Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting

Remnant, Mission & Focus Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVGC

Program Code: AVGC210002S

00:05 Hello, friends,
00:06 and welcome back to now part two
00:09 of a series that we've done
00:10 entitled "Remnant, Mission, and Focus."
00:13 My name is Ryan Day with 3ABN
00:15 and it's a blessing that you're joining us
00:17 during this time.
00:18 If you didn't watch part one,
00:20 try to go back and watch part one.
00:21 If not, we're still blessed to have you during part two
00:23 because now we're gonna be taking
00:25 what we learned in part one,
00:26 we're gonna be expanding
00:28 going a little deeper here in part two,
00:30 talking about what is our mission?
00:33 What is our focus
00:34 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
00:36 here in these last days?
00:38 Who are we as Seventh-day Adventist Christians?
00:40 And, you know, God has definitely we know,
00:43 given us a divine commission, a divine purpose.
00:46 And so we're gonna be talking about that,
00:48 obviously a little deeper during this time.
00:49 But before we go any further, let's have a prayer right now.
00:53 Our Father in heaven, Lord,
00:54 we are, again, just so privileged,
00:56 so thankful to be able to just be here,
00:59 to be alive in these times,
01:01 to be here in this special moment,
01:03 to be able to refocus, to rethink through
01:08 who it is that we are
01:09 and what You have called us to be.
01:11 We know, Lord, that You have a special plan for Your people,
01:14 for Your remnant movement.
01:16 And so Father, I pray right now that as we again,
01:19 dive deep into Your Word as we consider
01:22 what the prophet has to say to us today.
01:25 Lord, we pray that You will give us
01:27 an extra dosage of the Holy Spirit,
01:29 that we may be extra sharp in mind,
01:31 and we may be able to rightly divide
01:33 the word of truth, and more importantly,
01:35 be drawn closer to our Savior Jesus Christ,
01:38 and come to understand who we are in these last days.
01:41 We praise You, and we thank You.
01:43 And we ask this in Jesus' holy name.
01:45 Amen. Amen.
01:47 Remnant, Mission, and Focus, part two.
01:52 In part one, we talked about,
01:55 we went through a series of texts,
01:57 and I read some quotations
01:59 from the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy.
02:00 There's one that I want to read again,
02:02 during this hour.
02:04 And it comes from the sixth volume
02:05 of the Testimonies, page 295.
02:08 And this really is a clear, very clear summation,
02:12 or summary as to who we are, and what our purpose is?
02:15 Why God raised up
02:17 the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
02:19 And why He organized
02:20 the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
02:22 Again, sixth volume of the Testimonies, page 295.
02:26 Notice what it says.
02:27 It says, "Someone must fulfill the commission of Christ,
02:32 someone must carry on the work
02:34 which He began to do on earth,
02:37 and the church has been given this privilege.
02:40 For this purpose, it has been organized."
02:45 So we, God's people,
02:48 God's Church have been organized for the very purpose
02:52 of co-laboring with heaven,
02:54 in order to take this gospel,
02:56 this everlasting gospel to all over the world
02:59 in hopes of finishing the work that
03:02 Christ began more than 2,000 years ago.
03:05 And so, my friends, I want to take us now
03:07 to John Chapter 4
03:09 because this is really gonna set the foundation
03:11 for what we're gonna talk
03:12 about in the remainder of the time
03:13 that we have during this half hour together.
03:16 But John Chapter 4,
03:17 when I say that John Chapter 4 automatically,
03:20 probably some of us begin to think of that
03:22 great conversation that Jesus had
03:24 with the woman at the well.
03:26 And indeed, as powerful as that encounter was,
03:29 I'm actually highlighting a text here
03:31 that comes immediately after that encounter
03:34 that Jesus had with the woman at the well.
03:36 Now keep in mind, during this time
03:38 the disciples have went into the nearest town to buy,
03:41 you know, supplies and food
03:42 because obviously, they've been traveling
03:44 and they're going throughout Samaria and Judea,
03:46 and all the other parts,
03:47 and Jesus is preaching the gospel,
03:49 He's began His ministry.
