked down a well
14:43 in the city of Cyrene at 12 noon on the summer solstice,
14:47 his head completely blocked the reflection of the sun.
14:50 That meant that the sun was directly overhead.
14:53 So then he put a stick in the ground at noon
14:56 on the summer solstice in Alexandria,
14:57 about 5,000 stadia to the north.
15:01 His stick now cast a shadow
15:03 because the sun was to the south,
15:05 and not directly overhead.
15:07 And the angle of the shadow was seven degrees, 12 minutes,
15:11 which is 1/50 of a circle.
15:13 So he multiplied 5,000 stadia by 50
15:17 and came up with a remarkably accurate number.
15:20 In fact, he actually came within 100 miles
15:23 of the actual circumference of the earth.
15:26 The problem that Columbus faced
15:28 had nothing to do with a flat earth.
15:29 His problem was that he was using a different measurement.
15:32 We think it was one that was calculated by Ptolemy,
15:35 and Ptolemy was wrong.
15:37 His number was too small.
15:39 So Columbus figured the trip to Asia
15:41 was a lot shorter than it really was.
15:44 That was what they were arguing about at Salamanca.
15:47 It had nothing, nothing to do with the shape of the earth.
15:52 So, where did we get the idea
15:53 that the Church believed in a flat earth at that time?
15:56 Well, we got it from an American novelist,
15:58 Washington Irving,
16:00 who wrote a fictionalized account of Columbus back in 1828.
16:04 And he wrote this,
16:05 "Columbus was assailed with citations from the Bible
16:08 "and the testament:
16:09 "the book of Genesis, the psalms of David,
16:11 "the Prophets, the epistles and the gospels.
16:13 "To these were added the expositions
16:15 "of various saints and reverend commentators:
16:17 "St. Chrysostom and St. Augustine,
16:19 "St. Jerome and St. Gregory, St. Basil and Saint Ambrose."
16:24 You see, Irving wanted us to think
16:26 that the Church was quoting the ancient Church Fathers
16:29 to prove the earth was flat.
16:30 And in the novel,
16:32 when Columbus tries to refute these guys, they mock him.
16:35 But again, none of that ever happened.
16:38 Sometimes when you go back and read history,
16:40 it can seem a little bland.
16:42 So maybe we can forgive Mr. Irving
16:43 for trying to spice it up a little bit,
16:46 except that his wrong ideas kind of took root.
16:49 The problem today is that even well-meaning Christians
16:51 are starting to buy this idea,
16:53 and they insist that the flat earth
16:54 was Christianity's traditional position,
16:58 and it wasn't.
16:59 And in the process, these people are giving skeptics
17:01 plenty of fuel for their fire
17:03 because they're making the faith community
17:04 seem absolutely ridiculous.
17:08 I mean, let's just think about this.
17:10 What would it take to get the whole world
17:12 to tell the same scientific lie?
17:14 Every single scientist at NASA, every politician,
17:17 every church leader, every photographer, every astronomer,
17:20 absolutely everybody on the earth has to cooperate.
17:25 If you've ever tried to keep a secret,
17:26 you know how preposterous that is.
17:28 And here's the ironic thing,
17:30 flat earth Christians will tell you
17:32 that they're trying to defend the word of God
17:33 against the godless, against the evolutionists.
17:36 And wouldn't you know it?
17:38 It was the skeptics, guys like Draper and White,
17:40 who made that story up in the first place
17:43 to discredit the Church and defend Darwin.
17:46 "But Christians really believed that, Shawn.
17:49 "The round earth is a new idea."
17:50 No, it's not, not even close.
17:53 And after we take another really quick break,
17:55 I'll demonstrate that.
17:57 So enjoy your ride on this very round ball we call home,
18:00 and I'll be right back after this.
18:06 - [Narrator 2] Life can throw a lot at us.
18:08 Sometimes we don't have all the answers,
18:12 but that's where the Bible comes in.
18:14 It's our guide to a more fulfilling life.
18:17 Here at The Voice of Prophecy,
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18:23 They're designed to be simple, easy to use,
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18:30 So jump online now or give us a call
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18:35 - There are people out there
18:36 who want you to believe that the Christian Church
18:38 actually thought the earth was flat
18:39 up until relatively recent times,
18:42 but honestly, these folks just haven't done their homework.
18:46 You might remember reading "Canterbury Tales"
18:48 by Geoffrey Chaucer when you were in high school.
18:51 It's a collection of stories
18:52 told by travelers to pass the time.
18:55 And here's a line you find
18:57 in the chapter called "The Franklin's Tale."
19:01 "Aurelius with blisful herte anon Answerde thus:
19:03 "'Fy on a thousand pound!