03:50 And so now the disciples have returned,
03:53 you can imagine the woman that Jesus had
03:55 the encounter with her at the well.
03:56 She ran into town to tell everyone
03:58 about this man that she had an encounter
04:00 with the Messiah.
04:01 And so now the disciples have come,
04:03 they've rejoined with Jesus.
04:04 And it's interesting there
04:06 because they show up and they say,
04:07 "Hey, Jesus, look, you know, we brought You some food,
04:09 we brought You something to drink,
04:11 you know, eat up, you know, get Your strength,
04:12 we got to keep moving forward."
04:14 And Jesus says something interesting.
04:15 He says, "Look, you know,
04:17 I have food that you don't even know about."
04:20 And you can just imagine,
04:21 as the scripture actually shows there
04:23 is they turn to one another,
04:24 and they're saying, you know, "Hey, did you give Him food?
04:26 Did you?" No, I didn't give Him food.
04:27 Did this brother bring a lunch. I didn't.
04:29 We didn't see him bring anything.
04:31 And then Jesus clarifies, notice, this is John 4:34.
04:36 Notice what Jesus then says.
04:38 It says, "Jesus said to them,
04:40 'My food is to do the will of Him
04:44 who sent Me, and to finish His work.'"
04:49 I love that so simple, but yet very, very profound.
04:53 And that is the fact that Jesus,
04:55 He made it clear.
04:56 Yes, I've come to seek and save the lost.
04:58 Yes, I've come to bring
04:59 about the preaching of the kingdom of heaven,
05:01 but right there summed up all in one, John 4:34,
05:04 "My food, My meat, My whole reality,
05:07 My whole existence is to do the will of Him
05:12 that sent Me and to," and I love this,
05:14 "and to finish His work."
05:19 I want to ask you,
05:21 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
05:23 living in these last days,
05:25 is our agenda any different
05:28 than that of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago?
05:34 My friends, when Jesus said,
05:38 He came to do the will of His father,
05:40 and to finish His work.
05:43 I'm gonna submit to you today
05:45 that is exactly what our agenda is.
05:50 In fact, it's in our very name, the very name,
05:55 the very title Seventh-day Adventist,
05:58 I'm gonna submit to you that it tells a story, very similar
06:02 to the one that you see Jesus
06:03 telling right there in John 4:34.
06:06 You see, when you think about Seventh-day Adventist,
06:09 again, many people's mind immediately go to
06:12 exactly what it means, which is the seventh day
06:14 pointing back to the fact that
06:15 we are a people who believe in keeping
06:18 all the commandments of God, but more specifically,
06:20 and upholding the one commandment
06:21 that the rest of the world has forgotten,
06:23 the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments,
06:25 which points us to the fact that
06:26 we need to be honoring and upholding
06:28 and observing the seventh day of the week
06:30 as the Sabbath of the Lord.
06:32 And, of course, Adventist, anybody who is looking forward
06:37 and striving to prepare for the soon coming,
06:40 that is the return,
06:41 the Second Coming of Jesus is an Adventist.
06:44 So we are Seventh-day Adventist,
06:46 but I want to submit to you today, my friends,
06:48 that in that very name, there's something deeper,
06:50 there's another story kind of under,
06:53 you know, under it all,
06:54 in the deep of it all that
06:56 I believe points us back to creation
06:58 because if you're gonna talk about
07:00 Seventh-day Adventist,
07:01 and you're gonna mention seventh day,
07:03 it's gonna take you back
07:05 to the root of the seventh day Sabbath,
07:07 which is at creation week.
07:09 And we see there if you read in the first few verses
07:12 that is verses 1-3 of Genesis Chapter 2.
07:15 You see there, God, you know,
07:16 as He's created the seventh day,
07:19 He done three things on the seventh day that
07:21 He didn't do to any of the other six days, right?
07:23 He rest, He blessed, He made holy,
07:25 sanctified the seventh day, but the fact that He rested.
07:30 He did indeed rest.
07:32 But it's powerful to consider what that word rest means.
07:35 When you go into the original Hebrew there,
07:37 it simply means that He finished,
07:40 He ceased His labors.
07:45 He finished, He ceased His work.
07:50 What did Jesus say in John 4:34,
07:52 "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me,
07:54 and to finish His work."
07:57 My friends, Jesus finished His work at creation,
08:02 when He brought about the seventh day Sabbath,
08:05 and He rested on that seventh day Sabbath.
08:07 He finished, He ceased from His labors,
08:10 and He finished His work.
08:12 Now you come 4,000 some odd years later,
08:14 now Jesus is preaching the same message,
08:16 "I've come to do the will of Him
08:18 who sent Me, and to finish His work."
08:22 Now fast forward to our time.
08:25 As Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
08:27 my friends, I'm gonna submit to you that
08:29 not only are we a commandment keeping people
08:31 that upholds the biblical Sabbath,
08:32 and not only are we a people
08:34 who are looking forward to living out
08:36 and being prepared for the soon coming
08:38 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
08:40 but I'm gonna submit to you that
08:41 even in our very name, Seventh-day Adventist,
08:43 we are a people who have been called
08:46 to finish His work.
08:49 It's right there in Scripture.
08:51 And you say, Ryan, what work is it?
08:54 Well, we wouldn't have to go very far to know that
08:56 God has given us a divine commission.
08:59 We see this divine commission
09:00 coming from Jesus Christ Himself,
09:02 right there in the 28th Chapter of Matthew.
09:05 Notice what the Bible says,
09:06 this is verse 19 and 20 of Matthew 28.
09:10 Jesus says, "Go therefore
09:12 and make disciples of all nations,
09:15 baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
09:19 and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
09:21 to observe all things that
09:23 I have commanded you, and lo,
09:26 I am with you always,
09:28 even to the end of the age."
09:33 We are commissioned not to just go tell people something.
09:36 Yes, a proclamation, an announcement,
09:41 a herald of God's message absolutely is required,
09:45 absolutely is necessary.
09:47 And we should be proclaiming and teaching
09:49 and preaching the gospel,
09:51 but taking the gospel to all the world
09:53 is much more than
09:54 just telling people something
09:56 or relaying a message to be
09:59 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
10:01 a part of God's last day remnant movement
10:03 in these last days means much more than
10:05 just simply relaying a message,
10:07 but also living out that message
10:09 and showing out that message revealing that message
10:13 through you that is revealing Christ through you,
10:16 so that when they see Christ in you,
10:18 they know that God is real,
10:21 that our Savior is real, and that He is indeed coming
10:24 because they trust in the word
10:26 that you're giving them.
10:29 Evangelism, page 119,
10:32 talking about that divine commission message.
10:36 There is a specific message that we are to be living
10:39 and proclaiming in these last days.
10:41 Yes, it is the gospel.
10:43 And we're about to show that,
10:44 but I'm gonna dial it in even more.
10:46 We're gonna dial in that vision just a little clearer.
10:49 And we're gonna see that
10:51 God has a specific message that
10:52 He has commissioned us
10:54 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
10:55 as His remnant people in these last days.
10:58 This comes from Evangelism, page 119.
11:01 Notice what it says.
11:03 It says, "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
11:07 have been set in the world as watchmen
11:10 and light-bearers.
11:13 To them it has been entrusted the last warning
11:15 for a perishing world.
11:17 On them is shining wonderful light
11:19 from the Word of God.
11:21 They have been given
11:22 a work of the most solemn import,"
11:26 and here it is, "the proclamation
11:29 of the first, second, and third angels' messages.
11:34 There is no other work of so great importance.
11:38 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
11:43 My friends, I wish, oh, how I wish that
11:46 I could just scream this from the mountaintops
11:50 to all Seventh-day Adventists across the world.
11:53 I just want to reiterate that.
11:54 Let me say that one more time
11:56 that last couple of lines there,
11:58 this is, there is no other work of so great importance.