19:05 "'This wide world, which that men say is round.'"
19:09 Wait a minute,
19:10 I thought these guys believed the earth was flat.
19:12 This was written more than 100 years before Columbus,
19:15 and nobody tried to burn Chaucer at the stake
19:18 for writing that.
19:19 Now, here's the Venerable Bede,
19:20 who lived in the late 600s and early 700s AD,
19:24 and he's writing a textbook.
19:25 He said, "The cause of the unequal length of the days
19:28 "is the globular shape of the earth,
19:31 "for it is not without reason that the Sacred Scriptures
19:33 "and secular letters speak of the earth as an 'orb,'
19:36 "for it is a fact that the earth
19:38 "is placed in the center of the universe
19:40 "not only in latitude,
19:41 "as if it were round like a shield,
19:44 "but also in every direction, like a playground ball,
19:47 "no matter what way it is turned."
19:49 Now, that was a good 800 years before Columbus,
19:53 and you'll notice how careful he is.
19:55 He says the earth is not like a shield or a disc,
19:58 which is what the flat earth people want you to believe,
20:00 that the Church used to teach.
20:03 But hundreds of years ago,
20:04 Bede was telling his students,
20:06 it's a sphere, it's a ball.
20:09 About all we can criticize there
20:11 is the way he places the earth
20:13 at the center of the universe,
20:14 which we did believe at the time.
20:16 And you know what never happened?
20:18 The Venerable Bede was not condemned by the Church
20:21 for saying that.
20:22 You know why?
20:23 They all knew the earth was a sphere, full stop.
20:26 Historically speaking, there were only two exceptions,
20:30 Lactantius and Cosmas,
20:32 and nobody took them seriously.
20:34 And this idea that Columbus's crew was terrified
20:37 they were gonna sail off the edge of the earth?
20:39 Also nonsense.
20:41 I mean, they did have two complaints.
20:43 One, that the trip was taking longer than expected,
20:45 and two, it might be impossible to get back home
20:48 because the winds were going in the wrong direction.
20:51 But all those men knew the earth was a sphere.
20:54 And I know right now
20:56 there are some people watching or listening
20:57 who are getting mad,
20:58 and you think I'm a deceiver
21:00 or that I don't believe the Bible.
21:02 I can assure you I believe it.
21:04 I spend hours in the Bible every single day.
21:07 But just for the sake of argument, let's say you're right.
21:10 Just for a moment, the earth is a disc
21:12 covered by an impermeable canopy.
21:15 The moon landings were faked by Kubrick,
21:17 and we've never been to space,
21:19 and there's a massive conspiracy keeping us from seeing
21:21 what's on the other side of the ice wall in Antarctica.
21:24 Let's just say, for the sake of argument,
21:26 all of that is true.
21:28 I still have a question for you.
21:30 So what?
21:32 I think I asked that the last time we talked about this,
21:34 but, again, so what?
21:38 What difference does this make to your daily life?
21:41 When you get up tomorrow morning,
21:42 how is that knowledge
21:43 gonna make one bit of difference in your life?
21:46 Are you Elon Musk?
21:47 Are you planning a space voyage?
21:49 Are you planning to launch a satellite?
21:51 You're not.
21:53 All you're doing is making Christians look like simpletons,
21:56 and you're playing right into the hands of the people
21:58 who concocted this idea in the first place
22:01 to discredit Christianity.
22:03 And you're violating a principle that Paul taught
22:06 when he was dealing with pointless debates.
22:08 Let me remind you of what he said to his young protege,
22:12 pastor Timothy.
22:13 He wrote, "So flee youthful passions
22:16 "and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace,
22:18 "along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
22:21 "Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies;
22:25 "You know that they breed quarrels.
22:27 "And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome."
22:32 Honestly, you're wasting your life with this stuff.
22:35 And that applies equally to all those conspiracy theories
22:38 that people seem to love,
22:40 especially right here in the United States of America.
22:44 The gospel is magnificent the way it is,
22:46 and it doesn't need your help to make it more sensational,
22:48 so stop.
22:50 For the life of me, I can't think of one good outcome here.
22:53 Instead of attracting people to the scriptures,
22:56 you're playing into the hands of the skeptics.
22:58 You're actually promoting the idea
23:00 that faith and science are opposed to each other,
23:02 and they're not.
23:03 In fact, you'll notice
23:04 that most of what we've discovered
23:06 in the Scientific Revolution
23:07 happened at the hands of people
23:09 who believed that the universe was orderly
23:12 because it was created by an intelligent God.
23:15 I'll be right back after this.
23:21 - [Narrator 3] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues.
23:26 Bible prophecy can be incredibly vivid and confusing.
23:30 If you've ever read Daniel or Revelation
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23:35 Our free "Focus on Prophecy" guides
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23:45 Study online or request them by mail,
23:47 and start bringing prophecy into focus today.
23:51 - All right, I think, I think my rant is finished,
23:54 and hopefully this will be the last time
23:57 we ever have to come to this topic.
23:59 I guess the reason I'm on it again today
24:02 is because, for some reason,
24:04 for some reason I appear to have been anointed
24:07 the apostle to "The Twilight Zone."
24:09 I don't know what it is,
24:11 but I sure get a lot of strange letters.
24:13 Here in America,
24:14 the number of people who get into this kind of stuff
24:17 is kind of alarming.
24:19 But as a Christian, I find it even more alarming
24:22 when it shows up inside the Church.
24:24 Now, just in case you missed
24:26 the last time I talked about this,
24:28 I looked at the supposed proofs of Mr. Samuel Rowbotham.
24:32 So if you've come across that name
24:34 during your internet travels,
24:36 you might wanna go back
24:37 and watch the episode on what he said.
24:39 I'm sure you can find it somewhere here on our website.
24:43 Because Mr. Rowbotham was not only thoroughly debunked,
24:47 but his supporters actually refused to pay a wager
24:50 they'd made in the papers
24:51 when someone definitively proved him wrong.
24:56 So in that episode,
24:57 we dealt with the theory itself,
24:59 the theory of the flat earth.
25:01 And today we've looked at some of the fallout
25:03 that's taking place in the Christian community.
25:06 The people who preach this stuff are quite literally
25:09 playing into the hands of the skeptics.
25:13 They're underlining a story
25:14 that was made up by skeptics about the Church
25:17 that has never been true.
25:20 I can't remember if I brought this up last time,
25:23 but the whole thing kind of reminds me
25:26 of that servant girl that Paul had to rebuke.
25:29 You might remember the story.
25:30 She was a known occultist, a possessed girl,
25:33 and she was following Paul around town,
25:36 saying something that was technically true.
25:39 "These men are servants of the Most High God,
25:41 "who proclaim to you the way of salvation."
25:45 So that was kind of true.
25:47 So, what's the problem with it?
25:49 Everybody knew what she was, she was possessed.
25:52 And now she appeared to be on the side of the gospel.
25:55 That's why Paul put an abrupt stop to what she was doing.
26:00 So ask yourself,
26:02 have you become so possessed
26:04 by a meaningless conspiracy theory
26:07 that you're busy doing the same thing this girl was?
26:10 Maybe you're caught up in some peripheral idea,
26:13 like the flat earth,
26:14 and you're using it to try and convince people
26:17 that the Bible is a reliable document.
26:21 Let me assure you today,
26:23 you are doing precisely the opposite.
26:26 You're using something that just ain't so
26:28 to try and make your point.
26:30 And believe me, it makes your listeners think you're nuts.
26:34 I know that's blunt, but it's true.
26:38 What you're doing is driving people away,
26:39 making them think that the Christian faith
26:41 is not reasonable or intelligent.
26:43 And please, you have got to stop doing this.
26:47 I mean, you go ahead, flip through the pages of the Bible
26:50 and see if you can find that place where we're told
26:52 that's what Jesus told the Church to preach, flat earth.
26:57 I can promise you, it's not there.
27:01 You know, a few years ago I was visiting an Inuit village
27:04 up in the Arctic,
27:05 and I was sharing Bibles with the people who lived there,
27:08 Bibles in the Inuktitut language.
27:09 And when I was walking through town,
27:11 I noticed something kind of strange.
27:13 Their satellite dishes were all pointed downward,
27:17 not parallel to the ground,
27:18 but actually pointing down.
27:19 Do you know why?
27:20 They're trying to get the signals
27:21 that spill over the horizon
27:23 from the satellites that orbit the planet
27:25 close to the equator.
27:27 And I suddenly smiled as I thought about it,
27:29 because this signal, this show,
27:32 goes up there too on those very satellites.
27:34 And what am I beaming up there?
27:36 The story of the Bible,
27:38 which does not disagree with how this word
27:41 is getting up there to the Arctic.
27:42 In fact, I've been teaching the Bible over satellite
27:45 for a really long time now.
27:47 And once in a while I go outside at night
27:49 and I watch those satellites pass over my head,
27:52 and I thank God that I live in a time
27:55 when those are available to me.
27:57 And now I hope I've said my final piece.
27:59 Time to quit wasting our lives on meaningless conspiracies,
28:03 because people have real problems,
28:05 and the shape of the planet isn't one of them.
28:07 Thanks for joining me.
28:09 You've been watching "Authentic."
28:12 [smooth upbeat music]


Revised 2024-06-04