12:03 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention.
12:07 But yet in the days, we just have to be candid,
12:10 we've to be honest
12:11 and transparent with each other.
12:13 It doesn't take a rocket scientist
12:14 inside the Seventh-day Adventist Church
12:16 to know that the enemy is at work to distract people.
12:19 And there's this little group over there proclaiming this,
12:21 and this little group over here that thinks that
12:23 this message is more important,
12:24 and there's a group over here that thinks this message
12:26 is more important, and there's a group over here,
12:28 and over here, and over here, and over here.
12:29 And I could just go on and on
12:30 and list all of the different little groups
12:32 with their individual messages that they teach
12:35 and believe and proclaim to be
12:37 the most important solemn message of this time.
12:39 But yet we have been told right here, it's very clear,
12:42 there's no way of getting around it.
12:44 Evangelism, 119, it makes it clear that
12:47 the first, second, and third angels' messages
12:51 are the most important message.
12:53 And again, I quote,
12:54 "They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
12:58 Our message, our purpose, our goal,
13:00 the divine commission, that has been given to us
13:03 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
13:04 is to proclaim
13:06 and to live out the first, second,
13:08 and third angels' message of Revelation Chapter 14.
13:11 In fact, in a letter to E.J. Waggoner in 1902,
13:17 this is what Sister White wrote,
13:19 this is powerful.
13:20 Notice what she says,
13:22 "The theme of greatest importance
13:26 is the third angel's message,
13:28 embracing," notice, "the messages of the first
13:33 and second angels.
13:35 All should understand the truths contained
13:38 in these messages,
13:39 and demonstrate them in daily life,
13:42 for this is essential to salvation."
13:46 My friends, I can't emphasize that enough.
13:49 And I don't think
13:50 she could emphasize that enough.
13:51 It's very clear, the first, second,
13:53 and third angels' messages.
13:55 Yes, those great three angels' messages of Revelation 14.
13:59 It is essential to salvation, that we comprehend them,
14:03 that we understand them,
14:04 that we live them out in our daily life,
14:06 and that we are proclaiming them
14:08 as a part of the divine commission
14:09 that God has given us here in these last days.
14:13 I love that first angels' message...
14:14 I love all the three angels' messages,
14:16 but I love just, it gets you so excited
14:19 about the three angels' messages,
14:20 when you just read
14:21 the first angel's message, right?
14:23 Revelation 14:6-7.
14:25 You've heard that many times,
14:27 but let's look at it again 'cause it's powerful.
14:29 Revelation 14:6-7 says,
14:31 "Then I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
14:34 having the," there it is, "everlasting gospel
14:38 to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
14:40 and it is to everyone, to every nation, tribe, tongue,
14:44 and people, saying with a loud voice,
14:47 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
14:50 for the hour of His judgment has come,
14:54 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
14:57 the sea, and the springs of waters.'"
15:01 I love that, the everlasting gospel
15:05 that's going to all over the world,
15:06 every nation, every tribe, every tongue, every people.
15:10 Did you get that? It's powerful.
15:12 God is going to use us.
15:14 And we are going to co-labor with God
15:16 in taking the everlasting gospel
15:18 to all of the world,
15:19 to every nation, to every tribe,
15:21 to every tongue,
15:22 to all people all over the world.
15:24 And, of course, we know
15:25 that it has to happen by the power of God,
15:27 by the power of the Holy Spirit
15:28 'cause we in of ourselves don't have that power
15:30 to complete such a mighty work.
15:32 And I have to admit,
15:33 there's times that I look at the overwhelming work
15:35 that's left to do.
15:37 And I say, oh, my goodness, Lord, you know,
15:38 how is it gonna be get done
15:39 when we've only put a small dent in the planet,
15:42 but I know that the Lord works miracles,
15:44 we serve a miracle working God, and He is gonna pour out
15:46 His Spirit in such a mighty way,
15:48 especially during that latter rain that
15:50 is soon to come,
15:51 in which He's gonna pour out the Holy Spirit
15:53 in such a mighty way on His remnant people
15:55 all across the world.
15:56 And they are going to participate
15:58 in making disciples of Jesus Christ
16:01 by proclaiming and living out the everlasting gospel
16:04 as found in the first, second, and third angels' messages
16:06 of Revelation Chapter 14.
16:09 I love the first, second, and third angels' messages
16:11 because, you know, I just say this,
16:13 and I've said this many times, you know,
16:14 there really wouldn't even be a need
16:16 for second and third angels' message,
16:18 if everyone would just positively respond
16:20 to the first angel's message.
16:22 But because the world and all that are in the world,
16:26 will not inevitably respond positively
16:29 to the first angel's message.
16:31 That's why God loves us enough to send a second
16:33 and a third angels' message warnings,
16:36 to be aware of the devil's deceptions
16:39 and his distractions, and how God is still pleading
16:42 for His people to turn to Him.
16:44 And He has called us that is me,
16:46 that is you watching.
16:47 He has called us to participate,
16:49 and to take up our banner of truth,
16:52 to stake our faith on the gospel of Jesus Christ,
16:55 to stand as repairers of the breach,
16:58 filling the gaps, building up the walls
17:00 and the foundations of truth
17:01 so that when we go out to the water,
17:03 we proclaim and live out this message
17:05 before the people of the world,
17:06 they will know that God is king,
17:09 that He is the king of the universe,
17:10 and that the people, the God of the people,
17:14 that is the God of the Seventh-day Adventists
17:16 remnant movement, He is the true God
17:19 because they can see
17:20 the loving character of God in them.
17:24 Speaking of character, again,
17:27 I go back to Ezekiel 22:30.
17:31 I said this in the first one,
17:32 I want to reiterate it here in the second one,
17:33 just to make an illustration.
17:36 Ezekiel 22:30, notice what again,
17:38 God says here.
17:39 He says, "So I sought for a man among them
17:41 who would make a wall, and stand in the gap
17:45 before Me on behalf of the land,
17:47 that I should not destroy it, but I found no one."
17:53 You know, as I preach,
17:55 as I teach, as I go from church to church,
17:58 and I spend time with God's people,
17:59 sometimes I can relate and come to understand
18:03 what is being said here in Ezekiel 22
18:06 because our ministers all across this world,
18:08 all across this nation, and then all the other nations,
18:13 we're pleading, we're preaching,
18:16 that God will spark within His people
18:21 a renewed spirit of revival.
18:24 And you know what I believe God wants to do that.
18:27 I believe He wants to do that now.
18:29 But we serve a God that is not a forceful God.
18:33 It is a choice on behalf of His people
18:35 to either want to partake in this work,
18:38 to partake in the divine commission or not.
18:41 And I ask you today, who are you?
18:44 Are you just a church member?
18:47 Are you a part of this divine remnant movement,
18:51 that is taking the gospel to all of the world
18:54 and doing all that you can to live out
18:56 the everlasting gospel among your brethren?
18:59 He said, "I found no one."
19:01 A desire for them to stand in the gap.
19:03 Are you standing in the gap for the Lord Jesus Christ?
19:06 Are you a repairer of the breach of the enemy?
19:09 Because that's what God needs.
19:11 He needs His people to stand firm
19:13 in such a time as this.
19:15 In fact, Christ Object Lessons, page 69,
19:19 powerful message here.
19:20 Don't miss these words.
19:22 Again, Christ Object Lessons, page 69.
19:24 Notice what it says, "Christ is waiting
19:27 with longing desire for the manifestation
19:30 of Himself in His church.
19:34 When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced
19:38 in His people,
19:39 then He will come to claim them as His own.
19:43 It is the privilege of every Christian
19:45 not only to look for but to hasten
19:48 the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
19:51 We're all who profess His name
19:54 bearing fruit to His glory,
19:56 how quickly the whole world would be sown
19:59 with the seed of the gospel.
20:02 Quickly the last great harvest would be ripened,
20:06 and Christ would come to gather the precious grain."
20:10 My friends, did you catch that?
20:12 When God's character is perfectly reproduced
20:15 in His people,
20:16 then He will come to claim them as His own,
20:19 then can we be empowered
20:21 to really take this gospel
20:23 and sow it among the people of this world.
20:27 Now take what I just read
20:28 in Christ Object Lesson, page 69,
20:31 and tie that with what I'm about to read
20:33 in Desire of Ages, page 142
20:36 because it really just projects
20:38 and depicts this beautiful picture.
20:40 This is Desire of Ages, page 142.
20:42 Notice what it says.
20:43 It says, "God could have reached His object
20:45 in saving sinners without our aid,
20:50 but in order for us
20:51 to develop a character like Christ's,
20:54 we must share in His work.
20:57 In order to enter into His joy,
21:01 the joy of seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice,
21:05 we must participate in His labors
21:08 for their redemption."
21:10 Notice how this is really just,
21:13 it kind of just comes all that full circle,
21:16 as we need the character replicating in us,
21:18 Christ is not going to return
21:20 until His character is perfectly reproduced
21:22 within His people.
21:24 But notice that can only happen
21:25 if we are partaking in the labors of Jesus Christ.
21:29 What did Jesus say, "My purpose,
21:33 My food is to do the will of Him
21:34 who sent Me and to finish His work."
21:37 My friends, when we get serious
21:39 about the work that Christ
21:41 has divinely commissioned us to do,
21:42 then as we are seeing and experiencing
21:45 the joy of Christ's work,
21:47 then His character will begin
21:49 and become reproduced in His people.
21:52 And then will Christ be able to say,
21:55 "My people are ready.
21:56 Look.
21:57 Look at the harvest, for it is ripe, it's ready,
22:00 and then He will return.
22:02 Christian Service, page 69.
22:05 Notice what it says here.
22:06 It says, "Let ministers teach church members
22:10 that in order to grow in spirituality,
22:13 they must carry the burden
22:15 that the Lord has laid upon them,
22:18 the burden of leading souls into the truth."
22:22 My friends, did you catch that?
22:24 In order to grow in spirituality,
22:27 I am just, I have people all the time
22:29 that asked me,
22:31 "Ryan, you know, I want to be saved.
22:32 But I just don't know
22:33 if the Holy Spirit is really working in my life.
22:35 I just don't know
22:36 if I'm experiencing that sanctifying work in my life."
22:39 And I will say to them,
22:41 "I know one way clearly that you can know
22:43 if the Holy Spirit is working in your life."
22:46 Just simply go read Acts 1:8,
22:49 it's the very last words that Christ would have said
22:53 before He ascended into heaven.
22:56 Acts 1:8 reminds us, it says,
22:59 "And when you receive the Holy Spirit,
23:01 you shall receive power to be a witness
23:05 into all the world."
23:07 So one indication that
23:09 the Holy Spirit is working in your life,
23:11 and that you're experiencing that
23:12 powerful sanctifying work,
23:14 that character transforming power in your life,
23:17 is you have to have a desire,
23:19 the same loving desire that
23:21 Christ has for us, and for His people,
23:23 we will have for His people,
23:25 we will partake and want to in join him
23:28 in participating in that commission
23:30 to take the everlasting gospel to all the world,
23:34 then our spirituality will grow,
23:36 He will increase and we will decrease.
23:38 Isn't it awesome?
23:40 It comes full circle, full circle back around.
23:44 So I urge you, my friends.
23:47 Are you participating in the work that
23:49 God has called you to do?
23:52 You are not here.
23:54 Again, as I've said many times,
23:55 you are not here just by some coincidence,
23:58 that all, you know, so many years ago,
24:00 your parents came together
24:02 and the Lord blessed them with the baby.
24:03 Now, well, it's not just that simple.
24:05 I believe as the Bible tells us very clearly,
24:07 that the Lord thought of you
24:09 even before you even existed,
24:12 even before your parents existed.
24:14 God knew that you would be here
24:17 and He would create you during this time that
24:21 you would make the decision to join God's remnant church.
24:25 But the question is, it's one thing to be
24:27 a physical member of God's Church.
24:29 It's another thing to understand the mission,
24:33 the focus, the agenda, the purpose,
24:37 the goal of Seventh-day Adventism
24:40 and that is to finish His work.
24:44 Jesus was all about the work.
24:46 Jesus was all about completing the work
24:48 that His Father had sent Him to do.
24:51 That's why He said in John 9:4,
24:54 He said, "I must work the works of Him
24:57 who sent Me while it is day,
25:00 the night is coming when no one can work."
25:04 My friends, I want to share with you now,
25:07 the night is coming when no one can work.
25:12 The Book of Amos tells us that
25:15 there is a famine coming in the land.
25:18 But there was a time coming, when there will be a famine,
25:21 not of bread,
25:22 but of the hearing of the Word of the Lord.
25:25 You see, we're living in that time now,
25:28 even with all of the chaos of COVID
25:30 and the pandemic and everything that's happened.
25:32 As dark as these times have been,
25:36 we are still somewhat living
25:37 in a time of peace and safety.
25:42 What did Paul say about that time of peace and safety?
25:46 You can read about in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5.
25:49 He says, "When they say, 'Peace and safety!'
25:50 then sudden destruction comes upon them,
25:52 as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.
25:54 And they shall no not escape."
25:59 We'll read that chapter relating it to Christ coming
26:05 the end of the world as a thief in the night.
26:08 Some of us, some of us need to be at work,
26:12 some of us need to be about our Father's business,
26:15 but we're a little sleepy.
26:17 We might have our vessels with us.
26:21 And some of us may not have put enough oil
26:23 in that vessel and we find ourselves sleeping
26:25 and slumbering at the delay of the Bridegroom coming.
26:28 But, my friends, the Bridegroom is coming.
26:31 Have you filled your vessels with oil?
26:34 If you haven't, it's not too late.
26:36 You may be listening right now
26:37 as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
26:39 at home saying, "Oh man, you know,
26:40 I hear what you're saying, Ryan, and I understand it.
26:42 But man, I just feel like I'm just so far out.
26:44 I just feel like, I'm so far gone.
26:45 I can't do anything for God's kingdom.
26:46 I'm useless."
26:48 No, it's there still time,
26:49 my friends, there's still time left.
26:54 That's why Ephesians 5:8, 14.
26:57 It says, "For you were once darkness,
27:01 but now you are light in the Lord.
27:03 Walk as children of the light.
27:05 Therefore He says, 'Awake, you who sleep.
27:08 Arise from the dead.
27:10 And Christ will give you light.'"
27:13 My friends, are you children of the light?
27:18 God has called you a part of this
27:21 great Seventh-day Adventist movement.
27:23 We're not just a church, we're not just another church,
27:26 we are a movement that God has divinely commissioned
27:30 to take the gospel to all the world.
27:35 So in closing, I want to read to you again,
27:38 the beautiful, powerful promise in Isaiah 60:1-3.
27:44 It says, "Arise and shine, for your light has come!
27:49 And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
27:53 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
27:56 and deep darkness the people,
27:58 but the Lord will arise over you,
28:01 and His glory will be seen upon you."
28:05 And I love this last one.
28:07 "The Gentiles shall come to your light,
28:10 and kings to the brightness of your rising."
28:14 Who are we? I'll tell you.
28:18 We are Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
28:21 We are a part of God's remnant movement.
28:24 And I want to encourage you today in closing,
28:27 are you doing what you need to be doing
28:28 for the Lord's call?
28:30 It's not too late.
28:31 God has a light that He wants to shine through you.
28:34 And in these moments,
28:35 I just want to say a quick prayer
28:37 that that will be the case for you in your life.
28:39 Let's pray in closing.
28:40 Father in heaven, very simple, give us Your light,
28:44 fill us with Your Holy Spirit,
28:46 shine through us today, and transform us
28:49 in the power in the name of Jesus' Christ we ask.
28:52 Amen.


Revised 2021-06-10